Product: Complete Diagnostic Solutions

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Doble has been serving the electric power industry for over 90 years,
providing unsurpassed diagnostic instruments, consulting services and
knowledge. We help our clients consistently achieve demanding goals for
minimized risk and maximum performance of electric power systems.

We provide much more than just products -


Doble offers Complete Diagnostic Solutions.

Diagnostic Instruments Premiere Conferences & Events

Our decades of unsurpassed cumulative Doble’s Client Conferences in North
knowledge and field testing experience America, Europe, Latin America, India,
have enabled Doble to develop diagnostic South Africa and Asia Pacific are the
test instruments which accurately assess industry’s premiere events on apparatus
electrical apparatus condition. Engineered maintenance and asset management.
to perform consistently despite rough These annual conferences are the
handling in transport and under adverse venues for exchanging the latest industry
conditions, Doble instruments are information, and for advancing the
legendary for reliability in the field. reliable and cost-effective generation and
delivery of electric power. In addition,
Doble offers regional seminars worldwide
Product Support throughout the year, on topics of
& Services Agreements importance to the industry.
Doble has engineering support offices
located around the world, which enables
us to offer real-time assistance around The Doble Knowledge Library
the clock to our clients. Our engineers Doble maintains the industry’s most
work in close partnership with our extensive resource library of apparatus
clients, in order to analyze test data and test results and knowledge. Since Doble
handle service issues, providing a wealth does not manufacture or market utility
of knowledge and expertise. assets such as transformers, circuit
breakers, insulators and bushings, we
have always been in a position to act as
Expert Consulting the “unbiased provider” of information
related to the performance of these
& Field Testing Services system components.
Companies are increasingly looking to
outsource for expertise when facing The Doble library contains over 25
answers to their tough problems. Our million test results on 350,000+
team leverages Doble’s extensive electrical apparatus. This volume of
Knowledge Library to deliver the knowledge is statistically significant,
highest level of consulting services and allowing clients to make informed
experience-based solutions. decisions based on comparison of
their test data to an extensive sample
Laboratory Services
At Doble, we are committed to
advancing the knowledge of material
sciences. We have laboratory services
for material sciences and high voltage
testing; staffed by industry-acclaimed
scientists and apparatus engineers.
Doble is ISO Certified
Doble’s M series diagnostic instruments and the “Doble Test”
are the industry standard throughout the world.

Doble’s M4000 Diagnostic Test System M4100 Automated Insulation Analyzer

Doble established its world class reputation through This 10-kV Portable Automated
the development of our M series instruments. These Insulation Analyzer uses
analytical instruments and test methods measure the patented, state of the art
quality and condition of electrical insulation. The M technology to accurately
series instruments and the “Doble Test” are the industry evaluate the insulation quality of
standard throughout the world. substation high voltage power
apparatus even under conditions
of high electrostatic and electromagnetic interference.
M4110 Leakage Reactance Module
Detect winding movement – use the M4110
to perform short circuit impedance tests on Doble Test Assistant (DTA)® Software
transformers – a vital tool in diagnosing
winding deformation. This comprehensive software
package enhances productivity
and enables maintenance
engineers to make informed

Type C Resonating Inductor decisions on apparatus insulation

condition in the field. DTA utilizes
The Type C Resonating Inductor is an a Doble-developed expert system
adjustable reactor, designed to extend the based on decades of analysis of field test results.
charging current range of the M4100 to test
larger apparatus.

The M5000 series for Sweep Frequency M5400

Response Analysis (SFRA) The M5400 detects mechanical
Doble’s M5000 Series uses Sweep Frequency Response failure or movement of windings
Analysis (SFRA) for detecting mechanical failure or due to short circuits, mechanical
movement of windings due to short circuits, mechanical stresses or transportation.
stresses or transportation. Use it to ensure transformer Use it to ensure transformer
performance, reduce maintenance cost, and increase performance, reduce maintenance
the service life of transformers. The SFRA technique cost, and increase the service life
determines whether transformer repair is necessary of transformers. Requires user-
without costly de-tanking. supplied PC.

The M5300 detects mechanical
failure or movement of windings
due to short circuits, mechanical
stresses or transportation.
Use it to ensure transformer
performance, reduce
maintenance cost, and increase
the service life of transformers.
This Sweep Frequency Response Analyzer comes with a
built-in PC.
Doble is the world leader in the application of expert systems for on-line diag-
nostics of electrical apparatus, based on decades of field testing experience.

Intelligent Diagnostic Devices (IDD)™

A family of small stand-alone devices IDD Models include:
installed on specific apparatus which
continuously monitor the apparatus IDD – for Bushings and CTs
condition using an expert diagnostic IDD – for Moisture in Transformers
system. IDD provides operators and
maintenance engineers with an early IDD – for Dissolved Gas in Oil Analysis (DGA)
warning of the need for preventive
maintenance or corrective actions.

DOMINO ® Family of Moisture Sensors DOMINO® Permanent Mount Sensors

The DOMINO family consists of both permanent mount and Available in a variety of models,
portable instruments. Doble’s Moisture-in-Oil permanent the DOMINO continuously measures
mount sensors measure moisture in oil in terms of ppm moisture content and temperature
and relative saturation (RS) as well as temperature. of electrical insulating liquids such
These sensors provide an extremely reliable measurement as transformer oils. DOMINO provides
of the water content of electrical insulating liquids and results in parts per million (ppm) ,
other types of oils. temperature and relative saturation
with accuracy consistent with traditional laboratory titration
DOMINO instruments measure the water content


continuously. The measuring technology is based on
the change of capacitance of a thin polymer film. The
determination of moisture in insulating liquids is an
essential part of any comprehensive maintenance or DOMINO® USS – Ultimate Sampling System
diagnostic program. DOMINO USS is a portable combination
The portable instruments which comprise the USS system, which consists of either a
systems not only measure moisture-in-oil but also have moisture-in-oil sensor or a moisture–
the ability to measure the moisture in gas (dewpoint) in-gas (dewpoint) sensor or both.
including non-arced SF6 gas. Because it is mounted in a handy
carrying case, it provides a fast,
DOMINO instruments are rugged and field-portable. Even convenient way to take high-quality
the permanent mount sensors can be easily moved if so samples.

On-Line Assessment of Surge Arresters

Advanced user-friendly diagnostic tool, perfect for
Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) program.

LCM500 – Leakage Current Monitor

The LCM500 can be used for continuous
monitoring of one or more arresters to
investigate details in leakage current
changes versus time. It can also be
used for continuous registration in
substations of big importance to the
system operation reliability. Available
solutions include on-line configurations
using modem communication between
LCM500 instrument and PC software.
Used by test engineers worldwide, Doble’s F Series Protection Diagnostics
Instruments are compact, rugged and field portable.

F6000 Family of Power System Simulators F6080 Field Calibration Module

The F6000 Family of Power System Simulators, software The F6080 Field Calibration Module
and auxiliary products are known for their accuracy, is the most effective way to keep
ruggedness and high output. These state-of-the-art the F6150 protection test instrument
lightweight products will provide an excellent suite of properly calibrated. Using the F6080
hardware and software to meet all your testing and will increase your confidence in the
simulation needs. accuracy of your protection, meter
The F6000 line of products provide automated three and transducer testing.
phase testing and evaluation of electromechanical
and numerical relays and protection schemes. These
products are designed to provide fully automated
steady-state, dynamic and transient testing capability in
F5814 Recloser Test Interface Unit
the field as well as in a laboratory environment. The F5814 Recloser Test Interface
unit is designed to interface
between all 14 pin reclosers
and the F6150 Power System
Simulator. It provides testing for
F6150 Three-phase Power System Simulator the control circuit independently
- the total test solution for protection schemes (in the Simulate mode) or a complete functional test of the
The F6150 is the foundation of recloser (in the Operate mode).
Doble’s F6000 product line. With An optional voltage cable is available for applying three
this instrument, users can evaluate

phase Source and Load voltages. This helps testing of the

protection relays and schemes in supervised closing of the recloser.
their environment, using simulated
power system conditions and
events. The F6150 is the only
instrument with the high power, F6816 External I/O unit
flexibility and sophisticated software needed to run full The F6150 includes 8 logic inputs
simulation tests on your relays and protection schemes. and 8 logic outputs.
The Doble F6150 Power System Simulator is also If you have a need for additional
certified by KEMA as being compliant with IEC 61850 contact inputs and/or contact
communications protocol. outputs, the F6816 is your solution.

F6860 IEC 61850 GSE Configurator

F6050 Universal Time Synchronizer
The F6860 option allows testing of protection schemes that
use IEC 61850-compliant IEDs (intelligent electronic devices) Doble’s F6050 Universal Time
with ease through an user friendly interface. Synchronizer extends the benefits of
GPS Synchronized End-to-End Testing to
your entire power system – regardless of
location – eliminating the need for costly
F6300 High Power Current Amplifier staged fault testing. The F6050 does not
require a permanent access to open sky.
The F6300 provides more power
- bringing your realistic protection
scheme testing power to the next
level. The powerful combination of the
F6350 Real Time Power System Simulation Interface
F6150 and the F6300 can evaluate the
performance of protection schemes for You can now convert your F6150 to a set of voltage and
practically all power system events. current amplifiers whenever there is a need for such an
application. In this mode of operation, the F6150 converts to
a set of voltage and current ampliers. These amplifiers can be
controlled by RTDS. Hence low level signals from the RTDS
are fed to the F6350 via a special Doble furnished cables.
The output of the F6350 is amplified signals that are supplied
to the relays or protection schemes under test. You can use
multiple F6350 and get as many voltage and current signals
you require for complete testing of relays and protection
Your solution to test, diagnose and calibrate numerical
and electromechanical protection schemes.

F6000 Software
Protection Suite Software ProTesT™ Web
The next generation of Doble Connecting field users of protest and office supervisors with
protection testing software. A critical info, message notifications an date transfer.
powerful, versatile and user-friendly
tool to help you test relays and
protection system with ease and

TransWin™ Transient Simulation Software ProTesT™ and F6TesT™ Automation Software Systems
TransWin™ allows you to test protection schemes under These software programs enable fully automated control
true power system conditions. You can replay COMTRADE of Doble test instruments for simplified, accurate testing of
files from digital relays, digital fault recorders, or EMTP/ATP protection schemes. The software eliminates manual errors
computer models. to improve productivity. Relational database architecture
stores protection settings, test methods and test history.

F6Meter Test Software ProTesT™ Reporter Software

This interactive and easy to use software is meant for testing ProTest Reporter Software is designed to help ProTesT users
meters and transducers. If you have the Doble Power System in preparing NERC reports for protection assets.You can use
Simulator F6150, you can use this software to conduct all this program to query the ProTesT database for details such
tests needed to test your meters and transducers. Doble also as number of relays tested in a specific year, number of relays
offers additional hardware options in order to help testing. that failed during a certain time period, etc.

Doble’s circuit breaker test systems provide dynamic testing of circuit

breakers with high accuracy, unaffected by electrostatic and electromagnetic


interference present in substations.
TDR900 Circuit Breaker Test Instrument T-Doble Software
The TDR900 provides efficient and Designed to support the TDR900 and Doble’s legacy
accurate performance measurements TDR9000 instrument, T-Doble software enables users to
to test all types of circuit breakers. make and compare breaker timing measurements, create
It performs timing functions for up easy to use test plans and view test results. With this
to 4 breaks per phase with motion software users can plot, overlay, analyze, and print data.
measurements. The TDR900 allows T-Doble includes
simple to complex testing of circuit integrated support
breakers using a single, rugged, field- from Doble’s DTAWeb.
portable instrument. The TDR900 is Test result data and
used with T-Doble software to control test plans can be
the instrument and organize circuit breaker test plans and imported from legacy
test types by user. The TDR900 requires a user-supplied PC. TRX software and the

TDR100 Circuit Breaker Test System

The TDR100 Circuit Breaker Test
System is a simple and effective
way to assess the condition of
circuit breakers and switching
devices. Its design and simplicity of
operation allows you to test all types
of circuit breakers quickly and easily.
The TDR100 does not require a PC
to operate.
“Doble Tested” now means Partial Discharge Testing!
Doble now offers a complete line of partial discharge surveying, testing (on and off-line) and 24/7 monitoring of test
equipment. A thorough condition-based maintenance program should include a selection of tools for continuous on-line
monitoring and detection of Partial Discharge (PD) in HV apparatus. Following the initial detection of PD, the results can
be further verified by high precision off-line techniques and appropriate corrective action taken.

PDS100 – Partial Discharge Surveyor PD-Smart and PD-Smart/UHF

The PDS100 provides a non-intrusive complete substation The enhanced PD-Smart is Doble`s next
PD survey capabilities. By simply walking around generation of Partial Discharge
HV apparatus, sources of PD and external Measurement Systems. It combines
interference can be detected and state-of-the-art technology with 40
identified. Routine RFI surveying will years of Lemke`s Partial Discharge
assist in locating PD activity while the knowledge within one smart solution.
apparatus is still in service. The PD-Smart system allows
multichannel, synchronous PD measurements
and could be used for in-house and on-site applications on
all types of HV apparatus (Transformers, Rotating Machines
DFA100 – Dielectric Fault Analyzer and HV/MV Cables). With the new developed smart User
Doble’s DFA100 a non-intrusive handheld Interface PD Testing has never been so easy.
system is specifically designed to detect faults
in grounded SF6 gas-insulated systems, such
as Gas-Insulated Substations (GIS) and SF6
filled dead tank breakers. Use this handheld, LDS-6/UHF
battery powered instrument to identify Doble Lemke`s LDS-6/UHF is a portable
and locate partial discharge, particles and Partial Discharge Analyzing System for PD
mechanical defects. Measurements on GIS, transformers
and cable systems.This state-of
-the-art, digital measuring system
DFA100 – for Cable Applications acquires the UHF PD signals from
installed GIS, drain valve or cable termination sensors.
DFA100 for non-intrusive diagnosis of medium The LDS-6/UHF is designed for on-site PD diagnosis as well
voltage cable terminations and cable joints. as for manufacturing and research purposes.
The DFA100 is a handheld instrument for
diagnosis of cable accessories. It is
a battery powered instrument for LDP-5
detection and location of internal
The well known Doble Lemke LDP-5

Partial Discharge (PD) in the insulation

of cable accessories. The DFA100 is a non-intrusive portable Probe for
includes an acoustic emission (AE) detection of dangerous partial
sensor and an acoustic wave guide discharges. It fits into Doble`s portfolio
consisting of insulated hot sticks. of survey tools for diagnosis on HV apparatus
in the field. With the broad range of accessories
(e.g. acoustical sensor or UHF-adapter) the
Doble Lemke LDP-5 could be used on different
types of test objects (for instance cable sealing ends
and joints, surge arresters, power transformers, voltage
transformers and electrical machines).

PD-Guard and PD-Guard/UHF

At the heart of an online rugged continuous PD monitoring
system is the PD-Guard. The PD-Guard is used in Doble’s
various online monitoring systems for transformers, rotating
machines, cable terminations and GIS. Reliable decisions
can be made in real-time with advanced signal processing,
interference suppression and
advanced PD analysis software
that will give you 24/7 monitoring
alerts. The system is scalable
allowing for multiple PD-Guards
to monitor several (and different)
apparatus through a central
evaluation server.  
Doble’s Partial Discharge Testing Systems
Doble provides a complete package of Solutions for Machines, Cables and Transformers

A Remote PC MachineGuard - PD Monitoring System
+ DobleGuard
Support Services
Doble offers a complete solution for
monitoring rotating machines. The
system includes the PD-Guard, couplers,
LAN / WAN / Internet
calibrators, interference rejection sensors,

C and all necessary connectors. The system

Noise Gating
Alarm Relay

comes with Doble’s world class support.
Fiber Optic
PD Evaluation Server
FailSafe LF Couplers LDC-5/S2
& Installation Kits Calibrator

MachineSmart - PD Test System MachineSmart

MachineSmart takes Doble’s highly advanced Buswork
PD-Smart* and let’s you do both offline and
online testing. When paired with permanently Motor or LDC-5/S2 +
Generator Calibrator PD Support
installed couplers, periodic monitoring of the in-
Terminal Box
service condition of a rotating machine is possible PD-Smart

with the portable PD-Smart. The PD-Smart can

measure your entire fleet of machines. For offline Noise Gating
testing, the PD-Smart and couplers can be used Signal Splitter

to make controlled PD measurements. For offline

testing you can use the M4000 or other HV FailSafe LF Couplers
source to energize the windings. & Installation Kits
Notebook PC
*LDS-6 can also be used in place of the PD-Smart.

Cables & Terminations

TerminationGuard TerminationGuard - PD Monitoring System

UHF Pre-Amplifier: The Doble TerminationGuard Partial Discharge
Monitoring System is a condition based


UHF PD Sensor monitoring system for assessing the condition
PD-Guard/UHF: of cable terminations in the field. Once installed
Partial Discharging
Monitor in the field, the most likely place for a cable
to fail is either at splices or terminations.
► ◄
Fiber Optic ► TerminationGuard targets the terminations and

PD Evaluation Server
can reliably assess their condition by using
the latest in UHF PD based technology. By

monitoring the in-service partial discharge, the

relay Box

Remote PC with
Internet/WAN insulation performance can be assessed over

time and corrective action can be taken before

PD Analysis
PD Source Check:
LDC-7 Pulse Generator
a failure occurs.

Doble TransformerGuard

TransformerGuard - PD Monitoring System TransformerGuard Computer(s) for

UHF Plate Sensors
UHF Hatch
(Mounted in Hatch)
TransformerGuard is a solution for monitoring Remote Control
& Analysis for

PD activity in transformers. It is equipped with Remote Control

& Analysis
a PD-Guard/UHF that allows for the connection
of various UHF sensors that can be either LAN / WAN / Internet

mounted through preinstalled top hatch UHF LAN / WAN / Internet

senor hatches or inserted through an oil drain

valve. UHF technology allows for detection of PD Alarm
relay Box
PD Monitoring UHF
UHF Drain
Drain Valve
activity deep within transformer windings without Server

attenuation. It also features the noise robustness

which is needed for reliable field measurements. PD Monitoring Fiberoptic
Doble’s experts will assist you in analysis. Server
Ethernet Hub

For more information, please visit

or contact
[email protected]

Doble is ISO Certified

Doble is an ESCO Technologies Company

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