SPen 2017 Mathematics P1

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South Peninsula
High School



This question paper consists of 8 pages which

includes a formula sheet.

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Mathematics P1 March 2017


Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions.

1. This paper consists of 6 Questions. Answer ALL the questions.

2. Show ALL calculations, diagrams, graphs, et cetera which you have

used in determining your answers.

3. Answers only will not necessarily be awarded full marks

4. An approved scientific calculator (non-programmable and non-graphical)

may be used, unless stated otherwise.

5. If necessary, answers should be rounded off to TWO decimal places,

unless stated otherwise.

6. Number your questions correctly according to the numbering system

used in this question paper.

7. Diagrams are NOT necessarily drawn to scale.

8. It is in your own interest to write LEGIBLY and to present your work



Solve for x:

1.1 2x 2  5x (3)

1.2 6x 2  5x  15 (round off to TWO decimal places) (4)

2 1
1.3 3x 3  13x 3  10  0 (4)

-2- South Peninsula High School

Mathematics P1 March 2017

1.4 Given the expression: 2x 2  7x  15

1.4.1 Solve for x if: 2x 2  7x  15  0 (3)

1.4.2 Hence determine the value(s) of x for which the

2x 2  7x  15
expression will be real. (3)
x  8

1.5 Solve simultaneously for x and y in the following:

x  3y  1 and x 2  2xy  9y 2  17 (6)

1.6 The roots of the equation ax 2  bx  c  0 are sin Q and cos Q.

Prove that a 2  b 2  2ac  0 . (5)


2.1 Calculate  3 (2)
r 4
2.2 Given the arithmetic sequence 3; b; 19; 27; ……..
2.2.1 Calculate the value of b. (1)

2.2.2 Determine the nth term of the sequence. (2)

2.2.3 Calculate the value of the thirtieth term ( T30 ) (2)

2.2.4 Calculate the sum of the first 30 terms of the sequence. (2)

2.3 The above sequence 3; b; 19; 27; …forms the first differences of a

quadratic sequence. The first term of the quadratic sequence is 1.

2.3.1 Determine the fourth term ( T4 ) of the quadratic

sequence. (2)

2.3.2 Determine the nth term of the sequence. (4)

-3- South Peninsula High School

Mathematics P1 March 2017

2.3.3 Calculate the value of n if Tn  1  7700 (3)

2.4 An infinite number of circles, touching each other is drawn below.

The diameters of the circles are on line OC. The length of the

radius of circle A is 8 units. The radius of each circle thereafter is

half the length of the radius of the previous circle. Straight line DC

is a tangent to all the circles.

2.4.1 Calculate the length of the radius of the 15th circle. (3)

2.4.2 Show that OC32 units. (3)

2.4.3 Determine the size of OĈD. (4)


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Mathematics P1 March 2017


Given f ( x )    1
x  2

3.1 Draw a sketch graph of f(x) showing all intercepts with the axes as

well as any asymptotes. (4)

3.2 Write down the equation of the axis of symmetry of f(x) which has

a positive gradient. (2)

3.3 For which value of k will f(x) + k = 0 have no real roots. (2)


The diagram below shows the graphs of f ( x )  3 x and f  1( x ).

1 
A ; a  lies on f.
2 

A(½; a)

f B

-5- South Peninsula High School

Mathematics P1 March 2017

4.1. Calculate the value of a. (2)

4.2. Consider the inverse function f  1( x ) :

4.2.1. Write down the equation of f  1( x ) . (2)

4.2.2. Write down the coordinates of B if it is symmetrical to A

about the line y = x. (2)

4.3. Write down the range of f(x). (1)

4.4. Write down the domain of f  1( x ) . (1)

4.5. If f(x) is reflected in the y-axis and then shifted up by 1 unit, write

down the new coordinates of A under this transformation. (2)


Brody bought a house which cost R990 000. She paid a deposit of

10% of the selling price of the house. She obtained a loan from

the bank to pay the balance of the selling price. The bank charged

her interest of 9% per annum, compounded monthly.

5.1 Determine the deposit paid on the house and hence the loan

amount required to pay the balance after the deposit is

subtracted. (2)

5.2 The period of the loan is 20 years and she starts repaying the loan

one month after it was granted. Calculate her monthly instalment. (4)

5.3 Calculate the balance of her loan immediately after her

70th payment. (3)

-6- South Peninsula High School
Mathematics P1 March 2017

5.4 She experienced financial difficulties after the 70th payment and

did not pay any instalments for 6 months i.e. months 71 to 76.

Calculate how much Brody owes on her bond at the end of the

76th month. (2)

5.5 She gets a new job and is able to increase her monthly payments

to R9 500 per month from the end of the 77th month. How many

payments will be required to repay her bond after she changes to

a payment of R9 500 per month? (4)


6.1 The weather bureau predicts 70% chance of rain on Saturday. If

it rains, there is a 40% probability that you will play golf. The

probability of you playing golf is 85% if it is not raining. Calculate

the probability that you will play golf on Saturday by making use of

a tree diagram. (5)

6.2 Given: P(A) = 0,3 and P(B) = 0,5.

Events A and B are independent.

6.2.1 Draw a Venn diagram to represent the information. (4)

6.2.2 Determine P(A or B′). (2)


-7- South Peninsula High School

Mathematics P1 March 2017


 b  b 2  4ac
A  P(1  ni) A  P(1  ni) A  P(1  i ) n A  P(1  i ) n
n n
n(n  1)
1  n i  Tn  a  (n  1)d Sn 
2a  (n  1)d 
i 1 i 1 2 2

Tn  ar n1 Sn 

a r n 1  ; r 1 S 
; 1  r  1
r 1 1 r


x 1  i   1
 P
x[1  (1  i ) n ]
i i
f ( x  h)  f ( x )
f ' ( x)  lim
h 0 h
 x  x2 y1  y 2 
d  ( x 2  x1 ) 2  ( y 2  y1 ) 2 M  1 ; 
 2 2 
y 2  y1
y  mx  c y  y1  m( x  x1 ) m m  tan 
x 2  x1

x  a2   y  b2  r 2
a b c 1
In ABC:   a 2  b 2  c 2  2bc. cos A area ABC  ab. sin C
sin A sin B sin C 2
sin     sin . cos   cos .sin  sin     sin . cos   cos .sin 
cos     cos . cos   sin . sin  cos     cos . cos   sin . sin 

cos2   sin 2 

cos 2  1  2 sin 2  sin 2  2 sin. cos
2 cos2   1

( x ; y )  ( x cos  y sin  ; y cos  x sin  )
n 2

 fx  x  x 
x   2 i 1

n n
n( A)
P( A)  P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A and B)
nS 

yˆ  a  bx b
 x  x ( y  y )
 (x  x) 2

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