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Teacher'S Vocation and Students' Attitudes Towards A Choice of Teacher'S Vocation

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Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume I, May 27th - 28th, 2016. 265-274



Sandra Zariņa
Daugavpils University, Latvia
Elga Drelinga
Daugavpils University, Latvia
Dzintra Iliško
Daugavpils University, Latvia
Elfrīda Krastiņa
Daugavpils University, Latvia

Abstract. Research published by Eurydice in 2015 „Teaching Profession in Europe:

Practices, Perceptions, and Policies” indicates to the significance of teaching vocation in a
sustainability-oriented learning environment, but at the same time there is an indication of a
low prestige of teaching vocation in Latvia. The situation in Latvia reveals a significant
problem teacher trainers need to deal with. There are very high standards set for teachers’
profession, on the other side, the politics of the country is oriented towards a motivation of
young specialists to choose teacher’s vocation. In order to train competent teachers this is
essential to explore a motivation of learners to acquire teaching profession and to make a
decision to work at school and in the kindergarten. The aim of this study is to explore reasons
why youth in Latvia choose to study in the educational programs and to explore changes in
students’ attitudes during their learning process in teacher training institutions.
Keywords: attitudes, professional choice, teacher training institutions, teacher’s vocation.


Teacher plays a significant role in fostering each individual’s development,

because teacher helps one to acquire necessary skills and attitudes for leading a
responsible life. The research carried out by the Omnicom Media Group
„Teaching – future profession” (2014) reveals that out of the pool of 505 parents
who participated in the investigation, 99 % of parents want a good teacher for
their children. What does this mean to be a good teacher in the 21st century? On
the bases of teacher’s professional competence lies three components:
knowledge about the development of a personality, organization of an
educational process, cooperation skills, ability to study, to motivate, to
cooperate, to solve problems, to control and to evaluate, to develop one’s
attitude towards one’s profession, children, values and problems (Andersone,

© Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija, 2016

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17770/sie2016vol1.1498
Sandra Zariņa, Elga Drelinga, Dzintra Iliško, Elfrīda Krastiņa. Teacher’s Vocation and Students’
Attitudes Towards a Choice of Teacher’s Vocation

2010). Teacher needs to undertake a responsibility to prepare pupils for life so

that they become critical thinkers who respect the otherness, who are flexible
and with an active citizen’s position (Eurydice, 2015). This means that teachers’
profession is complex and very demanding. At the same time a prestige of
teachers’ profession is quite low in the society and as well as a societal interest
about teachers’ profession is also quite low.
In Latvia, only one percent of interviewed parents wishes to see their
children as teachers (Eurydice, 2015). There is a societal attitude that teachers
are overloaded, low- paid, they work in an insecure environment and in the
conditions of high stress (EK, 2015).
To train competent teachers, teacher training institutions need to be aware
about a motivation of learners to acquire teachers’ profession and to work in
school and in the kindergarten. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore
reasons why youth in Latvia choose to study in the educational programs and to
explore changes in students’ attitudes towards teacher’s vocation during their

Teaching profession in the 21st century: Challenges and possibilities

Data gained in the international research (MacBeath, 2012) point to

increasing tendencies of aging and a lack of teachers. In Latvia, approximately
one third of teachers are older than 56 (LU, 2015). In The reason why young
people in Latvia do not choose to relate their career to teachers’ vocation is
found because of high requirements placed for teachers by a contemporary
society; on the other side, it can be explained by a very demanding working
conditions and a low teacher’s prestige.
21st century places the task for the teacher and the school to help the
learner to acquire such skills that are necessary for life in a competitive job
market and in a knowledge-based society (Eurydice, 2012). The century
challenges a teacher to undertake a responsibility about designing an open and
flexible learning process in a value-based learning environment (Liakopoulou,
2011). The answer to the question what qualities and competencies the teacher
needs to acquire in order to solve all the tasks is reflected in the research
(Eurydice, 2015; Educational Center of Initiatives, 2013; EU, 2013) and
scientific literature (Parkay, 2006; Andersone, 2010; Liakopoulou, 2011;
Baumert & Kunter 2013), that puts an emphasis on the content of a professional
competency. There are diverse interpretations of a professional competency in
the scientific publications.
Teacher needs to know one’s subject, methods of teaching and pupils’
physical, social, and emotional peculiarities, didactic and classroom

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume I, May 27th - 28th, 2016. 265-274

management principles, as well as local and global contexts of teaching

(Andersone, 2009; Liakopoulou, 2011).
The research carried out by the DnB NORD in 2013 indicates to the most
urgent problems to be solved which teachers have mentioned as a lack of
discipline, low technical equipment, violence, huge number of students in the
classroom, and a lack of technologies (DNB NORD Latvia’s Barometer, 2013).
Security of teachers in Latvia and a satisfaction with work does not foster a
lack of Regulations of evaluation of teachers’ professional work (LR MK,
2014). The system is not efficient. Discussions started in 2016 about the system
of evaluation of teachers’ professional qualification, as well as about the
inability to come to the agreement about teachers’ duties and obligations, as well
as skills, knowledge and competencies needed to fulfill those obligations. There
is lack of a system of requirements and aims. This is one of the reasons why
there are less teachers (61 %) in Latvia than in other OECD countries (77 %)
who agree with the statement that there are more advantages than disadvantages
in choosing to work in teaching (Eurydice, 2015).
The research carried out in Latvia about the prestige of a teaching vocation
as evaluated by the diverse groups of people (VIKNVA, 2007) reveals that
teacher’s prestige may decrease since majority of graduates of pedagogical
programs do not choose to work at school, and that after the first years at school
they leave the school. In such a situation high responsibility lies on policy
makers and executors of educational programs in teacher training institutions.
They need to undertake a responsibility of developing necessary competencies
for teachers so that teachers develop a positive attitude towards a chosen
profession, as well as a motivation to work in the educational establishment.
Besides, in the content of the educational programs in higher education
institution, essential attention needs to be paid to the development of a
motivation of teachers. In order to work at a meta content level, this is essential
to understand why students choose to study in the educational programs and to
explore their attitude towards teaching profession during the study process. This
is particularly important that there is a demand to re-organize teacher training
programs by a careful selection of teachers, by creating a practice-based learning
programs in the pedagogical high schools and by ensuring a professional support
in schools.

Research methodology and research participants

For the purpose of this study the authors chose 1) a written questionnaire
where the students evaluated eleven factors for a choice of teacher’s profession,
such as willingness to obtain a degree, willingness to work with children, the
influence of a close friend as a motivating factor, family traditions, a prestige of

Sandra Zariņa, Elga Drelinga, Dzintra Iliško, Elfrīda Krastiņa. Teacher’s Vocation and Students’
Attitudes Towards a Choice of Teacher’s Vocation

a profession, personal characteristics, achievements, a possibility to obtain a

well-paid job, and the interest in a new knowledge according the Lickert’s
scale (5 – significant influence, 1- no influence). 2) An open-ended questions
characterized students’ attitude towards teaching profession at the beginning of
their studies and reflected changes in the attitude during their studies.
Students evaluated their attitude towards teaching vocation at the beginning
of their studies and the change of an attitude during studies, as well as they were
asked to evaluate their further perspectives in relation of teacher’s vocation.
Criteria chosen for a questionnaire are based on the results gained in the
research carried out in 2010 (“The motives of a choice of teaching profession”
(Černova, 2010).
The questionnaire was piloted in 2016 with the involvement of sixteen
participants. It was concluded that significant changes in the design of a
questionnaire are not needed therefore, this particular questionnaire was chosen
for the purpose of this study.
The article presents the analyses of data gained in 2015 about the reasons
of a professional choice and the attitude towards teaching of students employed
in teacher training institution in 2015 and their attitude towards teaching as a
case study (Geske & Grīnfelds, 2006). The study took place at Daugavpils
University, Bachelor program “The Teacher.” The total number of research
participants were one hundred fifteen research participants from Daugavpils
University who have participated in the research from a full time program “The
Teacher” preschool (Grades 1-3) and basic school students (Grades 1-6) as well
social science students. The total number of research participants who took part
in this study were 115, that is 2/3 of all students. The participants represented
different age groups, educational level and experience, therefore data gained in
the questionnaire fully represented reasons of a professional choice and
students’ attitude towards teaching profession.
The research respondents represented different age groups, educational
level as well as a work experience. Since Daugavpils University is one of the six
higher educational institutions in Latgale’s region where the teachers are being
trained, this allows us to conclude that the data gained in this study reveal the
motives of a choice of teaching vocation as well as the main tendencies of
students’ attitude towards teaching profession.

Research findings

As this is found out in the research, the most significant influence on

student’s choice of studies is made in favor of teaching vocation, that is, a
willingness to get a higher education (85 % of students), a possibility to study in
a budget placement (77 %), achievements of a personal character, to enrich

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume I, May 27th - 28th, 2016. 265-274

one’s professional qualification (63 % of students). The evaluation of research

results indicates that according to the indicators suggested by Bastik (Bastick,
1999), allows the authors to conclude that the students begin their studies in
teacher training programs on the bases of intrinsic motivation. Among the
external and altruistic motives of a teaching profession, among the most
significant factors the students have mentioned such factors as one’s ability to
study in a budget placement (external factor) and one’s willingness to work with
youth. Internal motivation of students to obtain teaching profession justifies the
fact that 78 % of all the respondents have joined teacher training programs
knowingly, and only 6 % of all the respondents acknowledged that the choice of
teaching profession has been a coincidence. This means that the most of students
are the ones who are highly motivated to study in teacher training programs. The
data gained in the international research indicate that during studies students’
opinion changes.
Table 1 Factors determining the choice of one’s profession.

Factors determining the choice of one’s Significant Partial No

profession inflluence significance influences
(N) (N) (N)
Willingness to obtain higher education 78 8 5
Wilingness to work with children 78 11 2
Influence of close friends 17 41 33
Family traditions 12 10 69
Prestugue of a profession in the society 22 25 44
Personal features, achievements 58 18 15
Coinsidence 5 14 72
A possibility to get tuition for studies 70 10 11
Willngness to raise one’s professioanal 57 19 15
Possibility to obtain well paid job 46 22 23
Demand of a profession in a job market 41 25 25

The international OECD environmental research “TALIS 2013” indicates

that 36 % of teachers from Latvia consider a possibility to choose the other
profession (Geske & Ozola, 2015). Only 13 % of all the respondents of the
educational programs continue a work in the field chosen by their parents and
grandparents. Only 13 % of all the students responded that family traditions
have influenced considerably a choice of their profession. Only 36 % of all the
students claim that their choice is not influenced by friends and teachers
(Geske & Ozola, 2015). Most of the teachers have come across with the positive
and successful teacher whose example has inspired one to choose teaching

Sandra Zariņa, Elga Drelinga, Dzintra Iliško, Elfrīda Krastiņa. Teacher’s Vocation and Students’
Attitudes Towards a Choice of Teacher’s Vocation

The rating of teacher’s salary has been placed among the low paid
professions in the survey carried out in 2015. It has been discussed about a
reduced number of teaching placements in the educational programs in media.
Still, many students choose teaching profession because they evaluate it as well-
paid and easily accessible. Majority of the respondents originate from Latgale’s
region where unemployment is very high – 17,8 % (Employment agency, 2015).
In small village teachers’ profession is one of the most well-paid professions.
The majority of respondents (31 %) are already employed in teaching during
their studies but 24 % of respondents already have had their teaching
The second questionnaire offered for the students required them to describe
their understanding about teacher on the first year of their studies. The data
obtained as a result of a content analyses allows one to conclude that at the
beginning of their studies the students associate their profession with: 1) the
responsibilities, necessary knowledge and skills, 2) the prestige of teacher’s
profession, and 3) features necessary for work.

Responsibilities, knowledge and skills necessary for teaching

The analyses of data gained in the questionnaire reflects that at the

beginning of a study process students associate teaching profession with “a huge
responsibility” towards the future of each and every child. Therefore, they
consider teaching as a complicated activity. The teacher needs to learn
“psychology and a development of children,” “upbringing of children” and other
important issues. “We all were learners, but how to teach nobody has taught us”
since the students have gained the first perception of a teaching profession, and
they know that teaching is a complicated activity and that they need to motivate
pupils for learning. Teacher prepares for classes, prepares teaching material,
organizes out-of-school activities, and tries “to cooperate with teachers and
parents.” Other students wrote that their understanding about teacher’s
profession was different. They thought that teaching is a very easy activity since
“the teacher only plays with children” and that “teaching does not require
patience and lots of efforts” and that “everybody can become a good teacher.”
They associate a teacher with a person who does not need to know much, that
“teaching is rather easy,” and it is not the same as “learning math.” Students had
different views on teaching at the beginning of their studies.

The status of teaching in the society

Some of the students hold an opinion that a chosen profession is very

demanding in a job market “there are less and less teachers who choose to work

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume I, May 27th - 28th, 2016. 265-274

at school and there always will a need for people who can teach others,” one of
the students wrote. They wrote about teaching as highly appreciated profession
in the society. Some of the students wrote that this is a well-paid job, teachers
have many holidays and that their vocations are longer than for other
professions. Some of them hold a different view. They were aware that teaching
is not a prestigious job in the society, and that the government is not interested
to place teaching among well-paid professions. Even more, some students wrote
that their family “will not support this choice” and that “teaching is placed
among stressful professions.” The results of a questionnaire point to a low
quality of teaching, since “many teachers work the same way every day.”
First year students’ opinion about the prestige of teaching profession in the
society has not changed a lot. From one side there is a view that “teachers’ job is
more interesting than I think,” but from the other side there is a clear
understanding that “teachers’ job is very demanding.” A teacher has “lots of
work both at home and at work.” “Teaching work occupies huge amount of
time,” and “less time is devoted for their family.” The students have no illusions
about the prestige of teacher’s job in the society, about working conditions,
payment, and knowledge that they are ready for that, because it is “a job that
comes from a heart and a payment does not play a significant role.”

Teachers’ characteristics and attitude towards work

As described by the students, a teacher needs to be “active, diligent, always

in a good mood”, and “always together with children.” The question naire
highlighted altruism as a significant factor in teaching. Young people who
decided to become teachers think that they chose to become teachers since this
is “a nice profession.”Teachers “put a foundation for a development of a child”,
“they help one to find one’s place in the society,” they are ready “to become a
trustful person for a child,” “they find a way to each person’s heart.” This is a
profession that brings a satisfaction to a teacher, and “provides a wide spectrum
of emotions.” At the same time teachers are aware that they chose a profession
where “they need to invest a lot.” They need to study a lot, because teacher
“needs to be an ideal.”
On a question about one’s future perspectives, 67 students (74 % out of a
pool of all the respondents) indicate that they have an intention to work in the
educational institution. The analyses of students’ comments allow to conclude
that work as a teacher is determined by teachers’ love towards children and their
willingness to work with children – to help children “to learn about the
surrounding world.” One’s vocation to work in the educational institution they
describe as “a dream,” “a vocation,” and “a conscious decision.” They know
how “to find a dialogue with children and teachers” – how to conduct events,

Sandra Zariņa, Elga Drelinga, Dzintra Iliško, Elfrīda Krastiņa. Teacher’s Vocation and Students’
Attitudes Towards a Choice of Teacher’s Vocation

they know how to “find a dialogue with children, how to motivate children.”
Teachers’ job is relevant for many students because they like to “enrich one’s
knowledge,” “to accept new challenges,” as for example, “to organize
competency-oriented learning process.” At the same time the students are not
completely sure that they want to relate their career with teaching. Some of them
made such remarks: “My opinion changes every day because I am not stable in
my profession,” “If I am not successful with teaching I will choose studies in the
other field of work.”
Many of them think that “a person “needs to do things which he/she is
trained for” therefore he or she wants to try oneself in teaching.” At the same
time, they do not want to invest too much resources – “as long as one’s nerves
are strong, I will work,” “I want to try myself in teaching but I am not sure if I
can invest so much energy in this job.” Some of the students wrote that they
would refuse to work in teaching if they are offered better options. “I will not be
the one who spends a lifetime in one’s job placement” or “I will not be the one
who can work as a teacher a whole lifetime”.
26 % of all the interviewed students are less confident that they will choose
teaching as their life profession. The evaluation of one’s opportunities to work
in the educational institution after completing their studies they evaluated as a
possible option. They wrote that this is a complicated vocation and requires a
huge responsibility. They are not confident about their “their ability to gain
authority among children,” and they expressed their doubts that they will be able
“to carry out their duties in a qualitative way” or if “they will be willing to
invest their time in this vocation at all.” Despite of a choice of teaching in a very
purposeful way, this is clear that not all the students want to relate their life with


The focus of the 21st century has been placed on teachers’ values and the
attitude towards children and one’s profession. Such factors as work
environment, salary, the attitude from the society and others reveal that there is a
lack of long-term strategy in education in Latvia. Still, teaching is very attractive
for youth. This is essential to emphasize that majority of teachers come to a
higher educational institution motivated and they are conscious about difficulties
of teaching vocation. They obtain a confidence that the requirement for teacher’s
vocation brings along huge teacher’s responsibility to ensure a quality of
The state politics oriented towards the critique of teaching vocation in mass
media is a bases for developing a negative societal attitude towards teaching

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume I, May 27th - 28th, 2016. 265-274

profession and educational system in general. In these conditions the students

are aware that their teaching profession has a low status in the society.
Teachers find this difficult to combine work with family duties, they lack a
materially technical bases, they undergo a huge psychological burden, they lack
a methodological support (LIZDA, 2013). At the same time, they indicate that
teaching vocation is stable, required in a job market and creative. Teaching is a
mission that gives a satisfaction and emotional fulfillment.
The data gained in this research allows to conclude why the graduates of
pedagogical programs do not choose a job in the educational institutions or leave
it shortly after they begin to work. They become aware that work in this
profession requires significant spiritual, material and physical resources,
therefore they are not ready to combine their life with a work at school and
preschool educational establishment. To change the current situation, the
Ministry of Education and Science as one of the criteria of financing programs
has put forwards a more detailed process of a selection of students (University
of Latvia, 2015).


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