Ironsworn Foe Cards v1.1

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CLS DOU) Ca Us BROKEN Rank Troublesome (3 Prog Harm, Inficts 1 Harm) Features + Crazed eyes Painted skin Feral sereams # Scavenged clothing and Drives * Show my power * Share my pain ‘Tactios + Spring from hiding «Ferocious attacks, CLP sy HUSK Rank Formidable (Prog Harm, Inficts 3 Harm) Features * Wither flesh and black eves = Clawed fingernails + Horrtying wal Drives + Become more powerful * Make others sffer as they have # Restore their former se Tactios + Dishearten with a dreadtal howl * Lash out with forbidden magic * Bind lesser creatures to thei will + Consume the essence of others COMMON FOLK Rank Troublesome 3 Prog/Harm, Inicts 1 Harm) Features * Diverse looks Weary and worried * Suspicious of strangers Drives + Prepare forthe winter * Protect family ‘Tactios CEOS MYSTIC Rank Dangerous 2 Prog/Harm, inflicts 2 Ha Features * Knowing yes * Tattooed skin Drives + Respect the old way + Seek the paths of power Tactics + Foresee the intent of my * Prepare ritual * Use trick HUNTER Rank Da (2? arm, lnflcts 2 Harr) Features + Wearing hides and furs to ward ay the cok + Steely gaze * Athome in the woodlands Drives ¢ A clean ill * Survive the hunt Tacties + Set raps, + Keep t0 the shadows, * Deaaly shot Cau RAIDER Rank Dangerous (2Prog/Harm,Inficts 2 Harm) Features * Geared for war Drives # What is theirs will be ours * Stand with my kin * Die glorious death Intimidate Shield wall = s = 2 = Ca U Ls) CSU Ls Case Ls BEAR Rank Features Drives ‘Tactios (2 Prog/Harm, Inficts 3 Harm) + Find food * Defend cubs Cea W Lvs) CARRION NEWT Rank Features Drives Tactios (Prog Harm, Inficts 3 Harm) + Hunt and feed La «Lark in the shall * Sudden, ferocious + Unyielding bite (aul with savage free within fresh kills BLADEWING Rank Dangerous 2 Prog/Harm, Infiets 2 Harm) Features * Lar haped win * Elongated jaws with need * Dark, leathery hide Drives * Take flight under the cover of darkness «Hunt from above Tacties + C rly + Sudden, swift attack Casey CAVE LION Rank Formidable 1 Prog/Harm,Inflits 3 Harm) Features * Feline grace * Tawny, striped coat Drives + Hunt Tactics + Stalk prey * Leap and bite * Intimidating roar BOAR Rank Da (2? arm, lnflcts 2 Harr) Features * Wiry cot # Lonigtusks Drives * Forage * Protect territory * Defend sows Tactics + Charge and gor * Cirele and attack again Cay DEEP RAT Rank Troublesome (3 Prog/Harm,Inficts 1 Harm) Features * Tiny blind eyes = Weinkled, hairless shi Chased fee * Justing incisors Drives * Dig * Feed Tactics * Undermine paths * Swarm and bite Ones Ones Ones a z= S = Ss i a = = me 3 2 = = i , NIGHTMARE SPIDER SHROUD CRAB TROG Rank Dangerous Rank Troublesome Rank Dangerous (2 Prog Harm, Inficts 2 Harm) 3 Prog/Harm, Inficts 1 Harm) (2Prog/Harm,Inficts 2 Harm) Features + Pale, semitransparent body Features * Luminescent scaled hit ‘skinny ees Sapp, slash 2 Keen vision 88 dripping with venom * Barbed, whip ‘ong claws and sharp teeth * Powerful tal Drives. + Lurk in darkness Drives Lie hidden among rocks and ice + Feed + Feed Drives ¢ Lurk in darkness * Lay exes * Dig tunnels ‘Tactics * Mimic surroundings Tactios + Spin webs ap at nsaspecti Tactics + Stealthy approach * Drop on prey ich nto vitims * Intimidating display * Pierce with venomous fangs werful legs and ta * Pounce Stab and slash * Bite and thrash Cea W Lvs) De Dea WOLF BASILISK CHITTER Rank Dangerous Rank Exire Rank Dangerous (2 Prog Harm, Inficts 2 Harm) 2 Ties/Harm,Infits 4 Harm) (2Prog/Harm,Infits 2 Harm) Features * Keon sn Features * Chitinous sell al yellow-brown skin + Snapping mandibles Drives + Fight * Vibrant yellow eyes * Mark Drives * Sniff out food + Run withthe pack Drives + Devour * Defend the nest ‘Tacties + Lay in ° Mesmeri * Drag tothe ground # Sudden bite © Crush Tactics + Summon the horde > Swarm and bite ‘Tactios Ones Ones Ones 8 = 2 = s = 4 = = Ss SB = oa a oe o a Ss a ee HARROW SPIDER Rank Dangerous (2 Prog Harm, Inficts 2 Harm) Features ann bloated boxy ight iridescent black eves Drives * Lurk + Feed Tactios + Drop atop prey ite wth pincers Trap in webbing Ogu LEVIATHAN Rank Epi (1 Tic(Harm,Inficts 5 Harm) Features * Massive bul. sh a tough as iron i black eyes * Sinuous grace Drives ¢ Slumber in the depths + Destroy those who trespass ‘Tactios + Rise from the depths Da Dee IRON WRACKED BEAST Rank Formidable 1 Prog/Harm,Inflits 3 Harm) Features sh corrupted by iron sined ol Drives + Feed the insatiable hunger * Destroy those who wield iron # Find a release from pain Tactics Attack with + Bite sand devo eases MAMMOTH Rank Extre 2 Ties Harm, Inficts 4 Harm) Features * Woolly fur # Large head andl curved tasks * Brehensiletrink Drives © Migrate to fertile ground * Protect the young of the herd ‘Tactics + Form a protective circle + Chars + Trample KRAKEN Rank Epic (1 Tic/Harm, inflicts 5 Harm) Features nt ed maw Drives * Lurk in unfathomable depths * Destray those who would Shatter ship Tactics + Grapple and erush * Attack from every direction + Sweep sailors from the deck NIGHTSPAWN Rank Formidable (1 Prog/ Harm, Inficts 3 Harm) Features * Mutated form (Mont ygsinst intruder icin the shadows * Endure beyond memory Tactics + Varied (Monstrosity) eo ae eee ee ‘Tactics #1 Ca) CaaS Dasa SL WYVERN Rank Extreme (2Ties/Harm, Inficts 4 Harm) Features * Longtail Drives ¢ Watch fr prey from high above + Feed Tactios + Swoop down * Snap up prey * Bash with tail Ogu GIANT Rank Extreme (2Tics/Harm, Inficts 4 Harm) Features * Dark hair and rudy skin < Twice the sizeof a all human, or + Wearing layers of wool hide, and furs Drives + Survive the winter * Protect the herd Tactios + Fight as a last resort, # Sweeping strike * Make them fle ATANYA Rank Dangerous 2 Prog/Harm, Inflicts 2 Features * Stout forms 4 Iridescent Skin and dark hair * Clothed in hides and furs Drives. * Hunt and fish * Respect the sea * Seek out new lands ‘Tacties + Strike with spear * Fight as one, and embody the power of the mi Daa aUSL UI MERROW Rank Dangerous 2 Prog/Harm, inflicts 2 Ha Features * Gray scaled skin hou + Webbe Drives © Blood forthe deep. Tactics © Swarm and overwhelm tothe depth ELF Rank Dangerous (2Prog/Harm,Inficts 2 Harm) Features * Large, laminows eyes seen + Gray-green skin the texte of, dry leaves += Sonorous voice = Wielding bow and spear Drives * Protect the wild * Drive out trespassers, or see them pay Tactics + Strike from shadow ‘once their surrender iar the forest again Oe PRIMORDIAL Rank Extreme (2 Ties/Harm, lnlicts 4 Harm) Features + Personification ofthe natural work + Turbulent, changing visage * Vaiguely human ike o animal Tike form * Embody chaos * Cling to vestiges of power Drives Tactics + Control the elements * Desteay with primal rage Ones Ones Ones aged to E = S 8 = : e é E > 3S = = ‘Tactios + aus CaaS) Casas) BLIGHTHOUND Rank Formidable (2 Prog/Harm, Inficts 3 Harm) Features * Red eves ean hound ibe forma Curved horns Drives + Portend death + Fulfill the prophecy of death * Laie in places where death is Tactios + Unearth how! + Piercing eae * Savage bite Ogu BONEWALKER Rank Dangerous (2 Prog Harm, Inficts 2 Harm) Features * Skeletal Yellowed Tattered Drives + Destroy lif ‘Tactios + Rush with unexpec * stack withthe weapo bore in life * Grasp and claw B0G ROT Rank Dangerous 2 Prog/Harm, Infiets 2 Harm) Features * Mummified flesh + Shambling gait Drives + Rise to seck out the living * Consign another to death in their pace PaaS) CHIMERA Rank Extre 2 Ties Harm, Inficts 4 Harm) Features * Shambling mass of dead creatures and offal + Rotting stench Drives ‘Tactios rising wal Relentless assault (Caw, bite and rend BONEHORDE Rank Extreme (2 Ties Harm, lcs 4 Harm) Features © The bones of many corpses, held + Stace win hollow cater Drives.» Destroy and ill * Gather new bones al appendages or architecture * Envelop and crush CaSO LLLS FROSTBOUND Rank Pormidable (1 Prog/ Harm, Inficts 3 Harm) Features + Mummified, desicated flesh + Froven blue eyes A sorrel hollow seream Drives © Absorb the warmth of the living Ones Ones Ones 2 e =z S = = Tactics + V = aus CaaS) Casas) TRON REVENANT SODDEN THRALL Rank Extreme Rank Formidable Rank Dangerous (2Ties/Harm, Inficts 4 Harm) 1 Prog/Harm,Inflicts 3 Harm) (2Prog/Harm,Inficts 2 Harm) Features + Empty, patchwork shell of armor Features + Sickiy countenance and other urs of metal limpses oftheir true nature + Wielding iron weapons lash of personalities + A low, reverberating voice Drives + Drown the living Drives © Endure beyond death Drives + Fulfil the vow Tactics + Draw victims tothe water * Coerce and manipulate * Destroy any who stand in their * Grab and seratch withjagged * Stile the wil ofthe host way claws + Chilling embrace Tactics + Reveal their true self Tactios + Steadfast attacks * Drag into the depths Lash out wit unnatural srength iin iron with sn unyielding magnet force WIGHT GLOOM TEMPEST i Rank Formidable Rank Dangerous Rank Dangerous (Prog Harm, Inficts 3 Harm) 2 ProgiHlarm, Infiets 2 Harn (2Prog/Harm,Inficts 2 Harm) Features + Palld skin and cloude Features * Creeping, vaporous murke Features * Biting winds eged,unheaed wor Whispers and illusions # Stinging ice nial mask * Ghostly voices and shadow Drives + Envelop all in shadenw forms Drives + Stand in defense * Feed on ear and despair Drives. © Seck warmth, and snuffit out Tactios Tactics + Lure with trickery * Snuif out Tactics + Envelop in a winty cyclone # Surround and engl *# Battor with icy shards and, * Show painful and horrifying Ferocious winds visions + Grant release, at great cost | PREFIX TO INCREASE FOES RANK L Demonic PREFIX TO DECREASE FOES RANK ad ad se sa ©, — ©, TO TL 1 Th (ayy (a3 (ayy & 9 7 DELVE Wand Wang TO TL 1 Th (ayy (a3 (ayy & 9 7 DELVE Wand Wang FA = = = phe FA s s eI = 2 2

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