Rseec 2016 06.10.2016 PDF
Rseec 2016 06.10.2016 PDF
Rseec 2016 06.10.2016 PDF
Proceedings of
RSEEC 2016
Innovation for efficient
and effective management,
solutions for power systems
of the future!
Organized by:
Romanian National Committee “CIGRE”
33, Gen. Gh. Magheru Blvd., postal code RO-010325, Bucharest 1
Correspondence Address: Str. Olteni, Nr. 2 - 4, RO-030786, Bucharest, Romania
Registration no. with the National Trade Register - 173/2007 – fiscal code: 20769417
Phone: +4 021 303 59 56; Fax: +4 021 303 58 30;
Foreword .........................................................................................................................................7
1. (#51) Criteria for oil selection suitable for use as insulating liquid in high voltage
Instrument Transformers.........................................................................................................11
5. (#58) Benefits of modern AIS substation design using DCB and NCITs .................................42
11. (#65) The risk assessment for the refurbished TSO’s substations ............................................85
12. (#68) Numerical evaluation of the effects of phase impedance asymmetry at an
untransposed overhead transmission line.................................................................................94
13. (#69) Switching requirements for disconnectors and earthing switches .................................103
14. (#72) Considerations on indicators for assessing the level of competition in the balancing
and ancillary services markets...............................................................................................108
15. (#73) Advanced Techniques for inspecting Power Energy Equipment using Augmented
Reality ..................................................................................................................................116
16. (#74) Intelligent System for Monitoring Energy Installations using self piloted Drones ........122
17. (#75) Integrated monitoring and control real-time system for the estimation of the
operational status of the power electrical networks assembly ................................................126
18. (#76) Intelligent equipment for monitoring power transformers disturbances in the
transmission and distribution power systems.........................................................................134
19. (#77) 3D CAD/CAE Modeling software for the computation of Electromagnetic Field
Distribution in HV Substations and Investigation of Human Exposure..................................141
22. (#81) Voltage control in substations with many generation units injection ............................163
23. (#83) The use of cloud computing technologies for the effective management of the
resources of a modern city – SmartCity.................................................................................171
24. (#84) Improving Back-up Protection Systems in Power Grid using Wide Area
Synchrophasor Measurements...............................................................................................178
25. (#86) T&D Utilities, Implementing a Successful Asset Investment Planning Strategy...........190
26. (#87) Virtual World Asset Management for Transmission System Operators What can
precise position tell you about your assets? ...........................................................................196
27. (#88) Modeling of hybrid off-grid energy system for electrical energy production from
renewable sources.................................................................................................................201
28. (#89) Holonic control-based solution for service restoration and switch allocation in power
distribution networks ............................................................................................................213
31. (#92) Protection Security Assessment of Power Grids Improves Grid Reliability..................242
32. (#93) The new revision of internal technical standard for power line and bus coupler
protection in correlation with SCADA internal standard .......................................................249
34. (#95) The road to interoperability - using the Common Information Model and the
Common Grid Model Exchange Standard .............................................................................260
35. (#96) The process of identifying new projects under ENTSO-E rules....................................269
36. (#97) Improving the fault location for transmission lines using the actual measurements ......275
37. (#98) Electric Energy Storage Systems and regulatory framework ........................................282
38. (#99) Using electrical parameters measurement results in protection settings ........................293
39. (#100) Coordinating Generating Units and Power System Protections ..................................301
40. (#101) Modeling of Differential Protection to AT 400 MVA for fault using the finite
element method ....................................................................................................................311
41. (#102) Live working technologies and the limitation of the impact of maintenance on
people and environment ........................................................................................................319
42. (#103) Smart Grid and Cyber Security. Good Practices Guide for Implementing Cyber
Security in TSO’s SCADA Applications...............................................................................326
43. (#104) Sensitivity based analysis of voltage and reactive power in HV power grids ..............332
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference
On behalf of the Romanian National Committee of CIGRE, it is our great pleasure to welcome
our distinguished guests of the third edition of CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference
(RSEEC 2016), taking place in Bucharest, Romania, during October 10th – 12th, 2016.
At its third edition, it is a major biennial event in power systems that provides an exceptional
venue to CIGRE members and interested parties for presenting: Innovation for efficient and effective
management, solutions for power systems of the future!
The conference brings together power systems engineers, decision makers, economists,
academics and others with interest in the domain. The conference also promotes CIGRE as a strong
technical organization, capable of contributing to the technical expertise and know-how through its
study committees, conference proceedings and the technical documents.
Main Topics include: 1) State of the Technology for electrical networks of the future;
2) Electricity – key factor for society development; 3) Challenges in education of power system
We would like to give again a warm welcome to all RSEEC 2016 conference participants and
to wish a successful and enjoyable meeting. We hope that everyone will find the RSEEC 2016, both
technically interesting and with stimulating subjects and that your journey in Bucharest, Romania will
be an unforgettable and pleasant time.
Dr. Ciprian Diaconu Dr. Constantin Moldoveanu Dr. Dorin Ioan Haţegan
Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Papers of
RSEEC 2016
Innovation for efficient
and effective management,
solutions for power systems
of the future!
Bucharest, Romania
October, 2016
Organized by:
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Criteria for oil selection suitable for use as insulating liquid in high voltage Instrument
The use of ultra-high voltage electrical equipment in modern day transmission systems is
increasingly being used in many countries, the main drivers being safety, reliability and ease of
transport of electricity with minimum loss. This equipment is expensive and needs to be reliable and
available at all times. Insulating liquid is used for insulation and cooling in this equipment and this
liquid plays an important role in the safe operation of these units. Insulating oil used in UHV
transmission is constantly subjected to high electrical and thermal stress, which could lead to oil and
paper deterioration. If an insulating oil continues to degrade, it starts to become less of an insulator
evidenced by an increase in Dielectric Dissipation Factor (DDF). If an oil with a low resistance to
ageing is used and there is progressive production of ageing by-products, consequently, insulation
deterioration accelerates. International experience indicates that sealed CT and VTs may fail
catastrophically once DDF of the oil reaches 0.5. Further, the limits for DDF in CTs and VTs in the
IEC maintenance guide IEC 60422 DDF are more stringent than for any other equipment. Baring this
in mind, oil selection for high voltage instrument transformers is an important factor and oil with high
resistance to deterioration, good electrical properties and high cooling efficiency should be used. It is
also important that such oil is able to sustain these properties during service life of these units. There
are oils available in the market being beyond the severe requirements of IEC 60296, special
applications. Such oils are used for UHV and are usually referred to as Super Grade Oil. To produce
such oil, selection of correct crude oil, refining technique and knowledge of proper use of distillates
for production of Super Grade Oil is vital. Over and above the superior ageing behaviour of these oils;
the viscosity index and high solvent power are also beneficial. Pour Point is also complemented to the
above factors and can influence performance of the oil over the life of the equipment.
Insulating Oil, High-Voltage, Super-Grade
Mineral insulating oil is used for cooling and insulation in transformers since over hundred
years ago. Specifications for supply of unused oil are published and used as a standard by both buyers
and suppliers to define their mutual obligations. When selecting a liquid for electrical insulation
purposes, information related to most of the characteristics should be obtained so that the potential
user may see the scope for possible application. Certain characteristics and property values are
inherent to the type of fluid and these should therefore only be applied to those fluids. In some cases,
prescribing a limit for a certain property is not applicable although using typical reference values for
[email protected]
the type and grade of the liquid in question may be necessary for design purposes. Other
characteristics are useful for identifying a material and again typical values should be quoted. The
important characteristics from a specification point of view are those which effect the fluid’s life and
performance. These parameters must have limits set at specification stage in order to achieve a
situation where the lifetime of the fluid within the equipment is sufficiently long. Therefore, a
standard can be divided into various sections to cover physical, chemical and electrical properties of
the oil. These properties can be classified as:
Functional: properties of oil, which have impact on its function as an insulating and cooling liquid.
Refining and stability: properties of oil that are influenced by quality and type of refining and
Performance: properties that are related to long-term behaviour of oil in service and/or its
reaction to high electrical stress, temperature and oxidation.
Health, safety and environment: oil properties related to safe handling and environment
protection naturally, there may be an overlap between these sections.
International Electro Commission (IEC) standard IEC60296 [1] is one the most widely used
standards for supply of oil in the electrical industry. In general, this specification defines two types of
oils as one for general purpose and second one for special application. However recent development
of ultra-high voltage systems may require super grade oil, over and above requirement of oil for
special application, which is not addressed in that specification.
To meet the insulation function, the oil must have high dielectric strength and low dielectric
dissipation factor to withstand the electric stresses imposed in service.
To meet the heat transfer and cooling function, the oil must have viscosity and pour point
that are sufficiently low to ensure that oil circulation is maximal at high temperatures and is not
impaired, even at the most extreme low temperature conditions for the equipment.
To meet the arc quenching function, the oil requires a combination of high dielectric
strength, low viscosity and high flash point to provide sufficient insulation and cooling to ensure the
arcing is extinguished.
• The unused oil must have a low furan content, otherwise the effectiveness of condition
monitoring by trend assessment of furan content is impaired.
• The oil must have a high value of Interfacial Tension (IFT) to ensure absence of polar
compounds in the oil and suitability of the oil for use as insulating material.
• Mix-ability: unused mineral insulating oils of the same class, the same group are
considered to be mixable and compatible with each other.
• The moisture content of the oil must be low, otherwise the electrical strength of the oil
will be impaired and moisture will be absorbed into any paper insulation, reducing
insulation life and increasing the risk of dielectric breakdown.
• The oxidation stability of the oil must be high to reduce oxidation processes in
service, which degrade the oil, producing acids and sludge. These can reduce the
effectiveness of cooling and cause general internal deterioration and eventual failure
• The oil must have a low particle size and count and a low fiber content as the
presence of such contaminants, especially in the presence of moisture, can considerably
reduce the electrical strength.
• The oil must have undetectable polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) content to meet the
requirements of environmental legislation.
• The oil must have a low polycyclic aromatic (PCA) carbon content to meet the
requirements of health & safety legislation.
• The pour point is related to viscosity and needs to be low enough to ensure that the oil
flows satisfactorily under low temperature conditions.
• The oil must have low sulphur content and contain no corrosive sulphur.
• The viscosity of the oil needs to be low enough to ensure that the oil flows well under
all (as well as low) temperature conditions thus providing the necessary cooling and,
where appropriate, arc quenching properties.
Of the various insulating fluid options, available to the user, mineral insulating oil has for the
vast majority of situation proven to be the most cost effective choice and meets the above functional
Viscosity and viscosity index
The lower the viscosity, the easier the oil circulates naturally, leading to improved heat transfer
and thermal distribution. This is especially important in an instrument transformer with no forced
cooling. Viscosity influences heat transfer and therefore the temperature rise of the equipment. This is
particularly important at low temperature and cold start. High viscosity at low temperature may lead to
possible localised overheating. The lower viscosity is also advantageous with regards to faster and
better impregnation of paper and therefore lower risk of voids in the solid insulation.
The viscosity at the lowest cold start energising temperature (LCSET) in the revised standard
is less than 1 800 mm2/s. The LCSET for transformer oils is defined in IEC60296 as being –30°C
(this is 5K lower than indicated in IEC 60076-2).
Viscosity index plays an important role as oil with high viscosity index will have higher
viscosity at given operating temperature than oil with lower viscosity index. This will lead to
operation of transformer at higher temperature and lower cooling efficiency as shown in figure 1.
Figure 2: Response to inhibitor and degree of refining
Sulphur Content
Sulphur content of the oil can be used as an indication of degree of refining of the oil and there
is no general requirement for standard grade oil but for special application a limit of maximum 0.05%
is suggested by IEC60296. However, for super grade oil this figure is usually much lower.
Corrosive sulphur
Super grade oil shall be free from any corrosive and potentially corrosive sulphur.
Oxidation stability
Oxidation of oil gives rise to acidity and sludge formation. This effect can be minimised as a
result of high oxidation stability leading to longer service life of the oil. Oxidation stability is
measured in accordance with method C of IEC 61125, which is conducted at 120°C. Duration of the
test is dependent on level of inhibitor detected in the oil. For uninhibited oil it is 164 hrs, for trace
inhibited 332 hrs and for inhibited oil 500 hrs. Test limits for acidity, sludge and DDF for all three
these categories are the same. For super grade oil limits for acidity, sludge and DDF are usually better
than suggested figures for special application in IEC60296.
Figure 3: PCA content and impulse strength of the oil.
will dramatically reduce the chance of such ageing products is thus a sensible choice in instrument
In recent years many instrument transformers are also of the SF6-filled gas insulated type and
have very good performance however they require gas related maintenance and if any leaks develop
the utility can face serious penalties [4] - due to this gas being a “super” green-house gas. Therefore,
the technology trend of migrating oil type to SF6 type instrument transformers is likely to reverse. The
use of Super Grade oil will then be the sensible choice for OEMs going back to (or increasing
production of) oil type Instrument Transformers as it reduces the risk of ageing related failures.
For equipment under thermal stress and special application, high -grade oil with high oxidation
stability is introduced by IEC60296. This standard does not address super grade oil. Since use of ultra
high voltage system is increasing, demand for such oil will increase. Consequently, there is need to
have specification for supply of such oil. Implementation of such specification to the electrical
industry may lead to more reliable operation and longer life for oil filled electrical equipment. To
fulfil requirement of UHV units for insulation and cooling supper grade oil shall have low viscosity,
low viscosity index, high solvent power and the base oil shall be well refined.
[1] IEC 60296 Fluids for electrical application- Unused mineral insulating oils for transformers and
switchgears, 2012.
[2] IEC 60247, Measurement of relative permittivity, dielectric dissipation factor and d.c. resistivity
of insulating liquids.
[3] IEC 61620, Insulating liquids – Determination of the dielectric dissipation factor by
measurement of the conductance and capacitance – Test method.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Ioan RODEAN∗, Daniel MORAR∗∗, Vasile BALAN, Catalin BOGUS, Virgil ORLANDEA,
CNTEE "Transelectrica" SA
The paper presents the methods used in recent years in the national power grid to operate more
efficiently as high voltage equipment. It includes shares of minor maintenance and operation
undertaken by our company for management installations. It also briefly describes the results of
applying new technologies and the technical analysis performed using such technical data. As part of
asset management technologies have been applied without withdrawal from service of installations,
allowing transmission of electricity at full capacity. In applied technologies for minor maintenance
remember inspections multispectral spectra in visual, infrared, ultraviolet and laser and live working
technologies. Within the operation of equipment were used more management applications databases,
which were subsequently used in technical analysis. Also in the operation were used methods of
online analysis for operational behavior of equipment. It presents the results of a comparative analysis
of the costs of the technologies for minor and corrective maintenance without redraw from service of
equipment and exploitation of modern equipment versus traditional technologies. Some conclusions
are presented at the end, much like their own recommendations for more efficient operating of
Live operating, efficiency, education.
[email protected]
[email protected],
addition, all installations from the design stage and then modernization stage need to be made to allow
the application of live technologies. So increasing organizational complexity these involve high
quality management of project the need to increase efficiency, in terms of the beneficiary.
Such projects require a more efficient organization that leads to changes within the
organization: the organization must adopt a management structure of the modern type, advanced with
the use of technical personnel trained and authorized.
In our company, it was promoted a project concerning the professional training of specialized
operators for: electric lines, transformation units, operations, exploitation of primary equipment,
exploitation of secondary equipment. It has thus been set up the "Center of Excellency in Energetics"
C.E.E., which includes subunits for training and development of electric operators and training, test
and authorization for live working technologies, called the "Center for Research and Development of
Live Working Technologies and Rapid Intervention in National Power Grid".
In this center will carry out studies for the implementation of new technologies, technical
analysis of the behavior of the equipment into service, technical analysis to efficiency application of
new technologies and training of human operators for both the exploitation activity, as well as for the
maintenance activity.
Having regard to the experience of other countries as well as the possibilities and technological
for more advanced features that can be implemented at the level of the company, such as development
of this center by creation a team of rapid intervention in power grid, which will achieve increasing the
effectiveness of actions for the elimination of faults from installations, avoid serious damage and take
corrective action in installations, both from the point of view of the maintenance and the operative
activity (in close connection with the Centers of Remote Control and Surveillance of Installations –
In this Center will hold the theoretical courses of training and professional improvement for
human operators. To complete operators training, this Center has possibilities to hold the practical
courses in Polygons for: 220-400kV OHTL for all type of tower from NPG, 110kV OHL with several
types of towers, 110-220-400kV bays complete equipped – primary and secondary equipment for
several significant types of equipment – and medium voltage posts.
Figure 1. OHTL polygons structure of C.E.E. Center for Research and Development of Live
Working Technologies and Rapid Intervention in National Power Grid
In C.E.E. we have made the technical-economic analysis for live working in our power grid in
order to determine on the basis of the perspective plan for maintenance of equipment: the
modernization of the equipment, refurbishing of installations, predictive maintenance based on
reliability and better organization for corrective maintenance – for quickly answered and accurately.
Economic calculation was performed for each criterion presented previously. Such, from Q1 to
Q8 criterion, each technical requirement was "translated" into economic values [1].
Operating criteria (Q1) envisages that non-programming of equipment for withdrawal from
service due to safety conditionings of Power System Transmission Grid or area power grid in
requested time interval. Congestion that might occur in case of withdrawal from service of electrical
equipment will lead to additional costs for the Company. Also power losses will appear in grid. In the
Company exist a program for calculating the electrical losses, but currently does not detail Joules-
Lenz losses and corona losses. In developing this program, which is ongoing, these details will be
available. Following an analysis [2] found that the corona loss calculation for areas of Transmission
Grid is recommended to use the method provided by IEEE 738-1993 and Électricité de France,
completed study method VNIIE Russia and forecast of meteorological data. Data obtained from the
calculation are then compared with data obtained from on-line metrology systems.
The following table shows the values of power losses related to power network operating in
case of withdrawal of an OHTL:
The graph was obtained by simulation using analytical methods of calculation taking into
account the longitudinal capabilities of insulators, stray capacitances of insulators to earth and stray
capacitances of insulators to conductor [3].
The cost in this case varies: in case of evacuation of wind power plants there is a minimum
interval of climatic parameters that allow both energy production and live an intervention to ensure
continuity; in contrast to this network, in other networks, live operating cannot be performed at all due
to climatic conditions or can be carried with ease, but sometimes withdrawal from service of
equipment is more effective.
Technological criterion (Q3) depends on the level of technical and facilities of work according
to the technical characteristics of the electrical installation (access to tower, access to the element from
the chain insulators, access to at the equipment terminals, etc.). Technical characteristics of the
electrical installation in the area determines the necessary of specific equipment (tools and machinery)
like pole insulation, insulated arms of raised platform, insulated ladder, cart, helicopter with special
platform, etc.
Figure 4. Spacer changing by helicopter with special platform (SC SMART SA line operator)
Organizational criterion (Q4). If case of LW technologies, the access tower is easier than other
technologies, being able to choose to apply using helicopter with special platform technologies, to
avoid damaging of crops or protected natural areas. Working to high voltage equipment also depends
on the overall operation of operation activities of the organization. Such as, before maintenance with
LW technologies in OHTL or substations, we archive multispectral inspections in laser spectrum, in
audio spectrum, visual spectrum, ultraviolet spectrum and infrared spectrum. Also inspections of
equipment can be carried out with robots and scanners. Following technical data from these
inspections have been able to identify exactly which components of the equipment needed to apply
them remedial operations. By using technical database of equipment with defective components we
can get adequate and efficient preparation of the maintenance with LW technologies.
In terms of project beneficiary, organization of works with classic technologies involves a lower
level of organization. To work with live technologies, organization of works in terms of beneficiary’s
project becomes more complex depending on several technical criteria and climate, correlating those
works with other technologies, execution and reception request permissions, and more.
Such projects require a more efficient organization of the recipient by project teams and teams
of technical consulting, which leads to changes in the organization. In this context the organization
should adopt a management structure advanced / modern. Costs of organization to apply those
technologies grow only when switching from inadequate organizational structure, but simplistic, to a
complex organizational structure. But once implemented the new structure can speak of greater
efficiency of work / organization's activities and therefore operating costs (operating or organization
of maintenance) become much lower.
For live working applications need specific measures, specific parameterization of the relays
terminals, to ensure all conditions for execution and continuity in the operation of equipment: speed,
selectivity, sensitivity and safety.
The architecture of a secondary system of command, control, protection and automation can
enable a greater or lesser extent the performance of works under voltage primary equipment, as will
become apparent in the following examples.
Preparatory work operations are under tension in specific technologies, although many of these
can be common. Those are for live working such as:
- Replacing the voltage transformer
- Replacement or maintenance for breakers
- Replacement or maintenance for line separator
- Replacement or maintenance for busbar separator
- Replacing the cell elements - conductors
- Busbars major maintenance
- Major maintenance for transformers units
- Power lines terminal elements maintenance
Technical criterion (Q5) is closely related to other criteria such as technical equipment of
execution unit (Q3), the organization of work (Q4), climatic conditions (Q2) and the safety conditions
(Q7). For optimal application of more efficient technologies, be they classical or live, more data are
needed, which can be found in electronic databases, such as “Transelectrica-GIS” or “InfoLEA /
InfoStaţii / InfoDoc = InfoTehnic”.
Economic criterion (Q9) refers to the efficiency of the work with the chosen technology or all
technologies together chosen to be applied on equipment.
Figure 5. Diagram analysis for application of technologies
Live technologies have been applied for more equipment, such as:
400kV OHTL Tantareni-Turceni G1-2+3-4, 400kV OHTL Tantareni-Turceni G5-6+7-8,
400kV OHTL Urechesti-Rovinari G3+4, 400kV OHTL Urechesti-Rovinari G5+6, and more LW
technologies operations being performed:
- Installation aerial nameplates on pillar tip
- Dumpers position adjustment or replacement on conductors
- Replacing spacers
- Replacing parts connecting of the chain insulators (like nuts, eyelets suspension, etc.)
- Replacing protection fittings on suspension tower
- Replacing broken glass insulators from the suspension chains
- Replacement suspension clips of the active conductors
- Preparation work and painting of corroded elements of the crest of tower
- Replacing anchor the tower
Efficiency of live works resulted from calculations made to table 3.
Table 2. Efficiency of live works
Operation Efficiency
Corective Maintenance
Replace an element from insulators chain on suspension tower 20%
Replace clips 15%
Replace anchores 8%
Removal objects from tower 3%
Removal objects from conductors 5%
Replace daylight beacon with helicopter 11%
Replace daylight beacon with ladder 12%
Replace dumpers 19%
Replace a element from insulators chain on strech tower 23%
Painting the crown’s tower 25%
Preventive Maintenance
Multispectral inspections (UV, IR, visible) 12%
Minor maintenance on OHTL 18%
Minor maintenance on substation equipments 2%
Control and inspection with lidar 5%
Control at crown of OHTL tower 3%
Major Maintenance
Major Maintenace on OHTL (medium value) 9%
400kV OHTL Mintia - Sibiu Sud
400kV OHTL Ţânţăreni - Turceni
400kV OHTL Urecheşti - Rovinari
220kV OHTL Stejaru – Gheorgheni
220kV OHTL Iernut - Ungheni
Application of technologies should occur only after a technical and economic analysis
appropriate to achieve greatest effectiveness.
Application of technologies depends on several criteria, but this is reversible, being impetuous
necessary to create technical and economic conditions appropriate (development of new technologies,
purchasing new technologies or creating operating conditions for their application), that will result in
benefits financial and technical.
Live technologies in recent years are used complementary by combining the results and in this
way is obtained the greater efficiency of the works. Following the studies result that completion of the
major maintenance by applying live working, or only partially, become absolutely necessary for
increasing the efficiency and lowering costs of company.
Perhaps because new technologies, compare with traditional technologies, have been applied
much less (ratio up to 1/10) or maybe classical technologies are training less time (otherwise
traditional technologies being based for training of new technologies) than the new ones, it appears
when used live technologies that quality of operations performed and the work as a whole is much
greater than the classic ones.
In C.E.E. will training and teach operators to apply the best technology: economic efficiency,
highest safety application, best technological and more.
[1] D. Morar, I. Rodean, M. Oltean, L. Brabete, ISPE “Criteria for Applying of Live Working
Technologies in Romanian Transmission Power Grid”, ICOLIM Budapest, 2014.
[2] Transelectrica, ISPE “Studiu multianual al postcalculului CPT şi al bilanţului energetic în RET”.
[3] V. Titihăzan, M. Titihăzan, M. Oltean, I. Sevastre “Simulări numerice privind repartiţia tensiunii
în lungul unor structuri electroizolante”, EPC Timisoara, 2009.
[4] M. Oltean, T. Făgărăşan, L. Brabete, I. Sevastre, S. Gal “Live Maintenance on High Voltage
Equipments in Substations”, Conference CMDM RoCigre, Bucharest 2011.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The paper provides a study regarding the benefits and challenges of voltage regulation
contribution of distributed photovoltaic generation systems by reactive power flow control.
Simulations are performed using the Neplan software on real secondary distribution networks from
Ialomita and Calarasi regions, characterized by an important number of grid-connected photovoltaic
power plants.
Photovoltaic power plant, voltage regulation, reactive power flow control, distribution
Voltage regulation represents a major concern for distribution networks characterized by a
high penetration level of grid-connected photovoltaic power plants. Events such as contingency of
network elements or fast solar irradiance variations may have important consequences on power
quality and network voltage profile. Furthermore, in the frequent case of the absence of directional
load compensation for the on load tap changer voltage controllers, the reversed power flow through
distribution power transformers may lead to uncontrolled voltage rise.[2]
On the other hand, regulatory agencies manifest a permanent increasing pressure on
distribution network operators performance and quality standards. These requirements have direct
impact on photovoltaic power plants grid connection conditions. For example, in present, all grid-
connected photovoltaic power plants with installed power higher than 5 MW are considered
dispatchable and have the obligation to be capable of reactive power flow control in the common
connection point according to power factor values between 0.9 inductive and 0.9 capacitive.
Furthermore, these generation units have to ensure zero reactive power exchange with the utility grid
during zero generation periods. [3] It is expected that future standards and regulations may extend the
previously detailed requirements for photovoltaic power plants with rated power higher than 1 MW.
Voltage regulation contribution of grid-connected photovoltaic power plants involves a series
of challenges. From the distribution network operator point of view, even if stationary operation
regime registers certain improvements, as reverse power flow consequences on voltage profile
become less severe, sudden unavailability of some power plants may lead to inacceptable voltage
variations. [2] From the plant owner point of view, reactive power flow control requirements imply
the necessity of additional investments in more expensive slightly oversized Volt/VAr capable pulse
width modulated inverters and, in some cases, in reactive power compensation equipments.
[email protected]
The paper proposes to highlight the main impact directions of grid-connected voltage
regulation contribution on distributed network operation. There are taken into account several aspects,
such as voltage profile, fast voltage variations, network power losses and on load tap changers voltage
regulator interactions. The simulations were made using Neplan software.
In this case, the point of common connection becomes a P-U node, considering a series of
limitations, described by equations (1) and (2).
PPV is the output real power of the photovoltaic power plant;
PMPPT is the output power provided by the maximum power point regulator;
QPV is the output reactive power of the photovoltaic power plant;
SINV represents the rated apparent power of the inverter.
The maximum power point tracking regulator determines the real output power desired at each
period. By economical considerations, it is desirable that the photovoltaic power plant to operate to its
maximum available output power. The restriction described by equation (2) is given by the inverter
rated apparent power. The capability diagram shown in Figure 2 provides the real and reactive power
output possible to be obtained from a photovoltaic power plant. In order to operate at nominal power
output for specific requested power factor, a certain oversize of the grid interface inverter may be
V0 is the busbar voltage setup corresponding to zero load operation;
Vmax represents the maximum busbar voltage setup;
Icomp is the maximum value of the compensated current, generally set as 80% of the rated
current of the power transformer;
Kcomp represents the load compensation constant [Ohm].
Distributed generation units manifest a significant impact on load compensated on load tap
changer voltage regulators, as shown in Figure 4. The most severe conditions can be observed for high
compensation constant voltage regulators and long radial medium voltage feeders with distributed
generation units connected close to the medium voltage busbar.
Figure 3 - Load compensation principle of operation [2]
The worst case scenario regarding the distribution network voltage profiles is represented by
undetected transformer reverse power flow conditions, as voltage rise will be proportional to busbar
voltage setup deviation. In this case, the voltage regulator load compensation should be blocked for a
fixed voltage reference equal to V0.
In this section it is studied the impact of voltage regulation by grid-connected photovoltaic
power plants on distribution network, by comparative analysis. The object of the study involves two
secondary distribution network areas representing two different situations.
The first situation considered is represented by a long radial 20 kV feeder supplied from
110/20kV Oltenita Sud substation, situated in Calarasi county. A 2.7 MW photovoltaic power plant is
connected in the main axis of this feeder by an input-output configuration. The feeder model involves
56 nodes, including the 20 kV busbar of Oltenita Sud substation. For the studies, it is considered that
the feeder load corresponds to morning winter peak load, higher than the photovoltaic power plant
rated power. As there was no available data about load repartition on step-down substations connected
to this feeder, it was considered a weighted average dependent on the step-down transformers rated
power. The study involves a comparative analysis regarding network voltage profile, power losses,
fast node voltage variations and slow node voltage variations. The analyzed situations are represented
on one hand, by unit power factor operation of the photovoltaic power plant and, on the other hand, by
voltage regulation operation considering reactive power capabilities corresponding to a power factor
between 0.9 inductive up to 0.9 capacitive and a voltage setup in the point of common connection
identical to the substation busbar voltage regulator setup.
The voltage network profile obtained by load flow calculation in both of the described
situations is represented in Figure 5. The maximum voltage drop was significantly reduced by
photovoltaic power plant reactive power flow control.
Figure 6 illustrates the comparative analysis of network element loading for the considered
situations. It was concluded that by using the photovoltaic power plant voltage control function,
network power losses decreased by 44%.
For fast voltage variations calculations was considered a fast solar irradiance drop that lowers
the photovoltaic power plant generation to 50%. Figure 7 illustrates the comparative analysis between
unit power factor operation and voltage control operation. As operating for an optimized steady state
regime in the voltage control case, it can be concluded that fast voltage variations are higher in this
Figure 6 - Network power losses comparative analysis
For slow voltage variations calculation it was considered the intervention of load compensated
on load tap changer voltage regulator in case the photovoltaic power plant becomes unavailable. The
load compensation settings of the voltage regulator correspond to a 25 MVA 110/20 kV transformer
and are detailed in Table I.
Voltage variations are calculated considering the previously described photovoltaic power
plant operation modes. The results are shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8 - Slow voltage variations comparative analysis
The second considered case study involves a Neplan model for an entire 20 kV busbar and
secondary distribution network supplied from 110/20 kV Barbulesti substation, situated in Ialomita
county. In the studied area there are connected four photovoltaic power plants, as it follows: a 9.6 MW
photovoltaic power plant and a 2.5 MW photovoltaic power plant connected directly to the substation
busbar by separate feeder bays and two photovoltaic power plants 2.5 MW each connected to the
same medium voltage feeder. This situation corresponds to a reversed power flow regime.
Considering the load compensation settings for the substation voltage regulator similar to the previous
case, slow voltage variations are computed considering the presence or absence of the reversed power
voltage regulator block. The third considered situation is represented by voltage regulation operation
for all photovoltaic power plants considering an active reverse power flow voltage regulator blocking.
The results are centralized in Figure 9.
Figure 9 - Slow voltage variations in reversed power flow regime comparative analysis
This paper presented a study regarding the effects of voltage regulation by photovoltaic power
plants on secondary distribution network. Comparative analysis revealed significant voltage level
improvement and power losses decrease in case of photovoltaic power plants voltage regulation
operation. On the other hand, fast voltage variations occurring as a consequence to solar irradiance
variations are higher in case of voltage regulation operation. The same situation was concluded for
slow voltage variations obtained by sudden photovoltaic power plant unavailability and load
compensated substation voltage regulator operation.
It was also concluded that during reversed power flow operation, the on load tap changer
voltage regulator should be blocked, in order to avoid uncontrollable voltage rise in the network
nodes. Also, in case of reversed power flow regime, fast and slow voltage variations register lower
values if photovoltaic power plants operate in voltage regulation mode.
Voltage regulation by grid-connected photovoltaic power plants setup is limited by power
quality standards, providing maximum values for slow and fast voltage variations calculated for the
most severe conditions.
[1] Y. P. Agalgaonkar, B. C. Pal, R. A. Jabr, Distribution Voltage Control Considering the Impact
of PV Generation on Tap Changers and Autonomous Regulators, IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, Vol.29, no. 1, pp.182-192, September 2013;
[2] ICP03 RO, Instrucţiuni pentru racordarea instalaţiilor de producere în reţeaua electrică de
medie tensiune, Ed.01/19.12.2012, Enel Distributie Romania;
[3] Ordinul ANRE nr.74/2013 pentru aprobarea Procedurii privind punerea sub tensiune pentru
perioada de probe şi certificarea conformităţii tehnice a centralelor electrice eoliene şi
[4] F. Vatră., C. A. Vatră, P. Postolache, A. Poida, Integrarea şi funcţionarea centralelor eoliene şi
a instalaţiilor fotovoltaice în sistemele electroenergetice, Editura SIER, 2012;
[5] S. St. Iliescu, Teoria reglării automate, Editura PROXIMA, 2006;
[6] A. Maknouninejad, N. Kutkut, I. Batarseh, Analysis and Control of PV Inverters Operating in
VAR Mode at Night, Innovative Smart Grid Technologies 2011, pp.1-5, 17-19 January 2011.
[7] O. Masato, T. Kenichi, Optimal voltage control in distribution systems using PV generators,
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 33, no. 3, pp.485-492,
March 2011;
[8] H. Yu, J. Pan, An. Xiang, A multi-function grid connected PV system with reactive power
compensation for the grid, Solar Energy, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 101-106, July. 2005.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
This paper presents the main steps for the Continental European ENTSO-E power system
extension and the recently accomplished feasibility study for synchronous interconnection of
Ukrainian and Moldovan power systems.
In March 2006, UKRENERGO and MOLDELECTRICA, the transmission system operators
(“TSOs”) of Ukraine and of the Republic of Moldova, formally applied for synchronous
interconnection to the system of the Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity
(“UCTE”), now ENTSO-E. CNTEE Transelectrica SA is the Transmission System Operator acting as
a supporting party for this synchronous interconnection process at ENTSO-E.
The first step in this process was the feasibility study. The overall objective of this study was
to identify the main elements needed to make possible the synchronous interconnection and to
recommend the main measures to be taken in order to overcome the main technical, organizational
and legal possible obstacles.
Synchronous Interconnection, Inter-area Stability, Frequency Regulation, Real-time Operation
[email protected]
The Connection Agreement specifies the rights and obligations of the parties with respect to
the next steps in the extension process. It has to contain at least:
• the ENTSO-E rules to be complied with, especially those related to the secure
operation and the frequency control;
• the geographic and electrical delimitation of the extension;
• the methods to be used for checking the compliance;
• the detailed technical conditions for the extension (the “Catalogue of Measures”) to be
implemented by the requesting TSO(s) to ensure that the extension contributes to the quality and
security of operation of the interconnected transmission system in the Continental Europe
synchronous area. The Catalogue of Measures must be defined, in accordance with the Operation
Handbook and technical recommendations of ENTSO-E.
The Connection Agreement must contain the commitment of the requesting TSO(s) to comply
with the Operation Handbook and the relevant network codes and guidelines and to implement the
measures written in the Catalogue.
After the Connection Agreement is signed the requesting TSO(s) (in our case Ukrenergo and
Moldelectrica) has to implement the measures in the Catalogue and ENTSO-E through one project
group, supervises and guides them in this process, as stated in the Contractual Agreement.
After all the measures are implemented, tests in isolated operation and interconnection tests
must be prepared and performed. After the assessment of the tests results it is decided about the trial
interconnected operation of the transmission system of the requesting TSO(s) with the interconnected
transmission system of the Continental Europe synchronous area. The synchronous trial operation is
monitored and the compliance with the conditions set out in the Connection Agreement is verified.
Before taking the decision on permanent synchronous operation a final feasibility assessment
is performed, the main part of which represents checking whether the requesting TSO(s) are in a
satisfactory way compliant with the standards of the Operation Handbook, the relevant network codes
and guidelines, and in particular whether all critical non-compliances have been removed.
In this moment the feasibility study for synchronous interconnection of Ukrainian and
Moldovan power systems to the Continental European ENTSO-E power system is accomplished and
the two requesting TSO(s) analyzed the results and confirmed they want to continue the process.
The main objectives of the Study are:
• to investigate the possibility of Ukrainian and Moldovan power systems to be operated
in parallel with the Continental European synchronous area respecting its technical operational
• to investigate the degree of implementation of ENTSO-E’s technical operational
standards in the Ukrainian and Moldovan power systems;
• to analyze the difference in relevant legislation in the field of energy between Ukraine
and Moldova and the European Union (“EU”) countries.
The essential precondition for any extension of the Continental European synchronous area is
to keep its reliability at least at the present level. Based on several available reports and analysis,
including as delivered by the participating parties from Moldova and Ukraine, the Study makes
various recommendations from technical, regulatory and operational point of view for the possible
future integration of the Ukrainian and Moldovan power system; it being understood that the
Consortium can only suggest recommendations and that it will be later up to the various appropriate
bodies, including ENTSO-E, to decide and agree on the needed measures. The Study is to be
considered as a preliminary step to be followed by others such as an official assessment by ENTSO-E,
a cost-benefit analysis and/or socio-economic analysis, political or State positions, various agreements
including but not limited to relevant connection agreement with the Ukrainian and/or Moldovan TSOs
and the relevant ENTSO-E TSOs, etc.
One part of Ukrainian power system (Burshtin Island) is disconnected from the rest of
Ukrainian power system and synchronously connected to the main ENTSO-E grid. The connection
between Burshtin Island and the rest of the Ukrainian power system can be made through:
• 220 kV lines Stryi – Rozdyl – Lviv;
• bus bar couplers in Zakhidnoukrainska (750 kV and 330 kV) and Burshtin (330 kV)
Power flows, voltage profile and power margins have been analyzed in detail verifying the N-1
Studies have been based on models and data for the year 2020 considering two cases (Winter
Peak load – WP, and Summer off Peak load – SoP).
Sensitivity analyses have been made to determine maximum power exchange in the following
UA+MD → SEE + IT (via new HVDC IT-ME)
UA+MD → SI + AT + IT (without new HVDC IT-ME)
UA+MD → Eastern DE (TSO 50Hz)
Eastern DE (TSO 50Hz) → UA+MD
UA+MD → PL + SK + HU + RO + CZ
PL + SK + HU + RO + CZ → UA+MD
For purpose of this study it was necessary to create proper models with satisfied accuracy.
Special attention had to be paid to power systems in the area of interest: Ukraine and Moldova, border
countries between Ukraine, Moldova and the rest of ENTSO-E (HU, PL, RO, SK) and countries
which were on transit paths for analyzed exchange scenarios (AT, CZ and SEE countries without
Turkey). Modeled area consists of interconnection of ENTSO-E Continental Europe and Ukraine and
Models from the following sources were used: ENTSO-E provided the Ten Years Network
Development Plan model for Continental Europe, SECI project (South East Cooperative Initiative
supported by USAID) provided updated models of SEE (AL, BA, BG, HR, GR, ME, MK, RO, RS,
SI) and model of Turkey; TSOs from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine and
Republic of Moldova gave updated national models.
Synchronous operation of Ukraine and Moldova with continental grid of ENTSO-E, in case
without any additional exchange excepting the present one with Burshtin Island, will result with
significant loop flows. Total loop flow is around 790 MW (in Winter Peak 2020) or 455 MW (in
Summer Off-Peak 2020). The greatest amount of loop flow is assigned to grid of UA. Roughly it is
expected that total value of loop flow in UA divides into three main parts:
• 20-25% flows through RO and then back to UA via MD
• 25-30% flows through PL and back to UA via SK
• Around 50% flows through PL and spreads through CEE and SEE countries and flows
back to UA (8-10% flows back to UA from HU and around 40% flows back to UA through RO and
MD). These loop flows have influence on branch loadings. In case of PL, DE and MD average
loadings are increased, while in the rest of the area of interest (including UA) average loadings are
decreased. We have to mention that these changes are not critical (don’t introduce any risk).
Synchronous operation of Ukraine and Moldova with continental grid of ENTSO-E slightly
increases voltage profile of the interconnection. The most significant changes appear in networks of
border countries (HU, RO, SK) as well as in BA, BG, HR, RS, SK and SI. Increase of voltages in 220
kV network is not as great as in 400 kV network, but still should be mentioned.
This general increase of voltages as well as decreased branch loadings in significant part or
area of interest leads to decrease of losses in system. Total decrease of active power losses is more
than 0.50%. Losses of reactive power are decreased by around 0.40%. However, in some countries
there is increase of losses (as result of significant loop flows which result with increased level of
branch loadings), such as MD (more than 27.08%) and PL (around 0.30% in Winter Peak 2020).
Calculated maximum secured total exchange from Ukraine and Moldova to ENTSO-E is 1,000
–2,350 MW, depending on regime and direction of exchange. Calculated maximum secured total
exchange from ENTSO-E to Ukraine and Moldova is 1,400 – 2,000 MW, depending on regime and
direction of exchange.
Results from short-circuit calculations have shown that there is no critical influence of
connection of UA/MD to the Continental Europe power system to the level of SC currents. However,
there is significant influence to the level of short-circuit currents in nodes close to connection point, so
detailed analysis with checking calculated values against typical breaking capabilities is highly
The transient stability analyses are split into two parts, i.e. regional and wide area stability
analyses. The regional analyses covered the interface area (Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia,
Hungary and Poland). Time domain simulations were performed to verify the regional transient
stability behavior of the interconnected system. In this scope Critical Fault Clearing Times for most
important elements for the area of networks under consideration were calculated. The longest clearing
time for which the generator will remain in synchronism is referred to as the critical clearing time. The
study included the analysis of the transient stability during and after three phase short circuits, this
being the most severe case, concerning the capability to maintain synchronism of the parallel
operation. The relevant scenarios regarding power exchange, schedule of power production, network
topology were determined in cooperation with UA/MD expert team. The scenarios used in this
analysis were based on power flows elaborated in frame of static studies.
As global transient stability we understand dynamic phenomena in a power system occurring
after disturbances which may have effect on a large part or entire system performance.
The investigations performed during the Study of global transient stability for the
interconnected systems have concerned three types of disturbances:
• Tripping of large generators in various part of the system.
• Faults on the inter-tie lines between ENTSO-E Continental Europe system and UA/MD
• Switching on and off the inter-tie lines.
The steady state analysis covered the entire interconnected power system i.e. ENTSO-E
Continental Europe connected with UA/MD. Calculation of eigenvalues, eigenvectors and mode
participation factors is realized by means of modal analysis tools. The small signal analysis focuses on
inter-area oscillations as well as on significant modes which are local to the interface area. The
analysis results show influence of UA/MD connection on existing ENTSO-E CE low frequency inter-
area modes. Influence of large power transfers, even far from the interface, are also considered. For
stability risks resulting from connection of UA/MD power systems discovered, appropriate
countermeasures are also considered as part of this study.
The models for dynamic analyses were prepared for the 2020 winter-peak load and summer
off-peak load flows. Data used for building the models had different accuracy. Due to the Study time
constraints the entire Western Europe including Italy is modelled using uniform default models of
generations according to guidelines elaborated by ENTSO-E (System Protection & Dynamics
Subgroup). The input data for Eastern Europe, Balkans and Turkey have the typical accuracy of
models used by TSOs in planning dynamic studies. Models of individual generators as well as country
or area models were verified and validated before connecting them into the entire ENTSO-E CE
model. PMU frequency measurements after sudden loss of 1000 MW generation in Spain were used
for tuning and validation of the winter-peak dynamic model.
Inter-area small signal stability of the ENTSO-E CE winter peak dynamic model was validated
by comparing its low frequency modes with the inter-area modes obtained in the Study performed for
Turkish power system interconnection. It has been found that the frequency and the geographical
distribution of the inter-area modes are similar with the mode maps in this Study.
Finally it has been concluded that the prepared models enable credible analysis of frequency
and geographical distribution of inter-area modes however in case of damping it is rather the trend
(improvement or deterioration) and information obtained from comparison with other already known
modes that matters.
Data for Ukraine and Moldova were obtained in form of PSS/E and Power Factory models.
Majority of Ukrainian large generators are equipped with nonstandard exciters which have to be
modelled by means of user defined models. The elaborated model of Ukraine and Moldova power
systems was stable operating as an island. Further deeper validation could not be performed due to
lack of any test measurements during island operation.
The transient dynamic study involved all large power plants located in the interconnection
neighborhood. Critical fault clearing time (CFCT) was calculated in each country and compared with
values of CFCT determined in the model before the interconnection. No risks were identified for safe
operation of the investigated power plants on the both sides of the interconnection.
The connection of Ukraine and Moldova changes pattern of low frequency inter-area modes in
ENTSO-E CE substantially. Two new low frequency modes with frequencies 0.3 Hz and 0.4 Hz
emerge. The modes have relatively poor damping in the winter peak model. In the summer off-peak
model mode 0.3 Hz becomes unstable. The connection also negatively influences the already known
west-east mode 0.22 Hz decreasing slightly its frequency and damping but the changes are not critical.
The already known lowest frequency Turkey mode 0.15 Hz remains undisturbed. Large generators
from the Ukrainian nuclear plants participate predominantly in the new modes; they also have visible
participation in the west-east mode.
Poor inter-area stability in the winter peak base case are influenced by the results of analyses
of exchange scenarios and outages of interconnection lines. The damping further decreases if Ukraine
and Moldova export more power to the West. N-1 states of the interconnection cause also
deterioration of damping. Disconnection of the Rzeszow – Khmelnytska 750 kV line is critical for the
inter-area stability of the interconnected systems.
The results of modal calculations show insufficient inter-area stability of the interconnected
systems. In such circumstances the synchronous interconnection is not feasible and countermeasures
significantly improving damping of the new inter-area modes are necessary.
Inacceptable damping of the new inter-area oscillations has influenced the results of global
transient analysis involving simulations of faults on the interface and loss of large generation. The poorly
damped or undamped oscillations of Ukrainian generators against rest of the interconnected systems
emerged after disturbances, confirm unsatisfactory level of damping of the new inter-area oscillations.
It has been found that the poor damping performance is the result of lack of damping from
large Ukrainian generators which are all equipped with inefficient non-standard exciters. It was
proved that changing the settings of exciters for generators in nuclear power plants or using separate
standard power system stabilizers could significantly improve the situation.
It must be clearly stated that due to lack of engineering information regarding above exciters,
technical possibility to adopt any of the proposed solutions remains an open question.
The analysis of damping performance of the Ukraine and Moldova exciters has shown
importance of availability of on-site tests in process of verification and validation of the models. At
the same time it is essential to have access to system measurements (PMU) which could confirm
damping performance of system stabilizers or damping feedbacks of excitation systems also for
frequencies lower than local oscillations.
The next aspect associated with low frequency inter-area modes is relatively high variability of
their damping depending on many various features of system operation what at least partially we have
tried to show in the Study. A mode having generally quite satisfactory damping may go unstable in
certain conditions. The reason of the variability is very complex nature of low frequency modes
involving not only thousands of generators and turbines, their controls and loads but also network
topology, size and direction of power transfers on very large area. Considering this complexity the
results of inter-area stability should be taken with proper caution - one cannot say that damping of the
new modes after applying countermeasures will ensure stable operation of the interconnection. The
new modes have similar damping as the existing modes and there are operational experiences with
unstable oscillations associated with these existing low frequency inter-area modes.
Within the project investigations of countermeasures were focused on most effective and
economically justified solution (modification/tuning existing control systems). If adoption of proposed
measures will be problematic or not sufficient and there will be still a need for further damping
enhancement, then a feasible solution can be FACTS devices with SVC technology which are very
efficient also for very low frequencies. Recent example of using FACTS devices (SVC, STATCOMs) to
improve inter-area stability come from Turkey and its goal is to increase damping of the Turkish mode.
conditions were analyzed. Finally recommendations in order to overcome and/ or minimize the
differences between UA/MD operational practices and ENTSO-E rules are made.
Analyses were made, based on the data provided by the Ukrainian and Moldovan transmission
system operator (Ukrenergo and Moldelectrica). Within the frame of the project a database of the
generating facilities was prepared showing its capability to participate in primary and secondary control.
Framework program for on-site tests of generators for verification of the said capability to
participate in real-time control was prepared also. That allowed detailed testing programs preparation
by Ukrainian representatives.
The power system of Ukraine is partially prepared for synchronous operation with ENTSO-E
Continental Europe Synchronous Area. The most important deficiency is absence of deployment of
primary reserve due to market rules. Besides, this control is not properly tested, so this is to be
considered as a severe non-compliance which cannot be easily removed in short terms. It is stated by
Ukrainian representatives that Automatic Generation Control (AGC) system has been tested in modes
flat tie-line control and tie-line bias control. Now it works in mode flat tie-line control (only the power
exchanges are controlled). AGC system has not been tested in the mode flat frequency control,
because the Ukrainian system works synchronously with IPS/UPS.
Based on the present information for power units outages, at the present stage the level and
quality of secondary control is satisfactory regarding the exchange power flows control.
Severe non compliances to Operational handbook were detected also for Moldelectrica
regarding primary/secondary control. The most important reason is lack of deployment of primary
control and absence of secondary controller (AGC). Besides implementation of AGC, Moldova will
have to modify the market rules aiming to allow Moldelectrica to purchase primary, secondary and
tertiary reserve, as well as to exchange/purchase this reserve with adjacent TSOs, which is relevant for
Ukraine too. Moldelectrica will have to invest in order to provide reliable data exchange with adjacent
TSOs with requested accuracy and protocols. Also, Moldelectrica could be constituted as a control
area and join a Control Block. In that case, some relieves toward Moldelectrica are possible,
depending on their agreement on secondary control organization in the Control Block.
As for the real-time operation, the most severe detected non-compliance is lack of real-time
calculations of network security.
List of the most critical non-compliances to ENTSO-E Operational Handbook is provided in
the study. The main issues that have to be covered in order to reach the expected level of compliance
are connected to frequency regulation, real-time operation and special protection systems.
documents, presumably at a high political level, and may involve an international treaty or similar
agreement that will certainly be addressed in due time by the relevant political organizations such as
the European Institutions and the respective Governments involved. Issues relating to competition law
will also have to be addressed in such context.
In this moment the feasibility study for synchronous interconnection of Ukrainian and Moldovan
power systems to the Continental European ENTSO-E power system is accomplished and the two
requesting TSO(s) analyzed the results and confirmed they want to continue the process jointly.
From static analyses point of view, synchronous connection of Ukrainian and Moldovan power
systems to continental part of ENTSO-E is feasible, with infrastructure (existing and planned)
expected in 2020.
From dynamic analyses point of view, the interconnection is not feasible without applying proper
countermeasures due to the inter-area instability risks identified in the interconnected model. The source of
the instability is insufficient damping for low frequency oscillations at large generators in Ukraine.
The inter-area stability can be improved if one of the proposed countermeasures is applied.
The adopted solution have to be verified by manufacturers of existing control systems in power plants
in Ukraine and Moldova, especially it refers to the nuclear power plants.
Only after such revision of proposed measures and on-site testing of selected exciters and
governors, the final evaluation of efficiency of countermeasures and their influence on small signal
inter-area stability of the interconnected systems can be done.
Regarding operational issues, according to the data received and analysis prepared, the Power
Systems of Ukraine and Republic of Moldova are partially prepared for synchronous operation with
Continental Europe System under OH of ENTSO-E rules. The most severe incompliances can be
removed with the fulfillment of the recommendations, as depicted in the study. This will speed up and
ease the process of reaching full compliance towards achievement of synchronous interconnection
with ENTSO-E Continental Europe System. The main issues that have to be covered in order to reach
the expected level of compliance are connected to frequency regulation, real-time operation and
special protection systems.
The European energy legal system, in particular the Third Energy Package, should be fully
implemented in Ukraine and Republic of Moldova. Information received from UA/MD revealed that,
regarding energy, the systems in place in Moldova and the Ukraine are currently not fully compliant with
the system applicable in the ENTSO-E countries, although both systems are evolving in the right direction.
The next step in the synchronous interconnection process is to establish the detailed list of
technical conditions for the extension (the “Catalogue of Measures”) to be implemented by Ukrenergo
and Moldelectrica to ensure that the extension contributes to the quality and security of operation of
the interconnected transmission system in the Continental Europe synchronous area. The Catalogue of
Measures must be defined, in accordance with the Operation Handbook and technical
recommendations of ENTSO-E.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Historically substation design has been based on conventional Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS)
and instrument transformers. Today the most common approach in High Voltage (HV) AIS substation
design are using gas type circuit breakers, open air disconnectors and oil- or gas-filled instrument
Over the last 16 years new AIS technologies have entered the market for HV AIS substation
which provides a new set of tools for modern substation design. One fundamental technology step is
the Disconnecting Circuit Breaker (DCB) solution, which is combining the functions of traditional
circuit breaker and disconnector switch in a single unit. Hence enabling more compact substation
design with higher availability. With the recent development of Non-Conventional Instrument
Transformers (NCITs) new opportunities has emerged. The DCB can be equipped with integrated
optical current transformers making separate current transformers unnecessary. The solution makes it
possible to even further decrease the size of a substation and at the same time reduce the amount of
needed material.
Substation design, Disconnecting Circuit Breaker (DCB), Non-Conventional Instrument
Transformers (NCITs), Digital substation.
A Disconnecting Circuit Breaker (DCB) combines the function of a traditional circuit breaker
and adjacent Disconnectors (DS). The idea was formed in the end of the 90’s and the reason was that
disconnectors had the highest grade of maintenance. The circuit breakers had improved, and had
longer maintenance intervals than disconnectors. Therefore, the need for disconnectors to isolate
circuit breakers for maintenance, to increase circuit and busbar availability, was no longer valid. There
are also recent development of the Non-Conventional Instrument Transformers (NCITs) provides the
possibility to also integrate the current measurement into the DCB. This can be achieved with an
optical current transformer integrated in the DCB, hence enabling switching, isolation and current
measurement into one single unit. This enables air insulated switch (AIS) yards to be built in a more
efficient way with regards to performance, space and environmental impact. With the NCIT
technology digital communication according to IEC 61850 has been introduced, which opens up even
further possibilities for refinement of substation design and functionality. This paper will look further
into substation design and make an evaluation of an installation of DCB with integrated Current
Transformers (CTs).
[email protected]
The disconnecting circuit breaker has emerges from the gas type circuit breaker using Sulphur
hexafluoride (SF6) as insulation and arc-extinguishing medium. The official International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) standard for the DCB was introduced in 2005 [1], only five year after the commercial
products was adopted by the Swedish Transmission system owner; Svenska Kraftnät.
Due to its origin the DCB standard; IEC 62271-108 [1], utilizes most of the material from both
the high voltage circuit breakers, IEC 62271-100 [2], and high voltage disconnectors and earthing
switches standards, IEC 62271-102 [3], that already existed. There are however some very important
additional requirements on the equipment introduce the DCB standard compared to a circuit breaker.
Since the DCB are used as an isolation device in the substation the requirement on the internal and
external insulation needs to be secured both when the equipment is new and also after aging and years
of field operation.
The moving arcing contacts inside the breaking chamber DCB design for internal insulation
needs to take into account both the mechanical and electrical wear. As an additional type test of the
equipment in the IEC DCB standard it is required to do two combined function tests to demonstrate
the isolation distance. There are both a mechanical and a short circuit combined function test. The
mechanical test first requires a mechanical operation test as per class M1 or M2 then dielectric test
across the isolation distance. The short circuit combined test demands a T100s test then followed by
dielectric tests across the isolation distance. There is also an additional mechanical locking
function/device on each DCB, one type can be seen in Figure 4.
The external insulation is equally important and here special attention is needed when the
insulations are used in hash or polluted environments. Best practice is to use polymeric insulators with
silicone rubber sheds due to its excellent hydrophobicity, self-cleanings properties and low leakage
current [4] [5].
Table 1: Summary of savings with DCB, NCIT and Digital communication.
Apparatus/technology Direct savings Indirect savings
DCB Separate disconnectors not needed Land accusation and preparation
Structures and foundations for Fence, gravel, roads, cables
disconnectors not needed trenches, earthing, lightning
Longer maintenance intervals
Transportation cost
CT integrated into Structures and foundations for Land accusation and preparation
CB/DCB separate CTs not needed Fence, gravel, roads, cables
trenches, earthing, lightning
Transportation cost
Digital communication Reduction of copper cabling Time for cabling verification
during –pre- commissioning
Simplified cable trenches Land preparation
Apart from the savings listed above other benefits with NCITs and digital communication can
also be found;
The use of optical current sensors eliminates the hazards associated with high voltage
secondary circuits of traditional CTs.
Digital communication and simplified connections between IEDs and HV equipment opens up the
possibility to speed up commissioning of substations since pre-test can be utilized in a larger extent.
Self-supervision/monitoring integrated into NCIT merging units and other parts of the digital
Going from option 1 (see Figure 1) to option 2 (see Figure 2) there is a space saving of 35% or
1200 m2 on the HV diameter sizing. Since the conventional disconnectors are removed an additional
saving of six disconnecting switches and one complete gantry tower. For the given diameter this is
over 32 000 kg of equipment material that is not needed anymore. Furthermore the amount of
foundation concreate have been reduced by 20 000 kg CO2-eq. or 25%.
The next step is to use the optical current transformer mentioned in the previous section. By
going from option 2 (see Figure 2) to option 3 (see 3) there both an additional space saving but also
the benefit of better measuring and fully enabling the digital communication using the IEC 61850-9-2
LE protocol. An additional saving in space of 190 m2 or a total of 41% compared to option 1. There is
also the need for 22 500 kg less CT equipment of which 2 250 kg less oil in each substation diameter.
The amount of foundation needed is again reduced and another 10 000 kg CO2-eq. are removed or a
total improvement of 35% in CO2-eq. reduction compared to option 1.
Figure 1: Option 1 with BAAH configuration and conventional circuit breaker, disconnectors and current transformers.
The bay width is considered to be 21 m and the length is 160 m, which provides and area of 3360 m2.
Figure 2: Option 2 with BAAH configuration and DCB and conventional oil filled current transformers. The bay width is
considered to be 21 m and the length is 103 m, which provides and area of 2163 m2.
Figure 3: Option 3 with BAAH configuration with DCB and integrated NCIT’s for current measurement. The bay width is
considered to be 21 m and the length is 94 m, which provides and area of 1974 m2.
The following case study is based on DCB with integrated optical current sensors installed in
the Swedish power grid in 2010, see Figure 4.
The DCB is installed in a line with conventional current and voltage instrument transformers.
The redundant fiber optic current sensor system installed in each phase of the DCB reads the current
on the line and sends the information in sampled values, IEC 61850-9-2LE, format to the protection
and control IEDs. The IEDs gathers current readings from the conventional current transformer and
compares the analogue values with the data stream from the NCITs, see Figure 5.
Figure 4: (Left) Pilot installation of a combined unit DCB with NCIT’s of fiber optical current sensor (FOCS) type. (Right
above) three phase FOCS-kit with three sensor heads and two opto-electric modules for redundancy. (Right below) One
type of mechanical locking system for DCB as required by the IEC 62271-108 standard.
Since the installation the DCB/NCIT has seen normal load variations between 500-1500 A and
temperature variations between -25 up to 35ºC. The graph, see Figure 6, below shows a comparison
between the current reading for one phase from the conventional CT and the optical CT.
Comprehensive analysis of the behavior of the system has been made, [7]. During the service
time the measurements has been very stable and do not seem to be degraded by temperature
variations, age or vibrations from operations of the DCB.
The use of disconnecting circuit breakers and NCITs with digital communication can
substantially reduce the footprint of a substation with up to 41 % less space needed. The need of steel,
copper, insulating materials and oil can be drastically reduced and thereby providing a more eco-
efficient substation solution. Hence making an overall reduction of more than 30 000 kg CO2-eq. per
HV diameter in the substation on only the foundations.
[1] IEC, "High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 108: High-voltage alternating current
disconnecting circuit-breakers for rated voltages of 72,5 kV and above," International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 2005.
[2] IEC, "High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 100: Alternating-current circuit-breakers,"
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 2008.
[3] IEC, "High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 102: Alternating current disconnectors
and earthing switches," International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 2013.
[4] T. Laitinen and T. Lindquist, "Disconnecting circuit breakers in 400 kV substation renovations,"
in 2015 Cigre SC, Nagoya, 2015.
[5] I. Gutman, L. Stenström, D. Gustavsson, D. Windmar and W. L. Vosloo, "Optimized use of HV
composite apparatus insulators: field experience from coastal and inland test stations," in Cigre,
[6] K. Kutlev, M. Magnusson and U. Andersson, "Reliable and Cost Effective Solutions for HVDC
Switchyards," in CIGRE‐IEC Colloquium on EHV and UHV (AC & DC), Montréal, 2016.
[7] K. Bohnert, A. Frank, T. Roininen, B. Gülenaltin, P. Gabus and A. Vujanic, "FIBER-OPTIC
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
CN Transelectrica SA
Contemporary critical infrastructures, power system especially, are facing multiple threats
ranging from traditional to emerging, from natural and accidental to intentional. To allocate limited
resources to protect them, identifying the most imminent threats is the first and foremost step to
achieve efficient and effective protection strategies.
As the majority of traditional risk management methods is not suitable for considering threats
of different natures with various features at the same scale, this paper developed a framework for
qualitative assessment of threats, allowing ranking them with multiple criteria from a broader
dimension like a group decision.
A questionnaire was designed to collect the experts’ perceptions on different features of
possible threats in their power grids. The analytic network process (ANP) was employed to produce
the final threats ranking by considering it as a multi-criteria decision making issue.
The proposed framework was then applied to rank threats from the perspective of a single
transmission system operator (TSO) and a wider region of several EU TSOs. The ranking results
shows the most imminent threats are still customary ones, such as the meteorological and accidental.
The paper is based on R&D project SESAME Securing the European Electricity Supply
Against Malicious and Accidental Threats, one of the projects co- financed by the European
Commission under the FP7 Programme, in which CNTEE Traselectrica SA was acting as member in
the project consortium and as leader of TSO trial application workpackage.
Power system, security, threats, risks
Severe failures in critical energy infrastructures operation dramatically impact the human kind
and generate large-range undesired impacts. After power system blackout occurrence [1, 2], appreciable
economic losses are directly and indirectly striking the society. Various collateral damaging
consequences as other infrastructures are interfering with the power system (i.e. sanitary services,
drinkable water systems, communications, transports etc.), are significant, too. Different threats are the
contemporary critical energy infrastructures exposing to. Several have a common denominator: the
human factor. Accidental failures of aging equipment due to the lack of investment might appear most
commonly as result of inappropriate action. But last decade continuous growth of malicious actions
indubitably represents the result of the human factor aggressive and voluntary intervention. Other threats
are the natural ones, which are closely associated with geologic phenomena [3]. Disasters of this kind
are random, approximate information about their appearance frequencies coming from the statistical
[email protected]
interpretation of related historical records [3]. To prepare the critical infrastructures against this last
category of possible threats, namely the natural ones, the identification of the most important ones
becomes the first and foremost step to launch effective and efficient actions with limited resources that
can be used to decrease the exposure at those threats [4]. Given the characteristics already mentioned
with regard to natural threats and for this present paper elaboration purposes, a relevant selection of
them, authors have retained as a ranking threats method exemplification.
Given the large exposure to the outside environment such as wide geographic expansion,
unprotected equipment in the fields, excessively relying on digital communication systems, etc., the
power system is vulnerable to many potential threats. In general, threats against the security of power
system operation can be classified into the following categories (Table 1) [5, 6]:
threats occur, may impact the power system operation causing damages
(geomagnetic storms, earthquakes, forest fires, tsunamis,
Threats from different catalogues have totally different features. For example natural threats
happen unintentionally with huge impacts on a large area and are humanly impossible to prevent;
while malicious threats happen with great intention and human efforts can strategically prevent them
from happening or diminish their consequences. In addition, each threat has more than one interesting
aspect to consider when ranking them. For example, natural disasters like earthquakes happen with
tremendous damage; however, they might not occur very often. In contrast, accidental threats like
insulation failure happen comparatively often yet with limited damages. Heterogeneous natures and
multiple characteristics of these threats make it difficult to compare them on the same scale with
multiple considerations through conventional risk assessment measures. Therefore, new framework
and tool are needed to rank them not only according to a single aspect but to the most important
considerations together.
In this paper we developed a framework to find the most imminent threats against the security
of power system operation by ranking them, considering different aspects and their relationships
among one another. The complicated ranking problem then can be treated as a multiple criteria
decision-making problem. In further development, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) is employed
to handle dependence and feedback in this complex decision process [7].
As a mathematical theory, the ANP was firstly introduced by Thomas L. Saaty in 1996 [7] to
systematically handle dependence and feedback in a complex and conflict decision. The primary
reason for introducing the ANP is to overcome the shortcoming of its precedent procedure AHP
(Analytic hierarchy process), which is based on the functional independence of the upper parts from
all their lower parts in the hierarchy, and from the criteria at each level [8]. However, not all problems
can be expressed in a pure hierarchical fashion due to the interactions of various factors which may
modify the importance of weights on a global scale [9]. Therefore, Saaty suggested using AHP and
ANP in different conditions. More specifically, when the alternatives or criteria are independent, AHP
is highly recommended; while ANP can be used to solve the problem of dependence among
alternatives or criteria [9].
The reason for ANP’s success is that it provides a process to derive from qualitative judgments
and quantitative measurements to ratio scale priorities for the influence among factors and groups of
factors [10, 11].
ANP has been applied to many practical cases [12], mainly in economics and conflict
resolutions, as well as in many engineering applications. Reference [13] employed ANP to determine
the faulty behaviour risk in work system safety. Reference [14] combined group ANP, quadratic
programming and interval preference information to develop a multi-criteria decision support system
to improve civil defence and emergency management.
ANP is structured using a series of pairwise comparisons to determine both the relative
weights of each decision criterion and the rating of candidates (called alternatives/options) for each
criterion. An analytic network model of a problem composes a set of clusters (i.e. groups of nodes),
nodes (any aspect of the problem, e.g. alternatives, criteria etc.), and links (relationship and relative
importance weights of different clusters and nodes inside).
Using ANP to solve a multi-criteria decision-making problem involves the following 4 steps:
Problem structuring and model construction,
Pair-wise comparison matrices and priority vectors,
Supermatrix formation and
Ranking or selection of the alternatives;
In the next section we are going to discuss the ANP application to threats ranking in power
systems and give an example of threats ranking.
Fig. 1- Questionnaire for TSO’s perspective on threats (example)
When considering the features of a threat, the most important ones are the severity of the
impacts and the frequency of its occurrence. These two factors would be essential for calculating its
risk. For example, the power system is constantly at risk of becoming endangered by different threats,
and in case of threats materialization consequences with different gravity will follow [15]. Common
studies will take the frequencies of a threat times its damage for its risk. However, with the increase of
preparedness, the caused damage can be diminished to some degree. Therefore, according to this
consideration, we selected three most important features to describe a threat:
“likelihood to happen”,
“impact gravity”, and
“preparedness to respond”;
For each of these features, we will ask transmission system operators’ experts to score them on
different scales by their personal judgment (Fig. 1).
More specifically, for the “likelihood to happen” of a threat, experts needed to mark it by an
11-scaled range from:
“0- never happened/won’t happen”,
“1- remotely maybe” all the way to
“10 – frequent / extremely likely”;
Similarly, experts will be asked to give their intuitive assessment on the “impact gravity” from
“0 - no impact at all” to
“10 - extremely severe”;
Unlike the first two features, the choices for answers to “preparedness to respond” were more
specific, namely:
“0- Never heard of”,
“1- Heard of”,
“2- Not aware”,
“3- Aware”,
“4- About to analyze it”,
“5- Already analyzed it”,
“6- About to deploy countermeasures”,
“7- Deploy countermeasures in progress”,
“8- Already deployed”;
The questionnaires in the example were filled in by an expert working with a TSO, about the
perceived threats on power system security for trial purpose (not necessarily reflect his/her true
opinion on the results).
Based on the trial answers given by the expert, we extended the scores to a pair-wise
comparison required by the ANP. Weight vectors, supermatrix and limit matrix were calculated to get
the ranking of each threat according to a single criterion (Fig. 2) and the final ranking of the threats
considering all aspects. Due to the sensitivities of the study, the final results are not given in this
Providing a panorama of all threats with different nature is quite a challenging task, especially
when considering different features to outline them. Since the majority of traditional risk management
methods are not suitable for considering threats with different natures at the same scale, further efforts
are needed to develop a framework for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of threats, allowing
their ranking with multiple criteria from a broader dimension like a group decision.In this paper, we
designed a framework to gather the input for threats ranking and made a pilot trial by the approach.
The results show that ANP is a suitable method for this purpose, and further extension seems to be
promising to refine the results.
This paper has been produced with the financial assistance of the SESAME project (a FP7-
security project supported by the European Commission, aiming at providing a contribution to the
development of tools and a regulation framework for the security of the European power grid against
natural, accidental and malicious attacks. The views expressed
herein are those of the author and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official position of
the European Commission.
[1] T. Huang, Simona-Louise Voronca, A. A. Purcărea, Y.J. Wu, A framework to rank threats
against power systems security, 5th EEEC Int. Symp., Buletinul AGIR, 4, Editura AGIR, 2013.
[2] * * *, Deliverable D1.1 Analysis of historic outages, Version: 2.0, SESAME - Securing the
European Electricity Supply Against Malicious and accidental threats Project, Sept. 2011.
[3] T.L. Saaty, The Analytic Hierarchy Process: Planning, Priority Setting, Resource Allocation,
McGraw-Hill International Book Co., New York, 1980.
[4] T.L. Saaty, Multicriteria Decision Making: The Analytic Hierarchy Process, RWS Publications,
Pittsburg, 1990.
[5] SESAME Project - Securing the European Electricity Supply Against Malicious and accidental
thrEats, Deliverable D1.2 Vulnerability and Threat Knowledge Base, Version: 1.0, May 2012.
[6] E. Bompard, T. Huang, Y. Wu, Classification and Trend Analysis of Threats Origins to the
Security of Power Systems, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2013.
[7] Thomas L. Saaty, Decision Making with Dependence and Feedback: The Analytic Network
Process, 4922 Ellsworth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA: RWS Publications, 1996.
[8] J.W. Lee, S.H. Kim, Using analytic network process and goal programming for interdependent
information system project selection. Computers & Operations Research, 2000. 27(4).
[9] Thomas L. Saaty, The analytic network process. Decision Making with the Analytic Network
Process, 2006: p. 1-26.
[10] Thomas L. Saaty, Lect9-ANP. ppt The Essentials of the Analytic Network Process with Seven
Examples. Retrieved February, 2004. 10: p. 2008.
[11] Thomas L. Saaty, Theory and Applications of analytic network process. Vol. 4922. 2005: RWS
publications Pittsburgh, PA.
[12] R. Whitaker, Validation examples of the analytic hierarchy process and analytic network
process. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2007. 46(7-8): p. 840-859.
[13] M. Dagdeviren, I. Yüksel, and M. Kurt, A fuzzy analytic network process (ANP) model to
identify faulty behaviour risk (FBR) in work system. Safety Science, 2008. 46(5): p. 771-783.
[14] J.K. Levy and K. Taji, Group decision support for hazards planning and emergency
management: A Group Analytic Network Process approach. Mathematical and Computer
Modelling, 2007. 46(7-8).
[15] T. Huang, A. A. Purcărea, S. L. Voronca, M. Cremenescu, Y. Wu, General overview on the
societal and technical impacts of blackouts, Acta Electrotehnica Special Issue Proceedings of
the 5th International Conference of Modern Power Systems MPS 2013.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The e-Highway2050 project aims at providing efficient and consistent grid solutions for
Europe for 2050 under the new challenges for the European power grid that result from the European
Union ambitions in decarbonisation and promotion of renewable energy sources (RES). The project
was finalized at the end of 2015, after 40 months of a collective work under the coordination of RTE
and the support of the European Commission with significant outcomes to tackle such challenges. Key
findings of e-Highway2050 include:
- New methodologies for the development of the European transmission grid have been
developed, enabling to address long term horizons, cover the whole Europe, cope with
the European low carbon objectives, translated at national, and local levels, while
building global grid architectures.
- An invariant set of transmission requirements has been identified in consistency, and in
continuity with the Ten-Year Network Development Plan conducted by ENTSO-E.
Their benefits for the European system, resulting from the optimal use of energy
sources, largely exceed their costs.
- The proposed architectures integrate the present Pan-European – Transmission - Grid,
without needing a new separate ‘layer’ within this existing transmission network.
Electricity - Infrastructure, Pan-European – Transmission - Grid, Long-term – Planning
[email protected]
2020 up to the middle of the twenty-first century (2050). Such a long-term perspective had already
been laid out in 2011, and then continued through the Energy Roadmap 2050 and the Transport White
Paper. Moreover, each of these key policy papers had witnessed a parent European Parliament
Resolution, aimed to converge on a “low carbon” vision for the European economy by 2050.
The 2030 and 2050 targets set by the Member States have a direct impact on European energy
infrastructures, and more specifically on the pan-European electrical power system. The Ten-Year
Network Development Plan (TYNDP) prepared by the European Network of Transmission System
Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) addresses the development of the pan-European electricity
transmission network from now until 2030.
Table I: The five challenging scenarios of e-Highway2050: short scenario description (left) and presentation of the
corresponding European mix resulting from the quantification process.
Generation mix
Scenario short description
at European level
Fossil & nuclear
In this scenario, decarbonisation is achieved mainly through nuclear and
carbon capture storage. RES plays a less significant role and centralised
projects are preferred. GDP growth is high. Electrification of transport and
heating is significant and energy efficiency is low.
Big & market
In this scenario, the electricity sector is assumed to be market-driven. A
preference is thus given to centralised projects (renewable and non-
renewable) and no source of energy is excluded. Carbon Capture Storage
is assumed to be mature. GDP growth is high. Electrification of transport
and heating is significant but energy efficiency is limited.
Large-scale RES
The scenario focuses on the deployment of Large-scale Renewable
Energy Sources such as projects in the North Sea and North Africa. GDP
growth is high and electrification of transport and heating is very
significant. The public attitude is passive resulting in low energy efficiency
and limited demand-side management. Thus, the electricity demand is
very high.
Small & local
The Small & local scenario focuses on local solutions dealing with de-
centralised generation and storage. GDP and population growth are low.
Electrification of transport and heating is limited but energy efficiency is
significant, resulting in a low electricity demand.
100% RES
This scenario relies only on Renewable Energy Sources, thus nuclear and
fossil energy generation are excluded. High GDP, high electrification and
high energy efficiency are assumed. Storage technologies and demand
side management are widespread.
The share of Renewable Energy Sources ranges from 40% to 100% in the different scenarios.
Wind generation is significantly high in the scenarios Large-scale RES and 100% RES with 40-50%
of the generation mix. Solar generation plays a major role in the scenarios 100% RES and Small &
local with about 25% of the total generation mix. Nuclear generation ranges from 19 to 25% of the
generation mix in three of the five scenarios (Large-scale RES, Big & market and Fossil & nuclear).
Indeed, nuclear helps achieve the 2050 EU decarbonisation target. The 100% RES scenario is nuclear
generation free. Fossil energy sources remain significantly high in the scenarios Big & market and
Fossil & nuclear with 20% and 30% of the generation mix, respectively, since for such scenario, the
Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) technology is assumed to be mature. The share of fossil generation in
the other scenarios stands below 5%.
Based on a detailed model of this transmission network (made of more than 8000 nodes), i.e.
the probable transmission network topology in 2030, an equivalent grid model of a hundred clusters
has been built to best match the flows occurring on the real grid. For each line of this simplified
model, an equivalent impedance and a Grid Transfer Capacity (GTC) is estimated. This equivalent
model is the grid initial conditions, i.e. the starting grid, for the simulations. The detailed model and
the starting grid are shown in Figure 2.
1 GW
5 GW
10 GW
Figure 2: Starting grid of the e-Highway2050 project. Existing grid (left) and starting grid (right, the grey lines represent
the existing lines and the purple ones represent the projects to be realised by 2030).
the nuclear capacity is also increased in France when compared to 2012. As a result,
such scenarios require the highest capacities for the corridor, since it can be used to
export nuclear generation to Spain in addition to wind generation.
- Solar in Spain and Portugal. The solar generation in Spain and Portugal increases
between 40 GW (Fossil & nuclear) and 110 GW (100% RES). It creates an opportunity
for this peninsula to export solar generation to northern Europe.
all of the nuclear generation is decommissioned in France and the UK (-47 GW and -73
GW, respectively). As a result, the western part of Europe needs support.
The proposed architectures could be integrated in the present grid, without introducing a
separated ‘layer’ of transmission grid.
The costs of investment in grid expansion depend on the scenarios. They lie between 100 and
400 billion €. However, the study demonstrates that the benefit for the European economy, resulting
from an optimal use of energy sources, would largely exceed these costs in all cases. Indeed, up to 500
TWh of RES curtailment and 200 mega tons of CO2 emissions would be avoided annually.
Voltage control
TSOs have to operate the system within secure voltage limits. The drastic change in the power
system expected by 2050 will probably need adaptations in the reactive power compensation means.
To assess these issues, AC load flows were tested within the project. For the two most extreme
scenarios, Large Scale RES and 100 % RES, no convergence could be found. The reason is that
existing methodologies and tools are inadequate to easily study such different network configurations.
In parallel, in the R & D part of the project, an innovative algorithm has been developed to tackle
these problems by automatically adapting the reactive power compensations. It could be applied in
future studies.
Today, traditional plants are the main contributors to voltage control and their modeling in
simulation tools are mature and quite realistic. This is not the case for wind and solar generators which
are not systematically taking part to reactive power control and voltage support although it is
technically feasible. Without this participation, the situation will no longer be manageable with more
RES. This has to be anticipated in network codes and simulation tools should be adapted. HVDC
converters also offer new possibilities for voltage control.
Dynamic stability and protection schemes
Traditional plants are synchronous generators; their behavior is well known by TSOs. On the
contrary, HVDC, wind turbines and solar panels are connected to the AC grid via power electronics.
Their dynamic behavior is completely different. Preliminary studies were conducted within the project
but research is still needed to fully assess the impact of their increasing penetration. The “Migrate”
research project funded by the EC will start working on this topic in 2016.
[1] “Energy Roadmap 2050 Impact assessment and scenario analysis”, European Commission
[2] G.Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Energy, “A pan-European grid for 2020 and beyond”
[3] “Guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure”, European Commission, October 2011
[4] Thomas Anderski, Amprion et alia, deliverable D2.3 System simulations analysis and overlay-
grid development – Digest
[6] Thomas Anderski, Amprion et alia, deliverable D2.4 Contingency Analyses of Grid
Architectures and Corrective Measurements, to be published end of 2015
[7] ENTSO-E, “Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP)”,
projects/ten-year-network-development-plan/, 2014
[8] G. Sanchis, RTE et alia, “A methodology for the development of the pan-European Electricity
Highways System for 2050”, CIGRE Paris, August 2014
[9] B. H. Bakken, M. Paun, R. Pestana, G. Sanchis, “e-Highway2050: A Modular Development
Plan on Pan- European Electricity Highways System for 2050”, Cigre Lisbon, April 2013
[10] C. Pache, P. Panciatici, RTE; S. Lumbreras, F. Echavarren, L. Sigris, Comillas. Deliverable
D8.7. of e-Highway2050 project: Recommendations about critical aspects in long-term planning
methodologies, December 2015.
CIGRE Regional South -East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
1, 2
The continuous development of OHL Dynamic Temperature Rating imposes the flexibility
also for some basic, old power generation sources, e.g. for turbo-generators In these circumstances, in
order to examine their availability, the knowledge of thermal reserve of the older machines imposes
also the direct measurement of rotor heating. The present paper intend to offer an overview on the
rotor heating of an older turbo-generator operating in different regimes, in function of the facilities
offered by the test stand.
Turbo-generator, tests, rotor heating, heating measurement
The rapid growth of renewable energy (wind power and photo voltaic) results in highly
fluctuating grid demands due to changing weather conditions. The operation of conventional thermal
power plants shifts from base load to medium and peak load to act as a flexible back-up generation
capacity needed to maintain system stability and actual consumption needs. The new flexible
operation regime of generators moves to extreme peak load operation with a high number of start-stop
cycles and high load ramps. For turbo-generators, this means higher stresses and an accelerated aging
with an increased possibility of damages to the generator main components like stator and rotor
windings. Sudden shut down and long unplanned outages would be the consequences.
An integrated online monitoring system with different monitoring modules can help to avoid
unexpected trips and optimize outages, by identifying issues in advance. This can help to facilitate the
timely availability of parts and personnel to address those issues.
The relevant specifications for behavior of the power generation units connected to the grid are
especially defined in the Network Code "Requirements for Grid Connection applicable to all
Generators" [1] and are further explained in a corresponding application guideline [2].
In a recent article [3], the authors summarized the additional stresses supported by end
windings of the turbogenerators due to the new network code. Thus, it has been compared the
severeness of additional stresses, which are generated by the new flexible grid demands, for two
different types of generators (indirectly vs. directly cooled generators). In Table 1 we extracted only
additional stresses for rotors.
[email protected]
Table 1: Effects of new grid demands on generator rotor
Severeness of additional stresses *)
Increased requirements Indirect Direct
of new grid code Affected rotor components air- water-
for components
cooled cooled
Over-voltage in parallel High exciter current Ie
with low frequency High magnetic flux Rotor winding High Mid
1,15 UN at 47, 5 Hz density B
High load ramp of 24 % of Fast and high increase
rated active power per min. of current I in copper Complete rotor winding High Low
(0,24 PN /min) conductor
High amount of very fast Permanent change of
load ramps and large active dynamic-mechanical Rotor winding, especially end-
or reactive power changes stresses and high windings covered by retaining High Mid
Peak load condition thermo-mechanical rings
tension at windings
*) Results based on qualitative analysis
As an example, these are an elevated frequency range (47.5 Hz - 51.5 Hz) and an elevated
voltage range (85% - 115%). This increases the risk of extremely high stator magnetization (high flux
densities for high voltages – 115% UN - at low speed – 47.5 Hz -), resulting in the formation of hot
spots. The rotor must provide this induction, which results in elevated rotor currents. Thus,
considering only the effects on the rotor, the elevated rotor currents can lead to thermal deformation of
copper conductors and overheating of the turn insulation on rotor end winding [3].
Through the presented work it has been obtained experimentally the heating of the critical
points, identified for the rotor of a turbo-generator of 12 MW, 10.6 kV, cos φ = 0.8 at 3000 rpm which
is cooled symmetrically, axial-radial, with air, in a closed circuit.
First, the heating of the rotor's copper has been determined, for a no-load steady-state, a three
phase short-circuit regime and a compensation regime (where the rotor current and the voltage are
close to their rated values). Second, several tests were conducted, both for steady-state and transient
operation, to determine the iron heating of the rotor surface in a case of two-phase short-circuit; this,
the more so as attempts to calculate by FEM the temperature distribution on the rotor body surface in
case of machine operating in non- symmetric regime, did not full satisfy.
The main scheme used to measure the temperature of a point on the rotor, in a steady-state
operation of the tested turbo-generator, is shown in Figure 1-a: the copper-constantan wires of the
thermocouple, starting from the measure junction, passing through the reference junction (with
constant temperature) it reach, by means of a special, sliding-contact brush-ring, to a channel of a self-
compensation multichannel temperature recorder [4]. The constantan-copper contact from the area of
reference junction creates a parasite thermocouple (θp) whose thermo-electric voltage is canceled with
the help of the thermocouple (θc), mounted nearby.
Rotor Stator
The circuit shown in Figure 1b was used to measure the machine rotor heating during transient
operation. Since the findings have shown that in the unexcited, steady state operation, the
measurement junction temperature is the same as the reference junction temperature, the measurement
thermocouple being, thus, compensated by its proper parasite thermocouple formed at this junction, it
can be obtained directly, by means of a X-Y mill voltmeter recorder, the time variation over
temperature value of the measuring point; for the temperature registration of the reference junction in
rotation, it has been used a measuring circuit realized from a nearby mounted thermocouple and
connected, by a compensation cable, to a self-compensated multichannel temperature registrator.
It should be noted that, for the temperature measuring were used thermocouples made of two
conductors of copper, respectively constantan, each having a diameter of 0.5 mm, and welded together
by immersion in a mercury bath. The thermocouples were then calibrated, aged and finally sorted.
In general, it has been preferred analog measurement instruments.
Given the important peripheral speed and large radius of the rotor, a special attention is
required at location and fixation of the thermocouples and of their circuits. The temperature values of
the measured points have been obtained by 73 thermocouples mounted on the turbo- generator rotor,
54 of which were onto the excitation (field) copper, and the rest of 19 thermocouples being distributed
as follows [2]:
Fig. 2 The location of the thermocouples on rotor
The heating measurements have been done first by indirect method. The normal cooling being
ensured, the machine is subjected to successive heating due to different types of losses during normal
operation; based on the results from a no-load test without-excitation (GN), a no-load test at rating voltage
(G), and a 3 phase short-circuit test at rated current (Sc), the heating in normal operation can be pre-
determined. Second, a direct heating test has been done in a compensation regime (C), with value close to
the rated rotor voltage & current. Thus, by having access to an additional synchronous machine with
nominal values close to those of the tested machine, the principle scheme presented in Figure 3 was
implemented: then, simultaneously, the excitation of the tested machine (MI) was increased and the
excitation of the additional machine (MS) was reduced down to the required values [6].
Fig. 3 Test stand setup
Fig. 4 Bi-phase short-circuit scheme
To determine the rotor surface heating, additional heating tests were conducted for permanent
two-phase short-circuit state; to avoid the risk of excessive overheating for the end-windings due to
dispersion inverse fields, the short-circuit currents were limited to not exceed 30% of the rated
Table 2 Data necessary to achieve the short-circuit between 2 phases (transient regime)
The variations of the rotor surface heating in the circumstances of the two-phase short-circuit
in transient regime, have been obtained in the conditions of the application of a raised initial excitation
voltage, for time reduction at touch the short-circuit current [7].Using the scheme from Fig.4, the
necessary data for realizing of this transient regime (Table 2) have been obtained on basis of the bi-
phase short-circuit characteristic, built in advance (Fig. 5) the testing duration for every selected value
of current, correspond to time t from the energetic relation [8], [9], [10]:
(I2 / IN)2. t = 10
were I2 represent the value of the two-phase short-circuit current, and IN the rated current.
The results have shown finally a heating field image of the rotor copper bar, e.g. as that from
Figure 6. A first finding regarding the proper course of the heating tests performed on rotor, is offered
by the fact that the points that give the copper heating variation, depends on the square of the excitation
current for all tested permanent regimes, are described, practically, by a right line (Figure 7).
The temperature rise was measured with the thermocouples placed on the surface of the rotor
iron, and built in different operating regimes, including the permanent two-phase short-circuit regime
at 0.3 IN. These measurements are summarized in Figure 8 [11].
Fig. 6 The thermal field of the rotor bar in different test regimes:
GN-no load, cold run; G-no load, heat run; Sc-3 phase short-circuit; C-compensation
∆θI [°C]
50 TC4
40 TC6
GN 10 G 20 30 40 50
Sc 60 70 80 90
Fig. 7 The copper heating variation with the square of excitation current
In transient two-phase short circuit regime was registered the variation in time of the heating in
different points on the surface of the rotor's iron; thus, the variation in time of the heating on the polar
axis is shown in Figure 9.
1860A, 10s
∆θ [°C] 70
1840A, 6s
1648A 7s
1540A 8.5 s
50 1400A 10 s
1260A 12.5 s
1080A 15.5 s
t [s]
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Fig. 9 Iron heating variation in the polar axis in a transient regime of biphasic short-circuit
For the thermocouples placed on the surface of the rotor iron, it has been possible to check the
linear character and limit until which is maintained, of the temperature increases, for different values
of the energetic coefficient (Fig. 10).
Fig. 10 The iron surface heating variation with the square of the bi-phase transient short-circuits current.
The resulting conclusions for the construction type of the tested turbo generator are:
- For the excitation winding it is observed, especially in a closer regime to the rated one, the
maximum heating occurs at the mid height of the bar, where ventilation possibilities are smaller; along
the rotor body, the over temperatures grows to the center of the machine;
- Maximum temperature gradient is obtained in zone of the end-coil where, due to larger free
spaces, cool air directing may be not well controlled;
- The heating of the end-bars is different from one coil to another due to unbalanced
ventilation conditions;
- The most heated point of the rotor winding was recorded at the middle of end of the outer coil;
- By a comparative study of the most heated point and of the average heating of the rotor
winding, in function of the square of excitation current and considering the rotor insulation class, it
can be determined by extrapolation the excitation current limit and thus, it can be establish more
accurate the machine reserves;
- The heating due to eddy currents induced by the inverse field, recorded on the rotor iron
surface at the permanent two-phase short-circuit tests are grouped into four temperature domains: the
hottest points are in the polar areas, followed by the wedge-tooth interfaces, the teeth of rotor,
including the inter-poles axis, and the lowest heating was measured on the rotor retaining ring;
- Maximum dispersion of the values has been recorded in measurement points located on the
wedge-tooth interfaces, this being mainly due to mounting technology;
- The heating recorded in the transient bi -phase short-circuit regime, maintains the same
grouping of values as in the case of similar permanent regime;
- The maximum value of heating for the thermocouple from polar axis indicates that, during
the machine operation, the temperature values would not jeopardize the properties of the rotor's iron.
[1] ENTSO-E Network Code for Requirements for Grid Connection Applicable to all Generators,
published by ENTSO-E AISBL, Brussels March 2013, Belgium.
[2] Implementation Guideline for Network Code “Requirements for Grid Connection Applicable to
all Generators”, published by ENTSO-E AISBL, Brussels October 2013, Belgium.
[3] Ana Joswig, Hendrik Steins, Jürgen R. Weidner, “Impact of New Flexible Load Operation and
Grid Codes on Turbine Generators with a Focus on End Windings”, Power Gen Europe 2015,
June 9-11, 2015, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
[4] ASTM-STP 470 A – Manual of the use of Thermocouples in Temperature Measurement.
[6] IEC 60034-2-1: 2007 Rotating electrical machines- Part 2 Metods of tests- Section 1 Standard
Methods for Determining Losses and Efficiency from Tests (Excluding Machines for Traction
[7] Barret, Ph., Heuillard, J. F., Coustere, A., Stressess on turboalternators under unbalanced
conditions, CIGRE 11-11, 1970 Sesion.
[8] Blaylock, A. R., Hindmarsh, R., Foster, K. A., Some critical aspects of generator capability
under unbalanced operating conditions, IEEE Trans, Power App. And Sys., vol PAS-96, No. 5,
Sept./Oct., 1977.
[9] Williamson, A. C., Measurement of rotor temperatures of a 500 MW turbine-generator with
unbalanced loading, Proc. IEE, vol 123, No. 8, Aug, 1976.
[10] D.Popescu, P.Curiac, "Rotors Heating Measurement of Large Motors Starting by Direct
Coupling to the Network". In: E.E.A. Electrotehnica 33, no 5, Jul.1985, pp. 197-201 (in
CIGRE Regional South -East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The high coercive force of today’s hard magnetic materials not only makes possible improved
permanent magnets (PMs), but also creates problems in magnetizing these materials. With increasing
the power of wind generators having rotors equipped with PMs of high energy, became imperative
necessary the energizing of PMs only after the rotor complete assembly.
The paper presents two different cases: A - a magnetizing inductor dedicated to magnetize, at
once, a pair of poles and then, successively, the rest of pairs of rotor poles for a wind turbine generator
of 1.7 MVA, 20 rpm, and B - an 1 MW - class, low-speed, axial flux machine having a disk rotor with
PMs between two stators, which are wound in a tooth-coil technology, facilitating thus the
magnetizing inductor function of its own armature.
PMSG, rare-earth PMs, surface mounted PMs rotors, magnetizing inductors
The continuous refinement of hard magnetic materials of high-energy has led to a wide host of
their uses in various applications due to their high basic magnetic parameters (remnant flux density,
coercive field intensity and maximum energy product). Thus, the application of rare-earth PMs (e.g.
NdFeB, SmCo) in the construction of electromechanical converters increased exponentially. In
general, it becomes more difficult to magnetize a device which contains such permanent magnets and
especially rotors of large PM synchronous machines, e.g. wind turbine-generators.
Although there may be various stages during the manufacturing of a PMSM when the
magnetization can be undertaken, the post-assembly magnetization is preferred since it eliminates the
difficulties associated with handling of pre-magnetized components. Practically, surface-mounted
rare-earth PMs on rotors of large synchronous machines must be magnetized as a whole unit or, if not
possible, pole by pole or a pair of poles by a pair of poles, by using appropriate equipment.
Thus, pulsed field approaches become more attractive: the pulsed excitation current typically
lasts only a few milliseconds and the cost of the system power supply is much lower. In such a
system, the excitation field is generated by discharging a large capacitor bank into an iron core coil
(magnetizing inductor).
A fully magnetized magnet is considered to be fully saturated. To ensure saturation, it is
necessary to apply an external-magnetizing field of sufficient strength to fully align the magnetic
domains, which exhibits the highest coercivity; the magnet’s weaker domains will follow.
The magnetizing inductor transforms the output of the magnetizer into the magnetic field used
to magnetize the PM’s rotor as a whole. Inductors are available in many forms depending on the
magnet being processed and other factors. Certain applications may require that cooling provisions be
provided in the fixture to maintain a safe operating temperature.
2.1 Review
In comparison with metallic PMs, the rare-earth PMs (especially NdFeB type)—recently
available from the cost point of view—are offering more advantages (see also Fig. 1):
• Greater power density which leads to the reduction of the dimensions and weight;
• The intrinsic coercive magnetic field intensity of the magnetic polarization is greater than the
coercive field of the magnetic flux density which means that these magnets may resist more intensive
fields than the metallic ones;
• The small intrinsic recoil permeability of the rare-earth PMs makes the stable operation
possible in dynamic conditions;
• The linearity of the demagnetization curve simplifies the calculus of needed devices.
Hc [A/m] magnetizing
field H [A/m]
Flux density B
By properly saturating the magnet, the flux levels and resistance to demagnetization indicative of
the particular magnet material will occur. By not providing proper saturation, the magnet will be more
susceptible to demagnetization from both internal and external influences. If a magnet is to be used at a
level less than saturation, it must be fully magnetized and then subjected to a secondary process of
controlled demagnetization: the PM is artificially demagnetized up to a value which is slightly higher than
the highest possible demagnetization field during the operation (conditioning of the PMs).
the magnetizing inductor with a pulse current. A choke (with parameters RCh, LCh) in series with the
thyristor Th, ensures the current limitation in case of a short-circuit of the magnetizing inductor.
K1 K2 Rch Lch
Th Rc
line Uc
Fig. 3 Condenser bank discharge magnetizer: T-trafo; Fig. 4 DS - disconnect. switch; MS - making switch;
R-rectifier; K1-loading switch; K2–discharging switch; AC-aux. breaker; CH- charging unit; ES-connecting
C – capacitor bank; Th - thyristor; D – flywheel diode; to earth switch; C - cap. bank; MI – magnet. inductor;
MI–magnetizing inductor; Rc, Lc – MI parameters; Rch, VD - voltage divider; Sh - shunt; OSC - oscilloscope;
Lch – choke parameters. Rch and Lch- Choke’s parameters
With the circuit arrangement according to Fig. 3, the main part of the whole electric energy
Wel is dissipated as heat in the resistance RC and RCh. Apart from this “exponential pulse current,”
other discharging circuits are used producing “sine wave pulse currents,” whereas the rest of the
energy, remaining to the end of the positive half of the current sin-wave, is dissipated within an
external resistance outside of the magnetizer’s inductor. The iron yoke is highly saturated, when 10%
of the peak current is surpassed. Therefore, the magnetizer inductor inductance changes a little with
rising current, when it is saturated. Thus, in a first approximation, is considered constant and
The following equations describe the exponential pulse current (Fig. 3) up to the aperiodic
limit (4L > CR2) [2]:
ic (t ) =
Uc t
exp( − ) sin(ωt ), 0 ≤ t ≤ t * (1)
ωL τ
t − t*
ic (t ) = ic ( t * ) exp − * , t * < t ≤ ∞ ) (2)
2L Lc 1 1
τ= τ* = ω= − 2 (3)
R Rc LC τ
R = Rc + R, L = Lc + Lch (4)
1 arctg (ωτ )
t * = (π − arctg (ωτ )) t' = < t* (5)
ω ω
ic max = ic (t ') =
Uc t'
exp( − ) (6)
ωL τ 1 + (ωτ )2
The typical shape of the magnetizing current is presented in Fig. 2. Fig 4 shows the actual
industrial circuit used for magnetization.
hM δ
rotor yoke
The construction of the wind generator under consideration is summarized in Table 2 [4].
It has to be noted, in the same time, that it is needed to avoid a wrong magnetization of the
adjacent pole structures by “springing” over the next pair of poles (see also Fig. 7 and Fig. 8). Thus,
we have to first magnetize the pole number n = 1 together with the pole number n + 3 = 4 (n = 1, 3,
5,…), then the pole No. 3 together with the pole No. 6, and so on. Of course, there is more room for a
2D or 3D geometric optimization of the system, [5]. We used the variant presented in Fig. 5.
Table 3 Electric discharge circuit parameters
3 -3
V0 = 5 x 10 V Lc = 1.400x10 H l Fe = 490 mm
-3 -3
C = 30 x 10 F Lcσ = 0.613x10 H hs = 67 mm
W el = 375 x 10 J Rc = 0.0929 Np= 42 turns
With the parameters of the electric discharge circuit and inductor (see also Table 3) it has been
obtained the results presented in Table 4.
4.4 2500
4.0 H
3.6 0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25
Fig. 7 The magnetic flux lines for the Fig. 8 Radial magnetic flux density & field
peak of impulse current (partial view) intensity on the bottom surface of the magnet
Thus, Fig. 7 shows a partial view of the flux lines plot of the two poles magnetizing inductor
with yoke geometry as presented in Fig. 6. The variation of the magnetic flux density, respective of
the magnetic field intensity along the bottom surface of the PMs is presented in Fig. 8.
Table 4 comparatively presents the analytically obtained results vs. FEM simulation &
electrical circuit for the before presented rotor magnetizing.
Thus, the recommended value of 2500 kA/m is surpassed practically along the entire polar
pitch, meaning that it is surely possible to magnetize in good condition the whole PMs poles. With the
magnetic field intensity HM ≥ 2500 kA/m (see also Fig. 8) the remanence magnetic flux density, Br =
1.2 T, must be already reached, [6].
4.1 Structure of the Machine
The defaults of the construction of the machine under consideration are summarized in Table 5
[1]. It consists of two stators and a disk-type rotor, as shown in Fig. 9 [2]–[5]. Each toroidal stator
core is wounded from an electrotechnical laminated silicon steel tape; each stator core ring structure
has opened slots on one side (or on both sides for stators of a multidisc machine).
The two stators are wound in a tooth-coil technology (i.e., a concentrate winding with a
21/20/3 number of slots/pole/phase) [1], [6]. One can argue that, in certain conditions, each pair of the
PMs’ rotor poles (which are located between four tooth coils) could be magnetized in situ, one by one,
by independently energizing only the coils involved in this process.
Table 5 Default parameters for the axial PMSM
The rotor core is fabricated with nonmagnetic stainless steel in a disk form and fixed to the
shaft between the two stators, carrying axially magnetized NdFeB magnets forming the poles. The
poles are inserted into holes opened in the rotor core disk; the disk and the PM poles have the same
width and both are covered by a nonmagnetic plate (which is also a part of the magnetic air gap).
As we stated before, the number of teeth exceeds the number of poles by only one unit. Thus, a
relative position can be obtained just from the design phase, where two consecutive PM rotor poles
are practically located between four correspondent tooth-coils (a couple of coils for each stator). This
facilitates a direct magnetization of PM rotor poles by energizing only the involved coils (see also Fig.
10). In order to preserve the quality of the armature windings, every pair of the stator tooth-coils has
to be used only for the corresponding poles’ magnetization, consecutively.
Since the small winding overhangs as well as the simple winding and insulating technique, it is
recommended that the concentrated winding be also designed as a “magnetizing inductor” of the axial
PMSM rotor. An adequate insulation and fixing system has to be considered against transient forces
related to the pulse power magnetizing process.
For this system, the LRC circuit and its second-order linear differential equation, with the
underdamped solution, is considered. Thus, for the circuit equation
d 2i di 1 V − απ
L + R + i = 0 , the first approx. current peak i max ≈ 0 e 2ωd occurs at t ≈
dt 2
dt C ωd L 2ω d
α = R /( 2 L ), ω 0 = 1 /( LC ) , ω d = ω 02 − α 2
Actually, the magnetizing magnetic circuit of the axial PMSM is highly saturated. Therefore,
the tooth-coil inductance Lc changes insignificantly with the rising current. Thus, for convenience, Lc
is considered constant and saturated for calculating the discharge current [9].
Fig. 11 2-D FEM field half model of the magnetizing inductor and of the external and discharge circuit of the magnetizer
Fig. 12. Simulated magnetizing pulse current. Fig. 13. Variation of the radial magnetic field
along the polar pass in the middle plane of the
PMs’ rotor poles.
The magnetizing flux distribution (for half of the model) of the two-pole arrangement of the
axial flux PMSM, discussed before, is shown in Fig. 11. The corresponding magnetic field variation in
the middle plane of the PMs’ rotor poles height at the average diameter is shown in Fig. 13.
Firstly, it has been presented a magnetizing inductor for magnetization at once a pair of poles
and then, successively, the rest of pairs of poles for a radial flux, wind turbine generator of 1.7 MVA,
20 rpm, (to magnetize the big rotor at once, much more energy is needed). Thus, an analytical
calculation method for designing the specific magnetizing inductor was performed in order to save
magnetizing energy; a computer program containing the analytical formulas was sufficient in order to
obtain, in the same way as an electrical machine, the inductor parameters for a certain rotor diameter
and a chosen iron yoke shape calculation.
The simulation by FEM coupled to the electrical circuit revealed, finally, the intricacy of the
whole problem. So, it has to be noticed here that it is needed to realize an optimum rotor and
magnetizing inductor arrangement for magnetizing system configuration in order to protect the
neighboring poles from magnetizing with a strong, wrong polarity.
Once the details of the rotor and inductor arrangement are established, they may be regarded as
fixed features of the magnetizing inductor design. Then, with the presented methods, the design of a
whole family of magnetizing inductors for different rotor dimensions may be done with a short
calculation time.
In conclusion, the results confirm the possibility for a successful magnetization, pair by pair,
of all rotor poles of a large PM synchronous machine.
Secondly, has been presented the case of a concentrated winding with a sub unitary number of
slots per pole and phase, offering small winding overhangs as well as simple windings and insulating
techniques, which facilitate the construction of an axial flux PMSM, which does not require a special
magnetization inductor. The tooth-coils of the stator are used, also, as independent coils for the
magnetizing inductor.
The large effective air gap allows avoiding the parasitic effect of a wide spectrum of tooth-coil
winding fields. Therefore, the proposed axial flux PMSG has a linear behavior between torque and
current up to a maximum of 200% rated current (4 min) due to the fact that the PMs’ thickness is part
of the magnetic air gap.
On the other hand, in comparison with a machine having distributed windings, the increased
leakage inductance results in higher winding losses and a need for higher inverter rating but with
lower field weakening current in the constant power operation region.
[1] P. Bretchco and R. Ludwig, “Open—loop pulsed hysteresis graph system for the magnetization
of rare-earth magnets,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 36, pp. 2042–2051, July 2000.
[2] Magnet processing—selecting the right equipment, in Advancing the Science of Magnetics,
Walker Scientific, Worchester, MA.
[3] A. Binder, “Design of coils for magnetizing rotors surface rare earth permanent magnets,” Elec.
Eng., vol. 78, pp. 449–454, 1995.
[4] J. F. Gieras and M. Wing, Permanent Magnet Motor Technology. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1997.
[5] C.Ch. Schaetzer, W. Muller, and A. Binder, “Vector optimization of two-dimensional numerical
field problems applied to the design of a wind turbine generator,” in Proc. 8th Int. IGTE Symp.,
Gratz, Sept. 1998, pp. 1–6.
[4] F. Magnussen and C. Sadarangani. „Winding factors and Joule losses of permanent magnet
machines with concentrated windings”. Royal Inst. Technol.. Stockholm, Sweden, (2003)
[Online]. Available:
[5] G. Huth, “Optimized winding-systems of permanent-magnet a.c. servomotors,” Electr. Eng.,
vol. 81, pp. 375–383, 1999.
[6] D. H. Kang, P. Curiac, Y. H. Jeong, and S. J. Jung, “Prospects for magnetization of large PM
rotors: Conclusions from a development case study,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 18, no.
3, pp. 409–416, Sep. 2003.
[7] D. H. Kang, P. Curiac, Y. H. Jeong, and S. J. Jung. (2007). “Field pulse magnetization of
PMSM rotors” [Online]. Available:
[8] D. H. Kang, P. Curiac, and J. Lee, “An axial flux interior PM synchronous machine,” presented
at the Int. Conf. Electr. Mach., Espoo, Finland, Aug. 2000.
[9] R. Mayer, “Dauermagneterregte axialfeldsynchronmaschinen mit hohem drehmoment,” Dr.-Ing.
dissertation, Tech. Univ. Braunschweig. Braunschweig, Germany, 1987.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The paper presents solutions for development of medium and large power networks using big
batteries storage systems.
Energy Storage, Peak Shaving, Battery, Future Grid
According to general definition [1] grid energy storage is a collection of methods used to store
electrical energy on a large scale within an electrical power grid. Electrical energy is stored during
times when production (especially from intermittent power plants such as renewable electricity
sources such as wind power, tidal power, solar power) exceeds consumption, and returned to the grid
when production falls below consumption.
Any electrical power grid must adapt energy production to energy consumption, both of which
vary drastically over time. According to [1] any combination of energy storage and demand response
has these advantages:
fuel-based power plants (i.e. coal, oil, gas, nuclear) can be more efficiently and easily
operated at constant production levels
electricity generated by (or with the potential to be generated by) intermittent sources
can be stored and used later, whereas it would otherwise have to be transmitted for sale
elsewhere, or simply wasted
peak generating or transmission capacity can be reduced by the total potential of all
storage plus deferrable loads (see demand side management), saving expense of this
more stable pricing: the cost of the storage and/or demand management is included in
pricing so there is less variance in power rates charged to customers or alternatively (if
rates are kept stable by law) less loss to the utility from expensive on-peak wholesale
power rates when peak demand must be met by imported wholesale power
emergency preparedness—vital needs can be met reliably even with no transmission or
generation going on while non-essential needs are deferred
Energy derived from photovoltaic and wind sources inherently varies – the amount of
electrical energy produced varies with time, day of the week, season, and random factors such as the
weather. Thus, renewables present special challenges to electric utilities. While hooking up many
[email protected]
[email protected]
wind sources can reduce the variability, solar is reliably not available at night except when stored in
molten salt, and tidal power shifts with the moon so is never reliably available on peak demand.
In an electrical power grid without energy storage, energy producers must be tuned to energy
production from intermittent energy sources. While some of the producers like oil and gas plants can
be scaled up when wind power plants shuts down quickly, others like coal and nuclear plants take
considerable time to adapt.
Energy can be stored in various forms: compressed air, batteries flywheel, hydrogen, and
superconducting magnetic energy. Among the mentioned technologies batteries are most common.
Fig.1 c) – Future grid topology
At present the electrical grid is expected to evolve into the smart grid. This grid uses two-way
flows of electricity and information to create an automated and distributed advanced energy delivery
network [2], Fig.1 c).
A smart grid would allow the utilities to control parts of the system in real time and the
customers to obtain cheaper, greener and higher quality power.
3.1. Frequency Regulation / Peak energy shaving / Energy Storage for big solar or wind
Power balancing in the high or medium voltage grids becomes problematic due to the
increasing impact of renewable energy in the existing power grid, thus the frequency is sometimes not
stable enough, therefore a portion of „backup energy“ is requested.
Research and development departments of major manufacturers developed systems for
„energy backup”. There are some projects implementing such systems into the existing grid in order to
stabilize the frequency. Energy can be stored into batteries and when needed, can be given back to the
grid. The main technologies involved are lead-acid and Li-Ion batteries.
In Fig. 2 there is a schematic of the standard system and in Fig. 3 there is a schematic of a
redundant system.
In the redundant system each battery bank has its own bidirectional inverter. In case one
inverter fails the entire system is not compromised, compared to the standard system. The redundant
system is also equipped with a diesel generator as a backup power source.
Batteries DC
Fig. 2 – Standard battery storage system used for frequency regulation or peak energy shaving
Fig. 3 – High redundant battery storage system used for frequency regulation or peak energy shaving
3.2. The next step in grid development – Smart Operator
Nowadays the energy flow is bidirectional. More and more households become also producers.
The growing proportion of distributed generation from renewable sources requires a renovation and
expansion of existing networks. The grid must be flexible in order to remain stable because the
renewable energy is not continuous and cannot be predicted with high accuracy. For better integration
of renewable energies in the intelligent network solutions the concept of "smart operator" was
introduced. A “smart operator” is a black box that detects the current condition of the network and
optimizes automatically the energy flow. It communicates with the grid controller and with the
consumer. The consumer’s’ "smart appliances” are controlled by the “smart operator” in order to
prioritize the use of electricity from renewable sources. Figure 4 presents a basic diagram of such a
Controller operator
Fig. 4 – Smart operator
The rapid growth in renewable energy is accelerating the efforts to develop a new electricity
system. With high levels of penetration, renewable energy increases the need for resources that
contribute to system flexibility such as energy storage, which can help ensure system stability by
matching supply and demand of electricity. Energy storage can be deployed throughout electricity
networks in order to facilitate the use of renewable energy, while producing numerous other benefits,
such as a better load management and increased power quality. The future development of energy
networks must also implement bidirectional communication between consumer and the distributed
[4] AECOM – Energy Storage Study, 13.07.2015
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The paper presents aspects related to technological and also occupational safety and health
(OSH) risk assessment, using an evaluation of consequences in conjunction with the assessment of the
possibility for the risk occurrence, in the refurbished substations belonging to ST Sibiu.
After the introduction in the first part, the paper presents in the second part the aspects,
according with the geographical location of the power transformation substations belonging to the
Transelectrica Sibiu Subsidiary and their ranking in the National Power Grid.
Technological risk assessment is presented in third part of the paper, emphasizing the risk
exposures in the refurbished substation Brasov and the non-retrofitted substation Dârste. As a case
study the paper analyzes the technological risk exposure in Dârste power substation, considering the
prospect of its refurbishment and the implementation of mobile team strategy.
Considering that all power substations belonging to ST Sibiu are going to be refurbished, in
the fourth part of the paper presents the occupational safety and health risk assessment aspects, in
conjunction with dedicated studies.
The final part of the paper contains the conclusions of the authors on the addressed issues.
Technological risk, occupational safety and health risk, power substations, refurbishment,
transmission grid.
Sibiu Subsidiary (ST Sibiu) is one of the eight subsidiaries of Transelectrica SA, and ensures
the operation and maintenance of facilities for power transmission consisting in eight power power
substations and 987 km overhead lines (OHL) at a voltage level of 220kV and 400kV. As a special
characteristic, over 50% of the total length of 220kV and 400kV overhead lines managed by ST Sibiu
are located in mountainous areas with difficult access, operating in difficult weather conditions, and
having high requirements in terms of operation and maintenance. These OHL are used to evacuate the
power produced in large power plants: hydroelectric power plant Lotru, and thermoelectric power
plants Mintia and Iernut.
Inside CNTEE Transelectrica SA, risk management, including the technological aspects, is
conducted based on a specific operational procedure, which establishes a general framework of risk
identification, analysis and management at the company structure levels. This provides the employees
and management with tools that facilitate specific risk management activities in a controlled and
efficient way that helps fulfilling predetermined goals. In order to prevent the occurrence of risks and
to reduce the impact and probability of their occurrence Transelectrica SA established and
implemented the necessary actions, measures and control tools [1].
[email protected]
Since Transelectrica was founded in 2000, 5 of the 8 power substations managed by ST Sibiu
have gone through a process of refurbishment and also have been the object of a reduction of
operational staff. Through SCADA, the information necessary for the remote control and for
operational supervision of the power transmission grid are directed inclusively to the center of remote
control, surveillance and intervention (CTSI) located in Sibiu South Power substation. CTSI has the
permanent staff needed for the surveillance, coordination and performing the maneuvers.
CNTEE Transelectrica SA established a perspective plan for the transmission grid (RET) for
2012-2021 and a RET development plan for 2014-2023 setting a rapid pace for refurbishing the
installations. Exposure to risk, seen as a combination between probability and impact represents the
consequences related to the established objectives Transelectrica has to address, in the case of risk
occurrence. In this context, this paper presents aspects of risk assessment within the context of power
substations refurbishment, reaching aspects of operation strategy of refurbished power substations
with no operational staff on site.
Law for Occupational Safety and Health no. 319/2006 and Romanian Standards SR EN 12100-
1/2004 contain the principles of risk assessment at the workplace. According to their, the employer has
obligation to achieve and to be in possession of a risk evaluation to the occupational safety and health,
including for those sensitive risk groups. Also, the employer has to decide over the protective measures to
be taken and, where appropriate, over the protective equipment which mandatory to be used.
Figure 1. The importance of ST Sibiu power substation in the National Power Grid
In 2008, Transelectrica signed a contract with The Irish Electricity Board Supply International,
to elaborate a feasibility study on "The organization and operation of remote control system
installations in the Power Transmission Grid". This study also analyzed the strategies related to
waiving operational staff from refurbished power substations and setting up mobile teams to service
them. In this context the incident response time for each power substation has been established in
conjunction with the [3].
According to the Statute for preventive maintenance on equipment and installation from RET,
Annex 2c mentions the importance of the substation belonging to ST Sibiu, as presented in Figure 1
[2]. It is noted that from the eight power substations, five have maximum importance degree '0', two
have high importance degree '1' and only one has medium importance degree '2'. The maximum level
of importance requires according to the study [3], a 10 minutes incident response time. The only way
to achieve this is through the existence of five mobile teams based in the Sibiu Sud, Brasov, Iernut,
Alba Iulia and Ungheni substations.
We will present a case study for CE Brasov, within ST Sibiu, consisting in the refurbished
Braşov power substation, having the maximum priority level and non-refurbished Dârste power
substation, with a high level of priority. Considering that the power Dârste power substation will be
refurbished and a mobile team based in Brasov power substation already exists, this team will service
both power substations [5].
Inherent Risk
probability impact exposure
Figure 2 reveals the low level (S-green) of risk occurrence probability, if the risk is treated by
refurbishing the equipment (equipment with high reliability), the probability of risk occurrence is
maintained at a low level (S-green).
The power substation is refurbished and remote controlled from CTSI and there is always a
staff member present in the power substation and a staff member present at the CTSI but the mobile
team strategy is not currently implemented. Scheduled maneuvers require a two persons team due to
the fact that staff presence is necessary in the exterior power substation because information from
SCADA do not provide sufficient confirmation (visual and acoustic) and handling primary switching
equipment without verification on the spot can lead to extensive damage [4].
We emphasize that events occurred in remote controlled power substations leading to the
impossibility of remote maneuvers and in the absence of operative staff in the power substation, this
would have turned into major damage. Also, has been noticed that without the presence of the staff
that operates the facilities the data and information needed to assess the equipment status, would have
been insufficient.
We consider necessary to have a member of the operative staff, eventually the person who
ensures the reception of works, a person trained and authorized to perform at any times shift services.
Also, besides the presence of operative staff in the power substation, it is necessary to have operative
staff at the CTSI in order to conduct maneuvers and coordinate the power substation staff [5].
The inherent risk has a high probability
Inherent risk
probability impact exposure
and a high impact
Inherent risk
probability impact exposure
The inherent risk has a medium
probability and a high impact
Figure 3. Technological risk exposure in Dârste power substation without the mobile team
In the evaluation the residual risks were analyzed in context of refurbishment, and for the
majority of them the risk occurrence probability has been reduced from a medium level (M-yellow)
to the low one (S-green). However there are circumstances in which risk occurrence probability
remains medium (M-yellow) even in the F5. These can be caused by other circumstances, an
example being" the loss of SCADA remote control facilities" [5].
Inherent risk
probability impact exposure
The inherent risk has a low probability
and a high impact.
Inherent risk
probability impact exposure
The inherent risk has a medium
probability and a high impact
Figure 4. Technological risk exposure in Dârste power substation with the mobile team
2. Assignment to grades of severity is based on medical criteria for assessing incapacity for
work, issued by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labor, Social Solidarity and Family.
4. Evaluation form of employment place is the document summarizing all of the assessment
and includes:
- Identification of the workplace;
- Identification of assessors;
- Nomination of the identified risk factors and presenting concrete form of manifestation
- Maximum foreseeable consequence for each risk factor individually;
- Class of severity and probability for each risk factor individually;
- Partial risk level, based on the combination of severity and probability of each risk factor;
- Risk level job as a weighted average of partial risk levels; for weighting is used the rank the
risk factor which is equal to the level of risk.
The overall risk level of the system is calculated as a weighted average of estimated risk levels
for each job or each activity; for weighting is used to rank job or activity that is equal in value to the
risk level of workplace (activities).
Given studies [6, 7] for evaluation of the level of risk of injury and occupational disease were
obtained for ST Sibiu substations before and after retrofitting, the risk levels represented in figure 5.
Figure 5. OSH risk level for substations
∑ r p * N rp 2 *n
∑ N rp p
Ng = p =1 = i =1
∑ p r ∑ N rp *n p
p =1 i =1
The overall risk level before refurbishment
is 3.23 anf after refurbishment is 2.92, decreasing
by 10%, like in figure 6.
Figure 6. OSH risk level for Sibiu subsidiary
The result is supported by "Assessment forms", which is observed risk level, included all 40
risk factors, namely:
Technological risk management is a process that involves the entire company staff and is
managed by the company administration. Risks that may affect the company and the activities are
being identified and assessed. The identified risks must be controlled and maintained within
acceptable limits by monitoring them, reviewing them and reporting them continuous in order to
achieve the company objectives.
As a result of the refurbishment of 62.5% of transformation substations within CNTEE
Transelectrica SA, ST Sibiu, exposure to technological risk has decreased, confirming the necessity
and effectiveness of an accelerated pace of refurbishing . In our evaluation the residual risks decreased
in the context of refurbishing together with the reduction of the risk occurrence probability for most of
the risks from the medium voltage level to the low voltage level. However there are circumstances, in
which the risk occurrence probability is still at a medium level, even considering the implementation
of mobile team strategy.
The importance each power substation has in National Power Grid determines the way to
allocate operative staff is allocated in a refurbished substation. Within the ST Sibiu 62.5% of the
substations have the highest level of priority, and this requires the presence of permanent staff in the
substation. Considering the analyzed scenarios referring to the implementation of mobile teams for
interventions in the substations within ST Sibiu, long-term perspective requires a reassessment in
terms of the implications of human and material resources after the refurbishment of the three
substations and reevaluation of the priority level of those substations within National Power Grid.
Detailed analysis of the four components of the work system: the means of production, the
tasks of work, the operator and the work environment; which conclude the non-expression of OSH
(occupational safety and health) risk factors. This is due both professionalism of operators and those
who manage the business, of covering content of tasks work, experience gained in tackling all
[1] CNTEE Transelectrica SA, Operational Procedure, „Risk management”, no. PO-TEL–10.00,;
[2] CNTEE Transelectrica SA, „Rules for preventive maintenance to equipments of the power
grid”, no NTI-TEL-R-001-2007-03, revizia 3, 2014,;
[3] CNTEE Transelectrica SA, Studiu de fezabilitate ‘The organization and operation of power grid
remote control system” year 2008, issued by The Electricity Suply Bord International;
[4] CNTEE Transelectrica SA, Operational Procedure, „Remonte control system for the refurbished
power substations”, no. PO TEL 07.25,;
[5] FOREN 2016, paper DS 2.3.3 “Technological risk assessment for the refurbished substations of
Transelectrica Sibiu Subsidiary”, Valentin Zaharescu, Carmen Stănescu, Matiu Raul, Daniel
[6] Contract no. 43/20.08.2008, between Transelectrica Sibiu Subsidiary and S.C. LACON
EXPERT S.R.L. Bucharest „The study for occupational safety and health assesment in Sibiu
Sud substation, Iernut substation, and Sibiu Subsidiary after refurbished”;
[7] Contract no 14/ between Transelectrica Sibiu Subsidiary and SC PROT CONSULTING
EXPERT CRAIOVA, s-au realizat „The study for occupational safety and health assesment in
in 20kV Sibiu Sud substation and 220/110/20kV Gheorgheni substation”.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Transposition of phase conductors of overhead transmission lines in order to reduce
asymmetries produced to the sets of three-phase voltages and currents in normal operating regimes,
usually applies to lines with lengths greater than the values imposed by regulations. The solution is
relatively rare in electrical transmission networks, due to relatively small lengths of power lines,
which is why transposed lines remain sources of impedance mismatch. These asymmetries sometimes
have consequences that can seem paradoxical, one of which is shown in this article. It is the effect of
active power transfer between the phases of a three phase lines, produced due to the inductive and
capacitive coupling between them, present in the electric fields respectively the magnetic fields
formed around the three phase conductors. If these couplings, which are associated, by modeling, with
inductive mutual impedances, respectively capacitive impedances, are asymmetrical, active power
transfer between phases also become unbalanced, resulting additional active power flow on phase
conductors, but with different values and senses. This article highlights the effect of the asymmetrical
capacitive coupling between the phases of power transmission lines, considering for this the no load
stationary operating conditions. Being an unbalanced regime, it was studied by power flow calculation
using phase amounts. In this regard it was first determined the equivalent primitive impedances
matrices, applying the modified Carson's equations. By using the method of Kron's reduction, the
equivalent primitive matrices impedances were then reduced to the equivalent impedance phase
matrices. In order to minimize modeling errors, the line is represented by a chain of six octopoles,
which correspond to sections of equal length. Numerical analysis of stationary no load operating
conditions, demonstrates that on two of the phases the overhead line takes active power from the
network, that delivers back to the network on the third phase. On the whole three phases the sum of
the active powers at the beginning of the line results of a value much smaller than the phase active
power being actually consumed power (absorbed), corresponding to line losses, determined by the no
load currents flow. This can be only positive (consumed). In practice they were encountered situations
where, in such a regime, the measurement system installed at the beginning of the line indicates that
the line generates (produces debit) active power (energy). For such a phenomenon that it is not
possible, the indication was attributed to the measurement system errors. But the error is not
indicating of a negative active power, when it is positive, but a negative indication of the amount of
active power redistributed by the line between the network phases, value determined by the
asymmetry of the measurement errors of the elements installed on different phases.
[email protected]
Transmission overhead lines, Phase series impedances asymmetry, Phase shunt admittances
asymmetry, No-load steady-state regime, Power losses.
Load unbalances and / or power system elements equivalent impedances asymmetry resulting
from their structural asymmetries, causes voltage unbalances in consuming buses of the networks.
The most important f equivalent phase impedances asymmetries are produced by overhead lines,
being as greater as the lengths of the lines are higher. Phase transposition of these lines is performed only
if the values of their length exceed the limit established by norms. This operation reduces the unbalance in
steady-state operating conditions but not the transients or nonsinusoidal steady-state.
Most high voltage overhead power lines are not so long as to require phase’s transposition, so
that for normal operating regimes, they remain important sources of unbalance. For numerical
determination of the effect of unbalance impedance is necessary to use a modeling phase.
For each section of the line, the values of the equivalents concentrated parameters are equal to
one sixth of nomminale values to be determined by the equations:
[ Z abc ] = L ⋅ [ z abc ] , [Y abc ] = L ⋅ y abc (20)
Fig. 2. Three-phase equivalent circuit of the studied line, obtained by concatenation of six identical octopoles.
For the considered no load operating condition it can be first highlighted the effect of
equivalent capacities (admittances) unbalance. For the calculation of currents and voltages in the
sevent nodes (sections) that delimitates the six segments, voltages and currents in the node m=7 (the
end of the line, Fig. 4) have been assumed to be known. The equations (19) and (6) were then
successively applied, making the calculation by backward power flow calculation:
[ I abc ]m −1 = [ I abc ]m + 3 [Y abc ] ⋅ V abc m
m = 7..1 (21)
The rms values of the voltages increase toward the end of the line, which was expected due to
the no load operating condition, characterized by Ferrantti effect. Currents on the phase conductors
have pronounced capacitive character, and their rms values increase towards the beginning of the line
which was also expected.
The study was done in order to evaluate the effects of phase impedances and admitances
asymmetry on the power flow in steady state operating conditions. It can be seen that in terms of rms
values of voltages and currents, the unbalance is minor. The asymmetry of the currents phase shift
related to the corresponding voltages is however more pronounced and is reflected in pronounced
unbalance of active powers on the three phases of the line. For the beginning of the line results:
Reactive power unbalance does not seem unusual, but that of the active powers seem
downright strange. Thus, it appears that on the phases b(2) and c(3) the active powers are positive
(incoming, taken by the line from the network) and on the phase a(1) the active power is negative
(outgoing, delivered by the line to the network) . This effect is the consequence of the phase mutual
inductance unbalance and especially mutual capacity between the phase conductors (mutual capacitive
susceptances). It’s a confirmation of a known fact according to which a three-phase load consisting of
only capacitors of different values of capacities in delta connection, leads to active power
redistribution between the network phases. Thus, on two of the phases this receiver receives (takes)
active power from the network, which it delivers back to the network on the third phase [7], without
affecting the active power balance on the three phases on whole.
In the case of the studied line, the active power at the beginning of the line on the three-phases
on whole has a value much smaller than on the phases ( P1 = Pa1 + Pb1 + Pc1 = 17, 639 kW ). This power
has the physically sense of a consumed power (lost power) and corresponds to the sum of Joule-Lenz
losses produced on the energized conductors of the line operating in no load conditions.
In practice, it can happen that the measuring system installed in the substation at the beginning
of the line, although very accurate in other operating conditions may indicate a negative power
(energy) in no load operating conditions. This does not mean that the line generates active power
(energy), but the sum of the powers (energies) redistributed between network phases is negative, due
to the asymmetry of the measurement errors of the system components installed on different phases.
Of these elements, the most likely are the current transformers, known that at low values of the
currents have large measurement errors for both rms and angle.
The problem disappears if the conductors are transposed. The values of active and reactive
powers at the beginning of the line for the two cases of transposition (with or without come back) are
shown below.
In order to evaluate the effects of equivalent phase impedances asymmetry and equivalent
phase admitances of an overhead transmission line, its more accurate three-phase modeling is needed.
In the case study analyzed in this paper is numerically demonstrated, by using a mathematical
modeling widely accepted, that an overhead line not transposed operating in no load condition causes
a pronounced unbalance in active power on phases. The capacitive susceptances asymmetry between
the line phases leads to a redistribution of powers between the phases of network. On two of the
phases the line receives active power from the network, which delivers back to the network. Such
unbalance should not change the power balance on the three phases on whole, but in such a situation if
in the metering system of powers (energies) there is an asymmetry of measurement errors of the
elements installed on different phases, the unnatural effect of metering the active power delivered by
the line operating in no load conditions may occur. The elements the most likely to produce these
measurement errors are the current transformers known to have large measurement errors, for both
rms values and phase in the case of low and very low currents compared with their rated current.
The modified Carson relations applied to an overhead electrical line. The Krohn’s
reduction method.
A. Primitive impedance matrix and phase impedance matrix for overhead lines
The calculation of self and mutual primitive impedances for an overhead line having any
number of conductors is done taking into account that each conductor is placed in its own variable
magnetic field and in the variable magnetic fields of the other conductors. The Carson's equations are
often used in practice [1-4], [6]. These were deducted based on a technique based on the conductor
images, using the simplifying assumptions that the ground is a solid uniform, infinite size, with a
uniform surface perfectly flat on the outside and whose electrical resistivity is constant. Also the end
effect which is introduced by grounding the neutral conductor is reduced for the frequencies that are
found in the network and can therefore be neglected. Some additional mathematical simplifications
led to modified Carson's equations, which proved to be sufficiently accurate and is therefore widely
used in the modeling of both the overhead and underground lines [4], [6].
The modified Carson's equations for self and mutual primitive impedance calculation for
overhead lines are:
1 1 ρ
z ii = ri + k1 ⋅ f + j ⋅ k 2 ⋅ f ln
+ k3 + ln (1)
GMRi 2 f
1 1 ρ
z ijp = k1 ⋅ f + j ⋅ k2 ⋅ f ln + k3 + ln (2)
Dij 2 f
where z iip is the self-impedance of conductor i in ohm/mile, zijp - mutual impedance between
conductors i and j in ohm/mile, ri - resistance of conductor i in ohm/mile, f - frequency in hertz, Dij
- distance between conductor i and conductor n in feet, GMRi - geometric mean radius of conductor i
in feet, ρ - resistivity of earth in ohm⋅m, k1 , k 2 , k3 - constants, having the values: k1 = 1.58836 ⋅10 −3 ,
k2 = 2.02237 ⋅10 −3 , k3 = 7.6786 .
In Fig. A1 is presented a section of unit of length of a three phase overhead line, with three
phase conductors (denoted a, b, c) and two grounded (g) neutral conductors (n1 și n2). Self and mutual
primitive impedances are presented on the figure.
Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law for the circuit in Fig.1, one can write the equation matrix (3):
Fig. A1. Section of a three phase overhead line and primitive impedances.
thus it can be written the self and mutual primitive impedance matrix:
z p z p
z p = ij in (5)
z p z p
nj nn
For most applications, however, it is necessary the phase impedance matrix. Primitive
impedance matrix transformation into a phase impedances matrix can be done by applying Kron's
reduction method [5]. It can be applied when the neutral conductor (or protective conductor) is
connected to ground so that the voltages between the two points are zero at both ends of the
considered section:
V ng = 0 and V ' ng = 0
In expression (6) is identified the phase
impedance matrix that can be determined by an
expression that uses elements of the primitive
impedance matrix [5]:
[ z abc ] = z ijp − z inp ⋅ z nnp ⋅ z njp
The phase impedance matrix is a square matrix
of size 3 x 3:
z aa z ab z ac
Fig. A2. Simplified three-phase electrical equivalent [ z abc ] = zba z bb zbc (8)
circuit associated to the phase impedances matrix . z ca z cb z cc
In the equivalent electrical circuit for
three-phase unit of length of the line (Fig. A2), the phase impedance matrix allows computing the
voltage drop and hence the network buses voltages, by applying (6).
B. Primitive potential coefficient matrix and phase capacitance matrix for overhead lines
In order to determine the phase shunt admittance matrix is needed the determination of the
potential of a conductor belonging to an overhead line, which is placed in the own electric field and in
the electric fields caused by the other conductors. By applying the method of the images to ground
surface of the electric charges of conductors of the line, one can determine the expression of the
voltage drop between conductor and ground [6]. For each conductor, its potential relative to the
ground is influenced by electrical charges of all conductors through the self and mutual potential
coefficients. For a three-phase line with three phase conductors and two neutral conductors (or ground
conductors), we can write the equation:
Appropriate partitioning the matrices in equation (9), we can write in a compacted form:
[Vabc ] pij pin [ qabc ]
p p
= ⋅
p p [q ]
nj nn n
ng p p
The primitive potential coefficients expressions are deducted based on the same concept of
Carson, using the conductors’ images [6]:
piip = k p ⋅ ln (12)
pijp = k p ⋅ ln (13)
where piip is the self potential coefficient, în mile/microfarad, pijp - mutual potential
coefficient, în mile/ microfarad, S ii - distance from conductor i and its image, in feet, Sij - distance
from conductor i and the image of conductor j, in feet, RDi - radius of conductor i, in feet, Dij -
distance from conductor i to conductor j, in feet, k p = 11.17689 - constant resulting from consideration
of air relative permittivity to the amount of: ε air = 1.424 102 µF/mile.
The neutral conductor is grounded, Vng = 0 so the primitive potential coefficients matrix can
be reduced, using Kron's reduction method [6], to the phase potential coefficients matrix, by applying
the equation:
[ pabc ] = pijp − pinp ⋅ pnnp ⋅ pnjp
Relația (9) se poate acum reduce la (15)
[Vabc ] = [ pabc ] ⋅ [ qabc ] (15)
Is obtained immediately the phase capacities matrix, expressed in µF/mile, being the inverse of
the phase potential coefficients matrix:
[cabc ] = [ pabc ]−1 (16)
caa cab cac
[cabc ] = cba cbb cbc (17)
cca ccb ccc
According to a widely accepted practice, most
often the shunt conductance of an overhead
transmission line can be neglected, so that for the phase
shunt admittances matrix expressed in µS/mile, results
the equations:
In the electrical equivalent circuit for the unit of
length of the line, the phase admittance matrix
determines the capacitive currents and their contribution
to the current values on the phase conductors.
Fig. A3. Simplified three-phase electrical According to the notations in Fig. A3, we can write:
equivalent circuit associated to the phase
admittances matrix..
[ I abc ] = [ I 'abc ] + y abc ⋅ V abc (19) y = 0 + j ⋅ ω ⋅ [ cabc ]
abc (18)
[1] H. Keshtkar, S. Khushalani Solanki, J.M. Solanki, „Improving the Accuracy of Impedance
Calculation for Distribution Power System” (IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 29,
Aug. 2013, pp. 570 - 579)
[2] W.H. Kersting, R.K. Green, „The application of Carson's equation to the steady-state analysis of
distribution feeders” (Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE), 2011 IEEE/PES, 20-
23 March 2011, Phoenix, AZ, USA, pp. 1-6)
[3] T.F.R.D. Martins, A.C.S. Lima and S. Carneiro Jr., "Effect of approximate impedance formulae
on the accuracy of transmission line modeling" (IET Gen. Transm. Distrib., vol. 1, no. 4, 2007,
pp. 534 -539)
[4] J. R. Carson, “Wave propagation in overhead wires with ground return” (Bell System Technical
Journal, vol. 5, New York, 1926)
[5] G. Kron, “Tensorial analysis of integrated transmission systems, Part I, the six basic reference
frames”, (AIEE Trans., vol. 71, 1952)
[6] W.H. Kersting, “Distribution System Modeling and Analysis” (CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA,
[7] A. Pană, „Active Load Balancing in a Three-Phase Network by Reactive Power Compensation”,
Chapter 11 in "Power Quality Monitoring, Analysis and Enhancement", edited by A. Zobaa,
M.M. Canteli and R. Bansal (InTech Europa, open access publisher, Rijeka, Croatia, 2011).
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The paper tells about disconnecting switch bus transfer and bus charging currents at the rated
voltages of 220 and 400 kV. CIGRE Study Committee A3 made an International survey on switching
requirements for Bus-transfer switching of Disconnecting Switch, Bus-charging switching of
Disconnecting Switch, Induced current switching of Earthing Switch, at the rated voltages of 72.5-362
kV and Romania participated of it. The survey wants to know the difference between practice and
standard value for switching requirements.
We will present the switching condition for Romania and the conclusion of the CIGRE survey.
Even though DS Bus-charging currents at 420 kV AIS exceeds the existing standard value in one
country, most of the currents at the rated voltages from 123 kV to 550 kV, especially for GIS
applications, are covered by the standard values. The transmission lines are designed to carry twice
capacity corresponding to the capacity under double circuits condition, when a single circuit is
suspended due to a fault.
Both Electromagnetically (EM) & Electrostatically (ES) Induced currents by Earthing switch
(ES) significantly exceeds the standard values, especially for the cases of higher nominal current.
CIGRE will investigate the filed experience whether such ES have any reliability problems on the
requirements. [1]
Disconnecting Switch, Earthing Switch, Bus charging current
When is designed a station is need to know the switching requirements for DS used to transfer
load currents from one bus system to another. Also the disconnectors shall comply with the bus
transfer requirements of IEC 62271 – 102 Annex B. [2]
[email protected]
Fig.1.1 Bus transfer current switching [1]
For Romania the usually bus transfer parameters and requirements for a 220 kV systems is
presented in Table 1.1 and for a 110 kV systems is presented in table 1.2.
Table 1.2: Bus-transfer parameters and requirements 110 kV [1]
Voltage level 110 kV
Design / Country Romania
Busbar arrangement / scheme Double busbar arrangement
Single line diagram For all CB/DS/ES - same nominal current. (1600 A or 2000A)
* typical or maximum values
of nominal currents through
the CBs and DSs
ES applied to earth these lines shall therefore be capable of assuring the following service
conditions [1]:
– making and breaking of a capacitive current when the earth connection is open at one
termination and ES is performed at the other termination;
– making and breaking of an inductive current when the line is earthed at one termination and
ES is performed at the other termination;
– carrying continuously the capacitive and inductive currents.
Fig 3.1 Electromagnetic Induction (Inductive current) from parallel lines
For Romania the usually induced current parameters and requirements for 220 kV and 110 kV
systems is presented in Table 3.1.
Voltage level 110 kV Tower design
Arrangement Double circuit
Rated voltage 110 kV
Rated current 1600 or 2000 A
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Induced current and voltage 80 / 2000 A /
evaluation V
Induced current and voltage 2 / 6000 A /
evaluation V
Regarding CIGRE international surveys on switching requirements for Bus-transfer switching
of Disconnecting Switch, Bus-charging switching of Disconnecting Switch, Induced current switching
of Earthing Switch even though DS Bus-charging currents at 420 kV AIS exceeds the existing
standard value in one country, most of the currents at the rated voltages from 123 kV to 550 kV,
especially for GIS applications, are covered by the standard values. The transmission lines are
designed to carry twice capacity corresponding to the capacity under double circuits condition, when a
single circuit is suspended due to a fault. [1]
Both Electromagnetically (EM) & Electrostatically (ES) Induced currents by Earthing switch
(ES) significantly exceeds the standard values, especially for the cases of higher nominal current.
CIGRE will investigate the filed experience whether such ES have any reliability problems on the
requirements. [1]
In Romania the requirements for disconnectors comply the bus transfer requirements of IEC
62271 – 102 Annex B and the earthing switches comply the induced current switching requirements
of IEC 62271-102 Annex C.
If an earth switch is combined with a disconnector as a single unit, the rated short – time
withstand current of the earth switch shall be at least equal to that of the disconnector.
[1] Hiroki Ito Chairman, CIGRE Study Committee A3 “International surveys on switching
requirements for Bus-transfer switching of Disconnecting Switch, Bus-charging switching of
Disconnecting Switch, Induced current switching of Earthing Switch, at the related voltages of
72.5-362 kV”
[2] IEC 62271-102 – High- Voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 102 High Voltage alternating
current disconnectors and earthing switches.
[3] Working Group A3.28 – CIGRE Brochure 570 - Switching Phenomena for EHV and UHV.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Considerations on indicators for assessing the level of competition in the balancing and ancillary
services markets
Assessing the level of competition and transparency in the electricity market requires
continuous monitoring and evaluation of the behavior of market participants. Market surveillance can
prevent the abuse of dominance or market power. Electricity market consists of the regulated market
and the competitive market and energy transactions are wholesale or retail. Opening the electricity
market is achieved by progressively increasing the competitive market share. The paper presents in a
synthetic manner, components of the competitive market for electricity and evolution the main
indicators for assessing the level of competition on the balancing and ancillary services markets.
Competitive electricity market, market concentration indices, ancillary services market,
balancing market.
Ancillary services are some operational reserved services procured by the Transmission
System Operator (TSO) for keeping a balance between supply and demand, stabilizing the
transmission system and maintaining the power quality on an economical basis in any competitive
electricity market environment. The term ancillary services are used to refer to a variety of operations
beyond generation and transmission that are required to maintain grid stability and security. These
services generally include, frequency control, spinning reserves and operating reserves [1], [2], [3].
The electric power system has two unique requirements which must be continuously and
exactly satisfied in order to maintain overall system stability and reliability. Energy and capacity are
the basic products customers really use. But energy and capacity alone are not sufficient to reliably
operate the power system. A series of ancillary services are required that provide the system operator
with the resources needed to maintain the instantaneous and continuous balance between generation
and load, to manage transmission line flows. These services are required under normal conditions and
when contingencies happen. Ancillary services also provide the resources needed to restart the power
system if the system operator is unable to maintain the generation/load balance and the system
collapses. Restructuring and the introduction of competitive generation markets has required that these
services be clearly defined and monetized. Markets have been created for several ancillary services in
order to minimize the cost of maintaining reliability [4].
To maintain a stable operating state of the transmission system, the following actions are
needed: to control the frequency of the system; to control the voltage of the system; to control the
[email protected]
stability of the system; to control the load of the network; to restart the system in certain
These system needs could be satisfied using the following ancillary services (the control of
network load is handled by other means than ancillary services) [5]:
1. Maintaining frequency: frequency control; spinning reserve; remote automatic generation
control; emergency control actions;
2. Maintaining voltage: voltage control;
3. Maintaining stability: frequency control; spinning reserve; emergency control actions;
4. Restarting system: black start capacity.
The market concentration is determined by the number of existing market participants and
their market shares. The rate of market concentration is reflected in the market share of the largest
market participant (C1) or the sum of the market shares of the first three participants (C3). According
to practices and documents elaborated at the European Union level, values of C1 can be interpreted as:
- values higher than 20% may be concern for competition;
- a value higher than 40% may suggest the existence of a dominant position;
- a value higher than 50% indicates a dominant market position.
For each market, the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index is calculated by summing the squares of
participants’ market shares:
N 2
HHI (i) = ∑ Q j (i) (1)
j =1
where Qj(i) is the market share of the j participant, in the i time period.
The HHI is interpreted as:
- HHI tends to 0, perfect competition;
- HHI<1000, unconcentrated market;
- 1000<HHI<1800, moderately concentrated market;
- HHI>1800, high market concentration;
- HHI=10000, monopoly.
The Pivotal Supplier Index at system level is defined for each producer/market participant,
with the formula:
CAPtot (i) − CAPj (i)
r j (i ) = (2)
CAPtot(i) – total capacity available in the system in hour i;
CAPj(i) – available power of producer/market participant j in hour i;
CERERE(i) – total system load in time interval i.
The RSI is a form of PSI, calculated for the largest producer (seller) of each period. To
customize different markets, PSI/RSI can be determined based on the quantities offered/sold hourly by
market participants, according to the formula:
∑ Qk (i ) − Q j (i )
r j / RSI j (i ) = k =1 (3)
∑ Vk (i )
k =1
Qk/j(i) – quantity offered by the producer/ participant k/j to market in hour i;
Vk(i) – quantity sold by the producer/participant k to market in hour i.
Fig. 1. The market shares of producers with dispatchable units in 2015 (source: ANRE)
The C1 indicator has value of 27.11%, the C3 indicator has value of 68.73% and HHI has
value of 1680. These values can be interpreted as worrisome for competition respectively correspond
to a moderately concentrated markets. The market structure at generation level it provides against a
baseline on the degree of competition existing in the power market.
On the Balancing Market is traded balancing power corresponding to the following types of
• secondary regulation (automatically activated in maximum of 15 minutes);
• fast tertiary (manually activated in maximum of 15 minutes);
• slow tertiary control (start time and load takeover in 7 hours).
Figure 2-9 shows comparative the annual values of the concentration indicators for the 2009-
2015 period determined on the energy actually delivered by producers on the balancing market for
each type of regulation and direction. The values of the concentration indicators show a prevailing
participant and an excessive concentration of the balancing market for all types of regulation.
C1 [%]
2000 Worrying position for competition
Moderately concentrated
1000 20
Competitive market Competitive market
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Fig. 2. The evolution of the concentration indexes on Balancing Market (Secondary regulation - upward) (processing data
from website:
2000 Worrying position for competition
Moderately concentrated
1000 20
Competitive market Competitive market
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Fig. 3. The evolution of the concentration indexes on Balancing Market (Secondary regulation - downward) (processing
data from website:
3000 40
Worrying position for competition
2000 Moderately concentrated 20
1000 Competitive market Competitive market
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Fig. 4. The evolution of the concentration indexes on Balancing Market (Fast tertiary - upward) (processing data from
Fast tertiary (downward) Fast tertiary (downward)
6000 100
High concentration Dominant position
5000 80
C1 [%]
2000 Worrying position for competition
Moderately concentrated
1000 20
Competitive market Competitive market
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Fig. 5. The evolution of the concentration indexes on Balancing Market (Fast tertiary - downward) (processing data from
C1 [%]
Moderately concentrated Worrying position for competition
1000 20
Competitive market Competitive market
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Fig. 6. The evolution of the concentration indexes on Balancing Market (Slow tertiary - upward) (processing data from
2000 Worrying position for competition
Moderately concentrated 20
Competitive market Competitive market
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Fig. 7. The evolution of the concentration indexes on Balancing Market (Slow tertiary - downward) (processing data from
The Ancillary Services Market is the market where contracts are concluded between
producers qualified to provide every type of ancillary service and the Transmission System Operator
(TSO), aiming at providing the National Power System (NPS), against payment, with production
capacities that can be mobilized at the request of the national dispatcher, under conditions determined
by the technical capabilities of those production units (according to the types of ancillary services for
which they were qualified); contracts require offering the capacities on the balancing market, and the
possible amounts of energy produced/reduced are subject to settlement on the balancing market.
The ancillary services market operates on types of reserves secondary, fast tertiary and slow
tertiary that the TSO is contracting on regulated or competitive (based on auctions) from generators
that are qualified for this type of services. As the concentration on the ancillary services market is
constantly high (the hydro producer is able to provide most of these services at a higher quality), the
reserve is primarily ensured through regulated contracts concluded between producers and the
Transmission System Operator. In the table 1 is presents the annual concentration indicators for the
Ancillary Services Market in the period 2009-2015.
Table 1. The annual concentration indicators for the Ancillary Services Market
Year/Component Secondary reserve Fast tertiary Low tertiary
regulation reserve regulation reserve regulation
Regulated component C1 [%] 62.2 80.2 71.7
C3 [%] 88.7 90.4 100
C1 [%] - - 42.1
Competitive component C3 [%] - - 82.7
HHI - - 2869
Regulated component C1 [%] 71.3 83.0 44.2
C3 [%] 92.5 90.0 90.2
C1 [%] - - -
Competitive component C3 [%] - - -
HHI - - -
Regulated component C1 [%] 56.1 80.2 40.2
C3 [%] 83.5 88.3 84.7
C1 [%] - 77.0 63.4
Competitive component C3 [%] - 93.3 96.5
HHI - 6089 4815
Regulated component C1 [%] 53.0 82.5 46.5
C3 [%] 98.9 93.2 89.3
C1 [%] 93.9 98.4 51.6
Competitive component C3 [%] 100 100 88.0
HHI 8858 9679 3500
Regulated component C1 [%] 52.0 81.0 53.4
C3 [%] 99.0 92.6 100
C1 [%] 98.8 - 40.8
Competitive component C3 [%] 100 - 83.3
HHI 9759 - 2772
Regulated component C1 [%] 76.5 75 51.4
C3 [%] 100 100 100
C1 [%] 88.2 86.3 -
Competitive component C3 [%] 97.0 95.7 -
HHI 7822 7497 -
Regulated component C1 [%] 77.2 63.6 63.9
C3 [%] 100 100 77.3
C1 [%] 73.5 89.7 74.2
Competitive component C3 [%] 94.8 94.0 94.1
HHI 5728 8070 5756
Source: ANRE
To cover differences between the planned values of consumption and production respectively
and their values occurring in real time, TSO operating the balancing market, buy or sell energy in the
order determined prices by offerings of the dispatchable producers. The participants who causes
imbalances pay for energy shortage the price resulting from the increase in accepted offers on the
balancing market and receive for excess energy the price resulting from in accepted offers to drop on
the balancing market.
Figure 8 shows the monthly average prices for imbalance settlement recorded by the balance
responsible parties (surplus price and deficit price) for July 2005 - December 2015, compared to the
market closing price on the day ahead market.
Fig.8. The monthly average prices on BM (surplus price and deficit price) and DAM (source: ANRE)
Guaranteed access to the network is ensured for the electricity contracted and sold on the
electricity market that is benefiting from the support system for renewable energy sources. Priority
access to the network is ensured for electricity contracted and sold at regulated price (generated in
power plants with an installed capacity of less or equal 1 MW per plant or in the case of high
efficiency cogeneration from biomass, 2 MW per plant).
The transmission system operator and/or distribution operators ensure the transmission,
distribution, as well as priority dispatching of the electricity generated from renewable sources for all
renewable energy sources generators, regardless of capacity, on the basis of transparent and non-
discriminatory criteria, with the possibility of amending the notifications within the business day,
according to the ANRE approved methodology. The limitation or interruption of electricity production
from renewable energy sources shall be applied only in exceptional cases where this is necessary for
ensuring the stability and security of the National Power System.
Production units using dispatchable renewable sources are responsible for payment of the
imbalances created.
The monitoring reports submitted by TSO show that there were intervals trading they were
ordered power cuts wind power plants and photovoltaic power plants recorded as dispatchable units to
the balancing market. The reason was always getting the balance between production and
consumption and framing the balance amount scheduled.
The values of the concentration indicators show a prevailing participant and an excessive
concentration of the balancing market for all types of regulation.
In order to maintain the level of safety for in the NPS operation, in the conditions the
significant increase the number of power plants from renewable sources, the ancillary system services
are achieved both through market mechanisms as well as through regulated contracts.
For the ancillary services market is distinguished the high concentration level for all three
types of reserves, both on the regulated component and on the auction. It is noted that most of the
quantities purchased for secondary and fast tertiary regulation reserves on the competitive component
have been made available by the hydro producer.
There are frequent situations in which to cover the deficit of the system power and achieving a
sufficient reserves of fast tertiary regulation at peak times starts were ordered or keep operating
dispatchable thermal units. These situations have led the occurrence of intervals dispatching with
excess power or increase thereof. Thereby have resulted for these hourly intervals both selections
growth as well as the reduction of power, generating costs on the balancing market.
Also, it was found that the production of electricity of the wind power it was poor in relation
with the values notified in most hourly intervals. This has resulted a large amount of energy selected
on the balancing market. Thereby, the energy traded on the balancing market in the year 2015 it had a
market share of 8.25% of the total generation energy.
[1] H. Holttinen, N. A. Cutululis, A. Gubina, A., A. Keane, F. Van Hulle, Ancillary services:
technical specifications, system needs and costs. REserviceS, Deliverable D 2.2., 2012.
[2] A. Mehdipour Pirbazari, Ancillary services definitions, markets and practices in the world, in
Proc. 2010 Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America (T&D-
LA), 2010 IEEE/PES, pg.32-36.
[3] CIGRE, Ancillary Services: an overview of International Practices, CIGRE Working Group
C5.06, October 2010.
[4] B. Kirby, Ancillary Services: Technical and Commercial Insights. Wärtsilä, July 2007.
[5] EURELECTRIC, Ancillary Services. Unbundling Electricity Products – an Emerging Market.
Union of the Electricity Industry, EURELECTRIC, Thermal Working Group, February 2004.
[6] D. Newbery, R. Green, K. Neuhoff, P. Twomey, A Review of the Monitoring of Market Power.
European Electricity Transmission System Operators, 2004.
[7] Romanian Power Market Operator:
[8] Transelectrica Romanian Power Grid Company:
[9] Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority:
CIGRE Regional South -East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Advanced Techniques for inspecting Power Energy Equipment using Augmented Reality
Octavian GHITA, 1Cosmin BANICA, 2Luca IACOBICI, 3Ioan Dorin HATEGAN
Politehnica University of Bucharest Electrical Eng. Faculty, 2CNTEE Transelectrica SA,
DTDR CNTEE Transelectrica SA
The advance in the field of augmented reality (AR) allows newer approaches to traditional
activities, such as service, maintenance or intervention in various field operations. The idea of this
paper is to present the design for an innovative AR platform which is currently under development
and is designed to be used in Electrical Power Stations. Field data from sensors and additional
information stored in QR tags placed on equipments are transmitted to a server and from here to the
AR equipments carried by the intervention personnel. In this case, real time data can be displayed,
enhancing the perception of team members and providing additional info that can help them to fulfill
their mission.
Augmented reality, wireless sensors, monitoring platform.
Augmented Reality used for inspection, service and maintenance of Electrical Power Stations
equipments is an innovative solution that is not yet found on the Romanian market. However, certain
services are used for industrial inspection and service, at least internationally, in different industrial or
military applications.
Augmented Reality (AR) is a concept that involves enrichment of perception of an observer on
the environment by superimposing in real-time of a static or dynamic digital content over a particular
subject. The added content can be in the form of text, sound, images, video, static or animated 3D
models, etc. Unlike virtual reality, augmented reality does not create a simulation of the environment.
Instead, using a real object or space and incorporating technology, supplements the context given, in
order to improve the cognitive process of the user. Most often, to access and explore the augmented
reality are used mobile devices such as smart glasses, tablets, smart phones, document chambers or
PCs equipped with a video camera.
Car manufacturers, such as BMW or Mercedes Benz, or aircraft manufacturers, such as
Rockwell and Boeing, use augmented reality systems for inspection and service, but not for
commercial purposes, as they are not intended for sale[1]-[4].
There are other areas offering applicability to augmented reality solutions: tourism,
architecture, archaeology, medicine, military or navigation, but they are partial solutions that employ
mainly visual information. Developments of products such as Vuzix Glass are available for purchase,
both as standard and improved versions, Head-up-Display, manufactured by Laster Technologies,
Atari, Epson, Microvision etc. All these products must operate using hardware and software
platforms, the cost of which is not public, being still under development by various research
consortiums and projects.
The use of AR in critical infrastructure allows team members, such fire workers, medical or
rescue personnel to enhance their perceptions and to have more info about the intervention they
perform. One should consider that most of the time, such interventions take place in unknown areas
where is harder to perform exercises for training purposes, due to the complex nature of Electrical
Power Stations.
Electrical Power Stations and their equipments will be identified through Quick Response
(QR) codes to allow additional viewing of additional features: running, temperature, explosion or fire
hazard, crack or slip hazard, vibrations, corrosion, etc. In addition, in the area, wireless temperature
sensors, mechanical strength sensors, presence sensors, smoke detectors, etc. will be installed, which
would enable field acquisition of additional information for the maintenance or intervention teams.
All this stream of data would be managed by a server, the augmented reality platform, where
data will be stored and processed. From here, through AR glasses, text information will be sent to
maintenance teams, which in turn would send to the server their own information, as messages.
Such technical solution allows the field operator to know a lot of additional information during
missions, facilitates his/her training process, and maintenance becomes much easier. Moreover, any
dangerous situations could be easily avoided, especially for intervention staff, fire fighters, SMURD,
gendarmes, who are to act in a relatively unknown area.
An analysis of the other products of the same type, in the automotive or military industry,
shows some technical specifications and characteristics that the market requires from such products:
By using the augmented reality, staff can perform tasks in a more efficient, faster and safe
manner. The innovative advantage offered by the use of augmented reality applications consists in the
provision of technology support for training solutions, employing 3D e-learning with "zero" risk in
case of operating errors, and to offer the possibility of repeating the drill until the trainees learn the
necessary skills and competences, by understanding the operations, techniques and procedures to be
applied at a different level.
Some clear advantages can be obtained from here, regarding the training of various
intervention teams, maintenance or even operative actions in Electrical Power Stations.
Creation of scenarios of operation, service and maintenance of installations involves various
types of display solutions (hardware and software). AR display solutions available on the market
today are multiple, providing users with different experiences. Most suitable for this project as:
Using a series of infrared emitters, state-of-art video projectors, active or passive stereoscopic
glasses and position trackers, the result obtained is a complete immersion of the user in the virtual
world in which objects levitate in space. 6DOF electromagnetic trackers are implemented to monitor
the position and orientation of the user, and are used to calculate a stereoscopic perspective that allows
the user to move free around the objects levitating in space. Peripherals, such as, for example, the
Force Feedback devices and virtual gloves are integrated as an option within the system.
d. Increased availability: it is obvious that for monitoring Electrical Power Stations, the
network should ensure maximum availability. Such resiliency and redundancy systems should be
available and implemented throughout the network.
e. Seamlessness: the network must be easily built, configured, expanded, managed and
monitored. Thus, at least at the level of modules or levels, it is necessary that the equipment and
technologies used to integrate seamlessly and to simplify network complexity.
f. Fast installation and commissioning of sensor systems.
g. Installation in any situation, environmental conditions, relief, of monitoring sensors of any
type of objective within critical infrastructure.
There are several problems that need to be clarified when implementing an AR platform. One of
the problems that occur testing the functionality of the AR platform is the distance at which the VUZIX
glasses are able to operate. Several tests have been made, placing a QR code generating the description
of an electrical engine, having larger printed surfaces applied on the engine: first a normal QR code of
2.5 cm2, then a larger one at 10 cm2 and finally an even larger one, at 20 cm2 (see table 1).
For each essay, the camera sensitivity was tested, to obtain certain information decoding the
seen QR code on the electrical engine. As one can observe, the camera has clear distance limitations,
when it reach the maximum range at which QR code can be correctly interpreted.
For the first QR code surface of 2.5 cm2, a distance of 5 m is the maximum distance at which
correct info about engine was displayed, for the second QR surface of 10 cm2, almost 6 m are obtained
and for the last one, a QR code surface of 20 cm2, maximum distance was increased to almost 8 m, as
presented in figure 3. The tests were performed on daylight, at a perpendicular direction to the applied
QR code.
This result is not the best expected by users, because such distances are being considered small
ones in Electrical Power Stations. Also, the distance can be drastically reduced if smoke or bad
lighting is present in fire situations or if QR code printing area is deteriorated. Also, there are other
drawbacks that can be taken into account: for example, if the entrance of team members in the area
covered by a specific QR code is not perpendicular to the code printed surface, the AR equipment
can’t read the QR code. The same is valid also if the team member is moving too fast and the camera
mounted on AR equipment is not focusing on the QR code.
Table 1. Behavior of system sensitivity
QR surf. 2.5 cm2 QR surf. 10 cm2 QR surf. 25 cm2
Distance [m] Sensitivity 2.5 cm2 [%] Sensitivity 10 cm2 [%] Sensitivity 25 cm2 [%]
0,50 100,00 100,00 100,00
1,00 99,00 99,00 100,00
1,50 98,00 99,00 100,00
2,00 97,00 99,00 100,00
2,50 96,00 98,00 100,00
3,00 95,00 98,00 100,00
3,50 90,00 97,00 99,00
4,00 84,00 95,00 98,00
4,50 78,00 94,00 97,00
5,00 65,00 90,00 96,00
5,50 40,00 80,00 95,00
6,00 20,00 60,00 92,00
6,50 10,00 40,00 85,00
7,00 5,00 30,00 70,00
7,50 0,00 20,00 60,00
8,00 0,00 5,00 40,00
Figure 3. Variation of AR equipment sensitivity in function of distance and QR area
A certain success however was obtained when info from sensors retransmitted to the server
was displayed on the VUZIX glasses lenses. The system was tested only for temperature sensors, but
current temperature was displayed as a text pulsating on the lenses surface.
Also, a certain delay can be mentioned in showing information from the platform. Depending
of the nature of information and of communication system problems in certain areas, a delay between
5 and 15 s was obtained. There were significant differences if the text message was coming directly
from the AR platform or it was acquired from sensors, transmitted to platform, processed there then
retransmitted to the VUZIX AR sub-system. This answering time should be taken into account when
dynamic regimes occur, especially in hazardous interventions.
The design of an AR platform for inspection, maintenance and intervention in Electrical Power
Stations should verify some strict conditions, in order to become a successful example. First of all, the
architecture of the system should be kept as simple as possible, using integrated sensors, that send data
automatically to the platform, in order to allow higher flexibility in implementation. On the platform,
the format of data must be indexed, to allow a fast transfer to the AR sub-system.
Although AR equipments can substantially enhance team information in certain intervention
scenarios, until now the platform is far more suitable for inspection or maintenance operations, when
parameters in the environment vary slowly or remain constant and the moving speed of team members
is reduced, allowing QR code readings by cameras of AR equipments.
In laboratory tests, all sub-systems proved well, bi-directional info was exchanged from
sensors to platform and from platform to AR equipments, but with a certain delay in answering time,
going up to 15 s, when dynamic regimes involving temperature sensors were simulated. This
drawback can be critical in dangerous situations, but research team is currently working to improve
this parameter.
Also, even if QR codes applied to sensitive parts of equipment in Electrical Power Stations can
be correctly read by VUZIX AR glasses, the distance at which the system works is reduced, under 8
m, regardless of QR effective area. In real intervention situations of smoke, gas or steam vapors, this
distance can be reduced even further.
A test that was giving good results was the transmission of sensors signals to platform and
from here to AR equipments.
At this moment, the research team of the project is working to ensure portability of
information to other AR equipments, such as tablets or laptops, to increase the flexibility of the system
and to allow a certain ease in control of maintenance or intervention scenarios.
Taking into account all these facts, one can affirm that use of AR equipments for inspecting
Electrical Power Stations has a significant potential and can give a considerable advantage in
dangerous interventions, but further tests must be conducted and improvements are needed in order to
obtain a viable system.
[1] Graham, M., Zook, M., and Boulton, “A. Augmented reality in urban places: contested content
and the duplicity of code”, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, DOI:
10.1111/j.1475-5661.2012.00539.x 2012.
[2] Karissa Bell, “BMW steps into augmented reality with AR driving glasses for Mini”, April
[3] Olivia Jung, “Google Glass Integration Has Been Tested by Mercedes-Benz”, August 2013.
[4] R. Behringer, S. Chen, V. Sundareswaran, K. Wang, M. Vassiliou, “A Distributed Device
Diagnostics System Utilizing Augmented Reality and 3D Audio”, Virtual Environments ’99,
Eurographics 1999, pp 105-114.
[5] “Introducing Virtual Environments”, National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois.
[7] Roger Marks (June 29, 2006). "IEEE 802.16 WirelessMAN Standard: Myths and Facts" (PDF).
Presentation at 2006 Wireless Communications Conference. Washington, DC:
Retrieved August 26, 2011.
[8] "IEEE Xplore - Comparison of power consumption of mobile WiMAX, HSPA and LTE access
networks". doi:10.1109/CTTE.2010.5557715. Retrieved October 30, 2012.
CIGRE Regional South -East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Intelligent System for Monitoring Energy Installations using self piloted Drones
Octavian GHITA, 1Cosmin BANICA, 2Luca IACOBICI, 3Ioan Dorin HATEGAN
Politehnica University of Bucharest Electrical Eng. Faculty, 2CNTEE Transelectrica SA,
DTDR CNTEE Transelectrica SA
The monitoring solutions of Energy Installations that are today implemented in the field are
based either on human inspection of each equipment or are conducted from a central point where
information from the network is gathered. Both solutions have long term availability and are used with
success, but some future issues could affect their efficiency. Costs and resources are more and more
implied to fulfill this task so an innovative solution based on self piloted drones can become a viable
alternative, especially in wide areas or in difficult terrain conditions. Monitoring and integrating the
information in an intelligent platform can provide better understanding of problems in electrical
networks or faster answering times if an unexpected event occur.
Drones, electrical rechargeable system, high stability video cameras, flight plan.
Energy production, transport and distribution equipments are subject to many depreciation
factors and their status must be well known at all times. Thus, different monitoring methods should be
implemented and put into practice. One particular monitoring method is to use self piloted drones,
with highly stabilized high resolution video cameras and supported software capable to process
acquired data.
Such a system should be able to obtain information about transformers status, about
insulations and electrical line status or about Corona effect by filming the equipments from short
range, with or without the presence of a human operator of the drone. Then the images are stored into
a server where additional image processing can be performed, in order to obtain more information
about the phenomena. Similar systems are beginning to be used in Canada, U.S. Austria or Germany,
providing economy in manpower and resources for electrical companies and customers alike and
replacing the experienced personnel needed elsewhere. [1]-[4]
Fig. 1. Rapid inspection drone „Light” fleet
• Data process block
• Homing navigation system and human navigation control
• Recharging Kit, including wireless rechargeable solutions
The charging systems must also take into account supplementary consumption of high
performance video cameras and stability systems, needed to achieve good resolution images.
The use of automated drones for monitoring electrical installation is at first steps elsewhere
around the globe, due to the fact that better cameras and drones become available each day. The most
important aspect is to have a good flight plan, balanced with a certain fleet of drones, both light for
fast inspection and heavy for advanced monitoring activities. The recharging systems used by
electrical drones can provide a certain flexibility, while remaining eco-friendly, especially if surveyed
equipments are located in lived zones or restricted areas.
[3] Dempsey, Martin E. (9 April 2010). "Eyes of the Army—U.S. Army Roadmap for Unmanned
Aircraft Systems 2010–2035"(PDF). U.S. Army. Retrieved 6 March 2011.
[4] Pasztor, Andy; Emshwiller, John (21 April 2012). "Drone Use Takes Off on the Home Front".
The Wall Street Journal.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016 University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Integrated monitoring and control system for real-time estimation of operational state over the
entire electrical networks' assembly
The paper describes the necessity of on-line monitoring of power systems and the
specifications that a complete integrated monitoring system must meet. These findings are
exemplified by SIMCEC system, Romanian integrated monitoring system for the entire power grid
assembly (with the features and advantages that it presents), its utility and the results of several tests
carried out on the monitoring system itself. The final part contains conclusions and recommendations
to support and improve network monitoring and maintenance.
Integrated Monitoring System, Smart Grids, Metrology.
High voltage primary equipment from power substations (e.g. power transformers, shunt
reactors, circuit breakers, switchgears, current transformers, voltage transformers, surge arresters)
and high voltage overhead power lines have a major role in the power system and are vital for the
operational safety of the system.
The major purpose of the monitoring systems is to detect any modification of the technical
condition of the equipment and electrical installations in operation, with direct results in the
prevention of catastrophic defects, maintenance optimization, extending the equipment’s' life time,
better usage of power facilities, increasing reliability and operational safety of substations and high
voltage power lines, increase of the physical lifetime, reducing the likelihood of unexpected incidents
leading to electricity transfer / distribution discontinuation.
The main solution that meets the needs mentioned above is the use of intelligent systems
for on and off-line monitoring for power substations (for the primary electrical equipment in
substations, namely: power transformers, shunt reactors, circuit breakers, disconnectors, current
transformers, voltage transformers, surge arresters and high voltage power lines).
The software system ensures real-time information on the current status of the electrical
networks' assembly, enables operating risk assessment, helps establishing urgency, nature and
hierarchy of maintenance works.
The software system ensures the completeness and correctness of operation's verification
from a technical point of view, rapid assessment of the equipment' and installations' momentary
technical condition, data storage (historical data) in a SINGLE database, modern, flexible and
operational nationwide.
The system is designed and built to run exclusively as a web application.
This makes it portable to any platform regardless of operating system used.
Users can access and use the expert system from anywhere on the local network with a
compatible web browser using access rights received at their first registration on the system.
The system has a client-server architecture with a web server, a central database and clients
based in different geographical regions.
Both central servers and client servers belong to the same local network. This architecture
was chosen taking into account the following elements:
- experience from similar projects;
- lower infrastructure costs;
- high performance in system utilization;
- reliability;
- the easiness of implementing future software upgrades.
Using the WEB technology built system is simple, the user having access to an intuitive
graphical interface, friendly and easy to use. To access the system, the user is required to use only a
compatible Web browser (Google Chrome v.32 / v.9 Internet Explorer / Mozilla Firefox V.26).
In order to have a complete picture of the monitored equipment condition, SIMCEC system
accesses data measured on-line (via existing monitoring equipment type EMCSIT / OHLM) and off-
line (via prophylactic measurements for equipment diagnosis - obtained from existing expert
systems), bringing them to the same denominator, centralized in a single point but available
anywhere within the network.
SIMCEC system achieves its objectives by pursuing the two following directions:
- Porting / rebuilding from scratch existing specific applications (for (auto) power
transformers and shunt reactors, circuit breakers, current and / or voltage transformers,
surge arresters and high voltage power lines), by bringing them to the same level and by
using web technologies (which offer more in terms of portability, upgradability and
software maintenance);
- Centralizing all monitoring systems with the same interface and under a single
database, thus creating a dynamic map of the system as a whole.
The SIMCEC system is built using web technologies (ASP, Ajax, JavaScript, JQuery and
HTML) that make all the monitoring systems in operation available to the user.
The relational database model used in the SIMCEC was implemented with the help of the
ORACLE database management system.
This work was carried out through the program: Partnerships in priority areas - PN II,
developed with the support of MEN (Ministry of National Education) - UEFISCDI (the Executive
Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation), project no. 33/2014. "
The "Launch client" button takes the user to a login / authorization screen, that allows access
for viewing or interacting with the web monitoring system defined for the selected substation
(SIMCEC Substation), that is loaded in the web browser window after the security checks have been
The dynamic part of the data structure attached to each element was made to include both
electrical and graphics properties and links to other items.
With elements structured this way (and considering the neighbors of each element)it was
possible to create an oriented graph, that can be navigated starting from voltage transformers that
indicate the presence of voltage on the line and considering the open or closed state of the switchgear,
thus creating energized dynamically colored areas.
This is exemplified in the above figure, the color used for the energized area being black (the
color can be replaced with any other color or colors attached to different voltage levels: 400kV,
220kV, 110kV).
- SF6 gas alarm;
- circuit breaker state opened/closed.
In order to help the user to have a detailed analysis of the device, the web page provides a
history of the measured data. Historical data may be filtered by date (start date / end date), through
two "date-time picker" elements. The software also has a section where it may be drawn a chart, for a
total of 1 up to 5 parameters simultaneously on the same chart.
The system also records every so-called “event” for each monitored device. This “event”
• complete recordings with a high sampling rate, for circuit breakers, disconnectors, current
and/or voltage transformers,
• circuit opening/closing operations for the circuit breakers and disconnectors,
• over currents and over voltages for the current and/or voltage transformers.
Such an “event” can be seen in the next screen capture, web page created with JQuery and
HTML Canvas technologies. The web page has a drop-down list from which the events can be
selected for viewing, it also has the possibility to save the charts in “png” format or the data in “csv”
format, a plain text formatted file type, accepted by most of the spreadsheet editors..
Each monitored equipment has stored in the database a set of limits for each monitored
parameter. They define normal operation, pre-alarm threshold and alarm threshold for the selected
At every query addressed to the monitoring equipment, the system compares the measured
values with preset limits and decides whether or not to alarm the user, that the system exceeded the
alarm thresholdand exited the normal operation state.
The next figure presents an alarm case for a circuit breaker for which the monitoring system
notifies the user that the supply voltage has significantly decreased, its value being in the alarm zone.
Figure 5. Analysis of the monitored parameters - alarm for the operative voltage for a circuit breaker
TRAFOMON 5 – Web, component of SIMCEC system collects data from Trafomon 5 on-line
monitoring equipment.
This web software module is designed in a similar way to those dedicated to the other primary
equipment from a substation (see cap.5), with a generic drawing of the device, the main parameters
values placed intuitively around the transformer tank to symbolize the different sensor positions and
the technical states of monitored components.
Figure 6. SIMCEC TRAFOMON Main Screen
The main difference is that the transformer monitoring subsystem consists of several smaller
modules that can be added or removed from the initial configuration. Each module has its own
momentary state placed on the upper part of the main screen and associated web pages for momentary
data, historical data and events.
The modules included in the Trafomon subsystem are:
- Analog module, responsible with voltage, current, power and frequency acquisition;
- Digital module, responsible for the digital (1 or 0) states of monitored contacts as well as
the alarm relays that go off when certain limits are reached;
- SMT module, responsible with bushing monitoring;
- EFBR module that monitors the temperatures of the transformer unit evaluating at the same
time the efficiency of the cooling units;
- CBR module that starts the cooling units automatically when the oil reaches a certain
temperature and switches between the cooling units in order to achieve a uniform operation
time of all the cooling units;
- CRS module that monitors the on-line tap changer’s operation and record the motor’s
current and voltage curve for every tap change;
- DGA module that analyzes the gases dissolved in oil and its water content;
- PD module that “listens” for partial discharges inside the transformer unit’s tank through an
acoustic method;
- Disturbance module that records the harmonic distortions as well as the fast rise or fall
phenomena in voltages and currents;
- Video module that provides transformer unit visible spectrum surveillance.
The SIMCEC System also includes an overhead line monitoring system - SIMCEC LEA. This
subsystem focuses on monitoring the parameters of the overhead power lines as well as the integrity
and safety of the towers supporting them.
An integrated monitoring and control system for real-time estimation of operational state (as
the one presented in current paper) offers a unitary and complete vision over the whole power system
providing teh system is entirely on-line monitored.
The web-based system is user friendly, the user having access to an intuitive and easy to
exploit graphical interface.
The software system guarantees real-time availability of necessary information regarding the
momentary state of the power system and allows the operating risk assessment and determining the
urgency, the nature and the hierarchy of maintenance works.
The system checks the operation completeness and correctness from a technical standpoint,
assures a fast evaluation of equipment and installations’ momentary technical condition, stores the
data regarding the operation in a unique, modern, flexible and nationwide operational database.
[1] “PE 029/97 Designing norm for the power equipment dispatcher-controlled information systems
in the National Power System”;
[2] Tender documents: “Service delivery and product supply for on-line monitoring of the primary
power equipment in the 220/110 kV substations Gradiste and Mostistea˝, on December 22nd
[3] “Obtaining Value from On‐Line Substation Condition Monitoring”, CIGRE Paris, brochure
no. 462, June 2011;
[4] Modern Techniques for Protecting and Monitoring of Transmission Lines” CIGRE Paris
brochure no. 462, June 2011;
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016 University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Intelligent equipment for monitoring power transformers disturbances in the transmission and
distribution power systems
Power systems can have many hidden faults and even if a problem is discovered, the cause that
created the disturbance can be very hard to find. Monitoring power transformers disturbances is an
important aspect in solving this type of electrical problems because it can provide real time analysis
and automatic identification of faults. The intelligent equipment for monitoring power transformers
disturbances in the transmission and distribution power systems - NOVA P01 was created to address
the type of problems mentioned before, to provide, on request, data about the sequence of events,
dynamic faults and disturbances and to set specific limits, to ensure that they can be used in analyzing
events. Equipment includes/and is not limited to oscillograph, digital fault recorder, protection relays
and transient recorder.
Energy, power quality, Smart Grid, online monitoring, power transformer disturbances.
In transport and power distribution systems often appear disturbances and faults for various
reasons such as:
- atmospheric conditions (lightning surges that can cause the insulation piercing at electrical
components of the power transmission or distribution grid),
- events caused by changes in the technical condition of the equipment or high voltage power
- a line conductor breakage due to overload (thermal, mechanical, etc.) or aging, which
causes the fall to the ground of the conductor (therefore mono-phased short-circuits) or
short circuiting of conductors on different phases (three-phased short-circuits);
- failure of primary equipment (power transformer, circuit breaker, etc.) from a substation
which may cause changing parameters of the power in transit and / or operating system
configuration change;
- disturbances in power source characterized by changing the parameters of voltage and
current produced (RMS values, peak frequency, harmonics, etc.);
- etc.
Nova P01 equipment aims to detect, store and analyze the evolution in time of wave currents
and voltages of high power transformers.
[email protected]
This paper refers to the an intelligent equipment for monitoring power transformers
disturbances in the transmission and distribution power systems, in particular to a device that enables
detection, analysis, recording and transmission of information on current and voltage perturbations or
power quality at some point of the system (line or substation) to a central monitoring and control,
operational dispatch center and / or the control room of a power station.
The device is designed to be integrated into the SMART GRIDS monitoring and online
management system of disturbances and quality of power (in transport and distribution systems), in
order to improve / increase the power security and the quality of transmission and distribution
Also the equipment can be integrated into SCADA Operating systems and SCADA
Monitoring systems, respectively.
2.1 Motivation
In transport and power distribution systems, by disturbances or faults is understood any kind
(or nature) of abnormality in AC or in the generation, transmission and distribution of power
- Voltage dips, interruptions and increases are also considered voltage disturbances (of short
time) in AC systems.
- Voltage dips are short reductions of voltage, lasting from milliseconds to seconds.
- Voltage increases are small increases in voltage, lasting from milliseconds to seconds.
- Voltage interruptions are more severe declines in the amount of tension. The threshold for
voltage interruptions is usually less than 10% of rated voltage.
Disturbances and malfunctions can generate significant costs and repairs. Every year,
significant funds are lost because of disturbances.
For example, increasing voltage can cause the insulation piercing of some components of the
power supply, the effect being gradual, cumulative. Power outages are more severe declines in power
voltage supply, that can cause inoperative of equipment or can damage the equipment, due to
overstressing at reinstatement / starting up.
In particular, power substations also have their specific problems. Among them we may
mention lack of integration of the data collected directly, or from transducers regarding waves of
current and voltage through the power transformer windings, also lack of data transmission to the
operation management center of transmission or distribution of electricity. These problems were
solved through an automated process for acquisition, processing, display and storage of the data,
creating reports and establishing a communication protocol for transmitting data to any type of
operation management center.
2.2 Features
In order to remove the disadvantages presented above, an intelligent device for monitoring
power transformers disturbances in power transportation and distribution systems was needed. The
solution is an equipment that required the following characteristics:
- acquire and processes the automatic current wave forms and voltage on the three phases of
the transformer windings, by sampling sinusoidal voltage or current signals, synchronized
with a high-speed sampling, namely 512/256/128 samples / a time sinusoidal signal;
- analyze any transient fault and disturbance affecting power transformer;
- collect fault records and specify their parameters;
- provide data on the sequence of recorded events, faults and disturbances dynamic
functioning of protection systems (post incident analyzes, post failure);
- monitor power quality parameters at the input terminals and output transformer
- ensure the possibility of measured data synchronization with time reference data
management center / information related to the transmission or distribution of electricity;
- determines and monitors their online losses of the transformer, thereby streamlining own
technological consumption in the transport system or distribution of electricity;
- store in its memory equipment, sinusoidal wave forms of current and voltage signals
monitored online;
- provide automatic identification of faults characterized by voltage dips, voltage increases,
power failure, the time of the duration of the event;
- real-time data transmission to management center measured data / information related to the
transmission or distribution of electricity or final consumers.
NOVA P01 is an intelligent electronic device, SMART GRID compatible, which provides
simultaneous detection, description of disturbances in the functioning of power transformers and shunt
reactors in transport systems and / or distribution of electricity:
- monitoring in synchronized real time, waves of current and voltage transiting a power
transformer (by sampling at different speeds, preset to minimize the amount of data
required to be processed according to the purpose of analysis)
- data analysis that helps define the nature and characteristics of dynamic disturbances and/or
faults inside the transformer or in the system. This is accomplished:
o by analyzing power quality parameters
o by storing sequential digital information.
The device enables the analysis of events requiring data capture with high resolution and of
events requiring data capture with lower resolution.
Events with high resolution (such as spikes in time) are made with a relatively high sampling rate
(512 samples / a period sine wave), while events of low resolution (such as those characterized by slow
changes over time, type sag and swell) are made with a lower sampling rate (256 or 128 samples / a sine
wave period). Events such low resolution can be captured and stored for a longer period of time.
The preset speed of sampling data is optimized to minimize the amount of data used for the
processing and storing of data for a specific equipment.
Conventional architectures do not ensure the capture of the waveform with multiple sample
rates (functioning as a data-logger on acquisition and archiving the data), due to the operations
required for both processing and management of data (performance limitations), and for waveform
data storage (memory limitation on bandwidth and capacity respectively).
Moreover, NOVA P01 displays all the values in real time. In the graphics section, the channels
can be selected in any combination and each type of channel has its own axis. All these features are
also available in a remote location in the same local area network, after installing the NOVA P01
client application.
The device, works as a logger of defects, data logger, oscillograph, power quality monitor,
all of them combined into a Dynamic Disturbance Recorder (DDR). The device can monitor:
• RMS values for:
- phase voltages compared to neutral phase: minimum 12 inputs;
- phase currents compared to neutral phase: at least 9 inputs;
- a residual current or neutral: minimum 3 inputs
• frequency;
• active power, reactive power and deforming power on all three phases and total power;
• power quality parameters;
• THD and harmonics up to 49 harmonics;
The device may aggregate RMS values measured at 512, 256 or 128 points per period and
store them at a minimum rate of 50 measurements per second.
The Time stamp recorded for the defect (Failure Registration - FR) has an accuracy of ± 10
microseconds UTC; If a defect occurs, the equipment can record at least 10 records up to 50 periods each.
• The machine can store recorded data for a period of 10-30 days, and power quality
parameters (128 samples / period each channel).
This work was carried out through the program: Partnerships in priority areas - PN II,
developed with the support of MEN (Ministry of National Education) - UEFISCDI (the Executive
Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation), project no. 33/2014.
The “real time section” also contains processed information about power quality.
Power quality monitoring is done on 6 channels, three voltages and three currents.
Information categories were chosen by measurements acquired or calculated. In this structure
was implemented with tabs for each category of information in the field of power quality, as follows:
- V / A / Hz (Root Mean Square (RMS) values, peak, crest factor, both for voltage and
current, and for each phase, etc.);
- Harmonics - (Total Harmonic Distortion THD- along with harmonics for voltages and
currents for each phase separately)
- Power / Energy - (active power (W), apparent power (VA), reactive power (VAR) power
factor (power factor), Cos Φ and energy types respectively)
- Unbalance / Phasors (unbalance and phasor diagram for each phase separately)
- Power quality events (dips, swells, interrupts)
Regarding storage, there is an organized storage structure on the equipment hard drive, that is
based on measurements folders and type of aggregation, channels and time information. Thus, when it
receives a notice of exceeding the trigger limit from the analysis module, a predefined number of
values recorded before the notice of appearance, a so-called pre-trigger and a number predefined of
values after the time of the event occurrence (the limit exceeding), are extracted from the buffer.
These values are saved with the timestamp of the event (GSM time).
In the figure below is presented a section of a recording for 24 channels.
Fig. 4. Waveform graphic
If a measurement is running, screenshots can be made from the software application and there
is the possibility to store the selected waveform.
Also, historical analysis of the data is available (in table format and chart format).
Another advantage of NOVA P01 is that it can be accessed from a remote location. A client
application can be used from anywhere in same network with the equipment (and implicit with the
server application).
This way, a user can see in real time what is happening in substation from a remote location.
Moreover, several clients can access the data from the server at the same time and even transfer files
on client local hard disk.
NOVA P01 provides bidirectional communication, remote data center management and/or
remote end user access, thereby enabling:
- monitoring transport and power distribution systems from a remote location;
- eliminating operational personnel travel for daily operational activities;
- synchronization of the time reference for several measurement systems monitored by the
data management center;
- updating parameters of the software module on energy efficiency.
- the equipment provides local and remote reading of online monitored data.
The device ensures a high capacity data storage for measured and processed data, including
waveforms for a minimum period of 30 days, allowing analysis and extraction of data in storage
Multiple equipments NOVA P01 installed in different points in the electrical grid can be used
to compare fluctuations of various inputs or processed data.
[1] “PE 029/97 Normativ de proiectare a sistemelor informatice pentru conducerea prin dispecer a
instalatiilor energetic din Sistemul Energetic National”;
[2] NTI-TEL-S-009-2010-01 Detalii şi specificatii de echipamente pentru realizarea unui sistem de
comandă, control protectie şi automatizare la nivel de statie electrică;
[3] “NTE 011/12 vol II: Norma tehnica pentru proiectarea sistemelor de circuite secundare ale
statiilor electrice. Sisteme de conducere si teleconducere”;
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Department of Electrotechnics and Measurements, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
The numerical simulation software and procedure of the electromagnetic field distribution in
high voltage (HV) substations and analysis of the human exposure is presented in this paper. The
authors developed a computer aided design software (CAE) which is able to retrieve the 3D
coordinates of the substation constitutive components and function on the specific loads, computes the
spatial distribution of the electromagnetic field. The specific elements of the HV substation (e.g.
towers, breakers, circuit conductors, bus bars, transformers, etc.) were built-up by the authors as three
dimensional (3D) CAD models and stored in a data base under the SolidWorks environment. The
examples of both 3D CAD and CAE approaches are demonstrated on the 3D models of 110kV Cluj-
Sud substations and cell 2 of 400kV Gădălin substations. The simulated electromagnetic field
distributions are represented over the 3D models of the substations in order to visualize and spot the
high concentration zones with the electromagnetic field and make comparisons with the professional
human exposure limits. A comparison between the measurements performed in situ and simulated
electric field is made.
CAD/CAE modeling, high voltage substations, electromagnetic field, human exposure.
The electromagnetic field interferences (EMI) represent unknown factors to both human health
and malfunction of the electrical devices. In order to fulfill both health regulations and standards, e.g.
[1] and [2] an EMI map becomes a very important instrument. Such a map would require
instrumentation, measurements methodologies and advanced computational models for numerical
simulation. From all presented means, the numerical simulation has several advantages for the
electromagnetic field distribution study produced by the HV substations because it does not require
investment in measurement devices and operative personnel and can easily analyze complex working
scenarios covering both substation yard and its neighborhoods.
The majority of the simulation software used for the computation of the electromagnetic field
distribution produced by the high voltage substations are based on the chard simulation method
(CSM) in combination with Finite Difference Method (FDM), Finite Element Method (FEM),
Boundary Element Method (BEM) or combinations of these methods (FDM-CSM, FEM-CSM, BEM-
CSM) for the computation of the electric field [3-10] or a semi analytical method as described in [11-
14] for the computation of the magnetic field.
[email protected]
This paper presents an advanced CAD-CAE computation software and methodology for the
electromagnetic field computation produced by HV substations and power lines. Regarding the
previous works [12-14], the methodology introduced in this paper has the advantage that the input of
3D coordinates of substation constitutive components (e.g. terminals and conductors) is made via a
graphic user interface, customizable for two CAD environments - SolidWorks and AutoCAD. An
integrated solver of the electromagnetic field spatial distribution was implemented in the new CAE
software. The computation approach used in this paper allows representation of the electric field
distribution on horizontal and transversal slices directly on the 3D CAD model. Hence, it is easy to
highlight the high intensity field zones and discuss the human exposure with respect to the actual
The substation constitutive components were built-up by the authors as 3D CAD models and
stored in a data base under the SolidWorks CAD environment. Cluj-Sud 110kV and 400kV Gădălin
substations 3D model were built up in order to demonstrate the computation methodology. The results
are compared with in situ measurements. Finally, the electric and magnetic field results are compared
with standard human exposure limits.
The electromagnetic field computation approach integrated in the CAE software requires the
approximation of the complete substation structure by straight finite conductor segments. Hence in a
first step, the 3D coordinates and gauge of the substation electrical equipment and power lines need to
be collected. The simulation algorithm structure is presented in Figure 1.
a) b) c)
Figure 2: (a), (b) CAD/CAE interfaces for collecting the coordinates of the substation constitutive elements; (c)
previsualization of the conductor direction superposed over the 3D CAD model.
In order to check the correctitude of the collected data it is possible to preview the retrieved
data in terms of conductor direction and/or position of the equipment terminals superposed over the
3D CAD model of the substation, see Figure 2 (c).
Figure 4: Example of electric field visualization in a slice parallel to the ground.
(a) (b)
Figure 6: (a) 3D SolidWorks model of the 110kV Cluj-Sud high voltage substation; (b) the schematic overview of the
electrical circuits and the access personnel lanes A to F.
The exposure limits to electromagnetic fields are quantified by two EU documents [1] and [2].
Both above mentioned documents have been transposed in the Romanian legislation resulting two
governmental documents [16] and [17]. According to these documents, the occupational exposure limit to
the electric field is 10 kV/m at 50Hz. This limit was particularly checked during the performed analyses. In
Figure 7 (a) is represented the strength of the electric field at 1.7 m and (b) 3 m above the ground (bottom).
The highest field values were found in the neighborhood of the line bays, bus-bars circuit breakers and
disconnectors, see Figure 8 (a) and (b). It can be noticed that there are large areas inside substation where
the occupational exposure limit is exceeded but only starting from 3 m above the ground.
(a) (b)
Figure 7: Electric field distribution: (a) 1.7 m above the ground and (b) 3 m above the ground.
The highest value of the electric field strength is noticed along the lane B and is 6.5 kV/m, see
Figure 6 (c). It occurs in the neighborhood of the interrupters, but it still does not exceed the
professional exposure limits.
The 400 kV Gădălin substation represents an important energy hub of the Romanian energetic
system providing interconnection between three important Transylvanian substations: Iernut, Cluj
East and Roșiori. Munteanu et. al. computed and analyzed in [11] the electric field generated by the
Roșiori substation.
After substation retrofitting and upgrading the electric field measurements were performed
along the main ally of cell 2. The 3D SolidWorks model and 2D schematic view of the electrical
circuits that describe cell 2 are presented in Figure 9: (a) and (b).
(a) (b)
Figure 9: (a) The 3D SolidWorks CAD model of cell 2 (the lane where the electric field measurements were performed is
marked in dark grey) (b) the electrical circuits of cell 2, with the main alley marked by an arrow.
The electric field measurements have been performed with a field meter device HI 3604 ELF
with the measuring loop set horizontally. All measurements were taken at 1.7 m height from the soil
surface being considered the most critical human exposure zone [1, 2] to the power frequency
electromagnetic field. A good agreement between the simulated electric field intensity and
measurements can be noticed in Figure 10 (b). The highest deviation is less than 15%. The highest
value of the electric field does not exceed 10 kV which is the highest limit for the professional
exposure at 50Hz in controlled environment. The simulation results are shown in Figure 10 (a)
through a cross-section along the central alley in Figure 10 (b).
(a) (b)
Figure 10: (a) Comparison between the simulated electric field strength at 1.7m above the ground along the central lane
and measurements; (b) the electric field map through a cross-section along the central lane.
The currents through the substation buss bars were unknown. Hence, the computation of the
magnetic field was performed considering a hypothetical situation e.g. a constant current i=100A
through each buss bar. The simulation results of the magnetic field distribution is presented in Figure
11 (a) at 1.7m above the ground and Figure 11 (b) through a cross-section along the central lane.
(a) (b)
Figure 11: The magnetic field map in cross-sections: (a) at 1.7 m above the ground and (b) through a cross-section along
the central lane.
No measurements were available for the magnetic field density. The maximum magnetic field
density resulted from simulation is 4µT. The limits (e.g. 500 µT) [1-2] for the professional exposure
in the magnetic field are not exceeded.
A 3D CAD/CAE Modeling software and methodology for the computation of the
Electromagnetic Field Distribution in HV Substations was presented. The CAE environment
developed in this paper interacts with the 3D CAD model of the substation, retrieves (x, y, z)
coordinates of the electrical terminals and conductors, allows setting the specific loads and computes
the electromagnetic field spatial distribution. A fully parameterized and reconfigurable 3D CAD
model library with the specific substation constitutive components was built-up under the SolidWorks
CAD environment. The 3D SolidWorks substation components allow fast design and configuration of
the substation computational models. Both 3D CAD and CAE approaches were outlined on the 3D
CAD models of 110kV Cluj-Sud substation and cell 2, of 400kV Gădălin substation. The comparisons
between the simulated electric field and measurements along the central lane of cell 2 of 400kV
Gădălin substation are in a very good agreement. The simulated electromagnetic field values do not
exceed the professional human exposure limits in controlled environment.
[1] Council Recommendation of 12 July 1999 on the limitation of exposure of the general public to
electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz).
[2] Directive 2013/35/EU on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of
workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields).
[3] N. P. Herbert, Introductory Electromagnetics, Wiley, 1971.
[4] H. Singer, H. Steinbigler and P. Weiss, "A charge simulation method for the calculation of high
voltage fields." IEEE Trans Power Apparatus Syst, vol. 93, no. 5, pp. 1660-1668, 1974.
[5] B. Lee and et al, "An effective modelling method to analyze the electric field around
transmission lines and substations using a generalized finite line charge," IEEETrans Power
Delivery, vol. 12, no. 3, p. 1143–1150, 1997.
[6] A. Rankovic and M. S. Savic, "Generalized charge simulation method for the calculation of the
electric field in high voltage substations," Springer-Verlag Electr Eng, vol. 92, pp. 69-77, 2010.
[7] Mazen Abdel-Salam, M.T.El-Mohandes, “Combined method based on finite differences and
charge simulation for calculating electric fields”, IEE Transactions on Industry Applications,
vol. 25, No. 6, pp.1060-1066, 1989.
[8] J.N. Hoffmann, P. Pulino, “New developments on the combined application of charge
simulation and numerical methods for the computation of electric fields”, IEEE Transactions on
Power Delivery, vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 1105-1111, 1995.
[9] Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, Xiang Cui, Shejiao Han, Jun Zou, “Electric field calculation for HV
insulators on the head of transmission tower by coupling CSM with BEM”, IEE Transactions on
Magnetics, vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 543-546, 2006.
[10] S. Schmidt, G. Zech, W. Otto, “Fast and precise computation of electrostatic fields with a charge
simulation method using modern programming techniques”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
vol.32, No. 3, pp. 1457-1460, 1996.
[11] W. Krajewski, "Numerical evaluation of the magnetic field exposure near the transition tower of
an overhead-underground hv line," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 14, 247-261,
doi:10.2528/PIERM10101102, 2010.
[12] C. Munteanu, M. Purcar, D. Bursasiu, E. Merdan, V. Farcas, "CAD/CAE modeling of the
human exposure to electric field inside a high voltage substation", in EPE 2014 - Proceedings of
the 2014 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering, pp.
476-479, 2014.
[13] C. Munteanu, G. Vișan, T. I. Pop, V. Țopa, E. Merdan, A. Răcășan, „Electric and Magnetic
Field Distribution inside High and Very High Voltage Substations,” în Proc. 20th International
Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zürich 2009.
[14] C. Munteanu, V. Topa, M. Purcar, L. Grindei, A. Racasan "Study of the electric field generated
by the high voltage substations" MMACTEE'10 Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS international
conference on Mathematical methods and computational techniques in electrical engineering,
pp. 74-77, 2010.
[15] SolidWorks, "," [Online].
[16] “HG 1136/30.08.2006”, Official Romanian Gazette, no. 769/11.09.2006.
[17] “OMSF 1193/29.09.2006”, Official Romanian Gazette, no. 895/03.11.2006.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Department of Electrotechnics and Measurements, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
The numerical simulation procedure for the evaluation and mitigation of the electromagnetic
field interferences generated by the high voltage alternating current power lines (HVAC) on the buried
metallic structures (e.g. pipelines networks) is presented. The benefits of the software tool in
investigation of the personnel safety will be highlighted with the example of safety elements design.
High voltage alternating current power lines, underground metallic pipeline networks,
electromagnetic field interference, simulation software, personnel safety.
Simulation technologies represent nowadays common tools for the optimal processes design.
An important application of the simulation technologies is the investigation of the hidden phenomena
created by the electromagnetic field interferences (EMI) between the HVAC and the underground
metallic pipeline networks that may affect both human health and good functioning of the related
Besides the well-known DC or AC corrosion phenomena of the buried metallic structures [1]-
[6] (which can lead in time to important damages) a very serious effect of the stray induced currents is
represented by the shock hazard for the personnel [7], [8].
The stray induced currents are basically generated by the HVAC in the neighborhood metallic
structures via three mechanisms:
Capacitive or electrostatic coupling, when the HVAC and victim metallic structure behaves
like the capacitor armatures; this coupling holds only for the metallic structures above the ground;
Inductive interference, when the HVAC and victim metallic structure behaves like the
transformer primary and secondary coils respectively;
Resistive or conductive interference related to the AC fault currents (e.g. phase to ground) that
flow towards the metallic underground pipelines or structures.
The simulation technology applied in this paper uses the simulation software tools developed
in [9]. The software suite for the AC interference prediction and solution techniques to mitigate the
unwanted effects allows modeling complex HVAC and metallic pipeline networks with no restrictions
on geometry and electrical connections. The software has been presented in [7]-[11].
The computational approach can handle both conductive and inductive coupling mechanisms.
[email protected]
2.1. Resistive coupling
The pipelines buried in the ground can be seen as large electrodes surrounded by an immense
electrolyte. Assuming, for simplification, that there are no concentration gradients, Ohm’s law holds
and electrochemical cells can be described by the Laplace equation with non-linear boundary
conditions governed by the electrochemical reactions at the electrodes (pipe surfaces) [12].
The model is applied in solving the conductive component during the fault to earth (e.g. phase to
ground). It considers the complete ground half-space where the earth surface is modeled as an insulator.
The inhomogeneity of the soil is modeled using a two layer soil approach [13], see Figure 1.
Earth surface
Figure 1: Pipe cross section: internal and external domain coupled through coating [7], [10].
Figure 2: Division of source and victim wire in piecewise linear segments (left); TLM for the pipeline-earth electrical
circuit (right).
The numerical approach requires the pipeline section parameters (e.g. diameter, coating, soil
resistivity, etc.) and HVAC parameters (voltage, current, phase transposition, sag, tower geometries
etc.). More details on the numerical implementation, specific boundary conditions, modeling of fault
and inductive interference can be found in [7], [10] and [11].
Figure 3: Studied configuration: blue = pipeline, red = HVAC.
The power lines 2 and 3 have common towers. The steady state and fault current parameters of
the HVAC’s are presented in Tables 1 and 2.
In Table 3 are summarized the results of the 8 working scenarios and compared with the
maximum allowed AC voltage during steady-state (which is 15V) and faults interference (coating
stress limit which is 2000V) with respect to the impact on the personnel exposure and safety [1].
According to the results presented in Table 3 the following conclusions can be drawn:
All steady state scenarios (average and full load) exceed the 15V maximum allowable limit; the
highest induced voltage is 96 V (when the contribution of all HVAC’s during full load are considered);
During single phase to ground fault of circuit 2 of the power line L1 the maximum allowable
coating stress voltage is exceeded;
Table 3: Results for the ss and fault scenarious
Scenario Power Line Load V allowed V max Allowed?
1 All Average [V]
15 [V]
30 [Yes/No]
2 All Full 15 96 No
3 L1 Full circuit 2 15 81 No
4 L2 Full circuit 1 15 41 No
5 L3 Full circuit 1 15 29 No
6 L1 Fault circuit 2000 2215 No
7 L2 2Fault circuit 2000 186 Yes
8 L3 1Fault circuit 2000 1110 Yes
The AC induced voltage along the pipeline for the full load of the power transmission lines is
represented in Fig. 4.
Figure 4: AC induced voltage along the pipeline versus the 15V safe limit during steady-state for all power lines
at full load.
The highest induced voltage in the pipeline (as a sum of resistive and inductive components)
occurs during the fault (phase to ground) of circuit 2 of power line, L1, see Figure 5.
The highest touch potential is 460V and occurs at the valve station in Figure 6 left. The touch
potential exceed the 367V safe limit which is calculated for zero soil resistivity and a fault duration of
maximum 5 cycles (50 Hz each). The earth potential rise around the tower poles and pipeline is
presented in Figure 6 right.
Figure 6: Detail of the faulted tower and location of the valve station where the touch potential exceeds the safe limit
(left); earth potential rise around the tower poles towards the pipeline (right).
In order to reduce the touch potential below the safe limits a gradient control mat (2x2m) is
foreseen at the valve, see Figure 7 (left).
Figure 7: Detail of the faulted and gradient control mat at a valve station (left); earth potential rise around the tower poles
towards the pipeline (right).
The gradient control mat distorts the earth potential rise and reduce it up to 120V at the valve
station. The earth potential rise around the tower poles and pipeline is presented in Figure 7.
In this paper a software technology for the electromagnetic field interference prediction has
been presented. The computational technology is able to model both resistive and inductive coupling
mechanisms, between multiple HVAC’s and pipeline networks. Both steady-state and fault scenarios
of all power lines are simulated and assessed with respect to the impact on the working personnel
safety. It could be noticed that during the average and full load working conditions the highest
induced voltage is 96 V, hence, exceeding the 15V safety limit. In case of the single phase fault
scenarios only if the fault occurs in circuit 2 of power line L1 the maximum allowable stress voltage
2000V is exceeded. A gradient control mat is required at the valve station in order to mitigate the
touch potential below the safe limits.
[1] “Guide on the Influence of High Voltage AC Power Systems on Metallic Pipelines”, CIGRE,
Working Group 36.02, 1995.
[2] SP0177-2007, "Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures
and Corrosion Control”, 2007.
[3] International, Corrosion Supervisory Committee PRC, "AC Predictive and Mitigation
Techniques – Final Report," 1999.
[4] EPRI Project 1902-07, BIRL Final Report, EPRI, "TL WorkstationTM Code: Version 2.3,
Volume 3: CORRIDOR Manual," Palo Alto CA, 1992.
[5] F. Dawalibi, "Power Line Fault Current Coupling to Nearby Natural Gas Pipelines, Volume 2:
User’s Guide for ECCAPP Computer Program, Final Report, EPRI Project RP 742-4, A.G.A.
Project PR 176-510," Safe Engineering Services & Technologies Ltd, Montreal, 1987.
[6] C. Munteanu, G. Mates, M. Purcar, V. Topa, I.T. Pop, L. Grindei, A. Racasan, “Electromagnetic
field model for the numerical computation of voltages induced on buried pipelines by high
voltage overhead power lines”, The European Physical Journal, Applied Physics, DOI:
10.1051/epjap/2012110462, 2012.
[7] L. Bortels, C. Baeté and J.-M. Dewilde, “Accurate modeling and troubleshooting of ac
interference problems on pipelines,” in NACE International CORROSION 2012, Salt Lake City,
[8] Purcar M., Munteanu, C., Bortels, L., Baete, C., “AC interference assessment and impact on
personnel safety”, in EPE 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference and
Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering, pp. 457-461, 2014.
[9] E. NV, "," Elsyca NV. [Online].
[10] L. Bortels, J. Parlongue, W. Fieltsch and S. Segall, "Manage Pipeline Integrity by Predicting and
Mitigating HVAC Interference," in NACE Store, Houston, 2010.
[11] L. Bortles, J. Deconinck, C. Munteanu and V. Topa, "A General Applicable Model for AC
Predictive and Mitigation Techniques for Pipeline Networks In," IEEE Transactions on Power
Delivery, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 210-217, 2006.
[12] Brichau, F., Deconinck, J., ‘A Numerical Model for Cathodic Protection of Buried Pipes’,
Corrosion-vol 50, No. 1, Nace International, 1994.
[13] Purcar, M., Deconinck, J., Bortels, L., Nelisen, G., “Two Layer Model for Cathodic Protection
of Buried Pipes”, Proceedings of the Advances in Numerical Computation Methods in
Electromagnetism Symposium, ANCME 2000, Gent, Belgium, 8 - 9 June 2000.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
#80 D. ILIŞIU∗
CN Transelectrica – DEN
The analysis of the new pan-European code highlights some new requirements which must be
reflected, in the shortest time from approval, in the Grid Code and secondary legislation in Romania.
The paper presents analysis of the main aspects of the paneuropean connection codes,
highlighting them backbone and the newest concept and requirements. The requirements of this
Regulation shall apply from three years after publication time necessary to adapt national legislation
for no exhaustive requirements.
Grid code, power control, ancillary services, active power control, reactive power control,
voltage control, power factor, low voltage ride through, requirements for generation, demand
The need of developing a common European Code connection derives both from the European
Council decisions 714/2009 and especially from the need of having common technical requirements in
Europe. Ensuring the same level of technical requirements for all producers and consumers of
electricity is a beneficial process for equipment manufacturers and network operators / system with
the obvious intention of ensuring constant quality of the product “electricity” in a single market. A
single European electricity market can become viable only if there are some single European
requirements whose compliance can be guaranteed only by the entities (producers and consumers)
using equipment that complies with standards and technical requirements of common connection.
The development of codes of connection and operation with the European regulatory nature
such as Pan-European Grid Code ultimately contribute to achieving a degree of reliability and a high
power quality in the entire European network and an equal treatment of consumers.
At this time, in Europe is working five synchronous systems (Continental Europe, Nordel,
England, Ireland and the Baltic States) with different requirements for users’ connection (producers,
distributors and consumers) and power-frequency control rules. Consequently, the performance
provided by each synchronous system is different. The differences between operating rules of those
five European power systems are based on natural differences of size, development, interconnection
with other systems, types of block control that form them.
[email protected]
1.1. The law basis
The Directive 2009/72/CE of European Parliament and Council of 13 July 2009 with regarding of
common rules for internal electricity market points the need for enhanced cooperation and coordination
between transmission system operators in the ENTSO-E space to create common network codes. These
Pan-European Codes should provide an effective and transparent access to cross-border transport networks
to ensure coordinated planning and future-oriented technological development of the transport system,
including interconnection capacity building and environmental protection.
The Transmission system operators (TSOs) are, in accordance with Article 12 of Directive
2009/72/EC, responsible for high and very high network operation for long distance, with transport and
supply of electricity including the consumers directly connected and for distributors. In addition to the
transport task, TSO responsibility is to ensure the security, to a high level of reliability and quality.
By developing the Code of generating sources connection, ENTSO-E aims to establish some
clear and objective requirements for connection of generators to the grid, in order to achieve a
competition based on the same technical requirements imposed on equipment suppliers. In this way,
are created the premises of the efficient functioning of the internal electricity market in terms of safe
operation of the system even if the renewable energy production is increasing.
(b) connection point below 110 kV and maximum capacity at or above a threshold proposed
by each relevant TSO in accordance with the procedure laid out in paragraph 3 (type B). This
threshold shall not be above the limits for type B power-generating modules contained in Table 1;
(c) connection point below 110 kV and maximum capacity at or above a threshold specified by
each relevant TSO in accordance with paragraph 3 (type C). This threshold shall not be above the
limits for type C power-generating modules contained in Table 1;
(d) connection point at 110 kV or above (type D). A power-generating module is also of type D if
its connection point is below 110 kV and its maximum capacity is at or above a threshold specified which
shall not be above the limit for type D power-generating modules contained in Table 1.
The connection requirements are presented starting with type A units being developed to type
D units. This structure and the idea of developing requirements for small groups, defined as non-
dispatchable units to the grid code are new and require special technical rules necessary for distributed
generation. In this sense the Grid code must be adapted for each TSO.
Figure 1. Frequency-active power response for generators Table 2. Values for parameters from Figure no.1
type C
In terms of control schemes and their settings, the protection schemes and their settings are
read as follows:
- Schemes and generated power control device settings (RAV and power regulators) must be
coordinated and agreed between the network operator and the operator of the unit, especially on one
of these situations: isolated operation and depreciation of local and inter area oscillations.
- Beginning with type C generating units, the active power of the unit must be controllable. In
this respect, the unit control system must be able to receive a reference value (setpoint), implemented
either manually or automatically by remote-controlled equipment by the system operator.
- The system operator is entitled to require to the unit to produce any power in the range of
minimum and maximum set.
Each generating unit must be able to activate the entire power reserve according to the above
figure and table parameters specified by the TSO.
TSO sets: the droop values, insensitivity bands, death bands in frequency response and
frequency inflection points. Accuracy of frequency response measurements of active power must be
greater than 10 mHz.
Each generating unit must be able to provide all active power reserve for a period specified by
the TSO of each synchronous area between 15 min and 30 min.
Requirements regarding the operation in voltage-frequency domain for units connected to a
voltage level higher than 110 kV.
U/Un [ur]
60 min
conditii impuse de
> 90 min
90 min
1 Nelimitat
90 min
180 min
cerinte locale
30 min
ale TSO
47 47.5 48 48.5 49 49.5 50 50.05 51 51.5 52
f [Hz]
Figure 2. Requirements regarding the operation in voltage-frequency domain for units connected to a voltage level higher
than 110 kV
Generating units whose start time is greater than 30 minutes must be able to isolate on their
services when the connection with the network is lost, from any point of operation of the PQ diagram
without using additional signal. The minimum isolated run time is set by the TSO.
And for a wind power plant type D according to the following diagram (which highlights the
need for the zero reactive power exchange with the system at zero active power delivered to the
4.1. Requirements for reactive power control on wind power plants
Wind power plant type C and D should be able to control the voltage at the point of common
connection with the reactive power exchange with a reference value of voltage between 0.95 pu and
1.05 pu in steps of 0.01 or less p.u. with a slope of 2% to 7% in steps less than or equal to 0.5%. The
setpoint can be operated with or without a deadband in the range of ± 10% of nominal voltage of the
network in steps less than 0.5%.
The diagram represents the lower limit of a voltage-against-time profile of the voltage at the
connection point, expressed as the ratio of its actual value and its reference 1 pu value before, during
and after a fault. Uret is the retained voltage at the connection point during a fault, tclear is the instant
when the fault has been cleared. Urec1, Urec2, trec1, trec2 and trec3 specify certain points of lower
limits of voltage recovery after fault clearance.
Table 3. Parameters for Figure 5 for fault-ride-through capability of synchronous power-generationg modules
The requirement refers to the fact that synchronous generating units must remain connected to
the network for short-term deeps and interruption (symmetric or asymmetric faults) like those in
Figure 5, with range of values in table 3.
The same requirement also applies to wind generating units, but with the parameters from
Table no. 4
Table 4. Parameters for Figure 5 for fault-ride-through capability of power park modules
This chapter comes to regulate exchange data flux as online and off line exchange between the
TSO a generating unit. These requests are present from class B. Most important rules are:
- TSO and network operator defines exactly the list of data to be transmitted on line and
- Generator unit will be equipped in accordance with standards approved by TSO or network
operator to transmit information in real time or post event, for a certain period.
- Real-time information is necessary to monitor the unit, exchange of information including:
- signal condition of primary control operating unit;
- scheduled active power (power saw);
- measured active power;
- droop value;
- available power including wind and solar power plants, if they operate in limitation.
- generating unit must be equipment to record the following parameters: voltage, active
power, reactive power, frequency and harmonics. The settings of recording equipment,
including criteria for release and registration period shall be determined by the operating
system and TSO.
droop, dead band, control bandwidth, and dynamic parameters, including response to frequency
variations. Tests are performed by applying frequency steps in order to activate at least 10% of the
maximum active power exchange, taking into account the dead band and droop settings. Simulated
frequency deviation signals are injected simultaneously on both speed and power regulators, if those
exist. Tests are considered good if they meet the following requirements: test results for both dynamic
parameters and for the steady state are in accordance with the requirements of the Code and there are
no unredeemed oscillations after shifting step response.
After the enter in force (at 17.05.2016) of the network code on requirements for grid
connection of generators, as Regulation 613/2016, Transelectrica starts the developing of a Technical
Norm for establish the no exhaustive requirements specified in the Code and the local requirements.
Those norms will include, at least:
1. Classification of generating units in four classes A, B, C and D.
2. Introduction of fault ride through requirement not only for RES (as it was in NT 30 and NT
51) but also for classic units (synchronous) with low power (Class B and C, between 0.8
kW and 10 MW).
3. Introducing of the requirements for voltage control by imposing areas like U-Q/Pmax
adjustment, for both RES power plants and classic units.
4. Data exchange between the generating unit and TSO is established both for online and
offline information including the obligation to provide the TSO of the mathematical model
of the unit.
5. Settlement of the obligation to perform tests with simulated signals to prove compliance of
the unit / wind power plant with code requirements.
[1]. "UCTE Operation Handbook", Version 2.5E, Union for the Coordination of Transmission of
Electricity (UCTE), Brussels, Belgium, 20 July 2004.
[2] "Manual Time Error Correction Standards", Standard # WEQBPS-004- 000, Version 0, Draft 3,
NAESB, 15 January 2005.
[3] "The Grid Code", Issue 3, Revision 29, National Grid Electricity Transmission, Warwick, U.K.,
1 September 2008.
[4] "Active power control în the UCPTE system. Inventory", Version 2.5E, Union for the Co-
ordination of Production and Transmission of Electricity (UCPTE), 1991.
[5] "Final Report - System Disturbance on 4 November 2006", Union for the Co-ordination of
Transmission of Electricity (UCTE), Brussels, Belgium, January 2007.
[6] “Five Good Reasons to Abandon Synchronous Time Control”, Yann G. Rebours, Member,
IEEE, Julien Pestourie, and Etienne J. Monnot Powertech
[7] “Monitoring of generating units’ contribution to Frequency and Voltage Control”, P. Juston, F.
Guy, S. Henry, P. Bertolini Powertech
[8] Roşca P. – Electronic measurements, sensors and transducers, Ed. Alma-Mater, 2002;
[9] Industrial energy - 1451 b - 9 - Creţu Nicu Cătălin.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Large Wind parks connected in a same connection point as Fantanele Est, Fantanele Vest and
Cogealac (600 MW) connected in S 400/110 kV Tariverde, Verbund and Land Power (225+84 MW)
connected in 400/110 kV Rahman and Crucea Nord+ Targusor+N.B. Targusor (108+119.6+59.8
MW) in Substation 400/110 kV Stupina, offer a voltage control in them connection point at 400 kV
level. Paper deals with stability and control issues of those wind farms. All wind farms provide three
types of control: active power control in relationship with the balancing market, the voltage control at
400 kV level and, in some cases, reactive power control at level of each feeder connected into 110kV.
The paper deals with the voltage control at 400 kV level. Detailed dynamic model of the wind farm an
equivalent of the transmission system are presented, the test results and the behavior in normal
operation. Paper used wind turbine models (with variable speed and pitch control) and generators
models (generators with full power converters), voltage/reactive power controller models and tap
Wind power plant, Conformity tests, Voltage and reactive power control, voltage controller
Paper deals with control issues of large wind farms, typically behaviour from voltage and
reactive power control point of view.
Wind farms Fantanele and Cogealac are presented as well as Wind farms from Stupina due to
different type of tyrbines and voltage controllers. The paper describes principles of voltage and
reactive power control in both substations. The requirements for wind farm grid connection regarding
reactive power supply are also described.
Results of conformity tests and real operation are presented in last Section.
[email protected]
Fig. 1. Simplified one line diagram of 400/110 kV Tariverde
The specificity of this WPP is the intermediate connection point in 110 kV which cannot be
considered as a public connection point because all three WPPs have the same owner. In this case the
connection point was considered the 400 kV where the all three WPPs must fulfill the connection
requirements. As regards the voltage and reactive power control, the main requirements should
• less than 0.95 capacitive/inductive power factor for maximum active power,
• zero reactive power interchange with the system in case of no active power produced and,
• the reactive power and the voltage control for a sending set point automatically recived
from National Dispatch Center [1].
The fulfilling of connection requirements starts with the reactive study which provides the V/Q
capacity control of WPPs.
The type of wind turbines (WT) is GE 2.5xl from the General Electric manufacturer and it is
the largest wind park of GE on shore from Europe (600 MW). The general P-Q curve is represented in
Fig. 2 where WindFREE of WT can provide ±1.2 MVAr from P=0 to Pmax, and all others WTs
provide 0.9 cap. <cosϕ< 0.9 ind. capacity (red lines). In order to fulfill the Requirement of Romanian
Code of Wind Farm connection to the grid: “zero reactive power in connection point in case of zero
active power produced”. WPP Fantanele East is equipped with 6 WindFREE WT, WPP Fantanele
West is equipped with 36 WindFREE WT and WPP Cogealac is equipped with 38 WindFREE WT.
The condition of Q=0 at P=0 must be reached by each feeder (Fantanele Est, West and Cogealac) at
level of 100kV connection.
Q 1400
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 P2600
VAR Controlled without WindFREE (cosϕ 0.9) VAR controlled with WindFREE
All this reactive power capacity must be provided during the voltage or reactive power control.
The reactive capacity relative to 400 kV connection point must be carried out both for WPP
Fantanele and Cogealac. The theoretical P-Q diagrams for WPP Fantanele East and WF Fantanele
West is seen Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. P-Q diagram for WPP Fantanele East and West in 400 kV connection point
The GE controller (WFMS - wind farm management system) was designed to control both
voltage and reactive power of each wind park at a voltage level of 110 kV. It controls the reactive
power produced by each WT. Tap changing on the transformers 110/33 kV are solved by means of
autonomous automatics. These controls are not sufficient for 400 kV voltage control, therefore the
control of the tap changer of the three 400/110 kV transformers is also necessary. The complete
voltage regulation is realized by a superior automation named ASRU.
The WFMS of the each WPP are supervised by one voltage controller called ASRU (EGU
provider). The principal ASRU schema is presented in the Fig. 4.
The ASRU is the first level of hierarchical voltage control. Its task is to track, with closed
loop, voltage set point sent from NDC (National Dispatch Centre) on the level of 400 kV. The
elements controlled by the ASRU are:
- Reactive power controllers of each wind farms as setpoint for WFMS of each WF;
- The tap control of 110/33 kV transformers which belong to each wind farm
- The tap control of 400/110 kV transformers.
The tap control of 110/33 kV transformers can be integrated either into the ASRU control loop
command or into the reactive power control of the wind turbines (WFMS), or by individual controller
according dispatcher decision.
The general admitted insensitivity in the 400 kV voltage control is ±0.5 kV and it is the sum of
all insensitivities in slave control loops.
The control hierarchy is: the WFMS of all WPPs act first, the taps of 110/33 kV transformers
are controlled afterwards and the tap positions of 400/110 kV transformers are controlled finally (all
three 400/110 kV transformers are operated in parallel on one 110 kV bus bar).
In the taps control ASRU considers some insensitivity related to the Unom=110 kV voltage:
dead band 5%, band of reaction without delay 9% and maximum reaction delay 180s.
Above mentioned principle of the ASRU was slightly changed. Proportional regulator is
replaced by PI controller, which distribute reactive power demand (based on relationship reactive
power-voltage/coefficient) among particular WFMS. The amount of required reactive power set point
is calculated in accordance with wind condition and available active and reactive power of each WF.
If reactive power is not available, the required control action is not possible and the control action is
Take in consideration that this wind farm composed of three WPPs and total installed power of
600 MW represents the largest onshore wind farm with GE wind turbines, the voltage and reactive
power control represent the largest voltage control for a wind farm controlling a total reactive power
in the range of -300 to +450 MVAr. After the commissioning tests, the voltage control of this
connection point operates continuously.
Isaccea Varna
400 kV
400/110 kV
T1 T2 T3
110 kV 110 kV
All this reactive power capacity must be provided during the voltage or reactive power control.
The reactive capacity relative to 400 kV connection point must be carried out both for WPP
Targusor and WPP Crucea Nord. The theoretical P-Q diagrams for WPP connected in Substation
Stupina are seen in Fig. 3.
151,60 154,53 150,54 155,18
145,47 136,79 144,72
150,00 131,23 124,98
100,00 74,30
50,00 60,00
0,00 26,70 53,40 80,10 106,80 133,50 160,20 186,90 213,60 240,30 267,00
-50,00 -78,87 -81,86 -78,00 -80,70
Fig. 6. P-Q diagram for WPP Targusor, N.B. Targusor and Crucea Nord in 400 kV connection point
The wind power plant will be brought out into the transmission system of Transelectrica on the
voltage level of 400 kV in the substation 400/121 kV Stupina. The substation Stupina 400/121 kV
actually consists of:
- Two bus bars 400 kV
- Two main transformers 400/121 kV (250 MVAr) T1, T2 equipped with tap controllers
- Two bus bars 121 kV – System 12
CEE Crucea Nord is connected directly in 400 kV. Each wind power plant will have in its area
its own substation and transformer 121/30 kV with tap changer regulation under load. Usually, tap
changers (121/30kV) are in automatic mode controlled by a local rely and monitored by Joint
controller (JC) provided by Siemens.
Joint Control (JC) controls only main transformer tap changer of S400/121 kV Stupina. Joint
control is a first level of hierarchical control of voltage and reactive power at 400kV bus bar. JC
operate at:
1) Level of 121kV bus bar and send to each WPP required Q set point (Q1, Q2).
2) Level of 400kV (WPP Crucea Nord) and send to the system required Q set point (Q3)
for CEE Crucea.
JC manages reactive power injected to bus bar from each main transformer and tap changer
position. Reactive control makes the distribution of reactive power for each wind farm according to
each WF maximum capability from PQ diagram.
When JC is in remote mode, receive set point from DEN of TSO; in local mode receive
setpoint from local Joint control operator.
Compliance test results
Tests of voltage control have been performed on the bus bars BB1-400 kV – Substation
Stupina 400/110 kV.
30 412
0 408
-10 407
Comanda JC- LOCAL 405
-30 CWF sub JC
EGPR independente in reglaj 404
-40 403
-50 402
P400 [MW] Q400_CWF [MVAr] U400 [KV] Uc400
Normal operation records
Statia 400/110 kV Stupina - Grafic P, Q , V
425 255
420 205
415 ]r
105 A
410 V
80 M
k[ 405
5 W
400 -20 M
-45 P
395 -70
390 -120
385 -170
380 -220
V1 V2 P Q
Fig.10. This figure highlights the controllability of the 3 WPP in the CP to almost zero active power. The reactive power
absorbed by the three power plants is between 45 and 195 MVAr. It finds the influence of connection /disconnection of
200 MVAr inductor on voltage control of 400/110 kV Substation Varna.
Statia 400/110 kV Tariverde - Grafic P,Q,V
430 600
425 525
420 425
415 325
300 ]r
275 A
410 250
] 200 M
V 175 Q
[k 405 150 [,
V 125
400 75 W
390 -125
385 -200
380 -300
V1 V2 P Q
Fig. 11. Highlights the capability to regulate the voltage variations in conditions of big active power variations in WPP
Fantanele and Cogealac
Voltage control represents the normal operation mode of RES connected in high voltage grid. For
substations where are connected more than one WPP or PVPP (photovoltaic power plant) is mandatory to
create a secondary voltage controller. The paper analyzes two different controllers and substation
topology. For both the time real results confirm the correctness and efficiency on voltage variations.
Current practice highlights that only two voltage set points are necessary to be used during the
day and those can be scheduled.
The secondary voltage control needs to be improving for main substations being the necessary
level for the third voltage control.
[1] D. Ilisiu, C. Munteanu, Integration of the Wind Farms into the Romanian Power System,
CIGRE Integration of wide-scale renewable resources into the power delivery system, Calgary
[2] A. Berizzi, M. Merlo, P. Marannino, F. Zanellini, S. Corsi, M.Pozzi, “Dynamic Performances of
the Hierarchical Voltage Regulation: the Italian EHV System Case”, the 15th Power Systems
Computation Conference (2005)
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The use of computing technologies for the effective management of resources of a modern city-
Smart City
Teletrans SA
The paper gives a detailed presentation of the cloud-computing model and how it could help to
solve the challenges that occur out of the need of creating intelligent cities (SmartCity), intelligent
energetic grids (Smart Grids), efficient transportation systems, as well as efficient human interaction
and adequate analysis or interpretation of the huge data amount in various fields. Presentation of the
CityNext concept.
SmartCity, cloud-computing, SmartGrid, IoT (Internet of Things), ICT (Information and
communication Technology), DA (Data Analytics)
The Smart City concept is trying to include multiple secure technological solutions in view of
a better management of the resources and the needs of a modern city. These technologies can lead to a
better crisis management in situations such as natural disasters or arsons, by minimizing the reaction
time of all the factors involved, due to the simultaneous access to information. A facile access to
certain resources may lead to the accomplishment of this desired goal.
For this purpose, cloud technologies provide complex and secure solutions that could help the
exchange of information among different factors involved. A SmartCity model can be designed
around public services such as: the energetic sector, various governmental entities, the transportation
system, health, schools, buildings and agriculture. Such a model cannot be created without an efficient
informatics and communication infrastructure (Information and Communication Technologies – ICT).
Next, we will concentrate on these 2 directions namely, how such an informatics model that
would manage the information received from the factors involved could be developed and how these
factors can interact using a modern and efficient telecommunication system. At Smart City Expo
World Congress 2015 in Barcelona the importance of using digital systems in the main sectors of a
city has been underpinned “If you can digitize the analogue, you can digitize the city, and now we are
seeing the application of the internet of things (IoT), smart apps and the amazing ability of the cloud
to store, manipulate and analyze the massive volumes of data”. [5]
[email protected]
“Cloud-computing” concept – SmartCity implementation
The National Institute of Standards and Technology gives the following definition of cloud
“Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access
to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications,
and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service
provider interaction.” [16]
The creation of a unitary platform for smart city using cloud computing technology which
would include the information provided by the various factors stated above could be a viable solution.
A major benefit of this technology with direct relation to the SmartCity concept would be that the user
does not need a very highly-performing computer in order to operate a complex database, even if such
operations need such systems. The access to cloud is made very easily and the users in various
locations can take advantage of the great power of processing data without investing very much in
technology or employee training. Cloud computing involves four technologies, namely: virtualization
technologies, security, and programming and data management.
Avantages Disadvantages
Cost –the data migration towards the cloud may Cost – Because of the multiple needs a business
be a cheaper solution because of the multitude has, and thus requiring permanent chnge, the
of hardware and licences involved. cost of cloud implenentation could be higher
and higher.
Storage – the traditional solution of owning the Security – even if the centers work hard to
hardware could prove more expensive than maintain a high level of security, still, securing
renting cloud space the communication paths to the data centers
could turn out to be problematic.
Access – the authorised users can access the Privacy – many cloud providers keep the data
company data anytime and from anywhere by in different cities, states or even continents,
means of an internet connection. where the legislation regarding security and
privacy of data differs from the one in the user’s
country, which can lead to various problems.
Speed– Hardware instalation can cost a Speed – the upload time may be too big for
company time, while in cloud, everyting is daily usage, when the company transfers big
ready to use in minutes. files.
One can notice the fact that around the network that involves the energy providers and the
transportation system of high and medium voltage, a very secure communication system must be
provided, versatile and tloerant in case of damage, so that the communication should not be
The implementation of cloud computing model for SmartGrid networks is, at the moment,
only at the theoretical level, but the interest is raising together with the need of high calculation
power, of huge amount of data storage, all of them happening in real time. Due to its scalability ant to
its flexibility, as well as its capacity of managing huge data quantities, the cloud computing model
may develop and adapt to the necessities of a SmartGrid network, by sloving all the problems that
have been identified.
Tourism – another important domain is tourism, from the perspective of attracting as many
tourists who will spend as large amounts of money as possible. Thus, a series of applications that offer
visitors a great amount of information which helps them find taxis, bars, landmarks, and other
attractions as fast as possible, in their area, has been developed. Also there is a series of applications,
which process big amounts of data provided by a series of sensors in the city which, along with the
information from the audio/video surveillance systems from important objectives, create profiles using
artificial intelligence and suggest various itineraries depending on the budget, free time and
preferences. Among these applications one can count:
Smart destination – it offers the visitors itinerary suggestions based on a series of information
received from the city sensors
Emotion recognition with artificial intelligence – based on algorithms in the field of artificial
intelligence and facial/age/sex/ feelings recognition they create dedicated offers for visitors. For the local
authorities and for the governmental ones, a series of applications intended to make their work easier, to
offer transparency towards the citizens and to offer information for business developers are provided.
Transportation system – An intelligent system meant to make car parking more efficient has
been implemented in Barcelona where, with the help of a complex network of sensors, and of some
web or smartphone applications, the inhabitants and the tourists may see, in real time, the situation of
parking spots available inside a certain area.
Also, in Barcelona, they have implemented an intelligent system of making the public
transportation more effective. All the transportation means and the stations are interconnected and
offer real time information. Such systems have started to be implemented in our country as well, In
Bucharest, Sibiu, Timisoara.
Intelligent roads – many projects that aim for the traffic flow decongestion based on
information provided by various sensors are implemented in many cities of the world. Another idea is
awaiting for imlpementation, namely, the illumination of roads and highways only when there is
trafic. This would certainly lead to energy savings.
Another initiative concerning the intelligent ways has been taken by the Great Britain
Government transportation Department, which is developing a pilot project by implementing a Wi-Fi
sensor network along A 14 motorway which will render the traffic surveillance, warning systems,
speed limitation systems and payment systems more effecient.
Another developing segment is the one of electrical vehicles which automatically involves
creating a charging network for these vehicles. Still, due to the limitation of manufacturing
technologies for rechargeable batteries, the solutions for this field would still be the hybrid vehicles
(electrical energy and fuel).
Public services: -- an innovative system concerning garbage collection has been implemented
in Barcelona involving the use of intelligent containers that help collecting garbage more efficiently.
The system is based on ultrasonic sensors that identfy the filling degree of containers, regardless of
the form or structure of the materials from inside, and send all the information through mobile
telecommunication using a SIM card. Thus, the company would use the collecting system more
efficiently knowing the degree of container filling.
In July 2013, the beginning of a global program was announced that aims to implement a
platform for SmartCityes. The idea behind this is using cloud technologies, smartphones and data
analysis(DA- data analitycs), social networks for creating thriving cities.
CityNext aims to gather together information from different fields such energy, infrastructure,
water provision, tourism, social services, education, as well as local administrations, to manage this
information and to provide it to users.
After several years, some solutions to the major problems that the big cities face have been
Here are some important achievements:
Smart Grid Networks
Residual and potable water management
Energertic System Management
Carbon emissions control
Smart Grids in Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France– a consortium formed by more companies in
the field of utilities, constructions, sofrware, as well as other fields have launched IssyGrid – an
experiment through which more citizens and buildings owners have been introduced into a system of
energy monitoring, an experiment whose result was 10 to 20 % drop in energy consumption.
Intelligent buldings
Public illumination
Waste management
Smart Buildings in Seattle, WA, US - IT companies have designed an application to monitor
and optimize the energy consumption in the central part of the city aiming to reduce the consumption
with up to 25%.
Traffic management
Fleet management
Taxation systems managemeny
Parking systems management
Airports, railways, harbors.
Taxation system and traffic management in Tijuan China – the solution that has been
implemented has succeeded in improving and the trafic conditions and the payment of tollways in less
than 3 seconds.
Sureveilance systems
Crisis management
Judicial system management
Public safety- Ogden, Utah, US – in a partnership among IT companies, an application has
been developed which offers real time information to the police officers on duty.
Mobile Tourism Apps
Library Management Systems
Tourism Portals
Destination Management Systems
Tourism Portal in Luxor, Egipt –application developed by some IT companies for spotting
touristic destinations and providing information on landmarks (virtual tours, hotels, restaurants etc)
Electronic communication and messaging services
Managerial education systems
Education management systems
Increasing university education efficacy
Increasing university education efficacy in Bangkog, Thailand – one university in Thailad
has implemented an efficient electronic system for student management, for application registration,
management of libraries and credits count.
Public health system
Home medical assistance
Pandemy management
Primary medical assistance
Public health Hague Sysyem - a cloud-based technology has been developed for medical staff
useful for knowledge exchange and medical projects management.
Taxes and fees collection systems
Document management
Public services: portals, applications
Open data
Taxes and fees collection system Buenos Aires, Argentina – is an application that reduces the
time for acessing and processing various types of forms and that creates a better transparency in the
citizen-local authorities relationship.
As mentioned above, such a system can be useful in case of disaster, when it is essential for
the various governmental institutions and the citizens to collaborate within a short time frame, or for
the easy acess to vital information in certain situations. The applications for smartphones and real time
location tracking systems may provide vital information to people in critical situations.
A pilot project is being developed in Barcelona where an application is used that can be
installed on the mobile phone providing real time information about population density fluctuation in
various areas, about the unemployment rate and available housing, in order to facilitate decisions
involving business opportunities and real estate tendencies.
Such partnerships are being developed in other cities such as Auckland, Buenos Aires, Hainan
Province, Hamburg, Moscow, NewYork and Philadelphia .
According to Forbes, five big cities have managed to implement smart City technologies in
various fields [17]:
1. Barcelona –intelligent parking and environment protection systems
2. New York – intelligent illumination and traffic monitoring systems
3. London – technology and data management
4. Nice – environment protection systems and authorities interaction
5. Singapore – intelligent traffic monitoring system
This proves the growing interest that governments have for the SmartCity concept. According
to IDC (International Data Corporation) by 2017, at least 20 governments will have created projects
and will have allocated budgets for the SmartCity concept.
There is a growing interest for this field as more and more IT companies have been developing
solutions for all that concerns IoT, SmartGrid or SmartCity.
Still, despite the various efforts and despite the number of pilot projects in various stages of
development, one can notice the lack of a unitary implementation strategy for Smart City technologies
which could lead to security risks or to data protection flaws. Also, the lack of common strategies
among governmental institutions could cause the creation of duplicate projects resulting in faulty
resource management.
Another danger is the huge amount of data that can enter in a SmaryCity system at a given
time. This amount if information may come from the governmental institutions or from independent
sources. The management, the storage the interpretation of data coming from various sources- sensors,
smart phones, GPS - may be difficult and may create faulty forecast. An example of independent
application is waze an application for navigation and traffic with the biggest community that shares
traffic information saving time and money for many commuters.
It is estimated that the new approach to the future of cities will contribute to energy efficiency
and to environment protection and that it will generate a new economic environment. Also, through
the development of the new concepts of intelligent homes, home comfort will rise and the use of
electrical or hybrid cars will reduce the negative impact on the environment.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Improving Back-up Protection Systems in Power Grid Using Wide Area Synchrophasor
Synchronized phasor measuring technology are becoming an important element of wide area
measurement systems used in protection, monitoring, and control applications. Phasor measurement
units (PMUs) are power system devices that provide synchronized measurements of real-time phasors
of voltages and currents.
Current differential protection used today on a large scale to protect power systems is a simple
protection, sensitive, acting only to short circuit inside the protected zone, having absolute-selectivity
using information from two ends of the protected area.
In the paper a new method is proposed for back-up protection of 400 kV transmission
networks from East and North-East Area of Romanian Power Grid, based on synchrophasor
According to the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary, back-up protection is intended to
operate when a power system fault is not cleared, or an abnormal condition is not detected, in the
required time because of failure or inability of other protection to operate or failure of the appropriate
circuit breaker to trip. The back-up protection is, by definition, slower than main protection.
The principle of the proposed protection scheme [1], [2] consist of in comparing inside a
system protection center of the positive sequence voltage magnitudes at each bus substation during
fault conditions to detect the nearest bus to the fault. Then the absolute differences of positive
sequence current angles are compared for all lines connecting to this bus to detect the faulted line. The
new technique depends on synchronized phasor measuring technology with high speed
communication system and time transfer GPS system.
Every power system is subjected to permanent or transitory disturbances created by random
load changes, by faults created by natural causes and sometimes as a result of equipments failure.
When a disturbance in the power system occurs, control and protection system must pick-up to
stop the power system degradation, restore the system to the normal state, and minimize the impact of
the disturbance [1],[3],[4].
Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) are the most accurate and advanced synchronization
technology devices. They gives information about the current and voltage phasor, frequency and rate
[email protected]
of change of frequency (ROCOF), these all information are synchronized with a high accuracy to a
common reference time provided by Global Positioning System (GPS) [5], [6].
The accuracy of synchronization is better than one microsecond, and the set of measurements
provide a real-time snapshot of the state of the power system. The advent of this technology has been
made possible by advancements in computer, networks and processing technologies and availability
of accurate GPS signals. These all technological growth is opening the gateways of rapidly
approaching era where all metering devices will be time synchronized with high precision and
accurate time tags as part of any measurement [5], [7].
Synchronized phasor measurements have offered solutions to a number of complex protection
problems. These include the protection of series compensated lines, protection of multi-terminal lines,
and the inability to satisfactorily set out-of-step relays [8].
Phasor measurements are particularly effective in improving protection functions which have
relatively slow response times. For such protection functions, the latency of remote measurements is
not a significant issue. For example, back-up protection functions of distance relays and protection
functions concerned with managing angular or voltage stability of networks can benefit from remote
measurements with propagation delays with latencies of up to several hundred milliseconds [8], [9].
The paper provides a new technique for wide area protection (WAP) using PMU. This paper
introduces protection scheme depending on comparing positive sequence voltage magnitudes the bus
bar substations and positive sequence current phase difference angles for each interconnected line
between two substations of power system. The measurements are processed in a system protection
central (SPC). This capability is used to set up a wide area control, protection and optimizing the
platform by means of new fast communication system and (GPS) [1], [2].
Fig. 1. Three zones of operation for each stand alone relay [1], [4].
The malfunction of protection devices and unwanted trips are considered as the main cause of
propagate of major disturbances in the power system. As pointed out above, the backup protections
pick-up when the primary protection fails to operate or when the primary protection is temporarily out
of service [1].
In this paper is presented a new backup protection system for East and North- East Area of
Romanian Power Grid.
For this reason, every substation must be installed PMUs (fig. 2), the communication of data
among protection systems being achieved by optic-fiber networks, developed along the 400 kV
overhead transmission lines using the OPGW and the OPUG cables [4 ]
Fig. 2. The new protected zones of the proposed relay [1], [4].
The root mean square (RMS) value of the input signal is ( . Equation (1) can also be
written as
Theories and achievements of phasor measurement have already been discussed in detail in
reference [8, 9, 14, 15].
Connections of PMU to the GPS antenna for receiving accurate time, and to secondary circuit
of instrument transformers for measuring the primary system [analog] voltage, VB, and current, IL, are
shown in fig. 4,[13].
VB Substation bus
Receiver PMU
Communications Transmission
Each PMU simultaneously measures voltage and/or current phasors (amplitude and angle) that
are synchronized with GPS time stamping with 1.0 µs accuracy.
The data from all connected PMUs with identical time-tags are collected, synchronized and
archived by the Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC) to other client application for display, analysis and
The Standard for Synchrophasors for Power Systems, IEEE C37.118 serves as excellent
sources for understanding the fundamentals of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and timing as it
relates to synchrophasor measurement [19]. It also addresses other technical issues that must be
considered in the implementation of the synchrophasor measurement device often referred to as the
Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU).
Line 1
Bv Gut
Smd Line 2 PMU 2 PMU 3
Line 3 Line 4 Line 5
PMU 10
Line 7 Line 8 PMU 4
Line 6 Line 9
Gut 4
3 SV
Line 10 400 kV transmission line
Line 11 220 kV transmission line
Fig.5. Single line diagram for WAPMC in the East and North-East Area of Romanian power grid [4].
Table 1. The lengths and angles of the lines
Line Terminals Length Voltage ∆ϕ
(km) (kV)
For analysis of proposed method has
1 Gut Bv 124 400 been used the 400 and 220 kV
2 Gut Smd 136 400 ϕ GS − ϕ SG transmission network in East and
North-East Area of Romanian Power
3 Gut BcS 55 400 ϕ GB − ϕ BG
Grid represented by 10 substations
4 BcS RN 59 400 ϕ BR − ϕ RB
and over 1140 km of transmission
5 RN SV 99 400 ϕ RS − ϕ SR lines. In table 1 the lengths of the lines
6 Gut FAI 190 220 ϕ GI − ϕ IG
are represented in km and ∆ϕ as the
7 Gut Mun 117 220 ϕ GM − ϕ MG
absolute difference between the
8 Mun FAI 74 220 ϕ MI − ϕ IM
positive sequence current angles
9 FAI SV 116 220 ϕ IS − ϕ SI measured at the ends of the line [1].
10 Gut FcV 87 220 ϕ GF − ϕ FG
11 Gut Dum 89 220 ϕ GD − ϕ DG
Fig. 6 shows the positive sequence current angles ∠ϕ mn measured at transmission line terminals.
∠ϕ BvG ∠ϕ GBv
Bv ∠ϕ SG∠ϕGS Gut
∠ϕGB ∠ϕ BG ∠ϕ BR ∠ϕ RB ∠ϕ RS ∠ϕ SR
∠ϕGM ∠ϕ MG ∠ϕ MI ∠ϕ IM SV
Mun AT
∠ϕGI ∠ϕ IG ∠ϕ IS ∠ϕ SI
Gut SV
3 ∠ϕGF ∠ϕ FG 400 kV transmission line
∠ϕGD ∠ϕ DG 220 kV transmission line
U2 Un
Usc =0 Ui+1
The angle values φsc depend on the type and parameters line (for overhead lines, φsc = 20° to
80°). For a metallic three-phase shortcircuit, the phase voltages become zero at the fault site (Usc = 0),
and as we approach the source the voltages increase with impedance (fig.7).
Referring to fig. 7, it can be seen that
Three-phase short-circuit current is calculated using positive sequence scheme, the reactances
of this scheme are equal with positive reactances, e.m.f. of the sources are the positive sequence and
the short circuit currents are also the positive sequence currents..
The phase angle is used to determine the direction of fault current with respect to a reference
quantity. The voltage is usually used as the reference quantity. To distinguish between a fault occurs
in one direction or another, it is necessary to compare the phase angle of current to the reference
voltage [1], [16], [17], [18].
The normal power flows in a given direction will result in the phase angle between the voltage
and the current varying around its power factor angle ±φ. In the normal operating the line current
flows at one end from the busbar to the line and at the other end from the line to the busbar, so that the
difference between the phase angle of voltage and current from both ends of the line will be close
zero. In the event of a fault on the line, the current from one end of the line changes in the opposite
direction (at the end of the current flows from the line to the busbar), and the phase angle becomes
(1800 + φ). In this case, the difference of phase angles at the two ends of the line will be maximum
(about 1800) [1], [18].
The proposed method is to identify the faulty line, this being achieved by comparing
amplitudes of positive sequence voltages for each substation on the main busbars. Minimum values of
the voltages indicate faulty line that is connected to the two substations. In addition are compared,
differences of the absolute phase angle of the positive sequence current on all lines. Maximum angle
absolute difference is chosen to identify the faulty line. The line is tripped when the above two
conditions are fulfilled [1], [2].
Operating conditions described above, can be described mathematically as [1], [2],
where and are the amplitudes of the positive sequence voltages measured by PMUs
at the substation bus-bars (i) and (i+1) which is connected the faulted line.
The second requirement is to compare the positive sequence current angles absolute
differences of lines connected to the substation bus-bars and then selecting the line with the biggest
difference angles so,
where is the absolute difference of the positive sequence current angles from the two
ends of the line connected to the substation bus-bars. It can be described mathematically by the
Relationships (6) and (7) may be logically implemented in fig. 8, [1], [2].
Ui Ui, Ui+1
. Maximum
To verifying the proposed method, the authors have modeled in Matlab a segment of the 400
kV transmission network from the eastern part of Romania, with 4 equivalent sources and 3
transmission lines of 400 kV, as shown in Fig. 9.
Substation A - Substation Gut 400 kV
Substation B - Substation Bv 400 kV
Substation C - Substation Sm 400 kV
Substation D - Substation BS 400 kV
For the simulation, the paper will only use generic names (Substation A Substation B, etc.)
In each node of 400 kV, it is modeled a equivalent source, as shown in Fig 9.
Fig. 9 - The 400 kV modeled grid
The phasor measurement units (PMUs) are placed in substations A, B, C and D and they
monitor the voltages at the substation bus-bar levels and the currents which arrive or leave through the
substation lines. Each PMU receives analog signals from (CTs) and (VTs) in bay level [1].
• Voltage transformers (VTs) on the main bus (400 kV) of substation. Each PMU receive 3
phase voltage (UABC).
• Current transformers (CTs) on each line terminal receive 3 phase current (IABC) to the PMU.
• PMU converts the analog voltage and current signals to digital samples synchronized in time
of measuring, the Discrete Fourier Transform method inside PMU calculates the positive sequence
voltage and current phasors.
The fault was simulated on the 400 kV line A-B on phase C, at the half distance of the line
measured from substation A and it was assumed that the fault resistance was 5 Ω.
The voltages and the currents at the PMU placed on substation A are shown in figure 10 and
figure 11 respectively.
Fig. 10. The voltages at substation A (Gut)
The voltages and the currents at the PMU placed on substation are shown in figure 12 and
figure 13 respectively.
Fig. 13. The currents at the substation B (Bv) on line B-A
In the fig. 14 are shown differences in module between the positive sequence current angles at
the ends of the 3 lines. It can be seen that the faulted line (line A-B), the difference is greatest (about
170 degrees). Also in the figure below, we see that at the time of 0.33 seconds, drops to
about 95 degrees, because in the A substation the line B is disconnected; in B station the line remains
connected until the 0.33 seconds moment, when in the B station the line A is disconnected; after this
time, there is not fault current, so drops to 0 degrees.
Fig. 14. The positive current argument differences for fault on line 400 kV A-B
The paper provides a new idea for fault detection using Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) in
a wide area system. This is achieved by [1],[2]:
• comparing amplitudes of the positive sequence voltages measured by PMUs at the
substation bus-bars which are connected the line. The minimum voltage value, from two
ends of the line indicates the nearest line to the fault.
• in addition, the absolute differences of the positive sequence current angles are calculated
for all lines. These absolute angles are compared to each other. The maximum absolute
angle difference value is selected to identify the faulted line.
For real-time analysis of protection, control and monitoring of power systems, based on
synchronized phasor measurements, has been used the simulation of the 400 kV transmission network
from East and North-East Area of Romanian Power Grid, using Matlab modeling.
[1] M.M.Eissa, M.Elshahat Masoud, M.M.Elanwar, “A Novel Back Up Wide Area Protection
Technique for Power Transmission Grids Using Phasor Measurement Unit”, IEEE Trans. Power
Delivery, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 270-278, January 2010.
[2] M.M.Eissa, M.Elshahat Masoud, „A Novel Wide rea Protection Classification Technique for
Interconnected Power Grids Based on MATLAB Simulation”,
[3] Wide Area Protection and Emergency Control, 2002, IEEE Members, Working Group C6.
[4] A.Miron, M.Dragomir, S.Gal, A.Rusu, Gh.Moraru, I.Nedelcu, “Real-Time Monitoring, Control
and Protection by Implementation of the PMUs in North- East of Romanian Power Grid”,
CIGRE, Paris, 2014.
[5] Waheed Ur Rahman, Muhammad Ali, Chaudhry A. Mehmood, Asadullah Khan, “Design and
Implementation for Wide Area Power System Monitoring and Protection using Phasor
Measuring Units” WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, Issue 2, Volume 8, April 2013.
[6] Mladen Kezunovic, Zheng Ce, “Monitoring Power System Dynamic Performance Using
Synchronized Sampling” in Monitoring of Power System Dynamics Performance 28-30 April
2008, Saint Petersburg.
[7] R. F. Nuqui and A. G. Phadke, “Phasor measurement unit placement techniques for complete
and incomplete observability”, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 2381–2388, Oct.
[8] G. Phadke and J. S. Thorp, “Synchronized Phasor Measurements and Their Applications”. New
York: Springer, 2008.
[9] J.D.Ree, V. Centeno, J.S.Thorp, and A.G.Phadke, “Synchronized Phasor Measurement
Applications in Power Systems”, IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol.1, no.1, pp. 20-27, June, 2010.
[10] G. Ziegler, Numerical Distance Protection. Principles and Applications, Publicis Corporate
Publishing, Erlangen, Siemens, 2006.
[11] Stanley H. Horowitz, Arun Phadke “Power System Relaying – 3rd ed.” John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, England, 2008.
[12] Y.G. Paithankar, “Transmission Network Protection. Theory and Practice”, Marcel Dekker, Inc.
270 Madison Avenue, New York, 1998.
[13] Elmo Price, “Practical Considerations for Implementing Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and
Control”, 59th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, 2006.
[14] xxxx, “Phasor Technology and Real-Time Dynamics Monitoring System (RTDMS)” Electric
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[15] M. Adamiak, W. Premerlani, B. Kasztenny, “Synchrophasors: Definition, Measurement and
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[16] M. M. Eissa, “Development and investigation of a new high-speed directional relay using field
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IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 566–572, Jul. 2005.
[19] IEEE Draft Standard PC 37.118, “IEEE Standard for Synchrophasors for Power systems”
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The CoSMo Company
Designing and implementing successful maintenance and investment strategies comes with
many challenges for utilities. Traditional methods based on extended intuition and know-how
supported by simple modeling tools such as spreadsheets cannot cope with the increasing complexity
and expectations of today’s utilities business environment.
In this context, systemic Asset Investment Planning is being adopted by innovative utilities
that want to get a pragmatic and powerful solution to meet their challenges. This new approach
enables them to integrate their maintenance and investment strategies and project into a holistic
analysis. They can then configure, simulate and compare multiple scenarios in order to better
understand and optimize the impact of their decisions on the whole system in the short and long term.
The French electricity Transmission System Operator, RTE, has started implementing this
approach, which greatly helps its strategic planners take optimized decisions with already shown
significant returns.
Strategic capital planning; asset investment planning; systemic optimization; maintenance and
investment; transmission and distribution utilities; cost optimization; risk analysis.
[email protected]
Second, the relationship between the T&D’s and regulatory bodies are such that more and
more requirements are asked from the regulators’ side. In particular, regulators demand higher levels
of transparency for costs and tariffs, and utilities have to take up the challenge of the wall of
investments while striving against limited available funds to meet performance measures in order to
gain or maintain credibility with regulators.
Moreover, electricity T&D utilities have to complete the aforementioned tasks on a dynamic
network that is undergoing a paradigm shift toward smart grids. Yet smart grids require healthier asset
performance and higher operational performance, while their assets are subject to different
depreciation curves than traditional equipments. T&D utilities also have to consider the effects of
external factors such as climate change on their infrastructure, and make it more resilient to potentially
harsh environmental conditions.
Finally, T&D utilities are facing a data tsunami that is complex to leverage. They need to turn
this data into actionable investment intelligence in order to support better decision processes.
In such a way, AIP potentially solves most of utilities’ growing issues regarding asset
management by enabling them to make repeatable and defensible investment decisions, thus gaining
trust and approval from regulators.
These decisions ultimately lead to more realistic plans that can be implemented without time
or budget excess, and provide better cost and performance optimization while integrating criticality
and risk in the decision process. Besides, it enables to capture asset management knowledge and
wisdom, gives a better visibility into asset condition, and induces improved data quality.
However, it does not guarantee a holistic approach of utilities’ networks which could ideally
integrate all the constraints, the relevant processes and couplings that are involved in the decision
To go beyond these limits, T&D utilities have started to adopt an innovative approach to AIP
called systemic AIP. This approach takes into account multiple organizational and operational
constraints and processes, such as the network (topological) model, human resources, finance, asset
management policies, aging, operational planning and risk, and all the couplings and interactions that
exist among them. Systemic AIP enables to simulate plans in a most realistic manner and compare
them according to all the relevant indicators.
Integration of interconnections in T&D utilities’ systems is key to a powerful AIP strategy.
Indeed, asset life cycle cost, risk, and performance should not be solely considered at the discrete asset
level, since improving the performance of a discrete component does not necessarily lead to better
system performance, particularly if that component is not the weakest link in the network or if the
latter contains redundancy. A systemic perspective of electricity and gas networks is necessary to
better improve overall performance, especially since these networks are particularly complex and are
composed of a multitude of components interconnected to each other.
This systemic AIP with a holistic vision of the whole organization of utilities and their
constraints, enables users to create globally optimized plans based on information from all the
different silos involved in the strategy. That can satisfy all of them by finding the best balance among
their different objectives and minimizing operational conflicts.
RTE’s global annual asset management budget, dedicated to maintenance and renewal, is close
to €700 million per year. Their general strategy consists in maximizing asset service life. They have
defined 20 technical policies of preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance and enhancement,
and renewal. Preventive maintenance aims at delaying the failure and detecting failure risk for
preventive intervention. Renewal policies are designed assessing the severity of a potential event
according to multiple categories of impact and its frequency.
RTE identified limits in its current approach in the fact that the 20 technical policies were
mainly planned independently from each other. Decisions were taken in silos, while in reality policies
were competing for the same resources. They recognized that the system complexity was beyond
human intuitions, with a systemic behaviour mainly determined by dynamic interactions. In order to
improve their capital planning strategy, they decided to invest in innovative methods.
RTE chose to call upon The CoSMo Company, who has developed a unique modeling and
simulation platform dedicated to complex systems and its solution MONA, that has been developed
using this platform. MONA is a disruptive systemic AIP solution dedicated to optimizing maintenance
and renewal strategies for electric and gas networks. MONA brings a systemic approach to AIP,
integrating all operational and organizational constraints (assets, outages and non-delivered energy,
human resources and finance) into one single model. Strategic planners can use it to simulate decades
of network operations under various scenarios and globally optimize strategies. The first uses of
MONA by RTE demonstrate the benefits of using systemic AIP for strategic capital decisions.
b) Use case
RTE used MONA to compare three different maintenance and investment scenarios
concerning a portion of the French network for three categories of assets: Overhead lines, Circuit
breakers and Disconnectors.
• Scenario 1 is a baseline scenario simulating the global impact of current asset
management strategies on the network.
• Scenario 2 has been designed following the simulation results of Scenario 1. Budgets
are reallocated between asset classes and between CAPEX (capital expenditures) and
OPEX (operational expenditure). Part of the Overhead Lines CAPEX renewal budget is
reallocated to Circuit breakers and Disconnectors CAPEX.
• Scenario 3 represents a shift in the maintenance strategy for Circuit Breakers and
Disconnectors, from a “replace when it fails” strategy to a “replace when it fails for the
second time”.
c) Results
Simulation results for the three scenarios are detailed in Table 1. Cumulated NDE for the three
scenarios is represented in Figure 1.
Overhead Lines Failures per year 21 23 23
A brief comparison of the scenario results shows the value and relevance of a systemic
approach to AIP to optimize the maintenance and renewal strategies of an electric transmission grid.
Indeed, Scenario 2 clearly yields better results in terms of overall cost than Scenarios 1 and 3.
Moreover, it appears that Scenario 3 carries a high level of risk, with NDE costs significantly
increasing over time. Finally, Scenario 2 also reduces stress on the system, with -20% in delayed
operations due to resource access conflicts compared to Scenario 1. This is due to alleviation of
resource constraints (budget, lock out, teams, stocks, etc.) thanks to better planning.
A major benefit of using a systemic approach in this particular case is the capture of emergent
phenomena that are undetectable for traditional in silos approaches. For instance, non-systemic
approaches could be blind to tipping points such as cascading effects, occurring when one event
triggers a sequence of uncontrolled consequences. This can lead to the following vicious circle:
• Recurring failures of overaged equipment cause an acceleration in the pace of
• Lock out constraints required to maintain high service quality and to repair the assets
affected by the failures as a priority create new deferrals in renewals.
• Deferrals cause other assets to become over-aged, increasing the size of the wall of
A systemic approach to AIP enables to predict these cascading effects and therefore predict
their devastating impacts. Moreover, the emergence of a tipping point proves to be very sensitive to
small variations in the initial conditions of the system (e.g. budget constraints), and to the way
different parts of the system interact with one another. Capturing these transitions requires a
simulation of the entire system.
This paper has shown that with increasing challenges putting T&D utilities under pressure to
better plan their asset investments for maintenance and renewal, these utilities cannot merely continue
using their traditional decision making methods. Analytical methods are needed to enable strategic
planners to make more optimal decisions optimizing expenditures, performance and risk, and to
justify their plans to regulators.
AIP solutions enable their long term strategic plan by simulating multiple scenarios and
comparing them according to relevant key performance indicators. However, optimized AIP goes
through a systemic view of the utilities’ network and their operational and organizational constraints.
This innovative approach called systemic AIP takes a more accurate view of the impact of scenarios
not only on operational and capital expenditure, but also on the risk and reliability of utilities’
systems, which ultimately leads to better scenario optimization and planning decisions.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
What if a world existed where an asset manager had a complete picture of network risk and
compliance across the entire network, where they could complete inspections, assess asset condition,
perform monitoring and explore the impacts of policy changes through simulations virtually before
committing in the real world? How could this change the way in which assets are managed?
‘Virtual World Asset Management’ is the concept of creating and annually refreshing a
precise, 3D representation of the real world of such fidelity that these models can be used as a source
of asset inspection and condition monitoring without the need to send inspection workers to the field.
This allows asset managers to consider many paradigms, enabling them to optimize capital and
maintenance programs as well as incident response. The result is reduced operational risk and cost
with the added benefit of improved customer service.
Traditionally, network operators gather information about their assets during design and
construction phases with updates based on periodical human inspection programs over the asset’s
lifecycle. Meanwhile the environment surrounding the asset is undergoing constant change and even
the asset itself is continually evolving. The information typically collected through infield programs
and contained in corporate systems is also limited in its application as it mostly consists of very basic
asset attributes and 2D spatial data of variable reliability, therefore impeding the adoption of modern
technologies including GPS and augmented reality.
Given the evolution of remote sensing technology, high performance computing, big data
analytics, and machine learning, the application of this intelligence and knowledge into meaningful
asset management services is now a reality.
Power management – network connectivity – vegetation analytics – clearance analytics –
thermal calculations – asset condition assessment – 3D power models.
Virtual World Asset Management represents a paradigm shift in the way infrastructure owners
engage inspection services relating to their assets. The origin of this idea has emerged in Queensland,
Australia where a complete utility’s network and 600 towns and cities are now modelled in a virtual
world. The corresponding impact to utility infrastructure asset management is rapidly being
recognised as international best practice.
A virtual world is modeled using data gathered from sensors deployed in a range of capture
platforms. The modelled virtual world needs to be of the quality that it can be reliably used as an
[email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
alternative to in-field infrastructure inspection and condition monitoring programs. As a minimum
standard current regulatory requirements need to be incorporated.
Providing solutions as hosted services allow asset managers to focus on their core roles
without the need to become experts in a new breed of foundational technologies, sensors, high
performance computing, and the latest 3D data streaming technologies.
The following utilities have been involved in testing Virtual World Asset Management and the
results from these proof-of-concept projects have been included in this paper:
• National Grid - TSO England and Wales - 2015/2016 - 2000 kilometers of their
transmission network has been automatically modelled and can be made available in
the Virtual World Asset Management environment.
• RTE - TSO France - 150 kilometers of their transmission network was made available
in the Virtual World environment and assessed for vegetation clearance violations in an
automated manner.
• SSE - TSO Scotland - 2015 - 250 kilometers of their transmission network has been
condition assessed and made available in the Virtual World environment.
• Risk analysis for reporting and mapping of areas requiring treatment per span or
management region; set by client-defined standards for encroachment and risk category.
Figure 1: Automated tower models within Roames Virtual World Asset Management System
potential modeling errors. Independent validation by traditional modeling has been executed by the
utility company.
International standard PLS-CADD models have been bought into Roames Transmission
Models for use within the Virtual World Asset Management environment to complete change
detection with new baseline modeled from Roames.
Once the structure has been accurately modeled, identifying structural strength and monitoring
movement, such as weakened foundations, can be completed.
3.4 Simulations
Different scenarios have been implemented depending on the regulatory rules in regards to
vegetation clearance reporting including: ambient position; “normal” position (calculated as the 3D
band wherein the conductor would sit >95% of the time); maximum operating temperature; and blown
position. Vegetation clearance is calculated relative to a 3D shape rather than a single point, taking
into account the sag and swing of the conductors.
Pilot studies have been conducted to evaluate the benefits for a network-wide scenario of
virtual world asset management and for those participating utilities, efficiencies were proven in
various asset management practices and reporting/auditing and reduction in risk exposure.
Further research is recommended to test the ability to stream in real-time circuit loads for live
operating status.
[1] Comparison of IEEE and CIGRE methods for predicting Thermal Behaviour of Powerlines and
their relevance to Distribution Networks. Published in PowerTech, 2015 IEEE Eindhoven, June
29 2015-July 2 2015, DOI 10.1109/PTC.2015.7232531, publisher IEEE.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Modeling of hybrid off-grid energy system for electrical energy production from renewable
The growth of electricity demand has led to the development of sustainable energy sources
cheap with carbon dioxide emissions as low as possible. The photovoltaic energy offers promising
results to this issue. New generations of photovoltaic systems are characterized by more stable
parameters which led to increase their efficiency.
The paper presents the structure and modeling of hybrid off-grid electric energy system
(HEES) for electrical energy production using two types of renewable sources (photovoltaic and wind
turbine energy). It is considered as a backup system a diesel generator. To use the energy excess it was
introduced in the HEES block diagram, in addition to electrical load, a thermal load. The location for
the proposed HEES is in the north-east region of the country.
The paper presents the results concerning the HEES operation into different seasons of the
year. Also, some suggestions to optimize the system operation are presented.
Photovoltaic system, wind turbine, electrical load, thermal load, storage battery, modeling.
A photovoltaic system can be connected to the national power grid or not. To ensure a certain
degree of autonomy, independent photovoltaic (PV) systems (off-grid systems) can be easily
designed. Connecting a PV system to the electricity distribution network must meet certain conditions.
The correctness connection to the national power grid is an important aspect in the operation of the
PV systems or hybrid power systems. In this respect, it must be considered parameters of electricity
injected into the grid.
The off-grid PV systems provide a solution for the electricity supply in remote areas. The
degree to which the photovoltaic system or hybrid system can meet the needs of the consumer is an
important parameter in these applications. The power which is supplied by a renewable hybrid system
varies continuously being influenced by solar irradiance, ambient temperature, in fact, by the
meteorological conditions.
Any hybrid system, regardless of its type, must submit a control strategy that reflects the
operation and interaction of its components. In the case of a hybrid storage system must used a solar
charge controller. The charge controller is used to manage the flow of energy from photovoltaic
[email protected],
[email protected]
system, wind turbine, batteries and consumers by collecting information about the voltage across the
battery. Also, a solar charge controller must ensure the battery charging control and to display the
charge status of the battery, ensuring the discharge control up to a default state of charge and protect
against overvoltage and short-circuit.
Grid-connected PV system with battery storage (Fig. 1.2) is a very popular system for
homeowners where the backup power is required for different applications: water pumps, refrigeration
etc. Under normal circumstances, this type of system operates in normal grid-connected mode
powering the loads or sending excess power back onto the grid while keeping the battery fully
charged. In the situation when the grid becomes de-energized, control circuit from the inverter opens
the connection with the utility through a bus transfer mechanism and operates the inverter from the
battery to supply power to the loads circuits only.
Stand-alone systems can provide power to DC loads. With the inverter can also provide power
to the AC loads. Water pumping is a major application for PV systems (Fig. 1.3). These systems
include a PV array with or without a tracking device, a pump controller and an inverter. Batteries may
be incorporated in these systems as well.
Also, photovoltaic systems can power remote residences and other small facilities where the
utility grid is not available. The main components are presented in Fig. 1.4. This systems may also be
supplied with an auxiliary power source such as wind generators and engine generators to meet
electrical loads during a bad weather.
The wind energy it is one of the most rapidly developing renewable energy sources. Wind
power is a reliable technology which is able to produce electricity at costs competitive with coal and
nuclear power. The available power in the wind with air density ρ, passing through an area A,
perpendicular to the wind, at a velocity v, is given by the relation [2]:
P = 0,5ρAv 3
Air density decreases with increasing temperature and increasing altitude above sea level. The
effect of temperature on density is relatively weak and is normally ignored because these variations
tend to average out over the period of a year.
With a wind speed distribution and a turbine power curve properly adjusted for the local air
density, the wind energy potential, or gross annual wind energy production, for a specific site can be
estimated with the relation [Dale]:
E = 0,858760∑ f ( U i ) ∆U i P( U i ) ,
i =1
where, n is the number of wind speeds f(Ui)∆Ui is the probability of a wind speed occurring in
the wind speed range ∆Ui, P(Ui) is the electrical power produced by the wind turbine at wind speed Ui
The 0,85 factor assumes 15% in losses (10% due to power transfer to the grid, control system
losses, and decreased performance due to dirty blades; 5% due to operation within an array of wind
turbines). If the turbine is not inside an array, the number 0,85 must be replaced with 0,90. Wind
energy potential is typically 20%–35% of the wind energy resource.
Continuity in the power supply is a priority if is desired an independent system for producing
electricity from renewable sources. A hybrid system for electrical energy production may incorporate
several types of sources, conventional or non-conventional. If we adopted as the main source of
energy production a photovoltaic system, it is advisable to use a diesel generator as backup power. In
addition, it is recommended that the system to be completed with a wind turbine and a hydroelectric
The hybrid off-grid system analyzed in this paper consists of the following equipments:
1. Photovoltaic system 8,28 kWp
2. Wind turbine 1 kW
3. Engine generator 4,4 kW
4. Storage battery 833Ah (48V bus)
5. Inverter 10 kW
6. Storage tank with thermal controller
7. Electrical load 18,4 kWh/day
8. Thermal load 11,26 kWh/day
The hybrid off-grid system design has been initiated with the electricity consumption
determining. Also, the design must be done for the situation in which all consumers are supplied at the
same time. Estimating the electricity demand start from the establishment of the rating power for each
consumer and period of time of its operation within 24 hours. The total daily energy consumption will
be calculated by adding the individual consumptions. In the absence of annual load curve it was
established the same consumption per month. The daily total energy consumption is about of
18,4 kWh/day.
Starting from the available surface area (~ 62 m2) for installing the photovoltaic panels, was
conducted the PV system sizing. The main parameters of the photovoltaic panel are: PMPP = 230W,
VMPP = 46,75 V, IMPP = 4,92 A, V0 = 58,08 V, Isc = 5,40 A, Tmin = - 25 0C and Tmax = +50 0C.
The photovoltaic panel voltage variation with temperature:
V0max = 58,08 + 0,197(25+25) = 67,93 V
Vmin MPP = 46,75 + 0,197(25-50) = 41,82 V
Vmax MPP = 46,75 V + 0,197(25+25) = 56,6 V
The number of photovoltaic panels that can be included in the available area of the building
(60,62 m2) is 36. The photovoltaic panels were divided into four parallel strings that means 9
photovoltaic panels per string.
Electrical characteristics of the photovoltaic panels array are presented:
VMPP string = 9*46,75 V = 420,75 V
IMPP string = 4,92 A
Imax scc. string = 1,25*5,40= 6,75 A
V0 max string = 9*120%*69,69 V = 752,65 V
V min MPP string = 9*41,82 V = 376,38 V
V max MPP string = 9*56,6 V = 509,4 V
The main characteristics of the used inverter are: PDC = 12,8 kW; VMPPT DC = 360 – 750 V;
Vmax DC = 900 V; Imax DC = 18A/MPPT; PAC = 13,8 kVA; VAC = 400 V, 50 Hz; Imax AC = 20 A.
Were necessary the following checks necessary for the operation of the photovoltaic system:
1. First condition: Fulfilled
V0 max string < Vmax DC INVERTER: 752,65 V < 900 V
2. Second condition: Fulfilled
V min MPP string > Vmin MPPT DC INVERTER: 376,38 V > 360 V
3. Third condition: Fulfilled
V max MPP string < Vmax MPPT DC: 509,4 V < 750 V
4. Fourth condition: Fulfilled
Imax scc. string/ 2 in parallel < Imax DC INVERTER
2*6,75 = 13,5 A < 18 A / MPPT 1
2*6,75 = 13,5 A < 18 A/ MPPT 2
5. Fifth condition: Fulfilled
Pmax PV system ≤ PDC INVERTER
9*230Wp + 9*230Wp + 9*230Wp + 9*230Wp = 8280Wp
8,280 kWp ≤ 12,8 kWp
The modeling was performed with the Homer®Pro program which represents a specific work
environment that performing various predictions regarding to the energy production systems operation
using renewable sources.
The first stage involves the selection of the HEES location (Suceava city area). In the second
stage were selected and configured the equipments from the HEES structure.
The operating block diagram of the proposed HEES achieved from Homer®Pro program is
presented in Fig. 1.5.
For performance evaluation of the HEES must be imported three online resources as follows:
monthly average solar global horizontal irradiance values, temperature values (monthly average) and
wind speed values (monthly average). The solar irradiance values and temperature for selected
location are presented in Fig. 1.6.
Fig. 1.6 Solar irradiance, clearness index and temperature variation for Suceava city.
Thus, the average solar irradiation value is 3,23 kWh/m2/day, the daily temperature is 7,94 0C
and wind speed average value is about 4,88 m/s (value measured at 50 m high).
In order to obtain the modeling results, were established several assumptions:
1. It has considered the effect of temperature on the photovoltaic system;
2. It was considered the photovoltaic system without tracking system;
3. Initial state of charge of the storage battery is 100%;
4. Minimum state of charge of the storage battery is 40%.
The wind turbine has a nominal power of 1 kW. The power curve of the wind turbine is
presented in Fig. 1.7. The nominal power of the engine generator is 4,4 kW. This value is the
optimized one and established by the Homer®Pro program. The engine generator (diesel generator) it
is considered as the main energy reserve and may compensate a potential energy shortage. Can be set
two operating mode for diesel generator.
The first variant (previously mentioned) relates to the case in which the diesel generator can be
autosized by the program so as to cover the entire existing power consumption at a given time, if there
is no stored energy produced by the photovoltaic system or wind turbine.
A second option refers to the establishment of hourly intervals for the generator operation.
Fig. 1.8 Daily and seasonal profile for the electrical load
In Fig. 1.8 are presented the daily and seasonal profile of the AC consumers.
The modeling results have highlighted an electrical energy excess that is produced and there is
no possibility of being stored. In this respect, it was introduced a heat load that be conceived as a
source of heat for heating a space or water heating. For the management of energy excess was used a
thermal controller.
In Fig. 1.9 are presented, as in the case of the electrical load, the daily and seasonal profile for
the thermal load. These profiles were generated by Homer®Pro program.
Fig. 1.9 Daily and seasonal profile for the thermal load
After calculations, the program offers several operating variants for HEES, differentiated after
the investment and after the minimum number of equipment which can ensure optimum operation of
the HEES. Thus, are provided detailed information about the operation of each subsystem as well as
how it manage the produced energy.
The obtained results from modeling are multiple, in the sense that the program offers eight
variants of operation of HEES. Out of these, the user can choose a variant that would ensure an
energetic stability. The operation variants of the HEES is listed in Table 1.
Hereinafter, will be analyzed the results for the first variant of operation (No. 1), in which are
used all the proposed equipments.
Table 1
The results on the electricity production are summarized in Table 2. A representation of the
amount of electricity produced by the three sources is illustrated in Fig. 1.10. Table 3 presents the data
obtained from diesel generator operation within HEES.
Table 2
Power source The amount of energy produced Percentage
kWh/year %
Photovoltaic system 8966 75,37
Engine generator 1508 12,68
Wind turbine 1422 11,95
TOTAL 11897 100
Energy consumption 6716 100
Electrical energy excess 2676 22,5
Thermal load 4110 100
Boiler 3641 100
Thermal energy excess 2208 100
Fig. 1.10 The amount of electricity produced by the photovoltaic system, wind turbine and diesel generator
Table 3
Variable description Value UM
Operating hours 354 Hours/year
Starting number 55 Starts/year
Produced energy 1508 kWh/year
Maximum power 4,4 kW
Consumption 467 Liters/year
In Table 4 the characteristics of the storage battery are presented. In Table 5, some technical
parameters regarding wind turbine operation are presented.
Table 4
Variable description Value UM
Number of strings 1 -
Number of string in paralel 1 -
Number of storage battery 1 -
Rated voltage 48 V
Rated capacity 39,98 kWh
Used capacity 23,99 kWh
Autonomy 31,29 Hours
The amount of stored energy 4838 kWh/an
The amount of consumed energy 3114 kWh/an
Fig. 1.12 The histogram regarding to the variation of the storage battery percentage
Table 5
Variable description Value UM
Rated power of wind turbine 1 kW
The amount of produced energy 1422 kWh/year
Average produced power 0,17 kW
Maximum produced power 1,23 kW
Number of operation hours 8464 Hours/year
It was chosen for analysis month of July. The electric power produced by the wind turbine and
tine variation of the wind velocity is presented in Fig. 1.13. In Fig. 1.14 is observed the time variation
of the electrical power produced by each source. The engine generator operation is evidenced when
the stored energy falls below a certain level.
Stored energy
Photovoltaic system
Engine generator
Wind turbine
Fig. 1.14 The HEES produced power with distribution on the three sources.
The state of charge variation.
Stored energy
Electrical energy excess
AC load
Fig. 1.15 The state of charge, AC load and excess of electricity for month of july.
The excess energy is the amount of energy that can not be used for storage or for use by a
particular consumer. The excess energy occurs when there is a surplus of electrical power and storage
battery can not absorb this amount of energy. The use of an electric water heater can turn the excess
electricity into heat through the thermal regulator. Fig. 1.15 illustrates the amount of heat produced
during July.
Stored energy (kWh) PV power (kW)
Fig. 1.16 The amount of the produced heat relative to the amount of energy generated by the photovoltaic system and the
total amount of stored energy respectively.
The time variation for a day of July of the PV power and electrical and thermal loads are
presented in Fig. 1.17. It can be observed that, for July 12, starting with 05.00 AM, the PV system
begins to produce, reaching a peak of 6,21 kW at 12.01 PM. For this time of day the storage battery is
charged 100%, thermal load has a value of 0,74 kW and wind turbine produces 0,31 kW. Towards to
the end of the solar day (18.00 PM) is found a significant decrease in power production of the
photovoltaic system and thermal load growth leads to the decreasing of the amount of stored energy,
while the wind turbine produces an insignificant amount of energy (0,07kW).
In Fig. 1.18 is shown an explanatory to electric load variation in a solar day relative to the
amount of energy produced by each power source. It is noted that, for this solar day, diesel generator
does not start because of sufficient electricity to provide power to consumers.
Stored energy (kWh) PV power (kW)
In this paper it was conducted a modeling of a hybrid off-grid electric energy system (HEES)
using renewable sources. Thus, they were considered the following sources: photovoltaic system,
wind turbine and diesel generator. The experimental results were analyzed and presented only for
month of July. The amount of electricity produced by the system cover the existing need of heat and
electricity. Is predicted an excess of electricity of 2676 kWh/year used mostly by the thermal load.
The number of operating hours of the diesel generator is relatively low (354 hours) and covers 12,68%
of the total produced electric energy. The wind turbine also produce 1422 kWh/year, representing
11,95% of the total produced electric energy. The main producer of energy remains the photovoltaic
system with an output of 8966 kWh/year (75,37%). Storage battery has a annual average charging of
over 60% which justifies the autonomy of HESS over 24 hours. The wind turbine produces
approximately 50% of rated output actually justified by the low values of speed in the considered
location. Hence and the amount of electricity produced in one year (1422 kWh/year).
Overall, the HEES system was correctly sized and can provide sufficient electricity and heat
according to considered load curves.
[1] FSEC Standard, Procedures for photovoltaic system design review and approval, Florida Solar
Energy Center, 2005.
[2] Dale E. Berg, Wind energy resources. Sandia National Laboratories.
[3] *** Homer Energy software.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Holonic control-based solution for service restoration and switch allocation in power
distribution networks
This paper presents a distributed control solution based on holonic concepts for restoration of
power distribution systems in case of failures generating blackouts. The control entities of the system
(called holons) interact with each other for finding dynamic solutions for power restoration by
isolating the faulted area and activating backup connections, so as the loses at the consumers level to
be minimal. The proposed solution integrates the specifications of the IEC 61850 standard, thus
providing connection to the control applications used currently within substations.
Holon, Power-System, IEC 61850
In recent years, a worldwide growing interest was noted for the development of distributed
control architectures in order to enable efficient management of the power distribution system in a
dynamic context. Green energies, such as those produced by photovoltaic panels or wind turbines,
raise important issues for traditional distribution systems due to the production’s unpredictability.
Another novelty element is the introduction of the so-called "prosumers", which are both consumers
and producers of energy, their effective integration in the distribution system leading to the need for
distributed control mechanisms. Moreover, the possibility of a network segment to operate as a
microgrid, in which are harmonized the loads profiles and local energy production, favors the
development of distributed control solutions.
A viable solution for the development of distributed control architectures that enables the
effective management of the power grid, in a dynamic context, is the implementation of multi-agent
systems to control power distribution, this solution being dealt with in a substantial number of
research papers. The adoption of multi-agent technology in the control of energy distribution usually
associates intelligent agents to energy sources and consumers, which interact mediated by control
agents for efficient energy production and consumption. An example in this respect is research paper
[1], in which the authors propose a multi-agent architecture for controlling an IDAPS (Intelligent
Distributed Autonomous Power System) microgrid. The developed control strategy covers both the
“normal operation” mode (when the microgrid is connected to the grid) and the “outage mode
operation”, when disconnected, due to upstream outage. The architecture defines four types of agents:
control agents, DER (Distributed Energy Resource) agents, user agents and database agents. Each
agent has unique objectives and responsibilities and cooperates with the other agents for achieving the
[email protected]
overall objective of the microgrid, which is to secure the critical consumers (priority level zero) in the
outage mode from local energy sources.
Another example of using multi-agent systems for the control of a microgrid is considered in
paper [2], in which the control objectives include, in addition to maintaining the supply of local
consumers in case of grid failure, the optimal utilization of the distributed energy sources within the
microgrid. The authors adopt a fully decentralized control solution, in which the primary
responsibility is given to the controllers of the energy resources, which compete with each other for
the production of energy, in order to satisfy the demand in the microgrid, as well as to and to export it
to the main grid.
A similar paradigm to multi-agent systems is that of holonic systems, inspired by the
organizational way of living systems. In addition to distributing the intelligence between autonomous
entities (called holons), which cooperate to fulfill the overall objectives of the system, this paradigm
adds the aggregation concept, meaning that a holon can be composed of several sub-holons and at the
same time can be part of a bigger holon of a higher level. The holons on the lowest level are called
simple holons or elementary holons. Initially applied in manufacturing systems, the holonic concepts
were adopted also in the energy field for modeling the entities within the distribution system and their
relationships. Examples of holonic architectures for energy distribution systems are presented in [3-5].
This paper presents a solution for the application of holonic concepts in the control of an
electricity distribution system, consisting of several substations and feeders with backup connections.
The overall objective of the control system is to perform the protection and reconfiguration of the
distribution system in case of failures, so that the losses in the affected consumers to be minimum.
Figure 1. The schematic of the distribution system
In normal operation, the SW11 recloser is open and each feeder is supplied from its substation.
In case of a fault along a feeder (supposing a short-circuit), it is desirable the faulted area be isolated
by opening sectionalizing switches, so as the consumers before the fault can be can be supplied further
from the feeder’s substation and the downstream consumers be supplied from the other feeder,
through the backup connection. In the best case, the two substations should be designed so as to be
able to supply enough power for all consumers on both feeders. Otherwise, the occurrence of a fault
on a feeder or in a station raises the problem of determining the power reserve of substations and the
consumers that will be kept supplied. If the stations reserve power is not enough, it will be necessary
to disconnect some consumers, based on a priority list.
The consumer holon also include an intelligent component in the form of a software agent,
which interfaces the consumer with the power system, providing information such as the consuming
profile, priority level, etc.
The elementary (line, transformer, measure) bay holons can be grouped along with an
intelligent component so as to form a composed substation holon representing the whole substation.
Similarly, the consumers holons along a feeder can be grouped to form a composed feeder holon,
which will interact with the line bay holon and with other feeder holons, with which electrical
connections are possible.
As already mentioned, the objective of this work is to develop a holonic control system which
allows the protection and reconfiguration of the power system in case of a fault occurrence along a
feeder. The protection part can be considered covered by the IEC 61850 standard, which defines
logical nodes for overcurrent detection (like PTOC), control of primary equipment (ex. XCBR) and
reclosing (RREC), together with mechanisms for communication between nodes, as event messages
(e.g. of type GOOSE - Generic Object Oriented Substation Events) or complex connections of
CLIENT/SERVER type. A short-circuit protection scenario usually involves the detection of the fault
by a PTOC logical node, the validation of the circuit breaker tripping command by a PTRC node and
the transmission of an (opening) GOOSE message to the XCBR-type logical node controlling the
circuit breaker. The opening of the circuit breaker (CB) is published within the system by the XCBR
logical node through a GOOSE message, allowing the RREC logical node to reclose the CB. If the
fault does not disappear after reclosing, the circuit breaker will remain open until the defect removal
and its manual closing by an operator.
A permanent fault removal usually involves the traveling of a specialized crew onsite and the
fixing process may take a long time, of hours or days. In order to reduce the blackout time of the
consumers along the feeder it is desirable to isolate the fault area and restore the power as soon as
possible. Fault isolation is realized by opening the upstream and downstream sectionalizing switches,
their remote control requiring a rather precise knowledge of the fault location. Fault location is
determined through different methods such as on line based impedance computation (by measuring
voltage and current at one end or multiple ends), or traveling wave based approaches (using the
transient signals generated by the fault) [9], or the synchronized phasor method, based on monitoring
of voltage phasors in certain nodes, correlated with measurements of current phasors.
After isolating the fault, the feeder can be resupplied, but the downstream consumers continue
to remain without energy. The supply of these consumers could be done from other feeders, through
backup connections. Determining the new configuration of the distribution network, by activating the
backup connections and considering the capacity of the neighbouring feeders to supply the necessary
energy, was addressed in this paper by developing a holonic control solution. Practically, the feeder
holons, bay holons and consumer holons interact with each other for choosing a system configuration
that allows the supply of the affected consumers, taking into account their priority and the capacity of
the substations powering the feeders. Figure 3 shows the messages transmitted by the IEC 61850
logical nodes and holons in a short-circuit protection and system reconfiguration scenario, considering
the power system presented in Figure 1 and the fault occurred between the sectionalizing switches
SW3 and SW4 of feeder 1.
An overcurrent detection determines initially the transmission of GOOSE messages between
the PTOC1/PTRC1, XCBR1 and RREC1 logical nodes for opening and then reclosing the circuit
breaker. If the fault persists, after two reclosing the RREC1 node goes into the blocked state and
informs about this the agent of the bay holon, which notifies the feeder holon about the occurrence of
a permanent fault. In this paper, we considered known and available the distance to the fault,
according to the IEC 61850 standard, in a logical node of RFLO (Remote Fault Locator) type.
Consequently, Feeder 1 Holon can read the distance through a CLIENT/SERVER connection and
determine, based on a map with the locations of the sectionalizing switches, which are the switches
positioned upstream and downstream of the fault. Considering remote controlled switches, they will
be open through “Open SW” messages transmitted by Feeder 1 Holon. After receiving the opening
confirmation, the feeder holon may require the bay holon to reclose the circuit breaker. In the same
time, the Feeder 1 Holon will compute the power needed for the consumers positioned downstream of
the fault and will transmit a message of type “Power Needed” to the Feeder 2 Holon. This holon
computes the value of “the approved power” based on the maximum power of its substation and the
priorities of the consumers along its feeder and the affected one. If the computed value is greater or
equal to the requested one, it will send a closing message to the SW11 recloser, positioned on the
connection between feeders. Otherwise, the value of the available power will be transmitted to Feeder
1 Holon, to disconnect one or more consumers.
a) Interface b) Content
Figure 4. The interface and content of the FB implementing the agent of a bay holon
To test the developed holonic control solution, we modeled a power system similar to the one
presented in Figure 1, using virtual equipment. The virtual equipment includes bus bars, switches,
circuit breakers, current transformers, power lines and consumers, implemented through IEC 61499
functional blocks. Each virtual device has a graphical component allowing the real-time visualization
of the device state. In Figure 5 is presented a part of the FBs modeling the primary equipment of the
system and Figure 6 presents its graphical interface.
Regarding the consumers priorities, two levels were considered: priority level 0 (the highest),
represented graphically by industrial consumers, and priority level 1, represented by domestic
consumers. As illustrated in Figure 6, along feeder 1 six consumers were considered, of which five of
priority 1, and one of priority 0. Along feeder 2 there are also six consumers, four of priority 1 and
two of priority 0.
Switch Load
Substation 2 and Feeder 2
virtual devices
Figure 5. The network of function blocks modeling the power distribution system
ID 52 ID 54
ID 56
ID 51 ID 53
ID 55
Fider 2
ID 72 ID 74
ID 76
ID 71 ID 73
ID 75
For testing the control application, three cases of fault were considered, differentiated by the
currents absorbed by consumers (according with Tabel 1). The maximum current supplied by each
substation is supposed to be 100 kA, and the fault is considered occurring between the sectionalizing
switches SW3 and SW4 of feeder 1.
Table 1
In the first case, after Case 1 Case 3 Case 3
opening the sectionalizing Cons. ID Priority Consumer Consumer Consumer
switches, Feeder 1 Holon will ask current [kA] current [kA] current [kA]
Feeder 2 Holon power for a 25 Feeder 1
kA current, for supplying the two 51 1 10 10 10
consumers positioned after the 52 1 15 15 15
isolated area. The total current 53 1 10 10 10
absorbed by the consumers along 54 1 5 5 5
feeder 2 is 70 kA and, as a result, 55 0 10 25 30
the request will be approved 56 1 15 20 10
without negotiations, leading to Feeder 2
the closing of the recloser SW11 71 1 10 10 10
between feeders.
72 1 10 10 10
In the second case, the
73 1 10 10 10
power necessary for the two
74 0 10 10 20
consumers corresponds to a
75 1 15 15 10
current of 45 kA, exceeding the
capacity of substation 2. 76 0 15 15 30
Analyzing the request of feeder 1, Feeder 2 Holon will conclude that the power necessary to supply
the consumers of priority 0 corresponds to a current of only 25 kA, which remains within the capacity
of substation. Consequently, it will send to feeder 1 a message of “Power Approved” type, indicating
the power it can offer. The power value, corresponding to a current of 30 kA, will determine Feeder 1
Holon to disconnect the consumer of priority 1 and then requesting again a power for 25 kA.
In the third case, the current value requested by feeder 1 is 40 kA, while the total current
consumed on feeder 2 is 90 kA. To cover at least the need of the consumer of priority 0, Feeder 2
Holon will disconnect two of the consumers of priority 1, and will transmit to Feeder 1 Holon the
current value of 30 kA approved. Obviously, the approved value will determine Feeder 1 Holon to
disconnect the consumer of priority 1. In Figure 7 is presented the final configuration of the power
distribution system for this case.
ID 52 ID 54
ID 56
ID 51 ID 53 ID 55
Fider 2
ID 72 ID 74
ID 76
ID 71 ID 73 ID 75
Figure 7. The final configuration of the power distribution system in the third case
This paper presented a holonic control solution for the restoration of a power distribution
system in case of a permanent fault. The restoration refers to the reconfiguration of the distribution
network by closing /opening the sectionalizing switches in order to isolate the fault area and restore
the supply of the affected consumers through backup connections. Using a distributed control
solution, like the holonic one, eliminates the necessity of a central computing equipment with high
and costly performances and complex software, processing a big quantity of data acquisitioned from
the system entities, and provides a better response time.
Compared to other control solutions based on multi-agent systems, the proposed solution
provides connection to the control technologies used currently within substations, by integrating the
IEC 61850 specifications for communications between IEDs. Beside this, the implementation of the
IEC 61850 LNs and holons’ intelligent component through IEC 61499 FBs allows a better structuring
of the control application.
[1] Pipattanasomporn, M., Feroze, H., Rahman, S. “Multi-Agent Systems in a Distributed Smart
Grid: Design and Implementation”, IEEE PES 2009 Power Systems Conference and Exposition
(PSCE’09), March 2009, Seattle, USA, pp. 1-8.
[2] Dimeas, A.L., Hatziargyriou N.D. “Operation of a Multiagent System for Microgrid Control”,
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 20 (3), 2005, pp. 1447-1455.
[3] Pahwa, A. et al. “Goal-Based Holonic Multiagent System for Operation of Power Distribution
Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2015.
[4] Frey, S., Diaconescu, A., Menga, D., Demeure, I. “A Holonic Control Architecture for a
Heterogeneous Multi-Objective Smart Micro-Grid”, Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
(SASO), 2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on, Philadelphia, USA, 9-13 Sept. 2013, pp.
[5] Vlad, V., Buzduga, C., Ciufudean, C. “An Approach to Developing Power Grid Control
Systems with IEC 61850, IEC 61499 and Holonic Control”, WSEAS Transactions on Systems,
Vol. 13, 2014, pp. 503-509.
[6] IEC 61850 Communication Networks and Systems in Substations, IEC 61850, 2004.
[7] IEC 61499 Standard, International Electro-technical Comission, Geneva, 2005.
[8] V. Vyatkin, IEC 61499 Function Blocks for Embedded and Distributed Control Systems
Design, Instrumentation Society of America, 2007, USA.
[9] Kezunovic, M. Smart Fault Location for Smart Grids, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 2
(1), 2011, pp. 11-22.
[10] Miron A. et al., Real-Time Monitoring, Control and Protection by Implementation of the PMUs
in North- East of Romanian Power Grid, Cigre Session, Paris, 2014.
[11] Vlad, V., Popa, C.D., Turcu, C.O., Buzduga, C.A Solution for Applying IEC 61499 Function
Blocks in the Development of Substation Automation Systems, International Journal of
Computers and Communications, Vol. 9, 2015, pp. 30-35.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
In the last ten years PMUs (Phasor Measurement Units) play a more and more important role
for the on-line monitoring and analysis of the state of the electrical systems. In the US and in Europe
several systems are equipped with PMUs. For example the Italian grid is equipped with about 20
PMUs at the 400 kV level to avoid blackouts. In the US more than 1000 PMUs are expected in the
next 10 years. Hundreds of PMUs are planned in India. The reasons for this development are high and
changing loadings of the transmission systems, demand on flexibility of generation, high penetration
by renewable generation and divergent load and generation centres. PMUs today allow monitoring
frequency, voltage, power swing recognition, phase angle monitoring and island detection.
Further indices can be created by local basic measurements like line/transformer power flow
indices, nodal loading indices, or voltage stability indices which can be used for alarming, protection
and control.
The suitable combination of these measurements and indices allow for creating an overall
PMU index which describes the online state of the system and consequently the change of state
(tendency) of the system. These information are created in a phasor data processor (PDP) which can
exchange data with a dynamic security assessment (DSA) system or/and a SCADA system in order to
monitor local and global system states for stability monitoring, continuous stead state analysis, short
term / forecast stability analysis and remedial actions. Finally, combining PDP, DSA and SCADA
enables to enact a wide area protection and control (WAPC) arming and disarming pre-calculated
system integrity schemes. In this WAPC a load flow and system state depending decision matrix is
installed, which is pre-calculated by the DSA-system (or by precalculated simulations). This matrix
allows deciding which is the best system integrity scheme for the current system situation and in case
a major disturbance takes place the most suitable countermeasure can be activated.
In a large longitudinal 500 kV system the concept will be described and applied. The system is
not (n-1)-safe and the outage of one 500 kV transmission line (double line system) results in blackout
of a large part of the system. Using the PMU/DSA based WAPC system the necessary load shedding
(system integrity scheme) can be selected to adapt the power balance depending on the actual power
flow and location of the fault.
Phase Measurement Unit, Wide Area Protection and Control, Dynamic Security Assessment,
Black Out Prevention, System Integrity Scheme.
[email protected]
The demand on electrical energy is growing in almost all countries in the world. More and
more renewable sources with fluctuating infeed characteristic are installed. The role of conventional
plants is changing. New targets like sustainable and environmental friendly sources are introduced in
the system planning process. Transportation systems have to be more flexible to follow the demand.
Classical system margins are reduced and new system margins are introduced to monitor the system
behavior. New transmission systems based on AC and DC systems are necessary to interconnect new
sources like off-shore wind farms with the grid. New control mechanisms have to be installed to
guarantee a stable operation of these hybrid systems.
Distribution systems and transportation systems are operated under changed conditions. More
and more small generation is installed in the distribution subsystems. Classical plants are operated
with changing operational philosophies. Part load operation and flexible change of operation at low
operation points become more important than base load operation over the whole year. New grid
codes are necessary to describe how all sources have to support the controllability of the grid. These
new conditions and the fast changing operation of the grid makes it necessary to collect more
information of the grid to guarantee the smaller stability margins. Better and more accurate system
monitoring, control and protection is necessary when systems are operated closer to the transmission
systems transportation capability and generally with system loading close to the operational limits.
Especially in very fast growing systems a lack between transportation capacity and generation
installation can lead to critical situations.
Wide-area-effecting faults endanger systems to cascading effects and black outs. Wide-area
faults are results of severe contingency situations. To prevent such contingency situations the severity
of the outage situation has to be identified and depending on the expected consequences early
countermeasures have to be defined to reduce the risk of spreading the effect of disturbances and
Main benefits of the PMU-based wide are monitors and control systems are: improved system
operation; better use of equipment; increased power system capacity; improved power flow; better use
of system reserves.
The utility of a PMU-based system allows using on-line information about the system state. By
collecting these data the operator can track the trend of the system over the time and initialize
reactions like re-dispatch. High loading of the transmission systems increases the economical benefit
of the system, but reduces transmission capacity and needs faster countermeasures in case of outage of
equipment (lines, compensator, generators). PMU’s allow monitoring the actual system state and
therefore to activate suitable counteractions in case of critical situations. New algorithms allow to
calculate the system oscillation and damping after system events which can drive the system into
instability. Analyzing frequency stability, voltage stability and generator stability nowadays can be
combined with on-line analyzing small signal stability to get a fast view on the risk of the actual state
of the system. In addition, by observing the voltages and reactive power flows the operator can decide
about additional reactive power control. The analysis of known pattern like critical/ uncritical voltage
recovery or frequency behavior helps the operators to understand the dynamic phenomena. Electronic
storage equipment with its fast reaction can be triggered by the PMU-based system to incorporate
active and reactive power in ms after identification of a critical situation.
Activation of spinning reserve can be accelerated by change of controller reference values
without delay through waiting on the system frequency response.
Figure 1 shows a PMU-based wide area monitoring and control system based on a SIGUARD
PDP (Phasor Data Processor) which deploys direct measured information like voltage, current,
frequency and phase angles, but in addition calculates new indices for a deeper view into the system
state. These indices are normed between 0 and 1 and therefore can be easily understood, compared
and combined, which helps the operators to understand the actual situation [3]. Monitoring can be
build like a ‘traffic light’. Reaching critical index levels allows the operator to make fast decisions to
bring the system out of a dangerous situation [4]. If necessary, because the human reaction is not
suitable, the system can start automatic control, for example automatic reactive power control or
automatic power flow depending load shedding (LS). The example will show the benefits of such a
dynamic load shedding. Here the LPFI index is udes to activate the LS. The LPFI index is introduced
in the next section.
Figure 1: PMU-based wide area monitoring and control system using SIGUARD PDP SE stored energy sources, LS
load shedding, RD re-dispatch, RP reactive power control, SR spinning reserve
SCADA and DSA can support the PMU-based system by actual information and pre-
calculated countermeasures. For the automatic LS the critical contingencies are pre-calculated and the
necessary amount of LS in combination with the actual spinning reserve is stored in a decision matrix.
Fig. 2 depicts the WAPS part which is used as fast wide-area load-shedding (WALS) to
activate suitable load shedding depending on the system situation (loading, load flow, fault location).
Figure 2: SIGUARD PDP based WALS (wide area load shedding) PMU: fault location, SCADA/DSA:
system state, actual LF situation
PMU-indices are used for the analysis and control of a system based on local information in
addition to the basic voltage, current and phasor measurement. The following normed indices (range
0-1) are used for the performance calculation. They can be individually used or combined as shown
for a DSA system [5], [6].
To cater to variety of power system responses, the sensitivity of the index may need to be
adjusted. This is achieved by setting the norm n.
4.5 Quasi-Stationary Voltage Index (QSVI)
The QSVI quantifies recovery of voltage at i-th node at the end of the transient period
following the contingency. The index is calculated as a quotient between voltage deviation at the end
of the transient period (∆Vpi) and the maximum admissible steady-state voltage deviation
(∆Vi max adm). It is defined by (5), where maximum admissible voltage deviation is a percentage of
the rated voltage. The index ranges from 0 for the case in which no voltage deviation is produced to 1
for the case in which the voltage goes below the minimum acceptable value; NN is the number of
system nodes.
QSVI = min 1, max (5)
∆Vi max adm
i =1... NN
A DVi ,adm
∞ , if Vi < Vmin area j
∆Vi = Vmin adm − Vi , if Vmin adm <Vi < Vmin
area j area j band
adm (9)
0 , if V ≥ V band
i min adm
∫ ∆Vi ⋅ dt
area j
VRTI = min 1, max area j area j
i =1,... NN
A max adm
P n
LPFI = min 1, max
i =1... NL Pi lim
where Ppi is the power flow through the i-th line at the end of the transient period following
the contingency; n is index norm (real non-negative number), which stands for the relative importance
of a line in the system; the more important the line, the lower the norm; NL refers to the number of the
lines in the system. If a line is loaded to the limit, the LPFI is 1.
Pi trf
TPFI = min 1, max (12)
i =1... NT P
i trf rat
Y ik = Yik ∠φik
Yil Vk
ei =
1+ 2Pii
1± 1− 4∆ii , ) ( )
∆ii = Pii2 +Qii2 /(1+ 2Pii ) with
[ ] = Y 1E [
cos φ ii − sin φ ii
2 sin φ ii − cos φ ii
][ ]
Qi (14)
ii i
sin ϕ i = − Qii / ei (15)
This formulation of the nodal voltage allows defining critical absolute ranking margins of the
system as follows:
4∆ii ≤ 1 and Qii / ei ≤ 1
The margins are non-linear and reflect loading and voltage situation. This main margin allows
to select critical loading cases (trend analysis) and shows the distance to system stability /7/.
NLI can be formulated to be
NLI = min 1, max ( 4∆ ii )
i =1,... N
} (17)
Nord Case 1
Case 2
P [MW]
0 -1000
-2000 -2000
95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s] 95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s]
Frequency Frequency
51 Nord 50
f [Hz]
f [Hz]
50 Central Nord
South 49.8
49 Central
95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s] 95 100 105 110 115 South
120 125
t [s]
U [pu]
0.5 0.5
0 0
95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s] 95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s]
Load Angle Load Angle
Angle [Degree]
Angle [Degree]
5000 Nord 0 South
0 Central -20
-5000 South -40
95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s] 95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s]
Figure 5: System behavior in case 1 without smart load Figure 6: System behavior in case 1 with smart load
shedding shedding
P [MW]
0 -500
-1000 -1000
95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s] 95 100 105 110 115 120 t 125
Frequency Frequency
51 Nord
f [Hz]
f [Hz]
50 Central
49 South 49.5 Central
95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s] 95 100 105 110 115 120
South t 125
Faulted Bus Voltage Faulted Bus Voltage
1 1
U [pu]
U [pu]
0.5 0.5
0 0
95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s] 95 100 105 110 115 120
Nord t 125
Load Angle Load Angle Central
Angle [Degree]
Angle [Degree]
2000 South
Nord 20
0 0
-2000 Central -20
-4000 South -40
95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s] 95 100 105 110 115 120 t 125
Figure 7: System behavior in case 2 without smart load Figure 8: System behavior in case 2 with smart load
shedding shedding
The simulation results of case 2 are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8. The same effect is gained when
there is a minimum of 1330 MW load shedding activated. The frequency and voltage around the
faulted bus and the load angle are stable after suitable transient time.
With an example of intelligent load shedding activation paper demonstrates the use of
composed indices in a PMU-based wide area monitoring and control system. It results in lower risk of
instability in the system. It minimizes outages and blackout situations by automatic counteractions. It
allows the control of congestion situations. The example of an automatic load shedding system for the
main transportation system of a large longitudinal structured electrical system shows how the
reliability of a system, which is not (n-1)-safe, can be improved. By progressing the system reaction
blackouts can be prevented safely. Cascading splitting into insolated part load system can be avoided
and instability can be prevented.
[1] Kerin, U., Trinh, N. Tuan, Lerch, E., Bizjak, Grega: Small Signal Security Index for
Contingency Classification in Dynamic Security Assessment; IEEE Power Tech Trondheim,
Norway 2011.
[2] Eichler, R., Krebs, R., Wache, M., Lerch, E., Mitigating Risk of System Instability caused by
Fluctuating Renewables with smart Transmission Grid Applications; CEPSI-Conference Bali,
Indonesia 2012.
[3] Kerin, U., Lerch, E., Dynamic Security Assessment to Improve System Stability; CRIS-
Conference Hanoi, Vietnam 2011.
[4] Kerin, U., Heyde, C., Krebs, R., Lerch, E., Power Application Tool for On-Line Security
[5] Kerin, U., Lerch, E., Improved Fuzzy Approach to Contingency Classification in Dynamic
Security Assessment; to be published.
[6] Gimenez, J.M., Mercado, P.E. (2007), Online inference of the dynamic security level of power
system using fuzzy techniques, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 22, no. 2, May 2007, pp. 717-726
[7] Lerch, E., Ruhle, O., Ranking of System Contingencies in DSA systems. APSCOM 2009, Hong
Kong, China 2009.
CIGRE Regional South -East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
This paper presents a dynamic security assessment solution, which can be used in the power
system control room to improve system stability. It is based on a set of security indices. The indices
are able of establishing contingencies’ severity levels as a measure of different aspects of power
system security. A system based on fuzzy logic is used to combine the indices into a single composite
index. The composite index is able to alert the control operator to the network conditions that
represent a significant risk to system security based on over-all system performance.
dynamic security, stability, contingency ranking
While it is true that electric power systems are designed to be stable, in actual practice, the
systems may be prone to instability. This is largely due to uncertainties related to the assumptions
used in the system planning and design phase. Most common are assumptions on electrical load,
electrical generation, power network topology and inherent characteristics of the network components.
A false assumption used in the system planning can introduce an error in actual system operations,
resulting in equipment malfunction, local power interruptions or blackouts.
Electrical transmission systems are used for the transfer of bulk power from generation to
loads. They are designed to withstand operational contingencies of a certain magnitude without
significant impact on consumers and stability of the system.
The fact is, however, that modern transmission systems are not being used in the way they
were intended to be used. Rather than being used for secure unidirectional power transmission, they
are being used as a power exchange platform driven by national or international electricity markets
and economic goals. In such environment local disturbances can easily develop into system-wide
The number of blackouts has been gradually increasing over the last two decades. The impact
power outages can have on the economy and social welfare can be enormous. The consequences in
terms of economic loss can easily be compared to ones of natural disasters [1]
The nature of these incidents may be related to the stability of an electrical system. Figure 1
shows different stability types a power system can undergo [2]. The main stability categories are
generator stability, reflected in the rotor angle behavior against the grid, frequency stability, as a result
of load and generation imbalance, and voltage stability, caused by a lack of reactive power. Various
disturbances showed that electrical systems are experiencing all types of stability problems. Two
examples are given in this paper. In Figure 2, the blackout in Italy in 2003 is shown [3]. In about 2.5
minutes the frequency suddenly dropped and could not be stabilized by different methods; 7000 MW
load shedding did not help to stabilize the system because of additional loss of 5500 MW after
separation from the European grid. In 2007, a part of the South-Balkan-System separated from the
European System due to loss of two lines, followed by an overload of the remaining lines and trip of
these lines. The power system of Greece, Albania, Kosovo and Fyrom islanded and the frequency
dropped to 48.7 Hz. Eventually, the lines between Greece and Albania, and Greek-Fyrom tripped too.
The event ended with blackout in Albania, Fyrom and Kosovo. The blackout required approximately
30 seconds to develop (Figure 3).
Events like these imply that observing
and analyzing system state during operations is
of great importance. The main goal of online
system analyzes is to alert an operator to
conditions representing a significant risk to
system stability and provide practical
information for decision making [4], [5], [6]. In
this paper, a system for dynamic security
assessment is described, which allows online
simulation of operational contingencies,
identification of severe disturbances and
monitoring of system reserve margins as the
system operates. This indication allows the
operator to predefine counter measures and to Figure 1: Classification of power system stability
with examples
prepare actions to stabilize the system.
Figure 2: South-Balkan Disturbance in 2007 (source: UCTE Expert Group on Power System
Stability, Rome, 17.06.2008 – V Hanneton, C. Jahnke).
Figure 3: Typical control room setup with integrated dynamic security assessment.
Figure 4: Blackout in Italy in 2003 (source: UCTE Expert Group on Power System Stability, Rome,
17.06.2008 – V Hanneton, C. Jahnke).
The core of DSA is a computational technique [7]. A technique providing a high level of
confidence is conventional time domain simulation. It is one of the main tools in system planning and
analysis. It is accurate and has a superb modeling capability. High-order models can be considered.
Time development of dynamic system parameters is calculated by integrating the system differential
equations step by step. Typical integration time step would be about 10 ms. A sufficient simulation
time would be in the range of 5 to 20 seconds. Note that simulation models and simulation need to be
tailored to the phenomena under investigation.
The European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTOS-E) is well aware of the
importance of the control-room-conducted security investigations. In the development plan that guides
the future development of the European transmission network, the ENTSO-E explicitly suggests that
tools for DSA need to be adopted for the operators in order to increase situational awareness. These
tools should primarily rely on well-established techniques and enable fast “what-if” investigations [8].
The backbone of every dispatch center is an energy management system (EMS). The EMS is a
computer-aided tool used by the operators to monitor, control and optimize the performance of an
electrical system. A monitoring and control part of the EMS is SCADA (supervisory control and data
acquisition). SCADA is a control system deploying multiple technologies that allow the operator to
monitor and process data as well as send commands to remote terminal units (RTUs); to line breakers
to open or close, for example. Typical data refresh cycle of the EMS is several seconds.
In recent years, many dispatch centers have improved the monitoring capabilities with the
implementation of the synchronphasor technology. Synchronphasors are field measurements of
network quantities, synchronized in time and expressed as phasors (magnitude and phase). They allow
monitoring power flow or frequency in real-time. The devices measuring the synchronphasors are
Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs). A typical PMU sampling rate is 20 ms. The synchronphasors are
processed and visualized by the phasor data processor (PDP). The components are shown in Figure 4.
In a standard configuration, the data from EMS and PDP are evaluated by the operator. The
amount of data to be evaluated can be very large. In a small system with 50 nodes, for example, at
least 100 parameters are to be considered to obtain clear picture on the current operating condition.
The amount is significantly increased by “what-if” analysis and investigation of future system states.
Each parameter needs to be examined with respect to specific limits and drawing conclusions on
corrective actions may be necessary. In addition to effort, time is required for this, which might not be
available in critical situations.
The effort and time required for examining the information on the voltage, frequency, and
angular behavior in the current and future system states may be significantly reduced by running
online DSA. Through interface to EMS and PDP, DSA is given access to real-time data and by
making use of simulation, screening and ranking of current and future system states is performed
without operator’s involvement. An alarm can be configured to alert the operator only on potentially
dangerous conditions and focus his attention on particular network components or problematic areas.
Effectively, DSA is able to alleviate the operator of tasks associated with the system state assessment
and provide him with insight not only into the current operating condition but also into its short-term
development. With this information control errors are avoided and the stress on the operator is
significantly reduced.
In system operations, the analysis of the credible contingencies assists the operators to control
the system at a secure operating point. Hence the contingencies are examined online on a periodic
basis or after a change in the operation; nevertheless day-ahead offline runs are also common. The
final list of contingencies to be checked is subject to the system condition in a state and operator’s
experience. Typically, the ones to be examined are defined as the loss of a single item or plant due to
phase to earth faults or other adverse situations.
Experiences show that no single security index Limit or regulation Security index
can reliably capture the entire system state. It is better 1 Voltage stability Voltage Stability Index
to use a combination of the indices instead. Many
2 Small signal Stability Small Signal Stability Index
techniques can be used for this purpose. The weighted
sum technique is the most commonly used one since it 3 Transient stability Energy Margin Index
is easy to understand and in most cases provides 4 Out-of-step protection Angle Index
sufficient results. Also applying the simple maximum 5 Dynamic frequency deviation Frequency deviation index
method is adequate, but finding the maximum index (dip or rise)
gives no information at all on the over-all security of 6 Primary system control Frequency recovery time
the system. Dedicated functions are also an option index
however in most cases these are a custom derivative of 7 Machine mechanical activity Frequency gradient index
the weighted sum technique. 8 Dynamic voltage deviation (dip Dynamic voltage index
An efficient alternative is a technique of soft or rise)
computing. Assuming that the system analyst is 9 Steady state voltage Quasi-Stationary voltage
capable of representing his knowledge about the index
system as a set of facts and rules, the uncertainties 10 Fault ride through requirements Voltage ride through index
related to proper weight selection, as is the case when 11 Power line rating Line power flow index
applying the weighted sum method, can be more
12 Transformer rating Transformer power flow
efficiently handled by means of fuzzy logic [13]. index
Fuzzy logic provides algorithms for mapping an input 13 Load shedding Load shedding index
space to an output space on the basis of if-then rules
and allows high-flexibility when modeling 14 Nodal loading Nodal loading index
multivariable-reasoning systems. Figure 6 shows the Table 1: List of Some Power System Security Aspects and
main steps of the process. Security Indices for Their Evaluation
By fuzzification and defuzzification
of the indices equally distributed along the
interval 0 to 1, a multi-stage Fuzzy Inference
System (FIS) sufficiently composes an over-
all dynamic performance index. One possible
way to combine the indices using a multi- Figure 6: Main steps in fuzzy logic reasoning
stage FIS is illustrated in Figure 7. As the
final output it delivers the Fuzzy Dynamic Security Index (FDSI). As shown by the case study, other
input/output combinations are also possible and the system can be easily adjusted to meet the operator’s
Note that in this paper the indices are not explained in detail; nevertheless, to give the reader a
feel for the concept, a basic reasoning behind the small signal stability index is presented in the
following section.
Power systems differ in the intensity of their dynamic response; in some, a disturbance
severely affects the oscillation modes, while in others the effect is negligible. To cater to this variety
of responses, the sensitivity of the index sometimes needs to be adjusted. This is achieved by setting
the norm n. The norm regulates the dramatic progression of the index as the system approaches the
security threshold and is crucial for visualizing the importance of the condition. It can depend on an
investigation’s particular requirements or one’s intention to indicate specifics in the mode behaviour,
and can be based on experience or system-sensitivity studies. The absolute relation to the security
boundary is, however, given by n=1.
The typical index behaviour is obtained by setting the norm to 1.36. The setting is given,
referring to the criterion of the SSSI that equals 0.5 at 5% damping and 1 at the security threshold of
3%. The norm is calculated by using equation (2), which is a derivative of (1). The criterion is based
on the typical damping range (3-5%) and implies intense index progression as the damping decreases
below the 5% boundary.
log SSSI ζ ) =−
log ( 0.5)
= 1.36
ζ 5%
log log
ζ min,admissible 3%
A model of a large actual power system is used to test the performance of the algorithms for
the DSA. The main characteristics of the model are: 500-, 230-, 115 kV and lower voltage levels, 259
transformers, 119 generators, and 515 transmission lines. The main 500- and 230 kV transmission
network is shown in Figure 8. The generators are represented with high-order models and equipped
with speed governors and exciters.
Two base scenarios are considered:
normal operation (A) and normal operation
with a uniformly distributed load increase of
+2.5% on the load nodes (B). In each
scenario two contingencies are applied: a
three-phase fault followed by the outage of a
230 kV line connecting the western and
southern parts of the network (LO), and
spontaneous outage of a large generator in
the central system area (GO).
The idea is to calculate the indices in
the normal system state and compare them
with the values calculated for abnormal
operation. Calculations of the system’s
transient have been made using a full
simulation whereas the system’s low
frequency characteristics have been
extracted using the QR algorithm. Not all
Figure 7: Proposed three-stage fuzzy inference system for power
indices as per Figure 7 are considered in the system dynamic security inference.
study case.
In normal operation the system excites 770 low frequency oscillation modes. As shown in
Figure 9 most are sufficiently damped, while two are in close proximity to the damping threshold of
3%. These are the system’s critical modes.
Figure 8: 500 kV and 230 kV networks of Figure 9: Critical inter-area oscillation modes of the test
the test power system. system
Applying the scenarios and consequently changing its condition alters the characteristics of the
system and affects the modes. The change in position of the most critical mode is presented in Figure
10. The markings denote the mode position with respect to the scenario and contingency applied.
Calculation results are summarized in the following tables. Table II gives the most critical
mode referring to a scenario. The small signal security of the system is assessed based on the mode’s
characteristics. If the system is subject to changes in the network the SSSI increases regarding its
initial value in scenario A. The largest impact on the small signal security of the system is posed in
scenario B-GO.
Figure 10: Critical mode variation of the test system when subjected to
Table III gives the numerical values of the fuzzy over-all security index (FOSI). The FOSI
combines the FDSI and SSSI and delivers an aggregated measure in which the overall security of a
system is affected by the scenarios. To make FOSI calculation possible the three-stage FIS shown in
Figure 7 has been reconfigured.
Scenario Critical mode SSSI Scenario Index
A -0.139 +i 4.398 3.16 0.93 AI FFI FVI FPI FDSI SSSI FOSI
A-LO -0.135 +i 4.395 3.07 0.97 A 0.26 0.00 0.82 0.7 0.67 0.93 0.82
A-GO -0.129 +i 4.408 2.93 1.00 A-LO 0.35 0.14 0.82 0.77 0.71 0.97 0.90
B -0.135 +i 4.337 3.11 0.95 A-GO 0.28 0.18 0.81 0.67 0.65 1.00 1.00
B-LO -0.131 +i 4.332 3.02 0.99 B 0.27 0.00 0.95 0.82 0.87 0.95 0.93
B-GO -0.126 +i 4.346 2.9 1.00 B-LO 0.36 0.14 0.95 0.82 0.85 0.99 0.98
B-GO 0.28 0.18 0.95 0.82 0.86 1.00 1.00
From values of FVI and FPI a conclusion is possible that the system is experiencing
unacceptable voltages and high loading of transmission lines; from values of SSSI it can be concluded
that small signal stability is an issue in this system. Small signal stability, captured by SSSI, is usually
associated with transmission of large amount of power through weak interconnecting power lines,
captured by FPI. A suitable solution would therefore include system reinforcement, with additional
lines at a specific location.
The transient response of the system to the scenarios is given in Figure 11 to Figure 12. In
scenarios A-LO and B-LO a short circuit 100 ms in duration trips one of the two parallel lines
connecting the nodes S.West_1 and South_2. The single line tripping causes the voltage to drop, the
acceleration of nearby generators and a frequency deviation. The system remains secure.
The scenario including LO can be, however, easily escalated to an insecure case (SSSI and FDSI
are 1). If following the outage the remaining line is tripped, the system breaks into two areas and loses its
stability. The conditions are shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14, and visualized by colours in Figure 16.
Figure 11: Frequency deviation following a three- Figure 12: Frequency deviation following a three-phase
phase fault with a line outage (S.West_1). fault with a line outage (South_1).
Figure 13: Frequency instability following a corridor Figure 14: Frequency instability following a corridor
outage. outage.
Applying a visualization technique similar
as in traffic control, the performance indices can
communicate contingency severity and thus the
power system security degree by means of
indicative colors. These need to be carefully
selected in order to deliver a suggestive message;
if remedial actions are needed, for example. As
illustrated in Figure 15, a smoothly changing
color scale is suitable for that purpose.
The selected color scale refers to the
index magnitude equally distributed along the Figure 15: Visualization of power system security degree.
interval [0 1]. The scale-ends denote the absolute
security degree: secure-insecure. Although any
color scale is adequate for the purpose, the most
obvious is to use green and red for denoting the
absolute secure and insecure system condition
and a color-mix in between for security
variation. In this way, the reporting is simple but
indicative, suggesting the alert level and the
expected magnitude of remedial actions for
improvement of the condition.
In Figure 16, four indices are visualized.
Angle Index and Fuzzy Frequency Index show
participation of network generators in the
angular and frequency oscillations. The
generators with the most severe dynamic
response are in the south. Depending on the
protection settings they could be tripped. Since
there are only few generators in the south, the
reactive power support is limited; hence this
region also experiences unacceptable dynamic
and steady-state voltage deviations. The bottle-
neck of the system is shown by the Fuzzy
Performance Index, which considers the power
flow through transmission lines and
transformers. It indicates that dynamic
contingencies can lead to local overloads which
may results in a cascading event and system
separation. The index clearly suggests system
Figure 16: Visualization of power system dynamic security
reinforcement is required. indices.
voltage the system survives the transient into the post-contingency steady state and remains stable. As
indicated by the SSSI, however, the limit of minimum admissible damping (3%) has been surpassed
and the system has drifted out of security bounds. This implies corrective actions including system
reinforcement so as to avoid further damping decrease in case of additional network alternations.
Security management is not easy to execute in the unbundled system structure where the
system operator has no direct control of generation. Any decisions affecting outputs or control settings
of power plants have to be implemented using commercial agreements with power plants or enforced
through the grid code. Under these changed operating conditions the assumptions made at the system
planning stage are less and less valid and to cope with new circumstances DSA is required.
This paper shows how DSA can be implemented by using a set of security indices. The indices
can help operators to investigate grid code compliance and system stability under contingencies. The
intention of the indices is to replace visual analysis of the simulation results and measurements, which
is a task typically performed by the system analyst. The indices are able to capture changes in
dynamic system parameters and rank system conditions with respect to limits and constraints without
operator’s involvement. Ranking of the system states can be of great support to the operators when
making decisions and trying to understand the complex structure of electrical systems.
[1] M. Bruch et al, “Power Blackouts Risks, Risk Management Options Emerging Risk Initiative –
Position Paper”, Nov. 2011, available at
[2] IEEE/CIGRE Joint Task Force on Stability Terms and Definitions Definition and Classification
of Power System Stability, IEEE Trans. Power Syst.,, Vol. 19, No. 2, May 2004, p. 1390.
[3] Union for the Coordination of Electricity Transmission, “Final report of the investigation
committee on the 28 September 2003 Blackout in Italy”, UCTE Report, Apr. 2004.
[4] S. Boroczky, E. Gentle, “Real-Time Transient Security Assessment in Australia at NEMMCO”,
in Proce. of IEEE Power Systems Conference & Exposition, 15-18 March, Seattle, 2009.
[5] L.E. Arnold, J. Hajagos, ”LIPA Implementation of Real-Time Stability Monitoring in a CIM
Compliant Environment“, in Proce. of Power Systems Conference & Exposition, 15-18 March,
Seattle, 2009.
[6] E. Lerch, O. Ruhle, D. Vickovic, “Real-Time Stability Assessment in the Control Centers of the
ISO of Bosnia and Herzegovina and a National Dispatching System in North Africa”, in Proce
of Power Systems Conference & Exposition, 15-18 March, Seattle, 2009.
[7] K. Morison, L. Wang, P. Kundur, “Power System Security Assessment”, IEEE power & energy
magazine, September/ October 2004.
[8] ENTSO-E, “Research and development plan EUROGRID 2020; European grid towards 2010
challenges and Beyond”, first edition, Dec. 2009.
[9] J.M. Gimenez and P.E. Mercado, “Online inference of the dynamic security level of power systems
using fuzzy techniques,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 22, no. 2, May 2007, pp. 717-726.
[10] C.K. Tang, C.E. Graham, M. El-Kady, R.T.H. Alden, “Transient stability index from
conventional time domain simulation,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 9, no. 3, Aug. 1994, pp.
[11] U. Kerin, E. Lerch, G. Bizjak, “Monitoring and reporting of security of power system low
Frequency oscillations,” Elec. Power Compon. Syst., vol. 38, no. 9, Jun. 2010, pp. 1047-1060.
[12] U. Kerin, T. N. Trinh, E. Lerch, G. Bizjak, “Small Signal Security Index for Contingency
Classification in Dynamic Security Assessment”, in Proce. of IEEE Powertech, 19 – 23 June,
Trondheim, Norway, 2011.
[13] L. A. Zadeh, “Fuzzy sets,” Information and Control, vol. 8, no. 3, 1965, pp.338–353.
[14] Kundur, P., Power System Stability and Control, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc, 1994.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Key findings derived by the application of an automated protection security assessment
solution on a nationwide transmission system are presented.
Protection coordination and verification of settings through simulation is getting increasingly
complex. Conventional protection coordination and simulation tools reach their limits of practical
applicability for fast developing networks and changing operating conditions. New automated
protection security assessment solutions can overcome existing limitations and allow the fast and
systematic performance assessment of the protection system.
A new approach to assess the adequacy of protection settings and schemes is presented. It
facilitates the verification of selectivity of protection settings for large numbers of different operation
and fault scenarios. The presented solution is capable to handle large and complex network structures,
and also to analyze the system behavior of the protection system and network as a whole. New concise
result visualizations were developed to support protection engineers and operators to identify potential
weak points and limitations of the protection schemes and settings.
The paper summarizes key findings and lessons learnt from an automated systematic
protection performance assessment and enhancement project performed on a nationwide transmission
system. It demonstrates how the applied solution can help to assure and improve the quality of
protection settings through event-triggered or regular application.
The in-depth evaluation allows the pinpointing of false settings in individual relays and for
various different operating and fault conditions. If false or improvable settings are detected then the
solution supports the calculation of new improved protection settings. To enhance quality control, a
new set of settings can be validated and verified through simulation before application in order to
maximize network utilization and grid reliability by reducing the risk of unwanted protection actions
and cascading events.
Automated Protection Performance Assessment
Fast network development, load growth, increasing penetration of renewable generation and
consequent changes in distribution and transmission networks pose new challenges for system
operation and protection. Protection systems are crucial for system security because they limit the
impact that faults have on power systems. Continuously evolving power systems and quickly
changing operating conditions make it an increasingly complex task to calculate, verify, and to
validate protection settings.
[email protected]
The introduction of a competitive energy business and a de-carbonized power generation is
enforcing the development towards new grid topologies. The infeeds of distributed and renewable
generation are requiring an increased transmission capacity and stability requirements in power
systems. An important factor for blackout prevention is a regular review of the protection tripping
behavior itself and of the protection coordination concept [1, 2, 3].
In the field of transmission networks, protection coordination is developing more and more
towards a task of handling nationwide power systems under continuous change and with numerous
protection devices preferably graded by software tools. The aim of the presented method is to provide
an automated protection security assessment system which analyzes the protection system of a whole
network. It requires the systematic simulation of different fault events and the resulting response of
the protection systems at each step of the fault clearing sequence to reveal limitations and weaknesses
of in the protection system.
The described approach allows the detection of incorrect or improvable protections settings,
and facilitates the identification of hidden faults that could cause the spreading of the fault events or
cascading trippings. Based on the identification of limitations, adapted settings can be derived
improving the protection system behavior for changing network conditions. This leads to an important
enhancement of the protection and network security in today’s and future grids. The presented
Protection Security Assessment system is called SIGUARD® PSA [4, 5].
2.2 Fault Pattern Analysis
A general evaluation method of protection system behavior is given by the terms of Figure 3.
Following definitions are stated:
• Dependability – The probability that a protection system will trip circuit breakers when it
is required.
• Security – The probability that a protection system will not trip circuits breaker when it is
not required to do so.
• Reliability – The probability a protection system will operate with the required
performance. This parameter includes the aspects dependability and security.
The calculated outage cost represents the ratio of the served energy and the economic value
that is derived from the supplied energy. Estimated values of interruption costs for individual
customers are different, depending on the types of customer sector, such as residential, agricultural,
industrial or commercial. The amount of unintentional non-served loads can be quantified as a
qualifying index e.g. by the degree of selectivity. It will be calculated for each fault location as the
ratio of the load which is served after the determined protection trippings to the load which should be
supplied in the case of 100% selectivity. The degree of selectivity is 1, if the fault could be cleared
fully selectively. Unselective cleared faults lead to a qualifying index less than 1.
3.3.2 Modelling
A detailed power and protection system model
was built and benchmarked with GRIDCo‘s existing PSS E Figure 4 Power and protection system model
model. The created geographic system model (Figure 4) includes a detailed internal substation model
with all CBs, CTs, VTs and protection relays.
All protection setting parameters were collected in the field and imported into the system
model. The zero-sequence and mutual coupling model was amended to simulate single-phase faults
with the highest possible accuracy. The model building process was complemented with multi-level
data plausibility checks for highest data quality.
Figure 7 Protection relay performance for 3-phase Figure 6 Protection relay performance for 1 -phase
faults faults
3.3.6 Key achievements
The achieved benefits by the application of an automated simulation-based protection security
assessment solution on a nationwide transmission system were:
• Complete data survey, documentation and modeling of the power and protection system
with validated high quality
• Assessment of the performance of the existing protection system showing its specific
characteristics, behavior, weak points and limitations
• Development of new improved protection settings, grading rules, scheme
recommendations and an under-frequency load shedding scheme based on the review
findings. Validation of new settings by simulation before approval
• Recommendations for the efficient future strategic development of the protection system
It was demonstrated that the adaptation of protection settings can help increase system security
and maximize the utilization of the existing system which in turn avoids CAPEX investment.
A new method for the analysis and assessment of protection system performance was applied
on a nationwide transmission system. It was shown that the protection system performance and
settings could be improved by a software automated method. The proposed protection security
assessment method is applicable for transmission and distribution. It can be customized for different
simulation and assessment tasks using the same simulation setup. For instance, it can be used for the
validation and improvement of protection systems and settings, or the verification of new system
states in operational planning, and as training simulator.
The assessment solution and the evaluation results have shown a good performance in real-
world applications. The newly proposed result visualization and filtering method has been proven
practical for the illustration of the enormous amount of output data. Based on the clearly arranged
visualization diagrams, practical constraints of applied protection schemes and coordination concepts
can be easily detected and systematic improvements are enabled. Based on the findings from the
presented and other projects, it can be concluded that automated protection security assessment
software solutions have reached a degree of maturity that allows their regular application. They can
support protection engineers to carry out protection system performance assessments and enhance the
protection system coordination process. Herewith, they have the potential to contribute to an increased
protection and grid reliability.
[1] R. Krebs, E. Lerch, O. Ruhle, S. Gal, F. Lazar, D. Paunesco, Vision 2020: Blackout Prevention
by Combined Protection and Network Security Assessment, IEEE PES Conf. Conversion and
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[2] M. Ordacgi; R.B. Solero, Minimizing Risks of Cascade Tripping, A Systematic Analysis of
Component Protection, Cigre Conference, Paris, 2006, Report B5-202.
[3] K. Yamashita, S.-K. Joo, J. Li, P. Zhang, Ch.-Ch. Liu, Analysis, Control, and Economic Impact
Assessment of Major Blackout Events. ETPEP Euro. Trans. on Electr. Power, 18:854-871, 2008.
[4] SIGUARD® PSA, Protection Security Assessment,
[5] T. Bopp, C. Blug, R, Krebs, Schutzsysteme systematisch überprüfen und verbessern, EW
Magazin für Energiewirtschaft, pp. 66-70, EW 10, 2013.
[6] J. Jaeger, R. Krebs, Automated Protection Security Assessment of Today’s and Future Power
Grids. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2010.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The new revision of internal technical standard for power line and bus coupler protection in
correlation with SCADA internal standard
Senior Engineer
Technical & Grid Development Division
The paper present the new approach that Romanian Power Grid CNTEE TRANSELECTRICA
SA have applied for protection of power line and bus coupler of 400kV, 220kV, 110kV and medium
voltage. Basically through the new revision of our internal procedures we managed to apply
redundancy for all the high voltage cells, fact that increase our strength in energy transmission.
Nevertheless the new revisions establish principles and details for the required technology to achieve
the best control, protection and automation in our power grid.
SCADA, redundancy, protection, control system, substation.
Power Grid Transelectrica is the only one transmission and system operator in Romania which
administrates the transmission network (400kV, 220kV and part of the 110kV). Transelectrica has
always applied the newest and best rules to assure a high quality transmission grid. Nowadays
Transelectrica is facing with many refurbishment projects of different substations throughout his
entire network. The whole process of grid automation is based on clear technical procedures which
establish the main rules for SCADA, including the control and protection system.
The first step to assure a: high quality of the power network, an increasing safety of the
personnel and a high life cycle of earlier investment, was made by the procedure NTI-TEL-S-009-
2010-01 which established the main rule for SCADA architecture.
[email protected]
Figure 1 Typical Romanian transmission and supply structure
Having a clear goal, based on NTI-TEL-S-009-2010-01 and a lot of previous experience due to
10 years of substation refurbishment routine, Transelectrica has successfully started to increase the
automation system based on a redundant distributed intelligence which leaves aside the traditional
centralised control systems which were made much more earlier, back in the 70’s.
NTI-TEL-S-009-2010-01 overcome the barriers of traditional electrical integration solutions
and offer full plant integration, started form low voltages up to high voltage. Full substation
integration is accomplished by taking advantage of open standards from the process control and
protection, see Figure 2. Only one SCADA system is requested for the entire substation voltage levels.
Figure 2 Physical and logical structure of the substation automation system according to NTI-TEL-S-009-2009-01
The new revision of NTI-TEL-S-003-2009-01 is made on the structure of NTI-TEL-S-009-
2010-01 and updated with a number of technical conditions designed to increase reliability for our
protection and automation systems. NTI-TEL-S-003-2009-01 establishes the rules that have to be
applied for the control, protection and automation substation system on 400kV, 220kV and 110kV.
Protection and automation systems are so critical that they have always been designed very
conservatively. Wherever possible they are designed with overlapping zones of protection to ensure
that any fault will be seen by at least two independent protective relays. Our transmission system
protection was designed with a high degree of redundancy.
LAN A – IEC 61850
Substation Bus
Central Unit
50BF and 50BB 50BF and 50BB 50BF and 50BB 50BF 50BB
equipment use IEC 61850 communication protocol fact that confer a wide range of control assuring a
reliable interlocking, communication, signalling and command through the entire substation.
Another advantage of using IEC 61850 is made due to the amount of information that that can
be used (e.g. GOOSE messages, accurate clock synchronization, fast and secured peer-to-per
automation, raw data exchanges, etc.) in comparison with traditional hard-wired signals, this represent
a high level of performance with a high level of interoperability.
More information enables better protection which leads to protection devices with faster and
more secure elements. NTI-TEL-S-003-2009-01 requires command and protection relays with a
reliable microprocessor that can perform very fast operation, fault recording, real-time calculations,
easier settings, digital communication, to name only a few.
What is more is that for all the protection functions, the procedure established rules regarding
how the protection function has to operate, basically we requested an impose algorithm who has to be
made by the vendors. Through this, we had managed to put down the hammer, and assure us that in
each part of our system a fault has the same way of evaluation.
Imposing a higher sampling rate with a greater number of analogue inputs allows for some
very innovative protection schemes not only great flexibility but also provide system security while
breakers are taken out of service and tested, requirements that we had imposed for a breaker-and-a-
half scheme and for polygonal scheme, were is very important to provide feeder availability when a
breaker is removed to service.
Distribution networks remain the last link between the power grid and the consumers, which is
why the reliability impacts for the overall level of satisfaction with the power supply is higher. The
reliability solutions known and widely deployed in the high voltage transmission system are not used
in the distribution network because of the cost implications, which is why the command and
protections are operated in one single relay. Building redundant power flow paths by adding feeders
and transformers remains impractical; however, making extra investments in the secondary protection
and control systems can be considered given the available technology, this is where the NTI-TEL-S-
006-2009-01 has intervened and imposed reliable command and protection requests.
In addition NTI-TEL-S-006-2009-01 doesn’t impose two protection relay for a single cell, but
maintain the redundant request for two communication port. Through this request, every single relay
is compulsory connected on the substation LANs (LAN-A and LAN-B).
Concerning the line-drop compensation, different shunt scheme, including the earth-fault
compensation NTI-TEL-S-006-2009-01 provides the entire automation scheme that allows the
network to operate even when a temporary earth-fault appears among the line.
The procedure of control, protection and automation systems has brought an important
advantage because nowadays Transelectrica has an impose SAS architecture in all the substations.
Correlating NTI-TEL-S-009-2010-01 with other specialized procedures like NTI-TEL-S-003-
2009-01 and NTI-TEL-S-006-2009-01 has allowed us to strongly increase the reliable of our National
Grid. In addition, the new revisions came to help substation’s SAS systems designers by providing
them all the necessary schemes that they need.
In the near future we plan to revise all the other technical procedures to further strengthen the
system reliability. This is way during this year Transelectrica is preparing with priority to revise our
technical standard regarding the protection of transformer and large power transformer including also
autotransformers and reactors.
[1] IEC 61850_1÷9, Communication networks and systems in substations.
[2] Nicorescu H., Technical standard regarding protection and automation system, supervisory
control and data acquisition applied in Romanian Power Grid Company – Transelectrica,
CIGRE Sesion RSEEC, Timisoara, 2014.
[3] Higgins N., Vyatkin V., Nair C. and Schwarz K., - “Distributed Power System Automation with
IEC 61850, IEC 61499 and Intelligent Control”, The IEEE International Conference on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, UK, 2008.
[4] Wahlström B., Aoshima Y., Mino Y., Lajoie-Mazenc C., Torderson D.R., Zomers A.N., – The
future substation a reflective approach, 23-207, Sesion CIGRE, Paris, 1996.
[5] Waterman D.A., - A guide to expert system – Addison Wesley Publishing Co., Inc. Reading, MA
[6] ANRE, Romania 2007, “The Electricity Transmission Grid – Standard of performance”.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition) October 10th -
12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The main purpose of this paper is based on the possibility of generating forecast to various
parameters, that characterize the power equipments. This forecasts was made by using mathematical
models, in special linear regression from grade I to V designed in software MathCAD. Getting the
result of such forecasts allows us to take important decisions regarding maintain in operation of
various power equipment. Another scope is to see how the technical state of an equipment is evolving
during the time, after a complex rehabilitation programme.
Large power transformes are the most significant portion of our transmission system assets,
and a major concern to every electric utility. Their replacement will involve a considerable amount of
time and expensive. Based on matemathical linear regression ST Sibiu developed a life time
management for major power unit transformers. By implementing a monitoring operation of power
transformers, we can avoid the appearance of damage to electricity transmission network, also we can
extend the lifetime of transformes.
The calculation for life time of transformers is based on generating a mathematical predictions
for the evolution of the main parameters that characterizing a power transformer unit in operation, for
example the lifetime calculation can be made for: insulation resistance, dielectric dissipation factor
Admittedly, the corelation between calendar age and insulation deterioration is subject to some
uncertainty, not all tranformers were created equal, so we can afford to make prediction mainly for
vintage transformer. We must say that there is no single scientific method available to calculate exact
the and life of power transformer, but based on the history data of transformer: common short circuit
forces that are inherent in a transmission or distribution system, mechanical strength of the
transformers, failure history, oil testing history, operating history, calendar age, measurement date we
can calculate the life cycle for aiging transformers.
[email protected]
Figure 1 Transformer commissioning in Transmission Subsidiary of Sibiu
For a data set {y i , xi1 ,Κ , xip }i =1 of n statistical units, a linear regression model assumes that the
relationship between the dependent variable y i and the p - vector of regressors xi is linear. This
relationship is modelled through a disturbance term or error variable εi — an unobserved random
variable that adds noise to the linear relationship between the dependent variable and regressors. Thus
the model takes the form:
∑ (y
i =1
i − y i tr ) 2 = minim (1)
Standard linear regression models with standard estimation techniques make a number of
assumptions about the predictor variables, the response variables and their relationship. Numerous
extensions have been developed that allow each of these assumptions to be relaxed (i.e. reduced to a
weaker form), and in some cases eliminated entirely. Some methods are general enough that they can
relax multiple assumptions at once, and in other cases this can be achieved by combining different
extensions. Generally these extensions make the estimation procedure more complex and time-
consuming, and may also require more data in order to get an accurate model.
For the ralationship numeber 1 a minimum is required then you can form stationary point
system (2), which it calculated by Cramer’s rule (3).
∑ (a ⋅ x i + b - y i )x i = 0
i =1
n (2)
(a ⋅ x + b - y ) = 0
i =1
i i
n n
∑ xi2 ∑x y i i n n n n
∆b = i =1
i =1
n =∑ xi2 ∑ yi − ∑ xi yi ⋅ ∑ xi (3)
∑ xi
i =1
∑ yi
i =1
i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1
Figure 2 Example of simple linear regression comparising a quadratic model power by Matlab
The most important coefficient in mathematics regression is the correlation coefficient (4) that
expresses the intensity dependence of the two parameters (years and measurement) and varies
between -1 and +1.
1 n
∑ (x i − x )( y i − y)
n i =1
rxy = (4)
Addition to these data we will be able to calculate Sx and S y that represent averages and
standard deviation of selection:
1 n
Sx = ∑ (x i − x )2
n i =1
1 n
Sy = ∑ (yi − y ) 2
n i =1
Insulation resistance measurement on Transformer 16 MVA Ungheni
7-May-03 28-Apr-04 29-Apr-05 8-Sep-06 22-May-07 6-Jun-08 29-May-09 29-Jun-10 3-Aug-11 14-Mar-12
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
(HV)-(LV+E) 3856 2653 2378 1864 1903 887 1021 1230 867 981
(LV)-(HV+E) 3071 2022 1791 2133 1607 975 1143 1182 826 780
(HV)-(LV) 5275 3597 3317 2897 2882 1402 1414 1783 1425 1412
(HV+LV)-(E) 2356 1694 1452 1459 1294 623 712 772 605 597
In the figure above, the following
abbreviatons have been used:
- HV – means High Voltage;
a3 ⋅ tf3+b3 ⋅ tf2+c3 ⋅ tf+d3
- LV – means Low Voltage; 1.5×10
- E – means Earth. y
∑ (y − a ⋅ x − b )
i 1 i 1
r1xy = 1− i
∑ (y − y ) 2×10
2 3
i m
i a4 ⋅ tf +b4 ⋅ tf +c4 ⋅ tf +d4 ⋅ tf+e4
4 3 2
r1xy = 0.9199 y
r1xy = 0.9642
a5 ⋅tf +b5 ⋅tf +c5 ⋅ tf +d5 ⋅ tf +e5 ⋅ tf+f5
5 4 3 2
− 4×103
3 5 7 9 11 13
tf , x
c) Regression grade III
Correlation coefficient –
indicate a strong correlation
r1xy = 0.9644
Correlation coefficient –
indicate a strong correlation
a1 ⋅ tf+b1
r1xy = 0.9663 y
Prediction for 2013: 656 Mohm 0
3 5 7 9 11 13
e) Regression grade V tf , x
Correlation coefficient –
indicate a powerful correlation 2.5×10
a2 ⋅ tf +b2 ⋅ tf+c2
3 5 7 9 11 13
tf , x
As previously stated the eligible prediction, is the prediction which was the highest correlation
coefficient therefore we choose the corresponding prediction for interpolation function for grade V
with the correlation coefficient at 0.9804.
Due to practical measurement made in Substation 220/110/20 kV Ungheni and predictions
resulting from running the regression program in MathCAD, ST Sibiu has successfully implemented a
program of work which greatly improved the insulation resistance.
Insulation resistance measurement on Transformer 16 MVA Ungheni
7-May-03 28-Apr-04 29-Apr-05 8-Sep-06 22-May-07 6-Jun-08 29-May-0929-Jun-10 3-Aug-11 14-Mar-12 13-Jun-12 15-Jun-12
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
(HV)-(LV+E) 3856 2653 2378 1864 1903 887 1021 1230 867 981 3859 8946
(LV)-(HV+E) 3071 2022 1791 2133 1607 975 1143 1182 826 780 4857 11819
(HV)-(LV) 5275 3597 3317 2897 2882 1402 1414 1783 1425 1412 6515 18325
(HV+LV)-(E) 2356 1694 1452 1459 1294 623 712 772 605 597 3706 10832
After the end of the programme which was in the last part of 2012, ST Sibiu implemented a
strictly monitoring for T2 16MVA Ungheni, as it can be seen in picture 5.
[1] William H. Bartley, Hartford Steam Boiler, Inspector & Insurance Co, “Breakthrough Asset
Management for for the Restructured Power Industry”, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2002.
[2] P. N. Larman, J. A. Lapworth, A. Wilson “Evaluation de la duree de vie de transformateurs de
puissance pour reseaux 275 et 400 kV” CIGRE 1998 raport 12-210.
[3] VP. Jarman, R. Hooton, “Transformer life prediction using date from units removed from
service and thermal modeling”, Cigre 2010.
[4] Maksay Stefan, “Mathematical Analysis Volume I and II”, Sigma Plus, Deva, Romania, 1999.
[5] Internet Wikipedia, General principles for mathematical regression.
[6] MathCAD, Help and Support Guide.
[7] V. Zaharescu, B.D. Guzun “Operational mode analysis in service of high power transformers
and transformers”, PhD. thesis, Bucharest 2012.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The road to interoperability - using the Common Information Model and the Common Grid
Model Exchange Standard
C.N.T.E.E. „TRANSELECTRICA” S.A., 2University “Politehnica” of Bucharest
1, 2
The paper outlines the background and the necessity for the implementation of the Common
Information Model (CIM) in the member countries of the European Network of Transmission and
System Operators for energy (ENTSO-E), while also concentrating on the modeling technologies of
the CIM and its building blocks. The last chapter gives insight into the steps necessary to create a
standard, namely the Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES) and offers information on
the status of implementing different versions of this standard.
In Europe, ENTSO-E requests affiliated transmission and system operators (TSOs) to provide
grid models for regional and pan-European studies, while also helping in running these studies.
Merging grid models created with different tools for power system analysis is impossible: each tool
uses its own logic and the files containing the (valid, converged) grid models have different
extensions. Program developers created certain import functions for files obtained with other tools or
export functions to ensure that the files the program outputs could be used in other tools. However,
reaching the desired interoperability by means of these methods is also impossible: information is lost
by converting data from tool to tool, certain tools tend to be used more than others and, therefore,
some TSOs may feel obligated to acquire those tools, although having experience in calculating load-
flows on other programs.
As follows, since 2009, ENTSO-E decided to start the implementation of the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) CIM standard for network model management. In December
2013, ENTSO-E published the first version of the CGMES, a superset of the CIM, which was
developed to meet necessary requirements for TSO data exchanges in the areas of system
development and system operation (e.g. The Ten Year Network Development Plan - TYNDP and
network codes).
Modeling of the CIM is based on three technologies: the Unified Modeling Language (UML),
the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and the Resource Description Format (RDF).
The UML is a modeling language that helps specifying, visualizing, building and documenting
models of software systems, including their structure and design. It is designed based on classes, entities
that have one or more attributes and multiple types of relationship between each other: inheritance,
association and aggregation. Each of these essential relationships is exemplified in the paper.
The XML, is a markup language (a language that makes use of tags in order to separate
elements) designed to store, transport and share data. It stores data in plain text format, therefore being
both human and machine-readable. XML is the language for expressing a large part of the UML: the
classes, their attributes and values, and the inheritance relationship between classes. The paper
discusses XML Syntax and Schema.
[email protected]
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a framework for expressing information and
resources that need to be processed by applications. It allows for exchanges between applications
without loss of meaning. Applied in XML, RDF allows for the other relationships between UML
classes to be represented: association and aggregation.
The paper also regards the building blocks of the CIM model: the Equipment, Topology,
Steady State Hypothesis and State Variables profiles.
System, power system, load-flow, interoperability, data management, model exchange,
Common Information Model, Common Grid Model Exchange Standard, UML, XML, RDF
A system is a collection of interconnected parts that work together to achieve a task, should it
be performing a duty or solving a problem. The various parts of a system have, beyond the implied
structural relationships between each other, functional relationships. These functional relationships
that exist between the parts suggest the flow and transfer of energy and/ or matter. Systems usually
transfer energy and/or matter beyond their boundary with the outside environment and other systems
by means of inputs and outputs.
In power engineering, these flows between systems (national/ regional electric power systems)
are energy flows. The amount of energy supposed to be transferred is set on energy markets: day-
ahead, intra-day, balancing for system operators or it is based on market studies for system
developers. In order to ensure this scheduled exchange, the system operator/ developer establishes the
inputs of the system (power generation) to be equal to the outputs (loads, network losses, external
flows), while also checking that the system’s components function according to set values (keeping
bus voltage within limits and avoiding overcharge of lines/ transformers). Due to the size and
complexity of a country’s power system, maintaining its stability (input equals output) depends on
automated power system network analysis. Power-flow (load-flow) studies stand at the core of this
analysis – fault, small-signal stability and dynamic analyses are built on its base. The system operator/
developer uses a power system analysis program by creating a grid model and inputting the expected
load, generation and exchanges and then running a power-flow analysis method. The desired result is
a convergent power-flow with no violations of voltage limits for buses and no overcharges on
branches while keeping close to the scheduled generation (both active and reactive power).
In Europe, the European Network of Transmission and System Operators for energy (ENTSO-
E) requests affiliated transmission and system operators (TSOs) to provide grid models for regional
and pan-European studies, while also helping in running these studies. Merging grid models created
with different tools for power system analysis is impossible: each tool uses its own logic and the files
containing the (valid, converged) grid models have different extensions. Program developers created
certain import functions for files obtained with other tools or export functions to ensure that the files
the program outputs could be used in other tools. However, reaching the desired interoperability by
means of these methods is also impossible: information is lost by converting data from tool to tool to
tool, certain tools tend to be used more than others and, therefore, some TSOs may feel obligated to
acquire those tools, although having experience in calculating load-flows (and other power system
analyses) on other programs.
As follows, since 2009, ENTSO-E decided to start the implementation of the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Common Information Model (CIM) standard for network model
management. All developers of power analysis programs that are used by ENTSO-E members were
obligated to pass conformity with this standard: having a conversion tool between their formats and
the CIM format and being able to solve a load-flow using a CIM model. It is important to note that
CIM does not include algorithms for network analysis, except in the sense that CIM must satisfy the
algorithm’s need for data. Algorithms generally are internal to vendor products and their design is left
to vendor competition.
In December 2013, ENTSO-E published the first version of the Common Grid Model
Exchange Standard (CGMES), a superset of the CIM. It was developed to meet necessary
requirements for TSO data exchanges in the areas of system development and system operation (e.g.
The Ten Year Network Development Plan - TYNDP and network codes).
Each of these levels has a schema, a structure that defines the building blocks of each level and
the constraints that govern each relationship between them. Thus, the three-level architecture is also
called the three-schema architecture. The main advantage of this architecture is providing data
independence - changing the schema at one level of the database system doesn’t imply changing it at
the other levels. There are two types of data independence:
1. Logical data independence: changing the conceptual schema doesn’t affect the external
schemas or programs.
2. Physical data independence: changing the internal schema doesn’t affect the conceptual
or external schema.
Logical data independence is more difficult to achieve than the physical data independence
because the application programs are always dependent on the logical structure of the database.
Therefore, the change in the logical structure of the database may require change in the application
In the CIM, the UML is used for designing the power system as a class diagram (a structure
diagram), whose components are identified as classes that have certain parameters and relationships
between each other: inheritance, association and aggregation.
A class may have internal attributes and relationships with other classes and it may appear
several times in the model as separate objects with different internal values, but with the same set of
attributes and relationships.
In Figure 1 the Rotating Machine class is described. This machine may be used either as a
generator or a motor. It has three attributes, all nameplate data: the rated power factor, which must be
a float number, the rated S, which is an apparent power and the rated U, which is a voltage. The [0..1]
multiplicity factor for each attribute means they may either appear once or not at all for a certain
rotating machine.
+ maxQ: ReactivePower [0..1]
+ nominalFrequency: Frequency [0..1]
+ minQ: ReactivePower [0..1]
+ nominalSpeed: RotationSpeed [0..1]
+ qPercent: PerCent [0..1]
In Figure 2 the Rotating Machine class is a parent class, and the added Synchronous Machine and
Asynchronous Machine classes are its subclasses. Both children classes have automatically inherited the
rated power factor, the rated S, and the rated U attributes, while also having attributes of their own:
reactive power limits maxQ and minQ, participation factor of the machine in the coordinated reactive
control q Percent and the type of machine (generator or motor) for the Synchronous Machine class,
nominal frequency and rotational speed for the Asynchronous Machine class.
2. Association
Besides the parent-child relationship, there may be other connections between classes. Such a
link is the association relationship, illustrated in Figure 3.
GeneratingUnit +RotatingMachine
+ratedS: ApparentPower [0..1]
The association is shown as a line between Generating Unit and Rotating Machine. The
numbers and symbols on each end of the line express cardinality. The Rotating Machine class has an
association with the Generating Unit class with a cardinality of 0.1. This shows that a Rotating
Machine may either be a Generating Unit (1) or not (0). Reading the relationship backwards, the
Generating Unit class has an association with the Rotating Machine class with a cardinality 1..*. That
means that a Generating Unit must associate with at least one Rotating Machine (1..* means one or
more). This means that the Generating Unit class will have the attributes and values of the Rotating
Machine(s) that it is associated with.
3. Aggregation
The Aggregation relationship between two classes indicates than one of them is contained in
the other.
+ boundaryPoint: Boolean
+fromEndName: String
+fromEndNameTso: String
+TopologicalNode 0..1
Figure 4. Aggregation of the Connectivity Node class in the Topological Node class
For a detailed substation model, a topological node is a set of connectivity nodes that are
connected together through any type of closed switches. Topological nodes change with the change of
the network state (for example, if disconnectors change state). This detailed model is also referred to
as the “Node-Breaker” or Operational model.
For a planning model, switch statuses are not used to form topological nodes. Instead they are
manually created or deleted in a model builder tool. Topological nodes maintained this way are also
called “busses”. This simplified model is called the “Bus-Branch” or Planning model.
Connectivity nodes are points where terminals of AC conducting equipment are connected
together with zero impedance.
This diagram indicates that a Topological Node may contain zero (Planning Model) or more
instances of Connectivity Nodes while a Connectivity Node will be contained in zero or one
Topological Node. This relationship, described by the clear diamond, does not stand for complete
interdependence. Should the Topological Node be removed, the Connectivity Nodes would still exist.
2. Root element - the parent of all other elements, the entire document is contained within
its tags.
schema-cim16#" xmlns:rdfs=""
Figure 6. The root element for CIM
Any element can contain attributes. The attributes of the CIM root element, “xmlns”, define
the namespaces for the entire file. Namespaces are a method of avoiding name conflicts (when
combining separate XML documents from different developers).
3. Otherelements
<>Node 1 - Node 2</>
Figure 7. Example of CIM element: Line
In Figure 7 an AC line segment element (class in UML) is described. It has an inherited
attribute: “name” from (great-grand) parent class “Identified Object”. Its own attributes (positive and
zero sequence resistance “r”/ “r0”, reactance “x”/ “x0”, susceptance “bch”/ “b0ch”) have their values
written between tags.
4. Comments - useful inserts to help identify the elements better in a large CIM file
XML Schema
An XML Schema is a standard for exchanging data that describes the structure of an XML file.
It provides support for defining data constraints, validating data correctness and converting between
different data types.
An example of XML schemas is provided in Figure 6, where the Uniform Resource Identifiers
(URIs, links) for namespaces are Schemas: the CIM namespace complies to the CIM Schema CIM 16,
the RDFs namespace complies to the RDF Schema, the ENTSO-E Schema complies to CIM Schema
Extensions designed especially for CGMES and the XSD (XML Schema Definition) complies to the
XML Schema.
RDF Syntax
A basic XML document does not allow for connections to exist between two elements that are
not a parent or a child. However, the RDF provides a solution by allowing each element of a
document to be assigned a unique “ID” (or “about”) attribute under the RDF namespace and also
allowing for a “resource” attribute to a certain element to have its value equal to another element’s ID.
Thus, a relationship between the two elements is defined.
In Figure 7, for the “AC Line Segment” class, the “Base voltage” class is an associated class of
the parent class “Conducting Equipment”. The rdf:resource="#_56D28BB6-A2CC-4988-B80E-
3CF3EA2F3791" coincides with the rdf:ID of a “Base Voltage” class with the “nominal Voltage”
attribute equal to 220 (kV).
RDF Schema
The RDF Schema is a semantic extension of RDF, which provides a data-modeling vocabulary
for RDF data. It introduces tools for describing groups of related resources and the relationships
between them.
The RDF and the RDF Schema allow for relationships between classes and properties to be as
expressed in XML format. Therefore, the two technologies, RDF and XML, are a means of expressing
UML in a syntax that may be used for developing a power system application.
The basic building blocks of a CIM Model are the following model parts (profiles):
1. The Equipment (EQ) profile
2. The Topology (TP) profile
3. The Steady State Hypothesis (SSH) profile
4. The State Variables (SV) profile
These first four profiles are the essential parts of a CIM Model (upon conversion from a power
analysis tool): the equipment profile contains all physical elements in the grid model (lines,
transformers, generators, loads), the topology profile contains data about the connections in the grid
(between the physical elements), the steady state hypothesis profile contains the value of the
parameters needed for load-flow calculation and the state variables profiles contains the value of the
parameters after solving the load-flow.
5. The Dynamics (DY) profile
6. The Short-circuit (SC) profile
7. The Diagram Layout (DL) profile
8. The Geographic Location (GL) profile
9. The Operation (OP) profile
All classes are a part of one of these profiles.
The current CGMES standard version, 2.4.15, based on the 16th version of the IEC CIM
standard, available since August 2014, may be considered a stable one and is, at the date of this paper,
at step 7 of the standard approval process.
Step 7 is the last step in reaching full interoperability: The TSOs test their CGMES grid
models exported from a CGMES-compliant tool in other CGMES-compliant tools (programs that
have received ENTSO-E’s Attestation of Conformity with the standard). The purpose of this tests is
obtaining the same load-flow results for the same model in all tools.
Different load-flow results are obtained due to each program’s treatment of reactive control
equipment during iteration. Treatment of shunts, tap control for tap-change transformers and respecting a
generator’s reactive limits may all change the results of a power-flow reactive power-wise.
At the same time as the TSO implementation part, CGMES standard version 2.5 is being
discussed in the first step of the approval process. It may be considered that this standard version is
one tailored for operations, as it brings out vast improvements in terms of dynamic stability
assessment, capacity calculations, coordinated security analysis, steady state power- flow and efficient
data exchange, while also covering outage coordination for the first time.
As long as a system does not work in an isolated mode, exchanges with the other systems it is
connected to will be monitored and continuously modified. However, in order to achieve full
communication between systems, as is the case with diplomatic relations between countries, a
common language must be spoken. The Common Information Model (and based on it, the Common
Grid Model Exchange Standard) provide an extensive dictionary for power systems (or their models,
at least) to co-operate in creating a stronger interconnected network.
[1] ITL Education Solutions Limited, “Introduction to Database Systems” (Pearson Education
India, 2010)
[2] EPRI, “Using the Common Information Model for Network Analysis Data Management: A
CIM Primer Series Guide” (Technical Report 3002002587, November 2014)
[3] EPRI, “Common Information Model Primer: Third Edition” (Technical Report 3002006001,
June 2015)
[4] W3Schools, “XML Tutorial” (
[5] W3C WG Note, “RDF 1.1 Primer” (, June 2014)
[6] W3C Recommendation, “RDF Schema 1.1” (, February
[7] ENTSO-E, “Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES) Version 2.4” (August 2014)
[8] ENTSO-E, “Detail description of the CGMES profiles Version 2.4.15” (August 2014)
[9] ENTSO-E, CGMES 2.5 draft UML (July 2016)
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
C.N.T.E.E. „Transelectrica” S.A., 2University "Politehnica" of Bucharest
1, 2
The TYNDP (Ten Years Network Development Plan) for Electricity is the most
comprehensive and up-to-date planning reference for the pan-European transmission electricity
network. The TYNDP is a biennial report published every even year by ENTSO-E and acts as an
essential basis to derive the next Projects of Common Interest (PCI) list, in line with the Regulation
(EU) No. 347/2013 ("the Energy Infrastructure Regulation"). ENTSO-E is structured into six regional
groups for grid planning and other system development tasks. Romania CNTEE Transelectrica SA is a
part of two regional’s groups Continental South East and Continental Central East.
The development of the TYNDP consists of a multitude of studies which identify the grid
bottlenecks and potential investment solutions of pan-European significance for a large long time
horizon (2030 and beyond), the potential investments being evaluated and promoted.
For a potential investment to be identified Market and Network Simulations are performed.
During these simulations performed for TYNDP 2016 a new project between Hungary and Romania
was identified. This project was labeled as future project candidate (it will be commissioned not
earlier than 2030).
To identify the projects that have a significant contribution to European energy policies
implementation and are valuable in several possible future energy scenarios and in the same time are
efficient in order to minimize costs for consumers, Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and multi-criteria
assessment are carried out.
This paper presents the process of new projects identification, the CBA indicators and a study
case: a new 400kV OH interconnection line between Romania and Hungary.
Ten year network development plan, Regional Investments Plans, Cost benefit analysis.
Considering the high dynamics of the energy sector, the grid development has to reflect these
fast changes and has to ensure a secure and reliable transmission grid. The main drivers for the grid
development are: generation evacuation under high RES installed capacity, market integration in order
to achieve a common European market, security of supply improvement and climate change
mitigation under increase energy efficiency measures and electricity peak demand increase. Grid
development is an important step towards fulfilling the European Goals such as reduction of the
greenhouse gas emissions, increase the share of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
[email protected]
Each release of a new TYNDP has the role to reconfirm existing projects, to analyze new
strategies, goals and issues in order to cover the possible energy situation in Europe in the considered
time horizon and also provides the reference point for European grid development. In order to develop
an accurate TYNDP a strong collaboration between Transport System Operators(TSO’s), EU
community and stakeholders is needed. In the current TYNDP 200 projects in transmission and
storage are analyzed.
The process of making the TYNDP 2016 was divided in two phases:
• In the first phase, Common Planning Studies were performed and the results were then
published in the Regional Investment Plan, one for each region. Based on them a list of
TYNDP project candidates was identified;
• The second phase consisted of the project assessment. In this phase the identified
projects in the first phase were evaluated using the CBA Methodology under certain
The visions are divided in two classes: top down visions and bottom up. The bottom-up
visions are based on the member countries input regarding load and generation evolution. The top-
down visions assume a pan-European approach and they are developed starting from the bottom-up
visions and considering a greater harmonization of the data’s provided by the member states. In the
top-down scenarios the same macro-economic and political view of the future was considered for all
Considering the data input, for each scenario/vision the investments needs are identified in
order to eliminate grid bottlenecks or to support market integration opportunities, RES integration,
interconnection targets and security of supply issues. In order to identify the investment needs Market
and Network Simulations are performed.
Market Simulations (MS) provide results regarding the socio-economic welfare brought by a
new interconnection project which increase the border capacity. Performing iterative Market
Simulations increasing a specific border capacity with 500MW or 1000MW at each iteration, and
calculating the socio economic welfare we can conclude it does worth to build a new project on that
border if the socio economic welfare is significantly increased taking into account also the project
The Market Simulations are run for each border and each direction aiming to identify the
beneficial borders suitable to a boundary transport capacity (BTC) increase and the target capacities.
The Network Simulations (NS) use the output of the Market Simulations (MS) and identify
and asses new feasible projects that can achieve the BTC target provided by the MS. In order to
perform network analysis, network datasets are needed. A number of Points in Time are defined and
are implemented in the datasets in order to perform network simulations under general rules. The
network simulation allows testing the projects proposed, suitable for capacity increase or as grid
reinforcements to eliminate bottlenecks.
After the identification of the investments needs is made, different grid investments
projects/solutions are proposed in order to meet the needs. As a general idea the investments needs are
considered new projects candidates and reconfirm in most cases the past TYNDP projects. A project is
defined as the small set of assets that effectively add capacity to the transmission infrastructure that
can be used to transmit electric power.
The Regional Investment Plan is built on the conclusions of the Common Planning Study and
analyses the development of the power system at a regional level, based on common guidelines and
identify investments needs linked with a set of proposed projects. The Regional Investment Plan
contains all the projects of regional significance and based on them a list of TYNDP projects
candidates is proposed.
The TYNDP is a continuously evolving process that takes into account the feedback from
TSO’s, institutions and stakeholders also takes into account EU regulations. The report provides a
wider view on the European grid development in the conditions of achieving European energy
objectives, such as security of supply across Europe, sustainable development of the energy system
with renewable energy sources integration and affordable energy for European consumers through
market integration. Also the TYNDP is the instrument for the selection of Projects of Common
Interest. Starting from the project list proposed by the Regional Investment Plan, the projects of pan-
European significance are chosen. The TYNDP project list is submitted to a Cost Benefit Analysis in
order to identify the projects that contribute significantly to European energy policies and that are
robust enough, are possible in different energy projections and in the same time are efficient in order
to minimize costs for consumers.
B3. RES integration: Support to RES integration is defined as the ability of the system to
allow the connection of new RES plants and unlock existing and future “green” generation, while
minimizing curtailments. The calculation of these indicator is done by calculating the connection of
RES to the main system without regard to the actual avoided spillage or it can be calculating as the
avoided curtailment due to congestion in the main system.
B4. Variation in losses in the transmission grid is the characterization of the evolution of
thermal losses in the power system. It is an indicator of energy efficiency and is correlated with SEW.
Network development usually decreases losses by performing a better load flow also leads to a better
voltage profile and thus increases energy efficiency. The variation in loses can be determined by using
market and modeling tools. The losses in the power system are quantified considering the system with
and without project while taking in to account the change of dispatch that may occur in the market
B5. Variation in CO2 emissions is the characterization of the evolution of CO2 emissions in
the power system. It is a consequence of B3 indicator (unlock of generation with lower carbon
content). The impact of CO2 is calculated using the generation dispatch and unit commitment used for
calculating of B2 indicator.
B6. Technical resilience/system safety is the ability of the system to withstand increasingly
extreme system conditions (exceptional contingencies). The technical resilience and system safety is
evaluated by considering a number of key performance indicators (KPI).
B7. Flexibility/Robustness is the ability of the proposed reinforcement to be adequate in
different possible future development paths or scenarios. The robustness and the flexibility of a
project will ensure that the project can be utilized in the long term perspective considering the
uncertainties related to the network development and evolution. This indicator is evaluated also
considering a number of key performance indicators as: ability to comply with all cases analyzed
using a probabilistic, multiscenario approach, ability to comply with all cases analyzed taking out
some of the foreseen reinforcements, ability to facilitate sharing of balancing services on wider
geographical areas.
The indicators that reflect the project costs are defined as follows:
C1.Total project expenditures are based on prices used within each TSO and rough estimates
on project consistency (e.g. km of lines). Environmental costs can vary significantly between TSOs.
To determine the total project expenditures it should be taken into account the following items: the
cost for materials, costs for temporary solutions which are necessary to realize a project,
environmental costs and maintenance cost.
The indicators that reflects the impact on society of the project is defined as follows:
S.1. Environmental impact characterizes the project impact as assessed through preliminary
studies, and aims at giving a measure of the environmental sensitivity associated with the project.
S.2. Social impact characterizes the project impact on the (local) population that is affected by
the project as assessed through preliminary studies, and aims at giving a measure of the social
sensitivity associated with the project.
The Grid Transfer capability (GTC) reflects the ability of the grid to transport electricity
across a boundary. The GTC depends on the considered state of consumption, generation and
exchange, as well as the topology and availability of the grid, and accounts for safety rules. The GTC
is calculated starting from a stress system in order to highlight the contribution of the possible project.
The GTC takes into account the congestions in the both areas.
The purpose of the project assessment is to evaluate the impact of the project from the
perspective of the added value to the European system and from cost perspective. During the Common
Planning Studies if transmission weaknesses are identified reinforcements are proposed. The
reinforcements can consist of duplication of lines to increase rating, reinforcement of overhead lines,
network equipment’s or substation, additional transformer, new overhead lines and cables, AC or DC.
In the situation where multiple projects depend on each other to provide the same benefit for the
network they can be clustered in order to be assessed as a group. During the assessment phase it is
used a combined cost-benefit and multi-criteria assessment and at the end will be supplied information
regarding the project benefits in terms of EU network objectives, measurement of project costs and
Considering the fact that for the calculation of the benefit indicators the both situations with
and without project are considered, two possible ways for project assessment can be used:
• Take Out One at the Time (TOOT)method in which it is considered the reinforced
network and are excluded one by one each investment item or whole project in order to
evaluate the load flows over the grid elements with and without the corresponding
• Put IN one at the Time (PINT)method that starts from the reference grid and considers
each new investment item or whole project and evaluates the network flows over the
grid elements.
Study case: A new 400 kV OH interconnection line between Romania and Hungary
During the Common Planning Studies all the internal borders of a regional group are analyzed
and are identified the borders with beneficial cross-border capacity increase. The borders proposed for
cross-border capacity increase are obtained during a series of iterations. For the next consecutive
iteration are considered the borders with the greatest SEW/cost-ratio and Net Present Value (NPV).
During the last Common Planning Studies in the RG CCE two borders were identified with beneficial
cross-border capacity increase: the Polish border with a profile of importing and the Hungarian –
Romanian border. For the Hungarian-Romanian border during the Common Planning Studies the
benefits and the economic viability were demonstrated in a high RES scenario. The both TSOs
considered that this project will not be commissioned earlier than 2030 and is characterized as a future
project candidate. The new project will consist of a 400 kV line between Debrecen-Jozsa (HU) and
Oradea (RO), with double-circuit towers and single circuit conductors. The new line will not only
contribute to the market integration but also will improve the security of supply in both countries. The
additional reinforcements that will be necessary in both countries will be determined by detailed
network analyses in extended time frame coordinated with national development plans.
For the Hungarian-Romanian border the reference capacity (capacity without the new
proposed project) was considered 1300 MW. The Common Planning Studies were made considering
the vision with high RES (2030 Vision 4) and were chosen as basis for promoting the TYNDP project
candidates. The network base case was defined on the data used in the previous TYNDP and
considering the vision with high RES conditions but also information regarding installed capacities,
generation profile for photovoltaics and wind, reference capacities and additional details provided by
the regional members (TSOs) were allowed. For the market simulation process the member states had
to provide a list of costs for each possible capacity increase on a border. These costs included
necessary internal reinforcements to make the additional cross-border capacity possible. Starting from
the base case, market simulations were performed with an increase capacity of 500 or 1000 MW.
After each market simulation step, the socioeconomic welfare (SEW) and NET Present Value (NPV)
was calculated for all borders with increased capacity. The NPV is determined using the standard
costs for the project, the SEW aver a 25 year period of amortization and an interest rate of 4% per
year. The capacity increases which gave the highest SEW/cost ratio in the region, were considered in
the new base case. The borders that showed unsatisfactory results were removed from the new base
case. The process continued until no more beneficial increases were identified. After the process ends,
a list of borders susceptible to a capacity increase and the amount of those increases is presented.
After this step the regional members analysis the new “target capacity” and propose possible project
candidates. In the RG CCE after three iterations there were no borders left with a positive NPV and
the process stopped.
The Network Simulations investigate the impact of the increased border capacity obtained
during the market simulations in order to detect new problems regarding the grid development. The
Network studies starts with selecting a number of representative snap-shots from all the 8760
simulations performed during the market simulations (8760 hours for 2030 year). The points in time
are selected by each regional group considering different inputs regarding the RES production, load,
market exchanges and take in to account a preliminary simplified load flow. For the chosen points in
time detail analysis were performed. The analysis provided information regarding voltage profile,
network elements loads and elements to be heavy loaded or overloaded under contingency under
contingency conditions. The NS showed that for the Hungary-Romanian projects for all the PITs
selected considering all network elements connected were not observed overloaded elements for the
complete scheme but considering the N-1 criteria some network elements were overloaded. This
situation appeared due to the fact that the majority of the installed capacity is located in the south part
of Romania. Further analyses are required in order to investigate the necessary grid reinforcements for
the identified capacity increase.
Considering the fact that the Hungarian-Romania project is a future project only a few CBA
indicators were computed and only for some of the visions. For this type of projects the following
CBA indicators were evaluated: B2 Security of supply, B3 RES integration, B5 CO2 emissions and
GTC. The GTC values obtained for the both directions showed that it is possible a contribution of 200
MW for HU-RO and of 800 MW for the RO-HU direction.
The rapid development of renewable energy sources and the liberalization of the European
market had led to a more complex and interdependent power flow. Therefore, in order to cope with
the new energy policies the network development has to be done in a coherent and coordinated way
and with a strong cooperation at a regional and European level. The main objective of the TYNDP is
to plan and develop a secure, efficient and economic electricity transmission system while taking into
account different requirements and regulation toward the liberalization of the European electricity
market, EU policies and targets, national legislation and regulatory framework, economic efficiency
and using transparent rules. The TYNDP is based on the best methodology to identify and assess
projects of European interest while ensuring transparency regarding electricity transmission network
and providing information to the decision makers.
[1] ENTSO-E, “ENTSO-E Guidelines for Cost Benefit Analysis of Grid Development Projects”
(February 2015)
[2] ENTSO-E, “Regional Investment Plan 2015 Continental Central East region” (October 2015)
[3] ENTSO-E, “10-YEAR NEWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2014” (December 2014)
[4] ENTSO-E, “TYNDP2016 combined project sheets 2016” (June 2016)
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Improving the fault location for transmission lines using the actual measurements
Transmission line fault location represents the process of calculating the location of the
permanent and intermittent faults with high precision. Taking into account the fact that the
transmission lines cover important areas of the power system, the location of the faults with high
precision can minimize the restoration time of these lines with benefits in the stability of the system.
In the paper is presented a method to improve the fault location precision using the actual
measurements of the line ends. In order to implement this method first there are downloaded the
measurements of voltage and current from each end of the faulted line independently, then a manual
synchronization of these measurements is applied and in the end the two-end data fault location is
applied. The method was tested with real data as well as with simulated data. The simulated data was
obtained from a simulation equivalent model of the faulted grid. The results obtained demonstrate the
precision of the proposed method when compared with the results of the actual one-end data fault
location method.
Fault location algorithms; unsynchronized measurements, numerical relay.
Transmission line is one of the most important components of a power system. Due to the fact
that these transmission lines cover important areas, they are often exposed to faults. Furthermore, the
power systems are expanding and along with this expansion stability issues arise in their operation.
The use of precise fault location solutions can lead to faster finding of the fault location and to the
minimization of the restoration time of the faulted line. In this way the stability of the power system
and the quality of the energy are fairly improved.
The majority of the fault location algorithms use the fundamental frequency phasors of the
voltage and current. Another category of the fault location algorithms use the traveling wave
components generated by the fault [1, 2]. Generally, the traveling wave algorithms obtain the fault
location more precisely when compared to the fundamental frequency phasor algorithms. The
implementation of the traveling wave algorithms is complex and expensive because they require high
sampling rate equipments and in some cases special sensors and external GPS synchronization sources
are needed [3]. In the other hand, the fundamental frequency algorithms are cheaper and less complex
to implement because they do not need special sensors or high sampling rate equipments. In this case
there can be used the actual sensors and sampling rate equipments (e.g. those used for protection or
monitoring) [4]. In some cases, however, there are needed external GPS synchronization sources
which increase the implementation cost [5].
[email protected]
The fault location algorithms that use the fundamental frequency phasors of the voltage and
current are divided in two main categories: the one-end data and the two-end data algorithms.
The one-end data algorithms rely on the estimation of the apparent impedance from the
measurement point (e.g. one end of the line) using the voltage and current phasors from the fault
regime [6]. In order to obtain the fault location, this apparent impedance is compared with the total
impedance of the line. To improve the fault location, some one-end data fault location algorithms use
in addition the pre-fault voltage and current phasors [7, 8]. The one-end data algorithms are cheap and
very simple to implement, that's why the fault location using one-ended voltage and current phasors
became a standard feature in the majority of the numerical relays [5]. In the other hand, the precision
of these algorithms is affected by many source of errors such as: value of the fault resistance, the
remote in-fed current, value of the zero-sequence line impedance, errors in current phasor estimation
due to the decaying DC component from the fault current [4-8]. With all these, the one-end data
algorithms introduce acceptable errors and are widely used around the world.
The two-end data algorithms estimate de fault location using the measurements from both ends of
the line. In the standard approach, these measurements contain the voltage and current phasors from both
ends of the line [9], but over the past years there were developed two-end data algorithms which use only
the current phasors [10] or only the voltage phasors [11]. The two-end data algorithms can use
synchronized or unsynchronized measurements. The two-ended synchronized measurements need an
external GPS source which increases the cost of implementation but in the other hand it increases the fault
location precision [1, 9]. The two-ended unsynchronized algorithms can be used where synchronized
timing is too expensive. In order to obtain as precise results as possible, the goal of the unsynchronized
algorithms is to synchronize the measurements off-line. The off-line synchronization can be done
manually or using dedicated software [12]. The implementation of the two-end data unsynchronized
measurements is less expensive, but the precision in estimating the fault location can be altered [1].
For lines equipped with numerical relays it is possible to remotely download the registered signals.
If on these lines are implemented one-end data fault location algorithms at each end, unacceptable fault
location errors can arise in some cases. It is possible to improve the fault location for those lines by
manually downloading the measurements from both ends and then apply a two-end data fault location
algorithm. The result can be obtained within minutes with good precision. In the paper, this solution for
improving the fault location is considered and it will be described in the next section.
Fig. 1. Simple two-sources grid with fault on phase a
the real grid generators in operation at the time of the event. In this way there were obtained the short
circuit powers of the adjacent buses (S and R) with the faulted line. All the parameters mentioned
above are indicated in Table I.
In the model depicted in Fig. 3 there is a fault block where the user can model the fault
resistance and the fault type.
After implementing the values from Table I in the grid model blocks, it was simulated a phase
c-to-ground fault considering that the fault resistance is 7,8 Ω (same as in the real event). In Fig. 4
there are represented two current waveforms, where the dotted black line is the real current and the
continuous grey line is the simulated current, from the source R. It can be seen that the waveforms are
almost identical. Also, the simulated voltage waveforms of the faulty phase as well as the simulated
voltage and current waveforms from the other phases resulted identical with the real waveforms. Thus,
it can be said that the simulation model is validated.
After this validation, a fault location analysis is conducted to compare the fault location errors
introduced by the two-end data algorithm (the proposed solution) in one hand and the actual end S and
end R one-end data algorithms in the other hand. Using the simulation tool, and starting from end S of
the line, there were simulated single-phase-to-ground faults and double-phase-to-ground faults
considering the same 7,8 Ω value for the fault resistance. The errors are calculated with (14) and are
indicated in Table II. In (14) e is the error in %, dACTUAL is the actual distance in km from end S to the
fault point, dCALCULATED is the calculated distance in km from end S to the fault point using the two-
end data fault location equation (13) and the actual end S and end R one-end data fault location
equation (10); L is the line length in km.
Table II. Fault location errors
Single-phase-to-ground faults Double-phase-to-ground faults
Actual location [%
Two-end End S End R Two-end End S End R
from end S]
locator locator locator locator locator locator
0 1,01 2 9,1 1,2 0,5 2,9
10 0,9 3,2 8,4 0,9 1,3 2,86
20 0,85 4 7,9 0,89 2,1 2,5
30 0,79 5 7,2 0,79 2,2 2,45
40 0,73 5,7 7 0,71 2,5 2,6
50 0,63 6,5 6,3 0,63 2,4 2,1
60 0,71 7,4 5,5 0,65 2,6 1,9
70 0,73 8 4,9 0,72 2,8 1,7
80 0,83 8,3 4,2 0,79 3,1 1,65
90 0,85 8,8 2,9 0,82 3,3 1,4
100 0,9 9 1,9 0,88 3,3 0,9
As it can be observed from Table II, the general tendency of the errors introduced by the actual
one-end data fault location algorithms is to increase when the actual distance from the line end to the
fault point increases. For the two-end data algorithm the errors introduced are almost the same when
the distance from end S to the fault point varies from 0% to 100%. The output results of the proposed
solution are much better than the output results of the actual one-end data fault location algorithms.
Two-end data fault location approach can be useful especially when the faulted line is a long
transmission line or when the line crosses mountains or hard terrain because it can reduce the time for
finding the fault along the line by the inspection crew.
[1] M. M. Saha, J. J. Izykowski, and E. Rosolowski, Fault location on power networks, Springer,
London 2010.
[2] IEEE Guide for determining fault location on AC transmission and distribution lines, IEEE
C37.114 Standard
[3] P. F. Gale, Overhead line fault location based on travelling waves and GPS, Proceedings of the
Precise Measurements in Power Systems Conference, Arlington, VA, October 1993.
[4] E. O. Schweitzer III, A review of impedance-based fault locating experience, in 14th Annual
Iowa-Nebraska System Protection Seminar, October 1990.
[5] K. Zimmerman and D. Costello, Impedance-based fault location experience, in Proc. 58th
Annual Conf for Protective Relay Engineers, April 2005, pp. 211 – 226.
[6] S. Das, S. Santoso, Impedance-based fault location in transmission networks: theory and
application, IEEE Acces, Vol. 2, June 2014, pp. 537-557.
[7] T. Takagi and Y. Yamakoshi, Development of a new type fault locator using the one-terminal
voltage and current data, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-101,
No. 8, August 1982, pp. 2892-2898.
[8] L. Eriksson, M.M. Saha, G.D. Rockefeller, An accurate fault locator with compensation for
apparent reactance in the fault resistance resulting from remote-end infeed, IEEE Trans. on
PAS, vol. PAS-104, pp. 424-436, No. 2, 1985.
[9] K. P. Lien, et al. A novel fault location algorithm for multi-terminal lines using phasor
measurement units. Proceedings of the 37th Annual North American Power Symposium;
October 2005; pp. 576–581.
[10] O. Avendano et al. “Tutorial on fault locating embedded in line current differential relays –
methods, implementation, and application considerations”, 17th Annual Georgia Tech Fault and
Disturbance Analysis Conference, April 2014.
[11] M. Istrate et al. “Single-phased fault location on transmission lines using unsynchronized
voltages”, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol 9, Issue 3, 2009.
[12] D. Spoor, K. Hinley, “Unsynchronised fault location on asymmetrical lines” CIGRE, South East
Asia Protection and Automation Conference, 17-18 March 2015.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The paper presents general information about electric energy storage systems that can be used
in the electric grid and the benefits from introducing this technology.
Also, the regulatory framework needed for this is discussed in the final chapter of the paper.
Electric energy storage is close related with renewable energy sources and the growth of
production that is estimated in different plans and strategies for the next decades.
Energy storage, regulatory framework, power systems, Romania, CIGRE
Electricity storage is able to maintain excess energy produced by variable sources such as wind
and solar at night, when consumption is low, for later use at peak time. Additionally, they represent an
important flexibility solution in improving grid stability, reducing temporary mismatch between
supply and demand and in controlling the fluctuations of renewable energy sources.
Storage serves several purposes in today's power system.
European and global energy policies based simultaneously on a CO2 emissions reduction,
shifts towards intermittent renewable power while maintaining secure energy supplies. This changes
the ground rules for storage and calls for a new approach to storage as a key component of the future
low-carbon electricity system. Decisions to invest into the development of storage and deployment of
adequate storage capacity will depend on the evolution of the whole energy system. They are closely
linked to developments such as: (a) electricity super-highways with large-scale RES in the North Sea
and North Africa combined with distributed/regional RES solutions; (b) penetration of electric
vehicles; (c) improvements in demand response/demand side management/smart grids.
The need to promote more energy storage is related to the increase in intermittent wind and
solar and to the demand peak increase.
When the intermittent renewable share is lower than 15% to 20% of the overall electricity
consumption, the grid operators are able to compensate the intermittency. This is not the case when
the share exceeds 20-25%, as it is reached at times in Denmark, Spain and Germany. When these
levels of 25% and above are reached, intermittent RES need to be curtailed during the low
consumption periods in order to avoid grid perturbation (frequency, voltage, reactive power) and grid
congestion, unless the RES excess can be stored.
Alternative resources – back-up and/or storage are needed when demand does not fall at the
same time as the fall in RES generation.
[email protected]
Energy storage needs to be integrated in network-based energy systems, in the electrical grid
system, heat or cooling network and gas networks. It can also provide an important contribution to the
development and emergence of the Smart Grid concept at all voltage levels.
The peak increase issue can also be solved where energy storage is available at different levels
of the Electrical System: centralized energy storage as a reserve; decentralized storage in the form of
demand management and demand response systems.
Different energy storage systems will have to be considered (centralized and decentralized)
and specific business models will have to be identified.
It is important to ensure that electricity from RES keeps its RES label, even if it has been
stored before the final consumption. Possible feed in tariffs should not be affected by intermediate
storage. Only the share of renewables at the point of pumping should qualify as renewable electricity.
In the transmission grid, energy storage can be used to improve power quality by correcting
voltage sags, flicker and surges. It can also provide line stability and Power Oscillation Damping
(POD). During the last decade, coinciding with renewable energy growth, different energy storage
technologies have reached maturity and have been installed to improve supply quality and to boost
renewable energy integration. However, these efforts have been not enough. Most studies have shown
that in order to reduce transmission bottlenecks and to decrease the generation costs, new
transmissions, interconnection capacities and load management programs are needed.
The generation based on renewable energy sources will play a significant role in the energetic
scenarios of the future. This role can become even more significant if the solutions to the problems
due to energy congestion are adopted. New transmission lines and load management programs
together with energy storage systems can definitely encourage the usage of renewable energy sources.
Electricity storage applications in transmission networks may pursue different objectives:
• Deferral of investment into new transmission lines
• Reduction of transmission losses
• Increasing the interconnection capacity among loosely coupled subsystems
• Improvement of power system stability
• Stable power system operation and compensation for intermittent power sources
Based on the high storage capacities required for these applications, it is assumed that
transmission applications of storage will be a priority, with the notable exception of the continued use
of the existing pumped storage plants.
The three major applications of energy storage are:
1. Power Quality: Here energy storage is applied for short periods of time in order to ensure a
predictable power outline. Rapid cycling is generally required for better power quality.
2. Bridging Power: Used when switching from one power generator to another. Main purpose
is to ensure continuity of power supply. Usage is in the order of minutes.
3. Energy Management: Used as a storage medium. This helps in applications that involve
delivering the power generated to the loads independent of the timing of generation. A good example
would be load levelling where energy is bought at low prices and stored for times when prices are
high, or generation is low, compared to demand.
Shown below, in Figure 2, is a list of energy storage devices categorized into three types of
energy applications (based on their discharge times). This figure illustrates how efficient each type of
system is and where they can be efficiently utilized.
Table 2. Several purposes served by storage in today’s power system
Physical size and weight of storage devices are important factors and have the ability to
determine their types of applications. For instance metal-air batteries have the 49 highest weight
energy density, and largest volume energy density, this means that these batteries will be smaller and
lighter than a similar powered lead-acid battery, as shown in Figure 3. The energy density, volume
and weight, ranges reflect the differences among manufacturers, product models and the impact of
The graph in Figure 3 illustrates the Weight Energy Density vs. Volume Energy Density for
different energy storage technologies. This information may be especially important for selecting
battery types for certain applications of power storage.
The overall cost of a project is always a major factor; therefore selecting the appropriate
storage device will be affected by capital cost. The graph in Figure 4 displays the plot of various
battery technologies costs per unit energy vs. cost per unit power. However, the chart excludes the
cost of power conversion, electronics and installation costs. Also the chart does not take into
consideration the life cycles of the batteries, hence it is not a sufficient tool to estimate the total
ownership cost which would include all these factors.
Figure 4. Cost per unit energy vs. Cost per unit power
In order to get a better picture of the real ownership cost of any energy storage system, it is
necessary to factor in its life efficiency and cycle life. These parameters are important to consider
before selecting a storage technology. Low efficiency, for example, contributes to a higher effective
energy cost since now only a fraction of the input energy can be used. Also, short life spans of storage
devices contribute to a higher cost, as devices will need to be replaced more often. Figure 5 below is a
graphical representational of the efficiency of the energy storage device and how many cycles (at 80%
depth of discharge (DoD)) the battery is capable of. This graph shows that for a storage device which
has requirements of relatively high discharge and high efficiency an EC Capacitor (super capacitor)
and Li-ion battery may be considered.
Table 3. Comparison Chart of Various Energy Storage Technologies
How could the regulatory framework be adjusted to integrate storage better in the supply
The regulatory framework should aim to create an equal level playing field for cross-border
trading of electricity storage.
The regulatory framework needs to provide clear rules and responsibilities concerning
the technical modalities and the financial conditions of energy storage.
It must address barriers preventing the integration of storage into markets. It should
guarantee a level playing field vis-à-vis other sources of generation, exploit its flexibility in supplying
the grid, stabilize the quality and supplies for RES generation. This will require new services and
business opportunities linked to the deployment of electricity storage solutions.
The framework should be technology neutral, ensuring fair competition between
different technological solutions (not picking a winner).
It should ensure fair and equal access to electricity storage independent of the size and
location of the storage in the supply chain.
It should ensure medium-term predictability in the investment and financial conditions
(taxes, fees, etc.), enabling favorable conditions for all kinds of storage, particularly micro-storage
(home and district level).
It could help improve the business/economic model for energy storage. The principal
domains where intervention are needed relate to ancillary services and the grid tariff.
For example, the grid tariff should be based on the principle of cost causality: if an energy
storage system is systematically using the grid during off-peak periods and not during peak periods, it
should not generate grid investment. Thus, the introduction of a time component in grid tariffs could
take account of the part of grid investment due to energy storage.
Today, energy markets are mainly connected to the day-ahead horizon. As a result, the
balancing products (tertiary frequency reserve) are only to a limited extent exchangeable cross-border
among Member States. Connecting and harmonization on EU-level of the actual very heterogeneous
intra-day and balancing markets is a precondition for energy storage development and needs to be
addressed urgently.
The regulators are currently drafting a framework guideline for a European balancing and
reserve power market. This will be followed by a legally binding network code drafted by the
European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E).
As mentioned above, ownership of storage energy systems has a significant impact on the
viability of the business model and on competition. The question is: which ownership model is likely
to make the business case more attractive – one driven by regulation, or deregulation? More reflection
is urgently needed regarding the issue of competition: regulated vs. deregulated; deregulated actors
within one MS (Member State), or deregulated actors in different MS. This issue should be addressed
as high priority.
What can the EU do to enable the short and medium term development and deployment of
storage at all levels?
The issue of energy storage should be clearly positioned within EU energy and climate policy:
the internal market, 2020 and 2050 targets and infrastructure priorities. EU policy needs to give clear
and consistent signals to technology developers, the industry and consumers.
The optimization of the power system and the synergies between the existing system and
storage technologies must be explored and promoted.
To enable the short term and large scale deployment of storage on an EU-wide level a number
of urgent actions could be undertaken:
Strategic: Developing and assessing visions for the role of storage in integrating
variable renewable electricity generation, optimizing the use of generation and energy network
capacities, providing services to the electricity system and promoting distributed generation to
improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions, as envisaged by the EU's 2020 binding targets
and the indicative targets for 2050 (RES Directive, Roadmap 2050). Synergies could be made by a
common approach to storage for electricity systems and storage for transport (upcoming Electric
vehicles, Plug-in hybrid vehicles);
Consumer level: Supporting the development of consumer-based energy storage
services linked with local RES production, smart meters and smart local grids that ensure financial
benefits for the consumers; distinctions have to be made between short-term needs (up to 2020) and
long term visions (2020 to 2030) storage used in Smart Cities and in RES integration) ('roadmaps');
Market issues: Developing a level playing field – removing barriers related to
accessing neighboring markets and cross border trading;
Regulatory: Support for storage within the EU internal electricity market and
regulatory adjustments to enable storage to facilitate the progress towards a single internal electricity
market in Europe;
Technological development: Mapping storage potential, storage technology
development and demonstration including the interoperability of different smart energy networks and
deployment through Horizon 2020 (RTD, Demonstration) – especially regarding how to integrate
storage into the SET plan activities (European Industrial Initiative);
Investment support: All different forms of energy storage could be supported providing
they contribute towards the European climate and energy targets (technology neutral; target oriented).
The present and future costs of energy storage are still high and they are unlikely to compete
with base load generation. However the energy storage will be viable when the marginal cost of
electricity exceeds the costs of charging and discharging the storage and losses. This can happen when
the generating plant operates under low load factor and the storage offers multiple services including
energy supply, load levelling, peak shaving, reserves, regulation, reactive power supply and power
quality. Furthermore for some very special applications, such as extreme unreliability of a
conventional supply, need to compensate for fluctuating generation or in application like EVs where a
premium is attached to the portability, they may be a valid solution.
To conclude, energy storage systems, both electric and thermal, will be the key to integrating
variable renewable sources in the power systems of the future, to reduce 86 the production of
pollution and decrease the consumption of fossil resources. In the future of energy storage systems in
combination with other Smart Grid measures such as Demand Side Management will be suitable to
accommodate a truly “balanced” electricity generation system.
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[2] A European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-PLAN) “Towards a low carbon future”.
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Papandreou, V., Tasios, N., Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,
[5] T. Fujii, T. Hirose, and N. Kondou, “ Liquid circulating secondary battery equipment,” JP
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of 1 kW UNSW vanadium redox battery”. J. Power Sources, Vol. 35, pp. 399-404, 1991.
[9] Ch. Fabjan, J. Garche, B. Harrer, L. J¨orissen, C. Kolbeck, F. Philippi, G. Tomazic, F. Wagner.
“The vanadium redox-battery: an efficient storage unit for photovoltaic systems”.
Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 47, pp. 825-831, June 2001.
[10] Woodbank Communications Ltd.. “Flow Batteries.” Internet:, 2005 [Aug. 4 2008]
[11] Susan M. Schoenung, Clayton Burns. “Utility Energy Storage Applications Studies”. IEEE
Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp.658-665, Sep. 1996
[12] Ali Nourai, Bradford P. Martin, and Doug R. Fitchett. “Testing the Limits”. IEEE Power and
Energy Magazine,pp. 40-46 ,Mar. 2005
[13] Buchmann. "Battery University." Internet:, March 2006 [Aug. 4,
[14] J. Voelcker. “Lithium Batteries Take to the Road”. IEEE Spectrum , pp.27-31 , Sep. 2007
[15] U.S Department of Energy, “Energy Storage.” Internet: 2008 [Aug.
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[19] Pritchard, R.: The contemporary rationale for interconnection of Power Systems, ResourcesLaw
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517, 2006
[23] RWE Power and GE to develop new power storage system,
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[25] DENA, Energy Management Planning for the Integration of Wind Energy into the Grid in
Germany, Onshore and Offshore by 2020, February 2005
[26] CIGRE Technical Brochure of WG C6.15 “Electric Energy Storage Systems”, 2011
[27] IEC White Paper – Grid integration of large capacity RES and use of large capacity EES, 2012
[28] EC – DG ENER Working Paper – The future role and challanges of Energy Storage, 2012
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016 University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Distance protections are important elements for the reliability of electrical power transmission
systems. The Positive Sequence Impedance and the Ground Impedance Matching Factor, or k-Factor,
as it is often referred to, are some of the most important settings for these protection. Should one of
these settings be done improperly, the whole investment in protection from instrument transformers
over the relay up to the circuit breaker is not used as efficient as it could be.
This paper explains the difficulty of k-Factor settings and points out cost effective solutions for
preventing incorrect behaviour of distance protection schemes.
The results of measurements performed to date, for 110 kV OHL double circuit and 400 kV
OHL are presented in the paper.
K-Factor, Matching Factor, Distance protection.
In case of single phase faults, such as RN, voltage drop until the fault is a direct sum of voltage
drops direct, inverse and zero sequence between protection mounting location and location of the
U RO = I ⋅ Z L + I ⋅ Z L + I ⋅ Z L
d d i d h h
IR = I +I +I
d i h
I N = I R + I S + I T = 3I
d i h
where: I , I , I - sequence components direct, inverse and zero-sequence currents across the
distance protection
[email protected]
− 1
k − 1
= Z L I R + (I R + I S + I T ) ⋅
= Z L I R + I N ⋅ L
3 3
K 0 = dL − 1
3 Z L - K factor, generally, complex size.
Noting these:
Is obtained:
U RO = Z L ⋅ (I R + K 0 ⋅ I N )
ZM = = ZL
IR + K0 ⋅IN (4)
is equal with the line impedance to the fault, if single phase fault is considered phase voltage ( )
and offset current ( I R + K 0 ⋅ I N ).
For phase to phase faults on the ground, it is preferring loop phase - phase instead phase - earth
loops considering that in this way eliminates the influence of transition resistance at fault. Measured
impedance is proportional with the distance to the fault.
The six impedances are calculated in parallel in the following format:
for phase – earth faults (valid formula for R0 phase, but similar to S0, T0):
U R0
Z R0 =
IR + K0 * I H (5)
Zh 1
K 0 = Ld − 1 *
where ZL 3 (K factor);
for phase to phase faults (valid formula for RS fault, but similar for SR, TR):
Z RS =
IR − IS (6)
Unfortunately the K-factor does not exist. There are various formats out there. For all types it
is to say that they are constants of the line, in general independent from the length. They express the
relationship of the impedance of a phase to phase loop and a three phase to ground loop. The half of a
phase to phase loop is referred to as Positive Sequence Impedance Z1, three times the impedance of a
three phase to ground loop is referred to as Zero Sequence Impedance Z0 [1], [2].
One common format is the complex ratio of the Zero Sequence Impedance and the Positive
Sequence Impedance.
K0 =
Z1 (7)
Z0 −ZL
ZE =
3 (8)
Defining the ground impedance this way, obviously leads to strange results with a negative
inductive component in ZE, as soon as the three-phase to ground inductance is much smaller than the
inductance between two phases. This is the case on some power cables when the shield is close to the
conductors but the conductors are relatively far from each other. This fact is of no further concern, it is
just good to know that it can happen.
Another possibility to express the relationship is the ratio of ground to line impedance.
KL =
ZL (9)
kE or unfortunately even also k0 are other common names for this definition. One has to be
careful how a k-factor is defined before using it. Splitting the complex impedances ZE and ZL into
their real and imaginary parts R and X lead and defining real ratios, leads to the third commonly used
RL and XL (10)
k 0 = 1 + 3K L
For converting from the format (10) to the other formats the other line constants (or at least the
line angle) have to be known.
KL = +
1 + jX L / RL 1 − jR L / X L (12)
The line angle can be used to obtain the ratio XL / RL that is needed for the conversion in (12).
tan ϕ L =
RL (13)
Distance protection relays use algorithms that make use of these different k-factors to transfer
all phase to ground faults, so they can be assessed as if they were phase to phase faults. This allows
using the same zone polygons independent from the line geometry. Because different relays use
different algorithms identically measured voltages and currents lead to different impedances
depending on the algorithm used.
Details of these algorithms [4] are not further discussed in this paper; it is only to mention that
the entry format of the K factor does not allow deducting which algorithm is used by the relay.
Similar parameters are needed for calculating line impedances of power cables, on a first
glance they might seem even simpler, but when this is the case for new cables it might be the opposite
for old installations where often a mixture of different cable types is used, but not documented too
well quite often.
In general it can be said that the calculation of the Positive Sequence Impedance works quite
well and sufficient for the Zero Sequence Impedance as long as the ground wire is a very good one.
When the ground wire or shield is not a very good conductor and a large component of the fault
current is flowing back through the soil, things tend to become complicated. The influence of the
ground/soil resistivity ρ and the accurate distance of the wires above ground, are growing and both are
very difficult to determine along the whole length of the line (especially in complicated landscape
Another cause for concern is that a huge number of parameters are involved in the calculation
of line parameters. If one parameter is wrong this might cause a substantial error. In the Positive
Sequence Impedance there are several, but even more prone to error is the Zero Sequence Impedance
or k-factor, because they need parameters for their calculation. On several occasions when our team
found wrong relay settings it was the Zero Sequence Impedance or the k-factor that was set wrong.
But we also had the situation that two similar lines were just mixed up.
Compared to the calculation the measurement of line parameters including the k-factors is
nowadays relatively simple.
The measurement is performed with currents between 1 and 100 A depending on the line
length. Using frequency selective measurement allows using currents in the size of a fraction of the
nominal currents. Anyway higher currents mean higher accuracy therefore the biggest current possible
is chosen. Measurements on lines up to 270 km have been performed so far. Overall seven
measurements per system are made, three for each combination of phase to phase loops, three for each
phase against ground and one for all three phases against ground. There is some redundancy in these
measurements, allowing reliability crosschecks and calculation of individual k-factors for each phase.
The latter seems strange at a first glance, but especially for short lines often not too much care is taken
having a symmetrical line, leading to quite different values for the phases. Knowing about the
problem allows tending rather to smaller k-factors to avoid zone overreaches in all cases.
A measurement on a single 400 kV overhead line with a total length of 120 km and for double
110 kV overhead line with total length 60 km has been performed in last years.
Measurement scheme used is shown in the following figure.
The results are presented below (Table 1 – 400 kV and Table 2 for 110 kV).
Table 2– Results parameters for 110 kV OHL dc
R1calc 6.3
X1calc 16.37
R0calc 16.7
X0calc 56.5
From database:
1 Z0
k0 = ⋅ − 1 = 0.7904 + 0.0924 j
3 Z 1
RE 1 R0
= ⋅ − 1 = 0.5503
RL 3 R1
XE 1 X 0
= ⋅ − 1 = 0.826
XL 3 X 1 (15)
2. Value calculated from the measurement zero sequence loop (the three phases in parallel)
Comparing direct impedance value obtained from relations (14) and (16) show that the
measured value is close to that calculated and acceptable.
Comparing the measured zero sequence impedance values obtained from relations (17), (18)
and (19) reveals a certain inconsistency, especially on zero sequence reactance. Furthermore,
measured values obtained differ considerably from the calculated value, given by the relation (14).
Accepting that the calculated value is correct (since direct impedance measurements is confirmed), the
zero sequence impedance values measured are affected by errors introduced, most likely the circus.
2 in operation. On the other hand, we accept the hypothesis that the measured values are correct and
the calculated value is incorrect. To validate one of the two hypotheses was analyzed oscillogram of
19.09.2009, 23:15 a real fault RO, most likely on the 110 kV remote end substation bars "seen" by the
protection of local end 110 kV substation.
Calculation are presented below:
In conclusion, the measured zero sequence impedance of the circuit appears to be damaged in
operation and zero sequence impedance calculated value seems quite realistic (R0 may be slightly
higher than the calculated value).
These measurements must, it seems, to eliminate the influence of parallel circuits. In what
condition should be made parallel circuits (earthed in both ends, non-earthed both ends). Remains to
be seen as we gain experience.
[1] U. Klapper, M. Kruger, S. Kaiser “Reliability of transmission by means of line impedance and
K-factor measurement”, Omicron Austria.
[2] S. Kaiser "Different Representation of the Earth Impedance Matching in Distance Protection
Relays", Proceedings Omicron User Conference in Germany 2004, Omicron, 11.1-11.5
[3] A. Vasilievici, F. Balasiu, A. Gal “Fault locator for HV OHL”, International Conference for
Power Systems, Timisoara, 1997.
[4] A. Dierks "Accurate Calculation and Physical Measurement of Transmission Line Parameters to
Improve Impedance Relay Performance", Proceedings Southern African Power.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
New objectives to mitigate global climate change led to an increase of installed generator units
based on renewable energy sources and new high efficiency cogeneration units. Based on their rated
apparent power and network voltage level, these generation units are connected either to the
transmission network or to the 110 kV sub-transmission network. Different connection solutions were
developed, voltage level and size dependent. On the other hand, TSOs must maintain and increase the
secure operation of the power system facing new challenges as high variability of wind generation or
large scale dispersion of generation as for photo-voltaic generators. Obviously, new philosophies and
procedures for monitoring, control and protection have to be developed to integrate these new
generation units. The paper highlights on coordination aspects regarding both large scale generating
units protection schemes and medium size renewable generating protection schemes. Essential aspects
on protection systems organisation and operation, for both the power system protections and
generating units’ protections are also presented.
Line-protections, generator protection-coordination, communication schemes for protection.
Large size generators (more than 100 MW), using synchronous units are connected to the
transmission network at 220 kV or 400 kV. Usually, the generators are connected to the network
through step-up transformers and also supply auxiliary transformers. The behaviour of the
synchronous generators under steady state conditions as well as their dynamics are quite well known,
analysing and simulation tools are available. The medium size (30-90 MW) renewable energy sources
are typically connected to the sub transmission 110 kV network by two types of links the direct
dedicated line to an existing substation or to a new substation, and the tapped connection to a non
loaded line or, in many cases, to a loaded line.
The Romanian National Regulatory Agency (ANRE) stated that units larger than 5 MW are
dispatchable and thus fully controllable, independent of the nature of the prime mover or energy
source. It is the authority of the TSO to coordinate the protection philosophy and settings of the
generating units and the protections of the network starting with the 110 kV voltage level.
The paper highlights the current aspects on protection system organisation, operation and
coordination, for both the power system protections and for the protection of the generating units at
their interface to the network.
[email protected]
The large size synchronous generator unit protective system [1] includes protection functions
against internal faults in the generator itself or step-up transformer and back-up protection functions
against external network faults. Usually, only network back-up protection functions need carefully
coordination to the protective system of the grid. Thus, the distance protection function, the line
differential protection function, the out-of-step back-up protection, or the breaker failure protection
are to be considered when coordinating the settings of the protection functions in the network.
Coordination of settings is also needed for frequency based and voltage based protection functions. A
single line diagram of the protection arrangement for a gas turbine (GT) driven generator of a power
plant is shown in figure 1.
The generator protection trips are, as a rule, arranged into three types. The General Trip
applies to the simultaneous trip of the generator breaker, removal of excitation, trip the auxiliary
transformer and closing the prime mover valves. The Generator Trip applies for all internal faults that
must be isolated through the trip of the generator breaker. The Breaker Trip applies for tripping only
of the line breaker and allows the generator to isolate with the auxiliaries, thus ensuring a fast
resynchronisation when the power system allows to.
Normally, the generator, the step-up transformer and the auxiliary transformer protection
system include the underneath mentioned protection functions.
a) Stator overcurrent protection. Operation of the generator above the rated apparent power
could harm the stator windings. Monitoring of stator current, without automatic tripping is
provided, but some applications also use the stator overtemperature protection function for
alarm and trip.
b) Stator phase fault protection. The generator differential protection function is used to
detect such faults and to issue a General Trip. Although rare, a turn-to-turn fault could
exceed the differential protection function detection possibility and some applications
provide a current unbalance protection function.
c) Overvoltage protection. Applications involving turbine-generators typically do not require
such a protection function as it is unlikely that voltage will be considerably different from
the preset value. However, some applications do use this protection.
d) Overexcitation protection. The Volt/Hertz protection function is used for flux supervision
in the generator itself and in the step-up transformer core. This protection function usually
issues a Generator Trip.
e) Field earth protection. A single ground fault in the rotor winding is not dangerous by itself
but could generate a second one that is more difficult to be detected. A sensitive rotor
earth-fault protection function is used in certain applications that issues a General Trip.
f) Loss-of-field protection. Loss of excitation results in loss of synchronism and operation of
the generator as an induction machine. Consequently, severe torque oscillations of the
rotor shaft could occur. The reactive power deficit may cause a voltage collapse, mainly if
the generator unit is connected to a weak power system and loses excitation [3]. The loss
of excitation also results in a significant change of reactive power and thus an admittance
protection function is suitable that issues a General Trip.
g) Unbalanced load protection. As a result of supplying an unbalanced load, negative
sequence current flows through the windings that makes a flux in the air gap, rotating in
opposition to the rotor at synchronous speed and which in turn induces currents in the
rotor body. A negative sequence overcurrent protection function detects negative sequence
currents that exceed the threshold of the generator I22t limit and issues a Generator Trip.
h) Out-of-step protection. A loss of synchronism can occur as a result of sudden large load
changes, network faults or dynamic instability, loss of excitation or synchronising errors.
Out-of-step operation can result in oscillating torques, winding stresses and high rotor iron
currents that could damage the generator. The out-of-step protection function is based on
the impedance measurement and evaluation of the apparent impedance trajectory and
location of the electric centre of oscillations. The protection function issues a Breaker
Trip, usually during the first slip cycle if the electric centre of oscillations is located in the
generator or step-up transformer, or after a preset number of cycles if the electric centre of
oscillations is located somewhere in the network, far from generator place. The out-of-step
protection function is integrated into the line multi-functional relays (F87L.1, F87L.2)
dedicated to back-up network faults and settings must be coordinated to other similar
protection functions in the grid.
i) Abnormal frequency protection. For a generator connected to the power system, abnormal
frequency operation is a result of a severe disturbance. The generators must operate in a
frequency range of 47.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz, independent of the prime mover energy source.
The generator is able to tolerate underfrequency or overfrequency operation for relatively
long periods, but the turbine can be sensitive to such operation regimes and issuing a
General Trip is desired. A decrease or an increase in system frequency can occur as
system large disturbance, tripping of significant loads, a malfunction of the regulator or
even a failure of the centralised automatic generation control (AGC) system.
j) External faults back-up protection. The system back-up protection functions are used to
protect the generator from supplying short circuit currents onto a fault in the network
because of a primary protection failure or a line breaker failure. Such disturbances issue a
Breaker Trip. The line multi-function protection relay includes the line differential
protection, the distance protection, some phase or earth and the breaker failure protection
with remote direct inter-trip. All the settings of these protection functions should be
coordinated to the other protection functions in the grid.
k) Reverse power protection. Typically, there are three conditions that lead the generator to
run as a motor. The first motoring regime can occur when turbine output is reduced, while
the generator is still on-line. The second one can occur if field excitation is lost, along with
turbine output and the generator runs as an induction motor driving the turbine. The third
condition of motoring can occur if the generator is energised when still at low speed.
Motoring following loss of turbine output can be detected by the reverse power protection
function and a time delayed General Trip is issued.
l) Other technological protections. These protection functions include, if applicable, the
stator overtemperature protection function, the loss of coolant gas/water or the reduced
seal oil pressure protection functions and are beyond of the scope of this paper.
m) Main transformer protection. The generator step-up transformer protection functions are
typically included into two separate multi-functional relays, the transformer differential
relay (F87-T) and the unit differential relay (F87-U). Typically, they include the
technological protections (e.g. Buchholtz, valve over-pressure, oil/winding/core
overtemperature, etc), the transformer differential protection and, if applicable, the
restricted earth fault protection function. In addition, phase or earth overcurrent protection
functions are also included. The unit relay provides a back-up protection for the step-up
transformer, generator and auxiliary transformer and includes, as main the differential
protection function. The main transformer protection functions issue a General Trip along
with the line breaker failure protection start.
n) Auxiliary transformer protection. The auxiliary transformer protection functions are
typically included into a single multi-functional relay (UAT) and include the technological
protections (e.g. Buchholtz, oil/winding/core overtemperature, etc) and the transformer
differential protection. In addition, phase or earth overcurrent protection functions are also
included. The auxiliary transformer protection functions issue a General Trip along with
the line breaker failure protection start.
TSO’s S/ s
Q91 T5
Q0 52L
CT1 F87L.1
CT2 F87L.2
F87-T T-260 MVA
4 00/17 kV; YNd11;
17/6.9 kV UAT
GT1 250 MVA 600 A
17kV +/-5% G 87G-A 87G-B
50Hz, 0.85P F
At the interface of the large size synchronous generator units to the grid, the network
protective system ensures both the line protection functions [2] and the back-up protection functions.
Typically, the protection organisation (figure 2) includes two multi-function relays located into two
separate cubicles. These relays include the line differential, the distance protection and phase and
earth overcurrent protection functions [4].
BB1-400 kV
BB2-400 kV
Q1 Q2
MET A101
F870 F87L.1
Usync Usync
A102 F87L.2
Q8 T5
400 kV OHL
Figure 2. Protection organisation in the network s/s
The main protection function is the line differential protection included in both relays (F87L.1,
F87L.2) that communicate to the remote line end relays via two separate fibre optic links. The
distance protection function provides back-up for the line and time delayed back-up for the step-up
transformer and generator unit itself. Taking advantage of the fibre optic connection, scheme
communication for distance protection is used, in this case a permissive overreach transfer trip is
chosen. Additional, phase overcurrent protection functions and earth fault protection functions are
To control the bay, a redundant control sub-system is used, based of two bay control units
(BCUs) that include SCADA functions, synchro-check functions and inter blocking functions. The
two devices (A101, A102) are connected to separate CT cores and to separate mcbs to the same VT
core, to receive the same data and each controls the circuit breaker. In case of one BCU failure the
other one takes the control of the bay, without any loss of data.
2.1 Single-pole high-speed reclosing philosophy
High-speed aureclosing (AR) contributes to the improvement of the dynamic stability of the
power system as for the single-pole AR the generator continues to supply the network through the two
healthy phases. The single-pole dead time may be set a little bit longer than the arc de-ionizing time
and normally it is set at 1 sec. As the synchronism is preserved during the dead time there is no need
of synchro-check devices or functions, thus simplifying the overall protection scheme.
S/s A
Grid-A CT-A 400 kV OHL GSU Tr
Trace 2
Zon e 1
Trace 1
0 R1 R2 R
One method to sense power swings is based on the rate of change of the apparent impedance
measured by the protection function [4], [5]. To estimate the rate of change of the apparent
impedance, many relays use two concentric characteristics and measure the time delay between
entering the outer and entering the inner characteristic. If the time delay is greater than the set one,
power swing is declared and distance zones are blocked. If the time delay is shorter, then a fault is
declared and normal operation of the distance protection is allowed.
In case of an unstable swing then a tripping signal is released. There are two possibilities to
trip, on the way in or on the way out of the trajectory of the apparent measured impedance. The
second is preferred as it does not stress too much the circuit breaker.
S/s A S/s B
Grid-A 110 kV Grid-B
Tr 110 kV/MV
In case of the single tie line connection of the generation unit at 110 kV, the line protection
system is in some way typical, as shown in figure 5 for a synchronous biomass generator and consists
of two multi-functional relays, noted F87L-A, F21-A for the left side of the drawing, respectively
F87L-B, F21-B for the right side. The first multi-function relay (F87L) is assigned to the main
protection and is primarily based on the current line differential protection function for three line ends.
The data exchange between the line ends multi-functional relays (F87-A, F87-B and F87L-G) is based
on optical fibre communication links. The distance protection function is either included in the same
multi-functional relay or in a separate device. This protection function offers back-up protection for
both network faults and generation units faults. Power swing detection is used to block distance
protection zone one, in case of stable power swings.
S/s A S/s B
F21-A F21 -B
F87L-A F87L-B
52L OF
F21 -L
110/6.3 kV
60 MVA G R
F2 1-G
In case of unstable power swings a pole slip function is used to trip all line circuit breakers. In
case of a pretty long overhead line it is common to use the single-shot, single-pole AR function,
assuming proper circuit breakers and generation units’ capabilities.
The second multi-function relay (F21) includes the back-up protection functions, the distance
protection function as the main protection function and also some phase overcurrent or directional
earth-fault protection functions. This arrangement preserves the generation unit connected to the
network, even if the communication channel for the line differential protection function is broken. The
distance protection function is also set as back-up for the step-up transformer protection functions.
Some applications could include an additional multi-function relay as back-up to cope with high-
resistive faults, mainly in case of the line differential protection failure.
3.2 Protection Coordination
The line differential protection function is based on the well proven principle of summing all
currents that flow through the protected zone. During a fault in-zone, the total sum of currents is equal
to the fault current, while during an external fault the total sum of currents is equal to zero. In order to
calculate the differential and restrain currents at each line end, the measured quantities must be
transmitted, in a suitable form over the communication link from each line end to the other two line
ends. This is achieved by transmitting the measured quantities as digital telegrams. The
communication topology can be a star one or a ring one. The differential currents are calculated for
each phase apart, thus making possible to operate single pole AR, if the line circuit breakers are able
to operate single pole. This can be an advantage for generator operation, if supported. On the other
hand, attention should be paid to coordination issues regarding the pole discrepancy protection, earth
fault protection and to the unbalance protection as these could operate during single pole dead time.
To set the differential protection one has to keep in mind certain conditions that can influence its
operation such as unequal line current transformer ratio, current transformer saturation or line
charging currents.
direction of currents and voltages for all protection and control devices is the nearest test to real
conditions. During this test reading out the values of currents, voltages, active and reactive power for
both control and protection relays is the common way to confirm the proper connection of the relays.
In addition triggering of disturbance recordings and analysing them offers valuable information of
relay behaviour under load conditions.
Coordination of the large or medium size generator protection schemes and settings face the
protection engineer to challenges regarding protection functions selection and proper setting of them.
The use of the line differential protection function together with a back-up distance protection
function is a suitable solution for almost all topological arrangements, including the single tie line
arrangement. However, some provision has to be taken into account in case of the differential
protection failure.
Testing of the overall functionality of the protection scheme has to be done in order to proof
the correct operation of the protection system. Beside, checking of the proper alarms, events and
messages sent to the substation SCADA system as well as to the NCC EMS SCADA system
contribute to the overall dependability and secure operation of the power system.
Some aspects of all these challenges were addressed by the paper indicating the possible
solutions to achieve a robust and secure protection scheme.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016 University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Modeling of Differential Protection to AT 400 MVA for fault using the finite element method
Valentin VILCU∗
Transelectrica, UNO - DEN
Creating protection settings needed for the parametrization of an AT 400 MVA transformer
longitudinal differential protection, requires the knowledge of the limits of the protection selectivity.
Modelling the defects using finite difference method may determine these limits of such
protection. At the same time, by analysing a real event in EPTN, interpreting the activation of such
protection at failure in the EPTN 400 kV in Romania, the completion of the operational logic of relay
is proposed, so that to eliminate any possible future error in activation.
Autotransformer, Longitudinal Differential Protection (LDP), Operating Conditions, Electric
Power Transmission Network (EPTN), over-fluxing protection, switch on to fault (SOTF)
Nowadays, by TSO standards, according TEL regulations, a 400 MVA auto-transformer is
protected with redundant protection systems, both for internal defects and for defects occurring in the
transmission network. The autotransformer or a transformer longitudinal differential protection acts on
the occurrence of short circuits in the protection area that is in the inner connection area delimited by
the current metering transformers. The protection should be at the same time sensitive to „weak”
defects in autotransformers which are short circuits between turns in the winding of the same phase or
grounding in the network with such high currents and safe in the meaning of not acting even in the
presence of the highest fault external currents.
Currently, for the autotransformers (400 MVA AT) of EPTN are used protection systems
against internal malfunctions, longitudinal differential protection considered to be critical while for
external malfunctions are used remote protections considered to be back-up protections. Modern
numerical terminals have included both protection functions which, despite all technological
achievements meant to render such faster, safer, selective, with malfunction elimination times of 40
ms, non-selective triggers are still possible and present in network operation.
Estimation of failure currents is made by direct calculation, using the reactance so as to
schedule the network shown in Figure 1, yielded the following values that will power differential
protection of the AT short-circuit single phase, two-phase, two-phase with earth and phase, taking
place in different areas of EPTN:
[email protected]
Table 1
Failure Measured value of TDP at 400 kV Measured value of TDP at 220 Failure area
side [kA] kV side [kA]
they are not equal even in terms of reported values, the phasorial difference of such being equal to the
magnetizing current of the AT; with regard to all these aspects, the numerical relays execute solutions
by compensating the inequality of the currents, compensating the currents difference of phase,
blocking the magnetizing shock, compensating current measurement errors from the sections with
different voltage, ensuring the stability of the differential protection to malfunctions exterior to the
area towards the weak source; the differential protection is rendered insensitive, braked or blocked so
as not to operate faulty at the transient magnetizing current of the magnetic circuit, the solution used
for the classic protections being to time to 100 ms the trigger protection, with the obvious drawback
that correct triggers were also delayed. Processing the trigger algorithm is done in a very short time of
about 5 ms as of the initiation of the short-circuit, time in which the CTs are not yet saturated, and so
is avoided the faulty trigger of the protection function.
IA 2 − 1 − 1 I L1
I B = − 1 2 − 1 I L2
I − 1 − 1 2 I
C L3
The relay showed on the oscillograph the following instant values of currents which initiate
the trigger
at the 400 kV side:
IL1 = 241 A∟-90,1˚ ≡ (- 0,38 – j 241) A
IL2 = 525 A∟-158,8˚ ≡ (- 489 – j 190) A
IL3 = 1161 A ∟-134,4˚ ≡ (- 1170 – j 1110) A
and the 220 kV side:
IL1 = 387 A∟96,2˚ ≡ (- 41,8 + j 385) A
IL2 = 820 A ∟21,2˚ ≡ (760 + j 300) A
IL3 = 2910 A ∟27˚ ≡ (2590 + j 1320) A
The sign (-) is because the CT „star” is made towards the AT (towards the protected element),
and with these read values, the terminal (LDP) processed the following values:
at side 400 kV
IA 2 − 1 − 1 I L1
I B = − 1 2 − 1 I L2
− 1 − 1 2 I L3
I A = (2 I L1 − I L 2 − I L 3 ) = −401,33 A
I B = (− I L1 + 2 I L 2 − I L 3 ) = −117,33 A
I A = (− I L1 − I L 2 + 2 I L 3 ) = 518,66 A
- identical at side 220 kV:
IA 2 − 1 − 1 I L1
I B = − 1 2 − 1 I L2
I − 1 − 1 2 I
C L3
I A = (2 I L1 − I L 2 − I L 3 ) = −985,33 A
I B = (− I L1 + 2 I L 2 − I L 3 ) = −552,33 A
I A = (− I L1 − I L 2 + 2 I L 3 ) = 1537,66 A
With these values the protection calculates the operating current and braking current:
Ioperate phase A = 584 A; Ioperate phase B = 435 A; I operate phase C = - 1019 A;
I bias phase A = 1386,66 A; Ibias phase B = 669,66 A; Ibias phase C = 2056,32 A
area Slope 2: 0,5
Slope 1: 0,2
I-DIFF: 0,2
Add –on stabilization
A Irestarin /
The calculation algorithm used by terminals is that which was presented here, the sensitivity of
such to the deploy threshold of 0.2 In/Ioperate, implementation recommended by the producer, can be
totally non-selective in the case of weak braking currents as shown in this paper. The yellow star on
the line of the work axis for phase B determined the trigger of the protection. The events are
absolutely real, the malfunction being an external one at the 400 MVA AT, at app. 40 km on a 400 kV
OHL adjacent to the 400 kV bars where the AT is connected. The non-selective trigger, the way in
which it occurred, determine the analyzing of these protections and the determination of those limits
of selectiveness.
Fig. 4 – readings value from FEMM
As per transformer design practice and the Factory Test, it is known that the peak rated value
of the flux density of a 400 MVA autotransformer is kept about 1.7 to 1.8 Tesla, while the saturation
flux density of CRGD steel sheet of core of transformer is of the order of 1.9 to 2 Tesla which
corresponds to about 1.1 times the rated value. If during operation, an AT is subject to carry, rather
swallow, more than the above mentioned flux density per its design limitation, the AT have to face
over fluxing problem and consequently bad effects towards its operation and life. Depending on the
designed flux density, the core saturation and the thermal time constants of the component parts
submitted to heating, the autotransformer bears a certain over-excitation or over-fluxing capacity,
which for a short period is considered admissible, but it must not exceed 110%. Magnetic flux
estimation of core / windings with FEMM program V.4.2 for different fault currents, such as those
obtained in Table 1 traversing the AT windings, may be sufficient to activate a new, more selective
protection functions. These flux values are parameterized in relay because in case of an internal fault
the AT, the flux will be much higher, the failure being supplied from two systems existing in parallel,
the one of 400 kV EPTN, and 220 kV EPTN, respectively, while at external faults this will be
powered either by 400 kV EPTN or 220 kV EPTN, never from both systems.
These false tripping revealed by different modeling assumptions calculating short-circuit
currents, indicating possible erroneous LDP of an AT/Transformer. After making feature work from
Figure 2 this acting has been highlighted in the case of a low current external failure at which the
specific metering errors determines erroneous action of the protection device.
The paper analyzed the non-selective operation of an LPD related to an AT, an external defect.
Although the release was incorrect, failure being on a line adjacent to the AT connection station, the
protection worked "correctly" according to its calculation algorithm, highlighted in the analysis.
The actions of these protection functions (LPD) may be corrected/ correlated with the power
overflux function (volt per hertz), also integrated in the numerical protection terminals. Values of thus
obtained protection calculated operating current and bias current, which will compare with defaults
shown in figure 5.
Thus, an additional criterion in safety action will be entered, because as seen in shaping
FEMM flow, the magnetic flow of AT coils will be different at internal defects and respectively, at
external faults to the differential area.
[1] F. Bălașiu, St. Gal, Al. Vasilievici, T. Făgărașan, Implementarea Echipamentelor Digitale de
Protecție și Comandă pentru Rețele Electrice, Editura Tehnică, București, 2000.
[2] D. Mihoc, S. St. Iliescu, Protectii prin Relee Clasice si Numerice, Editura Printech, Bucuresti,
[3] *** Siprotec – Distance Protection 7UT6 v4.3, Siemens AG 2003.
[4] *** Network Protection & Automation Guide Protective Relays Mesurement & Control, Altstom
Grid, 2011.
[5] *** V. Vîlcu, Modelarea, Simularea și Analiza Funcționării în Regim de Avarie a unor
Principale Noi Funcţii de Protecţii dintr-o Staţie Electrică, Teză de Doctorat nr. Decizie Senat
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Live working technologies and the limitation of the impact of maintenance on people and
The Live Workinging Technologies have an important contribution to reduce/limit the impact
which electric networks bring to the environment (ecosystem, neighbourhood, electricity
consumption). From this point of view and to ensure the legitimacy of worker safety, Live
Workinging Technologies are very proper to be applied to all voltage levels, from overhead lines to
electric substations. An objective for SC “Smart” SA is to increase the use of these new technologies
which have a positive impact on environment and on worker safety. In this context, having already a
Live Workinging team at Sibiu Subsidiary, we chase to train and form a large number of personnel
able to perform Live Workinging. This will be made using the experience which our experts
accumulated in the last 20 years. Other priority for Sibiu Subsidiary is to introduce the most recent
Live Workinging technologies.
- environment survey; environment management system; Live Working
[email protected]
In the view of many analysts, the key step when an environmental management system is built
of and subsequently the own development capacity, namely environmental performance, is the
determining and identifying the risks and opportunities related to environmental issues and associated
environmental impacts. It is necessary to continuously identify environmental issues / dangerous
activities and products, to evaluate (classify) environmental impacts and to identify those who can
kept under control, to implement the necessary controlling actions.
According to SR EN ISO 14001, section 3.2.1, the notion of environment finds a complex
meaning, namely:
"The environment is composed of the environment in which the organization operates,
including air, water, soil, natural resources, flora, fauna, human beings and relations between them,
meaning that the environment extends from the organization up to the global system".
Principles and objectives of the National Strategy for Environmental Protection, which relate
directly to the subject of the essay consists of:
-caution in decision making;
-preventing environmental risks and damage occurrence;
-biodiversity and natural ecosystems preservation, specific to biogeographic framework;
-principle "polluter pays";
-elimination with priority of the pollutants that endanger directly and severely human’s health;
-creation of the national system for integrated environmental monitoring;
-sustainable use;
-maintaining and enhancing the environment quality and reconstruction of damaged areas;
-development of international collaboration to ensure environmental quality.
In the Policy Statement of the Company’s Management, entitled “Goals and Commitment in
Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety at Work for 2016”, two of the strategic objectives are:
"Limiting the negative effects on the environment of the activities in the subsidiaries by acting over
significant environmental aspects" and "Meeting the expectations of employees on the principles
regarding prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, to eliminate the risk
factors of labor accidents and occupational diseases existing in the work process".
Overhead lines and power substations, through their vast location in the environment, are in
constant interrelation. Conversion processes of energy’s forms are accompanied by secondary
phenomena, non-energy, including the impact of high voltage installations on the environment, but
also the environment’s influences over them plays an important role. It is already recognized that the
increasingly use of electricity, together with the added comfort brings negative aspects, known under
the general term of environmental impact.
As main environmental impacts of the overhead lines can be listed:
-impact on living organisms caused by electric fields, magnetic fields, acoustic noise, toxic
-impact on the affected land;
-impact on the industrial objectives, construction, roads, bridges, pipelines etc;
-impact on receptions of radio and television;
-impact due to electromagnetic incompatibility;
-visually, psychologically impact etc.
Regarding Live Working activity, the main direction to achieve the objective of reducing the
environmental impact is to improve the training of maintenance personnel and awareness of the same
personnel about the environmental protection and, in this context, widespread promotion of the ability
of Live Workinging.
Live Working method is applied of about 100 years and has permanently developed for the
purposes of enriching it with new technology and equipment, as to meet more requirements related to:
-works on compact overhead lines;
-increase the workers safety;
-simplification of work, equipment and staff training;
-environmental protection and accomplish continuity of supply of electricity consumers;
-the possibility of generalisation of these technologies in all countries.
All three Live Working methods "rubber glove", "hot stick" and "bare hand" bring important
improvement in the quality of overhead lines maintenance, proving many advantages and with direct
influence on limiting the effects over the environment due to various interventions type „switching
voltage” method.
2.1 Live Working Technology - positive impact on the psychic and on the safety of the
working staff.
Live Working Technology eliminates the restrictions in movement and stimulates the quality
of maintenance operations. At the same time, this technology provides the safety of personnel and
equipment through the use of increasingly complex and handy equipments, leads to increasing interest
towards work, to improvement of the workers and to disappearance of the routine, which is less
Ergonomic sciences requirements are also fulfilled, the security rules being provided in all
phases and operations:
-choosing, arranging, maintenance and installing of equipment and working tools;
-site organization at various stages of the same actions or activities for preventive or corrective
-progress phases's succession of various operations during one intervention.
Studies accomplished in order to eliminate poor security led to the removal of some elements
causing fatalities as:
-human errors, the risk increasing with the complexity of the installation (example: power
sources remained non-switched);
-wrong interventions in neighboring installations (causing internal overvoltage);
-failure of equipment or appliances of the working circuit;
-induction phenomena (possible to double circuit overhead compact lines);
-shortened of the execution time by speeding up the interventions.
2.2 Live Working Technology - positive impact on economic and social conditions
From a technological standpoint, Live Working has some undeniable advantages, namely:
-Live Working operations are planned and organized in advance, provided weather conditions;
-Live Working can be performed during the normal work schedule;
-Live Working eliminates the set of maneuvers which affect the network, in order to bring the
installation to the state "unplugged", maneuvers possibly causing errors and wear of equipment; to perform
Live Working is sufficient to make only amendment protections (example: cancellation of AR);
-Live Working enables execution of operations, where works by interrupting the voltage could
not be performed because of time limitations;
-Live Working enable supply continuity of electricity consumers.
Ensuring continuity of electricity supply to consumers has significant economic effects:
-reduce investments in reserve overhead lines or for looping the power supply;
-reduce own consumption by ensuring optimal power circulation into the network;
-reduces / eliminates possible damage affecting the consumers.
From the above, it appears that Live Working Technologies have significant benefits in terms
of environmental protection. So:
-ensure greater protection of ecosystems and surrounding living organisms in neighboring
areas of operation, due to reduced affected area, eliminating execution of pathways often expensive,
removal of heavy equipment, eliminating the possibility of remaining, after the interventions, of waste
more or less toxic for the environment as well as the speed and security of interventions which make
that fauna isn’t very affected;
-affected land is much lower than in the case of interventions type "switch off" because of both
rules and work discipline, much stricter, and access restrictions around installations or below them,
and by eliminating building overhead reserve lines or loops;
-increase protection of industrial objectives, buildings, human settlements, forests etc., from
several points of view:
1. consumers are not harmed, being not interrupted with power supply. This involves reducing
the amount of scrap / waste at the consumers;
2. decreases the coefficient of ecological risk, by allowing multiple works performed in a
relatively short time, leading to increased equipment reliability, which implies a higher lifetime
3. crops are not affected, given the very limited work space;
-the protection of broadcasting radio and TV is improved due to the need to equip the overhead
lines and power substations with electrical insulation elements, clamps and fittings, in order to
eliminate the possibilities of reverse creepage, partial discharge or electromagnetic field increases, so
as to make possible Live Working;
-in case of water course crossings, applying increased security measures, use of chains of
insulators and of modern clamps and fittings allowing Live Working leads, also, to an increased
environmental protection (waters and aquatic ecosystems) and to a substantial reduction of
environmental risk factor.
2.3 Specific Live Working rules with positive effects on the environment.
Given the legislative interpretation of the term "environment", it should be considered a series
of organizational and technical rules imposed by environmental legislation, which provides the
general framework, and rules on technical, legislative laws of labor safety and health.
-"rubber glove" Live Working method, applicable to Low and Medium Voltage facilities, the
worker enters the forbidden zone, being equipped with electrical insulated boots and gloves and,
maneuvering tools with insulating handles, he enter in contact with conductive parts on which he
-regarding the "hot stick” Live Working method the worker remains outside the forbidden zone
and carry out the work using tools mounted at the end of insulated rods; the method is applying to
Medium and High Voltage installations, where the configuration and the geometry of the top part of
the towers (pillars and frames) permits it;
-regarding the Live Working method "bare hand", the worker, isolated from the ground by
means of an insulator (ladder, chair or beam) is moved progressively to the potential of the live part,
on which he will intervene; until he reach the live line the worker is at a "floating potential"; workers
must wear an electroconductive suit (constituting a Faraday cage) to protect himself from the effects
of the electric field, helmet, gloves and electroconductive shoes, all parts of the protective clothing
being attached to each other and thus ensuring continuity of the currents drainage circuits;
-the electrical installation must be at normal running, without unexpected switch off, otherwise
Live Working is prohibited;
-the special exploitation regime, that requires mandatory provision of specific technical
requirements, it means that any AR is made impossible and any re-energized is prohibited without the
approval of the responsible of the Live Working;
-weather conditions: Live Working is prohibited if events such as rainfall (rain, hail, snow,
frost), dense fog (with 80% humidity or who can dangerously reduce visibility), atmospheric
discharges or strong wind (v = 9.5 m/s).
The problem of assessing whitstand voltage modification of the overhead lines at different
overvoltage due to the equipment used for Live Working is quite delicate. Additionally, consider that
inside the structure of the insulator chains being subject of Live Working exists the possibility of some
insulation defects that lead to a reduced level of insulation. That’s why the problems have been studied
and are studied in laboratory, at natural scale. Because it was found that the cancellation of AR is
insufficient, a number of solutions were adopted, such the use of two surge arrester mounted as close of
the place of intervention, one side of the work area, or shorting an adequate number of insulators from
the superior part of the chain of insulators and on the same phase at the pillars framing the pillar to
which intervenes, or using two limiters type spherical spark gap, which is fixed between the tower
crossarm and the wire’s phase on which intervenes, at a distance of several meters from the chain.
Limitation to an imposed value, however large enough, which didn’t provoke unwanted
tripping in case of minor disturbances generated by overvoltage that may arise, creates also, in
addition to increasing safety in conducting the Live Working, the possibility of Live Working
approach on overhead compact lines.
Many activities performed in order to mitigate pollution effects and to guarantee system
reliability, are based on live working methods. Live line working have contributed to fundamental
solutions to solve the difficult problem of pollution on insulator. Using the live line working
techniques we can replace, wash and monitor the insulators.
B = 5 mTef,
the daily maximum exposure duration must not exeed 2 hours.
Work periods in certain areas of electric influence must be limited to a few hours, in order to
not enable the emergence of biological effects.
From the above, it appears that Live Working Technologies have an important contribution to
reducing / limiting the effects that electrical installations produce on the environment (ecosystems,
neighborhoods, electricity consumers).
Until 2013 our Sibiu branch designed and applied Live Working technological instructions for
the electric installations of 110-750 kV, actually being certified by RLWA (Romania Live
Workinging Association).
From these points of view and ensuring appropriate legal framework of requirements regarding
work safety, Live Working Technologies are well suited to be applied at all voltage levels, for
overhead lines and also for power substations.
Another objective of the Company "Smart" SA, extracted from "Policy statement, objectives
and management commitment - in the field of Quality, Environment, Health and Work Safety for
2010-2016" is "diversification with new activities and expansion of that ones provided in statutes,
with introduction of advanced technologies having favorable impact on the environment and on
personnel safety." In this context, within the organization, which dispose of a Live Working team of
extremely high experience, the Company has pursued education and training of a larger number of
staff that can perform Live Working.
A priority is to apply more advanced technologies in the Live Working field and research on
new tools and devices for Live Working.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Smart Grid and Cyber Security. Good Practices Guide for Implementing Cyber Security in
TSO’s SCADA Applications
The growing dependence of critical infrastructures and industrial automation on interconnected
physical and cyber-based control systems has resulted in a growing and previously unforeseen cyber
security threat to supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). This paper provides an overview
of cyber security and risk assessment for SCADA Smart Grid, the main threat vector methods which
entities or individuals may intent to use and the main issues that any supplier must meet to ensure the
security of Smart Grid.
SCADA; Cyber security; Control systems; Smart Grid; Data Diode; UTM; WAF; IPS; IDS.
Today’s world is more interconnected than ever before. Increased connectivity brings increased
risk of theft, fraud and abuse. At the moment, most electronic devices such as computers, laptops and
smartphones come with built in firewall security software, but despite this, computers are not 100
percent accurate and secure to protect data. It was observed that the methods of hacking into
computers are becoming more diverse and more difficult to predict. It can be done through a network
system, clicking into unknown links, connecting to unfamiliar Wi-Fi, downloading software and files
from unsafe sites, power consumption, electromagnetic radiation waves, and many more. However,
computers can be protected through well - built software and hardware. Software complexity can
prevent software crash and security failure if it will have strong internal interactions of properties.
Examples of critical infrastructures in our society are the power, the gas and the water supply
networks. These infrastructures are operated by means of complex supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA) systems, which collect measurement data from remote terminal units (RTUs) or
intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) installed in the substations, and deliver the measurement data to
the central master station located at the control center. The measurement data is usually transmitted
through unencrypted communication channels, making these critical infrastructures vulnerable to
cyberattacks. SCADA systems for power networks are complemented by a set of application specific
software, usually called energy management systems (EMS).
The growing dependence of critical infrastructures and industrial automation on interconnected
physical and cyber-based control systems has resulted in a growing and previously unforeseen cyber
security threat to supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). It is critical that engineers and
managers understand these issues and know how to locate the information they need.
[email protected]
Security is not just about preventing security attacks or system compromises; it is also about
managing the inevitable successful (deliberate or inadvertent) attacks. Particularly for real-time
operations, it is crucial to “live through” any attacks or compromises to the information infrastructure,
and to recover with minimal disruption to the power system operations - including power system
reliability, efficiency and cost.
A control system is a device, or set of devices, that monitors, commands, directs or regulates the
behaviour of other devices or systems. In the electric power industry, they can manage and control the
transmission and delivery of electric power, for example, by opening and closing circuit breakers and
setting thresholds for preventive shutdowns.
Security concerns about control systems were historically related primarily to protecting against
physical attacks or the misuse of refining and processing sites or distribution and holding facilities.
However, in more recent years, there has been a growing recognition that control systems are now
vulnerable to cyberattacks from numerous sources, including hostile governments, terrorist groups,
disgruntled employees, and other malicious intruders.
Increasing the risk that these control systems to be accessed by unauthorized entities was due to
the following concerns [1]:
• The adoption of standardized technologies with known vulnerabilities;
• The connectivity of many control systems via, through, within, or exposed to unsecured
networks, networked portals, or mechanisms connected to unsecured networks (which includes the
• Implementation constraints of existing security technologies and practices within the existing
control systems infrastructure (and its architectures);
• The connectivity of insecure remote devices in their connections to control systems;
• The widespread availability of technical information about control systems, most notably via
publicly available and/or shared networked resources such as the Internet.
To succeed in their attack on control systems, entities or malicious individuals may use one of the
following methods [1]:
• Disrupt the operations of control systems by delaying or blocking the flow of information
through the networks supporting the control systems, thereby denying availability of the networks to
control systems’ operators and production control managers;
• Attempt, or succeed, at making unauthorized changes to programmed instructions within PLC
(programmable logic controller), RTU (remote terminal unit), or DCS (distributed control system)
controllers, change alarm thresholds, or issue unauthorized commands to control station equipment,
which could potentially result in damage to equipment, premature shutdown of processes (shutting
down transmission lines or causing cascading termination of service to the electrical grid) or rendering
disablement of control station equipment;
• Send falsified information to control system operators either to disguise unauthorized changes
or to initiate inappropriate actions to be taken by systems operators;
• Modify or alter control system software or firmware such that the net effect produces
unpredictable results (such as introducing a computer “time bomb” to go off at midnight every night,
thus partially shutting down some of the control systems, causing a temporary brownout condition; a
“time bomb” is a forcibly introduced piece of computer logic or source code that causes certain
courses of action to be taken when either an event or triggered state has been activated);
• Interfere with the operation and processing of safety systems;
• Many remote locations containing control systems (as part of an enterprise DCS environment)
are often unstaffed and may not be physically monitored through surveillance; the risk of threat
remains and may be higher if the remote facility is physically penetrated at its perimeter and intrusion
attempts are then made to the control systems’ networks from within.
Computer security, also known as cybersecurity or IT security, is the protection of information
systems from theft or damage to the hardware, the software, and to the information on them, as well as
from disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.
Cybersecurity for the power industry covers all issues involving automation and communications
that affect the operation of electric power systems and the functioning of the utilities that manage
In the power industry, the focus has been almost exclusively on implementing equipment that can
improve power system reliability. Until recently, communications and information equipment have
been considered of peripheral importance - they were often seen as just another isolated piece of
equipment to help achieve power system reliability. However, increasingly the reliability of this
information infrastructure has become critical to the reliability of the power system.
SCADA systems, essential utilities, and telecommunications rely on information technology for
the management of their everyday operations with greater volumes of susceptible economic and
commercial information being exchanged electronically over potentially insecure channels all the
time. The massive increase in complexity and interconnectivity coupled with simple point and click
attack tools has appreciably amplified the necessity to ensure the privacy, security, and availability of
information systems.
The threat agents acting against SCADA systems exist in several general categories. Any of the
following may be a source of threat that can lead to an incident:
• Accidental antagonists who causes you harm through ignorance or by negligence;
• Incidental antagonists who seek another target but attack because you are there and obtainable;
• Insiders. They may compromise or steal information assets because of motivations from
dissatisfaction to economic gain;
• Competitors may attack to gain a benefit or to achieve market dominance.
• Cyber vandals;
• Hackers and crackers;
• Thieves that may attack to further their own financial well-being;
• Terrorists can attack in order to disrupt the connection linking the general public and critical
• The military involved in information warfare actions.
In the Smart Grid, there are two key purposes for cyber security:
• Power system reliability: Keep electricity flowing to customers, businesses, and industry. For
decades, the power system industry has been developing extensive and sophisticated systems and
equipment to avoid or shorten power system outages. In fact, power system operations have been
termed the largest and most complex machine in the world. Although there are definitely new areas of
cyber security concerns for power system reliability as technology opens new opportunities and
challenges, nonetheless, the existing energy management systems and equipment, possibly enhanced
and expanded, should remain as key cyber security solutions.
• Confidentiality and privacy of customers: as the Smart Grid reaches into homes and
businesses, and as customers increasingly participate in managing their energy, confidentiality and
privacy of their information has increasingly become a concern. Unlike power system reliability,
customer privacy is a new issue.
Cyber security solutions must be implementation-specific, driven by the configurations, the
actual applications, and the varying requirements for security of all of the functions in the system.
Typically, security requirements address the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data.
However, in the Smart Grid, the complexity of stakeholders, systems, devices, networks, and
environments precludes simple or one-size-fits-all security solutions.
Implementation of SCADA Smart Grid information security involve that supplier will have to
implement policies, concepts, solutions and equipment to ensure information security risk the lowest
possible and a minimal vulnerability to cyberattacks. The provider must ensure that the key safety
information proposed satisfy the security policies, concepts of information security adopted by TSOs
and the use of equipment or software modules for information security implementation in SCADA
Smart Grid system and integration with SCADA station, such as:
• Data Diode for physical isolation from other systems when unidirectional data transfer
• UTM (Unified Treat Management) to secure access if bidirectional data is transferred;
• UTM and WAF (Web Application Firewall) to publish data on the Internet and / or safe access
to web-based applications;
• VPN tunnel / Encryption;
• Login with user name and token.
The main issues that any supplier must meet to ensure the security of Smart Grid are:
a) Policy on cyber security for SCADA and Smart Grid SCADA station [3]
Identification and assessment of the following types of connections:
• Internet and local area networking areas including extensive networks of third parties;
• Wireless devices / GSM (Global system for Mobile Communications) / GPRS (General Packet
Radio Service) / 3G Internet / LTE (Long Term Evolution);
• Dial-up modem
• Connections to business partners, suppliers and regulatory agencies
b) Switching off unnecessary connections from the SCADA and Smart Grid SCADA station
To ensure the highest degree of security of data networks network data is isolated as much as
possible from other network connections. (Any other network connection introduces new security
risks, particularly when the connection creates a route of transmission to or from the Internet).
Strategies stringent are recommended as the use of '' demilitarized zone '' (DMZs) and '' data storage
'that ensures secure transfer of data between data network SCADA Smart Grid and SCADA station,
"Core LAN" (MZ – “militarized zone”) and networks to third parties.
c) Assessing and enhancing security of any remaining connections to the SCADA data
Will be performed penetration tests and vulnerability analysis of data network connections to
evaluate the protection of data network system. Data network system is as secure as the weakest point
of connection, it is imperative implementation of security systems, intrusion detection and other ways
appropriate to measure safety at any point Interface.
d) Smart Grid SCADA network data security is based on removing or disabling unneeded
Control of the server’s network system data built on commercial operating systems or open-
source can be exposed to attacks via the default network services, removing or disabling unused
network and bullets, until the risk of direct attack is reduced. In addition, close cooperation with
suppliers of data system that identify secure configurations and coordinate all changes to operating
systems, ensure the removal or disabling the services to not cause downtime, disruption of service, or
loss of support.
functions are present. In addition, factory default security settings (such as network firewalls
computers) are often designed to provide maximum usability, but minimal security. Setting all
security features to ensure maximum security.
g) Implementation of internal and external systems for monitoring intrusion detection and
determination for incidents 24 hours a day
In order to respond effectively to cyberattacks, it will be necessary setting out a strategy for
intrusion detection, which includes alerting network administrators in relation to malicious network
activity coming from internal or external sources. Also, intrusion detection system monitoring is
recommended 24 hours / day. To complete network monitoring, logging and daily control records are
allowed on all systems to detect suspicious activity rapidly. Constantly monitored data, alarms and
critical events will be signaled to TSOs administrators by both critical alarm files, SMS, information
transmitted on dashboards operating.
h) Making physical security studies and remote network assessment data to evaluate the
security system
Any location that has a connection to the data network system is a possible target, especially
places without the personal or unsupervised. Make a security survey and inventory of physical access
to each facility that has a connection to the data system. (Identify and assess any sources of
information, including remote access via telephone / computer network / fiber optic cables, which
could be accessed, radio links and microwaves are exploitable, computer terminals, which could be
accessed and access points in wireless local network). Security location should be suitable for
detection and intrusion prevention. It is not allowed to access the network in real time remotely from
unsafe locations.
i) Defining cyber security roles, responsibilities and authorities for managers, system
administrators and users
Staff organization must understand the specific demands associated with protecting information
technology resources by defining clear roles and clear and logical responsibilities. In addition, key
personnel must have sufficient authority to discharge their allocated responsibilities. (Often, cyber
security is left to individual initiative, which typically leads to inconsistent and ineffective security
implementations). Establish an organizational structure for cyber security, which defines roles and
responsibilities and clearly identify how cybersecurity issues are considered and who is notified in an
Traditional power systems are moving towards digitally enabled Smart Grids which will enhance
communications, improve efficiency, increase reliability, and reduce the costs of electricity services.
One of the increasingly visible issues of supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA)/control systems security deals with the disclosure of vulnerabilities; whether the
vulnerabilities are disclosed within a public venue, or closed confinement, continues to be a heated
debate of those close to this effort. As this community continues to evolve, many are observing some
progress being made regarding security-related vulnerabilities, research, and disclosure, along with the
many interesting issues that have come and gone.
Over time, one of the largest challenges (realistically, the biggest challenge) is to educate all
stakeholders within this community, such that they recognize the complexity of many of these issues
discussed in this paper, while assuming responsible courses of action, and continuously improving the
security posture of their systems, regardless of whether they are an owner/operator, an integration
vendor, a SCADA/control systems manufacturer, or an independent researcher performing analysis
against these systems. Ideally, the responsibility falls on all of us.
[1] Radvanovsky, R., Brodsky J., Handbook of SCADA / Control systems security, the 2nd edition,
CRC Press, 2016.
[2] Frances Cleveland Xanthus Consulting International, White Paper: Cyber Security Issues for
the Smart Gris, NIST CSWG, Dec 28, 2009.
[3] U.S. Departament of Energy, 21 Steps to Improve Cyber Security of SCADA Networks.
[4] Waterfall Security Solutions Ltd., Unidirectional Security Gateways as Secure Alternatives to
Firewalls and Network Intrusion Detection Systems, 2014.
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
The reactive power flows affect voltages, losses and transmission capacities. Thus MVAR
flows are a matter of increasing concern for the grid operators. The latest corresponding regulation for
Romania allows the grid operator to exonerate of payment those injections of reactive which affect in
a positive manner positively the voltages in the network. Such exemption is difficult to apply since the
influence of MVARs on voltages is locational and time dependent. This paper proposes a sensitivity
based analysis for a real 110 kV network. The survey is conducted for 6000 hours and outlines voltage
to sink’s MVARs.
Voltage sensitivity – reactive power compensation - optimal placement – voltage control.
Reactive power is a topic of constant concern in modern electric network operation. Nowadays
everyone agrees on the drawbacks of reactive power: affects voltage magnitude [1], increases losses
[2], reduce available transmission capacity (ATC) of the network [3] etc. Transmission and
distribution companies are interested in reducing reactive power flows [4], mainly by compensation or
reciprocally cancelling [5].
The synchronous generator is the most common source of reactive power. It can deliver
MVARs at opportunity costs. Another traditional reactive power, spinning too, is the synchronous
compensator. This one can has no active load and produce more expensive MVARs. The new
generation of reactive power sources, employed for compensation purposes as well as for system
control, consists of flexible AC transmission devices (FACTS): thyristor controlled reactors (TCR),
static VAR compensators (SVC), shunt static synchronous compensator (SSSC) and static
compensators (STATCOM), [6], [7].
The features and capabilities of the reactive power sources become very important in a
competitive market environment. The cost characteristics of the solutions able to supply the required
reactive powers in secure steady state and dynamic operational conditions are of great importance.
These elements are to be refereed in conjunction with the sensitivities of individual elements,
depending mainly on their location in the network, [8].
The compensation of the reactive power is mainly directed towards voltage control. Optimal
voltage control through V/Q ancillary service looks also for loss reduction and capacity relieve for
hosting additional flows.
The reactive power problem is rather local: one inductive flow seeks to pair with the leading
reactive power of the nearest capacitive element. In most cases the consumers are inductive and they
[email protected]
shall be compensated either by neighboring under loaded lines or specific compensator.
However, transformers and transmission line exhibit own reactive powers, which depend on
the system load. Nobody pays for these reactive powers, either beneficial or not for the network
units (all others remaining PU buses at constant specified voltages and powers) we get the IQ
variations, ∆Q j . Various specified voltages can be utilized.
The appraisal of different IQ, reveals the efficacy of each reactive power “sources”. The
conclusions are useful rather for security analysis than for assessing As-U/Q tariffs.
IQ minima (lower edge of secondary range for voltage regulation from Figure 1). For synchronous
compensators and static „sources” we let Q (min)
j = 0.
By simulating a variation ∆Q (S
j :
∆Q (j S ) = Q (j x ) − Q (min)
j (5)
we determine the Iqs of the fictitious compensators which “replace” the missing injection. For
a load at bus i, the resulting fictitious IQ, ∆Qi(C ) , defines its “duty” for the ∆Q (j S ) service. Because
∆Q j ≠ ∑ ∆Qi(C ) , the “duties” aren’t normalized and must be shared (e.g. pro-rata: load i pays to
provider j matching to: ∆Qi(C )
∑ ∆Q
(C )
⋅ ∆Q (j s ) ).
0.92. This rule intends to discourage the consumers to run al low power factors. In such cases,
inductive loads draw from the network and capacitive ones inject into the network massive reactive
power. Thus reactive flows related to the consumers’ reactive powers become even more harmful for
the network producing additional losses, excessive voltage drops and diminishing of the available
transmission capacity.
In order to stimulate the positive behavior of the consumers and to reward those which have a
positive impact on the voltage regulation the ANRE Order 33/2014 states the conditions required in
order to exonerate network users of their payments for reactive. This addresses prosumers which:
• participate to the V/Q regulation, under the command of the network operator, for the
energy exchanged injected in/drawn from the network during this service;
• contribute to the improvement of the voltage level by injecting or drawing reactive
The second case seems unsharp because it lacks of practicality in defining the benefit of
reactive power injections on voltage regulation service. This opportunity could entitle a prosumer
having sometimes fortunate V/Q sensitivity to wait to be exonerated for the reactive energy exchanges
with the network. In order to characterize the true contribution to this service over a time period, an in
depth analysis, as in section VI is required.
After applying this Order in the last 18 month, ANRE has published some global outcomes
and has decided to continue applying it with minor changes and updates, [10]. The results are as
• the inductive energy billed raised with 15% for power factors between 0.65 and 0.92 and
with 25% for users operating at power factors bellow 0.65;
• the capacitive energy payments have increased by 12% for power factors between 0.65
and 0.92 and by 200% for users operating at power factors bellow 0.65.
The last case corresponds to situations where capacitive power is injected in under loaded
network region and has to be hardly discouraged. All these results entitled the Regulatory Authority
for Energy from Romania to maintain this rules and to correct some descriptions. Moreover, the
network operators where asked to apply exonerations solely based on in depth analysis and
measurements. Thus only beneficial reactive powers have to be rewarded. All the others have to be
penalized according to their perturbing effect.
In the following section the opportunity of ANRE regulation regarding the reactive power
tariff is analyzed by considering a set of operation regimes for a 110 kV distribution network. The
presented study cases outline the influence of reactive power on the voltage level by using multiple
analysis approaches.
The method is rather inefficient for studying long time operation, since the number of the
analyzed steady regimes is practically doubled.
By exemplification, the F2 bus is considered – see Fig.1. The bus voltage increase by
comparison with the case of nil reactive power injection is 0.02 p.u. - see in Fig. 2.
Figure 1: Illustration case - map of bus voltage variations in the test network determined by Q injection in the controlled
bus #F2
a. b.
Figure 2: Voltage of the compensated bus F2: a. Q injection of 19.5 MVAr; b. zero reactive power injection
Figure 3: 12 month evolution of sensitivity dV/dQ for the analyzed bus #F2
For the analyzed case (bus #F2) by annulling an injected reactive power of 19.5 MVAr the
voltage decreases with approximately 10-3 x 19.5 MVAr ≈ 2%, as it can be seen in Fig. 4.
In the same manner it is also possible to analyze the influences of other buses’ injections on
the voltages in the network since the relationship cause-effect is analyzed separately – e.g. Fig. 5. The
sensitivities are more volatile and more difficult to be reached. Therefore an estimation of these
sensitivities based on the own injections (Q-V in the same bus) is preferred although there is a risk of
a lower precision.
Figura 5: Influence of Q variation in the analyzed bus on the voltage of other buses of the network
The operation point is far of the instability area and the slope of Q-V characteristic (sensitivity
V/Q) is almost linear for the voltage’s admissible band of 0.9…1.1. The slope of the Q-V
characteristic is equal to 10-3 in this area.
The reactive power compensation is considered the most efficient method for voltage control
in the power networks (V-Q dependency).
The control efficiency is evaluated based on the sensitivities of the voltages to the reactive
power injections (dV/dMVAr).
This type of analysis allows identifying the critical areas by considering the voltage control.
Consequently, the proper recommendation regarding using the existent structure or further investment
in new compensation can be made.
[4] L. Haddadi, A.P.Neghab, S.N.Mozafari, M.G. Slamroodi “A Study of Reactive Power
Requirements of Traditional and Restructured Power System”, (Journal of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering Volume 3, Issue 2-1, March 2015, pages: 101-106).
[5] W. Hofmann, J.Schlabbach, W.Just “Reactive Power Compensation: A Practical Guide” (Wiley
[6] A. Narain, S.K.Srivastava “An Overview of Facts Devices used for Reactive Power
Compensation Techniques” (International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology
(IJERT) Vol. 4 Issue 12, December-2015).
[7] D. Murali, M. Rajaram, “Active and Reactive Power Flow Control using FACTS Devices”
(International Journal of Computer Applications 0975 – 8887 Volume 9– No.8, November
[8] H. Singh, A. Papalexopoulos, “Competitive Procurement of Ancillary Services by an
Independent System Operator” (IEEE Trans. on Power. Systems, Vol. 14, No. 2, May 1999,
pages 498–504).
[9] ANRE “Methodology regarding establishing of the payment obligations for reactive electrical
energy and regulated price for reactive electrical energy” (ANRE Order 33/2014).
[10] ANRE “Annually report regarding the activity of National Authority for Energy Regulation”
(April 2015).
CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference - RSEEC 2016 (3rd edition)
October 10th - 12th 2016, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Name of the author ................... Paper ..... Page Name of the author ................... Paper ......Page
ALBA M. ................................ #104, .......332 DAUER M. ................................ #92, .......242
AMET A. ................................... #64, .........80 DIACONU C. G. ....................... #98, .......282
ATANASOAE P. ....................... #72, .......108 DIACONU C. ............................ #57, .........34
AVRAMESCU M. ..................... #75, .......126 #61, .........54
#76, .......134 DRAGOMIR M. ........................ #84, .......178
#97, .......275
BALAN V. ................................ #53, .........18 F
BALASIU F. ........................... #100, .......301 FIRICA D. ................................. #81, .......163
#99, .......293 FRANK A. ................................. #58, .........42
BALOI A. .................................. #68, .........94
BANICA C. ............................... #73, .......116 G
#74, .......122 GANJAVI R. ............................. #92, .......242
BANGAY J. .............................. #87, .......196 GHITA O. .................................. #73, .......116
BARONIAN J. ........................... #87, .......196 #74, .......122
BIDU S. ..................................... #88, .......201
BOBRIC C. ............................... #72, .......108 H
#84, .......178 HATEGAN I. ............................. #73, .......116
BOGUS C. ................................. #53, .........18 #74, .......122
BOLBORICI D. ......................... #57, .........34 #69, .......103
#96, .......269 HEYDE C. ................................. #90, .......221
BOPP T. .................................... #92, .......242 #91, .......231
BREZOIANU V. ....................... #76, .......134 HODDENBACH R. ................... #87, .......196
BULAC C. ................................. #95, .......260 HOPULELE E. .......................... #72, .......108
#96, .......269 HUCH R. ................................. #103, .......326
BULAI C. .................................. #62, .........62
C IACOBICI L. ............................. #73, .......116
CHIOSA N. ............................... #68, .........94 #74, .......122
CHIULAN T. ............................. #64, .........80 ILISIU D. ................................... #80, .......155
CIONTU M. ............................ #104, .......332 #81, .......163
COLEMAN M............................ #87, .......196 IONESCU M. A. ........................ #54, .........26
COTEANU M. ........................ #103, .......326 IONITA I. .................................. #75, .......126
COTRIGASAN G. ................... #102, .......319 #76, .......134
CURIAC P. ................................ #62, .........62 IOSIF G. .................................... #75, .......126
#63, .........71 #76, .......134
J PRESADA (IORDACHE) G. ..... #54, .........26
JAEGER J. ................................ #92, .......242 PURCAR M. .............................. #77, .......141
JOUFFROY B. .......................... #86, .......190 #78, .......149
JURASCU O. .......................... #102, .......319 R
K RAUL M. ................................... #65, .........85
KANG D.H. ............................... #63, .........71 RODEAN I. ............................... #53, .........18
KERIN U. .................................. #90, .......221 ROININEN T. ............................ #58, .........42
#91, .......231 ROMANESCU A. ...................... #93, .......249
KREBS R. ................................. #90, .......221 #94, .......254
#91, .......231 RUSINARU D. ........................ #104, .......332
#92, .......242
L SIMBOTIN M. .......................... #53, .........18
LERCH E. ................................. #90, .......221 SOARE S. .................................. #61, .........54
#91, .......231 SOVERESAN S. ........................ #53, .........18
SPATARU L. ........................... #103, .......326
M STANCU M. ............................ #102, .......319
MAGNUSSON M. ..................... #58, .........42 STANESCU C. .......................... #65, .........85
MANESCU L.-G. .................... #104, .......332 STOICESCU E. ......................... #69, .......103
MARCOLT M. ........................... #98, .......282 STROICA P. C. ....................... #104, .......332
#61, .........54
MENTING P. ............................ #87, .......196 T
MIRON A. ................................. #84, .......178 TALPOS A. ............................... #95, .......260
#97, .......275 TATU B. .................................... #83, .......171
MOLDOVEANU C. .................. #75, .......126 TAVA A. ................................... #75, .......126
#76, .......134 #76, .......134
MOLNAR-MATEI F. ................ #68, .........94 TOLEA A. ................................. #96, .......269
MORAR D. ............................... #53, .........18
#65, .........85 U
MORARU GH. ........................ #100, .......301 UNGUREANU C. ...................... #88, .......201
#97, .......275
#99, .......293 V
MUNTEANU C. ........................ #77, .......141 VASILE A. ................................ #75, .......126
#78, .......149 #76, .......134
VILCU V. ................................. #101, .......311
N VLAD V. ................................... #89, .......213
NGUYEN MAU C. .................... #90, .......221 VORONCA S. L. ....................... #59, .........48
NTSIN B. .................................. #92, .......242
NUNES J. .................................. #51, .........11 W
WOLMARANS C. ..................... #51, .........11
OLTEAN M. ........................... #102, .......319 Z
ORLANDEA V. ........................ #53, .........18 ZACHIA O. ............................... #57, .........34
ZAHARESCU S. . ...................... #76, .......134
P ZAHARESCU V. ....................... #65, .........85
PAHLAVANPOUR B. .............. #51, .........11 #94, .......254
PANA A. ................................... #68, .........94 ZAHARIA V. ............................ #61, .........54
PAVALOAIA I. ....................... #103, .......326
PENTIUC R. ............................. #89, .......213
#72, .......108
#84, .......178
POPA C. .................................... #88, .......201
#84, .......178
#89, .......213