Design and Analysis of Column Structure For Jib Crane

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Design and Analysis of Column Structure for Jib Crane

Sagar S. Raut, PG Student, Mechanical Design Engineering, S.N.D. COE & RC Yeola, SPPU, Pune
B. C. Londhe, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, S.N.D. COE & RC Yeola, SPPU, Pune

Abstract— In many industries for material handling, different
equipments are used. Jib crane is one of the convenient and Krunal Gandhare, Prof. Vinay Thute, et al. (2015) revealed
cheaper materials handling equipment. Normally jib cranes are that Optimization of the jib crane is a nonlinear problem, if
pillar or column mounted. In some cases due to space constraint this problem was considered to be solved by classical method
jib crane can also mounted on the wall. When jib crane is pillar along Kuhn-Tucker condition it becomes too complex and too
or column mounted, total deflection will include column difficult to solve, hence automated programming has to be
deflection and jib deflection. It is necessary to design and analyze
used. In this paper it was found that evolutionary algorithm
the structure with minimum deflection before manufacturing. In
this work, the column is designed analytically and then analyzed yields satisfactory results and can be used for obtaining the
using NX 10.0 software. optimized parameters for the crane and the values of
parameter found to be feasible and within limits. There are
Index Terms— Column, deflection, jib some of the limitation in the presented optimization model
such as the weight applied was kept fixed which actually
changes along with change in cross sectional area of the boom,
I. INTRODUCTION which when removed may give encouraging result.[1]
ODAY’S industry demands versatile, efficient and cost Amit S. Chaudhary, Subim N. Khan, et al. (2015)
T effective material handling equipment, while at the same
time providing more flexibility along with significant
investigated a promising structural analysis of cantilever beam
of jib crane. A new design approach of beam shape is
savings through increased productivity. The need for continual proposed to tackle the problems of deflection, shear capacity
improvement in material handling technologies is a common and lateral tensional buckling of cantilever beam due to
feature of many modern engineering endeavours. Engineering loading. Discussions of this paper show that how the web
structures now encompasses a wide range of technologies tapered cantilever beam is more capable of resisting the lateral
from structure development, analysis, design, testing, torsional buckling and bending with high shear capacity for a
production and maintenance. Advances in material handling given load, if compared to regular I section cantilever beam.[2]
technologies have been largely responsible and major
Chirag A. Vakani, Shivang S. Jani, et al. (2014) reviewed
performance improvements in many engineering structures
jib crane utilization where required radius type work. Different
and continue to be a key in determining the reliability,
amounts of force input are required for two planar degrees of
performance and effectiveness of such structures.
freedom. Fibres are elasticity furthermore some additional
Jib crane is perhaps one of the most multipurpose pieces of load cases not contemplated in the norm have been established
lifting equipment. Jib crane mainly consists of Column or and they have a great interest for a correct design of the
post, jib, tie rod & hoist. The column supports the jib. Hoist mechanical set, principally because the simulate some
lifts the load & moves on jib. Jib cranes are either wall manoeuvres that, although they are dissuaded or prohibited,
mounted or column mounted depending on the space can happen during the use of the crane jib. [3]
availability. Jib crane supports overhead cranes on production
K Suresh Bollimpelli, V Ravi Kumar, et al. (2015) has done
lines and keeps workstation, machining cells and warehouses
the static, model and harmonic Analyses of a Column
in operation. Being easy to install and having less structural
mounted jib crane as per the required load conditions. The
limitations than many other material handling equipment, jib
static analysis performed on jib crane yielded a maximum
cranes are used widely in all customer segments, from small
von-Mises stress of 156.8N/mm2 which is the Yield stress
workshops to assembly lines, harbours and even nuclear
limit of the material chosen (250MPa). The hand calculations
done by assuming a simplified model are also consistent with
the software results. The information regarding the natural

Volume VI Issue XI November 2017 Page 1

frequencies of the jib crane is provided by analysis. The value B. Loads acting on jib
of frequencies is low and hence it is not very stiff and hence it 1) Dead load due to self weight = 1206.63 N/m X 4.250m =
is considered to be stable in operation. Analysis using Ansys is 5128.18 N
used and Von-Misses stresses and displacement along the z- 2) Live load (W) = Weight of Hoist + Lifting capacity = 350 +
directions were obtained. The maximum Von-Misses stress 3200 = 3550 kg = 3550 x 9.81 = 34825.5 N
occurred is 60MPa and maximum displacement is 5mm. [4]
C. Dead load deflection of jib,
dd = wL4/8EI
= (1206.63 x 4.254)/ (8 x 2.1 x1011x 9.18x10-4)
A. Objectives: = 0.26x10-3m
The basic objective of this work is to decide the optimum
section for column of the jib crane. The main objectives is to D. Live load deflection of jib,
reduce total deflection
dl = WL3/3EI
= (34825.5 x 4.253)/ (3 x 2.1 x1011x 9.18x10-4)
B. Methodology:
= 4.62x10-3 m
The methodology for this work is decided on the basis of
literature review and suggestion from industrial experts. E. Total deflection of jib
Initially the problem is studied and then analytical calculations Total deflection = Dead load deflection +Live load
are done to decide the sizes of column with proper material deflection
selection. Selected section is analysed using NX 10.0 = 0.26x10-3 + 4.62x10-3
software. Results are compared and a feasible solution is = 4.88x10-3 m
IV. DESIGN OF JIB The column is to be fixed on ground vertically. The jib is
As we have to design only column structure, jib section is attached to the column at its free end with two brackets as
taken from previous reference. It is assumed that the selected shown in figure below.
jib is safe in stresses.
A. Loads acting on column
TABLE I The column supports all the components including jib and
DETAILS OF JIB MEMBER other attachments. The weight of all components will act on
Sr. No. Particulars Details the column. The figure below shows the loads and moments
1 Type of section ISMB acting on the column.

2 Size 600X210
3 Material Structural steel
4 Mass per unit length (w) 1206.63 N/m
5 Sectional area 0.0156 m2
6 Moment of inertia, Ixx 9.18x10-4 m4
7 Sectional Modulus 3.06x10-3m3
8 Length of jib (L1) 4.25mm
9 Weight of jib 5128.18 N

A. Material Properties
1) Young’s modulus (E) : 2.1x1011 N/m2
2) Poisson’s Ratio (ν) : 0.3
3) Yield strength (σ): 250x106 N/m2
4) Ultimate strength (σu) : 410x106 N/m2

Volume VI Issue XI November 2017 Page 2

5 Sectional area 0.0179777m2
6 Moment of inertia, Ixx 8.10468x10-4 m4
7 Sectional Modulus 2.6573x10-3m3
8 Height of column (H) 4.715m
9 Weight of column (W1) 6526.46 N

D. Material Properties
1) Young’s modulus (E): 2.1x1011 N/m2
2) Poisson’s Ratio (ν): 0.3
3) Yield strength (σ): 250x106 N/m2
4) Ultimate strength (σu): 410x106 N/m2


The existing jib is used and only column is to be newly added.
Hence FE analysis of only column is done using NX 10.0
Fig. 1. Jib crane dimensional detail

B. Bending moment
Bending moment of column due to dead weight of all
components and lifting capacity can be given as
M = (Lifting capacity + Hoist weight + Jib weight + Misc.
weight) x9.81x Column length
= (3200 + 350 + 522.75 + 900) x 9.81 x 4.715
= 230.0 x 103 Nm
Jib supporting
C. Required sectional modulus (Z) bracket
Allowable stress, Column
σa = σ/1.5
= 250x106/1.5 = 166.7 x106 N/m2
From Flexural formula,
Z = M/ σa
Z = (230 x 103)/(166.7x106)
Z = 1.379 x 10-3 m3
This is the required sectional modulus.
On the basis of this value pipe with following details is

Particulars Details
1 Type of section Pipe
2 Outer diameter (D) 6.10m
3 Thickness (t) 9.53x10-3m Fig. 2. Jib crane column model
3 Material Structural steel
4 Mass per unit length (w1) 1384.19N/m

Volume VI Issue XI November 2017 Page 3

Fig. 3. Meshing of structure
Element Type: 3D 10 Node Tetra Element Fig. 5. Deflection of column when jib is along +X-

Force due to
moment acting on
Force due to outward direction
moment acting on +x
outward direction -y

Force due to
moment acting on
inward direction +y

Force due to
moment acting on
inward direction -x

Vertical force

Fig. 6. Deflection of column when Jib is along +Y-

Fig. 4. Loads applied on column

Volume VI Issue XI November 2017 Page 4

Maximum stress
induced is
270.70 x

Fig. 7. Stresses in column Fig. 8. Deflection of column when Jib is along +X-
The maximum stress in the column is 270.70 x 10 6 N/m2 and
maximum deflection is 16.79mm. In order to reduce the stress
there are two options. One is to increase the thickness of pipe
and another is to provide the stiffening bracket. Increasing the
thickness increases the weight. Hence the local stiffening
bracket is added as shown in Fig. 8 and results are again

Fig. 9. Stresses in Column-1

Volume VI Issue XI November 2017 Page 5

The stress resulted after adding additional bracket is within the
[7] “Dimensions for Hot Rolled Steel Beam, Column, Channel and
allowable limit hence the design is safe.
Angle Sections”, IS 808, 1989.

The deflection values of jib and column are summarized in
below table
Component Maximum Allowable deflection
Jib 4.88 4250/250 = 17
Column 13.12 -
Total 18 (4250 + 4715)/300 =

The theoretical total deflection and the actual deflection values
are lower than the allowable value. Hence the design is safe.
Converting the wall mounted jib to column mounted has
increased the jib arm rotation angle to 270°. Also when the
crane was mounted there may be possibility of corrosion of
structure due to water seepage. This will increase overall life
of crane.


[1] Krunal Gandhare, Prof. Vinay Thute. (2015 April). Design

Optimization of Jib Crane Boom Using Evolutionary Algorithm.
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research,
Volume 3, Issue 4, ISSN(Online): 2347-3878.

[2] Amit S. Chaudhary, Subim N. Khan. (2015, May-June).A review

paper on structural analysis of cantilever beam of jib crane.
International Journal of Engineering Research and General
Science, Volume 3, Issue 3,ISSN (Online)2091-2730.

[3] Chirag A. Vakani, Shivang S. Jani. (2014). Analysis and

Optimization of 270° Jib Crane Deflection: A Review. International
Journal for Scientific Research and development. Volume 2, Issue
10. ISSN(Online):2321-0613, pp.471-473.

[4] K Suresh Bollimpelli, V Ravi Kumar. ( 2015 January). Design and

Analysis of Column Mounted JIB Crane. International Journal of
Research in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, Volume 3,
Issue 1, ISSN(Online): 2321-3051, pp.32-52.

[5] Jib Cranes-Code of Practice, IS 15419, 2004.

[6] “Design, Erection and Testing (Structural Portion) of cranes and

Hoists- Code of Practice”, IS 807, 2006.

Volume VI Issue XI November 2017 Page 6

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