Final Analisis Cuantitativo - LFS

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Data variable: PROFIT

Selection variable: PROFILE

294 values ranging from -15.18 to 15273.8

Summary Statistics for PROFIT

Count 294

Average 1860.98

Median 1328.91


Standard deviation 2232.4

Coeff. of variation 119.958%

Minimum -15.18

Maximum 15273.8

Range 15289.0

Interquartile range 1382.75

Kurtosis 12.5368

Frequency Tabulation for PROFIT

Lower Upper Relative Cumulative

Class Limit Limit Midpoint Frequency Frequency Frequency

at or below -999 0 0.0000 0

1 -999 2600.0 800.0 248 0.8435 248

2 2600 6200.0 4400.0 31 0.1054 279

3 6200 9800.0 8000.0 6 0.0204 285

4 9800 13400.0 11600.0 8 0.0272 293

5 13400 17000.0 15200.0 1 0.0034 294

above 17000 0 0.0000 294

Cum. Rel.

Class Frequency

1 0.8435

2 0.9490

3 0.9694

4 0.9966

5 1.0000


Mean = 1860.98 Standard deviation = 2232.4

Multiple Regression - PRICING PROFILE

Dependent variable: PRICING PROFILE

Independent variables:






Number of observations: 15

Standard T

Parameter Estimate Error Statistic P-Value

CONSTANT 0.173333 0.00766356 22.6179 0.0000

Analysis of Variance

Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value

Model 0 0
Residual 0.0123333 14 0.000880952

Total (Corr.) 0.0123333 14

R-squared = 0 percent

R-squared (adjusted for d.f.) = 0 percent

Standard Error of Est. = 0.0296808

Mean absolute error = 0.0235556

Durbin-Watson statistic = 1.31351 (P=0.0965)

Lag 1 residual autocorrelation = 0.288288

Stepwise regression

Method: forward selection

P-to-enter: 0.05

P-to-remove: 0.05

Step 0:

0 variables in the model. 14 d.f. for error.

R-squared = 0.00% Adjusted R-squared = 0.00% MSE = 0.000880952

Unusual Residuals

Predicted Studentized

Row Y Y Residual Residual

9 0.12 0.173333 -0.0533333 -2.07

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