16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine (SEBP3329 - 89) - Círculo - Remover

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12/03/2019 16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine(SEBP3329 - 89) - Sistemas e componentes

Tela anterior
Bem-vindo: lnobrega
produtos: MOTOR GRADER
Modelo: ATS MOTOR de 16H
Configuração: Motoniveladora 16H ATS00001-UP (MÁQUINA) MOVIDADA
POR 3196 Motor

Desmontagem e Montagem
Sistemas de Máquinas Motoniveladoras 16H
Número de Mídia -RENR4198-01 Data de Publicação -01/11/2008 Dados de Atualização -19/11/2008


Círculo - Remover
SMCS - 6154-011

Procedimento de Remoção
tabela 1
Ferramentas Requeridas

Ferramenta Número da peça Descrição parcial Qtd

8S-7630 Ficar de pé 1

8S-7621 Tubo 1
8S-7615 PIN 1

8S-8048 Selim 1
B 138-7575 Suporte de Link 1
C 1U-9203 Elevador de alavanca 1
9U-6600 Mão bomba hidráulica 1
9S-8536 Manga 1

4C-9634 Prendedor de extrator 1

D 6V-3170 Cilindro de Dupla Ação 1
1P-1835 Bearing Puller Adapter 1
9U-6832 Nut 1

4K-0684 Hard Washer 1

E 140-7742 Sleeve 2
ZZ 6V-9508 Plug 4
6V-9829 Cap As 4

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12/03/2019 16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine(SEBP3329 - 89) - Sistemas e componentes

6V-9509 Plug 2
6V-9830 Cap As 2


Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during
performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair
of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling any component
containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar Tools and Shop

Products Guide" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain
fluids on Caterpillar products.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.

Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic system on this

machine after the engine and pump have been stopped. Serious injury
can result if this pressure is not released before any service is done on
the hydraulic systems. In order to prevent possible injury, release the
hydraulic system pressure before working on any fitting, hose, or
hydraulic component.

Lower all attachments to the ground before service is started. If the

hydraulic system must be serviced, tested, or adjusted with the
attachment in the raised position, the attachments and lift cylinders
must be supported properly.

Always move the machine to a location away from the travel of other
machines. Be sure that other personnel are not near the machine when
the engine is running and tests or adjustments are being made.

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12/03/2019 16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine(SEBP3329 - 89) - Sistemas e componentes

Illustration 1 g00935989

1. Start the engine and run the engine. Operate the machine in order to locate centershift lock pin (1) in
the last position on the right hand side of the machine. Extend blade (3) toward the front of the
machine. Rotate circle (2) in order to position blade (3) near the front wheel.

2. Place suitable blocking underneath circle (2) and blade (3) .

3. Stop the engine and release the hydraulic system pressure. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
"Machine Preparation For Disassembly and Assembly".

4. Remove blade tip cylinder (4). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Blade Tip Cylinder Remove and

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12/03/2019 16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine(SEBP3329 - 89) - Sistemas e componentes

Illustration 2 g00935991

5. Disconnect hose assemblies (5) .

6. Remove cotter pin (6) .

7. Remove nut (7) and washers (8) .

8. Remove pin (10) and washer (9) .

9. Repeat Steps 6 through 8 for the opposite side.

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12/03/2019 16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine(SEBP3329 - 89) - Sistemas e componentes

Illustration 3 g00936004

10. Start the engine and run the engine. Operate the machine in order to move circle (2) away from blade
assembly (11) .

11. Stop the engine.

Illustration 4 g01077276

12. Attach a suitable lifting device with Tooling (E) to blade assembly (11). The weight of blade assembly
(11) is approximately 1400 kg (3086 lb). Remove blade assembly (11) .
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12/03/2019 16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine(SEBP3329 - 89) - Sistemas e componentes

Illustration 5 g00935992

13. Start the engine and run the engine. Operate the machine in order to lower circle (2) on suitable
blocking and Tooling (A) .

14. Stop the engine and release the hydraulic system pressure. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
"Machine Preparation For Disassembly and Assembly".

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12/03/2019 16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine(SEBP3329 - 89) - Sistemas e componentes

Illustration 6 g00935998

15. Disconnect hose assemblies (12). Remove bolt (13) .

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12/03/2019 16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine(SEBP3329 - 89) - Sistemas e componentes

Illustration 7 g00936002

16. Install Tooling (B). Attach a suitable lifting device to Tooling (B). The weight of the swivel (14) is
approximately 41 kg (90 lb).

17. Remove bolts (15) and lower swivel (14) .

Illustration 8 g01072087

18. Remove shoes (16) and shims (17) .

Note: For installation purposes, note the location of shoes (16) and quantity of shims (17) on each
shoe (16) .

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12/03/2019 16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine(SEBP3329 - 89) - Sistemas e componentes

Illustration 9 g00935993

19. Start the engine and run the engine. Use the machine systems in order to separate drawbar (18) from
circle (2). Stop the engine.

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12/03/2019 16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine(SEBP3329 - 89) - Sistemas e componentes

Illustration 10 g01072103

20. Attach a suitable lifting device and Tooling (C) and (E) to circle (2). The weight of the circle (2) is
approximately 1189 kg (2622 lb). Remove circle (2) .

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12/03/2019 16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine(SEBP3329 - 89) - Sistemas e componentes

Illustration 11 g00936003

21. Remove bearings (19) from circle (2) with Tooling (D) .

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12/03/2019 16H Motor Grader ATS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3196 Engine(SEBP3329 - 89) - Sistemas e componentes

Illustration 12 g00936479

22. Remove bearings (20) from blade assembly (11) with Tooling (D) .

Direitos Autorais 1993 - 2019 Caterpillar Inc. Tue Mar 12 2019 01:48:07 GMT-0300 (Horário Padrão de Brasília)
Todos os Direitos Reservados.
Rede Particular Para Licenciados SIS.

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