Questionnaire ANmol

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Impact of Advertisement on Youth

I Anmol Gupta of ___________________Semester ___________ is undertaking my summer

award of B.B.A degree from Govt. S.P.M.R College affiliated with University of Jammu.

In view of this, I am conducting a survey towards Impact of Advertisement on Youth.

The contents of this questionnaire are only for the academic purposes and information
provided by you will be kept confidential.


1. Name: ________________
2. Gender
3. Age Group
a) Below 19 years b) 19-22 years c) 23-26 years d) 27-30

Impact of Branding Statement Strongly Disagree Can’t Agree Strongly

. Disagree Say Agree
1. Branding limits the
market research in
terms of finding the
trusted quality.
2. Branding, involving the
role played by
celebrities, has more
3. The Brand acts as a
source of trust &
4. Broadcast advertising
(TV, Radio) of branded
products can easily
induce audience to buy
certain products.
5. Brand easily creates
loyal customer base
6. The purpose of
branding is being
superior and raising
standard of living.
7. Social Media sites used
for the purpose of
Branding have a
memorable impact on
the mind of the
8. Online existence of
companies in the form
of websites or social
media helps in trusting
the brand.
9. Advertisements issued
by brands focusing on
target audience,
distinguished or sorted
with the help of social
media helps audience
to understand which
product or service can
ease their routine.
10. Millennials follow
trends started by

Consumer Buying Behavior after the impact of branding Statement Strongly Disagree Can’t Agree Strongly

. Disagree Say Agree
1. Purchased product on
the basis of brand and
not considered any
other product with less
cost and same
2. Brand can be identified
3. Brand induce change in
the attitude of buyer
towards the product
4. Cost is not a
considerable factor
when brand & its trust
is involved.

Significance of what is focused in the Brand Statement Strongly Disagree Can’t Agree Strongly

. Disagree Say Agree
1. Product quality offered
is of utmost importance
2. Features of the product
with respect to the ease
of doing things.
3. Price in relation with
the quality, quantity or
features of a specific
4. Brand is a dominating
5. Cost of maintenance
(in case of respective
products) with respect
to its future use.
6. Comparison with what
competitors of the
other brand with
similar market offer.

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