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8/7/2020 Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL VII-[GRUPO1]

Examen final - Semana 8

Fecha de entrega 8 de jul en 23:55 Puntos 150 Preguntas 4

Disponible 8 de jul en 0:00 - 8 de jul en 23:55 casi 24 horas Límite de tiempo 90 minutos
Intentos permitidos 2


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8/7/2020 Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL VII-[GRUPO1]

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Historial de intentos

Intento Hora Puntaje

MÁS RECIENTE Intento 1 88 minutos 113.39 de 150

 Las respuestas correctas estarán disponibles del 8 de jul en 23:55 al 9 de jul en 23:55.

Puntaje para este intento: 113.39 de 150

Entregado el 8 de jul en 13:02
Este intento tuvo una duración de 88 minutos.

Parcial Pregunta 1 32.14 / 37.5 pts


Read the sentences and choose the correct option to complete them:

1. My sandals are worn out! The [ Seleccionar ] just


2. The shop has a [ Seleccionar ] of $30.000 a month,

which is not bad.

3. My sister had to return her new jacket because the

[ Seleccionar ] had a hole in it.

4. When the police arrived, the [ Seleccionar ] had

already left with our car!

5. My boss must be having some problems because she was very

[ Seleccionar ] with everybody today.

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6. If Lucas wants to buy that car, he has to save up enough money.

7. Luke is very skilled! He always takes care of his finances and he tries

to [ Seleccionar ] when he goes dancing.

Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:

cash flow

Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:


Respuesta 6:


Respuesta 7:


Parcial Pregunta 2 6.25 / 37.5 pts


Read the sentences and conjugate the verbs in parentheses (don’t write
contractions). Sometimes more than one word is necessary:

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1. My mother wants to work as a secretary. If only she

knows (know) how to use a computer.

2. They can’t go to the concert. They wish they had had

(have) enough money to buy the tickets.

3. By the time the police arrive, the burglars will have gone


4. If Mark talks (talk) to me, I would tell

(tell) him.

5. They admitted have broken (break) the window.

Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:

had had

Respuesta 3:

have gone

Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:


Respuesta 6:

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8/7/2020 Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL VII-[GRUPO1]

have broken

Pregunta 3 37.5 / 37.5 pts


Read the advertisement and indicate which of the following headings (A–
E) corresponds to the different sections (1–5).

A.The Prizes B. Who can enter? C. How to enter

D. Introduction E. The structure


1. [ Seleccionar ]

There are two important things which a successful business needs at the
start: a good idea and a strong business plan. If you have the idea, we
can help you with the skills, knowledge and support you need to develop
a first-rate business plan. Furthermore, you could win up to £50,000 to
help develop your business idea.

Many of the participants in previous competitions have founded

companies and gone into business with the knowledge they need to be
successful. So it is not only the winners of the competition who could end
up running companies and making healthy profits.

2. [ Seleccionar ]

The competition has two parts. In part 1 you will attend some two-day
workshops at various locations in the UK. Our trainers are experienced
business people and successful entrepreneurs from manufacturing, retail
and service industries. They will use examples from a wide range of
business areas to help develop your skills and knowledge.

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In part 2, our expert professionals will be your coaches and mentors to

help you develop expert business plans.

3. [ Seleccionar ]

With a first prize of £50,000, two runners-up prizes of £25,000 and five
awards of £10,000, this is an opportunity for you to find the money you
need to start your business. Prizes are not awarded for the best ideas.
They are awarded for the business plans which are judged to have the
best potential to help turn your business idea into reality. Other prizes may
be awarded in different categories at the judges’ discretion.

4. [ Seleccionar ]

The competition is open to any member of the public. It does not matter
what your previous skills and experience are. This is your chance.

5. C

To enter, all you need is a one-page outline of your business idea. This
should include a business description, a description of the product or
service, a basic market analysis and your market strategy.

Application forms and full details of the competition, including information

on previous winners, are available on our website. Outline business ideas
must be submitted by 16 June.

Taken and adapted from Language Leader Intermediate

Read the text again and indicate if the sentences are True (T) or False

1. To enter this competition, you need a good idea and a strong business
plan. F

2. This competition will not only help the people who win it.
[ Seleccionar ]

3. You will not receive any individual help to write your business plan.

[ Seleccionar ]

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4. There are eight cash prizes to be won totalling £150,000.

[ Seleccionar ]

5. You must have some previous experience of writing a business plan.

[ Seleccionar ]

Respuesta 1:

Respuesta 2:

Respuesta 3:

Respuesta 4:

Respuesta 5:

Respuesta 6:

Respuesta 7:

Respuesta 8:

Respuesta 9:

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Respuesta 10:

Pregunta 4 37.5 / 37.5 pts


Listen to the conversation and select the correct option:

1. Ben needs someone to help with the cooking.

[ Seleccionar ]

2. The show is going to take place in the park.

[ Seleccionar ]

3. Kathy likes the idea of helping with the talent contest.

[ Seleccionar ]

4. Kathy likes Graham's jokes. F

5. Somebody from Kathy's family has already volunteered to help.

[ Seleccionar ]

6. Ben doesn't think Kathy's card tricks will work.

[ Seleccionar ]

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7. Kathy can't dance very well. [ Seleccionar ]

8. Ben thinks it’s a good idea that Kathy sings.

[ Seleccionar ]

9. Kathy can't participate because she is helping Susan.

[ Seleccionar ]

10. Kathy’s show is going to be at the beginning of the charity event.

[ Seleccionar ]

Listen to the conversation again and select the correct people.

1. [ Seleccionar ] is organizing the charity show.

2. [ Seleccionar ] will clean up.

3. [ Seleccionar ] will tell jokes.

4. [ Seleccionar ] will play music.

5. [ Seleccionar ] wants to do some tricks.

Respuesta 1:

Respuesta 2:

Respuesta 3:

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Respuesta 4:

Respuesta 5:

Respuesta 6:

Respuesta 7:

Respuesta 8:

Respuesta 9:

Respuesta 10:

Respuesta 11:


Respuesta 12:

John and Lindsay

Respuesta 13:


Respuesta 14:

Kathy’s mother

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Respuesta 15:


Puntaje del examen: 113.39 de 150

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