Simulation of Stochastic Wind Velocity Field On Long-Span Bridges

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Simulation of Stochastic Wind Velocity Field on Long-Span Bridges

Article  in  Journal of Engineering Mechanics · January 2000

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2000)126:1(1)


113 354

3 authors, including:

Yinghong Cao
Independent Researcher


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By Yinghong Cao,1 Haifan Xiang,2 and Ying Zhou3

ABSTRACT: An improved algorithm is introduced in this paper for digital simulation of the stochastic wind
velocity field on long-span bridges, when the cross-spectral density matrix of the field is given. The target wind
velocity field is assumed to be a one-dimensional, multivariate, homogeneous stochastic process. The basic
method of simulation used is the spectral representation method. It is improved by explicitly expressing Cho-
lesky’s decomposition of the cross-spectral density matrix in the form of algebraic formulas, then cutting off as
many as possible of the cosine terms, so long as the accuracy of results is not affected. The fast Fourier transform
technique is used to enhance the efficiency of computation. A numerical example of simulation for buffeting
analysis is included in this paper to illustrate the improved method introduced. It is demonstrated that deviations
between the simulated correlation functions and the target are sufficiently small and that the simulated power
spectra are close to the target.

INTRODUCTION tablished the spectral representation method. Yang (1972,

1973) and Shinozuka (1974) succeeded later in introducing the
As the spans of large bridges grow longer and longer, wind
fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique into the algorithm of
effects on the bridges become more and more prominent;
simulation, thus greatly enhancing the efficiency of computa-
hence, analysis of wind-induced buffeting of long-span bridges
tion. Deodatis and Shinozuka (1989) then extended the appli-
is presently considered necessary. The nonlinear responses of
cation of the spectral representation method to the analysis of
long-span bridges can be computed with sufficient accuracy
stochastic waves. An iterative procedure was suggested by Ya-
by time-domain analysis, so this method has been much used
mazaki and Shinozuka (1988) for non-Gaussian stochastic
recently in buffeting analysis. Simulation of the stochastic
wind velocity field on a bridge deck appears currently to be fields. Moreover, several review papers have been written by
the focus of attention in time-domain analysis of nonlinear Yamazaki and Shinozuka on the spectral representation
buffeting. method. In 1996, Deodatis further developed the spectral rep-
Wind velocity has three varying components (in the direc- resentation method and used it to simulate an ergodic sto-
tions x, y, and z, respectively) and varies along the length of chastic wind velocity field acting on some tall buildings.
the bridge deck. Hence, the complete wind velocity field For the simulation of wind velocity processes acting on
should be treated as a multidimensional, multivariate, homo- long-span bridges, Kovacs et al. (1992) proposed a simple for-
geneous Gaussian stochastic process, while the field at scat- mula without a detailed proof. Their formula was used by
tered points of the deck can be computed as a summation of Chunhua Liu (1994) to perform the nonlinear buffeting anal-
many stochastic waves. The computation can usually be fur- ysis of Tigergate Bridge at Humen, China (a suspension bridge
ther simplified as a combination of three independent, one- with a main span of 888 meters). In Liu’s paper, the correlation
dimensional, multivariate stochastic processes, with the coher- function’s check has not been done and the spectrum check
ence between different dimensions ignored, since the errors appears unsatisfactory; hence, Liu’s paper cannot be consid-
thus included are usually small. When the said simplification ered conclusive. It seems necessary to discuss and improve
is adopted, the problem of simulating the wind velocity field further the algorithm for simulation of the wind velocity field
will be concentrated on the simulation of one-dimensional, on long-span bridges.
multivariate stochastic processes. In this paper, the algorithm of the spectral representation
For simulation of the stochastic processes, the following method has been improved, so as to be more suitable for sim-
methods are now available: (1) the convariance decomposition ulation of the wind velocity field on long-span bridges. The
method; (2) the spectral representation method; (3) the auto- method proposed by Deodatis and Shinozuka (1989) serves as
regressive moving-average (ARMA) method; (4) the noise the basis of the improved algorithm. The author succeeded in
shower method; (5) the scale refinement methods; and (6) the expressing Cholesky’s decomposition of the cross-spectral
turning band method (TBM) (Spanos and Zeldin 1998). The density matrix of the target stochastic process in an explicit
spectral representation method is widely used today and will form of algebraic formulas, instead of recursion formulas. The
be discussed in this paper. sample function can then be simulated by a sequence of certain
The basic method for analyzing one-dimensional, one-var- cosine terms. The writers will determine first the numerical
iate Gaussian process appeared in the 1950s. For multidimen- value of amplitude of each cosine term, to see whether it is
sional, multivariate non-Gaussian cases, Shinozuka (1972) es- less than some predetermined small number (say, 1023) or not.
If it is less, the corresponding cosine term can be cut off from
Chief Engr. Office, 16F, Guangdong Provincial Freeway Co., No. 83, the summation without affecting the accuracy of result. In the
Baiyun Rd., Guangzhou, Guangdong, P.R. China 510100. E-mail: example at the end of this paper, about 84% of total cosine
[email protected] terms can be cut off in this way; hence, the computation is
Prof., Dept. of Bridge Engrg., Tongji Univ., Shanghai P.R. China,
remarkably simplified. Moreover, the FFT technique can here
Postdoctoral Res., College of Civ. and Arch. Engrg., Wuhan Univ. of be used to enhance further efficiency of computation.
Hydr. and Electr. Engrg., Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China 430072. At the end of this paper, simulation of the wind velocity
Note. Associate Editor: Dimitrios Karamanlidis. Discussion open until field acting on a long-span suspension bridge with a main span
June 1, 2000. To extend the closing date one month, a written request of 1,385 meters has been done with the algorithm introduced
must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for here as an example. It can be seen that both the correlation
this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on May 13,
1998. This paper is part of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. check and the spectrum check are satisfactory. Moreover, the
126, No. 1, January, 2000. qASCE, ISSN 0733-9399/00/0001-0001– time consumed in computation has been remarkably reduced,
0006/$8.00 1 $.50 per page. Paper No. 18382. especially when FFT technique is used.

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SIMULATION OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL, MULTIVARIATE The period of the simulated function expressed by (2) can be
STOCHASTIC PROCESS determined by the formula
Let us consider a one-dimensional, multivariate stochastic 2pn 2pnN
T0 = = (10)
process { f (t)}, which has n components f 1(t), f 2(t), . . . , fn(t), Dv vup
with zero as their mean value. The cross-spectral density ma-
The ergodicity of the results of (2) has been proved by Deo-

trix is given by
datis (1996).
S 011(v) 0
S 12(v) ??? 0
S 1n (v) It is clear that the one-dimensional, multivariate, stationary
S 021(v) 0
S 22(v) ??? 0
S 2n (v) stochastic Gaussian process can be simulated quite well by
S0(v) = (1)
??? ??? ??? ??? means of expression (2), when the cross-spectral density ma-
S 0n1(v) 0
S n2(v) ??? S 0nn(v) trix has been given and values of the parameters N, vup , and
Dt have been properly chosen.
According to Shinozuka and Jan (1972), the typical com-
ponent fj (t) of { f (t)} can be simulated by the sequence CALCULATION OF H(v)

j N
The cross-spectral density matrix S0(v) is usually a complex
fj (t) = Ï2(Dv) uHjm (vml)ucos(vml t 2 ujm (vml) 1 Fml),
m=1 l=1
matrix; hence, the calculation of its Cholesky’s decomposition
is tedious and often turns to recursion formulas. Since H(v)
j = 1, 2, . . . n (2) is a function of v, it can be seen from the structure of (2) that
Cholesky’s decomposition has to be calculated separately for
where N is a sufficiently large number; vup = upper cutoff every frequency vml . Moreover, it must be calculated once
frequency, with the condition that, when v > vup , the value of more when another cosine term is added. The labor and time
S0(v) is less than ε1 and can be ignored; Dv = (vup /N) is the consumed in computation thus become enormous. When long-
frequency increment; F1l, F2l, . . . , Fjl = sequences of indepen- span bridges are considered, the writers found that some ex-
dent random phase angles, distributed uniformly over the in- pedient simplification could be introduced so that Cholesky’s
terval [0, 2p]; and Hjm (vml) is a typical element of matrix decomposition can be expressed in an explicit form with sev-
H(v), which is defined by Cholesky’s decomposition of cross- eral algebraic formulas, and the time for computation can thus
spectral density matrix S0(v); thus be remarkably reduced. Such simplification will be explained
in the following.

S0(v) = H(v)HT*(v) (3)
The orthogonal spectrum of wind velocity is very small in
H11(v) 0 ??? 0 atmosphere and can be omitted. Hence, S 0ij (v) can usually be
H21(v) H22(v) ??? 0 treated as real, and S0(v) can be considered a real matrix.
H(v) = (4)
??? ??? ??? ??? When the horizontal wind velocity field acting on a long-span
Hn1(v) Hn2(v) ??? Hnn(v) bridge is to be simulated, the velocity field can be treated as
a one-dimensional, multivariate Gaussian process. Usually we
As S0(v) is usually a complex matrix, H(v) is generally can approximately take the spectra of horizontal wind veloc-
also a complex matrix whose diagonal elements are real, non- ities as not varying along the length of the bridge. Then the
negative functions of v, while the off-diagonal elements (ex- spectra of all points on the bridge deck are the same. We then
cept zeros) are complex functions of v. For the diagonal ele- have
ments, there exists the relation
S 011(v) = S 022(v) = ? ? ? = S 0nn (v) = S(v) (11)
Hjj (v) = Hjj (2v), j = 1, 2, . . . n (5)
while for the off-diagonal elements, there exists the relation
S 0jm (v) = ÏS 0jj (v)S 0mm (v)Coh(Djm , v) = S(v)Coh(Djm , v)
Hjm (v) = uH *
jm (2v)ue
, j = 1, 2, . . . n, m = 1, 2, . . . j 2 1
(6) j, m = 1, 2, . . . n, j≠m (12)
where Djm = horizontal distance from point j to m; and
where ujm (v) = complex angle of Hjm (v) and is given by
Coh(Djm , v) = coherence function between points j and m.

ujm (v) = tan21 H Im[Hjm (v)]

Re[Hjm (v)]
J (7)
Adopting the model suggested by Davenport (1968), the
coherence function can be approximately computed with the
following equation:

where Im[Hjm (v)] and Re[Hjm (v)] are, respectively, the imag-
inary and real parts of the complex function Hjm (v). Coh(Djm , v) = exp 2 (13)
According to the work of Shinozuka et al. (1989), the period 2pU (z)
of the simulated sample function will be sufficiently large, if Considering the case of n uniformly distributed points on
we let the bridge deck with a distance interval D between successive
m points, we have Djm = D( j 2 m) when j > m, or Djm = D(m 2
vml = (l 2 1)Dv 1 Dv, l = 1, 2, . . . , N (8) j) when m > j. Thus, Djm = Du j 2 mu. It can be proved that

It has been proved that the simulated sample functions ex-

pressed by (2) will approach the target process with permis-
Coh(Djm , v) = exp S 2
lvDu j 2 mu
u j2mu
sible deviations when N is sufficiently large. In order that the lvD
deviation can be negligible, the time step Dt should satisfy the = exp 2 = C u j2mu
2pU(z) (14)
following condition:
where l can usually be taken between 7 and 10; U(z) = av-
2p erage wind velocity on the bridge deck; and C is a function
Dt # (9)
2vup of v and can be computed with

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C = exp S2
2pU(z) D (15) Sjm (v) = S(v) O

Gjk (v)GTkm (v) (22)

Utilizing the relations (11)–(14), the cross-spectrum matrix It should be noticed that the value of Gjm (v) in (18b) will

S0(v) can be rewritten as follows: decrease rapidly when the variables v, D, and u j 2 mu increase
in value. If Gjk (v0) < 1023, and v > v0, it is clear that Gjk (v)
1 C C2 ??? C n21 will be still smaller; hence, the contribution of Gjk (v) to Sjm (v)
C 1 C ??? C n22 is very small and can be omitted without affecting accuracy.
S0(v) = S(v) C2 C 1 ??? C n23 (16) It is easy to determine some small number ε0, and then cut off
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? those cosine terms in (21), when their multiplier Gjk (v) is less
C n21 C n22 C n23 ??? 1 than ε0. In a numerical example, 1023 is used for ε0 and 83.6%
of the cosine terms can be cut off in this way; hence, time of
S0(v) in (16) is expressed in the form of an exponential de- computation is remarkably reduced.
cayed matrix. It can be proved with the method of mathemat-
ical induction that Cholesky’s decomposition H(v) of (16) can APPLICATION OF FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM
be expressed in explicit form; thus TECHNIQUE
H(v) = ÏS(v)G(v) (17) It has been stated in some papers that the efficiency of sim-
ulation can be enhanced greatly by utilizing the FFT tech-
where nique. In works by Brigham (1988) and Deodatis (1996), it
1 0 has been proved that (21) can be rewritten as follows:

C Ï1 2 C 2 mDv
fj ( pDt) = Re hjm (qDt)exp i ( pDt) (23a)
C2 CÏ1 2 C 2 Ï1 2 C 2 m=1 n
G(v) =
C3 C 2 Ï1 2 C 2 CÏ1 2 C 2 Ï1 2 C 2 p = 0, 1, . . . 2N 3 n 2 1, j = 1, 2, . . . n (23b)
??? ??? ??? ??? ???
C n21 C n22Ï1 2 C 2 C n23Ï1 2 C 2 C n24Ï1 2 C 2 ? ? ? Ï1 2C 2 where q is the remainder of p/(2N), q = 0, 1, 2, . . . n 2 1 and
(18a) hjm (qDt) is given by


G(v) can also be expressed in an explicit form with algebraic plq

hjm (qDt) = Bjm (lDv)exp i (24)
formulas as l=0 N

Gjm (v) = H 0,
C u j2mu,
C u j2muÏ(1 2 C 2),
when 1 # j < m # n
when m = 1, m # j # n
when 2 # m # j # n
where, in the current paper, Bjm (lDv) is expressed with the
following equations:
Bjm (lDv)

Since 0 < C < 1, Ï(1 2 C 2) must be a positive real num- mDv
ber, H(v) is a real matrix, and it can be proved that Ï2(Dv)S(v)Gjm lDv 1 exp(ifml), when 0 # l < N
= n
H (v) = H (v) T
(19) 0, when N #l < 2N

ujm (v) = 0 (20) (25)

Eqs. (18a and 18b) have been derived and proved by the writ- It can be seen from (24) and (25) that hjm (qDt) is the Fourier
ers independently with the method of mathematical induction. transformation of Bjm (lDv) and can thus be computed with
A brief proof of these two equations is presented in Appendix the FFT technique.
I for the reader’s reference.
Now it is clear that H(v), though still a function of v, can NUMERICAL EXAMPLE
be computed with sufficient accuracy for each concrete fre-
quency vml , using the rather simple formulas in (18b). An example will be included in this paper to illustrate the
Eq. (2) can be rewritten, utilizing (17), as follows: algorithm introduced by the writers. An artificial wind velocity
field has been generated for Jiangyin Bridge, which is a sus-

j N
pension bridge to be constructed across the Yangtze River in
fj (t) = Ï2(Dv) ÏS(vml)Gjm (vml)cos(vml t Jiangsu Province, P.R. China. The main span of Jiangyin
m=1 l=1
Bridge is 1,385 meters. The wind velocity field on the bridge
1 Fml), j = 1, 2, . . . n (21) deck is assumed to be composed of 50 wind velocity waves
at 50 different points uniformly distributed along the bridge.
Obviously, the simulation of the wind velocity field on long- The distance between successive points is (1,385/49) = 28.27
span bridges is greatly simplified, when we use (21) together m. The bridge, with 50 uniformly distributed points, is shown
with (15), (18a), and (18b). in Fig. 1.
The main data of the bridge and of simulating conditions
When the distance D is large enough (say, 300 m), there • Span: L = 1,385 m
will be in reality little coherence between the wind velocities
(especially their high frequency part) at two points with dis-
tance D apart. Hence, it is practicable to enhance the efficiency
of computation without affecting its accuracy by omitting the
coherence between velocities of points at large distances apart.
Utilizing the relations (3), (17), (18a), and (18b), it can be
proved that FIG. 1. Position of 50 Points on Bridge Deck


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• Height of the deck above ground: z = 50.0 m
• Ground roughness: z0 = 0.03 m
• Average wind velocity on the deck: U(z) = 40.0 m/s
• Number of simulated points: n = 50
• Interval between points: D = 28.27 m
• Upper cutoff frequency: vup = 4p rad/s
• Dividing number of frequency: N = 1,024
• Time interval: dt = 0.25 s
• Period: T0 = 25600 s
• Target wind spectrum: Kaimal’s spectrum

Kaimal’s spectrum formula for horizontal turbulent wind ve-

locity is defined by
nSu (n) 200 f
= (26)
U2 (1 1 50 f )5/3
FIG. 2. Simulated Wind Velocities at Points 1, 2, and 50
nz KU (z)

f= , U = , K = 0.4
U (z) * z
After substituting the above variables with values of this
bridge, S(v) is computed by the formula
S(v) = m2/s (27)
(1 1 9.95v)5/3
Davenport’s coherence function is computed with the formula

Coh(D, v) = exp S
2pU (z)
D = exp(21.125v) (28)

and l is taken as 10.

For comparison of the simulation efficiency of four different
algorithms, four computer programs have been designed to
simulate the horizontal wind velocity at the 50 points on the
deck of the bridge. The algorithm are different in: (1) whether
H(v) is explicitly expressed; (2) whether part of the cosine FIG. 3. Correlation Functions of Simulated Wind Velocities at
terms is cut off; and (3) whether the FFT technique is used. Points 1, 2, 10, and 50
In Table 1 are shown the times consumed in computation with
different algorithms for comparison. When H(v) is explicitly
expressed and FFT is not used, the computing speed increases
by 6.1 times as part of the cosine terms is cut off. When part
of the cosine terms has been cut off and the FFT technique is
used, the computing speed increases by 148 times as H(v) is
expressed explicitly.
In Fig. 2 are shown the simulated wind velocities at points
1, 2, and 50. It can be seen that the wind velocities at points
1 and 2 have a rather strong correlation between them, since
they are close to each other, whereas the wind velocities at
points 2 and 50 have a much weaker correlation, since they
are far apart. The correlation functions of simulated wind ve-
FIG. 4. Power Spectra of Simulated Wind Velocities
locities at points 1, 2, 10, and 50 are shown in Fig. 3. It
appears that the correlation functions of the simulated wind
velocities are slightly larger than the target; however, the sim- are computed with the FFT technique. The results are plotted
ulation may be considered satisfactory. in Fig. 4 with both y coordinates in natural (linear) scale, while
The power spectra of the simulated wind velocity processes the x coordinates are in natural scale (at left) and in logarithm
scale (at right). It can be observed from the figure that the
TABLE 1. Time Used by Different Programs simulated spectra nearly coincide with Kaimal’s spectrum,
when linear scale is used along the x axis. When the frequen-
cies are plotted in log10 scale, some deviations can be seen
Algorithm Explicit off Time
number H(v) cosines FFT used Ratio
between the simulated spectra and the target at low frequen-
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) cies. We know that the low frequency part of the wind velocity
1 Yes No No 278 hours
waves exerts little influence on the buffeting of bridges; hence,
(estimated) this simulation result may be considered satisfactory.
2 Yes Yes No 45.5 hours 278 h/45.5 h = 6.1 If the vertical stochastic wind velocity processes are to be
3 No Yes Yes 10.1 hours studied, the simulation can be performed with the same al-
4 Yes Yes Yes 4.1 minutes 10.1 h/4.1 min = 148
gorithm, except that the target spectrum should be changed

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(from Kaimal’s spectrum) to the Panofsky-McCormick spec- It can be seen from (32) that for n = 1 and n = 2, the values
trum (or some other vertical spectrum). of G(v) agree with (18a) and (18b).
We can suppose that for n = p 2 1, the values of G(v) can
CONCLUDING REMARKS be computed according to (30).
The new value of the first column of G(v) is
Fast and effective simulation of the natural wind velocity
field is of great importance in the nonlinear buffeting analysis Sp 1(v)
Gp 1(v) = = Sp 1(v) = C p21 (33)
of long-span bridges. In this paper, an improved simulation G11(v)
algorithm is proposed to generate the sample functions of a Obviously, the value of Gp1(v) agrees with (18a) and (18b).
stationary, one-dimensional, multivariate stochastic wind ve- The new value of the second column of G(v) is
locity process, when the cross-spectral density matrix of the
wind velocity field is given. Sp 2(v) 2 Gp 1(v)G21(v) C p22 2 C p21C
A numerical example is included in this paper to demon- Gp 2(v) = =
G22(v) Ï1 2 C 2
strate the capabilities and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
When the problem of buffeting analysis of long-span bridges = C p22Ï1 2 C 2 (34)
under turbulent wind excitations is studied, the proposed
method can perform satisfactory simulations with high effi- Again, the value of Gp2(v) agrees with (18a) and (18b).
ciency. Suppose that the new value of column s 2 1 (s < p 2 1)
Application of the proposed algorithm is limited to analysis agrees with (18a) and (18b); then the new value of column s
of a one-dimensional (considering the horizontal or vertical is

component only), multivariate wind velocity field at uniformly s21

distributed points, and with exponential coherence between Sps 2 Gpr(v)Gsr(v)

them (implying that the low frequency part of the field will Gps(v) =

be strongly correlated even for points far apart). There are, of Gss

course, approximations and simplifications. However, for most s21
dynamic analyses in structural wind engineering, including
C p2s 2 C p21C s21 2 C p2rÏ1 2 C 2 ? C s2rÏ1 2 C 2
buffeting analysis, such approximations are usually good r=2
enough. =
A very efficient simulation of the full vector wind field, with Ï1 2 C 2
wind shear and proper coherence considered, has been pro- C p2s 2 C p1s22 2 (C p2s12 2 C p1s22)
posed by Mann (1998). Thus it should be considered when = = C p2sÏ1 2 C 2
more advanced problems are studied. Ï1 2 C 2 (35)
The new value of column p is

APPENDIX I. PROOF OF (18a) AND (18b) p 21 1/2

Gpp(v) = Spp(v) 2 G 2pr(v)

Eq. (16) is rewritten here as (29) for convenience. r=1

p 21 1/2
1 C C2 ??? C n21
= 12C 2( p21)
2 (1 2 C ) 2
C 2( p2r)

C 1 C ??? C n22 r=2

S (v) = S(v) C2 C 1 ??? C n23 (29)
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 1

C 2( p22) 2 C 2 ? 1/2
C n21 C n22 C n23 ??? 1 C2
= 12C 2p22
2 (1 2 C ) 2

According to the standard formulas of Cholesky’s decom- 12
position, G(v) is computed as C2
= (1 2 C 2p22 1 C 2p22 2 C 2)1/2 = Ï1 2 C 2 (36)
G11(v) = ÏS11(v); Gi1(v) = ; It can be seen from (35) and (36) that for n = p, all new values
of G(v) (row p) agree with (18a) and (18b).

k21 1/2
So, for any arbitrary order of matrix S0(v), the Cholesky’s
Gkk (v) = Skk (v) 2 G 2kr (v) ; decomposition agrees with (18a) and (18b).


Sik 2 Gir (v)Gkr (v)

r=1 This paper is part of a research project financially supported by the
Gik (v) = ; National Science Foundation of China (Grant 59895410), with Prof. Hai-
fan Xiang as its program director. The first writer wishes to express his
thanks to Prof. Xiang (his advisor) and to the National Science Founda-
k = 1, 2, . . . , n; i = k 1 1, k 1 2, . . . , n (30) tion of China. He also thanks the research staff of the Department of
0 Bridge Engineering, Tongji University, for their help and encouragement.
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