Mapping-ER To Relational Model
Mapping-ER To Relational Model
Relational Model
Schema Diagram
A weak entity set becomes a schema that includes all the attributes of
the weak entity set plus the primary key of the identifying strong entity
instructor(ID,first_name, middle_initial,
last_name, street_number, street_name,
apt_number, city, state, zip, date_of_birth)
Redundancy of Schemas
For one-to-one relationship sets, either side can be chosen to act as the
“many” side
o That is, an extra attribute can be added to either of the tables
corresponding to the two entity sets
If participation is partial on the “many” side, replacing a schema by an
extra attribute in the schema corresponding to the “many” side could
result in null values
The schema corresponding to a relationship set linking a weak entity set
to its identifying strong entity set is redundant.
Example: The section schema already contains the attributes that would
appear in the sec_course schema