Tunnelling Journal Apr-May2020 Vertical Conveying

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The ups, and ups, for

vertical conveying
Vertical conveying has increasingly become a main
stay of the mucking out sector, Pete Kennedy
reports for NATJ
The Grand Paris Express is among the most
remarkable underground rail projects the world has
seen. The undertaking includes four new rail lines
circling Paris and the expansion of two existing lines
of the 120-year-old Paris Métro. The total length:
205km. The cost of their development: a whopping
“There are upwards of 50 tunneling sites in the
project; some are quite small and some are quite
large,” said Russ Turner, Technical Support Manager
at Komatsu Mining Group, which is working on a
large portion of the project’s tunneling.
Above: An HAC There has been an incredible run of large-scale cases from shafts or boxes, which are not very big,”
on the Grand tunneling projects in Europe. Komatsu is also Turner said. “The vertical conveying has always been
Paris Express.
involved in the bidding stage of a high-speed rail a bottleneck. Now that we are extracting at higher
Right: Russ Turner,
Technical Support line between Turin, Italy, and Lyon, France. The total rates, even more capacity is needed.”
Manager at project will include the longest rail tunnel in the Enter the HAC. “The HAC goes back to 1983,”
Komatsu Mining world, at 57.5km. Turner said. “It was generally designed for products
Group. Turner, whose experience dates back to the like coal, grain, aggregates – fairly predictable
Channel Tunnel project, believes we will not soon materials.”
see so many high-profile projects being completed A HAC was first used on a tunnel project in 1993,
in such a short timeframe. While the projects’ he said. “Since then, it has been made more robust
scope might not be matched in the near future, a and with improved geometry so it performs in
trend toward removing large amounts of material confined spaces and enables better flow, particularly
quickly has been established. Such standards will be with a large variance of material types,” Turner said.
expected in the future, even on less formidable sites Belts have been specifically designed for muck
in all parts of the world – including North America. transport. They feature more durability, improved
Turner provides a closer look at higher mucking material retention and are increasingly resistant to
out volumes and other trends that will play out the sometimes very abrasive and sharp muck.
across geographic borders and project scales. “The HAC has quite a small footprint, say 2m x 2m
on the shaft or box wall, and that’s a big advantage in
‘Meters matter’ a 12m shaft,” Turner said. “Imagine a larger machine
The boring speed of TBMs has increased, which or even a skip system lifting the muck out of the
means more material must be removed in the same same shaft that supplies segments, grout, rail and
timeframe. As Turner stated, “Meters matter – or, if conveyor equipment – everything the TBM needs to
you’re from the U.S., yards matter.” grow the tunnel length.”
A TBM can produce 300 to 1500 tonnes of muck Yet HACs must keep pace with the progress they
per hour on typical metro systems. A mucking out help provide. This is accomplished in two key ways.
system must be able to handle those amounts, even First, HACs allow materials to be easily scraped
if material composition complicates matters. from the flat belt, saving the time, effort and cost of
Komatsu is utilizing high-angle conveyors (HACs) to cleaning bins, pockets or buckets.
remove material in Paris and another current jobsite, If volume is extremely heavy, as it is in a portion of
the Thames Tideway Tunnel project in London. The the Thames Tideway project, the material handling
vertical conveyors are being given a closer look on system can be made larger to incorporate a second
all types of tunneling projects. “It’s definitely become HAC. Even with this addition, the footprint remains
a go-to technology,” Turner said. small enough to devote adequate shaft space to
“Extracting in cities has always been in many achieve TBM support.

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Get the muck out of here but overseers require an understanding of its
Details can be the killer. That includes belt cleaning composition so it can be disposed of properly.
and reducing spillage. “Problems in these areas “Some materials can be more predictable – like
cause the deployment of valuable personnel,” Turner clays, sand and limestone,” he said.
said. In some cases, detailed knowledge of the
One remedy is to involve conveyor suppliers composition allows the muck to be reused. For
earlier in the process. “Whilst still usually the last example, the muck from the Lyon-Turin tunnel
major purchase on a project, the trend now is to contains a great deal of usable product. “Some of the
involve the conveyor suppliers early in the project material was valuable and could be re-crushed to
discussions,” Turner said. make concrete,” Turner said.
For example, the first contact regarding conveying The cost-savings and environmental advantage
on the Paris railway lots was made well before the associated with reusing the materials is considerable.
first earth was moved. “Transporting muck to its final
destination is another detail that is now explored
early in the planning,” Turner said. “Once again, the
movement toward greater capacity comes into play.”
The discussions include material haul-out. The
projects in London and Paris are near rivers, so
barges were the choice for removal. Of course, not
all projects have such river access. Turner cautions
that while trucks might be front-of-mind in these
situations, they are not always the best option if
there is a high quantity of waste.
“That could cause traffic nightmares,” he said.
“Using that many vehicles could simply stop the job.”
Turner faces different variables on the Turin-Lyon
tunneling project, which is in the early stages of the
tendering process, and therefore modified the haul-
out approach.
“Two tunnel conveyers 18km long could be
employed as one option, which puts it in the league
of some of the longest done,” he said. The amount “The volume is substantial,” Turner said. “That is a Tunnel Muck Stock
of muck and possible complication of its removal 57km tunnel.” Area Thames
Tideway Central,
could lead to the extension of a railroad line for Contractors have batch plants located on that
all the Material
removal of the excavated material. jobsite. “They make their own concrete,” he said. “If was transported
What may help that project is its relatively remote they can provide their own aggregate, they don’t vertically by a HAC
location, with plenty of convenient storage space for have to buy it. It also saves transport and disposal
the muck. costs.”

Material separation matters, too Additives now can save a lot later
The disposal requires muck to be separated by The muck can be modified during conveying to
material type. “We don’t just create a big pile of make transport easier and to access the material
muck,” Turner said. “There needs to be separate piles when it’s most convenient and cost-effective.
or bins.” When working in very wet conditions, belts with
That separation is now becoming a much more inclines help remove water. Additives also can be
intelligent procedure. It can include placement of a added early in the process.
computer chip onto the conveyor during loading. “We try to drain as much as possible,” Turner said.
This allows personnel to track the type of material “Also the TBM sometimes uses additives to modify
and its movement. “It’s like throwing a mobile phone the extraction and conveying properties of the
on the conveyor,” Turner said. “People will go to material. That sometimes makes it sticky but less
great lengths to separate materials.” watery. You have to simply rise to the challenge.”
The chip informs stacking personnel when to If the material has a particular composition –
divert a different type of muck to a new pile. “If you for example, if it’s known to require chemical
have the wrong type of muck in the wrong place, it’s intervention – it can be conveyed “as is” and a
a very big deal,” he said. dosing mixture can be added at a special transfer
The computer chip is a new twist on an old point.
process. “In the past, they used to throw colored golf “The dosing material is added before the muck
balls on the muck,” Turner said. “When the guy on goes to the bins,” Turner said. “It’s not extremely
the surface saw the specific color, he would use the sophisticated but it is practical. The dosing agents
diversion shoot.” are basically metered in.”
This simple step can be an enormous time- and
Muck can provide value cost-saver. “If this isn’t done, and you have to
In Paris, the muck needs to remain on-site for two to bring the material to spec, then you have to get
three days for testing. “This is something I see more an excavator and stir it in like a cake mix,” he said.
often,” Turner said. “It’s a lot more expensive, particularly in time and
There is little concern that the muck is hazardous, effort.”

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Operators are getting smarter markets and will apply more price pressures by doing
Different operators can have different approaches. so, Turner believes.
Yet there is one commonality: Tunnel operations are “Conveying equipment designed to the ‘norms’
getting smarter thanks to experience, innovation and will have a longer life than the usual 12 to 24-month
ingenuity. operational use on a typical project,” Turner said.
A combination of improved technology and smart Therefore, customers continue to request – and
operators comprise what Turner describes as “I.T. – receive – buybacks on TBMs and related equipment,
Intelligent Tunneling.” such as conveyors.
“More logic is put into the way they’re operating the “Buybacks are definitely a trend,” Turner said.
machine and collecting data at all levels, with the main “A question that’s always asked in a tender or
objective of safety and productivity by design,” Turner contractual meeting is, ‘Will you give us a buyback
said. offer for the equipment after the job is complete?’”
Operators have targets to meet. This requires This is particularly common on the bigger jobsites,
efficient TBM operation and proper mucking out where some contractors are motivated not only
systems to keep the project on track. by price, but by a lack of storage space. In some
Operators and personnel at other parts of the cases, they simply don’t plan to reuse the conveying
chain – conveying, stacking, diverting – must also be equipment.
engaged. Improper stacking, or failing to introduce “However, some contractors will retain the
additives, can be extremely costly. Failing to monitor equipment if they see a future use – in the same
and adjust conveyors can lead to slowdowns or even way we must consider future use if we exercise the
require the allocation of additional personnel. buyback,” Turner said.
The buybacks are just another trend, as are the
Financial pressures will continue for conveyor larger quantities and all that goes with them.
manufacturers “That’s just the reality of doing business,” Turner
Additional manufacturers are entering the conveying said.

Clean and quiet conveyors Lance Lopez, left, with Kiewit Alberici Joint
Venture and Mike Andrews with Fermi Research
Alliance descend into the Ross Ore Pass on an
A project at an abandoned gold mine in Two caverns will be excavated by drill/ open cage. Photo: Matthew Kapust, Sanford
Lead, South Dakota, is offering a glimpse blast and roadheader about 1.5km below Underground Research Facility
into the versatility of conveying – with a the surface.
touch of sustainability as well. During the excavation, Kiewit will
The Robbins Company is providing transport mucked out rock by cable
the conveyors, which utilize extensive hoist up the 1.5km deep shaft to a
efforts to make the mucking out process surface crusher. The reuse of the shaft
clean and quiet in a residential area. The is a nod toward sustainability, as is
project also showcases how continuous the utilization of refurbished mining
conveyors can be implemented in other equipment for the transport and
types of underground applications crushing of the rock.
beyond TBM tunnels. The project becomes even more
Plans call for the contractor, Kiewit, to interesting as the muck is conveyed to an
excavate caverns for the Long-Baseline idle open pit mine. The system includes a
Neutrino Facility (LBNF) to be operated by Robbins tunnel conveyor, which utilizes
the Department of Energy’s Fermilab. The 1600 feet of the original tramway tunnel, Assembly of the conveyors is set to
abandoned mine will become Fermilab’s and an overland conveyor, which runs begin this summer.
new neutrino detection facility in another 1800 feet to the existing open pit. Site preparation began seven years ago,
partnership with the Deep Underground “The setup includes the longest ever with the renovation of the main shaft. The
Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). overland conveyor Robbins has provided,” main tasks were:
the company stated. Yet there is more to • Renovating the area at the bottom of
the conveyor than length. It also spans a the shaft, where rock will be loaded into
main road and is very close to residential skips
areas and a city park. • Strengthening the headframe
Therefore, enclosed trusses and a few • Refurbishing the rock-crushing system
other features have been added to the next to the headframe, which was last
conveyors. They include: used in 2001 as part of a gold mine
• Sound-dampening materials Continuing and future projects are:
• Metal and smoke detectors • Building and installing the conveyor
• Sound-proofed, steel transfer points system
• Auto-cleaning dust filters • Rehabbing the existing tramway tunnel
These efforts will ensure the muck can be • Creating the power infrastructure for
This graphic depicts the path excavated rock
moved to the open pit – but in a manner operating the LBNF/DUNE experiment,
will take from the 4850 Level to the Open Cut in so environmentally sensitive that residents which will include 70,000 tons of liquid
Lead, South Dakota. Image: Fermilab and park-goers will not be disturbed. argon cooled to minus 184ºC.

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