Countdown2020 Further 03 I. Multiple Choice: Advanced Material For The Gifted

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Advanced Material for the Gifted School year: 2019 - 2020

Choose the word which best completes each sentence below.
1. A hundred years ago, sundials were a vital time-keeping ______, essential for anyone who hoped to
keep their clocks working accurately.
A. device B. utensil C. piece D. item
2. After making several bad business deals, the company was losing their money hand over ______.
A. finger B. wrist C. fist D. thumb
3. ______ have contributed to an increase in tropical storms.
A. Changes in weather patterns due to global warming
B. Due to global warming weather patterns change
C. That weather patterns change due to global warming
D. Weather patterns are due to change because of global warming
4. Many ______ career women are frustrated by the lack of crèche and childcare facilities.
A. desirous B. would-be C. inspiring D. have-been
5. Enjoy your “Sunway” cruise, safe in the ______ that everything has been taken care of.
A. awareness B. recognition C. knowledge D. fact
6. The media always manage to nose ______ some interesting facts about the politician’s past lives.
A. at B. out C. with D. away
7. They are the real leaders who hold this land. Since time ______, they haven’t moved or been shaken.
A. unmemorable B. immortal C. innumerable D. immemorial
8. They found the wreckage of the aircraft ______ over a wide area.
A. To be scattered B. having been scattered
C. being scattered D. scattered
9. We were all on a ______-edge until the very end of the Hitchcock film.
A. chair B. knife C. cliff D. razor
10. I can’t tell you ______ the population of Prague, but there’s an encyclopedia in the cupboard.
A. off-hand B. in hand C. at hand D. on hand
11. Local authorities backed ______ on their threats to build on that part of the beach.
A. down B. out C. up D. away
12. During pioneer days a lot of land in the US was up for ______.
A. gain B. promotion C. grabs D. taking
13. The designer refuses to gild the ______, preferring clean, simple lines for his creations.
A. lily B. flower C. rose D. daisy
14. For busy people in today’s society, lifestyle management is gaining ______.
A. points B. speed C. terrain D. ground
15. Picking up the book the other day for the first time in many years, I found myself torn between the urge
to race through the story and an ______ to linger on the visual detail.
A. impetus B. incentive C. impulse D. intuition


Give the correct form of the word given in bracket in each sentence below.
1. They drive through __________ (BREATH) scenery on their way to multi-star restaurants and hotels,
peppering their conversations with bon mots, celebrity impersonations and insults.
2. He recalled details from his youth with __________ (CLEAR) but repeatedly blanked when pressed on details
of the case.
3. All the trouble is being caused by a handful of __________ (CONTENT). 1
Advanced Material for the Gifted School year: 2019 - 2020

4. Firing tear gas into crowds of black protesters, in the middle of a pandemic caused by corona virus that is
already disproportionately hurting black communities, is __________ (CONSCIOUS) cruel.
5. The tropical forests of the Congo Basin, once considered __________ (PENERTRATE) are now yielding to
logging roads, mines, and even palm-oil plantations.
6. The ugly behavior __________ (BASEMENT) an otherwise healthy and fun recreational activity that should be
universally encouraged.
7. The news media must help the public understand that negative and __________ (FLATTER) news coverage
does not constitute fake news.
8. Divorced and __________ (STRANGE) from his young son, he lives alone on a family farm that’s being
encroached on all sides by an airfield.
9. The album was released in a __________ (DESCRIBE), undistinguished brown paper packet meant to hint it
was a bootleg, even though it wasn't.
10. She was bold in her manners, fond of herself, and __________ (HEART) to everybody else.
11. In US states that are taking a cautious approach to restoring retail operations — to avoid a __________
(SURGE) of the new coronavirus — most malls remain closed.
12. The report contains many baseless __________ (ACCUSE) that are __________ (MATERIAL) to the issues
under consideration.
13. In a __________ (WORD) to Mr. Conway’s autobiography, Carol Burnett called him “a kind and funny genius.”
14. Clear-cut forests are __________ (SIGHT) and unappealing to tourists.
15. While we are all working hard to protect the physical health of our children, social and emotional __________
(BE) remains of the __________ (MOST) importance.
Rewrite these sentences.
1. Whatever the methods used to obtain the result, drugs were definitely not involved.
There was no question…………………………………………………………
2. She does not want to be involved in the scandal caused by her husband’s remarks. (DISTANCE)
She ………………………………………………………………………………
Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap
Phobias, such as an extreme fear of spiders or heights, can cause genuine suffering. In the past, one (1)
__________ to treatment involved the use of mind-(2) __________ drugs, although these often caused
undesirable (3) __________ - effects in the patient. Another common method still in use is behavioural therapy.
This involves exposing people to their particular phobia under controlled (4) __________. The (5) __________
behind this is that a new memory can be created which says the feared object or situation in (6) __________ is
safe. In most cases, the effects seem to be more positive than those achieved through chemical intervention.

Most recently, in 2009, a series of (7) __________experiments led by Elizabeth Phelps at New York university
looked at the way ‘fear memories’ were retrieved and the way they could be manipulated. Originally, the
experiments had been (8) __________ on laboratory rats. Every time the rats were exposed to a certain sound,
they were given an electric shock, so they learnt to fear the sound. Scientists (9) __________ it was possible to
eliminate that fear through ‘extinction training’, in which the rats were then exposed repeatedly to the sound
without any electric shock.

The timing of this training was (10) __________. Fear of the sound was only erased in those rats that were
trained after an interval of a few minutes but no longer than a few hours after the fear memory was revived.
Phelps’ study, on human (11) __________ given electric shocks when shown coloured cards, was (12)
__________ on the rat tests. A year after the experiments, nineteen of her (13) __________ took part in further
tests. Those who had received ‘extinction training’ more than six hours after the fear memory was revived still 2
Advanced Material for the Gifted School year: 2019 - 2020

showed signs of fear towards the coloured cards. Those who had been trained quickly showed no signs of fear -
(14) __________ that the fear memory had been eradicated. The research team’s (15) __________ seemed to
offer hope for a new form of phobia treatment.
1. A. way B. means C. method D. approach
2. A. altering B. changing C. adapting D. transferring
3. A. other B. after C. side D. over
4. A. examples B. conditions C. cases D. rules
5. A. action B. theory C. practice D. process
6. A. front B. mind C. question D. point
7. A. pioneering B. leading C. main D. breaking
8. A. found out B. taken part C. looked into D. carried out
9. A. gained B. discovered C. acquired D. wondered
10. A. meaningful B. urgent C. crucial D. foremost
11. A. volunteers B. nominees C. candidates D. applicants
12. A. derived B. aimed C. designed D. based
13. A. members B. interviews C. subjects D. people
14. A. indicating B. pointing C. noting D. gesturing
15. A. findings B. intentions C. options D. summaries 3

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