ACS350 Parameter List

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Parameters – short form list

Parameters – short form list
Index Name/Selection Description Def Custom
10 START/STOP/DIR The sources for external start, stop and direction control
1001 EXT1 COMMANDS Defines the connections and the source for the start, stop and DI1,2
direction commands for external control location 1 (EXT1).
1002 EXT2 COMMANDS Defines the connections and the source for the start, stop and NOT SEL
direction commands for external control location 2 (EXT2).
1003 DIRECTION Enables the control of rotation direction of the motor, or fixes the REQUEST
1010 JOGGING SEL Defines the signal that activates the jogging function. NOT SEL
11 REFERENCE SELECT Panel reference type, external control location selection and
external reference sources and limits
1101 KEYPAD REF SEL Selects the type of the reference in local control mode. REF1
1102 EXT1/EXT2 SEL Defines the source from which the drive reads the signal that EXT1
selects between the two external control locations, EXT1 or
1103 REF1 SELECT Selects the signal source for external reference REF1. AI1
1104 REF1 MIN Defines the minimum value for external reference REF1. 0
1105 REF1 MAX Defines the maximum value for external reference REF1. Eur: 50 / US: 60
1106 REF2 SELECT Selects the signal source for external reference REF2. AI2
1107 REF2 MIN Defines the minimum value for external reference REF2. 0
1108 REF2 MAX Defines the maximum value for external reference REF2. 100
12 CONSTANT SPEEDS Constant speed selection and values.
1201 CONST SPEED SEL Activates the constant speeds or selects the activation signal. DI3,4
1202 CONST SPEED 1 Defines constant speed (or drive output frequency) 1. Eur: 5 / US: 6
1203 CONST SPEED 2 Defines constant speed (or drive output frequency) 2. Eur: 10 / US: 12
1204 CONST SPEED 3 Defines constant speed (or drive output frequency) 3. Eur: 15 / US: 18
1205 CONST SPEED 4 Defines constant speed (or drive output frequency) 4. Eur: 20 / US: 24
1206 CONST SPEED 5 Defines constant speed (or drive output frequency) 5. Eur: 25 / US: 30
1207 CONST SPEED 6 Defines constant speed (or drive output frequency) 6. Eur: 40 / US: 48
1208 CONST SPEED 7 Defines constant speed (or drive output frequency) 7. Eur: 50 / US: 60
1209 TIMED MODE SEL Selects timed function activated speed into use when parameter CS1/2/3/4
1201 CONST SPEED SEL selection is TIMED FUN1&2.
13 ANALOGUE INPUTS Analog input signal processing
1301 MINIMUM AI1 Defines the minimum %-value that corresponds to minimum mA/ 0,01
(V) signal for analog input AI1.
1302 MAXIMUM AI1 Defines the maximum %-value that corresponds to maximum 100
mA/(V) signal for analog input AI1.
1303 FILTER AI1 Defines the filter time constant for analog input AI1, i.e the time 0.1
within 63% of a step change is reached.
1304 MINIMUM AI2 Defines the minimum %-value that corresponds to minimum mA/ 0,01
(V) signal for analog input AI2.
1305 MAXIMUM AI2 Defines the maximum %-value that corresponds to maximum 100
mA/(V) signal for analog input AI2.
1306 FILTER AI2 Defines the filter time constant for analog input AI2. 0.1
14 RELAY OUTPUTS Status information indicated through relay output, and relay
operating delays
1401 RELAY OUTPUT 1 Selects a drive status indicated through relay output RO. FAULT(-1)
1404 RO 1 ON DELAY Defines the operation delay for relay output RO. 0
1405 RO 1 OFF DELAY Defines the release delay for relay output RO. 0
15 ANALOGUE OUTPUTS Selection of the actual signals to be indicated through analog
output and output signal processing
1501 AO1 CONTENT SEL Connects a drive signal to analog output AO. 103

Actual signals and parameters


Parameters – short form list

Index Name/Selection Description Def Custom
1502 AO1 CONTENT MIN Defines the minimum value for signal selected with parameter -
1503 AO1 CONTENT MAX Defines the maximum value for signal selected with parameter -
1504 MINIMUM AO1 Defines the minimum value for the analog output signal AO. 0
1505 MAXIMUM AO1 Defines the maximum value for the analog output signal AO. 20
1506 FILTER AO1 Defines the filter time constant for analog output AO, i.e the time 0.1
within 63% of a step change is reached.
16 SYSTEM CONTROLS Run Enable, parameter lock etc.
1601 RUN ENABLE Selects a source for the external Run Enable signal. NOT SEL
1602 PARAMETER LOCK Selects the state of the parameter lock. OPEN
1603 PASS CODE Selects the pass code for the parameter lock. 0
1604 FAULT RESET SEL Selects the source for the fault reset signal. KEYPAD
1605 USER PAR SET CHG Enables the change of the User Parameter Set through a digital NOT SEL
1606 LOCAL LOCK Disables entering local control mode or selects the source for the NOT SEL
local control mode lock signal.
1607 PARAM SAVE Saves the valid parameter values to the permanent memory. DONE
1608 START ENABLE 1 Selects the source for the Start Enable 1 signal. NOT SEL
1609 START ENABLE 2 Selects the source for the Start Enable 2 signal. NOT SEL
1610 DISPLAY ALARMS Activates/deactivates alarms. NO
1611 PARAMETER VIEW Selects the parameter view, i.e which parameters are shown. DEFAULT
18 FREQ IN & TRAN OUT Frequency input and transistor output signal processing.
1801 FREQ INPUT MIN Defines the minimum input value when DI5 is used as a 0
frequency input.
1802 FREQ INPUT MAX Defines the maximum input value when DI5 is used as a 1000
frequency input.
1803 FILTER FREQ IN Defines the filter time constant for frequency input. 0.1
1804 TO MODE Selects the operation mode for the transistor output TO. DIGITAL
1805 DO SIGNAL Selects a drive status indicated through digital output DO. FAULT(-1)
1806 DO ON DELAY Defines the operation delay for digital output DO. 0
1807 DO OFF DELAY Defines the release delay for digital output DO. 0
1808 FO CONTENT SEL Selects a drive signal to be connected to frequency output FO. 104
1809 FO CONTENT MIN Defines the minimum frequency output FO signal value. -
1810 FO CONTENT MAX Defines the maximum frequency output FO signal value. -
1811 MINIMUM FO Defines the minimum value for frequency output FO. 10
1812 MAXIMUM FO Defines the maximum value for frequency output FO. 1000
1813 FILTER FO Defines the filter time constant for frequency output FO. 0.1
19 TIMER & COUNTER Timer and counter for start and stop control
1901 TIMER DELAY Defines the time delay for the timer. 10
1902 TIMER START Selects the source for the timer start signal. NOT SEL
1903 TIMER RESET Selects the source for the timer reset signal. NOT SEL
1904 COUNTER ENABLE Selects the source for the counter enable signal. DISABLED
1905 COUNTER LIMIT Defines the counter limit. 1000
1906 COUNTER INPUT Selects the input signal source for the counter. PLS IN(DI5)
1907 COUNTER RESET Selects the source for the counter reset signal. NOT SEL
1908 COUNTER RES VAL Defines the value for the counter after reset. 0
1909 COUNT DIVIDER Defines the divider for the pulse counter. 0
1910 COUNT DIRECTION Defines the source for the counter direction selection. UP
1911 CNTR S/S COMMAND Selects the source for the drive start/stop command when NOT SEL
parameter 1001 EXT1 COMMANDS value is set to COUNTER

Actual signals and parameters


Parameters – short form list

Index Name/Selection Description Def Custom
20 LIMITS Drive operation limits.
2001 MINIMUM SPEED Defines the allowed minimum speed. 0
2002 MAXIMUM SPEED Defines the allowed maximum speed. Eur: 1500 / US:
2003 MAX CURRENT Defines the allowed maximum motor current. 1.8 ² I2N
2005 OVERVOLT CTRL Activates or deactivates the overvoltage control of the ENABLE
intermediate DC link.
2006 UNDERVOLT CTRL Activates or deactivates the undervoltage control of the ENABLE(TIME)
intermediate DC link.
2007 MINIMUM FREQ Defines the minimum limit for the drive output frequency. 0
2008 MAXIMUM FREQ Defines the maximum limit for the drive output frequency. Eur: 50 / US: 60
2013 MIN TORQUE SEL Selects the minimum torque limit for the drive. MIN TORQUE 1
2014 MAX TORQUE SEL Selects the maximum torque limit for the drive. MAX TORQUE 1
2015 MIN TORQUE 1 Defines minimum torque limit 1 for the drive. -300
2016 MIN TORQUE 2 Defines minimum torque limit 2 for the drive. -300
2017 MAX TORQUE 1 Defines maximum torque limit 1 for the drive. 300
2018 MAX TORQUE 2 Defines maximum torque limit 2 for the drive. 300
2019 BRAKE CHOPPER Phased out parameter in sw version 2.51b and later.
2020 BRAKE CHOPPER Selects the brake chopper control. INBUILT
21 START/STOP Start and stop modes of the motor
2101 START FUNCTION Selects the motor starting method. AUTO
2102 STOP FUNCTION Selects the motor stop function. COAST
2103 DC MAGN TIME Defines the pre-magnetising time. 0.3
2104 DC HOLD CTL Activates the DC Hold or DC braking function. NOT SEL
2105 DC HOLD SPEED Defines the DC hold speed. 5
2106 DC CURR REF Defines the DC hold current. 30
2107 DC BRAKE TIME Defines the DC brake time. 0
2108 START INHIBIT Enables the start inhibit function. OFF
2109 EMER STOP SEL Selects the source for the external emergency stop command. NOT SEL
2110 TORQ BOOST CURR Defines the maximum supplied current during torque boost. 100
2111 STOP SIGNAL DLY Defines the stop signal delay time when parameter 2102 STOP 0
2112 ZERO SPEED DELAY Defines the delay for the Zero Speed Delay function. 0
22 ACCEL/DECEL Acceleration and deceleration times
2201 ACC/DEC 1/2 SEL Defines the source from which the drive reads the signal that DI5
selects between the two ramp pairs.
2202 ACCELER TIME 1 Defines the acceleration time 1. 5
2203 DECELER TIME 1 Defines the deceleration time 1. 5
2204 RAMP SHAPE 1 Selects the shape of the acceleration/deceleration ramp 1. 0
2205 ACCELER TIME 2 Defines the acceleration time 2. 60
2206 DECELER TIME 2 Defines the deceleration time 2. 60
2207 RAMP SHAPE 2 Selects the shape of the acceleration/deceleration ramp 2. 0
2208 EMER DEC TIME Defines the time within the drive is stopped if an emergency stop 1
is activated.
2209 RAMP INPUT 0 Defines the source for forcing the ramp input to zero. NOT SEL
23 SPEED CONTROL Speed controller variables.
2301 PROP GAIN Defines a relative gain for the speed controller. 10
2302 INTEGRATION TIME Defines an integration time for the speed controller. 39204
2303 DERIVATION TIME Defines the derivation time for the speed controller. 0
2304 ACC COMPENSATION Defines the derivation time for acceleration/(deceleration) 0
2305 AUTOTUNE RUN Start automatic tuning of the speed controller. OFF

Actual signals and parameters


Parameters – short form list

Index Name/Selection Description Def Custom
24 TORQUE CONTROL Torque control variables
2401 TORQ RAMP UP Defines the torque reference ramp up time. 0
2402 TORQ RAMP DOWN Defines the torque reference ramp down time. 0
25 CRITICAL SPEEDS Speed bands within which the drive is not allowed to operate.
2501 CRIT SPEED SEL Activates/deactivates the critical speeds function. OFF
2502 CRIT SPEED 1 LO Defines the minimum limit for critical speed/frequency range 1. 0
2503 CRIT SPEED 1 HI Defines the maximum limit for critical speed/frequency range 1. 0
2504 CRIT SPEED 2 LO See parameter 2502 CRIT SPEED 1 LO. 0
2505 CRIT SPEED 2 HI See parameter 2503 CRIT SPEED 1 HI. 0
2506 CRIT SPEED 3 LO See parameter 2502 CRIT SPEED 1 LO. 0
2507 CRIT SPEED 3 HI See parameter 2503 CRIT SPEED 1 HI. 0
26 MOTOR CONTROL Motor control variables
2601 FLUX OPT ENABLE Activates/deactivates the flux optimisation function. OFF
2602 FLUX BRAKING Activates/deactivates the Flux Braking function. OFF
2603 IR COMP VOLT Defines the output voltage boost at zero speed (IR Varies
2604 IR COMP FREQ Defines the frequency at which the IR compensation is 0 V. 80
2605 U/F RATIO Selects the voltage to frequency (U/f) ratio below the field LINEAR
weakening point.
2606 SWITCHING FREQ Defines the switching frequency of the drive. 4
2607 SWITCH FREQ CTRL Activates the switching frequency control. ON
2608 SLIP COMP RATIO Defines the slip gain for the motor slip compensation control. 0
2609 NOISE SMOOTHING Enables the noise smoothing function. DISABLE
2610 USER DEFINED U1 Defines the first voltage point of the custom U/f curve at the USER DEFINED
frequency defined by parameter 2611. F1.
2611 USER DEFINED F1 Defines the first frequency point of the custom U/f curve. 10
2612 USER DEFINED U2 Defines the second voltage point of the custom U/f curve at the USER DEFINED
frequency defined by parameter 2613. F2.
2613 USER DEFINED F2 Defines the second frequency point of the custom U/f curve. 20
2614 USER DEFINED U3 Defines the third voltage point of the custom U/f curve at the USER DEFINED
frequency defined by parameter 2615 F3.
2615 USER DEFINED F3 Defines the third frequency point of the custom U/f curve. 25
2616 USER DEFINED U4 Defines the fourth voltage point of the custom U/f curve at the USER DEFINED
frequency defined by parameter 2617 F4.
2617 USER DEFINED F4 Defines the fourth frequency point of the custom U/f curve. 40
2618 FW VOLTAGE Defines the voltage of the U/f curve when frequency is equal to 95% of UN
or exceeds the motor nominal frequency (9907 MOTOR NOM
29 MAINTENANCE TRIG Maintenance triggers
2901 COOLING FAN TRIG Defines the trigger point for the drive cooling fan run time 0
2902 COOLING FAN ACT Defines the actual value for the cooling fan run time counter. 0
2903 REVOLUTION TRIG Defines the trigger point for the motor revolution counter. 0
2904 REVOLUTION ACT Defines the actual value for the motor revolution counter. 0
2905 RUN TIME TRIG Defines the trigger point for the drive run time counter. 0
2906 RUN TIME ACT Defines the actual value for the drive run time counter. 0
2907 USER MWh TRIG Defines the trigger point for the drive power consumption 0
2908 USER MWh ACT Defines the actual value of the drive power consumption counter. 0
30 FAULT FUNCTIONS Programmable protection functions
3001 AI<MIN FUNCTION Selects how the drive reacts when an analog input signal falls NOT SEL
below the set minimum limit.

Actual signals and parameters


Parameters – short form list

Index Name/Selection Description Def Custom
3002 PANEL COMM ERR Selects how the drive reacts to a control panel communication FAULT
3003 EXTERNAL FAULT 1 Selects an interface for an external fault 1 signal. NOT SEL
3004 EXTERNAL FAULT 2 Selects an interface for an external fault 2 signal. NOT SEL
3005 MOT THERM PROT Selects how the drive reacts when the motor overtemperature is FAULT
3006 MOT THERM TIME Defines the thermal time constant for the motor thermal model. 500
3007 MOT LOAD CURVE Defines the load curve together with parameters 3008 ZERO 100
3008 ZERO SPEED LOAD Defines the load curve together with parameters 3007 MOT 70
3009 BREAK POINT FREQ Defines the load curve together with parameters 3007 MOT 35
3010 STALL FUNCTION Selects how the drive reacts to a motor stall condition. NOT SEL
3011 STALL FREQUENCY Defines the frequency limit for the stall function. 20
3012 STALL TIME Defines the time for the stall function. 20
3013 UNDERLOAD FUNC Selects how the drive reacts to underload. NOT SEL
3014 UNDERLOAD TIME Defines the time limit for the underload function. 20
3015 UNDERLOAD CURVE Selects the load curve for the underload function. 1
3016 SUPPLY PHASE Selects how the drive reacts to supply phase loss, i.e. when DC FAULT
voltage ripple is excessive.
3017 EARTH FAULT Selects how the drive reacts when an earth (ground) fault is ENABLE
detected in the motor or the motor cable.
3018 COMM FAULT FUNC Selects how the drive reacts in a fieldbus communication break. NOT SEL
3019 COMM FAULT TIME Defines the time delay for the fieldbus communication break 3
3021 AI1 FAULT LIMIT Defines a fault level for analog input AI1. MINIMUM AI1.
3022 AI2 FAULT LIMIT Defines a fault level for analog input AI2. MINIMUM AI2.
3023 WIRING FAULT Selects how the drive reacts when incorrect input power and ENABLE
motor cable connection is detected.
31 AUTOMATIC RESET Automatic fault reset.
3101 NR OF TRIALS Defines the number of automatic fault resets the drive performs 0
within the time defined by parameter 3102 TRIAL TIME.
3102 TRIAL TIME Defines the time for the automatic fault reset function. 30
3103 DELAY TIME Defines the time that the drive will wait after a fault before 0
attempting an automatic reset.
3104 AR OVERCURRENT Activates/deactivates the automatic reset for the overcurrent DISABLE
3105 AR OVERVOLTAGE Activates/deactivates the automatic reset for the intermediate DISABLE
link overvoltage fault.
3106 AR UNDERVOLTAGE Activates/deactivates the automatic reset for the intermediate DISABLE
link undervoltage fault.
3107 AR AI<MIN Activates/deactivates the automatic reset for fault AI<MIN. DISABLE
3108 AR EXTERNAL FLT Activates/deactivates the automatic reset for the EXTERNAL DISABLE
FAULT 1/2.
32 SUPERVISION Signal supervision. Supervision status can be monitored with
relay or transistor output.
3201 SUPERV 1 PARAM Selects the first supervised signal. 103
3202 SUPERV 1 LIM LO Defines the low limit for the first supervised signal selected by -
parameter 3201 SUPERV 1 PARAM.
3203 SUPERV 1 LIM HI Defines the high limit for the first supervised signal selected by -
parameter 3201 SUPERV 1 PARAM.
3204 SUPERV 2 PARAM Selects the second supervised signal. 104
3205 SUPERV 2 LIM LO Defines the low limit for the second supervised signal selected -
by parameter 3204 SUPERV 2 PARAM.

Actual signals and parameters


Parameters – short form list

Index Name/Selection Description Def Custom
3206 SUPERV 2 LIM HI Defines the high limit for the second supervised signal selected -
by parameter 3204 SUPERV 2 PARAM.
3207 SUPERV 3 PARAM Selects the third supervised signal. 105
3208 SUPERV 3 LIM LO Defines the low limit for the third supervised signal selected by -
parameter 3207 SUPERV 3 PARAM.
3209 SUPERV 3 LIM HI Defines the high limit for the third supervised signal selected by -
parameter 3207 SUPERV 3 PARAM.
33 INFORMATION Firmware package version, test date etc.
3301 FIRMWARE Displays the version of the firmware package.
3302 LOADING PACKAGE Displays the version of the loading package. type dependent
3303 TEST DATE Displays the test date. 00.00
3304 DRIVE RATING Displays the drive current and voltage ratings. 0x0000
3305 PARAMETER TABLE Displays the version of the parameter table used in the drive.
34 PANEL DISPLAY Selection of actual signals to be displayed on the panel
3401 SIGNAL1 PARAM Selects the first signal to be displayed on the control panel in 103
display mode.
3402 SIGNAL1 MIN Defines the minimum value for the signal selected by parameter -
3403 SIGNAL1 MAX Defines the maximum value for the signal selected by parameter -
3404 OUTPUT1 DSP FORM Defines the format for the displayed signal (selected by par. DIRECT
3405 OUTPUT1 UNIT Selects the unit for the for the displayed signal selected by Hz
parameter 3401 SIGNAL1 PARAM.
3406 OUTPUT1 MIN Sets the minimum display value for the signal selected by -
parameter 3401 SIGNAL1 PARAM.
3407 OUTPUT1 MAX Sets the maximum display value for the signal selected by -
parameter 3401 SIGNAL1 PARAM.
3408 SIGNAL2 PARAM Selects the second signal to be displayed on the control panel in 104
display mode.
3409 SIGNAL2 MIN Defines the minimum value for the signal selected by parameter -
3410 SIGNAL2 MAX Defines the maximum value for the signal selected by parameter -
3411 OUTPUT2 DSP FORM Defines the format for the displayed signal selected by par. 3408 DIRECT
3412 OUTPUT2 UNIT Selects the unit for the for the displayed signal selected by -
parameter 3408 SIGNAL2 PARAM.
3413 OUTPUT2 MIN Sets the minimum display value for the signal selected by -
parameter 3408 SIGNAL2 PARAM.
3414 OUTPUT2 MAX Sets the maximum display value for the signal selected by -
parameter 3408 SIGNAL2 PARAM.
3415 SIGNAL3 PARAM Selects the third signal to be displayed on the control panel in 105
display mode.
3416 SIGNAL3 MIN Defines the minimum value for the signal selected by parameter -
3417 SIGNAL3 MAX Defines the maximum value for the signal selected by parameter -
3418 OUTPUT3 DSP FORM Defines the format for the displayed signal selected by par. 3415 DIRECT
3419 OUTPUT3 UNIT Selects the unit for the for the displayed signal selected by -
parameter 3415 SIGNAL3 PARAM.
3420 OUTPUT3 MIN Sets the minimum display value for the signal selected by -
parameter 3415 SIGNAL3 PARAM.

Actual signals and parameters


Parameters – short form list

Index Name/Selection Description Def Custom
3421 OUTPUT3 MAX Sets the maximum display value for the signal selected by -
parameter 3415 SIGNAL3 PARAM.
35 MOTOR TEMP MEAS Motor temperature measurement.
3501 SENSOR TYPE Activates the motor temperature measurement function and NONE
selects the sensor type.
3502 INPUT SELECTION Selects the source for the motor temperature measurement AI1
3503 ALARM LIMIT Defines the alarm limit for motor temperature measurement. 0
3504 FAULT LIMIT Defines the fault trip limit for motor temperature measurement. 0
3505 AO EXCITATION Enables current feed from analog output AO. DISABLE
36 TIMED FUNCTIONS Time periods 1 to 4 and booster signal.
3601 TIMERS ENABLE Selects the source for the timed function enable signal. NOT SEL
3602 START TIME 1 Defines the daily start time 1. 0
3603 STOP TIME 1 Defines the daily stop time 1. 0
3604 START DAY 1 Defines the start day 1. MONDAY
3605 STOP DAY 1 Defines the stop day 1. MONDAY
3606 START TIME 2 See parameter 3602 START TIME 1.
3607 STOP TIME 2 See parameter 3603 STOP TIME 1.
3608 START DAY 2 See parameter 3604 START DAY 1.
3609 STOP DAY 2 See parameter 3605 STOP DAY 1.
3610 START TIME 3 See parameter 3602 START TIME 1.
3611 STOP TIME 3 See parameter 3603 STOP TIME 1.
3612 START DAY 3 See parameter 3604 START DAY 1.
3613 STOP DAY 3 See parameter 3605 STOP DAY 1.
3614 START TIME 4 See parameter 3602 START TIME 1.
3615 STOP TIME 4 See parameter 3603 STOP TIME 1.
3616 START DAY 4 See parameter 3604 START DAY 1.
3617 STOP DAY 4 See parameter 3605 STOP DAY 1.
3622 BOOSTER SEL Selects the source for the booster activation signal. NOT SEL
3623 BOOSTER TIME Defines the time inside which the booster is deactivated after the 0
booster activation signal is switched off.
3626 TIMED FUNC 1 SRC Selects the time periods for TIMED FUNC 1 SCR. NOT SEL
3627 TIMED FUNC 2 SRC See parameter 3626 TIMED FUNC 1 SRC.
3628 TIMED FUNC 3 SRC See parameter 3626 TIMED FUNC 1 SRC.
3629 TIMED FUNC 4 SRC See parameter 3626 TIMED FUNC 1 SRC.
40 PROCESS PID SET 1 Process PID (PID1) control parameter set 1.
4001 GAIN Defines the gain for the process PID controller. 1
4002 INTEGRATION TIME Defines the integration time for the process PID1 controller. 60
4003 DERIVATION TIME Defines the derivation time for the process PID controller. 0
4004 PID DERIV FILTER Defines the filter time constant for the derivative part of the 1
process PID controller.
4005 ERROR VALUE INV Selects the relationship between the feedback signal and drive NO
4006 UNITS Selects the unit for PID controller actual values. %
4007 UNIT SCALE Defines the decimal point location for the display parameter 1
selected by parameter 4006 UNITS.
4008 0% VALUE Defines together with parameter 4009 100% VALUE the scaling 0
applied to the PID controller’s actual values.
4009 100% VALUE Defines together with parameter 4008 0% VALUE the scaling 100
applied to the PID controller’s actual values.
4010 SET POINT SEL Selects the source for the process PID controller reference AI1

Actual signals and parameters


Parameters – short form list

Index Name/Selection Description Def Custom
4011 INTERNAL SETPNT Selects a constant value as process PID controller reference, 40
when parameter 4010 SET POINT SEL value is set to
4012 SETPOINT MIN Defines the minimum value for the selected PID reference signal 0
4013 SETPOINT MAX Defines the maximum value for the selected PID reference 100
signal source.
4014 FBK SEL Selects the process actual value (feedback signal) for the ACT1
process PID controller.
4015 FBK MULTIPLIER Defines an extra multiplier for the value defined by parameter 0
4014 FBK SEL.
4016 ACT1 INPUT Defines the source for actual value 1 (ACT1). AI2
4017 ACT2 INPUT Defines the source for actual value ACT2. AI2
4018 ACT1 MINIMUM Sets the minimum value for ACT1. 0
4019 ACT1 MAXIMUM Defines the maximum value for the variable ACT1 if an analog 100
input is selected as a source for ACT1.
4020 ACT2 MINIMUM See parameter 4018 ACT1 MINIMUM. 0
4021 ACT2 MAXIMUM See parameter 4019 ACT1 MAXIMUM. 100
4022 SLEEP SELECTION Activates the sleep function and selects the source for the NOT SEL
activation input.
4023 PID SLEEP LEVEL Defines the start limit for the sleep function. 0
4024 PID SLEEP DELAY Defines the delay for the sleep start function. 60
4025 WAKE-UP DEV Defines the wake-up deviation for the sleep function. 0
4026 WAKE-UP DELAY Defines the wake-up delay for the sleep function. 0.5
4027 PID 1 PARAM SET Defines the source from which the drive reads the signal that SET1
selects between PID parameter set 1 and 2.
41 PROCESS PID SET 2 Process PID (PID1) control parameter set 2.
4101 GAIN See parameter 4001 GAIN.
4104 PID DERIV FILTER See parameter 4004 PID DERIV FILTER.
4105 ERROR VALUE INV See parameter 4005 ERROR VALUE INV.
4106 UNITS See parameter 4006 UNITS.
4107 UNIT SCALE See parameter 4007 UNIT SCALE.
4108 0% VALUE See parameter 4008 0% VALUE.
4109 100% VALUE See parameter 4009 100% VALUE.
4110 SET POINT SEL See parameter 4010 SET POINT SEL.
4112 SETPOINT MIN See parameter 4012 SETPOINT MIN.
4113 SETPOINT MAX See parameter 4013 SETPOINT MAX.
4114 FBK SEL See parameter 4014 FBK SEL.
4115 FBK MULTIPLIER See parameter 4015 FBK MULTIPLIER.
4116 ACT1 INPUT See parameter 4016 ACT1 INPUT.
4117 ACT2 INPUT See parameter 4017 ACT2 INPUT.
4118 ACT1 MINIMUM See parameter 4018 ACT1 MINIMUM.
4119 ACT1 MAXIMUM See parameter 4018 ACT1 MAXIMUM.
4120 ACT2 MINIMUM See parameter 4020 ACT2 MINIMUM.
4121 ACT2 MAXIMUM See parameter 4021 ACT2 MAXIMUM.
4123 PID SLEEP LEVEL See parameter 4023 PID SLEEP LEVEL.
4124 PID SLEEP DELAY See parameter 4024 PID SLEEP DELAY.
4125 WAKE-UP DEV See parameter 4025 WAKE-UP DEV.
4126 WAKE-UP DELAY See parameter 4026 WAKE-UP DELAY.

Actual signals and parameters


Parameters – short form list

Index Name/Selection Description Def Custom
42 EXT / TRIM PID External/Trim PID (PID2) control.
4201 GAIN See parameter 4001 GAIN.
4204 PID DERIV FILTER See parameter 4004 PID DERIV FILTER.
4205 ERROR VALUE INV See parameter 4005 ERROR VALUE INV.
4206 UNITS See parameter 4006 UNITS.
4207 UNIT SCALE See parameter 4007 UNIT SCALE.
4208 0% VALUE See parameter 4008 0% VALUE.
4209 100% VALUE See parameter 4009 100% VALUE.
4210 SET POINT SEL See parameter 4010 SET POINT SEL.
4212 SETPOINT MIN See parameter 4012 SETPOINT MIN.
4213 SETPOINT MAX See parameter 4013 SETPOINT MAX.
4214 FBK SEL See parameter 4014 FBK SEL.
4215 FBK MULTIPLIER See parameter 4015 FBK MULTIPLIER.
4216 ACT1 INPUT See parameter 4016 ACT1 INPUT.
4217 ACT2 INPUT See parameter 4017 ACT2 INPUT.
4218 ACT1 MINIMUM See parameter 4018 ACT1 MINIMUM.
4219 ACT1 MAXIMUM See parameter 4018 ACT1 MAXIMUM.
4220 ACT2 MINIMUM See parameter 4020 ACT2 MINIMUM.
4221 ACT2 MAXIMUM See parameter 4021 ACT2 MAXIMUM.
4228 ACTIVATE Selects the source for the external PID function activation signal. NOT SEL
4229 OFFSET Defines the offset for the external PID controller output. 0
4230 TRIM MODE Activates the trim function and selects between the direct and NOT SEL
proportional trimming.
4231 TRIM SCALE Defines the multiplier for the trimming function. 0
4232 CORRECTION SRC Selects the trim reference. PID2REF
4233 TRIM SELECTION Selects whether the trimming is used for correcting the speed or SPEED/FREQ
torque reference.
43 MECH BRK CONTROL Control of a mechanical brake.
4301 BRAKE OPEN DLY Defines the brake open delay (= the delay between the internal 0.20
open brake command and the release of the motor speed
4302 BRAKE OPEN LVL Defines the motor starting torque/current at brake release. 1
4303 BRAKE CLOSE LVL Defines the brake close speed. 4.0%
4304 FORCED OPEN LVL Defines the speed at brake release. 0
4305 BRAKE MAGN DELAY Defines motor magnetising time. 0
4306 RUNTIME FREQ LVL Defines the brake close speed. 0
50 ENCODER Encoder connection.
5001 PULSE NR States the number of encoder pulses per one revolution. 1024
5002 ENCODER ENABLE Enables the encoder. DISABLE
5003 ENCODER FAULT Defines the operation of the drive if a failure is detected in FAULT
communication between the pulse encoder and the pulse
encoder interface module, or between the module and the drive.
5010 Z PLS ENABLE Enables the encoder zero (Z) pulse. Zero pulse is used for DISABLE
position reset.
5011 POSITION RESET Enables the position reset. DISABLE
51 EXT COMM MODULE Fieldbus adapter module parameters.
5101 FBA TYPE Displays the type of the connected fieldbus adapter module.
5102 FB PAR 2 These parameters are adapter module-specific.
... ....
5126 FB PAR 26

Actual signals and parameters


Parameters – short form list

Index Name/Selection Description Def Custom
5127 FBA PAR REFRESH Validates any changed adapter module configuration parameter
52 PANEL COMM Communication settings for the control panel port on the drive
5201 STATION ID Defines the address of the drive. 1
5202 BAUD RATE Defines the transfer rate of the link. 39242
5203 PARITY Defines the use of parity and stop bit(s). 8 NONE 1
5204 OK MESSAGES Number of valid messages received by the drive. 0
5205 PARITY ERRORS Number of characters with a parity error received from the 0
Modbus link.
5206 FRAME ERRORS Number of characters with a framing error received by the 0
Modbus link.
5207 BUFFER OVERRUNS Number of characters which overflow the buffer, i.e. number of 0
characters which exceed the maximum message length, 128
5208 CRC ERRORS Number of messages with an CRC (cyclic redundancy check) 0
error received by the drive.
53 EFB PROTOCOL Embedded fieldbus link settings.
5302 EFB STATION ID Defines the address of the device. 1
5303 EFB BAUD RATE Defines the transfer rate of the link. 39242
5304 EFB PARITY Defines the use of parity and stop bit(s) and the data length. 8 NONE 1
5305 EFB CTRL PROFILE Selects the communication profile. ABB DRV LIM
5306 EFB OK MESSAGES Number of valid messages received by the drive. 0
5307 EFB CRC ERRORS Number of messages with an CRC (cyclic redundancy check) 0
error received by the drive.
5310 EFB PAR 10 Selects an actual value to be mapped to Modbus register 40005. 0
5311 EFB PAR 11 Selects an actual value to be mapped to Modbus register 40006. 0
5312 EFB PAR 12 Selects an actual value to be mapped to Modbus register 40007. 0
5313 EFB PAR 13 Selects an actual value to be mapped to Modbus register 40008. 0
5314 EFB PAR 14 Selects an actual value to be mapped to Modbus register 40009. 0
5315 EFB PAR 15 Selects an actual value to be mapped to Modbus register 40010. 0
5316 EFB PAR 16 Selects an actual value to be mapped to Modbus register 40011. 0
5317 EFB PAR 17 Selects an actual value to be mapped to Modbus register 40012. 0
5318 EFB PAR 18 Reserved 0
5319 EFB PAR 19 ABB Drives profile (ABB DRV LIM or ABB DRV FULL) Control 0x0000
Word. Read only copy of the Fieldbus Control Word.
5320 EFB PAR 20 ABB Drives profile (ABB DRV LIM or ABB DRV FULL) Status 0x0000
Word. Read only copy of the Fieldbus Status Word.
54 FBA DATA IN Data from drive to fieldbus controlle.
5401 FBA DATA IN 1 Selects data to be transferred from the drive to the fieldbus
5402 FBA DATA IN 2 See 5401 FBA DATA IN 1.
.... ... ...
5410 FBA DATA IN 10 See 5401 FBA DATA IN 1.
55 FBA DATA OUT Data from fieldbus controller to drive.
5501 FBA DATA OUT 1 Selects data to be transferred from the fieldbus controller to the
5502 FBA DATA OUT 2 See 5501 FBA DATA OUT 1.
... ... ...
5510 FBA DATA OUT 10 See 5501 FBA DATA OUT 1.
84 SEQUENCE PROG Sequence programming.
8401 SEQ PROG ENABLE Enables sequence programming. DISABLED
8402 SEQ PROG START Selects the source for the sequence programming activation NOT SEL

Actual signals and parameters


Parameters – short form list

Index Name/Selection Description Def Custom
8403 SEQ PROG PAUSE Selects the source for the sequence programming pause signal. NOT SEL
8404 SEQ PROG RESET Selects the source for the sequence programming reset signal. NOT SEL
8405 SEQ ST FORCE Forces the sequence programming to a selected state. STATE1
8406 SEQ LOGIC VAL 1 Defines the source for the logic value 1. NOT SEL
8407 SEQ LOGIC OPER 1 Selects the operation between logic value 1 and 2. NOT SEL
8408 SEQ LOGIC VAL 2 See parameter 8406 SEQ LOGIC VAL 1. NOT SEL
8409 SEQ LOGIC OPER 2 Selects the operation between logic value 3 and the result of the NOT SEL
first logic operation defined by parameter 8407 SEQ LOGIC
8410 SEQ LOGIC VAL 3 See parameter 8406 SEQ LOGIC VAL 1. NOT SEL
8411 SEQ VAL 1 HIGH Defines the high limit for the state change when parameter 8425 0
ST1 TRIG TO ST 2 is set to e.g. AI1 HIGH 1.
8412 SEQ VAL 1 LOW Defines the low limit for the state change when parameter 8425 0
ST1 TRIG TO ST 2 is set to e.g. AI1 LOW 1.
8413 SEQ VAL 2 HIGH Defines the high limit for the state change when parameter 8425 0
ST1 TRIG TO ST 2 is set to e.g. AI2 HIGH 1.
8414 SEQ VAL 2 LOW Defines the low limit for the state change when parameter 8425 0
ST1 TRIG TO ST 2 is set to e.g. AI2 LOW 2.
8415 CYCLE CNT LOC Activates the cycle counter for sequence programming. NOT SEL
8416 CYCLE CNT RST Selects the source for the cycle counter reset signal (0171 SEQ NOT SEL
8420 ST1 REF SEL Selects the source for the sequence programming state 1 0
8421 ST1 COMMANDS Selects the start, stop and direction for state 1. DRIVE STOP
8422 ST1 RAMP Selects the acceleration/deceleration ramp time for sequence 0
programming state 1, i.e. defines the rate of the reference
8423 ST1 OUT CONTROL Selects the relay, transistor and analog output control for AO=0
sequence programming state 1.
8424 ST1 CHANGE DLY Defines the delay time for state 1. 0
8425 ST1 TRIG TO ST 2 Selects the source for the trigger signal which changes the state NOT SEL
from state 1 to state 2.
8426 ST1 TRIG TO ST N Selects the source for the trigger signal which changes the state NOT SEL
from state 1 to state N.
8427 ST1 STATE N Defines the state N. See parameter 8426 ST1 TRIG TO ST N. STATE 1
8430 ST2 REF SEL See parameters 8420…8427.

8497 ST8 STATE N
98 OPTIONS External serial communication activation
9802 COMM PROT SEL Activates the external serial communication. NOT SEL
99 START-UP DATA Language selection. Definition of motor set-up data.
9901 LANGUAGE Selects the display language. ENGLISH
9902 APPLIC MACRO Selects the application macro. ABB STANDARD
9904 MOTOR CTRL MODE Selects the motor control mode. SCALAR:FREQ
9905 MOTOR NOM VOLT Defines the nominal motor voltage. 230, 400 or 460
9906 MOTOR NOM CURR Defines the nominal motor current. I2N
9907 MOTOR NOM FREQ Defines the nominal motor frequency. Eur: 50 / US: 60
9908 MOTOR NOM SPEED Defines the nominal motor speed. Type dependent
9909 MOTOR NOM POWER Defines the nominal motor power. PN
9910 ID RUN Controls a self-calibration process called the Motor ID Run. OFF/IDMAGN
9912 MOTOR NOM TORQUE Calculated motor nominal torque in Nm. 0
9913 MOTOR POLE PAIRS Calculated motor pole pair number. 0

Actual signals and parameters

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