Role of Ligninolytic Enzymes of White Rot Fungi (Pleurotus SPP.) Grown With Azo Dyes
Role of Ligninolytic Enzymes of White Rot Fungi (Pleurotus SPP.) Grown With Azo Dyes
Role of Ligninolytic Enzymes of White Rot Fungi (Pleurotus SPP.) Grown With Azo Dyes
Background: Total three Pleurotus species (P. ostreatus, P. sapidus, P. florida) was compared for ligninolytic enzyme pro-
duction grown with Coralene Golden Yellow, Coralene Navy Blue and Coralene Dark Red azo dyes in liquid medium
under shaking condition.
Results: The biodegradation competency varied from species to species and it was found that P. ostreatus, P. sapidus
and P. florida to 20 ppm dye concentration shows 88, 92 and 98 % decolorization, respectively for all three dyes. Pro-
duction pattern of laccase, manganese dependent peroxidase and lignin peroxidase were studied during the growth
of the organisms for 10 days. Laccase was found to be the major extracellular ligninolytic enzyme produced by fungus
with negligible detection of lignin peroxidases. In all concentration of three dye studied, maximum laccase activity
was observed on day 8, for 20 mg/l of dye laccase specific activity was 1–1.58 U/mg in P. ostreatus, 0.5–0.78 U/mg in P.
sapidus and 1–1.92 U/mg in P. florida. Different factors (dye concentration, pH, protein and sugar estimation) influenc-
ing the ability of Pleurotus species to degrade dyes is documented and degradation was attributed to microbial action
irrespective of pH change. HPTLC analysis of samples indicated degradation of dyes into intermediate products.
Conclusion: Level of ligninolytic enzymes is playing a major role in degradation of dye, which is dependent on time
of incubation and species of fungi.
Keywords: Ligninolytic enzymes, Submerged fermentation, Thin layer chromatography, Pleurotus species
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Kunjadia et al. SpringerPlus (2016) 5:1487 Page 2 of 9
possible alternative, studied for the biodegradation of flasks were kept on rotary shaker at 150 rpm at room
dyes. Perusal of literature demonstrates the potential of temperature (RT) for 6 days. On 6th day, dye was added
white rot fungi to degrade pollutants by producing extra- to final concentrations of 20 ppm (20 mg/l), 50 ppm
cellular ligninolytic enzymes (Kunjadia et al. 2012; Wen (50 mg/l), 100 ppm (100 mg/l) and 200 ppm (200 mg/l)
et al. 2010) and most of them have been focused on dye in each different flasks from the stock solution of 40 gm/l.
degradation and decolorization (Champagne et al. 2010). Negative control was kept by taking 20 ppm (20 mg/l)
It is turning into a promising alternative to replace or concentration of each dye in 50 ml of YDB and posi-
supplement present treatment processes (Coulibaly et al. tive control was kept as fungal culture without any dye
2003; Fu and Viraraghavan 2002). Previously, Fu and in 50 ml of YDB. Time of dye addition was considered as
Viraraghavan (2002) summarized fungal decolorization 0 day for experimental conditions.
of dyes used in textile industries, they have reported on
progress, mechanisms and factors affecting the process of Degradation of dye
dye degradation (Fu and Viraraghavan 2002). The final concentration of each dye CGY, CNB and CDR
The initial recognition of white rot fungi competency in the medium on day 0 was considered to be 100 %.
in decolorization lays the foundation for its application Changes in CGY, CDR & CNB each dye concentration
in dye degradation. With the same interest, present study was monitored by measuring O.D. at λmax 440, 475 and
focuses on exploration of dye degradation efficiency of 540 nm, respectively and pH was monitored at every
three different Pleurotus sp. 2 days interval up to 12 days (Yatome et al. 1993).
From extremely diverse range of the textile dyes, most
unanimously used three azo disperse dyes (CGY, CNB, Estimation of reducing sugar and total protein content
CDR) have been opted in the present study. Main objectives Reducing sugar was estimated by Dinitrosalicylic acid
of the experiment were: (i) To evaluate the potential of all method (Miller 1959). Protein concentration was esti-
three Pleurotus sp. in degradation of textile dyes (ii) Evalu- mated by the method of Lowry et al. (1951).
ation of different parameters i.e. pH, activity of ligninolytic
enzymes, protein and sugar content during degradation of Ligninolytic enzyme assays
dyes (iii) Analysis of resultant products by HPTLC. Laccase assay
Laccase enzyme was estimated using 0.1 ml 10 mM
Methods Guaiacol prepared in ethanol, 0.4 ml 50 mM Phosphate
Fungal cultures buffer (pH–5.0) and 0.5 ml enzyme solution, which was
Pleurotus ostreatus (MTCC142) was procured from The collected freshly from all the flasks and centrifuged at
Microbial Type Culture Collection, Institute of Micro- 10,000 rpm for 20 min. O.D. was recorded at 460 nm
bial Technology (IMTECH), Chandigarh, India. Pleurotus immediately after addition of enzyme solution and after
sapidus and Pleurotus florida was procured from Direc- 10 min of incubation at 30 °C (Arora and Sandhu 1985).
torate of Mushroom Research, ICAR, Solan, Himachal
Pradesh, India. Cultures were maintained on YDA (Yeast Lignin Peroxidase assay
Dextrose Agar) slants and plates at 25 °C by sub culturing LiP assay mixer contained 50 mM sodium tartarate buffer
every 30 day interval. pH 3.0, Azure B dye 32, 100 µM hydrogen peroxide and
0.1 ml enzyme solution, which was collected freshly from
Dye samples all the flasks and centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 20 min
Three dye samples Coralene Golden Yellow (2GN) (Arora and Gill 2001).
(λmax = 440 nm), Coralene Dark Red (λmax = 475 nm) &
Coralene Navy Blue (3G) (λmax = 540 nm) were collected Manganese dependent assay
in form of powder from Ganesh Laxmi Textile mill, Surat, Reaction mixture for MnP assay contains 0.9 ml 0.3 mM
Gujarat, India. MnCl2 in 50 mM Sodium lactate Buffer (pH–5.0), 0.5 ml
40 μM H2O2 and 0.1 ml enzyme solution, centrifuged
Inoculum preparation and degradation of dye in liquid at 10,000 rpm for 20 min. O.D. was recorded at 610 nm
medium immediately after addition of enzyme solution and after
Mycelial culture of P. ostreatus, P. florida & P. sapidus 10 min of incubation at 30 °C (Orth et al. 1993).
were grown on Yeast Dextrose Agar (YDA) medium. Cul-
tures were grown at 25 °C in submerged liquid cultures HPTLC (high performance thin layer chromatography)
in Yeast Dextrose Broth Medium. 50 ml of the medium of decolorized product
in 250 ml flasks was inoculated by 5 mm diameter myce- Alumina TLC plate pre-coated with silica gel 60
lial agar plugs taken from the YDA plates. The inoculated F254 (Merck KGaA, Germany) was used throughout
Kunjadia et al. SpringerPlus (2016) 5:1487 Page 3 of 9
the experiments for separation of dye constituents. general for all dyes with 20 ppm concentration showed
10 cm × 10 cm plate was used and 10 samples were more than 95 % of decolorization with CDR 97.9 %, CNB
loaded carefully. Samples were separated using solvent dye 98.3 % in 20 ppm dye containing flask (Fig. 1). In
system of n-Butanol:distilled water:glacial acetic acid comparison between P. ostreatus and P. sapidus showed
(60:30:10). Plates were dried and spectra were recorded decolorization of CNB 89 and 90.7 %, CDR 88.1 and
at different wavelengths. 91.4 % in the 20 ppm dye containing flasks respectively.
It was worth to mention that P. florida even exhibited
Statistical analysis more than 90 % of decolorization efficiency in 50 ppm
Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel dye concentration whereas the other two Pleurotus spe-
2010 software and data were expressed as a mean ± SE. cies demonstrated decolorization 60–75 % of all the dyes
Results were analyzed by one way ANOVA and Student’s in 50 ppm. Remarkably, total decolorization efficiency
t test (significance at P < 0.05). was found to be decreased above 100 ppm concentration.
Decrement in decolorization efficiency at higher concen-
Results and discussion tration due to factors like toxicity of dyes and inhibition
Fungi offers cheaper and efficient alternative for decol- of nucleic acid biosynthesis which ultimately inhibit cell
orization or degradation of recalcitrant textile dyes. In growth (Chen et al. 2008; Radha et al. 2005).
the present study, white rot fungi P. ostreatus, P. sapidus Previous report showed decolorization potential
and P. florida were tested for ligninolytic enzyme activ- of Pleurotus sp. using reference azo dye DB14 up to
ity and its role in dye degradation. Ligninolytic enzyme 400 mg/l (Singh et al. 2013). Above fact represents nature
and dye degradation activity was tested against azo tex- of dyes used and the possible binding sites available for
tile disperse dyes CGY, CNB and CDR in concentrations the uptake of dyes. It is well documented fact that biodeg-
of 50, 100 and 200 (mg/ml). Extracellular ligninolytic radation of azo dyes takes place only upon reduction of
enzyme assays, protein concentration, sugar estimation azo linkage with electrons from co-substrate (Sponza and
and pH measurement were analyzed. Further, HPTLC Işık 2004). In this context, the dye decolorization of CGY,
analysis was carried out for azo dyes and generated prod- CNB and CDR at 50 mg/l concentration is significant.
ucts. All the three Pleurotus species efficiently decolor-
ized all three dyes viz. CGY, CNB, CDR. Decolorization Influence of pH
percentage clearly showed extensive removal of CGY by The effect of initial pH on dye decolorization by fungi
P. ostreatus. However, P. florida showed more than 95 % varied depending on the type of the dye. In the present
of decolorization efficiency of all the three dyes. Deg- study, initial pH of the aqueous solution of the dyes was
radation of dye in the present study can be attributed kept in range of 5–7. Percentage removal of dye increased
by biosorption or bioadsorotion process, biosoprtion with increase in time irrespective of pH. Maximum
is reported to be primarily process in wood rot fungi removal of dye was observed at pH range of 6–6.5. Fur-
(Balan and Monteiro 2001; Fu and Viraraghavan 2002). ther, increase or decrease in pH decreased the decol-
Our results are in support of Balan and Monterio (2001) orization of dye. Optimum pH for the color removal by
findings, indicating indigo dye decolorization by fun- white rot fungi was often at a neutral or slightly alkaline
gal adsorption and extracelluar degradation. Bioadsorp- pH and the rate of color removal tended to decrease rap-
tion in present study has been linked to electrostatic pull idly under strongly acid or strongly alkaline conditions,
between negative charged dyes and positively charged without any relationship to dye structure (Pearce et al.
cell wall components of fungi (Aksu and Tezer 2000). 2003). Previous reports suggest that interaction between
Earlier, published reports on azo dye degradation by P. sorbent and dye molecules is affected by the pH of the
ostreatus are in accordance to our results of biodegrada- dye solution in different ways. Firstly, as dyes are com-
tion of textile azo dyes (Andrade et al. 2013; Kalmış et al. plex aromatic organic compounds with different func-
2007; Yesilada et al. 2003). tional groups and unsaturated bonds, they have different
ionization potentials at different pH, resulting in the pH
Factors influencing dye degradation dependent net charge on dye molecules. Secondly, sur-
Concentration of dye face of the biosorbent consists of biopolymers with many
Among all the three species of Pleurotus taken for the functional groups, so net charge on biosorbent measured
study, P. florida showed maximum dye decolorization of in the form of zeta potential, is also pH dependent (Mau-
all three textile azo dyes tested. P. florida showed maxi- rya et al. 2006). The effect of pH on the sorption of metals
mum decolorization of CGY 98.9 %, whereas, P. ostrea- has been reported in detail elsewhere (Greene et al. 1987;
tus and P. sapidus showed 78.4 and 92 % decolorization Schiewer and Volesky 1995; Schiewer and Wong 2000;
in 20 ppm dye containing flask respectively. P. florida in Veglio and Beolchini 1997). Low pH favor adsorption of
Kunjadia et al. SpringerPlus (2016) 5:1487 Page 4 of 9
Fig. 1 Dye decolorization by P. florida: CGY, CNB and CDR. *P < 0.05 compared to control group of CGY, ¥P < 0.05 compared to control group of CNB,
P < 0.05 compared to control group of CDR
dyes (Aksu and Dönmez 2003) and heavy metals (Sb and flask on 8th day and vey less activity in positive control.
Abraham 2001) by the biomass of fungi and also by other There are several reports suggesting role of laccase in dye
adsorbents such as eucalyptus bark (Morais et al. 1999). degradation, various processes has been developed based
on laccases due to their potential in degrading dyes of
Ligninolytic enzyme profiles diverse chemical structure (Daâssi et al. 2014; Rodríguez
Dye degradation by fungal cultures is often correlated Couto and Toca Herrera 2006). Moreover, the relation-
to ligninolytic enzyme activities (Pointing 2001; Selvam ship between decolorization efficiency and enzyme
et al. 2003). Several studies have been demonstrated the activity of white rot fungi was previously reported (Koy-
ability of fungal biomass and purified enzymes to decol- ani et al. 2013; Niebisch et al. 2014; Ozsoy et al. 2005).
orize dye (Wesenberg et al. 2003). In the present study, Efficient decolorization of dye focused on various fac-
enzyme profile for Laccase, Manganese dependent perox- tors such as optimization of major medium ingredients,
idase and lignin peroxidase was monitored up to 10 days observation of fungal growth, increase in enzyme activity
in presence of 20, 50, 100 and 200 mg/l of all three dyes. and investigation of decolorization rate (Kaur et al. 2015;
Highest laccase specific activity was found 1.58 U/ Niebisch et al. 2014).
mg in CGY, 1.35 U/mg CNB and 1.43 U/mg in CDR in Highest MnP activity found in P. ostreatus was 0.88 U/
20 ppm on 8th day with P. ostreatus (Fig. 2). Maximum mg in 20 ppm CGY containing flask on 6th day, 0.78 U/
laccase activity was found in P. sapidus was 0.78U/mg in mg in 20 ppm, CNB containing flask on 8th day and
100 ppm CGY containing flask on 6th day, 0.42U/mg in 0.85 U/mg in 20 ppm, CDR containing flask on 8th day
20 ppm CNB containing flask on 8th day and 0.5 U/mg (Fig. 4). In P. sapidus maximum MnP was 0.58 U/mg in
in 20 ppm, CDR containing flask on 8th day respectively 20 ppm, CGY containing flask on 4th day, 0.32 U/mg in
(Fig. 3). Highest laccase specific activity found in P. flo- 20 ppm, CNB containing flask on 4th day, and 0.54 U/mg
dida was 1.68 U/mg in 20 ppm CGY containing flask on in 20 ppm CDR containing flask on 4th day and vey less
6th day, 1.92 U/mg in 50 ppm CNB containing flask on activity in positive control and all other concentrations
10th day and 0.96 U/mg in 20 ppm CDR dye containing containing flasks shows maximum MnP enzyme activity
Kunjadia et al. SpringerPlus (2016) 5:1487 Page 5 of 9
Fig. 2 Laccase specific activity by P. ostreatus: CGY, CNB and CDR. *P < 0.05 compared to control group of CGY, ¥P < 0.05 compared to control group
of CNB, €P < 0.05 compared to control group of CDR
Fig. 3 Laccase specific activity by P. sapidus: CGY, CNB and CDR. *P < 0.05 compared to control group of CGY, ¥P < 0.05 compared to control group
of CNB, €P < 0.05 compared to control group of CDR
Kunjadia et al. SpringerPlus (2016) 5:1487 Page 6 of 9
Fig. 4 MnP specific activity by P. ostreatus, P. sapidus and P. sapidus: CGY, CNB and CDR. *P < 0.05 compared to control group of CGY, ¥P < 0.05 com-
pared to control group of CNB, €P < 0.05 compared to control group of CDR for each respective fungal species
in between 0.1 and 0.2 U/mg (Fig. 4). Highest MnP activ- as osmiophilic granules within the fungal sheath (Sayadi
ity found in P. florida was 0.389 U/mg in 20 ppm CGY and Ellouz 1995).
containing flask on 8th day, 0.234 U/mg in 50 ppm CNB
containing flask on 10th day and 0.256 U/mg in 20 ppm Protein and sugar estimation
CDR containing flask on 10th day and very less activity Maximum protein concentration was found in all the
in positive control (Fig. 4). We have detected MnP and dyes treated with P. ostreatus i.e. 3.5, 3.92, 3.63, respec-
laccase activity in cultures during dye decolorization with tively in CGY, CNB and CDR after 8 days of inoculation
significant higher levels of laccase compare to MnP sug- compared to P. florida and P. sapidus, where very negli-
gesting the important role of Laccase in dye degradation gible amount of protein was detected i.e. 0.39 mg/ml in
process. However, no LiP activity was found in any of the case of CNB and 0.35 mg/ml in CGY for later. Results
cultures. Whilst it is clear that enzymes such as MnP, indicated that protein concentration reached maximum
LiP and laccase play a significant role in dye metabolism at day 8 which supports the maximum enzyme activity
by white-rot fungi, most interest appears to be the dif- for P. ostreatus, whereas in case of P. florida and P. sapi-
ferent enzymatic pattern depending on the ligninolytic dus concentration of protein is fluctuating. Degradation
strains used (Koyani et al. 2013; Pajot et al. 2011; Singh products and/or protein could cause aggregation of dye
et al. 2013). The no/little LiP activity suggested that the molecules, preventing the dye uptake to the fabric, which
high level of MnP is acting in dye decolorization. MnP would cause larger color failure (Abadulla et al. 2000).
enzyme is capable of generating freely diffusible Mn(III) There are many reports showing the role of sugars
which oxidizes the terminal phenolic substrate, polyphe- especially glucose in dye degradation processes (Radha
nolics may undergo degradation-dependent binding to et al. 2005; Swamy and Ramsay 1999). We found in
the fungal mycelium, and such bound enzymes could be our study, P. ostreatus utilized sugar up to 0.4 and 0.30,
more active than extracellular ones like LiP (Sayadi and 0.35 mg/ml whereas P. sapidus and P. florida in 20 ppm
Ellouz 1995). Phenolic degradation fragments could serve dye containing flasks. Present results indicate that onset
as substrates of other enzyme systems or be sequestered of glucose utilization starts with the fungal growth or
Kunjadia et al. SpringerPlus (2016) 5:1487 Page 7 of 9
initial period of establishment of fungus in dye contain- of peaks in Rf region of 0.27 and from 0.07 to 0.27.
ing media. As number of day increases, fungi started Detection of new or eliminated peaks as compared to
utilizing dye entities as sole carbon source for its growth the peaks in control clearly indicated degradation of
and decolorization process, indicated, glucose is not the dye into intermediate products. The analysis of degra-
main active substance in the degradation of azo dyes. dation products depends on type of dyes used and its
Our results supports the earlier findings of Konitou et al. complexity. There are very few findings are available on
(2002) where increase in concentration of glucose accel- the biodegradation products or intermediates of differ-
erates the process of photocatalyic degradation of dyes. ent industrial used azo dyes. However, previous stud-
Schiewer and Wong (Schiewer and Wong 2000) reported ies are performed on reference dyes like degradation
that color removal from textile effluents increases when of indigo dyes by laccases producing isatin (indole-2,3
glucose is used as co-substrate. It has been proved that dione) which was further degraded to anthranilic
removal of 90 and 97 % of Orange G dye using glucose as acid (2-aminobenzoic acid) detected by HPLC analy-
co-substrate by P. sordida and Tyromyces lauteus, respec- sis (Balan and Monteiro 2001; Ventura-Camargo and
tively (Chen et al. 2008). Marin-Morales 2013). In this scenario, futures experi-
ments have been planned to analyze degraded prod-
Analysis of degradation products ucts, which will clear the picture of types of product,
Decolorized dye samples were analyzed from 20 ppm evolve after degradation.
dye containing flask after 10 days, where complete dye
decolorization was observed. As shown in Fig. 5 CNB Conclusion
exhibited clear difference in Rf values between decol- P. ostreatus is the best fungal species out of all three stud-
orized product and control dye in region of 0.07–0.27. ied organism for degradation of azo dyes and linginolytic
P. sapidus showed complete elimination of peak from activity. P. ostreatus also exhibits potent medicinal value
Rf 0.08–0.27 compare to CGY control dye. P. ostreatus (Kunjadia et al. 2014), which will help us to design future
showed absence of peak in Rf range of 0.70–0.80 for the technologies for production of P. ostreatus and lignino-
same dye. The third azo dye CDR, chromatograms of lytic enzymes on hazardous dyes for welfare of human
P. florida and P. sapidus treatment exhibited absence kind and biodiversity.
Abbreviations Gueu S, Yao B, Adouby K et al (2007) Kinetics and thermodynamics study of
ANOVA: Analysis of Variance; CDR: Coralene Dark Red; CGY: Coralene Golden lead adsorption on to activated carbons from coconut and seed hull of
Yellow; CNB: Coralene Navy Blue; HPTLC: High performance thin layer chro- the palm tree. Int J Environ Sci Technol 4:11–17
matography; LiP: Lignin peroxidase; MnP: Managanese peroxidase; RT: Room Kalmış E, Azbar N, Kalyoncu F (2007) Agar plate screening for textile dyes
temperature; YDA: Yeast dextrose agar. decolorisation by white rot fungi plerotus species (Pleurotus cornucopiae
var citrinopuleatus, P. djamor, P. eryngii, P. ostreatus and P. sajor caju). Frese-
Authors’ contributions nius Environ Bull 16:1309–1314
PDK: Execution and planning of experiments; GVS: Data analysis and interpre- Kaur B, Kumar B, Garg N et al (2015) Statistical optimization of conditions for
tation; APK: Statistical Analysis; PNM: Planning of experiments; GSD: Prepara- decolorization of synthetic dyes by Cordyceps militaris MTCC 3936 using
tion of manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. RSM. BioMed Res Int 2015:536745
Koyani RD, Sanghvi GV, Sharma RK et al (2013) Contribution of lignin degrad-
Author details ing enzymes in decolourisation and degradation of reactive textile dyes.
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, The. M. S. University Int Biodeterior Biodegradation 77:1–9
of Baroda, Vadodara 390001, Gujarat, India. 2 Max Planck Institute of Develop- Kunitou K, Maeda S, Hongyou S et al (2002) Effect of glucose on photocatalytic
mental Biology, Tubingen, Germany. 3 Ashok & Rita Patel Institute of Integrated decolorization of dyes by TiO2. Can J Chem Eng 80:208–213
Study and Research in Biotechnology and Allied Sciences, New Vallabh Vidyan- Kunjadia PD, Patel FD, Nagee A et al (2012) Crystal violet (triphenylmethane
gar 388021, India. 4 Department of Biotechnology, GeneOmbio Technologies, dye) decolorization potential of Pleurotus ostreatus (MTCC 142). BioRe-
Krishna Chambers, Pune, India. 5 Department of Biochemistry, Saurashtra sources 7:1189–1199
University, Rajkot 360005, India. Kunjadia PD, Nagee A, Pandya PY et al (2014) Medicinal and antimicrobial role
of the oyster culinary-medicinal mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (higher
Competing interests basidiomycetes) cultivated on banana agrowastes in india. Int J Med
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