Bachelor in Manufacturing Management With Honours

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PART A.................................................................................................................................................2
PART B.................................................................................................................................................3
PART C.................................................................................................................................................6

Global citizenship education (GCED) is a sort of civic learning that involves students'
active participation in various projects mainly address global problems with a social,
political, economic, or environmental nature. The GCED have three main conceptual
dimensions which are cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioral. Our Mother Earth is
currently facing lot of environmental problems that affect every human, animal and nation on
this planet. Over the last few decades, the exploitation of our planet and degradation of our
environment have gone up at an alarming rate that lead to many natural disasters.

As such, this assignment will discuss how GCED is helping to resolve the
environmental problems. In following section, we will discuss about one environmental
issues and ways to reduce the problem through the main conceptual dimensions of GCED.

We suffer many kinds of environmental dilemmas in this period, such as global
warming, flash floods and so on. One of the causes of this issue is people's misbehaviour
against waste management. Some people throw their garbage carelessly. They don't consider
the potential consequences of their behaviours on both the environment and safety. Any
method used to dispose discarded substances or materials may be known as waste disposal.
Bad waste management operations on a site cause serious environmental problem. Improper
disposal of waste is waste disposal in a way which has negative environmental consequences.

As in figures, Malaysians generate an average of 30,000 tons of waste each day and
recycling is only 5 per cent. The building up of solid waste by the nation leads to enormous
environmental land and air pollution, community health issues and economic growth
bottlenecks. Taken together, Malaysia's problem of inadequate waste management is one of
the biggest issues facing the country to date. Local and national governments have been
trying to curb the accumulation of garbage on roads, landfills, hillsides and rivers for years,
but the tumultuous pace of change in Malaysia has made this task extremely difficult. The
metropolitan society that is fond of buying and tossing and poor public perception of resource
management and recycling resulting from Malaysia has quite a bit of garbage to contend


As in quotes by Ban Ki-Moon ‘Education gives us a profound understanding that we are tied
together as citizens of the global community, and that our challenges are interconnected”
Taking care of the world means taking care of each other regardless of where we come from
and what race we are. We must always be kind and help those in needs. We must also have to
take care of the environment. One of the examples is do not pollute and cut down trees as we
like. Global citizenship refers to a sense of belonging to bigger community and common
humanity. It emphasizes political, economic, social and cultural interdependency and
interconnectedness between the local, the national and the global. GCED has 16 sustainable
development goals.

Global citizenship have 3 main conceptual dimension which is cognitive, socio-

emotional and behavioral. Cognitive means to acquire knowledge, understand and critical
thinking about global, regional, national and local issues and the interconnections and
interdependency of different country and cultural. Second dimension is to have a sense of
belonging to a common humanity, sharing values and responsibilities, empathy, solidarity,
and respect for differences and diversity. And the last one is behavioral which means to act
effectively and responsibly at local, national and global levels for a more peaceful and

sustainable world. We must feel that we are responsible to do something and then do it. As a
global citizen we must think, feeling and act accordingly.

Solid waste management is a universal problem affecting every single individual in

the world. If we don't properly manage waste it can harm our safety, our climate and even our
prosperity. Poorly managed waste contaminates the world's oceans, obstructs drains and
triggers floods, transmits diseases, increases burning breathing problems, damages animals
who ingest waste unknowingly and affects economic development such as tourism. Those
issues will only get worse without urgent action.

Rapid population growth and economic growth in urbanization are driving waste
generation to increase over the next 30 years. The planet produces more than 2 billion metric
tons of solid municipal waste each year. Soon this will increase over the next 30 years to 3.4
billion tons. East Asia produces about a quarter of the world's waste at present. But rough
high-income countries make up 16 per cent of the world's population, producing more than a
third of the world's waste. More than 90 per cent of waste is mismanaged in low-income
countries by either open reclaimed or burned. The middle-and high-income countries at the
top have nearly uniform waste collection. More than 1/3 of waste is recovered by recycling
and composting in high-income countries. Low-income countries produce only about half of

urban waste and only about a quarter of it in rural areas. More needs to be done in low-
income countries to generate waste.

Plastics is a profoundly difficult and complex problem. In 2016 about 242 million
tricked tons of plastic waste were produced in the world. We could make about 24 trillion
plastic bottles out of it, and could fill up to 4.8 million Olympic sized swimming pools with
their water volume. Even when plastic waste is collected, many countries do not have the
ability to process the waste and it will result in its dumping or mismanagement. Plastics in
rivers and oceans is an especially urgent problem. Ninety per cent of nautical debris is plastic.
Waste is rising and global awareness is also trying to find solutions for expanding the tide
and making waste management more sustainable. There are already many alternatives to this.

The World Bank is increasingly working with developing countries worldwide to

invest in sustainable waste management addressing challenges related to infrastructure
governance, financing and capacity. For example, there are different ways to curb plastic
waste by producing lists, consuming less and including plastic in overall waste management
class. Solid waste data and planning are also part of the solution. It is important to understand
how much and what types of waste are generated and where. This can help governments to
create more effective waste management policies and plans for the local context.

Waste management can be costly and it may be the single highest budget item for
many local governments. However, it makes economic sense to manage properly.
Uncollected waste and poorly disposed waste have significant health and environmental
impacts. The cost of addressing these impacts is many times higher than the cost of
developing and operating simple adequate waste management systems. In an era of rapid
urbanization and population growth solid waste management is a critical piece for sustainable
healthy and inclusive cities and communities. If no action is taken, we will push ourselves
and our children to live in a world with more waste and overwhelm in pollution. Lives,
livelihoods and environment would pay an even higher price than they are already. We
already know what needs to be done to reverse that trend. We just need all levels of society to
take urgent action because sustainable waste management is everyone responsibilities. Lives,
livelihoods, and environment must pay a price much higher than they already are. We all
know what it takes to reverse that trend. We just need to take urgent action at all levels of
society because effective waste management is everybody's responsibility.

Global citizenship education (GCED) is important as we get to know the causes of
waste problem in this present time that lead to many environment and health issues and act
according to it. It is the responsibilities of everyone to handle the waste problem accordingly.
Good education on environmental issue will make a good citizen that have a sense of
responsible for a more peaceful and sustainable world.

The waste life cycle starts with the production of wastes. But once waste is produced,
there are a number of ways in which waste contamination can occur. Some of the countries
even send their waste to other countries to manage their waste. This is totally unfair for rich
countries to send their waste to poor countries that are already struggling to cope with their
own waste problems. For example, on May 28 2019, authority in Port Klang, Malaysia found
60 containers of contaminated waste and nonrecyclables plastic waste from several developed
countries. They have decided to send back all the dump waste to their countries.

The main cause of waste problem is ignorance. People are ignorant and aware of the
consequences and effect of their unwise acts and the knowledge of proper waste disposal.
Next is laziness of people of finding or following the correct method of waste disposal. They
will throw the garbage on which place they want and never think of effect of their act. Greed
is also a increasing causes of waste disposal problem. Some of the greedy people is doing
improper disposal method instead of recycling or re-trade the material.

The poor waste management is leading to many serious health and environment issue.
It is affecting our health majorly. The rate of people having lung disease, heart problem and
skin irritation problem is increasing day by day. It also effecting our climate. Decompose of
waste is releasing greenhouse effect into the atmosphere. Once the greenhouse gas is trapped
in atmosphere is leading to global warming problem. The open burning of waste also causes
some serious air pollution. Soil contamination also happens because of poor waste
management. Basically, all the waste that that contain chemical or other dangerous substance
that disposed to soil will make soil containment.

As per the article (

disposal-and-littering-355e5196-4624-4a74-830e-5ab1cd44817b) there is lot of ways to
resolve the waste disposal problem in recent time. Lot of studies also been conducted to

minimal the waste amount that been increasing day by day. The easiest way to minimize our
waste problem is simply to use or buy less. We don't really need much of what we buy in the
advanced world. And since we actually use the resources for the lives of our grandkids, it
makes sense that we cut back on what we purchase now. The way of resolving waste problem
must start from each person and their surroundings. In the same way as using compostable
goods, a push to buy all-natural products will help a lot in reducing our total litter production
and live more plastic-free. It is important to first take into account the natural alternatives
may be available rather than buy plastic or even metal versions of items (or combinations of
metal and plastic).

After all the buying and using the things up, we still have many ways to reduce the
wastage. One of the ways is decomposed the waste of the household. We can compose lot of
household items such as food waste, animal waste and yard waste. The Japanese people have
developed a decomposed method called Bokashi method. It is a method that uses microbes
that effectively fermenting the household waste to avoid smell. This is the effective method
that must be learned by everyone so that waste minimal can start at each and every one

Another way is recycling. Recycling is the process of converting waste materials such
as paper, tin, plastic, aluminium into new materials and objects. Recycling can prevent the
waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials. We
must also buy products that are good for environment. There is so much environmentally
friendly products that we can get in market. By opting for such product, we can reduce the
wastage amount that produced by non-environmentally friendly product.

Awareness campaign should be given to people to raise awareness about wastage

issue. There is lot of way to channel the idea and create the awareness. It can be done in
public places or via internet. One of the website that promote the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Campaign is (
recycle#gs.zwygkc) By following all the way that suggested as above, we can help to
minimal the waste problem in our Earth.


In conclusion waste problems can result numerous effect such as for human health,
pollution and climate change. However, there are some possible ways or measures can be
taken to cope with the increasing waste problem. Some of the suggested solutions were
decomposing of household waste, recycling and reusing the waste and held awareness

Since wastage problem is increasing in many countries, we as a learner of 21st

century must identify the causes and effect of the wastage problem and act accordingly. By
understanding the consequences of our action on managing waste problem, we can reduce the
wastage and increase our health quality and for the betterment of our Earth.


While doing this assignment I learned how GCED plays important role in preparing
new generation on resolving environmental issue responsibly. While preparing and searching
source and information about the environmental issues I choose, I also learned a lot about
waste disposal problem and the effect for our world. It is very sad to know that many un
developed country is facing more challenges in handling their waste disposal problem.
Therefore, as a responsible citizen I will think twice before and will not do any mistake that
will lead to more waste disposal problem in my country. I will also help to create awareness
on this environmental issue to everyone that I know.

By doing this assignment I also learned how to improve my essay writing skills. I
learned all the steps and way to write good essay that will give a good mark for my
assignment. I also learned how to do critical thinking and reasoning skills. A part of this
assignment makes me to think creatively and critically to review the information and the
video that I used.

(2300 words)

from Green Global Travel:

Engels, J. (2 June, 2016). Global Citizenship Education: A Crucial Factors To Achieve The SDG's.
Retrieved from SDSN Youth:

Khanna, M. S. (2007). Environmental Education. India: Regal Publications.

Kumar, A. P. (2019). Learning skills for 21st Century. kuala lumpur: open university malaysia.

Pugot, L. (2020). Improper Waste Disposal and Littering. Retrieved from

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. (31 May, 2016). Retrieved from WWF:

Susanti, D. (2019). Global Citizenship. Empowering Core of Global Citizenship Through

Implementation Environmental Education Development In the School GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP

Waste Pollution: Causes, Sources, Effects & Solutions. (16 September, 2018). Retrieved from

World Bank. (20 September, 2018). What a Waste 2.0: Everything You Should Know About Solid
Waste Management. Retrieved from

Zulaikha Ng. (3 March, 2020). [GCED] 3 Dimension Conceptual of Global Citizenship Education.
Retrieved from

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