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Journal of Geography and Geology; Vol. 11, No.

2; 2019
ISSN 1916-9779 E-ISSN 1916-9787
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

Drainage Rearrangement as a Driver of Geomorphological Evolution

During the Upper Pleistocene in a Small Tropical Basin
José Martínez Batlle1
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD)
Correspondence: José Martínez Batlle, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), Calle Alma Mater,
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, Código Postal 10103. E-mail: [email protected]

Received: April 30, 2019 Accepted: May 13, 2019 Online Published: May 31, 2019
doi:10.5539/jgg.v11n2p1 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jgg.v11n2p1

The development of river networks in contexts where intense tectonic activity converges with great lithological
variability, such as the Ocoa River Basin in the south of the Dominican Republic, usually hosts excellent
examples of drainage rearrangement. This mechanism is defined as a transfer of part or all of a river’s flow to
another river. According to the process involved, drainage rearrangement may be classified in one of four
categories: stream capture, river diversion, beheading and, more recently, karst piracy. The Parra River Basin
(29.5 square kilometers), part of the Ocoa River Basin, features excellent examples of drainage rearrangement.
The aim of this research was to detect and characterize drainage rearrangement evidence in three sub-basins of
the Parra River Basin. Several geomorphological features, including striking differences in lithological types of
alluvial deposits between terraces and stream beds, a sinkhole in a tributary stream, as well as high variability in
basin morphometry computed using GIS techniques, suggest the development of karst piracy during the Upper
Pleistocene in the Parra drainage network, along with other minor rearrangement forms. Karst piracy is an
understudied model of drainage rearrangement worldwide, and so it is in the Dominican Republic. Hence, this
paper contributes to a better understanding of the interaction between rivers and karst systems, at the same time
providing new evidence for this little-known phenomenon.
Keywords: karst piracy, basin morphometry, GRASS GIS, Dominican Republic, Ocoa River Basin, Parra River
1. Introduction
The Ocoa River drainage basin (670 km2) is located in the southern hillside area of the Central Range
(“Cordillera Central”) of the Dominican Republic, Hispaniola Island (see figure 1-a). The drainage network is a
complex system with two main rivers, the southeast-oriented Banilejo River (which has the longer course, 84
km), and the southoriented Ocoa River (see figure 1-b). The two rivers join together near the center of the basin,
from where they flow southward as a single stream to meet the Caribbean Sea.
The Ocoa drainage network flows mainly over outcrops of the so-called Peralta Belt (figure 2-a), which is a
syntectonic sedimentary basin made up of rocks of the Cenozoic Era (Hernaiz Huerta, 2000; Hernaiz Huerta &
Pérez-Estaun, 2002; Hernaiz Huerta et al., 2007; Pérez-Estaún et al., 2010; Mollat, Wagner, Cepek, & Weiss,
2004). The northeastern part of the Ocoa drainage basin consists of igneous and sedimentary materials of late
Cretaceous age, which includes part of the volcanic Arroyo Jigüey and Tireo Formations, as well as dark
limestone and conglomerate outcrops from El Manaclar Fm. and Los Martínez Fm., respectively (Servicio
Geológico Nacional, n.d.). Moreover, the whole complex, especially the materials of the Peralta Belt, has
experienced folding, thrusting, overthrusting, and wrenching during the
Neogene Period, as a result of the indentation of the Beata Ridge (a submarine ridge that extends
south-southwest from Cape Beata into the Caribbean Island Arc of Hispaniola) (Fox, Ruddiman, Ryan, &
Heezen, 1970; Mann, McLaughlin, & Cooper, 1991; Hernaiz Huerta & Pérez-Estaun, 2002).
River basins affected by intense tectonic activity, such as the Ocoa Basin, usually harbor excellent examples of
drainage rearrangement (Molin & Fubelli, 2005; Ascione, Cinque, Miccadei, Villani, & Berti, 2008; Lavarini,
Magalhães Júnior, Oliveira, & Carvalho, 2016; Antón, De Vicente, Muñoz-Martín, & Stokes, 2014; Piacentini &
Miccadei, 2014).

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Figure 1. (a) The Ocoa River Basin, showing its location in the Dominican Republic. (b) Map of the Ocoa Basin,
showing its location on the southern hillside of the Central Range. The solid blue lines in (b) depict both main
courses of the Banilejo River and the Ocoa River itself. (c) Detailed map of the three main sub-basins of the
Parra River Basin, namely Naranjal, Hondo, and Parra, as well as the area conventionally referred to as the
Outlet Zone. The background is a relief view (red-white is highland, green is lowland), based on a 30-m Shuttle
Radar Topography Mission - digital elevation model (SRTM DEM) (NASA LP DAAC, 2000. SRTM 1
Arc-Second Global. https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/. Published September 2014).

Bishop (1995) defined drainage rearrangement as a transfer of part or all of a river’s flow to another river, a
mechanism that may explain river history at different spatial scales. Such changes affect both sediment volume
and provenance, which may also have biogeographical implications (Dingle & Hendry, 1984; Loureiro, Duarte,
& Zarucki, 2011; Valdovinos et al., 2010). In his thorough review, Bishop defined three forms of drainage
rearrangement on bedrock systems: river diversion, beheading, and the traditional concept of river capture. The
author summarized the key attributes and processes responsible for the occurrence of all the forms of drainage
rearrangement, based on both his own research and contributions from other authors (Davis, 1889; Thompson,
1939; Clark, 1989; Haworth & Ollier, 1992; Small, 1978). Specifically, for river capture (stream piracy), Bishop
highlighted the key attributes defining a capturing stream, namely steepness and high energy, as well as an
erosive advantage that produces undercutting in soft lithologies (e.g., excessive fluvial incision). Furthermore,
tectonic tilting, channel migration, and catastrophic breaching are the processes responsible for river diversion,
while scarp retreat is responsible for the beheading rearrangement form. Thus, it is clear that tectonics is an
important driver of drainage rearrangement. Because of the influence of tectonics throughout the Ocoa Basin, all
forms of rearrangement proposed by Bishop could theoretically exist in it; however, no systematic research has
hitherto been conducted to uncover specific cases.

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Figure 2. (a) Geological map of the Ocoa River Basin and surrounding area. (b) Enlarged view of the Parra Basin,
showing the samples collected for this research (S1 to S6), depicted as white squares with a black outline (S1, S2,
and S5 symbols are slightly displaced from their actual positions to ensure that both become visible). The
outermost divide of the Ocoa Basin and those of the Parra sub-basins are depicted with grey dashed lines. Rock
types enclosed in white-shaded ellipses (the Parra Basin rock types are highlighted in bold): 1 Gabbro and
piroxenite (undifferentiated age); 2 Igneous rocks (predominantly basalt) originating in the island arc
(Cretaceous, Arroyo Jig ¨uey Formation); 3 Tonalite (upper Cretaceous to Paleogene); 4 Sandstone, marl, and
dark limestone (upper Creataceous, El Manaclar Formation); 5 Conglomerate (upper Cretaceous, Los Mart´ınez
Formation); 6 Limestone and marl (Paleocene); 7 Limestone of different colors (lower Eocene); 8 Sandstone and
marl (Eocene); 9 Polymictic conglomerate and sandstone (Eocene); 10 Marl and sandstone with conglomerate,
limestone, and olistoliths (Eocene to Oligocene); 11 Limestone with chert (Eocene-Miocene); 12 Sand with
calcarenite; 13 Neritic limestone (Miocene); 14 Reef limestone, sandstone, and conglomerate (Pliocene); 15
Conglomerate (Neogene); 16 Intermediate volcanic rocks (Pliocene to Pleistocene); 17 Fluvial deposits in
terraces (undifferentiated Quaternary); 18 Alluvial fan; 19 Undifferentiated deposits (Quaternary); 20 Fluvial
deposits in low terraces (Holocene); 21 Alkali basalt (Quaternary). Only the main fault lines are shown to ensure
readability. Modified from “Servicio Geológico Nacional (1991): Mapa geológico de la República Dominicana
escala 1:250,000”. http://www.sgn.gob.do/images/docs/mapa geologico.pdf.

In addition, some authors discuss the role of karst as an understudied driver of drainage rearrangement. Hill and
Polyak (2014) and Hill, Eberz, and Buecher (2008) demonstrated that the most suitable explanation as to how the
Colorado River crossed the Kaibab uplift was that it occurred by a “karst piracy” process, as first proposed by
Hunt involving what he called “piping”, a term that is reserved for other uses in karstology (Ford & Williams,
1989). As stated by Hill and Polyak, the key stages of a complete karst piracy process are the following:

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establishment of a gradient across the topographic divide, followed by the settling of a cave passage that is
capable of carrying a significant volume of water, ending with a roof collapse, which creates a sub-aerially
exposed gorge that can be widened to form a canyon. In short, karst piracy is a type of drainage rearrangement
that involves, under certain conditions, the settling of a cave passage, which is later sub-aerially exposed by roof
collapse. Since limestone outcrops occur in the study area, karst piracy is also considered in this research as a
potential driver of drainage rearrangement.
The idea for the present study came after a reconnaissance field trip in 2014 to the Parra River Basin, which is
part of the Ocoa River Basin. During this trip, a striking variation of alluvial deposits across geomorphological
units was detected. Specifically, high terraces consisted mainly of large clasts of sedimentary rock type, while
the main channel beds featured small clasts of evenly represented sedimentary and igneous types. Subsequently,
supplementary field observations were conducted, and morphometric parameters were computed for the
sub-basins of the Parra Basin. These analyses revealed a high variability of both basin topography and drainage
network attributes across sub-basins.
Given the current knowledge on the geology and geomorphology of the area, the most plausible explanations
considered for such variability were the occurrence of drainage rearrangement; thus, two candidate hypotheses
were evaluated. The first hypothesis proposed one or several classical drainage rearrangements affecting specific
streams of the network in candidate wind gaps. The second hypothesis proposed a karst piracy model affecting a
tributary of the Parra River, along with other minor processes of the classical Bishop approach. The latter
provided the most plausible explanation for the evidence collected. Hence, the aim of this paper is to examine
data from alluvial deposits, geomorphological features, and basin morphometry parameters to support a suitable
explanation for the studied phenomenon of drainage rearrangement.
2. Study Area
The Parra River Basin, with a surface area of 29.5 km2, is located in the eastern half of the Ocoa Basin (see
figure 1-b). This basin is made up of igneous and sedimentary outcrops of late Cretaceous age oriented in a
northwesterly direction (see figure 2-b), comprising basalt and pyroclastic rocks (Arroyo Jigüey Fm.), limestone,
marl, and conglomerate (El Manaclar and Los Martínez Fm.), as well as intermixed volcanic outcrops with
limestone and chert layers.
For this research, the outermost polygon of the Parra Basin was conventionally split into three smaller sub-basins,
named after their main streams as Naranjal (5.67 km2), Hondo (10 km2), and Parra itself (11.99 km2) (see figure
1-c). In addition, the remaining small area (1.84 km2) close to the confluence with the Ocoa River (hereafter the
Outlet Zone), characterized by a narrow central valley with steep slopes that drains directly to the Parra River,
was included in the study.
Rock composition and tectonics vary significantly in the study area. The Naranjal Basin is small in size and
elongated in shape, with a wide fluvial valley filled with Quaternary deposits occupying the central area. The
area surrounding its central valley is made of Cretaceous materials, predominantly comprising both intermixed
volcanic rocks and karstified limestone layers at the outlet of the sub-basin, which are of particular interest for
the drainage rearrangement studied in this paper. The western divide of the Naranjal Basin is low and gently
sloping, while the eastern side is steeper and higher than the former. The Hondo Basin is poly-lobed and
pear-shaped, with a narrow fluvial valley surrounded by steep slopes made of volcanic rocks. Finally, the Parra
Basin is elongated with high watershed divides mainly made of sedimentary rocks, and features a V-shaped
valley surrounded by steep slopes, which extends also into the Outlet Zone.
Normal and thrust fault lines intersecting the study area are oriented in east/west, northeast/southwest, or
northwest/southeast directions (Servicio Geológico Nacional, n.d.; Mollat et al., 2004). A remarkable feature is
the ~7 km-long thrust fault line oriented in a northwest/southeast direction almost parallel to the main channel of
the Parra Basin, hereafter the Parra thrust fault (see figure 2 for a simplified geological map).
3. Data Sources and Methods
Multiple approaches are used to study river rearrangement, the most common being the analysis of both
network and basin morphometry parameters (Molin & Fubelli, 2005; Ascione et al., 2008; Antón et al.,
2014). In addition, analysis of rock type composition is a useful tool, because it allows examination of
the sediment sources corresponding to the inferred pre- and post-drainage rearrangement of a given basin
(Bishop, 1995). Thus, the necessary evidence for discussing explanatory hypotheses of the studied
phenomenon came from analysis of the composition of selected alluvial deposits, description of
geomorphological features, and computation of basin morphometry parameters.

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Figure 3. Context view photos of the sample locations. (a) Terrace scarp close to the Parra River (sample S1),
November 2015; (b) Stream bed of the Parra River during the dry season (sample S2), December 2014; (c) The
Hondo River, flowing from right to left in the image (sample S3), October 2018; (d) Stream bed of the Naranjal
River (sample S4), December 2018; (e) and (f) Terrace scarps in the Outlet Zone (samples S5 and S6),
November 2015 and December 2018, respectively

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Table 1. Summary of the morphometric parameters computed from the DEM, formulas used and relevant

Legend: A1 =numerically integrated area that lies between the profile curve and a straight line connecting the
profile endpoints; A2 =triangular area below that straight line and above a horizontal axis connecting with the
profile’s downstream endpoint; Ac =area of a circle with equal perimeter as the basin; ai = area of the trapezoid i
under the dimensionless height-area curve (hypsometric curve); da =distance from the active meander-belt
midline to the basin midline; dd =distance from the basin divide to the basin midline; e =base of the natural
logarithm; li =length of the stream segment i; Lm =length of the main channel (in km); h =difference between the
mean basin elevation and the outlet elevation (in m); n =number of basin segments measured; Nω number of
segments of order ω; P =perimeter of the basin; 𝑇𝑇 �⃗ =mean vector magnitude of the transverse topographic
symmetry ~𝑇𝑇 �⃗ (in percent); Dzi =elevation difference of segment i; Φ=topological diameter; ω = stream order; †
A in km2.

The analysis of alluvial deposits was undertaken to reveal the rock type composition of coarse gravel- and
cobble-sized particles in selected geomorphological units. To this end, six samples were collected and labeled S1,
S2, and so on, up to S6 (see figure 2-b and figure 3). Samples S1 to S4 were aimed at classifying 330 randomly
picked clasts into three major rock types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. In particular, samples S1 and
S2 were collected in the Outlet Zone, the former from a low terrace (+2m above the Parra River level), the latter
from a coarse-grained bed point of the mainstream. Samples S3 and S4 were collected from coarse-grained
stream beds as well, but at the outlet areas of the Hondo and Naranjal Rivers, respectively. Samples S5 and S6
were taken for the purpose of detecting the presence of igneous types by randomly picking at least 30 clasts each

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from scarps of high alluvial terraces in the Outlet Zone, a challenging task owing to problems with accessibility.
Specifically, sample S5 was collected at the mid-level of a +10/12 m-high terrace close to the outlet of the basin,
and S6 was collected almost at the summit of a +75/80 m-high terrace, located near the Parra Village (heights
relative to the local base level). It is worth highlighting that, even though the samples collected from alluvial
deposits may not adequately represent the entire basin, the results obtained from analyzing them were consistent
enough to support the geomorphological evolution proposed.
The morphometric parameters computed, which are summarized in table 1, comprised network and basin
properties. All the computations were performed using a semiautomatic processing workflow in R (R Core Team,
2018) and GRASS GIS (GRASS Development Team, 2017), with the package rgrass7, which is an interface
between the two programming environments (Bivand, 2018). Furthermore, QGIS was used as a graphical
interface to display results (QGIS Development Team, 2019). A summary of the processing workflow is
described in the following.
First, the source data used as input were from a SRTM 1 Arc-Second digital elevation model (NASA LP DAAC,
2000), hereafter DEM, which was downloaded from the EarthExplorer site (https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov). The
DEM was warped onto a 30 m-resolution grid of the UTM projection (WGS84 Datum) using the GDAL library
(GDAL Development Team, 2017). Subsequently, the DEM was pre-treated using the denoising algorithm
designed by Sun, Rosin, Martin, and Langbein (2007), configured with the parameters suggested by Stevenson,
Sun, and Mitchell (2010). Afterwards, sinks were removed using a hydrological conditioning algorithm based on
a minimum impact approach (Lindsay & Creed, 2005). Visual inspection and statistical comparisons with respect
to the original DEM were also performed, which suggested that the optimized DEM was suitable for the
extraction of parameters. Finally, multiple GRASS GIS add-ons were used to compute the morphometric
parameters, e.g. r.watershed, r.stream.* and r.basin (Ehlschlaeger, 1989; Metz, Mitasova, & Harmon, 2011;
Jasiewicz & Metz, 2011).
It is worth noting two important configuration details of the algorithms used for computing the stream network.
First, the surface flow accumulation and the drainage direction rasters were derived from the optimized DEM
using the r.watershed add-on configured in multiple flow direction (MFD) mode (Ehlschlaeger, 1989; Holmgren,
1994). Second, several thresholds of upstream area accumulation for the stream extraction algorithm were tested,
from which the value “22 cells” (19800 m2) was considered a suitable option. Although the network generated
with such a value showed a higher density of streams than that generated in similar studies (e.g., as in Ozulu &
Gökgöz, 2018), it was considered a suitable network for the purpose of this research, since the Parra Basin
is relatively small (29.5 km2). In addition, particular care was taken to prevent the generation of artifacts,
so orthorectified aerial photos were used to visually confirm that the automatically extracted streams matched
those of the actual network (Martínez Batlle, 2018).
A novel approach using the longest flow paths (hereafter LFPs) of the sub-basins draining to the main channel of
each basin was implemented to characterize the drainage network. For each LFP, elevation drop, planimetric
length (or simply length), and profile concavity (see table 1) were computed using R and GRASS GIS scripts,
for which the following procedure was applied. First, each variable was normalized using the formula

, where x = (x1, . . . , xn) and zi is the corresponding normalized value of xi, so that the newly
calculated values are laid in the interval [0,1] (Gower, 1971; Pavoine, Vallet, Dufour, Gachet, & Daniel, 2009).
The normalization was intended both to improve the performance of further clustering steps and to assign equal
weight to each variable. Afterwards, the normalized values were used to compute dissimilarity matrices of
euclidean distance across the different LFPs. For testing purposes, several clustering methods were used to
generate dendrograms, including the unweighted pair group method with an arithmetic mean (UPGMA), Ward’s
minimum variance, single linkage, and complete linkage. In order to estimate the degree of dissimilarity
information retained by each dendrogram, cophenetic distance matrices were computed and compared with the
original dissimilarity matrix using Pearson’s r correlation (i.e., cophenetic correlation) (Borcard, Gillet, &
Legendre, 2018). Subsequently, classifications with k and k+1 clusters were generated from the dendrograms, in
which k was chosen following the criteria of maximum average silhouette width (Borcard et al., 2018). Finally,
the classification generated from the dendrogram with the highest cophenetic correlation, which at the same time

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produced a meaningful number of clusters (e.g., without single-element clusters), was chosen as optimal for
separating and characterizing the LFP of each basin.
4. Results
4.1 Alluvial Deposits Composition
Composition by rock types in alluvial deposits varied significantly across samples S1 to S4 (see figure 2-b for
location map, and figure 3 for context view photos). Both the overrepresentation of sedimentary rock type and
tbe scarcity of igneous rock type in S1 were responsible for the significant variation found (see table 2 and figure
4). Furthermore, a closer look at the streambed samples alone revealed a quite homogeneous pattern of rock type

Table 2. Observed frequencies of clasts by major groups of rock types in samples S1 to S4.

x2 = 96.89; p<<0.05 for the entire sample; x2 = 8.58, p = 0.07 for samples S2 to S4. The p-values were computed
by Monte Carlo simulation with 2000 replicates. The frequencies of undifferentiated clasts were not included in
the tests.

Moreover, samples S5 and S6 consisted of coarse gravel and boulders of the sedimentary type; no clasts of the
igneous type were found. Therefore, when pooling all the samples together, the terraces (S1, S5, and S6) showed
a greater dominance of sedimentary type clasts, in contrast with those of the streambeds (S2 to S4). It is worth
noting that increasing the sampling effort in terraces may help in finding clasts of the igneous type, but in any
case the number would be small.

Figure 4. Fraction of rock types (%) by samples S1 to S4

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4.2 Morphometric Parameters of Parra Subbasi

The areal traits, as well as the topographic and network parameters of the three basins studied, are summarized in
table 3. The surface area and the set of topographic parameters computed (e.g., H and S) show that both the Parra
and Hondo Basins are medium-sized, mountainous, and highly dissected, while the Naranjal Basin is small, with
a rolling wide valley at the center.

Table 3. Areal, topographic, and drainage network parameters of the Parra, Hondo, and Naranjal Basins

� , ΔH =minimum, maximum, mean, and drop values of the

Legend: A =area of the basin (in km2); Hmin, Hmax, H
basin elevation, respectively (in m); S, Sm =mean slope of the basin and main channel in %, respectively; N
=number of streams; U =maximum Strahler stream order; M =number of first-order streams (basin magnitude);
F1 =number of first-order streams per km2; Rb =bifurcation ratio; L =total length of streams in km; D =drainage
density in km/km2. See table 1 for formulas.

Moreover, the Parra and Hondo drainage networks reached a maximum Strahler order of 4, while the Naranjal
network reached an order of 3. The Hondo and Parra drainage networks obtained roughly similar bifurcation
ratios (~ 3.85), in contrast with the Naranjal network, which yielded an unexpectedly high bifurcation ratio (> 5).
In summary, table 3 shows that the Hondo and Parra networks are very similar in terms of topographical and
network parameters, while the Naranjal network is quite different from both. An exception to this generalization
is that all the basins have similar values of drainage density.
Furthermore, basin shape and symmetry parameters are summarized in table 4. Both the circularity ratio and the
compactness coefficient show that all sub-basins are quite elongated (see figure 1-c), the Hondo sub-basin being
the least elongated of the ensemble and having the shortest time of concentration. The profile concavity indexes
(CAm) show that the main channels of the sub-basins are essentially concave, that of the Hondo sub-basin being
the most concave of the ensemble. However, on average, the LFP profiles of the Naranjal Basin are far more
concave than those of the other two basins. The morphometric patterns of the LFPs by basin are thoroughly
described in the following section.

Table 4. Basin shape and symmetry parameters of the Parra, Hondo and Naranjal Basins

Legend: Rc =circularity ratio; K =compactness coefficient; Tc =time of concentration in decimal hours and in
time format (mm:ss); CAm =profile concavity (CA) of the main channel; 𝐶𝐶̅ As =average CA of the LFPs of the
sub-basins draining into the main channel; I =hypsometric integral; 𝑇𝑇� =mean vector magnitude of ~𝑇𝑇 �⃗ and
number of basin segments sampled (n, enclosed in parentheses); p =probability of obtaining a greater mean
vector magnitude by pure chance combination of random vectors; sign.: significance of 𝑇𝑇� at α = 0.05, where
‘n.s.’ stands for non-significant result and the symbol * stands for significant result. See table 1 for formulas.

The LFPs draining to the Hondo Basin were classified in three groups using a UPGMA cluster analysis, based on
profile concavity, elevation drop, and stream length. The groups are characterized as follows (see figure 5):
Group A, short and straight profile LFPs, having a small elevation drop, mostly located to the north of the main

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channel; Group B, medium-sized and concave profile LFPs with a moderate elevation drop, distributed
alternately on both sides of the main channel; Group C, three large slightly concave profile LFPs with high
elevation drop, located exclusively at the south-center of the basin. Overall, the LFPs draining to the Hondo
Basin show both varied length and elevation drop, as well as moderate profile concavity (CAs = 0.10).

Figure 5. Elevation profiles (a) and plan view sketch (b) of both the Hondo Basin main channel (thick black line
labeled 1) and the LFPs of the sub-basins draining into it (colored lines labeled 2,3, … , n, where n is the number
of LFPs). The color scheme represents the groups classified from a UPGMA cluster analysis; the scheme is
consistent across all panels. Panel (c) shows the concavity, elevation drop, and stream length of the LFP for
classified groups. See text for details.

Figure 6. Elevation profiles (a) and plan view sketch (b) of both the Naranjal Basin main channel and the LFPs
draining into it. Panel (c) shows concavity, elevation drop, and stream length of LFPs for classified groups.Tthe
numbered key and the symbology follow the same format as figure 5. See text for details.

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Figure 7. (a) Partial view of the sinkhole (0.85 Ha in area and ~ 40m in depth) located at the outlet area of the
Naranjal River. Three levels of detail are shown as follows: (b) Two limestone blocks of El Manaclar Formation,
the first of c. 5m in width (foreground, indicated by the black arrow), the second of 10m in height (background).
(c) Enlarged view of the 5m limestone block (hammer for scale). Tufa deposits cover a significant part of the
block’s surface. (d) Hand-sized sample of the block, which shows the dark limestone of El Manaclar Formation.
The yellow ellipses show a 1.60 m-high person for scale.

The LFPs draining to the Naranjal Basin are dominantly concave, with a mean concavity of 0.28 (see figure 6
and table 4). Two groups were distinguished, namely A and B. Group A is composed of large LFPs with a high
elevation drop, whereas group B is characterized by short LFPs with a small elevation drop. In both groups, the
LFPs showed pronounced concave profiles. Finally, a conspicuous steep slope forms the downstream ending of
the main channel (c. 40 m of elevation drop). This slope is made of a tufa deposit, with an active waterfall during
the humid season, located within the remnants of a sinkhole (figure 6). Seen in plan view, the sinkhole has an
elliptical shape of 115× 95 m, in major and minor axes, respectively, and 0.85 Ha in area. It is floored with large
limestone blocks (> 5m in width) from El Manaclar Formation, which in most cases are covered with tufa
concretions (figure 7).
The LFP profiles draining to the Parra main channel exhibit a predominantly rectilinear pattern (see figure 8),
with a mean concavity of 0.02 (table 4). Three groups of LFP were clearly distinguished: Group A consists of
LFPs with both short length and small elevation drop, as well as straight profile, mainly located in the south
portion of the basin and draining to the main channel from both margins; Group B is composed of
medium-length LFPs with varied profile concavity, as well as a large elevation drop, and distributed all over the
basin along both sides of the main channel; Group C is made up of two large LFPs with concave profile and high
elevation drop, one on each margin of the main channel, which meet it close to the center of the basin.
The hypsometric curve and its numeric counterpart, the hypsometric integral, shown in figure 9, summarize the
cumulative distribution of elevations across the basins analyzed. Both the Parra and Hondo Basins have slightly
concave to moderately concave curves, as well as average values of the hypsometric integral, the Parra Basin
having the highest of the ensemble (I = 0.39). Furthermore, the Naranjal Basin showed a well-defined concave
hypsometric curve with the lowest integral value (I = 0:24). The Naranjal hypsometric curve also displays a
sharp vertical section at the lower end, which corresponds to a short path preceded by a steep elevation drop. The

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significance of this feature in relation to this research is discussed in detail in the next section.

Figure 8. Elevation profiles (a) and plan view sketch (b) of both the Parra Basin main channel and LFPs of the
sub-basins draining into it. Panel (c) shows concavity, elevation drop, and stream length of LFPs for classified
groups. Both the numbered key and the symbology follow the same format as figure 5. See text for details.

Figure 9. Hypsometric curves of the Hondo, Naranjal and Parra subbasins. “HI” stands for “Hypsometric

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Figure 10. Sample vectors of the transverse topographic symmetry (𝑇𝑇�⃗) of the Hondo, Naranjal, and Parra main
�⃗ with magnitude 0.2 or greater are indicated by the red arrows (maximum = 0.6),
channels. Samples of 𝑇𝑇
�⃗ < 0.2 and 𝑇𝑇
whereas open circles and black dots indicate the position of 0.1 ≤ 𝑇𝑇 �⃗ < 0.1, respectively. The
symbol * denotes significance of 𝑇𝑇� at 𝛼𝛼= 0.05. Both normal and thrust fault lines intersecting the study area
were extracted from the geological map at 1:50,000 scale (sheet 6171-IV), Servicio Geol´ogico Nacional (n.d.),
http://repo.sgn.gob.do/mg50/MG 6171-IV LaCienaga.pdf

Figure 11: Polar plots of the transverse topographic symmetry vectors (𝑇𝑇�⃗) of the Hondo, Naranjal, and Parra
�⃗ = 0; at margin,
Basins. Angular units in degrees from north in clockwise direction. At the center, magnitude of 𝑇𝑇
�⃗ = 1. Average magnitude and bearing denoted by a red triangle. The symbol * denotes
magnitude of 𝑇𝑇
significance of 𝑇𝑇�at 𝛼𝛼 = 0:05.

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The transverse topographic symmetry vectors of the studied basins, as well as the corresponding polar plots,
presented in figures 10 and 11 respectively, show that the active meander-belts of both the Hondo and Parra
Rivers have significantly moved away from their corresponding basin midlines, while the Naranjal River
meander-belt shows a migration pattern that is not significant. The greatest magnitude of migration in the
ensemble is observed in the Hondo meanderbelt, with a mean symmetry vector of 0.29; 329. Also, migration
vectors with magnitude 0.20 or greater are distributed throughout the whole Hondo meander-belt. Furthermore,
the Parra meander-belt shows a consistent migration pattern, with a mean symmetry vector of 0.24 oriented to
the northeast (54). In addition, the Parra sub-basin shows a cluster of vectors of 0.20 or greater magnitude, which
are concentrated in the catchment area, at the southwest quarter of the basin. Finally, the Naranjal meander-belt
has migrated randomly either to the west-northwest (mainly in the center of the basin) or to the east (mainly in
the north portion), with a mean symmetry vector of 0.24, 356°.
5. Discussion
This section is divided into two parts. In the first part, morphometric parameters, composition of alluvial deposits,
and geomorphological features are analyzed as supportive evidence for an evolution of the Naranjal drainage
network, which includes a karst piracy model at the final stage of the sequence (Hill & Polyak, 2014). In the
second part, different hypotheses of drainage rearrangement are discussed. These hypotheses were deemed
suitable explanations for both the composition of alluvial deposits and the morphometric traits of the Hondo and
Parra drainage networks.
5.1 The Naranjal River Basin
First, it may be noted that the circularity ratio and the compactness coefficient reflect the elongated nature of the
Naranjal Basin. Early evolution of the basin was likely to be controlled by a set of faults oriented in a
northeastsouthwest direction (see figure 10), which also favored the elongated shape. In addition, the high
concavity indexes, the low hypsometric integral of the basin, and the extremely high bifurcation ratio of the
network (Rb > 5) suggest that the Naranjal Basin experienced a long-term evolution, initially at a high uplift rate,
along with fluvial incision, and subsequently a basin uplift at a gradual and steady rate, along with alluvial
aggradation (Snow & Slingerland, 1987; Strahler, 1952; Horton, 1945). Also, the wide fluvial valley at the center
of the basin, filled with Quaternary deposits, supports the proposed long-term evolution model. Moreover, the
co-existence of two well-differentiated groups of stream paths in the network (see figure 6) is interpreted as
evidence for the proposed evolution at two consecutive rates of uplift.
At a later stage, the base level might have experienced steady and gradual drawdown with respect to the central
fluvial valley, and both a cave passage and a ponor were developed in El Manaclar Fm. limestone (southernmost
border of the Naranjal basin, see figure 12-a). This stage may be considered as the beginning of the karst piracy
process. As long as the cave passage existed, it was still intricate enough to prevent coarse-grained bedload to
pass, so only water and fine-grained sediments could reach the Parra River, in a way very similar to that Hill and
Polyak proposed for the Colorado River. This assumption supports the conspicuous absence of igneous clasts
from Arroyo Jigüey Fm. in the terrace deposits of the Outlet Zone. However, using the available evidence, it is
difficult to state with certainty whether or not the Naranjal River flowed through an alternate sub-aerially
exposed channel before the establishment of the cave passage. More research is needed to clarify this issue.
Afterwards, the cave passage might have expanded laterally and the limestone roof collapsed over the
underground river, which developed the present sinkhole floored with large limestone blocks from El Manaclar
Fm. (figure 7-b). After the collapse, many of these blocks have been covered with tufa concretions deposited by
the newly sub-aerially exposed stream of the Naranjal River (figure 7-c). During a visit in 2015 to the sinkhole, a
local reported a welldeveloped cave, namely “Cueva de los indios”, and described it as a vertical/sub-vertical
entry passage of 6m drop with a horizontal gallery at its lowest level. The only known entrance to this cave is an
extremely narrow breach under a large block settled in the center of the sinkhole (shown in the background on
figure 7-b). He also reported that the gallery had no permanent water circulation, even during the moist season,
which suggests that the cave became part of the vadose zone of the karst, or maybe got clogged after the collapse.
A speleological survey could help to determine whether this cave is a remnant of the original underground river
or a passage developed after the collapse as a response to the steady drawdown of the base level.
Given that the limestone is a hard rock, the sinkhole itself and its surrounding area had undergone little fluvial
incision since the collapse event and until the present. The same is true for the Naranjal River valley, which has
finally evolved as a fluvial valley of fine-grained and gravel-sized deposits with no remarkably fluvial incision.
As 𝑇𝑇� obtained a not significant value, it might be interpreted that the migration pattern of the Naranjal
meander-belt has been most recently controlled by internal fluvial processes and not by external ones (e.g.,

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tectonic tilting) (Cox, 1994).

Figure 12. (a) Planform of the hypothetical paleogeography during the pre-rearrangement stage of the
studieddrainage network, depicting the main channels and relevant geomorphological features. (b) Planform of
the present main channels, geomorphological features, and fault-lines intersecting the study area. See text for
details. Legend: The grey solid and dashed lines in (a) represent the present main channels and watershed
divides, respectively. The circle filled white in (a) near the Naranjal River outlet depicts the possible location of a
ponor (labeled as “P”). The grey shaded polygons overlaid by dashed lines depict alluvial fans. The dot pattern
in the Naranjal Basin represents fluvial deposits. The solid blue lines represent, respectively, estimated and
present main channel paths in (a) and in (b). The black semicircular hashed symbol in (b) depicts the location of
the Naranjal River sinkhole (labeled as “S”). The filled circle depicts the approximate location of Parra Village
(labeled as “PV”). The black curves with arrowhead symbol denote elbows of river diversion. The label “M”
points to a sharply bent meander in the Hondo River. The labels “WG” point to wind gaps on the western divide
of the Naranjal Basin. The solid grey lines in (b) depict fault-lines extracted from the geological map at 1:50,000
scale, sheet 6171-IV, Servicio Geol´ogico Nacional (n.d.).

In order to include an absolute chronology in the geomorphological evolution, radiocarbon dating was performed
on a series of carbon films covering gravel-sized clasts collected in the same terrace where sample S1 was taken
(see figure 3-a). A conservative age between 30730 and 30220 calibrated years before the present (cal yr B.P.)
was obtained. The stratigraphic features of this +2m terrace suggests that gravel-sized clasts of sedimentary type
(mainly marl, sandstone, and limestone), were deposited in a floodplain pond and subsequently covered with
organic matter that later turned into the carbon films dated for this research. The scarcity of igneous rocks
suggests that the formation of the terrace is correlative of a condition when the Naranjal River flowed through
the cave passage, such that no complementary source of igneous clasts was delivered to the Parra River.
Although more research is needed, this evidence ultimately suggests that the roof collapse of the Naranjal River
cave passage might have occurred after ~ 30 cal kyr B.P.
Finally, a negative test result of the evolution of the Naranjal drainage network is reported. A hypothesis about
the former courses of the La Vaca and Naranjal Rivers within the same basin was also evaluated (see figure 1-c
for location). Such a model was initially deemed possible since the gently sloping western divide of the Naranjal
Basin hosts at least three wind gaps (see figure 12-b), which were detected using photogrammetric techniques
(Martínez Batlle, 2018). Specifically, the hypothesis proposed that either the La Vaca or the Naranjal River might
have flowed to the other through one of the wind gaps, in a context in which both streams had a higher base level.
Subsequently, after a hypothetical process of diversion, the Naranjal River might have started to flow through a
path similar to the current one. The whole model was finally rejected, since no alluvial deposits were found in
the wind gaps.

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5.2 The Hondo and Parra River Basins

Several morphometric parameters, as well as sediment samples, suggest that both the Hondo and Parra Basins
experienced faster uplift than did the Naranjal Basin. A geomorphological evolution of these basins must
consider the influence of tectonics, since thrust and/or normal faults may have led to the drainage rearrangement
by means of block tilting, lateral migration, or breaching (Bishop, 1995). Thus, apart from proposing a general
evolution model for both the Parra and Hondo Basins using morphometric parameters, additional striking
morphological features observed in the network are discussed as evidence of drainage rearrangement, for which
the classical three forms proposed by Bishop are equally deemed possible.
The highly elongated shape of the Parra Basin, which is denoted by both a circularity ratio and compactness
coefficient, seems to be strongly influenced by the Parra thrust fault. Also, the low concavity indexes of the LFP
analyzed in the Parra network, as well as the nearly 1000-m elevation drop of the basin and the high hypsometric
integral value, support the proposed model of rapid and continued uplift (see figure 8) (Snow & Slingerland,
1987; Strahler, 1952). Moreover, a significant value of 𝑇𝑇� suggests that the main channel has been migrating to
the northeast, which is likely to be driven by the Parra thrust fault as well (see figure 10 and figure 11).
Furthermore, the Hondo Basin may have experienced a rapid uplift initially, but at a lower rate than that of the
Parra Basin, and it was likely more influenced simultaneously by both the Parra thrust fault and the
transverse/oblique normal faults. A remarkable feature of this drainage network is the mixture of concavity traits
(see figure 5), which may be attributed to the referred convergence of fault line systems. Such concavity traits,
along with the hypsometric integral and topographical parameters (e.g., elevation drop and bifurcation ratio),
suggest that the Hondo Basin has experienced a gradual and steady uplift.
Most of the morphometric parameters calculated are consistent with the geomorphological features observed in
the eastern part of both the Hondo and Parra Basins; therefore, no drainage rearrangements are proposed in the
evolution of their eastern half. However, the existence of two geomorphological striking features in the vicinity
of the Outlet Zone suggests that at least one drainage rearrangement form may have occurred in the western half
of the study area during the late stages of the evolution. A geomorphological interpretation of these features is
detailed as follows.
The first feature analyzed is a sharp meander of the Parra River situated just downriver from the current
confluence with the Hondo River. River diversion is the most plausible explanation in this case. The sequence
proposed starts when an early mountainous drainage network was already established, and the paleo main
channel of the Parra River generated an alluvial fan close to where Parra Village is presently sited (see figure
12-a). Samples taken in high terraces near Parra Village (see figure 3-e and f) seem to be correlative of the
formation of this fan, since they consist mainly of coarse gravel and boulders of sedimentary rock type, which is
also consistent with the large proportion of sedimentary outcrops observed in geological maps of the Parra
sub-basin (Mollat et al., 2004; Servicio Geológico Nacional, n.d.). Topographic profiles generated from
photogrammetric techniques (Martínez Batlle, 2018) show that Parra Village is likely situated over the remnants
of the alluvial fan and also suggest that the Hondo River formed a small fan, which coalesced from the east with
the larger one.
Following the formation of the alluvial fan, the Parra main channel may have started to divert to the northeast,
which was likely induced by the Parra thrust fault. Also, fluvial incision may have been initiated by the
drawdown of the base level, which affected both the Parra and Hondo Rivers. This stage most likely coincided
with the cave passage development in the Naranjal River, suggesting that the diversion of the Parra River may
have occurred before the collapse of the cave passage roof. At a final stage, the river diversion and incision led to
the formation of the current meander embedded in a narrow valley of steep slopes surrounding the alluvial fan
close to Parra Village. The current position of the meander is clearly delimited by two elbows depicted in figure
The second feature analyzed is a sharp meander in the Hondo main channel, close to its confluence with the
Parra River (see figure 12-b). The most suitable explanation for this feature—among several evaluated, which
when tested were rejected—proposes a simple association with either a change in lithology or tectonic tilting.
This assumption is consistent with both the change in magnitude of 𝑇𝑇 �⃗ and the geological set in the area of the
meander, and it also fits well with the evolution of the Parra drainage network already described figure 10).
5.3 Proposed Timeline and Concluding Remarks
Using the evidence available, a proposed timeline of the geomorphological evolution, highlighting the role of
drainage rearrangement, is discussed in this section (see summary in table 5). Four stages, labeled A to D, are

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described as follows.
Conventionally, stage A started when the basins experienced rapid uplift. In the Naranjal Basin, this uplift was
particularly intense in the eastern half, which led to the development of both steep slopes and incised streams.
Furthermore, in the Hondo and Parra Basins, the uplift was particularly controlled by the Parra thrust fault and
other fault lines, which favored the development of steep slopes upstream, as well as an alluvial fan at the
confluence of these two rivers.
During stage B, the Naranjal Basin may have experienced a steady and gradual uplift, which led to the widening
and aggradation of the central valley. At this stage, the development of both a ponor and a cave passage may
have been initiated in El Manaclar Fm. limestone, near the confluence with the Parra River. On the other hand,
the Hondo and Parra Basins may have experienced further uplift, along with drainage rearrangement processes
downstream, of which the most remarkable was the stream diversion of the Parra River surrounding the alluvial
fan in the Outlet Zone.
At stage C, the Naranjal River may have expanded the cave passage, followed by the collapse of the cave roof.
Furthermore, both the Hondo and Parra Rivers may have incised further within their respective alluvial fans. In
the Parra River, the fluvial incision along with the stream diversion may have also sharpened the meander
surrounding the alluvial fan.
Finally, at stage D, the Naranjal River may have experienced little or no fluvial incision, since its newly
sub-aerially exposed channel began to flow over hard limestone bedrock, and igneous gravel began to pass
towards the Parra River. In addition, tufa concretions started to cover large blocks of the collapsed cave roof,
which seems to have been occurring until the present time. Both the Parra and Hondo Rivers likely experienced
little fluvial incision, with little or no valley widening.

Table 5. Proposed timeline of the geomorphological evolution in relation to drainage rearrangement

To conclude, this research paper presents evidence of drainage rearrangement processes in the geomorphological
evolution of the Parra River network, focusing particularly on a karst piracy model as the most suitable

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explanation for the striking variations in both the composition of alluvial deposits and geomorphological traits.
Karst piracy is an understudied process, and since the Dominican Republic hosts many excellent examples of
karstified limestone outcrops, new research in this area will contribute to a better understanding of the interaction
between rivers and karst systems.
Radiocarbon dating and much of the field work was made possible by Ministry of Higher Education, Science
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by the National Geological Survey. The author acknowledge América Sánchez Rosario, Edwin Medina,
Gerónimo Laurencio, Iris Santos Grull´on, María de Aza and Wendy Rojas, for assisting in the field data
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