Villanueva - v. - Judicial - and - Bar - Council
Villanueva - v. - Judicial - and - Bar - Council
Villanueva - v. - Judicial - and - Bar - Council
REYES, J : p
Separate Opinions
BRION, J, concurring:
I concur with the majority's ruling to dismiss the petition and with the
directive to the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC). I am filing this Separate
Concurring Opinion, however, to reflect my own views on the confluence of
the Court's exercise of its supervisory jurisdiction over the JBC and its
expanded jurisdiction in determining grave abuse of discretion on the part of
governmental entities and agencies.
Before us is Ferdinand Villanueva's ( Villanueva or petitioner) petition for
certiorari, prohibition and mandamus assailing the Judicial and Bar Council
(JBC or respondent) action of excluding him from the list of candidates for the
vacancies in the following Regional Trial Courts: Branch 31, Tagum City;
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Branch 13, Davao City; and Branch 6, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur.
In taking cognizance of Villanueva's petition, the majority applied the
Court's expanded jurisdiction under Section 1, Article VIII of the Constitution
and explained that the remedies of certiorari and prohibition are both
available to correct grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction not only by a tribunal, corporation, board or officer exercising
judicial, quasi-judicial or ministerial functions, but also to set right, undo and
restrain any act of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess or
jurisdiction by any branch or instrumentality of the Government even if the
latter does not exercise judicial, quasi-judicial or ministerial functions. 1
A very recent case before this Court involving the JBC (which the
ponencia cited in its earlier draft) is Jardeleza v. Sereno, 2 where the Court, for
the first time since the enactment of the 1987 Constitution, nullified an action
by the JBC. In so doing, the Court exercised both its expanded jurisdiction to
review acts of government agencies amounting to grave abuse of discretion,
and its supervisory jurisdiction over the JBC.
In Jardeleza, the JBC's act of selectively applying its own rules, which
resulted in the violation of the petitioner (now Justice) Francis Jardeleza's due
process rights, both amounted to a grave abuse of discretion and to a
cause that triggered the Court's supervisory jurisdiction over the JBC.
The JBC's grave abuse of discretion necessarily called for the Court's duty to
supervise the JBC — under the circumstances of that case — to make sure that
it would follow its own rules.
Unlike the selective application of the JBC's own rules in Jardeleza, the
JBC's assailed actions in the present case were in accord with the policies it
had long laid down. The application of this policy, according to the Villanueva
petition, violated the Constitution as it disregarded the enumeration of
qualifications of members of the judiciary under Article VIII, Section 7;
violated as well his due process and equal protection rights; and are contrary
to the socio-economic provisions in Article XIII, Section 3.
A reading of Villanueva's allegations shows that he properly alleged that
the JBC committed grave abuse of discretion, but he ultimately failed to prove
his claims. As the majority eventually held, the JBC acted within its power to
prescribe its own policies as part, and in the course, of determining the
constitutional qualifications required of every member of the bench. I agree
with the majority's approach and thus maintain that it properly took
cognizance of the Villanueva petition.
In acting as it did, the Court — while acting pursuant to its expanded
jurisdiction (by testing for grave abuse of discretion and finding none) —
effectively and subsequently acted pursuant to its supervisory jurisdiction over
the JBC. That the Court so acted is not improper as the petition in fact also
validly invoked the Court's supervisory jurisdiction over the JBC
under its allegations. Note that the petition called for the determination of
whether the JBC's policy contravened constitutional precepts.
In other words, the present petition prima facie claimed the commission
of grave abuse of discretion by the JBC to sufficiently trigger the Court's
expanded jurisdiction. No grave abuse however or any "capricious or
whimsical exercise of judgment," as claimed, was found. But at the same
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time, the allegations likewise brought into question the JBC's actions, which
actions are within the power of the Court to direct under its constitutional
supervisory power over the JBC.
Notably, the Court, in examining whether Villanueva's right to due
process had been violated, ruled that the JBC's failure to publish its policy of
requiring five years of service to qualify for a lower court judge position did
not rise to the level of a grave abuse of discretion. Nevertheless, the majority
held that, under the circumstances, these policies should have been published;
it further directed the JBC to publish policies or guidelines that it is or will be
implementing, subject to the approval of the Court.
I agree with the majority's conclusion and directive, and note that the
publication of the JBC's policies is in line with its thrust to "to insure
transparency in its proceedings and promote stability and uniformity in its
guiding precepts and principles," 3 as well as with the Constitutional policy to
promote transparency in government processes. 4
Lest the thrust and full import of the Court's present ruling be lost, let
me stress that the present case gives us the opportunity to address important
questions left unaddressed by the Court's recent ruling in Jardeleza:
May the Court exercise its supervisory jurisdiction over
the JBC separate from the exercise of its expanded
jurisdiction over acts of grave abuse of discretion of
government agencies?
If so, what remedy is available for parties wishing to
secure redress under this legal situation and how can this
remedy be availed of?
To fully address these questions, it is crucial to first fully understand the
nature of certiorari before and after the 1987 Constitution and how the Court
has been using this remedy.
A. Certiorari under the 1987 Constitution
Our use of the remedy of certiorari has evolved and expanded along
with the development of constitutional litigation under the 1987 Constitution.
The Court — in giving due course to (or dismissing) public interest
petitions brought before it — has breathed life to the second paragraph of
Section 1, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution, an innovation that eventually
has been labeled as its "expanded jurisdiction." At the same time, it
continues to adhere to the practice of judicial review embodied in the first
paragraph of Section 1 or what, for clarity, I refer to as the Court's
"traditional jurisdiction."
The Court's exercise of its traditional jurisdiction is rooted in its power of
judicial review which gives the Court the authority to strike down acts of the
legislative and/or executive, constitutional bodies or administrative agencies
that are contrary to the Constitution. The power of judicial review is
part and parcel of the Court's judicial power and is a power
inherent in all courts. 5
To be successfully mounted, the petition before the Court must be
embodied in an actual case, and the following requirements must be complied
with: (1) there must be an actual case or controversy calling for the
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exercise of judicial power; (2) the person challenging the act must have the
standing to question the validity of the subject act or issuance; otherwise
stated, he must have a personal and substantial interest in the case such that
he has sustained, or will sustain, direct injury as a result of its enforcement;
(3) the question of constitutionality must be raised at the earliest
opportunity; and (4) the issue of constitutionality must be the very lis
mota of the case. 6
Remedies used to invoke judicial review under the Court's traditional
jurisdiction include declaratory relief, certiorari and prohibition. These
remedies mirror the nature of the traditional concept of judicial review — i.e.,
that the declaration of the unconstitutionality of a law or act of government
must be within the context of an actual case or controversy brought before
the courts. Thus, the requirements for filing an action for declaratory relief 7
echo the requisites for an actual case or controversy, similarly with certiorari
and prohibition which historically developed as petitions to assail judicial or
quasi-judicial acts and which effectively confine these remedies to errors of
jurisdiction involving adjudicatory functions.
Note, at this point, that the enumeration of the Supreme Court's
appellate jurisdiction under Section 5, paragraph 2 of the 1987 Constitution
refers to the exercise of its traditional jurisdiction. The enumeration of what
may be reviewed by the Court all refer to cases, with reference to the
traditional jurisdiction of settling actual cases or controversies under
Section 1, Article VIII, viz.:
2. Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal or
certiorari, as the law or the Rules of Court may provide, final judgments
and orders of lower courts in:
a. All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any treaty,
international or executive agreement, law, presidential decree,
proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or regulation is in question.
b. All cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, assessment,
or toll, or any penalty imposed in relation thereto.
c. All cases in which the jurisdiction of any lower court is in issue.
d. All criminal cases in which the penalty imposed is reclusion
perpetua or higher.
e. All cases in which only an error or question of law is involved.
(emphases supplied)
The modes by which these cases may reach the Supreme Court for
review are either through an appeal of errors involving questions of law or
questions of law and facts (via a petition for review on certiorari), or
through a petition for certiorari assailing errors of jurisdiction.
Thus, certiorari under Section 5, paragraph 2 refers to a recourse under
the traditional jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, as provided under the first
paragraph of Section 1, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution.
At the same time, the Court has recognized and acted on the basis of its
expanded jurisdiction under the second paragraph of Section 1, Article VIII of
the 1987 Constitution, albeit not explicitly at first. Thus, we have cases where
the Court, recognizing its duty to determine grave abuse of discretion on the
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part of governmental agencies or entities, reviewed acts that are neither
judicial nor quasi-judicial in nature. Notably, the procedural media used in
invoking the Court's expanded jurisdiction have been petitions for certiorari,
or prohibition. 8 This practice reflects the wording of Section 1, paragraph 2,
which does not limit the determination of grave abuse of discretion to quasi-
judicial or judicial acts, but to any act involving the exercise of discretion on
the part of the government. 9
A distinctive feature in these developments is the strong correlation
between the Court's exercise of its expanded jurisdiction, and its relaxation of
the requirements for actual case or controversies. 10 The Court relaxes the
requirements for judicial review when the petition raises matters of
transcendental importance. That a matter is of transcendental importance
tempers the standing requirement for judicial review, which in turn, indirectly
relaxes the presence of an actual case or controversy itself.
Amidst these jurisprudential developments, the Rules of Court
has remained static; its express terms remained confined to the courts'
exercise of traditional jurisdiction over judicial or quasi-judicial acts. Yet the
Court unhesitatingly used the remedies of certiorari and prohibition to enforce
its power and to undertake its duty to determine grave abuse of discretion on
the part of the government. Thereby, the Court effectively relaxed the rules
on certiorari, notably by allowing its use in the review of acts of government
that are neither judicial nor quasi-judicial. 11
It is in this latter sense that the majority in Jardeleza and in the present
case allowed the use of certiorari to determine whether there had been grave
abuse of discretion on the part of the JBC. As I emphasized in my Concurring
and Dissenting Opinion in Araullo v. Aquino, 12 a prima facie showing of grave
abuse of discretion is both sufficient and necessary to trigger the Court's
expanded jurisdiction, in the same way that an actual case or controversy is
necessary to invoke the Court's traditional power of judicial review. In cases
that successfully invoked the Court's expanded jurisdiction, the transcendental
importance of the public issue presented by the petition likewise relaxed the
standing requirement (such that a Filipino citizen, by virtue of his citizenship,
possesses the standing to question a governmental act). The prima facie
showing of a grave abuse of discretion, on the other hand, takes
the place of the actual case or controversy requirement in the
traditional concept of judicial review.
The present petition, as earlier mentioned, successfully alleged the
commission of grave abuse of discretion, but the allegation, on deeper
consideration, was not grave nor serious enough to trigger the Court's
expanded jurisdiction. Unlike in Jardeleza where the JBC violated its own rules
thereby gravely abusing its discretion, the JBC's action in the present petition
was actually in accordance with its policy, which policy is within its power to
formulate. That this policy later turns out not to be a "grave" abuse of
discretion translates to the petitioner's failure to prove that he is entitled to
redress under the Court's expanded jurisdiction. This legal conclusion,
however, does not render the JBC fully immune to the Court scrutiny
as the claimed transgression may also open or trigger a parallel and
separate constitutionally granted Court action — the Court's
supervisory jurisdiction over the JBC.
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B. Supervisory jurisdiction over the JBC
Article VIII, Section 8 (1) and (5) provide that "A Judicial and Bar Council
is hereby created under the supervision of the Supreme Court. . . It may
exercise such other functions and duties as the Supreme Court may assign to
Supervision, as a legal concept, has been defined as the power of
oversight, or the authority to see that subordinate officers perform their
duties. 13 The Constitution's use of the concept of "supervision" carries various
significations that should not be missed.
First, the JBC is a body subordinate to the Supreme Court although
the Chief Justice who is primus inter pares within the Court also heads the
JBC as its ex officio Chair.
Second, the Court's power of supervision over the JBC gives the Court
the power to ensure that the law or the rules governing the conduct of the
JBC are followed.
And third, the Court as the supervising entity merely sees to it that the
rules are followed, but it does not, by itself, lay down these rules, nor does it
have the discretion to modify or replace them. If the rules are not observed,
the Court may only order the work done or redone, but only to conform to
higher applicable rules. 14
In more succinct terms, the Court's supervisory authority over the JBC
involves ensuring that the JBC's actions are in accord with the Constitution, as
well as with its own rules. Thus, when there are allegations regarding the
JBC's non-compliance with the Constitution or its own rules, especially when
it comes from an applicant who is in the position to know of these infirmities,
then the Court, through its supervisory authority over the JBC, has the duty
to inquire about the matter and ensure that the JBC complies with the laws
applicable to it.
B.1 The Court's supervisory
jurisdiction over the JBC is
general, and not limited to
That the Court's supervisory authority extends beyond mere
administrative supervision is beyond question.
Administrative supervision involves overseeing the operations of
agencies to ensure that they are managed effectively, efficiently and
economically, but without interference with day-to-day activities. 15 In
contrast, general supervision involves ensuring that the agency supervised
follows their functions, directing them to redo their actions should these be
contrary to law.
Textually, nothing in the 1987 Constitution limits the Court to the
exercise of mere administrative powers over the JBC when called for. Section
8, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution provides:
A Judicial and Bar Council is hereby created under the
supervision of the Supreme Court composed of the Chief Justice
as ex officio Chairman, the Secretary of Justice, and a representative of
the Congress as ex officio Members, a representative of the Integrated
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the Congress as ex officio Members, a representative of the Integrated
Bar, a professor of law, a retired Member of the Supreme Court, and a
representative of the private sector.
The regular members of the Council shall be appointed by the
President for a term of four years with the consent of the Commission
on Appointments. Of the Members first appointed, the representative of
the Integrated Bar shall serve for four years, the professor of law for
three years, the retired Justice for two years, and the representative of
the private sector for one year.
The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be the Secretary ex officio of
the Council and shall keep a record of its proceedings.
The regular Members of the Council shall receive such
emoluments as may be determined by the Supreme Court. The
Supreme Court shall provide in its annual budget the appropriations for
the Council.
The Council shall have the principal function of recommending
appointees to the judiciary. It may exercise such other functions
and duties as the Supreme Court may assign to it.
Section 8, Article VIII clearly grants to the Supreme Court the power and
duty of supervision over the JBC. It does not specify nor limit the Court to
administrative supervision over the JBC, but couches the grant of power to the
Court in general terms, i.e., "supervision."
When the Constitution used the general term "supervision" over the
JBC, it meant to grant the Court general supervision, for had it meant to limit
the Court to administrative supervision, or to the JBC's administration, then it
could have used these words to convey this concept. Even the Administrative
Code, which provides definitions of administrative relationships, recognizes
the need for a law to specify its intent to limit the supervising authority's to
administrative supervision, by making the function of administration a part of
supervision, viz.:
(c) Unless a different meaning is explicitly provided in the specific
law governing the relationship of particular agencies, the word
"supervision" shall encompass administrative supervision as defined in
this paragraph. 16
Otherwise stated, when a law grants a government agency supervision
over another agency, it automatically includes administrative supervision.
Thus, if an agency merely exercises administrative authority over another,
this should be specified in the law granting it.
Additionally, the Court, has, in the past, exercised its general supervision
over the JBC. In In Re Appointments dated March 30, 1998 of Hon. Mateo A.
Valenzuela and Hon. Placido B. Vallarta (Valenzuela), 17 for instance, the Court
en banc motu proprio decided to resolve the issue of whether the election ban
applies to the Judiciary in lieu of the constitutional questions raised by the
JBC's attempts to continue its deliberations in order to transmit a list of
nominees to the President despite the ban. In a Resolution ordering the
interested parties (none of whom raised a petition before the Court) to submit
a comment regarding the matter, the Court en banc instructed the JBC to
defer any action over the appointments pending the Court's resolution of the
election ban issue.
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The Court's acts in Valenzuela can hardly be described as administrative
supervision. In Valenzuela, the Court en banc found that the JBC's actions
could violate the Constitution and thus instructed its members to defer its
deliberations and to desist from transmitting any list of nominees to the
President until the Court en banc had resolved the constitutional question. The
C ou rt en banc initiated the determination of the constitutional question
without any interested party filing a petition for its resolution; from this
unique perspective, the Court's action was an exercise of its power to ensure
that the JBC performed its functions in accordance with the law, i.e., its power
of general supervision over the JBC.
The Court, after considering the pleadings filed by interested parties in
Valenzuela, decided to annul appointments that violated the constitutional
prohibition on the election ban. This Court action no longer involved an
exercise of its supervisory jurisdiction, but had spilled over into its expanded
jurisdiction to annul acts of grave abuse of discretion, which according to
Valenzuela, violated the Constitution. Interestingly, the Court distinguished
this ruling from de Castro v. JBC 18 with respect to appointments to vacancies
in the Supreme Court. The fine distinctions raised, however, do not negate the
fact that the Court exercised acts of general supervision over the JBC in
The distinction between the Court's exercises of its power of supervision
over the JBC and its expanded jurisdiction over all government agencies is
important, lest we be accused of exceeding our own jurisdiction and meddling
with the exclusive affairs of an independent constitutional body.
To reiterate, the Court, as an aspect of its supervisory power, can direct
the JBC to defer or stop its actions and to redo them, should it be necessary to
comply with the Constitution. We have, in the past, exercised our supervisory
jurisdiction when we instructed the JBC in Valenzuela to defer its proceedings
pending the resolution of a constitutional question; directed the JBC to review
its rules in Jardeleza v. Sereno; 19 and now, directed the JBC to publish its own
In contrast, the Court, as an aspect of its expanded jurisdiction, has
annulled acts that violate the Constitution: the Court did this when it
annulled the appointments made by the President in violation of the election
ban in Valenzuela; and when it annulled the application of the Rule 10,
Section 2 of the JBC Rules to Justice Francis H. Jardeleza in Jardeleza v. Sereno.
Note at this point, that the independent character of a
constitutional body does not remove it from the Court's jurisdiction.
The Commission on Elections, Commission on Audit, Commission on Civil
Service and the Office of the Ombudsman are all independent constitutional
bodies — and none of them can invoke their independence as a means to
avoid judicial review, more so when their assailed acts involve grave abuse of
Additionally, the Court's general supervision over the JBC is in line with
its constitutionally-bestowed discretion to assign additional functions and
duties to the JBC.
This grant of discretion empowers the Court to direct the JBC to redo its
acts that are contrary to law. To be sure, the Court's power to assign duties to
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the JBC as an aspect of general supervision over it does not grant the Court
the power to substitute its discretion over the JBC; the Court, in exercising its
supervisory jurisdiction over the JBC, can at most direct it to redo their actions
that are contrary to the law or to the Constitution.
Lastly, that the Court has issued A.M. No. 03-11-16-SC or A Resolution
Strengthening The Role and Capacity of the Judicial and Bar Council and
Establishing the Offices Therein, which acknowledges the Chief Justice's
administrative authority of the JBC, does not contradict the Court's power of
general supervision over it. First, the Constitution recognizes the Chief Justice
as the JBC's ex officio chair, implying her administrative authority over the
JBC. A.M. No. 03-11-16-SC merely affirms this provision in the Constitution.
Second, the Court's administrative authority over the JBC does not rule out
its power to supervise it, and may, as illustrated in the Administrative Code,
be construed as an aspect of general supervision.
B.2 The Court's supervisory
jurisdiction as applied in the
present case
The current petition questions the JBC's policies for having violated the
Constitution but not at the level where these policies have been issued with
grave abuse of discretion. As the majority eventually held, these policies are
in accord with the JBC's powers to determine whether applicants possess the
requirements for members of the bench. The majority, however, noted that
these policies should be published, and issued a directive to this effect.
To arrive at this conclusion, however, the Court must necessarily wear
its supervisory hat to determine whether the JBC's actions had been in accord
with the Constitution and relevant laws.
In this regard, I ask: is the Court, in exercising its supervisory
jurisdiction over the JBC, limited to the examination of acts alleged
to have been committed with grave abuse of discretion?
The Court is not and cannot be so limited under the terms of
the 1987 Constitution.
Article VIII, Section 8 — the provision for the Court's supervision over
the JBC — is separate and more specific than the general grave abuse of
discretion provision under Section 1, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution.
Thus, this supervisory authority, as a separate and more specific grant of
power, may be invoked and exercised separately from the Court's traditional
and expanded jurisdictions.
In the present case, I believe that what we ultimately undertook, based
on the conclusion we arrived at, was an exercise of our supervisory jurisdiction
over the JBC, made as a parallel power in the course of acting pursuant to our
expanded jurisdiction. From the prism of a petition for certiorari, we yet again
relaxed our rules when we allowed the use of the petition for another power
of the Court; we allowed the use of certiorari to invoke the Court's
supervisory jurisdiction.
In these lights, the Court should neither be hesitant nor timid in
exercising its supervisory jurisdiction over the JBC, without encroaching on
their prerogative to determine whether applicants to the judiciary
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possess the characteristics that the Constitution requires of each
member of the bench.
I believe, too, that this active Court role is necessary in light of the
recent cases brought before us and the issues that they presented. But the
Court's approach should be made very clear, particularly when a certiorari
would be the medium used, to avoid confusing the traditional, the expanded,
and the supervisory occasions in invoking the Court's jurisdiction.
To reiterate, the Court's power of supervision over the JBC is a power
granted distinctly and separately from the Court's traditional judicial review
and expanded jurisdiction powers. Thus, the exercise of supervision does not
need to be limited to instances where there is a prima facie showing of grave
abuse of discretion (as in petitions invoking the Court's expanded jurisdiction).
Neither should it be exercised only in conjunction with the Court's judicial
power to settle actual cases or controversies.
To forestall confusion in the future, the rules in this regard should be
very clear, particularly on when and how the Court's supervisory power over
the JBC may be invoked. Because the Court's power is independently granted,
recourse to the Court based on its duty to supervise should not be confined to
highly exceptional circumstances of grave abuse of discretion or as an adjunct
of adjudication.
Note, too, that we exercised our power of supervision over the JBC when
the Court's majority in Jardeleza recommended that a review of its rules be
made in light of the due process rights violations in that case. This was a
review of the JBC's quasi-legislative power and was a distinct act of
supervision separate from the exercise of our expanded jurisdiction to nullify
the grave abuse of discretion the JBC committed when it applied the
unanimity rule against Jardeleza.
As a final point, the recent cases involving the JBC has shown us that its
exercise of discretion is not infallible, and that it can commit errors that
violate the Constitution, or even its own rules. These abuses, no matter how
well-intentioned, should not be left unchecked, and the Court, as the body
tasked with supervisory authority over the JBC, should open up and clarify the
avenues by which these JBC errors may be remedied. The power to take part
in the President's power to appoint judicial officers is too important to be
hindered by mere technicalities and should be closely safeguarded.
2. Id. at 70.
3. Id. at 6.
4. Section 10. As soon as PHILJA shall have been fully organized with the
composition of its Corps of Professorial Lecturers and other personnel, only
participants who have completed the programs prescribed by the Academy
and have satisfactorily complied with all the requirements incident thereto
may be appointed or promoted to any position or vacancy in the Judiciary.
6. Rollo, p. 28.
7. Id. at 40-60.
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8. Id. at 68-95.
9. Maria Carolina P. Araullo, etc., et al. v. Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III, etc., et al. ,
G.R. No. 209287, July 1, 2014.
14. Special People, Inc. Foundation v. Canda, G.R. No. 160932, January 14, 2013,
688 SCRA 403, 424.
15. Rollo, pp. 57-58.
16. Malana, et al. v. Tappa, et al. , 616 Phil. 177, 186 (2009).
17. Hon. Quisumbing, et al. v. Gov. Garcia, et al. , 593 Phil. 655, 674 (2008).
18. See Bankers Association of the Philippines v. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
206794, November 27, 2013, 710 SCRA 608, 618.
19. Section 19. Jurisdiction in civil cases. — Regional Trial Courts shall exercise
exclusive original jurisdiction:
(1) In all civil actions in which the subject of the litigation is incapable of pecuniary
xxx xxx xxx
(6) In all cases not within the exclusive jurisdiction of any court, tribunal, person or
body exercising jurisdiction of any court, tribunal, person or body exercising
judicial or quasi-judicial functions;
xxx xxx xxx
March 25, 1994.
21. Supra note 10.
22. National Power Corporation v. Pinatubo Commercial, 630 Phil. 599, 609 (2010).
23. Garcia v. Drilon, G.R. No. 179267, June 25, 2013, 699 SCRA 352, 419.
24. CONSTITUTION, Article VIII, Section 7 (3) states:
3. A Member of the Judiciary must be a person of proven competence, integrity,
probity, and independence.
Section 1. Scope. — This Book shall be applicable to all agencies as defined in the
next succeeding section, except the Congress, the Judiciary, the
Constitutional Commissions, military establishments in all matters relating
exclusively to Armed Forces personnel, the Board of Pardons and Parole,
and state universities and colleges.
Section 20. The records and books of accounts of the Congress shall be
preserved and be open to the public in accordance with law, and such
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books shall be audited by the Commission on Audit which shall publish
annually an itemized list of amounts paid to and expenses for each Member.
The judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such lower courts as
may be established by law.
This is the background of paragraph 2 of Section 1, which means that the courts
cannot hereafter evade the duty to settle matters of this nature, by claiming
that such matters constitute a political question. 35 (Italics in the original;
emphasis and underscoring supplied)
10. See the ponencia's discussion of the transcendental importance doctrine in
Arturo de Castro v. Judicial and Bar Council, G.R. No. 191002, March 17,
2010, 615 SCRA 666, 722-728.
11. Gutierrez v. House of Representatives Committee on Justice, G.R. No. 193459,
February 15, 2011, 643 SCRA 198, 230-233.
12. Supra note 1.
13. More often than not, supervision is defined in relation with the concept of
control. In Social Justice Society v. Atienza, 568 Phil. 658, 715 we defined
"supervision" as follows:
Under this definition, the Court cannot dictate on the JBC the results of its assigned
task, i.e., who to recommend or what standards to use to determine who to
recommend. It cannot even direct the JBC on how and when to do its duty,
but it can, under its power of supervision, direct the JBC to "take such action
or step as prescribed by law to make them perform their duties," if the
duties are not being performed because of JBC's fault or inaction, or
because of extraneous factors affecting performance. Note in this regard
that, constitutionally, the Court can also assign the JBC other functions and
duties — a power that suggests authority beyond what is purely
14. In Hon. Dadole v. COA, 441 Phil. 532, 543-544, citing Drilon v. Lim, 336 SCRA
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201, 214-215, we have further discussed the difference between control and
supervision. "Officers in control lay down the rules in the performance or
accomplishment of an act. If these rules are not followed, they may, in their
discretion, order the act undone or redone by their subordinates or even
decide to do it themselves. On the other hand, supervision does not cover
such authority. Supervising officials merely see to it that the rules are
followed, but they themselves do not lay down such rules, nor do they have
the discretion to modify or replace them. If the rules are not observed, they
may order the work done or redone, but only to conform to such rules.
They may not prescribe their own manner of execution of the act. They
have no discretion on this matter except to see to it that the rules are
4. J. Leonen, Dissenting Opinion in Jardeleza v. Judicial and Bar Council, G.R. No.
213181, August 19, 2014 <
file=/jurisprudence/2014/august2014/213181_leonen.pdf> 21 [Per J.
Mendoza, En Banc], citing De Castro v. Judicial and Bar Council, et al. , 629
Phil. 629, 706 (2010) [Per J. Bersamin, En Banc].
9. Id. at 592.
10. Id. at 593-594, citing Senate of the Philippines v. Executive Secretary Ermita, 522
Phil. 1, 27 (2006) [Per J. Carpio-Morales, En Banc].
11. 522 Phil. 705 (2006) [Per J. Sandoval-Guttierez, En Banc].
12. Id. at 753, citing ISAGANI CRUZ, PHILIPPINE POLITICAL LAW 259 (2002).