Lesson Plan 2 MST

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Lesson Plan Template

Date: 11.11.2020 Student: Mouza Al Dhaheri

Time: School:
MST: Ms. Fatima Class: KG 2
Unit: Growing in the garden No. Ss

Prior Knowledge (What knowledge are you building on?)

 Classify objects, organisms and events, or phenomena according to their different properties.
 Present observations using pictures, models and words, and communicate with peers to explain
 Counting,
 Matching quantities to numerals and learning that addition or adding means putting quantities together.
Lesson Objectives: These must be SMART objectives – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound By
the end of the lesson, students will be (better) able to:
Students will be going learn about three things in the class which is :
1. Counting things.
2. Part of plants, Plants Life cycle
3. Letter G, writing.
Lesson Activities: (What will students do in the lesson?)
 Students will count things to know the answer, also, they will write the letter, think about words
start with letter G, finally they will learn the sound of the letter.
Evaluation / Assessment: (How will you know your students have achieved the goal?)
(How will you evaluate the objectives that were identified? Have students practiced what you are asking them to do for
1. Assist them how to write letter G
2. Exit ticket about plants life cycle

Personal focus (related to PDP): In this lesson I am working on my ……

This lesson will be forcing on letter G how to write it. Also, I will work on how to manage the lesson and let it more interactive
and fun and ask the students to talk more.
(Identify its ACTION OBJECTIVE OF (Activity and Language) (Activity and Language)
characteristic) ACTIVITY
Letter G I am going to teach you today about a new letter and how Students will think of words with
Writing the to write it. So, let’s see the video and see what we will learn. letter G.
letter G
Who can tell me what letter we are learning today? They will learn the sound of it
What is the sound of letter G? and how to write letter G.
Can you tell me what words start with letter G?
Counting Going to count Now we will do some math and we will count first I want Students will count.
the pictures to you to stand up and count with the man in video and do
know the what he do.

Part of plants Students will Now we are moving to the plants, how the plants grow let’s Students will say how the plants
review how the now start the activity. grow and identify the part of
plants grow plants.
If we want to plant in the garden, what is the first
thing to do?

Remember that your plan should be detailed enough so another teacher can deliver the lesson without contacting you. Please check the language before submitting.

Assessment: (Write brief notes on how Ss performed against each of/ the main learning objectives. Note how you acquired this information (monitoring or observations (O), questions (Q) or tasks (T)).

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