5) Heat Transfer I

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Heat transfer fundamentals

BIB 1101: Environmental Physics

Bach (Hons.) of Building Surveying

Faculty of Built Environment
University of Malaya
 A basic understanding of the thermal sciences

 Thermodynamics

This module explains the properties of fluids and how those

properties are affected by various processes. The module also
explains how energy balances can be performed on facility
systems or components and how efficiency can be calculated.

 Fluid Flow

This module describes the relationship between the different

types of energy in a fluid stream through the use of Bernoulli's
equation. The module also discusses the causes of head loss in
fluid systems and what factors affect head loss.
 Heat Transfer

This module describes conduction, convection, and radiation

heat transfer. The module also explains how specific
parameters can affect the rate of heat transfer.
The information contained in this presentation is by no means
all encompassing. An attempt to present the entire subject of
heat transfer would be impractical. However, this presentation
presents enough information

 to provide you with a fundamental knowledge level

sufficient to understand the advanced theoretical concepts
presented in other subject areas, and

 To better understand basic system and equipment

 Heat transfer terminology

To understand and communicate in the

thermal science field, certain terms
and expressions must be learned in
heat transfer.

 The difference between heat and temperature.

 The difference between heat and work.

 The Second Law of Thermodynamics and how it relates to heat


 The three modes of heat transfer.

 the following terms as they relate to heat transfer:

Heat flux
Thermal conductivity
Convective heat transfer coefficient
Overall heat transfer coefficient
 Heat and temperature

Temperature is a measure of the amount of energy possessed by

the molecules of a substance.
It is a relative measure of how hot or cold a substance is and can be
used to predict the direction of heat transfer. The symbol for
temperature is T.
The common scales for measuring temperature are the Fahrenheit,
Rankine, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature scales.

Heat is energy in transit. The transfer of energy as heat occurs at

the molecular level as a result of a temperature difference. Heat is
capable of being transmitted through solids and fluids by
conduction, through fluids by convection, and through empty space
by radiation. The symbol for heat is Q.

The common units for measuring heat are the British Thermal Unit
(Btu) in the English system of units and the calorie in the SI system
(International System of Units).
 Heat and work

 Both represent energy in

 Work is the transfer of energy
resulting from a force acting
through a distance.
 Heat is energy transferred as
the result of a temperature

 Neither heat nor work are thermodynamic properties of a system.

Heat can be transferred into or out of a system and work can be
done on or by a system, but a system cannot contain or store
either heat or work.
 When a temperature difference exists across a boundary, the
Second Law of Thermodynamics indicates the natural flow of
energy is from the hotter body to the colder body.

 The Second Law of Thermodynamics denies the possibility of ever

completely converting into work all the heat supplied to a system
operating in a cycle (Max Plank, 1903).

 Questions and Answers

How can you drink a cup of tea according to second law of

thermodynamic?!! Simple answer…

Please indicate the relationship between heat and work in an

 Modes of Transferring Heat
Heat is always transferred when a temperature difference exists
between two bodies. There are three basic modes of heat transfer:

 Conduction involves the

transfer of heat by the
interactions of atoms or
molecules of a material
through which the heat is
being transferred. [by direct

 Convection involves the transfer of heat by the mixing and motion of

macroscopic portions of a fluid. [by mass motion of molecules]

 Radiation, or radiant heat transfer, involves the transfer of heat by

electromagnetic radiation that arises due to the temperature of a
body. [by electromagnetic radiation]
 Modes of Transferring Heat
Heat Flux

The rate at which heat is transferred is represented by the symbol C .

Common units for heat transfer rate is Btu/hr.

Sometimes it is important to determine the heat transfer rate per unit

area, or heat flux, which has the symbol B. Units for heat flux are

The heat flux can be determined by dividing the heat transfer rate by
the area through which the heat is being transferred.
B= C/A

B = heat flux (Btu/hr-ft²)
C = heat transfer rate (Btu/hr)
A = area (ft²)
 Thermal Conductivity
 The heat transfer characteristics of a solid material are measured
by a property called the thermal conductivity (k) measured in
Btu/hr-ft-˚F. It is a measure of a substance’s ability to transfer heat
through a solid by conduction.

Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient

 The convective heat transfer coefficient (h), defines, in part, the
heat transfer due to convection.
 The convective heat transfer coefficient is sometimes referred to as
a film coefficient and represents the thermal resistance of a
relatively stagnant layer of fluid between a heat transfer surface
and the fluid medium.
 Common units used to measure the convective heat transfer
coefficient are Btu/hr - ft² - ˚F.
 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
In the case of combined heat transfer, it is common practice to relate
the total rate of heat transfer ( Q ), the overall cross-sectional area for
heat transfer (A), and the overall temperature difference (ΔT˚) using
the overall heat transfer coefficient (Uo).
Q= Uo A ΔT˚
Q = the rate heat of transfer (Btu/hr)
Uo = the overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr - ft² - ˚F)
A = the overall cross-sectional area for heat transfer (ft²)
ΔT˚ = the overall temperature difference (˚F)

 Questions and Answers

 Conduction involves the transfer of
heat by the interaction between
adjacent molecules of a material.

 Heat transfer by conduction is dependent upon the driving "force"

of temperature difference and the resistance to heat transfer.
The resistance to heat transfer is dependent upon the nature and
dimensions of the heat transfer medium.

 In conduction heat transfer, the most common means of

correlation is through Fourier’s Law of Conduction. The law, in
its equation form, is used most often in its rectangular or
cylindrical form (pipes and cylinders), both of which are
presented in the next page.
Rectangular Q= k A [Δt/Δx]

Cylindrical Q= k A [Δt/Δr]

Q= rate of heat transfer (Btu/hr)
A= cross-sectional area of heat transfer (ft²)
Δx= thickness of slab (ft)
Δr= thickness of cylindrical wall (ft)
Δt= temperature difference (˚F)
K= thermal conductivity of slab ( Btu/ft-hr-˚F)

 Convection involves the transfer of heat by the motion

and mixing of "macroscopic" portions of a fluid (that is,
the flow of a fluid past a solid boundary).
 The term natural convection is used if this motion and mixing is
caused by density variations resulting from temperature differences
within the fluid.
 The term forced convection is used if this motion and mixing is caused
by an outside force, such as a pump.
 The transfer of heat from a hot water radiator to a room is an example
of heat transfer by natural convection.

 The transfer of heat from the surface of

a heat exchanger to the bulk of a fluid
being pumped through the heat
exchanger is an example of forced
The basic relationship for heat transfer by convection has the same
form as that for heat transfer by conduction:

Q= h A ΔT

Q = the rate heat of transfer (Btu/hr)
h = convective heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr - ft² - ˚F)
A = surface area of heat transfer heat transfer (ft²)
ΔT = the overall temperature difference (˚F)

The convective heat transfer coefficient (h) is dependent upon the

physical properties of the fluid and the physical situation.

Values of h have been measured and tabulated for the commonly

encountered fluids and flow situations occurring during heat transfer
by convection.

 Radiant heat transfer involves the

transfer of heat by electromagnetic
radiation that arises due to the
temperature of a body.

 Radiant heat transfer involves the transfer of heat by

electromagnetic radiation that arises due to the temperature of a
 Most energy of this type is in the infra-red region of the
electromagnetic spectrum although some of it is in the visible
 The term thermal radiation is frequently used to distinguish this
form of electromagnetic radiation from other forms, such as radio
waves, x-rays, or gamma rays.
Heat exchangers are devices that are used to transfer thermal energy
from one fluid to another without mixing the two fluids.

 The basic design of a heat exchanger normally has two fluids of

different temperatures separated by some conducting medium.
The most common design has one fluid flowing through metal
tubes and the other fluid flowing around the tubes.

 On either side of the tube, heat is transferred by convection. Heat

is transferred through the tube wall by conduction.

 In the most commonly used type of heat exchanger, two fluids of

different temperature flow in spaces separated by a tube wall. They
transfer heat by convection and by conduction through the wall.

 This type is referred to as an "ordinary heat exchanger," as

compared to the other two types classified as "regenerators" and
"cooling towers.“

 An ordinary heat exchanger is single-phase or two-phase.

 In a single-phase heat exchanger, both of the fluids (cooled and
heated) remain in their initial gaseous or liquid states.
 In two phase exchangers, either of the fluids may change its phase
during the heat exchange process.

 The steam generator and main condenser of nuclear facilities are of

the two phase, ordinary heat exchanger classification.
 Heat transfer in building
 Questions and answers

 What is passive house?!!

 How do you define a passive building?
 Heat transfer and passive solar design in buildings
 Heat transfer and passive ventilation in buildings

 Cross ventilation
 Single ventilation
 Stack ventilation
 Heat transfer and simulation in buildings

 Software for simulating heat transfer in building

 How can simulate heat transfer in simulation program?

 How can evaluate heat transfer in simulation program?

The End

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