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Chapter-13 14 MySQL Class 12

The document provides an overview of MySQL and relational database concepts. It discusses the components of a database including tables, rows, columns, primary keys and foreign keys. It also summarizes common SQL statements like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE for querying and modifying data in MySQL databases. Key terms like data types, indexes, views and stored procedures are also defined.
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Chapter-13 14 MySQL Class 12

The document provides an overview of MySQL and relational database concepts. It discusses the components of a database including tables, rows, columns, primary keys and foreign keys. It also summarizes common SQL statements like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE for querying and modifying data in MySQL databases. Key terms like data types, indexes, views and stored procedures are also defined.
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 Database
 Collection of data
 Contains information about one particular

 Disadvantages
 Data Redundancy (duplications of data)
 Data inconsistency
 Unsharable data
 Unstandardized data
 Insecure data
 Incorrect data
Database Management
 Advantages of Database System
 Reduces data redundancy
 Control Data Inconsistency

 Sharing of data

 Enforces standards

 Centralized databases ensures data security

 Integrity can be maintained throughout

the databases
Relational Data Model

 Data model
 set of concepts to describe the structure
of a database and certain constraints that
the database should obey.

 Most commonly used data model

 relational data model
Terms in Relational Model
 Relation  View
 Stores logically related data  Virtual Table
 Data must be atomic in a cell  Derived from one or more
underlying base table(s).
 Domain
 Pool of valyes in a column  Primary Key
Set of one or more attributes that

uniquely identifiy tuples(Rows) in a
 Row of relation table
 Attribute  Candidate Key
 Column of a relation  All attribute combination that can
serve as Primary Key
 Degree
 Number of  Alternate Key
attributes(Column)  A Candidate key that is not a
primary key
 Cardinality
 Number of Tuples (Row)  Foreign Key
 Non key attribute whose values are
derived from primary key of some
other table.
Referential Integrity

 It is a system of rules that a DBMS uses

to ensure the relationship between
records in related tables.

 It is a freely available open source

RDBMS that uses SQL
 Information is stored in Tables
 Fast, reliable and scalable
 MySQL database refers to the
combination of MySQL server instance
and a MySQL Database
Client/Server Architecture

 Set of commands that is recognized by

nearly all RDBMSs.
 Structured Query Language
 Language that enables us to create and
operate on relational databases,
 which are sets of related information stored in
Classification of SQL
 Data Definition  Transaction Control
Language (DDL) Language(TCL)
 Perform tasks related  Manage and control
to data definition transactions
 Creating, altering,  Making changes to
dropping database
 Granting and revoking  Undoing changes to
privilages and roles database
 Maintenance  Creating savepoints
commands  Setting properties for
 Data Manipulation current transactions
 Perform data
 Retrieval
 Insertion
 Deletion
 Modification
Common MySQL DataTypes
Data Type Spec
VARCHAR String (0-255)
TINYINT Integer(-128 to 127)
SMALLINT Integer(-32768 to 32767)
MEDIUMINT Integer(-8388606 to
Data Type Spec
INT Integer(-2147483648 to
BIGINT Integer(-
9223372036854775808 to
FLOAT Decimal precise to 23 digits
DOUBLE Decimal (24 to 53 digits)
DECIMAL “DOUBLE”stored as string
ENUM One of preset options
SET Selection of preset options
Difference between Char and
Char Varchar

 Fixed length  Variable length

Blank spaces are  Value stored exactly as

you give.
given to the extra
No blank spaces for
spaces after the 
remaining length
given value.
 Occpies only the
 Occupies entire required spaces and
length specified frees out the memory
Accessing database

 Before making queries, or even create a

table., a database has to be used.

 The command used is

 USE<database name>;
Creating Tables in MySQL

 Tables are defined using CREATE TABLE


 Viewing Structure of a Table

 DESC table-name;

 CREATE TABLE table-name

Ø (column-name datatype size,
Ø column-name datatype size,

Ø column-name datatype size ......);

Creating Table with
 Constraint is a condition or check
applicable on a field or set of fields.
 Common types of constraints:

S.No Constraints Description

1 NOT NULL A column cannot have NULL value.

Default value for a column when none is
3 UNIQUE All are values in a column are different

4 CHECK Makes the criteria for the values

5 Primary Key Uniquely identify a row in a table

6 Foreign Key Ensure referential integrity of the data

Create a table with the
following constraints:

Column name Type Constraint

Exam_Numbe Integer Primary Key
Student_ID Variable Unique
Last_Name Variable Should not be a NULL value
First_Name Variable
Age Integer Also it should be within the range
Class Variable Set the Value “Grade-12” if no
character value is given
-> ExamNo Integer PRIMARY KEY,
-> StudId Varchar(10) UNIQUE,
-> LastName Varchar (20) NOT NULL,
-> FirstName Varchar(20),
-> Age Integer CHECK ((Age>=16) AND
-> Class Varchar(10) DEFAULT 'Grade-
Creating Foreign Key

 Relating 2 tables.
 Create table marks
Ø ( MID integer,
Ø ExNo integer,

Ø Total integer,

Ø Result varchar(5),

Ø Foreign Key(ExNo) references STUDENT

(Exam_Number) );
Adding a Foreign Key to the
existing Table
 A new Foreign Key can be added to the
existing Table with the ALTER TABLE

 ALTER TABLE <table-name> ADD

FOREIGN KEY (<colum name that has to
be designated as foreign key> )
references <master-table> (primary key
of the master table) );
Inserting data into Value
 Rows are added to relations using INSERT
command of SQL.
 INSERT INTO table-name [<column-list>]
VALUES (<value-list>);

 If the column order is well-known then the

column list can be omitted
 INSERT INTO table-name VALUES (<value-

 Dates are by default entered as

SELECT Command
 Selecting all data
 SELECT * FROM table-name;
 Selecting particular rows
 SELECT * FROM table-name WHERE conditions;
 Selecting particular columns
 SELECT <column-name(s)> FROM table-name;
 Eliminating Redundant Data
 The DISTINCT keyword eliminates duplicate
results from the result
 SELECT DISTINCT column-name FROM table-name;
 Selecting from All the Rows
 If DISTINCT is replaced with the keyword ALL ,
then the result retains he duplicate output rows.
 SELECT ALL <column-name> FROM <table-name>;
Performing Simple
 To perform simple calculations, write
the expression/formula.

 SELECT 3*9*6;

 SELECT curdate();
Using Column Aliases

 The columns that are selected in a query

can have different names for the output

 Syntax:
 SELECT<column-name> AS <alias-name>
FROM <table-name>;
Condition based on a Range

 BETWEEN is used to define a range of

values taht the column must fall in to
make the condition TRUE.

 SELECT* FROM table-name

WHERE column-name BETWEEN start
AND end;
Condition based on a List

 IN and NOT IN operator is used

 SELECT * FROM table-name WHERE

<column-name> IN (‘value1’, ‘value2’,

 SELECT * FROM table-name WHERE

<column-name> NOT IN (‘value1’, ‘value2’,
Condition Based on Pattern
 String matching operator LIKE
 Percent(%) matches any substring
 SELECT * FROM table-name WHERE name
LIKE ‘%y’;
 Ending with y

 Underscore(_ ) the _ character matches

any character
Searching for NULL

 The NULL value in a column can be

searched in a table using IS NULL, in
the WHERE Clause.
 SELECT* FROM table-name WHERE
column-name IS NULL;
Modifying Data in Table
 Data can be modified in the table using
UPDATE command
 UPDATE <table name> SET <column name> =
 This command will change the entire column
with the given value

 To change the value of the column for a

particular column alone, then
 WHERE clause and the new data using SET
keyword, can be used
 UPDATE <table name> SET <column name> =
<value> WHERE (conditions);
Deleting data from Tables

 To delete some data from tables, use

DELETE commands.
 It removes rows from a table
 Not individual field values
 DELETE FROM <tablename> WHERE
 To remove all the contents of the table
 DELETE FROM <tablename>;
Dropping tables

 To delete the entire table existence, it

has to DROPped.

 DROP TABLE <tablename>;

 Todrop the table from the database after

checking the existence of the same.

 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS <tablename>;

Altering Tables

 It changes the definition of existing

 ALTER TABLE command is used:
 To add a column
 ALTER TABLE <table> ADD <columnname>
<datatype><size> [constraint];
 To add an integrity constraint
 To redefine a column(datatype, size,
default value)

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