Nitric Acid: A True All-Rounder!

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Industrial Solutions

Nitric acid
A true all-rounder!
Fe rt il i zer

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Ae r os p a c e

Cem en t
ti vo
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St ee l

The power of true efficiency

The Business Area Industrial Solutions of thyssenkrupp is a world We are at home in many different industries. Along with chemical,
leader for planning, construction and service in the field of industrial fertilizer, coking, refinery, cement and other industrial plants, our
plants and systems. Together with our customers we develop portfolio also includes equipment for open-cast mining, ore proces-
solutions at the highest level and deliver efficiency, reliability and sing and transshipment, as well as associated services. In the naval
sustainability throughout the entire life cycle. Our global network, sector, we are a leading global system supplier for submarines and
with around 19,000 employees at 70 locations, enables us to provi- surface vessels. As an important system partner to our customers
de turnkey solutions worldwide which set new benchmarks with their in the automotive, aerospace and battery industries, we optimize the
high productivity and particularly resource conserving technologies. value chain and improve performance.
04 The history of the Uhde nitric acid
process / Market position
06 The nitric acid process
08 The Uhde medium-pressure process
10 The Uhde high-pressure process
12 The Uhde dual-pressure acid process
14 The Uhde azeotropic nitric acid process
16 The N2O/NOX abatement process by Uhde – EnviNOx®
19 Typical consumption figures

The history of the

Uhde nitric acid process / Market position

The founder's first location in Dortmund, Bövinghausen The chemical laboratory

First commercial nitric acid plant in Russia

1905 young engineer Friedrich Uhde built the first nitric acid pilot plant

6 April 1921 foundation of Uhde Company

1926 first produced ammonia according to the Mont-Cenis-Uhde-Process

1928 full operation of the plant

1929 first design of a full scale commercial NA process

1932 first commercial scale NA plant in operation (for a customer in Russia)

Mont-Cenis plant

The oxidation of ammonia over a platinum As early as 1905, Dr. Friedrich Uhde, the thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions thus ranks
catalyst to nitrogen oxides, and their ab- founder of Uhde GmbH, designed and con- among the world’s leading engineering com-
sorption in water to form nitric acid was structed, in cooperation with Prof. Wilhelm panies engaged in the design and construc-
first carried out in 1838 by C.F. Kuhlmann. Ostwald, a pilot plant for the production of tion of nitric acid plants and ammonia com-
However, this discovery was not then com- nitric acid by burning ammonia with air in bustion units.
mercialised as ammonia was too expensive the presence of a catalyst.
compared with the Chile saltpetre used to The processes have been continually refined
manufacture nitric acid in those days. Since the company’s foundation in 1921, in order to meet ever more stringent require-
the number of plants for the production of ments, particularly with regard to air pollution
The history of the modern nitric acid pro- weak and concentrated nitric acid as well control and energy cost constraints.
cess really begins in 1901 when W. Ostwald as ammonia combustion units for nitrogen
established the ammonia oxidation con- oxide production and absorption plants for The plants designed and constructed by
ditions necessary for high nitrogen oxide nitrous waste gases, which have been de- thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions are char-
yields. The first plants using the Ostwald signed, constructed and commissioned by acterised by high reliability, profitability and
process were started up in the first decade thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions under a on-stream time. Shutdown periods are now
of the 20th century. variety of climatic conditions total some 200. almost entirely limited to catalyst changes
and equipment inspections.
With more than 55 plants built since 1980
thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (formerly The number of follow-up orders thyssenkrupp
known as Uhde) is nowadays the leading Industrial Solutions receives bears witness
licensor for Nitric Acid Technoloy worldwide. to the satisfaction of our customers.

The nitric acid process

Air Compression


Ammonia NO gas

NO gas
Excess energy
Tail gas Energy recovery

NO gas

Gas cooling
Tail gas
NO gas
+ Acid condensate
water Absorption Nitric acid
Tail gas
Tail gas treatment

BP Köln, Cologne, Germany

Block diagram of nitric acid process Capacity: 1,500 t/day HNO3 (100%)

Although the basic chemistry of the nitric catalyst and catchment systems are also In practice, these three process steps can
acid process has not changed in the last available. Nowadays, it is possible to man- be carried out in different ways, resulting
hundred years, today’s highly efficient, ufacture catalyst gauzes with a diameter of in several different nitric acid processes.
compact and environmentally friendly plants more than 5.5 m. More than 1,500 t/day Modern nitric acid plants are designed ac-
have been developed by a process compa- of nitric acid can be produced from a single cording to the mono-pressure or the dual-
rable with the advances made in automobile burner. pressure process.
technology in the same period.
Even larger burners can be manufactured; Within the group of mono-pressure pro-
Today, nitric acid is produced exclusively the upper limit is dictated solely by trans- cesses, a distinction is made between the
from ammonia oxidised by combustion port restrictions and flange machining. medium-pressure process with a 4 - 6 bar
with air in the presence of a noble-metal abs. operating pressure and the high-pres-
catalyst. The production of nitric acid takes place sure process which operates at 7 - 12 bar abs.
in 3 process steps shown by the following
The catalysts used in the process consist main equations: The dual-pressure process employs a me-
of a pack of platinum-rhodium gauzes, the dium pressure of approx 4 - 6 bar abs. for
number depending on the operating pres- 1. Ammonia combustion ammonia combustion and a high pressure
sure and burner construction. The gauzes 4 NH3 + 5 O2  4 NO + 6 H2O + 905 kJ of approx. 10 - 14 bar abs. for nitric acid
are produced nowadays by knitting thin wires, absorption.
usually with a diameter of 60 or 76 µm. 2. Oxidation of the nitric oxide
2 NO + O2  2 NO2 + 113 kJ The optimum process is selected taking into
A platinum recovery system made from account the costs of feedstocks and util-
palladium can easily be installed under- 3. Absorption of the nitrogen dioxide in water ities, energy and capital investment as well
neath the platinum catalyst. Combined 3 NO2 + H2O  2 HNO3+ NO + 116 kJ* as local conditions.

Nitric acid

~ 80 % consumption ~ 15 % consumption

Fertiliser Non-Fertiliser

AN NP AN (technical grade) Chemicals

CN CAN UAN ASN Capro- Adipic Dinitro- Nitro-

lactam acid toluene benzene

Uses of nitric acid

AN : ammonium nitrate TDI MDI
NP : nitrophosphate
CN : calcium nitrate
CAN : calcium ammonium nitrate
UAN : urea ammonium nitrate solution
ASN : ammonium sulphate nitrate
Poly- Poly- Poly- Poly-
TDI : toluene diisocyanate amide 6 amide 6.6 urethane urethane
MDI : methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (flexible PU) (rigid PU)

Types of nitric acid plants Nitric acid plants

Combustion Absorption Installed capacity since 2000 (World without China)

Mono medium pressure 4 to 6 bar 4 to 6 bar

Industrial Solutions
Mono high pressure 7 to 12 bar 7 to 12 bar

medium pressure high pressure Other licensors

Dual pressure
4 to 6 bar 10 to 14 bar

In compliance with stringent pollution abate- enous mineral fertilizers, primarily ammo- chemicals. These are further processed
ment requirements, it is possible to achieve nium nitrate and its derivatives such as cal- to TDI or MDI, and finally used for the pro-
a NOX tail gas content of below 25 ppm. cium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate duction of polyurethane. thyssenkrupp
Furthermore, emissions of nitrous oxide, an and urea ammonium nitrate solution. The Industrial Solutions covers many of the
unwanted by-product in the ammonia oxi- remainder goes into the production of technologies mentioned.
dation step, can be reduced to a minimum porous prilled ammonium nitrate for the
by the EnviNOx® system by Uhde, which is mining industry, and as an intermediate for Among the great variety of other applica-
the Best Available Technology (BAT) of today. the production of special chemicals such as tions, those most worthy of mention are
caprolactam or adipic acid. There is a grow- its use as a chemical in metallurgy, for
Nowadays 60 million t/year of nitric acid of ing demand for azeotropic nitric acid (ap- example as an etching and pickling agent
various concentrations are produced world- proximately 68% concentration), which is for stainless steel, and its employment in
wide. Approximately 85% of this is used as used as a nitrating agent in the production the manufacture of dinitrogen tetroxide for
an intermediate in the production of nitrog- of nitro-benzene, dinitrotoluene and other rocket fuels.

The Uhde medium-pressure process

Nitric acid plant for SKW

in Wittenberg, Germany

Capacity: 350 t/day HNO3 (100%)

(Mono medium-pressure)

The ammonia combustion unit was desi-

gned for a capacity equivalent to 500 t/day
HNO3 (100%). It supplies the existing plant
for the production of highly concentrated
nitric acid with nitrous gases.

lowsheet of a medium-pressure
nitric acid plant
1 Reactor
2 Process gas cooler
3 Tail gas heater 3
4 Economizer
5 Cooler condenser & feedwater preheater
6 Absorption
7 Bleacher
8 Tail gas heater 1 & 2
9 Tail gas reactor
10 Ammonia evaporation & superheating
11 Turbine steam condenser

In this process, the air required for burning er capacities of up to about 1,000 t/day are with different concentrations, e.g. 60%
the ammonia is supplied by an uncooled feasible if a second absorption tower is used. nitric acid and 65% nitric acid.
air compressor. The compressor set can be The medium pressure process is the pro-
designed either as an inline train configura- cess of choice when maximum recovery of The NOX content has to be reduced to the
tion or preferably as a bull gear type with energy is required. The air compressor is required value by selective catalytic reduc-
an integrated tail gas turbine. usually driven by a tail gas expansion tur- tion using a non-noble-metal catalyst and
bine and a steam turbine, the steam being ammonia as the reducing agent.
The operating pressure is governed by the generated within the plant. If the credit for
maximum final pressure obtainable in an exported steam is high then the compressor The medium-pressure process is charac-
uncooled compressor, i.e. 4 - 5 bar abs. in train can be driven by a high voltage syn- terised by a high overall nitrogen yield of
the case of radial compressors and 5 - 6 chronous or asynchronous electric motor about 95.7% or 95.2% in conjunction with
bar abs. with axial flow compressors. rather than a steam turbine so that all the the tail gas treatment process, a low platinum
steam generated can be exported. consumption and a high steam export rate.
Plant capacities of up to 700 t/day of nitric
acid (100%) can be realised using a single With this plant type, it is possible to pro- The catalyst gauzes only need to be changed
ammonia combustion unit and one absorp- duce one type of nitric acid with a max. once every 6 months due to the low burner
tion tower. Due to the process pressure, high- concentration of 65% or two types of acid load.

Primary air
Tail gas


Tail gas
turbine WB
HP steam HP 2
steam NO gas
Steam Tail gas

Ammonia (gas)
Process water

11 3
Air CW
Secondary air
compr. WB

9 4 WB 6

LP steam BFW BFW


10 5 7
AW Acid Nitric acid
Ammonia (liquid) condensate product

The Uhde high-pressure process

In the high-pressure process, a radial multi- The compressor may be driven by a steam
stage compressor with an intercooler sec- turbine or an electric motor.
tion is used to compress the process air to
a final pressure of 7 - 12 bar abs. Prefer- The NOX concentration in the tail gas can
ably, the bull gear type with integrated tail be lowered to less than 25 ppm by an addi-
gas turbine is selected but alternatively an tional catalytic tail gas treatment unit. The
inline machine can be used. nitrogen yield attained by the high-pressure
process is in the order of 94.5%.
Due to the higher pressure, all equipment
and piping can be of a smaller size and only For capacities below 100 t/day, a low capital
one absorption tower is required. investment cost may be much more prefer-
able to an optimum recovery of energy.
The arrangement of all equipment is very
compact so that the building for the machine In such cases, thyssenkrupp Industrial
set and the burner unit can be kept small, Solutions can offer a greatly simplified pro-
but this does not pose a problem for main- cess which does not include tail gas and
tenance work. steam turbines. The heating of the tail gas
downstream of the absorption section is not
This type of plant is always recommended necessary. Special design concepts for the
when a quick capital return is desirable. process gas cooler unit, condenser and
bleacher reduce the cost even further.
Plant capacities between 100 t/day (100%)
and 1,000 t/day of nitric acid can be realised. thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions also pro- lowsheet of a high-pressure
vides a similar process without the ammonia nitric acid plant
The achieved acid concentrations of up to evaporation and heat recovery units for 1 Reactor
67% are slightly higher than with the me- recovering acid from the waste gas in, for 2 Process gas cooler
3 Tail gas heater 3
dium-pressure process. Two or more prod- example, adipic acid plants.
4 Economizer
uct streams with different concentrations 5 Cooler condenser & feedwater preheater
are likewise possible. 6 Absorption
7 Bleacher
8 Tail gas heater 1 & 2
9 Tail gas reactor
10 Ammonia evaporation & superheating
11 Turbine steam condenser
12 Air intercooler

Two high-pressure nitric acid plants:

(left)  naex S.A., Mejillones, Chile

Capacity: 925 t/day HNO3 (100%)

(right) Thai Nitrate Company,

Rayong, Thailand
Capacity: 210 t/day HNO3 (100%)

Secondary air
Tail gas
Primary air
STH steam

Tail gas
turbine WB

HP steam HP 2
steam 8
turbine NO gas
Tail gas
Ammonia (gas)
Process water

Air CW

Air WB
12 9 4 6

LP steam BFW BFW

10 5 7
Acid Nitric acid
Ammonia (liquid) condensate product

The Uhde dual-pressure acid process

The dual-pressure process was developed section and the high pressure in the absorp-
to accommodate ever more stringent envi- tion section. Plant capacities of up to 1,600
ronmental pollution control requirements. t/day of nitric acid (100%) can be achieved
in a single-train configuration. The machine
The process air is compressed to a final set can be designed either as an inline-shaft
pressure of 4 - 6 bar abs. set or optionally as a bull gear type unit with
integrated air/NOX compression and tail gas
The NO gas from the ammonia combustion expander stages. The inline machine con-
unit is cooled in a heat exchanger train, pro- cept is favourable in the case of higher plant
ducing steam and preheating tail gas, and capacities from 500 t/day up to 2,200 t/day
then compressed to 10 - 14 bar abs in the or if an increased energy export is required.
NOX compressor. The final pressure is se-
lected so as to ensure that the absorption The NOX is further reduced to less than 25
section is optimised for the specified NOX ppm by selective catalytic reduction using a
content of the tail gas and that the com- non-noble-metal catalyst and ammonia as
pressors, driven by a steam turbine, can be the reducing agent.
operated using only the steam generated in
the process gas cooler unit while ensuring Due to the low burner load, the catalyst
that some excess steam will always be gauzes can remain in the burner for an oper-
available in order to guarantee steady oper- ating period of 6 to 8 months or longer be-
ating conditions at all times. Alternatively fore being partially or completely replaced.
the compressor set can be driven by either
a high voltage asynchronous or synchro- Acid concentrations of more than 68% can Flowsheet of a high-pressure nitric acid plant
nous motor and the steam generated can be achieved. Two or more product streams 1 Reactor
be exported. The dual-pressure process with different concentrations are also possi- 2 Process gas cooler
combines in an economical way the advan- ble. In addition, external streams of weak 3 Tail gas heater 3
4 Economizer
tages of the low pressure in the combustion nitric acid (various concentrations) can be
5 Cooler condenser 1 & feedwater preheater
processed if required. 6 Tail gas heater 2
7 Cooler condenser 2
8 Absorption
9 Tail gas heater 1
10 Tail gas reactor
11 Ammonia evaporation & superheating
12 Ammonia evaporation
13 Bleacher
14 Turbine steam condenser

Two dual-pressure nitric acid plants:

(left) Abu Qir Fertilizers and Chemical Ind. Co.,

Abu Qir, Egypt
Capacity: 1,850 t/day HNO3 (100%)
NOX in tail gas: less than 50 ppm as a result
of a catalytic tail gas treatment process

(right) Borealis AG, Linz, Austria

Capacity: 1,000 t/day HNO3 (100%)
NOX in tail gas: less than 10 ppm
as a result of the N2O/NOX abatement
process by Uhde – EnviNOx®

Secondary air

Primary air
1 6




HP 2 7 9
Air Air Tail gas steam NO gas
compr. Tail gas

Tail gas
Process water

turbine 3
Ammonia (gas)
compr. CW

14 10 4 WB 8
HP steam Condensate

Tail gas
LP steam BFW
LP steam
11 12 5 13
Ammonia (liquid) AW Acid Nitric acid
condensate product

The Uhde azeotropic nitric acid process

Azeotropic nitric acid with an elevated con- quired acid strength and the NOX level at the
centration of 68% by weight can replace absorption outlet. It is also possible to pro-
concentrated nitric acid in some applica- vide an external chilled water set. However,
tions such as nitrations. Due to increased this solution is expensive and energy con-
market demand, we have developed an en- suming and would only be considered by
hanced process for the reliable production thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions if all other
of azeotropic nitric acid without any further measures prove insufficient.
weak nitric acid co-production. The basic
process design is mainly an extended dual- The design of the absorption column is of
pressure process. particular importance especially for pro-
ducing azeotropic acid. At thyssenkrupp
Important process features for the produc- Industrial Solutions a sophisticated com-
tion of azeotropic acid are, in addition to puter program is used to predict the exact
sufficient absorption pressure and cooling, limits of acid concentration, heat loads, NOX
the overall water balance of the plant. Fur- in tail gas, etc.
thermore, the ratio of dinitrogen tetroxide to
nitric oxide in the process gas at the absorp- Another important feature of the azeotropic
tion tower inlet has to be adjusted to a level nitric acid process by Uhde is the drying
that is in equilibrium with the acid concen- section for the secondary air.
tration required.
Taking the above into consideration,
To satisfy the overall water balance, it is thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions is able to
mandatory at some locations to eliminate offer individual customers tailor-made solu- Flowsheet of an azeotropic nitric acid plant
the water carried with the incoming air taken tions for azeotropic nitric acid plants. 1 Reactor
in by the air compressor. The necessary 2 Process gas cooler
measures depend on climatic conditions, in The equipment shown as an example is 3 Tail gas heater 3
4 Economizer
particular air humidity and temperature. In fully integrated in thyssenkrupp Industrial
5 Cooler condenser 1 & feedwater preheater
the case of extreme conditions the installa- Solutions´ compact bull gear concept, which 6 Tail gas heater 2
tion of an additional air cooler/condenser is applicable for capacities up to 1,100 t/day. 7 Cooler condenser 2
operating partly with chilled water is recom- Above this capacity an inline machine set is 8 Absorption
mended. Normally in the Uhde dual-pres- employed as shown on page 13. The first 9 Tail gas heater 1
10 Tail gas reactor
sure process, there is an extra chilled water pressure level delivered by the air compres-
11 Ammonia evaporation & superheating
circuit linked to the ammonia evaporation. sor is advantageous for the ammonia com- 12 Ammonia evaporation
This uses to a large extent the ammonia bustion section, while the final pressure de- 13 Bleacher
evaporation heat, especially in the absorp- livered by the NOX compressor promotes ab- 14 Turbine steam condenser
tion section, in order to establish the re- sorption and the formation of azeotropic acid. 15 Air condenser (optional)

Two azeotropic nitric acid plants:

(left) BP Köln, Cologne, Germany

Capacity: 1,500 t/day HNO3 (100%)

(right) Namhae Chemical Corporation

operated by HU-CHEMS, Yosu, Korea
Capacity: 1,150 t/day HNO3 (100%)

Secondary air

Primary air
1 6

15 STH
Tail gas CW

compr. HP 2 7 9
steam NO gas
Tail gas

Tail gas
turbine Ammonia (gas)
Air Process water
HP steam

Steam 3
turbine CW

NOx WB 8
compr. 14 10 4

Tail gas
LP steam BFW
LP steam
11 12 5 13
Ammonia (liquid) AW
Nitric acid product

The N2O/NOX abatement process by Uhde – EnviNOx®

Neglected for many years, nitrous oxide The tail gas is then mixed with ammonia
(N20) – also known as “laughing gas” - is before entering the second bed in which
formed in the ammonia burner as an un- NOX is catalytically reduced to water vapour
wanted by-product. Depending on the and nitrogen:
performance of this burner around 1% to
2% of the ammonia feed is lost in this way, 4NO + 4NH3+O2  4N2+ 6H2O + 1628 kJ
with a similar amount being lost due to the
formation of nitrogen. The nitrous oxide 3NO2 + 4NH3  7/2N2+ 6H2O + 1367 kJ
passes through the rest of the nitric acid
plant unchanged and is discharged to at- Further removal of nitrous oxide also takes
mosphere with the tail gas. Emissions are place in this bed.
now coming under scrutiny by regulators
since nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse For lower temperatures thyssenkrupp
gas some 300 times stronger than carbon Industrial Solutions’ solution is based on
dioxide and is implicated in the destruction the catalytic reduction of nitrous oxide with
of the ozone layer. hydrocarbons, such as natural gas, com-
bined with the reduction of NOX by ammonia
thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions, having (variant 2). In most situations the removal
at an early stage recognised this trend, have of both N2O and NOX can take place in par-
developed a catalyst and a process for the allel in a single catalyst bed. The quantity of
lowering of nitrous oxide emissions from the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, that is
nitric acid plants. An added bonus is that produced due to the use of hydrocarbons is
emissions of nitrogen monoxide and dioxide insignificant in comparison to the amount of
(NOX) are also reduced. greenhouse gas emission reduction that the
EnviNOx® process achieves by the removal
The EnviNOx® nitrogen oxide abatement of nitrous oxide.
process by Uhde features a tail gas reactor
installed directly upstream of the tail gas In both EnviNOx® process variants the tail
turbine. thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions gas leaving the reactor has reduced con-
has developed specific process variants to centration of N2O of 30 ppm. The low outlet
cater for the range of temperatures found in NOX concentration is significantly smaller
different nitric acid plants. The nitrous oxide than that commonly attained in conventional
decomposition (variant 1) is particularly DeNOX units, and results in an invisible stack
suited to tail gas temperatures above 420°C. plume. The NOX reduction component is
In this variant nitrous oxide is decomposed also available without the N2O removal com-
to oxygen and nitrogen in a first catalyst bed. ponent and is applicable to temperatures
between about 200°C and 500°C.
N20  N2 + ½ O2 + 82 kJ
EnviNOx® technology by Uhde is suited
equally well to retrofits or to new plants.
As it is an end-of-pipe process there is no
contact with the product nitric acid or inter-
mediate NO gas, thus eliminating any pos-
sibility of product loss or contamination.

For more details, please refer to our

brochure: An environmental star: EnviNOx®

EnviNOx® reactor at
Borealis AG, Linz, Austria
Capacity: 1,000 t/day HNO3 (100%)

Flowsheet of tail gas section of a nitric acid plant with EnviNOx® reactor (variant 1)

Tail gas
Tail gas

Process water

Tail gas

Ammonia (gas)
1 3

NO gas CW

1 Absorption
2 Tail gas heating
3 EnviNOx® combining
Nitric acid DeN2O and DeNOx


Flowsheet of tail gas section of a nitric acid plant with EnviNOx® reactor (variant 2)
(for lower temperature applications)

Tail gas
Tail gas Ammonia (gas)

Process water

Tail gas

1 3

NO gas CW

1 Absorption
2 Tail gas heating
3 EnviNOx® combining
Nitric acid DeN2O and DeNOx


The dual-pressure nitric acid plant in

Donaldsonville, Louisiana, USA.
Capacity: 870 t/day HNO3 (100%)

Typical consumption figures

Plant type Medium-pressure High-pressure Dual-pressure

process process process

Operating 5.8 bar 10.0 bar 4.6/12.0 bar

pressure pabs

Ammonia 284.0 kg 286.0 kg 282.0 kg

Electric power 9.0 kWh 13.0 kWh 8.5 kWh

Platinum, 0.15 g 0.26 g 0.13 g

primary losses

with recovery 0.04 g 0.08 g 0.03 g

Cooling water 100 t 130 t 105 t

(∆t =10 K)
including water
for steam turbine condenser

Process water 0.3 t 0.3 t 0.3 t

LP heating steam, 0.05 t 0.20 t 0.05 t

8 bar, saturated

HP excess steam, 0.76 t 0.55 t 0.65 t

40 bar, 450 °C
Note: Comparison of typical consumption figures for steam turbine-driven and inline compressor set nitric acid plants,
per tonne of nitric acid (100%)
Industrial Solutions
Fertilizer and Syngas Technologies

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG

Friedrich-Uhde-Straße 15
44141 Dortmund
P: +49 231 547 0
F: +49 231 547 10

PT 014/1/e/300/201701/SZ/Printed

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