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—Disgraceful or immoral conduct is a grave

offense that cannot be taken lightly, and it cannot be
countenanced even by the withdrawal of the charge by
private complainant. (Gamboa vs. Gamboa, 435 SCRA 436


G.R. No. 166470. August 7, 2009.*


petitioners, vs. JOVITA SAN JUAN-SANTOS, respondent.

G.R. No. 169217. August 7, 2009.*


SANTOS,2 respondent.

Guardianship; Insanity; Witnesses; An ordinary witness may

give his opinion on the mental sanity of a person with whom he is
sufficiently acquainted.—Under Section 50, Rule 103 of the Rules
of Court, an ordinary witness may give his opinion on the mental
sanity of a person with whom he is sufficiently acquainted. Lulu’s
attending physicians spoke and interacted with her. Such
occasions allowed them to thoroughly observe her behavior and
conclude that her intelligence level was below average and her
mental stage below normal. Their opinions were admissible in


1 “Ma. Teresa Hernandez-Villa Abrille” in some parts of the records.

2  The Court of Appeals was impleaded as respondent but was excluded as

party in these cases pursuant to Section 4, Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.


VOL. 595, AUGUST 7, 2009 465

Hernandez vs. SanJuan-Santos

Same; Same; Same; Persons who, though of sound mind but

by reason of age, disease, weak mind or other similar causes are
incapable of taking care of themselves and their property without
outside aid, are considered as incompetents who may properly be
placed under guardianship.—Where the sanity of a person is at
issue, expert opinion is not necessary. The observations of the
trial judge coupled with evidence establishing the person’s state of
mental sanity will suffice. Here, the trial judge was given ample
opportunity to observe Lulu personally when she testified before
the RTC. Under Section 2, Rule 92 of the Rules of Court, persons
who, though of sound mind but by reason of age, disease, weak
mind or other similar causes are incapable of taking care of
themselves and their property without outside aid, are considered
as incompetents who may properly be placed under guardianship.
The RTC and the CA both found that Lulu was incapable of
taking care of herself and her properties without outside aid due
to her ailments and weak mind. Thus, since determining whether
or not Lulu is in fact an incompetent would require a
reexamination of the evidence presented in the courts a quo, it
undoubtedly involves questions of fact.
Same; Habeas Corpus; A writ of habeas corpus extends to all
cases of illegal confinement or detention or by which the rightful
custody of person is withheld from the one entitled thereto.—
Inasmuch as respondent’s appointment as the judicial guardian of
Lulu was proper, the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus in her
favor was also in order. A writ of habeas corpus extends to all
cases of illegal confinement or detention or by which the rightful
custody of person is withheld from the one entitled thereto.
Respondent, as the judicial guardian of Lulu, was duty-bound to
care for and protect her ward. For her to perform her obligation,
respondent must have custody of Lulu. Thus, she was entitled to a
writ of habeas corpus after she was unduly deprived of the
custody of her ward.

PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the

Court of Appeals.
   The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
  Soo, Gutierrez, Leogardo & Lee for petitioners in G.R.
No. 169217.



Hernandez vs. SanJuan-Santos

  Gutierrez, Nitura, Zulueta Law Offices for petitioners

in G.R. No. 166470.
  E.G. Ferry Law Offices for respondent.

Maria Lourdes San Juan Hernandez (or Lulu) was born
on February 14, 1947 to the spouses Felix Hernandez and
Maria San Juan Hernandez. Unfortunately, the latter died
due to complications during childbirth. After Maria’s death,
Felix left Lulu in the care of her maternal uncle, Sotero C.
San Juan.
On December 16, 1951, Felix married Natividad Cruz.
The union produced three children, petitioners Cecilio C.
Hernandez, Ma. Victoria C. Hernandez-Sagun and Teresa
C. Hernandez-Villa Abrille.
Meanwhile, as the only child of Maria and the sole
testate heir of Sotero, Lulu inherited valuable real
properties from the San Juan family (conservatively
estimated at P50 million in 1997).
Sometime in 1957, Lulu went to live with her father and
his new family. She was then 10 years old and studying at
La Consolacion College. However, due to her “violent
personality,” Lulu stopped schooling when she reached
Grade 5.
In 1968, upon reaching the age of majority, Lulu was
given full control of her estate.3 Nevertheless, because Lulu
did not even finish her elementary education, Felix
continued to exercise actual administration of Lulu’s
properties. Upon Felix’s death in 1993, petitioners took
over the task of administering Lulu’s properties.


3 Order dated July 31, 1968 in SP No. 1127 penned by Judge Andres
Reyes of the Court of First Instance of Pasig, Rizal, Branch VI. Rollo (G.R.
No. 166470), p. 128.

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Hernandez vs. SanJuan-Santos

During the period of their informal administration (from

1968 until 1993), Felix and petitioners undertook various
“projects” involving Lulu’s real properties. In 1974, Felix
allegedly purchased one of Lulu’s properties for an
undisclosed amount to develop the Marilou Subdivision.4 In
1995, Ma. Victoria informed Lulu that her 11-hectare
Montalban, Rizal property5 was under litigation. Thus,
Lulu signed a special power of attorney6 (SPA) believing
that she was authorizing Ma. Victoria to appear in court on
her behalf when she was in fact unknowingly authorizing
her half-sister to sell the said property to the Manila
Electric Company for P18,206,400.7 Thereafter, Cecilio
asked Lulu to authorize him to lease her 45-hectare
property in Montalban, Rizal to Oxford Concrete
Aggregates for P58,500 per month so that she could have a
car and driver at her disposal.
In September 1998, Lulu sought the assistance of her
maternal first cousin, respondent Jovita San Juan-Santos,
after learning that petitioners had been dissipating her
estate. She confided to Jovita that she was made to live in
the basement of petitioners’ Montalban, Rizal home and
was receiving a measly daily allowance of P400 for her food
and medication.
Respondent was appalled as Lulu was severely
overweight, unkempt and smelled of urine. She later found
out that Lulu was occupying a cramped room lit by a single
fluorescent lamp without running water. Since she had not
been given a proper toilet, Lulu urinated and defecated in
the garden. Due to Lulu’s poor hygiene, respondent brought
her to several physicians for medical examination. Lulu
was found to be afflicted with tuberculosis, rheumatism
and diabetes from which she was suffering several


4 Referred to as Marylou Subdivision or Marilou Village Subdivision in

some parts of the records.
5 Covered by TCT No. 248784. Rollo (G.R. No. 166470), p. 109.
6 Id., pp. 110-111.
7 Deed of Sale. Id., pp. 112-115.
8 Medical report dated September 18, 1998. Id., pp. 118-121.

Hernandez vs. SanJuan-Santos

Thereafter, the San Juan family demanded an inventory

and accounting of Lulu’s estate from petitioners.9 However,
the demand was ignored.
On October 2, 1998, respondent filed a petition for
guardianship10 in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of San
Mateo, Rizal, Branch 76. She alleged that Lulu was
incapable of taking care of herself and managing her estate
because she was of weak mind.
Subsequently, petitioners moved to intervene in the
proceedings to oppose the same.
Natividad denied that Marilou Subdivision belonged to
Lulu. Since she and her late husband were the registered
owners of the said property, it was allegedly part of their
conjugal partnership.
Cecilio, Teresa and Ma. Victoria, for their part, claimed
that the issue of Lulu’s competency had been settled in
1968 (upon her emancipation) when the court ordered her
legal guardian and maternal uncle, Ciriaco San Juan, to
deliver the properties for her to manage.
They likewise asserted that Lulu was literate and, for
that reason, aware of the consequences of executing an
SPA. Furthermore, whether or not Cecilio and Ma. Victoria
acted within the scope of their respective authorities could
not be determined in a guardianship proceeding, such
matter being the proper subject of an ordinary civil action.
Petitioners also admitted that the property developed
into the Marilou Subdivision was among those parcels of
land Lulu inherited from the San Juan family. However,
because the “sale” between Felix and Lulu had taken place
in 1974, questions regarding its legality were already
barred by the statute of limitations. Thus, its validity could
no longer be impugned, or so they claimed.


9 Letter dated September 20, 1998. Id., pp. 116-117.

10 Docketed as Sp. Proc. No. 250. Id., pp. 99-102.


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Hernandez vs. SanJuan-Santos
During the hearing, Lulu was presented and asked to
testify on her genealogy and experiences with the San Juan
and Hernandez families. Lulu identified and described her
parents, stepmother, half-siblings and maternal relatives.
She claimed inheriting tracts of land from the San Juan
family. However, these properties were dissipated by the
Hernandez family as they lived a “luxurious” lifestyle.
When asked to explain this allegation, Lulu said that her
stepmother and half-siblings rode in cars while she was
made to ride a tricycle.
Medical specialists testified to explain the results of
Lulu’s examinations which revealed the alarming state of
her health.11 Not only was Lulu severely afflicted with
diabetes mellitus and suffering from its complications,12
she also had an existing artheroselorotic cardiovascular
disease (which was aggravated by her obesity).
Furthermore, they unanimously opined that in view of
Lulu’s intelligence level (which was below average) and
fragile mental state, she would not be able to care for
herself and self-administer her medications.
In a decision dated September 25, 2001,13 the RTC
concluded that, due to her weak physical and mental
condition, there was a need to appoint a legal guardian
over the person and property of Lulu. Thus, it declared
Lulu an incompetent and appointed respondent as
guardian over the person and property of Lulu on a P1
million bond.
Petitioners moved for reconsideration asserting that the
P1 million bond was grossly insufficient to secure Lulu’s


11  Lulu was examined by cardiologist-internist Perfecto Palafox,

diabetologist-internist Rosa Allyn Sy and general practitioner Eliza Mei
Perez. Surgeon Jacinto Bautista removed a mass from Lulu’s ear lobe and
12  Lulu was nearly blind due to cataract and suspected to have
gallstones in her kidneys.
13 Penned by Judge Jose C. Reyes, Jr. Rollo, pp. 87-98.



Hernandez vs. SanJuan-Santos

million estate against fraudulent loss or dissipation.14 The

motion, however, was denied.15
On July 2, 2002, petitioners appealed the September 25,
2001 decision of the RTC to the Court of Appeals (CA).16
The appeal was docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 75760.
On December 29, 2004, the CA issued a decision
affirming the September 25, 2001 decision of the RTC (in
the petition for guardianship) in toto.17 It held that
respondent presented sufficient evidence to prove that
Lulu, because of her illnesses and low educational
attainment, needed assistance in taking care of herself and
managing her affairs considering the extent of her estate.
With regard to the respondent’s appointment as the legal
guardian, the CA found that, since Lulu did not trust
petitioners, none of them was qualified to be her legal
guardian. Because guardianship was a trust relationship,
the RTC was bound to appoint someone Lulu clearly
Petitioners now assail the December 29, 2004 decision of
the CA in this Court in a petition for review on certiorari
docketed as G.R. No. 166470.18
Meanwhile, Lulu moved into 8 R. Santos St., Marikina
City (Marikina apartment) and was provided with two
housemaids tasked to care for her. Sometime in November
2003, Lulu was abducted from her Marikina apartment.
Jovita immediately sought the assistance of the Police
Anti-Crime Emergency Response (PACER) division of the
Philippine National Police.


14 Id., pp. 143-147.

15 Order dated April 26, 2002. Id., pp. 154-155.
16 Docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 75760.
17 Penned by Associate Justice Delilah Vidallon-Magtolis (retired) and
concurred in by Associate Justices Eliezer R. de los Santos (retired) and
Monina Arevalo-Zeñarosa of the Special Fourth Division of the Court of
Appeals. Dated December 29, 2004. Rollo (G.R. No. 166470), pp. 61-86.
18 Under Rule 45 of the RULES OF COURT.


VOL. 595, AUGUST 7, 2009 471

Hernandez vs. SanJuan-Santos

The PACER subsequently discovered that petitioners

were keeping Lulu somewhere in Rodriguez, Rizal. Despite
their initial hostility to the investigation, Ma. Victoria and
Cecilio subsequently contacted the PACER to inform them
that Lulu voluntarily left with Natividad because her
guardian had allegedly been maltreating her.19
On December 15, 2003, respondent filed a petition for
habeas corpus20 in the CA alleging that petitioners
abducted Lulu and were holding her captive in an
undisclosed location in Rodriguez, Rizal.
On April 26, 2005, the CA granted the petition for
habeas corpus, ruling that Jovita, as her legal guardian,
was entitled to her custody. 21
Petitioners moved for the reconsideration of the said
decision but it was denied in a resolution dated July 12,
2005.22 Aggrieved, they filed this petition for review on
certiorari docketed as G.R. No. 169217. This was
consolidated with G.R. No. 166470.
The basic issue in petitions of this nature is whether the
person is an incompetent who requires the appointment of
a judicial guardian over her person and property.
Petitioners claim that the opinions of Lulu’s attending
physicians23 regarding her mental state were inadmissible
in evidence as they were not experts in psychiatry.
Respondent therefore failed to prove that Lulu’s illnesses
rendered her an incompetent. She should have been
presumed to be of sound mind and/or in full possession of
her mental capacity. For this


19  Signed by Police Superintendent Nicolas M. Gregorio. Rollo (G.R.

No. 169217), pp. 81-82.
20 Id., pp. 58-63.
21 Penned by Associate Justice Amelita G. Tolentino and concurred in
by Associate Justices Roberto A. Barrios and Vicente S.E. Veloso of the
Ninth Division of the Court of Appeals. Id., pp. 39-54.
22 Id., pp. 56-57.
23 Supra note 11.



Hernandez vs. SanJuan-Santos

reason, Lulu should be allowed to live with them since

under Articles 194 to 196 of the Family Code,24 legitimate
brothers and sisters, whether half-blood or full-blood are
required to support each other fully.
Respondent, on the other hand, reiterated her
arguments before the courts a quo. She disclosed that Lulu
had been confined in Recovery.com, a psychosocial
rehabilitation center and convalescent home care facility in
Quezon City, since 2004 due to violent and destructive
behavior. She also had delusions of being physically and
sexually abused by “Boy


24 FAMILY CODE, Arts. 194, 195 and 196 provide:

Article 194. Support compromises everything indispensable for
sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical attendance, education and
transportation, in keeping with the financial capacity of the family.
The education of the person entitled to be supported referred to
in the preceding paragraph shall include his schooling or training
for some profession, trade or vocation, even beyond the age of
majority. Transportation shall include expenses in going to and
from school, or to and from place of work.
Article 195. Subject to the provisions of the succeeding articles,
the following are obliged to support each other to the whole extent
set forth in the preceding article:
1. The spouses;
2. Legitimate ascendants and descendants;
3. Parents and their legitimate children and the legitimate and
illegitimate children of the latter;
4. Parents and their illegitimate children and the legitimate
and illegitimate children of the latter; and
5. Legitimate brothers and sisters, whether of full or half-
Article 196. Brothers and sisters not legitimately related,
whether of the full or half-blood, are likewise bound to support each
other to the full extent set forth in Article 194, except only when
the need for support of the brother or sister, being of age, is due to a
cause imputable to the claimant’s fault or negligence.


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Hernandez vs. SanJuan-Santos

Negro” and imaginary pets she called “Michael” and

“Madonna.”25 The November 21, 2005 medical report26
stated Lulu had unspecified mental retardation with
psychosis but claimed significant improvements in her
We find the petition to be without merit.
Under Section 50, Rule 103 of the Rules of Court, an
ordinary witness may give his opinion on the mental sanity
of a person with whom he is sufficiently acquainted.27
Lulu’s attending physicians spoke and interacted with her.
Such occasions allowed them to thoroughly observe her
behavior and conclude that her intelligence level was below
average and her mental stage below normal. Their opinions
were admissible in evidence.
Furthermore, where the sanity of a person is at issue,
expert opinion is not necessary.28 The observations of the


25  Report [the Court of Appeals] on the Condition of the Ward, Ma.
Lourdes S.J. Fernandez, Annex “A.” Rollo (G.R. No. 166470), pp. 248-249.
26 Prepared by attending physician Edison C. Galindez, pp. 250-254.
27 Section 50, Rule 130, Rules of Court, provides:
Section 50. Opinion of an Ordinary Witness.—The opinion of a
witness for which proper basis is given shall be received in evidence
(a) The identity of a person about whom he has adequate
(b) A handwriting with which he has sufficient familiarity; and
(c) The mental sanity of a person with whom he is
sufficiently acquainted.
The witness may also testify on his impression of the emotion,
behavior, condition or appearance of a person. (emphasis supplied)
28 People v. Bacaling, 447 Phil. 197, 204; 399 SCRA 117, 123 (2003).
(citations omitted)



Hernandez vs. SanJuan-Santos

judge coupled with evidence29 establishing the person’s

state of mental sanity will suffice.30 Here, the trial judge
was given ample opportunity to observe Lulu personally
when she testified before the RTC.
Under Section 2, Rule 92 of the Rules of Court,31 persons
who, though of sound mind but by reason of age, disease,
weak mind or other similar causes are incapable of taking
care of themselves and their property without outside aid,
are considered as incompetents who may properly be
placed under guardianship. The RTC and the CA both
found that Lulu was incapable of taking care of herself and
her properties without outside aid due to her ailments and
weak mind. Thus, since determining whether or not Lulu is
in fact an incompetent would require a reexamination of
the evidence presented in the courts a quo, it undoubtedly
involves questions of fact.
As a general rule, this Court only resolves questions of
law in a petition for review. We only take cognizance of
questions of fact in exceptional circumstances, none of
which is present


29  The opinions of Lulu’s attending physicians have been verified by

the 2001 medical report of Recovery.com which diagnosed Lulu’s condition
as unspecified mental retardation with psychoses.
30 People v. Bacaling, supra note 28.
31 Section 2, Rule 92, RULES OF COURT, provides:
Section 2. Meaning of word “incompetent.”—Under this rule,
the word “incompetent” includes persons suffering the penalty of
civil interdiction or who are hospitalized lepers, prodigals, deaf and
dumb who are unable to read and write, those who are of unsound
mind, even though they have lucid intervals, and persons not being
of unsound mind, but by reason of age, disease, weak mind, and
other similar causes, cannot, without outside aid, take care of
themselves and manage their property, becoming thereby an easy
prey for deceit and exploitation.


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Hernandez vs. SanJuan-Santos

in this case.32 We thus adopt the factual findings of the

RTC as affirmed by the CA.
Similarly, we see no compelling reason to reverse the
trial and appellate courts’ finding as to the propriety of
respondent’s appointment as the judicial guardian of
Lulu.33 We therefore affirm her appointment as such.
Consequently, respondent is tasked to care for and take full
custody of Lulu, and manage her estate as well.34
Inasmuch as respondent’s appointment as the judicial
guardian of Lulu was proper, the issuance of a writ of
habeas corpus in her favor was also in order.
A writ of habeas corpus extends to all cases of illegal
confinement or detention or by which the rightful custody
of person is withheld from the one entitled thereto.35
Respondent, as the judicial guardian of Lulu, was duty-
bound to care for and protect her ward. For her to perform
her obligation, respondent must have custody of Lulu.
Thus, she was entitled to a writ of habeas corpus after she
was unduly deprived of the custody of her ward.36

32 Goyena v. Ledesma-Gustilo, 443 Phil. 150, 158-160; 395 SCRA 117,

122-123 (2003). (citations omitted)
33  See RULES OF COURT, Rule 93 for the qualifications of a judicial
34 Section 1, Rule 96, RULES OF COURT, provides:
Section 1. To what guardianship shall extend.—A guardian
appointed shall have care and custody of the person of his
ward, and the management of his estate, or the management
of his estate only, as the case may be. The guardian of the
estate of a nonresident shall have the management of all the estate
of the ward within the Philippines, and no court other than that in
which such guardian was appointed shall have jurisdiction over the
guardianship. (emphasis supplied)
35 Ilusorio v. Bildner, 387 Phil. 915, 922; 332 SCRA 169, 175 (2000).
36 See Tijing v. Court of Appeals, 406 Phil. 449; 354 SCRA 17 (2001).



Hernandez vs. SanJuan-Santos

WHEREFORE, the petitions are hereby DENIED.

Petitioners are furthermore ordered to render to
respondent, Lulu’s legal guardian, an accurate and faithful
accounting of all the properties and funds they unlawfully
appropriated for themselves from the estate of Maria
Lourdes San Juan Hernandez, within thirty (30) days from
receipt of this decision. If warranted, the proper complaints
should also be filed against them for any criminal liability
in connection with the dissipation of Maria Lourdes San
Juan Hernandez’s estate and her unlawful abduction from
the custody of her legal guardian.
Treble costs against petitioners.

Puno (C.J., Chairperson), Carpio, Leonardo-De Castro

and Bersamin, JJ., concur.

Petition denied.

Notes.—While it is true that the determination of the

right to the custody of minor children is relevant in cases
where the parents, who are married to each other, are for
some reason separated from each other, it does not follow
that it cannot arise in any other situation. (David vs. Court
of Appeals, 250 SCRA 82 [1995])
The ward has no right to possession or control of his
property during his or her incompetency. (Cañiza vs. Court
of Appeals [Special First Division], 268 SCRA 640 [1997])

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