Piis0092867411006015 PDF
Piis0092867411006015 PDF
Piis0092867411006015 PDF
(F) Quantification of a-syn, tau, and Htt protein by western blot. Protein levels were normalized to a-tub (n = 3, values are the mean ± SEM, ***p < 0.01 compared to
WT a-syn, WT and GD tau, and WT and GD Htt; *p < 0.05 compared to WT tau).
For all quantifications, values are the mean ± SEM. See also Figure S2 and Table S1.
made of mixtures of purified GlcCer and brain phosphatidylcho- aggregation under physiological conditions showed that GlcCer
lines (PCs) were incubated with a-syn at physiological conditions had no effect on fibril formation (Figure S4), consistent with
(pH 7.4, 37 C). Electron microscopy (EM) analysis indicated the previous observations (Martinez et al., 2007).
formation of tubules consisting of polymerized GlcCer (Figures We next assessed the effect of GlcCer on a-syn fibril formation
4G–4I), similar to those previously observed in Gaucher cells in under acidic conditions (pH 5.0, 37 C) to simulate a lysosome-
patients and mouse models (Lee, 1968). The analysis of a-syn like environment in vitro because our neuronal culture data
(H and I) Analysis of cortical material obtained from infants with type II acute neuronopathic GD.
(J) Cortical lysates from a 3-year-old child with neuronopathic type III GD.
(K) DLB with a heterozygous mutation in GBA1.
(L) Analysis of the 45 Å-sized fraction with syn303, which preferentially detects pathological oligomeric a-syn. Bands migrating at 18, 44, and 75 kDa were
detected with both syn303 and syn211 (arrows).
See also Figure S6 and Table S2.