Design and Research On The LCL Filter in Three-Phase PV PDF
Design and Research On The LCL Filter in Three-Phase PV PDF
Design and Research On The LCL Filter in Three-Phase PV PDF
3, June 2013
Index Terms—LCL Filter, Series damping resistors (SDR), S1 S3 S5 Ia La1 La2
parallel damping resistors (PDR), harmonic. PV Ib Lb1 Lb2 Ua
Udc C Ic Lc1 Lc2 Uc
S4 S6 S2
through. The capacitance is features low resistance to high Therefore, f is as bigger and X c is as smaller as better or
order harmonic, but the inductance is features high resistance,
so the high order harmonic can only flow through capacitance. both the f and X L 2 is as smaller as better.
Then the left current of first-harmonic and low order P is defined as the rated output power of three-phase
harmonic flow through inductance L2 into power grid. grid-connected inverter cos is power factor, U is rated
The bode diagram of L and LCL filters is shown in Fig. 3 network voltage, and f is driven frequency.
Then (3) could be got form the constraint 1).
4 fPL
5% (3)
3U 2 cos
2U dc / 3 U
imax (4)
2 Lf
imax *(0.1 ~ 0.2) (5)
3U cos
(4) and (5) could be got from constraint 2) and
Fig. 3. Bode diagram of LCL filter reference[3][4]:
The constraints 2)~5) show that the values of L and C are
As shown in Fig. 3, in the range higher than resonance as bigger as better.
frequency, the attenuation rate of LCL filter is -60dB/dec Considering the above constraints, the value
682uH<L<796uH could be got by calculating. The response
and the L filter is -20dB/dec. In the high frequency range
rate is considered, and L is certainty as 720uH. According to
the LCL filter achieves the better performance than L filter. the reference [1], the recommended values of L1 and L2 are
In the low frequency range the LCL filter achieves the between 4-6. Thus, L1 is 0.6mH, and L2 is 0.12mH.
performance as the same as L filter, and the inductance of
LCL could be considered L1 plus L2[2]. B. Filter Capacitance
Therefore, in the high frequency range the LCL filter has How to design the capacitance parameters is another key
the good attenuation characteristics. To achieve the same question. If the X c got too much, the high frequency
filtering effect of the case, the LCL filter core is smaller and
lower cost. harmonics that flow through the shunt capacitor branch is not
enough. As a result, the great high-frequency harmonic
current flow into the grid. If the X c got too small, which
III. THE DESIGN OF FILTER PARAMETERS will lead to the great reactive current flow though the
capacitor branch, thereby increasing the inverter output
A. Filter Inductor current, and increasing system losses.
Given the condition of DC bus voltage and AC output According to experience, when the resonant frequency of
voltage, the bigger the L is, the smaller ripple would be got. filter capacitance and inductor is inside the range 1/4 to 1/5
But the tracking speed of current is reduced. And given the carrier frequency, the filtering performance is the best. The
condition of the current, the bigger the L is, the greater the resonant frequency of LCL filter could be described as
weight and volume, and the higher cost. Under the premise of
the cost saving, how to design the inductance parameters for 1 L1 L2
the best effect is the key question. Based on great reference f
2 L1 L2C
[1][2][3], the constraints could be got as .
1) The voltage drop of the filter inductor is smaller than
Generally, the resonant frequency is bigger than the 10
5% of the network voltage under the rated circumstances.
times the power frequency and smaller than 1/2 times the
2) The peak to peak amplitude of harmonic current will be
switching frequency.
controlled within 10%~20% of the rated value of the inverter.
3) The inrush current of inverter should be as small as C (6)
possible. 4 f 2 L
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, June 2013
Matlab/Simulink power system toolbox software is used to
Fig. 4. Block diagram of series damping resistor simulate the power system. In this paper, the simulation
modes for the LCL filter of the PV gird-connected inverter
L1 L2 are designed. Where, the system rated power is 250kW, the
line voltage is 270V, the switching frequency is 2K, the
I1 I2 fundamental frequency is 50Hz. Then the values of
R parameters could be calculated. The L1 is 600uH, L2 is
120uH, C is 200uF, and the damping resistor R is 0.3Ω.
In this paper, the simulation modes for L filter, LC filter
Fig. 5. Block diagram of parallel damping resistor and LCL filter are designed. The presented simulation results
were obtained. The harmonic current waveforms of Ia are
The transfer function of series damping resistor is
shown in follow diagrams.
I2 sCR 1
G( s) 3 (8)
U pwm s L1L2C s ( L1 L2 )CR s ( L1 L2 )
I2 R
G( s) 3 (9)
U pwm s L1L2CR s L1L2 sR( L1 L2 )
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, June 2013
As shown in Fig. 8, the THD is 1.45% with L filter; as 1) The simulation result indicated that the LCL filter has
shown in Fig. 9, the THD is 1.46% with LC filter; as shown in best high frequency attenuation characteristics, so the LCL
Fig. 10, the THD is reduced markedly just 1.45% with LCL filter achieves the best performance than L filter and LC
filter. Around the resonant frequency, the harmonic current filter.
are sudden amplified many times, which will cause the filter 2) With the same the premise of the suppressing resonance,
instability even out of control. Therefore, it is need install LCL filter would get better filtering effect when the damping
damping resistor on capacitor. In order to compare the effect resistor is parallel connected rather than series.
of series and parallel damping resistor simulated respectively, All these features indicate that it is the best design the PV
and the harmonic waveforms are shown as followed: gird-connected inverters with LCL filter parallel-connected
damping resistor, especially for small and medium-power
inverter PV gird-connected inverters.
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Xia Lie was born in 1982, who received his Master's degree from Nanjing
University of Science and Technology (NUST). He worked for State Grid
Electric Power Research Institute, and in 2012 worked in China Electric
Fig. 14. Current waveform after filtering by LCL filter Power Research Institute. His research direction of photovoltaic power
Fig. 13 and Fig. 14 are the current waveform without
filtering and after filtering by LCL filter. Obviously, current Zhang Junjun received her Master's degree from Hefei University of
Technology(China). She Worked for State Grid Electric Power Research
after filtering by LCL filter, the distortion is lower. Institute, and in 2012 worked in China Electric Power Research Institute.
Her research direction is photovoltaic power generation.
Ding Jie worked for China Electric Power Research Institute. His research
From the analysis and experiment, it is well known that: interests are photovoltaic power generation , New energy system.