Leaching of An Oxide Gold Ore With Chloride/hypochlorite Solutions
Leaching of An Oxide Gold Ore With Chloride/hypochlorite Solutions
Leaching of An Oxide Gold Ore With Chloride/hypochlorite Solutions
An oxide gold ore was subjected to chloride/hypochlorite leaching at room temperature. The effects of three factors, including
Ca(OCl)2 vs. NaOCl, OCl− concentration, and HCl concentration on gold leaching performance were investigated. Due to
formation of CaOCl+ complex in solution and hence less reactivity, calcium hypochlorite produces a sluggish gold leaching
kinetics, taking twice the time (46 h) to achieve maximum gold recovery of 58% compared to sodium hypochlorite. 10 g/L of total
initial hypochlorite species in solution produces reasonable gold recoveries. The amount of added HCl and hence the initial pH was
found to have a major effect on gold leaching kinetics and maximum gold recovery. A high level of 9 g/L of added HCl causes
HClO to be very reactive, producing very fast kinetics, reaching 67% gold extraction in 4 h. It also causes a faster consumption of
hypochlorous acid, through catalytic decomposition (by NiO and CuO) and disproportionation. Hypochlorous acid reactions with
sulfide and ferrous content of ore proceed very slowly in the pH range of 4–11. Gold–chloro complexes are strongly adsorbed on
quartz component of ore. To minimize this undesirable adsorption of gold–chloro species, the aging time must be limited to a few
hours only.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Chloride; Hypochlorite; Hypochlorous; Lixiviant; Gold; Ore; Leaching; Adsorption; Gold–chloro; Complex
Another widely used oxidizing agent for gold– After pressure oxidation of the concentrate and sub-
chloride system is hypochlorite. Jeffrey et al. (2001a,b) sequent hypochlorite leaching, the recoveries increased
recently measured the dissolution rate of pure gold and an to 90% for gold and 93% for silver. In contrary to
Au/Ag alloy in chloride/hypochlorite solutions using a reducing ores and concentrates, some ores may naturally
rotating electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance. contain oxidizing agents, such as MnO2. Gold in these
They showed that at pH = 8 where hypochlorite ion types of materials can be leached with an NaCl/acid
(ClO−) is the dominant oxy-chloride species, the dis- solution only. Since the oxidant Cl2/HClO is formed in-
solution rate of the gold disk was very low. However, at situ upon reaction of Cl− and MnO2 (Leon and Quispe,
more acidic pHs, hypochlorous acid forms according to 1986), for in-situ chlorine/hypochlorous acid formation,
Reaction (2). MnO2 have been used in NaCl and H2SO4 solution to
leach gold from anode slimes (Hait et al., 2002).
Hþ þ ClO →HClO ð2Þ Another complexity in gold–chloride system is strong
adsorption of gold–chloro complexes on mineral sur-
HClO is a stronger oxidizing agent than ClO−, hence faces, such as goethite, quartz, and alumina (Machfsky
leaches gold faster (Jeffrey et al., 2001a,b). Reaction (2) et al., 1991). Gold(III)–chloride adsorption by goethite
has an equilibrium constant of 107.5 at 25 °C (Snoeyink (FeOOH) was specifically investigated by Machfsky et al.
and Jenkins, 1980); hence, at pH = 7.5, concentrations of (1991) as a function of pH (4 to 8) and Cl− concentrations
ClO− and HClO are equal. For pHs lower than 7.5, (0 to 0.1 M). In 0.1 M NaCl solution and pH = 4, gold
HClO becomes the dominant species. adsorption on goethite was 4000 ppm. The adsorption
At 1.0 M NaCl concentration and potentials higher increased as pH increased from 4 to 7. This trend is
than 950 mV (vs. SHE), AuCl4− species is the stable opposite to typical behavior for anion adsorption onto
gold–chloride complex in solution up to pH = 10 (Wang, oxide surfaces. This “retrograde” adsorption trend is due
1992). Leaching of gold with hypochlorous acid follows to a shift in dominance from AuCl4− at pH = 4 to adsorbed
Reaction (3). hydroxyl-substituted species (such as AuCl(OH)3−) at
higher pH values (Machfsky et al., 1991). Based on gold
2Au þ 3HClO þ 5Cl þ 3Hþ →2½AuCl4 þ 3H2 O and iron Mossbauer spectroscopy, it has been confirmed
ð3Þ that gold–hydroxo–chloro complexes are strongly
adsorbed by iron oxides such as goethite (Greffie et al.,
The mechanism of gold dissolution in chloride solu- 1996). Based on Mossbauer spectroscopy technique,
tions involves the initial formation of Au(I)–chloride adsorption of AuCl4− on modified activated carbons was
complex (AuCl) on the surface of metallic gold. AuCl also studied in an aging process through a course of
undergoes further complexation with chloride ion to several weeks (Cashion and Brown, 1998). It was shown
AuCl2−. This complex then moves to solution and is that adsorption on the solid surface first results in the loss
oxidized with HClO to AuCl4−(Nicol, 1980; Nikoloski, of one of the chloride ions. Subsequent reduction of Au3+
1998). to Au+ results in the loss of two more chloride ions.
Based on weight loss of gold strips, Tran et al. (1992, Finally the last chloride ion may be removed and gold
2001) measured gold dissolution rate in different precipitates as Au0. The following species were identified
chloride/hypochlorite mixtures. For instance, with a on the solid surfaces: AuCl4−, AuCl3X−, AuCl2X2−,
concentration of 100 g/L NaCl and 10 g/L OCl− at 20 °C AuCl2− , and AuClX− , where X is an oxygen- or
and pH = 6.0, gold dissolution rate was measured at nitrogen-containing group. To avoid the complexity of
13 mg/cm2 h. This rate is much higher than the gold gold species adsorption and precipitation, some research-
dissolution rate of 2.5 mg/cm2 h obtained in 2 g/L of ers have opted to measure gold leaching kinetics in
cyanide solution (Tran et al., 2001). idealized chloride/hypochlorite system in terms of weight
The performance of chloride/hypochlorite solution loss of pure gold disk and strips, rather than measuring
for gold leaching also depends on major minerals pres- dissolved gold concentration in solution (Jeffrey et al.,
ent in the ore. Gold–chloride complex is rather unstable 2001a,b; Nikoloski, 1998).
and may re-precipitate upon contact with a reductant, The objective of this work was to examine the
such as sulfidic materials of ore. Puvvada and Murthy viability of using chloride/hypochlorite lixiviant sys-
(2000) used chloride/hypochlorite solution to leach gold tem to leach gold from an oxide gold ore. Further-
and silver from a chalcopyrite concentrate. Direct hypo- more, due to the possibility of using heap leaching
chlorite leaching of the sulfidic concentrate yielded gold technique for this deposit, tests were designed to run
and silver recoveries of 43% and 45%, respectively. in the absence of oxygen. This condition mimics the
180 M. Baghalha / Int. J. Miner. Process. 82 (2007) 178–186
Table 1
Major elements composition (wt.%) of the gold ore
SiO2 Na K Mg Ca Al Fe (total) Fe (ferrous) C (total) C (inorganic) S (total) S (sulfide)
54.4 0.7 1.3 4.3 4.4 5.8 4.9 4.4 3.1 2.9 0.5 0.5
M. Baghalha / Int. J. Miner. Process. 82 (2007) 178–186 181
Fig. 3. Chloride/hypochlorite leaching. Temperature = 25 °C, solid/liquid (S/L) ratio = 0.33, Cl− = 61 g/L. The performance of Ca(OCl)2 vs. Na(OCl).
182 M. Baghalha / Int. J. Miner. Process. 82 (2007) 178–186
and the gold leached. The calculated gold content was in these tests are shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3A shows that percent
the range of 1–2 g/t. The analyses of major elements of leached gold peaked at 58% and then dropped in both
ore, obtained by flux fusion-ICP technique, are reported cases. In test #1 for NaOCl, the peak occurs at 23 h, and in
in Table 1. An XRD analysis of the ground ore was test #2 for Ca(OCl)2, it occurs at 46 h. In Fig. 3B,
performed to obtain its mineralogical characterization. hypochlorite ion concentration in solution vs. time is
As shown in Fig. 2, the major minerals identified were: shown. Fig. 3C shows that the initial pH for both tests was
ankerite, Ca(Fe,Mg)(CO3)2 (A); muscovite, H2KAl3 8. The solution pH dropped to a value between 5.5 and 6
(SiO4)3 (M); and quartz, SiO2 (Q). Three minor phases in about 23 h, and then increased. The solution redox
may also exist (very small peaks not marked in Fig. 2). potential is shown in Fig. 3D. By comparing Fig. 3B
These are: albite, (Na, Ca)Al(Si,Al)3O8; diaspore, and D, it is understood that as long as small amounts of
Al2O3.H2O; and chlorite, (Mg,Fe)5(Al,Si)5O10(OH)8. OCl− exists in solution, redox potential remains higher
Five gold leaching tests were performed for up to than 1000 mV (vs. SHE). When all hypochlorous acid is
5 days. The experimental conditions of these tests are consumed, redox potential drops below 1000 mV and
reported in Table 2. The solid to liquid ratio for all tests gold starts to drop out of solution either through precipi-
was set at 0.33. The concentration of NaCl for all tests was tation to metallic gold or through adsorption on mineral
set at 100 g/L, equivalent to 61 g/L of Cl− ion. Three other surfaces (Fig. 3A). From the results of tests #1 and #2, it is
factors, including oxidant type, concentration of OCl−, seen that Ca(OCl)2 and NaOCl behave rather similarly,
and concentration of HCl varied among tests. In tests #1 except that maximum leached gold for Ca(OCl)2 occurs at
and #2, two oxidizing agents, Ca(OCl)2 and NaOCl, were a longer time (Fig. 3A). This may be due to formation of
compared. The initial concentration of OCl− = 10 g/L and Ca(OCl)+ complex in solution. The formation of this
HCl = 3.3 g/L were the same for both tests. The results of complex, in turn, reduces concentration of HClO in
Fig. 4. Chloride/hypochlorite leaching. Temperature = 25 °C, solid/liquid (S/L) ratio = 0.33, Cl− = 61 g/L. Effect of OCl− concentration on gold
leaching behavior of the ore.
M. Baghalha / Int. J. Miner. Process. 82 (2007) 178–186 183
solution, which results in slower gold leaching kinetics The effect of initial acidity on gold leaching perfor-
(refer to Reaction (3)). mance was studied at three levels of added HCl. The
The effect of initial concentration of oxidizing agent results of these three tests at 9, 3.3, and 0 g/L of added
on gold leaching performance was investigated at two HCl (tests #4, 1, and 5, respectively) are shown in Fig. 5.
concentrations of OCl−, 10 and 2.7 g/L. The results of The best performance of gold leaching, in terms of fast
these tests (#2 and #3) are presented in Fig. 4. As kinetics and maximum recovery, occurs at 9 g/L of
shown in Fig. 4A, maximum dissolved gold in solution added HCl, i.e., test #4 in Fig. 5A. As shown in Fig. 5C
was 58% and 24% for the high and low values of and B for test #5 with 0 g/L HCl, the initial pH equals 11
OCl−, respectively. As depicted in Fig. 4C, the initial and OCl− reactivity and its initial consumption are low.
pH for test #2 at 10 g/L OCl− is higher than that for The low reactivity of OCl− causes very slow kinetics for
test #3 with 2.7 g/L OCl−. According to Reaction (2), gold leaching, Fig. 5A. On the other extreme, when 9 g/
this is due to higher consumption of H+ for test #2 L HCl was added in test #4, the initial pH was 7.3, and
with higher OCl−. However, after 10 h, the solution pH very fast gold leaching kinetics was achieved, i.e., 67%
for test #2 becomes more acidic. Obviously, the higher in 4 h. However, as shown in Fig. 5B, initial
level of HClO have caused acid-producing reactions consumption of OCl− in this test was very high, i.e.,
(as discussed later) to proceed faster. In conclusion, the 63% in 0.25 h. In summary, at least 9 g/L of HCl must be
initial concentration of OCl− must be at least 10 g/L to used to achieve fast and high gold recoveries. Among
achieve high gold leaching values for the tested ore. the three factors tested in this study, initial solution pH
Fig. 5. Chloride/hypochlorite leaching. Temperature = 25 °C, solid/liquid (S/L) ratio = 0.33, Cl− = 61 g/L. Effect of HCl concentration on gold leaching
behavior of the ore.
184 M. Baghalha / Int. J. Miner. Process. 82 (2007) 178–186
4. Discussion
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