Crime and Punishment:: Punishment For Illegal Entrance in Critical Information Infrastructure, Etc

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What legal procedures are provided for illegal entrance to computers

and networks is given below;

Crime and punishment:
Punishment for illegal Entrance in Critical Information Infrastructure,etc.
1. If any person intentionally or knowingly in any Critical information
infrastructure. Illegally enters, or b. By means of illegal entrance, harms or
destroys or renders inactive the infrastructure or tries to do so, Then the above
activity of that person will be an offense under the Act (2) If any person of Sub
Section (1)-

any offense within the Clause (a) then, the person will be penalized by imprisonment
for a term not exceeding 7(seven) years or by fine not exceeding 25 (twenty five) lakh
taka or with both.
a) Commits any offense within Clause (b) then, the person will be penalized by
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 (fourteen) years or with fine not
exceeding 1 (one) crore Commits ore Taka or with both.
2)If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time
or recurrently commits the offense then, he will be punished with lifetime
imprisonment or with fine not exceeding 5 (five) crore taka or with both
2)Illegal Entrance in computer, digital device, computer system, etc. and
1) If any person willingly illegally enters or help to enter in any computer, computer
system or computer network,or
a). illegally enters or helps to enter with the intention of committing a crime then the
activity of that person will be a offense under the Act.
(2) If any person under Sub Section (1)-
a). Commits any offense within the Clause (a) then, the person will be penalized with
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or by fine not exceeding 3 (three)
lakh taka or with both.
b) Commits any offense within Clause (b) then, the person be penalized with
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3(three) years or with fine not exceeding 10
(ten) lacs taka or with both.

3) If an offence within the Sub-Section (1), is committed in case of a secured

computer or computer system or computer network then, the person will be penalized
by imprisonment.
for a term not exceeding 3(three) years or by fine not exceeding 10 (ten) lacs taka or
with both.
4) If any person commits the offense within this section for the second time or
recurrently commits it then, he will be penalized with punishment that is two times of
the punishment designed for the main offense.
5)Damage of computer, computer system,etc and punishment:
1) If any person -
a) Collects any data or storage , information or part of it from any computer,
computer system ,or computer networks or collects transferable or part of it on copy
of it stored in the said computer.
Computer system or computer network.
b) Intentionally inserts or tries to insert any virus or any harmful software in any
computer system or network ,or
c) Intentionally harms or tries to harm the data storage of nay computer ,computer
system or computer network,or
d) By any means stops or tries to stop a valid or authorized person to enter any
computer,computer system ,or computer network.
e) Intentionally create or tries to create spam or undesired emails with out the
permission of the sender or receiver , for any product or service marketing ,or
f) Interferes unjustly in any computer ,computer system or computer network, or by
lies and deliberate falsity enjoys the service of an individual or transfer the change or
tries to transfer of such service into the account of another .
Then the persons activity will be an offense under the Act.
b)Interferes unjustly in any computer, computer system or Computer network or by
lies and deliberate falsity enjoys the service of an individual or transfers the charge or
tries to transfer of such service into the account of another.
Then, that person’s activity will be a an offense under the Act.
6)If any person commits any offense mentioned within sub section (1), the person will
be penalized with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7(seven) years or fine not
exceeding 10 (ten) lacs taka or with both. (3) If any person commits the offense
mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or recurrently commits it then, he
will be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10( ten) years of
imprisonment or with fine not exceeding 25 (twenty five) lakh taka or with both.
6)Offenses relating to Computer Source Code Change and Punishment:-
(1) If any person intentionally or knowingly hides or destroys or changes the source
code used in any computer, computer system, or computer network or if he tries to
hide, destroy or change the source through another person and if that source code is
preservable and securable then that act of the said person will be considered an
offense under the Act.
(2) If any person commits any offense mentioned within sub section (1), the person
will be penalized with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 (three) years or fine
not exceeding 3 (three) lacs taka or with both (3) If any person commits the offense
mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or recurrently commits it then, he
will be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5(five) years or with
7) Offense relating to computer source code change and punishment:
1)If any person intentionally or knowingly hides or destroys or changes the source
code used in any computer, computer system, or computer network or if tries to hide
or destroy or change the source through another person and if that source code is
preservable and securable then that act of the said person will be consider on offense
under the Act.
8) Digital or Electronic Forgery:-
(1) If any person commits forgery by means of any digital or electronic medium then
that activity of that particular person will be an offense under the Act.
(2) If any person commits any offense mentioned within sub section (1), the person
will be penalized with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 (five) years or with a
fine not exceeding 5 (five) lacs taka or with both
(3) If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second
time or recurrently commits it then, he will be punished with imprisonment for a term
not exceeding 7 (seven) years or with fine not exceeding 10 (ten) lacs taka or with
.Explanation:- To fulfill the objective of this Act, “Digital or Electronic Forgery”
means, if any person without authority or in excess of the given authority or by means
of unauthorized practice produces input or output of any computer or digital device or
changes, erases or hides incorrect data or program, or results in erroneous
information, or information system of any computer or digital device, data system and
computer or digital network operation.
8)Digital or Electronic Fraud:
(1) If any person commits fraud by means of any digital or electronic medium then
that activity of that particular person will be an offense under the Act.
(2) If any person commits any offense mentioned within sub section (1), the person
will be penalized with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 (five) years or by fine
not exceeding 5 (five) lacs taka or with both .
(3) If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second
time or recurrently commits it then, he will be punished with imprisonment for a term
not exceeding 7 (seven) years or with fine not exceeding 10 (ten) lacs taka or with
both .
Explanation:- To fulfill the objective of this Act, “Digital or Electric Fraud” means,
if any person intentionally or knowingly or without permission changes any
information, deletes, adds new information or creates distortion and reduces the value
of that or the utility of any computer program, computer system, computer network,
digital device, digital system, digital network, or of a social communication medium,
trying to gain benefit for himself/herself or for others or trying to harm others or to
deceive others .
9)Identity Fraud or Being in Disguise: (1) If any person intentionally or knowingly
uses any computer, computer Program, computer system, computer network, digital
device, digital system or digital networks.
a) With the intention of deceiving or cheating carries the identity of another person or
shows any person’s identity as his own, or
b) . Intentionally by forgery assuming the identity of a alive or dead person as one’s
own for the following purpose. To achieve some advantages for oneself or for
any other person; ii. To acquire any property or interest in any property; iii. To
harm a person by using another person’s identity in disguise. Then the Act of the
person will be an offense under the Act.
2) If any person commits any offense mention in sub-section (1), the person will be
penalized by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5(five) years or fine not
exceeding 5(five) lacs taka or both.
3) If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub- section (1) in the second time
or recurrently commits it ihis, he will be punished with imprisonment dor a term not
exceeding 7(seven)years or with 10(ten)lacs taka or with both.
In this conclusion all those Act under those sections will be perform that the legal
procedures which are provided for illegal entrance to computers and punishment.

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