Seven-7-Segment Counter Circuit With LED Display-Diagram and Schematic PDF
Seven-7-Segment Counter Circuit With LED Display-Diagram and Schematic PDF
Seven-7-Segment Counter Circuit With LED Display-Diagram and Schematic PDF
Here is the circuit diagram of a seven segment counter based on the counter IC CD 4033. This
circuit can be used in conjunction with various circuits where a counter to display the progress
adds some more attraction.
In this circuit a 7-segment display is connected with two NE555 IC’s and CD4033 IC to display
counts from 0 to 9. The IC CD40333 is a 5 stage Johnson decade counter with decoder and is
mostly used in digital displays. The decoder helps in converting the Johnson codeto a 7 segment
decoded output. Thus, the input signal will be converted to numeric digits and will be displayed on
the LT543 display. This IC can be used in display circuits and also in clocks, timers and so on.
You may also like: Wireless Mains Voltage Tester Using IC CD4033
This IC can be operated at a maximum of 20 Volts. While using the IC make sure that you use it
alternatively, as it is highly sensitive to static change, and a small touch at the input terminal would
be more than enough to start the counter circuit.
IC NE 555 is wired as an astable multivibrator for triggering the CD4033 IC on Clock Input Pin (Pin
1). For each pulse the out put of CD 4033 advances by one count. The output of CD 4033 is
displayed by the seven segment LED display LT543.
Pins 2, 3, 8 & 14 are grounded. Pin 2 is the Clock Inhibit pin and should be grounded while the
counter is incremented by one value for each pulse. Pins 3 & 4 are the ripple blanking input &
output pins. They are used to improve the readability of the digits. Pin 8 is the GND pin. Pin 14 is
the Lamp Test pin and is used to check if all the seven segments are properly working.
Pin 5 is the Carry Out pin and as the name says it carries out a 10 clock input cycle (0 to 9). It can be
used to cascade more IC’s to display more digits.
Pin 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 – These 7 pins are the 7 decoded outputs from a to g and produces the
output digits (0 to 9) on the display.
Pin 15 is the Reset pin and must be kept LOW to reset the counter from 9 to 0.
Switch S1 is used to initiate the counting. As soon as the switch S1 is pressed, the clock input pin
receives the pulse and increments the counter by 1. After counting till 9 the display again shows 0.
Component Specification
IC1 NE555
IC2 CD4033
R1, R3 47K
R4 470 Ohms`
C1 0.01uF
D1 IN4007
S1 Switch
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Using 2 CD4033 IC’s can help you count 2 digit numbers from 10 to 99. The two IC’s have to be
cascaded with PIN5 connected to carry out the count from 9 to 10 in the second IC. Make sure to
connect PIN 15 (Reset) of both IC’s together & ground it with a 47K resistor. You can add more
digits by cascading more IC’s.