TW 4 Terex: Instruction Manual

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The document provides instructions for the correct installation, operation, maintenance and safety warnings for a hydraulic winch model TW 4 TEREX.

The main components discussed are the lifting drum, hydraulic motor, brake system and gear reduction unit.

Proper installation requires using all fixing holes, suitable screws, and ensuring the support surface is rigid and flat to avoid damage. The direction of drum rotation must also match the indicated arrow.

Instruction manual

(Rexroth motor)

Code : DO 051103 Edition : 11/2005

TW 4 TEREX Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005


(Rexroth motor)

CONTENTS ................................................................................ Page

1 - Procedures for correct installation .................................. 3

1.1 - Main elements ..................................................................... 3
1.2 - General warnings ................................................................ 3
1.3 - Hydraulic system ................................................................. 4

2 - Technical aspects and information.................................. 5

2.1 - Identification and test information ....................................... 5
2.2 - Weight and dimensions ....................................................... 5
2.3 - Intended use ....................................................................... 5
2.4 - Winch hydraulic system with limit switch ............................. 5
2.5 - Lubrication ........................................................................... 5
2.6 - Installation ........................................................................... 5

3 - Operation ............................................................................ 6
3.1 - Connection to the hydraulic system .................................... 6
3.2 - Adjustment .......................................................................... 6
3.3 - Test before putting into operation ...................................... 6

4 - Maintenance ....................................................................... 7
4.1 - Changing oil ........................................................................ 7

5 - Warnings and hazards ...................................................... 8

5.1 - Safety devices ..................................................................... 8
5.2 - Hazards ............................................................................... 8

6 - Attachments ....................................................................... 9
6.1 - Winch identification data ..................................................... 9
6.2 - Dimensions and weights ..................................................... 10
6.3 - Conditions of use of the winch ............................................ 11
6.4 - Winch hydraulic system diagram ........................................ 13

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005 TW 4 TEREX

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
TW 4 TEREX Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005

1 Procedures for correct


The various winches manufactured by DINAMIC OIL

1.2 - General warnings
S.p.a. are produced with the maximum care and
tested individually with trial lifts of weights.
- Before starting to assemble the winch check that
In order to use the winch correctly and ensure cor- the direction of rotation of the lifting drum is the
rect long-term operation, it is advisable to study the same as that indicated by the arrow in the label on
following technical notes. the drum.
Winches with the opposite direction of rotation to
the standard one can be supplied on request.
SYSTEMS FOR LIFTING OR MOVING PEOPLE. - Our winches can be mounted with the fixing feet
facing downwards, upwards, or in any intermedi-
ate position.
Ensure that the support surface onto which the
1.1 - Main elements winch will be fixed is sufficiently rigid and flat. If this
is not the case, when the fixing screws are tight-
ened, forces are generated on the supports which
- Hydraulic motor: axial piston design.
are transmitted to the internal bodies causing
- Locking brake: made with bronze disks con- them to wear rapidly.
nected to the motor shaft, alternated with steel
- Always use all the fixing holes, normally four, and
discs connected to the winch structure, they are
use suitably sized screws for the holes and of
released by pressurized oil that supplies the hy-
class 10.9. Tighten the screws to the required
draulic motor and closed by Belleville washers
which, with the motor stopped, lock the various
disks. - Normally the winch is connected to the hydraulic
liquid circuit with three pipes.
- Epicyclic reduction gear: this is fitted inside the
Two pipes supply the motor and the third carries
drum and increases the couple available for lifting,
the drainage oil from the motor to the tank.
reducing the rotation speed of the drum in relation
Check that the diameter of the pipes is not lower
to that of the hydraulic motor. It has three stages
than that of the connection holes provided on the
and is sized to deliver the required couple for the
valve and motor.
lifting of the maximum weight.
Connect the drainage pipe directly to the hydraulic
- Lock and lowering control valve: fitted directly oil tank, without passing through the filter or other
to the hydraulic motor, this element is fundamental outlet collectors. The internal diameter of this pipe
for the safety of the winch. It prevents the motor must never be less than 1/4".
from losing control of the load during lowering.
- For the lubrication of internal parts (brake, reduc-
- Drum and related support structure: the drum tion unit, bearings), use ISO VG 150 oil (with EP
is made from steel tube and runs on ball bearings. additives).
The support structure is bolted type making it
extremely rigid and compact.

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005 TW 4 TEREX

There would be a reduction in the pressure of the

1.3 - Hydraulic system
brake spring and a reduction in braking couple.
The hydraulic system to which the winch is con- To avoid malfunctions of the winch the pressure
nected is of particular importance for correct opera- driving the oil through the pipes, with the system
tion. It is essential that the winch control distributor, stopped, should never exceed 0,4 - 0,5 MPa.
in its central position, provides an outlet for the sides Another important element in the hydraulic system is
of the motor. the filter. A 10 micron filter is recommended. Peri-
It should therefore be an open center distributor, with odic replacement of the filter prolongs the life of all
an "H" shape, and the lever should have spring- the components of the system and helps to keep
return to the central position. If a closed center dis- down the oil circulation pressure in the pipes.
tributor is used the locking brake cannot function. A maximum pressure limiting valve is essential on
The brake opens automatically when the motor the winch supply system. Normally such a valve is an
starts up and closes again when the motor stops. integral part of the control distributor, but if one is not
present, a maximum pressure valve should be fitted
To open the brake, a small quantity of pressurized oil to the pipe lines, set at the maximum recommended
from the motor supply line is drawn off and sent to a pressure.
piston inside the brake body (minimum opening
pressure 1,8 - 2,0 MPa). The pressurized oil acts on
the pin of the springs that lock together the various
brake disks, allowing the free rotation of the motor
When the winch is stopped by moving the distributor
lever to the central position the brake should close
with the springs pushing on the various disks and
locking the system. To allow this the pressurized oil
has to be released into the system through the two
motor supply lines. If the distributor is closed in its
central position, it does not allow free connection to
the motor supply lines with the tank, and the brake
will not close.
The winch might still operate without problems but
the following malfunction would occur:
- when the winch is stopped with a suspended load
it would tend to slowly move down with little jud-
As already stated, the diameter of the pipes must be
proportional to the oil volume supplied to the pump.
Pipes of insufficient diameter could cause an in-
crease in operating pressure throughout the system.
Even with the winch stopped, a degree of pressure
would be generated simply by the oil running through
the pipes.
When the winch is stopped with a suspended load
with the distributor connections open, the pressure,
after the depressurizing of the system, acts on the
brake piston.

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
TW 4 TEREX Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005

2 Technical aspects and information

2.1 - Identification and test information 2.6 - Installation

- Before starting check the flatness and rigidity of

See para. 6.1. the slab to which the winch is to be fixed.
- Position the winch on the fixing slab and ensure
2.2 - Weight and dimensions that the four fixing legs rest perfectly on the slab
See para. 6.2.
- For fixing use class 10.9 screws and tighten to the
torque indicated in para. 6.3.

2.3 - Intended use

See para. 6.3.

2.4 - Winch hydraulic system with limit switch

See para. 6.4.

2.5 - Lubrication

The winch requires oil bath lubrication for the gears

inside the drum. It is therefore necessary, before
installing, to fill the drum to the required level as
indicated in para. 6.3.
This means filling the drum up to approximately its
horizontal axis. The recommended oil for lubrication
is ISO VG 150 (with EP additives).

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005 TW 4 TEREX

3 Operation

Do not fit a cable longer than the maximum length

3.1 - Connection to the hydraulic system
(see para 6.3).

After installation, fit the two main pipes to the stop When fitting the cable, check that the rotation of the
valve flanged to the winch motor. drum is the same as that indicated by the arrow on
the winch drum.
Use adequately sized pipes so as to avoid significant
pressure loss along the pipes. The operating pres- The correct fitting of the cable reduces wear and
sure figures, given in the load diagrams, refer to use avoids the load from dropping suddenly. If during
with return pressure equal to atmospheric pressure. initial fitting the cable is not sufficiently compact,
when the load is applied the cable can easily jam
between underlying coils, causing damage to the
CHECK THE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM DIAGRAM cable and the load to drop suddenly.
(see para. 6.4). When the cable is fitted, reposition the arm of the
limit switch and refit the preloaded spring. Conduct a
few test lifts with weights, not above the permitted
1) - Connect the motor drainage directly to the
maximum, and check that the limit switches function
tank. The pressure on the drainage line, meas-
ured near to the motor, must not exceed 0,10 -
0,15 MPa (1 - 1,5 bar). When the lower limit switch activates there should
always be at least 4 or 5 coils remaining around the
3.2 - Adjustment

The winch does not require any form of adjustment.

Never change the settings of the stop valve flanged
to the motor, since this could cause dangerous mal-

3.3 - Tests before putting into operation

Before fitting the cable to the drum, demount the

preloaded spring of the lower limit switch and rotate
back the trigger arm. Check that the breaking strain
of the cable and hook are at least 5 times as high as
the nominal lifting stain on the winch identification

If lifting directly by cable it is advisable to use anti-

rotation cable. The diameter of the cable should not
be less than 1/20 of the diameter of the drum.

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
TW 4 TEREX Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005

4 Maintenance

4.1 - Changing oil

It is advisable to replace the lubricating oil of the

reduction gear mounted inside the drum every six
months or after 600 hours of use.
To replace the oil, unwind the cable until the cap found
on the drum about 60 mm from the motor side is
Place a container below the drum to collect the oil to
be replaced, undo the cap and rotate the drum 180°.

Empty the drum of oil, rotate it 180° and add enough

oil to fill the drum up to its horizontal axis, then replace
the cap.

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005 TW 4 TEREX

5 Warnings and hazards

5.1 - Safety devices

A - Hydraulic pilot stop valve:

a) load stop;
b) motor drive control;
c) locking in the case of pipe breakage.

B - Brake: for locking the drum with a suspended


C - Fleeting control: free extensions from the lat-

eral flanges of the drum, not less than 1,5 times
the thickness of the cable with respect to the last
layer of cable.

D - Limit switch devices (Machine Directive must maintain the range of movement
of the load within the designed limits.

5.2 - Hazards

In accordance with the requirements of the Machine

Directive, whenever the drum cable assembly is
accessible to the operator or to anyone who might be
within its range of action, this assembly should be
covered with a guard. The various possible configu-
rations of the machine onto which our equipment is
installed should be borne in mind when making this

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
TW 4 TEREX Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005

6 Attachments

6.1 - Winch identification data

Argano tipo ___________ Codice ______________

Matricola ____________ Anno fabbr. ___________
Tiro max _________ KN
Cod. cliente _______________ Lotto ____________
Ordine cliente _____________________


Fig. 6.1.1

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005 TW 4 TEREX

6.2 - Dimensions and weights






n°4 Ø22


Total weight with oil = 340 kg


D = 1/2" BSP
P = 1/2" BSP
A = 1" BSP
B = 1" BSP


Fig. 6.2.1

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
- 10 -
TW 4 TEREX Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005

6.3 - Conditions of use of the winch

- Nominal pull: 38 kN (see "Pressure / pulley diagram")

- Axial piston hydraulic motor: REXROTH A2 FM 63

- Parking brake: static couple of 40 daNm

- Minimum brake opening pressure: 2 MPa (20 bar)

- Three stage epicyclic reduction: ratio 1 : 52,675

- Max. supply pressure: 263,5 l/1'

- Max. lifting speed: 94,5 m/1" (see "Capacity / speed diagram")

- Max. quantity of Ø 15 mm cable: 191 m in five layers

- Lubrication oil volume: 12 l

- Winch fixing screws: 4 M 20 class 10.9 (screw couple 56 daNm)

- Total mass of winch with motor,

valve and lubricating oil: 340 kg

Classification of the mechanisms

- According to FEM 1.001: class of use T6
class of spectrum L2
class of mechanisms M6

- Winding ratio D/d: 21,25 (min. 18)

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
- 11 -
Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005 TW 4 TEREX



51 - 1st layer
47 - 2nd layer

40 43,5 - 3rd layer

40,5 - 4th layer
38 - 5th layer



9 11 13 15 17 19 21 21,5 MPa


60 - 2nd layer 65 - 3rd layer

55 - 1st layer 70 - 4th layer
74,5 - 5th layer
108 - 5th layer
100 101 - 4th layer

94 - 3rd layer
80 87 - 2nd layer
80 - 1st layer



80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 263,5 l/1'

Fig. 6.3.1

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
- 12 -
TW 4 TEREX Code DO 051103 - Ed. 11/2005

6.4 - Winch hydraulic system diagram

V1 Descent line
V2 Lifting line
C3 Connection to brake
D Drainage connection
1 Open center distributor
2 Maximum pressure limiting valve
3 Limit switch solenoid

V1 C3 V2



Fig. 6.4.1

DINAMIC OIL S.p.A. - Via Togliatti, 15 - 41030 BOMPORTO (MO) - Italy - Tel. 059/812611 - Fax 059/812606
- 13 -

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