All-Ceramic and Porcelain-Fused-To-Metal Fixed Partial Dentures: A Comparative Study by 2D Finite Element Analyses
All-Ceramic and Porcelain-Fused-To-Metal Fixed Partial Dentures: A Comparative Study by 2D Finite Element Analyses
All-Ceramic and Porcelain-Fused-To-Metal Fixed Partial Dentures: A Comparative Study by 2D Finite Element Analyses
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1- DDS, MSc in Oral Rehabilitation São Paulo University (FOB), PhD, Graduate student of Biomaterials, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
Program, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, PEMM/COPPE/UFRJ, and Assistant Professor in Prosthesis and Dental Materials Department,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
2- MSc, DSc and Associate Professor, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Program, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, PEMM/COPPE/
3- DDS, MSc in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, PEMM/COPPE/UFRJ, and Assistant Professor
in Prosthesis and Dental Materials Department, Rio de Janeiro State University.
Corresponding address: Andréa Barreira Motta - Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Program, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
PEMM/COPPE/UFRJ, Cid. Universitária-Centro de Tecnologia-Bloco F, sala F-210, Ilha do Fundão, Postal Code 68505, Zip 21941-970, Rio
de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. phone: 55 21 2562-8792, Fax: 55 21 3325-2396, [email protected].
Received: August 22, 2006 - Modification: April 20, 2007 - Accepted: July 13, 2007
A ll-ceramic fixed partial dentures (FPDs) have an esthetic approach for oral rehabilitation. However, metal-ceramic FPDs are
best indicated in the posterior area where the follow-up studies found a lower failure rate. This 2D finite element study
compared the stress distribution on 3-unit all-ceramic and metal-ceramic FPDs and identified the areas of major risk of failure.
Three FPD models were designed: (1) metal-ceramic FPD; (2) All-ceramic FPD with the veneering porcelain on the occlusal and
cervical surface of the abutment tooth; (3) All-ceramic FPD with the veneering porcelain only on the occlusal surface. A 100 N
load was applied in an area of 0.5 mm2 on the working cusps, following these simulations: (1) on the abutment teeth and the
pontic; (2) only on the abutment teeth; and (3) only on the pontic. Relative to the maximum stress values found for the
physiological load, all-ceramic FPD with only occlusal veneering porcelain produced the lowest stress value (220 MPa),
followed by all-ceramic FPD with cervical veneering porcelain (322 MPa) and metal-ceramic FPD (387 MPa). The stress
distribution of the load applied on the abutments was significantly better compared to the other two load simulations. The
highest principal stress values were low and limited in a small area for the three types of models under this load. When the load
was applied on the pontic, the highest stress values appeared on the connector areas between the abutments and pontic. In
conclusion, the best stress values and distribution were found for the all-ceramic FPD with the veneering porcelain only on the
occlusal surface. However, in under clinical conditions, fatigue conditions and restoration defects must be considered.
INTRODUCTION et al.16 (2003) have reported that 91% and 83% of In-Ceram
alumina short-spam FPDs had survived after 5 years and 10
In spite of the increase in the use of all-ceramic fixed partial years, respectively, and that 6.7% fractures in a group of sixty
dentures (FPDs), metal-ceramic systems continue to be used had occurred within 12 months for Empress® 2 three-unit
due to their clinical longevity and biocompatibility17. This anterior and posterior FPDs 24. On the other hand, for metal-
kind of prosthesis is used mainly when a large number of ceramic FPDs the survival rates found by Karlsson7 (1986)
teeth should be replaced. Advantages of metal-ceramic FPDs revealed a 93% success rate in a 10-year period, while Palmqvist
lie on their predictable structural performance, versatility and and Swartz18 (1993) reported a 79% success rate over an 18-
cost. The advantages of all-ceramic FPD are the improved 23-year period. In a review of FPDs failures on the past 50
esthetics and lower allergenic potential of the ceramic materials years, Goodacre, et al.2 (2003) found that the porcelain fracture
used as infrastructure26. was the main factor for failure. The decrease in FPD survival
Although manufacturers routinely advertise all-ceramic rate after 10 years may be a result of material fatigue1,27,28,30
systems as a viable option for anterior and posterior FPDs, and/or a combination of biologic and biomechanical
there are few clinical studies to support these claims. Olsson, factors19,25.
The failure rate of three-unit ceramic FPDs in the connector and 4.0 mm). The 10 MPa load was centrally applied at the
area has been reported to be relatively high, especially when pontic area. The highest values of von Mises stresses were
those connectors are sharp8,12. If the connector design is concentrated within the connectors; the greatest stresses
altered in maximum tensile regions, the stress distribution occurred at the axial location of the connector. Stresses were
pattern can be changed to improve the survival rate of three- 40% to 50% lower for 4.0 mm connectors. The stress values
unit FPDs13,14. within In-Ceram models were lower than the values found for
Johanson, et al.5 (2000) recorded the dimensions of the the other two materials. The stress values represented a lower
metal infrastructure of metal-ceramic restorations under percentage of the ultimate strength of the material.
fabrication in dental laboratories. They analyzed 115 FPDs Rapelli, et al.20 (2005) investigated 3-dimensional stress
and found that the vertical dimensions of the connectors and strain distribution produced in a three-unit fiber-reinforced
were greater in the anterior region (mean 4.4 mm) than in the composite inlay FPD. The load was vertically and laterally
posterior region (mean 3.6 mm). The results of this study applied at the center of the pontic area. The maximum values
contradicted this theoretical recommendation: in the posterior of stress were localized in the connector areas. When a vertical
area, the vertical dimension is considered more important load was applied, stresses on the prepared teeth were
because the resultant occlusal load is along the long axis of concentrated at the cervical margin of the abutment
the tooth; and in the anterior area, the horizontal dimension is preparation.
more important since the anterior teeth are submitted more The purpose of this study was to investigate the stress
frequently to palato-buccal load direction. These findings distribution in all-ceramic and metal-ceramic FPDs designed
are probably attributed to anatomical features. The dental with different geometries and submitted to different loading
technicians stated that they always tried to optimize the conditions by using the finite element analysis. The
connector dimensions, but the space between the abutment, hypothesis is that the loading condition is more significant
pontic and gingiva was the most determining factor. than the prosthesis design.
The prediction of the survival rate for FPDs can be obtained
by well-designed clinical studies. However, it is difficult to
standardize the denture designs to ensure realistic estimates MATERIAL AND METHODS
of the survival time as a function of shape parameters. Model
tests with actual specimens fabricated with tooth anatomic A caliper rule was used to measure all external diameters
configuration may be a useful tool for the identification of the of the reference natural teeth (mandibular second premolar
FPD behavior 9,10. and second molar, approved in 06/28/2005 by the Ethics in
Although FPD is broadly used in oral rehabilitation, there Research Committee, CEP/UFRJ, MEMO #657/05, 105/5). The
is a small number of FPD studies using FE analysis. In addition, teeth internal structures were measured using x-rays images.
they address different aspects. Romeed, et al.22 (2004) analyzed Those measures were used to design the sound structures of
the mechanical behavior of three FPD designs. The results both abutments. Afterwards, dental preparations were done
indicated that the displacement and maximum principal stress on each tooth using the AutoCad program (2004 version;
in three-unit FPDs with the abutment teeth in both extremities Autodesk Inc., Neuchatel, Switzerland) as specified by
of the prosthesis were substantially less than those in the Shillinburg, et al.23 (1988). All the specific parts, infrastructures
two-unit cantilever FPDs. The highest values for maximum (metal or ceramic), veneering porcelain, cement and the pontic
principal stress in the cantilever FPDs were found within the element (replacing the lost mandibular first molar), were
connector between the pontic and the retainer. designed with specific dimensions to generate different Fixed
Kamposiora, et al.6 (1996) used FEA to study levels and Partial Denture (FPD) models, as described below:
distribution patterns of stress within three-unit FPDs a) Metal-ceramic FPD with veneering porcelain on both
constructed with different materials (Type III gold alloy, Dicor occlusal and cervical surface in the pontic area (Metal-ceramic
and In-Ceram) and with different connector heights (3.0 mm FPD, Figure 1-A).
FIGURE 1- (A) Metal-ceramic FPD. The boundary conditions used for all models and the load applied distributed on all teeth
(physiological load); (B) All-ceramic-OC FPD. Load applied only on abutment teeth and (C) All-ceramic-O FPD. Load applied
only on the pontic
b) All-ceramic FPD with veneering porcelain on both region of mesial and distal connectors and the infrastructure’s
occlusal and cervical surface in the pontic area (all-ceramic- cervical portion of the pontic. Relative to the model design
OC FPD, Figure 1-B); and the restorative material, all-ceramic FPDs with only
c) All-ceramic FPD with veneering porcelain on occlusal occlusal veneering porcelain produced the lowest stress value
surface in the pontic area (all-ceramic-O FPD, Figure 1-C); (220 MPa, Figure 2-C), followed by all-ceramic with cervical
A 120-degree chamfer finishing line and a total axial taper veneering porcelain (322 MPa, Figure 2-B) and metal-ceramic
of 6 degrees per abutment were used for the abutment teeth. FPD (387 MPa, Figure 2-A).
The periodontal ligament, compact and cancellous bone were The resulting stress distribution of the load applied on
designed according to their normal anatomy21. Each part was the abutments was significantly different compared to the
exported to a finite element analysis program (ABAQUS CAE other loading conditions (Figure 3). The highest values of
6.5 version; Hibbitt, Karlsson and Sorensen Inc., Pawtucket,. tensile stress were found at the occlusal region of both
RI, USA). All parts were considered homogenous and connectors. Moreover, the highest principal stresses were
isotropic. The elastic properties (Elasticity modulus and lower and limited to a small area for the three models under
Poisson’s ratios) are presented in Table 13,4,11,21,29. Regarding this load. The lowest stress was verified on the metal-ceramic
the boundary conditions, the encastre was always positioned model (194 MPa).
at the base of the model to prevent rotation and translation. When the loads were applied to the pontic (Figure 4), the
A 100N compressive load was applied to a 0.5-mm2 area, highest stress values appeared on the connector. Stress
described by Okeson15 (2003) as a real contact area found in distribution was similar to the models submitted to
most evaluated patients. The site of load application differs physiological load, but the stress values were higher and the
for each analysis: (case a) - distributed in all working cusps: tensile stress also extended to metal or ceramic infrastructure.
physiological load (Figure 1-A); (case b) - applied only on The highest stress value was found for all-ceramic FPD with
the abutment teeth (Figure 1-B); (case c) -applied only on the cervical veneering porcelain (569 MPa), indicating an
pontic (Figure 1-C). increasing risk of failure.
The 2D model mesh had four-node-quadrilateral elements, Models with cervical veneering porcelain revealed higher
and its size differs for each part according to the specific stress on the veneering porcelain/infrastructure interface of
needs to obtain less distortion. the pontic for the physiological and pontic loads.
The results were represented by maximum stresses tables Others small areas of high stress concentration were
and figures. The maximum tensile stresses are of particular identified in proximal and marginal regions of the abutments.
interest in this study, as they have a higher potential to cause The highest tensile stress values found for each model are
damage to FPD materials and dental tissues. presented in Table 2.
Figures 2 to 4 show the stress contour values resulting The outcomes of the present study showed a different
from an applied load of 100N for all the models. The patterns stress distribution depending on load configuration. A
of stresses distribution were similar for all models under the maximum bending stress in the FPD is induced when the load
same loading condition. Under the physiological load (Figure is applied at the central part of the pontic. The pontic central
2), the highest principal stresses occurred on the cervical load position represents the worst loading condition based
on the biomechanical principles and is always avoided by the in In-Ceram, gold and Dicor FPDs. They found much lower
dentists. Unfortunately most FE analyzes that have already stresses in In-Ceram FPDs, and concluded that the In-Ceram
been done used this load condition. According to this load FPDs would be the most successful type of restoration.
configuration, the maximum tensile stress is always Conversely, in the present study the highest stress values
concentrated at the inferior connector region and the maximum were found for all-ceramic FPD with central pontic load.
compressive stress occurred at the occlusal embrasure, as Comparing all models and loading conditions, in the model
illustrated in the presented study in Figure 4. The same results all-ceramic FPD the stress values were smaller for the pontic
were found by Oh, et al.13 (2002). They analyzed the influence and physiological load and when the load was applied only
of connector design on fracture probability of ceramic FPD, on the abutment teeth the smallest stress was found for the
using 3D FEA. All connectors were 4mm in height and 5 mm metal-ceramic FPD model.
in width but with different radii of curvature at the gingival The load distributed on all working cusps showed a stress
embrasure: 0.45 mm and 0.25 mm. They applied a 100N load at distribution quite similar to that of the pontic load, but with a
the central fossa of the pontic. Peak compressive stresses smaller value of maximum stress. When the load was
occurred at the occlusal embrasure, and peak tensile stresses positioned only on the abutment teeth, the results showed
developed at the gingival embrasure, either at the center or at that the stress patterns changed and the highest probability
a position shifted slightly buccally. The smaller radii of of failure would occur near the upper connector area.
curvature revealed a higher peak tensile stress (21 MPa) than As ceramic materials are very susceptible to failure under
the other model (16.1 MPa). tensile loading, all-ceramic bridges require even more stringent
Rapelli, et al.20 (2005) also found a stress concentration at mechanical properties than those needed for Metal-ceramic
the connector regions when a 196 N central load was applied FPDs. According to some studies8,12,13,14,27, zirconia-based
to the pontic. They analyzed a 3D model and the stress values ceramics are the most appropriate to withstand the high tensile
were calculated on the outer and inner surfaces of a fiber- stress that occur on multi-unit bridges. In metal-ceramic FPDs
reinforced composite inlay FPD. the metal infrastructure provides the strength to resist to
Kamposiora, et al.6 (1996) analyzed the stress distribution occlusal forces. Romeed, et al.22 (2004) stated that it is
FIGURE 2- Stress distribution found when a physiological load was applied. Models: (A) Metal-ceramic FPD; (B) All-ceramic-
OC FPD; (C) All-ceramic-O FPD
necessary to ensure that the highest value of principal stress Romeed, et al.22 (2004) believes that the analyses undergoes
in all materials was less than the relevant critical value to rule a number of limitations: materials were assumed to be isotropic,
out any possibility of material failure. homogeneous and linear elastic, despite the anisotropic
Oh, et al.13 (2002) stated that once the loads to failure of nature of some structures and the presence of voids or cracks.
prostheses are determined, these data can be applied in However, the FE analyses were considered appropriate, given
mathematical equations to analyze the characteristic strength that the main goal of the investigation was to compare the
of the restorations. Higher or lower load values would only biomechanical behavior of the FPDs rather than report
change the magnitude of stress but not the distribution absolute values for displacements and maximum principal
pattern20. However, if the load configuration is changed the stresses.
stress distribution also changes.
The present study and all researches cited were
undertaken with monotonic load. The material will fail when CONCLUSIONS
the maximum local stress reaches the ultimate strength of the
material. However, clinically, the loads are cyclic and then Within the limitation of this 2D FE study, the following
fatigue failure criterion must be used. Under a fatigue approach conclusions were drawn:
a subcritical crack growth must be considered in the regions 1- There is a significant change on stress distribution
submitted to maximum stress1,30. In some cases, the crack and values when the load configuration is changed.
growth is so slow that other factors will lead to failure rather 2- The best loading condition for the three models was
than the load. The FE stress values have to be carefully used found when the load was applied only on the abutment teeth.
to establish the fracture criteria or the failure of FE models. In 3- The smallest maximum principal stress value was
fact, the load applied on the pontic region does not simulate found in the metal-ceramic FPD when the load was applied
the clinic situation. Studies using this load configuration have only on the abutment teeth.
overestimated the connector regions as having the highest
probability of failures.
Notwithstanding the sophistication of the FE analyses,
FIGURE 3- Stress distribution found when the load was applied only on the abutment teeth. Models: (A) Metal-ceramic FPD;
(B) All-ceramic-OC FPD; (C) All-ceramic-O FPD
TABLE 2- Maximum stress values for each model with different loading conditions
FIGURE 4- Stress distribution found when the load was applied only on the pontic. Models: (A) Metal-ceramic FPD; (B) All-
ceramic-OC FPD; (C) All-ceramic-O FPD
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