This document contains a summary of instruction set for the ATmega48A/PA/88A/PA/168A/PA/328/P microcontroller. It lists over 50 different instruction mnemonics along with their operands, descriptions, operations performed, flags affected, and number of clock cycles taken. The instructions cover areas like arithmetic and logic, branching, compare, and interrupt handling.
This document contains a summary of instruction set for the ATmega48A/PA/88A/PA/168A/PA/328/P microcontroller. It lists over 50 different instruction mnemonics along with their operands, descriptions, operations performed, flags affected, and number of clock cycles taken. The instructions cover areas like arithmetic and logic, branching, compare, and interrupt handling.
This document contains a summary of instruction set for the ATmega48A/PA/88A/PA/168A/PA/328/P microcontroller. It lists over 50 different instruction mnemonics along with their operands, descriptions, operations performed, flags affected, and number of clock cycles taken. The instructions cover areas like arithmetic and logic, branching, compare, and interrupt handling.
This document contains a summary of instruction set for the ATmega48A/PA/88A/PA/168A/PA/328/P microcontroller. It lists over 50 different instruction mnemonics along with their operands, descriptions, operations performed, flags affected, and number of clock cycles taken. The instructions cover areas like arithmetic and logic, branching, compare, and interrupt handling.
Mnemonics Operands Description Operation Flags #Clocks ARITHMETIC AND LOGIC INSTRUCTIONS ADD Rd, Rr Add two Registers Rd Rd + Rr Z,C,N,V,H 1 ADC Rd, Rr Add with Carry two Registers Rd Rd + Rr + C Z,C,N,V,H 1 ADIW Rdl,K Add Immediate to Word Rdh:Rdl Rdh:Rdl + K Z,C,N,V,S 2 SUB Rd, Rr Subtract two Registers Rd Rd - Rr Z,C,N,V,H 1 SUBI Rd, K Subtract Constant from Register Rd Rd - K Z,C,N,V,H 1 SBC Rd, Rr Subtract with Carry two Registers Rd Rd - Rr - C Z,C,N,V,H 1 SBCI Rd, K Subtract with Carry Constant from Reg. Rd Rd - K - C Z,C,N,V,H 1 SBIW Rdl,K Subtract Immediate from Word Rdh:Rdl Rdh:Rdl - K Z,C,N,V,S 2 AND Rd, Rr Logical AND Registers Rd Rd Rr Z,N,V 1 ANDI Rd, K Logical AND Register and Constant Rd Rd K Z,N,V 1 OR Rd, Rr Logical OR Registers Rd Rd v Rr Z,N,V 1 ORI Rd, K Logical OR Register and Constant Rd Rd v K Z,N,V 1 EOR Rd, Rr Exclusive OR Registers Rd Rd Rr Z,N,V 1 COM Rd One’s Complement Rd 0xFF Rd Z,C,N,V 1 NEG Rd Two’s Complement Rd 0x00 Rd Z,C,N,V,H 1 SBR Rd,K Set Bit(s) in Register Rd Rd v K Z,N,V 1 CBR Rd,K Clear Bit(s) in Register Rd Rd (0xFF - K) Z,N,V 1 INC Rd Increment Rd Rd + 1 Z,N,V 1 DEC Rd Decrement Rd Rd 1 Z,N,V 1 TST Rd Test for Zero or Minus Rd Rd Rd Z,N,V 1 CLR Rd Clear Register Rd Rd Rd Z,N,V 1 SER Rd Set Register Rd 0xFF None 1 MUL Rd, Rr Multiply Unsigned R1:R0 Rd x Rr Z,C 2 MULS Rd, Rr Multiply Signed R1:R0 Rd x Rr Z,C 2 MULSU Rd, Rr Multiply Signed with Unsigned R1:R0 Rd x Rr Z,C 2 FMUL Rd, Rr Fractional Multiply Unsigned R1:R0 (Rd x Rr) << 1 Z,C 2 FMULS Rd, Rr Fractional Multiply Signed R1:R0 (Rd x Rr) << 1 Z,C 2 FMULSU Rd, Rr Fractional Multiply Signed with Unsigned R1:R0 (Rd x Rr) << 1 Z,C 2 BRANCH INSTRUCTIONS RJMP k Relative Jump PC PC + k + 1 None 2 IJMP Indirect Jump to (Z) PC Z None 2 JMP(1) k Direct Jump PC k None 3 RCALL k Relative Subroutine Call PC PC + k + 1 None 3 ICALL Indirect Call to (Z) PC Z None 3 CALL(1) k Direct Subroutine Call PC k None 4 RET Subroutine Return PC STACK None 4 RETI Interrupt Return PC STACK I 4 CPSE Rd,Rr Compare, Skip if Equal if (Rd = Rr) PC PC + 2 or 3 None 1/2/3 CP Rd,Rr Compare Rd Rr Z, N,V,C,H 1 CPC Rd,Rr Compare with Carry Rd Rr C Z, N,V,C,H 1 CPI Rd,K Compare Register with Immediate Rd K Z, N,V,C,H 1 SBRC Rr, b Skip if Bit in Register Cleared if (Rr(b)=0) PC PC + 2 or 3 None 1/2/3 SBRS Rr, b Skip if Bit in Register is Set if (Rr(b)=1) PC PC + 2 or 3 None 1/2/3 SBIC P, b Skip if Bit in I/O Register Cleared if (P(b)=0) PC PC + 2 or 3 None 1/2/3 SBIS P, b Skip if Bit in I/O Register is Set if (P(b)=1) PC PC + 2 or 3 None 1/2/3 BRBS s, k Branch if Status Flag Set if (SREG(s) = 1) then PCPC+k + 1 None 1/2 BRBC s, k Branch if Status Flag Cleared if (SREG(s) = 0) then PCPC+k + 1 None 1/2 BREQ k Branch if Equal if (Z = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRNE k Branch if Not Equal if (Z = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRCS k Branch if Carry Set if (C = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRCC k Branch if Carry Cleared if (C = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRSH k Branch if Same or Higher if (C = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRLO k Branch if Lower if (C = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRMI k Branch if Minus if (N = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRPL k Branch if Plus if (N = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRGE k Branch if Greater or Equal, Signed if (N V= 0) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRLT k Branch if Less Than Zero, Signed if (N V= 1) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRHS k Branch if Half Carry Flag Set if (H = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRHC k Branch if Half Carry Flag Cleared if (H = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRTS k Branch if T Flag Set if (T = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRTC k Branch if T Flag Cleared if (T = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRVS k Branch if Overflow Flag is Set if (V = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRVC k Branch if Overflow Flag is Cleared if (V = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRIE k Branch if Interrupt Enabled if ( I = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2 BRID k Branch if Interrupt Disabled if ( I = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 None 1/2
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BIT AND BIT-TEST INSTRUCTIONS SBI P,b Set Bit in I/O Register I/O(P,b) 1 None 2 CBI P,b Clear Bit in I/O Register I/O(P,b) 0 None 2 LSL Rd Logical Shift Left Rd(n+1) Rd(n), Rd(0) 0 Z,C,N,V 1 LSR Rd Logical Shift Right Rd(n) Rd(n+1), Rd(7) 0 Z,C,N,V 1 ROL Rd Rotate Left Through Carry Rd(0)C,Rd(n+1) Rd(n),CRd(7) Z,C,N,V 1 ROR Rd Rotate Right Through Carry Rd(7)C,Rd(n) Rd(n+1),CRd(0) Z,C,N,V 1 ASR Rd Arithmetic Shift Right Rd(n) Rd(n+1), n=0...6 Z,C,N,V 1 SWAP Rd Swap Nibbles Rd(3...0)Rd(7...4),Rd(7...4)Rd(3...0) None 1 BSET s Flag Set SREG(s) 1 SREG(s) 1 BCLR s Flag Clear SREG(s) 0 SREG(s) 1 BST Rr, b Bit Store from Register to T T Rr(b) T 1 BLD Rd, b Bit load from T to Register Rd(b) T None 1 SEC Set Carry C1 C 1 CLC Clear Carry C0 C 1 SEN Set Negative Flag N1 N 1 CLN Clear Negative Flag N0 N 1 SEZ Set Zero Flag Z1 Z 1 CLZ Clear Zero Flag Z0 Z 1 SEI Global Interrupt Enable I1 I 1 CLI Global Interrupt Disable I 0 I 1 SES Set Signed Test Flag S1 S 1 CLS Clear Signed Test Flag S0 S 1 SEV Set Twos Complement Overflow. V1 V 1 CLV Clear Twos Complement Overflow V0 V 1 SET Set T in SREG T1 T 1 CLT Clear T in SREG T0 T 1 SEH Set Half Carry Flag in SREG H1 H 1 CLH Clear Half Carry Flag in SREG H0 H 1 DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS MOV Rd, Rr Move Between Registers Rd Rr None 1 MOVW Rd, Rr Copy Register Word Rd+1:Rd Rr+1:Rr None 1 LDI Rd, K Load Immediate Rd K None 1 LD Rd, X Load Indirect Rd (X) None 2 LD Rd, X+ Load Indirect and Post-Inc. Rd (X), X X + 1 None 2 LD Rd, - X Load Indirect and Pre-Dec. X X - 1, Rd (X) None 2 LD Rd, Y Load Indirect Rd (Y) None 2 LD Rd, Y+ Load Indirect and Post-Inc. Rd (Y), Y Y + 1 None 2 LD Rd, - Y Load Indirect and Pre-Dec. Y Y - 1, Rd (Y) None 2 LDD Rd,Y+q Load Indirect with Displacement Rd (Y + q) None 2 LD Rd, Z Load Indirect Rd (Z) None 2 LD Rd, Z+ Load Indirect and Post-Inc. Rd (Z), Z Z+1 None 2 LD Rd, -Z Load Indirect and Pre-Dec. Z Z - 1, Rd (Z) None 2 LDD Rd, Z+q Load Indirect with Displacement Rd (Z + q) None 2 LDS Rd, k Load Direct from SRAM Rd (k) None 2 ST X, Rr Store Indirect (X) Rr None 2 ST X+, Rr Store Indirect and Post-Inc. (X) Rr, X X + 1 None 2 ST - X, Rr Store Indirect and Pre-Dec. X X - 1, (X) Rr None 2 ST Y, Rr Store Indirect (Y) Rr None 2 ST Y+, Rr Store Indirect and Post-Inc. (Y) Rr, Y Y + 1 None 2 ST - Y, Rr Store Indirect and Pre-Dec. Y Y - 1, (Y) Rr None 2 STD Y+q,Rr Store Indirect with Displacement (Y + q) Rr None 2 ST Z, Rr Store Indirect (Z) Rr None 2 ST Z+, Rr Store Indirect and Post-Inc. (Z) Rr, Z Z + 1 None 2 ST -Z, Rr Store Indirect and Pre-Dec. Z Z - 1, (Z) Rr None 2 STD Z+q,Rr Store Indirect with Displacement (Z + q) Rr None 2 STS k, Rr Store Direct to SRAM (k) Rr None 2 LPM Load Program Memory R0 (Z) None 3 LPM Rd, Z Load Program Memory Rd (Z) None 3 LPM Rd, Z+ Load Program Memory and Post-Inc Rd (Z), Z Z+1 None 3 SPM Store Program Memory (Z) R1:R0 None - IN Rd, P In Port Rd P None 1 OUT P, Rr Out Port P Rr None 1 PUSH Rr Push Register on Stack STACK Rr None 2 POP Rd Pop Register from Stack Rd STACK None 2 MCU CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS NOP No Operation None 1 SLEEP Sleep (see specific descr. for Sleep function) None 1
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