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Elements in Quantitative and Computational
Methods for Social Science
R. Michael Alvarez
California Institute of Technology
Nathaniel Beck


Zachary C. Steinert-Threlkeld
University of California, Los Angeles

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Information on this title:
DOI: 10.1017/9781108529327
© Zachary C. Steinert-Threlkeld 2018
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Twitter As Data
Zachary C. Steinert-Threlkeld*

Abstract: The rise of the internet and mobile telecommunications has

created the possibility of using large datasets to understand behavior
at unprecedented levels of temporal and geographic resolution.
Online social networks attract the most users, though users of these
new technologies provide their data through multiple sources, e.g. call
detail records, blog posts, web forums, and content aggregation sites.
These data allow scholars to adjudicate between competing theories
as well as develop new ones, much as the microscope facilitated the
development of the germ theory of disease. Of those networks, Twitter
presents an ideal combination of size, international reach, and data
accessibility that make it the preferred platform in academic studies.
Acquiring, cleaning, and analyzing these data, however, require new
tools and processes. This Element introduces these methods to social
scientists and provides scripts and examples for downloading, proces-
sing, and analyzing Twitter data. All data and code for this Element is
available at

Keywords: Twitter; political science; computational social science; CSS;

social science; big data; NLP; natural language processing; data science
ISSNs: 2398-4023 (Online), 2514-3794 (Print)
ISBNs: 9781108438339 PB, 9781108529327 OC

1 Twitter
The increasing prevalence of digital communications technology –
the internet and mobile phones – provides the possibility of ana-
lyzing human behavior at a level of detail previously unimaginable.

* Department of Public Policy, University of California, Los Angeles, CA

To whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]

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2 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

Blogs, content aggregation sites, internet fora, online social net-

works, and call data records provide access to data that vary by
the second. For political scientists interested in questions about
elections, language, political communication, conflict, or spatial
diffusion, among others, the rise of these technologies holds much
promise (Grimmer and Stewart, 2013; Bail, 2014).
These data require new tools to acquire, process, and, sometimes,
analyze. These tools are no more difficult to learn and use than other
qualitative and quantitative methods, but they are not commonly
taught to social scientists. There also exists no canonical text, in
journal or book form, that explains the strengths and weaknesses of
these data and tools. This Element provides a systematic introduction
to these data sources and the tools needed to benefit from them.
While digital communications technology provides data through
numerous platforms, I focus on one, the social network Twitter.
With over 300 million accounts creating 500 million messages
per day, it is one of the largest social networks. Its data are also
relatively easy to access, unlike Facebook’s. While other social
media platforms and websites also facilitate data access, none is
as general purpose as Twitter. Twitter’s global reach, large user
base, and data openness make it the preferred platform for large-
scale studies of human behavior.
I use the Twitter behavior of 21 accounts from Egypt and Bahrain
as a running example. Nineteen of these accounts belong to civil
society actors from four different social movements, and two
belong to the Bahraini government. I detail how to purchase their
tweets, download their old tweets, download specific tweets based
on a unique tweet identifier, download their new tweets as they are
created, and analyze these tweets. Analysis will focus on textual
and spatial analysis; for an explanation of network analysis using
Twitter, see Steinert-Threlkeld (2016). Throughout these examples,
I provide full working code as well as any data necessary.
The rest of this Element is divided into a further five sections.
Section 2 explains where to acquire Twitter data for your research.
You can download the data yourself through the REST API or
streaming API (see the glossary for a definition of REST, API, and

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Twitter as Data 3

other acronyms.) The REST API is for finding user metadata,

account relationships, and old tweets. The streaming API is for
downloading data in real time. You can purchase them, or you
can work with a collaborator who has obtained data that matches
your research interests.
Section 3 details how to acquire Twitter data from the REST API and
streaming API. It starts with creating a Twitter account, which is
necessary to access the API. It then provides code for the most
common data needs: downloading a user’s tweets, downloading spe-
cific tweets, finding tweets, or downloading lists of an account’s
followers and the accounts a specific account follows. The section
also shows how to connect to the streaming API for a random sample.
The streaming API accepts parameters for language, keywords,
accounts, and places, and the section shows how to use those as
well. It then finishes with a discussion of different data storage
Section 4 shows how to conduct common analyses on data
acquired via the methods in Sections 2 and 3. Processing is
required to move from raw tweets to tweets in rectangular format.
The section then shows how to conduct text analysis using tweets
and detect real-world events from them. It also discusses possibi-
lities of image analysis and generating metadata for a tweet, such as
demographic information.
Section 5 discusses how social scientists have used Twitter to
date. Only in the last five years have scholars started to incorporate
Twitter into quantitative analyses. Work has focused on using
Twitter to measure conflict dynamics, social networks, political
preferences, legislative responsiveness, economic outcomes, and
mobilization for contentious action. The section also discusses
social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, and
explains why Twitter is likely to remain the dominant source of
social network data for social scientists.
Section 6 concludes with several discussions of Twitter as a data
source. The section discusses limits to acquiring data and making
inferences given the little information provided in individual tweets.
It discusses potential ethical concerns with tweets, especially around

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4 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

protected groups of people such as children. Finally, it concludes that

Twitter exhibits characteristics of a media platform and social net-
work, meaning social scientists can use it to study both media, elite
individuals, and normal people.

1.1 Why Twitter?

Six features of Twitter have driven its popularity for academic study.
First, it is one of the largest social networks, with 319 million monthly
active users from almost every country and over $1 billion of annual
revenue (Twitter, 2016). These users include heads of state, compa-
nies, non-profit organizations, international non-governmental
organizations, celebrities, athletes, journalists, academics, and, pri-
marily, normal people. In the United States, as of November 2016,
24% of adults use Twitter; men and women use it equally, a plurality
of users are between 18 and 29 years of age (a majority, 18–49),
a plurality of users have at least a college degree (20% have a high
school degree or less), a majority earn more than $50,000 per year,
and users are evenly distributed across urban, suburban, and rural
areas. Forty-two percent of its users use it daily and 24% at least once
a week (versus 76% and 15% for Facebook) (Greenwood et al., 2016).
Twitter therefore provides a cross-section of almost any group in
which a researcher would find interest.
Second, users produce copious data, 500 million messages per day.
All these people and messages mean that Twitter mirrors vast seg-
ments of the population that would otherwise require large teams of
researchers to analyze concurrently. Taken together, these first two
characteristics mean that almost any event is recorded on Twitter, and
many events are predictable as a result of it. For literature on event
prediction using Twitter, see Table 1 at the end of Section 1.2.
Third, it makes these data relatively easy to obtain. Twitter
provides users’ data through two APIs, the streaming API and
the REST API, that are accessible to anyone with a Twitter
account. Before the switch to v1.1 of the APIs, Twitter allowed
third parties to provide interfaces that allowed individuals with
no programming experience to access its APIs. Now, that

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Twitter as Data 5

Table 1 Twitter literature

Topic Reference
Prediction Box office (Asur and Huberman, 2010)
Coups (Kallus, 2013)
Crime (Gerber, 2014)
Memes (Garcia-Herranz et al., 2014)
Stock market (Bollen et al., 2011; Zheludev et al.,
Unrest (Ramakrishnan et al., 2014; Steinert-
Threlkeld, 2017b)
Disaster Response Starbird and Palen, 2010; Vieweg et al., 2010; Yardi
and Boyd, 2010
Polarization Barberá et al., 2015a; Borge-Holthoefer, et al., 2015
Congress Barberá et al., 2014; Anastasopoulos et al., 2016
Demographics Hale et al., 2011; Zamal et al., 2012; Mocanu et al.,
Economics Acemoglu et al., 2014; Llorente et al., 2014
Geography Yardi and Boyd, 2010; Kulshrestha et al., 2012;
Conover et al., 2013; Frank et al., 2013
Sentiment Dodds et al., 2011; Golder and Macy, 2011.

capability no longer exists, raising the barrier to entry for

acquiring data. Nonetheless, because of Twitter’s popularity,
there are a large number of software libraries to access
Twitter, including in Python and R. You need some program-
ming knowledge to interact with the APIs, though not as much
as just a few years ago. The primary purpose of this Element is
to help the reader gain that knowledge.
Fourth, the APIs make it easy to tailor the data received to
a specific research question. You can receive as much as 1% of all
tweets every day (from the streaming API) or filter the tweets
received based on keywords, user location, user IDs, or language
used. Through the REST API, you can download specific tweets,
3,200 of a user’s most recent tweets, a list of who a user follows or
who follows the user, and user profile information. In other words,

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6 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

though Twitter has pioneered many “big data” technologies, you

do not necessarily need to possess these skills to access Twitter’s
data. You may need to learn new skills to gather the data, but
modeling and visualizing those data can be done with old tools of
the trade.
Fifth, Twitter is an excellent data source for network and non-
network analysis. Since the service is explicitly structured as
a network – connections between accounts are the fundamental
building blocks of the user experience – researchers interested in
diffusion processes and emergent behavior find Twitter a natural
resource. But Twitter, because its 1% stream delivers tweets with-
out information on the tweet author’s social network, is also
a compelling source for researchers interested in polling and
event prediction (Gayo-Avello, 2013).
Sixth, Twitter has a norm of public conversation that does
not exist on Facebook. While Facebook also provides an API,
most users choose not to make their information publicly
available. To gain access to a private user’s information, you
need to design a Facebook app that the user installs, or work
with Facebook’s research team. This team maintains veto
power over research proposals and publications, and the
recent controversy over manipulation of Facebook feeds has
caused Facebook to tighten control over its research team
(Kramer et al., 2014).

1.2 Types of Questions

Twitter data can be used to answer questions that involve three
kinds of data: networks, text, and spatial.
Perhaps the most exciting potential of Twitter is as a tool for
reconstructing social networks. Networks can be reconstructed
from streaming data or data downloaded through the REST API.
Because the REST API provides follower and friend information, it
permits the reconstruction of all of a user’s connections.
A researcher interested in the complete social network of an indi-
vidual therefore has to use the REST API.

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Twitter as Data 7

Computationally analyzing text is a growing field in the social

sciences (Grimmer and Stewart, 2013; Lucas et al., 2015), and
Twitter provides scholars with large corpora. The barriers to entry
for appearing in a Twitter sample are substantially lower than for
a news report or in Congress. People who are not likely to appear in
those sources are therefore much more likely to appear on Twitter,
casting light on swathes of previously unobservable behavior.
While this outcome is true of the internet more broadly – barriers
to entry are similarly low for joining most social networks, posting
on web forums, or starting a blog – Twitter is unique in its combi-
nation of size and public communication. Elites who are likely to
appear in traditional text sources usually have Twitter accounts
(every Senator and 430 members of the House have official Twitter
accounts, as do most news organizations), meaning Twitter
records communication behavior from all strata of society.
No other data source exists that is simultaneously comprehensive
and accessible. For literature that applies natural language proces-
sing to Twitter, see Table 1.
It is also possible to map Twitter activity to specific places,
allowing scholars to connect patterns on Twitter to offline events.
Location information comes from two sources, accounts choosing
to provide their GPS coordinates or self-reporting their location as
part of their profile. Tweets with GPS coordinates, which represent
2–3% of all tweets (Leetaru et al., 2013), provide the most precision
in estimating location. Tweets with GPS coordinates are more
prevalent in urban areas and among higher-income users, so the
extent to which they are reliable depends on the research question
(Malik et al., 2015). See the Supplementary Materials for an analy-
sis of which countries produce the most tweets with GPS coordi-
nates, both in absolute and per capita terms. See Table 1 for
examples of mapping Twitter to events.

1.3 A Note on Programming

Twitter data can be acquired, processed, and analyzed with many
programming languages, including R and Python. R is the

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8 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

programming language most familiar to political scientists.

An extension of S, a language developed at Bell Laboratories in
the 1970s, R was designed by statisticians. While it can perform
many general computation functions, its comparative advantage is
in statistical analysis. When a new statistical procedure is devel-
oped, the first implementation is usually as an R package.
R can ingest Twitter data in three ways. streamR is a package
that makes it easy to connect to R’s streaming API and write the
returned tweets to a .csv or JSON file (Barberá, 2013). twitteR is
designed to work with the REST API, though the complexity of the
REST API compared to the streaming one means the package is not
as robust as streamR (Gentry, 2015). You could avoid these
packages completely by using the RCurl package, which facilitates
interaction with the HTTP endpoints that web services, including
Twitter, use (Lang et al., 2016). Using RCurl provides the most
flexibility but requires more coding than using a package designed
to work with Twitter.
Python is a general purpose language tracing its lineage to 1989
and is most famous for having easy to read code. Whereas R was
created for data analysis and has been extended to other purposes,
Python was created to work with computers and has been
extended to data analysis. Transitioning from writing in R to writ-
ing in Python for the first time is much easier than transitioning
from never having written code to writing in R.
The primary Python library for working with Twitter is twython
(McGrath, 2015). (Tweepy is another Python library to access Twitter,
but twython has a larger community and is more frequently
updated). Unlike any R package, twython can work with Twitter’s
REST or streaming API and has built in exception handling. Python’s
pandas library provides data frames equivalent to R’s as well as
reshaping, merging, and aggregation capabilities spread across multi-
ple R packages (McKinney, 2015); pandas is much faster than base R,
though R’s data.table package is as fast or even slightly faster than
pandas (Dowle et al., 2015). Python’s statistical libraries are not as
deep as R, though most parametric and non-parametric models are
available through the statsmodels package (Seabold and Perktold,

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Twitter as Data 9

2014). Libraries for Bayesian analysis are not as developed, though

Stan has a Python interface. Python also has extensive libraries for
natural language processing (Bird et al., 2009) and machine learning
(Mueller, 2015) if there are statistical domains in which Python strictly
dominates R, it is these two.
Neither R nor Python strictly dominates the other. Python has
more developed tools for scraping web pages, but Hadley
Wickham’s rvest package narrows this gap. Python is generally
faster, but new R packages such as data.table erase that difference
on some dimensions. R’s syntax does not resemble that of other
computer languages, but it is also easy to read and learn. The one
area Python dominates R for data analysis is data storage: many more
database products have Python libraries than R ones, though R has
libraries for working with SQL, SQLLite, and MongoDB (a prominent
NoSQL database). That said, most people are unlikely to need
a database for their Twitter work. R dominates Python in developing
aesthetically pleasing graphics, though a Python port of ggplot is
being developed and Python’s matplotlib library produces Matlib
style graphics. If you already know R, learning Python may be worth-
while, but the costs and benefits require careful consideration since
either language can most likely accomplish your programming task,
and human time is the most scarce resource on any project. The more
likely you are to work with large amounts of data or colleagues from
outside the social sciences, the more beneficial Python knowledge
becomes. If you know neither R nor Python, learn both.

2 Acquire Data from Twitter

There are three approaches to acquiring data: using Twitter’s API,
collaborating with those who have collected them, or purchasing
them. This section details each in turn.

2.1 Acquire on Your Own

The first approach, and the one that is most likely to satisfy your
research question, is to download the data yourself. Advantages of

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10 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

this approach include being able to define search terms, not relying
on others for data, and, depending on how much data is involved,
cost. Disadvantages include a steeper learning curve than purchas-
ing or working with others, difficulty accessing historic data, and
needing to maintain your own infrastructure. Sections 2.1.1 and
2.1.2 explain the two application programming interfaces (APIs) for
acquiring data for free and what kinds of data are available from
each. Though Twitter does not charge for using those interfaces,
you still need hardware with which to store and analyze the data.

2.1.1 REST API

The REST API provides access to past tweets, user data, and
social structure. Below, each paragraph explains the type of
data the REST API provides. The italics at the beginning of the
paragraph is the type of data; the paragraph then explains each
type in detail.
User’s Tweets. Twitter allows anyone to download an account’s pre-
vious 3,200 tweets through the GET statuses/user_timeline endpoint.
This endpoint accepts 180 requests per 15 minutes and returns up to
200 tweets per request. An account with 3,200 or more tweets will
therefore require 16 requests. With each tweet, Twitter returns meta-
data on the tweet author, but that metadata reflect when the API
request was made, not when the tweet was created. @Greptweet is a
useful web interface on top of this endpoint.
Specific Tweets. More than 3,200 of a user’s tweets can be down-
loaded if the identification number of each tweet is known. Since
Twitter’s Terms of Service prevent researchers from sharing more
than 50,000 original tweets per day but allows an unlimited num-
ber of tweet IDs to be shared, a researcher who would like to
replicate other work or use previous tweets in original research is
therefore reliant on the goodwill of the original acquirer of the
tweets and having the programmatic ability to download the tweets
(see Freelon (2012) for an example of freely shared tweet IDs).
Fortunately, Twitter’s rate limits are generous for downloading
tweets, and the code to do so is simple. You can download 18,000

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Twitter as Data 11

tweets every 15 minutes (100 for each of 180 calls), equivalent to

1,728,000 per day. Downloading user information is subject to the
same limits.
If you would like to download more than 1.7 million tweets
per day, there are two options. The easiest approach – to split
the list of IDs into small chunks and submit those chunks at the
same time – will not work because Twitter only allows one
connection per IP address. The two options for downloading
tweets at a higher rate are therefore the two options to get
around the IP limit. The first approach, which violates the spirit
of Twitter’s limit, is to route the requests through proxy servers.
The second option is to use multiple computers. It is not difficult
to launch multiple virtual instances using a hosting solution
such as Amazon Web Services; the main drawback with
a hosted solution is cost. Cost is substantially lessened if you
use Amazon’s t2.small instances and push the Twitter data to
a local machine. Each t2.small instance costs $137–$180
annually, though you will also pay to transfer data. Otherwise,
friends’ computers or old machines are perfect for this sort of
task; since downloading data is not computationally expensive,
old computers are perfect for any Twitter task where rate limits
force the task to take a long time.
Search Tweets. It is possible to query Twitter’s GET search/tweets
for old tweets matching certain parameters. This method is to be
used cautiously, however, as Twitter returns only some tweets
from the previous six to nine days and is not clear on how it
chooses which to return. Only 100 tweets per request are
returned, up to 180 requests per 15 minutes. To avoid receiving
the same 100 results per request, pass the lowest tweet ID of the
returned tweets to the max_id parameter in the subsequent call,
and repeat this process as much as necessary. In addition to
search terms, Twitter allows for filters based on language and
latitude and longitude pairs; you can also specify for Twitter to
return the most recent or most popular matching tweets, or a mix.
One study has found that results from GET search/tweets do not

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12 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

match those from the random sample (González-Bailón et al.,

User’s Followers. Reconstructing network connections is slightly
more difficult. Two endpoints, GET followers/list and GET
followers/ids, provide information about followers. The former
provides fully hydrated user objects for each follower, up to 15
followers per 15 minutes. The latter provides only the identification
number of followers, but it does so for 75,000 followers per
15 minutes; those numbers can then be fed to GET users/lookup,
from which up to 18,000 completely hydrated user objects are
returned every 15 minutes. GET followers/list therefore saves one
step, but is slower than using GET followers/ids with GET users/
User’s Friends. The same logic holds for retrieving who a user
follows (that user’s friends, in Twitter parlance). You connect to
GET friends/ids instead of GET followers/ids, but those friend
identification numbers are fed to GET users/lookup.
Twitter returns the follower and friend list in reverse chronolo-
gical order but does not reveal when either connection is formed.
Section 3.2.4 explains how to infer connection dates using the

2.1.2 Streaming API

This section details how to collect data in realtime via Twitter’s
streaming API.1 There are two levels of access available, the 1% vs.
10% stream. Twitter removed free access to the 10% stream –
variously called the garden hose or fire hose – in early 2011, and
you now have to apply and pay for access. (Twitter does not disclose
the price of connecting to the garden hose; anecdotally, it requires a
large grant.) The 1% stream remains free and probably will forever,
as it is the connection developers use to build Twitter-related

The streaming API technically has three endpoints: GET statuses/sample, GET
user, and GET site. Academics will only need to work with GET statuses/sample,
so that is the connection assumed for the rest of this Element.

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Twitter as Data 13

products. For documentation on the API, see Twitter developer

guidelines. Because the streaming API returns all tweets matching
filtering parameters so long as the total number of returned tweets is
less than 1% of all tweets, these variations are different sets than
a subset of tweets from the pure random sample matching those
Random Sample. By default, Twitter returns a random 1% sample
of tweets as they are written. This sample comes out to about
5 million tweets and 12 gigabytes of raw data per day. Because
each returned tweet object consists primarily of metadata, pre-
processing or post-processing the tweets can reduce storage
requirements without reducing the amount of useful data.
Twitter does not disclose how it chooses the sample, leading to
concern about the representativeness of the stream versus the
complete Twitterverse. Comparisons of the stream to the complete
Twitterverse find the stream does not differ in a meaningful man-
ner (Morstatter et al., 2013; Valkanas et al., 2014).
You can also request Twitter filter the results from the stream-
ing endpoint. If a filter is given, Twitter returns all tweets match-
ing the request up to 1% of all tweets. For example, if you ask for
every tweet with the keyword “LeBron” and tweets with that word
constitute 1% of all tweets, Twitter will return every single tweet
containing that word. This design is extremely advantageous for
researchers, as it means the streaming sample can often become
a streaming population. With filters, the streaming API can pro-
vide a researcher with every tweet of interest, though the
researcher will have to know ahead of time what filters are of
interest. To continue the keyword example, if the researcher
connects to the stream without specifying “LeBron” only 1% of
all tweets containing that word will be returned, 2 order of mag-
nitude fewer tweets than requesting tweets specifically with
Geographic Sample. The streaming API can also return tweets
from within a box defined by two coordinate pairs. The bounding
boxes are not used in conjunction with other filters. For example,

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14 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

asking for tweets from San Francisco and tweets in Spanish will
return all tweets from San Francisco (regardless of language) and
all tweets in Spanish. Since 2–3% of tweets contain GPS coordi-
nates (Leetaru et al., 2013), passing the coordinate pairs
[–180,90,180,90] – a box around the world – will return 33% to
50% of all tweet with GPS coordinates. Twitter accepts up to
25 bounding boxes per connection. The streaming API does not
use a user’s self-reported location.
Specific Keywords. Twitter will return tweets containing a user-
supplied string, and multiple strings can be passed. This func-
tionality can be used to search for specific hashtags, individual
words, links (Twitter will search the expanded URL of a shor-
tened link), retweets, or mentions of a user. Four hundred pieces
of text can be passed per connection. Note that non-space sepa-
rated languages, like Korean, Japanese, and Chinese, are not
Language Sample. When connecting to the streaming API, you can
request only tweets in a certain language. Twitter will then return
all tweets in that language up to the 1% ceiling. Note that language
cannot be the only parameter passed. To download tweets in
a specific language, it is therefore best to pass generic keywords
in that language, e.g. “this”, “the”, “is”, and so on if you want
a sample of tweets in English. The request will then return
a random sample of the tweets in English that contain one of
those words. Multiple languages can be requested simultaneously.
Because Twitter does not filter for non-space separated languages,
asking for tweets in those languages requires use of other
Specific People. You can submit specific user identification num-
bers to the streaming API and receive all tweets the users create, all
tweets the users retweet, replies to tweets of the users, and retweets
of the users’ tweets. Five thousand people can be followed per
connection. This feature is especially useful when the accounts to
be studied are known. The best way to identify accounts is through

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Twitter as Data 15

lists, curated collections of accounts other users have created. For

example, Twitter maintains the “US Senate” list, a list of the Twitter
accounts for each Senator (every Senator has a Twitter account).
A researcher could ask the REST API for the user identification
number of each member of this list and then pass those numbers to
the streaming API. Every tweet from every Senator would hence-
forth be downloaded by the user, assuming the 100 Senators never
account for more than 1% of all tweets.
Except for the GPS bounding boxes, Twitter’s documentation is
not clear on how these parameters interact with each other. More
likely than not, they are additive, e.g. following a specific user and
asking for tweets in Spanish will probably return tweets in Spanish
or tweets from that user.

2.1.3 Access Constraints and Replication

While Twitter’s streaming and REST APIs are powerful, they have
seven quirks to be aware of when writing code. These quirks
render some kinds of analyses, especially those relying on the
REST API, more difficult than they otherwise would be. They also
raise the costs of replication, though full replication remains
First, an overarching restriction is that Twitter imposes limits
on how quickly you can retrieve data from the REST API.
(The only restriction of the streaming API is that not every tweet
is returned if the number of matching tweets exceeds 1% of the
total volume of tweets.) Requests are counted in 15 minute win-
dows, and most API endpoints allow 15 requests per window.
Each request, however, may return multiple matches, and the
number of matches returned is not constant across endpoints.
For example, Twitter returns 5,000 followers per request, so
75,000 followers can be downloaded in one window. When asking
Twitter for metadata about an account, 100 accounts per request
and 180 requests per 15 minutes are allowed, allowing for meta-
data on 72,000 accounts every 15 minutes.
Download time is a step function. The amount of data returned
in each request is small, so Twitter can return the results from 15

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16 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

requests in a matter of seconds. A user with 75,000 followers there-

fore requires a few seconds to download the list of followers, but
one with 75,001 requires just over 15 minutes.
If your code needs to query an endpoint more than the rate limit
allows, the code must restrict itself, otherwise Twitter will sever the
connection and reserves the right to ban the account from query-
ing the APIs again. The rate limits make it very difficult to recon-
struct complete social networks, an issue returned to in
Section 3.2.4. Details on rate limits for specific endpoints are
available at Twitter’s developer website (https://developer.twit
Second, Twitter only allows one connection per IP address to
any part of its API. For example, downloading the 1% stream and
a separate stream returning only tweets from the United States
would require two separate IP addresses. Similarly, connecting to
the stream while parsing accounts' followers requires two IP
addresses. Without this restriction, the rate limits would be mean-
ingless. Nonetheless, the ability to create virtual machines on
demand, using a product such as Amazon Web Services, makes
the IP address restriction less onerous than it otherwise would be.
Third, when asking for an account’s previous tweets, the REST
API returns only the 3,200 most recent tweets from an account.
This restriction means that you will not obtain, for free, all the
tweets from accounts which tweet often, such as celebrities, poli-
ticians, or media accounts. Because there is a positive relationship
between tweet frequency and number of followers (Gonzalez-
Bailon et al., 2013), the limit means that a sample of users for
whom all the tweets are available is a sample of less popular
accounts. Moreover, the metadata of each tweet are not reflective
of the tweet at the time it was authored. For example, a tweet from
the streaming API will show how many followers the author has
when the tweet is created, but that same tweet downloaded from
the REST API will show the number of followers the account has at
the time the old tweet was downloaded. This wrinkle means that
tweets from the REST API are not equivalent to tweets from the
stream API.

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Twitter as Data 17

Fourth, while the REST API allows you to search historic tweets,
the results are only from the previous seven to nine days and not
exhaustive of those days. Twitter does not explain how it decides
which tweets to return, so it should not be relied upon to recon-
struct histories. Twitter only returns 100 results per request, up to
180 requests per 15 minutes.2 A broad search with thousands of
results may therefore take awhile to download and will not provide
the population of tweets matching a search query. Searching
directly at returns all historic matches, but you
cannot download those matches.
Fifth, Twitter only allows you to share 50,000 public tweets and/or
accounts’ metadata per day, and the sharing cannot be automated.
For example, if a researcher uses more than 50,000 tweets for
a paper and needs to share them, they cannot be made freely
available. A system would need to be constructed to verify that an
interested party is not downloading the data more than once
per day, and the data cannot be pushed (sent automatically) to an
interested party. Twitter does allow, however, the unlimited distri-
bution of the numeric identification number of each tweet or user
account. An interested party can then take these numbers to the
REST API and download the full tweet and account information.
But, as noted in the third limitation, the metadata from these tweets
will differ from the metadata of the original tweets, if the original
tweets were obtained from the streaming API.
Sixth, the streaming API occasionally disconnects. These dis-
connections are rare and random but can imperil research design
if not caught quickly. At least three solutions are available. If your
connection is designed to last indefinitely, that connection’s code
should generate an e-mail, or similar notification, whenever the
connection is interrupted. Alternatively, you can intentionally dis-
connect from the streaming API and immediately reconnect at

Technically, the number of requests depends on whether you are authenticated
as a user or application. Since whether or not one form of authentication returns
more results depends on the type of request and as most academics are not
trying to build an application, the rate limits presented are for the user

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18 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

preset intervals, such as every one to 24 hours. Any stoppage of the

stream would therefore impact only that interval’s data collection.
(This strategy is what I employ in my data collection. I collect
tweets in one hour intervals, using Unix systems’ cronjob sche-
duling. My server launches a new script every hour, and that script
only downloads tweets during those 60 minutes. Any disconnect in
the previous hour will therefore cause me to lose no more than 60
minutes’ data.) Third, you could implement a monitoring script
that will restart the script whenever a disconnect notification is
generated. This approach results in the least amount of data loss;
the streaming API is very reliable, however, so the researcher
should weigh the extra implementation time this check will require
versus the hours of data it may save.
Seventh, when requesting specific users, best practice calls for
using an identification number. When a user changes his or her
username, Twitter does not update the user identification number
corresponding to the original screen name. Asking either API for
user information based on the screen name may therefore suffer
from decay as users change their name, while asking by user
identification number will not.

2.2 Collaborate
On April 14, 2010, Twitter and the Library of Congress announced the
Twitter Research Access project, a collaboration to make every tweet
ever published available to researchers (Stone, 2010). Scheduled for
completion in 2013, the project still has not resulted in an available
archive. Updates from the Library have been intermittent, though it is
clear it has at least all tweets from 2006, when Twitter started, through
the end of 2010. Disconcertingly, a report from the Library in 2013
suggested that the hardware necessary to enable fast searches of the
archive are “cost-prohibitive and impractical for a public institution”
(Update on the Twitter Archive at the Library of Congress, 2013).
The most detailed report on the project and its current status is to
be found in Zimmer (2015) and McGill (2016). The situation appears
no closer to resolving itself.

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Twitter as Data 19

@Greptweet hosts, a website that returns a user’s

3,200 most recent tweets. This website is the most user friendly
method to get a user’s tweet history, but it suffers two main dis-
advantages. First, it only returns the tweet identification number,
tweet timestamp, and tweet text; while you can retrieve the full
tweet based on this information (see Section 2.1.1), it would be
preferable to have the data without programming. Second, you can
only get tweets for one user at a time, which is a much slower
process than submitting requests through the API.
is therefore best for retrieving data for a small group of people who
do not tweet frequently.
TCAT allows an interested party to connect to Twitter’s stream-
ing API, follow users or keywords, and create network graphs
through Gephi, all without any programming expertise (Ward,
2014). TCAT is best for identifying accounts that are influential in
talking about a particular product. The service is no longer open to
the public, though inquiries are accepted on an ad hoc basis
(Groshek, 2015).
CrisisNet is part of Ushahidi, an open source digital platform that
supports data-gathering from the internet and mobile phones, with
a focus on the developing world and public sector implementa-
tions. CrisisNet ingests data from Ushahidi, Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and ReliefWeb, processes the data into a standard
form, and makes each post from each source available through
an application programming interface. It is not a complete archive
of content from the data sources it monitors; instead, it pays
attention to specific accounts that CrisisNet users identify. Once
an account is identified, its data from that point forward is part of
CrisisNet. The platform is still a small operation and has the
steepest learning curve of these tools.
Finally, many academics have already collected, or collect con-
tinuously, their own Twitter data, though Twitter’s terms of ser-
vice prevent the mass sharing of tweets. Collaborating with
someone who already has Twitter data on a topic or timeframe
of interest is often the quickest, most inexpensive method of
acquiring tweets.

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20 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

2.3 Purchase
If you are interested in tweets from the past, the most thorough
approach is to purchase them from a vendor. (Section 2.1.1
describes how to download some old tweets for free.)
Companies which provide access to old tweets pay a large, undi-
sclosed licensing fee to Twitter, and their main customers are
marketing and public relations firms. Since many companies
provide this service, this section focuses on three of the most
The main vendor is Gnip; it was founded in 2008 and started
licensing Twitter’s data in 2010, and Twitter purchased the com-
pany outright in 2014. While Gnip’s target market is businesses,
anyone can purchase their old Twitter data using their Historical
PowerTrack application programming interface (API). Gnip
claims that prices start at $500, but a project will more likely
spend upwards of $5,000 purchasing data. The price is
a function of the number of tweets that will be returned and the
timespan of the request, though the final price requires consulta-
tion with a sales representative. Gnip provides its own metadata
as well, including expanded links, a Klout score, language detec-
tion, and enhanced geo-information. Though Gnip provides
a programming interface, a one-time purchase is best handled
through contacting a salesperson directly. Gnip has offered Data
Grants, free downloads of tweets to winning applicants; its first,
and so far only, competition, in 2014, saw 1,300 entrants compete
for six grants.
DataSift is the second major reseller of archived tweets. They
provide the same services as Gnip, provides a programming
interface that uses their own syntax to filter historic data.
(DataSift and Gnip also ingest other datasources such as
Wikipedia, reddit, YouTube, and WordPress.) DataSift’s historic
data starts on January 1, 2010, whereas Gnip has every tweet
since 2006. DataSift charges $1 per 5 hours of computation time,
plus $0.10 per 1,000 tweets a query returns. To estimate the cost

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Twitter as Data 21

of a dataset, the researcher has to submit a query to DataSift’s

API. DataSift will return the estimated number of matching
items, which, when divided by 10, will give the cost in dollars
for the tweets themselves; the final cost will also include compu-
tation time. Two features distinguish DataSift from its competi-
tion. First, it accesses more services’ data than other
services. Second, DataSift has also published a Python library
to access its API. An annual subscription costs $200,
The most cost-effective method to acquire historic tweets is
through Texifter’s Sifter tool. Texifter is a third-party vendor that
interfaces with Gnip. The main advantage of Sifter is that it pro-
vides an online interface to Gnip’s API so that a user can test
a variety of search parameters. Sifter will then estimate the number
of tweets the download would contain and provide a cost estimate.
Sifter also appears to offer a lower price point than Gnip, though
whether that is true or not is unclear since Gnip’s pricing structure
is opaque. Sifter then transfers the data to Texifter’s DiscoverText
tool, an online interface through which a coding team can search,
filter, code, or analyze the returned tweets. The tweets can then be
downloaded, though Twitter’s terms of service require that Sifter
only allow 50,000 tweets per day to be downloaded, regardless of
how many match a user’s query.

3 Process Data
3.1 Getting Started
This section takes the reader through creating a Twitter account
and creating an application with that account. The application is
what will connect to Twitter’s APIs, and an account can own multi-
ple applications.
Section 3.1.1 explains how to create an account, and
Section 3.1.2 shows how to use that account to obtain the cre-
dentials you will need to access Twitter’s API. Section 3.2
provides Python and R scripts to download a user’s tweets,

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22 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

download specific tweets by their identification number, search

for tweets, download an account’s followers, and download an
account’s friends (the accounts the account follows). Section 3.3
provides Python and R scripts to download a 1% random sample
of the Twitter stream as well as request tweets from the stream
that match language, geographic, account, or keyword para-
meters. The sections show the key line or lines that download
the data and provide links to the full script. Each script is
designed to run manually, so there is redundancy in the first
lines of each.

3.1.1 Create an Account

1. Load Twitter ( in your internet browser.3
2. On the right side of the browser window, you will see a box that
says “New to Twitter? Sign Up”, as Image 1 shows. Fill that box
with your name, contact e-mail address, and a password.

Image 1.

These steps are current as of May 2016.

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Twitter as Data 23

3. After entering your name, contact e-mail address, and a

password, click the yellow button that says “Sign Up for
4. The website will load a new screen (Image 2). Enter your name,
contact e-mail address, and password again. Add your desired
username, which is what your primary name will be on Twitter.
Uncheck the boxes about staying signed in and tailoring Twitter,
if you desire.

Image 2.

5. Click the yellow “Create my account” button after completing

the previous step.
6. In the screen that loads after clicking the “Create my account”
button, follow steps 1–5. These steps provide Twitter with more
information about yourself. Since this account will be for
research purposes, it is not important to answer these. Note
that there is a small phrase, “Skip this step”, at the bottom right

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24 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

of your screen; clicking those words will allow you to progress to

the next page.
7. After completing those steps, you will arrive on your Twitter
homepage. You will see a banner notifying you about a con-
firmation e-mail and giving you options to resend the e-mail,
change your e-mail address, or get help (the “learn more” text).
See Image 3.

Image 3.

8. Check your e-mail using the e-mail address you gave Twitter.
You will have an e-mail with a blue “Confirm now” button. Click
that button. If you do not see this e-mail after a few minutes,
check your Spam folder.
9. Clicking the “Confirm now” button will take you to the Twitter
homepage for your account, as shown in Image 4. It is worth
following some accounts and sending a couple of tweets
immediately so Twitter does not delete your account for

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Image 4.

3.1.2 Register an Application

Before you can request data from Twitter, you will have to prove to
Twitter that you actually have an account. Proving is accomplished
through the OAuth authentication standard. This section will show
you how to authenticate yourself with Twitter.
1. Use your internet browser to load If you
are not still logged in from Step 1, you will see a screen similar
to Image 5. Twitter changes their background image often, so
do not worry if your webpage does not look exactly like this.

Image 5.

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26 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

2. Move your mouse to “Developers.” A menu will drop down.

Click on “Documentation”. See Image 6.

Image 6.

3. A new page will load after clicking “Documentation”. On the left

navigation bar of that new page, click “Manage My Apps”.
4. Twitter will tell you that you do not have any applications yet,
as Image 7 shows. Click “Create New App”.

Image 7.

5. The next screen, shown in Image 8, is where you create your

application, which is what you will use to access Twitter’s API.
Fill in the fields with whatever words you want, though it is best
that the name and description correlate with the purpose of
the application. The website field can be any website, unre-
lated to you or not. Once the fields are completed, check the
“Yes, I agree” box for the Developer Rules of the Road4 and
click the “Create your Twitter application” button.
You should also read the rules of the road. They are short and explain the limits
to sharing tweets.

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Image 8.

6. After creating your application, you will find yourself at the

main page for your application and see four navigation tabs –
“Details”, “Settings”, “Keys and Access Tokens”, and
“Permissions”. Click on “Keys and Access Tokens”.
7. After clicking on “Keys and Access Tokens”, your screen
should look like Image 9, with your application’s name in large,
bold font. Note that the application name has changed
from “ExampleApplicationNeophytes” to “ExampleApplication”
because the latter was taken.

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Image 9.

8. Copy and paste the “Consumer Key (API Key)” and “Consumer
Secret (API Secret)” fields somewhere you can easily retrieve
them, such as in a text document. These will be necessary
soon. The method of connecting to the streaming API through
R does not require the next steps; if you are using R, skip to “Use
R to Verify Your Identity”. Libraries in other languages will
accept the two items created in the next steps or let you replicate
the steps R requires.
9. At the bottom of the screen, click the “Create my access token”
10. Once you click the “Create my access token” button, the screen
will refresh, with more information displayed under the “Your
Access Token” section. If there is no information, wait a few
minutes and click the “Refresh” blue text at the top of the
screen. Your screen should look like Image 10:

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Twitter as Data 29

Image 10.

11. Copy and paste the “Access Token” and “Access Token Secret”
fields somewhere you can easily retrieve them, such as in a text
document. You will also need these shortly.

3.2 Using the REST API

R’s twitteR package is designed to work with the REST API and is
used in the following examples. Its documentation is not user
friendly, but there are many examples online of how to use it to

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accomplish common Twitter tasks. An alternative option is to

access the API directly through PycURL or RCurl; those libraries
use Python and R to work with curl and libcurl, lower level tools
to transfer files via the internet. Working directly with the API
entails submitting requests as long URLs and provides the most
flexibility to the researcher. Since that approach has a steeper
learning curve than working with a library designed for Twitter, it
will not be presented here.

3.2.1 User’s 3,200 Tweets

The full R script to download a user’s tweets is here (www The key line is this:

1 tweets <- userTimeline(user, n = 3200, includeRts = TRUE)

# n = 3200 ensures all tweets will be downloaded; Twitter
does not return more than 3200 tweets.

tweets is a list, and the twListToDF() function converts that list to

a data frame. The script also shows how to save the tweet identi-
fication numbers to a text file, a necessary step for others to
replicate your work.
The full Python script to download a user’s tweets is here (www The script defines a function
to retrieve a user’s tweets using either the screen name or identifica-
tion number, and it can be easily extended to handle multiple users at
once. It also contains a function to save the tweets to a file. The key
lines are:

1 temp = connection.get_user_timeline(screen_name=-
screen_name, count=200, max_id=maxID – 1)
3 tweets = getUserTweets(screen_name=’ZacharyST’)
4 saveTweets(tweets, filename=’<insert˽your˽name˽here’)

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3.2.2 Tweets by ID
You can download specific tweets if the tweet identification number
is known. This feature is useful if you want to replicate other Twitter
studies: Twitter does not allow you to share more than 50,000 raw
tweets per day, but you can share an unlimited number of tweet
identification numbers. For tweet identification numbers, Twitter
returns 6,000 tweets per 15 minutes, or 576,000 per day. For an
example of a researcher sharing tweets, see Freelon (2012).
The full R script to download specific tweets is here (www The key lines are:

1 # Load one tweet

2 tweet <- showStatus(tweet_IDs$ID [1])
4 # Multiple tweets require more work
5 chunkedTweets <- split(tweet_IDs$ID, ceiling(seq_along
(tweet_IDs$ID)/ submissionsPerRequest)) # ceiling
(seq_along(tweet_ IDs$ID)/ submissionsPerRequest)
generates a list of repeating numbers for split () to
split. split then creates a list where each entry is as
long as submissionsPerRequest (100 in this example).
7 tweets <- NULL # Empty object that tweets will feed into
9 # Download tweets
10 for(i in 1:length(chunkedTweets)){
11 print (paste ( ’On˽cycle ’, i, ’of˽tweets ’, sep=’˽’))
# Status tracker
12 # Sys. sleep (delay) # How many seconds to pause so that do
not trip rate limit. Commented out in this loop because
downloading 3,200 tweets will never exceed the rate
limit. (60 requests * 100 tweets per request) > 3200
13 temp <- twListToDF(lookup_statuses(ids = chunkedTweets
14 tweets <- rbind(tweets, temp)
15 }

The full Python script to download specific tweets is here (www The key lines are:

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32 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

1 # Download tweets
2 for chunk in chunkedTweets:
3 print(’On˽new˽chunk’)
4 temp = connection.lookup_status(id=chunk) # Notice that
this is lookup_status and not show_status
5 tweets.extend([item for item in temp])

3.2.3 Search Tweets

Twitter’s REST API also allows you to search for recent tweets by
calling the GET search/tweets endpoint. The parameters you can
pass are quite similar to the parameters the streaming API accepts,
but the search function only returns tweets from the previous six to
nine days. (Twitter’s documentation variously states the previous
seven days or the previous six to nine days.) If you are interested in
tweets related to an unexpected event, it is easier to connect to the
streaming API and pass the same parameters you would to GET
search/tweets. GET search/tweets is therefore best used to observe
the world in the period just before an unexpected event happens,
not to watch the world in real time.
The search functionality treats geolocation different from the
streaming API. In the streaming API, a bounding box is passed,
and Twitter returns tweets with GPS coordinates from within that
box. When searching for tweets, you supply a point and a radius
around that point (in miles or kilometers), and Twitter returns
tweets from within that circle. In addition, the streaming API only
returns tweets with GPS coordinates, whereas the search function
will return matches based on a user’s self-reported location. For
example, if you are a user who says they are from New York City,
New York and tweets without GPS coordinates, you will have your
tweet returned via the REST API search but not through the stream-
ing API.
While this approach would appear to advantage the search end-
point, that endpoint’s location functionality is circumspect.
The example in this section’s script (
load_file/949224) asks for tweets within five miles of New York

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Twitter as Data 33

City that contain the acronym “NBA”. None of the tweets contains
GPS coordinates, and the self-reported location of many of the
users is unmistakably not within five miles of the city. For example,
one user is from “Philly”, another from “ALABAMA”, and another
from “Watching a Game Somewhere.” The original tweets can be
found at this link (
The full R script to search for tweets matching specific criteria is
here ( The key lines

1 # How many tweets to return per query

2 size <- 1000 # Modify as needed
4 # One word
5 nba_tweets <- searchTwitter(’nba’, n = size) # Also returns
hashtags, and Twitter is not case sensitive.
6 nba_tweets <- twListToDF(nba_tweets) # Could shorten
these two lines to nba_tweets <- twListToDF
(searchTwitter(’nba’, n = size))

The full Python script that does the same is here (www The key lines are:

1 # Connect
2 connection = twy.Twython(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET,
4 # How many tweets to return per query
5 size = 100 # Modify as needed, maximum is 100
7 # One word
8 nba_tweets =’nba’, count=size)
# Also returns hashtags, and Twitter is not case

Both scripts include examples for searching for multiple terms,

excluding a tweet if it contains a term, searching for user mentions,
returning tweets with images, returning tweets with links, filtering

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34 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

by language, and filtering by geolocation. They also contain a

simple example of using the search functionality to build a dataset
in real time.

The full R script to download a user’s followers is here (www The key lines are:

1 account <- getUser( ’ZacharyST ’)

2 total_followers <- account$followersCount
3 account_followers <- twListToDF (account$getFollowers
(n = total_followers) # Create data frame from list of
followers of account

The R script provides code for getting the followers of one

account but not of multiple accounts. The simplest approach to
automating the followers download for multiple accounts is to
generate a function that applies lines 30–77 of the script to each
account in the list of accounts whose followers you want. A faster
approach, however, is to download the follower identification
numbers of all followers of all accounts and deduplicate before
downloading the complete user profile. That exercise is left to the
The full Python script to download a user’s followers is here
( The key lines are:

1 ##### Get followers for a very popular account

2 account = connection.lookup_user(screen_name=
3 account_followers = account[0][’followers_count’]
5 get_followers(user=’BarackObama’, cursor=–1, total_-
7 ###### Hydrate followers list. Below function just get
list of Twitter IDs.
8 ids = openIDs(user=’BarackObama’)

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10 total = len(ids)
11 i = 0
12 while i < total:
13 print((”On˽follower˽\%d”) \% i)
14 j = i + 100
15 hydrateFollowers(user=’BarackObama’, IDs=ids,
start=i, end=j)
16 i += 100
17 pct_done = (j / total) * 100
18 print((”Finished˽\%f10˽percent”) \% pct_done)

As with the R script, this script can easily be extended to retrieve

followers for multiple users. That exercise is left to the reader.
The scripts show how to heed rate limits when an account has
many followers. Downloading followers from an account with
more than 5,000 followers will exceed the rate limits, unless the
script accounts for those limits.

3.2.5 Following
The full R script to download a user’s friends is here (www The key lines are:

1 account <- getUser( ’ZacharyST ’)

2 total_friends <- account$friendsCount
3 account_friends <- twListToDF(account$getFriends
(n = total_friends)) # Create data frame from list of
friends of account

The full Python script to download a user’s friends is here (www The key lines are:

1 ##### Get friends for a very popular account

2 account = connection.lookup_user(screen_name=
3 account_friends = account[0][’friends_count’]
5 get_friends(user=’BarackObama’, cursor=—1, total_-

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36 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science
9 ###### Hydrate friends list. Below function just get list
of Twitter IDs.
10 ids = openIDs(user=’BarackObama’)
12 total = len(ids)
13 i = 0
14 while i < total:
15 print((”On˽friend˽\%d”) \% i)
16 j = i + 100
17 hydrateFriends(user=’BarackObama’, IDs=ids, start=i,
18 i += 100
19 pct_done = (j / total) * 100
20 print((”Finished˽\%f10˽percent”) \% pct_done)

3.3 Using the Streaming API

This section provides scripts for how to connect to Twitter’s
streaming API and pass various parameters to it. Note that each
R script uses your consumer key and consumer secret strings to
generate an OAuth access token, but you only have to do that once.
For example, if at t=0 you generate an access token, at all future
points you can load that access token instead of generating a new
one. The Python scripts do not create an access token, requiring
you to submit your key and secret strings each time.
In each R script, the argument timeout = 30 is used, which tells
streamR to download tweets for 30 seconds. This parameter
should be modified for your needs; 0 means maintain the connec-
tion indefinitely, and the maximum value is 10800 (3 hours). In my
connections, I maintain the connection for one hour (timeout =
3600) and use a service called cron to start the script every hour.
(cron is a Unix utility already installed on OS X and most distribu-
tion of Linux. See this page for information on a cron equivalent in
Windows. Here is a tutorial on cron jobs, and here are the Google
results for “cron tutorial”.) This way, any break in the stream will
cause you to miss no more than 60 minutes of data. This approach

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Twitter as Data 37

requires file names to change dynamically, and this script shows

how to create a function to do that (
Scripts can include the time the connection was created in the
file name. This naming convention makes it very easy to find tweets
within a specific timeframe later. Finally, if you use cron to run the
script, you will need to add a “shebang”, a first line which tells the
operating system which program to use to execute the following
The longer you maintain a connection, the more data you will
miss if the connection is interrupted; for example, making
a connection every three hours will lose two hours of data if the
connection is severed after one hour. On the other hand, making
a connection last for only one minute minimizes the effect of
connection interruptions but increases the workload on your com-
puter. If you write one file per connection, you will have 60 times
more files than writing one every hour. It is not necessarily bad to
have so many files, but it can slow down later retrieval of data. You
should absolutely not maintain an indefinite connection because
the resulting file will be too large to load into RAM, significantly
slowing down, and possibly crashing, your computer.
In each Python script, timeout functionality is handled by asking
the script to compare the current time to the time when the script
started. If that time is greater than a user-defined limit, the script
stops. As with R, the following script (
load_file/949200) collects tweets for 60 minutes, under the
assumption that it is launched as a cron job every hour.
The below code extract shows the base code the Python scripts use.
In the following subsections, only the modified streamConnect
function is shown.

1 # Import libraries
2 import twython as twy
3 import json
4 import datetime as dt

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38 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science
6 # Key, secret, token, token_secret for one of my developer
7 # Update with your own strings as necessary
8 APP_KEY = ’yourConsumerKey’
9 APP_SECRET = ’yourConsumerSecret’
10 OAUTH_TOKEN = ’yourAccessToken’
11 OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET = ’yourAccessTokenSecret’
13 # Make class
14 class MyStreamer(twy.TwythonStreamer):
15 fileDirectory = ’/path/to/directory/to/save/to/’ # Any
result from this class will save to this directory
17 stop_time = + dt.timedelta(min-
utes=60) # Connect to Twitter for 60 minutes. Comment
out if do not want it timed.
19 def on_success(self, data):
20 if > self.stop_time: # Once min-
utes=60 have passed, stop. Comment out these 2
lines if do not want timed connection.
21 raise Exception(’Time˽expired’)
23 fileName = self.fileDirectory + ’Tweets_’ +”\%Y_\%m_\%d_\%H”) + ’.
txt’ # File name includes date out to hour.
24 open(fileName, ’a’).write(json.dumps(data) +
’\n’) # Append tweet to the file
25 # Because the file name includes the hour, a new file is
created automatically every hour.
27 def on_error(self, status_code, data):
28 fileName = self.fileDirectory +
strftime(”\%Y_\%m_\%d_\%H”) + ’_Errors.txt’
29 open(fileName, ’a’).write(json.dumps(data) + ’\n’)
32 # Make function. Tracks key words.
33 def streamConnect(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN,
34 stream = MyStreamer(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN,
35 stream.statuses.sample()

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Twitter as Data 39
37 # Execute

3.3.1 Random Sample

The full R script to download the 1% sample is provided at this link
( The key line is this:

1 sampleStream( = ’raw_tweets.txt’, oauth =

my_oauth, timeout = 30) # This saves tweets in their raw
form as /path/to/your/working/directory/raw_tweets.
txt. Closes after 30 seconds.

The full Python script to download the 1% sample is provided at

this link ( It is the
same as the extract provided at the beginning of Section 3.3.

3.3.2 Language Sample

The full R script to download a language sample is provided at this
link ( The key line is

1 filterStream(’raw_tweets_language.txt’, time-
out = 30, track = ’a, an, the, and, but, is, this, that’,
oauth = my_oauth, language = ’en’) # Use filler words to
capture a large amount of tweets.

The full Python script to download a language sample is pro-

vided at this link (
The key lines are:

1 # Make function
2 def streamConnect(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN,
3 stream = MyStreamer(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET,

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40 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science
4 stream.statuses.sample(track=[’a, an, the, and, but,
is, this, that, on, in, up, to’], language=[’en’])

Note the use of specific keywords in the ’track’ argument.

Twitter will not return a purely random sample of tweets in
a language. Instead, it will use language as a secondary filter to
tweets that match other parameters. It is therefore a good idea to
use a large number of generic words. The downloaded tweets are
thus a random sample of the tweets containing at least one
tracked keyword, and a sufficiently long list of keywords should
approximate a random sample of the population of tweets in that

3.3.3 Geographic Sample

The full R script to download a sample of tweets with GPS coordi-
nates is provided at this link (
949185). The key line is this:

1 filterStream( = ’tweets_GPS.txt’, timeout = 30,

oauth = my_oauth, location = c(—180,—90,180,90))

The full Python script to download a sample of tweets with GPS

coordinates is provided at this link (
load_file/949182). The key lines are:

1 # Make function
2 def streamConnect(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN,
3 stream = MyStreamer(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET,
4 stream.statuses.filter(locations=[—180, —90, 180, 90])

Either script downloads tweets with a GPS coordinate from any-

where in the world. Because 2–3% of tweets have GPS coordinates,
asking for any tweet with a GPS coordinate will generate a sample
containing 13  12 of all tweets with GPS coordinates. Narrowing the

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Twitter as Data 41

bounding box is therefore likely to generate a dataset that is the

population of tweets from a specific locale; for example, a bound-
ing box surrounding Iceland will provide the population of geolo-
cated tweets from there. The R script gives examples for
downloading any tweet with GPS coordinates, any tweet outside
of the United States, and tweets from multiple locations.
The Python script shows only a global bounding box, but the
coordinates from the R script for the other bounding boxes also
work in the Python script.

3.3.4 Specific Text

The full R script to stream tweets containing certain keywords is
provided at this link (
The key line is this:

1 filterStream(’tweets_keywords.txt’, timeout =
30, track=’LeBron˽James, Steph˽Curry, NBA, basketball,
Warriors, GSW, Cavaliers, espn˽com’, oauth = my_oauth)

The full Python script to stream tweets containing certain key-

words is provided at this link (
949176). The key lines are:

1 def streamConnect(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN,

2 stream = MyStreamer(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET,
3 stream.statuses.filter(track=[’LeBron˽James,
˽Steph˽Curry, ˽NBA, ˽basketball,˽Warriors,˽GSW,

Each script downloads tweets about basketball, with an empha-

sis on the 2016 NBA Finals, one of the greatest Finals series of all
time. Twitter treats multiple word phrases as having a Boolean
AND, so a phrase like “LeBron James” will return tweets such as
“LeBron James is ready for the game” and “My brother James likes

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42 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

LeBron”; results are not case sensitive, so “lebron james is ready for
the game” matches as well. “espn com” is the recommended way to
download any tweet from the domain. Finally, note there
are no spaces after the commas; Twitter will treat those as char-
acters to match, so “Steph Curry is ready for the game” would not
match if the term passed is “. . ., Steph Curry”

3.3.5 Specific people

The full R script to download tweets in real time from specific
accounts is provided at this link (
file/949179). The key line is this:

1 filterStream(’tweets_accounts.txt’, timeout =
30, oauth = my_oauth, follow = ’813286,1536791610’)
# @BarackObama, @POTUS

The full Python script to download tweets in real time from

specific accounts is provided at this link (
/download_file/949176). The key lines are:

1 # Make function
2 def streamConnect(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN,
3 stream = MyStreamer(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET,
4 stream.statuses.filter(follow=

The streaming API requires users’ identification number be

used, not their screen name. The identification number can be
downloaded via the REST API or from this website. Accounts can
change their screen name, but their identification number is

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Twitter as Data 43

3.4 Converting to Local Time

All tweets are delivered with a created_at field for the date and
time the tweet was created. Twitter sets this information, however,
to Greenwich Mean Time, which can pose a problem for analyses
incorporating Twitter into offline events. To ensure the create-
d_at field aligns with the local time of the author of the tweet, not
the time in Great Britain, the researcher must undertake a few
additional steps.
If the tweet does not contain GPS coordinates, it most likely
contains a field in the user field called utc_offset. (“Most likely”
because this field only exists if a user has identified his or her
timezone in his or her profile; Twitter does not guess the timezone.
In my experience, 65% of users do so.) This field gives the time, in
seconds, by which the user’s self-identified timezone differs from
Greenwich Mean Time. The researcher adds this value to create-
d_at to estimate the local time an account created a tweet. This
new time is an estimate because it is possible the tweet author
created the tweet in a different timezone than that indicated in the
If the tweet contains GPS coordinates, the local time it was
created is known with certainty. With precise location information,
you can identify the timezone of the tweet and adjust accordingly.
The full Python script to adjust created_at to local time is here
( The key lines are:

1 ### If tweet contains GPS coordinates

2 # Get GPS pair, SW corner of bounding box from Twitter
3 longitude = tweet[’place’][’bounding_box’][’coordi-
4 latitude = tweet[’place’][’bounding_box’][’coordi-
6 # Get timezones
7 tf = TimezoneFinder()
8 zone = tf.timezone_at(lng=longitude, lat=latitude)
# Gives string of name of timezone
9 timezone = pytz.timezone(zone) # Convert string to pytz

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44 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science
11 # Make local time
12 utc_time = dt.datetime.strptime(tweet[’created_at’],
’%a˽\%b˽\%d˽\%H:\%M:\%S˽ +0000˽\%Y’).replace(tzinfo=-
pytz.UTC) # Convert tweet timestamp to datetime object
13 local_time = utc_time.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).
astimezone(timezone) # Get local time as datetime object
15 ### If tweets do not contain GPS coordinates
16 # Correct for user timezone
17 utc_time = dt.datetime.strptime(tweet[’created_at’],
’%a˽\%b˽\%d˽\%H:\%M:\%S˽ +0000˽\%Y’)
18 local_time = utc_time + dt.timedelta(seconds=tweet
[’user’][’utc_offset’]) # Subtract hours based on
timezone from profile

3.5 Improving Location

When a tweet contains GPS coordinates, Twitter adds the location
name from where the tweet originated. Most of the time – approxi-
mately 85% in my experience – this location name is the city and is
correct. The rest of the time, however, the location information is
instead a “point of interest” (Twitter’s phrase, referring to promi-
nent landmarks or locations), city neighborhood, or administrative
region (state, in the United States). For example, a point of interest
could be “888 Vietnamese Restaurant”, a location probably too
precise for most analysts; reverse geocoding reveals that this res-
taurant is in Austin, Texas. The reverse problem also exists: Twitter
resolves many small towns to the state level, meaning an analyst
can improve the precision of these points with reverse geocoding;
for example, it commonly codes Druid Hills, North Carolina as only
North Carolina and Vandenberg Air Force Base as California.
Finally, Twitter can provide neighborhood names such as
Boston’s Financial District or SoMa (South of Market) in San
Francisco; a reverse geocoder will reveal to which city those neigh-
borhoods belong.

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Twitter as Data 45

The key is to feed the tweet’s GPS coordinates to a reverse

geocoding package. I prefer Python’s reverse_geocoder pack-
age. The code provided at this link (
load_file/949170) shows how to do that. If Twitter indicates the
place is a city, it keeps the city name Twitter assigns. If Twitter calls
the place a “poi”, “neighborhood”, or “admin”, it feeds the tweet’s
GPS coordinate to the reverse_geocoder package. The code pre-
serves the place name Twitter assigns so that the point of interest or
neighborhood can be preserved for future reference; it also adds
county and state names. The key lines are:

1 if(tweet[’place’][’place_type’] == ’city’):
2 tweet[’city’] = tweet[’place’][’name’]
4 if(tweet[’place’][’place_type’] != ’city’): # If the pla-
ce_type is admin, neighborhood, or poi
5 # Other processing not shown here but that is in the
6 tweet[’reversegeocode_results’] =
[’place.bounding_box.SWcorner_rg’]) # Perform
reverse geocode
7 tweet[’city’] = [item[’name’] for item in tweet

3.6 Storing Tweets

Approximately 5 million tweets per day are available to researchers
via the streaming API. Uncompressed, these tweets require
approximately 12 gigabytes per day. A researcher therefore needs
the capacity to store these tweets and later access them quickly.
Because of the size of these data and the need to maintain
a continuous connection to the streaming API, it is a good idea to
have a dedicated computer with as much RAM as possible.
The easiest way to reduce the storage space required is to com-
press (zip) the files. A common compression protocol is gzip, and
it is freely available in Unix operating systems. While the amount of
space saved will vary by the kind of file, my experience is that

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46 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

gzipped tweets require approximately 16% of the space of

unzipped ones.
To make the files even smaller, you can remove certain fields
from each tweet. This subsetting can be done as the tweet arrives or
once it is stored in a file. This procedure is useful because many
fields in a tweet, such as the background image URL, may not be
necessary depending on the project. An example of a script that
reads downloaded tweets, keeps certain fields, and saves a new file
is provided here (
After removing fields in which I am not interested and compressing
the file, my tweets are 6.67% of their original size (the final reduc-
tion will depend on which fields and compression you use).
I do not recommend, however, removing tweet fields, for three
reasons. First, it throws away data, which is never a good
idea. Second, it removes the flexibility of JSON formatting, which
means it is brittle to changes in tweet metadata Twitter may makes.
For example, that script does not extract image or video URLs that
are now provided. Any time Twitter adds new fields to a tweet, the
script will require updating. When downloading raw JSON files,
you do not have to worry about changes in how the tweet is
formatted. Third, tools exist to automatically convert JSON to
dataframe formats. Python’s pandas library will do this, as will
the csvkit toolkit. The script is thus redundant with more robust
The two broad approaches to storing tweets are as flat files or in
a database. “Flat file” is data in raw text form; it can be read by any
text editing program, like a normal file. A .csv file is an example of
a flat file.
A database is an indexed collection of files; searches for items in
the files are queries of the index, increasing the speed of queries
and potentially decreasing the memory load on a computer.
Databases can only be explored via specialized programs or scripts,
i.e. the R command read.csv cannot read a database.
Within the database world are two flavors: structured and semi-
structured databases. Structured data are data where each datum
has the same variables. For example, all bills in a database of

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Twitter as Data 47

legislation will have values for date, sponsor, number of words, and
so on. Structured data resemble the spreadsheets that most people
are comfortable working with. Databases which store these data
are known as SQL databases after the main language for querying
them, Structured Query Language (SQL). Many kinds of data,
especially from social media, do not have the same variables for
each datum. For example, a tweet downloaded from Twitter will list
the hashtags, links, and user mentions it contains if the tweet text
has any; if none exists, an empty list is returned. Twitter will also
identify any stock symbols in a tweet as long as they are proceeded
by a dollar sign and are uppercase. A tweet with zero hashtags
therefore looks different than one with one, and one with one looks
different than one with two.
While a researcher can create a structured database that
accounts for this eventuality, it is unwise to do so. First, it is
important to define how many columns to create for the variable
that may or may not exist. Returning to the hashtag example,
a tweet could contain up to 47 hashtags.5 Constructing the data-
base requires similar calculations for user mentions, stock sym-
bols, and links. You can create a SQL database with as many
columns as possible variables, but doing so leads to a much larger
database than is required. Second, Twitter could decide to change
the actual data a tweet contains. For example, in April 2013, Twitter
added annotation to tweets if they contained stock symbols.
Attempting to load a tweet with a stock symbol would crash the
database script, preventing subsequent tweets without stock sym-
bols from entering the database. Your script can be structured to
avoid this problem, but then you would miss the data on stock
symbols. Structured databases are not ideal for semi-structured
Semi-structured databases, commonly called NoSQL databases,
are designed designed to work with data whose representation can

The smallest hashtag is two characters, e.g. “#a”, and hashtags will have
a space character separating them, except for the final hashtag. Solving
2x þ x  1 ≤ 140, x ¼ 47.

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48 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

vary for each datum. There is not a dominant query language for
semi-structured data; the two most common are Cassandra and
MongoDB. Cassandra started at Facebook but is now an open
source project, and it did not originally handle JSON objects
(tweets are delivered as JSON objects). MongoDB is the preferred
database for JSON objects and is therefore the one most commonly
used for storing tweets in a database. (Ironically, Twitter stores
tweets internally as SQL objects. See their GitHub page for their
implementation, and this Quora conversation for more informa-
tion.) The Social Media and Political Participation Lab at New York
University, for example, stores its tweets in MongoDB databases.
MongoDB is open source and can be used through R or Python.
Databases may not be necessary, however. Their advantages
over flat files dominate when the object to be scanned is too large
to fit into the memory or computing time is a constraining factor,
neither of which are as large an impediment as they may originally
seem. First, a day’s tweets require approximately 12 gigabytes, and
high-performance laptops commonly have 16 gigabytes of RAM;
processing and compressing the tweets after they are downloaded
makes them even smaller. Desktops commonly have 32 or 64
gigabytes of RAM, and a server much more. Second, the connec-
tion to Twitter can be maintained in such a way as to minimize the
size of flat files. For example, my connections to Twitter’s API
restart every hour, meaning I have one file per hour of tweets.
These files are 500 megabytes raw, 33 subsetted and compressed,
and it is trivial to read a file that size into memory.
Though individual files may be small, you are likely to want to
read many of them to find tweets of interest. For example, I have
downloaded tweets since August 26, 2013 and frequently want to
scan the 365*24*(number of days since then) files for tweets from
a particular country. A database could do this quickly. But it is
trivial to write a script to scan these files and pull the tweets that are
from a country (or match any other criteria in which I am inter-
ested). How long this script takes will depend on how many files
exist, how they are loaded into memory, and if the code runs in
parallel. My script takes a few days to scan every file, but it is rare

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Twitter as Data 49

that I need to read every file; the vast majority of files can be
ignored based on their date
Computing time is inexpensive, and there are always other tasks
to focus on in the meantime. Once the subset of tweets matching
my criteria are found, the equivalent of the results of a database
query, subsequent analysis can proceed much more quickly.

4 Clean and Analyze

This section provides scripts and examples for cleaning and ana-
lyzing tweets. Whether purchased, downloaded from the REST
API, or acquired through the streaming API, raw tweets require
processing in order to conduct most analyses. For example,
tweets from both APIs are formatted in JSON, a convenient data
structure that is not rectangular and therefore difficult to be
analyzed without transformation; Sifter delivers tweets as
a spreadsheet but with oddly named columns and a timestamp
that needs conversion.
Section 4.1 explains how to clean data from Sifter, the REST API,
and the streaming and provides scripts to do that. Section 4.2
shows how to evaluate tweets for hashtags, non-hashtag keywords,
retweets, user mentions, links, and language. Section 4.3 demon-
strates, with an example from Bahrain, that tweets can be also used
for event detection. Section 4.4 discusses analyzing data contained
in links users tweet; these links can point to articles or an image the
user has shared. Section 4.5 explains how to generate data outside
of the context of the tweet text. Twitter delivers user metadata with
a tweet, and the researcher can generate other metadata via, for
example, events and census datasets.

4.1 Clean
4.1.1 Tweets from Sifter
I purchased tweets from 21 accounts in Egypt and Bahrain
over a three-month period in early 2011; the accounts generated
55,849 tweets in that period. The raw tweets from Egypt are here

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50 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

( Due to Twitter’s

terms of service, readers interested in obtaining the raw tweets
from Bahrain should contact the author. Note that the column
names at that link have been cleaned from how Sifter delivers
them; this section will show you how to clean the column names.
Sifter provides its data in data frame format as a comma sepa-
rated file, so it is easy to load into memory. The header of the data
frame is clear, but many of the fields are formatted awkwardly, are
unnecessary, or both. For example, the tweet text is repeated twice,
with one of the columns called “Title”, and there is also a column
that shows the parameters submitted to Sifter. A majority of the
columns also start with “X.M..” and end with “..”, e.g. “X.M . . .
followers_count..” This R script (
file/949161) reads a data frame from Sifter, modifies the header,
and writes a new file containing two less columns than the original.
This Python script (
does the same.
The script also corrects each tweet’s timestamp. Twitter reports
all times based on Greenwich Mean Time so the script adjusts
forward two hours for Egyptian tweets, three for Bahraini ones.
To do that it, it cleans how Sifter provides the timestamp. This
cleaning had already been performed on the Bahrain dataset and
Egypt dataset used later; the clean Egypt dataset is here (www

4.1.2 Tweets from the REST API

Since Twitter does not permit the sharing of more than 50,000
tweets per day, it may not always be possible to obtain a corpus
of tweets as easily as clicking on the links in the previous section.
Instead, it is more likely that you will have to download the tweets
using their tweet identification numbers; Twitter allows the unlim-
ited sharing of these. This section describes how to do that.
The process is the same as the one introduced in the scripts for
downloading specific tweets from the REST API (www.cambridge
.org/download_file/949143), and this file shows it in Python (www The R script at this link

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Twitter as Data 51

( reads in a set of of

tweet IDs (saved from the raw purchased tweets and available at
this link (

1 tweets <- NULL # Empty object that tweets will feed into
2 # Download tweets
3 for(i in 1:length(chunkedTweets)){
4 print(paste(’On˽cycle’, i, ’of’, length-
(chunkedTweets), sep=’˽’)) # Status tracker
5 temp <- twListToDF(lookup_statuses(ids =
6 tweets <- rbind(tweets, temp)
7 print(c(’Pausing’))
8 Sys.sleep(delay) # How many seconds to pause so that do
not trip rate limit. Commented out in this loop because
downloading 3,200 tweets will never exceed the rate
limit. (60 requests * 100 tweets per request) > 3200
9 }
10 write.csv(tweets, ’Sifter_Twitter_IDs_

The full script takes you through steps to verify your account
with Twitter, load the identification numbers, and calculate the
length of the delay based on the rate limit. Because the process
is no different than downloading tweets not acquired through
Sifter, I have not created a specific Python script for this pro-
cess; use the Python script for tweets based on their identifica-
tion number.
Once the tweets are downloaded and put into a data frame,
they require further processing to integrate with the scripts
developed to analyze Sifter data. This R script (www.cambridge
.org/download_file/949137) modifies column names; assigns
each tweet to a country; adds variables for hashtags, user men-
tions, retweets, and the country of the tweet author; and adjusts
the time to local time. It then saves the data as
aned.csv. This Python script does the same (www.cambridge

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52 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

.org/download_file/949134). The scripts in the next section will

now work on data either obtained from Sifter or downloaded via
the REST API and twitteR.

4.1.3 Tweets from the Streaming API

Tweets downloaded from the streaming API also require some pro-
cessing before they can be used for analysis. streamR preserves the
raw JSON tweet when it writes files, and it converts them to a data
frame with the parseTweets() function. However, parseTweets() does
not preserve every entity (retweets, user mentions, or hashtags), so
those need to be manually recreated. You could load the raw text file
where each tweet is a JSON object, but R does not have robust
packages for reading JSON data.
This R script ( does
that. It reads tweets saved via streamR’s sampleStream() or
filterStream() functions, renames columns for consistency with
other scripts in this Element, and flags tweets with hashtags, that
are retweets, or that mention a user. It also formats the tweet
creation time field. This Python script (
load_file/949134) does the same except it reads JSON-formatted
If you elect to save the tweets in their native JSON format
and want to use R, the easiest way to convert them to .csv files
is to use the csvkit toolkit. csvkit is a command line utility
that works on Apple or Linux machines. It has a command,
csvjson, that converts a JSON file to a .csv one. You can then
load that .csv with read.csv. In Python, you can read the
JSON file with the json library or use the pandas library’s
read_json function to read the JSON file as a dataframe.
Remember, nothing dictates that the data frames containing the
tweets be formatted as laid out in the proceeding three scripts.
They were done this way for consistency with each other so that
subsequent analytical scripts do not have to account for the source
of the tweet. Modify the scripts to your preferences.

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Twitter as Data 53

4.2 Text Analysis

Twitter is most commonly used as a platform for gathering text
data. This section provides code for common Twitter text analysis
tasks such as counting hashtags, non-hashtag keywords, retweets,
user mentions, link sharing, and language frequency. It will also
show how to estimate whether tweets come from mobile or desk-
top devices, as well as which kind of mobile device. Tweets can be
pooled across any time period; these analyses will aggregate by
the hour to show average patterns in these behaviors. The Sifter
data will again be used.
The following extracts are only of R scripts. Each R script
adds metadata (about hashtags or links or user mentions, for
example) and plots the resulting trends. Graphing in R is
much easier (and prettier) than in Python, so I did not repli-
cate these scripts in Python. Instead, I created this Python
script ( that cleans
JSON-formatted tweets, adds metadata, and writes these new
data as a .csv file. It adds metadata for each situation
described below. If you prefer that script to the R version,
you will still need the second half of each R script to aggre-
gate and plot the metadata.
When Twitter sends a JSON formatted tweet, it has already
extracted the hashtags and created a field in the tweet object that
lists each hashtag. Sifter converts this information to a column
where each entry is an empty string (no hashtags in the tweet) or
a string with a semi-colon separating each hashtag. This proces-
sing saves the analyst a few steps. This script (www.cambridge
.org/download_file/949116) creates variables to count tweets
with at least one hashtag as well as the number of hashtags in
each tweet. It then aggregates by country-hour and generates
four plots, which are shown in Figures 1–4. The key lines are:

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54 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science



Tweets with at Least 1 Hashtag


500 Bahrain




0 5 10 15 20

Figure 1. Tweets with hashtag

1 data$hashtag_dummy <- ifelse(nchar(data$hashtag) == 0,

0, 1)
2 data$hashtag_count <- apply(as.matrix(data$hashtag),
MAR=1, FUN = function(x) ifelse(nchar(x) == 0, 0, length
(unlist(strsplit(x, ’; ’))))) # If the hashtag column
has length 0, the tweet contains 0 hashtags. If the length
is not 0, count the number of hashtags by splitting the
string on the semi-colon; that is where the split occurs
because Sifter uses the semicolor to separate hashtags.
apply() does this to each tweet.
4 data_hashtagAgg <- \%>\% group_by
(Country, Hour) \%>\% summarize(tweet_with_hashtag =
sum(hashtag_dummy), tweet_with_hashtag_perc = sum
(hashtag_dummy)/sum(count), hashtags_per_tweet = mean
(hashtag_count), conditional_hashtags_per_tweet =

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Twitter as Data 55

Percent of Tweets with at Least 1 Hashtag


0.5 Bahrain


0 5 10 15 20

Figure 2. Percent of tweets with one or more hashtags

Because a hashtag is simply a word with a symbol prefix, search-

ing a tweet for a particular keyword entails a similar process.
Finding a particular keyword is slightly more difficult because
neither Twitter nor Sifter process the tweet text for keywords.
Finding a particular keyword is useful if you have been collecting
a random sample of tweets and become interested in a particular
event or term after the tweets are downloaded. Note that the script
provides code for English keywords only. The process is the same
for non-English tweets, so long as you know the UTF-8 code for the
characters that comprise the terms in which you are interested. For
more on UTF-8 and R, see R’s encoding function, documentation
on searching inside a string, and these examples.
The script to find keywords is here (
load_file/949113). These lines show how to search a tweet for
a specific keyword:

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56 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science


Average Hashtags per Tweet

0.75 Bahrain



0 5 10 15 20

Figure 3. Hashtags per tweet

1 data$protest <- ifelse(grepl(’protest’, data$tweet_-

text, = TRUE) == TRUE, 1,0) # If a tweet con-
tains the word ”protest”, assign a 1. Case insensitive.
2 data$police <- ifelse(grepl(’police’, data$tweet_text, = TRUE) == TRUE, 1, 0) # If a tweet contains the
word police, assign a 1.
4 data$jan25 <- ifelse(grepl(’jan25’, data$tweet_text, = TRUE) == TRUE, 1,0)
5 data$feb14 <- ifelse(grepl(’feb14’, data$tweet_text, = TRUE) == TRUE, 1,0)
7 data$egypt <- ifelse(grepl(’egypt’, data$tweet_text, = TRUE) == TRUE, 1,0)
8 data$bahrain <- ifelse(grepl(’bahrain’, data$tweet_-
text, = TRUE) == TRUE,1,0)

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Twitter as Data 57

Average Hashtags per Tweet Containing at Least 1 Hashtag




1.25 Bahrain




0 5 10 15 20

Figure 4. Hashtags per tweet with hashtag

Note that this script will find when that word is a hashtag (“Let’s
go #protest”) and stands on its own (“Let’s go protest”). The script
then aggregates and plots these words. Figure 5 shows the result.
Finding a tweet with a link is a similar process to finding
a keyword. Instead of looking for a whole word, however, you can
look for “http://”. The key line then becomes:

1 data$link <- ifelse(grepl(’http://’, data$tweet_text, = TRUE) == TRUE, 1,0) # If a tweet contains
http, assume that is a link. Case insensitive.

This script ( con-

tains the code to identify links and generate a plot of the percentage
of tweets with links by country–hour. That output is shown in
Figure 6.

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58 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

Percent of Tweets

0.5 Egypt

0 5 10 15 20

Figure 5. Keywords

Finding retweets should be done two ways. First, Twitter iden-

tifies a retweet with the retweeted key in the JSON formatted
tweet. Sifter translates that to the “is_retweet” column with
Boolean flags; the script to clean Sifter data converts those flags
into a dummy variable. Second, you should read each tweet for
the “RT” characters, paying attention to capitalization. Twitter
only identifies a retweet if a user has used Twitter’s interface to
retweet a tweet (a “native retweet”), but users sometimes retweet
by typing “RT @<screen name of tweet creator>” and pasting the
copied tweet. Since Twitter does not flag these tweets as retweets,
a manual check ensures all retweets are found. In the Sifter
sample, only 501 tweets are native retweets, but 12,717 contain
“RT ”. Figure 7 shows this difference, and the full script for
identifying retweets is at this link (
load_file/949107). The key line is this:

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Twitter as Data 59

Percent of Tweets

0.5 Bahrain


0 5 10 15 20

Figure 6. Percent of tweets with links

1 data$retweet_manual_ignoreCase <- ifelse(grepl(’RT˽@’

data$tweet_text, ignore .case = TRUE) == TRUE, 1, 0)

Like hashtags, Twitter treats user mentions as an “entity”, mean-

ing it extracts the screen names of those a tweet mentioned before
delivering that tweet via its API. This processing saves the
researcher from using regular expressions, facilitating analyzing
the data. Sifter takes the extract screen names and creates a column
called user_mention_username where each value is one string
containing each username mentioned in the tweet. Processing
these data is similar to finding hashtags. The script for user men-
tions is here (, and the
key lines are:

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60 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science




Percent of Tweets

Retweet Method
0.3 Native Retweet
Read Tweet for ‘RT’
0.2 Egypt




0 5 10 15 20

Figure 7. Percent of tweets that are retweets

1 data$mention_dummy <- ifelse(nchar(data$user_mentio-

n_username) == 0, 0, 1)
2 data$mention_count <- apply(as.matrix(data$user_mentio-
n_username), MAR = 1, FUN = function(x) ifelse(nchar(x) ==
0, 0, length(unlist(strsplit(x, ’; ’)))))
# If the Sifter mention column has length 0, the tweet con-
tains 0 user mentions. If the length is not 0, count the
number of mentions by splitting the string on the semi-
colon; that is where the split occurs because Sifter uses
the semi-color to separate user mentions. apply () does
this to each tweet.
4 # Specific user mentioned? Use @ZacharyST as example
5 sum(grepl( ’ZacharyST ’, data$tweet_text, =
TRUE)) # 0.

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Twitter as Data 61

I leave it to the reader to create the user mention figures. I will

provide the figures upon request, if you would like to check your work.
Twitter also labels a tweet with the language it is written in, using
the language’s two letter IS0-639-1 code. Sifter, however, does not
convey this information, so you need to recreate it. In R, the best
way is through the textcat package, which uses the character
based n-gram methodology developed in Cavnar and Trenkle
(1994). The script to assign language is here (
/download_file/949101), and the key lines are:

1 data$language <- apply(as.matrix(data$tweet_text),

MARGIN = 2, FUN = function( x) textcat(x))
3 data$language[$language)] <- ’arabic’
# Convert the NA to Arabic
5 data$english <- as.numeric(ifelse(data$language ==
’english’, 1, 0))
6 data$arabic <- as.numeric(ifelse(data$language != ’eng-
lish’, 1, 0)) # Assumes all non-English tweets are Arabic

Figure 8 shows the distribution of languages by country-hour.

Note that textcat() does not work well on Arabic text and con-
fuses many English tweets for Gaelic or Scottish English.
To account for this misassignment, the script manually recate-
gorizes some languages. It also puts most of the languages into
an “Other” category, to facilitate visualization.
Finally, Twitter provides metadata on the source of the tweet.
The metadata are a string such as “” or
“Twitter for iPhone”, and Sifter rewrites those strings so that they
are clearer. Table 2 shows the distribution of these sources in the
Sifter dataset, and Figure 9 shows the distribution of these sources
by country–hour. Note that I have categorized the sources by
whether or not they are mobile devices or not. The code to generate
the table and figure is here (
949098), and the key lines are:

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62 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science



Percent of Tweets

0.6 English
0.5 Country
0.4 Egypt




0 5 10 15 20

Figure 8. Percent of tweets by language

1 xtable(as.table(sort(table(data$source), decreasing =
TRUE))) # Outputs latex table
3 desktop <- c (’web’, ’Choqok’, ’TweetDeck’, ’HootSuite’,
’’) # The sources most likely to be from a desktop
4 data$desktop <- ifelse(data$source \%in\% desktop, 1, 0)
5 data$mobile <- ifelse(!(data$source \%in\% desktop),
1, 0)

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Twitter as Data 63

Table 2 Frequency of tweet sources in activist data

Tweet source
Choqok 22285
web 17424
Twitter for BlackBerry¨ 5142
Twitter for iPhone 4157
Gravity 2003
†berSocial 1977
Facebook 741
HootSuite 614
TweetDeck 353
Snaptu 344
twitterfeed 282 178
Tweet Button 148
Samsung Mobile 45
Twitter for iPad 32
Google 27
oauth:173069 21
Mobile Web 17 13
Bambuser 11
TwitLonger Beta 10
Yfrog 8
TweetMeme 5
Twitpic 4
The BOBs 3
See Who Viewed Your Profile 2
My Tweet Lovers 1
oauth:3294 1
StumbleUpon iPhone 1

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64 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science



Percent of Tweets

0.6 Bahrain
0.5 Source
0.4 Mobile




0 5 10 15 20

Figure 9. Percent of Tweets by Country-Source

4.3 Event Detection

Twitter can also be used to generate events data. In the field of
political conflict, scholars of subnational conflict rely on events
data for theory testing. Events data are datasets that use sources
such as non-governmental organization reports (Davenport and
Ball, 2002), military records (Weidmann, 2014), or, most com-
monly, newspaper articles (Metternich et al., 2013; Weidmann
and Ward, 2010) to record political interaction between two actors.
These sources have known common problems, however, from
poor geographic resolution (Hammond and Weidmann, 2014),
urban bias (Weidmann, 2014), a preference for unexpected
novelty, and, for newspapers, bias towards local elites who can
interlocute with reporters (Kalyvas, 2004).

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Twitter as Data 65

The current best practice uses machine coding of newspaper

articles to measure daily events; examples include GDELT,
Phoenix (its open source improvement), and ICEWS (Leetaru and
Schrodt, 2013; Analytics, 2015; Boschee et al., 2015). These datasets
are a significant improvement over previous work because they are
updated daily and can draw on one to two orders of magnitude
more data sources. They still suffer, however, from the same bias as
hand-coded datasets. Analyses based on these databases are there-
fore still likely to underreport ongoing events (Masad, 2013) or
those outside of cities (Weidmann, 2014).
Tweets complement the current state-of-the-art in four ways.
First, focusing on individual accounts means one should be able
to observe events that would not otherwise appear in events
data. Second, these events should exhibit less of an urban bias.
Third, even within cities, they allow interested parties to see
events with a greater geographic resolution, e.g. a tweet may
report on a march in a specific neighborhood or an attack on
a police station. For example, events at the city-level, e.g. a protest
in Central Park and another in Wall Street, would count as one
protest in existing datasets but two in a Twitter events dataset.
Fourth, a decrease in interest may result in a smaller decrease in
signal: so long as these events are relevant to some people, they
should appear in a dataset for longer than they would in datasets
that rely on newspapers.
To explore this possibility, I worked with two students to generate
events data from a subset of the tweets provided in the Bahrain Sifter
tweets (provided upon request). Two undergraduates from the
University of California, San Diego have manually coded tweets
from human rights activists in Bahrain spanning February 14, 2011
through March 17 of the same year, the height of Arab Spring
protests in Bahrain. I then aggregated and deduplicated their coding
in order to compare the Twitter results to ICEWS; the ICEWS data
are contained at this link (
Figure 10 shows that events from these tweets reveal patterns that
are noticeably different than those of ICEWS, the dataset to which

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66 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

50 Source 50 Source
40 40
Twitter Twitter
Unique Events

Unique Actors
30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0









50 Source
Unique Locations









Figure 10. Twitter provides events data

I compare them. The tweets record events across many more loca-
tions than ICEWS, an average of 20 per day versus three for ICEWS.
For example, the tweets record clashes in suburbs such as Duraz or
outlying cities such as Sanabis, and there are two reports of nerve
gas used against protestors. Within Manama, clashes are recorded
at the airport, Dana Mall, and Bahrain University, among other
places too precise for ICEWS to reference. Other locations include
an activist’s home and Sitra, Bahrain’s seventh largest city.
The tweets also record more actors than ICEWS, an average of 25

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Twitter as Data 67

versus 12. The tweets record a similar number of events as ICEWS,

though it does record more events at the start of Bahrains protests.
In addition to recording more locations and actors than ICEWS, the
Twitter events data record different patterns of activity. ICEWS
records a spike in actors at the beginning and end of the period
containing the tweets, with a lull in the middle (late February to mid-
March). The tweets record the same pattern, but with greater spikes at
the beginning and end of the sample period; from late February to
mid-March, the tweets record the same number of actors as ICEWS.
Most interestingly, ICEWS records the same number of locations
throughout the sample period. The tweets, on the other hand, show
a u-shape: events happen in more locations at the beginning and end
of the protest period, with few locations recording events from
late February to early March. In other words, ICEWS appears to
record events in the same areas over time. Overall, events data from
Twitter appear to report more actors engaging in more activity across
more locations than current best practice data suggest.
The code to generate events data and the figures is here (www, and the handcoded data-
sets are here ( and
here (
The code is meant purely as a proof of concept. Its geocoding
relies on human-identified places in tweets, and the same place is
often spelled multiple ways. Only English tweets were coded.
The limits of English compared to local language tweets is probably
real, but it is unknown; they are certainly not as limited as English
newspapers. Most importantly, a real-time dataset that records
multiple kinds of events across the globe and with intracity resolu-
tion cannot be created by humans. An eventual system would need
to be fully automated, and this script does not start the learning
process that would create a classifier for a final product.

4.4 Links and Imagery

It is common for users to share links in their tweets. The content of
links is a potentially rich source of information for researchers, but

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68 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

they remain understudied. The most common way links are ana-
lyzed is for researchers to note the percentage of tweets containing
them (Suh et al., 2010; Steinert-Threlkeld, 2017a), but I am aware of
no articles that analyze the content of those links. There are two
reasons links remain understudied.
First, spam accounts tweet links. The presence of a link, in
conjunction with age of an account and the use of trending topics,
is a common way researchers identify spam accounts (Kwak et al.,
2010). While bots may represent 6% to 8.4% of all accounts, it is
unknown what percentage of links they share (Lotan et al., 2011); it
is probably more. (Not all bots are spam accounts, but I am not
aware of any work which manually identifies spam accounts.)
Astroturf political campaigns commonly use authentic looking
accounts controlled by a political operation to share one or a few
links, creating the appearance of a grassroots concern where none
exists (Mustafaraj and Metaxas, 2010; Ratkiewicz et al., 2011).
Without a reliable, precise spam filter, a researcher studying links
risks studying spam.
Second, studying links requires additional processing work. When
Twitter delivers a tweet with a link, it extracts the link for the down-
loader. It does not, however, deliver the content contained at the
link. Theoretically, you could estimate the link’s content by reading
the URL, as newspaper links often contain the headline. Twitter,
however, automatically shortens links; while useful to the tweet
creator, the shortening means information the full URL contains is
removed, and the researcher has to follow the link to the webpage.
A researcher interested in link content therefore has to build a web
crawling system on top of the one connecting to Twitter.
The most compelling reason to study links is because they often
point to images, and image analysis is a new frontier of machine
learning. Twitter is traditionally text focused, but imagery is
becoming the most popular content shared on social networks.
Images are commonly shared on Twitter, including images con-
taining more than 140 characters of text. I am aware of no study
which quantifies what percentage of tweets contain imagery,
though a few studies have analyzed images on Twitter. Kaneko

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Twitter as Data 69

et al. (2013) use geo-tagged tweets with photos to detect sporting

events and even fireworks. Mehrdad Yazdani and Lev Manovich
(2015) correlate 1 million images from 20 United States cities over
one year with self-reported measures of happiness as well as socio-
economic indicators.
Image analysis for the social sciences is still in its infancy, however,
because computational requirements for images are higher. Image
files are much larger than text files, and feature detection is more
complicated. It is relatively easy to create variables (features) from
text, but determining which parts of an image file represent quantities
of interest (people or places, for example) is much harder. Recent
advances in neural networks, colloquially now called “deep learning”,
are promising, but these models require extremely powerful compu-
ters and generate classifications in ways that make the features
determining those classifications difficult to understand. If a tweet
contains an image, Twitter provides the link to the image but not to
the image itself; the researcher must then add this processing step to
the data acquisition pipeline. I am aware of only one paper which
uses images to answer a political question, and it is still a working
paper (Anastasopoulos et al., 2016). One paper, a conference pro-
ceeding, analyzes images shared on Twitter to detect and measure
characteristics fo protests (Won, Steinert-Threlkeld, and Joo 2017).
Satellite imagery is a promising subset of image analysis and the
one most likely to be incorporated first in analyses. Images of light
have already been used to measure economic development, for
example. Because Earth’s colors and geographic features are more
stable than random photos from a social network, the first rigorous
use of image data in the social sciences will probably come from
satellite imagery. Currently, these images are best for cross-
sectional analysis, as satellites pass over places irregularly.

4.5 Enriching Tweets

You can enrich the information in a tweet’s text in four ways.
If conducting text analysis, any of these approaches enable
a structural topic model (Roberts et al., 2014).

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70 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

First, you can consult the metadata Twitter provides with a tweet.
These data include how many followers the author has, how many
accounts the author follows, when the account was created, the
account’s default language, the language of the tweet, and if the
tweet has GPS coordinates, among others. The user’s self-reported
location is provided in approximately 50% of tweets (Leetaru and
Schrodt, 2013), and individuals commonly make their screen name
the same as, or similar to, their real name (Barberá et al., 2015a).
Second, you could also interview the individuals behind an
account. Two difficulties arise. First, messaging an account
requires that the recipient follows the sending account. In other
words, survey respondents have to first follow the survey adminis-
trator, which is unrealistic. Second, interviewing would require
Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. A more expeditious
approach is to interview people and ask if they use Twitter
(Tufekci and Wilson, 2012; Zickuhr, 2013).
Third, accounts’ tweeting patterns and social network can reveal
information not in tweets’ text. For example, accounts belonging to
unemployed individuals have tweets more during the day, and
cities with higher levels of unemployment have low communica-
tion entropy (Llorente et al., 2014). The style of tweets gives some
indication of an account’s age (Nguyen et al., 2013). Social class,
ethnicity, and education can be estimated probabilistically when
tweets contain GPS coordinates (Malik et al., 2015). A user’s social
network is also more predictive of that user’s age and political
affiliation than relying on just user attributes (Zamal et al., 2012).
These techniques are compelling, but there exists no R or Python
packages that implement them automatically, increasing the costs
of their use. A researcher may have to reinvent the wheel each time;
the need for such data should be great before time is invested in
this approach.
Finally, you can manually inspect each account in a sample.
By viewing a profile’s photo, gender may be obvious, and an age
range could be created. An account’s past tweets can give an indica-
tion of the author’s primary location and interests. Googling the
account name may reveal other sites where the author has

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Twitter as Data 71

registered, and those sites may provide more demographic informa-

tion. This manual approach is what Driscoll and Steinert-Threlkeld
(2017) use to assign occupation, age, and gender to the accounts in
their sample. To create data on enough accounts for a quantitative
study using this approach requires cheap human labor.
Another enrichment involves connecting aggregated Twitter
data to other datasets. For example, Twitter users can sometimes
be found in voter files or campaign donation contribution datasets;
this approach has been used to validate political inferences made
from individual’s network (Barberá, 2015). Inferences can be made
about tweets aggregated to census tract levels, both in the United
States (Mislove et al., 2011; Malik et al., 2015) and elsewhere (Sloan
et al., 2015). Tweets aggregated to the country level can also be
connected to events datasets (Steinert-Threlkeld et al., 2015;
Steinert-Threlkeld, 2017a).
Other datasets entice. With the recent release of IRS 990 filings, it
may be possible to link Twitter accounts to charitable donations to
non-profit organizations. For example, it would be interesting to
see if the ideal points of non-profit organizations correlates with
the ideal points of their donors. While reliable census data tend to
come from wealthy countries, countries such as the Philippines,
Turkey, and Ukraine have disaggregated census data that have not
been combined with Twitter data.

5 Twitter in the Social Sciences

This section provides examples of applications other social scien-
tists have made of Twitter data. It also summarizes competitors
to the platform – Facebook, Reddit, Sina Weibo, Tumblr, and
Instagram – as well as the potential of call detail record (CDR)
data (

5.1 Research on Social Media

The speed of academic publishing in the social sciences means that
papers taking advantage of Twitter data have only started to appear

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72 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

after 2010 (Twitter was founded in 2006). The appeal of Twitter, and
“big data” more broadly, is that it provides data on more people in
more places across more time than scholars could realistically hope
to achieve with survey methods. For example, it has long been known
that individuals’ happiness is lowest during the middle of the day,
and lower during the week than on weekends; the cost of acquiring
data meant these results were only tested in WEIRD (Western, edu-
cated, industrialized, rich, and democratic) countries (Henrich et al.,
2010), but Twitter reveals that it applies in at least 84 countries
(Golder and Macy, 2011). Countries also experience similar changes
in their total happiness, though baseline levels vary (Poblete et al.,
2011). Because people use social media to talk about topics such as
health, these platforms can also be used to monitor public health and
identify individuals susceptible to treatment (Charles-Smith et al.,
In political science, Twitter has been used in two main areas of
research: conflict dynamics and public opinion. For an early review
of social media and social movements, see the 2013 special issue of
American Behavioral Scientist called “New Media and Social Unrest”
(Tufekci and Freelon, 2013). For a review of the potential and
challenges of using online social network platforms for research,
see Golder and Macy (2014). For a series of essays on the role of big
data in the social sciences, see the 2015 symposium in PS: Political
Science and Politics titled “Big Data, Causal Inference, and Formal
Theory: Contradictory Trends in Political Science?” (www
Thomas Zeitzoff has three papers that show how Twitter can
generate new insights into conflict and foreign policy. Because the
costs of posting on Twitter are much lower than for publishing in
a newspaper or broadcasting on television, individuals and small
organizations have become sources of events data. Zeitzoff (2011)
combines @AJGaza (an Al-Jazeera Twitter account) and
@QassamCount (a record of rocket attacks into Israel) tweets
with blog reports and a Wikipedia event timeline to examine the
microdynamics of Israel’s 2009 war in Gaza, finding that:

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Twitter as Data 73

Hamas’s and Israel’s response intensity double immediately after

the introduction of ground troops and that immediately following
the UN Security Council vote, Israel cuts its response intensity in
half, while Hamas’s slightly increases. (p. 939)

This paper appears to be the earliest incorporation of social

media data into conflict studies.
Aday et al. (2012), in a report for the United States Institute of
Peace (USIP), present another early use of Twitter in the social
sciences. In a similar report for the USIP from 2010, many of the
same authors proposed a framework for analyzing the effect of
online media on contentious politics. Their data, however, was
limited to a case study of digital media during Iran’s 2009
protests (Aday et al., 2010). They examine the geographic dis-
tribution of individuals clicking on links in tweets and find
new media informs international audiences and mainstream media
reporting rather than plays a direct role in organizing protests or
allowing local audiences to share self-generated news directly with
one another. . . . The key role of new media may be its bridging
function: from an activist core to mass publics, from user-generated
content to mainstream mass media, and from local struggles to
international attention. (p. 5)

Later work uses Twitter to study protest mobilization directly.

Combining geolocated tweets with computer-generated events
data, scholars have found that the more the peripheral members
of a country’s social network tweet about protests, the more subse-
quent protests there are (Steinert-Threlkeld et al., 2015; Steinert-
Threlkeld, 2017b). A study comparing the Twitter network of people
who protested in Paris after the Charlie Hebdo attacks with those
who did not, found that protestors and non-protestors segregate on
Twitter (Larson et al., 2016).
Twitter also reveals how social networks vary by country. Zeitzoff
et al. (2015) show how follower relationships on Twitter provide
social network data that can be used to infer issue salience (Zeitzoff

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74 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

et al., 2015). Combining users tweeting in English, Farsi, and Arabic

with network analysis of Farsi and Arabic blogs, the authors show
that users separate into identifiable ideological clusters. However,
network topology varies depending on which set of users is
Twitter can also reveal daily changes in the social network of its
users. In Egypt and Bahrain, over a three-month period in early
2011, the two countries’ Twitter networks become more similar
and a multitude of communities arose which bridged communities
in both countries (Steinert-Threlkeld, 2017a).
Not only can Twitter (and social media more broadly) provide data
on events in a conflict, it may influence conflicts directly.
The percentage of protestors at Egypt’s Tahrir Square who heard
about the protests on social media was much higher than the per-
centage of Egyptians on Twitter (Tufekci and Wilson, 2012).
In Russia’s 2011 parliamentary elections, users of Twitter and
Facebook were more likely to believe electoral fraud occurred, while
users of indigenous social network sites did not have that perception
(Reuter and Szakonyi, 2013); the direction of causality is unclear,
however. In Ukraine, early participants in the Euromaidan protests
were much more likely to have learned about the protests via
Facebook than the later protests (Onuch, 2015). See Bastos et al.
(2015) for an analysis of Twitter and Facebook during the global
Occupy movement, May 15, and Vinegar protest movements in
Brazil. In Israel’s 2012 conflict with Gaza, both sides varied their
attack intensity based on international public opinion, where public
opinion is measured as the number of times a pro-Israel or pro-
Hamas hashtag is used per hour (Zeitzoff, 2016). While a potential
causal role for social media is still hotly debated, there now exists
a critical mass of work in this domain that suggests further theoretical
and empirical development is warranted (Tucker et al., 2016). For an
example of Twitter being used to exogenously induce mobilization (in
support for an online petition), see Coppock et al. (2016). For the best
causal identification yet of the extent to which social media may lead
to larger protests, see Enikolopov et al. (2016)’s study of VKontakte
and Russia’s 2011 protests.

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Twitter as Data 75

Another domain in which social media and Twitter have allowed

scholars to make advances is in measuring political preferences.
For example, many scholars worry that digital communications
technology allows individuals to consume information which rein-
forces already held opinions (Adamic and Glance, 2005; Farrell,
2012). Early studies using Twitter find that retweet networks sort on
ideological preference while user mention networks do not
(Conover et al., 2011, 2012).
A limitation of these studies, however, is that ideology is manu-
ally inferred based on the topic of the tweet, making the results
difficult to scale. A more recent advance is to observe which
political accounts Twitter users follow; these relationships place
individuals in latent political space that closely matches what DW-
NOMINATE would assign, making it possible to estimate millions
of individuals’ otherwise unobservable political preferences
(Barberá, 2015). Research using this method has found evidence
of ideological exchange: while polarization exists, it varies by topic,
and ideological communities are not hermetic. It appears that, in
the United States, the less political a topic is, such as a sporting
event or entertainment news, the more news flows across ideolo-
gical boundaries; even for political news 12–60% of retweets are
from users on opposite sides of the political spectrum (Barberá
et al., 2015a). A study of the United States, Spain, and Germany
makes an even stronger claim: 33–45% of the accounts Twitter
users follow are from the opposite side of the political spectrum,
and individuals become more moderate over time as their network
becomes more politically diverse (Barberá, 2014). On Facebook,
individuals who report whether they are liberal or conservative
have approximately 20% of their friends from across the aisle, and
22–30% of the news they see contravenes their politics (Bakshy
et al., 2015). Interestingly, Barberá (2015) finds that conservatives
have fewer cross-cutting ties than liberals, while Bakshy et al.
(2015) find the opposite.
Because Twitter is popular with politicians, it also provides
insight into how they and their constituents interact. Early work
looking at how members of Congress use Twitter finds that male

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76 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

Republican House members tweet the most, with Senators tweet-

ing less than Representatives, and tweeting increased with the
length of time in office; for all members of Congress, tweets are
used to broadcast policy positions but not to rally public action
(Hemphill et al., 2013). When running for office, female candidates
have more followers and tweet more than male candidates, while
both major parties use the platform similarly (Evans et al., 2014).
Later work uses the 354,860 tweets sent by the members of
Congress between January 1, 2013 and March 15, 2014 to their
follower network, and a random sample of the tweets of those
followers finds that legislators are more responsive to their most
partisan constituents (though Democrats also respond to non-
Democrat constituents), while constituents do not change the
topics of their tweets based on legislators’ tweets (Barberá et al.,
A cottage industry exists that uses Twitter to predict voting and
stock market outcomes. The title of one of the earliest papers is
explanatory enough: “Twitter Mood Predicts the Stock Market”
(Bollen et al., 2011); using tweets from ten months in 2008, that
paper finds that some aggregate measures of mood correlates with
changes in the Dow Jones Industrial Average up to six days in the
future. Later work finds similar correlation at an hourly level
(Zheludev et al., 2014). Researchers have found that the number
of mentions of political parties correlates positively with those
parties’ electoral success in Germany (Tumasjan et al., 2010). For
an exhaustingly thorough catalogue of how Twitter has been used
to study politics, see Jungherr (2014).
Twitter also provides “polling” for places otherwise difficult to
survey, especially when longitudinal analysis is required. For
example, following certain users can allow scholars to construct
panel data that may reveal changes in a society’s beliefs. In Egypt,
17 million tweets from 7,000 users in Egypt have been used to
measure discourse polarization, and polarization on Twitter
increased before violent protests in November 2012 (Weber et al.,
2013). Borge-Holthoefer et al. (2015) analyze 6 million Arabic
tweets from Egypt from the middle of 2013. With data on 120,000

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Twitter as Data 77

users and their 3,200 previous tweets, a classifier for pro- or anti-
military tweets, and known secular or Islamist accounts, the
authors show that few users, never more than 3% on any
given day, express views that contradict their previous preferences
as expressed on Twitter (Borge-Holthoefer et al., 2015). Twitter can
be used to measure pro-Ukraine and pro-Russia sentiment from
the start of the protests and in Ukraine and through its civil war;
because Twitter polling does not require enumerators, it is espe-
cially useful in violent areas of the world such as Ukraine’s Luhansk
and Donetsk oblasts (Driscoll and Steinert-Threlkeld, 2017).
The failure of voter turnout models used to predict the results of
the presidential election in the United States in 2016 suggests that
many voters are also difficult to survey. If the election result sug-
gests that traditional institutions, such as the political party and
media, are not as influential over individuals as previously
believed, then data sources which provide direct access to those
individuals may become an important source of polling.
Republican nominee Donald Trump‘s personal use of Twitter
also defied expectations and galvanized new political actors. That
these actors may misrepresent themselves to polsters, if they
respond in the first place, but may exhibit more candor online
suggests that Twitter may have more relevance for understanding
American political behavior than previously thought.
The presidential election also saw the first use of “fake news” on
social media platforms, especially Facebook. (“Fake news” refers to
articles that appear to detail actual events but are designed instead
to generate internet traffic against which advertisements can be
sold. They generate traffic with sensationalist headlines.) Because
the behavior is so novel, there does not yet exist a method for
automatically detecting fake news; in response to post-election
backlash, Facebook’s solution is to flag questionable articles for
independent organizations to verify manually.
While your initial desire may be to remove tweets containing
fake news from a dataset, they should be preserved since their
presence presents the opportunity to study information flow in
all its forms. Just as social media may provide insight into difficult

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78 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

to survey individuals, it may also let us study types of information

flows previously unobservable. Before, the only fake news was in
tabloids and rumors; now fake news submerses itself in an obser-
vable, recordable, and measurable medium. Do fake news items
spread differently than true ones? Are they more, less, or as likely to
spread as true news items? If they spread, do they stay within
homogenous political communities? We will not know how fake
news works if we ignore it altogether.
It should be noted that much skepticism exists concerning the
ability of Twitter, and social media more broadly, to serve as
a polling platform (Tufekci, 2014). While Twitter has more than
300 million global monthly active users and is used by all demo-
graphics in the United States, Pew Research has found its users
skew towards the young and minorities (Greenwood et al., 2016),
while users who tag their tweets with GPS coordinates tend to be
higher income, urban, or minorities (Malik et al., 2015). Papers
which claim to predict an outcome tend to conflate correlation
with prediction, make post hoc claims, and half of the Twitter
studies conducted before 2013 failed to predict correctly election
outcomes (Gayo-Avello, 2013). These shortcomings may reflect the
novelty of working with these data, as no agreed-upon methodol-
ogy exists for selecting users, cleaning tweets, measuring senti-
ment, or measuring prediction accuracy (Gayo-Avello, 2013).
Future work needs to reorient its claims, reweight its samples,
and gain external validity by using panel, instead of cross-
sectional, data (Diaz et al., 2016).
Finally, Twitter is especially exciting for the study of social net-
works and mobilization. For example, voter mobilization studies
interested in social networks rely on surveys to measure the effect
of social networks on voting (Lake and Huckfeldt, 1998; Dalton
et al., 2002; Nickerson, 2008). While Nickerson (2008) is able to
exogenously assign treatment, most work relies on respondents
reporting if their friends vote or share their political preferences.
While I am aware of no published research that uses Twitter to
mobilize voters, it has been used to mobilize support for online
petitions (Coppock et al., 2016). Facebook was used in the 2010

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Twitter as Data 79

United States Congressional Election to mobilize 340,000 addi-

tional voters (Bond et al., 2012). Studies of mobilization in the
context of the United States Civil Rights movement (McAdam,
1986) or East Germany’s 1989 protests (Opp and Gern, 1993) are
similarly reliant on post hoc observational survey data. Twitter
allows scholars to monitor protests in real time, allowing them to
observe for the first time recruitment as it happens (González-Bail
ón et al., 2011), the differential effects of individuals in the core and
on the periphery of a country’s social network (Barberá et al.,
2015b; Steinert-Threlkeld, 2017b), and how social network struc-
ture affects mobilization (Steinert-Threlkeld, 2017b; Larson et al.,

5.2 Competitors
Twitter is unique in its global reach and data availability; it is
probably the most studied social network. As of September 21,
2016, a Google Scholar search for “twitter” returns 6,370,000
items, “facebook” 5,390,000, and “instagram” 172,000. Other com-
mon platforms are Tumblr (owned by Yahoo), reddit, and Sina
Weibo. For a history of social networks and the internet, see Bury
et al. (2013).
Founded in 2004 for elite US undergraduates, Facebook opened
itself to anyone over the age of 13 on September 26, 2006. It is now
a major corporation with global market penetration; with over
1 billion users, it is the most popular social network and one of
the internet’s most visited sites (Bhatia, 2016; Solon, 2016).
Facebook was the first social network platform to reach such
a large audience, and it quickly drew attention from academics of
all disciplines. The first article about it, discussing privacy con-
cerns, appeared in 2005 and analyzed information sharing beha-
viors of college students (Jones and Soltren, 2005). The ability to
observe social connections across large groups of people has
drawn the interest of network scientists (Lazer et al., 2009; Gjoka
et al., 2010; Ferrara, 2012), physicists and computer scientists
(Catanese et al., 2011; Ugander et al., 2011), social scientists

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80 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

(Lewis et al., 2008; Bond et al., 2012; Reich, Subrahmanyam and

Espinoza, 2012), and humanists (Rahimi, 2011). For a review of
Facebook studies in the social sciences, see Wilson et al. (2012).
Facebook is the juggernaut social network and maintains a well-
documented API. The difficulty for researchers is that the vast
majority of accounts are private. Facebook initially maintained
an internal research team that worked with academics on
a broad range of questions, but after an international outcry over
one study that showed some users negative, and others positive,
news (Kramer et al., 2014), it has become much more cautious in
its academic partnerships. Its internal research is now more
focused on selling advertisements than it was before that study.
Perhaps as part of that turn, only media publishers can access the
feed API (the equivalent of Twitter’s streaming API). The graph
API, which gives information on friendships, is still available.
Reddit, founded in 2005 and now visited by 234 million unique
individuals per month, is perhaps the modern platform which least
resembles a social network. “The front page of the internet”, reddit
revolves around subreddits, thematic collections of user-provided
material (e.g. photos, questions, essays, links to other stories) that
anyone can create or follow. Users vote such material up or down
and subscribe to subreddits, but do not connect to other accounts
as on a social network. Scholars have paid less attention to the site,
with the studies that do exist focusing on attention dynamics
(Bergstrom, 2011; Gilbert, 2013; Lakkaraju et al., 2013).
Sina Weibo is the most similar service to Twitter, but it is targeted
at users in China. Introduced on August 14, 2009 to replace the
recently banned Twitter and Facebook, it has slightly over
200 million active monthly users posting 100 million messages
per day. Though open to anyone, only Chinese citizens use it
regularly, and there is some concern that its users are fleeing to
messaging applications like WeChat and WhatsApp. As with
Twitter, many studies focus on event analysis (Qu et al., 2011;
Guan et al., 2014), its use during crisis events (Guan et al., 2014),
user behavior (Gao et al., 2012; Yu et al., 2012), and spam detection
(Yu et al., 2012; Lin et al., 2013; Sun et al., 2013). There is some

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Twitter as Data 81

evidence that Sina Weibo users provide more information about

themselves and are more episodic users than individuals on
Twitter (Gao et al., 2012). Perhaps the most unique opportunity
the platform affords academics is the ability to study censorship in
real time and on a scale not possible previously (Hassid, 2012; King
et al., 2014, 2016).
Some microblogging competitors to Twitter focus on image
sharing. In its capabilities, Tumblr is equivalent to Twitter; in
practice, Tumblr is used to share photos and GIFs (short, low-
quality videos), with accompanying text. The main difference is
that Tumblr does not restrict the length of posts, whereas Twitter
restricts them to 140 characters; Twitter was designed with phones
in mind, before smart phones existed, and it had to adhere to the
character limit available to old phones’ text messages. Tumblr is
also visually oriented, whereas Twitter has been dominated by text
(though Twitter is becoming an image sharing platform as well).
Though Tumblr has 555 million monthly active users, it has
received less scholarly attention than Twitter (Social, 2016), per-
haps because images are more difficult to analyze than text. For
structural analysis of the platform, see Chang et al. (2014). Xu et al.
show how the text component of Tumblr can help predict civil wars
(Xu et al., 2014), and some works use Tumblr for sentiment analysis
(Bourlai and Herring, 2014). There appear to be no published
works which analyze the images shared on Tumblr.
Launched in 2010 as a smart phone application, Instagram has
become the most popular photo-sharing platform, with over
400 million active users monthly. (Facebook now owns it.) Users
post and spread images they produce or find, and text is provided,
often with hashtags, on each post. Academics have studied
Instagram more than Tumblr but less than Facebook or Twitter.
Images provide insight on mass behaviors at specific times and
places, as well as on different cultural behaviors (Hochman and
Manovich, 2013; Silva et al., 2013). For a structural overview of the
Instagram network, see Ferrara et al. (2014). For an ontology of
users and photographs on the site, see Hu et al. (2014).
As of November 17, 2015, Instagram does not let third parties

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82 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

(including researchers) access its feed data, which is how you

would download posts as they are created.
The best data on offline social networks comes from call detail
records, the data telecommunications carriers record on who calls
and texts whom, the location of both parties, and the duration of
the exchange. Because these data represent actual interactions,
they should have more measurement validity than social networks
recovered from online social media. A common critique of using
social media to study social networks is that one has to assume that
the social networks formed online have the same topography as
those offline. Call detail records therefore represent a major
advance in the measurement of social networks.
The researcher must obtain call detail records on an ad hoc
basis. No company regularly makes them available, and compa-
nies aggregate at different levels of resolution (call or cell phone
tower, for example). Orange, the French telecommunications com-
pany, has run two “Data 4 Development” competitions where they
release call detail records, once from the Ivory Coast and once from
Senegal. (They have not announced a regular schedule of competi-
tions.) Finally, a country usually has multiple telecommunications
providers, and a research project usually has access to the tele-
communications from only one company’s.
There exists little published work using call detail records. Nicholas
Eubank has used seven months’ data from 9 million subscribers to
measure ethnic fractionalization in Zambia (Eubank, 2016), and
Fotini Christia, Leon Yao, Stephen Wittles, and Jure Leskovec (2015)
have started to analyze calls from Yemen during the Arab Spring.
Patterns of calls may also predict violence (Berger et al., 2014), and
CDR reveal the effect distance has on the probability an individual
attends a protest (Traag et al. 2017). Outside of political science,
patterns of calling are shown to track international trade but also
reflect non-economic behaviors (Blumenstock, 2011), provide insight
on international migration (Blumenstock, 2012), predict subnational
poverty (Blumenstock et al., 2015), and measure population distribu-
tion in real-time and in areas difficult to survey (Douglass et al., 2015).

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Twitter as Data 83

6 Discussion
I conclude by discussing non-programmatic aspects of Twitter.
The first section discusses the types of data that tweets do not
provide and the limitations thus imposed on analysis. Section 6.2
raises potential ethical concerns of using Twitter data, especially as
it relates to minors. I then user behaviors on Twitter to argue that it
has features of both a media platform, like newspapers or televi-
sion, and a social network.

6.1 Limitations
While the works referred to above that are skeptical of Twitter
enumerate shortcomings of the platform’s data, it is worth empha-
sizing them here as well. The simplest way to summarize these
shortcomings is that individual tweets contain little information.
The main reason individual tweets have little information is
because they are limited to 140 characters, 20 characters fewer
than a text message. (As of November 2017, Twitter has is transi-
tioning to 280 characters per tweet.) As any quick perusal of Twitter
reveals, this restriction leads to frequent use of abbreviations; it is
also common for a tweet to be a comment on a link shared in the
What tweets lack in information they make up for in quantity.
One tweet may be about football, another music, and another
a political candidate; individually, they are not interesting, but
aggregated, they reveal interesting patterns about what topics are
salient to a given group of people and how that saliency varies by
place and time.
One of the drawbacks of Twitter for researchers is one of its appeals
for users: anonymity. Registration is free, and registrants can make
their screen name any word or phrase they want. Unlike Facebook,
then, where you are asked for your first and last name, Twitter will let
you appear to the world as “Zachary Steinert-Threlkeld” or “Brown
Curtain”. While many users choose a screen name that is their name,
most do not. Moreover, Twitter does not ask the users their age,

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84 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

education, gender, or race. To overcome this, researchers can take

a sample of accounts and manually research them, generating rea-
sonable estimates of the profession, age, gender, and political beliefs
of accounts (Lotan et al., 2011; Borge-Holthoefer et al., 2015; Driscoll
and Steinert-Threlkeld, 2017). Though much metadata are obtainable
via research, such an approach does not scale to large populations.
Twitter users also have to decide to identify their location. They can
identify in two ways. First, Twitter asks users their location as part of
their profile. Like their user name, however, they can choose any
word or phrase they want. While many users choose a real place, as
many do not complete this section or give non-sensical answers such
as “the sky” or “over there”. Second, Twitter users can assign GPS
coordinates to their tweets, but they have to choose to do this per
tweet; 2–3% of tweets have GPS coordinates attached to them
(Leetaru et al., 2013; Budak and Watts, 2015). While a small percen-
tage of tweets contain GPS coordinates, there are 500 million tweets
per day. Users who tag their tweets with GPS coordinates do vary
from those who do not, but that variation is only understood in the
United States (Malik et al., 2015), can be measured in many other
countries, and does not necessarily mean the behavior in which the
researcher is interested will be biased because the sample is.
To increase the number of geolocated tweets in a sample, scho-
lars infer location based on a user’s self-reported location in their
profile. Including users’ self-reported location, anywhere from 34%
(Leetaru et al., 2013) to 50% (Conover et al., 2013) to 66% (Hecht
et al., 2011) of tweets have location information, the vast majority
of which are at the city level. It is possible to assign location
information to accounts based on the context of their tweets
(Cheng et al., 2010; Hecht et al., 2011; Stefanidis et al. 2011). It is
unknown whether accounts with self-reported location differ from
those without, so the benefit of this added parsing needs to
weighed against the computational cost. The most significant glo-
bal source of location is an account’s time zone, as Twitter auto-
matically assigns a time zone to each tweet based on the location
where the tweet author registered (Lotan et al., 2011).

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There are two idiosyncrasies to working with tweet text. First, the
140 character limitation means tweets tend to concern themselves
with one topic, simplifying analysis. This limitation pushes users
towards abbreviations and slang, however, which complicate lan-
guage processing. Second, tweet style is bimodal, with very many,
perhaps a majority, of them using abbreviations and slang. Existing
corpora used for dictionary approaches do not include slang, and
the idiosyncratic nature of slang means unsupervised approaches
are more likely to assign tweets about the same topic to different
topics. For a more detailed discussion on natural language proces-
sing and Twitter, see Sriram et al. (2010) and Han and Baldwin
(2011). For a thorough introduction to natural language processing
more broadly, see Manning and Schütze (1999).

6.2 Ethics
Ethical concerns around the use of Twitter data flow from the
scarcity of information in tweets and user profiles.
Because Twitter requires no identifying information to register,
it is possible that tweets in a dataset are from children. Because
Twitter is a common marketing and branding tool, many products
exist which will estimate the demographic age of an account’s
followers, but age-verification products are expensive on an aca-
demics’ budget. (Twitter also allows brands to require potential
followers to confirm their age before they are allowed to follow.)
It is also unknown what percent of users on Twitter are under 18;
Pew, which conducts an annual survey of social media usage in
America, does not interview minors. While there are studies that
estimate the demographic characteristics from the behavior of
a Twitter account (Nguyen et al., 2013; Sloan et al., 2015; Sloan
and Morgan, 2015), any solutions are not trivial to implement,
and I am not aware of any academic Twitter study which attempts
to remove minors (or other protected categories) from their
The researcher must also be careful to respect users’ desire to
delete tweets. If a user deletes a specific tweet, the streaming API

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86 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

will deliver a JSON message with the tweet ID of the now deleted
tweet. It is incumbent on the person or group connected to the API
to delete the tweet from their data. Twitter is unclear about
whether or not the streaming API provides the identification num-
ber of all deleted tweets or only a sample of them. Twitter will not
make a deleted tweet available via the REST API.
IRBs have not established a common standard for the treatment of
Twitter data. When tweets are publicly available and researchers are
not conducting interventions, there is no prima facie reason studies
should need IRB approval. Twitter’s public nature has not stopped
IRBs from expressing caution about using its data (Halavais, 2011;
Hayden, 2013). For a project where my colleague interviewed activists
in Egypt and I examined their Twitter behavior, my university’s IRB
had to approve the fieldwork (Fowler and Steinert-Threlkeld, 2016).
When our IRB application mentioned Twitter, they asked for more
detail, though Twitter’s public nature mollified them.
IRBs’ approach to minimally invasive research, such as down-
loading public data from Twitter, is in flux. On January 19, 2017,
United States Government agencies in charge of protecting human
subjects issued new guidelines for research that will take effect
in January 2018. These guidelines create new exempt categories
that require minimal IRB review, and research under these cate-
gories does not require continuing review. One of these exempt
categories is the “observation and recording of verbal and non-
verbal behavior in schools and public places”, under which obser-
vational Twitter research should fall (Shweder and Nisbett, 2017).
How institutions interpret these rules and by how much they lower
the administrative cost of research remains to be seen.
While IRBs appear to have adopted an appropriate attitude to
observational data from Twitter, there is growing interest in conduct-
ing experiments (Coppock et al., 2016; Munger, 2016). Procedures to
protect research subjects on Twitter appear to be the same as those
for offline experiments. For example, the replication data for Munger
(2016) is anonymized and aggregated to the account level so that the
accounts targeted with messages cannot be identified. Coppock,
Guess and Ternovski (2016) similarly do not share individual tweets,

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Twitter as Data 87

and personally identifiable information is removed from all replica-

tion material. Both papers’ research plans received IRB approval
before conducting their respective study.
Using tweets raises concerns about research reproducibility since
a researcher cannot share more than 50,000 tweets per day. This
restriction means that if the researcher has a dataset of 5 million
tweets, it would take 100 days to transfer them to someone inter-
ested in reproduction. Relying on an individual to share tweets
piecemeal does not encourage reproducible research, as the
researcher will have to manually slice his or her data and remember
to regularly share those tweets with interested parties. Interested
parties may be dissuaded from inquiring in the first place, however,
since the opportunity and coordination costs are not trivial.
Moreover, shared tweets cannot be provided via “non-
automated means”, and Twitter does not define that phrase.
For example, suppose an academic publisher creates a script
that automatically parses a tweet file into chunks of 50,000 tweets
and tasks a staff member with sharing those chunks when
requested. That script is an automated process, but the distribu-
tion mechanism (the staff member) is not. Now, suppose the
publisher writes another script that e-mails those chunks to
interested parties, but the staff member still has to initiate the
sharing and e-mail scripts. Both solutions are less automated
than allowing an interested party to initiate a series of downloads
via a website interface, but the end result is the same. While it is
clear that Twitter wants to impose costs on sharing data, sharing
nonetheless exists over an indeterminate range in which those
costs could fall.
The permitted workaround is to share the identification num-
bers for tweets, as an infinite number of those can be shared. This
approach is easy for the original researcher and is the current best
practice, but it requires greater computational skill for the inter-
ested party. Scripts provided in this Element (R script and Python script, however, download tweets by
their identification number.

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88 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

Finally, researchers should carefully consider how to handle

tweets created by bots. While the word “bot” has a nefarious con-
notation after the 2016 United States Presidential Election, a bot is
simply an account which behaves following prescribed rules. It is
quite common, for example, to see bots that tweet the weather,
financial news, or sports scores. Spam accounts tend to be bots,
and the earliest attempt to screen for bots was to flag any tweet
from an account less than one day old or that contains at least three
trending topics Kwak et al. (2010). Scholars soon realized that bots
could also be used for political purposes, and they have been
widely used by state and private political actors since at least
2011 (Wooley 2016).
As Twitter has evolved, so have bots, and bot detection has become
an active area of research. One approach to identifying them is to use
the source field in each tweet, as some sources are websites that allow
customers to create and deploy bots (Forelle et al., 2015). Other
approaches rely on community detection algorithms, crowd-
sourced manual labeling, or supervised machine learning (Ferrara
et al. 2016b). The machine learning approach finds that “social bots”,
bots designed to behave like humans, retweet more than human
accounts, have longer usernames, and are younger; they tweet,
reply and mention others, and are retweeted less than human
accounts (Ferrara et al. (2016b). The model on which Ferrara et al.
(2016b) rely to analyze their sample is available through Indiana
University’s Observatory on Social Media’s “Bot or Not?” project
(Ferrara et al., 2016a). Despite these advances in detection, bots
continue to increase in sophistication and reach, and it is not clear
that platforms will reach a point where they can eliminate bots. That
bots require little financial capital makes their continued existence
even more likely (Robertson, 2016; Bernstein, 2017).
While bots can be identified, their prevalence is an open ques-
tion. During the 2016 United States Presidential Election, they were
14.4% of the top 50,000 users discussing Candidates Clinton and
Trump and accounted for 18.45% of tweets about them (Ferrara
and Bessi 2016). Lotan et al. (2011) find 6% of accounts in Egypt
in January 2011 were bots, 8.4% in Tunisia. In my experience, bots

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Twitter as Data 89

are much less prevalent when samples are restricted to accounts

with GPS coordinates or profile locations. Of accounts tweeting
from Ukraine during six months in 2014, they were a negligible
percentage, and the Kwak et al. (2010) filter found only about 3% of
tweets during the Arab Spring were spam (Driscoll and Steinert-
Threlkeld, 2017). The more esoteric a research topic and the more
prevalent geotagged tweets are in a sample, the less likely are bots
to constitute a worrisome presence. Finally, once identified, it is
preferable to model bots’ behavior and their effect on the larger
social network than remove their tweets.

6.3 Is Twitter a Social Network or Media Platform?

Twitter is both a social network and a broadcast medium. It is
certainly used by news organizations, politicians, celebrities, and
corporations to broadcast messages, but it is also used by normal
people engaging in activities that resemble how we think people
behaved before they could document themselves on Twitter.
One of the most famous studies of Twitter, and one of the first,
directly addresses the site’s dual nature. Starting in June 2009,
Haewoon Kwak and his coauthors crawled the site’s 41.7 million
profiles, 1.47 billion social ties, and 106 million tweets to study
information diffusion on the network (Kwak et al., 2010). Though
their paper is titled, “What is Twitter, a Social Network or a News
Media?”, they do not directly answer this question; they show,
however, that it is both, depending on the characteristics analyzed.
Like a social network, the distribution of followers conforms to
a power-law distribution. The distribution of followings, however,
does not, with noticeable irregularities at 20 and 2,000 followings
(due to the design features of Twitter). Very few accounts follow
more than 1,000 accounts, and those that do tend to be service
oriented ones such as politicians and companies. Over 85% of
trending topics are headline or persistent news, consistent with
a media platform. On the other hand, a retweet reaches the same
average number of users regardless of the number of followers of
the tweet’s author, consistent with a social network. Of users, 67.6%

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90 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

are not followed by any of the accounts they follow, suggesting that
these people use Twitter more to gather information than to
engage socially. Twitter has a short diameter (4.12 average links
between each account and all other accounts), which the authors
interpret as support for the broadcast side of Twitter. Like social
networks, users exhibit homophily, in this case with respect to their
number of followers and time-zone. Finally, ranking accounts by
their number of followers, their PageRank, and the number of
times they are retweeted shows that the top 20 accounts in each
tend to be news organizations or celebrities.
Though news organizations and celebrities dominate in terms of
followers and retweets, that does not mean they dominate on other
dimensions. For example, Steinert-Threlkeld (2017b) finds that
those with the most followers did not drive protest mobilization
during the Arab Spring. Even though those accounts will tweet
about an upcoming or ongoing protest, the need for a critical
mass of protestors means that it is the use of hashtags by those
not at the top of the follower distribution that correlates with
subsequent protest mobilization (Marwell et al., 1988).
This result is in line with Barberá et al. (2015a). They find that
communication around the 2014 Academy Awards and raising the
United States’ minimum wage resembles a broadcast network,
while that for collective action has the same network dynamics
identified in Steinert-Threlkeld (2017a). Gonzalez-Bailon et al.
(2013) find four major types of Twitter users. Two of them – broad-
casters (follow many fewer accounts than follow them, mentioned
infrequently) and influentials (follow many fewer accounts than
follow them, mentioned frequently) – are consistent with a media
platform. The other two – common users (follow many more
accounts than follow them, mentioned infrequently) and hidden
influentials (follow many more accounts than follow them, men-
tioned frequently) – are consistent with a social network. Finally,
a study of 1.8 billion tweets from four months in 2014 finds that
only 0.8% of tweets are from news organizations, though some
topics have up to 15% of their tweets coming from news organiza-
tions (Malik and Pfeffer, 2016). Individuals also commonly use

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Twitter as Data 91

Twitter to engage in public conversations (Honeycutt and Herring,

2009; Boyd et al., 2010).
Intriguingly, interactions accounts have with each other on
Twitter parallel how humans are known to behave offline.
Dunbar’s Number is the observation that the number of social
ties an animal can maintain is a function of the size of its neocortex
in relation to the rest of the brain. For humans, this number is
approximately 150 (Dunbar, 1992, 1995, 2011). Studying the reply
and user mention behavior of 1.7 million networks, Bruno
Goncalves et al. (2011) find that individuals on Twitter (bots were
excluded) maintain between 100 and 200 connections (Gonçalves
et al., 2011). The 150 offline contacts humans maintain, however,
exist in approximately three groups of increasing intimacy (Zhou
et al., 2005). Three social media datasets, two from Facebook and
one from Twitter, replicate this relationship hierarchy, though they
find evidence of four to five layers (Dunbar et al., 2015).
Many papers’ findings would not make sense if Twitter was not
used as a social network. For example, the ability to recover ideology
scores based on follower relationships, and to map those to voter
records, would not be possible if users indiscriminately followed
news organizations or political accounts (Barberá, 2015). Twitter
users also exhibit less positive sentiment during working hours,
consistent with social behaviors (Dodds et al., 2011; Golder and
Macy, 2011), and express greater positivity when they tweet further
from their most common locations (Frank et al., 2013). Exploiting
the friendship paradox (your friends have more friends than you do
because of the power-law distribution of friendship) allows you to
detect emerging trends compared to monitoring a random sample
of Twitter (Garcia-Herranz et al., 2014). Governments and indivi-
duals monitor Twitter during natural disasters to maintain situa-
tional awareness (Vieweg et al., 2010), and tweets even “detect”
earthquakes (Sakaki et al., 2010). Twitter has also been used to
predict crime in Chicago (Gerber, 2014) and map linguistic com-
munities in New York City (Mocanu et al., 2013). These regularities
would not occur if Twitter did not embody social behaviors.

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92 Quantitative and Computational Methods for Social Science

Since behaviors on Twitter resemble a broadcast platform and

a social network, researchers should work to keep individual and
broadcast accounts analytically distinct. There are two approaches
to identifying broadcast accounts, and individual accounts are
then those outside of that set. The first approach is to manually
search Twitter for a specific broadcast account; most organiza-
tions, like the Los Angeles Times or NBC News, have Twitter
accounts. The researcher should then feed the account names to
the GET users/lookup endpoint of the REST API and record the
user identification number. That identification number should be
used for subsequent calls to the API, e.g. if you want to follow that
account from the streaming API. The second approach takes
advantage of Twitter lists to quicken account identification.
Twitter allows users to create publicly viewable lists of accounts,
and users create lists around certain themes. For example, there
are lists for French news and American cable television accounts.
The best way to find these lists is via Google: in the search bar, type
“ ‘search term’ list”, e.g. “ ‘France
news’”. Once the list name is identified, the list members can be
manually recorded or downloaded via the GET lists/members.
For the foreseeable future, Twitter will continue to be the pre-
ferred data platform for social scientists, for two reasons. First, it
remains a very large network. While it has not seen the growth
envisioned at its initial public offering, its user base has grown.
Controversies over its use for ISIS recruiting and the presence of
racist and sexist harassers reflect real concerns, but those concerns
have yet to affect the service’s popularity. Second, no other plat-
form provides data as easily as Twitter. Instagram could have
threatened Twitter for researchers’ loyalty, but the barriers created
at the end of 2015 have taken away that prospect. Researchers
interested in large datasets are now back to where they were in
the mid-2000s: creating data by scraping blogs and news aggrega-
tors. Unless the researcher uses Twitter.6

Facebook and Instagram are great sources of data, if you can convince them to
work with you and are willing to risk their veto power.

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Twitter as Data 93

The strongest growth prospect for Twitter is live events coverage.

While people already turn to it to consume breaking news, and
governments and news organizations use it to disseminate news,
Twitter is working to expand into live video broadcasts. In 2016, it
started to broadcast Thursday night National Football League
games, and it livestreamed the 2016 United States Presidential
debates (as did Facebook). It has also created a stand-alone appli-
cation, Periscope, that lets anyone broadcast a live video from their
phone. Because Periscope broadcasts are shown via Twitter, one
possibility is to see if the number of video streams of certain events,
like protests or riots, correlates with the actual number of attendees
at those events. Researchers in media consumption have had to
rely on self-reported surveys like Nielsen, so being able to observe
in real time who observes broadcasts may present exciting new
research opportunities.
These data are not a “revolution”. Instead, they represent the
next stage in the constant increase in data available to researchers.
In the 1970s, cutting-edge empirical research consisted of descrip-
tive statistics and basic regressions; using a computer required
access to a mainframe and programming with punch cards.
The 1980s and 1990s democratized computers for professionals,
though data analysis programs did not become usable to those
without programming knowledge until the 1990s.
The last two decades have witnessed the rise of digital commu-
nications data. Because these data are much cheaper to produce
than human-created datasets, the amount of data available for
analysis has expanded. This expansion has made previous
approaches – aggregating data to the national or annual level,
modeling data through graphical user interfaces such as Stata or
SPSS, or loading an entire dataset at once, for example – often
inadequate. Now, to stay at the forefront of data analysis, one needs
to know some programming in order to interface with websites and
data services, download data automatically, algorithmically clean
and analyze data, and present these data in low-dimension envir-
onments. The skills are modern; the change is eternal.

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API Application Programming Interface. A standardized programming

interface for accessing data or algorithms from a website.
GDELT Global Database of Events, Location, and Tone. A dataset that
reads newspapers in multiple languages and codes them for political
GPS Global Positioning System. In this Element, “GPS coordinates”
refers to the longitude and latitude that identifies the location from
which a tweet was created.
HTTP Hyptertext Transfer Protocol. The markup language computers
use to talk to each other over the internet.
ICEWS Integrated Conflict Early Warning System. A dataset that reads
newspapers in multiple languages and codes them for political events.
IRB Institutional Review Board. Bureaucracies located within universi-
ties which review any research involving human subjects.
IP Internet Protocol. “IP Address” refers to the numerical identifier for a
computer when communicating over the internet.
JSON JavaScript Object Notation. A format for writing data that is easy for
humans to read and compatible with data structures in most program-
ming languages (dictionaries in Python, lists in R). It takes the form of
key:value pairs that can be nested. The following example is a nested
JSON object that shows names (keys) and the gender (nested key) and
height (nested key) of each name: {‘Zachary’:{‘Gender’:‘Male’,
‘Height’:‘Average’}, ‘Jessica’:{‘Gender’:‘Female’, ‘Height’:‘Average’}}.
NBA National Basketball Association. A professional sports league that
figures prominently throughout examples.
NoSQL Not Structured Query Language. A family of languages for
retrieving data from databases that do not use table formats.
RAM Random Access Memory. The working memory for a computer.
REST API Representational State Transfer API. A standard set of opera-
tions to allow computers to exchange static information.
SQL Structured Query Language. A language used for retrieving data
from database tables.


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Glossary 95

TCAT Twitter Collection and Analysis Toolkit. A series of tools for

acquiring and analyzing Twitter data without programming
URL Uniform Resource Location. The address of a website.
UTF-8 Unicode Transformation Format. A standardized method for
representing symbols, including emoji, across human languages.

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