Sift Method

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Sift Method

The SIFT^2 Method of Literary Analysis

When exploring how a writer uses literary elements and stylistic technique to conveymeaning or theme,
this method allows you to “sift” through the parts in order tocomprehend the whole.SIFT^2 Method

S:Symbolism: examine the title and text for symbolism

What is/are the important symbol(s) for your theme? How does the meaning of thesymbol(s) change
throughout the novel, and how does the symbol contribute to theme?(The answer(s) to this question
must appear on your final project). Remember, inaddition to object, characters can be symbolic as well.

I:Imagery: Identify images and sensory details

Choose 5 important passages that illustrate good examples of imagery. What effects isthe author trying
to convey with these images? (The answer(s) to this question mustappear on your final project).

F:Figurative Language: analyze figurative language and other devices

Writers use figures of speech such as similes, metaphors, personification, allusion andirony to form
images. How do these figures of speech help to convey effect andmeaning? (The answer(s) to this
question must appear on your final project)


Analyze the authorʼs word choice in the novel. What language, diction, word choice isused in passages
that contribute to your groupʼs theme of the novel. What is the tone ofthose passages?


Because all literary devices lead to tone and theme, this process will help you perceivewhat insights
about life the author is revealing about each subject. Ask yourself whatlife-lessons the main characters
have learned or what lesson you have learned as aresult of your reading. Look for statements in the
section by characters or the narratorthat comment on life, the world, or human nature, thereby
implying theme. Your findingsshould be a part of your project.

S I FT M et ho d:T h e S I F T M et h o d i s d e s i gned to h e l p s t u d ent s l e a rn to a na l yz e p o et

r y by fo c u s i ng o n s p e c ific p o et i c d ev ic es t h a t a p p ea r wi t h in a l l p o e m s . St u d e nts
re a d a p o e m m u l t ipl e t i m e s, wi t h e a c h re a d ing fo c u s e d o n a d i f ferent e l e ment ,
to g a i n a b et ter understanding of a poem’s overall meaning and purpose. T h ro u gh t h e a na l y sis
, s t u d e nts wi l l a nnot a te t h e tex t to i d e nt if y e l e m ent s a nd d i s p lay t h e i r k nowl edge
o f t h e p o e m , wh i c h wi l l u l t i matel y p re p are t h e m to wri te a l i terar y a na l ys is p a p

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