Lavatherm 75280ac EN User Manual

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LAVATHERM 75280AC EN User manual


1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4. CONTROL PANEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5. BEFORE FIRST USE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6. PROGRAMMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7. USING THE APPLIANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
8. HINTS AND TIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
9. CARE AND CLEANING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
10. TROUBLE SHOOTER AND SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
11. TECHNICAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
12. INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


Thank you for choosing this AEG product. We have created it to give you impeccable
performance for many years, with innovative technologies that help make life simpler –
features you might not find on ordinary appliances. Please spend a few minutes reading to get
the very best from it.
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We recommend the use of original spare parts.
When contacting Service, ensure that you have the following data available.
The information can be found on the rating plate. Model, PNC, Serial Number.

Warning / Caution-Safety information

General information and tips
Environmental information

Subject to change without notice.


Before the installation and use of the ap- where the appliance door can not be
pliance, carefully read the supplied in- fully opened.
structions. The manufacturer is not re- • Always be careful when you move the
sponsible if an incorrect installation and appliance because it is heavy. Always
use causes injuries and damages. Always wear safety gloves.
keep the instructions with the appliance
• Always move the appliance vertically.
for future reference.
• The rear surface of the appliance must
be put against the wall.
1.1 Children and vulnerable • Make sure that there is air circulation
people safety between the appliance and the floor.
WARNING! • Make sure the carpet does not ob-
Risk of suffocation, injury or per- struct the ventilation openings in the
manent disability. base of the appliance (if applicable).
• Exhaust air must not be discharged in-
• This appliance can be used by chil- to a flue which is used for exhausting
dren aged from 8 years and above fumes from appliances burning gas or
and persons with reduced physical, other fuels. (if applicable)
sensory or mental capabilities or lack • If the tumble dryer is put on top of a
of experience and knowledge if they washing machine, use the stacking kit.
have been given supervision or in- The stacking kit, available from your
struction for the operation of the ap- authorized vendor, can be used only
pliance by a person who is responsible with the appliance specified in the in-
for their safety. structions, supplied with the accesso-
• Do not let children play with the appli- ry. Read it carefully before installation
ance. (Refer to the Installation leaflet).
• Keep all packaging away from chil- • Ensure you have good ventilation in
dren. the installation room to avoid the back
• Keep all detergents away from chil- flow of gases into the room from ap-
dren. pliances burning other fuels, including
• Keep children and pets away from the open fires.
appliance door when it is open. • The appliance can be installed as free-
• Cleaning and user maintenance shall standing or below the kitchen counter
not be made by children without su- with correct space (Refer to the Instal-
pervision. lation leaflet).
• When the appliance is put in its per-
manent position, check if it is fully lev-
1.2 Installation el with the aid of a spirit level. If it is
• Remove all the packaging. not, adjust the feet until it is.
• Do not install or use a damaged appli-
ance. Electrical connection
• Obey the installation instruction sup- WARNING!
plied with the appliance. Risk of fire and electrical shock.
• Make sure that the floor where you in-
stall the appliance is flat, stable, heat • The appliance must be earthed.
resistant and clean. • Make sure that the electrical informa-
• Do not install or use the appliance tion on the rating plate agrees with
where the temperature is less than 5°C the power supply. If not, contact an
or higher than 35°C. electrician.
• Do not install the appliance behind a • Always use a correctly installed shock-
lockable door, a sliding door or a door proof socket.
with a hinge on the opposite side,

• Do not use multi-plug adapters and • Do not dry the damaged items which
extension cables. contain padding or fillings.
• Make sure not to cause damage to the • Do not dry items such as foam rubber
mains plug and to the mains cable. (latex foam), shower caps, waterproof
Should the appliance power supply textiles, rubber backed articles and
cable need to be replaced, this must clothes or pillows fitted with foam rub-
be carried out by our Service Centre. ber pads..
• Connect the mains plug to the mains • Before drying items that have been in
socket only at the end of the installa- contact with substances such as cook-
tion. Make sure that there is access to ing oil, acetone, alcohol , petrol, kero-
the mains plug after the installation. sene, spot removers, turpentine, wax-
• Do not pull the mains cable to discon- es and wax removers, wash them in
nect the appliance. Always pull the hot water with an extra amount of de-
mains plug. tergent.
• Do not touch the mains cable or the • Do not dry items in the appliance if in-
mains plug with wet hands. dustrial chemicals have been used for
• Only for UK and Ireland. The appli-
ance has a 13 amp mains plug. If it is • Make sure that no gas lighters or
necessary to change the fuse in the matches have been left in the pockets
mains plug, use a 13 amp ASTA (BS of the clothing.
1362) fuse. • Only dry fabrics which are applicable
• to dry in the tumble dryer. Follow the
instructions on the fabric label.
• Do not dry not washed items in the
This appliance complies with the appliance.
E.E.C. Directives. • If you have washed your laundry with a
stain remover start an extra rinse cycle
1.3 Use before you start the dryer.
• Do not drink or prepare food with the
WARNING! condensed water. It can cause health
Risk of fire, explosion, electric problems to people and pets.
shock or damage to the appli-
ance • Do not sit or stand on the open door.
• Obey the maximum load volume of 8
• Use this appliance in a household on- kg (refer to the “Programme chart”
ly. chapter).
• Do not change the specification of this • Do not dry dripping wet clothes in the
appliance. tumble dryer.
• The final part of the drying cycle oc-
curs without heat (cool down cycle) to 1.4 Care and Cleaning
ensure that the items will not be dam-
aged. WARNING!
Risk of injury or damage to the
If you stop the appliance before the appliance.
end of the drying cycle, immediately
remove and spread out all items, so • Before maintenance, deactivate the
that the heat can dissipate. appliance and disconnect the mains
• If you use fabric softener or similar plug from the mains socket.
products, obey the instructions on the • Do not use water spray and steam to
packaging. clean the appliance.
• Do not run the appliance without a fil- • Clean the appliance with a moist soft
ter. Clean the lint filter before or after cloth. Only use neutral detergents. Do
each use. not use abrasive products, abrasive
• Wipe away lint that has accumulated cleaning pads, solvents or metal ob-
around the appliance. jects.

1.5 Disposal • Cut off the mains cable and discard it.
• Remove the door catch to prevent
WARNING! children and pets to get closed in the
Risk of injury or suffocation. appliance.
• Disconnect the appliance from the
mains supply.




6 4

1 Control panel 7 Lock knobs

2 Load door (reversible) 8 Rating plate
3 Airflow slots 9 Sliding button to open the condens-
er door
4 Adjustable feet
10 Filter
5 Condenser door
11 Water container
6 Condenser cover

3.1 Stacking kit in loop. Decrease the length of the hose
if necessary.
Read carefully the instructions supplied
with the accessory.

3.3 Pedestal with the drawer

Accessory name: SKP11, STA8, STA9

Available from your authorized vendor.
Stacking kit can be used only with the
Accessory name: PDSTP10.
washing machines specified in the leaf-
It is available from your authorized ven-
let. See the leaflet attached.
Read carefully the instructions supplied
To put the appliance higher at the level
with the accessory.
which helps to easy load and remove the
3.2 Draining kit The drawer can be used for laundry stor-
age e.g. : towels, cleaning products and
Read carefully the instructions supplied
with the accessory.

3.4 Drying rack

Accessory name: DK11.

It is available from your authorized ven-
dor (can be attached to some types of
the tumble dryers)
The accessory for through draining of
the condensed water into a basin, si-
phon, gully, etc. After the installation, Accessory name: RA5, RA6, RA11, RA12
the water container is drained automati- It is available from your authorized ven-
cally. The water container must stay in dor (can be attached to some types of
the appliance. the tumble dryers). Do the check with
The installed hose must be on the height the vendor or on the web site if the ac-
from minimum of 50 cm to maximum of cessory is compatible with your appli-
1 m from floor level. The hose cannot be ance.

Drying rack accessory let to dry safely in • soft toys

the tumble dryer: • lingerie
• sport shoes Read carefully the instructions supplied
• wool with the accessory.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 The programme dial

Symbol Description
2 The On/Off push button
maximum extra
3 The programme indicators dryness
4 The Dry Plus push button
5 The Delicate push button
6 The Anticrease push button delay start
7 The Buzzer push button m/ m anti-crease time
8 The Time Drying push button
drying cycle
9 The Delay Start push button phase indicator
10 The display cooling cycle
11 The Start/Pause push button phase indicator
12 The indication lamps: drain the wa- crease guard cy-
ter container, clean the filter, clean
cle phase indica-
the condenser
4.1 Display child lock activa-
cycle time indica-
Symbol Description - time programme
default dryness selection (10 min.
level - 2h.)
moderate extra - delay start selec-
dryness tion (30 min. -


Clean the tumble dryer drum with a (e.g. 30 minutes time programme) with
moist cloth or set a short programme the load of moist cloths.

Load Available Fabric
Programme 1) Properties
functions mark
all except
To dry cotton pieces of clothing.
Extra Dry 8 kg Time Dry-
Drying level: extra dry.

Cupboard all except

To dry cotton pieces of clothing.
8 kg Time Dry-
Dry 2) Drying level: cupboard dry.
all except
To dry cotton pieces of clothing.
Iron Dry 2) 8 kg
Drying level: applicable to iron.
Time Dry-

To dry leisure clothing such as

all except
jeans, sweat-shirts of different ma-
Jeans 8 kg Time Dry-
terial thicknesses (e.g. at the neck,
cuffs and seams).
To dry bed linen such as: single and all except
Bed Linen 3 kg double sheet, pillowcase, bed- Time Dry-
spread. ing
all except
To dry single or double duvet and Anti-
Duvets 3 kg pillows (with feather, down or syn- crease
thetic fillings). and Time
To dry laundry with the time set by
the user. The time value must be
all except
Time Drying 8 kg related to the load. To dry one item
Dry Plus
or small quantities of the laundry
we recommend to use short times.
all except:
Extra Quick To dry cotton and synthetic fabrics, Delicate
3 kg
Mixed uses low temperature. and Time

Load Available Fabric

Programme 1) Properties
functions mark
all except
To dry synthetic pieces of clothing.
Extra Dry 3,5 kg Time Dry-
Drying level: extra dry.

Cupboard all except

To dry synthetic pieces of clothing.
3,5 kg Time Dry-
Dry 2) Drying level: cupboard dry.
all except
To dry synthetic pieces of clothing.
Iron Dry 3,5 kg Time Dry-
Drying level: applicable to iron.

To dry easy care fabrics such shirts

and blouses; for minimum ironing
effort. The results can be different all except
1 kg
for to the different types of fabric Time Dry-
Easy Iron (or 5
and its finish. Put fabrics in the tum-
ble dryer straight. After the cycle, ing 3)
immediately remove dried fabrics
and put on a cloths hanger.
To dry outdoor pieces of clothing, all except
technical, sports, pile fabrics, water- Anti-
Active Wear 2 kg proof and breathable jackets, shell crease
jacket teamed with a removable and Time
fleece or inner insulation. Drying 3)
To dry sportswear, thin and light all except
Sports 2 kg fabrics, microfiber, polyester, which Time Dry-
are not ironed. ing
all except
Delicates 3 kg To dry delicate fabrics. Time Dry-
ing 3)
To refresh the cloths made of Buzzer ,
wool . The cloths become soft and Time Dry-
Wool Re-
1 kg cosy. We recommend to remove ing 4),
the cloths immediately after the Delay
programme end. Start 3)
1) maximal weight of dry clothes
2) For test institutes only:
To make a performance test use the standard programmes which are specified in the EN
61121 document. If is necessary to correct the remaining moisture level of the laundry,
adjust the programme with the Dry Plus function .
3) Delicate activated by default
4) Only with the drying rack — see chapter ACCESSORIES


7.1 Preparing the laundry 3. Close the appliance door.

Dry only the laundry applicable CAUTION!

to dry in the tumble dryer. Make Do not lock the laundry in be-
sure if the laundry is applicable tween the appliance door and
to dry in the tumble dryer. Do rubber seal.
the check of the fabric mark on
the clothes. 7.3 Switching on the appliance
Fabric Property Push the On/Off button to activate or to
deactivate the appliance. When the ap-
pliance is on, some indications come in
Applicable to dry in the to the view on the display.
tumble dryer
Applicable to dry in the 7.4 Auto stand-by function
tumble dryer at standard To decrease the energy consumption,
temperature the automatic stand-by function deacti-
Applicable to dry in the vates the appliance:
tumble dryer at decreased • if the Start/Pause button was not
temperature pushed in the time of 5 minutes.
Not applicable to dry in the • after 5 minutes from the programme
tumble dryer end.
Push the On/Off button to activate the
Correctly prepare the laundry: appliance.
• close zips, button up duvet covers and
attach loose ties or ribbons (e.g. rib- 7.5 Setting a programme
bons of aprons) - laundry can tangle
• make sure the pockets are empty - re-
move metal items (paper clips, safety
pins, etc.).
• turn items with 2 fabric layers inside
out (e.g. cotton lined anoraks, the cot-
ton fabric layer must be external).
Dry only:
• cotton and linen with Cottons pro-
• synthetic and mixtures with Synthetic
• separately the strong coloured textiles
and the light coloured textiles - col-
ours can bleed
• cotton jersey and knitwear only with
the applicable programmes - items
can shrink
Use the programme dial to set the pro-
Do not put more laundry than
gramme. The possible time to complete
the maximum load which is 8kg.
the programme come into view on the
7.2 Loading the laundry
1. Pull the appliance door
2. Load loosely the laundry.

The drying time you see is rela- 7.10 The Buzzer function
ted to the load of 5 kg for cotton
and jeans programmes. For the When the buzzer function is activated
other programmes the drying you can hear the buzzer at the:
time is related to the recommen- • cycle end
ded loads. The drying time of the • anti-crease phase start and end
cotton and jeans programmes
with the load more than 5 kg is • cycle interruption
longer. The buzzer function is by default always
on. You can use this function to activate
or deactivate the sound.
7.6 Special functions
Together with the programme you can 7.11 The Time Drying function
set 1 or more special functions.
To activate or deactivate the function Operates only with the Time pro-
push the applicable push button. gramme. Lets the user to set special
time of drying programme from mini-
mum 10 min. to maximum of 2 hours (in
10 min. steps).

7.12 The Delay Start function

Let to delay the start of a drying
programme from minimum of 30
When the function is activated the LED minutes to maximum of 20 hours.
above the push button or symbol on the
display comes into view. 1. Set the drying programme and func-
7.7 The Dry Plus function 2. Push the Delay start button again
and again until the necessary time of
This function helps to get the laundry the delay come into the view on the
more dried. There are 3 possible selec-
display (e.g. if the programme
has to start after 12 hours.)
- the default selection which is rela-
ted to the programme. 3. To activate the Delay start function,
— the selection to get the laundry push the Start/Pause button. The
lightly dried. time to start decreases on the dis-
— the selection to get the laundry play.
more dried.
7.13 Child lock function
7.8 The Delicate function The child lock can be set to prevent the
To dry more lightly the sensitive and children to play with the appliance. The
temperature sensitive textiles (e.g. acryl- child lock function locks all push buttons
ic, viscose). For fabrics with the symbol and the programme dial (this function
does not lock On/Off button). To acti-
on the fabric label. Programme oper- vate the child lock function push the Dry
ates with decreased heat. Plus and Delicate buttons at the same
time until the symbol come into view
7.9 The Anticrease function on the display. To deactivate push again
the above buttons until the symbol go
Extends anticrease phase (30 minutes) at
out of view.
the end of the drying cycle to 90 mi-
You can activate the child lock function:
nutes. This function prevents laundry
from creases. Laundry can be removed • before you push the Start/Pause but-
during the anticrease phase. ton - the appliance cannot start

• after you push the Start/Pause button 7.16 At the end of programme
- all the push buttons and the pro-
gramme dial are deactivated When the drying cycle is completed, the
symbol flashes on the display. If the
7.14 Starting a programme Buzzer function is on, an acoustic signal
sounds intermittently for one minute.
To remove the laundry:
1. Push the On/Off button for 2 sec-
onds to deactivate the appliance.
2. Open the appliance door.
3. Remove the laundry.
4. Close the appliance door.
To activate the programme push the After each drying cycle:
Start/Pause button. The LED above the
push button changes the colour to red.
• clean the filter
7.15 Change a programme • drain the water container
(See chapter CARE AND CLEANING.)
To change a programme, push the On/
Off button to deactivate appliance. Push
the On/Off to activate the appliance and
then set the programme again.


8.1 Ecological hints the water conductivity you can adjust the
sensor to dry with the better results.
• Do not use fabric softener to wash and To change the sensor conductivity:
then dry. In the tumble dryer laundry 1. Turn the programme dial to availa-
becomes soft automatically. ble programme.
• Use the condensate as distilled water, 2. Push at the same time the Dry Plus
e.g. for steam ironing. If necessary and the Anticrease buttons. Hold
clean the condensate before (e.g. with down until one of the symbols go in-
a coffee filter) to remove possible to view on the display:
small pieces of fluff.
– low conductivity <300 μS/
• Always keep the airflow slots on the
bottom of the appliance clear.
– moderate conductivity
• Use the load volumes specified in the
programmes chapter. 300-600 μS/cm
• Make sure that is good airflow in the – high conductivity >600
appliance installation position. μS/cm
• Clean the filter after each drying cycle. 3. Push the Start Pause button again
• Spin good the laundry before drying. and again until you set necessary
4. To memorise the setting push at the
8.2 Water hardness and same time the Dry Plus and the Anti-
conductivity crease buttons.
Water hardness can be different for dif-
ferent locations. Water hardness has an
effect on the water conductivity and the
operation of the conductivity sensor in
the appliance. If you know the value of

8.3 Water container full — 2. Push at the same time the Dry Plus
and Buzzer buttons and hold down
indication until you see the correct setting:
By default the indication LED is always – the LED is off and the symbol
on. It comes into the view at the end of goes into the view - The
the cycle or when the water container is LED is permanently off
full. When you use an external equip-
– the LED is on and the symbol
ment to drain the container, the LED can
be off. goes into the view - The
To activate or deactivate the indication: LED is activated
1. Turn the programme dial to availa-
ble programme.


9.1 Cleaning the filter The filter collects the fluff. The
fluff occurs while the cloths are
At the end of each cycle the filter LED is dried in the tumble dryer.
on to tell you that the filter must be
To clean the filter:
1. Open the door.
2. Pull the filter.

3. Open the filter.

4. Use a moist hand to clean the filter.


5. If necessary clean the filter with

warm water using a brush.
Close the filter.

6. Remove fluff from the filter socket.

For this a vacuum cleaner can be
7. Put the filter inside the filter socket.
CAUTION! If the condensed water container is full,
Do not operate the tumble dryer the programme breaks off automatically
without the filter or with dam- and the drain the condensed water con-
aged or blocked filter. tainer LED is on. To continue the pro-
gramme, drain the condensed water
Clean the filter after each drying container and press the start button.
cycle. Clogged filter increases
the cycle time and causes higher To drain the condensed water
energy consumption. container automatically you can
install draining accessory (see
9.2 Draining the condensed
water container
Drain the condensed water container af-
ter each drying cycle.
To drain the condensed water container:
1. Pull the condensed water container
and keep it in horizontal position.

2. Move the plastic connection out and

drain the condensed water container
into a sink or equivalent receptacle.
3. Move plastic connection in and in-
stall water container.

Risk of poisoning. The con-
densed water is not applicable to
drink or to prepare food.

The condensed water can be 9.3 Cleaning the condenser

used as distilled water, e.g. for
steam ironing. If necessary filter If the condenser LED is on, the condens-
the condensed water (e.g. with a er must be cleaned.
coffee filter) to remove possible
residue and small pieces of fluff.
To clean the condenser:
1. Open the loading door.
2. Move the release button on the bot-
tom of the door opening and open
the condenser door.

3. Turn the 2 blockages to unlock the

condenser lid.

4. Lower the condenser lid.

5. Catch the handle and pull the con-

denser out from the bottom com-
partment. Move condenser horizon-
tally to do not spill remaining water.

6. Clean the condenser in vertical posi-

tion over a basin or paddling. Rinse
through with a hand shower.

7. Put the condenser back inside the

bottom compartment.
8. Close the condenser lid.
9. Lock the 2 blockages until they snap.
10. Close the condenser door.
CAUTION! and drum ribs. Dry the cleaned surfaces
Do not operate the tumble dryer with a soft cloth.
when the condenser is blocked
with fluff. This could cause the CAUTION!
damage to the tumble dryer. This Do not use abrasive materials or
also increases energy consump- steel wool to clean the drum.
Do not use sharp objects to 9.5 Cleaning the control panel
clean the condenser. The dam- and housing
aged condenser could cause
leaks. Use a standard neutral soap detergent
Do not operate the tumble dryer to clean the control panel and housing.
without the condenser. Use a moist cloth to clean. Dry the
cleaned surfaces with a soft cloth.
9.4 Cleaning the drum CAUTION!
Do not use furniture cleaning
agents or cleaning agents which
Disconnect the appliance before
can cause corrosion to clean the
you clean it.
Use a standard neutral soap detergent
to clean the inner surface of the drum


10.1 Troubleshooting
Problem1) Possible cause Remedy
The tumble The tumble dryer is not con- Connect in at mains socket.
dryer does Check fuse in fuse box (domes-
nected to mains supply.
not operate. tic installation).

Problem1) Possible cause Remedy

The loading door is opened. Close the loading door.
The On/Off button was not
Push the On/Off button.
The Start/Pause button was not
Push the Start/Pause button.
The appliance is in the standby
Push the On/Off button.
Do the selection of the applica-
Incorrect programme selection.
ble programme. 2)
The filter is clogged. Clean the filter. 3)
Change the Dry Plus function
The Dry Plus function was in
to the moderate or maximum
minimum mode.
Unsatisfac- The condenser is clogged. Clean the condenser. 3)
tory drying
Obey the maximum load vol-
results. Too high volume of the load.
Clean the airflow grill in the
The airflow grill is clogged.
bottom of the appliance.
Dirt on the inner surface of the Clean the inner surface of the
drum. drum.
Set applicable water hard-
Too high water hardness.
The filter not locked in the po- Put the filter in the correct posi-
The door sition. tion.
does not
close. The laundry is locked between Put the load correctly in the
the door and the seal. drum.
You try to change the pro-
Turn the tumble dryer off and
gramme or the function after
Err (Error) on. Make the new selection.
the start of the cycle.
on the dis-
play. The function you try to activate
Turn the tumble dryer off and
is not applicable with the selec-
on. Make the new selection.
ted programme.
No drum Contact the service centre to
Defective drum light.
light 5) replace the drum light.
elapsing The time to end is calculated The automatic procedure —
time on the on the basis of the volume and this is not the appliance mal-
dampness of the laundry. function.
The water container is full. Drain the water container3) ,
inactive. push the Start/Pause button.

Problem1) Possible cause Remedy

Do the selection of time pro-
gramme. The time value must
be related to the load. To dry
Too small laundry volume.
one item or small quantities of
Drying cycle the laundry we recommend to
too short. use short times.
Do the selection of time pro-
The laundry is too dry. gramme or higher drying level
(e.g. Extra Dry )
The filter is clogged. Clean the filter.
Obey the maximum load vol-
Too high volume of the load.
Drying cycle The laundry not spun sufficient-
too long 6) ly. Spin correctly the laundry.

Very high room temperature -

If possible, lower the room
this is not the appliance mal-
1) If there is an error message on the display (e.g. E51): Turn the tumble dryer off and on.
Make a selection of the new programme. Push the Start/Pause button. Does not
operate? - contact the service centre and give the error code.
2) follow the programme description — see PROGRAMMES chapter
3) see CARE AND CLEANING chapter
4) see section WATER HARDNESS in HINTS AND TIPS chapter
5) Only the tumble dryers with drum light.
6) Note: After maximum 5 hours the drying cycle ends automatically (see Drying cycle
complete section).


850 x 600 x 600 mm (maximal 640 mm)

height x width x depth
mm (maximal 640 mm)
drum volume 118 l
maximum depth with the load door
1090 mm
maximum width with the load door
950 mm
adjustable height 850 mm (+ 15 mm - feet regulation)
the appliance weight 41 kg
maximum load volume 8 kg
voltage 230-240 V

frequency 50 Hz
necessary fuse 13 A
total power 2800 W
energy efficiency class B
energy consumption kWh/cycle 1) 4,82 kWh
annual energy consumption2) 560 kWh
left—on mode power absorption 0,55 W
off mode power absorption 0,55 W
type of use Domestic
permitted ambient temperature + 5°C to + 35°C
1) 8 kg of cotton, centrifuged at 1000 rpm with reference to EN 61121
2) Energy consumption per year in kWh, based on 160 drying cycles of the standard cotton
programme at full and partial load, and the consumption of the low-power modes.
Actual energy consumption per cycle will depend on how the appliance is used
(REGULATION (EU) No 392/2012).

12.1 Unpacking

Before use all parts of the transport 15mm

packaging must be removed.
To remove the polystyrene blockages:
1. Open the load door.
2. Pull plastic hose with the polystyrene
blockages out from the drum.

12.2 Installation under a

The appliance can be installed as free-
standing or below the kitchen counter
with correct space (see picture).

It is possible to adjust the height of the

tumble dryer. To do that adjust the feet
(see picture).

600 mm 12.3 The load door reversal

The load door can be installed by the
user in the opposite side. It can help to
easily put and remove the laundry or if
> 850 mm 600 mm there is a limit to install the appliance.
(see separate leaflet).


Recycle the materials with the appliances. Do not dispose
symbol . Put the packaging in appliances marked with the symbol
applicable containers to recycle it. with the household waste. Return the
Help protect the environment and product to your local recycling
human health and to recycle waste facility or contact your municipal
of electrical and electronic office.


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