French Omelette Recipe

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Basic French Omelet Recipe

Total Time: 7m
Prep Time: 2m
Cook Time: 5m
Yields: 1 Serving

1. BEAT eggs, wat er, salt and pepper in small bowl unt il blended.

2. HEAT but t er in 6 to 8-inch nonst ick omelet pan or skillet over medium-high heat unt il hot . TILT pan
to coat bot tom. POUR egg mixt ure into pan. Mixt ure should set immediat ely at edges.

3. Gent ly PUSH cooked port ions from edges toward t he cent er wit h invert ed t urner so t hat uncooked
eggs can reach t he hot pan surface. CONTINUE cooking, t ilt ing pan and gent ly moving cooked
port ions as needed.

4. When top surface of eggs is t hickened and no visible liquid egg remains, PLACE filling on one side of
t he omelet . FOLD omelet in half wit h t urner. Wit h a quick flip of t he wrist , TURN pan and INVERT or
SLIDE omelet onto plat e. SERVE immediat ely.

What You Need

2 large EGGS
2 Tbsp. wat er
1/8 tsp. salt
Dash pepper
1 tsp. but t er
1/3 cup filling, such as shredded cheese, finely chopped ham

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