Peer To Peer Classroom Observation Form

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Peer to Peer Classroom Observation Form

Observer: Huda Teacher Observed: Latifa Awad

Date: November 1, 2020 Time: 12:30 – 12:55
1. Focus on Curriculum
1a. What is the learning objective?
Objective: The letter J.

1b. Learning objective is evident to the students:

Evident Not Evident Unable to determine
1c. Learning objective on target for grade-level standards
Yes No
2. Focus on Instruction
2a. Identify instruction practices
Coaching Modeling Teacher-direct Q and A
Discussion Presentation Testing
Hands-on Exp. Providing Directions Lecture
Learning Centers Providing Practice Opportunities
2b. Identify grouping format
Whole group Small Group Paired Individual
2c. Identify research-based instructional strategies
Identify similarities and differences Cooperative Learning
summarizing/note taking Setting objectives/feedback
Reinforcing effort/recognition Generating/testing hypotheses
homework/practice Cues/questions/advanced org.
___ nonlinguistic representations
3. Focus on the Learner
3a. Identify student actions
Listening working with hands-on Speaking
___Reading ___Writing
3b. Identify instructional materials
Computer Software Overhead/board/flip chart Video
Manipulatives Published print materials Web sites
Hand held tech Real-world objects Worksheets
Lab/activity sheet Student created material
____Oral Directions
3c. Determine level of student work
Recalling Information (remembering) Breaking down info into parts (analyzing)
Explaining Ideas/Concepts (understanding) Justifying a decision/action (evaluating)
___Using information in a new way (applying) ___Generate new ideas/products (Creating)
3d. Determine levels of class engagement
Highly engaged – Most students are authentically engaged
Well managed _ Students are willingly compliant, ritually engaged
Dysfunctional – Many students actively reject the assigned task or substitute another activity
4. Focus on Classroom Environment
Materials are available in the classroom Students interact with classroom environment
Models/exemplars of quality work posted Student work displayed
_ Routines and procedures are evident Scoring rubrics are displayed/provided
5. Do you see evidence that the teacher is responding to the different learning needs in the classroom?
A Lot Some None Unable to determine
Observer Reflection: In what ways has the lesson you’ve observed
impacted your thinking and/or future classroom practices?

Teacher is very interactive with students also the classroom management and students are
very good. Teacher before asking students to do what she wants; she gave them clear
instructions. In addition, she uses reinforcement words when the student answers
correctly or interacts with her.

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