What Is Mantra - A Mystery, or The Truth?

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||मननात त्रायते इतत मंत्र:||

What is Mantra?

Each Mantra includes the name of the Rishi-Muni who gave it to the world. It also consists of the name of the
Devata or a supernatural being as the informing power.

The Bij or seed is a significant word which gives it a special power. Sometimes this word is a sound which
harmonises with the key note of the individual who is using it and expresses the essence of that Mantra.

The overall result is analogous to the Mantra as a flower springing from its seed. All the Mantras have
potency or power. There is no higher or lower category.

Kali-Shantarana Upanishad

Once, Maharshi Narad asked Brahma, about crossing the evil Kali Yug while travelling the entire world.
Brahma told him the importance of Mantra Jaap. One can shake off the evil effects of Kali just by uttering the
name of Lord Narayana.

This removes veil of ignorance of Jiva surrounded by evils. Like the sun shines in full effulgence after the
clouds are dispersed, Para Brahman alone shines in full splendour.

All the sins are purified, and he attains total oneness with Brahman. So in KALI-YUG [iron age] Mantra Jaap is
the easy way to overcome miseries.

It is difficult for common individuals who have unstable stages of mind and possess common feelings.

There are six enemies in the mind of the immature, common mind.Kaam, krodh, mad, matsar, lobh and
ashubh-mati. That means desire, anger, ego,jealousy, greed and evil mind. These enemies prevent us from
attaining the true happiness, peaceful life, health, wealth and success.
So is this all hogwash or do they really work?

There are numerous stories of saints in all religions who cured illnesses, brought people back from the dead,

Those saints had attained this position just by chanting the name of their respective Gods. They already knew
the answer to the question, “what is Mantra?” So there must be some truth to this matter.

We are but lowly commoners. Granted, that we do not have the immense devotion like those saints. And we
do not know the exact, deep knowledge and answer to the question, ‘what is Mantra?’.

But that does not necessarily mean we cannot do something about it.


For example, just by chanting OM, we can cure some diseases like blood pressure, heart troubles etc.

In Maharashtra, peasants, or villagers, walk miles and miles to reach Pandharpur in thousands of numbers.
Where does this strength, endurance and determination come from? They just chant ‘Vitthal…Vitthal’, the
name ofone of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu.

Likewise, those who are very old and weak also undertake a long and arduous journey to Amarnath. How do
they do this? They keep chanting the Mantras of Lord Shiv.

Do these people know what is Mantra? No. They don’t have an answer to that. But they have something
better – faith.

So you see the power residing in the name of our Gods?

Do you need any more proof?

If these ordinary people can understand the power, we, as urban citizens can also chant some select Mantras
regularly. And get rid of our depression, misery, infertility, enmities, failures and all other vices in our lives
while doing so!

Okay! So how does this work?

As mentioned above, it is actually the science of sound and mind. The sound of these Mantras involves
vibrations at specific frequencies. The energy or ‘Shakti’ exists in the form of vibrations generated by these
The Mantras, in themselves, represent divinity. Shakti acts as a catalyst during your worships. They have
radiant energies which awaken supernatural powers. They generate and accelerate creative forces.

They produce harmonic attachments with cosmic and super-cosmic consciousness. Constantly chanting
awakens ‘Chaitanya’. Those who chant get illumination, peace and bliss.

It has been proved by many scientists and ‘Siddha’ yogis. An experiment performed by Mrs. Watts Hughes
showed that when she played her special instrument called as Idiophone, the viewers saw different figures.
For example, dust, geometric patterns, stars, snakes, etc.

Just by hearing some typical sounds with our eyes closed we can imagine various forms of deities. Everyone is
a devotee of different deities.

So chanting their respective Mantras fill their hearts with ‘Satvik Gun’ (optimal virtues) from those specific
deities, to overcome the evils of Kali Yug.

Using these Mantras in our daily life

Our life has four aims to get by peacefully, which are specified in the holy books of our religions - Dharma
(duty), Arth (money), Kaam (desire) and Moksha (immortality, or release from our physical form).

If we achieve this in proper order, we are freed from the cycle of life, death and rebirth. This can be done
with a sound mind in a sound body.

When life is full of miseries such as sadness, disappointment, jealousy, etc., the mind becomes fickle. It
prevents us from taking appropriate decisions.

In such times, our Gods appear to us in the form of their respective Mantras. They pacify our troubled minds
and show us the right path. Our Rishis have formulated them with extensive research and experimentation.

For example, if you want to be loved by everyone, the following Mantra of Mahamaya helps you out:

“ॐ ज्ञातननापि चेतांसि दे वी भगवती िा, बलादाकृष्य मोहाय महामाया प्रयच्छतत |”

If you want health, escape from evil spirits and achieve radiance, the Gayatri Mantra is your best solution:

“ॐ भूः भवूः स्वूः| तत्िपवतुवरव े ण्यं भगो दे वस्य धीमहह| धधयो यो नूः प्रचोदयाा्त ा् ||”

If you want wealth, then the Mahalkshmi Mantra is what you should chant:

“ॐ र्‍हीम ा् श्ीं कलीं नमूः”|

For perfect usage, you have to follow some strict rules. But due to day-to-day commitments, we are not able
to comply properly. In such cases, we should sit in front of the deity in which you consider yourself to have
maximum faith.
Then concentrate on the form of that deity and chant the respective Mantra 108 times.

For optimal results, does this on a daily basis without fail, just like you brush your teeth and take a bath. So
there you have it.

You do not need a comprehensive explanation for the question ‘what is Mantra?’. Just enough to let the
deities know that you still remember them and know their importance.

And, you will start to find positive things happening in your life, as if they are miracles.

Four Fundamental Things You Should Know and Do Before Doing


There is a lot of information on the internet about what the Mantras are and why or how they
work, I mean, there is a LOT of information.

You will hear something about Mantras Chant from Wikipedia, new age savvies, or even aliens
that do yoga (is a joke).

What I want to tell you is that there is a lot of information out there just about one topic, so it can
turn to be complicated or frustrating.

I am not saying we have better information than other sites, I just want you to be clear that
maybe you have some previous knowledge of Mantras Chant that can be different of what we
want to share to you. I want to ask you to "empty the cup" so in that way new and fresh
understanding can enter into your conscious about this beautiful tools.

I want to share you 4 things you need to know before starting Mantras practices. These 4 points
were written to help you gain the most benefits of the possibilities that Mantras can offer.

FIRST: You need to have a strong commitment

Maybe you ask yourself:

What commitment or with whom?

The commitment is WITH YOUR SELF, with your happiness, and with the objective that is in
your soul.

Do you want to stop suffering and get the blessing you deserve?
If you are still reading this is because you want a change in your life, a real one.

The first you need is a commitment to yourself, and tell to yourself: "I want to change, I will
change, and I CAN change."

Do it right now, trust me, tell yourself: "I want to change, I will change, and I can change."

The declaration is fundamental. I can teach you all the mantras, all the rituals to attract the love
of your life, or money to pay all the debts or maybe attract magnetic health.

But if you do not have a compromise to your hearth to have a better life, of having a better
version of yourself, nothing will happen. But don’t worry if also you have problems to find
motivation, because, maybe you are depressed, and when depression comes to our life, even it
takes our commitment to ourselves.

If you feel that way, don't worry. I am here to help you.

So, remember the first thing:


Have you done your commitment yet? Good.

SECOND THING TO KNOW: What are the Mantras and how they work?

See, mantras use the sound of words, rhythm, pauses, chants, and intention so when they are
produced through our mouths the vibration creates different frequencies that can change the

Nikola Tesla said: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think regarding energy,
frequency, and vibration.

Science has proved that everything that exists is energy. Also, you can remember the famous
physicist Albert Einstein who said that everything possessing mass holds an equal quantity of
energy. Everything is energy.

Mantras activate divine energy to your favor.

Words, thoughts, and your feelings have the power of altering matter. Mantras are a sacred hack
to accomplish your wishes, what you deserve. If your vibration change, the universe will give
you what are you emitting.

Mantras are vibrations; the matter is vibrating.

Can be confusing the first time you hear this, but trust me, there is also science involved in this.
Many years ago people didn’t know about the solar system or microbes and many things that are
normal to us, today's knowledge was alien to other cultures.

Mantras are a spiritual science that born in India and now is within your reach to help you to
become what you want to be.

Your body is made mostly of water. Have you ever noticed when a rock drops into a lake a lot of
waves are created, and they expand for all the space?

Well, the words you pronounce, your thoughts and your feeling spread to the universe, and the
universe, God, the Creator, Divinity or whatever you want to call it, will bring you what you are
telling them.

Mantras are some kind like prayers, but the great difference and the plus of the Mantras are that
they were designed by an ancient civilization, where the language was purer, and the sound came
from the sounds of nature.

Mantras are designed to ask the universe in its language.

“And still, after all this time,

the Sun has never said to the Earth,

“You owe me.”

Look what happens with love like that. It lights up the sky.”


Divinity is waiting for you to have a better life. You have to realize that the suffering we have in
our lives is the consequence of our behaviors and thoughts.

Mantras are here to balance your life and help you to become the better version of yourself.

Well, now you know what the mantras are and why they work for.

Well, let's remember, what we have learned.

FIRST: Commitment.

SECOND: Know what mantras are and how they help you.

Now, the next one is:

THIRD: Practice.

Yes, Mantras are a remarkable and sacred power that has changed the lives of ordinary people,
politicians, celebrities, sportsman, and great people around the human history.

But it includes hard work.

I do not want you to scare. I mean.

If you want to get muscles in the gym, you must practice every day or almost three days per
week, or maybe, if you're going to learn to dance, or play an instrument you have to practice.

The same happens with the results of mantras you must be constant and practice them several
days, but do not worry.

After your first experience, you will be asking for more and more mantras.

Mantras chants are going to help you to attract beautiful things that you deserve, but also
strengthen the connection between your soul and divinity.

Between your conscious with your unconscious. And to gain this, you need to practice mantras if
it is possible all the days. Think about this like eat; you do it every day because you need it.

Well, your soul needs Mantras to vibrate at high frequencies

And here is where the magic start.

Are you there? Perfect, let's continue with the last thing you need to know.

FOURTH: your environment is essential to attract Mantras power

The last thing you have to do is to adapt your environment to start practicing the mantras that
you will learn on this website.

I mean, if the space you choose to practice Mantras is full of noise, or maybe is dirty, or if you
do not turn off your cell phone, I am sorry to tell you that nothing is going to happen. Nothing

You have to appreciate the power of mantras; they are sacred, and you should bring respect to
the tools that will help you to become the rockstar of your own life.

But again, don’t worry. I am going to help you with a ton of practical information to help you on
how to prepare your space and your schedule to have time with mantras.

And that's it, let's remember the four things you have to know before starting the adventure of
living the life of your dreams:
1- Commit to becoming your best version.

2- Learn what mantras are and how they work.

3- Persist and practice Mantras chanting all the days for several days per week

4- Adapt your space and time budget to dedicate the proper time to this ancient sacred secret


8 easy steps to prepare for Mantra Chanting, a fantastic journey of

abundance using the spiritual science

Mantras are a technology developed thousands of years ago to bring light to the humanity; you
do not have to figure out from scratch how to make with your mouth all the vibrations of the
universe; the ancient Hindu civilization did the work years ago.

Your work consists in doing the right preparation to receive the divine power in service of
humankind. At first, all the things you have to prepare before the Mantras Chanting can sound a
little complicated.

Some people say the Chanting could be done in any place, even in your car. But if you want the
most benefits, we recommend you make sure to keep the following 8 aspects in mind.

1. Pronunciation in Sanskrit.

Learn first how to pronounce the Chant correctly. For this, you can check our Audio Library of
Vedic Mantras, and practice the pronunciation of each Mantra.

2. Attitude towards the sacred

Practice gratitude, respect, and honor to a higher power, Divinity, to God, or a holy
representation before you start Chanting. This is very important, they are not a game, is a
spiritual tool to help us to reach a connection with our spirituality.
3. Sacred guidance

Tradition suggests you may seek guidance from a spiritual hierarchy, through a God or a
Goddess common of your inner beliefs; some Mantras summon specific deities, in that case,
Gurus recommend to build a direct relationship with them. One effective way to connect with
this higher force is using a representative figure, like a sculpture or picture of the Saint, God or
Goddess when Chanting.

4. Inner peace

Before the start, make sure that your emotions are in peace and negativity does not bother you
during the chant. Take some time to be alone and relax before the practice. Use Meditation to
calm your thoughts is a good strategy to clean your energy and be in the best disposition for
higher energy.

5.Standard schedule

Concentration during the ritual is vital to obtain benefits. Set a routine on your schedule, in that
way, you will practice in the same period of the day. Is important to turn-off all the distraction
during that sacred period, tell your family, couple or friend the importance of what you are doing
and why you should not be bother.

6. Use a Mala or Rosary to count

Use a mala or rosary of 108 beads to help you count. If you will chant with a single syllable (Bija Mantra),
count 8, 16 or 32 repetitions per bead. If it has more than one syllable, count one recitation per bead. Experts
say chanting fast will energize your body while doing slowly, will calm your mind.

7. Prepare the space and your body.

Clean yourself and the space you stablished to practice. It is essential to include ritual or a sacred
attitude when doing the chants, a good idea is to clean the space that you will use during the
practice (also clean your body), offering a flower, a candle or incense is a good idea.It is
necessary to use proper clothes when Chanting. Try to feel comfortable but with a high sense of
sacred respect.

8.Asanas, body position.

Your body is an instrument; the position you choose to practice has vital importance. Imagine a guitar, the
different finger locations in the cords create different sounds and melodies; the same happens with your
body when practicing. In Yoga, "asana" is the sit position that a person uses during spiritual practice, the
word asana means in Sanskrit "to sit down."

There are many Asanas available to practice, study and practice them before starting the ritual. Choose the
one that fits you well and the one that makes you feel comfortable. Well, keep always this points in
mind. The next step is to choose the effect you want to obtain.
In life, everything that is done with love and discipline brings results at its own time. Practice the
Mantras Chanting all the days; we suggest using the same routine over and over again. You can
improve it with the experience you will learn in practice.

A good suggestion is to keep notes in a notebook so you can check your advances and ideas. If
you have any doubt or opinion, of how to prepare better, please contact us. One of the most
important things to receive the benefits of this sacred gift is to share and learn in community.

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