Differential Diagnosis: Disease/Condition Differentiating Signs/Symptoms Differentiating Tests
Differential Diagnosis: Disease/Condition Differentiating Signs/Symptoms Differentiating Tests
Differential Diagnosis: Disease/Condition Differentiating Signs/Symptoms Differentiating Tests
Budd-Chiari Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and Doppler ultrasound and abdominal CT:
syndrome progressively worsening ascites. absence of hepatic vein filling.
Abdominal CT: rapid contrast clearing of
caudate lobe.
Portal vein Signs and symptoms of the underlying Magnetic resonance (indirect) or direct
thrombosis cause such as acute pancreatitis angiography: normal hepatic venous
(severe upper abdominal pain radiating pressure gradient (measure of portal
through to the back, vomiting, absent pressure).
bowel sounds, pyrexia, hypovolemic
Doppler ultrasound and abdominal CT: portal
shock, skin discoloration periumbilically
vein filling defect, absence of flow in the
[Cullen sign] and in the flanks [Grey
portal vein.
Turner sign]), ascending cholangitis
(pyrexia, malaise, rigors, right upper
quadrant pain, jaundice, dark urine,
and pale stools), or abdominal sepsis
(pyrexia, abdominal pain, signs of
Splenic vein Signs and symptoms of pancreatitis: Abdominal ultrasound and CT: evidence of
thrombosis severe upper abdominal pain radiating splenic vein thrombosis.
through to the back, vomiting, absent
Magnetic resonance (indirect) or direct
bowel sounds, pyrexia, hypovolemic
angiography: normal hepatic venous
shock, and skin discoloration
pressure gradient (measure of portal
periumbilically (Cullen sign) and in the
flanks (Grey Turner sign) in acute
Disease/Condition Differentiating Signs/Symptoms Differentiating Tests
pancreatitis; nonspecific abdominal
pain exacerbated by eating, diarrhea,
steatorrhea, weight loss, and mild
pyrexia in chronic pancreatitis.
Inferior vena cava Signs and symptoms of renal cell Abdominal ultrasound and CT: evidence of
(IVC) obstruction carcinoma: classic triad of hematuria, IVC obstruction.
flank pain, and flank/abdominal mass
with weight loss and hypertension.
Sarcoidosis Lung involvement: dry cough and Chest x-ray findings are dependent on the
dyspnea. stage of disease progression: hilar
lymphadenopathy, diffuse reticulonodular
Skin involvement: altered pigmentation
shadowing (parenchymal disease), and
(hypo- or hyperpigmented);
upper lobe fibrosis.
maculopapular skin lesions on face,
back, and extremities; and erythema Liver biopsy: non-necrotizing/caseating
nodosum on legs. granulomas.
Eye involvement: anterior or posterior
uveitis, dry eyes (sicca), and
Nodular No differentiating signs and symptoms. Liver biopsy: small regenerative nodules with
regenerative minimal or no fibrosis on reticulin staining.
Disease/Condition Differentiating Signs/Symptoms Differentiating Tests
Idiopathic portal No differentiating signs and symptoms. Liver biopsy: no evidence of cirrhosis.