Jon Louis Bentley - More Programming Pearls - Confessions of A Coder (1988)

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More Programming Pearls Confessions of a Coder More Programming Pearls Confessions of a Coder Jon Bentley AT&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey r vv ADDISON-WESLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY Reading, Massachusetts * Menlo Park, California * New York Don Mills, Ontario * Wokingham, England * Amsterdam * Bonn Sydney + Singapore + Tokyo + Madrid + San Juan To Daniel Timothy Bentley Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bentley, Jon Louis. More programming pearls. Includes index. 1. Electronic digital computers--Programming, L Title. QA76.6.B452 1988 00587-37447 ISBN 0-201-11889-0 ely Copyright © 1988 by Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated. AIl rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, of transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy- ing, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. Published simultaneously in Canada. This book was typeset in Times Roman and Courier by the author, using an Autologic APS-5 phototypesetter driven by a DEC VAX 8550 running the 9th Edition of the UNIX operating system. DEC, PDP and VAX are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T. CDEFGHU-HA-89 PREFACE Computer programming is fun. Sometimes programming is elegant science. It’s also building and using new software tools. Programming is about people, too: What problem does my customer really want to solve? How can I make it easy for users to communicate with my program? Programming has led me to learn about topics ranging from organic chemistry to Napoleon’s campaigns. This book describes all these aspects of programming, and many more. This book is a collection of essays. Each one can be read in isolation, but there is a logical grouping to the complete set. Columns 1 through 4 describe techniques for manipulating programs. Columns 5 through 8 present some tricks of the programmer's trade; they are the least technical in the book. Columns 9 through 12 turn to the design of input and output. Columns 13 through 15 describe three useful subroutines. More details on these themes can be found in the introduction to each part. Most of the columns are based upon my “Programming Pearls” columns in Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery. The publica- tion history is described in the introductions to the various parts. Given that early versions already appeared in print, why did I bother writing this book? The columns have changed substantially since they first appeared. There have been literally thousands of little improvements: there are new problems and solutions, little bugs have been fixed, and I’ve incorporated comments from many readers. Some old sections have been removed to reduce overlap, many new sections have been added, and one of the columns is brand new. The biggest reason for writing this book, though, is that I wanted to present the various columns as a cohesive whole; I wanted to display the string of pearls. My 1986 book Programming Pearls is a similar collection of thirteen columns, built around the central theme of performance, which played a prominent role in the first two years of the CACM column. The topic of efficiency rears its head in a few of these columns, but this book surveys a much larger piece of the programming landscape. As you read the columns, don’t go too fast. Read them well, one per sitting. Try the problems as they are posed — some of them aren’t as easy as they look. The further reading at the end of some columns isn’t intended as a scholarly v vi MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS reference list; I've recommended a few books that are an important part of my personal library. I am happy to be able to acknowledge the substantial contributions of many people. Al Aho, Peter Denning, Brian Kernighan and Doug Mellroy made detailed comments on each column. I am also grateful for the helpful com- ments of Bill Cleveland, Mike Garey, Eric Grosse, Gerard Holzmann, Lynn Jel- inski, David Johnson, Arno Penzias, Ravi Sethi, Bjarne Stroustrup, Howard Trickey, and Vic Vyssotsky. I appreciate receiving permission from several peo- ple to quote their letters, particularly Peter Denning, Bob Floyd, Frank Starmer, Vie Vyssotsky, and Bruce Weide. I am especially indebted to the ACM for encouraging publication of the columns in this form, and to the many Commun- ications readers who made this expanded version necessary and possible by their comments on the original columns. Bell Labs, and especially the Computing Science Research Center, has provided a wonderfully supportive environment as I’ve written the columns. Thanks, all. Murray Hill, New Jersey J.B. CONTENTS Part I: PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES Column 1: Profilers Computing Primes + Using Profilers © A Specialized Profiler + Building Profilers © Principles « Problems * Further Reading Column 2; Associative Arrays Associative Arrays in Awk * A Finite State Machine Simulator « Topological Sorting © Principles © Problems » Further Reading Column 3: Confessions of a Coder Binary Search » Selection » A Subroutine Library * Principles « Problems Column 4: Self-Describing Data Name-Value Pairs © Provenances in Programming * A Sorting Lab « Principles © Problems Part II: TRICKS OF THE TRADE Column 5: Cutting the Gordian Knot A Quiz * Some Solutions © Hints + Principles © Problems « Further Reading + Debugging Column 6: Bumper-Sticker Computer Science Coding + User Interfaces + Debugging » Performance * Documen- tation * Managing Software + Miscellaneous Rules ¢ Principles « Problems © Further Reading Column 7: The Envelope is Back A Warm-Up for Cool Brains * Performance Rules of Thumb + Little’s Law © Principles ¢ Problems + Further Reading © Quick Calculations in Everyday Life vii 15 27 37 45 47 357 69 viii MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS Column 8: The Furbelow Memorandum The Memo « Principles » Further Reading Part III: 1/0 Fir FOR HUMANS Column 9: Little Languages The Pic Language + Perspective + Pic Preprocessors + Little Languages for Implementing Pic « Principles ¢ Problems « Further Reading Column 10: Document Design Tables + Three Design Principles + Figures © Text © The Right Medium « Principles « Problems « Further Reading « A Catalog of Pet Peeves Column 11: Graphic Output A Case Study * A Sampler of Displays * Principles ¢ Problems « Further Reading « Napoleon’s March to Moscow Column 12: A Survey of Surveys The Problems of Polling * The Languages « The Pictures « Principles Problems Part IV: ALGORITHMS Column 13: A Sample of Brilliance ‘A Sampling of Sampling Algorithms + Floyd’s Algorithm + Random Permutations © Principles » Problems © Further Reading Column 14: Birth of a Cruncher The Problem » Newton Iteration * A Great Place to Start * The Code © Principles * Problems © Further Reading + A Big Success Story Column 15: Selection The Problem * The Program + Analysis of Run Time « Principles + Problems « Further Reading Appendix 1: The C and Awk Languages Appendix 2: A Subroutine Library Solutions to Selected Problems Index 77 81 83 101 115 137 139 147 159 171 175 183 203 More Programming Pearls Confessions of a Coder COLUMN 1: PROFILERS The stethoscope is a simple tool that revolutionized the practice of medicine: it gave physicians an effective way to monitor the human body. A profiler can do the same thing for your programs. What tools do you now use to study your programs? Sophisticated analysis systems are widely available, ranging from interactive debuggers to systems for program animation. But just as CAT scanners will never replace stethoscopes, complex software will never replace the simplest tool that we programmers have for monitoring our programs: a profiler that shows how often each part of a pro- gram is executed. This column starts by using two kinds of profilers to speed up a tiny pro- gram (but keep in mind that the real purpose is to illustrate profilers). Subse- quent sections sketch various uses of profilers, a profiler for a nonprocedural language, and techniques for building profilers. 1.1 Computing Primes Program P1 is an ANSI Standard C program to print all primes less than 1000, in order (see Appendix 1 if you don’t know C): int prime(int n) {int 999 for (i = 2; i < ns i++) 78022 if (n ® i == 0) 831 return 0; 168 return 1; } main() quneineed stat 1 n = 1000; 1 for (i = 2; i <= nj i++) 999 if (prime(i)) 168 print£("%d\n", i); } The prime function returns 1 (true) if its integer argument 1 is prime and 0 otherwise; it tests all integers between 2 and n—1 to see whether they divide 3 4 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 1 n. The main procedure uses that routine to examine the integers 2 through 1000, in order, and prints primes as they are found. I wrote Program Pl as I would write any C program, and then compiled it with a profiling option. After the program executed, a single command gen- erated the listing shown. (I have made minor formatting changes to a few of the outputs in this column.) The numbers to the left of each line were produced by the profiler; they tell how many times the line was executed. They show, for instance, that main was called once, it tested 999 integers, and found 168 primes. Function prime was called 999 times. It returned one 168 times and returned zero the other 831 times (a reassuring quick check: 168+831=999). It tested a total of 78,022 potential factors, or about 78 factors for each number examined for primality. Program PI is correct but slow. On a VAX-11/750 it computes all primes less than 1000 in a couple of seconds, but requires three minutes to find those less than 10,000. Profiles of those computations show that most of the time is spent testing factors. The next program therefore considers as potential factors of n only those integers up to ai The integer function root converts its integer argument to floating point, calls the library function sqrt, then converts the floating-point answer back to an integer. Program P2 contains the two old functions and the new function root: int root(int n) 5456 = { return (int) sqrt((float) n); } int prime(int n) 4 int i; 999 for (i = 2; i <= root(n); i++) 5288 if (n % i == 0) 831 return 0; 168 return 15 ) main() Ghitineutanns 1 n= 1000; - for (i ‘ n; i++) 999 if (prime(i)) 168 printé("%d\n", i); The change was evidently effective: the line counts in Program P2 show that only 5288 factors were tested (a factor of 14 fewer than in Program Pl). A total of 5456 calls were made to root: divisibility was tested 5288 times, and the loop terminated 168 times because i exceeded root(n). But even though the counts are greatly reduced, Program P2 runs in 5.8 seconds, while PI runs in just 2.4 seconds (a table at the end of this section contains more details on run times). What gives? COLUMN 1 PROFILERS 5 So far we have seen only line-count profiles. A procedure-time profile gives fewer details about the flow of control but more insight into CPU time: wtime cumsecs call ms/call name 82.7 4.77 sqrt 4.5 5.03 999 0.26 “prime 4.3 5.28 5456 0.05 “root 2.6 5.43 Tfrexp 1.4 5.51 7 _dopent ee 5.57 write 0.9 5.63 meount 0.6 5.66 creat 0.6 3.69 cprinte 0.4 5.72 1 25.00 “main 0.3 5.73 “close 0.3 5.75 Texit 0.3 5.77 Tisatty The procedures are listed in decreasing order of run time. The time is displayed both in cumulative seconds and as a percent of the total. The three procedures in the source program, main, prime and root, were compiled to record the number of times they were called. It is encouraging to see the same counts once again. The other procedures arc unprofiled library routines that perform miscel- laneous input/output and housekeeping functions. The fourth column tells the average number of milliseconds per call for all functions with statement counts. The procedure-time profile shows that sqrt uscs the lion’s share of CPU time. It was called 5456 times, once for each test of the for loop. Program P3 calls that expensive routine just once per call of prime by moving the call out of the loop: int prime(int n) { int i, bound; 999 bound = root(n); 999 for (i = 2; i <= bound; i++) 5288 if (n % i == 0) 831 return 0; 168 return 1; i Program P3 is about 4 times as fast as P2 when n=1000 and over 10 times as fast when n=100,000. At n=100,000, the procedure-time profile shows that sqrt takes 88 percent of the time of P2, but just 48 percent of the time of P3. It is a lot better, but still the cycle hog. Program P4 incorporates two additional speedups. First, it avoids almost three-quarters of the square roots by special checks for divisibility by 2, 3, and 5. The statement counts show that divisibility by two identifies roughly half the inputs as composites, divisibility by three gets a third of the remainder, and divisibility by five catches a fifth of those numbers still surviving. Second, it avoids about half the remaining divisibility tests by considering only odd numbers as potential factors. It is faster than P3 by a factor of about three, but 6 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 1 it is also buggier than its predecessor. Here is (buggy) Program P4; can you spot the problem by examining the statement counts? int root(int n) 265 { return (int) sqrt((float) n); } int prime(int n) { int i, bound; 999 if (n ® 2 == 0) 500 return 0; 499 if (n % 3 == 0) 167 return 0; 332 if (n % 5 == 0) 67 return 0; 265 bound = root(n); 265 for (1 = 7; 1 <= bound; i = i+2) 1530 if (n % i == 0) 100 return 0; 165 return 1; oi main() { inti, n; 1 n = 1000; 1 for (i = 2; i itt) 999 if (prime(i)) 165 printé("%A\n", i); } The previous programs found 168 primes, while P4 found just 165. Where are the three missing primes? Sure enough, I treated three numbers as special cases, and introduced one bug with each: prime reports that 2 is not a prime because it is divisible by 2, and similarly botches 3 and 5. The tests are correctly written as if (n % 2 == 0) return (n 2)5 and so on. If x is divisible by 2, it returns 1 if is 2, and O otherwise. The Procedure-time profiles of Program P4 are summarized in this table for n — 1000, 10,000, and 100,000: 7 | PERCENT OF TIME IN i sqrt prime other 1000 | 45 19 36 10,000 a 42 1g 100,000 31 56 13 COLUMN 1 PROFILERS = 7 Program PS is faster than P4 and has the additional benefit of being correct. It replaces the expensive square root operation with a multiplication, as shown in this fragment: 265 for (i = 7; isi <= nj i = i+2) 1530 if (n % i == 0) 100 return 0; 165 return 1; It also incorporates the correct tests for divisibility by 2, 3, and 5. The total speedup is about twenty percent over P5. The final program tests for divisibility only by integers that have previously been identified as primes; Program P6 is in Section 1.4, coded in the Awk language. The procedure-time profile of the C implementation shows that at n=1000, 49 percent of the run time is in prime and main (the rest is in input/output), while at n=100,000, 88 percent of the run time is spent in those two procedures. This table summarizes the programs we've seen. It includes two other pro- grams as benchmarks. Program QI computes primes using the Sieve of Era- tosthenes program in Solution 2. Program Q2 measures input/output cost. For n=1000, it prints the integers 1, 2, .... 168: for general n, it prints the integers 1, 2, ... P(n), where P (n) is the number of primes less than 7. ae RUN TIME IN SECONDS, 1000 10,000 _100,000 P1. Simple version 24 | 169 2 P2. Test only up toroot | 5.8 | 124 2850 P3. Compute root once | 1.4 15 192 P4, Special case 2,3,5 | 0.5 57 B PS. Replace root by* | 0.3 35 4 P6. Test anly primes 03 33 47 QI. Simple sieve 02 12 10.4 Q2. Print 1..P (n) Ol 07 5.3 This section has concentrated on one use of profiling: as you're tuning the performance of a single subroutine or function, profilers can show you where the run time is spent. 1.2. Using Profilers Profilers are handy for small programs, but indispensable for working on large software. Brian Kernighan used a line-count profiler on the 4000-line C program that interprets programs written in the Awk programming language. At that time the Awk interpreter had been widely used for several years. Scan- ning the 75-page listing showed that most counts were hundreds and thousands, while a few were tens of thousands. An obscure piece of initialization code, 8 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN I though, had a count near a million. Kernighan changed a few parts of the six- line loop, and thereby doubled the speed of the program. He never would have guessed the hot spot of the program, but the profiler led him right to it. Kernighan’s experience is quite typical. In a paper cited under Further Reading, Don Knuth presents an empirical study of many aspects of Fortran programs, including their profiles. That paper is the source of the often quoted (and more often misquoted) statement that, “Less than 4 per cent of a program generally accounts for more than half of its running time.” Numerous studies on many languages and systems have shown that for most programs that aren’t 1/O-bound, a large fraction of the run time is spent in a small fraction of the codec. This pattern is the basis of testimonials like the following: In his paper, Knuth describes how the line-count profiler was applied to itself. The profile showed that half of the run time was spent in two loops. Changing a few lines of code doubled the speed of the profiler in less than an hour’s work. Column 14 describes how profiling showed that a thousand-line program spent eighty percent of its time in a five-line routine. Rewriting the routine with a dozen lines doubled the speed of the program. In 1984 Tom Szymanski of Bell Labs put an intended speedup into a large system, only to see it run ten percent slower. He started to remove the modification, but then enabled a few more profiling options to see why it had failed. He found that the space had increased by a factor of twenty; line counts showed that storage was allocated many more times than it was freed A single instruction fixed that bug. The correct implementation sped the system up by a factor of two. Profiling showed that half of an operating system's time was spent in a loop of just a few instructions. Rewriting the loop in microcode made it an order of magnitude faster but didn’t change the system’s throughput: the perfor- mance group had optimized the system's idle loop! ‘These experiences raise a problem that we only glimpsed in the last section: on what inputs should one profile a program? The primality programs had the single input n, which nonetheless strongly affects the time profile: input/output dominates for small n, while computation dominates for large m. Some pro- grams have profiles quite insensitive to the input data. I'd guess that most pay- roll programs have pretty consistent profiles, at least from February to November. The profiles of other programs vary dramatically with the input. Haven’t you ever suspected that your system was tuned to run like the wind on the manufacturer’s benchmark, while it crawls like a snail on your important jobs? Take care in selecting your input mix. Profilers are useful for tasks beyond performance. In the primality exercise, they pointed out a bug in Program P4. Line counts are invaluable for evaluat- ing test coverage; zero counts, for instance, show untested code. Dick Sites of COLUMN 1 PROFILERS 9 Digital Equipment Corporation describes other uses of profiling: “(1) Deciding what microcode to put on chip in a two-level microstore implementation. (2) A friend at Bell Northern Research implemented statement counts one weekend in a real-time phone switching software system with multiple asynchronous tasks, By looking at the unusual counts, he found six bugs in the field-installed code, all of which involved interactions between different tasks. One of the six they had been trying (unsuccessfully) to track down via conventional debugging tech- niques, and the others were not yet identified as problems (i.¢., they may have occurred, but nobody could attribute the error syndrome to a specific software bug).” 1.3 A Specialized Profiler The principles of profiling we've seen so far apply to languages ranging from assemblers and Fortran to Ada. But many programmers now work in more powerful notations. How should we profile a computation in Lisp or APL, or in a network or database language? We'll take UNIX pipelines as an example of a more interesting computa- tional model. Pipelines are a sequence of filters; data is transformed as it flows through each filter. This classic pipeline prints the 25 most common words in a document, in decreasing frequency.t cat $+ 1 tr -cs A-Za-z ‘\012’ | tr A-Z a-z i sort | unig -c | sort -r -n! sed 25q I profiled the pipeline as it found the 25 most common words in a book of about 60,000 words. The first six lines in the output were: 3463 the 1855 a 1556 of 1374 to 1166 in 1104 and + The seven filters perform the following tasks: (1) Concatenate all input files. 2) Make one-word lines by transliterating the complement (~c) of the alphabet into newlines (ASCII octal 12) and squeezing out (~s) multiple newlines. (3) Transliterate upper case to lower case. (4) Sort to bring identical words together. (5) Replace each run of duplicate words with a single representative and its count (-c). (6) Sort in reverse (-r) numeric (-n) order. (7) Pass through a stream editor; quit (q) after printing 25 lines. Section 10.5 uses a picture to describe the sort | unia -c idiom in steps 4, 5 and 6. sort 10 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN | Here is the “pipeline profile” of the computation on a VAX-11/750: lines words chars 10717 59701 342233 57652 57651 304894 57652 57651 304894 57652 57651 304894 4731 9461 61830 4731 9461 61830 25 50 209 times 14.44 2.38 18r tr -cs A-Za-z \012 11,90 2.28 15x tr A-Z a-z 104.9u 7.5s 123r sort 24,5u 1.68 27x uniq -c 27,04 1.68 31x sort -rn 0.0u 0.25 Or sed 25q The left parts describe the data at each stage: the number of lines, words, and characters. The right parts describe the filters between the data stages: user, system, and real times in seconds are followed by the command itself. This profile provides much information of interest to programmers. The pipeline is fast; 3.5 minutes of real time for 150 book pages is moving right along. The first sort consumes 57 percent of the run time of the pipeline; that finely tuned utility will be hard to speed up further. The second sort takes only 14 percent of the pipeline’s time, but is ripe for tuning.t The profile also identifies a little bug lurking in the pipeline. UNIX gurus may enjoy finding where the null line was introduced. The profile also teaches us about the words in the document. There were 57651 total words, but only 4731 distinct words. After the first transliteration program, there are 4.3 letters per word. The output showed that the most com- mon word was “the”; it accounts for 6 percent of the words in the files. The six most common words account for 18 percent of the words in the file. Special- casing the 100 most common words in English might speed things up. Try finding other interesting factoids in the counts. Like many UNIX users, I had previously profiled pipelines by hand, using the word count (wc) command to measure files and the time command to measure processes. A “pipeline profiler” automates that task. It takes as input the names of a pipeline and several input files, and produces the profile as out- put. Two hours of my time and fifty lines of code sufficed to build the profiler. The next section claborates on this topic. 1.4. Building Profilers Building a real profiler is hard work. Peter Weinberger built the C line- count profiler that produced the output we saw earlier; the project took him several weeks of effort spread over scvcral months. This section describes how a simple version can be built more easily. Dick Sites claimed that his friend “implemented statement counts one + The second sort takes 25 percent of the run time of the first sort on just 8 percent of the number of input lines — the numeric (~n) flag is expensive. When I profiled this pipeline on a single column, the second sort was almost as expensive as the first; the profile is sensitive to the input data. COLUMN 1 PROFILERS 1] weekend”. I found that pretty hard to believe, so I decided I'd try to build a profiler for Awk, an unprofiled language that is described in Appendix 1. A couple of hours later, my profiler produced this output when I ran the Awk ver- sion of Program P6: BEGIN { <<<1>>> n = 1000 x{0] = 2; xc = 1 print 2 for (i = 3; i <= nz i++) { <<<998>>> if (prime(i)) { <<<167>>> print i } + exit Hi function prime(n, i) { <<<998>>> for (4-0; xfil*x[i]>> if (n % x(i] == 0) { <<<831>>> return 0 i] } { <<<167>>> } x[xc++] =n return 1 + The number in angle brackets after a left curly brace tells how many times the block was executed. Fortunately, the counts match those produced by the C line counter. My profiler consists of two five-line Awk programs. The first program reads the Awk source program and writes a new program in which a distinct counter is incremented at the start of each block and a new END action (see Appendix 1) writes all counts to a file at the end of execution. When the resulting pro- gram runs, it produces a file of counts. The second program reads those counts and merges them back into the source text. The profiled program is about 25 percent slower than the original, and not all Awk programs are handled correctly — I had to make one-line changes to profile several programs. But for all its flaws, a couple of hours was a small investment to get a prototype profiler up and running. Section 7.2 of The AWK Programming Language cited in Sec- tion 2.6 presents details on a similar Awk profiler. Quick profilers are more commonly written than written about. Here are a few examples: In the August 1983 BYTE, Leas and Wintz describe a profiler implemented as a 20-line program in 6800 assembly language. Howard Trickey of Bell Labs implemented function counts in Lisp in an hour by changing defun to increment a counter as each function is entered. 12 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN | In 1978, Rob Pike implemented a time profiler in 20 lines of Fortran. After CALL PROFIL (10), subsequent CPU time is charged to counter 10. On these and many other systems it is possible to write a profiler in an evening. The resulting profiler could easily save you more than an evening’s work the first time you use it. 1.5 Principles This column has only scratched the surface of profiling. I’ve stuck to the basics, and ignored exotic ways of collecting data (such as hardware monitors) and exotic displays (such as animation systems). The message of the column is equally basic: Use a Profiler. Make this month Profiler Month. Please profile at least one piece of code in the next few weeks, and encourage your buddies to do likewise. Remember, a programmer never stands as tall as when stooping to help a small program. Build a Profiler. If you don’t have a profiler handy, fake it. Most systems provide basic profiling operations. Programmers who had to read console lights 25 years ago can get the same information today from a graphics window on a personal workstation. A little program is often sufficient to package a system’s instrumentation features into a convenient tool. 1.6 Problems 1. Suppose the array X(1..1000] is sprinkled with random real numbers. This routine computes the minimum and maximum values: Max Min := x[1] for I := 2 to 1000 do if X(T] ~ Max then Max := x[Z] if X[I] < Min then Min := X[I] Mr. B. C. Dull observed that if an element is a new maximum, then it can- not be a minimum. He therefore rewrote the two comparisons as ig X{I] > Max then Max else if X[I] < Min then Min xtrl x{I] How many comparisons will this save, on the average? First guess the answer, then implement and profile the program to find out. How was your guess? 2. The following problems deal with computing prime numbers a. Programs PI through P6 squeezed two orders of magnitude out of the run time, Can you wring any more performance out of this approach to the problem? b. Implement a simple Sieve of Fratosthenes for computing all primes less than n. The primary data structure for the program is an array of n bits, COLUMN 1 PROFILERS 13 all initially true. As each prime is discovered, all of its multiples in the array are set to false. The next prime is the next true bit in the array. c. What is the run time as a function of 7 of the sieve in part b? Find an algorithm with running time of O(n). d. Given a very large integer (say, several hundred bits), how would you test it for primality? y A simple statement-count profiler increments a counter at each statement. Describe how to decrease memory and run time by making do with fewer counters. (I once used a Pascal system in which profiling a program slowed it down by a factor of 100; the line-count profiler described in this column uses tricks like this to slow down a program by only a few percent.) 4. A simple procedure-time profiler estimates the time spent in each procedure by observing the program counter at a regular interval (60 times a second on my system). This information tells the time spent in cach part of the pro- gram text, but it does not tell which procedures called the time hogs. Some profilers give the cost of each function and its dynamic descendants. Show how to gather more information from the runtime stack to allocate time among callers and callees. Given this data, how can you display it in a use- ful form? 5. Precise numbers are useful for interpreting profiles of a program on a single data set. When there is a lot of data, though, the volume of digits can hide the message in the numbers. How would you display the profiles of a pro- gram or a pipeline on 100 different inputs? Consider especially graphical displays of the data 6. Program P6 in Section 1.4 is a correct program that is hard to prove correct. What is the problem, and how can you solve it? 1.7 Further Reading Don Knuth’s “Empirical Study of Fortran Programs” appeared in volume 1 of Software—Practice and Experience in 1971 (pp. 105-133). Section 3 on “dynamic statistics” discusses both line-count and procedure-time profilers, and the statistics they were used to gather. Section 4 tunes seventeen critical inner loops, for speedup factors ranging from 1.5 to 13.1. I have read this classic paper at least once a year for the past decade, and it gets better every time. I strongly recommend it. COLUMN 2: ASSOCIATIVE ARRAYS Anthropologists say that language has a profound effect on world view. That observation, usually known as Whorf's hypothesis, is often summarized as “Man’s thought is shaped by his tongue.” Like most programmers, my computing thought is shaped by my Algol-like tongue. PL/1, C and Pascal look pretty much alike to programmers like me, and it’s not hard for us to translate such code into Cobol or Fortran. Our old, comfortable thought patterns can be easily expressed in these languages. But other languages challenge the way we think about computing. We are amazed by Lispers as they work magic with their S-expressions and recursion, by APL fans who model the universe as the outer product of a couple of long vectors, and by Snobol programmers who seem to turn any problem into a big string. We Algolish programmers may find it painful to study these foreign cul- tures, but the exposure usually yields insight. This column is about a language feature outside the Algol heritage: associa- tive arrays. The arrays we know have numeric subscripts, while associative arrays permit references like count ["cai Such data structures are present in languages such as Snobol and Rexx (an IBM command interpreter); they allow complex algorithms to be expressed in simple programs. These arrays are close enough to Algol to be understood quickly, yet novel enough to challenge our thinking habits. This column examines the associative arrays provided by the Awk language. Most of Awk is from the Algol tradition, but its associative arrays and several other features merit study. The next section introduces Awk’s associative arrays. Subsequent sections describe two substantial programs that are cumbersome in most Algol-like languages, yet can be elegantly expressed in Awk. 2.1 Associative Arrays in Awk The Awk language is sketched in Appendix 1. We'll review the language briefly by studying a program to find suspicious entries in a file of names. Each line in the program is a “pattern-action” pair. For cach input line that matches a pattern on the left, the action enclosed in brackets on the right is executed. 15 16 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 2 The complete Awk program contains anly three lines of code: length($1) > 10 { e++; print “long name in line", NR} NF I= 1 { e++; print "bad name count in line", NR} END { if (e > 0) print "total errors: ", e } The first pattern catches long names. If the first field (named $1) is longer than 10 characters, then the action increments e and prints a warning using the builtin variable NR (for number of record, or line number). The variable e counts errors; Awk conveniently initializes all variables to zero. The second pair catches lines that do not contain exactly one name (the builtin variable NF counts the number of fields in the input line). The third action is executed at the end of the input. It prints the number of errors, if there were any. Associative arrays aren’t at Awk’s core; many Awk programs don’t use them. But the arrays are integrated nicely into the language: like other vari- ables, they aren’t declared and are automatically initialized at their first use. We'll now turn toa second problem on names: given a file of m names, we are to generate all n? pairs of names. I know several people who have used such a program in selecting first and middle names for their children. If the input file contains the names Billy, Bob and Willy, the output might lead parents to a euphonic selection such as Billy Bob and away from Billy Willy. This program uses the variable n to count the number of names seen so far. Like all Awk variables, it is initially zero. The first statement is executed for each line in the input; note that 1 is incremented before it is used. * { name[++n] = $1 END { for (i = 1; i <= nj; i++) for (4 = 1; 9 <= ni i++) print name[i], name[j] + After the input file has been read, the names have been stored in namel[1] through name[n]. The END action prints the pairs with two for loops. Although this program uses only numeric subscripts,t note that it doesn’t have to declare the size of the name array. The program generates a lot of output, especially if some names occur several times in the input file. The next program therefore uses an array indexed by strings to clean the input file. Here is the complete program: { if (count(s1]++ 0) print $1 } When a name is first read its count is zero, so the name is printed and the array element is incremented. When subsequent occurrences of the name are read, its | Snobol distinguishes between arrays that have numeric subscripts and fables whose subscripts are strings. Awk has only one kind of array; numeric subscripts are converted to strings before they are stored. Subscripts may have multiple indices — Awk creates a single key by concatenating the indices, separated by a special character. COLUMN 2 ASSOCIATIVE ARRAYS — 17 count is larger and no further action is taken. At the end of the program the subscripts of count represent exactly the set of names. That fact allows us to combine the two previous programs into one: given a file of (possibly duplicated) names, this program prints all unique pairs. { name[$1] = 1 } END { for (i in name) for (j in name) print i, j } The associative array name represents the set of names. All values in name are 1; the information is contained in the array indices. That information is retrieved by a loop of the form for (i in name) statement The loop iterates statement over all values i that are a subscript of name, which are exactly the names in the input file. The loop enumerates all names, but in an arbitrary order; the names will usually not be sorted. (Awk does pro- vide a convenient interface to the UNIX system sort, but that’s beyond the scope of this column.) The next program moves from the nursery to the kitchen. We would prefer that a shopping list like chips 3 dip 2 chips 1 cola 5 aip 1 be collapsed to the more convenient form dip 3 cola 5 chips 4 This program does the job. { count[$1] = count[$1] + $2 } END { for (i in count) print i, count[i] } Section 1.3 describes a program for counting the number of times cach word occurs in a document. The following program does the job using Awk’s fields as an overly simple definition of words: a sequence of characters separated by blanks. The strings “Words”, “words” and “words;” are therefore three different words. { for (i i <= NF; i++) count[$i]++ } END { for (i in count) print count[i], i } The program took 40 seconds of VAX-11/750 CPU time to process the 4500 words in a draft of this column. The three most frequent words were “the” 18 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 2 (213 occurrences), “to” (110) and “of” (104). We will return to the run time of this program in Section 11.1. This trivial spelling checker reports all words in the input file that aren't in the dictionary file dict. The preprocessing uses Awk’s getline command to read the dictionary into the array goodwords: BEGIN { while (getline <"dict") goodwords[$1] = 1 } { for (i = 1; i <= NP; i++) if (1($i in goodwords)) badwords[$i] = 1 , END { for (i in badwords) print i } The main processing collects badwords, and postprocessing prints the violations. The test if ($i in goodwords) evaluates to true if the i" field is a subscript of the goodwords array, and the not operator 1 negates the condition. A programmer unfamiliar with Awk might have used the simpler test if (goodwords[$i] == 0) That test yields the same answer but has the undesired side-effect of inserting a new zero-valued element into goodwords; many excess elements could dramati- cally increase the time and space requirements of the program. With these small examples as background, we’ll move on to two larger prob- lems. Fortunately, we won't have to study much larger programs. 2.2. A Finite State Machine Simulator Finite State Machines (FSMs) are an elegant mathematical model of com- putation and a useful practical tool. Thy arise in such diverse applications as the lexical analysis of programming languages, communication protocols, and simple hardware devices. Wulf, Shaw, Hilfinger and Flon cover the subject in Section 1.1 of their Fundamental Structures of Computer Science (published in 1981 by Addison-Wesley). As an illustration, they consider the simple task of “suppressing” the starting ones in a stream of bits: Input: 011010111 Output: 001000011 A one immediately following a zero is changed to a zero, and all other bits in the input stream are left unchanged. COLUMN 2 ASSOCIATIVE ARRAYS 19 The following two-state machine encodes the last input bit in its state: “LIZ” means “Last Input Zero” and “LIO” means “Last Input One”. o-0 1-1 The arrow pointing at LIZ means that the machine starts in that state. The arc from LIZ to LIO says that if the machine is in LIZ and the input is a one, then the output is a zero and the next state is LIO. The program that executes FSMs uses two primary data structures. If the FSM contains the arc ater )_InSym = OutSym State2 then the following equalities hold trans[State1, InSym] == State2 out[State1, Insym] outsym The name trans is for state transition and out is for output symbol. The machine and input described above are encoded as follows. LIZ 0 LIZ 0 LIZ 1 LIO 0 LIO 0 Liz 0 LIO 1 LIO 1 start LIZ 0 5 i 0 The first four lines represent the four edges of the FSM. The first line says that if the machine is in state LIZ and the input is zero, then the next state is LIZ and the output is zero. The fifth line identifies the start state, and subsequent lines are input data. This program executes FSMs described in the above form. 1 { print out{[s, $1]; 6 = trans{s, $1] } 0 { if ($1 == “start") { run = 1; 8 * $2} else { trans[$1, $2] = $3; out[$1, $2] = $4 } } run 20 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 2 The program has two primary modes. It starts with the variable run at the value zero. In that mode it adds machine transitions to the trans and out arrays. When the first field of a line is the string “start”, the program stores the desired start state in s and switches to run mode. Each execution step then produces output and changes state as a function of the current input ($1) and the current state (s). This miniature program has many flaws. Its response to undefined transi- tions, for instance, is catastrophic. The program as it stands is fit, at best, for personal usc. On the other hand, it provides a convenient base upon which one might build a more robust program; see Problem 2. 2.3 Topological Sorting The input to a topological sorting algorithm is a directed graph with no cycles, such as Be— F< AWN VN If the graph contains an edge from A to B, then A is B’s predecessor and B is A’s successor. The algorithm must order the nodes such that all predecessors appear before their successors; here is one of many possible orderings. The algorithm must cope with the possibility that the input graph contains a cycle and therefore cannot be sorted. Such an algorithm might be used, for instance, in drawing a three- dimensional scene of objects. Object A precedes object B if B is in front of A in the view, because A must be drawn before B. The scene of four rectangles on the left induces the partial order on the right. = a 7 NA COLUMN 2 ASSOCIATIVE ARRAYS 21 There are two valid orderings of the vertices: A B C D and A C B D. Each of the orderings properly overlays the objects. Other applications of topological sorting include laying out a technical document (terms must be defined before they are used) and processing hierarchical VLSI designs (an algorithm must process the components of a part before processing the part itself). Before read- ing on, think for a minute about how you would write a program for topologi- cally sorting a directed graph. We'll study a topological sorting algorithm from Section 2.2.3 of Knuth’s Art of Computer Programming, volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms. The iterative step of the algorithm can be viewed as follows: choose a node T with no predecessors, write T to the output file, and then remove from the graph all edges emanating from 7. This figure shows the algorithm's progress on the four-node scene graph. The stages are depicted from left to right; at each stage, the node T is circled. B c c LY \ / : Lo . 7 The resulting list is 4 B C D. A slow implementation of this algorithm scans the entire graph at each step to find a node with no predecessors. We will now study a simpler algorithm that is also more efficient. For each node the algorithm stores the number of predecessors the node has and the set of its successors. For instance, the four- node graph drawn above is represented as: Nope | PREDECESSOR | SUCCESSORS Count. A 0 BC B 1 D Cc 1 D D 2 The iterative step of the algorithm chooses a node whose predecessor count is zero, writes it on the output, and decrements the predevessor Count of all its suc- cessors. It must be careful, though, to remember the order in which the counts went to zero; it uses a queue of nodes for that task. (If the queue becomes empty before all nodes have a predecessor count of 2€0, then the program reports that the graph contains a cycle.) 22 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARIS COLUMN 2 This pseudocode assumes that the graph is presented to the program as a sequence of (predecessor, successor) pairs, one pair per line. as each (pred, succ) pair is read increment pred count of succ append succ to’ successors of pred at the end of the input file initialize queue to empty for each node i if pred count of i is zero then append i to queue while queue isn’t empty do delete t from front of queue; print t for each successor s of t decrement pred count of s if that goes to zero then append x to queue if come nodes were not output then report a cycle The running time of the algorithm is proportional to the number of edges in the graph, which is within a constant factor of optimal. (Each edge is processed twice: once as it is read and once as it is removed from the queue.) The Awk program implements the queue as an array with indices in the range l..n. The integer g/o is the index of the first element in the queue and qhi is the index of the last. The successor sets are implemented by two arrays. If A has the successors B, C and D, then the following relations hold sneect["A"] 3 succlist["A", "1"] ven succlist["A", "2"] == "c™ succlist["A", "3"] == "D" The input to this Awk program is a file of predecessor, successor pairs. Its out- put is either the sorted node list or a warning that such a list doesn’t exist. { ++predct[$2] # record nodes in predct, predct[$1] = predct[$1] # even those with no preds succlist[$1, ++succent[$1]] = $2 } END { qlo = 1 for (i in predet) { n++; if (predct[i] == 0) ql++qhil } while (qlo <= ghi) { t = qlqlot+]; print t for (i = 1; i <= succont(t]; i++) { s = succlist[t, i] if (--predct[s] 0) ql++qhi] = s } ) if (qhi I= n) print "tsort error: cycle in input" } The second line in the program ensures that all nodes occur as indices in predct, even those with no predecessors. COLUMN 2 ASSOCIATIVE ARRAYS — 23 The associative arrays in this program represent several different abstract data types: a symbol table of node names, an array of records, a two- dimensional sequence of successor sets, and a queue of nodes, The small size of this program makes it easy to understand, but failing to distinguish abstract data types in a larger program could make it indecipherable. 2.4 Principles Awk programmers can do a lot with a little. Most programs we've seen would be an order of magnitude larger in a conventional language. And the size reduction is due to just a few Awk features: implicit iteration over input lines, automatic separation into fields, initialization and conversion of variables, and associative arrays. Those arrays are the only mechanism Awk has for combining its primitive data types of strings and numbers. Fortunately, associative arrays can represent many data structures quite naturally. Arrays. One-dimensional, multidimensional and sparse arrays are all straightforward to implement. Sequential Structures. Queues and stacks result from an associative array and an index or two. Symbol Tables. Symbol tables provide a mapping from a name to a value. An Awk symbol table maintains symtab [name] = value. If all names have the same value, then the array represents a set. Graphs. Finite State Machines and topological sort both process directed graphs. The FSM program uses a matrix representation for the graph, while topological sort uses an edge-sequence representation. Education aside, of what practical value are Awk and its associative arrays? Awk programs are small. That’s not always an advantage (like APL one-liners, they can be obnoxiously impenetrable), but ten lines of code is almost always betier than a hundred. Unfortunately, Awk code tends to run slowly. Its sym- bol tables are relatively efficient, but arrays indexed by integers are orders of magnitude slower than the conventional implementation. When are small, slow programs uscful? The run-time cost of many programs is negligible compared to their develop- ment cost. The Awk topological sorting program is near production quality for some tasks; it should be more robust in the presence of errors. Simple programs make useful prototypes. Let the users try a small program first. If they like it, build an industrial-strength version later. I use Awk as a testing environment for subtle subroutines; we'll return to this topic in the next column. 24 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 2 2.5 Problems 1. Choose an Awk program in this column and rewrite it in a different language. How do the two programs compare in size of source code and run-time efficiency? 2. Enhance the FSM simulator in various ways. Consider adding error check- ing (bad states, bad inputs, etc.), default transitions, and character classes (such as integers and letters). Write a program to perform lexical analysis for a simple programming language. 3. The topological sorting program in the column reports the existence of a cycle if one is present. Modify it to print the cycle itself. Make it more robust in the presence of errors. 4. Show that a graph induced by a three-dimensional scene can contain cycles. Give restrictions that guarantee the absence of cycles. 5. Design programs for the following tasks. How can you use associative arrays to simplify the programs? a. Trees. Write a program to build and traverse binary trees. b. Graphs. Rewrite the topological sorting program using depth-first search. Given a directed graph and a distinguished node x, report all nodes that can be reached from x. Given a weighted graph and two nodes x and y, report the shortest path from x to y. c. Documents. Use a simple dictionary to transliterate from one natural language to another (a line in an English-French dictionary might con- tain the two words “hello bonjour”). Prepare a cross-reference listing of a text or program file, with all references to each word listed by line number. Awk programmers might try using input field separators and substitution commands to achieve a more realistic definition of words. d. Random Sentence Generation. The input to this program is a context-free grammar such as S — NP VP NP—ALN|N N — Jobn | Mary AL —A/AAL A — Big | Little | Tiny VP = V AvL V = runs | walks: AvL = Av| AvL Av ‘Av — quickly | slowly The program should generate random sentences like “John walks quickly” and “Big Little Mary runs slowly quickly slowly”. e. Filters. The second “name” program filters out duplicate words from a file, the spelling checker filters out words that are in the dictionary. Write other word filters, such as removing words that are not on an COLUMN 2 ASSOCIATIVE ARRAYS — 25 “approved list”, but leaving approved words in the same order. (These tasks are easier when the inputs are sorted.) f. Board Games. Implement Conway’s “Game of Life”. You might use Awk’s delete x[i] statement to remove old board positions. 6. Describe various implementations of associative arrays, and analyze the access time and storage cost of each. 2.6 Further Reading Aho, Kernighan, and Weinberger designed and built the original Awk language in 1977. (Whatever you do, don’t permute the initials of their last names!) They describe the current language and its tasteful use in The AWK Programming Language, published by Addison-Wesley in 1988. Chapter 7 of their book shows how Awk is a useful tool for experimenting with algorithms; we will use Awk for that purpose in Columns 3, 13 and 14, Chapter 6 describes Awk as a processor for little languages; we'll use Awk for that purpose in Column 9. Other chapters provide a tutorial and reference manual and apply Awk to problems in data processing, databases and word processing. The Awk book is an excellent introduction to an interesting and uscful language. COLUMN 3: CONFESSIONS OF A CODER Most programmers spend a lot of time testing and debugging, but those activities don’t often get much attention in writing. This column describes how I tested and debugged a few hard subroutines, with an emphasis on the scaf- ‘folding 1 used in the process. The scaffolding around a building provides access to components that workers couldn’t otherwise reach. Software scaffolding con- sists of temporary programs and data that give programmers access to system components. The scaffolding isn’t delivered to the customer, but it is indispens- able during testing and debugging. Enough background, and on to two painful stories. Confession 1. Several years ago I needed a selection routine in the middle of a 500-line program. Because I knew the problem was hard, I copied a 20- line subroutine from an excellent algorithms text. The program usually ran correctly, but failed every now and then. After two days of debugging, I tracked the bug down to the selection routine. During most of the debug- ging, that routine was above suspicion: I was convinced by the book’s infor- mal proof of the routine’s correctness, and I had checked my code several times to make sure it matched the book. Unfortunately, a ““<” in the book should have been a “<”. I was a little upset with the authors, but a lot madder at myself: fifteen minutes worth of scaffolding around the selection routine would have displayed the bug, yet I wasted two days on it. Confession 2. Several weeks before I first wrote this column I was working on a book of my own, which included a selection routine. I used techniques of program verification to derive the code, so I was sure it was correct. After I placed the routine in the text, | wondered whether it was even worth my time to test it. I hemmed and hawed, trying to decide... The conclusion and another confession come later in this column. This column is about the testing and debugging tools I use on subtle algo- rithms. We'll start by scrutinizing two subroutines, complete with several com- mon bugs to make our study more interesting. As a reward for plowing through all the code, this column concludes by describing a little subroutine library and 27 28 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 3 some tests of its correctness; I hope that the library will make it easy for you to use correct versions of these routines in your programs. Warning — Buggy Code Ahead 3.1 Binary Search The “black box” approach is at one extreme of testing: without knowing the structure of the program, hence viewing it as a black box, the tester presents a series of inputs and analyzes the output for correctness. This section is about a testing approach at the opposite extreme: the code is in a white box, and we watch it as it works. The code we'll study is a binary search. Here is the routine, together with a simple testbed: function bsearch(t, 1, u, m) { l=t4;uen while (1 <= u) ( m = int((1+u)/2) print" ", 1, m,u if (xtm] << t) lem else if (x{m] > t) usm else return m + return 0 "fill" (n= $2; for (i = 1; i <= nj ite) xli] = 104d } “n" {n= $2} ox" { x[$2] = $3 } ( £ {t "print" ox (i = 13 i ce my i++) print di ":\t" xfi] } "search" = bsearch($2); print "result:", t } The Awk binary search function has the single argument f; later elements in the parameter list are the local variables. It should return an index of ¢ in x[1..n] if t is present in the array, and zero otherwise. The print statement traces the values of /, m and u throughout the search (the lower end, middle, and upper end of the current range). I indicate that it is scaffolding by placing it in the left margin. Can you spot any problems with the code? The bottom five lines of the program are Awk “pattern-action” pairs. If the input typed by the user matches the pattern on the left, then the code within brackets on the right is executed. The pattern in the first pair is true if the first field of the input line typed by the user ($1) is £111. On such lines, the number in the second field ($2) is assigned to the variable n, and the for loop fills n values of the array x. : | Logie dictates that the boxes should be “opaque” and “transparent” (“painted” and “glass"?), but T'll stick with the traditional and illogical black and white. COLUMN 3 CONFESSIONS OF A CODER 29 Here’s a transcript of a run of the program. I first typed £i11 5, and the program created a sorted array of five elements. When I typed print, the pro- gram printed the contents of the array. £i11 5 print as 10 2: 20 3: 30 4: 40 5: 50 Now come a few searches in that array. I typed search 10, and the next three lines show the range narrowing to find that 10 is in position 1 in x. The searches for 40 and 30 are also correct. search 10 Aion uaa auana result: 1 search 40 135 345 result: 4 search 30 quai! result: 3 Unfortunately, the next search runs into trouble. search aa eRe Rus Aaa Re ReE wounds With this clue, can you find the bug in the program? Binary search is supposed to narrow the range /..u until termination. The assignment 1=m usually does so, but when / and m are equal it loops endlessly. The assignment should instead be 1=m+1, which excludes m from the range. (The techniques of program verification help one derive this code systematically; excluding m is the key point in the proof of termination.) The assignment u=m should similarly be changed to u=m-1. The resulting correct binary search is in Appendix 2. 30 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 3 The n and x commands allow us to alter the arrays produced by £111. To find how the correct code behaves on a two-element array with equal elements, the command x 2 10 sets x[2] to 10, and the next command sets n to 2. fill 5 x 2 10 n2 print 18 10 2: 10 search 20 iat! 222 result: 0 The search for 20 then correctly reports that it is not in the array. T'd be really surprised if someone shows me a bug in the final binary search Program. I used program verification techniques to prove the code correct, and then I beat on it with the black-box test reproduced in Appendix 2. Simple observations like those described in this section reassure me that the code indeed behaves as I thought. That reassurance cost just six lines of Awk scaffolding beyond the binary search code. The techniques of this section are simple and well known. Unfortunately, scaffolding is too often neglected by programmers. A few minutes spent testing a prototype of a subtle algorithm like binary search can save hours of debugging after it is incorporated in a large system. If a hard routine fails in a big pro- gram, construct scaffolding so you can access it directly, or better yet, build a small version in a supportive language like Awk. 3.2 Selection The next program uses Hoare’s algorithm to select the k“*-smallest element of the array x[l..n]. Its job is to permute the elements of x so that x{1.k-1] < xfk] < x{k+1.n]. We will study this routine in detail in Column 15: function select(1, u, k, i, m { 4€ (1 k) select(1, m1, k) t The code was easy to prove correct; it passed alll tests on the first try. COLUMN 3 CONFESSIONS OF ACODER 31 That program uses “tail recursion”: the recursive call is the last statement in the procedure. Tail recursion can always be transformed to iteration by replac- ing subroutine calls by assignment and loop statements. The next version replaces the recursive routine with a while loop, and this returns us to my next confession. My first mistake, of course, was in debating whether to test the code. Any author who errs as often as I do should either test the program or label it with “WARNING — UNTESTED CODE”. The second mistake is in the selection routine itself; any ideas? function swap(i, j, t) { t = xfil; xfi] = xf3]; xf] = t} function select(k, 1, u, i, m) { letuen while (1 k) u = m-1 } {n= $2; for (i = 1; i <= nj ite) xi] = rand() } {n= $2} { x[$2] = $3 } "print" { for (i = 1; i <= n; itt) print" ", xfi] } "sel" { comps = 0; select($2); print " compares:", comps print "| compares/n:", comps/n for (i=1; i < k; it+) if (x[i] > x[k]) print i for (isk+1; i <= nj itt) if (x[i] < x[k]) print i We'll first watch the program at work. The £111 command sprinkles ran- dom numbers in the range [0,1] into the array, and print is like that in the previous program. fill 5 print +93941 532356 392797 +446203 535331 e0000 The command sel 3 partitions the array so that the third-smallest element is in x{3]. It displays the computation as it progresses, and also checks the 32 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 3 correctness of the final answer. The subsequent print command then displays the partitioned array. e1 3 wuwosn aun compares: 11 compares/n: 2.2 print 0.446203 .392797 -532356 -535331 93941 Although the code produces the correct answer, the trace is suspicious. Can you find the hint of the bug in that history? We'll corner the bug in a more perverse array, built and displayed as follows. fill 2 Pe x25 print 5 5 Selecting the second-smallest element works just fine, but there are problems in finding the smallest. sel 2 12 compares: 1 compares/n: 0.5 el 1 8 1 4 1 ‘i Denn With this information, it was easy for me to spot the bug and to handle the tail recursion more carefully; the final code is in Section 15.2 and Appendix 2. (The program computed many correct answers only because the bug was often hidden by the randomizing swap statement. Randomization, for better or worse, often compensates for bugs.) Apart from its correctness problem, the original code has a “performance bug”: even when it gives the right answer, it takes too long. We'll see in Column 15 that a correct selection program requires roughly 3.4n comparisons to find the median of an n-clement array. These tests (and a dozen more like COLUMN 3 CONFESSIONS OF ACODER 33 them) show that the performance of the correct selection routine from Appendix 2 is in the right ballpark: £11 50 sel 25 compares: 134 compares/n: 2.68 £111 100 sel 50 compares: 363 compares/n: 3.63 I have removed the output of the print statements that traced the values of / and w to save space in this column; it was a pleasure to watch them behave properly as I conducted the real tests. 3.3 A Subroutine Library Before this column was originally published in Communications of the ACM, many programmers had mentioned that they used pseudocode published in previous columns as a basis for implementing an algorithm in their favorite language. For some time 1 had wanted to collect the algorithms into a little library, but the code was always too long. When the Awk language acquired functions in early 1985, I realized that it was the ideal vehicle for communicat- ing a set of useful subroutines in clean, succinct, and tested code. The designer of an industrial-strength subroutine library must face the difficult problems of portability, efficiency, and general interfaces. The designer must also choose an implementation language, which gives programmers in that language easy access to the routines. Unfortunately, that choice usually denies the routines to users of other languages. Appendix 2 is a set of “language-independent” subroutines, suitable for copying into various implementation languages. Since no sane programmer would code a serious application of this nature in Awk,t the code is equally use- ful to a programmer using any Algol-like language. The routines are short. Tradeoffs were made for brevity and against twenty- and thirty-percent improvements in efficiency. There are no interfaces; all routines operate on the array x{l..n]. These short, clean, correct routines provide a useful starting point for programmers without a better library The routines themselves are less than half the program text; the remainder is a black-box correctness test. (Scaffolding is often this big. In Chapter 13 of The Mythical Man Month, Fred Brooks states that there might be “half as much code in scaffolding as there is in product”; in Section 1.4.1 of + Apart from sequential search and insertion sort, all subroutines in the library are designed for efficient asymptotic running times — usually O(n log n). For problems on arrays, the overhead of ‘Awk’s interpretation and associative arrays renders it orders of magnitude slower than conventional compiled languages. 34 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 3 Fundamental Algorithms Knuth raises that to as much scaffolding as delivered code.) The tests ali have the same structure: an input is constructed, the rou- tine is called, and the answer is then checked for correctness. The progress of the tests is reported as they are run. This is helpful for locating any error, and encouraging for the runs that report no errors — at least you know they did something. Most tests are run for all values of n in 0..bign, where bign=12; at most O(n?) work is performed at each value of n. The sorting test examines n! random permutations for n in 0..smalin, where smalin=5. That gives a high probability of uncovering any permutation on which the algorithm fails. (Most random tests aren’t so thorough.) The complete program required seven minutes of CPU time on a VAX-11/750. With the exception of the selection routine discussed earlier (and described in detail in Column 15), I wrote the Awk routines by transliterating pseudocode published in previous columns. Those columns give informal correctness argu- ments using techniques of program verification. I had tested all the routines before publication, using a combination of watching, measuring and black-box testing; some columns report bugs I found during that process. 1 therefore wasn’t surprised when testing uncovered no logical errors in the routines; I fixed a few syntax errors in less than a minute each. ‘Testing did, however, uncover two interesting bugs in Awk. The first mani- fested itself as an infinite loop in the binary search routine bsearch. When I extracted from Appendix 2 a tiny scaffolding program like the one in Section 3.1, the infinite loop was obvious. I presented the resulting fifteen lines to Brian Kernighan, who was adding several new features to Awk at that time. I was unsure of whether the bug was in my program or his, but hopeful enough that it might be Kernighan’s fault to risk certain ridicule if the fault were mine. Changing the line else return m to else { print "returning"; return m} showed that the Awk interpreter’s new functions had the common bug of not properly executing a return from within a loop. After the bug was identified, Kernighan fixed Awk within ten minutes. I then ran back to my terminal to watch with glee as the test of binary search ran successfully for all n in the range 1..9. I was heartbroken to see the test fail for n=10. At that time, bign=10. Because | couldn’t think of any ood reason why code should fail at n=10, I re-ran the test with bign=9 and bign=11, hoping that the problem was in the last test. Unfortunately, the code consistently worked properly up through 9 and failed at 10 and 11. What changes between 9 and 10? Awk variables can be either numbers or strings. The Awk manual states that if the two operands in a comparison are both numeric then they are COLUMN 3 CONFESSIONS OF ACODER 35 compared as numbers, otherwise they are compared as strings. Because of unusual circumstances in this program involving function calls, the interpreter inappropriately observed that the string “10” precedes the string “5”. I created a six-line program that tickled this bug, and Kernighan had the problem fixed the next day. 3.4. Principles This column has touched on several tasks common in the programmer's day- to-day life. None is particularly glamorous, but all are important. Scaffolding. This column illustrates prototype routines, print routines to observe program behavior, measurement code, and component tests. Other scaffolding includes test data (dummy files and data structures) and program “stubs” that facilitate top-down testing by simulating unfinished routines. Special-Purpose Languages. The right language can make a program an order of magnitude shorter and cleaner. Exploit the strengths of the languages available to you. Awk is a fine language for prototyping algorithms: its associa- tive arrays let you simulate many common data structures; its fields, implicit loops, and pattern-action pairs simplify input/output; implicit declaration and initialization of variables lead to succinct programs. Chapter 7 of The AWK Programming Language (cited in Section 2.6) presents more information on using Awk to experiment with algorithms. Section 13.2 and Solution 14.6 give Awk scaffolding for two subtle algorithms. Testing and Debugging. This column concentrated on testing and debugging small components. White-box views of the computation initially show that the code behaves as we expected. Black-box tests are later used to increase our confidence in the correctness of the routine. Bug Reports. The component test of the subroutine library inadvertently turned into a system test for Awk’s recently added functions. Kernighan calls this the “new user phenomenon”: each new user of a fresh system uncovers a new class of bugs. I pushed harder on functions than previous users. On the two occasions when the 300-line program tickled an Awk bug, I reproduced the bizarre behavior in a short program before reporting the problem (fifteen lines in one case, six in the other). Stu Feldman of Bell Communications Research speaks from years of experience maintaining a Fortran compiler: The program author, support organization, and your friends will all ignore you if you send a bug report and a 25,000 line program listing. It took me several years to teach [name changed to protect the guilty] this fact and get him to work on it. Techniques involve staring at code, intuition, bisection (try throwing out the last half of the subroutine), etc. If you find a bug, roport it with the smallest possible test case. The Role of Program Verification. 1 need all the help I can get in making a correct program. Informal verification techniques help me write the code and 36 | MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 3 check it before I ever implement it, and testing is crucial after I have the code in hand. Because I’m getting better at verification, I’m no longer astounded when a small but complex routine works the first time. If it doesn’t work, T use testing and debugging to help me locate the invalid assertions and fix them along with the code (I’m usually able to resist those urges to “just change it until it works” — I try to write only programs that I understand). Appendix 2 illustrates two uses of assertions: the pre- and postconditions of a routine provide a precise and concise specification of its behavior, and assertion comments in the code (especially loop invariants) explain the algorithms. For a more direct application of verification ideas to testing, see Problem 3. 3.5 Problems 1. Build scaffolding that allows you to observe the behavior of routines in Appendix 2. Heaps are particularly interesting to watch 2. Improve the assert routine of Appendix 2 so that it tells more about the location of the error. 3. The assert routine can also be used in white-box testing: change the asser- tions that arc presently comments into calls to the asscrt routinc. Rewrite assertions in that form for one of the routines in Appendix 2. Does that strengthen the tests in the sense of Problem 4? 4, Evaluate the quality of the black-box tests in Appendix 2 by introducing bugs into the various routines. Which bugs are caught by which tests? 5. Rewrite the programs in this column in another language. How long are they compared to the Awk code? 6. Write scaffolding that allows you to time the performance of various algo- rithms in Appendix 2. [ow can you present the results graphically? 7. Build a subroutine library like that in Appendix 2 for a different problem domain, such as graph algorithms. Strive for short, correct algorithms that are also reasonably efficient. 8. By the literal specifications in Appendix 2, this is a correct sorting algorithm: for (i = 1; i <= nj itt) x{il] A sorting algorithm must, of course, also guarantee that the output array is a permutation of the input. The sorting, heap, and selection algorithms in Appendix 2 guarantee this property by altering the array only by using the swap routine. How would you test a less structured program for the permu- tation property? COLUMN 4: SELF-DESCRIBING DATA You just spent three CPU hours running a simulation to forecast your company’s financial future, and your boss asks you to interpret the output: Scenario 1: 3.2% -12.0% 1.1% Scenario 2: 12.7% 0.8% 8.6% Scenario 3: 1.6% -8.3% 9.2% Hmmm. You dig through the program to find the meaning of each output variable. Good news — Scenario 2 paints a rosy picture for the next fiscal year. Now all you have to do is uncover the assumptions of each. Oops — the disaster in Scenario 1 is your company’s current strategy, doomed to failure. What did Scenario 2 do that was so effective? Back to the program, trying to discover which input files each one reads. Every programmer knows the frustration of trying to decipher mysterious data. The first two sections of this column discuss two techniques for embed- ding descriptions in data files. The third section then applies hoth methods to a concrete problem. 4.1 Name-Value Pairs Many document production systems support bibliographic references in a form something like this: author A. V. Aho %author M. J. Corasick “title Efficient string matching: an aid to bibliographic search Mjournal © Communications of the ACM xvolume 18 xnumber 6 xmonth gune wyear 1975 %pages 333-340 37 38 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 4 wtitle The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching Xauthor D. E. Knuth Xpublisher Addison-Wesley xeity Reading, Mass. wyear 1973 Blank lines separate entries in the file. A line that begins with a percent sign contains an identifying term followed by arbitrary text. Text may be continued on subsequent lines that do not start with a percent sign. The lines in the bibliography file are name-value pairs: each line contains the name of an attribute followed by its value. The names and the values are sufficiently self-describing that I don’t need to elaborate further on them. This format is particularly well-suited to bibliographies and other complex data models. It supports missing attributes (books have no volume number and jour- nals have no city), multiple attributes (such as authors), and an arbitrary order of fields (one need not remember whether the volume number comes before or after the month). Name-value pairs are useful in many databases. One might, for instance, describe the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz in a database of naval vessels with these pairs: name Nimitz class cvN number 68 displacement 81600 length 4040 beam 134 draft 36.5 flightdeck 252 speed 30 officers 447 enlisted 5176 Such a record could be used for input, for storage, and for output. A user could prepare a record for entry into the database using a standard text editor. The database system could store records in exactly this form; we'll soon see a representation that is more space-efficient. The same record could be included in the answer to the query “What ships have a displacement of more than 75,000 tons?” Name-value pairs offer several advantages for this hypothetical application. A single format can be used for input, storage, and output, which simplifies life for user and implementer alike. The application is inherently variable-format because different ships have different attributes: submarines have no flight decks and aircraft carriers have no submerged depth. Unfortunately, the exam- ple does not document the units in which the various quantities are expressed; we'll return to that shortly. Some database systems store records on mass memory in exactly the form ‘COLUMN 4 SELF-DESCRIBING DATA 39. shown above. This format makes it particularly easy to add new fields to records in an existing database. The name-valuc format can be quite space- efficient, especially compared to fixed-format records that have many fields, most of which are usually empty. If storage is critical, however, then the data- base could be squcezed to a compressed format: naNimitz!c1CvN!nu68!d4i81600!1e10401 be1341dr36.51 £1252! sp30!0£4471en5176 Each field begins with a two-character name and ends with a vertical bar. The input/output format and the stored format are connected by a data dictionary, which might start: ABBR NAME UNITS na name text el class text nu number text ai displacement tons le length feet be beam feet ar draft feet £1 flightdeck feet sp speed knots of officers personnel en enlisted personnel In this dictionary the abbreviations are always the first two characters of the name; that may not hold in general. Readers offended by hypocrisy may com- plain that the above data is not in a name-value format. The regular structure supports the tabular format, but observe that the header line is another kind of self-description embedded in the data. Name-value pairs are a handy way to give input to any program. They are one of the tiniest of the “little languages” described in Column 9. They can help meet the criteria that Kernighan and Plauger propose in Chapter 5 of their Elements of Programming Style (the second edition was published by McGraw-Hill in 1978): Use mnemonic input and output. Make input easy to prepare (and to prepare correctly). Echo the input and any defaults onto the output; make the output self-explanatory. Name-value pairs can be very useful in code that is far removed from input- output. Suppose, for example, that we want to provide a subroutine that adds a ship to a database. Most languages denote the (formal) name of a parameter by its position in the parameter list. This positional notation can lead to remarkably clumsy calls: addship("Nimitz", "CVN", "68", 81600, 1040, 96 Fos FEST OSL PUES I Nae LES ee CT a LE The missing parameters denote fields not present in this record. Is 30 the speed 40 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 4 in knots or the draft in feet? A little discipline in commenting conventions helps unravel the mess: addship("Nimitz", # name class number disp length HHS Some languages support named parameters, which make the job easier: addship(name = "Nimitz", class = “CVN", number = "68", disp = 81600, length = 1040, a) If your language doesn’t have named parameters, you can simulate them with a few routines (the variables name, class, etc., are distinct integers): shipstart() shipstr(name, "Nimitz") shipstr(class, "CVN") shipstr(number, "68") shipnum(disp, 81600) shipnum(length, 1040) shipend() 4.2. Provenances in Programming The provenance of a museum piece lists the origin or source of the object. Antiques are worth more when they have a provenance (this chair was built in such-and-such, then purchased by so-and-so, etc.). You might think of a prove- nance as a pedigree for a non-living object. The idea of a provenance is old hat to many programmers. Some software shops insist that the provenance of a program be kept in the source code itself: in addition to other documentation in a module, the provenance gives the history of the code (who changed what when, and why). The provenance of a data file is often kept in an associated file (a transaction log, for instance), Frank Starmer of Duke University tells how his programs produce data files that con- tain their own provenances: “We constantly face the problem of keeping track of our manipulations of data. We typically explore data sets by setting up a UNIX pipeline like -k 1.5 -13 1} sample -t .01 | bins -t .01 COLUMN 4 SELF-DESCRIBING DATA 41 The first program is a simulation with the two parameters k and 1 (set in this example to 1.5 and 3).+ The vertical bar at the end of the first line pipes the output into the second program. That program samples the data at the desig- nated frequency, and in turn pipes its output to the third program, which chops the input into bins suitable for graphical display as a histogram. “When looking at the result of a computation like this, it is helpful to have an ‘audit trail’ of the various command lines and data files encountered. We therefore built a mechanism for ‘commenting’ the files so that when we review the output, everything is there on one display or piece of paper. “We use several types of comments. An ‘audit trail’ line identifies a data file or a command-line transformation. A ‘dictionary’ line names the attributes in each column of the output. A ‘frame separator’ sets apart a group of sequential records associated with a common event. A ‘note’ allows us to place our remarks in the file. All comments begin with an exclamation mark and the type of the comment; other lines are passed through untouched and processed as data. Thus the output of the above pipeline might look like: Itrail -k 1.5 -1 3 Itrail sample -t .01 ltrail bins -t .01 Idict bin_bottom_value item_count 0.00 72 0.01 138 0.02 124 Inote there is a cluster around 0.75 Iframe All programs in our library automatically copy existing comments from their input onto their output, and additionally add a new trail comment to docu- ment their own action. Programs that reformat data (such as bins) add a dict comment to describe the new format. “We've done this in order to survive. This discipline aids in making both input and output data files self-documenting. Many other people have built similar mechanisms; wherever possible, I have copied their enhancements rather than having to figure out new ones myself.” Tom Duff of Bell Labs uscs a similar strategy in a system for processing pic- tures. He has developed a large suite of UNIX programs that perform transfor- mations on pictures. A picture file consists of text lines listing the commands that made the picture (terminated by a blank linc) followed by the picture itself (represented in binary). The prelude provides a provenance of the picture. Before Duff started this practice he would sometimes find himself with a wonderful picture and no idea of what transformations produced it; now he can reconstruct any picture from its provenance. + Note that the two parameters are set by a simple name-value mechanism. — J.B. 42 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 4 Duff implements the provenances in a single library routine that all pro- grams call as they begin execution. The routine first copies the old command lines to the output file and then writes the command line of the current program on the output. 4.3 A Sorting Lab To make the above ideas more concrete, we'll apply them to the task of con- ducting experiments on sort routines. Experiments in the last column dealt with the correctness of the routines; these experiments concentrate on their run time. This section will sketch an interface suitable for gathering performance data; Column 15 uses such data. The input and output are both expressed in name- value pairs, and the output contains a complete description of the input (its provenance). Experiments on sorting algorithms involve adjusting various parameters, exe- cuting the specified routine, then reporting key attributes of the computation. The precise operations to be performed can be specified by a sequence of name- value pairs. Thus the input file to the sorting lab might be this description of a sorting experiment: n 100000 input identical alg quicksort cutoff 10 partition random seed 379 In this example the problem size, n, is set to 100,000. The input array is initial- ized with identical elements (other options might include random, sorted, or reversed elements). The sorting algorithm in this experiment is quick for Quicksort; insert (for insertion sort) and heap (for Heapsort) might also be available. The cutoff and partition names specify further parameters in some implementations of quicksort. The input to the simulation program is a sequence of experiments in the above format, separated by blank lines. Its output is in exactly the same format of name-value pairs, separated by blank lines. The first part of an output record contains the original input description, which gives the provenance of each experiment. The input is followed by three additional attributes: comps records the number of comparisons made, swaps counts swaps, and cpu records the run time of the procedure. An output record might therefore consist of the input record shown above, together with these fields at the end: comps 4772 swaps 4676 cpu 0.1083 Given the sort routines and the additional supporting procedures that do the COLUMN 4 SELF-DFSCRIBING DATA 43, real work, the control program is easy to build. Its main loop can be sketched in pseudocode as follows: loop read input line into string S if end of file then break F1 := first field in s F2 := second field in S$ ifs = "" then simulate() reset variables to their default values else if F1 = "n" then F2 else if F1 = "alg" then if F2 insertsort" then alg else if P2 = "heapsort” then alg else if F2 = "quicksort" then alg else error("bad alg") else if F1 = "input" then write S on output simulate() The code reads each input line, processes the name-value pair, and copies it to the output. The simulate() routine performs the experiment and writes the output name-value pairs; it is called at each blank line and also at end of file. This simple structure is useful for many simulation programs. Its output can be read by a human or fed to later programs. The input variables together pro- vide a provenance of the experiment; because they appear with the output vari- ables, any particular experiment can be repeated. The variable format allows additional input and output parameters to be added to future simulations without having to restructure existing data. Problem 8 shows how this approach can be used to perform sets of experiments. 4.4 Principles This column has only scratched the surface of self-describing data. Some systems, for instance, allow a programmer to multiply two numeric objects of unspecified type (ranging from integers to arrays of complex numbers); at run time the system determines the types by inspecting descriptions stored with the operands, and then performs the appropriate action. Tagged-architecture machines provide hardware support of self-describing objects, and some com- munications protocols store data along with a description of its format and types. It is easy to give even more exotic examples of self-describing data. This column has concentrated on two simple but useful kinds of self- descriptions. Each reflects an important principle of program documentation. The most important documentation aid is a clean programming language. Name-value pairs are a simple, elegant, and useful linguistic mechanism. 44 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 4 The best place for program documentation is in the source file itself. A data file is a fine place to store its own provenance: it is easy to manipulate and hard to lose. 4.5 Problems 1. Self-documenting programs contain useful comments and suggestive indenta- tion. Experiment with formatting a data file to make it easier to read. If necessary, modify the programs that process the file to ignore white space and comments. Start your task using a text editor. If the resulting format- ted records are indeed easier to read, try writing a “pretty printing” program to present an arbitrary record in the format. 2. Give an example of a data file that contains a program to process itself. The comments in good programs make them self-describing. The ultimate in a sclf-describing program, though, is one that prints exactly its source code when executed. Try to write such a program in your favorite language. Many files are implicitly self-describing: although the operating system has no idea what they contain, a human reader can tell at a glance whether a file contains program source text, English text, numeric data, or binary data. How would you write a program to make an enlightened guess as to the type of such a file? 5. Give examples of name-value pairs in your computing environment. Find a program with fixed-format input that you find hard to use, and modify it to read name-value pairs. Is it easier to modify the program directly or to write a new program that sits in front of the existing program? Give examples of the general principle that the output of a program should be suitable for input to the program. For instance, if a program wants a date to be entered in the format “06/31/88”, then it should not write: Enter date (default 31 June 1988): The text sketched how to do one experiment on a sorting algorithm. Often, though, experiments come in sets, with several parameters systematically varied. Construct a generator program that will convert this description a [100 300 1000 3000 10000) input (random identical sorted] alg quicksort cutofe [5 10 20 40] partition median-of-3 into 5x3x4 = 60 different specifications, with each item in a bracket list expanded in the cross product. How would you add more complex iterators to the language, such as [from 10 to 130 by 20]? How would you implement name-value pairs using Awk’s associative arrays? PART U: TRICKS OF THE TRADE Here’s a trick of the medical trade useful for anyone who donates blood. Before sticking the big needle in your arm, the nurse first pricks your finger for a few drops of bload. Some thoughtless nurses jab the pad of the index finger, which is the most sensitive spot of the most used finger. It is better to poke a less sensitive part (on the side, halfway down from nail to pad) of a less com- monly used finger (the ring finger). This trick can make a blood donor’s day a little more pleasant. Tell it to your friends before the next blood drive. These columns describe some similar tricks of the programmer's trade. Column 5 is about finding simple solutions to hard problems, Column 6 is a col- lection of rules of thumb, and Column 7 describes quick calculations useful in computing. Column 8 is about managing large software projects; its trick is in helping a programmer in the trenches to see things from the boss's perspective. You won't find a whole lot of code and mathematics here. These columns are at an intellectual level not far above the trick of drawing blood samples from the side of the ring finger. Fortunately, these tricks are almost as useful, and not too much harder to apply. Column 5 appeared in the February 1986 Communications of the ACM, Column 6 appeared in March 1986, Column 7 appeared in September 1985, and Column 8 appeared in December 1987. 45 COLUMN 5s: CUTTING THE GORDIAN KNOT Gordius tied the knot. To the person who could untie it, Asia was the prom- ised prize. For centuries the knot resisted all efforts, until Alexander the Great approached it in 333 B.C. Instead of repeating the vain efforts of his predeces- sors, he drew his sword and slashed through the knot; Asia was soon his. Since that time, “cutting the Gordian knot” has meant finding a clever solution to a complex problem. In modern language. Alexander took the easy way out. This column is about taking the easy way out of programming problems. A word about authenticity: with the exception of a few feeble (and, I hope, obvious) attempts at humor, all anecdotes in this column are true. Some names have been obscured to protect the guilty. 5.1 A Quiz This quiz describes three problems that arose in real systems. The problems are classics: sorting, data transmission, and random numbers. You probably know some classic solutions, but try to find a more elegant approach before you peek at the solutions in the next section. Problem 1 — Sorting. The circulation department at Scientific American receives thousands of letters every day. The lion's share falls into half a dozen major categories: payments of bills, renewals of subscriptions, response to direct mail promotions, and so forth. The mail must be sorted into these groups before it is processed by the data entry clerks. Describe schemes for sorting the mail. Problem 2 — Data Transmission. This problem was faced by a group of engineers at Lockheed’s Sunnyvale, California, plant in 1981. Their daily prob- lem was to transmit about a dozen drawings produced by a Computer Aided Design (CAD) system in their plant to a test station about 25 miles away, in the mountains near Santa Cruz. An automobile courier service took over an hour for the one-way trip (due to traffic jams and mountain roads) and cost a hundred dollars per day. Propose alternative data transmission schemes and estimate the cost of each. Problem 3 — Random Samples. One step in the sampling process of a pub- lic opinion polling firm was to draw a random subset from a printed list of 47 48 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 5 precincts. Their manual solution required a boring hour with a table of random numbers. An alert employee suggested a program to which the user types a list of N precinct names (typically a few hundred) and an integer M (typically a few dozen); the program's output is a list of M of the precincts chosen at ran- dom.’ Is there a better solution? $.2. Some Solutions If this section were titled “Solutions” it might sound like I thought I knew the answers. Here are a few good answers, but I wouldn’t be surprised if other solutions were even better. Solution 1. A clerk could manually place each letter in one of several bins; an automated solution might use a letter-processing machine for the job. Those solutions are expensive, so the magazine has the Post Office do the job for them. They use a different post office box number for each of the major categories, and the mail is delivered in bundles corresponding to the categories. Each box costs about a hundred dollars per year, which is a tiny fraction of the annual salary of a clerk. Solution 2. The Lockheed team first considered using an existing microwave link to transmit data between the two sites, but producing the drawings at the test station would have required an expensive printer. Their final solution was to draw the pictures at the main plant, photograph them, then send the 35mm film to the test station by carrier pigeon, where it was enlarged and printed on an existing microfilm viewer. The pigeon took just half the time and less than one percent the dollar cost of the car (the birds worked, literally, for pigeon feed). Over a 16-month period the pigeons transmitted hundreds of rolls of film and lost only two (because there are hawks in the area, the pigeons carried no classified data). ‘Solution 3. It is immoral for a person to type in hundreds of names only so that a computer can ignore most of them. I therefore wrote a program to which the user types two input integers, M and N. The program then prints a sorted list of M integers chosen at random in the range 1..N. For instance, if M=5 and N~100, the output list might be 6 8 47 66 80 The user then counts through the 100 precincts in the list, and marks the numbers 6, 8, 47, 66 and 80 as selected. The resulting dozen-line program was easy to write and was eagerly used by the pollsters. We'll see programs for a similar task in Column 13. When I talked about this problem at West Point, a cadet suggested an even better approach. To sample M precincts, photocopy the precinct list, cut the copy into equal-sized pieces with a paper slicer, vigorously shake the slips in & large paper bag, and then pull out M of them. That solution is rapid to imple- ment and gives appropriately random answers, as long as you shake the bag hard enough. COLUMN 5 CUTTING THE GORDIAN KNOT 49 5.3 Hints In each story in the quiz, a simple insight made a hard problem easy. Here are a few ideas for you to ponder as you search for elegant solutions to hard problems that you face. What the User Really Wants. An operations researcher was assigned to dev- ise an elevator scheduling policy to minimize passenger waiting time in a certain building. After visiting the building, he realized that the problem his employer really wanted to solve was to minimize the discomfort to the passengers (who didn’t enjoy waiting for elevators). He solved the problem by installing mirrors near each elevator. The passengers then spent their wait admiring themselves, and complaints about the speed of the elevators were dramatically reduced. He found what the users really wanted. A slight variation of that trick is commonly used to make a slow program acceptable to its users. A microcomputer program | once wrote took two hours to process one thousand records, so at each record it printed a message like Processing record 597 of 985 Recause all records took roughly the same amount of time, the users could plan their schedules accordingly. I’m sure that the resulting program was more com- fortable than a program twice as fast that didn’t tell the user when it was going to finish. The users wanted predictability more than speed I once urged a company to replace their ugly seven-by-nine dot matrix printer with a handsome daisy wheel printer. The company rejected the idea out of hand: the current reports clearly had the authority of “The Computer”, while attractive reports would look like some mere human had typed them. The users wanted authority, not beauty. With similar motivation, some compilers report that “this program contains | errors” to remind the user that computers are stupid. Knowing what the user really wants doesn’t always make life easier. If your specification is to ensure that x0) < x12] < x13] < < XIN] you might use the simple program for I 1 to N do X{I] or the even more elegant code N:20 If you know that the user really wants to sort the array, though, neither of these programs will prove particularly useful. Costs and Benefits. Before settling on a solution, understand its costs and benefits. The benefits of excellent documentation are worth the cost of pro- grammer time if the program is frequently used by many people; the costs far 50 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN $ outweigh the benefits if the program is a one-shot job. Many jobs worth doing aren't worth doing right. A novelist is foolish to agonize over each word in a shopping list. Most problems have many potential solutions. Consider, for instance, the problem of injuries suffered in automobile accidents. Accidents are avoided by measures such as driver training, strict enforcement of speed limits, stiff penal- ties for drunk driving, and a good system of public transportation. If accidents do occur, injuries can be reduced by the design of the passenger compartment, wearing seat belts, and air bags. And if injurics arc suffered, their effect can be reduced by paramedics at the scene, helicopter ambulances, trauma centers, and corrective surgery. One should understand the costs and benefits of all approaches before spending too much money on any single approach. Don't Make the Problem Too Hard. An old puzzle asks how a barometer can be used to compute the height of a building. Answers range from dropping the instrument from the top and measuring the time of its fall to giving it to the building’s superintendent in return for a look at the plans. A modern version of the puzzle asks how a personal computer can balance a checkbook. An elegant solution is to sell the machine and deposit the money. Peter Denning observes that many tasks that are commonly implemented on home computers can be done more effectively by hand: “It’s much faster to look at my monthly calendar on the wall than to turn on the computer, insert a floppy, load it, start the calendar program, and read my appointments. The same comment applies to recipes. My bookkeeping system for papers I handle as an editor depends on a file drawer and simple looseleaf notebook. I can quickly keep track of the status of all papers, referees, revisions, etc. It is signi ficantly faster than any of the computerized systems I've seen used by other edi- tors. Putting my system on a computer would slow it down. I’m able to get my job done faster without a computer.” Computers provide excellent solutions to some hard problems, but they aren’t the universal solvent. Clever programmers leave their swords at home and cut Gordian knots with pigeons, post offices, paper bags, or looseleaf notebooks. Don't Make the Problem Too Easy. In his wonderful How To Solve It, Polya points out that “the more general problem may be easier to solve”; he calls this the Inventor's Paradox. It is possible to write a program to permute the values in the variables A through G such that Atemp1 tr b B temp2 tr c C temp1 tr z Z output remove temp1 temp2 The programmer wanted to change all lower-case letters to upper case. He eventually did the job more simply and more efficiently with this command. tr a-z A-Z output If a program seems too awkward, try to find a simpler solution. What Do You Reward? Brilliance is typically the act of an individual, but incredible stupidity can usually be traced to an organization. A popular Western writer once confessed that when he was paid by the word, the heroes in his books always took six bullets to die. When programmers are paid by the linc of code, how do you suppose the array X[1..1000] is initialized to zero? (Hint: programmers paid by the speedup initially produce slow code, and pro- grammers required to execute a certain percentage of branches during testing have a lot of statements of the form if true then ....) ‘A programmer friend who works for a large company had just shaved 25 percent from the run time of a program. He was ecstatic. The program con- sumed two hours per day of supercomputer time, and the ten-linc change reduced that by half an hour, for a savings of several hundred dollars per day. He bubbled in to the computation center with the good news of an extra half hour per day on their biggest cnginc, and was surprised to sce their crestfallen faces. Because of the company’s internal billing policy, this change would cost the comp center roughly $100,000 per year in funny-money. That company’s organizational structure actively discouraged cffcctive utilization of a multi- million dollar resource. We've Always Done it this Way. For twenty years the plant had faithfully put a small hole in a mass-produced flywheel. Drilling the hole was expensive, so the mechanical engineers investigated other ways of putting it there. The team finally asked why the hole was there, and refused to accept the pat answer of “it’s always been there”. They eventually found that the original prototype flywheel was a little out of balance, so the designer reduced the mass on the heavy side by drilling the hole. For two decades that quick fix left its legacy in slightly out-of-balance devices. The team’s elegant solution of ignoring the hole was not only cheaper, it gave better flywheels. It’s frustrating enough that people don’t look for new solutions because “we've always done it this way”. It’s even worse when management ignores your wonderful new solution because “we've never done it that way”. (Some companies still use that excuse for building huge applications systems in 52 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 5 assembly code rather than in a high-level language.) Good luck in getting past this mindset, but beware the power of your enemy. The bureaucracy at a large university was explained as, “This school is two hundred years old and has never done anything for the first time.” Profit from Play. As a college freshman I had just learned about binary search and about assembly language coding. For my own amusement, and as an excuse for learning a little more about both subjects, I implemented a general-purpose binary search routine in assembly language. I had a part-time job in the data-processing center, and a few weeks later a run was cancelled after the operators estimated it would take two hours. We found that the bulk of the time was devoted to a sequential search, and when we replaced that with a call to my subroutine the run finished in ten minutes. Dozens of times since then I have seen today’s toy turn into next week's beast of burden or next year’s product. In the September 1985 Scientific Amer- ican, Kee Dewdney describes the atmosphere at Bell Labs in which it is impos- sible to draw the line between work and play. (My management even considers writing these columns as work, when it is about the most fun I can imagine.) One colleague, for instance, spent a week developing a color-graphics system because he wanted to draw pictures of a robot doing a back-flip. A few months later a chemist used the system to illustrate the structure of a molecule. The metallic spheroids that were bodily parts for the robot served as atoms in the molecule. The result was well worth the few minutes required to apply existing tools to the new task, and easily justified the cost of building the system in the first place. 5.4 Principles Most of the storics in this column have the same outline: a hero was too lazy to solve a problem the hard way, and found an easy way out. Bob Martin said it best: “Attack the problem, not the programming.” 5.5 Problems 1. Iwas once asked to write a program to transmit one particular data set from one personal computer to another PC of a very different architecture. A few questions showed that the file had only 400 records of 20 numeric digits each. How would you proceed? 2. When a new researcher reported to work for Thomas Edison, Edison asked him to compute the volume of a light bulb. After several hours with calipers and calculus, the new guy returned with the answer of 150 cubic centime- ters, In less than a minute, Edison computed and responded “Closer to 155." What was Edison’s insight? 3. To conduct an experiment, a psychologist needed to produce random permu- tations of three observers and three stress levels (High, Medium, Low). COLUMN 5 CUTTING THE GORDIAN KNOT 53 After discussing the problem, we agreed that a program should produce out- put like this: 1 3L 2M 1H 2 3H 1M 2L 3 1L 2H 3M 4 1M 2L 3H The first line describes subject number 1, who is to be seen first by observer 3 in a low stress level, then by observer 2 under medium stress, and finally by observer 1 under high stress. When I first thought about the problem I quickly sketched a program. One six-element array contains the six permutations of {1,2,3} and another con- tains the six permutations of (L,M,H}. The program randomly chooses one of cach, and then prints the two permutations spliced together. How would you generate these random permutations? (Hint: what is a common way to randomly generate one object out of six?) 4, This code finds the closest point in the array X[1..N] to the point B: BestDist for I: Infinity 1 to N do sqrt((A{I].x - P.X)*#2 + (A[I].¥ - P.¥)##2) BestDist BestPoint = ThisDist I Statistics from Section 7.2 show that the sqrt routine is the time bottleneck of the routine. Find a way to make the code run faster. 5. Critique the following examples of problem solving. a. When two people were chased by a bear, one stopped to put on running shoes. “You dummy,” said the second, “you can’t outrun a bear.” The first replied, “I don’t have to outrun that bear, I just have to outrun you.” b. Problem: What should you do if you are chased by a bear, and you don’t know whether it is a black bear or a grizzly bear? Solution: Run up a tree. If it is a black bear, it will run up after you. But if it is a grizzly, it will just knock the tree down then walk over to get you. 5.6 Further Reading Of the many books that discuss problem solving, my favorite is Conceptual Blockbusting by James L. Adams (second edition )wblished by Norton in 1979). Adams defines conceptual blocks as “mental walls that block the problem-solver from correctly perceiving a problem or conceiving its solution”. His excellent book encourages you to bust them. One problem with all such books is that so much Beneral problem solving divorced from any particular technical area begins to {wk like “just puzzles”, I 54 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN $ tried to remedy that in my book Programming Pearls (published by Addison- Wesley in 1986). It interweaves programming details with stories of finding the easy way out of some important, hard problems. See especially the index entries for common sense, conceptual blocks, elegance, engineering techniques, insight, Inventor's Paradox, problem definition, and simplicity. 5.7 Debugging [Sidebar] Every programmer knows that debugging is hard. Fortunately, there are often simple solutions to hard debugging problems. Debugging tasks range from designing tests that will flush out the little critters to repairing the broken pieces. We'll now focus on just one small part of the job: after we observe weird behavior, how do we identify the culprit who is causing the problem? A great debugger makes the job look simple. Distraught programmers describe a bug that they’ve been chasing for hours, the master asks three or four questions, and three minutes later the programmers are pointing at the faulty code, The expert debugger never forgets that there has to be a logical explana- tion, no matter how mysterious the behavior may seem at the time. That attitude is illustrated in an anecdote from IBM’s Yorktown Heights Research Center. A programmer had recently installed a new computer termi- nal. All was fine when he was sitting down, but he couldn’t log in to the system when he was standing up. That behavior was one hundred percent repeatable: he could always log in when sitting and never when standing. Most of us just sit back and marvel at such a story. How could that darn terminal know whether the poor guy was sitting or standing? Good debuggers, though, know that there has to be a reason. Electrical theories are the easiest to hypothesize. Was there a loose wire under the carpet, or problems with static electricity? But electrical problems are rarely one-hundred-percent consistent. An alert IBMer finally asked the right question: how did the programmer log in when he was sitting and when he was standing? Hold your hands in front of you and try it yourself. The problem was in the terminal's keyboard: the tops of two keys were switched. When the programmer was seated he was a touch typ- ist and the problem went unnoticed, but when he stood he was led astray by hunting and pecking. At an ACM Chapter meeting in Chicago, I heard the story of a banking sys- tem written in APL that had worked for quite some time, but unexpectedly quit the first time it was used on international data. Programmers spent days scour- ing the code, but they couldn’t find any stray command that would quit the pro- gram and return control to the operating system. When they observed the behavior more closely, they found that the problem occurred as they entered Sidebars in Communications of the ACM are offset from the text of the column, often in a bar at the side of the page. While they aren't an essential part of the column, they provide perspective on the material. In this book they appear as the last section in a column, marked as a “sidebar”. SOLUMN 5 CUTTING THE GORDIAN KNOT 55 data for the country of Ecuador: when the user typed the name of the capital sity (Quito), the program interpreted that as a request to quit the run! In both cases the right questions would have guided a wise programmer to the bug in short order: “What do you do differently sitting and standing? May [watch you logging in each way?” “Precisely what did you type before the program quit?” The best books I have seen on debugging are the two volumes of The Medi- cal Detectives by Berton Roueché. The first volume was published in paperback by Washington Square Press in 1982, and the second volume appeared in 1986. The heroes in these books dcbug complex systems, ranging from mildly sick peo- ple to very sick towns. The problem-solving methods they use are directly appli- cable to debugging computer systems. These true stories are as spellbinding as any fiction. COLUMN 6: BUMPER-STICKER COMPUTER SCIENCE Every now and then, programmers have to convert units of time. If a pro- gram processes 100 records per second, for instance, how long will it take to process one million records? Dividing shows that the task takes 10,000 seconds, and there are 3600 seconds per hour, so the answer is about three hours. But how many seconds are there in a year? If I tell you there are 3.155%107, you'll probably forget it. On the other hand, it is easy to remember that, to within half a percent, xx seconds is a nanocentury. Tom Duff Bell Labs So if your program takes 107 seconds, be prepared to wait four months. The February 1985 column in Communications of the ACM solicited from readers bumper-sticker sized advice on computing. Some of the contributions aren't debatable: Duff's rule is a memorable statement of a handy constant. This rule about a program testing method (regression tests save old inputs and outputs to make sure the new outputs are the same) contains a number that isn’t as ironclad. Regression testing cuts test intervals in half. Larry Bernstein Bell Communications Research Bernstein’s point remains whether the constant is 30% or 70%: these tests save development time. There’s a problem with advice that is even less quantitative. Everyone agrees that Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Anon and 57 58 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 6 Out of sight, out of mind. Anon Everyone, that is, except the sayings themselves, There are similar contradic- tions in the slogans in this column. Although there is some truth in each, all should be taken with a grain of salt. ‘A word about credit. The name associated with a rule is usually the person who sent me the rule, even if they in fact attributed it to their cousin Ralph (orry, Ralph). In a few cases I have listed an earlier reference, together with the author’s affiliation (as of September 1985, when this column first appeared). I’m sure that I have slighted many people by denying them proper attribution, and to them I offer the condolence that Plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery. Anon Without further ado, here's the advice, grouped into a few major categories. 6.1 Coding When in doubt, use brute force. Ken Thompson Rell Labs Avoid arc-sine and arc-cosine functions — you can usually do better by applying a trig identity or computing a vector dot-product. Jim Conyngham ‘ArviniCalspan Advanced Technology Center Allocate four digits for the year part of a date: a new millennium is coming. David Martin Norristown, Pennsylvania Avoid asymmetry. Andy Huber Data General Corporation The sooner you start to code, the longer the program will take. Roy Carlson University of Wisconsin If you can’t write it down in English, you can’t code it Peter Halpern Brooklyn, New York COLUMN 6 BUMPER-STICKER COMPUTER SCIENCE Details count. Peter Weinberger Bell Labs If the code and the comments disagree. then both are probably wrong. Norm Schryer Bell Labs If you have too many special cases, you are doing it wrong. Craig Zerouni Computer FX Ltd. London, England Get your data structures correct first, and the rest of the program will write itself. David Jones Assen, The Netherlands 6.2 User Interfaces (The Principle of Least Astonishment] Make a user interface as con- sistent and as predictable as possible. Contributed by several readers A program designed for inputs from people is usually stressed beyond the breaking point by computer-generated inputs. Dennis Ritchie Bell Labs Twenty percent of all input forms filled out by people contain bad data. Vie Vyssotsky Bell Labs Eighty percent of all input forms ask questions they have no business asking. Mike Garey Bell Labs Don’t make the user provide information that the system already knows, Rick Lemons Cardinal Data Systems 60 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 6 For 80% of all data sets, 95% of the information can be seen in a good graph William S. Cleveland Bell Labs 6.3 Debugging Of all my programming bugs, 80% are syntax errors. Of the remaining 20%, 80% are trivial logical errors. Of the remaining 4%, 80% are pointer errors. And the remaining 0.8% are hard. Mare Donner IBM Watson Research Center It takes three times the effort to find and fix bugs in system test than when done by the developer. It takes ten times the effort to find and fix bugs in the field than when done in system test. There- fore, insist on unit tests by the developer. Larry Bernstein Bell Communications Research Don't debug standing up. It cuts your patience in half, and you need all you can muster. Dave Storer Cedar Rapids, Towa Don’t get suckered in by the comments — they can be terribly misleading. Debug only the code. Dave Storer Cedar Rapids, lowa Testing can show the presence of bugs, but not their absence. Edsger W. Dijkstra University of Texas Each new user of a new system uncovers a new class of bugs. Brian Kernighan Bell Labs: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Ronald Reagan Santa Barbara, California (The Maintainer’s Motto] If we can’t fix it, it ain’t broke. Lieutenant Colonel Walt Weir United States Army COLUMN 6 BUMPER-STICKER COMPUTER SCIENCE 61 The first step in fixing a broken program is getting it to fail repeat- ably. Tom Duff Bell Labs 6.4 Performance [The First Rule of Program Optimization] Don’t do it. [The Second Rule of Program Optimization — For experts only.] Don’t do it yet. Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Systems Ltd. The fastest algorithm can frequently be replaced by one that is almost as fast and much easier to understand. Douglas W. Jones University of Iowa On some machines indirection is slower with displacement, so the most-used member of a structure or a record should be first. Mike Morton Boston, Massachusetts In non-I/O-bound programs, less than four per cent of a program generally accounts for more than half of its running time. Don Knuth Stanford University Before optimizing, use a profiler to locate the “hot spots” of the pro- gram. Mike Morton Boston, Massachusetts [Conservation of Code Size] When you turn an ordinary page of code into just a handful of instructions for speed, expand the com- ments to Keep the number of source lines constant. Mike Morton Boston, Massachusetts If the programmer can simulate a construct faster than the compiler can implement the construct itself, then the compiler writer has blown it badly. Guy L. Steele. Jr. Tartan Laboratories 62 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 6 To speed up an 1/O-bound program, begin by accounting for all I/O. Eliminate that which is unnecessary or redundant, and make the remaining as fast as possible. David Martin Norristown, Pennsylvania The fastest I/O is no 1/0. Nils-Peter Nelson Bell Labs ‘The cheapest, fastest and most reliable components of a computer system are those that aren’t there. Gordon Bell Encore Computer Corporation Most assembly languages have a loop operation that does a compare and branch in a single machine instruction; although it was intended for loops, it can sometimes be used to do a general comparison very efficiently. Guy L. Steele, Jr. Tartan Laboratories {Compiler Writer’s Motto — Optimization Pass] Making a wrong program worse is no sin. Bill McKeeman Wang Institute Electricity travels a foot in a nanosecond. Commodore Grace Murray Hopper United States Navy Lisp programmers know the value of everything but the cost of noth- ing. Alan Perlis Yale University 6.5 Documentation [The Test of Negation] Don’t include a sentence in documentation if its negation is obviously false. Bob Martin AT&T Technologies COLUMN 6 BUMPER-STICKER COMPUTER SCIENCE 63 When explaining a command, or language feature, or hardware widget, first describe the problem it is designed to solve. David Martin Norristown, Pennsylvania [One Page Principle] A (specification, design, procedure, test plan} that will not fit on one page of 8.5-by-11 inch paper cannot be understood. Mark Ardis Wang Institute The job’s not over until the paperwork’s done. Anon 6.6 Managing Software The structure of a system reflects the structure of the organization that built it. Richard E. Fatrley Wang Institute Don't keep doing what doesn’t work. Anon [Rule of Credibility] The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. Tom Cargill Bell Labs Less than 10% of the code has to do with the ostensible purpose of the system; the rest deals with input-output, data validation, data structure maintenance, and other housekeeping. Mary Shaw Carnegie-Mellon University Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement. Fred Brooks University of North Carolina 64 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 6 Don’t write a new program if one already does more or less what you want. And if you must write a program, use existing code to do as much of the work as possible. Richard Hill Hewlett-Packard S.A, Geneva, Switzerland Whenever possible, steal code. Tom buff Bell Labs Good customer relations double productivity. Larry Bernstein Bell Communications Research Translating a working program to a new language or system takes ten percent of the original developmetit time or manpower or cost. Douglas W. Jones University of Iowa Don’t use the computer to do things that can be done efficiently by hand. Richard Hill Hewlett-Packard S.A. Geneva, Switzerland Don’t use hands to do things that can be done efficiently by the computer. Tom Duff Bell Labs I'd rather write programs to write programs than write programs. Dick Sites Digital Equipment Corporation [Brooks's Law of Prototypes] Plan to throw one away, you will anyhow. Fred Brooks University of North Carolina If you plan to throw one away, you will throw away two. Craig Zerount Computer FX Ltd. London, England ‘COLUMN 6 BUMPER-STICKER COMPUTER SCIENCE Prototyping cuts the work to produce a system by 40%. Larry Bernstein Bell Communications Research (Thompson’s Rule for First-Time Telescope Makers.] It is faster to make a four-inch mirror then a six-inch mirror than to make a six- inch mirror. Bill McKeeman Wang Institute Furious activity is no substitute for understanding. HH. Williams Oakland, California Always do the hard part first. If the hard part is impossible, why waste time on the easy part? Once the hard part is done, you're home free. ‘Always do the easy part first. What you think at first is the easy part often turns out to be the hard part. Once the easy part is done, you can concentrate all your efforts on the hard part. Al Schapira Bell Labs 6.7 Miscellaneous Rules [Sturgeon’s Law — This applies as well to computer science as to science fiction.] Sure, 90% of all software is crap. That’s because 90% of everything is crap. Mary Shaw Carnegie-Mellon University If you lie to the computer, it will get you. Perry Farrar Germantown, Maryland If a system doesn't have to be reliable, it can do anything else. H. H. Williams Oakland, California One person’s constant is another person’s variable. Susan Gerhart ‘Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation 66 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 6 One person’s data is another person's program. Guy L. Steele, Jr. Tartan Laboratories [KISS] Keep it simple, stupid. Anon 6.8 Principles If you've made it this far, you'll certainly appreciate this excellent advice. Eschew clever rules. Joe Condon Bell Labs 6.9 Problems Although this column has allocated just a few words to each rule, most of the rules could be greatly expanded (say, into an undergraduate paper or into a bull session over a few beers). These problems show how one might expand the following rule. Make it work first before you make it work fast. Bruce Whiteside Woodridge, Illinois Your “assignment” is to expand other rules in a similar fashion. 1. Restate the rule to be more precise. The example rule might be intended as Ignore efficiency concerns until a program is known to be correct. or as If a program doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter how fast it runs; after all, the null program gives a wrong answer in no time at all. 2. Present small, concrete examples to support your rule. In Chapter 7 of their Elements of Programming Style, Kernighan and Plauger present ten tangled lines of code from a programming text. The convoluted code saved a single comparison, and incidentally introduced a minor bug. By “wasting” an extra comparison, they replace the code with two crystal-clear lines. With that object lesson fresh on the page, they present the rule Make it right before you make it faster. 3. Find “war stories” of how the rule has been used in larger programs. COLUMN 6 BUMPER-STICKER COMPUTER SCIENCE 67 a. It is pleasant to see the rule save the day. Section 1.2, for instance, describes several examples when profiling a system pointed to hot spots which were then easily fixed. b. It can be even more impressive to hear how ignoring the rule leads to a disaster. When Vic Vyssotsky modified a Fortran compiler in the early 1960's he spent a week making a correct routine very fast, and thereby introduced a bug. The bug did not surface until two years later, because the routine had never once been called in over 100,000 compilations. Vyssotsky’s week of premature optimization was worse than wasted: it made a good program bad. (This story, though, served as fine training for Vyssotsky and generations of Bell Labs programmers.) 4, Critique the rules. Which are always “capital-T Truth” and which are sometimes misleading? I once stated to Bill Wulf of Tartan Laboratories that “if a program doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter how fast it runs” as an undebatable fact. He raised the example of a document formatting program that we both used. Although the program was significantly faster than its predecessor, it could sometimes seem excruciatingly slow: it took several hours to compile a book. Wulf won our verbal battle with this argument: “Like all other large systems, that program today has ten documented, but minor, bugs. Next month, it will have ten different small, known bugs. If you could magically either remove the ten current bugs or speed up the pro- gram by a factor of ten, which would you pick?” 6.10 Further Reading If you like heavy doses of unadorned rules, try Tom Parker’s Rules of Thumb (Houghton Mifflin, 1983). The following rules appear on its cover: 798. One ostrich egg will serve 24 people for brunch. 886. A submarine will move through the water most efficiently if it is 10 to 13 times as long as it is wide. The book contains 896 similar rules. Many of Butler Lampson’s “Hints for Computer System Design” in IEEE Software 1, 1 (January 1984) are handy rules of thumb: Handle normal and worst cases separately. In allocating resources, strive to avoid disaster rather than to attain an optimum. Lampson’s hints summarize his experience in building dozens of state-of-the-art hardware and software systems. COLUMN7: THE ENVELOPE IS BACK Every programmer should feel comfortable with “back-of-the-envelope” cal- culations. When you're deciding whether to add a new command to a database system, for instance, you might want to estimate How much programmer time is required to develop the code? How many disks have to be added to store additional data? Is the current CPU fast enough to provide reasonable response time? Quick calculations are also useful in everyday life: will the reduced fuel bills of a 30-mile-per-gallon car balance a purchase price that is $1000 greater than a 20-mpg car? I first described back-of-the-envelope calculations in the February 1984 Communications of the ACM. After that column appeared, many readers con- tributed further ideas on the topic. This column presents two of those: rules of thumb useful for programmers, and Little’s Law (a simple rule of amazing util- ity). But before we get to the technical details, the next section provides some mental stretching exercises. 7.1. A Warm-Up for Cool Brains The student told me that the run time of his binary search subroutine was 1.83 log, N. I asked, “1.83 what?” He thought for a few seconds while staring at the ceiling and the floor and finally responded, “Either microseconds or mil- liseconds — I'm not really sure.” The student was blissfully ignorant of a factor of one thousand, three orders of magnitude. He couldn’t even offer the excuse that performance wasn’t a con- cern — he cared enough to calculate three significant digits. Like too many programmers, the poor student suffered from what Douglas Hofstadter calls “number numbness”: milliseconds and microseconds are both unimaginably small time units, so why bother distinguishing between the two? This section provides some resensitization exercises that are designed to increase your appre- ciation of orders of magnitude. Is a factor of a thousand really such a big deal? A microyear is about 32 69 70 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 7 seconds while a milliyear is 8.8 hours — I deeply regret that I didn’t let the stu- dent choose between those two for how long he had to stay after school. Electri- city travels about a foot in a nanosecond — that’s a bottleneck in supercomputer design. In a microsecond it can go across a large building, and in a millisecond from New York to Washington, D.C. And speaking of Washington, it seems that some people who live there are always forgetting the difference between a million and a billion. A fast sprinter can run a hundred meters in ten seconds, for an average velo- city of 10 meters per second. Onc thousand times that speed is faster than the space shuttle, while one-thousandth the rate is slower than an ant. A factor of a thousand is a big deal, but there are bigger deals yet. This table shows some additional order-of-magnitude checkpoints of velocity.t METERS ENGLISH PER SECOND | EQUIVALENT bstniade 107 1.2 in/century | Stalactites growing 107! 1.2 in/decade_| Slow continent drifting 107 1.2 in/year Fingernails growing 10-8 1 ft/year Hair growing 1077 1 ft/month Weeds growing 10% 3.4 in/day Glacier 105 1.4 in/hr Minute hand of a watch 10~* 1.2 ft/hour Gastro-intestinal tract 10 2 in/min Snail 10? 2 ft/min Ant 107 20 ft/min Giant tortoise 1 2.2 mi/hr Human walk 10! 22 mi/hour Human sprint 10? 220 mi/hour Propeller airplane 10 37 mi/min Fastest jet airplane 10¢ 370 mi/min _| Space shuttle 10° 3700 mi/min | Meteor impacting earth 10 620 mi/sec Earth in galactic orbit 107 6200 mi/sec LA to satellite to NY 10° 62,000 mi/sec_| One-third speed of light If I describe a moving object, you can probably estimate its velocity pretty accurately. Whether the object is a rocket flying through the air or a beaver gnawing through a log, you can most likely guess its speed to within a notch or two of its true position in the table. In the next section we’ll work on intuition about computational velocity. + The table was inspired by Powers of Ten, by Morrison et al. (published in 1982 by Scientific American Books). Its subtitle is “A book about the relative size of things in the universe and the ‘effect of adding another zero”. It zooms in 42 factors of ten from a view 10% meters across (ten thousand times the diameter of our galaxy) to a view 107" meters across deep within a carbon atom. COLUMN 7 THE ENVELOPE IS BACK 71 7.2 Performance Rules of Thumb I don’t know how much salt costs, and I don’t really care. It’s so cheap that 1 use it without regard to cost, and when I run out I buy some more. Most pro- grammers feel the same way about CPU cycles, with good reason — they cost next to nothing. 1 expect that executives at salt companies have a different attitude toward the lowly substance. If each American consumes a dollar worth of salt each year, that creates a market worth a quarter of a billion dollars — a ten-percent decrease in production costs could be worth a fortune. And every now and then, programmers must worry about the cost of CPU cycles for a similar reason: some programs spend them by the billions. The price of salt is usually marked on the container, but how can you deter- mine the cost of a line of code? Benchmarking the performance of a computer system is a difficult and important task; multimillion-dollar systems are pur- chased on the basis of ten and twenty-percent differences. Fortunately, rough estimates are easier to come by. They may be off from their “true” values by a factor of two, but they’re still useful. T'll now describe how I spent half an hour to get ballpark cost estimates on the system I usually use, a VAX-11/750 running the C language and the UNIX operating system. (Even if you don’t care about CPU time, you may be interested in the design of these simple experiments.) I started with a five-line C program whose guts were n = 1000000; for (i = 1; i <= nj itt) The UNIX system's time command reported that it took 6.1 seconds. Fach iteration of the null loop therefore cost 6.1 microseconds. My next experiment used the integer variables i1, i2 and i3: n = 1000000; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) a1 = i2 + 43; This code took 9.4 seconds, so an integer addition costs about 3.3 microseconds. To test the cost of procedure calls, I defined the function int sum2(int a, int b) { return a+b; } and assigned i1 := sum2(i2, i3) in the loop. That took 39.4 seconds, so a function call with two integer parameters takes about 30 microseconds. Unfortunately, even experiments as simple as these are fraught with poten- tial problems. Is C addition really as fast as 3.3 microseconds, or did the com- piler notice that the same addition was done repeatedly and therefore perform it just once, before the loop? But if that happened, what else would: account for the 3.3 microsecond delay? Maybe the new code was aligned differently in the 72 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 7 instruction cache, or maybe the system was just busier during the second test. And so on and so on. Testing those hypotheses expanded the performance experiments from a few minutes to half an hour, but I’m pretty sure that the resulting estimates are accurate to within, say, a factor of two, With that caveat, this table presents ballpark estimates of the cost of several mathematical operations in this imple- mentation of C. ‘OPERATION Integer Operands Addition 33 Subtraction 37 Multiplication 10.6 Division 11.0 Floating Operands Addition 106 Subtraction 10.2 Multiplication 15.7 Division 15.7 Conversions Integer to float 82 Float to integer 12 Functions Sine 790 Logarithm 860 Square root 940 It’s easy to summarize the data: most arithmetic operations in C cost about 10 microseconds. Integer addition/subtraction is faster (3.5 microseconds) and floating multiplication/division is slower (16 microseconds). But beware the evil functions! They're only-a few characters to type, but they’re two orders of mag- nitude more expensive than the other operators. On those rare occasions when performance does matter, I use this data in two ways. The general trend helps me to make accurate estimates. If a routine performs N? steps of a few arithmetic operations each, a C implementation will take roughly half a minute when N is 1000. If the routine is called once a day, I won't worry about its efficiency from now on. If I had planned to call the rou- tine several times a minute, though, I won’t even bother coding it and instead search for a better solution. The table also highlights the expensive operations. Budget-minded chefs can safely ignore the price of salt if caviar is on the menu: C programmers on this system can ignore the primitive arithmetic operations surrounding a square root. But beware that relative costs change from system to system. On a PDP-10 Pascal compiler I once used, floating point operations cost 2 microseconds, while square roots and integer-to-float conversions both cost 40 microseconds. A conversion in C costs 1 floating point operation while a square root costs 60; in ‘COLUMN 7 THE ENVELOPE IS BACK 73 Pascal both costs are 20. Problem 2 encourages you to estimate the costs on your system. 7.3 Little’s Law Most back-of-the-envelope calculations use obvious rules: total cost is unit cost times number of units. Sometimes, though, one needs a more subtle insight. Bruce Weide of Ohio State University wrote the following note about a tule that is surprisingly versatile. “The ‘operational analysis’ introduced by Denning and Buzen (see Comput- ing Surveys 10, 3, November 1978, 225-261) is much more general than queue- ing network models of computer systems. Their exposition is excellent, but because of the article’s limited focus, they didn’t explore the generality of Little’s Law. The proof methods have nothing to do with queues or with com- puter systems. Imagine any system in which things enter and leave. Little’s Law states that ‘The average number of things in the system is the product of the average rate at which things leave the system and the average time each one spends in the system.’ (And if there is a gross ‘flow balance’ of things entering and leaving, the exit rate is also the entry rate.) “I teach this technique of performance analysis in my computer architecture classes. But I try to emphasize that the result is a general law of systems theory, and can be applied to many other kinds of systems. For instance, if you're in linc waiting to get into a popular nightspot, you might figure out how long you'll have to wait by standing there for a while and trying to estimate the rate at which people are entering. With Little’s Law, though, you could reason, ‘This place holds about 60 people, and the average Joe will be in there about 3 hours, so we're entering at the rate of about 20 people an hour. The line has 20 people in it, so that means we'll wait about an hour. Let’s go home and read Programming Pearls instead.’ You get the picture.” Peter Denning succinctly phrases this rule as “The average number of objects in a queue is the product of the entry rate and the average holding time.” He applies it to his wine cellar: “I have 150 cases of wine in my base- ment and I consume (and purchase) 25 cases per year. How long do I hold each case? Little’s Law tells me to divide 150 cases by 25 cases/ycar, which gives 6 years per case.” He then turns to more serious applications. “The response-time formula for a time-shared system can be proved using Little’s Law and flow balance, Assume N terminals of average think time Z are connected to an arbitrary sys. tem with response time R. Each user cycles between thinking and waiting-for- response, so the total number of jobs in the meta-system (consisting of terminals and the computer system) is fixed at N. If you cut the path from the system's output to the terminals, you see a meta-system with average load N, average response time Z+R, and throughput X (measured in jobs per time unit). Little’s Law says N-X*(Z+R), and solving for R gives R = N/X - 2." 74 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS. COLUMN 7 Denning goes on to say that “Little’s Law is more useful when augmented with the ‘forced flow law’ and the ‘utilization law’. You can then calculate answers to questions like this: A humongous computer system contains a bazil- lion disks, a quadrillion CPUs, a classified operating system, and 20 terminals of average think time 20 seconds. Its disk unit is observed to serve 100 requests per job and runs at the rate of 25 requests per second. What is the system’s throughput and response time? (I get 0.25 jobs/second and 60 seconds.) These answers are exact if the system is in flow balance, which is normally very close to true. Any system of arbitrary configuration containing a disk with those measured values and terminals of those measured values will have the same throughput and response time. Amazing? Only to the extent that one does not appreciate the power of the basic laws of system flow and congestion.” 7.4 Principles The three sections in this column highlight three assets that are often useful for programmers: familiarity with numbers, willingness to experiment, and mathematics, when you need it. 7.5 Problems 1. Make tables like the one in the first section to illustrate factors of ten in measures such as time, weight, distance, area and volume. 2. Conduct experiments to measure the performance of your computer system. Here is a starting list of useful quantities: CPU Time Control flow: overhead of for, while, if, subroutine call Arithmetic operations Integer/fioat: add, subtract, multiply, divide Floating point: square root, logarithm, sine Type conversions between integer and float String operations: comparison and copy V/O Time Read/write one character/integer Disk access time, disk read time Disk accesses per database operation Utilities Sort 10,000 integers in memory Sort 100,000 20-byte strings in a file Search a text file for a string Other handy facts include the speed of your compiler in lines of source code per second and the disk space required to store a one-byte file. 3. The data on run costs assumes a performance model in which variables are accessed in a constant amount of time and a given instruction always COLUMN 7 THE ENVELOPE IS BACK 75, requires the same amount of time to execute. Give examples of systems on which these and other “reasonable” assumptions are violated. 4. Estimate your city’s death rate, measured in percent of population per year. 5. [P. J. Denning] Sketch a proof of Little's Law. 6. [P. J. Denning] Use Little's Law to characterize the flow of a job through a network of servers. 7. [B. W. Weide] Imagine a queue of customers waiting for service. In its usual interpretation, Little's Law relates the average total number of custo- mers in the queue and in the server to the average time a customer spends waiting in the queue and in service. How are the average waiting time in the queue alone and the average number of customers in the queue alone related to these quantities? 8. [B. W. Weide] Many computer centers still have big mainframes that handle large numbers of batch jobs concurrently. Some even have a monitor show- ing the jobs awaiting execution, so you can sce where your job stands. Jobs must await execution, of course, because there is always a backlog of work (this is due to Murphy's Law, not Little’s). Suppose the average job spends 20 seconds “in execution” on a machine that can execute 10 jobs con- currently, and that your job is the last of 100 “awaiting execution” to be executed in first-in-first-out order. About how long can you expect to wait until your job is finished? 9. Determine various administrative costs in your organization. How much does it cost to buy a book beyond the cover price? To have a secretary type a letter? What is the cost of floor space, measured in dollars per square foot per year? What is the cost of telephone and computing systems? 7.6 Further Reading Douglas Hofstadter’s “Metamagical Themas” column in the May 1982 Scientific American is subtitled “Number numbness, or why innumeracy may be just as dangerous as illiteracy”. It is reprinted with a postscript in his book Metamagical Themas, published by Basic Books in 1985. 7.7 Quick Calculations in Everyday Life [Sidebar] Back-of-the-envelope calculations about everyday events are always good practice and good fun, and are sometimes even useful. A reader of a draft of this column described a trip to the supermarket he had taken a few days earlier. He kept a running total as he walked through the aisles by rounding each item to the nearest dollar. His final tally was $70.00, and he was confident enough to look at the register tape when the clerk announced the total price of $92.00. The clerk had mistakenly entered the product code of six oranges (number 429) as their price ($4.29); that raised a $2.00 purchase to $25.00. 76 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 7 Here’s one that stumped me for a while: what is the volume of a typical 6- foot-tall male? (Volume refers to cubic centimeters of meat; cubic feet in a crowded elevator is another question entirely.) A common response figures that the typical male is 6 feet high by 2 feet wide by half a foot thick, for 6 cubic feet. A more accurate estimate exploits the fact that humans are roughly the same density as water, approximately 60 pounds per cubic foot (most swimmers float when they inhale and sink when they exhale). A person who weighs 180 pounds is therefore about 3 cubic feet. If you know a person’s weight, this rela- tion can give you their volume to within a few percent, a feat impossible by multiplying length by width by height. Here are a few canned questions, but keep in mind that spontaneous ques- tions are usually the most interesting. 1. If every person in your city threw a ping pong ball into your living room, how deep would the balls be? 2. What is the cost of a one-hour lecture at your organization? Include both preparation and audience time. 3. How much money will Americans spend this year on soft drinks? On cigarettes? On video games? On the space program? 4. How many words are in a typical book? How many words a minute do you read? How many words a minute do you type? 5. How many dollars per year is the difference between a 20-mile-per-gallon car and a 40 mpg car? Over the lifetime of a car? What if every driver in the United States chose one or the other? 6. How much does it cost to drive your car a mile? Don’t forget insurance. 7, How much would it cost to buy extension cords to reach from the earth to the moon? 8. An old rule of thumb says that a human sitting in a room radiates about 100 watts. How many calories per day must supply that radiator? T'd like to end with a plea to teachers. In his paper cited in Section 7.6, Hofstadter tells how he asked students in a New York City physics class the height of the Empire State Building, which they could see out the window. The true height is 1250 feet, but answers ranged from 50 feet to one mile. I recently had a similar experience after a lecture on “back-of-the-envelope™ cal- culations. An examination question asked for the cost of a one-semester. fifteen-student class section at that college. Most students gave an answer within thirty percent of my estimate of $30,000, but the extremes ranged from a high of $100,000,000 to a low of $38.05. If you're a teacher, spare ten minutes of lecture for this topic, then reinforce it with little examples throughout the class. Test your success by an examina- tion question; I bet you'll find the answers interesting. COLUMN 8: THE FURBELOW MEMORANDUM A friend writes: ‘On several occasions I have heard you being outspokenly skeptical about the large budgets and staffs of certain development projects. While rummaging around for something else this morning I unearthed the attached document, which may help you understand the practical reasons why development projects operate as they do. It was written almost a decade ago by G. Furbelow, with whom Cadwallader-Cohen and I shared an office at the time. I obtained a copy to show to my boss, who remarked that he saw plenty of letters of this sort any- way, and didn’t need any more. In case you have forgotten, THESEUS-II is a communication system for the Defense Department, originally conceived for DOD in 1964 by a joint University-Industry Summer Study (Professor G, Manager V, and a six pack of Bud). It provides rapid-deployment hardened high capacity communications to connect any two points on the earth’s surface; its basis is big drums of cable in low earth orbit. When DOD needs extra communications between, say, Zanzi- bar and the Persian Gulf, they pick an appropriately positioned cable drum and fire a retrorocket attached to one end of the cable. This causes the cable to unreel, reenter, and lay itself automatically, entrenching itself as it reaches the surface, so that only a direct nuclear hit will sever it once it’s entrenched. Unfortunately, development and field testing problems have caused repeated delays in turnover of the system for operational use; even today most tests do not result in successful cable-laying. This problem is believed to be due to sub- tle flaws in the system control software. The system is expected to function as intended once these flaws are corrected. At the time of Furbelow’s letter his software staff was 368 people, and that turned out to be inadequate for completion of the task. By now the THESEUS-II software staff is 1850 people, and everyone concerned is aptimis- tic that full operational status will soon be achieved. 1 78 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARIS COLUMN 8 8.1 The Memo Date: September 13, 1978 Subject: 1979 Budget From: — G. Furbelow To: J. R. Honcho While I agree with you that my proposed 1979 budget increase to 229.3% of the 1978 budget seems unusually large, it is a standstill budget. which cannot be further reduced without serious impact on our committed work program. To make it clear how this situation comes about, I shall review the factors which led to the increase. ‘As you recall, our work program and work force were nearly static for several years prior to 1978. This year my organization undertook “catch-up” work on THESEUS-II, to reduce the backlog of deferred maintenance and enhancement requests. For this purpose we have an approved 1978 budget 6.8% higher than standstill. Our original staffing plan was to accommodate this work by adding 25 people to the staff on January 1, 1978. But our recruiting got off to a slow start, and almost all of our new employees will arrive between July 1 and December 31. So, to meet our work commitments we are achieving the necessary 25 staff years of added effort by a temporary bulge in the last few months of the year; this will cause our year-end headcount to be up 19% from January 1, and we have made our standstill projections accordingly. As I discussed with you in May, we needed additional space to accammodate the 70 extra people, and we have rented temporary office space for them in Smallville. Since then, it has become apparent that splitting the organization would make it impossible for us to function effectively, and we have now deter- mined that the best thing to do will be to move the entire organization to Small- ville. This will actually reduce our rent bill by some 14%, which will yield a considerable long-term saving. In 1979, of course, we will incur the transitional costs of maintaining both sets of space, and we will have to pay the relocation costs for the affected employees, as well as the costs of moving equipment and office furniture. This is the chief reason why our overhead rate in 1979 will go from 142% to 257%. This other significant factor in the overhead rate rise is the large Graduate Study Program cost for the 27% of our force which is new this year (19% growth plus 8% replacement of losses). And, of course, our direct salary costs will go up by a larger percentage than those for the company overall, because most of our force has short experience and is on the steeply ris- ing portion of the salary curves, where allotments are a large percentage of salary; we anticipate average allotments around 10.5%, compared to the com- pany figure of 7.2%. ‘These factors by themselves would only increase our 1979 standstill to 182% of 1978. The rest of the increase results from unavoidable increases in paid overtime and in computer costs. We estimate that loss of effectiveness due to COLUMN 8 THE FURBELOW MEMORANDUM == 79 the extended transition to our new quarters will amount to about 25% during 1979; we will lose about another 10% due to the unusually high proportion of people in the Graduate Study Program next year. To partially offset this we plan a full working day each Saturday, which must be paid as overtime. This is a very cost-effective approach, since it increases only Direct Salary, not over- head. But it can only make up part of the gap, so we must add enough com- puter capacity to increase productivity by substituting computers for people. We will do this by installing computer capacity in Smallville about 50% greater than what we presently have in the region. Unfortunately, we cannot shut down ‘our present computation facilitics until the end of 1979, so our computer costs for 1979 will be about 2.5 times those of 1978, and the necessary data links between the two computation centers will increase our total rated computer center costs in 1979 to about 3.4 times the corresponding 1978 costs. Taking these factors into account, we see that our 1979 standstill budget is approximately 228% of 1978, very close to the 229.3% shown in the detailed budget submission. I must emphasize that this docs not allow for any now work; at this level we will not even be able to meet all of our existing commit- ments, because even with overtime and added computer capacity we cannot fully offset the temporary reduction in efficiency we will undergo in 1979. So I must urge most strenuously that the budget not be reduced below this standstill level. Indeed, our most recent studies show that to complete our 1979 work program, including appropriate effort to reduce the backlog of deferred maintenance and enhancement work, we need to grow by 25 people in 1979, an increase of 5.7% above standstill. This would be a smaller percentage increase above standstill than we were granted in 1978, and I recommend its approval, to avoid the need for large “crisis increases” in subsequent years. May I have your concurrence to proceed on this basis? G. Furbelow 8.2 Principles — J. B. My friend was right; I had not appreciated many of the obstacles faced by large software projects. Furbclow’s memo helped me to understand how software teams grow to be so big and so expensive. I now shiver with fear at the very thought of the ferocious pile of paperwork that can cover a software manager's desk. Programmers, be kind to your poor bosses. 80 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 8 8.3. Further Reading The classic reference on the management of softwarc projects is Fred Brooks’s delightful Mythical Man Month, published in 1975 by Addison- Wesley. The preface begins, “In many ways, managing a large computer pro- gramming project is like managing any other large undertaking—in more ways than most programmers believe.” I knew Brooks was right, but I didn’t realize how many “more ways” there were until I heard the problems of poor Mr. Fur- below. Fortunately, Brooks offers solutions to many management problems that arise in software projects. Too many programmers who have spent a delightful evening with this book were so charmed by its easy reading that they failed to appreciate its wealth of factual material. If you’re in that category, go back and study the book with pencil in hand. Connoisseurs of The Mythical Man Month will enjoy Brooks's “No silver bullet” in the April 1987 IEEE Computer magazine. It is subtitled “Essence and accidents of software engineering”. He defines the essential task of software engineering to be building complex conceptual constructs, while the accidental tasks involve representing the constructs in languages. The paper shows how past progress has solved many of the accidental difficulties, and sur- veys technologies that hold promise for solving the conceptual essence. PARTI: I/O FIT FOR HUMANS Software beauty is sometimes skin deep. No matter how wonderful your program is on the inside, an ill-designed interface can drive users away. And more than one shoddy program has fooled users with snazzy input and output. Input and output may be a small part of the system from your view as a pro- grammer, but the interface is a large part of the user’s view of your software. These columns describe several aspects of input and output. Column 9 applies principles of language design to making software interfaces that are little languages. Column 10 is about producing documents that are pleasant to look at and helpful to read. Column 11 turns to one particular part of documents: graphical displays of data. Column 12 shows how the techniques of the three previous columns were applied in computerizing a system for conducting public opinion polls. One of the great things about making I/O fit for humans is that the exercise provides a fine excuse for talking to many interesting human beings. These columns describe how my work has brought me into contact with chemists, graphics designers, statisticians, and political scientists. This is one of the many reasons that programming is the ideal job for people like me, who can’t decide what they want to be if they grow up. Columns 9 and 10 were originally published in Communications of the ACM in August and September of 1986. Column 11 has been rewritten sub- stantially since it appeared in June 1984; Sections 11.1, 11.2 and 11.6 are almost brand new. Column 12 appears for the first time in this book; parts of the text appeared in June 1984 and August 1986. BI COLUMN 9: LITTLE LANGUAGES When you say “language”, most programmers think of the big ones, like Fortran or Cobol or Pascal. In fact, a language is any mechanism to express intent, and the input to many programs can be viewed profitably as statements ina language. This column is about those “little languages”. Programmers deal with microscopic languages every day. Consider printing a floating-point number in six characters, including a decimal point and two subsequent digits. Rather than writing a subroutine for the task, a Fortran pro- grammer specifies the format F6.2, and a Cobol programmer defines the pic- ture 999.99. Each of these descriptions is a statement in a well-defined little language. While the languages are quite different, each is appropriate for its problem domain. Although a Fortran programmer might complain that 999999 99999 is too long when F12.5 could do the job, the Coboler can’t even express in Fortran such common financial patterns as $,$$$,$$9.99. Fortran is aimed at scientific computing, Cobol is designed for business. In the good old days, real programmers would swagger to a key punch and, standing the whole time, crank out nine cards like: //SUMMARY JOB REGION=( 100K, 50K) “ws EXEC PGM=SUMMAR //SYSIN DD ~~ DSNAME=REP.8601,DISP=OLD, uw UNIT=23 14,SPACE=(TRK,(1,1,1)), “ VOLUME=SER=577632 //SYSOUT DD DSNAME=SUM.8601,DISP=(,KEEP), “se UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,(1,1,1)), “ VOLUME=SER=577632 //SYSABEND DD SYSOUT: Today's young whippersnappers do this simple job by typing summarize jan. summary Modern successors to the old “job control” languages are not only more con- venient to use, they are more powerful than their predecessors. Languages surround programmers, yet many programmers don't exploit linguistic insights. Examining programs under a linguistic light can give you a better understanding of the tools you now use, and can teach you design 83 84 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 9 principles for building elegant interfaces to your future programs. This column will show how the user interfaces to half a dozen interesting programs can be viewed as little languages. This column is built around Brian Kernighan’s Pic languaget for making line drawings. Its compiler is implemented on the UNIX system, which is par- ticularly supportive and exploitative of language processing. (Section 12.2 shows how little languages can be implemented in a more primitive computing environment — Basic on a personal computer.) The next section introduces Pic and the following section compares it to alternative systems. Subsequent sections discuss some little languages that com- pile into Pic and the little languages used to build Pic. 9.1 The Pic Language If you're talking about compilers, you might want to depict their behavior with a picture: ‘Source an Object Code =) Compiler Code (This diagram is genuine Pic output, as are all pictures in this book; we'll see its input description shortly.) Some contexts may call for a little more detail about the internal structure of the compiler. ‘This picture shows a structure typical of many compilers: T Front End Back End Sour Linguistic Code Code JT] Analysis [>] Generation Compiler This diagram also describes the two tasks that a program for drawing pictures must perform: a back end draws the picture while a front end interprets user commands to decide what picture to draw. ‘And just how does a user describe a picture? There are (broadly) three ways to do the job. An interactive program allows the user to draw the pro- gram with a hand-controlled device, and a subroutine library adds picture primi- tives to the constructs in a programming language. We'll return to these approaches in the next section. +B. W, han described “PIC — A language for typesetting graphics,” in Software — Practice and Experience 12 pp. 1-21, 1982. Kernighan describes an updated version of the language in “PIC — A graphics language for typesetting, Revised user manual”, Bell Labs Computing Science Technical Report Number 116, December 1984. COLUMN 9 LITTLE LANGUAGES 85 The third approach to describing pictures is the topic of this column: a little language. In Kernighan’s Pic language, for instance, the first figure in this sec- tion is described as ellipse "Source" "Code" arrow box “Compiler” arrow ellipse "object" "Code" The first input line draws an ellipse of default size and stacks the two strings at its center. The second line draws an arrow in the default direction (moving right), and the third line draws a box with the text at its center. The implicit motion after each object makes it easy to draw the picture and convenient to add new objects to an existing picture. This nonsense picture illustrates several other devices that Pic supports. including lines, double arrowheads, and dashed boxes. Bl he roN-5 Bz }—__| Bs 1 tea The program that draws it places objects by implicit motions, by explicit motions, and by connecting existing objects: boxht = .4; boxwid = .4 down # set default direction B1: box "B1" arrow R2: hox "B2 "at B2.w rjust line right .6 from B2.e B3: box dashed wid .6 "B3" line <-> from B3.n to Bl.e The boxht and boxwid variables represent the default height and width of a box in inches. Those values can also be explicitly set in the definition of a par- ticular box. Text following the # character is a comment, up to the end of the linc, Labels such as B1, B2 and B3 name objects; LongexName is fine too. The western point of box B2 is referred to as B2.w; one could also refer to B2.n or B2.nw, for the northwest corner. A line of the form string at posi- tion places a text suring al a given position; rjust right-justifics the string (strings can also be left justified or placed above or below positions). 86 | MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 9 These devices were used to draw this figure, which gives a yet more detailed view of a compiler. Source Code Lexical Analysis Syntax Analysis ‘Symbot Semantic Error Table Analysis Handler Code Optimization ‘Object Code Any particular compiler translates one source language into one object language. How can an organization maintain S different languages on 5 different machines? A brute-force approach writes 25 compilers: 5 languages 25 compilers ‘3 machines An intermediate language circumvents much of this complexity. A new language is installed by writing a front end that translates into the intermediate language, and a new machine is installed by a back end that translates the intermediate language into the machine’s output code: 5 languages A | intermediate language Al 5 machines COLUMN 9 LITTLE LANGUAGES 87 If there are Z languages on M machines, the brute-force approach constructs LXM distinct compilers, while the intermediate language needs just L front ends and M back ends. (Pic compiles its output into a picture-drawing subset of the Troff typesctting language, which in turn produces an intermediate language suitable for interpretation on a number of output devices, from termi- nal display programs to laser printers to phototypesetters.) The last figure uses two Pic programming constructs, variables and loops: n=5 # number of langs & machines boxht = boxwid = .2 h= 3; w= .35 # height & width for spacing I: box at we(n+1)/2,0 # intermediate language box for i = 1 to n do { box with .s at isw, h # language box line from last box.s to I.n box with .n at iew, -b # machine box line from last box.n to I.s 1 intermediate language "at I.w rjust "5 languages "at 2nd box .w rjust "S machines “ at 3rd hox .w rjust The picture of the brute-force approach is described by a single loop to draw the boxes, followed by two nested loops to make all pairwise interconnections. The examples in this section should give you an idea of the structure of Pi but they only hint at its power. I have not mentioned a number of Pic’s facil ties, such as built-in functions, if statements, macro processing, file inclusion, and a simple block structure. 9.2 Perspective In this section we'll consider several approaches to picture-drawing programs and compare them to Pic. Although the particulars are for pictures, the general lessons apply to designing user interfaces for many kinds of programs. An interactive drawing program allows the user to enter a picture with a spatial input device such as a mouse or a drawing pad and displays the picture as it is drawn. Most interactive systems have a menu that includes items such as boxes, ellipses, and lines of various flavors (vertical, horizontal, dotted, etc.) Immediate feedback makes such systems quite comfortable for drawing many simple pictures, but drawing this picture on an interactive system would require a steady hand and the patience of Job: 88 | MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 9 Pic’s programming constructs allow the picture to be drawn easily: pi = 3.14159; n= 10; c= 64 s = 2pi/n for i = 1 to n-1 do { for j = i+1 ton do { line from recos(s*i), r+sin(s#i)\ to recos(s#j), resin(s#j) ? (The backslash character \ at the end of a line allows the line to be continued on the next line.) But handy as such features are, doesn’t parsimony dictate that variables and £or loops properly belong in a full programming language? This concern is addressed by a subroutine library that adds pictures to the primitives sup- ported by a given language. Given a subroutine line(x1, y1, x2, y2), one could easily draw the last picture in Pascal: 3.141595 n Ss t= 2epi/ni for i 1 to n-1 do for 3 i+1 to n do line (r*cos(s*i), r*sin(s+*i), xecos(s#j), resin(s*j) )5 Ws 4x 0.45 Unfortunately, to draw this picture one must write, compile, execute, and debug a program containing subroutine calls like these: ellipse(0.3, 0, 0.6, 0.4) text(0.3, 0, “Input") arrow(0.75, 0, 0.3, 0) box(1.2, 0, 0.6, 0.4) text(1.2, 0, "Processor") arrow(1.65, 0, 0.3, 0) ellipse(2.1, 0, 0.6, 0.4) text(2.1, 0, "Output") Even such simple code may be too hard for some nonprogrammers who find Pic + Arguments beyond taste suggest that Pic’s for loops may be inappropriate: their syntax differs from similar loops elsewhere in the UNIX system, and Pic's for loops are orders of magnitude slower than those in other languages. Purists may write loops in other languages to generate Pic out- am a delighted if compromised user of Pic's for loops — the quilts and stereograms in the were easy to generate using that construct. COLUMN 9 LITTLE LANGUAGES 89 comfortable, such as technical typists or softwarc managers. The first two argu- ments to cach routine give the x and y coordinates of the center of the object: later arguments give its width and height or a text string. These routines are rather primitive; more clever routincs might, for instance, have an implicit motion associated with objects. So far I've used the term “little language” intuitively. The time has come for a more precise definition. I’ll restrict the term computer language to textual inputs, and thus ignore the spatial and temporal languages defined by cursor movements and button clicks. A computer language enables a textual description of an object to be pro- cessed by a computer program. The object being described might vary widely, from a picture to a program to a tax form. Defining “little” is harder: it might imply that a first-time user can use the system in half an hour or master the language in a day, or perhaps that the first implementation took just a few days. In any case, a little language is specialized to a particular problem domain and does not include many features found in conventional languages. Pic qualifies in my book as a little language, although admittedly a big little language. Its tutorial and user manual is 26 pages long (including over 50 sam- ple pictures); I built my first picture in well under an hour. Kernighan had the first implementation up and stumbling within a week of putting pencil to coding form. The current version is about 4000 lines of C code and represents several months of effort spread over five years. Although Pic has many features of big languages (variables, for statements, and labels), it is missing many other features (declarations, while and case statements, and facilities for separate compilation). I won't attempt a more precise definition of a little language; if the linguistic analogy gives you insight into a particular program, use it, and if it doesn’t, ignore it. We have considered three different approaches to specifying pictures: interactive systems, subroutine libraries, and little languages. Which one is best? Well, that depends. Interactive systems are probably the easiest to use for drawing simple pic- tures, but a large collection of pictures may be hard to manage. (Given 50 pictures in a long paper, how do you make all ellipses 0.1 inches wider and 0.05 inches shorter?) If your pictures are generated by big programs, subroutine libraries can be easy and efficient. Libraries are usually uncomfortable for drawing simple pictures, though. Little languages are a natural way to describe many pictures; they can be integrated easily into document production systems to include pictures in larger documents. Pictures can be managed using familiar tools such as file systems and text editors. 90 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 9 I've used picture-drawing programs based on cach of the three models: interac- tive drawers, subroutine libraries, and little languages. Each type of system is handy for drawing some pictures and awkward for others.+ 9.3 Pic Preprocessors One of the greatest advantages of little languages is that one processor's input can be another processor’s output. So far we've only thought of Pic as an input language. In this section we'll briefly survey two very small languages for describing specialized classes of pictures; their compilers generate Pic programs as output. We'll start with Scatter, a Pic preprocessor that makes scatter plots from x,y data. The output of Scatter is fed as input to Pic, which in turn feeds the Troff document formatter. This structure is easy to implement as a UNIX pipeline of processes: scatter infile | pic | troff >outfile (The UNIX Shell that interprets such commands is, of course, another little language. In addition to the i operator for constructing pipelines, the language includes common programming commands such as if, case, for and while.) Pic is a big little language, Scatter is at the other end of the spectrum. This Scatter input uses all five kinds of commands in the language. size x 1.8 size y 1.2 range x 1870 1990 range y 35 240 label x Year label y Population ticks x 1880 1930 1980 ticks y 50 100 150 200 file pop.d The size commands give the width (x) and height (y) of the frame in inches. The range commands tell the spread of the dimensions, and labels and ticks + In terms of implementation difficulty, all three approaches have a front end for specification and a back end for picture drawing. Subroutine libraries use a language's procedure mechanism as a front end: it may be clumsy, but it’s familiar and free. Little languages can use standard compiler tech- nology for their front end; we'll see such tools in Section 9.4. Because interactive systems usually involve real-time graphics, they are typically the hardest to implement and the least portable (often with two back ends: an interactive one shows the picture as it is being drawn, and a static one writes the complete picture to a file) COLUMN 9 LITTLE LANGUAGES 91 are similarly specified. Ranges are mandatory for both dimensions; all other specifications are optional. The description must also specify an input file con- taining x,y pairs. The first few lines in the file pop.d are 1880 50.19 1890 © 62.98 1900 = 76,21 1910 92,22 1920 106.02 The x-value is a year and the y-value is the United States population in millions in the census of that year. Scatter turns that simple description of a scatter plot into a 23-line Pic program that produces this graph: 200- . Population 'S°—] aaa 100 ‘ue so. ° I 1880 1930 1980 Year The Scatter language is tiny but useful. Its “compiler” is a 24+line Awk program that I built in just under an hour. (In many environments, Snobol’s string-processing facilities would make it the language of choice for quickly implementing a little language; Awk is a more natural choice in my UNIX environment.) A slightly larger little language for drawing graphs is described in Section 6.2 of The AWK Programming Language (cited in Section 2.6); it is not a Pic preprocessor, but rather prints the graph as an array of characters. Chemists often draw chemical structure diagrams like this representation of the antibiotic penicillin G: i H CH,-C—N, ett ceas cH, N H 0 ‘COOH A chemist could draw that picture in Pic, but it is a tedious and time-consuming task. It is more natural for an author with a chemical background to describe 92 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 9 the structure in the Chem language, using familiar terms like benzene rings, double bonds, and back bonds: R1; xing4 pointing 45 put N at doublebond -135 from R1.V3 ; 0 backbond up from R1.V1 3 H frontbond -45 from R1.V4 ; N H above N bond left from N ; C doublebond up ; 0 bond length .1 left from C ; CH2 bond length .1 left benzene pointing left R2: flatring5 put S at 1 put N at 4 with .vV5 at R1.V1 bond 20 from R2.V2 ; CH3 bond 90 from R2.V2 ; CH3 bond 90 from R2.V3 ; H backbond 170 from R2.V3 ; COOH v The history of Chem is typical of many little languages. Late one Monday afternoon, Brian Kernighan and I spent an hour with Lynn Jelinski, a Bell Labs chemist, moaning about the difficulty of writing. She described the hassles of including chemical structures in her documents: the high cost and inordinate delays of dealing with a drafting department. We suspected that her task might be appropriate for a Pic preprocessor, so she lent us a recent monograph rich in chemical diagrams. That evening Kernighan and | each designed a microscopic language that could describe many of the structures, and implemented them with Awk proces- sors, each about 50 lines long. Our model of the world was way off base — the book was about polymers, so our languages were biased towards linear struc- tures. Nevertheless, the output was impressive enough to convince Jelinski to spend a couple of hours educating us about the real problem. By Wednesday we had built a set of Pic macros with which Jelinski could, with some pain, draw structures of genuine interest to her; that convinced her to spend even more time on the project. Over the next few days we built and threw away several little languages that compiled into those macros. A week after starting the project, the three of us had designed and implemented the rudiments of the current Chem language, whose evolution since then has been guided by real users. The current version is about 500 lines of Awk and uses a library of about 70 lines of Pic macros. Jelinski, Kernighan, and I describe the language and present the complete code in Computers and Chemistry, vol. 11, no. 4, pp- 281-297, 1987. These two brief examples hint at the power of preprocessors for little languages. Pic produces line drawings. Scatter extends it to scatter plots and Chem deals with chemical structures. Each preprocessor was easy to implement by compiling into Pic. It would be more difficult to extend interactive drawing programs to new problem domains such as graphs or chemistry. COLUMN 9 LITTLE LANGUAGES 93 9.4 Little Languages for Implementing Pic In this section we'll turn from using Pic to building it. We'll study three UNIX tools that Kernighan used to construct the Pic language. Each of the tools can be viewed as providing a little language for describing part of the programmer's job. This section briefly sketches the three tools; the Further Reading describes all of them in detail. The purpose of this section is to hint at the breadth of little languages; you may skip to the next section any time you feel overwhelmed by the details. An earlier figure illustrates the components in a typical compiler; this figure shows that Pic has many, but not all, of those components: Lexical |_| Syntax Code Troft Input Analysis Analysis [—>} Generation Output Symbol Table We'll first study the Lex program, which generates Pic’s lexical analyzer. Then we'll turn to Yace, which performs the syntax analysis. Finally we'll look at Make, which manages the 40 source, object, header, testing and documentation files used by Pic. A lexical analyzer (or lexer) breaks the input text into units called tokens. It is usually implemented as a subroutine; at each call it returns the next token in the input text. For instance, on the Pic input line L: line dashed down .8 left .4 from RB1.s a lexer should return the following sequence: SYMBOL: TL LINE DASHED DOWN NUMBER: 0.8 LEFT NUMBER: 0.4 PROM SYMBOL: B1 SOUTH Constructing a lexer is straightforward but tedious, and therefore ideal work for a computer. Mike Lesk’s Lex language specifies a lexer by a series of pattern-action pairs. The Lex program reads that description and builds a C routine to implement the lexer. When the lexer recognizes the regular 94 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 9 expression on the left, it performs the action on the right. Here is a fragment of the Lex description of Pic: return(GT) ; return(LT) ; return(GE); return(LE) ; xeturn(HEAD1) 5 xeturn(HEAD2) ; return(HEAD12); "(stsouth) return(SOUTH) 5 -"(bibottbottom) return( SOUTH) ; The regular expression (aib) denotes either a or b. Given a description in this form, the Lex program gencrates a C function that performs lexical analysis. Those regular expressions are simple; Pic’s definition of a floating point number is more interesting ({D}4("."2) (D}+ o"{D}+) (CetE) ("#" t=) ?{D}+) The string “{D}” denotes the digits 0..9. (In the spirit of this column, observe that regular expressions arc a microscopic language for describing patterns in text strings.) Constructing a recognizer for that monster is tedious and error- prone work for a human. Lex quickly and accurately constructs a lexer from a description that is casy to prepare. Yacc is an acronym for “Yet Another Compiler-Compiler”. Steve Johnson’s program is a parser generator; it can be viewed as a little language for describ- ing languages. Its input has roughly the same pattern-action form as Awk and Lex: when a pattern on the left-hand side is recognized, the action on the right is performed. While Lex’s patterns are regular expressions, Yacc supports context-free languages. Here is part of Pic’s definition of an arithmetic expres- sion: expr: NUMBER VARNAME { $8 = gettval(s1); } expr ‘+’ expr { $$ = $1 + $3; } expr ’-’ expr { $$ = $1 - $3; } expr ’*’ expr { $$ = $1 * $3; } expr ‘/’ expr { if ($3 == 0.0) { error("division by zero"); $3 = 1.0; } $$ = $1/ $3; } “(expr “)' 0 { $8 = $2; } Given a description like this, Yacc builds a parser. When the parser finds expr + expr, it returns (in $$) the sum of the first expression ($1) and the second COLUMN 9 LITTLE LANGUAGES = 95, expression (which is the third object, $3). The complete definition describes the precedence of operators (* binds before +), comparison operators (such as < and >), functions, and several other minor complications. A Pic program can be viewed as a sequence of primitive geometric objects. A primitive is defined as primitive: BOX attrlist CIRCLE attrlist ELLIPSE attrlist ARC attrlist LINE attrlist boxgen($1); } elgen($1); } elgen($1); } aregen($1); } linegen($1); ) When the parser secs an ellipse statement, it parses the attribute list and then calls the routine elgen. It passes to that routine the first component in the phrase, the token ELLIPSE. The elgen routine uses that token to decide whether to generate a general ellipse or a circle (a special-case ellipse with length equal to width). All Pic primitives have the same attribute list; some primitives, however, ignore some attributes. An attribute list is either empty or an attribute list fol- lowed by an attribute attrlist: attrlist attr i /* empty #/ And here is a small part of the definition of an attribute: attr: DIR expr { storefattr($1, IDEF, $2); } DIR { storefattr($1, DEF, 0.0); } PROM position { storeoattr($1, $2); } TO position { storeoattr($1, $2); } AT position { storeoattr($1, $2); } As each attribute is parsed, the appropriate routine stores its value. This is an elegant implementation of the name-value pairs discussed in Section 4.1. These tools tackle well-studied problems. The compiler book cited in Section 9.7 devotes 80 pages to lexers and 120 pages to parsers. Lex and Yacc package that technology: the programmer defines the lexical and syntactic structure in straightforward little languages, and the programs generate high-quality proces- sors. Not only are the descriptions easy to generate in the first place, they make the language easy to modify. Stu Feldman’s Make program addresses a more mundane problem that is nonetheless difficult and crucial for large progsams: keeping up-to-date versions 96 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 9 of the files containing header code, source code, object code, documentation, test cases, etc. Here is an abbreviated version of the file that Kernighan uses to describe the files associated with Pic: OFILES = picy.o picl.o main.o print.o \ misc.o symtab.o blockgen.o \ CFILES = main.c print.c misc.c symtab.c \ blockgen.c boxgen.c circgen.c \ SRCFILES = picy.y picl.1 pic.h $(CFILES) pic: $(OFILES) cc $(OFILES) -1m S(OPILES): pic.h manual: pic manual ! eqn ! troff -ms >manual.out backup: $(SRCFILES) makefile pictest.a manual push safemachine $? /usr/bwk/pic touch backup bundle: bundle $(SRCPILES) makefile README The file starts with the definition of three names: OFILES are the object files, CFILES contain C code, and the source files SRCFILES consist of the C files and the Yacc description picy.y, the Lex description picl.1, and a header file. The next line states that Pic must have up-to-date versions of object files (Make’s internal tables tell how to make object files from source files). The next linc tells how to combine those into a current version of Pic. The fol- lowing line states that the object files depend on the two named header files. When Kernighan types make pic, Make checks the currency of all object files (€i1e.0 is current if its modification time is latcr than file.c), recompiles out-of-date modules, then loads the needed pieces along with the appropriate function libraries. The next two lines tell what happens when Kernighan types make manual: the file containing the user manual is processed by Troff and two preprocessor. The backup command saves on safemachine all modified files, and the bundle command wraps the named files into a package suitable for mailing. Although Make was originally designed specifically with compiling in mind, Feldman’s elegant general mechanism gracefully supports all these additional housekeeping functions. 9.5 Principles Little languages are an important part of the popular Fourth- and Fifth- Generation Languages and Application Generators, but their influence on com- puting is broader. Little languages often provide an elegant interface for humans to control complex programs or for modules in a large system to com- municate with one another. Although most of the examples in this column arc a ‘COLUMN 9 LITTLE LANGUAGES 97 large “systems programs” on the UNIX system, Section 12.2 shows how the ideas were used in a fairly mundane data processing system implemented in Basic on a microcomputer. The principles of language design summarized below are well known among designers of big programming languages. They are just as relevant to the design of little languages. Design Goals. Before you design a language, carefully study the problem you are trying to solve. Should you instead build a subroutine library or an interac- tive system? An old rule of thumb states that the first 10 percent of program- ming effort provides 90 percent of the functionality; can you make do with an Awk or Basic or Snobol implementation that cheaply provides the first 90 per- cent, or do you have to use more powerful tools like Lex and Yacc and Make to get to 99.9 percent? Simplicity. Keep your language as simple as possible. A smaller language is easier for its implementers to design, build, document and maintain and is easier for its users to learn and use. Fundamental Abstractions. Typical computer languages are built around the world-view of a von Neumann computer: instructions operate on small chunks of data. The designer of a little language has to be more creative: the primitive objects might be geometric symbols, chemical structures, context-free languages, or the files in a program. Operations on objects vary just as widely, from fusing two benzene rings to recompiling a source file. Identifying these key players is old hat to programmers; the primitive objects are a program’s abstract data types, and the operations are the key subroutines. Linguistic Structure. Once you know the basic objects and operations, there are still many ways of writing down their interactions. The infix arithmetic expression 2+34 might be written in postfix as 234*+ or functionally as plus(2,times(3,4)); there is often a tradeoff between naturalness of expression and case of implementation. But whatever clse you may or may not include in your language, be sure to allow indentation and comments. Yardsticks of Language Design. Rather than preach about tasteful design, T’'ve choscn as cxamples uscful languages that illustrate good taste. Here are some of their desirable properties. Orthogonality: keep unrelated features unrelated. Generality: use an operation for many purposes. Parsimony: delete unneeded operations, Completeness: can the language describe all objects of interest? Similarity: make the language as suggestive as possible. Extensibility: make sure the language can grow. Openness: let the user “escape” to use related tools. The Design Process, Like other great software, great little languages are 98 MORE PROGRAMMING PFARIS COLUMN 9 grown, not built. Start with a solid, simple design, expressed in a notation like Backus-Naur form. Before implementing the language, test your design by describing a wide variety of objects in the proposed language. After the language is up and running, iterate designs to add features as dictated by the needs of your customers. Insights from Compiler Building. When you build the processor for your lit- tle language, don’t forget lessons from compilers. As much as possible, separate the linguistic analysis in the front end from the processing in the back end; that will make the processor easier to build and easier to port to a new system or new use of the language. And when you need them, use compiler-building tools like Lex, Yace and Make. 9.6 Problems 1. Most systems provide a package for sorting files; the interface is usually a little language. Evaluate the language provided by your system. The UNIX system sort, for instance, is invoked by a command like sort -t: +3n This line says to use the character ; as the field separator and to sort the file so that the fourth field (skip the first three fields) occurs in numeric order. Design a less cryptic language and implement it, perhaps as a preprocessor that generates commands for your system sort. 2. Lex uses a little language for regular expressions to specify lexical analyzers. What other programs on your system employ regular expressions? How do they differ, and why? 3. Study different languages for describing bibliographic references. How do the languages differ in applications such as document retrieval systems and bibliography programs in document production systems? How are little languages used to perform queries in each system? 4, Study examples of what might be the littlest languages of them all: assem- blers, format descriptions, and stack languages. 5. Many people can perceive a three-dimensional image by crossing their eyes and fusing the two halves of stereograms: A small survey I conducted suggests that about half the readers of this COLUMN 9 LITTLE LANGUAGES 99 column should be able to perceive these three-dimensional scenes; the other half will get a headache trying. CO These pictures were drawn by a 40-line Pic program. Design and implement a three-dimensional language for describing stereograms. 6. Design and implement little languages. Interesting pictorial domains include electrical diagrams, data structures such as arrays, trees, and graphs (draw- ing Finite State Machines like those in Section 2.2 is especially interesting) and pictorially scored games, such as bowling and baseball. Another interesting domain is describing musical scores. Consider both rendering the score on a shect of paper and playing it on a music generator. 7. Design a little language to deal with common forms in your organization, such as expense reports for trips. 8. How can processors of little languages respond to linguistic errors? (Con- sider the options available to compilers for large languages.) How do partic- ular processors respond to errors? 9.7 Further Reading You may never have heard of Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools by Aho, Sethi and Ullman, but you'd probably recognize the cover of the “New Dragon Book” (published in 1986 by Addison-Wesley). And you can judge this book by its cover: it is an excellent introduction to the ficld of compilers, with a healthy emphasis on little languages. Furthermore, the book makes extensive use of Pic to tell its story in pictures. (Most of the compiler pictures in this ‘column were inspired by pictures in that book.) Chapter 8 of The UNIX Programming Environment by Kernighan and Pike (Prentice-Hall, 1984) is the case history of a little language. They start with a language for evaluating expressions, then add variables and functions, and 100 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 9 finally add control constructs and user-defined functions to achieve a fairly expressive programming language. Throughout the process Kernighan and Pike use the UNIX tools sketched in this column to design, develop and document their language. Chapter 6 of The AWK Programming Language cited in Sec- tion 2.6 describes how Awk can easily process very little languages. COLUMN 10: DOCUMENT DESIGN FOR A LONG TIME, COMPUTER OUTPUT LOOKED LIKE THIS. As time went on, printers acquired lower case letters and special characters!®#&%?! Then slow little daisy wheel printers started producing output so fine that it was called “typewriter-quality”. The printers offered new characters, such as italic fonts, and other typographic niceties, such as subscripting- Mechanical printers store letter images in pieces of metal; laser printers store letterforms as bits. (At last, something we programmers can get our hands on!) Laser printers therefore typically come with a wide variety of fonts, some more exotic than others, and the ability to make text larger or smatter. The first laser printers were expensive and huge, but technological advances have since reduced their cost to a few thousand dollars and a couple of square feet on a desk. Document production systems, such as Scribe, TEX and Troff, place the capabilities of the devices comfortably within the grasp of program- mers. Personal computers have spread the technology even more widely. The popular press touts the revolution in “desktop publishing”. Because thcy are the resident experts for all computing tools, many programmers have recently turned into amateur typesetters, with tools superior to those used by profession- als just a decade ago. ‘And that brings good news and bad. The good news is obvious: we program- mers can use these powerful tools to construct documents that are handsome to look at and casy to read. Many programmers now routinely typeset program documentation, course notes, technical reports, and articles for conference proceedings. The bad news, unfortunately, is sometimes even more obvious: most programmers haven't thought much about document design, and wr powerful tools can sometimes be powerfully ABUSED ™! Like most programmers, I have no training in book design. 1 first wrote this column shortly after I typeset my 1986 book Programming Pearls. During that project, I learned a great deal from professional book designers at Addison- Wesley and from several Bell Labs colleagues who were writing and typesetting books at that time. This column is my attempt ta pass On some of the more important lessons I learned during that exercise. 101 102 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 10 The previous column discussed several little languages for controlling typo- graphical programs. This column turns from the mechanism of document pro- duction to the appearance of the documents that we produce. The column is aimed at programmers who design and typeset their own documents. Program: mers not involved in typesetting may also enjoy parts of this column: documents employ general design principles that are also relevant to software. The next section is a detailed discussion of one diminutive domain: typeset- ting tables. The following section presents three design principles underlying tables and other typography. The two subsequent sections treat figures and text, and the final section considers the issue of selecting the right medium to present an idea. 10.1 Tables One could describe the sizes and populations of the various continents with a series of sentences, starting with “Asia comprises 16,999,000 square miles, which is 29.7% of the land area of the earth; its population is 2,897,000,000, or 59.8% of the world’s population.” That information is communicated more effectively by this table, which is easy to generate on many document produc- tion systems. This table, like all other tables in this book, was produced by Mike Lesk’s Tbl program. (Tbl is a little language for describing tables; it is implemented as yet another preprocessor for Troff.) Continent Area %Earth Pop. %Total Asia 16,999,000 29.7 -—-2,897,000,000 59.8 Africa 11,688,000 20.4 551,000,000 114 North America 9,366,000 16.3 400,000,000 8.3 South America 6,881,000 12.0 271,000,000 5.6 Antarctica 5,100,000 8.9 0 0 4,017,000 7.0 702,000,000 14.5 2,966,000 5.2 16,000,000 03 The remainder of this section is an exercise in table design. We'll hold con- stant the numbers and continent names that are the body of the table, and alter other design parameters in three additional tables. The next version of the table uses a Helvetica font,t provides more descriptive titles, centers the table within the margins, centers the continent names, and adds vertical and horizontal lines + The house style of Communications of the ACM in which this column originally appeared dictates that all tables shall be in a Helvetica font. One of the reasons is that tables are set in a small (8- point) text size, and small text isa little easier to read in Helvetica. ype COLUMN 10 DOCUMENT DESIGN 103 (called rules), Because the numbers are expressed in more natural units, the next table is narrow enough to fit in a single column of Communications of the ‘ACM (the first table had to span two columns when this column first appeared in that publication; just as in programming, typographical space is often free but sometimes costs dearly). Continent L____ Area Population Mill. Sq. Mi | % | Mil. | % Asia 16.999 29.7 | 2,897 | 59.8 Africa 11.688 20.4 561 11.4 North America 9.366 16.3 400 8.3 South America 681 | 120 [ 271 | 56 Antarctica 5.100 89 o[ 0 Europe 4.017 7.0 702 14.5 Australia 2,966 5.2 16 | 0.3 Rules are helpful in guiding the reader's eye, but the above table has too much of a good thing. The next table makes do with fewer rules, and doubles some of the more important ones to reflect their importance in the data set. Centering the names is also overdone, so we'll change them back to left- justified. We'll use a smaller typeface (9 points instead of 10), and we'll shrink the vertical spacing from 12 points to 11 points. The headings are reworded (as they are in each table in this series), and they are emphasized with a bold font. Continent Area Population 10° % of || Millions | % of Sq. Mi. | Total Total Asia 16.999 29.7 2,897 69.8 Africa 11.688 20.4 551 11.4 North America 9.366 16.3 400 8.3 South America 6.881 12.0 271 5.6 Antarctica 5.100 8.9 Oo oO Europe 4.017 7.0 702 14.6 Australia 2.966 5.2 16 0.3 The next version of the table is my personal favorite. It is inspired by the guidelines in Chapter 12 of The Chicago Manual of Style cited in Section 10.8. It uses as few rules as possible. The only double rule is on top, to set the table off from the preceding text. I'd like to distinguish the headings from the text, but the bold font in the previous table is too violent. The next table therefore uses SMALL CAPITALS for the major headings and leaves the others alone. For 104 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 10 similar reasons, the primary font is changed from Helvetica back to the original Times Roman. LAND AREA POPULATION Se a Square Miles Asia 16.999 29.7 | 2,897 | 598 Africa 11.688 20.4 ss. | 114 North America 9.366 16.3 400 83 South America 6.881 12.0 2 56 Antarctica 5.100 8.9 0 0 Europe 4.017 7.0 702 14.5 Australia 2.966 5.2 16 0.3 Although the four tables in this section contain the same data, their appear- ances are quite different. The best table design for a given document depends on a number of factors, ranging from the capabilities of the document produc- tion system (what can it do easily or at all?) to the purpose of the document (advertising should reach out and grab the reader's eye, while a manual should provide easy reference). This discussion of the superficial appearance of tables has neglected many fundamental issues in table design. The general form of all four tables is acceptable; it could have been worse (by swapping the rows and columns, for instance, or by re-ordering some rows or columns). Laying out tables with more elaborate structure can be challenging. All the tables, though, fail miserably in the description of the data: What is the source? How and when were the numbers gathered? Good tables tell who, what, where, when, why and how. This discussion entirely ignored the most important aspect of the table: What do the numbers mean? What do we do with them? As important as these issues are, though, they transcend the typographical theme of this column. 10.2. Three Design Principles But wait just a minute! This column is for programmers, and we all know how real programmers feel about documentation of any kind: slap it together as. quickly as possible so you can get back to the fun of programming. I won't try to convince hard-core code junkies that documentation is important, but I think that even they might have something to learn from document design. Everyone should read Strunk and White's classic little Elements of Style; the third edition was published by Macmillan in 1979. What Strunk and White do for English text, Kernighan and Plauger do for programs in their Elements of Programming Style (second edition, McGraw-Hill, 1978). Some of the prin- ciples they enunciate also apply to document design. Here are three fundamen- tal principles for producing better text, programs, or documents. i Iteration. Strunk and White advise authors to “Revise and rewrite.” Good programmers have long known this; Kernighan and Plauger’s Elements of COLUMN 10 DOCUMENT DESIGN 105 Programming Style is built around the revision of programs from textbooks. It took a lot of work to get from the first table to the last version, but an attractive document is sometimes worth the effort. Consistency. One could spend a lifetime revising and rewriting a single docu- ment. Strunk and White avoid this problem by counselling us to “Choose a suitable design and hold to it.” Some programmers have their design dictated by a shop-wide coding standard. A good standard is a delight, and a poor stan- dard is often better than none at all. Experiment to find the best style for a particular kind of document, then stick to it Minimalism. Because “vigorous writing is concise,” Strunk and White tell us to “Omit needless words.” Robust, efficient and maintainable programs are also concise; good programmers omit needless lines, variables and routines. I once heard a programmer praised with “He adds function by deleting code.” Try to remove as much as possible from your documents, such as superfluous font changes and excess rules, without reducing the information content. 10.3 Figures Let’s apply those principles to typesetting figures. We'll start with binary search in a sorted array, which is described in Section 3.1. Figure 1 shows a binary search for 50 in an array of 16 elements: the first probe compares 50 to the middle (eighth) element of the array (41), the second probe looks at the twelfth element, and so forth, until the fourth probe finds 50 in the eleventh position. The size, positioning, font and legend of Figure 1 are typical of many pictures produced on personal computers 26] 26] 31] 31] 32] 38|38| 41|43| 46 50] 53] 58] 59 79] 97 P ys Figure 1. Binary search in an array. A few experiments gave the next version of the figure, which uses more deli- cate lines and shrinks the boxes and text to fit comfortably within the margins. It also varies the length of the arrows that represent the probes, so the arrows get shorter as the probes get nearer the target. 26] 26] 3131 [32] 38] 38 [41] 43] 46 | $3] s8]s9]79[97 50 Ly 4 n—} Removing the ugly figure caption saves space and placing the figure within the paragraph saves the reader the effort of scanning for a figure number. 106 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 10 Page 391 of the May 1986 Communications of the ACM describes a system for typesetting music with a figure in an area of about 6x6.5 inches: Text Userparo} Text, Textual 7 music {formatter [> description Video Userp<—=} music R™| editor By shrinking a few pieces of geometry and rotating the diagram to flow across the page rather than down it, this figure does the same job in about one tenth of the area of the original (and space in that magazine does matter dearly). Shrinking figures not only saves space, but the final product looks more profes- sional than its larger cousins. Try it. The next column discusses a class of figure used commonly in technical writ- ing: graphs. This graph, for instance, shows a path through a direction field that is the solution to a differential equation. 0 0.10203040506070809 1 VV bb dW bd => Scere ee oSe oA eRe eisai ae 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.70809 1 Solution of a Differential Equation The next version presents the same data with fewer distractions. It has more informative labels, fewer ticks (the four in this version tell as much as the 84 in COLUMN 10 DOCUMENT DESIGN 107 the original), and reduced size. The garish arrows have been replaced by more subtle lines. yaVQx+D/3 0 ou Direction field is y’=x?/y Many picture programs offer claborate shading patterns that are frequently eye-catching and sometimes insightful. Too often, though, they obscure the message and induce vertigo. Some systems produce color figures, which can be incredibly powerful (if you disagree, ury reading a black-and-white xerographic copy of a color road map). But color is almost always expensive to reproduce, and is often overused. Be careful with these devices. The width of lines in a drawing can change the character of a figure. Here is a flow graph rendered in three different line widths: Thin lines fade away, while thick lines look heavy-handed. Strive for balance. The previous section sketched three design principles: iteration, consistency, and minimalism. The before-and-after pictures in this section show that itera tion is just as relevant for pictures as for any other design. Here are a few minimalistic points that I try to usc consistently in figures. Keep figures small, but big enough to read comfortably, Keep figures near the text they amplify. When possible, integrate figures into the text and do away with captions and figure numbers. Use color and background shadings sparingly. Use delicate line widths. 108 MORE PROGRAMMING PEARLS COLUMN 10 10.4 Text Tables and figures provide fine seasoning now and then, but the meat and potatoes of any document is text: paragraphs made of sentences made of words. Here are a few points about producing text that are often neglected in docu- ments written by programmers. Font and Size Changes. You know the topic of this paragraph because the first four words are in an italic font. That font is quite helpful for noting the definition of a technical term and for displaying mathematical variables (like x, y and z). Changing the size of text is also sometimes useful.t Beware the temptation to overuse these devices: a page full of font and size changes is hard for the eye to traverse. Display Lists. Text doesn’t always come wrapped neatly in paragraphs; there are many other ways to deliver words. 1. To make a sequence of similar points, try a sequence of indented paragraphs. 2. This mechanism draws the reader’s attention to the similarities and the differences in the points. 3. Don’t overdecorate. The numbers in this example are useless. They could be replaced by bullets or, better yet, nothing. This display list is abused; a paragraph would have served just as well. The display list at the end of the previous section is more appropriate. White Space. Use space to set apart the components of a document: para- graphs, clements in a display list, figures, or tables. Just as silence is important in telling a story aloud, space is crucial in laying out a document. Too little space is likeastorywithoutanypauses, while too much space, uhh, is, well, just as, ummmm, you know, unbearable. Page Format. This is the first thing a reader observes in your document. The chapter and section titles should provide a visual outline of the document but not be so overwhelming that they chop it into incoherent pieces. The same holds for captions of tables, figures, programs and the like. The running heads should inform yet not clutter. Page Layout. Once you have the content and the page format, the final step is to put the product into the package. Try to keep a table or a figure near the text that describes it; if you can’t put the figure on the same page, try for the opposite page rather than the back of the page. Other niceties include page balancing to ensure that opposing pages are the same length and removing widows and orphans (a single word on the last line in a paragraph or a single line at the top of a page) and rivers (streams of space running vertically through text). + Footnotes are small yet still readable. Their parenthetical nature is reflected in a reduced page budget. Smaller text is also often used in long quotations, exercises, solutions, bibliographies, and other supporting text. COLUMN 10 DOCUMENT DESIGN 109 The Publication Process. Before a paper appears on the pages of a typical journal, it receives the attention of many people. The author's technical contri- bution is examined and often improved by a technical editor and referees, A house editor then marks the writing style to conform to house style, and a printer sets type to prepare galley proofs. A professional artist simultaneously prepares figures. After an editor proofreads the pieces, they are laid out to form the page proofs. A lone programmer lacks the experience and taste of this gang of trained professionals, but has the advantage of being able to consider a problem from many viewpoints (if a figure doesn’t fit on a page, a programmer might float the figure to the next page, shrink it a little, rewrite surrounding text, or so on). Use your flexibility to advantage, but carefully consider any advice you can get from the professionals. The Logical Structure of Text. After this column appeared in Communica- tions of the ACM, Leslic Lamport of Digital Equipment Corporationt sent me this electronic mail: “The author should concentrate on the logical structure of the text more than its visual representation. The nice thing about: the typeset- ting systems you mentioned by name is that they allow the user to do this by defining commands. For example, the author of a cookbook can define logical structures like Recipe, Ingredient List, and Preparation Step. The author can easily change the formatting of these structures by redefining those commands. (A serious problem with many typesetting systems is that they encourage the user not to do this, but instead to add commands like Add Vertical Space and Two-Column List.)” Lamport continues, “Some of the advantages of such an approach are obvi- ous. Reformatting a paper from one journal format to another journal format, for instance, is rapid and almost painless. What is less obvious is how this improves the writing by forcing the author to be aware of the document’s struc- ture (or lack of structure).” 10.5 The Right Medium So far this column has concentrated on improving a given kind of presenta- tion. In an important sense, such typographic polishing is inherently superficial. Pretty typography can’t rescue a paper from bad spelling, faulty grammar, poor organization, or lack of content. We'll turn now to a fundamental contribution that typography can make to the clarity of a paper. Many ideas can be embo- died in several different forms, such as equations, pictures, or tables; modern document production systems give programmers a great deal of freedom in choosing the best form to convey an idea. + Lamport is the author of LATEX, a set of macros that provide a more structured interface to Knuth’s TEX typesetting system. He elaborates the ideas in his note in “Document production: visual or logical” in the “Mathematical text processing” column in the June 1987 Notices of the ‘American Mathematical Society, pp. 621-624.

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