Ammonium Muriaticum

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Ammonium chloride or Sal Ammoniac
(chemically ammonium chloride (NH4Cl); also
zalmiak, sal armagnac, sal armoniac, and salt General
armoniack) is, in its pure form, a clear white water- Name Ammonium chloride
soluble crystalline salt with a biting taste.
In nature, the substance occurs in volcanic NH4Cl
regions, forming on volcanic rocks near fume-
releasing vents. The crystals sublimate directly Appearance white crystalline powder
from the gaseous state, and tend to be short-lived, Physical
as they dissolve easily in water.
It is easy to produce artificially and is often created 53.4913
as a byproduct of other industries.
Melting point 338°C (640F) sublimes
Boiling point 520°C (968F)
Historically it was considered one of the four
alchemical "spirits". The way that it dissociates into Density 1.527
two corrosive materials (ammonia and hydrochloric Crystal
acid) which attack metals convinced eager Isometric
alchemists that it might hold the key to converting
one metal to another. Solubility 29.7g/100g water @ 0°C
In modern times it found use as an electrolyte for Thermochemistry
dry-cell batteries and as a fertilizer for use when 0
∆fH gas kJ/mol
growing rice.
It is also sold in blocks at hardware stores for use ∆fH liquid kJ/mol
in cleaning the tip of a soldering iron and can also 0
∆fH solid -314.55 kJ/mol
be included in solder as flux. 0
S gas, 1 bar J/mol·K
Other uses include a feed supplement for cattle, in 0
hair shampoo, in textile printing, in the glue that S liquid, 1 bar J/mol·K
bonds plywood, as an ingredient in nutritive media 0
S solid 94.85 J/mol·K
for yeast, in cleaning products, and as cough
medicine. Its expectorant action is caused by Safety
irritative action on the bronchial mucosa. This Induce vomiting. If victim is
causes the production of excess respiratory tract conscious and alert, give 2-4
fluid which presumably is easier to cough up. Ingestion
cupfuls of milk or water.Seek
In several countries sal ammoniac is used to spice medical help
up liquorice-type dark candies (Finland's salmiakki
Remove from exposure to fresh air.
is a popular example), and as a flavoring for Inhalation
Seek medical help
Wash off with plenty of soap and
Sal Ammoniac was named after it was observed in
Flush eyes with plenty of clean
the Temple of Zeus-Ammon in Egypt; its name Eyes
water. Seek medical help.
means "salt of Ammon". It was the white crystalline
substance that remained on the ceiling and walls Hazardous Chemical Database
after camel dung was burned. The modern name More info (
"ammonium" comes from Sal Ammoniac. There chemicals1/7/6015.html)
are a few stories of Alexander the Great finding
such crystals in the coal seams of Tadzhikistan.
The substance was known as nao sha in China, nao sadar in India, and nushadir in Persia and Arabic
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 2


Ressentimento contra a a mãe. Ela o abandonou à sua sorte. [Scholten].

#01. Mente
! Melancolia e ansiedade, como se elaborando algum pesar ou tristeza.
! Ansioso e melancólico, como se uma mágoa interna ou desgosto estivesse corroendo seu
! Senta-se de mau humor, absorta em seus pensamentos e dificilmente se consegue que ela fale,
ao anoitecer.
! Irritada, como se tivesse uma vexação interior, e parecendo não estar totalmente consciente de si
mesma; como se não tivesse dormido o suficiente.
! Melancolia, chorando constantemente ou tristeza sem conseguir chorar, mesmo que deseje.
Transtornos por penas.
! *Antipatia sistemática ou aversão involuntária a certas e determinadas pessoas.
! Fica muita excitada falando sobre assuntos importantes.
! Medo do escuro.
! Cólera que melhora comendo. UR.
! Reservado ao anoitecer. UR.
! Ilusões: um inimigo está debaixo da cama. UR. ;a cabecá está cercada por fogo. UR. Uma
espada sobre sua cabeça. UR.
! SONHOS: sendo mordido por um cavalo; que estava em perigo de cair numa inundação, subiu
numa árvore e então caiu; caindo numa inundação; encontrando uma criança viva; doença
eruptiva (rash); segurado firmemente pela mão; um soldado é atingido por uma bala; sendo
pendurado; perdido numa floresta; que seus pais chegavam em sua casa e ela não conseguia
preparar a comida.
#02. Vertigem: Vertigem e plenitude na cabeça; às vezes como se fosse cair para os lados.
#03. Cabeça: Queda de cabelo com grande prurido no couro cabeludo que o obriga a coçar a cabeça
constantemente. Caspa. Cefaléia congestiva com face congestionada e veias dialatadas.
#04. Olho: Queratite. Ardência nos olhos com fotofobia, piora ao crepúsculo. Sensação de um objeto
subindo (rising body) escurecendo a visão. UR. Visão de manchas amarelas, pior cosendo. Visão
velada em catarata incipiente. Catarata capsular.
#06. Ouvido: Hipoacusia com zumbidos.
#08. Nariz: Prurido após epistaxe. (Epistaxis - itching - after) UR. Os espirros o acordam. UR. Coriza
com descarga aquosa, escoriante, quente, corroendo o lábio. Perda do olfato com obstrução nasal,
coriza e espirros frequentes.
#09. Face: Face muito pálida. Lábios oleosos. (greasy lips) UR. Ulcerações das comissuras labiais.
Os lábios queimam como fogo.
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 3

#12. Garganta: Inflamação das amígdalas; inchação e dor; por exposição ao frio. Inchação da
garganta interna e externa com dor pressiva ao engulir e dor nas glândulas submaxilares.
#14. Estômago: Sensação de vazio no estômago. Crises de náuseas. Vômitos durante a
menstruação. Câncer do estômago. (Boericke).
#15. Abdômen: Congestão crônica do fígado, com pontadas. Litíase biliar. Grande flatulência. Dor
periumbilical antes de defecar ou de menstruar.
#16. Reto: Constipação obstinada, extrema, com muitos flatos. Fezes duras, diíceis de expulsar e que
se despedaçam em pequenos pedaços. Fezes como pedaços de carne. UR. Hemorragia anal como
pedaços de carne. UR. Hemorragia anal e diarréia durante a menstruação.
#18. Bexiga: Urina mais à noite. Tenesmo vesical - manhã às 4 horas. UR. Urina amoniacal.
#20. Próstata: Hipertrofia da próstata.
#24. Genitália feminina: Hipertrofia do útero. Menstruações frequentes, escuras, copiosas, com
cóagulos, mais intensa à noite; com vômitos, diarréia, hemorragia anal e dores nevrálgicas nos pés.
Leucorréia constante, transparente, como clara de ovo, precedido de dores periumbilicais; pior depois
de cada micção. Leucorréia marron após urinar. UR.
#25. Laringe e traquéia: Rouquidão pior depois do meio-dia, com queimação na laringe.
#27. Tosse: Tosse seca pela manhã e frouxa à tarde. UR. Tosse sufocante às 18 horas. UR. Tosse
seca, começando às 18 horas e piorando à noite.
#29. Peito: Opressão e pontadas no tórax. Sensação como se tivesse tragado algo que ficou alojado
no tórax. Hemoptíase. Bronquite. Asma, pior movendo os braços com força ou agachando.
#31. Extremidades: Sensação de frio gelado entre os ombros, que não melhora com a roupa, pior nas
afecções torácicas com tosse. Dor ciática, pior sentado, melhor deitado. Dor nos músculos como se
estivessem contraídos. Bromidrose nos pés.
#32. Sono: Sonolência no crepúsculo.
#37. Pele: Prurido ao anoitecer. Ardência na pelo que melhora por aplicações frias.
#38. Gerais: Peculiar agravação horária com paralelismo com as partes do corpo: cabeça e tórax
pioram de manhã, sintomas do abdome pioram na siesta e sintomas dos membros pioram ao
anoitecer. Especialmente útil na obesidade; corpo grande e gordo; grande acúmulo de gordura no
abdome; membros inferiores, pernas, delgadas. Gordos indolentes, muito sensíveis aos estímulos
externos. Tensão nas articulações com sensação de encurtamento dos músculos e tendões. Efeitos
crônicos de entorses. Sensação como se o sangue estivesse em ebulição, com ansiedade e
debilidade. Ondas de calor com sudorese. As agravações melhoram com banho quente.


! 1 - Neither unconsciousness nor delirium; no apoplexy
! 2 - Desire to cry, and at times crying
! 3 - Disinclination to speak
! 4 - Involuntary aversion to certain persons
! 5 - Melancholy and anxious, as if laboring under some grief or sorrow
! 6 - Apprehensive and gloomy, like from internal grief
! 7 - Great earnestness
! 8 - Indifferent mood
! 9 - Fretfulness; irritability, mostly mornings
! 10 - Mood irritable, malicious
! 11 - Consequences of grief
! 12 - When talking about some important subject he becomes extremely excited
! 13 - She is overwhelmed with anxiety, would like to weep, and does weep, sometimes (first day)
! 14 - Full of melancholy and anxiety, as if some internal grief and sorrow were gnawing at her heart
! 15 - She is sitting there, full of ill-humor, absorbed in her thoughts, and can scarcely be induced to
speak, in the evening (fifteenth day)
! 16 - Peevish, as if she had some internal vexation, and looking as if not entirely conscious of
herself; as if she had not slept enough (third day)
! 17 - Irritable and peevish, in the forenoon; the mood improves after dinner (eight day)
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! 18 - Very irritable, peevish and easily frightened

! 19 - Involuntary antipathy to certain persons
! 20 - Distorted features expressive of the greatest anxiety
! 21 - Sleep full of dreams (after third day)
! 22 - Dreams the whole night, almost frightful and fearful (first day)
! 23 - Anxious dreams, that her father and brother had come, and she could not get the cooking
ready (fifteenth day)
! 24 - Dreams that some one held her tightly by the hand and, in spite of her efforts, she could not
get away; she would cry out, but could not; then she awoke anxious (seventh day)
! 25 - He dreams that a horse bit his arm, which frightened him very much (fourteenth day)
! 26 - Dreams that she saw a soldier shot, at which she cried and woke in anxiety (thirteenth day)
! 27 - Dreams that she fell into the water; that she found a living child, and other anxious dreams
(third day)
! 28 - Dreams that he was in danger of falling into a flood; then he climbed into a tree, from which
he soon fell (twelfth day)
! 29 - Dreams of vexation and fright; that she was lost in a forest (third day)
! 30 - Dreams that she would take a long journey, but did not know the way nor kind of journey, and,
on inquiring the way, no one could give information, which made her feel very sick (third day)
! 31 - Dream that the whole body is covered with rash; with good sleep (second day)
! 32 - Lewd dreams about having had an embrace
! 33 - Voluptuous dreams (after fourth, fifth, twelfth days)
! 34 - Great seriousness
! 35 - Anxious and melancholy, as if internal grief or sorrow were gnawing in her heart
! 36 - She does not know what to do for anguish, she would like to weep, and does weep at times
(first day.)
! 37 - During this anguish, bitter taste and nauseous, bitter eructation
! 38 - She sits ill-humored, lost in thoughts, and it is difficult to make her speak, in the evening (I 5th
! 39 - Very peevish, as if from internal vexation, in the morning, and dazed, as if she had not done
sleeping (3d d.)
! 40 - Irritable and peevish, in the forenoon; after dinner her mood improves (8th d.)
! 41 - Very irritable, peevish and timid
! 42 - In speaking about an important matter, he becomes excessively excited
! 43 - Involuntary, strong aversion to certain persons
! 44 - Gloomy in the head, as after a spree (14th d.)
! 45 - Delirious, fancying that enemies were hiding under his bed, and acosting him; that a sword
was hanging over his head; and that flames were surrounding his head.
! 46 - Insensibility as if dead


Le radical chlore en fait un remède sthénique.
* Sensation de froid entre les deux épaules.
* C’est un remède de froid mais moins froid qu’Ammonium carbonicum.
* L’état congestif se marque partout.
* Sensation que les tendons des muscles du jarret sont trop courts. [surtout aux hanches].
* Constipation: selles dures, recouvertes de mucosités, s’émiettant en petits morceaux.
* Toux sèche, déchirante, avec chatouillement constant dans le larynx, < la nuit.
* Dans les régions riches en tissus fibreux il pourra présenter des douleurs.
* Sciatiques < en étant assis > en étant couché.
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 5

* Coryza aqueux, acide, excoriant les lèvres.

* Enrouement < l’après-midi avec brûlures dans le larynx.
* Pulsations dans tout le corps et en des endroits fort éloignés du coeur.
* Asthme qui apparaît ou qui s’aggrave par le fait de lever les bras ou bien de les remuer.
* En général < par le mouvement.
* Congestion très marquée des muqueuses respiratoires. <--
Doses: 3 e et 6 e. – BOERICKE.
6 e et 30 e. – VANNIER.
Agira souvent mieux en basses dilutions (jusqu’à la 3 e décimale) dans les crises et chez les vieillards.
Durée: 20, 30 j.
Remèdes qui suivent bien: Ant-c, Coff, Merc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sanic.
Antidotes: Coff, Hep, Nux-v.
Remède de l’urémie.
• Pulsations dans tout le corps et en des endroits localisés fort éloignés du coeur: Bell, Glon, Spig.
• Moignon d’amputation douloureux: All-c, Hyper.
• Rectum.
• Larynx.
• Tendons et muscles.
• Coryza.
• Entorses, contusions.
Schmidt dit qu’il agit surtout sur les glandes sous-maxillaires et il a le fameux symptôme du
talon = c’est le malade qui use son drap à force de frotter son talon parce qu’il a des
démangeaisons au talon toute la nuit.
Il est bon de souligner " Congestion très marquée des muqueuses respiratoires " car il fait comprendre
la toux, le coryza, l’enrouement.
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 6



! MIND: - Mental picture not clear yet. - Sour, ACID disposition. - Obstinate in company and
reluctant to obey. - Irritable, < headache, bad weather, evening. Unfriendly, abusive. - Sulky,
refuses to answer, 'don't bother me'. Indisposed to talk. Doesn't share emotions. - Timid. Avoid
crowds. - Talk during sleep: REVEALS SECRETS. - Feels unfortunate, fear of misfortune, <
morning. - Anxious, fearful in evening, feel like crying. Bad mood in morning, tends to weep, which
> in evening (Graph.). - SADNESS, < CLOUDY, WET WEATHER. - Walking < : recalls
disagreable memories, gets discouraged. - Sensitive to criticism, even towards others, < hearing
others talking. Hysterical women, with a tendency to faint. UNCLEANLINESS. Aversion to
bathing often because of <. Absentminded. Mistakes in calculating, speaking, writing.
! CHILDREN: - Seem backward, immature. Difficulty learning. Lazy. - Critical, demanding.
! GENERALITIES: - Flabby, obese. Soft tissues. - GREAT WEAKNESS OF CARDIAC AND
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. - Tremendous EXHAUSTION (Stann, Mur-ac, Helo), < menses. - Lack
of reactibility. - DISCHARGES ACRID, PUNGENT, excoriating:ear, nose, eye, stool, menses,
leucorrhoea, ulcers. Mental and physical acidity. - Difficult oxygenation of blood. Sluggish
circulation. - Tendency to dark hemorrhages, no coagulation. - < DURING MENSES, 3-4 A.M.
(Kali-c.). - < COLD, WET, CLOUDY, WINDY WEATHER. BATHING (Sulph.). - < Walking in cold
air. Ascending. - < Pollution (Sul-ac.). - > Lying on abdomen, becoming warm in bed. - Severe
cases with cold body, weak pulse, cyanosis.
! HEAD: - Pain: Congestive. Forehead, ROOT OF NOSE, AS IF HEAD WILL BURST. As if brain
oozes out through forehead and eyes. < wet weather, walking in open air, < stepping.
! EYE: - Sensation of hot water in right eye. - Dry, swollen, cracked lids, from excoriating discharge.
! EAR: - Acrid discharge. - Painful sensibility in deaf ear.
! NOSE: - History of repeated coryza, with burning acrid discharge, ext. throat, bronchi. Weakening
the chest resulting in dyspnea, emphysema. - Obstruction at night, waking him, < menses. - Hay
fever. - Epistaxis, while washing face and hands, while eating.
! FACE: - Pale, bloated, puffy (Cushingoid). - Heated while eating, from excitement. - Cracks in
mouth corners and lips from acrid saliva. - Cyanosis. - Boils and pustules during menses. -
Cracking of jaw on chewing
! MOUTH: - Saliva acrid, excoriating. - Food tastes metallic. - Gums receded, bleeding, spongy.
Teeth loose, fall out.
! TEETH: - Toothache during menses, < when biting teeth together.
! THROAT: - Tonsils inflamed and bluish-purple (Lach.).
! RECTUM: - Acrid, burning diarrhea (Merc-c.). - Bleeding hemorrhoids during menses.
! MALE GENITALIA: - Masturbation. Sensitive to sexual impressions.
! FEMALE GENITALIA: - Sexual desire diminished. AVERSION TO SEX. - Hysterical reaction to
sexual stimulation (oversensitive clitoris). - Cholera-like (diarrhea, vomiting) symptoms at
beginning of enses. - Menses profuse, dark and clotted. - Leucorrhea acrid, burning.
FROM CHARCOAL FUMES (Carb-v.). Bronchitis with dry, tickling cough, < 3 a.m. (Kali-c.). -
RATTLING respiration; accumulation of mucus with difficult Dyspnea < ASCENDING, WARM
ROOM, POLLUTED AIR, 3 A.M.; > open air. Dyspnea with cyanosis, rapid pulse, anxiety. - Acute
pulmonary oedema.
PALPITATIONS, < from motion; with prostration and sense of suffocation. Have to lie down to
calm down heart.
! EXTREMITIES: - PANARITIUM. Violent inflammation finger. - Bone pains, < cold, wet weather. -
Chronic sprains.
! SLEEP: - Talking during sleep. Revealing secrets. - Starting from sleep.
! SKIN: - Eruptions dark RED, LIKE SCARLATINA. - Erysipelas with brain symptoms. Malignant
scarlatina. - Snake-bites with sepsis, thin black bleeding (Elaps). - Whitlow.
! DD: Ammoniums, Ant-t., Ars., Calc., Carb-v, Kali-c, Lach., Laur., Stann.
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 7

Indicações clínicas: Diabetes. Febres. Transpirações.
Um medicamento muito antigo utilizado em misturas contra a febre. Foi experimentado por Wibmer
que apresentou os seguintes sintomas: Coceira na garganta (scraping in throat). Aumento do calor no
abdômen; na pele, especialmente da face. Sensação de peso na cabeça. Ocasiona um profuso fluxo
de urina, contendo açucar. Poliúria com glicosúria. Banhado de suor é um sintoma guia.
Clinical. Albuminuria. Dropsy. Gout. Indigestion. Ranula. Rheumatism.
The chief symptoms of this salt (which has been proved) are: Head heavy, stupid. Urine scanty;
smoky. Right kidney sensitive to pressure. Gout with fluid in great toejoint or with lithates. The right
side is most affected.
Relations. It is similar in its action to the Ammonias and to Benzoic acid. Also to Gnaphal. (gouty
concretions), Caustic, Tereb., Urtica.
• Mente: Onicofagia; sente uma irritação debaixo das unhas dos dedos das mãos, que só melhora
ao mordê-las. Desejo de morder as unhas. Timidez; falta de confiança em si mesmo. Medo de
sufocar (deve movimentar-se); medo de morrer. Uma sensação de sufocação nos pulmões; faz
com que ele se movimente por medo de sufocar. Inquietação pelo medo. 8r. Confusão da mente.
Tristeza. Desencorajado. Erros escrevendo palavras ou números. Erros falando; usa palavras
erradas. SONHOS: urinando. 10r. Cabeça: Dor temporal como por uma unha 11r. Sensação de
constricção na cabeça; como por uma faixa.
• Olho: Sensação de aumento do olho, ao anoitecer. UR. Sensação de areia nos olhos. Queda das
pálpebras ao anoitecer. 3r. Pterígio. Vermelhidão dos olhos pela manhã. 16r. Afecções
escrofulosas dos olhos.
• Visão: Visão de cores azuis diante dos olhos, ao anoitecer. UR.
• Nariz: Obstrução nasal. Descarga aquosa do nariz; do lado esquero. 2r.
• Boca: Dor queimante na boca; pela manhã. 4r. Tem que mantê-la aberta. Gosto da comida
ingerida várias horas antes. UR.
• Garganta: Garganta dolorida. Vermelhidão. Muco sanguinolento; tenaz; branco. Dor na garganta
que melhora espirrando. UR.
• Estômago: Sensação de vazio no estômago ao anoitecer. 4r. Sensação de frio no estômago.
• Abdômen: Desconforto, inquietação no abdômen ao anoitecer. UR.
• Reto: Hemorróidas; duras. 8r.
• Rim: Dor pressiva nos rins. 16r.
• Genitália feminina: Irritação dos ovários. Inflamação dos ovários. Enduração dos ovários.
• Laringe e traquéia: Irritação das vias aéreas. Muco na laringe.
• Respiração: Desejo de respirar profundamente.
• Tosse: Tosse constante. Tosse que aparece repentinamente, sufocante. Coqueluche. Tosse;
manhã ao acordar; anoitecer; noite; depois da meia-noite. Tosse súbita. 14r. ; manhã. 2r. ;manhã
ao levantar. UR. ; anoitecer. 3r.
• Expectoração: Expectoração sanguinolenta; viscosa; branca.
• Peito: Frio no peito - internamante. 4r. Sensação de frio nos pulmões.
• Extremidades: Dores nos dedos que melhora mordendo as unhas.
• Gerais: Piora pelo ar livre e pelo frio; melhora pelo calor e bebidas quentes. Desejo de calor. 19r.
Obesidade. Pior às 3 horas da madrugada ou ao despertar. Sensação de banda ou corda (cabeça,
pernas). Sensação de queimação na boca, pior de manhã. Tem que mantê-la aberta, pela
sensação de calor na garganta e pulmões. Sensação de desmaio (faintness) subindo do
estômago. 2r. Espirros e obstrução nasal em ambiente quente (All-c.) Catarro laringeo crônico dos
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 8

locutores. Epilepsia: quando a aura começa no epigástrio como uma sensação de desmaio ou
sufocação por ambos os lados do esterno à garganta.
• Angústia. Irritabilidade. Timidez. Grande tendência a assustar-se. Excitação ao anoitecer.
Inquietação à noite. Resignação. ( o paciente compreendendo claramente sua condição resigna-se
ao desespero. Allen 1).
• Hemorragia ocular. 31r. Quemose. Quemose amarela. 2r.
• Pele vermelha sobre o nariz e seios nasais. Obstrução nasal com coriza aquosa. Difteria nasal.
• Face: Inchação dos lábios inferiores; quase 3 vezes seu tamanho. Face pálida e de sofrimento.
Ardência e sensação de carne viva na garganta.
• Dor na língua; na raiz da língua. 6r. Saliva albuminosa. 6r. Saliva sanguinolenta.
• Garganta sensível. Dor lancinante na garganta. 6r. Ardência e sensação de estar em carne viva.
Dor no esôfago ao respirar fundo. Membrana branca. Membrana na parede posterior da faringe.
5r. ;nas amígdalas. 17r.
• Garganta externa avermelhada. 4r.
• Vômitos escuros. 15r.
• Dores abdominais com fezes sanguinolentas copiosas, tenesmo e ardência no reto.
• Supressão da urina.
• Urina albuminosa; alcalina; odor amoniacal; cor escura; espessa. Sedimentos na urina; areia
• Menstruação muito frequente; copiosa.
• Sensação de corpo estranho na laringe. Tosse por sensação de corpo estranho na laringe. Afonia.
voz débil, baixa. Espasmo de glote, com sufocação. Perda da voz. Voz indistinta. 4r. Voz fraca;
baixa; sussurrando.
• Respiração estridulosa. 17r.
• Dispnéia; tosse incessante; bronquites com expectoração profusa. Tosse que melhora por bebidas
frias. 19r. Tosse persistente. 20r. ; espasmódica.
• Reumatismo muscular nos ombros e músculos.
• Sono inquieto. Insônia. Sonolência.
• Pele quente e seca.
• Excessivo esgotamento com debilidade muscular; não pode estar de pé, com tremores pelo
menor esforço. Tremores externos pelo esforço. 15r. Hemorragias de todos os orifícios, com
desmaios. Hemorragias das mucosas, com ulceração e edemas. Emagrecimento. Encurtamento
dos músculos e tendões. Poderoso estimulante cardíaco: em síncopes, trombose, após anestesia
geral: 5 a gotas diluídas em bastante água.
• Vertigem. Doença de Meniere.
• Cefaléia em pessoas jovens.
• Indicado quando IODIUM apenas produziu alívio parcial nos casos de laringite e bronquite,
pneumonia catarral e edema do pulmão. Compare: Ammonium tartaricum (Tosse seca após cada
Ressentimento contra os amigos.
• Sensação de plenitude e tensão na cabeça.
• Espirros com excessiva descarga ocular e nasal, somente pela manhã.
• Resfria-se pela menor corrente de ar.
• Paralisia facial.
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 9

• Sensação de constricção no tórax. Tosse áspera e profunda com expectoração esverdeada;

• Nódulos ou nodosidades nas articulações dos dedos e dorso das mãos, em gotosos e
hiperuricemicos. Membros pesados, marcha vacilante. Inflamação das articulações; das
membranas sinoviais; artrite deformante. Traumatismos.
• Remédio para a diátese úrica; gota.
• Mente obtusa. Aversão ao trabalho.
• Vertigem ao levantar-se, principalmente quando há irregularidades da menstruação.
• Nevralgias periódicas do lado occipital direito e que se estende para o ouvido, órbita e mandíbula.
Dores pressivas na região occipital e mastoidea. Cefaléias periódicas biliosas.
• Coqueluche.
• Paresias de origem medular, com dores que sobem pela coluna até a cabeça.
• Compare: Calc. pic., Fer. pic., Pic. ac., Act. r., Sang.
Não está descrito em lugar nenhum. (Ver análise em Scholten). A análise de grupo indica
ressentimeno contra o parceiro. Sentem que o parceiro não lhes dá o amor necessário.
Medicamento para pessoas nervosas, histéricas, neuróticas; eretismo nervoso; cefaléias nevrálgicas
e insônia; transtornos cardíacos funcionais (taquicardia, dores precordiais).
Obs. 1 Ammonium tartaricum: Tosse seca martelante depois de cada resfriado.
2 Ammonium vanadicum: Degeneração gordurosa do fígado.
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! THEMA: "Irregular circulation; ebullitions, burnings or localized throbbings. Symptoms
accompanied by cough or profuse secretions. Glairy catarrhs. Tightness, as if too short; tendons,
hamstrings, lumbar region etc."
! ALLGEMEINES: Häufig fett und aufgedunsen, mit abgemagerten Extremitäten. Dauernd müde.
Erschöpft. Empfindlichkeit des ganzen Körpers. Ammonium muriaticum wirkt auf die
Schleimhäute des Nasopharyngeal-, des Tracheobronchialtraktes und auf die Gallengänge.
Reichliche, eiweißhaltige, scharfe Sekretion (vgl. am-c.), mit Leberbeteiligung. Die
Blutumverteilung ist gestört. Starke Erregung der Blutzirkulation. Chronische Folgen von
Verstauchungen. Als ob Sehnen und Muskeln zu kurz sind (vgl. bry. caust. guaj. rhus-t.).
Neuralgische Schmerzen in Amputationsstümpfen. Ulcerative, nagende Schmerzen; der
Fingerspitzen, der Fersen.
! CAUSA: Verletzungen, emotionale; der Sehnen.
! MODALITAETEN: Verschlimmert durch: Morgens (Kopf, Brust). Nachmittags (Abdomen). Abends
(Haut, Fieber, Glieder). Nachts zwischen zwei und vier Uhr. Verrenkungen (chronisch). Periodisch.
Gebessert durch: Frische Luft. Schnelle Bewegung.
! GEMUET: Melancholisch und sorgenvoll. Still, schweigsam und zurückgezogen. Stiller Kummer.
Kann nicht weinen. Ÿngstlich. Erschrickt leicht. Abneigung gegen bestimmte Personen. Hartnäckig
und eigensinnig. Rechthaberei. "Ihr Charakter - eine Kombination von Schüchternheit, Stolz auf
ihre intellektuellen Errungenschaften und Verwundbarkeit gegenüber anderen - läßt sie sehr
reserviert, verschlossen und unzulänglich werden." ViM Gleichgültigkeit. Apathie. Abneigung
gegen Gespräche.
! KOPF: Kongestive Kopfschmerzen mit gerötetem Gesicht. Schwere in der Stirn. Drückende
Schmerzen in der Stirn erstrecken sich zur Nasenwurzel mit einem Gefühl, als sei das Gehirn
zerrissen, < nach dem Aufstehen. Juckreiz der Kopfhaut. Haarausfall. Schuppen.
! AUGEN : Trübe, glasig, wäßrig. Nebelsehen; bei Sonnenlicht und im Freien, > im Zimmer.
Flecken und Punkte vor den Augen. Verklebte Augen morgens. Katarakt. Zucken im linken Auge.
"Herzklopfen wird in den Augenlidern gefühlt." ViM
! OHREN: Stiche in den Ohren. "Graben und Reißen im rechten Ohre, auch nachts, beim Liegen
drauf, ein Wühlen und Umrollen, als wenn etwas heraus wollte." "Jucken in beiden Ohren, das
durch Kratzen nicht vergeht, mit Auslaufen flüssigen Ohrschmalzes mehrere Tage lang." HC
Juckende, schmerzhafte Pickel an der äußeren Ohrmuschel.
! NASE: Schnupfen mit wäßrigen oder schleimigen, scharfen wundmachenden Absonderungen.
Verstopfungsgefühl mit dauernder Neigung, die Nase zu schneuzen. Als ob etwas Rauhes die
oberen Nasenmuscheln verstopft und losgeschneuzt werden muß. "Böse Nase im Inneren und am
Rande der Löcher." HC Empfindlichkeit der Nase gegenüber Berührung. Entzündung der linken
Nasenhälfte. Geschwulst der linken Nasenseite mit Absonderung blutiger Krusten. Niesattacken;
Wecken aus dem Schlaf mit einschießenden Schmerzen in Nacken und Schultern."Coryza in
children with bluish discharge." PhM
! GESICHT: Blässe. Trockene, aufgesprungene Lippen müssen immer mit der Zunge angefeuchtet
werden. Brennende Hautauschläge, > durch Kaltanwendungen.
! MUND: Brennende Bläschen an der Zungenspitze. Zunge weiß belegt. Zunge geschwollen und
! HALS/KEHLKOPF: Wundheit des Rachens mit schleimigen Absonderungen und
Schluckbeschwerden. Innere und äußere Schwellung des Halses mit zähem Schleim. Klopfender
Schmerz in den Tonsillen und in den regionären Lymphknoten. Heiserkeit mit brennenden
Schmerzen im Kehlkopf. Harter, trockener Husten nachts, mit Kitzel im Kehlkopf. Täglich
wiederkehrende, erschöpfende Hustenattacken, bei denen der Patient beim Anfall kein Wort mehr
herausbringt. Die Attacken beginnen um sechs Uhr morgens; kein Sputum, aber
Wasseraufschwulken in den Mund. Husten mit reichlicher Schleimabsonderung. Atemnot durch
Husten. Husten < im Liegen auf dem Rücken oder auf der Seite. Husten mit Lebersymptomen.
! BRUST: Bronchitis. Reichliche Schleimbildung. Rasselgeräusche. Atemnot; beim Bewegen der
Arme und beim Bücken. Pulsierende, brennende Stellen in der Brust.
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 11

! ABDOMEN: Appetitlosigkeit, abwechselnd mit starkem Hunger. Durstlosigkeit. Leereempfindung

im Magen mit Abneigung gegen Speisen. Völle und Auftreibung des Abdomens. Flatulenz.
Übelkeit mit Wasseraufschwulken < durch Essen, mit Schauder. Stiche in der Milz, beim Essen
mit Atemnot. Verfettung um das Abdomen herum. Schmerzen in der linken Leiste, wie gezerrt,
verrenkt; muß gebeugt gehen. Obstipation. Wenig, harter, bröckeliger Stuhl, in Farbe und
Konsistenz wechselnd, geht nur unter großen Anstrengungen ab. Schleimbeimengungen.
Brennschmerz des Afters, während des und Stunden nach dem Stuhlgang. Hämorrhoiden; nach
unterdrücktem Fluor. "Thirst for lemonade" PhM
! NIEREN/HARNWEGE: Reichlicher und häufiger Harnabgang. Tenesmen der Blase. Urin riecht
wie Ammoniak.
! MAENNLICHE GENITALIEN: Prostatahypertrophie. Stechen und Klopfen im linken Samenleiter.
Strikturen und Kontraktionen der Harnröhre.
! WEIBLICHE GENITALIEN: Uterushypertrophie. Deszensus. Mens zu früh, mit Schmerzen in
Bauch und Rücken. Blutfluß < nachts. Metrorrhagie. Fluor; wie Eiweiß, mit Schmerzen in der
Nabelgegend. Bräunlich schleimiger Fluor, jedesmal nach Wasserlassen. Schmerzloser Fluor.
! NACKEN/RUECKEN: Steifheit des Nackens. Kälte zwischen den Schulterblättern, nicht gebessert
durch Wärme, später Juckreiz an dieser Stelle. Lumbago; nachts <. Schmerzen der
Lumbosakralregion. Verfettung des Nackens; von Ohr zu Ohr. "Swelled cervikal glands." BgS
! EXTREMITAETEN: Rheumatische Schmerzen in allen Gliedern. Gefühl als ob die Sehnen zu kurz
sind; in den Beinen (vgl. bry. caust. guaj. rhus-t.). Pulsieren in einem Finger, wie bei einem
Panaritium. "Shooting pain in scapulae < breathing" PhM Zerrung der Leiste; muß gebeugt gehen.
Ischias; links, < im Sitzen, > Liegen. "Pain in l. hip. as if tendons were too short, must limp when
walking; when sitting, gnawing pain in bone" HeG Neuralgische Schmerzen in
Amputationsstümpfen (vgl. all-c. staph.). Kalte Füße; nachts im Bett. Fußschweiß; der Fußsohlen.
! HAUT: Juckreiz an unterschiedlichsten Körperstellen; < abends beim zu Bett gehen, > später.
Masernartiger Hautausschlag. "Peeling of skin between fingers, and wrist." PhM
! SCHLAF: Aufwachen um zwei Uhr morgens mit schneidenden Schmerzen im Abdomen. Träume;
erotisch, ängstlich, furchtsam. Erwachen wie durch einen Schreck.
! FIEBER/FROST/TEMPERATUR: Frost mit äußerer Kälte; abends nach dem Niederlegen, beim
Erwachen. Hitze mit geschwollenem, roten Gesicht, in warmen Räumen und nach körperlicher
Anstrengung. Reichliche Nachtschweiße. Schweiß bei jeder Bewegung. "Septimani: chill and fever
followed by profuse sweat every seventh day." HeG
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 12


<Characteristics> A state of prostration bordering on a typhoid state is produced by this remedy. All
mucous secretions are increased and retained. Cough & catarrh and affections of liver. A tendency to
irregular circulation, blood seems to be in constant turmoil [ causing ebullition, burnings and localised
throbbing], pulsations, etc. Many groups of symptoms are accompanied by cough, profuse glairy
secretions. Its periods of aggravation are peculiarly divided as to the bodily region affected; thus the
head and chest symptoms are < morning, the abdominal in the afternoon, the pains in the limbs, the
skin and febrile symptoms in the evening. "Boiling" sensation. Tension and tightness as if the
muscles or tendons are too short; in groin, hamstrings, lumbar region, etc. It causes ulceration and
ulcerative or festering pain. Neuralgic pains in the stumps of amputated limbs. Ebullition, & anxiety
11 6 9
and weakness.; as if paralyzed. Fat body, thin legs, like a pumpkin on a stick. Am-m. has fear of
darkness, like Stram., which is not noted under Am-c. Am-m. is less prominently a right-sided remedy
than Am-c. Guernsey regards it as rather left-sided. Body fat; legs thin [Am-c. fat all over]. Sudden
prostration after dinner when walking in open air. Great weakness in morning. Bruised pain in whole
body, in morning after arising. Sensation as if blood were in constant ebullition. {am.m}
<Mind> Melancholy, apprehensive; as from internal grief. Desire to cry, but can't. Ailments from grief.
2 5 8
Involuntary aversion to certain persons. Irritable, especially in morning. Delusion head is
surrounded by fire; sword hanging over head. Discontented, dissatisfied. Excitement while talking.
Frightened easily, on waking. Irritability > after eating. Desire for light. Misanthropy. Sadness, > after
eating. Inclination to sit. Disinclination to speak. Great earnestness. {am.m}
5 7 11
<Vertigo> Open air >. With fulness of head, as if it were heavy; at times as if she would fall
sideways. {am.m}
<Head> [Sensation]: Feels full, compressed; < morning. Heaviness in forehead; pressive pain
11 5
towards root of nose, & sensation as if brain were torn, < after rising. Heaviness and fulness in
forehead in morning. Heaviness in forehead, frequently during day [internal sensation of heat and
some sweat]. Occiput as if screwed in. [Pain]: Tearing mostly in right temple, thence through right
side of face. Stitches in left temple and side of head, and when stooping, in vertex, & sensation as if
head would split. Rheumatic, so severe as to cause nausea, burning of ears and deafness. Neuralgic.
[Objective]: Hair falls out, & itching and dandruff. Itching pimples on right side of occiput. {am.m}
11 5
<Eyes> [Sensation]: In left eye as if a body arose, which impeded sight. [Pain]: Burning in canthi,
> washing. Burning in eyes, and in corners of eyes, in evening, in twilight, or in morning &
11 11
photophobia. Burning of eyes and lachrymation, at night. [Objective]: Capsular cataract.
Agglutination of eyelids in morning, & burning in canthi after washing. Glassy, watery, dim. Yellow.
11 2 11
<Vision> Optical illusions [ dark colours] in incipient cataract. Mist, in bright light, out-doors, > in
room. Flying spots, yellow spots. Weak, vanishing by candlelight. {am.m}
11 5
<Ears> [Sensation]: Humming and roaring in right ear. [Pain]: Sharp, neuralgic, outward,
11 11
especially [ when walking] in open air. Digging and tearing in right ear; also at night, when lying
thereon, a rooting and rolling, as if something would come out. [Objective]: Itching in both ears, not
> scratching, & discharge of fluid ear-wax. {am.m}
5 11
<Hearing> Symptoms of catarrhal deafness. Hard hearing & discharge. {am.m}
<Nose> [Sensation]: Obstructed, stuffy feeling; constant and unavailing efforts to blow it out. As of a
rough body, obstructing upper nares. [Objective]: Free acrid, hot watery discharge corroding lip;
2 11
closing one nostril. Sneezing; arousing from sleep; & shooting in nape as far as shoulders. Nose [
internally and at edge of nostrils] sore to touch; ulcerative pain in nostrils. Loss of smell; & coryza.
2 7 11
Itching. Coryza in children, bluish discharge. Sneezing & crawling in throat. Dryness # watery
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 13

discharge and obstruction. External swelling of left nostril & discharge of bloody crusts. Bleeding from
left nostril, preceded by itching. Coryza & stoppage of nose, hoarseness and burning in larynx. {am.m}
<Face> [Sensation]: Of tension in joints of jaw when chewing or opening mouth. [Pain]:
2 5
Inflammatory faceache. Lips burning like fire. Tearing, in malar regions. [Objective]: Mouth and lips
2 6
sore and excoriated. Pale; reddens with animated conversation, especially in warm room. Lips dry,
shrivelled, cracked, must moisten them with tongue continually. Burning eruption > cold application.
11 11
Burning heat of face in house; > open air. Submaxillary glands swollen, pulsating. Swelling of
cheek, & swelling of a gland under angle of lower jaw, & beating, stitching pain. Corners of mouth
ulcerated. Pimples, blisters on upper lip. {am.m}
5 2
<Mouth> [Sensation]: Bitter taste; bitter regurgitations. [Objective]: Slimy. Burning blisters on tip of
6 11
tongue. Mouth fills with saliva during cough. Tongue swollen and pasty. Tongue coated white.
<Teeth> [Pain]: In decayed root, > when pressed upon with finger. Stitching, in upper incisors.
[Objective]: Swelling of gums of lower left side, & stitches @ left temple. {am.m}
7 5
<Throat> [Pain]: Throbbing in, and swelling of tonsils, can scarcely swallow; after taking cold.
Sticking on swallowing. Stitches in throat during and between deglutition, also when yawning.
[Objective]: Internal and external swelling of throat [ sore throat] & viscid mucus; so tough it can't be
hawked up; & pressing pain when swallowing, & drawing, stitching pain in swollen submaxillary
2 6
glands. Tonsillitis. Stricture of oesophagus. Slimy. Nondescript sore throat, & marked burning,
much viscid saliva, pulsating in glands of neck, great swelling, pale face and stitches in throat on
swallowing. Dryness in throat. Throat sore and full, & increase of glairy mucus and difficult
swallowing. {am.m}
<Food & Drink> Thirst for lemonade. Regurgitation of food; bitter waterbrash. Sore spot behind uvula,
> eating. Epigastric pain immediately after eating. Nausea, & bitter waterbrash, < after eating, &
shuddering. Empty sensation in stomach, but no desire to eat anything. Thirst, especially in evening.
Loss of appetite and thirstlessness. Sometimes extreme thirst. Thirst during heat. Thirstless during
chill and sweat. Want of appetite # canine hunger. After eating: beating in chest near oesophagus, &
heat of face and restless mood. Sensation as from fasting, yet fulness in stomach, < after breakfast.
Rooting and rolling in stomach, in morning, > after breakfast. Eating and drinking cold things < cough.
After dinner: sudden prostration when walking in open air. Stomach too apt to be overloaded, feels
lame and sore, sometimes flatulent. Diarrhoea after eating, & pain in abdomen, back, lumbar region
and limbs; much flatus. {am.m}
11 2
<Stomach> [Sensation]: Gnawing in stomach; as if worms were in it. [Pain]: Gnawing, burning,
stitching in stomach, @ right axilla and upper arm. [Objective]: Nausea. Cancer of stomach. Vomiting
and diarrhoea during menses. Hiccough & stitches in chest. Eructations: empty; bitter or tasting of
food. . {am.m}
2 2 2
<Abdomen> [Sensation]: Strained [ tense] feeling in groins; must walk bent. Groins feel swollen
and sore. Heaviness in lower abdomen, like from a load, & anxiety as if abdomen would burst, >
11 5
after sleep. [Pain]: Splenic stitches [ while sitting], especially in morning, & difficult breathing. Colic;
pain about navel, in hypochondria, drawings in groins, etc. Intermittent, in both hypochondria.
Stitching and burning in right hypochondrium, afternoons, when walking. Stitches in abdomen, above
left hip. From right side of pubes, @ hip and lumbar region. Cutting and stitches from both ossa pubis
@ lumbar region, & urging to urinate, evenings. Stitches in right groin, coming out behind hip, when
sitting. [Objective]: Abdominal symptoms appear during pregnancy. Chronic congestion of liver.
Excessive fatty deposit around abdomen. Copious flatus, rumbling and colic with all the menstrual
and abdominal symptoms. Distension of abdomen. {am.m}
7 2
<Rectum> [Pain]: Stinging in perineum; tearing, in evening or when walking. During and [ for hours]
after stool, burning and smarting in rectum. Soreness up along rectum, when sitting. [Objective]:
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 14

7 2
Itching and haemorrhoids, soreness & pustules [ at side]. Hard, crumbling stool [ changing colour
and consistency] [ requires great effort to expel], or covered with glairy mucus. Green mucus stools
# constipation. Haemorrhoids after suppressed leucorrhoea. Blood from anus or diarrhoea, during
7 11
menses. Glassy, tough mucus in stool. Green, slimy, diarrhoeic stools, in morning. Constipation #
diarrhoea. {am.m}
2 7
<Urinary> [Objective]: Profuse and frequent urination [ at night]. Urging, yet few drops pass, until
next stool, when it flows freely. Profuse ammoniacal smelling urine. Frequent urging & frequent
urination. Deep yellow urine & light, cloudy sediment. Sediment like clay. Urine smells mouldy or
musty. {am.m}
11 5 11
<Male> [Pain]: Stitches and beating in left spermatic cord. [Objective]: Enlarged prostate.
Frequent erections. {am.m}
<Female> [Sensation]: Pain as if sprained in left side of abdomen during pregnancy. [Pain]:
2 7
Neuralgic, in ovaries. [Objective]: Menses too early [ & pain in abdomen and lumbar region;
continuing at night, when flow is more abundant], too free, dark, clotted; flow more at night. Diarrhoea,
greenish mucous stools, and navel pain during menses. Leucorrhoea, like white of eggs [Alum.; Bor.;
7 7
Calc-p.]; & pain about navel [ following pinching around navel]; brown, slimy [ painless] after every
11 2 5
urination; & tension of abdomen, without collection of wind. Prolapsus uteri. Menses and
leucorrhoea generally & abdominal symptoms, jaundice, constipation, sore liver, flatulence, etc. With
leucorrhoea and the characteristic stool [hard, crumbling or hard faeces covered with mucus] Am-m.
may be indicated in uterine displacements, ovarian diseases, and in complaints during pregnancy.
11 11
<Larynx> [Objective]: Hoarseness & burning in larynx; could scarcely speak. Frequent hawking,
& expectoration of small lumps of mucus, & sensation of rawness in throat, back of uvula. Constant
hawking, groaning and crowing from tickling in throat, & raising much mucus. {am.m}
2 4
<Respiration> Can't breathe from coughing. Moving arms with force, or even stooping, = asthma.
Shortness of breath. {am.m}
<Cough> Dry, hacking, scraping, < lying on back or right side. Loose in afternoon, & profuse
2 5
expectoration and rattling of mucus. With profuse salivation. With liver symptoms. Very fatiguing,
seeming to start from low down in chest. With sore, burning spots in chest, or between shoulders;
7 11
great prostration, weakness. At night, when lying on back, preventing sleep. Dry, from tickling in
throat, night or day; dry in morning, & stitches in chest or left hypochondrium, becomes loose in
afternoon; loose at night, & stitches in left hypochondrium, lying on back, < when turning on side. Many
groups of symptoms are accompanied by cough. {am.m}
<Sputum> Scanty. Profuse in afternoon. Expectoration of blood preceded by itching in throat.
7 4 11 7
<Chest> [Sensation]: Oppression; morning. Heaviness in chest; when walking in open air.
Pressure and stitches in chest, as if a morsel of food had lodged there. Beating, like a pulse, at a
small spot in left chest, only when standing, mornings. [Pain]: Burning at small spots in chest.
Painful tension below right breast. Bruised, in lower right chest. [Objective]: Noisy, rattling, tenacious
7 11
mucus in chest. In all chest affections, a coldness between scapulae is characteristic. Swelling of
axillary glands. Burning, itching, red spots on left chest, pale under pressure. {am.m}
11 11
<Heart> [Pain]: Tearing in region of heart, @ left forearm. [Objective]: Pulse accelerated. {am.m}
<Back> [Sensation]: Icy coldness between shoulders; not > warm covering, followed by itching.
7 11
Backache, as if in a vice when sitting. Small of back as if beaten and shattered; during rest or
motion, also at night, in bed, could neither lie on back nor on side. [Pain]: Bruised, in coccyx when
7 5 2 5
sitting; < during sleep; at night. Shooting, in scapulae < breathing. Tearing, in sides of neck, @
11 7 11
clavicles; # tearing in cheek. Severe, in sacral region and limbs. Bruised and sprained, between
scapulae. Stitches in left scapula. Pinching in muscles of right scapula. [Objective]: Swollen cervical
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glands. Lumbago. Fatty swelling on nape, extending from ear to ear. Painful stiffness of neck; of
lumbar region, even when sitting, < raising body erect. Stiff neck, & pain from nape @ between
shoulders, when turning. {am.m}
<Limbs> [Pain]: Shooting and tearing in tips of fingers and toes. Neuralgic, in amputated limbs.
Quickly alternating sides, during rheumatic fever [Lac-c.]. Tearing and painful jerks, now here, and
again there, through all limbs. [Objective]: In the morning she feels stiff, but is relieved by walking in
open air. {am.m}
7 11
<Upper> [Sensation]: Pain as from ulceration in fingertips. Right forearm heavy as if "asleep".
Right arm heavy and as if stiff. Pulsation in finger as from panaritium. [Pain]: Rheumatic, first in right
, then in left shoulder-joint. Tearing in left arm, as if in tendons, @ fingers; > strong motion. Drawing
and tearing from right elbow @ fingers. Tearing in left wrist, & swelling of back of hand. Stitches and
painful beating under nail of left thumb. [Objective]: Itching on inside of forearm, & eruption in bend
of elbow. Skin peels off between thumb and forefinger of both hands. {am.m}
7 11
<Lower> [Sensation]: Pain as from ulceration in heels; right heel; at times > rubbing, occurs also
2 7
at night in bed. Hamstrings as if too short, pain on walking. Pain in left hip, as if tendons were too
short; must limp when walking; when sitting, gnawing pain in bone. Drawing tension in legs when
sitting or lying. Tension in joints as from shortening of muscles, obliging him to walk crooked. Feet
5 7
feel as if "asleep." [Pain]: Neuralgic, in feet during menses. Tips of toes painful. Tearing, in front
part of thighs, when sitting. Stitches in knee-joint, evening, when sitting. Stitching in toes, coming
slowly and going slowly. [Objective]: Contraction of hamstring tendons. Sciatica, < sitting, > lying.
5 11
Offensive sweaty feet. Contraction of tendons under knee. Languor and weakness in lower limbs.
Cold feet, evening, in bed. Itching in sole of right foot, evening. {am.m}
<Sleep> Constant yawning without sleepiness, mornings. Sleepiness early in evening, eyelids fall
shut; > after candlelight. Can't fall asleep before midnight, on account of cold feet. Heat in head
prevents sleep before midnight. Wakes at a.m. from violent cutting in abdomen. Wakes at night:
from sneezing, with tickling in throat, = cough; pain in lumbar region. {am.m}
2 11
<Dreams> Erotic. Anxious fearful; starts out of sleep. Of falling into water; of sickness. {am.m}
<Fever> Subacute, low fevers due to unhealthy climate. {am.m}
2 11
<Chill> In evening after lying down and on awaking, without thirst. Chilly, as often as he wakes.
With external coldness in evening and from uncovering at night. Running up back. Alternating every
half hour with heat. {am.m}
2 5 11
<Heat> In palms and soles. Sense of heat; > open air; # chill. Flushes, & red, puffy face; < warm
room and after bodily exertion. Flushes, in frequent attacks, ending each time with sweat, which is
most profuse in face, palms of hands and soles and feet. . {am.m}
2 4
<Sweat> Profuse at night; over whole body, most copious after midnight and early in morning.
Every motion <. Most profuse in face, palms of hands and soles of feet. On lower part of body.
11 11
<Skin> Itching [ on various parts of body], generally evenings; before going to bed, > afterward.
Blisters on various parts. Intense burning > cold applications. Bleeding eruptions. Peeling of skin
5 11
between fingers, and on wrists. Vesicular eruptions, becoming scaly. Fine rash over whole body.
Rash-like measles. Smallpox more on trunk and upper limbs. Running sensation between skin and
muscles. {am.m}
<Modalities> Worse: Morning: head and chest symptoms. Afternoon: abdominal symptoms. Evening:
2 4
skin, fever and limb symptoms. Chronic sprains. Walking erect. Periodically. Night from to a.m.
Better: Open air. Rapid motion; walking bent. {am.m}
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7 1
<Conditions> Suitable to those who are fat and sluggish; body fat but legs thin. It is especially
adapted to fat and sluggish patients who have respiratory troubles; fat, puffy and sluggish patients,
with thin limbs, who always feel tired and sore. {am.m}
<Relations> Compare: Calc., Carb-an., Stram., Stront. and Valer. [< darkness]; Mag-m.; Nat-m.; Mur-
ac. and Valer. [pains in feet and heels]; Rhus-t. [sprains; < sitting]; Seneg. [fat people; mucous
secretions; stitches in scapula & lung affections, etc.]; Sep. [ blisters about joints; atonic bladder,
7 11 11
etc.]; Sulph.; Alum.; Am-c.; Am-caust.; Arg-n. [ mucus in throat]; Ars. [ catarrhs]; Kali-c.; Phos.;
Sil.; Aloe [abdominal symptoms]; Ant-c. [mucous membranes]; Calc. [fat people; coldness between
scapulae; profuse menses]; Carb-v. [hoarseness; burning on chest, etc.]; Caust. [stiff joints,
contractions of muscles; burning hoarseness]; Coloc. [colic]; Con. [night cough]; Kali-bi. [stringy
mucus]; Kali-i. [pimples on back, etc.]; Mag-m. [esp. bloody sputum; crumbling stool; atonic bladder].
1 7
Antidoted by: Coff.; Nux-v.; bitter almonds; Caust.; Camph.; Hep.; vinegar or vegetable acids [too
large doses]. A hot bath relieves aggravation caused by Am-m. {am.m}
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 17

<Characteristics> One of the remedies for albuminuria, especially in the gouty. Gout, with deposits in
joints. Urinary incontinence in the aged. The right side is most affected. {}
<Head> [Sensation]: Heavy, stupid. {}
<Eyes> [Sensation]: Of swelling and soreness, apparently in puncta and saccus lachrymalis. [Pain]:
Bloated, swollen eyelids and face. {}
<Face> [Objective]: Face bloated; in albuminuria. {}
<Mouth> [Objective]: Swelling under tongue [ r. side] like ranula. {}
6 11
<Stomach> [Sensation]: Of heat in stomach. [Objective]: Eructation of food without acidity, &
apparent weakness of digestion or acid eructations. {}
<Abdomen> [Sensation]: Of soreness between abdominal rings, in spermatic cord, and @ slightly
downward. {}
<Urinary> [Pain]: Soreness in region of right kidney; on pressure in leaning back against cushioned
back of carriage. [Objective]: Smoky, scanty urine. Albuminous and thick deposits. Incontinence in
the aged. Right kidney sensitive to pressure. {}
<Larynx> [Objective]: Increased mucus in larynx, = frequent hawking and spitting. {}
<Back> [Pain]: Across sacrum, & urging to stool. {}
<Relations> Compare: Similar in its action to the Ammonias and to Benz-ac.; also to Gnaph. [gouty
concretions]; Caust.; Ter.; Urt-u.; Berb., Canth., Helon., Kalm. and Merc-c. [albuminuria]. {}
<Characteristics> Indicated in chronic laryngeal and pharyngeal catarrh, neuralgic headaches, and
obesity. Constrictive pain in head, chest, legs, etc. Irritable feeling under fingernails; > only by biting
them. It is indicated in epilepsy when the aura begins with a fainting or suffocating sensation at
epigastrium, rising up both sides of sternum to throat. Tendency to obesity. {}
<Mind> Fears he might die; & sensation of fainting or suffocation, beginning at epigastrium and
rising on both sides of sternum to throat, causing him to sigh and walk around room. {}
11 11
<Head> [Sensation]: Of a band above ears; pressing hardest just above ears. Near eye, as if a
nail was driven in. [Pain]: Sharp, in left side, near eye. [Objective]: Cerebral congestion. {}
<Eyes> [Sensation]: Eyeballs feel large and pain around eyes into head. In evening, eyes feel very
large, & constant blue before them. Right eye feels large and smarts; has to wear a shade evenings to
read or write; full of stringy mucus; as if bathed in hot water. Sore feeling as from sand in eyes.
[Objective]: Edges of lids red and swollen, also Meibomian glands. Pterygium. In morning eyes red
and sore, & white mucus in corners, < left eye. Every evening eyelids droop; difficult and painful to
raise. Lids stick together. Scrofulous ophthalmia. {}
<Nose> [Objective]: Sneezing; thick nasal discharge. Nose stopped up; then clear discharge.
Occasional discharge of watery fluid from left nostril. {}
<Mouth> [Sensation]: Tongue smarts severely as if just burned; morning. Mouth feels as if burned,
in morning. [Pain]: Smarting in mouth. [Objective]: Must hold mouth open while walking on account of
heat in throat and lungs. Stringy, tasteless mucus in mouth. Tasting of food eaten several hours
before. {}
<Throat> [Sensation]: Of hot air passing up throat, right side, though stomach feels cold. Fauces
and tongue feel scalded. [Pain]: Burning in fauces. Stinging in throat, > sneezing. Preparing to
swallow painful, the act not. [Objective]: Tickling in throat, & inclination to dry, spasmodic cough,
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 18

especially at night. Chronic speakers' catarrh. Throat during day filled with white, sticky mucus,
streaked with blood. Throat sore, looks mottled, as if a diphtheritic deposit were commencing. Fauces
dark red; congested. {}
<Food & Drink> Food doesn't digest. Swallowing anything cold = distress along oesophagus and
into stomach. {}
<Stomach> [Sensation]: Suffocative sensation in pit, rising up both sides of sternum; fears
suffocation, compelling one to walk. Faint, in stomach > belching. As if something rises from pit,
almost stopping breath, = faint and very disagreeable sensation, partially > raising wind. [Pain]:
Sharp cutting, in stomach. Terrible distress in upper part of pit; could not sit still, had to walk room;
much belching; pain through @ back and both hypochondria; = sweat; could scarcely get his breath.
<Abdomen> [Pain]: Sharp, twisting, just above crest of right ilium. {}
<Rectum> [Objective]: Sudden urgent desire & loose stool. {}
6 11
<Female> [Pain]: Neuralgia of left ovary, dull pain, hard swelling. [Objective]: Uterine
haemorrhage from ovarian irritation or inflammation. {}
<Larynx> [Objective]: Tickling in trachea and bronchial tubes. {}
<Respiration> Feels suffocated; must walk about for fear of suffocation. {}
9 11
<Cough> Sudden, short, strangling; on rising in morning, from accumulation of mucus [ from
sensation of mucus] in throat. Continuous, when lying down at night. Wakes at a. m. with cough.
Whooping cough. Dry, spasmodic, on lying down. Sudden, from tickling in throat just below tonsils.
Sudden desire to cough coming so suddenly it strangles one. Spells with but a few moments interval.
6 11
<Chest> [Sensation]: Lungs feel cold inside. Of tickling irritation, & heat and burning. [Pain]:
11 11
Sharp, in lungs; < upper part of right lung. Under middle of left clavicle. Frequent constrictive,
across chest. {}
<Back> [Sensation]: Feeling over right kidney as if something were pressed hard against it; >
pressure, but leaving a pulling sensation. {}
<Upper> [Sensation]: Right shoulder as if pressed by a weight. {}
<Lower> [Sensation]: As of a cord around right leg, midway between hip and knee, = limping and
pain all forenoon; in afternoon, pain went to left leg below knee; in evening in ankle, then in foot, soon
11 11
passing off, and inclination to cough returning. [Pain]: Legs ache. [Objective]: Feet cold in warm
room, = aching of legs. {}
<Chill> Feels the cold [during winter] more than usual; must warm feet even in warm room. Inclined
to be chilly and flushes of heat. {}
<Heat> Flushes, over body as if sweat would come on. {}
9 9
<Modalities> Worse: Open air. Cold air. Better: Warmth. Warm drinks. {}
<Relations> Compare: Aesc., Atrop., Grat., Kreos. and Seneg. [cough from accumulation of mucus in
throat]; All-c. [coryza < warm room]; Arg-n.; Bufo; Caust.; Kali-br.; Lach. [< after sleep]; Con.; Hyos.;
Kali-bi. {}
<Characteristics> The diseased conditions met by this remedy are such as we find often in rather
stout women who are always tired and weary, take cold easily, suffer from cholera-like symptoms
before menses, lead a sedentary life, have a slow reaction generally, and are disposed to frequent use
of the smelling-bottle. Too frequent and profuse menses. Mucous membranes of respiratory organs
are especially affected. Fat patients with weak heart, wheezing, feel suffocated. Very sensitive to cold
air. Great aversion to water; can't bear to touch it. Malignant scarlatina, & somnolence, swollen glands,
dark red sore throat, faintly developed eruption. Uraemia. Heaviness in all organs. Uncleanliness in
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 19

4 2
bodily habits; children dislike washing. Swelling of parts, glands, etc. Prostration from trifles. It
affects HEART; circulation and blood. Heart becomes weak, collapse. Circulation becomes sluggish
and under-oxygenation of blood = LIVIDITY, WEAKNESS and drowsiness. Vitality becomes low and
there is lack of reaction. Bruised, sore pains. Raw burning internally. Discharges hot, acrid, adherent.
Haemorrhages dark, thin. Scorbutic states. Old age. Lies down, from debility or soreness of whole
4 5
body. Ill-effects of charcoal fumes. Restlessness of body in evening. Powerful but transient cardiac
stimulant, very similar in action to alcohol. Aversion to walking in the open air and to the warm room
which is intolerable. It is remarkable that a considerable amount of ammonia should be evolved
through the skin during the menstrual period. Ammonia > symptoms of poisoning by fungi, and should
be the characteristic constituent of those growths. Cold air > asthma, but < head and body. Right
side of body affected more than the left. Tendency to gangrenous degeneration of parts. < During
new moon. Drawing tension, as from shortening of muscles. Pain as if joints were sprained. {am.c}
<Mind> Forgetful, ill-humoured, gloomy during [ wet] stormy weather. Uncleanliness. Talking and
hearing others talk affects greatly. Sad, weepy, unreasonable. Active but soon exhausted. Heedless
and unruly. Depressed, & weakness of intellect. Aversion to work; not disposed for anything. Vacant
mind. Loss of memory < vexation. Peevish, fretting, as if crime has been committed. Disposed to
4 5 7 8
weep; < evening. Stupor [in scarlatina, diphtheria, etc.]. Listlessness and lethargy. Excitement in
evening thinking of things others have done to displease her. Quarrelsome during menses. Talking in
sleep about what he thought when awake; reveals secrets in sleep. Disobedience. Irritability during
headache; during menses. Fear of misfortune, in morning. Mistakes in calculating; in speaking; in
writing. Reserved during menses. Oversensitive to sensual impressions. Disposition to slander.
Taciturn during menses. Aversion to women. Gloomy, depressed, & feeling of impending trouble, &
sensation of coldness. Anxious concern about one's sickness. Anxiety & inclination to weep. {am.c}
<Vertigo> Frequent, as if surroundings were turning with him in a circle, in morning after rising,
lasting whole day, < evening; also at night, when moving head. In morning, when sitting and reading, >
walking. {am.c}
2 11 7
<Head> [Sensation]: Brain seems loose; as if brain falls to side towards which he leans. Of
oppressive fulness in forehead and vertex, as if head would burst. Of lightness in head. As if hair
would stand on end, & crawling and cold feeling on head, after coming into room from open air. As if
blood were accumulating, on stooping. Head as if hammered and hacked upon with a flat instrument.
2 5 7
[Pain]: Pulsating [ full, bursting] in forehead [ and vertex]; > pressure and in warm room; < after
eating and while walking in open air. Chronic, & nausea, < walking in open air. [In low types of
meningitis, especially in eruptive diseases, & cyanosis; of temporary use.] In morning in bed, &
nausea and risings in throat, as if to vomit. Boring, stitching, at night. Stitches in various parts of head.
Tearing: in whole head; in temples; back of left ear @ vertex. Drawing, in periosteum of forehead,
wakens from sleep in morning, passes off after rising. [Objective]: Shocks through head; eyes, ears
and nose, on biting. Congestion of blood to head at night, and when awaking, heat of face. Severe
11 11
itching of scalp; esp. of occiput. Scalp, even the hair, painful to touch. {am.c}
2 11
<Eyes> [Pain]: Burning, & aversion to light. Burning and dry. Afternoon sleep >. Smarting in eyes
2 11
& itching on margin of lids. [Objective]: Eye-strain [Nat-m.]. Sore canthi. Lachrymation; &
6 11
bloodshot eyes. Secretions from eyes = festering of eyelids. Cataract of right eye. Pressure on
eyelids, can't open them, even though internally awake. Stye on right upper eyelid & tension. Weak
and watery after reading. Itching on margins of lids. {am.c}
<Vision> Prolonged use of eyes = asthenopia; & appearance of yellow spots on looking at white
5 11
objects. Large black spots, after sewing. Dim, & flickering. Diplopia. Sparks, at night, during
headache. Optical illusions, especially in white or bright colours. {am.c}
<Ears> [Sensation]: Buzzing before ears. [Objective]: Shocks through ears, eyes and nose, when
2 2
gnashing teeth [ biting]. Itching above ears, spreads over whole body. {am.c}
5 11
<Hearing> Hardness of hearing; but painfully sensitive [ to loud noise]. {am.c}
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 20

<Nose> [Sensation]: As if brain were forcing itself out just above nose, during epistaxis. [Objective]:
Discharge of sharp, burning water. Snuffles of children. Stoppage at night, & long-continued coryza.
2 2
Can't breathe through nose. Epistaxis after washing [ of hands or face]; or on waking. Tip of nose
7 2
congested; rush of blood to tip of nose when stooping. Ozaena, blows bloody mucus from nose.
Continuous urging to sneeze. Catarrh starting in nose. Boil on tip. Inability to blow nose in children.
Epistaxis, left nostril. Coryza; during menses; dry, < night; must breathe through nose; without any
cold. Nasal catarrh and acute coryza, & stoppage of nose, excoriating discharge, and rawness and
burning along trachea; will often abort a recent cold. Burning water from nose, < stooping. {am.c}
11 11
<Face> [Sensation]: Upper lip pains, as if cracked. [Objective]: Tetters [ herpectic eruption]
around mouth. Boils and pustules, during menses. Corners of mouth sore, cracked, and burning.
Cracks and burning in lips. Hard swelling of cheek. Hard swelling of parotid and cervical glands.
Deathly pale; sometimes puffy. Freckles easily. Saliva excoriates lips, they crack in corners and
7 11 11
middle. Heat in face [ & red cheeks] during mental exertion. Redness of left cheek. Pustulous
eruption on forehead, cheeks, chin. Itching eruptions on lips. Lower lip cracked in middle, bleeding and
burning. Painful burning blister on inside of lower lip. Blue lips. Face pale, bloated. {am.c}
<Mouth> [Sensation]: Taste sour; metallic. Taste: sweetish; of blood; offensive; bitter; of food. As if
mouth were swollen. [Pain]: Burning, hindering eating and speech. [Objective]: Great dryness of
2 5
mouth and throat. Vesicles on tongue. Swelling inside cheek. Blisters on mouth and tongue.
7 11
Increased saliva, sour, salt or foul tasting. Much saliva, must be ejected. Redness and
inflammation of inner mouth and gullet; pain as if raw. {am.c}
7 11 2
<Teeth> [Sensation]: As if elongated. As if too dull. As of an ulcer at root of tooth. [Pain]: During
7 11
menses. As soon as she gets into bed in evening. Painful on biting teeth together; stitching, in
molars when biting, can use incisors only. [Objective]: Pressing teeth together sends shocks through
head, eyes, nose and ears. Tender, bleeding gums. Loose or blunt teeth. {am.c}
<Throat> [Sensation]: Roughness and scraping in throat. As if right tonsil were swollen, pain when
11 7
swallowing. As if something had lodged in throat, impeding deglutition. PABurning, all down throat;
as from alcohol. Burning on throat externally. [Objective]: Enlarged tonsils and glands of neck.
Diphtheria when nose is stopped up; membrane @ upper lip. Tendency to gangrenous ulceration of
tonsils. Putrid sore throat. Enlarged tonsils, bluish, much offensive mucus there. Goitre. . {am.c}
<Food & Drink> Great appetite, but easily satisfied. Cracking of jaw when eating. Epistaxis after
5 11
eating. Great desire for sugar. Must drink while eating; can't eat without drinking. Constant thirst.
Heartburn after eating, & scraping. Stomach oppressed after eating, & tenderness of pit. Can't bear
pressure of clothes after eating. Heaviness and beating in forehead after dinner. Heat in face during
8 11
and after dinner. Irritability after eating. Appetite: only for bread and cold food. Want of appetite
before menses. During eating: heat in face, headache, nausea and prostration; dizziness. After eating:
nausea, pressure in stomach and forehead; speech becomes difficult; sweat increased. Thirst before
chill; during burning heat. Toothache > eating, < warm fluids. {am.c}
7 11
<Stomach> [Sensation]: Full feeling; trembling. Empty feeling. [Pain]: At pit, & heartburn, nausea,
7 11
waterbrash and chilliness. Pressure in stomach at night [ clothes feel oppressive]. Stomach painful
11 7
when pressed upon. Stitches in pit during cough. [Objective]: Flatulent dyspepsia. Eructations;
11 11
empty; imperfect or suppressed; taste of food; sour. Heat in stomach, spreading through bowels.
Hiccough in morning, after chill. Nausea and vomiting of all that has been eaten; afterwards sour taste
in mouth. {am.c}
<Abdomen> [Sensation]: Pressure above navel, as from a button. Numbness in right
2 5
hypochondrium. [Pain]: Colic, & pain between scapulae. Cramps, contractive, cutting, tearing,
largely from gas, & nausea, waterbrash, followed by loose stool. Stitches in left hypochondrium.
Pressure or sore, in right hypochondrium. Cutting & retraction of abdominal walls. Stitches through
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 21

abdomen. Sudden painful contraction of bowels @ epigastrium; > pressure; ceasing on lying down.
Burning in liver. Painful shock in lower part of abdomen when stepping. [Objective]: Noise and pain in
7 11 11
abdomen. Flatulent hernia. Elastic swelling in [ l.] groin, evening; bruised pain therein; can't lie on
left side; on awaking, both swelling and pain gone. Much flatus in evening. Splenic affections.
<Rectum> [Pain]: Burning at anus, prevents sleep at night; must rise from bed on account of this
and tenesmus. [Objective]: Stools difficult, hard, and knotty. Bleeding piles, < during menses. Itching
2 2
at anus. Protruding piles, < after stool [ or without stools], > lying down. Discharge of blood before
and after stools. Dark acrid diarrhoea. Constipation; stools hard, dry. Loose stool, preceded and
followed by cutting in abdomen. Stools retarded and hard; later soft stools. Stool of faeces and
mucus. Protrusion of haemorrhoids after stool; & long-lasting pains, can't walk; protrude also
independent of stool. {am.c}
<Urinary> [Pain]: Cutting, from pressure of urine on bladder. [Objective]: Frequent desire;
involuntary urination at night [ towards morning]. Tenesmus of bladder. Urine white, sandy, bloody,
5 11
copious, turbid and fetid. Urine copious, depositing a red sediment. During micturition, vulva and
anus, which are sore, become painful. Frequent urination at night. {am.c}
7 11
<Male> [Pain]: Forcing or choking, in testicles and spermatic cords; testes sensitive to touch, <
erections. [Objective]: Itching and pain of scrotum and spermatic cords. Erection without desire; in
11 2 5
morning. Seminal emissions [ at night]; frequent, after coition. Sexual desire increased;
involuntary emissions at night. Itching of genitals. Discharge of prostatic fluid after stool. Testes and
scrotum relaxed, necessitating a supporter. {am.c}
11 11
<Female> [Sensation]: Of excoriation or ulceration in vulva, from acrid leucorrhoea. [Pain]:
Violent tearing in abdomen and vagina. [Objective]: Itching, swelling and burning of pudendum.
Leucorrhoea burning, acrid, watery. Aversion to other sex. Menses too frequent, profuse, early,
copious, clotted, black; colicky pains, and hard, difficult stool, & fatigue, especially of thighs; yawning
2 4
and chilliness. Cholera-like symptoms, during [ at beginning of] menses. Menses flow more at night,
then dyspnoea, or weakness. Irritation of clitoris. Menses followed by bowel troubles, especially
straining at stool, colic, constipation. Menses very copious, especially at night, and when sitting and
driving. Menstrual blood acrid, makes thighs sore. Great fatigue of whole body during menses,
especially of thighs, & yawning, toothache, pain in lumbar region and loins, and chilliness.
Premature, copious menses preceded by griping, colic, and want of appetite. Right mamma painful to
touch. {am.c}
11 11
<Larynx> [Sensation]: Larynx as if drawn shut from both sides of throat. [Pain]: Hoarseness;
5 7
can't speak a loud word; < speaking; great dryness. Laryngitis, & collection of mucus. Accumulation
of mucus in larynx, then hoarseness. Talking difficult at times, like from weakness of parts, also
from pain. Rattling as from mucus. {am.c}
<Respiration> Difficult, < after every exertion, and on entering warm room, or ascending even a few
11 4
steps; > open air. Slow, laboured, stertorous; bubbling sound. Dyspnoea, from retrocession of
eruptions. Dyspnoea at night, & palpitation, dropsical symptoms, bloody expectoration, etc.
7 11
[emphysema]. Asphyxia imminent in course of disease. Difficult, = short cough. Dares not come
into warm room, in which he becomes deathly pale, and can do nothing but sit quiet. Loses breath at
moment when falling asleep; wakens to get breath. {am.c}
3 11 4
<Cough> Every morning about [ or a. m.], & dyspnoea, palpitation, burning in chest; < ascending;
2 4
> cool air. Persistent, after influenza. Only at night, or only at daytime. Incessant, excited by a
3 4 5 3
sensation as of feathers down in larynx, from to a. m. Dry, < a. m., & asthmatic constriction in
chest; expectoration bloody or taste of blood in mouth. From cardiac diseases; especially valuable in
7 5
pneumonia with weak heart. Dry, < night, as from dust [ a feather] in throat. Short asthmatic, from
irritation in larynx, & painful sensation of spasmodic contraction of chest. {am.c}
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 22

<Sputum> Pure blood, after cough. Dark blood. Bloody mucus. Saltish mucus, at night. Thin,
foamy. {am.c}
5 11
<Chest> [Sensation]: Chest feels tired. Internal oppression in chest, as if filled with blood.
Heaviness and oppression at sternum at night. Heaviness and tightness when walking in open air.
5 7 11
[Pain]: Stitches in left side, < lying on it. Stitches in right chest when stooping; when walking;
when rising up in bed. Burning in chest. Tearing from upper left chest @ scapula. [Objective]:
Winter catarrh, & slimy sputum and specks of blood. Asthenic pneumonia. Hypostatic congestion of
11 2
lungs. Pulmonary oedema. Emphysema [ one of the best remedies]. Rattling in chest, but gets up
little. Small pimple on sternum; when touched feels as if a splinter were therein. Red rash on chest.
Axillary glands painful and swollen. Rush of blood to chest, after writing. {am.c}
<Heart> [Sensation]: As if heart and veins would burst, at night. [Objective]: Audible palpitation &
fear [ attacks of great anxiety, as if dying], cold sweat, lachrymation, inability to speak, loud breathing,
and trembling of hands. Heart weak, wakes with difficult breathing and palpitation. Angina pectoris.
3 4 5
Weak heart = stasis; dyspnoea, etc. Dilatation of heart. Palpitation, & cough and dyspnoea
[angina pectoris]. Great prostration, & threatened heart failure, at end of pneumonia. Simple weak
heart with absence of symptoms and lack of response to apparently indicated remedies. Pulse quick.
10 11
Heart disease & thyroid problems [Lyc.]. Frequent palpitation & contraction of epigastrium and
weak feeling in pit of stomach. {am.c}
5 11
<Back> [Pain]: During menses. Drawing, from sacrum @ nape. Between scapulae. Stitches in
lumbar region during cough. Violent, in lumbar region & great coldness; amenorrhoea. Pressive,
drawing, in lumbar region and loins, only when at rest, during day; passing off when walking. Stitches
at coccyx, preceded by itching. [Objective]: Lymphatic glands swollen. {am.c}
4 6
<Limbs> [Sensation]: Joints as if dislocated. As from subcutaneous ulceration. Aching in bones, as
2 11
if they would break. [Pain]: Tearing in joints > heat of bed. Aching in bones < change of weather. In
all limbs at night & gnawing pain in lumbar region. [Objective]: Inclination to stretch limbs. Ganglion.
Burning of hands and feet. {am.c}
<Upper> . [Sensation]: Weight and lameness in right arm; has no power in it, must let it hang; hand
swollen. Stiffness of arms and fingers as if dead, at night, early in morning, and when grasping things.
5 7 11
Fingers "go to sleep." [Pain]: In old sprains of wrist. Cramp in right arm, drawing it backward.
Boring, in olecranon depression. [Objective]: Hands cold and blue; & distended veins [ after washing
in cold water]. Fingers swell when arm is hanging down. Panaritium, deep-seated periosteal pain.
7 11
Felons, in beginning. Inflammation of fingertips, whitlow. Cracking of elbow-joint when moved.
Itching eruption on inside of right forearm. Cracking of skin of hands; peeling of skin from palms.
Trembling of hands. {am.c}
2 11
<Lower> [Sensation]: Right foot numb. Leg frequently "goes to sleep" when sitting or standing,
also when lying on it at night. Crawling in toes. [Pain]: Cramps in calves and soles. Heel painful on
standing; or walking much, as if festering; sometimes suppuration. Tearing in ankles and bones of
5 11
feet, > when warm in bed. Bruised, in hip-joint and thighs. Violent, in hip-joint when walking.
Severe, in heels when awaking in morning, as if ulcerated to bone. Boring and drawing in knees.
[Objective]: Big toe painful and swollen; and red, especially in evening in bed, and whole foot swells;
11 5 7 11
< pressure of boots. Jerkings in knees. Restless legs. Cold feet, especially when going to bed.
Great weakness and languor of lower limbs. Soreness between limbs of children. Trembling of feet.
<Sleep> Sleepiness during day. Starts from sleep strangling. The sooner one goes to bed the better
one sleeps. General tendency to sleep and even stupor, & febrile conditions as well as gastric
disturbances. Frequent violent starting out of sleep, & great fear afterward. Somnolence, with blood
over-carbonized. Child starts from sleep, can't get its breath, from stoppage of nose during diphtheria.
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 23

Must sleep in afternoon, or eyes pain. Restless, unrefreshing; tosses about. Talking during sleep.
Disturbed by palpitation of heart. {am.c}
7 11 11
<Dreams> Nightmare every night; sometimes in a sweat when awaking; in heart disease. Vivid.
Romantic. Lewd. Anxious. Of danger and want. Ghosts. Of dying. Dead persons. Offensive. Lice. Of
scolding. {am.c}
<Fever> Hectic. {am.c}
2 7 5 11
<Chill> Coldness. Chilliness in evening; when going to bed. Very sensitive to cold air, out-
doors. In evening; frequently # heat, till toward midnight. Open air <, warm room <. Great chilliness
during headache. {am.c}
2 5 11
<Heat> Burning, & thirst. General, & stupor; local in face, in great toe; & cold feet. {am.c}
7 11 11
<Sweat> Daily in morning, on forehead; mostly at joints. On lower part of body. Continuous, day
or night. {am.c}
<Skin> Violent burning and itching blisters. Scarlet rash. Miliary rash. Malignant scarlatina; &
somnolence, starting from sleep; dark red or putrid sore throat; sticky salivation; parotitis; external
throat swollen; stertorous breathing; involuntary stools with excessive vomiting; body red, with miliary
rash, or faintly developed eruption; threatened paralysis of brain. Faintly developed eruptions from
defective vitality. Erysipelas in the aged, & brain symptoms; while the eruption is still out, debility and
soreness of the whole body; tendency to gangrenous destruction. Eczema in bends of limbs, between
2 7
legs, about anus and genitals. Red or mottled skin. Violent itching; after scratching burning blisters
appear. Upper part of body red as scarlet. Desquamation. Itching > scratching. Itching and stinging
of skin keep him awake. Burning stinging, tearing in warts. Putrid flat ulcers, & pungent sensation, pain
> keeping limb elevated and from outward pressure; pus white and putrid. {am.c}
3 4
<Modalities> Worse: COLD; CLOUDY DAYS. DAMP COLD. Raw cold open air. Falling asleep; -
a. m. During menses. Motion. Chewing; pressing teeth together. Bending down. New moon. Wet
applications. Evenings. Better: Pressure. Eating. Lying on abdomen. Dry weather. Lying on right side.
Lying on painful side. {am.c}
<Conditions> Esp. suited to weak, nervous persons of a lymphatic or venous temperament.
Delicate women who must always have a smelling-bottle at hand. Scrofulous children. Old people.
Stout and sedentary women [most of the carbonates are suited to states of corpulency]; who have
various troubles in consequence and readily catch cold in winter. {am.c}
<Relations> Compare: the Ammonias; Ant-t.; Ars.; Aur. [crushing weight on sternum, but Aur. has
less somnolence and less venous congestion]; Lach. [to which Am-c. is inimical]; Phos.; Puls.; Sulph.;
1 2 7 11 11
Mur-ac.; Carb-v.; Glon.; Am-m.; Apis [ scarlatina, miliaria; burning stinging]; Bell.; Kali-c.;
Cocc., Nat-m. and Ruta [muscular asthenopia]; Verat. [cholera-like symptoms during menses].
Antidoted by: Arn.; Camph.; Hep.; vegetable acids; fixed oils. Antidote to: Rhus-t. and stings of insects;
poisoning from charcoal fumes. {am.c}
<Characteristics> This is a powerful cardiac stimulant. As such, in syncope, thrombosis,
haemorrhage, snakebites, chloroform narcosis, it may be given by inhalation. The oedema and
ulceration of mucous membranes produced by this powerful drug have been utilised as guiding
symptoms for its use; hence in membranous croup with burning in oesophagus. Aphonia; it is one of
the best remedies known for aphonia, when the characteristic rawness in throat is present. Intense
thirst. {am.caust}
<Nose> [Objective]: Nasal diphtheria, & burning excoriating discharge. {am.caust}
<Throat> [Pain]: In oesophagus on breathing deeply. Burning rawness in throat. Scraping and burning
in throat and oesophagus. [Objective]: Uvula covered with white mucus. White patches on tonsils,
tongue and inner cheek. {am.caust}
<Larynx> [Objective]: Loss of voice. Accumulation of mucus & incessant coughing. Spasm of glottis &
suffocation; patient gasps for air. {am.caust}
52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 24

<Limbs> [Objective]: Excessive exhaustion and muscular debility. {am.caust}

<Upper> [Objective]: Rheumatism of shoulders. {am.caust}
<Skin> Hot and dry. {am.caust}
<Modalities> Worse: After eating or drinking. {am.caust}
<Relations> Compare: the Ammonias, especially Am-c. Antidoted by: vinegar and vegetable acids.
<Characteristics> Indicated when Iod. has but partially > in cases of laryngitis and bronchitis,
catarrhal pneumonia, oedema of lungs. {am.i}
<Vertigo> Vertigo. Meniere's disease. {am.i}
<Head> [Pain]: Dull, especially in young people. {am.i}
<Face> [Objective]: Stupid, heavy. {am.i}
<Relations> Compare: Am-t. [dry hacking cough after every cold]. {am.i}
<Characteristics> A remedy for chronic gouty patients. Uric acid diathesis. Indicated in bronchitis and
nodosities of joints of fingers and back of hands. Facial paralysis. Pain in shoulder-joints. Tightness
around chest. Heaviness of limbs, unsteady, tottering gait. Coldness from least draft of air. {am.p}
<Nose> [Objective]: Sneezing & excessive running from nose and eyes, only in morning. {am.p}
<Urinary> [Objective]: Rose-coloured sediment. {am.p}
<Cough> Deep rough, & greenish expectoration. {am.p}
<Characteristics> Remedy for malarial fever and neuralgias and so-called bilious headaches. Pain in
occiput and mastoid region. Whooping cough. Am-pic. is intensely bitter, and like Pic-ac. and other
picrates has a strong action on the liver. Pic-ac., like Am-pic. has occipital headache, proceeding down
the spine, and also a pain travelling the reverse way. {am.pic}
<Vertigo> On rising; esp. & irregular menses. {am.pic}
<Head> [Pain]: Periodical neuralgia in right side of occiput; boring @ ear, orbit and jaw. Periodic
bilious headaches [Sang.]. {am.pic}
<Back> [Objective]: Injury to back [from being thrown from a carriage], wild sense in occiput on
turning in bed, stooping or sudden motion; palpitation, trembling, with intermissions, great alarm.
<Relations> Compare: Calc-pic.; Cimic.; Ferr-pic.; Pic-ac. and Sang. [periodic bilious headaches].
<Characteristics> A remedy for nervous, hysterical people, suffering from neuralgia, headaches and
insomnia. Great nervous erethism is always present. {Am.val}
<Heart> [Pain]: In cardiac region. [Objective]: Functional disturbances. Tachycardia. {Am.val}
Ammonium Muriaticum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.


Hand Book of Materia Medica and

Homœopathic Therapeutics.
By T. F. Allen.
Presented by Médi-T.

Ammonium Muriaticum.
Sal Ammoniac, N H4 Cl, is dissolved in water for use.
General Action :- º It causes profuse secretions from mucous membranes,
especially of the air passages, and when decomposed in the blood acts as a
heart-stimulant (See Caustic Ammonia).
Relations :- º Ammon. Caust., Kali, Alumina, Mur. Ac.
Generalities :- º Loss of fat. º Stitches in left side of abdomen, then in right
side of chest, then in right scapula, then in small of back, with chilliness and
sleepiness during the day. º Pressive burning and stinging now here, now
there, in forenoon. º Painful twitching, or jerking tearing now here, now
there, the pain most severely beats, as if it would suppurate, 6 to 10 P.M., on
sitting, amel. lying in bed. º Pain and bruised feeling in all bones, when
slumbering or sitting still. º Bruised pain in morning after rising, agg. during
motion, especially in back, with tearing in shoulders and nape. º Contracted
feeling in whole body, in morning, so that walking was difficult, amel. long
walking. º Orgasm of blood ; with anxiety. º Sudden faintness after dinner,
when taking exercise in open air, with weakness. º Weakness mornings. º
Weakness, inactivity, general depression (in fever). º Weakness, with
constriction of throat and difficult respiration. º Amelioration in open air. º
Coffee restricts the action of the drug.
Clinical :- º The mucous secretions are generally increased ; free in the
air passages ; cover the stool ; profuse leucorrhœas ; free discharge from
nose, etc.

Mind :- º Excitement when talking on an important subject. º Anxiety,

sometimes with weeping ; anxiety, with melancholy. º Irritable, peevish and
easily frightened ; irritable and peevish in forenoon, amel. after dinner ;
peevish in morning, and confused, as if she had not slept enough. º
Ill-humored in evening, absorbed in her thoughts and can scarcely be
induced to speak. º Antipathy to certain persons. º Timidity. º Seriousness.
Head :- º Stitches, in the house, especially in left side, with pressure. º
Aching. º Confusion as after intoxication. º Heaviness ; after rising. º
Vertigo, with fulness and heaviness ; V. in morning, amel. open air, with
confusion ; V. as if she would fall to one side, agg. motion, amel. open air
(Kali c.). (1 de 11) [17/4/2005 10:40:42]

Ammonium Muriaticum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

Forehead :- º Sudden fine stitches in left in afternoon. º Tearing when

sitting. º Boring. º Aching ; throbbing aching in evening, agg. touch, with
weakness, so that he can scarcely walk, and chills on going to bed. º
Pressure in morning, after an uneasy night, with heat there ; pressure
downward towards root of nose, morning after rising, with sensation as if
the brain were torn. º Heaviness in front of ; H., with internal heat and sweat.
Temples :- º Stitches in left in forenoon. º Tearing in right, extending into
side of face ; fine tearing upward in right bone during menses ; sudden
tearing upward in right in forenoon. º Burning pain in left, and sometimes
stitches. º Painful twitches upward in left.
Vertex :- º Stitches on stooping from 3 to 6 P.M. ; stitches in morning, with
sensation as if head were bursting. º Pain as if head were broken in two.
Side :- º Fine stitches in left, in forenoon. º Tearing in upper part of right,
while sitting.
Occiput :- º Compression as from a vise, then in sides of head, with ill
humor. º Pinching in a spot on left side in forenoon.
Scalp :- º Itching. º Itching pimples on right side of occiput in evening,
amel. at night.
Eyes :- º Pain. º Sensation as if a body were rising in left, forenoons,
preventing vision. º Burning in morning after rising, if she looks at the light ;
in evening, and closing as from sleep, amel. by light ; at night, with
lachrymation ; or right continuing long in open air. º Twitching of left, amel.
long rubbing. º Lachrymation morning after rising. º Tearing in balls. º
Twitching in left ball, amel. rubbing.
Lids :- º Agglutination in morning on waking, with burning in canthi after
washing. º Twitching of lower, agg. left. º Tearing in external canthus. º
Burning in canthi ; morning, agg. looking at the light, amel. washing.
º Vesicle in white. º Redness of white, with itching of eyes. º Tearing in
upper border of right in afternoon, while sitting, first agg. then amel. by
pressure. º Hammering over margin of right orbit in morning, or sensation as
if a large body were pushing there. º Vision misty in morning, amel.
washing ; she distinguishes nothing in the open air, even in the sunlight, sees
better in the house. º Yellow spots when sewing and when looking out the
window into the garden. º Eyes weak, glassy, watery.
Ears :- º Fine stitches in left in afternoon in open air ; stitches inward in
right when walking in open air, then burning extending outward from left,
outward from right, also as with an awl ; fine, outward in left when walking
in open air. º Boring and stitching outward from right. º Boring twitching in
right. º Clawing and tearing in right. º Twisting in left and behind it ; where
there is a moist herpes. º Burrowing and turmoil in right on which he lay at
night, as if something would come out. º Tickling in right. º Itching in both,
with discharge of liquid wax. º Grumbling and thundering noise in right
when sitting and at night, with pulsations. (2 de 11) [17/4/2005 10:40:42]

Ammonium Muriaticum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

Nose :- º External swelling of left side, then discharge of bloody crusts. º

Mucous membrane of nose and lips destroyed. º Sore on the inside and
around margins of nostrils. º Ulcerative pain in left nostril, agg. touch. º
Obstruction at night, with pain at right nasal fossa ; left nostril stopped by
mucus, amel. blowing. º Itching in nose, with desire to blow it, sensation as
if a large, rough body were sticking high up, and obstruction. º Sensation in
upper part as before a cold. º Sneezing frequently ; without a cold, rousing
from sleep, with crawling in throat, causing cough and salivation.
º º Clear water running from nose and corroding lips. º Coryza, with
eruptions in nostrils ; C., with obstruction of nose and loss of smell ; with
obstructed ; feeling and difficult discharge of much mucus ; dry, but clear
water runs out of nose ; at one nostril, out of which runs thick, yellow
matter, with tearing in cheek-bone and teeth of left side. º Brown blood with
the mucus on blowing. º Bleeding, morning on washing face ; B. from left
nostril, with relief of the itching. º Bloody froth from nose and mouth.
Clinical :- º Coryza, with acrid, watery discharge, ulcerative pain in
nostril, nose very sore to touch. º Discharge scalding hot, also with cold
feeling between shoulders. º Loss of smell.

Face :- º Pallor. º Distortion, expression of anxiety. º Swelling of cheek,

with enlargement of a gland below right angle of jaw, with throbbing and
lancinating pain. º Tearing in bones of right side, evening while sitting ; in
left malar-bone ; in right malar-bone in forenoon, extending into temples ; in
cheeks in evening, alternating with tearing in sides of neck. º Twitching
pains in a spot in right upper part, in forenoon, amel. during touch. º Tearing
stitches in right side of chin. º Tearing in left lower jaw, then in upper
incisors. º Drawing in lower jaw. º Lips chapped ; dry, wrinkled and
chapped, she had to moisten them constantly with the tongue ; itching
pimples around upper ; blisters on upper, becoming inflamed and ulcerated ;
excoriated spot in right side of upper with burning soreness ; contracted,
with greasy feeling ; burning ; burning stinging of upper.
Mouth :- º Teeth, tearing ; in all at 8 P.M., amel. in bed ; in upper, evening
in bed, right, then left, in a decayed root of left upper, in afternoon when
sitting, amel. pressure. º Stinging in upper incisors. º Swelling of gums of
lower back teeth, with stitches extending to left temple. º Tongue white ;
coated more than usual on rising ; coated white ; white mucous coat in spots
on tongue and mouth, like a false membrane ; vesicles at tip, with burning
pain ; burning vesicles at tip. º Could scarcely speak and complained of
burning pain in throat and chest. º Taste bitter, also in morning, amel. after
eating, with frequent bitter eructations ; bitter, during the anxiety, with
nauseating bitter eructations ; sourish, also morning on waking ; pappy,
morning after rising ; disagreeable, with salivation.
Throat :- º Swelling, external and internal, with pressive pain when
swallowing, and drawing and stinging pain in the swollen submaxillary
glands. º Stinging ; when yawning. º Stinging raw sensation. º Soreness, with
rawness. º Burning pain throat and chest ; with difficulty in speaking. º (3 de 11) [17/4/2005 10:40:42]

Ammonium Muriaticum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

Constriction, with difficult respiration. º Roughness, amel. after dinner. º

Dryness. º Itching, then expectoration of blood. º Throbbing in tonsils, as if
in an artery, with uneasiness and anxiety. º Constant hawking from tickling
in throat, without much expectoration. º Hawking up mucus in morning. º
Hawking with expectoration of small pieces of mucus. º Mucus difficult to
hawk up. º Mucus which he can neither swallow nor hawk up. º Swallowing
almost impossible.
Clinical :- º Swelling of tonsils so that he can scarcely swallow, after
taking cold.

Stomach :- º Appetite capricious, sometimes lost, sometimes ravenous, with

constipation or diarrhœa ; want of ; want of, in evening, with frequent
yawning ; none, yet he takes his usual food. º Thirst ; evening ; before the
chill, before 5 P.M. ; satisfied only with lemonade ; unquenchable,
afternoons ; absence of.
º Eructations of air ; of food ; oppressive, tasting of ingesta ; bitter ; bitter in
forenoon, with taste of food ; of bitter, sour water in afternoon, the taste of
which remained till she ate again. º Hiccough ; after dinner ; frequent H. or
bitter eructations, with the hiccough stitches in left breast.
º º Nausea in attacks ; N. in forenoon on walking in open air ; after dinner,
amel. eructations and in open air ; after every dinner and supper, with
waterbrash and horripilation ; with oppression at stomach, yet inclination to
º Stinging at pit at 8 A.M., extending into right axilla and muscles of right
upper arm, with burning. º Heat in morning. º Burning in afternoon, with
pressure, becoming a stinging ; burning towards pharynx, like heartburn. º
Gnawing, or grinding, as from worms. º Grinding in morning, amel. after
breakfast, with writhing. º Pressure, with nausea. º Sensation as if everything
would turn around in forenoon on walking in open air, amel. by eructations,
renewed while sitting, with necessity to go into the open air, where it
disappeared, with disposition to waterbrash, nausea and vomiting. º
Emptiness or hunger ; E. without desire for food ; E., yet he can hardly
persuade himself to eat. º Sensation of fasting, yet it feels full, agg. after
breakfast. º Fulness in afternoon, with oppression. º Drawing.
Abdomen :- º Inflation in morning during and after a purge ; in evening
before menses, amel. emission of flatus ; in evening, amel. by two stools,
with tension of stomach. º Rumbling ; in afternoon ; morning on waking,
from fermentation in sides, extending to chest. º Growling and noises, with
emission of much flatus. º Frequent emission of flatus ; loud emission ; of
offensive flatus, without sensation of flatus.
º Cutting from 2 to 4 A.M. ; at 7 P.M., extending to groins and small of back,
amel. stool. º Gripings, with motions ; G. here and there in afternoon,
without sensation of flatus. º Pinching at every inspiration ; P. before a loose
stool ; P. in abdomen and groins morning after rising, as before menses. º
Colic. º Pain after diarrhœa ; P. amel. stools. º Soreness internally after (4 de 11) [17/4/2005 10:40:42]

Ammonium Muriaticum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

morning diarrhœa, with pain as if beaten ; sensation as if the intestines were

turning around at 10.45 P.M. º Painful pressure as with a hand in left side. º
Weight, amel. sleep, with anxiety. º Oppression. º Fulness. º Pressive tension
in left side near ring, as if something were pressing out. º Drawing in side.
º Burning pain in a spot in upper. º Splenetic stitches even when sitting. º
Stitches in left hypochondriac region when spinning. º Stitches in region of
right ribs in afternoon when walking, with burning. º Pinching in
Umbilicus :- º Running around ; then soft stool, with urging. º Cutting
around, in evening, with shooting. º Gripping below, at 6 P.M. º Grinding
near, after dinner. º Pinching to left of, while standing, agg. stooping ;
around, at 7 P.M., then two stools. º Pain around, in afternoon, with five
half-liquid stools ; pain below, at 4 P.M., then usual stool, with stinging in
anus. º Discomfort below and to left of navel.
º Pinching in lower, with griping and dyspnœa. º Intermittent gripping in
lower, in forenoon. º Pain in lower, with soft stool. º Stitches over left hip
when sitting, and when stooping while standing.
Groin :- º Sense of distention of left, becoming painful on sitting ; D. of
right, with a tensive sensation and grinding. º Stitches in right when sitting,
coming out behind hip. º Tearing when walking, with tensive pain. º
Ulcerative pain in right when walking. º Cutting after 8 P.M., as far as small
of back, with stitches and urging to urinate. º Gripings in evening,
afterwards extending to navel, amel. by a purge. º Pain in right, often
extending to hip and small of back. º Sprained pain in left obliging him to
walk crooked. º Burning in right flank in afternoon when sitting.
Clinical :- º Chronic congestion of the liver, with depression of spirits,
stools coated with mucus.

Rectum and Anus :- º º Itching soreness of rectum with pustules by the side
of it. º Burning in rectum during and after soft stools (Mur. ac.). º Burning in
anus during soft stool (Mur. ac.). º Itching in anus, amel. after nosebleed,
with pressure. º Hæmorrhoidal flux produced or increased. º Tearing in
perineum when walking. º Stinging tearing in perineum in evening.
Stool :- º º Contained glassy, tough mucus. º Covered with mucus. º Green
slimy diarrhœa mornings. º Diarrhœa in morning ; after every meal, with
pain in abdomen, back, small of back and in limbs. º Soft ; at an unusual
time ; and frequent, also with much micturition ; and profuse ; yellow, with
urging, then tenesmus and burning in rectum ; next day none. º Frequent,
almost fluid, with mucus. º Hard, crumbling, scanty, but after dinner the
usual stool, then burning in anus (Mur. ac.). º Hard, covered with mucus. º
Hard ; first part, last part soft, also during menses, with straining, then
burning in anus, then usual stool in afternoon. º Of two small pieces, passed
with pressure, then soft stool. º No stool ; for two days, with colic and
sensation as if diarrhœa would come on.
Clinical :- º Constipation, with hard, crumbly stool, or the fæces are (5 de 11) [17/4/2005 10:40:42]

Ammonium Muriaticum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

covered with glairy mucus. º Chronic diarrhœa during menstruation, green

mucous stools ; sometimes diarrhœa alternates with constipation.

Urinary Organs :- º Pinching in bladder when lying, as far as urethra, with

stitching. º Tenesmus of bladder after 4 A.M. º Urging to urinate at 10 A.M. º
Desire to urinate, with emission of only a few drops, then micturition with
the stool. º Micturition frequent and copious at night ; frequent in morning ;
M. slow. º Urine copious ; at night, before menses ; C., strongly
ammoniacal ; with a stale smell. º Urine diminished in amount ; and in
frequency. º Urine hot and copious. º Urine bright yellow, saturated, with a
loose cloudy sediment. º Turbid, with urates on cooling. º Clayey sediment.
Sexual Organs :- º Erection at 8 A.M. ; morning in bed ; frequent, with little
desire. º Stitches in left spermatic cord, with beating. º In female genital
organs sensation in morning as after an embrace. º Leucorrhœa, with
distention of abdomen ; L., like the white of an egg after pinching around
navel ; brown, slimy L. after micturition. º Menses too soon ; with pain in
abdomen and small of back, flow more profuse at night. º Discharge of a
quantity of blood with the stool during menses.
Clinical :- º Many abdominal symptoms during menstruation and
pregnancy, constipation as above, liver swollen and sensitive, with
jaundice, flatulent distention of abdomen. º Menstruation too early and
free, flows more at night. º During pregnancy pain in left side of abdomen
as if sprained.

Respiratory Organs :- º Irritation in morning, causing hawking, with

expectoration of a piece of mucus and a raw sensation, then soreness behind
uvula. º Hoarseness in afternoon, with burning in region of larynx. º
º Cough when breathing deeply, agg. lying on right side. º Dry ; in morning,
also with sticking in fore part chest ; from 6 to 9 P.M., from tickling in
throat, amel. after lying down ; at night, preventing sleep ; dry mornings,
loosens in afternoon, most frequently with sticking in left hypochondrium ;
dry hacking, also from tickling in throat, which continues when not
coughing, in forenoon. º Violent cough at 10 P.M. in bed, during which
water comes into her mouth. º Cough, with expectoration ; in morning ; C.
during the day, with hawking and expectoration of mucus ; C. at night when
lying on back, loose, with sticking in left middle false ribs, extending to last
false ribs and preventing "coughing out," agg. turning on to side. º
Expectoration of tough mucus in afternoon.
º Desire to breathe deeply and to cough long, with slight expectoration. º
Short breath. º Suffocation threatened. º Breath lost when walking, obliged
to breathe deeply but slowly.
Clinical :- º Pulmonary catarrh, with hacking, scraping cough ; cough
agg. by lying on back or right side. º The dry cough, with stitches in chest,
may become loose in the afternoon or at night. º Profuse expectoration,
with rattling of mucus in old people, with coldness between the shoulders.

Chest :- º º Rattling. º Stitches in middle of left rib region ; behind right ribs (6 de 11) [17/4/2005 10:40:42]

Ammonium Muriaticum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

on motion ; below right breast during menses ; below right female breast in
afternoon when sitting bent ; below left female breast while standing in fore
part in afternoon, amel. sitting ; in fore part in afternoon and next morning,
with pressure ; sudden fine, come out of left in forenoon ; rhythmical, in left
in evening while sitting ; upward, as with an awl, in left, afternoons with
every inspiration, tearing, in a spot in left clavicle, with bruised pain on
touch. º Tearing in a spot in left clavicle, with bruised pain on pressure. º
Bruised pain beneath right breast, frequently intermittent, also often with
short breath. º Pressure in fore part in evening ; upon left mamma when
taking exercise in open air, and in left side of chest on going from warm
room into open air ; in middle, in afternoon, with stitches, as if a morsel
stuck there.
º Heaviness when walking in open air ; at night, waking him with
restlessness, which prevents sleep, this heaviness awoke him again at 3 A.M.,
he was kept in a half-sleep, in which he was partly conscious and dreamed
that he had been hanged and the chest had been hard pressed. º Oppression
in morning after rising, amel. eructations, which came on in open air ; when
moving arms forcibly and when stooping ; like a dry catarrh. º Tightness on
respiration. º Painful tension under right mamma, frequently intermittent,
after dinner. º Tension or compression as with a vise in front at lower part,
when standing.
º Rawness at 8 P.M. º Sticking crawling in left when sitting. º Burning spot
when walking in open air ; burning spot on right side. º Beating after dinner,
extending to pharynx, with heat in face and uneasy mood ; B. like a pulse in
a spot in left cavity, morning when standing.
Clinical :- º In catarrhal pneumonia of children, with ropy, tenacious

Heart and Pulse :- º Tearing in præcordial region, extending suddenly into

left forearm. º Pulse intermittent ; weak, irregular, rapid ; small, soft, rapid.
Neck :- º Swelling of cervical glands. º Tearing stitches in neck and left
clavicle on moving head. º Tearing in cords of left side ; intermittent, in
cords of right side, during menses ; in sides in evening, alternating with
tearing in cheeks. º Throbbing in glands, with flushes of heat and want of air
in throat. º Stiffness, with pain on turning it, from nape to between
shoulders. º Tension in nape at 10 P.M., amel. after lying down, with
stiffness. º Drawing in tendons of nape.
Back :- º Aching at 10 A.M., during menses, then weakness of thighs. º Pain
when sitting, amel. motion, with compression as from a vise. º Bruised pain,
agg. lying upon it ; bruised pain at night, agg. lying upon it. º Sprained and
bruised pain in right side, extending to middle ribs and axilla, waking at
night, on turning the body, stretching arms, sneezing, yawning and
breathing. º Tension, preceded by itching of left scapula.
º Stitches in left scapula during rest ; S. in left scapula, agg. lowering
shoulder and turning the trunk to the left. º Pinching in flesh of right scapula. (7 de 11) [17/4/2005 10:40:42]

Ammonium Muriaticum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

º Pain between scapulæ as from a wrench or bruise, or as if muscles were

stretched asunder. º Drawing and pressing inward in middle lumbar
vertebræ, forcing him to stretch the abdomen forward.
Small of Back :- º Pain when rising after stooping ; waking at night ; when
walking, so that she could not walk straight ; with incarceration of flatus ;
from 1 till 4 A.M., with paralytic pain in hips and in external surface above
knee, and the parts were still painful to touch the next forenoon. º Pain as if
shattered ; as if beaten and shattered, waking between 11 and 12 P.M., with
necessity to turn constantly, the pain lasting till 1 P.M. next day. º Bruised
pain at night ; at night, so that she can hardly lie ; in afternoon while
spinning, amel. after motion. º Painful stiffness, even when sitting, agg.
raising the body erect. º Sensation as if something elastic like air were
pressing out, in forenoon, after yawning. º Bruised pain in coccyx when
sitting, agg. when slumbering.
Extremities :- º º Shooting and tearing in tips of fingers and toes, then in
right upper arm, now here, now there, 6 to 10 P.M., amel. after lying down,
with anxiety. º Tearing in left arm and foot ; in fingers and toes at 8 P.M. on
spinning, amel. by lying ; now here, now there, evening when sitting, amel.
after lying down. º Stinging in tips of fingers and toes in afternoon when
walking in open air. º Stinging, jerking and crawling in tips of fingers and
toes from 1 to 2 P.M. º Burning crawling when standing, now in tips of
fingers, now in tips of toes, as if they would go to sleep weakness. º Right
more affected than left.
Clinical :- º This drug has been used in the treatment of chronic sprains.
º It is one of the remedies when there is contraction of the hamstring
tendons, which seem tight when walking, amel. by continued motion. º
Cures sciatica ; the pains agg. by sitting, somewhat amel. by walking,
entirely amel. by lying. º It has been used for the neuralgic pains in stumps
of amputated limbs. º It is useful for tearing, stitching pains from
ulceration in heels, agg. at night in bed, amel. by rubbing.

Upper Extremities :- º Shoulder. º Tearing on waking before midnight. º

Rheumatic pain in joint on motion, right, when left. º Burning in right, with
pressure. º Throbbing in right, as with a finger, morning in bed, and during
the day. º Drawing in joint, as after a cold, in afternoon at rest.
Axilla :- º º Swollen gland, resembling a hard, red ulcer, which separated
constantly into parts, like a large pimple. º Rapid intermittent throbbing in
left, while sitting.
Arm :- º Tearing in left, as if in tendons, extending into fingers, amel.
motion. º Heaviness and rigid feeling in right in evening when spinning.
Upper Arm :- º Tearing in middle, in afternoon, with sensitiveness of arm
to pressure ; T., below shoulder joint, as if in the marrow, as far as wrist, in
afternoon. º Compression in left when leaning it against the table, amel.
motion of arm. º Right seems paralyzed and rigid in morning.
Forearm :- º Pressure in left, in bed, amel. motion, renewed by leaning arm
upon the table when writing. º Drawing from right elbow to little finger, in (8 de 11) [17/4/2005 10:40:42]

Ammonium Muriaticum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

afternoon, becoming a tearing, amel. motion. º Heaviness and feeling as if

asleep in right, in afternoon.
Wrist :- º Tearing in tendons of internal surface of left, in afternoon ; in
tendons of internal surface of left, with twitching.
Hand :- º Stitches in left, agg. motion, with beating. º Lancination through
hollow of right, while walking in open air. º Twitching, tearing behind left
thumb, with swelling. º Sprained pain in dorsal at lower ends of metacarpal
bones, especially on last thumb-joint, when seizing something, afternoons,
amel. extending hand, when pressing on the thumb-joint the pain passes off
with a cracking sound. º Beating in right palm, as with a little hammer, amel.
motion. º Feeling of paralysis in right, and in first phalanx of right middle
finger, when sitting and knitting.
Fingers :- º Twitching. º Tearing and stitches in various places, here and
there, amel. pressure and rubbing. º Cramplike pain in middle phalanx of
right middle finger, as if in tendons, on bending fingers inward. º Painful
throbbing under left thumb-nail from 1 to 5 P.M. º Aching in first joint of left
index on stretching it out while knitting, amel. bending it. º Crawling in tip
of right thumb and index, as if going to sleep, in evening when sitting.
Lower Extremities :- º Boring. º Thigh. º Twitching in left popliteal region,
on walking the cords seem too short, amel. long walking. º Tearing in front
of thigh when sitting ; in external surface of right in evening when sitting
down ; intermittent in left hip, extending down thigh in afternoon when
sitting, at first amel. by rising. º Sticking on external surface of left hip, at
night from 12.30 till 2, amel. pressure, with copious passage of flatus, and it
seems as if the pain were caused by flatus. º Pain in left hip as if tendons
were too short, in forenoon, so that she limps, when sitting there is gnawing
pain in bone. º Hamstrings painful, as if too short when walking. º
Contraction about popliteal region, as if dried up or too short, morning on
rising, so that she could not descend stairs, amel. by long and violent
Knee :- º Stitches at 9 P.M. when sitting. º Stinging in left when walking in
forenoon, then tearing.
Leg :- º Trembling of left, with sensitiveness to touch. º Slow fine stitches in
inner surface below left knee while sitting ; stitches in left calf when sitting ;
stinging in left calf during rest after walking. º Drawing tension when sitting
or lying, obliging him to walk crooked, after which the symptoms pass off. º
Tension in tendons, with traction so that walking was difficult, with
lassitude in legs. º Spasmodic contraction around lower part of left in
forenoon. º Weakness, amel. night. º Insensibility of left in afternoon when
sitting (dead feeling).
Malleolus :- º Spasmodic contraction or tearing below and around right
inner, when sitting. º Throbbing as from an ulcer in left outer ; on walking,
and in right foot.
Foot :- º Tearing in external border when standing, amel. motion. º Heel, (9 de 11) [17/4/2005 10:40:42]

Ammonium Muriaticum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

ulcerative pain in right, amel. vigorous rubbing ; tearing in right heel at 3

A.M., in bed, with ulcerative pain ; sticking tearing in left heel, and
ulcerative pain ; pain in bones of heels as if bruised and contracted when
walking ; spasmodic, painful contraction in right heel evening in bed. º
Asleep sensation in right foot at night, in left next forenoon.
Toes :- º Sticking in left great, afternoons slowly increasing and decreasing ;
fine S. in right little on standing and walking. º Tearing in left great, while
standing ; in right great, in afternoon while sitting ; in external surface of
right great, while sitting.
Skin :- º Red spots on left side of chest, with burning itching, turning pale
on pressure. º Desquamation between thumbs and index fingers. º Eruptions
on face. º Dry and tottery herpes on face. º Rash over whole body. º Miliary
eruption (sudamina) after profuse sweat. º Psoric eruption over greater part
of back and lower limbs.
º Deep-seated nodes around and below right wrist, with itching, after
scratching they burn, become inflamed and seem about to suppurate, but do
not, with swelling, a reddish brown scurf on those which are much
scratched. º Pimples after itching and scratching, on fore part of forehead ;
on inner side of left forearm. º Itching pimple on external concha of right
ear ; on right forearm ; on right side of neck and on left hand, in evening ; on
dorsa of hands in evening and at night, with desquamation of the itching
places the next morning. º Painful pimple on antihelix of right ear. º
Sensitive and inflamed pimple on top of right scapula.
º Boil on right side of abdomen ; on left shoulder, with tensive pain. º
Vesicle on left side of face. º Vesicles, with itching, then burning, on right
wrist ; on front of chest and on left leg. º Tensive burning vesicles on right
shoulder forming scurf. º Vesicles on a hard base, on and about right wrist,
mostly on its upper surface, with itching, then burning, some becoming
scurfy from scratching, inflamed for a long time, new ones appearing daily.
º Crawling in tips of fingers and toes. º Subcutaneous formication over
whole body. º Itching, now here, now there, over whole body, evenings
before lying down ; over whole body, amel. evening after lying down. º
Sensation as from flea-bites at spots on left mamma in evening, amel.
Sleep :- º Constant yawning in morning, without sleepiness. º Sudden
sleepiness at 6 P.M., amel. when light is brought into the room. º Starting up
in evening on falling asleep. º Sleep restless ; after midnight, with frequent
waking and turning, amidst dreams. º Sleepless after midnight ; sleepless till
towards morning ; till 3 A.M., without cause ; till 3 A.M., then sweat in
morning on waking ; sleepless night, with chilliness from 3 to 4 A.M., then
heat, then sweat, all without thirst. º Sleep full of dreams. º Frightful dreams
all night. º Lewd dreams.
Fever :- º º Chilliness evenings after down and as often as she wakes,
without thirst ; evenings after lying down and all night. º Cold feet evening (10 de 11) [17/4/2005 10:40:42]

Ammonium Muriaticum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

in bed ; coldness of feet prevents sleep till midnight. º Coldness from 7 till 9
P.M., with thirst ; chilliness at 6 P.M., amel. lying down, with thirst ; amel.
evening and night, with shivering ; in evening, coldness running down
back ; creeping between skin and flesh. º Shivering creeping over her at 5
P.M. º Coldness in back and between shoulders, at the spot of a previous
pain, only internal, the coldness ending in itching. º Chilliness at 5.30 P.M.,
then sweat before midnight. º C. and shivering at 6 P.M., and next morning at
7, then sweat in bed, all without thirst. º C. alternating with heat, then sweat
in evening. º Intermittent fever, paroxysm of cold, heat and profuse sweat. º
Fever paroxysms begin with chill and heat and end with sweat.
º More heat than coldness. º Heat in face, amel. open air. º Heat on right side
of head every evening ; in head before midnight, preventing sleep ; in head
in morning after rising, with fulness ; creeping over head ; flushing, in head
in afternoon ; dry, in head on entering room, then thirst in evening. º Heat in
evening, without thirst ; in forenoon, thirst in morning after rising ; heat, in
afternoon, with sweat, then thirst. º Attacks of fever, then chills and heat,
with bloated red face, and thirst during the chills and heat. º Heat in palms,
soles and face in evening after lying down, with thirst, then sweat. º H. over
whole body when exercising in open air, with redness of face and sweat ;
over whole body in a warm room and after quick motion, with redness of
face and stinging heat, especially externally over chest ; in whole body as if
sweat would breakout ; at night in bed, then sweat in morning. º Frequent
flashes of heat, then sweat. º Hot sensation after rising, with sweat of hands
and odorous sweat of feet. º Hot hands.
º Sweat after midnight ; S. on every exertion ; general, nights ; profuse ;
profuse morning in bed, without previous heat or chill.
Clinical :- º º Cold feeling between shoulders.

Copyright © Médi-T 2005.

Main (11 de 11) [17/4/2005 10:40:42]


Night brings our troubles to the light, rather than banishes them.

Ammonium chloride. Sal Ammoniac. Salmiac.

CHEMISTRY Ammonium chloride appears either as crystals or as a gas. There is no liquid

phase. The white, crystalline substance is saline, cooling and slightly bitter in taste. Being
readily hydroscopic, it should be kept away from moisture. It vaporizes without melting at
3400 C to form equal volumes of ammonia and hydrogen chloride.
HISTORY "Known as sal ammoniac in the West, nao sha in China, nao sadar in India, and
nushadir in Persia and Arabic lands, the chloride of ammonia first became known to the
West in the C hou-i ts' an t' ung ch' i, a Chinese treatise of the 2nd century AD. It was to be
cmeial to a1chemy, for on sublimation it dissociates into antagonistic corrosive materiais,
ammonia and hydrochloric acid, which readily attack metals."l Mercury ammonium chloride
was the sal alembroth of a1chemy, also called salt of wisdom. The eagle, queen of birds,
signifies sal ammoniac, because of its lightness in sublimations. [In many places Paracelsus,
however, uses it for precipitated mercury.]
USES Ammonium chloride is chiefly used as an electrolyte in dry cells. It is also employed
in dyeing printing textiles, in tanning leather, in freezing mixtures, in safety explosives, and
as a constituent of galvanizing, tinning, and soldering fluxes to remove oxide coatings from
metais and thereby improving the adhesion of the solders. In medicine it is used as a
stimulant expectorant [coughs and colds], as a cholagogue, as a urinary acidifier and diuretic
[to relieve alkalosis], as a cooling and stimulating skin wash, as an acidifier in eye
lotions, and to promote lead excretion. The food industry uses sal ammoniac as a dough
conditioner and a yeast food in bread, rolls, and buns, as well as in the beer stages of the
fermentation of the wort in brewing. Salmiac is the main ingredient of salt liquorice, a
confectionery having a laxative effect.
DISSOLVENT Adding sal ammoniac [ammonium chloride] to nitric acid gives aqua regia,
so named for its ability to dissolve the royal metal, gold.
EFFECTS "Salmiac dissociates as the salt of a strong acid and in contrast to the carbonate is
stronger electrically and less hydrolytic. The lack of odour of this salt suggests that no
ammonia is set free. Therefore in the organism the liberation of ammonia is less stormy so
that the elaboration to urea and the excretion through the urine and sweat in general is more
extensive. With larger doses an increased secretion of a urinous smelling sweat is observed.
One may expect from ammonium muriaticum a more prolonged ammonium action and
moreover in the liberation from hydrochloric acid and its neutralization [through sodium] an
approximation of Muriaticum acidum and Natrum muro Likewise Magnesia muriatica is
recalled particularly by the gastrointestinal symptoms. In being less hydrolytic, it lacks the
hydrogenoid trend and the aggravation from damp and cold of Am-c."2
EXTREMES Ammonium chloride includes both extremes of coldness and heat: it keeps
snow from melting on ski slopes, and it occurs in nature in voleanic regions [notably, Mt.
Vesuvius, Italy, and Paricutin Voleano, Michoacan, Mexico]. It forms on voleanic rocks
near fume releasing vents. The crystallization occurs as the gases are escaping. The crystals
tend to be short-lived; they will be removed during the first rain of their existence [sal
anunoniac is very soluble in water].
DARK - LIGHT Sal ammoniac clarifies and sal ammoniac blurs. As a coating on dark
objects that are about to be photographed it adds detail to the subject and thus improves the
picture. Employed in heater coils it produces smoke, a popular effect used in theatrical
PROVINGS .. [1] Hahnemann - 3 provers; method: unknown.
.. [2] Gumpert - 7 patients; method: 'Dr. Gumpert commenced by adrninistering 1/2 or 1
dram in 24 hours, increasing doses by 1 dram every 3 or 4 days, until 4-6 drams were taken

[1] Encyclopaedia Britannica. [2] Leeser, Hom. Materia Medica, Inorganic Medicinal Substances.

MUCOUS MEMBRANES [CHEST; gall ducts]. Liver. Blood. Female organs.
Tips of fingers and toes. * Right side. Left side.

Worse: Moming [head, chest]. Aftemoon [abdomen]. Evening [skin, fever, limbs].
Sprains [chronic]. Periodical1y. During menses. After stool. After urination.
Walking erect. Night. In bed. Sitting. Open air.
Better: Open air. Rapid motion; continued motion. Rubbing the parto Warm bath.
Walking stooped. Eating.
I Anxiety / Restlessness at night. - Delusions / visions of fIre. - Irritability during headache.
Misanthropy. - Heaviness of head in moming on rising. - Headache during menses. -
Headache < warm room. - Buming pain in eyes in moming. - Exertion of vision <. - Coryza
& laryngitis and hoarseness. - Epistaxis from blowing the nose. - Cracked lips. - Sour taste
in mouth after eating. - Extreme thirst. - Frequent urination at night. - Copious menses at
night; dark, black, clotted. - Letting limbs hang down >. - Dreams: anxious; joumeys; water.
Aversion to meat. - After perspiration >. - Pressure >.

* Similar to Nat-m. and Mag-m. [reserved, withdrawn, suppressed grief], due to
the muriatieum-element, as well as to Nitrogen [eritieism, hatred, resentment].
M Sadness but CANNOT WEEP.
More reserved and closed than Am-e.
. "Less stormy."
. "But deep inside they feel an enormous resentment." [Scholten]
Ailments from grief; disappointment.
M Anxious dreams.
. "Anxious dreams, with feeling of embarrassment; anxious dreams of fire, of water,
of going over deep water, of bad bridges, of danger of being drowned." [Hoyne]
M Irritability and bad humour, esp. in the moming.
& Aversion to talk.
But: "Excitement when talking on an important subject." [Allen]
M Resentment from disappointment.
. "They miss a feeling of security."
. "Very critical, not even the smallest matter escapes their criticism."
. "Aversion to company, conversation and consolation."
. "They feel that there is very little gentleness and love left in this world. If they do
happen to come across some expression of this love, they are very quick to kill it
with their criticism. Not many people can stand tbis cynicism for very long and
people soon give up trying to be kind to them. This keeps the vicious circle going,
the Ammonium muriaticums become hard and they feel that they have to be in order
to protect themselves against the hardness of other people." [Scholten]
TIGHTNESS, as if toa short: tendons, hamstrings, lumbar region, ete.
> Continued motion.
G Irregular eireulation; ebullitions, buming or localized pulsations.
G Sensitivity to COLD.
Tendency to acrid coryza [watery, corroding upper lip].
Leading to obstruction of nose and loss of smell, but without the paroxysmal
respiratory dyspnoea as with Am-c.
Sneezing in sleep.
. "One nostril is usually stopped-up at a time; there is an excoriating, watery discharge from the
nose, which makes the inside of the nostriis and upper lip sore. The throat is swollen, so that
the patient cannot open his mouth. The mouth and throat are filled with a viscid phlegm, which
the patient expels with great difficulty." [Farrington]
G Perspiration most profuse after midnight and in the moming, in bed.
G Great thirst, esp. in evening.
[Frequent urination, esp. towards moming.]
G < 3-4 A.M.
> LYING on the BACK. [Cough worse when lying on the back.]
G > Bathing the affected parto
G Catarrhal [nasal ar chest] affections & feeling of coldness between the scapulae.
G Increased [watery and acrid] discharges.
CONTRACTION OF HAMSTRINGS, which seem tight when walking [walks
< Moming.
> Continued motion.
P Paleness of face.
But: "The face reddens during a short, animated conversation, esp. so in a warrn room."
P Sciatica < sitting, > lying; contracted, tensive sensation.
& Numbness of feet.
P Urticaria & swelling ofaxillary glands. [Hoyne]

MIND: Abusive; children insulting parents [I]. Anger with tacitumity [i]. Anxiety as
if paralyzed [1; Cob-n.]. Aversion to certain persons [2]. Blasphemy and cursing
[1]. Delusion enemy is under the bed [I/i]; head is sUITounded by fire [l/i]; a grief
weighed upon him [i; Can.]; sword hanging over head [lIi]. Envy and hate [i].
Irritability > after eating [I]. Desire for light [2]. Sadness, in darkness [1]; > after
eating [i]; but cannot weep [2].
EYE: Buming pain in eyes in moming > washing [I; Alum.; Nicc.], > bright light
[111], > candlelight [I/I]. Photophobia in moming [i; Nux-v.].
VISION: Foggy, in bright light [l/i], in sunlight [i], > washing [1; Alum.; Caust.].
NOSE: Constant inclination to blow the nose from sensation of a large body in
nose [1; Teucr.]. Coryza during menses [I]. Epistaxis preceded by itching [2].
Sneezing wakes him from sleep [3/1].
TEETH: Pain, during coryza [111].
STOMACH: Eructations > after eating [1]. Sensation offulness during hunger [1].
RECTUM: Haemorrhage from anus during menses [2].
URINE: Copious urine night before menses [1; Cann-s.; Hyas.].
FEMALE: Menses, copious at night [2]; > motion [1]. Prolapsus, uterus, walks
bent [2].
RESPIRATION: Difficult, on motion of arms [2], on stooping [2].
CHEST: Oppression > eructations [2].
BACK: Coldness, dorsal region, between scapulae, with cough [2/1].
LIMBS: Heat palms of hands in evening after lying down [1; Nux-v.], heat soles of
feet in evening after lying down [1; Nux-v.; Sulph.].
SLEEP: Sleepiness, evening, twilight [3/1]. Sleeplessness, easily frightened [1].
DREAMS: Horse biting him in arm [1/1]. Difficulties [3]. Falling into water [2].
Difficulties on journeys [1]. Being lost in a forest [1].

Aversion: [1]: Meat.
Desire: [2]: Lemonade. [1]: Brandy; chocolate; coffee; pickles; sour; sugar;
sweets. Worse: [1]: Potatoes; wine.

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