Prospectus: The World Class: Studied Anywhere, Valued Everywhere

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Online, flexible and blended learning


The World Class: studied anywhere,

valued everywhere.
2 General Prospectus 2020
“In a fast changing
environment of
worldwide access to
higher education, a
University of London
degree continues to
offer a guarantee of
quality, value and
intellectual rigour.”
Professor Wendy Thomson
University of London 3

How the University of London works 6
Why study with us? 7
Your prestigious University of London qualification 8
Qualifications that employers value 9
Member institutions of the University of London 10
Undergraduate study 14
Undergraduate programmes 16
Postgraduate study 33
Postgraduate programmes 34
Short open courses 52
Entry requirements and how to apply 60

4 Prospectus 2020
winners 5
How the University
of London works
The University of This reputation is based on the Today, we have more than 50,000
outstanding teaching and research students in over 180 countries,
London is one of the of our 17 member institutions. All of studying on 100-plus degrees,
world’s leading the programmes offered through the diplomas and certificates. More
universities, University of London are developed than 1.4 million students have
internationally by our member institutions, which registered on one of our massive
are also responsible for preparing online open courses (MOOCs).
recognised for its high study materials and assessing the
academic standards. programmes (the academic direction).
Our alumni include many people
who have shaped the world we live
Wherever they are based, our students
in, including leaders of business and
are examined to the same high
industry, scientists and politicians.
standard as those studying in London.
Seven past students have won Nobel
The University of London is the world’s Prizes, including Derek Walcott,
oldest provider of degrees through Charles Kao and Nelson Mandela.
distance and flexible learning. Since
Queen Victoria awarded the University
of London its Royal Charter in 1858,
our study programmes have been
accessible to students all over
the world.

A federation of
17 independent member institutions and
3 central academic bodies

In collaboration with
11 of the member institutions

6 Prospectus 2020
Why study with us?

A programme to suit you Flexible study A nurturing student

With more than 100 degrees, You can manage your studies to experience
diplomas, certificates and individual fit in with your own schedule. As a
The University of London’s Student
modules on offer, we are confident guide, you should dedicate at least
Experience team is committed
that you will find the ideal programme 35 hours per week for approximately
to providing a nurturing and
to suit your interests and skills. A 34 weeks of the year if you intend
enriching experience for all
full list of undergraduate courses to complete the maximum of
students, beyond their studies.
can be found on pages 16–17 and four courses in one year.
postgraduate courses on pages 34–35. We aim to give you a warm
We also aim to give our students
welcome with our comprehensive
as much choice as possible about
online induction and our student
Standards you can rely on how, when and where they study.
mentors are available to give you
You can be confident about the Some prefer the flexibility of being
extra support and encouragement
credibility of your University of London able to study independently, at their
whenever you need it.
degree. We use methods such as own pace, using our study materials.
unseen examinations to ensure Others prefer the benefits of face- The team organises a number of
that the standard of assessment is to-face teaching and classroom events and initiatives that aim to give
consistent and that your University of support and choose to pay for tuition you the best possible preparation for
London qualification is of the same at a local independent institution. your future career. As well as providing
high standard, wherever you study. The University of London currently employability advice and tips, they
works with a growing network also offer support for undergraduate
of 70-plus Recognised Teaching students who are interested in
A UK education at a Centres worldwide. For details about completing a business placement.
reasonable price Recognised Teaching Centres please There is a wide range of online
Studying through the University of visit: resources available to all students.
London’s world-renowned distance Whichever study option you
learning options is much more choose, we provide you with
affordable than coming to London to relevant study materials and access
study on campus. With no relocation to a range of online resources.
or accommodation costs, it represents
great value for money. If you prefer,
you can continue working full time
and spread your payments out
across the duration of your degree. 7
Your prestigious University
of London qualification

When you graduate The Final Diploma A University of

with a degree, diploma • Indicates that you were registered London degree
with the University of London and
or certificate from the awarded a University of London
Undergraduate degrees of the
University of London degree, diploma or certificate.
University of London are awarded
with Honours. Your award certificate
you will receive two will include the classification of
• Gives the name of the University
important documents – of London College or Institute degree you have earned, based
your Final Diploma (the that developed the syllabus on the marks you are awarded
for all completed assessments.
parchment you receive and provided assessment.
at graduation) and a • Features the University of The standard classification system for
bachelor’s degrees with Honours is:
Diploma Supplement. London crest and the Vice-
Chancellor’s signature. • First Class

The Diploma Supplement • Upper Second Class

• Describes the nature, level and • Lower Second Class
content of the programme that
you have successfully completed. • Third Class

• Includes the transcript of A Pass Degree or Ordinary Degree

courses taken, marks achieved is a degree without Honours.
and overall classification. Specific rules for the classification of
awards are given in the Programme
• States the role of the University Regulations, under Scheme of Award.
of London College or Institute
and the method of study.

8 Prospectus 2020
Qualifications that
employers value
Studying with the Fast track to professional and Supply (CIPS), giving you the
opportunity to gain membership to
University of London accreditation two leading professional bodies.
gives you a competitive Undergraduate programmes:
edge when job hunting. Graduates of the BSc Accounting
Qualifying as a lawyer
and Finance and the BSc Banking
and Finance degrees who wish Entry into the legal profession
Gain skills for your career to continue to professional in England and Wales involves
accreditation may be able to get three stages of training: academic,
University of London degrees provide vocational and practical. The
exemptions for certain modules
not just an in-depth knowledge of your University of London Bachelor of Laws
from four professional bodies:
subject area, but also the opportunity (LLB) is recognised as a Qualifying Law
to develop skills that employers value, • Association of Chartered
Degree and you will therefore have
such as problem solving, analytical Certified Accountants (ACCA)
completed the first stage of training
thinking and self-discipline. – the academic stage – as long as you
• Chartered Institute of Management
Accountants (CIMA) meet certain conditions, you must:
Opening doors to top jobs • not take more than six years
University of London graduates • Institute of Chartered Accountants
to complete your studies
often advance their careers or gain in England and Wales (ICAEW)
jobs at top local and international • have satisfied the examiners in
• Singapore Qualification Programme
organisations. These include law firms, respect of the Foundations of
major banks, professional services This arrangement means that if you Legal Knowledge subject areas,
firms such as Deloitte and KPMG, pass the required combination of which are: Contract law, Criminal
multinational companies such as IBM courses on your degree, you can gain law, Equity and Trusts, EU law,
and Unilever, and non-governmental your professional accreditation faster. Property law, Public law, Tort law
organisations (NGOs) such as UNESCO
Postgraduate programmes: • have passed these foundation
and the World Health Organization.
The Global MBA is accredited subjects in no more than
by Chartered Management three attempts
High employment rates
Institute (CMI) and CIMA. As a • have demonstrated the
among graduates Global MBA student you'll have attainment of various skills,
University of London graduates are the chance to gain Chartered including legal research, oral
highly sought after and achieve high Manager status through CMI. communication and IT skills.
levels of employment. Our survey
of graduates from 2017 showed Students who are completing ACCA Please note, completing the academic
that 88 per cent of those who qualifications can also gain the MSc stage of legal training, including
responded were in work or further in Professional Accountancy faster meeting all these conditions, does not
study six months after graduation. if they have successfully completed guarantee you automatic admission to
the relevant ACCA options. the next stage of training (vocational).
Entry requirements will relate closely
The MSc in Supply Chain Management
to your classification and results from
and Global Logistics is the only
the academic stage of your studies.
online programme to be accredited
by both the Chartered Institute of
Logistics and Transport (CILT) and the
Chartered Institute of Procurement 9
Member institutions of
the University of London
World-class research
is at the very heart of
the intellectual and
academic environment
fostered at the
University of London.
The University of London’s member
institutions are responsible for the Birkbeck†: The Courtauld Insistute
academic direction and assessment Founded in 1823, Birkbeck is a world- of Art:
of all courses offered by the class research and teaching institution, The Courtauld was founded in 1932
University of London. We work with a vibrant centre of academic as the UK’s first university department
leading academics at our member excellence and London’s only devoted to the study of art. With its
institutions to design original content specialist provider of evening higher illustrious Gallery, it remains a world-
and programmes to put you at the education. The College has extensive leading centre for the study of the
forefront of that field of study. experience in supporting the needs history, curation and conservation of
of students who are managing study art and architecture. The Institute is
† Indicates a member institution alongside other commitments. Over also an ideal environment for research
that provides academic direction 90 per cent of Birkbeck academics and professional development.
for our programmes. are research-active and many are
renowned experts in their fields.

Goldsmiths is all about the freedom
City, University of to experiment, to think differently,
London (City)†: to be an individual. Founded in
City is the newest constituent College 1891, the College brings creative
of the University of London, joining and unconventional approaches to
in August 2016. Its name, which subjects in the arts, social sciences,
dates back to 1966, reflects a long- humanities and computing,
standing relationship with the City with a strong emphasis on the
of London. City was ranked in the highest academic standards of
top five per cent of world universities teaching and research.
by the Times Higher Education
World University Rankings 2016.

10 Prospectus 2020
The Institute of London Business School: London School of
Cancer Research: London Business School has provided Hygiene & Tropical
The Institute of Cancer Research is world-leading business education Medicine (LSHTM)†:
one of the world’s top four centres since 1964 and is consistently ranked
Founded in 1899, LSHTM is a world-
for cancer research and treatment, as one of the best business schools
leading centre for research and
with a long and distinguished in the world. Around 90 per cent
postgraduate education in public and
history. Founded in 1909 as the of its master’s students come from
global health and tropical medicine.
Cancer Hospital Research Institute, outside the UK, demonstrating
The work of its pioneering researchers
it continues to work towards its global significance in the
leads to improved prevention and
groundbreaking treatment for the field of business and finance.
treatment for a range of diseases
benefit of cancer patients worldwide. and in 2017 the School was awarded
It became a full College of the a Queen’s Anniversary Prize for
University of London in 2003. Higher and Further Education in
recognition of their response to the
2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa.

London School of
Economics and Political
Science (LSE)†:
King’s College Since its foundation in 1895, LSE has
London (King’s)† : been regarded as an international
Founded in 1829, King’s College centre of academic excellence and Queen Mary, University
London is one of the University’s innovation in the social sciences. It of London (QMUL)†:
oldest and largest Colleges. King’s has is ranked second in the world for Queen Mary is one of the largest
played a major role in advances that social science and management Colleges of the University and has a
have shaped modern life, such as the studies according to the 2018 rich and diverse heritage. The College
development of antiseptic and the QS World University Rankings. began life in 1887 as the People’s Palace,
discovery of the structure of DNA. It is Alumni and former staff include a philanthropic endeavour to provide
the largest centre for the education of 18 Nobel Prize winners and 37 East Londoners with education and
doctors, dentists and other healthcare past or present Heads of State. social activities. The College was ranked
professionals in Europe, and 12 people fifth in the UK for the quality of research
who have worked or studied at King’s outputs in the REF2014 exercise.
have been awarded the Nobel Prize. 11
Royal Academy of Music: Royal Holloway, SOAS†:
The Royal Academy of Music has been University of SOAS is the leading higher education
training musicians to the highest London (RHUL)†: institution in Europe specialising in
professional standards since its the study of Asia, Africa and the Near
Royal Holloway enjoys an international and Middle East. Founded in 1916, it
foundation in 1822. In 1999, it became
reputation for the highest quality has grown in size and reputation to
the only conservatoire to be admitted
teaching and research across the offer an unrivalled combination of
as a College of the University of
sciences, arts and humanities. It scholarship and specialist collections.
London. Its illustrious alumni include
is among the top 25 per cent of The School’s range of awards in the
the conductor Sir Simon Rattle and
research-led universities in the social sciences, arts and humanities
singer-songwriter Sir Elton John.
country with a world-class reputation is underpinned by the regional
for developing original research. expertise and cross-disciplinary
emphasis in all its teaching.

The Royal Central School

of Speech and Drama: Royal Veterinary
Founded in 1906 to advance the study College (RVC)†: St George’s University
of theatre as an academic discipline,
The foundation of the Veterinary of London:
the School’s impressive heritage
College, London – now the Royal St George’s, University of London is
led to it becoming a College of the
Veterinary College (RVC) – in 1791, the UK’s only university dedicated
University of London in 2005. It is a
marked the establishment of the to medical and health sciences
centre of excellence for training in the
veterinary profession in the UK. RVC education, training and research.
performing arts, theatre scholarship,
is the largest veterinary school in the St George’s became a College of
and international collaboration and
country and was ranked as the world’s the University of London in 1836
notable alumni include Harold Pinter
number one veterinary school in the and continues to offer world-class
and Sir Cameron Mackintosh.
QS World University Rankings 2019. education to help graduates meet
today’s strenuous healthcare demands.

12 Prospectus 2020
Central Academic Bodies of the University of London

Founded in 1826, UCL was one of
the two founding institutions of School of Advanced University of London
the University of London. It was Study (SAS)†: Institute in Paris (ULIP):
the first university in England to The University of London Institute in
admit students of any race, class or Founded in 1994, the School of
Paris became part of the University
religion, and the first to welcome Advanced Study comprises nine
of London in 1969, with a mission
women on equal terms with men. specialist research institutes in the
to promote the study of French
The College was ranked 10th in the humanities and social sciences.
culture, language and literature.
2019 QS World University Rankings It remains a national centre for
The institute provides students
and 29 Nobel Prize winners have the promotion of research and
with the perfect opportunity
come from the UCL community. provides an unrivalled scholarly
to work towards a University of
community in which to pursue
London degree while benefitting
postgraduate study and research.
from studying and living in Paris. 13
Undergraduate study

Whether you’re a school Our qualifications are highly regarded For more information on
worldwide and our courses will Recognised Teaching Centres,
leaver or a professional challenge you to broaden your visit:
looking to take your horizons and to consider issues
career to the next in an international context. How long will my
level, the University Given the academic rigour of our study take?
of London has a programmes, to achieve good results You have between one and six
programme to suit you. requires a high degree of self- years to complete, depending
motivation. But your hard work will on if you choose to study a
be worth it in the end, as you will join Certificate or Bachelors degree.
an expanding community of alumni
with excellent career prospects.
Support for your study
All our students have access to study
Independent study materials that draw on the cutting-
You don’t need to put your life on edge research of the University of
hold – studying independently gives London’s member institutions. These
you great flexibility over your study include a range of printed and online
programme. You can study at your resources. Some of our programmes
own pace and set your own study offer the option of studying courses
schedule to fit around your work or on-campus, or attending intensive
family commitments. If you travel study sessions, in London.
for work or have plans to move
overseas, you can take your studies
with you. You'll also have access
The Student Portal
to a wealth of resources including You are required to confirm on your
dynamic course materials, the Online application form that you have
Library and academic support and access to the internet so that you
feedback from online tutors. can make use of resources that are
only available online. As soon as you
have registered we will send you a
Local teaching support University of London username and
For many undergraduate programmes password, which will allow you to
you can choose to pay for teaching log in to the Student Portal. All of the
support at one of our Recognised online resources available to students
Teaching Centres. These Teaching can be found in the Portal including
Centres offer lectures and workshops the Virtual Learning Environment
to guide you through your studies (VLE) and the Online Library.
and the opportunity for face-to-
face interaction with academics
and other students. We currently
The Virtual Learning
work with a growing network of Environment (VLE)
70-plus Recognised Teaching Centres The VLE is an important part of
worldwide, so you can rely on the your experience with us, providing
standards of the teaching, support and support in your studies and helping
administration that you will receive. you to feel part of a community.

14 Prospectus 2020
You will have access to a variety
of resources, including electronic
study materials, student discussion
forums, videos, recorded lectures,
and more. For further information on
what is provided with your chosen
programme, select the ‘How you
study’ tab on the relevant programme
web page at:

Take exams
wherever you are
All exam papers are set and
marked in London, but you can
take your exams at any of our 350+
exam centres around the world.
Undergraduate programmes
are usually assessed by written
exams in May or June each year.

Build up your
If you’re not ready to commit to a
full degree or you don’t meet the
entrance requirements, some of our
undergraduate programmes allow
you to start with a Certificate or
Diploma and work your way up to a
degree. Many programmes also allow
you to enrol for an individual course
for which you receive credit if you
decide to go on to a qualification.

Get advice from

Alumni Ambassadors
Alumni Ambassadors are graduates
who have volunteered to offer advice
and study tips to prospective students.
You can find an Ambassador in your
country or for your chosen course
by visiting: 15
Undergraduate programmes


Accounting and Finance ✝ * BSc LSE
Banking and Finance ✝ * BSc LSE
Business Administration BSc RHUL
Business Administration with Human Resource Management BSc RHUL
Business Administration with International Business BSc RHUL
Business Administration with Marketing BSc RHUL
Business Analytics ✝  GradDip LSE
Business and Management✝ * BSc LSE
Commercial Law GradDip Laws Consortium
Common Law ✝  CertHE Laws Consortium
Computer Science BSc Goldsmiths
Computer Science (Data Science) BSc Goldsmiths
Computer Science (Games Development) BSc Goldsmiths
Computer Science (Machine Learning and AI) BSc Goldsmiths
Computer Science BSc Goldsmiths
(Physical Computing and the Internet of Things)
Computer Science (User Experience) BSc Goldsmiths
Computer Science (Virtual Reality) BSc Goldsmiths
Computer Science (Web and Mobile Development) BSc Goldsmiths
Computing and Information Systems ✝  BSc / Work Experience Entry Route / CertHE Goldsmiths
Creative Computing ✝  BSc / Work Experience Entry Route / CertHE Goldsmiths
Data Science ✝  GradDip LSE
Data Science and Business Analytics✝ * BSc LSE
Development and Economics✝ * BSc LSE
Digital Innovation ✝  GradDip LSE
Divinity and Theology BA / DipHE / CertHE University of London
E-Business and Social Media ✝  GradDip LSE
Economics✝ * BSc / GradDip LSE
Economics and Finance ✝ * BSc LSE
Economics and Management ✝ * BSc LSE
Economics and Politics✝ * BSc LSE
English BA / DipHE / CertHE Goldsmiths
Finance ✝ GradDip LSE
History BA RHUL
International Development ✝ * BSc / GradDip LSE
International Foundation Programme ✝ Foundation University of London
International Relations✝ * BSc LSE

16 Prospectus 2020
Laws (LLB) LLB Laws Consortium
Management ✝ GradDip LSE
Management and Digital Innovation ✝ * BSc LSE
Mathematics and Economics ✝ BSc LSE
Philosophy BA / DipHE / CertHE Birkbeck
Politics and International Relations ✝ * BSc LSE
Psychology BSc King's College London
Social Sciences ✝  CertHE LSE
Teacher Development Professional Graduate Certificate UCL Institute of Education
in Education

Key to table • Programme Regulations and • the fee to your local examination
Programme Specification centre to cover their costs
* Graduate Entry Route available,
enabling graduates to follow a • a Student Guide and Please note: all student fees published
shorter than normal programme. Programme handbook on our website are net of any local
✝ All programmes with academic VAT, Goods and Services Tax (GST)
• learning materials, such as a
direction by LSE will need to be or any other sales tax payable by the
subject guide for each course
studied at one of our Recognised student in their country of residence.
Teaching Centres. The International Additional materials and support Where the University is required
Foundation Programme; Certificate are supplied for some programmes. to add VAT, GST or any other sales
of Higher Education in Common For further information on all tax at the local statutory rate, this
Law; Certificate of Higher Education programme-specific study materials will be added during the payment
in Creative Computing; and the please visit the ‘How you study’ tab process. For students resident in the
Certificate of Higher Education of the relevant programme course UK, our fees are exempt from VAT.
in Computing and Information page at:
Studies, are taught programmes Key dates
that must also be studied at a Fees Application deadline: you can apply
Recognised Teaching Centre. throughout the year, but we strongly
Fees are subject to annual revision
DipHE: Diploma of Higher Education and typically may be increased by up advise you to apply as early as possible.

CertHE: Certificate of Higher Education to five per cent per annum. The full • Applications must be received
list of annual fees for the programmes no later than: 1 October in the
GradDip: Graduate Diploma. For is available on the Student Fees web year before you intend to sit
graduates of any discipline who page, which is updated as required. your first examinations.
would like to secure a stand- Please visit:
alone qualification in the fields of • Registration deadline: 30 November.
economics, management, finance Students studying in the UK may
be eligible for postgraduate or • Despatch of study materials: soon
or the social sciences; it can also be
undergraduate loans depending after your online registration
used as a basis for postgraduate
on their programme of study. and fee are received, or
study in a related field.
For more information visit: when they are available.
Laws Consortium: Birkbeck; King’s
College London; LSE; Queen Mary, • Examinations: May and June.
University of London; SOAS; and UCL. Other costs
In addition to the fees payable Please note: the University
Materials and support to the University, you should of London continues to
For all undergraduate also budget for the cost of: develop new and innovative
programmes we provide: programmes covering a wide
• purchasing textbooks
range of subjects with academic
• a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) direction from our member
• any course or tuition you
• an Online Library choose to undertake at a institutions. For more information
Recognised Teaching Centre visit:
• past exam papers/Examiners’
commentaries (where available) 17
Undergraduate programmes

Accounting and Finance

“I chose to study with the University of
London because I had very positive feedback
LSE from people who had done the programme
Start: November before, and they had told me about how the
Develop a solid understanding of the core
standards were very similar to the standards
principals of accounting and finance that you at LSE…it was definitely my first choice.”
will need throughout your career. With insight
from academics and financial professionals from Shana Shwetangi
across South East Asia, as well as the UK, you BSc Banking and Finance, Singapore
will learn more than just how to use accounting LSE MSc Accounting and Finance, UK
techniques and computational skills. You will be
able to evaluate them from a variety of perspectives,
including through an international lens.
BSc Accounting and Finance graduates go on to
work in accountancy, auditing and finance and
you may be able to take advantage of ‘fast track’
agreements with certain professional bodies.
This degree is also ideal if you already work in
the field and are looking to take the next step.

Banking and Finance

Start: November
Discover how financial institutions and
intermediaries operate, both domestically and in
the international arena, as well as the structure
and functioning of financial markets. The BSc
Banking and Finance offers you the opportunity
to explore the complex workings of the global
finance sector and understand how financial
assets are priced, and how and why corporations
choose and issue various types of assets.
You will develop essential communication and
analytical skills that are valued in management-
level roles in accountancy, consulting, investment
banking, trading and many other areas. You may
also be able to take advantage of ‘fast track’
agreements with certain professional bodies.

18 Prospectus 2020
Business Administration Business Administration with
BSc / CertHE International Business
Start: November RHUL
Start: November
Successful managers need to think quickly and
creatively in a constantly changing business Enhance your international career prospects with
environment. You will develop core critical this specialism that will give you a broad range of
thinking, problem-solving and analytical skills highly sought-after skills and expertise. You will
and be encouraged to use them to suggest learn about emerging markets and Asia Pacific
solutions to real management situations, using business, European business and international
engaging case material. You will also understand competition and the global economy.
the historical, political, cultural and institutional
context that has shaped modern business. As well as building a strong foundation in core
business areas such as management and accounting,
In the degree programme, you can choose to study you will develop key critical thinking, problem-
general Business Administration or select one of solving and analytical skills that are needed for
the three specialist pathways available – Human most management-level jobs in business.
Resource Management, International Business or
Marketing. Whatever you choose, this degree will
help to launch you into an exciting career in business.
Business Administration
with Marketing
Business Administration with BSc
Human Resource Management RHUL
BSc Start: November
RHUL Prepare for an exciting career in marketing,
Start: November developing a broad awareness of the range
of specialisms on offer within the industry –
If you aspire to be a future leader in Human from branding to consumer behaviour and
Resources, this specialism will give you the core from market research to digital advertising.
skills and knowledge you will need for career
You will gain a valuable understanding of
success. As well as developing core critical thinking,
other essential business areas and the critical
problem-solving and analytical skills, you will
thinking, problem-solving and analytical
learn about managing organisational change
skills you learn will help to give you the
and the impact of globalisation on work.
competitive edge in future job applications.
Using practical examples and case studies,
you will debate the very latest theories of
human resource management, while also
gaining a strong understanding of the
historical, political, cultural and institutional
context that has shaped modern business. 19
Business Analytics Business and Management
GradDip BSc
Start: November Start: November
Develop the analytical and commercial know- Take a fresh look at business and management,
how to turn data into actionable solutions to developing your analytical and critical-thinking
real-world problems. You will learn the theories skills. You will have the opportunity to explore
and techniques of applied statistics as well as the international business context, while
how to select the appropriate statistical method also understanding issues and experiences
for any given situation and how to turn your relevant to your own local environment. You
conclusions into business-critical decisions. will learn to question and analyse information,
think independently, develop arguments,
In addition to gaining core analytical skills, you
and boost your communication skills – all of
will also understand how to communicate
which are highly valued by employers.
your results effectively, making you a highly
sought-after candidate for any business. You can look forward to a career in areas of
This diploma is also a good foundation for business, banking, general management,
further postgraduate study in the field. accountancy, consulting and marketing. The
degree is also ideal for anyone with business
experience who wants to consolidate their
knowledge, and potentially advance their
career, with a solid academic qualification.

“The most rewarding

part is that my degree is
accepted wherever I go. If
I had completed a degree
in Pakistan I would have
had to have it recognised
when I moved to London
or anywhere else, so this is
accepted anywhere I go.”
Mahnoor Fatima
BSc Business and Management

20 Prospectus 2020
Commercial Law Common Law
GradDip CertHE
Laws Consortium: Birkbeck, Laws Consortium: Birkbeck,
Start: May / October Start: May / October
This specialised diploma offers you the opportunity Build the foundations of your legal studies,
to gain a solid understanding of Commercial law, as learning the core principles of areas such as
well as the key principles of a range of other legal Public law, Contract law and Criminal law, as well
areas. You will develop the ability to identify specific as how to identify and use a range of different
legal issues within case studies and apply your sources. You will be encouraged to apply your
knowledge to provide practical advice and solutions. knowledge and understanding of relevant legal
Honing your problem-solving skills, you will be doctrines to articulate an argument in response
encouraged to think of creative ways to approach to specific case studies and scenarios.
materials and engage with contemporary debates.
The Certificate of Higher Education in
The Graduate Diploma is a qualification in its own Common Law is a qualification in its own right
right and is ideal if you are eligible for admission but it is also an excellent entry route if you
to the LLB but do not wish to register for the full are ready to study for a degree but do not
degree, or if you require a bridging qualification have the qualifications usually required.
for postgraduate study on, for example, the LLM. 21
Computer Science
(Data Science)
Start: April / October
The field of data science has seen rapid growth
in recent years as organisations have begun to
gather data at scale across many sectors. New
data is being produced at an exceptionally fast
rate across the world. It’s the role of data scientists
to make sense of this information and create
accurate predictions, treatments and services
tailored to individuals. Develop the skills you need
to be a data scientist, concentrating on machine
learning, artificial intelligence, and data analytics.

Computer Science
Computer Science (Games Development)
Goldsmiths Goldsmiths
Start: April / October Start: April / October
Get ready for an exciting career in tech with this It is estimated that more than 2.5 billion of us play
interactive degree delivered through Coursera, the video games worldwide and the global games
world’s largest online learning platform. Through market is expected to be worth $180 billion by
a range of immersive learning experiences and 2021. The Computer Science (Games Development)
hands-on project work you will develop not only the BSc is ideal if you have a passion for gaming
strong programming and mathematical techniques and want to be part of this thriving industry.
you need but also the communication, project Learn how to create software tailored to
management and teamwork skills that will set games development, produce high standard
you apart from the crowd – all while developing a graphics, narratives and interaction design
portfolio of work to present to potential employers. and explore the exciting opportunities
You can choose to study pure Computer Science or available in Virtual Reality systems.
one of seven cutting edge specialisms – from Virtual
Reality to Artificial Intelligence. Whichever path you
take, you will find a world of exciting jobs awaiting
you – some of which may not even exist yet.

22 Prospectus 2020
Computer Science Computer Science
(Machine Learning and AI) (User Experience)
Goldsmiths Goldsmiths
Start: April / October Start: April / October
From digital assistants that respond to your voice, Our daily lives involve complex tasks, requiring
to self-driving cars and adaptive education systems, interaction with a plethora of computer systems.
machine learning and artificial intelligence are User experience design is a critical part of the
playing ever bigger roles in our daily lives. development of these systems, ensuring the
interaction between the individual, computer system
You can become part of the future of this
and the workflow it enables are all fit for purpose.
technology, gaining the mathematical and
engineering knowledge to construct your Explore the theories and techniques that
own fully functioning machine learning and AI underpin this fundamental area of technology
systems. Learn how machines make sense of design and development. You will learn how
the world through intelligent signal processing to apply the principles of Human Computer
and put that understanding to use, designing Interaction in multiple environments and have the
an AI system to solve a specific problem. opportunity to demonstrate your understanding
with your own user experience project.

Computer Science
(Physical Computing and Computer Science (Virtual Reality)
the Internet of Things) BSc
BSc Goldsmiths
Goldsmiths Start: April / October
Start: April / October Virtual reality is the creation of immersive,
simulated environments using computer systems.
Physical computing involves the creation of
Advancements in technology have now made
hardware devices that can sense and act in
virtual reality far more commercially accessible,
the real world. This rapidly growing new trend
and demand for people who can develop this
is finding applications across a huge range of
software is growing to meet consumer interest.
sectors, including smart homes, creative arts,
robotics and engineering control systems. Discover how you can build a world that you can
climb into and explore, using the latest technologies
You will learn how to design devices that compute in
in computer graphics, animation, immersive
real-world settings, as well as how to connect them,
interaction design and virtual reality. You will be able
virtually, to each other and the rest of the world via
to demonstrate your skills through project work and
the internet. Using these skills, you can develop your
create a portfolio ready to show future employers.
own devices and systems, exploring the untapped
potential of this exciting area of technology. 23
Computer Science (Web and Computing and
Mobile Development) Information Systems
BSc BSc / CertHE /
Goldsmiths Work Experience Entry Route
Start: April / October Goldsmiths
With the global mobile app market booming
Start: November
and expected to be worth $139 billion by 2021, Give yourself the competitive edge in the fast-
there is no better time to join this crucial area of changing world of computing with this solid
software development. Many of the world’s biggest grounding in computer technology. With a
technology companies maintain large-scale web strong focus on maths, this course gives you
applications, providing services such as social media, the opportunity to explore the theories and
search, advertising and video and audio streaming. concepts that underpin all modern computing
You will learn the core skills needed to develop – from programming to databases and artificial
applications for the web and mobile devices like intelligence – and understand how they link
smartphones and tablets and have the opportunity to business and information systems.
to apply your knowledge to developing your In the degree you will be able to put your practical
own application. These skills will be in demand skills to the test with exciting project work, which
across a huge selection of industries, from health will form the basis of a portfolio for future job
and education to finance and creative media. interviews. The CertHE must be studied at a
recognised institution – please refer to our website
for a full list of centres offering this programme.

“I would strongly recommend

the University of London. It
really does equip you with
the tools necessary to go out
into the world and make a
difference. I graduated with
enough systems design and
software lifecycle knowledge
to start a software business.”
Davidson Edwards
BSc Computing and
Information Systems

24 Prospectus 2020
Creative Computing Data Science and
BSc / CertHE / Work Business Analytics
Experience Entry Route BSc
Goldsmiths LSE
Start: November Start: November
Get ready to be part of the next generation of Connect the theories to real-world business
creative computing professionals. Explore the scenarios with this essential training in the
exciting opportunities to combine creativity and core principles of Data Science. Developing
technical computer expertise, understanding an understanding of probability, statistics,
and enjoying the juxtaposition of science mathematics and computing tools, you will
and art. From digitally created music to the be encouraged to apply your learning to
use of robotics in modern theatre, there are commercial challenges across multiple sectors,
endless potential applications to discover. including finance, economics and marketing.
If you are an artist, musician or film-maker, or if you With a strong grounding in complex
want to work at the intersection of technology and mathematical and statistical modelling and
art – such as animation or games development the skills to use various statistical software
– this programme offers the ideal opportunity to packages, you will be an excellent candidate for
nurture your creativity and sharpen your technical a number of data science and analysis roles.
knowledge and skills. The CertHE must be studied at
a recognised institution – please refer to our website
for a full list of centres offering this programme.

Data Science
Start: November
As the world becomes ever more data-driven,
develop the analytical skills that are much sought
after by employers. From asset management
to pharmaceuticals, retail to insurance, the
future is bright for any aspiring data scientist.
You will become a competent and confident data
modeller and interpreter, learning the core theories
and principles of statistics and machine learning.
You will be able to demonstrate independent
data analysis and use the latest statistical software
to provide data-driven solutions to business
problems. The diploma is also an excellent
entry route for further postgraduate study. 25
Development and Economics Divinity and Theology
BSc BD / DipHE / CertHE
LSE University of London
Start: November Start: November
Apply your interest in economics to the challenge Whether you are an active member of a faith
of global development. Explore how we can make community, or have no faith at all, learning about
social and political changes to support more people others’ beliefs can help you understand how
globally to reach their potential. You will gain insights societies have been shaped and wrestle with
from various disciplines, including politics, social complex issues, which go to the heart of who
theory and geography, to understand contemporary we are as human beings. Take the opportunity
solutions to international development inequalities. to reflect on your own answers to some of life’s
most important questions and develop your
Using case study material from South East Asia,
skills in constructing reasoned arguments.
Latin America and Africa, as well as your own
knowledge of the development process wherever The University of London Bachelor of Divinity (BD)
you live, you will have the opportunity to develop is one of the oldest and most highly respected
the analytical and communication skills needed for in the world. While the focus is on Christianity,
jobs in diplomacy, government and consultancy. there are options to study other religions and/or
specialise in areas such as philosophy or church
history. Theology is particularly useful for those
working in churches but is also applicable to
Digital Innovation teaching, social services and the voluntary sector.
Start: November
Discover the impact that digital technologies
are having, and will have, at your organisation.
Whether you work in health, banking or a
corporate environment, this diploma will give
you valuable insights into how you can best
exploit technologies and services to tackle
business problems, while understanding the
social significance of digital innovation.
You will have the opportunity to question and
analyse information, develop arguments, and boost
your communication skills – all of which will help
you in any future role. If your first degree was in
a different field, the diploma could also prepare
you for jobs in digital management, consultancy,
e-commerce and information systems.

26 Prospectus 2020
E-Business and Social Media Economics and Finance
GradDip BSc
Start: November Start: November
E-business and social media are having a profound Develop the expertise to solve practical
effect on how organisations across all industries problems arising in the financial sector. As well
engage with the world around them – but what as sharpening your economic reasoning, you will
impact are these technologies having on markets, learn quantitative and analytical skills, making
businesses and wider society? Explore the theories use of key tools from the fields of mathematics,
behind the development of e-business and social statistics, economics and econometrics.
media systems and understand how to avoid the
This solid academic grounding will prepare you
dangers around the mis-use of technology.
for a highly successful career in investment or
If you are a graduate looking to move into digital commercial banking, risk or fund management,
innovation or improve your career prospects or securities trading. The degree is also an
and advance to management, this diploma gives excellent entry route to further study.
you the ideal opportunity to demonstrate your
understanding of how to use e-business and social
media to improve organisational performance.
Economics and Management
Economics LSE
BSc / GradDip Start: November
LSE Use your knowledge and understanding of
Start: November economics and apply those concepts and
methods to management issues. Exploring
Whether you are analysing the decisions an how organisations work and how they interact
individual household makes on saving and spending, will help you to appreciate the evolution of
or considering international trade and economic industries and the functioning of markets. You
development, the study of economics is an exciting will also learn the core concepts of related fields
work in progress. Learn how to undertake a logical such as finance, accounting and sociology.
analysis of social and individual decision-making
If you are interested in a career in accountancy,
and understand how households and businesses
banking or general management, or if you are
interact to determine a country’s national output.
an aspiring entrepreneur, this degree offers
You will develop strong skills in a variety of the ideal combination of theory and practical
disciplines, from verbal reasoning to mathematical application to prepare you for success.
and quantitative analysis – skills that are desirable
not only to work as an economist but in careers in
finance, government or international organisations. 27
Economics and Politics
BSc “The most rewarding part of my
LSE experience has been achieving a
Start: November
prestigious degree in a subject that I
love. Also, it was the different types
Explore the links between economics and policy, of writing that it opened up to me – I
in the wider context of social sciences. With a solid
foundation in the core aspects of economic analysis
have discovered a deep passion for the
you will use your understanding to formulate plays of Marlowe, Shakespeare, Kyd,
reasoned and logical economic and political Webster and their contemporaries
arguments. You will also have the opportunity to that I had not realised before.”
apply your reasoning to the analysis of a range
of key policy issues and engage with the main Benedict Jones
theoretical debates in the field of politics today. BA English
Gain the skills you need for an exciting career in United Kingdom
economics, policy, government or consultancy.

BA / DipHE / CertHE
Start: November
Indulge your love of literature and immerse yourself
in some of the world’s greatest works, from the
Middle Ages to present day, guided by the very latest
approaches to English studies in the 21st Century.
Understand the diverse and conflicting ways in
which texts are received and how cultural, historical
and regional change are reflected in literature. If
the English language is what fascinates you there
are a range of optional courses to explore the
impact of society, gender and media on language.
Your skills in presenting ideas clearly and
logically, critical thinking and analysing complex
information will be highly transferable and
applicable to many careers including publishing,
teaching, journalism, media and advertising.

28 Prospectus 2020
Finance International Development
GradDip BSc / GradDip
Start: November Start: November
Immerse yourself in the world of modern banking Gain the knowledge and skills you need to shape
and finance. Discover the contexts within which processes of social and economic change in order
banks now operate and how financial markets to reduce poverty and to create a better life for
manage risks. You will learn how to perform poorer people, and the countries where they live.
financial analyses and projections and gain an Exploring a range of social science disciplines, you
understanding of how to manipulate financial will learn how to conduct economic, political and
and other numerical data. You will also have social analysis and address real-world problems
the opportunity to apply core theories and such as economic growth, politics, humanitarianism
principles to real-world financial situations. and governance in developing countries.
The diploma is a stand-alone finance The International Development degree will give
qualification but also provides an ideal you a solid foundation for careers in development,
foundation and entry route for further research, management and consultancy.
postgraduate study in finance-related fields.

International Foundation
History Programme (IFP)
BA Foundation
RHUL University of London
Start: November Start: November
Step into some of the seminal moments in Prepare yourself for rigorous undergraduate
our history and reflect on the diversity of past study with this challenging programme
human experience – from the birth of Western that is equivalent to UK A levels. Providing
Christendom to the Civil Rights Movement in a firm grounding in the social sciences, this
the USA, and from Roman history and society award makes you eligible for many of our
to US foreign policy during the Cold War. undergraduate programmes and for entry at
Explore a range of interpretations, theories and various other universities, including in the UK.
approaches that historians have adopted and
tested over time and expand your awareness Universities have their own application criteria.
of how history has shaped your society. We advise you to speak to them direct before
applying to ensure you are eligible and whether
Understanding our past teaches us what we there are any specific grades you need to achieve.
have done to get to the present and helps to Visit our website for a full list of universities that
influence the future. The skills you will gain will accept the IFP for entry consideration.
in a history degree are transferable across
many different careers, including advertising,
journalism, teaching and museum curation. 29
International Relations
“Three months after completing BSc
school I opted to study the LLB LSE
through the University of London, as Start: November
I was confident of the University’s
name in upholding its international Engage with the latest issues and debates in
international relations, assessing core literature and
reputation of academic distinction.” theories in the field. Sharpen your skills in analysing
Sonali Wanigabaduge complex information and forming logical arguments
LLB – skills that are useful in a number of careers,
including diplomacy, government and consultancy.
Sri Lanka
If you have studied another subject area previously,
such as economics or law, and want to understand
the international dimensions of that discipline,
this degree provides the ideal opportunity to
explore some of the biggest issues in our world
today – from environmental degradation to the
globalising of economy and human rights.

Laws (LLB)
Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
Laws Consortium: Birkbeck,
Start: May / October
Dating back to the 1890s, the University of London
LLB is internationally regarded as ‘gold standard’. It is
recognised as a Qualifying Law Degree in England
and Wales (provided certain pathways are followed)
and fulfils the requirements of the Academic Stage
of legal training, preparing you to move on to the
next stage of training (the Vocational Stage). You
will develop a critical awareness of the common
law legal tradition and hone your problem-solving
skills for a range of legal and non-legal settings.
Follow in the footsteps of thousands of
distinguished solicitors, barristers and judges
around the world and begin your legal
career with the University of London.

30 Prospectus 2020
Management Mathematics and Economics
GradDip BSc
Start: November Start: November
Discover the concepts and principles that If you have a strong ability in mathematics
underpin real-world management and begin and are interested in pursuing a career or
to look at issues from a variety of perspectives. further postgraduate study in economics, this
Using theories of business and sociology degree will provide an excellent springboard
you will explore the key aspects of successful for you. Discover how to combine and relate
organisational management and learn how to mathematics with statistics and economics,
develop strong arguments in a logical manner. and understand how mathematical theories
can be used in an economics context.
Whether you study the diploma as a stand-alone
qualification, or as the foundation for further You will be ready to pursue a career as an
postgraduate study, you will develop the essential economist in industry, finance or government,
skills needed for a range of careers in management, or you can use the solid grounding that this
consultancy and financial management. degree provides in a range of other roles
where your skills will be highly valued.

Management and
Digital Innovation Philosophy
BA / DipHE / CertHE
Start: November
Start: November
For thousands of years, people have asked
Get ahead in your digital career and learn how
fundamental questions about the world, their
to make the best use of innovation and social
place in it, and their relation to each other. From
media in real-world professional settings. Learn
the nature of existence and reality to logic and
cutting-edge techniques and understand
reasoning and the question of ethics and moral
how to deploy them across any industry.
value, the study of Philosophy will challenge
Whether you decide to work in information you to improve your powers of reasoning and
systems management, in a software house argument. You will learn about major thinkers
or in ICT management consultancy, the including Plato, Aristotle, Descartes and Kant and
analytical and communication skills you learn to make connections between the ideas and
learn will prepare you for career success. arguments that inform philosophical debates.
The skills you gain in analysing complex ideas,
understanding people and forming logical
arguments will prepare you for numerous careers
including public service, media, law and teaching. 31
Politics and International Social Sciences
Relations CertHE
LSE Start: November
Start: November
Build the foundations for an academic
Engage with some of the biggest issues facing exploration of the social sciences. You will
the international community, including the develop core analytical and communication
causes of war and the conditions of peace. skills and will be able to choose from a host of
Analyse how political power is distributed and exciting courses, ranging from ‘Introduction
organised within and between states and learn to economics’ to ‘World history since 1945’.
about the central principles of international The Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) in
economic relations, such as globalisation. Social Sciences is a qualification in its own right
Gaining a strong understanding of the behaviour but also provides a useful entry route to further
of states and their relations with each other will set undergraduate study in Economics, Management,
you up for a successful career in journalism, the civil Finance and Social Sciences courses. You must study
service, the business world or the public sector. the Certificate at a Recognised Teaching Centre –
please refer to our website for a full list of Centres
offering this programme:

BSc Teacher Development
King's Professional Graduate
Start: April Certificate in Education
Gain a thorough understanding of human behaviour UCL Institute of Education
and learn to apply psychological science to a
Start: March / September
variety of contemporary and social challenges.
With an emphasis on quantitative and qualitative Become a better teacher and learn from colleagues
research methods and statistical analysis, this working in schools around the world with this
programme will provide you with a contemporary valuable professional qualification. Take time
approach to the study of the human mind. to reflect on your own teaching practices and
understand how they fit with other models
Content for the programme is enriched by the
of teaching, in the context of research from
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience,
academics of the UCL Institute of Education.
a world leader in the research, study and practice
of psychiatry, psychology and related disciplines. The programme is particularly relevant if you
have not had the opportunity to get an honours-
level undergraduate degree and is also a useful
entry route for potential Master’s level study.

32 Prospectus 2020
Postgraduate study

University of London From time management and Study materials

organisation to analytical skills, critical
degrees offer you more thinking and industry-specific tools,
and support
than just an in-depth gaining a postgraduate qualification All our students have access to
study materials that draw on the
knowledge of your from the University of London will
cutting-edge research of the
help you to stand out from the crowd
subject area, they also in future job applications, or give you a Colleges of the University of London.
give you the opportunity head start in a potential career change. This includes a range of printed
and online resources. Some of our
to develop skills that postgraduate programmes also
employers value. How long will my offer the option of studying courses
study take? on-campus in London, or attending
You have between six months and five intensive study sessions in London.
years for a Postgraduate Certificate
or Diploma; and between one and Take exams
five years for a Master’s degree. You
can also study individual modules
wherever you are
for professional development. All exam papers are set and
marked in London, but you can
take your exams at any of our
350+ exam centres around the
world. Postgraduate programmes
usually have exam sessions around
May and October each year.

Build up your
If you’re not ready to commit to a
full degree or you don’t meet the
entrance requirements, most of our
postgraduate programmes allow you
to start with a Certificate or Diploma
and work your way up to a degree.
Many programmes also allow you
to enrol for an individual course,
which you can get credit for if you
decide to go on to a qualification. 33
Postgraduate programmes


Applied Educational Leadership MA / PGDip / PGCert UCL Institute of Education
Climate Change and Development MSc / PGDip / PGCert SOAS
Clinical Trials MSc / PGDip / PGCert LSHTM
Data Science MSc / PGDip / PGCert Goldsmiths
Demography and Health MSc / PGDip / PGCert LSHTM
Epidemiology MSc / PGDip / PGCert LSHTM
Finance and Financial Law MSc SOAS
Finance (Major: Banking) MSc SOAS
Finance (Major: Economic Policy) MSc SOAS
Finance (Major: Financial Sector Management) MSc SOAS
Finance (Major: Quantitative Finance) MSc SOAS
Global Corporations and Policy MSc SOAS
Global Diplomacy MA SOAS
Global Diplomacy: Middle East and North Africa MA SOAS
Global Diplomacy: South Asia MA SOAS
Global Energy and Climate Policy MSc SOAS
Global Health Policy MSc / PGDip / PGCert LSHTM
Global MBA (Specialisms: Accountancy; MBA / PGDip / PGCert QMUL
Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Finance; Health;
Law; Leadership)
Global Public Policy MSc / PGDip / PGCert SOAS
Global Security and Strategy MA / PGDip / PGCert SOAS
Human Resource Management MSc / PGDip Birkbeck
Human Rights MA / PGDip / PGCert SAS
Humanitarian Action MSc / PGDip / PGCert SOAS
Infectious Diseases MSc / PGDip / PGCert LSHTM
Information Security MSc/ PGDip RHUL
International Business Administration MSc SOAS
International Development MSc / PGDip / PGCert SOAS
International Sports Management PGCert University of London
Laws LLM / PGDip / PGCert QMUL and UCL
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education PGCert University of London
Livestock Health and Production MSc / PGDip / PGCert RVC
Muslim Minorities in a Global Context MA SOAS
Organizational Psychology MSc, PGDip Birkbeck
Petroleum Geoscience MSc, PGDip RHUL
Professional Accountancy MSc, PGCert UCL
Public Financial Management MSc SOAS
Public Health MSc / PGDip / PGCert LSHTM

34 Prospectus 2020
Public Policy and Management MSc SOAS
Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies MA SAS
Supply Chain Management and Global Logistics MSc / PGDip / PGCert City
Sustainable Development MSc / PGDip / PGCert SOAS
Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health MSc / PGDip / PGCert RVC

Key to table Please note: all student fees published

on our website are net of any local Please note: the University
PG Dip: Postgraduate Diploma
VAT, Goods and Services Tax (GST) of London continues to
PG Cert: Postgraduate Certificate or any other sales tax payable by the develop new and innovative
student in their country of residence. programmes covering a wide
Fees Where the University is required range of subjects with academic
to add VAT, GST or any other sales direction from our member
Fees are subject to annual revision
tax at the local statutory rate, this institutions. For more information
and typically may be increased by up
will be added during the payment visit:
to five per cent per annum. The full
process. For students resident in the
list of annual fees for the programmes
UK, our fees are exempt from VAT.
is available on the Student Fees web
page, which is updated as required.
Please visit: Financial assistance
There are a variety of funding
We offer flexible payment options.
sources available, depending on the
You can either make a single payment
programme you choose, where you
upfront covering the registration
live and a number of other factors.
fee and all module fees (therefore
Some employers in both the public
avoiding any subsequent annual
and private sectors may offer financial
increase). Or you can choose to
assistance to their employees.
spread your payments out by paying
For more information visit:
the registration fee plus the fee
for each module you take in your
first year. In subsequent years, you
pay the fee for each new module Key dates
you take. These payments do not Application and registration dates
include local Teaching Centre fees. vary across our postgraduate
programmes. For the most up-to-
Besides the fees payable to the
date information, please visit the
University, you will have to pay an
relevant programme page on our
additional fee to your local exam
website at:
centre (this fee will vary). For the
majority of postgraduate programmes,
there is no additional financial outlay
as students are sent everything they
need to complete their studies. 35
Postgraduate programmes

Applied Educational Leadership Climate Change and Development

MA / PG Diploma / PG Certificate MSc /PG Diploma / PG Certificate
UCL Institute of Education SOAS
Start: January Start: February / August
Gain insights from your educational colleagues Investigate the key issues surrounding climate
around the world as you share your professional change in development – from energy access
experiences and discover new ideas to put into to poverty and from gender to social justice.
practice. Explore theory and research on educational Drawing on concepts and methods from a
management and leadership that you will be able to range of disciplines, including economics and
apply to your current role and use directly to improve political economy, environmental science and
your own educational institutions and policy. human geography, you will gain critical insight
into how current development models produce
This internationally relevant programme is ideal if
environmental problems that themselves
you currently work in school or college leadership
threaten the objectives of development.
and want to advance your career or if you work
in consultancy, policy or inspection roles and Enhance your analytical skills and learn how to
would like to expand your understanding. solve adaptation problems and identify low carbon
development options – skills that will make you
highly sought after for roles in the public sector,
NGOs, consultancies and international organisations.

“The programme Clinical Trials

provides academic MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
rigour, opportunities for
critical reflection and LSHTM
a wealth of resources Start: September
that can help someone Analyse and understand the decisions affecting
with a real interest the design, delivery and assessment of clinical trials
to make a difference – one of the most important types of evaluation
conducted on components of healthcare worldwide.
in their schools.” Expand your knowledge of key concepts in statistics
and epidemiology and sharpen your practical skills.
Margarita Mansola
MA Applied Educational Leadership Whether you are a health professional looking
Greece to broaden your role in the field of clinical trials,
or you wish to develop a better understanding
of trials before you move into the field, this
programme offers the opportunity to learn from
some of the foremost experts in the world.

36 Prospectus 2020
Data Science
MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
Start: April / October
Learn how to apply technology to real world
data science problems and gain an in depth
understanding of emerging technologies, statistical
analysis and computational techniques. Study
based on your interests and acquire transferable
skills to advance your career aspirations.
By studying this degree, you will have the
option to study one of the specialist pathways
in Artificial Intelligence or Financial Technology;
address skills required by data scientists to drive
improvements in organisational performance;
have the opportunity to create your own
data analysis projects; and earn a prestigious
qualification that is valued across the globe. 37
Demography and Health Finance and Financial Law
MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate MSc / PG Diploma
Start: September Start: January / April / June
Explore the links between population studies and The rapid and wide-ranging changes occurring
health – from fertility and sexual behaviour to in financial markets around the world, as well as
ageing, health inequalities and life expectancy. This in the legal and regulatory environment in which
programme offers professional training in population they operate, has created a demand for people
studies, emphasising health and social epidemiology. with expertise in both finance and financial law.
In this integrated programme you will learn
The technical expertise and understanding you gain
how financial and legal principles are applied
will prepare you for a successful career in public
in practice as well as in theory and develop
health, NGOs, reproductive health programmes,
your understanding of a range of topics linked
health services, government statistical offices,
to both disciplines, such as risk management,
as well as policy and planning organisations. It
regulation and mergers and acquisitions.
is also an ideal entry route for further academic
study and research of a wide variety. Your specialist knowledge – relevant to both national
and international finance – will be much sought
after by banks and investment firms, legal practices,
regulatory institutions and the academic world.
MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate Finance (Major: Banking)
Start: September SOAS
Start: January / April / June
Get ready to make valuable contributions to
medical research and public health, developing Take the next step in your career in finance or
the knowledge and key statistical skills required financial policy and build on your understanding
to understand health problems in both the of how banks and financial markets relate to
developed and the developing world. Learn how overall economic performance. Discover more
to apply epidemiological methods to investigate about core banking activities, retirement and
the causes of disease and evaluate the impact of financial planning, commercial credit and
interventions for treating and preventing ill health. factoring, and liquidity and risk management.
The conceptual knowledge and practical tools you The MSc Finance (Banking) is one of four
gain will prepare you for a career in medical research pathways on offer, tailored to suit your existing
– whether that be in public health, epidemiological skills and ambitions. The knowledge and
field studies, or disease control in governmental, tools you develop will prepare you for career
NGOs or donor institutions. The programme is also progress within banking, fund management,
suitable if you need to advance your understanding consultancy and international bodies.
of epidemiology – for example, medical journalists
and scientific officers in government and industry.

38 Prospectus 2020
Finance (Major: Economic Policy) Finance
MSc (Major: Quantitative Finance)
Start: January / April / June SOAS
Start: January / April / June
Explore key issues of financial policy and the
impact they have on banking and financial If your career in banks or other financial institutions
markets. Understand the changing role of the requires knowledge of statistical (particularly
International Monetary Fund and other institutions econometric) and quantitative approaches to
of international finance, while developing your risk and derivatives, this programme is ideally
knowledge of macro- and microeconomics. suited to you. Build on your existing skills to
The MSc Finance (Economic Policy) is one of learn the core foundations and techniques of
four pathways on offer, tailored to suit your risk management and how to apply financial
existing skills and ambitions. The knowledge and principles to the valuation of derivatives.
tools you develop will prepare you for career The MSc Finance (Quantitative Finance) is one
progress within banking, fund management, of four pathways on offer, tailored to suit your
consultancy and international bodies. existing skills and ambitions. The knowledge and
tools you develop will prepare you for career
progress within banking, fund management,
consultancy and international bodies.
Finance (Major: Financial
Sector Management)
MSc Global Corporations and Policy
Start: January / April / June SOAS
Develop your understanding of the principles, Start: April / October
applications and context underlying decision-
making in financial sector management. Explore one Step into the world of multinational corporations
of the most prominent features of modern finance to understand the role they play in both the
– its globalisation. You will also have the option global economy and international affairs. Analyse
to study related fields including econometrics, the principal social, political, macroeconomic
valuation and macro- and microeconomics. and environmental effects of multinationals
and the policy and regulatory problems they
The MSc Finance (Financial Sector Management)
create. You will also look at how international
is one of four pathways on offer, tailored to suit
patterns of production have changed and the
your existing skills and ambitions. The knowledge
political drivers for production processes.
and tools you develop will prepare you for career
progress within banking, fund management, With the skills and knowledge you gain, you
consultancy and international bodies. could become an advisor, manager, researcher
or project professional with a multinational
corporation, trade union or advocacy organisation. 39
Global Diplomacy Global Diplomacy: Middle
MA East and North Africa
Start: April / October SOAS
Start: April / October
Get to grips with the very latest research in
the fields of Diplomatic and International Deepen your understanding of international
Studies to understand the core theories affairs and contemporary diplomatic practice with
underpinning diplomacy, and how these a specific focus on the Middle East and North
have evolved through different eras. Learn Africa. Benefit from understanding how and
practical approaches to international affairs why diplomacy has evolved and learn practical
and politics that you can apply to your career applications for your job. You will also have the
in foreign services, wherever you are based. option to select a number of elective modules
The skills you acquire will also benefit you if you ranging from Global Citizenship and Advocacy to
work in international finance, international law International Economics and Trade Diplomacy.
or other aspects of business, where you may While the programme is ideal for anyone
face similar challenges and having a greater pursuing career progression in diplomatic or
understanding of diplomacy and negotiation related fields, the skills you acquire will also be
will give you a competitive advantage. relevant if you work in international finance,
international law or other aspects of business in
the Middle East and North Africa. Having a greater
understanding of diplomacy and negotiation
will give you a competitive advantage.

40 Prospectus 2020
Global Diplomacy: South Asia Global Health Policy
MA MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
Start: April / October Start: September
Deepen your understanding of international Whether you have a background in health
affairs and contemporary diplomatic practice or are simply interested in developing a
with a specific focus on South Asia. Benefit greater understanding of health policy, the
from understanding how and why diplomacy world’s first Masters-level distance learning
has evolved and learn practical applications programme on global health policy offers
for your job. You will also have the option to you an exciting opportunity to explore
select a number of elective modules ranging this rich and complex landscape.
from Global Citizenship and Advocacy to
You will analyse the health determinants and
International Economics and Trade Diplomacy.
outcomes that transcend national boundaries
While the programme is ideal for anyone pursuing and study the policy responses required to
career progression in diplomatic or related fields, protect and promote population health in a
the skills you acquire will also be relevant if you globalising world. This expertise will prepare you
work in international finance, international law or for policy roles in national, regional or global
other aspects of business in South Asia. Having health organisations, health-related research
a greater understanding of diplomacy and institutions, NGOs and private consultancies.
negotiation will give you a competitive advantage.

Global Energy and Climate Policy

Start: April / October
Gain the knowledge and expertise you need to be
a future leader in global energy and climate change.
Explore the latest theories from a range of disciplines
linked to climate policy including diplomatic studies
and political economy, and learn how policymaking
is the key to creating a regulatory environment in
which the low-carbon energy system can flourish.
Your understanding of fundamental issues, such as
new energy sources and the geopolitics of energy,
will prepare you for an exciting career working
for NGOs, government departments, regulatory
agencies or a number of international organisations. 41
Global MBA
“I consciously keep developing myself, MBA / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
through learning, for the next level
in my career path. Beyond what I QMUL
already know from previous studies Start: January / April / July / October
and professional experience, I believe Join the next generation of global business leaders,
the Global MBA will develop the combining professional qualifications with this
entrepreneurial spirit and business world-class academic degree. With a choice of
specialist areas – accountancy, entrepreneurship and
expertise needed for my career innovation, finance, health, law, and leadership – you
advancement. I am confident it will have the opportunity to share your experience
will equip me to go even further with colleagues around the world and bring fresh
by increasing my professional insights to your workplace while you study.
reputation and expanding my The Global MBA is accredited by a number of
networking opportunities.” professional bodies, including ACCA, CMI and
CIMA and any existing professional qualifications
Irene Uti-Egbeogu you hold will be taken into account, meaning
Nigeria you may be able to complete the degree faster.
Global MBA Take the next step in your career and build the
(Leadership specialism) skills that are most sought after by employers.

Global Public Policy

MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
Start: April / October
Further your understanding of the public
policy landscape at national, transnational and
international levels. Through this programme
you will explore the policy challenges of cross-
cutting, transnational issues in gender, climate
change, resource geopolitics, nuclear proliferation,
security and terrorism, sport, trade and economic
governance. Gain the skills needed to critically
evaluate and develop solutions for policy issues
of global resonance that lay at the intersection
of public, private and non-profit sectors.

42 Prospectus 2020
Global Security and Strategy Human Rights
MA / PG Diploma / PG Certificate MA / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
Start: April / October Start: February / September
The MA in Global Security and Strategy takes Designed in collaboration with leading human rights
a critical view to traditional strategic studies, activists from around the world, this programme
encompassing Africa, Asia and Middle East will give you the practical skills, as well as the
approaches to grand strategy for peace and security, theoretical understanding, to make a real difference.
conflict resolution, international collaboration, war Investigate the very latest issues in human rights,
technologies and disarmament. Delivered by the such as the impact of environmental destruction
Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy, on human rights; human rights and the Sustainable
the programme has an inter-disciplinary structure, Development Goals; or cultural genocide.
drawing on SOAS expertise and the public discussion
of security and strategy in a globalised world. Studying with a global mix of students, you can look
forward to a fulfilling career working in government,
UN agencies or for a major international NGO
such as Amnesty International, Oxfam, Friends
Human Resource Management of the Earth or Anti-Slavery International.

MSc / PG Diploma
Birkbeck Humanitarian Action
Start: January / April
MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
Enhance your understanding of Human Resource SOAS
Management and its role in the organisational
psychology of modern workplaces. Explore Start: April / October
areas such as developing strategic aims,
How and where is humanitarian aid given, and
maintaining well-being at work, and selecting,
how does it interact with the political and military
motivating and developing staff. You will be
complexities of emergency contexts? How have
encouraged to carry out your own research,
critiques of humanitarian aid, including from
using statistical analysis on quantitative data.
recipients, impacted on humanitarian action?
Whether you already work in HR or are looking to
This programme will help you build up a critical
make a change, you will be able to progress your
understanding of the ideological underpinnings,
career in any direction you choose, from training to
constraints and politics of humanitarian action.
motivational speaking and from careers advise to
You will gain an analytical and empirical
management within multinational organisations.
view of Humanitarian Action and through
case studies examine the practicalities and
institutional learning in natural disasters, complex
emergencies and humanitarianism in Europe. 43
Infectious Diseases
“The flexibility of being able to MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
choose when I studied modules LSHTM
allowed me to balance my life,
which was really important to Start: September
me. It was large part in Develop your understanding of infectious diseases,
my success in completing as well as how to design strategies for their
control and treatment. Learn the fundamental
my degree because principles of core topics including biology,
without the flexibility biostatistics, epidemiology, and the control of
I wouldn’t have been infectious diseases and then have the chance to
able to enrol.” choose from a variety of interesting specialisms
– from parasitology to nutrition and infection.
Jamie Rees Benefitting from the London School of Hygiene &
MSc Information Security Tropical Medicine’s world-renowned reputation in
Canada the study of clinical and epidemiological aspects
of diseases, this programme is ideal if you are
a health professional wanting to acquire new
knowledge or update your current expertise.

Information Security
MSc / PG Diploma
Start: October
Learn about the essential aspects of cyber security,
including cryptography, computer and network
security, and security management, with this
commercially relevant programme designed
by one of the foremost academic security
groups in the world. Gain the core principles
and management techniques you need for
senior level careers in Information Security.
Whether you are a recent graduate or are a
senior security manager looking for a formal
qualification, you will be ready for a successful
career working in a wide range of companies,
from finance to technology or consultancy.

44 Prospectus 2020
International Business International Sports Management
Administration PG Certificate
MSc University of London in collaboration
SOAS with World Academy of Sports
Start: January / April / June Start: January
As the regions of Asia and Africa become leading The Postgraduate Certificate in International Sports
and emerging economies in the world, now is Management is a globally recognised, academically
the time to develop your international business sound and industry-focused qualification, which has
skills and prepare yourself to respond to global been collaboratively developed by the University
opportunities. Explore the interplay between of London and World Academy of Sport (WAoS).
global and local factors that influence management
decisions and learn to question your assumptions This programme will provide you with an in-depth
about your own regional business environment. understanding of the latest sport management
strategies and help you to develop the skills needed
The skills you acquire will make you highly sought for the professional management of organisations
after for senior roles in banking, finance, business and projects within the dynamic sport industry.
consultancy and international corporations.

International Development
MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
Start: April / October
International Development is a dynamic
field concerned not only with processes of
change in the South, but of social, economic,
political and cultural change in middle
income countries and the Global North.
This programme brings together the key disciplines
of political economy and sociology, providing a
thorough grounding of the concepts, debates and
challenges that shape international development. 45
Master of Laws (LLM) / PG Diploma /
PG Certificate
Start: March / October
Whether you are a practising lawyer, LLB graduate
or non-legal professional, our world-class, flexible
LLM is designed to support you in your career. With
over 30 specialisations and 60 courses, you can either
choose to build a broad range of skills or qualify in
a specific field such as equity and trusts, intellectual
property law, or banking and finance law. You will
gain many of the key attributes required by law
firms – advanced, specialist legal training and the
ability to work in a multinational legal environment.
The Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate
Diploma can be taken as stand-alone awards. You
can also accumulate credits as you go, moving from
the Postgraduate Certificate to the Postgraduate
Diploma and on to the Master of Laws (LLM).

“The best part of my experience

was what I studied. For instance,
I did financial services laws and
studied financial crime which was
useful in my work as a financial
compliance officer. I found it really
rewarding that I could apply what
I was learning in my work.”
Ixora-Rose Wong-Williams
British Virgin Islands

46 Prospectus 2020
Learning and Teaching Muslim Minorities in
in Higher Education a Global Context
PG Certificate MA
University of London SOAS
Start: April / October Start: April / October
Advance your career in Higher Education, Political shifts in Muslim minority countries have put
working with colleagues around the world Muslim minorities in the spotlight and impacted
in a rich learning community to gain a core upon their relationship with their host societies.
understanding and direct hands-on experience Explore issues ranging from ethnicity to gender
of teaching, learning and assessment. Take the and Islamophobia in this highly interdisciplinary
opportunity to learn about the latest digital and programme. Understand the religious interpretations
online learning tools as well as gaining essential and practices that have raised unique challenges
skills and strategies in face-to-face teaching. within Muslim minority communities, both
in Western and non-Western contexts.
You will be encouraged to reflect on your own
professional development and focus on refining The knowledge and transferable skills you will
your leadership skills. You will earn University gain, including time management and the
of London Recognised Tutor status and have a ability to analyse and evaluate different sources,
desirable qualification for any Higher Education role. will help you in any career that requires an
understanding of intercultural relations and
policymaking at both local and national levels.
Livestock Health and Production
MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
Organizational Psychology
MSc / PG Diploma
Start: February
Gain the core understanding you need to improve
Start: January / April
the health and production of livestock and be
able to communicate about the health of animal By understanding organizations, you can develop
and human populations to a range of audiences and implement ways of improving them. Build
– from farmers to key policymakers. Discover your knowledge of a range of psychological
the interaction between livestock, people and theories that can be applied to the workplace, from
the environment and learn the key principles of selection and assessment to motivation, well-
epidemiology, economics and disease control. being and leadership. Using classic and current
This programme is not only suitable for veterinarians theory and research, you will examine outcomes
and livestock farmers but could also prepare at an individual and an organizational level.
you for a career in policymaking, research or Whether you already work in HR or management
working for an international organisation such or are aspiring to change career, this programme
as the World Health Organization (WHO). will give you the qualification you need to work in
training, motivation, careers advice or consultancy. 47
Petroleum Geoscience
“The most rewarding part has MSc / PG Diploma
been the learning resources
that were available. Having
access to an abundance Start: October
of resources provided a Hydrocarbons are a precious resource. Finding
lot knowledge. Also, the new reserves is becoming ever more challenging
and the enhanced recovery of reserves from
opportunity to connect existing fields is becoming increasingly important.
with other students Develop the practical and technical skills needed
around the world is to play a vital role in Petroleum Geoscience, from
great. It was cultural understanding the distribution of hydrocarbons
in sedimentary basins to quantifying the complex
exchange but also structural, stratigraphic and sedimentological
an exchange of architecture of individual reservoirs.
knowledge relating This internationally renowned programme is
to our studies.” informed by the latest research and links to the oil
industry. You will join a vibrant, global community as
Pichmolyka Nhek you work towards a successful and rewarding career.
MSc Professional
Professional Accountancy
MSc Pathway 1 / MSc Pathway 2 /
PG Certificate
Start: January / July
Combine your professional qualifications with a
world-class academic degree that will prepare
you for the next step in your career. This unique
programme offers you the opportunity to
complete an MSc in Professional Accountancy
and your ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified
Accountants) professional accountancy qualification
at the same time. Gain the skills you need to stand
out from the crowd and fulfil your ambition to
work in a senior accountancy or finance role.
If you’re a current ACCA student, you can gain
a master’s degree alongside your professional

48 Prospectus 2020
Public Financial Management Public Policy and Management
Start: January / April / June Start: January / April / June
Boost your career in public or international finance Successful civil servants, NGO workers, politicians
with this ACCA-endorsed programme. Develop and their advisers all need to have a wide range of
a strong understanding of core areas such as skills and knowledge to equip them to meet the
budgeting, revenue policy and compliance. Learn constantly changing challenges of public policy
where financial matters take a central position in and management. Develop your understanding of
policy, such as in public–private partnerships or the contemporary issues of making public policies
fiscal decentralisation. Explore decision-making and managing the public sector. You will have a
around investment projects, when and how to choice of eight modules and can select a path
use privatisation and public–private partnerships, that is best suited to your specialism, skills and
and how to manage the financial relationships objectives – from privatisation and public–private
between national and sub-national governments. partnerships to e-government and project appraisal.
The skills and knowledge you gain will prepare Your knowledge and ability to make decisions on
you for financial management roles in subnational the design of public policy and delivery of public
governments or financial scrutiny functions in services will make you an ideal candidate for roles
parliaments or Supreme Audit Institutions. in government and in public sector organisations
at the subnational, national or international level.

Public Health
MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
Start: September
Building on your current experiences in the
field, gain the essential skills you’ll need to make
a real difference to the health of individuals
and communities. With a choice of general
public health or one of three specialisms –
environment and health, health promotion or
health services management – this programme
will equip you with the knowledge to address
a range of real-world public health issues in
both low- and high-income settings.
After completing the programme, you can choose
to work at a community, hospital or district level,
in research or at a development organisation. 49
Supply Chain Management
and Global Logistics
MSc / PG Diploma
Start: April / October
Take the next step in your logistics career,
gaining an in-depth perspective of global
supply chains, and developing the strategic
and analytical tools to manage them. Immerse
yourself in the latest technologies and innovations
within industry, including artificial intelligence,
block chain technology, big data analytics
and automation. Explore live issues such as
risk mitigation, sustainability and ethics.
Developed by academics at the renowned Sir John
Cass Business School (Cass), this is the only online
programme to be accredited by both the Chartered
Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) and the
Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply
(CIPS), giving you the opportunity to receive an
Refugee Protection and award that is internationally valued and also gain
Forced Migration Studies membership to two leading professional bodies.
Sustainable Development
Start: March / October
MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
Develop the theoretical and practical understanding
of international refugee law and forced migration
that you will need for a rewarding career in Start: February / August
human rights and humanitarian relief. You will
build a solid foundation and learn how to gather, The global community faces problems of
organise and deploy evidence to form balanced poverty and profound environmental change
judgements and develop policy recommendations. that are interconnected in complex and dynamic
ways. Solutions to the challenge of sustainable
Potential employers include international agencies, development require holistic, integrated and co-
such as the United Nations High Commissioner for ordinated actions across a very wide range of sectors
Refugees (UNHCR), the International Committee and increasingly, a multidisciplinary approach.
of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International
Organization for Migration (IOM), as well as By examining the global environmental and
governmental bodies and non-governmental development challenges that have been articulated
organisations. in the Sustainable Development Goals, you will
develop a broad grounding in the main concepts
associated with sustainable development.

50 Prospectus 2020
Veterinary Epidemiology
and Public Health
MSc / PG Diploma / PG Certificate
Start: February
Explore the core concepts of veterinary
epidemiology and public health to tackle chronic
farm animal disease and apply herd health
programmes to maximise economic returns from
animal production. You will be encouraged to
challenge the perceptions of what constitutes safe
food production and make an objective judgement
on contemporary issues such as antibiotic resistance.
If you’re an animal health specialist, an
epidemiologist or a public health specialist, this
programme gives you an exciting opportunity to
deepen your understanding of epidemiology and
its links to livestock production and animal health.

“I would encourage vets

who want a challenge to
seriously consider the benefits
of postgraduate study. It
could open up a whole new
world of opportunity!”
Philip Robinson
MSc Veterinary Epidemiology
and Public Health
Northern Ireland 51
Short open courses

Delivered through Some of these are designed to Suitability for University

introduce you to the kind of themes
Coursera, the world’s of London students
that appear in our programmes,
largest online learning such as the new BSc Computer We encourage all current and
prospective students who are
platform, the University Science. Others involve study
interested in taking a MOOC
methods and general interest.
of London offers a with Coursera to do so.
You can register for free on many of
number of free online the University of London MOOCs. These are not University of
taster courses and If you would like a certificate of London awards, and do not
make you a University of London
Massive Open Online completion, you will need to make
student. However, in certain
a one-off payment to Coursera for
Courses (MOOCs). individual MOOCs, or pay a monthly circumstances, these courses can
subscription for Specialisations. help you to meet specific entry
Financial Aid is available for those criteria for our programmes.
who cannot afford the course fee. For example, if you would like to apply
Our MOOCs have an average learner for the MSc Professional Accountancy
satisfaction rating of 4.55/5. but you last sat professional exams
more than five years ago, you will
need to complete the ‘Keeping up
Awards for our MOOCs with Change’ course before you can
The ‘Understanding Research register for the master’s degree.
Methods’ MOOC developed by the
University of London and SOAS was The full list of our available courses
runner-up in the ‘Online and Distance can be found at:
Learning’ category at the Guardian
Higher Education Awards in 2015.
The ‘Enhance your Career and
Employability Skills’ MOOC, developed
by the University of London and the
Careers Group, won the prestigious
AGCAS Award for Technology in 2015.

52 Prospectus 2020 53
Short open courses

Course Academic Direction

Brand management: aligning business, brand and behaviour London Business School / University of London
Corporate strategy UCL/ University of London
Creative programming for digital media and mobile apps Goldsmiths / University of London
Film, images and historical interpretation in the 20th Century: RHUL / University of London
the camera never lies
Foundations of Data Science: K-means clustering in Python Goldsmiths / University of London
Get interactive – practical teaching with technology Bloomsbury Learning Environment /
University of London
Global diplomacy – diplomacy in the modern world SOAS / University of London
Global diplomacy – the United Nations in the world SOAS / University of London
Global energy and climate policy SOAS / University of London
How computers work Goldsmiths / University of London
How to finance and grow your startup – without vc London Business School / University of London
ICT in primary education: transforming children's learning UCL Institute of Education / University of London
across the curriculum
Information security: context and introduction Royal Holloway / University of London
International business essentials* University of London
Introduction to English common law University of London
Introduction to Computer Science programming* Goldsmiths / University of London
Introduction to who wrote Shakespeare Goldsmiths / University of London
Keeping up with change: issues for the finance professional University of London
The manager's toolkit: a practical guide Birkbeck / University of London
to managing people at work
Magna Carta and its legacies: freedom and protest University of London
Managing the company of the future London Business School / University of London
Mathematics for computer science Goldsmiths / University of London
Probability and statistics: to p or not to p? University of London
Quantitative foundations for international business University of London
Responsive website development and design* Goldsmiths / University of London
Supporting children with difficulties in reading and writing UCL Institute of Education / University of London
Teaching EFL/ESL reading: a task-based approach UCL Institute of Education / University of London
Understanding research methods SOAS / University of London
Virtual reality* Goldsmiths / University of London
What future for education? UCL / University of London


54 Prospectus 2020
Brand management: aligning Foundations of Data Science:
business, brand and behaviour K-means clustering in Python
Compare traditional approaches to branding, Grasp the core concepts of data science that will
where brands are a visual identity and a promise prepare you for intermediate and advanced data
to customers, with the idea of brand as a customer science courses. Organisations all around the world
experience delivered by the entire organisation. are using data to predict behaviours and extract
Along with guest videos from leading branding valuable real-world insights to inform decisions.
professionals, this course, led by Professor Nader You’ll learn the basic mathematics, statistics and
Tavassoli of London Business School, offers you programming skills that are necessary for data
a thorough workout for your own brand. analysis, and use these concepts to complete
a series of mathematical and programming
exercises and a small data clustering project.
Corporate strategy
Corporate strategy is the strategy a firm uses to Get interactive – practical
compete across multiple businesses – it includes teaching with technology
some of the most consequential decisions a firm
must make. Many small firms want to grow by Discover how you can create dynamic, interactive
entering new areas of business and this four- online courses using multimedia tools. Learn
week course has been developed to help you from your teaching colleagues around the world
make good corporate strategy decisions. through collaborative opportunities and feedback.
With access to the latest education theories and
Creative programming for research, you will be encouraged to examine
your own ideas about teaching and learning.
digital media and mobile apps
Dive into a rich creative environment and learn Global diplomacy – diplomacy
how to apply your technical skills to creative work in the modern world
ranging from video games to art installations to
interactive music. If you are an artist looking to use The Global Diplomacy course offers a unique
programming in your artistic practice, you do not opportunity to access cutting-edge research in
need to have any programming background – the broad fields of Diplomatic and International
additional resources will be available to support you. Studies, with some of the foremost instructors in
online learning. You will find it useful to undertake
Film, images and historical the Understanding Research Methods MOOC
from Coursera before beginning this course and
interpretation in the 20th we also advise you to read the volume Global
Century: the camera never lies Diplomacy: Theories, Types and Models authored
with Dr Alison Holmes (Westview, 2016).
Immerse yourself in the world of photojournalism
and explore how images and film have been
used to interpret key historical events of the
20th century. If you have an interest in history,
photojournalism or films based on historical
events, this short taster offers you the opportunity
to explore these topics using primary material. 55
Global diplomacy – the United How to finance and grow
Nations in the world your startup – without VC
Spark your interest in the complex working of the Kick start your business and learn how
United Nations, including its history and some of its entrepreneurial superstars like Michael Dell, Bill
key functions. This course offers a well-researched Gates and Richard Branson became so successful.
and broad-ranging introduction and will also support Learn how to use five models through which your
you to develop important analytical, communication, customers can fund your business. Get inspired by
and policy-based skills necessary to understand and real-world stories of entrepreneurs from around
discuss UN affairs. It will provide the groundwork the world – including both successes and failures. If
for further study and perhaps inspire you to have you’re an entrepreneur at any stage of your journey,
greater engagement in the work of the UN. or even an aspiring one, this course is ideal for you.

Global energy and climate policy ICT in primary education:

As energy markets go truly global, domestic
transforming children’s learning
energy policies are becoming more and more across the curriculum
entangled with wider issues of international
governance. The urgent need to mitigate Discover why and how teachers are integrating ICT
climate change and transition to a low-carbon (Information and Communication Technology) into
future is adding a further layer of complexity. primary education. Learn from colleagues working
This six-week course offers an introduction to in schools across the world and take advantage
the theoretical and practical understanding of of the opportunity to share best practice ideas
how energy and climate change policies are and inspiration with an online community of
designed, shaped, advocated and implemented. fellow teachers, headteachers and policymakers.

How computers work Information security:

context and introduction
Computers are everywhere. They aren’t just the
desktops and laptops we use for work but the Begin your journey into the study of Information
phones in our pockets and even the watches on Security with this useful introductory course,
our wrists. Knowing a little computer science will including the scope and context around the subject.
help you to understand the computers all around You will gain a basic understanding of cryptography,
you. This beginner course will equip you with security management and network and computer
key computing skills that can be applied to word security that will develop your interest and build a
processing applications, e-commerce and websites. foundation of key information security concepts.

56 Prospectus 2020
Introduction to English The manager’s toolkit: a practical
common law guide to managing people at work
Enter the influential legal system of England and Be the most effective manager you can be with
Wales, developing your understanding of its this practical guide to getting the best from your
history, constitutional background and institutions. team at work. It does not matter whether you work
You’ll learn about the different ways in which in a shop or an office environment; the same skills
laws are made and interpreted, the English apply to every workplace. You will engage with HR
court system and the increasing importance of theories and then see how they translate into every
European Union and human rights law. Now is day working life – from choosing suitable employees
an especially exciting time to be learning about to motivating them and managing conflict.
English common law in the context of today’s
political, economic and social environment.
Magna Carta and its legacies:
freedom and protest
Introduction to who
wrote Shakespeare The 800th anniversary of Magna Carta's sealing
on the meadows of Runnymede in Surrey was
Take a forensic approach to the age-old debate celebrated in 2015. Discover why Magna Carta was
over Shakespeare’s authorship. Looking at evidence perceived as 'radical' in its day, why it continues
on both sides, you will learn why Shakespeare’s to be the source of numerous debates, and
authorship is questioned and explore the key why its anniversaries are celebrated widely up
concept of authorship attribution, while developing until the present day. You’ll examine the roles
skills in literary analysis, interpretation, and that Magna Carta has played historically as well
argument. Sharpen your critical-thinking skills as as the importance of Magna Carta today.
you analyse key texts from a range of perspectives.
Managing the company
Keeping up with change: issues of the future
for the finance professional
Combine traditional and contemporary theories
The ever-changing business environment presents a with practical perspectives on the nature of
number of challenges to finance professionals, who management in today’s world of work. Develop
must take account of the strategic consequences your own understanding of both the traditional
of every finance decision they make. This six-week principles of management inside companies and the
course offers you the chance to explore some of alternative principles that are becoming increasingly
these challenges reading articles, critiquing ideas, important – from coordination and decision-
and blending theory with real-life examples. making to motivation and objective-setting. 57
Probability and statistics: Teaching EFL/ESL reading:
to p or not to p? a task-based approach
We live in an uncertain and complex world, Discover the key principles of using task-based
yet we continually have to make decisions in language teaching (TBLT) to teach reading skills
the present with uncertain future outcomes. in English as Second and Foreign Language
Indeed, we should be on the lookout for ‘black (ESL/EFL). You will learn how TBLT and teaching
swans’ – low-probability, high-impact events. second language reading can be successfully
integrated in practice through analysing task-
based reading materials. You will also have the
Quantitative foundations chance to create task-based materials for teaching
for international business reading in your own language teaching contexts.
Prepare yourself to succeed in the finance and
economics related modules of the Global MBA Understanding research methods
by perfecting your mathematics in essential
areas – from equations and functions to Explore the fundamental principles of research
derivatives and matrices. Test your understanding and research methods. Aimed primarily, but
with quizzes and worksheets and, when you not exclusively, at the postgraduate level, this
are ready to push yourself further, you will be course will encourage you to take part in a
able to access more advanced content. range of robust and challenging discussions and
exercises. You will benefit from the expertise of
SOAS, University of London, a research-intensive
Supporting children with university with a rich research heritage.
difficulties in reading and writing
As a teacher, have you ever wondered why some What future for education?
children have so much difficulty with reading
Take a step back and begin to critically examine
and writing? Delve into the world of ‘dyslexia’
your own ideas about education, teaching and
and learn more about best practice in teaching
learning. Engage with, and critique, the very latest
literacy to all pupils in light of recent scientific
theories and ideas generated from educational
discoveries. Participation in, or completion of,
research from UCL’s Institute of Education. You will
this online course will not confer academic
be encouraged to use these ideas to challenge
credit for University of London programmes.
or support your own ideas about education.

58 Prospectus 2020
Specialisations Responsive website
We also offer specialisations through Coursera development and design
which can be taken as standalone courses, but
can also be completed as qualifiers for certain Responsive web design is all about creating the
University of London degree programmes. best user experience regardless of whether a user
is accessing your site from a desktop computer,
a mobile phone, or a tablet. Learn the basics of
International business essentials modern full stack web development, from UX design
to front-end coding to custom databases. You’ll build
Develop the essential business, academic, and
foundational skills in a full range of technologies,
cultural skills you need to succeed in international
including HTML/CSS, Javascript, and MongoDB,
business. Discover how you can make a positive
and also learn to implement a reactive, multi-user
first impression, how you can become a role model
web application using the meteor.js framework.
at work and how to improve your networking.

This specialisation is endorsed by the Virtual reality

Chartered Management Institute (CMI) and
may be used as part of your application for Step into the incredible world of virtual reality.
the University of London Global MBA. VR is one of the most highly requested skill sets
in the jobs market, and this specialisation will
give you an introduction to the subject and
Introduction to Computer key skills in the field. Learn from world-leading
Science programming lecturers and industry experts and then put
your skills in Unity to work by developing your
Are you are interested in learning how to write own VR environment and your first VR game.
interactive, graphical computer programs
in a real programming language? Learn the
fundamental concepts of how computers
work, which can be applied to any software or
computer system. You’ll also gain the practical
skillset needed to write computer programs
at an introductory level. This specialisation is
part of the BSc Computer Science degree. 59
Entry requirements and
how to apply
• English language (we may require
you to have passed a recognised
test of proficiency at the appropriate
level within the last three years)

• for all programmes you will need

computer/internet access

• on some of our programmes

you may be eligible to apply for
accreditation of prior learning (APL)

For postgraduate programmes

you will need to meet the
following criteria:

• academic qualifications
(generally a second class honours
degree or its equivalent)

• an advanced level of ability

to work in English

How do I become For further details on making • for all programmes you will need
an application please visit:
a student?
computer/internet access
There are just three steps to apply for • work experience and references
a place on one of our programmes: (on some of our programmes)
Do I have the necessary
• choose the programme you
want to study (check the relevant
qualifications? English language
Specific entrance requirements for
prospectus or visit our website
each programme are given in our
to see if you have the necessary
prospectuses and on our website If your first language is not English,
entrance qualifications)
under the ‘entry requirements’ you may be required to demonstrate
• apply online by visiting: tab on the relevant course page. that you have the appropriate Visit: level required by taking a Test of
Proficiency. We list a wide range of
• submit your documentary evidence For undergraduate programmes qualifications that we accept on our
you will need to meet the website:
We will acknowledge receipt of your following criteria:
application form as soon as we receive
it. Our Admissions team can advise
• academic qualifications – What documentary
we accept a wide range of evidence will I need?
you about what you need to do to
qualifications from around the
become eligible. If you intend to study Full details of what documents
world. Our International Foundation
at a Recognised Teaching Centre you will need to submit alongside
Programme and Certificates of
then you are advised to contact them your application are given on our
Higher Education programmes
before submitting your application. website:
also provide an entrance route
to the relevant degrees

60 Prospectus 2020
When should I apply? • if your application is approved, Armed Forces
you will be emailed an offer letter Students who are members or ex-
Although you can apply throughout
and registration instructions members of the UK Armed Forces
the year, each programme has its own
application deadline. We strongly • any requests for APL will then should note that the University of
advise you to submit your application be considered and you will London has been approved by the
as early as possible since this allows be advised of the decision. Ministry of Defence in support of
us to process it more quickly. Please the Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC)
note that for some programmes Scheme (ELC Provider Reference
there is a limit to the number of
Financial assistance Number 1284). The Scheme provides
UK undergraduate students may be
students who can register each year. financial support to eligible Service
able to apply for a part-time tuition
personnel who wish to enhance
Even if you are waiting to receive fee loan to cover the cost of your
their educational or vocational
your exam results, please apply registration and examination entry
achievements. The ELC Administration
early as we may be able to fees. For full details on eligibility criteria
Service website can be found at:
issue a conditional offer. please visit:
Alternatively some employers in both
How do we deal with the public and private sector may be
your application? willing to consider offering financial
Once we have received your assistance to their employees.
application (and any appropriate fee):
Students with
• you will be emailed an
acknowledgement disabilities and/or
access requirements
• your application will then be
The University of London
processed and you will be informed
welcomes applications from
of our decision on your eligibility
disabled students and/or those
• if you do not automatically meet who have access requirements.
our entrance requirements then If you are disabled and/or have access
we will refer your application to requirements, we will make every
the Admissions Panel for individual reasonable effort to meet your needs.
consideration. The Admissions This may include making access
Panel will consider qualifications arrangements for examinations such
that are not published under as a separate room or special aids.
the Qualifications for Entrance
Schedule, incomplete qualifications If you would like to tell us about
and substantial relevant work your disability and/or request access
experience. If we cannot accept arrangements, please complete the
you with your current qualifications relevant section of the application
and experience then we will advise form or contact the Inclusive Practice
you on what qualifications you Manager at:
could take in order to meet our [email protected]
entrance requirements in the future 61
62 Prospectus 2020
Inclusive Practice Policy
We are committed to a policy of inclusive practice
and we seek to ensure that reasonable steps are
taken to consider the needs of students with
specific access requirements. This includes the areas
of learning, assessment and examinations. If you
need to make a request for special arrangements
(such as additional time or special aids in exams),
please contact the Inclusive Practice Manager
at: [email protected]
Complaints procedure
We aim to provide the highest quality service
to our students and to solve any problems
you experience quickly and fairly. If, however,
you wish to make a complaint, our complaints
procedure is published in our Student Guide and
on our website at:
While every effort has been made to ensure that
the information contained in this prospectus
is accurate at the date of publication (January
2020), all matters that it covers may be subject to
change from time to time, both before and after
a student has registered. In particular, information
about the structure and content of programmes
is subject to confirmation in the Programme
Regulations and registered students should refer
to these. All fees are subject to annual review.
The University does not intend by publication
or distribution of this prospectus to create any
contractual or other legal relation with applicants,
registered students, their advisers or any other
persons. You are strongly advised to check our
website ( for any revisions to this
prospectus. We advise you to check local recognition
criteria in your own country before applying for any
qualification listed in this prospectus. This prospectus
is issued free by the University of London.
Published by The University of London.
Copyright © University of London, January 2020 63
For further information on the range
of programmes we offer, please visit
our website or contact us at:
The Student Advice Centre
University of London
Stewart House View the
32 Russell Square University of
London website
London WC1B 5DN
United Kingdom
Telephone +44 (0)20 7862 8360

This material is available in alternative formats upon request.

Please contact: [email protected]

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