Practical Assignment - :: Distributed Data Processing With Apache Spark

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Practical Assignment -: Distributed Data Processing with Apache Spark

Due: Wednesday , Nov 11 , 2020, 11:59 pm

This is an individual assignment. You are not allowed to share your codes with each other.

This assignment is about learning and practicing with the distributed data processing framework
Apache Spark to process large-scale data in a distributive way. Due to in-memory processing, it is
faster than the Hadoop MapReduce framework. Suppose that you want to analyze the files stored
or log files of the users on your distributed storage system. The simplest way is that you should collect
all the files on one server and just write a simple program to analyze the files. However, it is quite
probable that you do not have enough storage to store all the files on the central server. In addition
to this, by doing analysis this way you are utilizing a lot of bandwidth, incurring latency, and requiring
unnecessary central storage. To address these issues, one can use Apache Spark to analyze the data
in a distributive way that is, without moving the data to a central server. By using Spark, each node
in the storage system will analyze its data and send back the result to a central/parent node. In this
way, you do not need data to be transferred to a central place to be analyzed.

The main purpose of this assignment is to make you familiar with the distributive data processing
framework (Apache Spark). You can run Spark in Python, Java, R and Scala. You are free to choose
any language, but it is recommended that you write in Python as it is easier . In this assignment, you
are asked to run Spark on a single machine to analyze the file “book.txt” and files in “”.

1. (10 points)
Using Spark, write a program to count the number of words in “book.txt”.
Input: “A distributed system is a collection of autonomous computing elements that
appears to its users as a single coherent system.”
Output: system: 2, distributed: 1, …..
2. (20 points)
Using Spark, write a program to count how many times each letter appeared in the “book.txt.”
3. (20 points)
Using Spark, write a program to replace the words to lowercase letters and write it the file
4. (20 points)
Using Spark, write a program to replace spaces with “-” in the “book.txt” and write it to “words-
5. (20 points)
Using Spark, compute the sum of the numbers given in “numbers.txt” in the file.

• Additionally, you are given files Numbers2.txt, Numbers4.txt, Numbers8.txt, Numbers16.txt,

and Numbers32.txt.
• Compute the sum of the numbers in the individual files and plot a bar-graph. On the x-axis plot
the size of the file and on y-axis plot the time taken by the Spark to compute the result.

Report (10 points)

Write a 1-page report on Spark and mention its main features & use cases. For instance, what kind
of data can be processed in it. What are RDDs?

Submission and Demonstration:

You must submit your assignment including a report on the e-leaning portal ( There
will be a demo session. Demo sessions will be announced and attending the demo
session is required for your assignment to be graded. Please read this assignment document
carefully BEFORE the implementation. Take the report part seriously and draft your report
as accurately and complete as possible.

The online materials on Apache Spark are provided on the following link

PySpark resources and tutorial can be found

Installation of Spark:
Please follow the following steps to install Spark on your Linux machine:

1. cd /tmp && curl -O


2. bash
- Press enter or yes on each command prompt
3. Logout and login again to your computer
4. conda update anaconda-navigator
5. conda install pyspark
6. sudo apt install default-jre
7. sudo apt install default-jdk
8. sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
9. sudo update-alternatives --config java
- (choose the option of java 8)
10. Installation is complete (You can run the following code to test your installation. You will
see the squares of [1,2,3,4] in the output).

import pyspark
from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext()
nums = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4])
squared = x: x*x).collect()
for num in squared:
print('%i ' % (num))

Good Luck!

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