Water Cleaning of The Turbines On WÄRTSILÄ 32 Engines: Operating Instruction

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Services, Wärtsilä Finland Oy

Engine section Engine type Ref. Date Issue Document No. Page
15 Turbocharging and air cooling W32 WFI–S 10.10.2007 01 3215Q051 1(2)+20

Water cleaning of the turbines on WÄRTSILÄ® 32 engines

Engine type This bulletin concerns WÄRTSILÄ® 32 engines.

General A clean turbocharger is one of the key factors for an efficient combustion
With increased pressure ratio of the turbocharger the charge air system
becomes more sensitive to fouling, and when using heavy fuel of lower
quality it will be more challenging to keep the turbocharger clean.
An efficient turbocharger cleaning process is essential. The instructions for
cleaning the turbine has been revised, see the enclosed chapter 15.

Washing process Turbine Side Washing (TSW) stands for a 10 minutes water injection with a
controlled water flow at low engine output. The disadvantage of occasionally
reducing the output is not significant compared to the advantage of
Note! The earlier used High Load Washing concept has proven not efficient
enough and is therefore abandoned.

Water requirements Water supplied to the wash nozzles must not contain any additives. Use
only potable water.
Note! Use of salt water is strictly prohibited as it may seriously damage the

Recommendation Replace the previous version of chapter 15 in the engine manual with the
enclosed, revised, version.
Implement the new cleaning procedures.

Letter distribution Wärtsilä Service Network and owners/operators of engines concerned.

Letter validity Until further notice.

Enclosure Chapter 15 Turbocharging and Air Cooling, version 32-200734-10,

20 pages.

Wärtsilä Finland Oy P.O. Box 252 (Tarhaajantie 2) Telecop. +358 10 709 1847 Tel. +358 10 709 0000 Business ID 0773744-3
Services, Vaasa FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finland Telecop. +358 10 709 1380 Registered Office: Vaasa
Wärtsilä Finland Oy P.O. Box 50 (Stålarminkatu 45) Telecop. +358 10 709 3279 Tel. +358 10 709 0000
Services, Turku FIN-20811 Turku, Finland Telecop. +358 10 709 3410
Services, Wärtsilä Finland Oy Operating Instruction
Issue Document No. Page
01 3215Q051 2(2)+20

© 2007 Wärtsilä Finland Oy – All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, graphic, photocopying,
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makes no representation, warranty (express or implied) in this publication and assumes no responsibility for the correctness, errors or
omissions for information contained herein. Information in this publication is subject to change without notice.
Unless otherwise expressly set forth, no recommendation contained in this document is to be construed as provided due to a
defect in the engine, but merely as an improvement of the engine and/or the maintenance procedures relating thereto. Any actions
by the owner/operator as a result of the recommendations are not covered under any warranty provided by Wärtsilä and such
actions will thus be at the owners/operators own cost and expense.
32-200734-10 Turbocharging and Air Cooling 15

15. Turbocharging and Air Cooling

15.1 Description
The turbochargers are of axial turbine type. The charge air coolers
are of rigid frame -type and are on in-line engines fitted to the
side of the engine block, while V-engines have the cooler fitted to
the turbocharger bracket.
The turbocharger is equipped with plain bearings and is con-
nected to the engine lubrication system.
The air outlet is connected to the air duct (2) with metal bellows
(1). The exhaust pipes from the cylinders are also connected to
the charger with metal bellows. The exhaust pipe after the
turbocharger should be arranged according to the installation
instructions with a fixed support immediately after the bellows.
The turbocharger is equipped with cleaning devices for cleaning
both the compressor and the turbine by water injection.

Charge air system L-engine

1. Bellows
2. Airduct
3. Cover for waterspace
4. Charge air cooler
5. Water space
6. Diffuser
7. Air box
8. Drain pipe



8 6
A 4

Fig 15-1 4015107

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15 Turbocharging and Air Cooling 32-200734-10

Charge air system V-engine

1. Bellows 1
2. Air duct 2
4. Charge air cooler
7. Air box cover 11
8. Drain pipe 12
9. Cover
10. Cover
11. Screw Z
12. Screw

9 10 7

Alternative 1 Alternative 2

4 8 8 8

Fig 15-2 4015200721

15.2 Turbocharger maintenance

The plain bearings of the charger are lubricated by the engine
lubricating oil system. The oil is fed through the turbocharger
bracket and the pressure lowered with an orifice. The oil drain is
connected to a channel in the turbocharger bracket from where
the oil is lead to the crankcase.
The cartridge design of the turbocharger allows all normal
service work to be done from the compressor side of the turbo-
charger without removing the whole unit from the engine.

Note! When reassembling, use new seals.

Maintenance of the turbocharger is carried out according to

section 15.3 and the instructions of the turbocharger manufac-
turer. It is recommended to use the service network of the engine
manufacturer or the turbocharger manufacturer.

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15.3 Water cleaning of turbocharger during


15.3.1 Water cleaning of turbine

The dirt deposits on the turbine side can be reduced by periodic
cleaning (washing) during operation. The overhaul periods can
thus be extended. Dirty turbines cause higher turbocharger speed
and under certain circumstances higher temperatures of the
exhaust gas and higher stress to the bearings due to imbalance.
Washing of the turbine side is necessary when running on heavy
During long periods of operation, periodic water cleaning pre-
vents the build-up of significant deposits on the turbine blades
and nozzle blades. This cleaning method does not work on very
dirty turbines which have not been washed regularly.
If the normal water cleaning of the turbine does not lower the
turbocharger speed level, hard deposits have probably built up on
the nozzle ring and the turbine blades in the turbocharger, and
they have to be cleaned mechanically. For that purpose, the rotor
cartridge and the nozzle ring have to be removed from the
When washing with water, the water must be injected into the
exhaust system with the engine running at reduced output (see
15.3.2, step 2). The disadvantage of occasionally reducing the
output is not significant compared to the advantages of cleaning.
The necessary water flow is basically dependent upon the volume
of gas and its temperature. Additives or solvents must not be used
in the cleaning water. Use only potable water. The use of salt
water is prohibited.

Every gas inlet of the charger is equipped with a washing nozzle.

The nozzles are all connected to a common water connection
which has a valve and a quick-coupling. The water flow is con-
trolled by flow meter (l/min) (4) to a suitable flow rate, see table

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15 Turbocharging and Air Cooling 32-200734-10

Water cleaning of turbine

ABB Single nozzle Twin nozzles Three nozzles
(MH111/MH211) (MH113)
TPL 65-A 12 - 15 N.A. 8 - 10
TPL 67-C 15 - 18 N.A. 10 - 11
TPL 69-A 17 - 21 N.A. 12 - 14

Napier One injector Two injectors Three injectors

NA297 N.A. 17 - 19 26 - 28
NA357 N.A. 22 - 24 33 - 36

Cleaning should take place regularly according to maintenance

schedule, see chapter 04. Depending on the results obtained, the
washing interval may be increased or reduced.

Water cleaning of turbocharger

1. Valve for turbine cleaning

2. Valve for compressor cleaning
3. Quick-coupling
4. Flow meter
5. Flow adjustment valve
6. Main valve


Fig 15-3 401506

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15.3.2 Turbine cleaning procedure

The turbocharger does not have a drain pipe.
1 Record charge air pressure, cylinder exhaust gas tem-
peratures, charger speed at nominal load for later use to evaluate
efficiency of the cleaning.
2 Reduce engine load corresponding to a maximum ex-
haust gas temperature at turbine inlet < 430°C . Run the
engine for 15 minutes on this load before the washing is

Note! Observe the above mentioned limits for exhaust gas tempera-

Note! If the washing is started earlier than after 15 minutes on stable

load as above, this may have negative consequences for the
lifetime of the turbocharger components.

3 Open the valve (1) and check that the nozzles are not
clogged, see Fig 15-3.
4 Connect the water hose.
5 Open the valve (5) slowly and increase the water flow
until the correct flow is reached according to the table shown
in section 15.3.1. Lock the valve (5) with the counter nut.
6 Close the valve (1) after 10 minutes.
7 After termination of water injection the engine must run
for at least ten minutes before the load is increased.
8 Close all valves and disconnect the hose to ensure that
no water can possibly enter exhaust pipes after washing.
9 Open the valve (1) and drain the water.
10 Resume normal engine operation at higher output and
after one hour, repeat the readings taken in step 1 above for
11 In case the engine shall be stopped after the cleaning,
run the engine for 10 to 20 minutes after the turbocharger
has been cleaned. Doing so it is ensured that all the parts in
the exhaust system are completely dry.

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15.3.3 Water cleaning of compressor

The compressor can be cleaned by injecting water during opera-
tion. The method is efficient provided that contamination is not
too far advanced. If the deposit is very heavy and hard, the
compressor must be dismantled and all components mechanically
The injected water does not act as a solvent, the cleaning effect
is achieved by the physical impact of the drops on the deposit. It
is therefore advisable to use clean water containing no additivities
either in the form of solvents or softening agents, which could be
precipitated in the compressor and form deposits.
Regular cleaning of the compressor delays the formation of
deposit, but it does not eliminate the need for normal overhauls,
for which the turbocharger has to be dismantled.
The water must be injected while the engine is running and at
the highest possible load, i.e. at a high compressor speed.

Note! Clean the compressor (air side) of the turbocharger at as high

load as possible (at least 75% load).

Cleaning should take place regularly according to maintenance

schedule, see chapter 04. Depending on the results obtained, the
interval between two washings may be increased or reduced.

15.3.4 Compressor cleaning procedure

1 Record charge air pressure, cylinder exhaust gas tem-
peratures, charger speed. These for later use to evaluate the
efficiency of the cleaning.
2 Open the valve (2), see Fig 15-3.
3 Connect the water hose.
4 Use same adjustment as for turbine side, i.e. wash the
turbine side first and lock the valve (5) by using the counter
nut, see Fig 15-3.

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Water cleaning of compressor

Turbocharger Washing time (s)
TPL 65 5-6
TPL 67 4-5
TPL 69 2-3
NA297 3-4
NA357 3-4

Note! Do not exceed the maximum washing times, see table above.

5 Close the valve (2).

6 Disconnect the water hose.
7 Open the valve (2) and drain out the water.
8 Repeat the step 1 above for evaluation. The effect of
cleaning can be seen as a change in charge air pressure and in
the exhaust gas temperature.
9 In case the engine shall be stopped after the cleaning,
run the engine for 10 to 20 minutes after the turbocharger
has been cleaned. Doing so it is ensured that all the parts in
the charge air system are completely dry.

Note! If washing is not successful, it must not be repeated within ten


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15.4 Operation with damaged turbocharger

15.4.1 General
In case of a serious breakdown of the turbocharger, a blanking
device can be fitted according to the instructions below, see also
turbocharger manual, section 06. In an emergency situation like
this, the engine can be temporarily operated at max.20 % output.
Thermal overload is a limiting factor on the diesel engine.
Therefore, the exhaust gas temperatures must be carefully
watched during operation with a blanked turbocharger.

Note! The exhaust gas temperature after the cylinder head must not
exceed 500°C.

Note! In V-engines both turbochargers must be blanked if one of

them fails.

A marine engine can in emergency cases for a short period be

operated with only the damaged turbocharger blanked, as re-
quested by the classification societies.
In such case, the damaged turbocharger shall be blanked ac-
cording to below mentioned instruction.
Wärtsilä strongly recommends both turbochargers on a V-en-
gine should be blanked also at above mentioned emergency cases.
In case only the other turbocharger in a V-engine is blanked,
both bellows (at air side) must be removed.

15.4.2 Mounting of blanking device

1 Remove insulation dishes from turbocharger(s).
2 Remove the bellows (1) between turbocharger(s) and
air cooler housing, see Fig 15-1.

Note! In a V-engine, if one of the turbochargers is to be blanked, both

bellows (at air side) must be removed.

3 Mount the screen plate(s) (2) on the flange connection of

the air cooler housing, see Fig 15-4.
4 Remove the silencer or air suction branch.
5 Disconnect the cable for speed sensor(s).

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6 Remove the locking plate for the lubricating oil connec-

tion pipes. Press the connection pipes downwards. On a V-en-
gine, remove the lubricating oil connection piece.
7 Mount the lifting equipment and open the nuts (8). Re-
move the compressor casing.
8 Mount the lifting equipment and open the screws. Re-
move the cartridge assembly.

Blanking device

4 5

1. Blanking cover 8
2. Screen plate 1
3. Distance sleeve
4. Plug 3 6
5. Plug 7
6. Cover plate
7. Flange
8. Nut

Fig 15-4 401507200102

9 Mount the plugs (4) and (5) with O-rings in the lubricat-
ing oil connection piece. Mount the cover plate (6) and tighten
screws. On V-engine, mount the flange (7) with O-rings and
tighten screws.

Note! The oil flow to and from the damaged turbocharger must be
blocked in the turbocharger bracket by using suitable

10 Mount the blanking cover(s) (1), attach distance

sleeves (3) and tighten nuts (8).

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15 Turbocharging and Air Cooling 32-200734-10

15.5 Charge air cooler

Data and dimension The charge air cooler is of self-supported type. The housing is
Material fitted to the engine block.
-Tubes: copper alloy The air cooler tubes are provided with thin fins to get a more
-Water boxes: cast iron. efficient cooling of the air. The cooling water circulates in the
Test pressure: 8 bar (water
tubes, while the charge air passes between the fins on the outside
of the tubes.

15.5.1 General maintenance

1 Condensate from the air is drained through a small
hole/pipe (8) at the bottom of the cooler housing after the cooler.
Regularly check that the drain pipe is open by checking the air
flow when running.

Warning! If water keeps on dripping or flowing from the draining pipe for
a longer period (unless running in conditions with very high
humidity or with too low LT temperature due to a defective LT
thermostatic valve) the cooler may be leaking and must be
dismantled and pressure tested.

2 At longer stops, (several weeks) the cooler should be

either completely filled or completely empty, as a half-
filled cooler increases the risk of corrosion. If there is a
risk of a lowwater level in the system when the engine is
stopped, drain the cooler completely. Open the air vent screw
at the top of the cooler to avoid vacuum when draining.
3 Clean and pressure test the cooler at intervals accord-
ing to chapter 04. or if the receiver temperature cannot be held
within stipulated values at full load.
4 Always when cleaning, check for corrosion

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15.5.2 Dismantling (V-engines)

1 Drain the cooler trough the draining plugs (36), see Fig
2 Loosen the fixing screws and remove the covers (7), (9),
(10) and (37), see Fig 15-2.
3 Disconnect the external connector X3 if WECS system
is used.
4 Carefully loosen and remove under the cooler 2 pcs of
electrical cables (38), see Fig 15-2, to enable dismantling of
the air cooler. Loosen and remove the plate (12) holding the
electrical boxes.
5 Remove the additional supports on both the banks.

Air cooler housing

13. Screw
14. Nut 14
15. Nut
16. Air box
17. Air box 16
19. Cover
20. Protecting plate


20 17 15

Fig 15-5 4015210306

6 Unscrew and remove the screws (13), see Fig 15-5. En-
sure that there is a gap (approx. 2 - 5 mm) between the bellows
and the tubocharger ducts.
7 Open the inspection cover (19), loosen and remove the
nuts inside.
8 Remove the nuts (14) and(15) of the air inlet boxes (16)
and (17), after making proper arrangement to support the

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9 Mount eye bolts with straps on the top of the air inlet
boxes (16) and (17). Prepare lifting of the box with a crane.
10 Slowly pull the air inlet boxes out and remove them.

Air cooler lifting tool

18. Screw
22. Cooler assembly
23. Screw
24. Stud
25. End cover
26. Air cooler (B)
27. Central connector 800 077
28. Air cooler (A)
29. Screw
30. Screw
800 077 Lifting tool
23 18

25 24 Y

29 26 27 23 28 25 30


Fig 15-6 4015160351

11 Remove the center studs (24) with help of double nuts to

enable fixing of the lifting tool 800 077.
12 Mount the Lifting Tool 800 077 and tighten the screws
(23) and (29).
13 Remove the air cooler fastening screws (35), see Fig
14 Remove the air cooler fastening screws (18 and 30),
(top screws (18) last), see Fig 15-6.

Note! Take care that the load of the cooler is carried by the lifting

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Air cooler top fastening screws

33. O-ring
34. Distance sleeve Section A-A
35. Screw 35


Fig 15-7 4015260408

15 Remove the flanges (40), see Fig 15-11.

16 Slightly lower the air cooler. Ensure that all screws are
removed and that the cooler moves freely.
17 Guide the air cooler to the floor. Place e.g. 2 pieces of
I-bars under the cooler.

Air cooler assembly

25. End cover

26. Air cooler (B) 33
27. Central connector
28. Air cooler (A)
31. Screw
33. O-ring
36. Drain



Fig 15-8 4015180351

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18 Split the cooler assembly into 3 parts (A-bank, B-bank

and central connector).
19 Remove the end covers (25) of the air coolers, see Fig 15-8.

15.5.3 Cleaning of air cooler

Clean air cooler heat exchange surfaces are essential for a long
and trouble-free engine operation. The cleaning should be done
in regular intervals following the pressure drop (∆p) over the
charge air cooler.
1 Remove the protecting plate of the air cooler housing.
2 Apply the lifting tool 800077.
3 Remove the cooler flange screws.
4 Lower the cooler until it is clear from the cooler housing.
5 Clean the air side of the cooler by immersing it in a
chemical cleaning bath for at least 24 hours. Recommended
cleaning detergents, see chapter 02. We recommend that
cleaning tank should be equipped with perforated pipes on the
bottom for the best cleaning effect, see Fig 15-9. During clean-
ing, steam or pressurized air should be connected to the pipes
to get a good circulation. When cleaning is completed, the
cooler should be flushed thoroughly with water.

Note! The use of a high pressure water jet for flushing, should be
avoided because:
- it will pack the dirt into the middle of the cooler
- the cooler fins will be damaged
This will cause lowered air cooling efficiency.

6 Clean the water side by immersing the tube bundle into

a chemical cleaning bath for at least 24 hours. Follow the
recommendations given for the air side.
7 Mount the cooler on the engine according to section 15.5.5
or section 15.5.3

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Air cooler cleaning tank

Steam or air

Perforated pipes

Cooler insert

Fig 15-9 4015039701

15.5.4 Pressure testing of air cooler

1 Mount the testing tool, see Fig 15-10 onto the cooler and
fill it up with water by the hand pump.
2 Pressure test the air cooler for 30 minutes. See instruc-
tions for testing device, according to cooler type, in the table
3 Drain the air cooler.
4 Remove the testing tool.

2-stages air cooler V-engine

Circuit Water hose connection Valves Pressure
HT HT-circuit Valve 1 open, valve 2 closed 1,5 bar
LT LT-circuit Valve 3 open, valve 2 closed 1,5 bar
LT and HT HT-circuit Valve 1 and 2 open, valve 3 closed 8,0 bar

2-stages air cooler L-engine

Circuit Water hose connection Valves Pressure
HT HT-circuit Valve 1 open, remove hose from LT-circuit 1,5 bar
LT HT-circuit Valve 1 closed, connect hose to LT-circuit 1,5 bar
LT and HT HT-circuit Valve 1 open, connect hose to LT-circuit 8,0 bar

1-stages air cooler

Circuit Water hose connection Valves Pressure
LT LT-circuit - 8,0 bar

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15 Turbocharging and Air Cooling 32-200734-10

Test pressure tools

-2-stage cooler V-engines: 3V84H0157

Valve 3 2V84H0151 3V84H0144

LT-out LT-IN
Valve 2
HT-out HT-IN
Top Bottom
Valve 1

-2-stage cooler V-engines: 3V84H0190

Valve 3

Valve 2

Valve 1 Top Bottom

-2-stage cooler L-engines: 1V84H0180/1V84H0187 -1-stage cooler: 3V84H0159/3V84H0186

Valve 1
HT-circuit Pressure in to LT-circuit


Fig 15-10 4015230406

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15.5.5 Assembling (V-engines)

1 Mount the coolers (26) and (28), see Fig 15-8 and the
central connector (27) with the screws (31). Note! Renew all
gaskets! Take care that the coolers are well supported. The
central connector has to be fitted with 2 pieces of O-rings on
both sides. Align the cooler and central connector as in Fig 15-8
marked X - X.
2 Mount the end covers (25). Glue compound (e.g. Easy
Work RTV 345) must to be applied on all gaskets.
3 Mount the lifting tool (800 077) and lift the air cooler
assembly into position and ensure that there are no obstacles
for the mounting before applying the glue compound.
4 Lower the cooler assembly.
5 Apply glue compound (e.g. Easy Work RTV 345) on all
metallic surfaces/bellows surfaces.
6 Apply approved sealant (39) (e.g. Duramix 4031) ac-
cording to Fig 15-11. Note! The sealant sets within 10 - 15

Charge air cooler assembly


18a-d. Screw
39. Sealant
40. Flange 18c



Fig 15-11 4015220406

7 Lift the air cooler assembly into correct position. Ensure

that the O-rings (33) stays in place when lifting the cooler into
8 Mount the screws (18a-18d ) on both sides, see Fig 15-
11. The charge air cooler has to be tightened in turn in
directions Y and Z, see Fig 15-6.

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9 Mount all screws (18), (30) and (35) of the air cooler,
see Fig 15-6 and Fig 15-7, and tighten these according to
chapter 07. Remove the lifting tool.
10 Mount the studs and lift the air inlet box (16) into posi-
tion, see Fig 15-5.
11 Mount the air inlet box (17), but do not tighten it before
all the nuts (15) are hand tightened.
12 Tighten the nuts (14) and (15) on the air inlet boxes to
torque according to chapter 07.
13 Tighten the screws (13).
14 Mount the electrical equipment.
15 Fill the cooling system with water
16 Vent the air cooler and check the tightness of the seal-
ings at engine start-up.

15.5.6 Charge air pressure difference over air cooler

The charge air cooler maintains the thermal load of the diesel
engine at a correct level. This is very important for keeping fuel
consumption and operating costs down.
An increasing pressure drop (∆p) over the charge air cooler (on
the “air side”) causes an increasing thermal load and increasing
fuel oil consumption.
By regularly measuring the ∆p over the charge air cooler, the
condition of the charge air cooler can be evaluated, and the air
cooler can be cleaned or changed to a spare air cooler at the right

∆p over clean charge air cooler [mmH2O]/[mbar]

Engine type Single stage Two stage Alarm limit
cooler cooler
6L and 12V 215/21 255/25 765/75
8, 9L, 16V and 18V 490/48 530/52 765/75

The pressure difference over the air cooler can be measured by

using a u-tube or a pressure difference indicator, see Fig 15-12
and Fig 15-13.
1 Connect the water filled u-tube/pressure difference in-
dicator to the pipe unions.
2 If using u-tube, measure the pressure difference by us-
ing a measuring tape.

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Measuring pressure difference from in-line engine

Fig 15-12 401508200050

Measuring pressure difference from V-engine



Fig 15-13 401508200050

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