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Ariannys Lorena Kanmerer Castilla

The main objective of this review is to emphasize about artificial intelligence, describe the
concept, in which areas it is applied and learn about its origin and evolution, artificial intelligence
defined as “the study of programming computers that have the ability to do what the human mind
can perform ”(Minsky) according to the author, the design of machines capable of doing human
tasks by programming their operating system is what is known as artificial intelligence, given
that the information and the way in which these machines execute orders they are programmed by
the human being.

Keywords: intelligence, artificial, machines

The purpose of preparing this article on INTELLIGENCE
artificial intelligence has been to provide a
document that will serve as a basis for the
new generations that face new technologies,
which will be endowed with new
experiences and different intelligences where
it will be demonstrated how important it is to
know about their operation and proper use,
but could it ever be that machines can
replace humans? Questions that make us
doubt whether the advance in artificial Fuente:
intelligence that is currently being
The Royal Academy of the Spanish
experienced is good or if they actually
Language defines us as artificial intelligence
directly affect to humanity, next we will
defines us as "intellectual power: the faculty
define the concept of artificial intelligence,
of knowing, understanding or
as well as the evolution since its definition in
comprehending". Once this is defined,
artificial intelligence could be defined in the
same way but applied to machines. In this
way, when they tell us that a cell phone is
intelligent we would have to ask what
knowledge or understanding said cell phone
has of the process it performs.
• Robotics: Navigation of mobile robots,
control of robot arms, assembly of parts, etc.
• Perception problems: vision and speech,
As we can see, this term is very ambiguous recognition of objects and speech, detection
and multiplye arguments have been adduced of defects in parts through vision, support in
in favor and against intelligence in medical diagnosis, etc.
machines. • Learning: Modeling of behaviors for their
We are going to use the definition of subsequent implementation in computers.
artificial intelligence that we think is closer
to reality, proposed by Marvin Minsky, it ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF
says like this: “Artificial intelligence is the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
science of building machines to do things In this section we will review the origin and
that, if humans did, would require evolution of artificial intelligence, what is
intelligence". exposed here is a summary of the book
We can think of Artificial Intelligence as the Crevier (Crevier, 1996).
science that incorporates knowledge into Bases of modern artificial intelligence
processes or activities so that they are
successful. A clear example is the game of Artificial intelligence, usually defined as the
chess. It is unthinkable for a computer to science of building machines to do things
evaluate all possible chess moves. Instead, that humans would require intelligence if we
knowledge is incorporated into the process did, takes on a viable scientific meaning, as a
of finding the best play in the form of modern computing discipline, during the
predefined plays or "smart" evaluation second half of this century. It is the direct
procedures. result of the confluence of various
intellectual currents (Computing Theory,
APPLICATION AREAS Cybernetics, Information Theory, Symbolic
There are multiple areas where Artificial Processing) developed on the formal
Intelligence can be applied, below we will foundations of logic and discrete
briefly comment on some of these areas: Mathematics and driven by the development
of digital computers.
• Treatment of natural languages: This field
can include applications that perform HISTORY OF ARTIFICIAL
translations between languages, man- INTELLIGENCE
machine interfaces that allow querying a Artificial Intelligence definitely arises from
database or giving orders to an operating some works published in the 1940s that did
system, etc., so that communication is more not have a great impact, but from the
user-friendly. user. influential work in 1950 by Alan Turing,
• Expert systems: This area includes those British mathematician, a new discipline of
systems where the experience of qualified information sciences opens.
personnel is incorporated into said systems Although the fundamental ideas go back to
to. the logic and algorithms of the Greeks, and
to the mathematics of the Arabs, several
centuries before Christ, the concept of
• get deductions closer to reality. obtaining artificial reasoning appears in the
fourteenth century. At the end of the 19th We can say then that intelligence is the
century, sufficiently powerful formal logics ability to deal with symbols and abstract
are obtained and in the middle of the 20th relationships, to learn and to face new
century, machines capable of making use of requirements, making adequate use of
such logic and solution algorithms are thought as a means or for adapting to new
obtained. situations.
Artificial Intelligence "was born" in 1943 But questions arise as to whether intelligence
when Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts is inherited, acquired, influenced by the
proposed a neuron model of the human and environment, or a combination of these
animal brain. These abstract nerve neurons factors. Authors as fundamental as Luria or
provided a symbolic representation of brain Piaget, interpret intelligence as a quantitative
activity. Later, Norbert Wiener elaborated variable that can be measured with a number
these ideas along with others, within the (one is more or less intelligent as one is
same field, which was called "cybernetics"; more or less tall). For these authors,
from here would be born, around the 50s, intelligence results from the progressive
Artificial Intelligence. development of a series of structures through
different phases.
The first researchers of this innovative
science, took as a basis McCulloch's For other authors, intelligence increases
formalized neuron and postulated that: from birth through experiences, reaching its
maximum development in adolescence, later,
"The brain is an intelligent problem solver, in maturity, a fairly slow and regular decline
so let's imitate the brain." is observed although not all intellectual
But if we consider the enormous complexity aptitudes suffer the same deterioration.
of it, this is practically impossible, not to There are other authors who give great
mention that the hardware of the time or the importance to heredity such as Eysenck, this
software were up to the task to carry out is a great defender of the theory that
such projects. intelligence is a hereditary quality,
Human thought began to be considered as a fundamentally unchangeable by education or
coordination of simple tasks related to each the environment, this was insufficient for the
other through symbols. It would come to the study of psychic phenomena, for which great
realization of what they considered to be the controversy arose among geneticists.
fundamentals of intelligent problem solving, We can say that if we believe in the
but the difficult thing was not yet started, preponderance of heredity, there is little we
linking these simple activities together. can do. If you are born ready, this fact is as
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN unchangeable as is hair color or blood group.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND It is the environment that modulates, that
NATURAL INTELLIGENCE shapes intellectual capacity. It must be stated
emphatically that inheritance is necessary,
Human Intelligence, although incredible as it but not
may be, there is no exact definition, which
means that none is sufficiently precise and
accurate. Until now, it has been possible to build
specialized machines for specific tasks,
which sometimes perform them better than not destroying, we must advance
man, among them is the Mycin system intelligently, knowing that it is built to
applied to the field of medicine, which has improve, turning expert systems in an
obtained a percentage of successes in effective tool using it at the service of man,
diagnosing diseases infectious superior to but in a field of possibilities that go beyond
that of a doctor; chess programs that have the conventional.
beaten champions like Gary Kasparov; the
computer that simulates the personality of a The most important difference between the
paranoid person; musical computers that brain and the computer is how it stores its
create musical compositions; and even a information. In the computer, its way of
pianist who has played in the best orchestras saving data is that it occupies a memory cell
in Japan. This shows us that there is a great to save the information, just like when you
similarity between computers and the human want to access that information through the
mind, but the difference is clear, the human computer, it makes the call to that cell and
mind goes further, computers, as their word displays the information. On the other hand,
indicates, receives orders or performs those in the human brain, the management is
tasks because they are programmed. totally different, to assess the information we
do not make a call to such a position of the
Another difference between operators and brain, we do not even have a clear definition
human intelligence are the neural networks of how that information is saved and how the
that interconnect the stored information, the brain does to recall the information. same
association mechanisms that trigger the information, we have no idea where an X
activation of neuronal circuits with specific information is stored in our brain. But it is
functions in the face of external and internal not necessary to have the exact location of
stimuli. the information since the fact of just thinking
or imagining a certain meaning already
It can be said that as time passes, human automatically executes a function that the
intelligence develops improvements in human being does not understand to bring
machines, trying to build an artificial that information to our image, all this is done
intelligence similar to human, without by the biological neural network. For
reflecting in more depth about the different example, let's think about wanting to
aspects of its individual and collective imagine a square shape, the brain executes
existence, nor granting it more importance to the action and we can see in our mind such
the understanding between man and man an image from four sides but at the same
than to which man and machine are time, our brain is like google,
it gives us other references in the mental
search engine and we can see other shapes
The human desire is to transcend limitations similar to the square as external figures,
to be deeply intertwined with the fascination imagine that we can remember when looking
of technology, which can be as inspiring as it at a certain point and given date of our life,
is terrifying. The way it is being used could even for example if we imagine a square
profoundly change the character of our piece of wood we can assess the smell of
society, and irrevocably alter our that wood, the brain is a complex
conceptions of ourselves, fundamentally connection, all the senses, all the
recognizing that as important as creating is connections are being used in one part
From our brain to perform this FUTURE OF ARTIFICAL
simple task, it is such a deep mental INTELLIGENCE IN TECHNOLOGY.
game that we cannot explain it so
simply. The brain and the computer AI is one of the most fascinating but
have their differences which are the challenging areas in computer science and
following: technology. This was born from the need of
man to imitate his surrounding nature to the
Brain degree of imitating himself through systems
or machines capable of replacing him in
 Multiple-purpose data system certain jobs or activities.
capable of handling large amounts of
information in a short time, but not This is why AI programs promise to be the
necessarily accurately. future of technology where current machines
or robots can be joined by voice and video
 The frequencies of nerve impulses recognition technologies.
can vary.
Although we are still far from a computer
 The so-called synapses fulfill the system reaching the intelligence and
simultaneous function of several cognitive level of the human brain, which is
gates in the brain. made up of some 100,000 million neurons,
 The memory is of the associative there is always the fear that if we reach this
type and it is not known where it will level, this artificial intelligence could come
be stored to understand its now independence from the
human race and wanting to be on the same
 Impulses flow at 30 meters per level. Although this sounds like science
second. fiction with the accelerating advancement of
technology this could not only be in our
Computer For now, good use must be made of this
 Highly specialized systems with the advance in the technological field for better
capacity to process very specific development of systems that can help us
information, following given improve our standard of living, such as
instructions. medical expert systems that help us diagnose
diseases and find possible treatments, as well
 The transmission frequency is as intelligent systems that help us in the field
unalterable and is given by the of engineering and mechanics with the
internal clock of the machine. development of increasingly precise and
better machines that replace us in dangerous
 Logic gates have a perfectly tasks such as deactivating bombs,
determined and unalterable function.
manufacturing with highly toxic chemicals
 Information is stored in direct access or handling hazardous materials.
memory locations by address.
 Inside a computer, impulses flow at
the speed of light.
CONCLUSION esperanjador.
Over time, man has developed different  San Poli. (). Artificial intelligence.
technologies to Monographs Retrieved from

to help the human being as it was first with

the invention of the wheel many years ago;
Today it has managed to carry out
impressive tasks that our ancestors never
came to think of and there is even still a lot
of field to go and discover.
With the help of AI, we have managed to
advance technology faster by inventing
devices to perform tasks around us as well as
developing systems to help humans, perhaps
exchanging a missing limb for a
technological prosthesis. Through these
inventions, technology has reached the point
of being created in a fundamental and
necessary part for our future as well as in the
field of means of transport, agriculture,
architecture, medicine, biotechnology and
many more.

 Amini and Weymounth, 1998 artificial

 Arkin, 1986, principle, techniques and
 Guerri, M. (July 16, 2015). Difference
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 Gutman Diego. (). Natural intelligence,
artificial intelligence: 2 + 2 = 7. jotdown.
Chess Metaphors Recovered from
 Miguel Jorge. (February 12, 2013).
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