Cambridge - English Phrasal Verbs in Use PDF
Cambridge - English Phrasal Verbs in Use PDF
Cambridge - English Phrasal Verbs in Use PDF
Phrasal _
Verbs in
70 units of
reference and
classroom use
Books in EngfISh.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Key verbs
6 Come
7 Get
8 Go
9 Look
10 Make
11 Put
12 Take
Key particles
13 Up
14 Out
15 Off
16 On and in
17 Down and over
18 Around and about
19 For and with
20 Through and back
21 lnto and away
22 Time: spending time
23 Time: passing of time
24 Location
25 Cause and effect
26 Change
27 Success and failure
28 Starting and finishing
29 Actions and movement
30 Destroying and reacting to destruction
31 Communication
32 Describing people and places
33 Describing public events
34 Describing situations
35 Giving and getting information
36 Solving problems
Key 146
We have also received invaluable feedback from both teacher and student reviewers. Their
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Development of this publication has made use of the Cambridge International Corpus (ClC).
The CIC is a computerised database of contemporary spoken and written English, which
currently stands at 600 million words. It inc/udes British English, American English and other
varieties of English. It also inc/udes the Cambridge Learner Corpus, deve/oped in collaboration
with the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. Cambridge University Press has built
up the CIC to provide evidence about language use that helps to produce better language
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get through I tried to phone her bu! I cQuldn't I tried to phone her but I couldn'( get
get through. a connection.
make out I ¡ust can't make Jim out at al!. I just can'! understand Jim's behaviour.
Particles are small words which you already know as prepositions or adverbs. Here are some
of the most common phrasal verb particles: about (a)round at away back down
for . III into off on out over through to up
ask out sb or the verb must have a I'd lave to ask Sally out. [invite Sally to go to a place
ask sb out human object like a cinema or a restaurant]
Not: I'd lave to ask my-EIet out.
loo k after sb/sth the object can be either 1'11 loo k after the baby while you're cooking.
human or non-human Will you loo k after my bike while ,'m away?
ring sb back the object must come 1'11 ring you back later. [phone you aga;n]
before the partide Not: 1'11 FiAg l3aE'~ )'etJ.
loo k after sb/sth the object must come Can you look after the dog while I'm away?
after the partide Not: Can you leel~ t!=te eleg atteF while I'm away?
drop off sb/sth the object can be befare I dropped off the package at her house. [delivered/left]
or drop sb/sth off or after the partide I dropped the package off at her house.
cause inconvenience deal with stop working find invite home arrive
post cancel write postpone not work properly mention
1.3 Decide which of these sentences contain errors . .Expl:ün why they are wrong and suggest a
correct answer. Use the table in B to help yon. " ,
1 That song yon just sang brings back memories of my days at college.
2 She looked the children after when their mother was in hospital.
3 1 promised to ring my brother back. He called earlier when 1 was busy.
4 We ate out a wonderful dinner last night.
5 It was a beanriful summer evening so 1 asked the cat out for a drink.
1.4 Sometimes phrasal verbs are followed by a particular preposition to make three-par! verbs.
11 Try lO leam these prepositions with the phrasal verbs. Look at these examples of three-part
verbs, then complete the sentences below with a preposition from the box. Use a dictionary
or the Mini dictionary at the back of this book if necessary.
EXAMPLES ['m looking forward ID the weekend.
She's been going out with him for six monrhs now.
with against with on with
1 She seems to look down .......................................... people who are less intelligent than her.
2 The school decided to do away .. .. ................. the language lab as no-one was using it.
3 1 carne up .................................. a serious problem when 1 tried to save my work onto a disk.
4 How can sorne srudents get away .. . doing no work and yet pass the exams?
5 Her son is so horrible. 1 don't know how she puts up .................................. him.
_ _ -..::8 Meanings
The basic meanings of the verbs in A refer to concrete actions (e.g. break means separate into
pieces), but when they are part of phrasal verbs, they often have abstract meanings too.
Sometimes the concrete meaning can help you guess the abstract meaning, for example,
you can look back to wave goodbye to someone as you lea ve in a car (concrete meaning-
look behind you), or you can look back on your past life (abstract meaning - remember or
get She got 011 <he bus. [entered] Jim and Mary don't get on. [don'c like each other
and are no! friendly to each other]
come Would you like to come round this He was unconscious far three hours but
evening? [come to my home] carne round in hospital. [became conscious again]
turn up arrive
Please take off your shoes when you enter Please remove your shoes when you enter
the temple. the temple.
Everyone turned up on time for the meeting. Everyone arrived on time for the meeting.
If you know a single-verb synonym of a phrasal verb, write it in your vocabulary notebook, and note
whether or not the phrasal verb is more informal.
2.1 Complete these sentences using verbs from the list in A opposite.
1 The car b ................................ down on the way ro the airport.
2 The heavy snow blocked the roads and c.. ................................ the farm off completely.
3 It rook him a long time ro g.................................. over his iIIness.
4 It isn't easy ro lea m German but you must k. ............................... on trying.
S If you'd like a lift ro the station tomorrow, I can p... .. ...... you up at 9 a.m.
6 This is a really stupid programme. Please t... .. the TV off.
2.2 In which of the sentences in exercise 2.1 above could you put the partide in a different
2.3 Decide whether the phrasal verbs in these sen ten ces are concrete or abstract in meaning,
by writing C for concrete or A for abstract in the brackets.
EXAMPLE He looked up (e ) and saw a hot-air balloon in the sky.
1 1 would never go aga inst ( ) my parents' wishes.
2 Shall I cut out ( ) this ad for the new CD player? We might want ro buy one.
3 About five miles into our joumey the engine ·é.ut 9ut ( .) and we broke down (
completely. Ir was over an hour before the rescue service turned up ( ).
4 Do we need to dress up ( ) tonight or is it informal?
S I shall never really appreciate what my grandparenrs went through ( ) during the war.
2.4 Replace the underlined verbs in these sentences with phrasal verbs made using the verbs and
partides from the boxes below. If necessary, use the Mini dictionary at the end of this book.
11 make chase brush leave fall up for out aside out
1 The government have put out a statement condemning the recent protests.
2 The un ion accepted the new pay deal and called off the strike.
3 The number of people not owning a TV set nowadays has gone down dramatically.
4 There was a disturbance in Blackmoor Pri son yesterday and rhree prisoners got away.
S Could yo u see ro lunch for our visitors? There will be four of them.
3.1 Look at section A and then answer the questions about these sentences.
1 My brothers were going to the circus and they asked me along.
Oid the speaker go the circus on her own, with her brothers or do we not know for sure?
2 When 1 took Di a birthday present, she asked me in but 1 had to get to my lecture.
Oid the speaker go into Oi's house?
3 When 1 saw Mark on the balcony, he asked me up.
Who was in a higher position, Mark or the speaker?
4 When the Richardsons asked me back after the concert 1 was happy to accept.
Where did the speaker go after the concert?
5 My cousin has asked me to go over to his flat this evening.
What word could replace over with no change in meaning?
3.2 Look at B opposite. Are the phrasal verbs underlined in the sentences below examples of the
(a) or the (b) meanings of ovey?
1 Think it over before you make up your mind what to do next.
2 You may turn over the page now and read the exam questions.
3 !t's raining too hard to drive. Pull over to the edge of the road.
4 Look over your answers before the end of the exam.
3.3 Look at e opposite. Then read these definitions and decide whether the sentences below are
eorrect oc incorrecto If necessary, correet them.
fall down downfall The economic crisis caused the downfall ef the government.
[sudden failure or end]
look on onlooker Crowds af onlookers watched as the police arrested the mano
[someone who watches an event but doesn'( cake part]
'--_ e Adjectives
There are also adjectives which are based on phrasal verbs. Make a note of any you meet.
e.g. a broken-down vehide [vehide whose engine had stopped working] a breakdown truck
[truck whieh helps drivers who have broken down] blocked-up drains [drains where the
water cannot flow properly]
4.1 Complete the following table. If a noun form does not exist, write 'none' in the table. Use a
!JI dictionary if necessary. Decide whether the noun is written with a hyphen or as one word.
warm up
hold on
hide out
turn Qver
tear down
4.2 Cirde the correct noun form in these sentences. Use a dictionary if necessary.
!JI 1 There was a big pile-uo / uD-pi le on the motqrway involving five vehides.
2 The govemment has announced a series of báckcuts / éutbacks in funding for universities
in order to save money.
3 When the higher taxes were announced there was a public outcry / cryout.
4 Several standerbys / bystanders did nothing while the thieves robbed him of his cash.
5 The new drug marks a throughbreak / breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.
4.3 Complete these sentences with adjective forms of phrasal verbs from the box below.
1 The robbers abandoned their . . .. car in a car park near the airport.
2 I find his manner very . . ............... He's so unfriendly.
3 They decided ro use. . ........................ paper pI ates and cups for their party.
4 Let's invite Sally - she's very .. . ....... and loves parties.
5 The pictures of the steam trains were like something from a . . .................... era.
4.4 Write down the infinitive form of the phrasal verbs from which the adjectives in exercise 4.3
aboye are formed.
4.5 Match the sentences on the left with a suitable response on the right.
1 1 was looking for a way ro tum off 1 know, 1 need to watch my outgoings.
the phorocopier.
2 Have you heard about the scandal in the office? Yes, but 1 don't understand the input.
3 The economy is not doing so well these days. There's the on/off switch.
4 A database can organise all the information you Yes, there's been a downturn.
rype into it.
5 You have ro consider how much you spend Mm, amazing goings-on!
each month.
Üften there is no direct connection between the various meanings and you just have to leam
each different meaning of the phrasal verbo The best way to do this is by trying to remember
a sentence using the phrasal verbo
Sometimes a phrasal verb only exists as a phrasal verb in the metaphorical meaning, but you
can guess what it means from the meaning of the basic verb without the particle. For example:
These statistics loo k strange. Have we slipped up somewhere?
Here slip up [make a mistake] clearly comes from slip [fall usually because the floor is wet or
the ground is icy].
Another important aspect of phrasal verbs is register. Phrasal verbs are typical of spoken
English or informal writing, e.g. letters to friends and articles in popular joumalism. There
are often one-word equivalents, or synonyms, for use in a more formal spoken or written
style. For example: miss out a question or omil a question. See section 2e in Unit 2 for other
As with all English vocabulary, there are sorne different uses from one geographical area to
another. For example, British, American and Australian users of English all talk of clearing
up a room [putting things away tidily], but only British and Australian speakers would use
tidy up as a synonym.
See Unit 69 for more examples of how phrasal verbs differ in North America and Australia.
5.1 Match the different meanings a-f of take in with the appropriate sentenees 1-6 below.
a) make smaller
b) allow in through a hole
e) deeeive
Iy] d) give a bed to
e) inelude
f) understand the meaning or importance
1 Because so many passengers were stranded at the airport, sorne local families offered ro
take them in ovemight.
2 The news is so shocking - 1 still can't take it in.
3 The exeursion will take in two of the most beautiful eastles in the region.
4 Marie has lost weight - she's going to have to take in a lot of her elothes.
5 Rob was totally dishonest but he was so charming that 1 was taken in by him.
6 We'd better retum to the shore at once - the boat seems to be taking in water.
i. 5.2 These pairs of sentenees show phrasal verbs whi,h can be used in both literal and
ct metaphorieal ways. Explain the two meanings ano tlie eonneetion between them.
1 a) 1 stepped in a puddle of water and my feet are soaking now.
b) She stepped in to stop the argument from becoming more serious.
2 a) This programme is rubbish. 1 wish you'd switch off the TV.
b) The leeture was so boring that 1 switehed off.
3 a) There's a hole in my bago 1 think my pen must have dropped out.
b) He dropped out of college and beeame a meehanie.
4 a) We tied the boxes down on the roof of the caro
J)) b) Mark dreams of travelling but he feels tied down by his family and work
~ responsibilities.
5.3 Use your knowledge of the basie verb in the underlined phrasal verbs as well as the eontext
of the sentenee in order to work out the meanings of the phrasal verbs.
1 What are you driving at? 1 wish you would say exactly what you mean!
2 The teaeher did all she could to drum the vocabulary into her pupils before the exam.
3 The old education system used to cream off the best pupils and teaeh them in separate
·r 4 The noise of the ehildren's music completely drowned out the television.
5.4 Write a one-word formal equivalent for eaeh of the underlined phrasal verbs.
As the rain didn't let up, the footba ll game was called off. So the team got down to
discussing its strategy for the next match instead. We didn't get out of the elubhouse until the
eleaners turned up in the evening .
r " If you encounter a phrasal verb that you thought you knew but it does not seem to make sen se, use
other elues in the context ta work out what the meaning might be. It may be quite different from the
• meaning that you already knew.
come apart separate into pieces The antique picture frame ¡ust carne
apart in my hands.
come around or become conscious again A nurse was with me when I carne
come round round after the operation.
come out disappear or become less strong Let your shirt soak overnight and the
(of dirt or colour on clothing/material) stain wHl probably come out.
come out beco me public knowledge after ie has If this story comes out about the
been kept secret (01 the truth) Prime Minister, he'lI have to resigno
come out leave after a period in a place Jane's coming out of hospital at the
(01 hospital/prison) weekend. She's much better now.
e SCORPIO *************************
You may have to deal with a few problems at work today, but
don't worry, they're only temporary, and a new job opportunity
, will arise which could change your life. The name oí an oId friend
You will meet someons by pure chance who seems to share the
same world view as you, but be careful, they are not what they
seem to be. Don't torget that, in the end, true love is mainly
about finding someone you can trust.
. Horoscopes are often good places to find everyday, informal phrasal verbs. Read your horoscope
regularly in an English newspaper or magazine, even if you don't believe it, and note down any phrasal
• verbs.
get together If two or more people get together, they It's nice to get together with people
(citen + with) meet in arder to do something or spend you get on with.
time together.
get on continue doing something, especially work I must get on with my work. I got
(citen + with) behind because I spent too much time
on the Internet.
get behind If you get behind with work or with
(citen + with) payments, you have not done as much
work or paid as much as you should by
a particular time.
get 5th ayer with do and complete something difflcult or , Let's get this meeting ayer with, or
unpleasant that must be done else we'lI never get away befare the
rush hour and it will take ages to get
get away leave a place or person, often when the
situation makes it difficult for you to do so
can't/cauldn't be very surprised or shocked that I can't get ayer how she manages to
get ayer sth something has happened or that get away with doing so little work.
something is true It's obvious te everyone, but the boss
never seems to notice.
get away with succeed in not being criticised or
sth/doing sth punished for something wrong that you
have done
Learning verbs in pairs associated with a particular context can help you remember them. Look again
me at all the phrasal verbs on the opposite page. Try to make different pairs and write them in sentences
putting them in context, as in section A.
Á ho.s bW'\ 9""'9 throo9h I (1. d,i,ffi.wLt time oJo work> '0 .he d .Ód .d !o d1ur
hu.uf ~p bH 9oin9 in for2 (1. wmpehli.on. The prLze wo.s (1. lt;,~rH ho~ in the
CMil>beo.n. Á ho.s ho.d. to 90 wLthootl (1. ho~ far .evuoJ, He<Lr' now> '0 .he
r~ W<LnteO.. to win. The wmpehli.on wo.s to wri.te (1. .torH b"'iinning 'S,,,U.wUj the l.i.ght.
went oot' .. .' The probLem W(1.5 thoJo Á w~td. not thil'lk of <Ln i<!.eo.. far hu .!orH.
cHON Cdrl ( 90 tlbotAtS GL gooct i.d..ea..?» sne o..sked.. me.. (lc mIAse. be. 50me.t.ning
.pecW.l. '0 thoJo the j~d.g .. go far· mH .torH ovu oJL the othu• .' I .~gge.teO.. .he went
to the libr<LrH to go throo9h7 .ome boob of .hort storLe' - .he mÍ!jht get .ome i<!.eo..5
thue. So .he went off8 to .e< whoJo .he =td. fi.nd,.
S\1e soon fot.tnd.. some gre.o..t Sr.e. Yeo..d. one. o..nd.. ttlen o..notner o..nd.. sne
went on9 rw.Jmg oJL (l.fternoon. Then .he noti.c.e<l o.. .tr<Lnge .mctL <Ln<l .~<l<lenUj the
l.i.ght. went o~t. She woke<l ~p <Ln<l so..w thoJo the .libroxH W(1.5 on fin. Of w~r.e> thoJo
gGLve. her ttle i.Gle.a. for hu stor!:l . 1 l10pe she wi.ns ",',
go through with do something unpleasant or difficult I don't want to do the exam now but I'd
which you planned or promised to do better go through with it.
go together il two types 01 thing or people go Abad cough and a sore throat olten go
together, they are usually found with each together.
Many of the very common English phrasal verbs, for example the ones in Units 6--12, have several
different meanings when combined with one particle. There are a few different meanings on this page
for go on and go through; however there are other possible meanings for both of these verb and particle
combinations. Remember this if you meet a phrasal verb in a new or unusual context because it may
have quite a different meaning there from one you are more familiar with.
8.1 Complete the text below using the eorreet particles from the phrasal verbs in A opposite.
I wo..s 9oin9 .................................. C1l some ol<i l.ettus the othu ~ wnen I fo"nol one from mH friwol
NMqj. Aftu n"ln scl100L sne nruL gone .............................. (:L) ro rrrun o..s .. <iodor Mol enGleGl "P
in Afri=. Sne nruL ro 90. ......................... (3) HeoJS of vUH no..rol sw<iH before sne q"oJi,fiM. LUe-
in AfriaL NM not:. M GOmforto..bLe M i.t wo..s in exA\' nometown) a.nd.. tner-e. were. fYIo..t1.y thmgs sne.
nruL ro 90 .................................. (4) wni.cl1 the rese of "S thi.nk of o..s n"""ssities in o"r Mily LiNes.
B"e Glespiie .u the no..rolsnL¡>s, sne wene .................................. (5) workin9 Mol neLping peopLe Less
forbAnoJ;e thM nuscif. I o..Glmin nu so m"cI1. I wonGlueGl now I mU¡ne go .................................. (¡:,)
mC1king c.onto..c.t wi.t\1 ner Gt9ai.n) M I no Uie.a. where she i..6 now.
8.2 Rewrite these sentenees using phrasal verbs with go so that they keep the same meaning.
1 I'm thinking of competing in the New York Marathon next year.
2 There were some diffieult times in my father's life.
3 Unemployment and high erime levels ofteo exist si de by side.
4 He deeided to undergo the operation even though there were risks.
5 1 refused to suPPOrt their deeision to close the youth club.
6 I didn't realise how late it was and 1 dido't stop studying till after midnight.
7 We had to survive with no hot water for 24 hours while they were repairing the pipes.
8 Do you think I should try the advaneed level exam? It might be too diffieult.
9 She just left without saying goodbye. 1 wonder if I offended her?
10 What was happening in the staffroom at lunehtime? I heard someone shouting.
8.3 In these sentenees, some of the phrasal verbs from the opposite page are used with new
The verb go on has a naun and an adjective associated with it: goings-on (naun) and ongoing
(adjective). Look in a good dictionary to find out how they are used and make a sentence with each
one in your vocabulary notebook.
look down on sb/sth think that someone or something is less important than you, or that
something is not good enough quality for you to use
look after sb/sth take care of someone or something by doing what i5 needed to keep
someone or something well or in good condition
loo k ahead think about what will happen in the future and plan for those events
look around/round try to find something you want (e.g. a job) by asking different people or
by looking in different places
loo k forward to sth/doing 5th feel pleased and excited about something rhat is going to happen
- 4 If you look after someone's eat while they are away, yoo ".
a) follow the eat everywhere b) seareh for it beca use it is lost
e) eare for it and give it what it needs
5 If you look up to your English teaeher, you ".
a) stand up when you speak to him or her b) admire and respeet him or her
e) raise your head beca use he or she is taller .chan you
" .
9.2 Complete these sentenees with a suitable partide.
9.4 Here are some more phrasal verbs based on [ook. Read each sentenee and try to guess the
~ I
up something (or make out someone (or make someone
someth ing up) = invent out) = understand why someone
something, e.g. a story behaves as tbey do
or a game
up someth ing (or make something out something (or make something out)
up) = say or write something that = understand something, especially why
is not true in order tú deceive something has bappened
Can you make out the words of this song? . ...
When we got to the park, the ehildren made for the swings while 1 sat on a beneh.
Sally didn't want 10 go 10 the eoneere, so she made up an excuse about being ill.
The children loved Uncle Bob beca use he was so good at making up new games.
Over 30% of the university population is made up of overseas students.
Notice how make out with the following three meanings is usually used with can or could in
a negative sentenee and is not usually used in the passive.
1 couldn't make out a word he was saying.
Jack is behaving very strangely at the momento 1 just can't make him out.
1 can't make out why my computer won't let me save this documento
You probably already know that the noun make-up can mean cosmetics, e.g.
My sister never goes out without any make-up on, but 1 only wear it for special occasions.
However, make-up, from the verb make up, can also mean the combination of things which
form something, e.g.
The class has an interesting make-up, with students from three continents and twelve
different eountries.
make up for sth provide something good in order to The wondenul food in the restaurant made
make abad situatlon better up for the rather uncomfortable seats.
make it up to sb do something good for someone who I forgot Teresa's birthday yesterday so 1'11
you have done something bad to in have to take her somewhere nice to
the past, or to someone who has make it up to her.
done something good for you
1O. 1 Read these comments by different people and then answer the questions below by writing the
eorrect name in the box.
Drew 1 ean't make out what she's saying, can you?
2 Who said something good had made abad experience less bad?
Use a good dictionary or search the Cambridge International Dictionary o( Phrasa/ Verbs online at to see how many more phrasal verbs with make you can find. Write down
three that you particularly want to remember in example sentences.
put up with sblsth you accept unpleasant behaviour or an unpleasant situatlon, even though you
do not like it
put sb on t%nto sth/sb you tell them about someth ing or someone that could help them, often
something or someone they did not know about befare
1 1.1 Correct any mistakes in these sentences. If there are no mistakes, write correct at the end of
the sentence.
1 1 like sleeping in tents but 1 don't like putting up them.
2 Put that CD on that you bought yesterday. I'd like to hear it.
3 We put last week in a new dishwasher. lt's wonderful.
4 Will you put on the TV? 1 want to watch the tennis.
5 That light is too strang. Shall we put out it?
11.2 Complete the text using particles from the opposite page.
t 1 know HGtYry fecls ""t .................................. (5) , but h~ ""mpl<li.ns. We. shool<l rwJ.4j <lo whlLt
we. CGlI'l ro ""t hi.m .................................. (b) some. better ·jobs .
.. 1'"
11.3 Rewrite these sentences so that the actions are the opposite of the ones underlined.
.. "% Use phrasal verhs from the opposite page and make any other necessary changes so that
>- "
the sentences make sense.
EXAMPLE Please turn the radio off now. I'm trying to sleep.
{ ""t the. r<Ld..W on now.'s /L progr"""me. 1'0.. like. ro u,ste.n ro .
:nt 1 Could you switch the light on please. 1 can't see to read.
2 They're pulling down those old bui ldings near the railway starion.
a 3 The Boy Scouts took their tent down very quickly and loaded it into their bus.
4 Could we possibly bring our meeting forward to 10 o'clock?
nt 5 When we moved into our new house we decided to remove an old, rather ugly fireplace.
6 Can you turn that CD off, please. 1 can't concentrate on my work.
1104 Here are sorne more phrasal verbs based on puto Match the pbrasal verbs in the sentences
1-5 with the definitions a-e. Use a dictionary if necessary.
11 1
Josie is very good at putting her ideas across.
Anyone who is smoking must put their cigarettes out immediately.
3 I'm not putting that on. I'd look ridiculous in it!
4 The secretary's put up sorne information about excursions. Have you seen it?
5 The plane was due to put down in Los Angeles at 3.50 a.m., but was diverted to San
Francisco at the last minute.
a) stick or fasten a piece of paper to something, e.g. a wall, so that it can be seen
b) express in such a way that others can understand easily
e) land
d) put a piece of clothing on your body
e) extinguish or stop something burning
take up sth or start doing a particular job or activity My son has recently taken up stamp
take 5th up collecting as a hobby.
take off 5th or subtract a particular amount from a The shop assistant took off ten per cent
take sth off (sth) total because che item was damaged.
take away 5th subtract a first number from a second 1I you take 1 1 away Irom 33, you're left
or take 5th away number with 22.
take back 5th or admit chat something you said was I shouldn't have called you lazy - I take it
take sth back wrong back.
take in sth or look at something carefully noticing all He showed us a photo of his house, but I
take sth in the details was so tired that I didn't really take it in.
Because the most common verbs, e.g. take, get, make, have so many different phrasal verbs with different
. meanings associated with them, it is useful to group the meanings, as in the sections of this unit. Try to
do this for other common verbs and their phrasal verbs as you meet new ones and try to record an
example sentence in your vocabulary notebook to help you remember them.
12. 1 Each line of this text contains a phrasal verb with take, but sorne of them are used
s. incorrectly. lf a line has a correct phrasal verb, tick the box. If the line is incorrect,
cross out the incorrect word and write the correct word in the box.
EXAMPLE The watch was broken so I took it e# to the shop. bog""
I bought a new jacket but it had a mark on it so I took it back .
The shop assistant túok me offside and told me that
To the surprise of everyone at the party, Geoff suddenly took off without saying goodbye.
I spent all morning yesterda y dearing up I my study. There were books and
papers everywhere. Then I had ro sweep Up2 the rubbish and dead lea ves on the
terraee. After that I tried to tidy Up3 my bedroom. There were dirty dothes all jumbled
up' in apile on the floor. I had ro hang ups four jaekets and several pairs of trousers
I'd left Iying on ehairs. That rook me an hour. Then I diseovered the washbasin was
dogged Up6 in the bathroom, so I had to dear that. By that time I'd used Up7 all my
energy and I was too ti red to do anything, so I just fell asleep on the sofa.
I making a place tidy and clean, especially by 4 (adjective) mixed together in an untidy way
putting things where they usually belong (from the verb jumble up)
2 remove rubbish or dirt, usually from the s hang something, especially clothes, on a hook
floor, using a brush 6 blocked
3 make a room or a group of things tidy by .' . 7 fínished a supply of something
putting things in the correet place
13.2 Choose the best verb from B to fill the gaps in this e-mail. Use a different verb in eaeh gap
and write it in the correet formo
How are things with you? Hope all's welL Has your cousin ................ ........ (1) up
ye!? We certainly need him around to ................•.,.,. ...,. (2) ~his place up a bit! Besides
which,l need his help in the garden.An old tree blew down last week and I need to
.................................. (3) up the branehes. When he eventually .............................. (4) up,
let's try out that new club that's ........................... (5) up in Market Street.
13.3 Choose the eorreet word to complete these sentenees. Sometimes there is more than one
possible answer.
:e 1 Sam. . ................... up too mueh time on the first exam question and didn't finish
ng the paper.
a) elogged b) used e) divided d) showed
2 Guess who .................. up at midnight last night!
ness a) showed b) livened e) hung d) turoed
3 Please eould you ............................. up these onions for me?
a) divide b) turo e) ehop d) elog
hing 4 Jill spent ages ............................ up the lounge.
a) dearing b) tidying e) hanging d) turmng
5 A new supermarket is ........................... up near us next month.
a) turoing b) showing e) opening d) hanging
6 The bath is ...................... up with hair. !t's disgusting!
lly a) jumbled b) swept e) ehopped d) clogged
7 Could you ................................ up the lea ves on the fron! steps, please?
a) hang b) elear e) use d) sweep
8 When the old man died, his things were ............................... up among his ehildren.
a) ehopped b) divided e) eleared d) used
In sorne of the phrasal verbs in A and B opposite the verb can be nsed on its own without the
partide up to make a grammatical sentenee with more or less the same meaning.
1 In whieh cases could the up be left out?
2 In the sentenees where the partide is not essential what extra meanings, if any, do you
think the up adds?
14 Out
Out meaning not in
Many phrasal verbs with out have an association with the basic meaning of out, i.e. not in.
cut out 5th or remove by cutting, usually from paper or She cut sorne interesting articles out of
cut 5th out cloth the newspaper tor uso
show out sb or lead a visitar who is leaving to the doar Let me show you out - ir's quite hard
show sb out of a room or building to find the exit from here.
see out sb or go with someone to rhe doar of a room Don'( worry. I can see myself out.
see sb out or building when they are leaving
lock yourself out accidentally prevent yourself from getting I've locked myself out so afeen that I've
into a building by leaving the keys inside hidden a spare key in the garden now.
when you shut the door
32 English Phrasa/ Verbs ;n Use
14.4 Choose which sentenee from a-e below best fits the gaps 1-5 in the texto
I wanted to find out more about the history of my town for a eollege projeet. (1) So I deeided
to go to the locallibrary. I got out sorne books, newspapers and sorne old maps whieh they
hado (2) 1 deeided to make apile of things to photocopy. (3) There was a huge amount of
material, too much in faet. (4) So 1 hurried and just ehose the most important things to eopy
mg, in the time I had lefr. (5) 1 will go back and do them sorne other time.
a) So 1 sorted out rhe most important items .
.ve b) Unfortunately, I had to lea ve out the very big maps.
e) 1'd cut out sorne articles from the local paper but I needed more information.
d) Time was running out; the Iibrary closed at 4 p.m.
e) 1 spread them all out on a big table.
example meaning
The space shuttle will lift off at 09.00 hours. leave the ground (of a spacecraft or aircraft)
We should head off at abaut six tomorrow. start a journey or leave a place
I've sent off that letter you wrote to the newspaper. sent a letter, documento or pareel by post
Let's try and slip off befare the meeting finishes leave a place quiedy so that other people do not
and go for a drink. n9tice you going
Why did he just clear off without saying goodbye? leave a place quickly (informal)
Clear off! This is private property.
15.1 Complete these senlences, using verbs from A or B. Write the verbs in the correct formo
a 1 The company is not doing very weU - isn't it time you ................................................... off your shares
in ir?
2 We were talking to J anice when she suddenly .................................................. off in the middle of a
sentence and ran out of the room.
3 I thought it was very rude of him just to ................................................ off like that without saying
4 Would you like me to come and . . you off at the station?
S I thought I'd ................................................. off fairly soon - I've got to get up early tomorrow, but
thank you for a lovely party.
6 I was so tired that I just .................................................. off in front of the television.
7 You mustn't forget to .................................................. off that birthday card this afternoon.
8 A large crowd gathered 10 watch the rocket .... ...... off.
15.2 Replace the underlined words in these sentences with phrasal verbs from the opposite page.
1 It won't take her long to do the letters you ast<ed her to do.
2 I often fall asleep in boring lectures . .
3 Let's try and leave quietly befare the others wake up.
4 In the middle of a long speech the actor suddenly slOpped and ran off the stage.
S I've!lli1 all the students' exam results in the post.
6 The school disco has given her quite negative feelings about discos in general.
7 Tell that boy in our front garden to leave at once - he's annoying the dogo
8 Fortunately, he didn't take the criticism of his acting seriously .
.bye] 15.3 Answer these questions using ful! sen ten ces.
111 or
1 If someone criticised your hairstyle would you laugh it off or get very upset?
e day] 2 What kind of programmes are most likely 10 make you doze off in front of the television?
,ly 3 If you go on a journey on your own, who usual!y sees you off?
4 Can you run off an English essay quickly or does it take you a long time to do?
dy S Why might a lecturer break off in the middle of a talk?
6 If you plan to slip off during a party, how are you intending 10 gol
7 If someone teUs sorne children 10 'elear off', how do you think that person probably feels
about the children?
8 Name something that might put you off eating your dinner.
15.4 Rewrite these sentences using a phrasal verb from the opposite page that mean s the opposite
,de of the underlined verbo Make any other necessary changes so that the sentences make sense.
1 I'm going 10 meet James at the airport IOmorrow.
2 I've just received a letter from Pauline.
3 The rocket is due to land tomorrow at noon.
thing] 4 I hope I've managed 10 interest him in the idea of redecorating the house.
Ick S I woke up when al! the others went off 10 play tennis.
6 We're planning to arrive in the early evening.
B In
Here are sorne 01 rhe many phrasal verbs rhar use in. In each case rhere is a link w ith rhe
basic physical meaning of in.
take 5th in or make a piece of clothing narrower This skirt is too big tor me naw - 1'11 have
take in 5th to take ir in.
rub 5th in or put a substance on che surface of Rub che cream in gently with che tips of
rub in 5th something and rub ir so that ir goes into your fingers.
che surface
lock sb in or prevent someone from leaving a room or Make sure you leave the office by 6.30 p.m.
lock in sb building by locking the doors or you'lI be locked in.
push in rudely join a line of people who are It's so annoying when people push in at
(informal) waiting by going in front of sorne of the the bus stop.
people who are already there
sink in start to be believed (used about something Be patient with Jenny - it'lI take a long
unpleasant or surprising, which usually has time for the terrible news to sink in.
36 English Phrasal Verbs in Use
16.1 Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences, using phrasal verbs from A.
1 1 read the gardening article you gave me then gave it to a friend who's al so interested in plants.
fits 2 Do you think she's real!y angry, or do you think she's just pretending?
3 He looks very pale and tired. Something is clearly worrying him.
4 !t's a lovely jacket. See if it fits you and how it looks on you.
S I'm not going to stop working until I've finished this reporto
al 6 You can be sure that Brian wil! be there when you need him.
d or 16.2 Look at these remarks by different people and then read the statements 1-5 below. If the
statement is true, tick (.1) the box. If the statement is false, put a cross ()() in the box and
explain why it is falseo
I've always been
1 was working late able to ask my
and didn't realise it was parents to help me
8 p.m. The main door out of when 1 have had
the oHice had been closed for financial problems.
Richard the night and 1 had no key. · ,. Bob
Osear seems to
I've got sorne be not answering his
mosquito bites. Have you phone. 1'11 tel! him the
got any crea m that'l! stop news when 1 see
them itching? him tomorrow.
. Go to the Cambridge University Press dictionary website at Find one more
meaning for each of these verbs and write an example sentence: pass on, take in and rub in. If you do
• not have Internet access, try looking in a good monolingual or bilingual dictionary.
general meaning
examp/e meaning af phrasa/ verb in examp/e
of down
move in the direction We'll have to chop/cut down rhat old cut through it so that it falls to the
of the ground tree. It's dead. ground
Just take down the main peints, not write something. especially something
everything the lecturer says. that someone says
put on paper
1'11 write down your phone number, or write something on a piece of paper so
else 1'11 forget it. thar you do not forget it
I'm taking these tablets to keep my stop the number, level, or size of
reduce a number blood pressure down. something from increasing
or amount. or
not let it rise I'm trying to cut down on burgers and eat or drink less of a particular thing.
chips as I've started to put on weight. usually in arder to improve your health
The car factory has shut down. and c10sed and stopped working
2,000 people have lost their jobs.
stop an activity
That nice ltalian restaurant in town has stopped doing business
closed down. What a pity!
-O Over
Read Ali's e-mail ro Karen about a report at work.
'" read something from the
v Pn- .. ~\Nt ' ,, 1!Jllfrl"~"" .~,¡ \tilro<,.Of "rI01I.a\:lI't-I"':Js'N~!>o,,, I, I'Ir-n' l '''' ..
From: AH Masrouf Sent: Thu 25/05 14:33 beginning to the end in order
To: Karen Miles Ce: to find any mistakes or to
Subjeee Philippa·s report Attaehed:
understand it better
2 quickly examine something
Could you please read Oyer l Philippa's latest report and just
look oyer2 the figures in the appendix? We can go oyer3 it
, talk or think about something
together when we meet tomorrow. Then 1'11 add our comments in order to explain it or make
and hand the whole thing oyer4 to the sales team. sure that it is correct
Ali " give something to someone
Listen to this answerphone message.
spending the night somewhere else
Hi, Mum. I'm staying over l at rather than going horne (staying
Sheila's tonight - she's a bit miserable on its own would also be possible
beca use she didn't win the tennis here)
.~ • • • 4> .....-
championship. ['rn sure she' l! get over'
it soon, though. She also fel! over' and
2 recover from an illness or
'I>'lt!.~/ -"
hurt her knee quite badly. Anyway, ['l! , fel! to the ground (feU on its own
see you tomorrow. Bye. would also be possible here)
1 7. 1 Read the sentenees using phrasal verbs from A and answer the questions.
1 Jamie is weighed down with luggage.
What do we know about Jamie's luggage?
2 She's trying to cut down on chocolate.
Does she still eat chocolate?
3 Sid took down everything we said.
Did Sid tape or write what was said?
4 The garage has shut down.
Has the garage shut for the evening?
5 They ehopped down the bushes in front of their house.
Why might they ha ve deeided to do this?
17.2 Complete these newspaper headlines with the correct verbs from the box. Write the verbs in
the correet formo
chop cut go hand keep shut
17.3 Answer these questions about phrasal verbs with down and overo Use a dictionary if
11 necessary.
1 Which three phrasal verbs in the e-mail on the opposite page are often used with through
instead of over? Does using through instead of over ehange the meaning at all?
rder 2 Can you see any meaning for over that eonneets the three verbs in the answerphone
) message?
3 Match each of the phrasal verbs below with the correet general meaning of down from the
og table in A.
thing a) 1 need a holiday. Stress and overwork are wearing me down.
nake b) Let me note down your e-mail address on this slip of papero
e) A lot of fences blew down in the hurrieane last night.
oe d) The poliee are trying to crack down on street erime.
e) The government is doing all it can to hold priees down.
4 Explain what these phrasal verbs with over mean in the sentences below.
, else a) Sally is very good at pntting her ideas over in meetings.
'ng b) 1 haven't got enough room. Can you move over, please?
sible e) Can you check over these figures for me, please? Ir's important that there are no
d) Don't put your glass of wine on the floor. Sorneone is sure to knock it over.
e) Make sure the rnilk does not boil overo
Spending time
wait about/around stay in one place without doing anything If you can wait around tor about an
as you wait tor something to happen hour, we should be able to tell you
your results.
laze about/around relax and enjoy yourself by doing very For the first week of our holiday we
little usually just laze about on the beach.
sit about/around spend time sitting down and doing Please let me help you. 1 don't like ¡ust
(somewhere) very litde sitting about all day.
hang about/aroundl spend time somewhere without doing There are always a lot of rather
round (somewhere) very much suspicious-Iooking men hanging round
(informal) outside that bar.
mess about/around spend time playing or doing things with Tim spends his weekends messing
no particular purpose around in the garage repairing things.
behave stupidly. waste time doing The pupils were given extra homework
unimportant things for messíng around in class.
mess sb aboutl treat someone badly or waste their He's been messing her around for
around (informal) time, e.g. by changing your mind or not ages and ¡ust won't commit to the
doing what you promised relationship.
lie aboutlaround spend time Iying down doing very little I hate the way he just líes around all
day watchingTV while I'm working.
Being in a place
Fans were milling about/around/round the hotel lobby hoping ro see the film star and get her
autograph. [walking around a particular place or area, usually while waiting for something]
Meanwhile photographers and journalists were standing about/around/round chatting to
each other. [spending time standing in a place waiting for someone or doing very litde]
Mick: Can you stick around this afternoon? [informal: sta y somewhere for a period of
time] If so, I'lI take you around/round the office and introduce you ro the other
secretaries if you like. [visit a place with someone showing them the most interesting
or important parts]
Anne: No, it's all right, thanks. The boss has already shown me around/round. [gone with
someone to a place that they ha ve not visited before and shown them the interesting
18.1 Draw lines ro mareh rhe verbs in rhe left-hand eolumn with the best definitions in the
tnd right-band eolumn.
1 mes s ____ lie down doing very little
2 hang ---- spend time sitting down and doing very little
3 lie aboutJ(a)round relax, enjoy yourself and do very little
4 sit behave stupidly or waste time
5 laze spend time somewhere not doing very mueh
18.2 Now use the verbs from exeróse 18.1 to fill the gaps in these sentenees. Write the verbs in
the eorreet form and use eaeh verb once only.
1 She just ............................................ around on the sofa all day reading magazines.
1 wish she'd ger a jobo
2 We eould be ................................................... round here for hours waiting for a taxi. Let's wa lk.
3 After the meeting we were just . . .. around ehatring for a while.
4 My idea of a perfeet weekend is just ... . .............................. around at home with a good
h. book.
¡st 5 1 wish the kids would stop ................................................:.. about.
18.3 Rewrite the underlined words in these sentenees, using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.
1 Do you want to sta y here after the meeting? 1 finish work at 5 p.m. and 1 eould go with
und you and show you the most interesting plaees in the old town.
2 Nothing mueh happened at the demonstration. We jusr srood in one place not doing mueh
and held our banners up.
,s. 3 They spend most weekend s just doing rhings without mueh purpose in their boat; they
ork don't really sail it seriously.
4 On my first day, the boss went with me through rhe workshop and in trodueed me to
various people I'd be working with .
5 Ar the drinks party people were just wandering here and there hoping to find someone
they knew.
6 Look, I'm sorry, 1 don'r want to cause you problems and waste your time, bur 1 wonder if
,11 we could postpone our meeting ri ll next week?
18.4 Here are sorne other phrasal verbs with about/around. Read tbe sentenees and try to explain
- -B With
stick with it continue doing something even I know studying for a PhD is hard, but
though it is diffjcult (informal) I think you should stick with it.
go with sth if one thing goes with another, they That shirt goes really well with your
suit each other or they look or taste blue jacket.
good together
put up with sb/sth accept unpleasant behaviour or an I don't know how she puts up with
unpleasant situation. even though you his bad tempero
do not like it
catch up with sb meet someone you know, after not I hope to catch up with Freda when
seeing them for a period of time I'm in Berlin.1 haven't seen her for years.
ct 19.1 Look at the phtasal verbs in A. Then match the questions 1-6 with the appropriate answers
a-f below.
1 Do you think [ should buy these shoes - they're a bit expensive?
2 Oh dear, look at that accidento
In 3 What did you think of the restaurant?
4 Do you know what CV means?
5 Would you like to go to a café?
6 Who are you supporting in the league?
)u a) Couldn't have asked for anything better!
b) Yes, go for it!
e) Quick! Send for an ambulance!
d ) Yes, I'm dying for an ice cream.
e) We're rooting for the Reds, as usual.
f) Sure!!t stands for curriculum vitae.
I 9.2 Complete these sentences with an appropriate verbo :
. the verb in the correct formo
1 He . ........................................ for a doctor as soon as h~ felt ~he pains in his chest.
it 2 Martha. ................ for her work so she's going to find it very hard when she has
to to retire.
3 These boots don't reaUy .. ... with this skirt, but they're comfortable.
iting 4 You ................................................... for a nicer teacher. She's so patiene and kind.
5 1'11 have to have a word with Cina. [ can't .. ................. up with her rudeness any
6 Your hair is too long - you . ... with a haircut.
,d 7 You should . .............................. with the course. [t would be a shame to give up now.
be 8 [lave going back to rny home town and . . ....................... up with all my old friends.
19.3 Use a phrasal verb from the opposite page to complete these dialogues.
1 Anne: This fish tastes delicious with your tornato sauce.
Jenny: Yes, they do ................ well .... . .......... each other, don't they!
2 Bob: Shall we go to the concert together?
Tina: Good idea. I'U ................................. ............. you on the way there.
3 Tessa: 1'11 go and put rhe kettle on.
Tony: Great, ['m. .......... a cup of tea.
4 Joan: [ thought the film was great.
[van: Yes, 1 thoughr ir . ......... rhe theme of lo ve reaUy sensirively.
5 Mark: Let's meet for a coffee and a chat next week.
Karen: Yes, [ can't wair to .. .................... yOu.
19.4 Rewrire these sentences, using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.
1 [couldn't tolerare such noisy neighbours as yours.
2 !t's been such a busy week. [ can'r wait for the weekend.
3 Jean's shoes match her handbag perfectly.
4 AU the studenes at his university were hoping Kyle would win rhe golf championship.
5 [have rhe besr ¡ob you could imagine.
6 Her grandson is the most important persa n in SteUa's life.
Back in phrasal verbs usually conveys the idea of returning.
If you want to return something you ha ve bought by post, perhaps beca use it is the wrong
size or is damaged, you send it back. If you go to the shop to exchange it in person you take
it back. Shops usually have to agree to take back things they ha ve so Id you if you find they
are not in good condition when you get home. If you caIVphone/ring someone back or e-mail
someone back, you are replying to a phone message or e-mail from them.
Note that with the verbs above, back can go before or after the object of the verbo
If someone, especially a child, answers (someone) back, they reply rudely to someone they
should be polite too
Mother: Say thank you to Mrs Brown.
Child: Say thank you yourself.
Mother: Don't answer me back like that.
An interesting use of back is in the expression: We go back ten years.
This is an informal way of saying: We have known each other for ten years.
If you bite back, you do something bad to someone beca use they did something bad to yOU.
However, if you bite something back or bite back something, you stop yourself from saying
something that shows your true feelings or thoughts.
When Emma is criticised she doesn't hesitate to bite back.
When Karl asked me what [ thought of his lime-green suit, [ had to bite back my initial
20.1 Write what you could say in these situations using phrasal verbs with through.
or 1 Your boss asks you to expla in to a new member of staff how things are done in the office,
srep by srep. Whar could you say to the new person?
2 A friend warns you that another person, Leo, is trying to trick you. Reassure the friend
thar you realised what Leo was really like the first moment you met him.
3 You arrive late for an imponant meeting. YOll set yOllr alarm dock but didn't wake up
when it rango Apologise and exp lain what happened.
4 You have done sorne calculations at work, and rhere seems to be a mistake. Ask a
colleague to read the figures carefully to see if they can see any mistakes.
5 A colleague offers to read in detail a 12-page repon you ha ve written. Tell them that thar
will not be necessary and that you'd be grateful if rhey just looked at it very briefly. (Give
three possible answers.)
6 A friend asks you why a person you know always seems so sad. Explain that that person
'ct. has experienced sorne terrible things over the last few years.
20.2 Complete these sen ten ces using verbs from B.
1 This new jacket just doesn't look right on me;: the'colour is all wrong. If 1 . .......... it
back to the shop, do you think they'd ... ................. it back? I bought it over a week ago.
2 I had to . . ... back sorne angry words when they told me I had lost my jobo
<e or
3 1 bought this dock on the Internet, but it's not as nice as it looked on the computer screen.
,. I think 1'11 .................................. it back.
4 [don't think she'lI just accept his insults. She's the sort of person who will ....
back if she's attacked.
5 We're old friends. We ................................ back to the 1980s when we were at college together.
6 Children nowadays seem to lack respect for their parents and won't hesitate to
19 ............................. back.
20.3 Complete the sentences using an appropriate phrasal verb from the opposite page.
·mail 1 Joe rang while you were out. Please could you . .. .......................... .
2 [don't Iike these trousers [ bought today. [ think I .
3 Harry missed his train rhis morning beca use he ....
4 Ellen isn't really reading the magazine; she's just ..
y 5 [wanted to tell her how upset I was but I managed to ....
ou .
Mr Trotsky was one of those people everyone could see through immediately.
7 Mon Ran ¡nto Mary W in town today. Nice to see met someone 1 know when 1 did not expect
her -again. ro meet them
8 Tue Car problems again todayl Must look ¡nto investiga te and exa mine the facrs abour a
getting a new one. problem oc situation
9Wed Poor old Eileen! The boss 'tOld her he didn't suddenly started to make a noise, especially
like some work she:'d done and she: l1urst to start crying, laughing or singing
¡nto tears.
10Thu The:b055 wants to have: lunch with me:. believe th ar an acria n, remark, oc situation
Anne says I shouldn't read anything
into ¡t, but j'm 5uspicious of his motives. . has a particular importance or meaning,
often when this is nor tcue
11 Fri Met Liam today. He: went ¡neo his marriage:
proble:ms in gre:at detall. Fe:lt 50rry for him. described and discussed so mething in a
detailed way
12 Sal Decided to throw my5elf into doing some
gardening now that spring is here! start doing something with a lot of
enthusiasm and energy
f 13 Sun Saw Lit:lm again. Told him I was busy as I
didn't want to enter ¡nto another discussion start to become involved in something,
about his private life. especially a discussion. (Note th at you
enter a room, nor eRter iRES a room.)
B Away
phrasal verb meaning example
tidy away 5th or put things in cupboards and drawers, Mum tald me to tidy away all my
tidy 5th away etc. after you have been using them things before my aunt carne to visito
pack away 5th or put something into a bag or container, or The scouts packed away their tents
pack 5th away put something in the place where it is and left the camping ground.
usually kept
tear sb away force someone to stop doing something I'm sorry to tear you away from
(u5ually + from) they enjoy in order to do something el se your computer, but I need your help.
stay away from sth avoid something that has abad effect on I think I should stay away from
you desserts. I'm putting on weight.
send away for sth write to an organisation to ask them to l've sent away for a brochure about
send you something holidays in New Zealand.
loek yourself away go to a room or building where you can I decided to loe k myself away in
be alone, usually so that you can work my room till l'd finished my essay.
run away secretly leave a place because you are Did you ever run away from home as
(olten + from) unhappy there a child?
21.4 Here are sorne more phrasal verbs with into and away. Read the sentenees 1-5 and match
11 the phrasal verbs with the definitions a-e below. Use a dictionary if neeessary.
1 As soon as Joe saw me he launehed into a long aeeount of his travels.
2 Beeause it is so expensive in this eountry at the moment, tourists are keeping away.
3 Trying to eross the room in the dark, he banged into a smaU table and knoeked it overo
4 Ir isn't a person in that field, it's a seareerow - the farmer wants to seare the birds away.
5 I bumped into your sister in town this morning.
a) knock against something, usuaIly by aeeident
b) meet someone you know when you have not planned to meet them
e) start doing or saying something (e.g. a speeeh or a story) in a very enthusiastie way
d) make a person or animal so frighteoed that they go away
e) not go to a place
1e as 21.5 Can you see any basic meanings for into and away in the phrasal verbs in this unit that
might help you leam them?
{ when she leaves she docks off'.lf the machine shows that she has worked
an extra long shift, then she is able to take time off 3 at a later date. She was
planning to take a holiday in July this year but has had to bring it forward'
{ as July is going to be a particularly busy time for her hospital this year.
Florence loves her work but her hospital is understaffed and she hates
to always be pressed for s time. She finds it almost impossible to
fit in" time to talk to the patients although she feels that is an important
part of her jobo She can chat for a few minutes but then she has to press on'
w ith her other duties. The hospital employs many nurses from overseas; but when their work
permits run out 8 after two years they have to lea ve.
I record (he time she arrives at work, usually at a machine wirh a clock (also dock in )
2 record the time she lea ves work (also dock out)
1 spend time away fram work
• change the date or time of something so that it happens earlier than expected
5 nor have enough of something, usually time oc money
6 find time to do someth in g or see someone
7 continue doing somerhing in a determined way
8 come ro an end (of (he period of time of a document OI agreement); more fo rmal equivalent is
At leisure
When Florence does have spare time, she likes to relax. She usually
hangs out I with friends she was at school with. They have knocked
around together' for years and love whiling away3 their days off,
going round the shops or just chatting at one of their homes.
Sometimes they go away for a weekend and muck about' at Florence's
aunt's cottage in the countryside. Last time they did that, a colleague of
Florence's latched on toS them. The others didn't really like her at fírst,
especially as they always had to hang on" while she got ready, but now
they alllike her very mucho
¡ji Sometimes 1 get tired of just
hanging out with other bats.
Write a description af how you spend your work and leisure time, using as many af the phrasal
verbs in this unit as you can.
Leftover (noun) and bygone (adjective) are formed from the verbs be left over and go by,
We used some balloons that were left over from the Christmas party to decora te the house
for her birthday, [still existed/were unused from an earlier time]
As time goes by you realise that your parents' advice was in your best interest, [passes]
Note that bygone also exists as a no un, but it is usually always in the plural bygones,
Time moving
['m sorry 10 hold you up but you must sign these forms before you go in, [del ay you]
If there are no hold-ups, we should arrive by about seven o'dock, [noun: delays]
Jim, can you hurry the kids up, The coach is about to leave. [make them act more quickly]
Mum walks so fast, !t's quite hard 10 keep np with her, [go at the same speed as someone]
The meeting dragged on and everyone got irritable, [continued for too long]
['m sorry ['m late, My French lesson ran on, so 1 didn't leave school ti1l4.30 p,m, [continued
for longer than expected]
Three weeks passed by befare 1 got a reply to my lerter of complaint, [went past]
!t's difficult to plan for the future, Nobody knows what lies ahead, [will happen in the future]
11 If a phrasal verb has a noun or adjective form associated with it, learn them together and record them
11 together in your vocabulary notebook, e.g./eftover and be left overo
23.1 Write the best phrasal verb expression from the options below to complete this texto
111e, fiLm 05 o.. time, tro..yel. o.O.,ye,nwre, o..nd. I fot.<nd. i.t ye,r~ e,nterto.i.nmg tI1ot.<gh 1Yl~ colYlpo..nwn
fel,t tI1o..t i.t . (1) o.. bi.t. At tI1e- be<¡mnmg i.t ................................................ (z.)
to tI1e- Iron Age- whe,re. the. he,ro iJ.; Uxmg o..n ord.Lno..r~ Iron-Age, LUe.. He, e.o..ts o.. lYl~ste,rWIAS
pl.o..nt, howe,ye,r, o..nd. tI1e- slAd.d.e.nly sto..rt . (3) Uke. mmlAte.s.
51Ad.d.e,nly he, os in tI1e- f1Awre, o..nd., o..s he- iJ.; now o.. . . (4) from o..
er a (S) e,ro.., he. fi,nd.s i.t ve,r~ ho..rd. to t.<nd.e,rsto..nd. who..t os going on.
1110s re,slAlts m o.. nlAmbe,r of o..mlAsing incid.e,nts. AltI10lAgh the, plot iJ.; oCW5wnoJ.4J o.. Iilli.e.
chat d.iffi,a<Lt to foLLow I WOIALd. urto.i.nly re-comme,nd. i.t.
a 1 a) passed by b) dragged on c) held up d) dated back
2 a) thinks baek b) hurries you up e) takes you baek d) holds you up
which 3 a) going by b) Iyiog ahead e) hurrying up d) keeping up
lier ,
4 a) bygooe b) hold-up e) bygones d) leflOver
5 a) bygone b) hold-up e) bygones d) leftover
ist 23.2 Explain the difference in meaning between these pairs of sentences.
1 a) The leeture ran oo.
b) The leeture dragged oo.
2 a) John held us up.
b) Joho hurried us up.
3 a) This song takes me back 10 my childhood.
lse b) This song dates baek 10 my childhood.
4 a) It was not easy to keep up with the ehildren as we went through town.
b) lt was not easy 10 hurry up the ehildren as we went through IOwn.
23.3 Here are sorne things people might say relating to time. What does the speaker mean in eaeh
example meaning
We stayed in a lovely hotel which was tucked was in a quiet or hidden place that not many people
away in a little valley. see or go to (from be tucked away)
Our room opened anto a balcony with loveJy opened in che direction of che countryside or had a
vieW5 of the countryside. view of it (from apen anto 5th)
Fields and woods stretched away to che horizon. continued over a long distance (from stretch away)
We could see a few farmhouses which were were in different parts of a large area and not clase
spread out ayer the landscape. together (from be spread out)
We felt we were completely cut off from the busy very far away from other places and people (from
modern world! be cut off)
People in locations
Read this conversation between two students.
Deb: Come in, John.
John: What a great room!
Deb: Well, 1 like it. Ir was a bit dull when 1 moved in,
but 1 bought these nice curtains which help ro
brighten it Up'. In fact, 1 like it so much here that
l'd rather stay in 2 than go out most evenings.
John: You're lucky! The room 1 rent is so miserable
that 1 stay out3 as long as 1 can! leven stayed on'
in the library ronight until it closed! Anyhow,
¡'ve come ro bring you your file - you left it
behind s at the se minar this morning.
Deb: Oh, thanks. How silly of me. I'm glad you
noticed it.
John: Well, I stayed behind' tú ask the Prof some
questions and then saw it lying there.
Deb: Thank you very mucho Would you like a coffee
now you're here?
John: Well, I can't sta y now. But I'd love to call bacF
another time if that's OK?
Deb: Sure, that'd be nice.
I make more attractive, often by adding calours S left a place without taking something with
2 remain at home, especially in rhe evenings you
3 come home late or nor come home at night , did not lea ve a place when others left it
• stayed in a place longer than planned 7 go back ro a place ro visir someone
Notice how three of che phrasal verbs in A are used in che passive: be tucked away. be spread out, be cut
. off. Make a special note in your vocabulary notebook if any phrasal verb construction is used in a
particular way, e.g. in che passive. as a noun or as an adjective, and write down a typical example
sentence to help you remember it.
24. I Complete these sen ten ces 10 describe these pictures using phrasal verbs based on the verbs in
The fields (stretch) ... There are small houses The room (open) ...
(spread) ...
The house (tuck) ... The house on the island (cut) ...
~ cut
Go to the Cambridge University Press dictionaries website at and select the
Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.ln the search box. type behind and then search. From the
list of phrasal verbs with behind, click on three that you are no! familiar with and study the explanations.
The rerrorisrs ser rhe bomb off in rhe middle of rhe rush hour. [caused an explosion]
We accidentally se! off rhe burglar alarm when we carne into rhe house. [made the alarm ring]
The scandal set off a series of events which caused the collapse of the government and a
general election. [caused a series of events or a lot of activity, often withour intending to do sol
You shouldn't ha ve mentioned flying saucers. You've set him off now. He'll talk for hours.
[made him start to talk about something he often r'alks about]
The ending of the play really set her off. 1 didn't know whether she was laughing or crying.
[made her start to laugh or cry]
The crisis sparked off a bitter civil war. [caused something to suddenly happen or exist]
The Prime Minister's speech triggered off violent protests in cities up and down the country.
[made something suddenly begin, often a difficult or violent situation]
The doctors still haven't ruled out" the " decided that something is impossible
possibility rhat he might ha ve cancer.
25.1 Choose the hest phrasal verh from the hox to complete eaeh sentenee. Write the verh in the
correet formo
bring back lie behind stir up set off spark off spring from
1 That song always ................................................. wonderful memories whenever 1 hear it.
2 1 think my problems at work ................................................... the faet that 1 never rea11y wanted to go
¡nto accountancy as a career.
3 1 wonder what rea11y ................................................... Maria's dislike of Pau!.
4 1 don't like the way Maxine is always trying to ................................................... trouble between US.
5 The film ................................................... a lively diseussion in the class.
n ringl 6 The tragie pietures of the earthquake victims . . ........................ her ..
and she just couldn't stop crying.
do sol 25.2 Fill the gaps in the paragraph helow, using the correet verh or partide.
US. There has been • lot of diseussion in the newspapers about wh.t triggered .................................. (1) the
reeent explosion in the eity centre. Sorne people believe that a bomb was .................................. (2) off by
'mg. a terrorist group who hope to .................................. (3) about the downfall of the government. Others
believe lhat the explosion was probably sparked ... . .... (4) by .n eleetrieal fault and have
............................. (5) out any criminal activity. BUl the question still remains: was it a deliberate
explosion set .................................. (6) by a group who wanted to .................................. (7) things up in order to
ntry. .................................. (8) the governrnent b.ek for sorne injustiee?
25.3 Whieh word from the hox provides the hest ending for these sentenees?
bout 1 Take no notice of what he says. He's always trying to ................................................. trouble.
2 She vowed that one day she'd . .. ................ for a11 the heartbreak he had caused her.
3 1 wonder what ................................................... the protests last week.
4 The decision to increase taxes . .. ................ demonstrations a11 across the country.
5 Detectives sti11 haven't .. . the possibility of murder.
;sible 6 His therapist thought that his unhappiness ................................................... a traumatic experience in
his childhood.
Sometimes it may help to learn phrasal verbs in pairs of opposites, e.g. phase in or phase out a new
system; heat up or cool down foad; take up or give up an activity; prices ga up or ga down.
26.1 Look at these pictures aod theo complete the seoteoces about them below, usiog phrasal
verbs from A.
1 3
'a 2
Across 5
1 change from one thing 10 another (noun)
2 We can't change it; we're . I
with it.
3 I'm angry, but I'Il ................................. over it.
4 The scandal will .................................. over after a 2
few months.
5 The firm will ................................. III a new 4
pension scheme.
6 I'm not sure how the situation will
that .................................. out.
7 1 think I'Il . ............... up soccer and start playing golf instead.
8 1 had an injection at the dentist's and it hasn't .. ............ off yet, so 1 can't eat properly.
26.4 Correct the mistakes with the phrasal verb expressions in these sentences.
se to 1 The overchange to the new accounting system has caused endless problems.
2 There was a lot of trouble in the office last month, but it's all blown up now and things
are back to normal.
v 3 Shall 1 hot up that pizza for you? 1 expect it's gone cold by now.
4 AIl these old telephones will be faced out over the next year and we'll get new, digital ones.
Where phrasal verbs fall naturally into two groups with opposite meanings, e.g. success versus failure.
increase versus decrease. make two columns in your vocabulary notebook and fill them in as yau meet
new verbs that fit either calumn. Try doing this with the verbs on this page.
nes. 27. 1 Find phrasal verb expressions from A on the opposite page that match these definitions.
1 fail to happen 4 suddenly become successful or popular
2 replace someone in a position of success 5 succeed in achieving something difficult
3 the sud den failure of a person or organisation 6 happen successfully or as pl anned
lagers 27.2 Decide whether these phrasal verbs are mainly associated with success or with failure, by
'e not writing S or F in the box.
,d. 1 bring off D 4 pay off D 7 take off D
2 come off D 5 catch up D 8 fall through D
t 3 muddle through D 6 stay ahead D 9 walk into D
n 27.3 Fill the gaps in this school report with phrasal verbs from B opposite.
" History Tina's work in history is not very good but she does manage to
.................................................................... somehow.
M.ths Tina has managed to successfully .. ............................................... the work she did
last year in order to make excellent progress this termo
on to
rapid English Tina missed a lot of schoolwork through illness at the beginning of term, but she
rebels has managed to .. .. ................................ and is doing fine now.
Geography Tina ha s always been top of the class in geography and she has managed to
r .................................................................... this year too.
mced Physics Tina has never found physics easy but her hard work is beginning to
:ional ......................... ...............
27.4 Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets, Write the verb in the correct formo
1 M iranda immediate!y got a job in London. (WALK)
l you 3 The company is hoping ro make an important deal this week. (PULL)
4 Rache! never expected her singing career to meet with such instant success. (TAKE)
lerhing 5 T he project may well not happen beca use of a lack of funds. (FALL)
6 Teri finds it hard ro make as much progress as the other kias in her class. (KEEP)
7 The new design of mobile phone has become successful almost overnight. (CATCH)
8 Top software companies are finding it increasingly difficult to remain in front of their
leet competitors. (STAY)
set out start a journey We set out at 7 a.m. and didn't return until
after dark.
start off or begin life, existen ce or a profession Yvonne started out as a model but soon
start out in a particular way realised that it was not the career tor her.
Note that the no un the outset, from the verb set ont, means the beginning, e.g.
There were problems from the outset and things beca me progressively worse.
wa~ l·
oe called off' the building work his team
doing on the new company offices beca use
he had heard that the company was going
, bankrupt. He knew the money was going to
dry up', so he was not prepared 10 continue.
Most of the team immediately broke off3
what they were doing but some of them first
finished off4 the task they were working on.
Joe himself quickly polished offs the last of his
paperwork and then packed up' too.
~ - -~ ~-~ ~
, stop doing or having something
\ Suzanna is trying to give up' smoking.
At first she cut down' 10 five rather than
i fifteen a day, but she is finding it very
2 reduced the amount or number
, gradually relax after something that has made
you feel tired or worried
hard. She says that a cigarette helps her to
wind down' after a hard day at work. She 4 gradually end or disappear, usually in a
hopes her determination won't fizzle out4 disappointing way
I after a few weeks as she is very anxions s stop doing something before you have
not to give ups Ihis new regime. completed it, usually beca use it is too difficult
28.1 Complete these comments by various people with words from the box below. Write the
words in the correct formo
ed set fizzle dry start give polish pack cut finish cal! break outset
1 had 50 exam papers to correct that day, so 1 .
about marking them. 1 managed to ................................................... off about
20 by 12.30, so 1 ................................................... oH for lunch and decided
to ... ............... the job off latero
1 was putting on weight, so 1 decide<! to ................................................... up fatty foods.
1 ................................................. down on sweet' drÍnks too, but I'm afraid my eHorts
........................................... out after a couple of weeks and now I'm back where 1 started.
4 Our research project was getting nowhere, and our funds were
........................... up. We didn't reaHy want to ... .. .............................. the
whole thing off, but we had no choice. We're very disappointed.
28.2 Answer these questions about yourself, using full sen ten ces with a phrasal verbo
1 What should you set about doing soon, even though you don't reaHy want to?
2 Can you think of something you were planning to do but then were forced to caH off?
3 What helps you to wind down when you are tired or stressed?
4 What do you eat or drink too much
of which you think you should cut
down on?
5 What did you once start off doing but
later gave up?
\\ \\ II 1/
s made
'You polished off al! the cakes before I got here!'
example meaning
She fell down and broke her armo fell to the ground
Can you reach that book down far me, please~ get something that is aboye your head by reaching
You're taller than me. with your hand
example meaning
I must wrap up Stella's birthday presento Do you cover in paper, especially in arder to give as a
have any nice paped present
Can you help me to tie up this package? I don't put string or rape around something so that it is
want it to get damaged in the post. fastened together
Will you help me blow up these ballaons far the fill with air
Could you pick up that box and follow me, please? life using your hands
It has the exam papers in it.
He felt very angry and tore her letter up. tear into a lot of small pieces
Could you move up and let Christine sit next move slightly so that there is enough space for
to you? someone else
I have abad leg. I don't want to slow you up, so go make someone or something slower
ahead and don't wait for me.
t is
29.3 Look at these pictures and write answers to the questions about them using a phrasal verb
from the opposite page.
3 5
fall apart break inco pieces because of being Take care with this priceless old book.
too old or too weak It's beginning to fall aparto
pull down 5th or destroy a building or other structure They are planning to pull down the old
pull sth down because it is not wanted any more police station and build a new one.
screw up 5th or twist or crush paper or material with You can tel1 he's nervous - Icok how
screw 5th up your hands he's screwing up those scraps of papero
tear apart 5th or pull something violently so that it The customs officers tore the bag
tear 5th apart breaks into two or more pieces apart and found the hidden drugs.
tear down sth or violently destroy a building or other I can't bear to watch them tearing
tear sth down structure because it is not wanted down the school we used to go too
knock over sth/sb or hit or push someone or something, As she was dusting the room she
knock sth/sb over usually accidentally, so that they fall to knocked over a vase and spilt water all
the ground or onto their si de over the table.
put out sth or make something that is burning, e.g. We managed to put the fire out before
put sth out a fire or cigarette, stop burning the fire brigade arrived.
root out sth/sb or find and get rid of the thing or person The government says it will root out
root sth/sb out that is causing a problem crime and the causes of crime.
stamp out sth or get rid of something that is The government says it is doing all it can
stamp sth out considered wrong or harmful to stamp out the problem of drugs.
s noun: problern which
but she has turned on4 severaI officers from the council who have tried
ca used time to be wasted
to get her to change her mind. There was a recent setback5 for Doris
6 did what needed to be
when she was told that she couldn 't stay in the cottage beca use repairs
needed to be done to the roof. However. her neighbour. a builder. done to solve the
quickJy saw t06 it and her roof is now in good repair. so she is still in problem
_ cottage
_ -..rand hopes
.,; _to_win
__ battle.
_ _ .,; ..--- ---
30.1 Complete these sentences using verbs from the table in A opposite.
1 The border police have tried unsuccessfuUy to ................................................... out iUegal immigration.
2 When the thefrs at the school happened the headteacher promised 10 ............................................. .
out the person or persons responsible.
3 We got a lovely old chair from my grandmother's house when she died but it was
.............................................. apart so we had it restored.
4 She read the letter then .............................. .. ........... it up and threw it angrily into the wastepaper
, old basket.
5 l got so excited l ................................................... over my coffee cup and made a terrible stain on the
N tablecloth.
30.2 Which phrasal verbs do these pictures iHustrate? Write a sentence to describe what the
animals or people in each picture are doing, using the appropriate phrasal verb from the
opposite page.
1 2
,er all
it can
30.3 Rewrite the underlined parts of these conversations, using pbrasal verbs from B opposite.
1 Pedro: I'm sorry you didn 't get the funds you applied for 10 do your research.
when Gisela: Yes, weU, it was a bit of a disappointment and l did waste a bit of time beca use
eone of it but I've applied for a different grant, and hope I'U get that.
2 Tony: Are you managing 10 survive without working?
lard, Dan: WeU, my parents ha ve lem me sorne money 10 enable me to survive while I'm
lease studying.
>meone 3 Connie: Teachers suffered very badly under the last government - their salaries feU and
period theír conditions got worse.
Hilda: Yes, bul Ihey are nol jusI reaclinl> passively any more now and their union is
ry much stronger.
ed 4 Ruth: Did you get much support from Mr Crombie?
Bob: Oh yes, he did absolutely everythinl> possible to help me.
wasted 5 Tom: l hear you experienced Lena's bad temper this morning!
:0 be Eric: Yes, l made an innocent cornmem and she just reacted rea Uy furiously.
6 Olive: The photocopier's not working again.
Gareth: OK, don't worry, I'U 1>0 .nd fix it.
Natasha and 1 love going to posh restaurants where we have to dress Up' though Natasha
always finds il hard to decide what to put on 2 Her favoutite evening dress is long, red and
tight-fitting and she has to get me to help her do upj the zip. As we live in Moscow we have to
wrap up' well before going out in winter and she puts a long fUf coat on s over her dress.
As soon as we arrive anywhere, she goes straight to the ladies room to freshen up'.
Describing places
When we arrived in the town, we were surprised to see how rundown ' it looked. The
streets were littered with' rubbish. However, one building in the town centre stnck out'.
Its tidy window boxes and fresh paint set it apart'. There was a lovely little lamp sticking
outS from one comer. When we went closer we found it was the Town Museum.
I (adjeetive) shabby, in a poor eond ition , made it different, usually better, than others
, (always passive) contained a lot of of the same type
something, usualIy something negative s eoming out beyond the edge or surfaee
3 was noticeable beca use ir was different
Jo: 1 ca n never teH one twin from the other, can you?
Mel: No, 1 can never teH them aparto
thers The <ity co"nciL are CrH"'9 ro ""prove SOl\'>e of the 01A.u, ................................................ (1) parts of
the <ity. Th~'re CrH"'9 ro consCr"ct new b"il<J.mgs whi.cl1 wiU blena. ................................................... (2.)
wiH1 the ex.sw,g arehited:tAre. There's one new b"il< thai .... .. ........................... (3)
OtAt, whi.cl1 I like verH I\'>"eh. It has "" b~~L d.ecoraLed. f"{..d.e ~a. little statues whi.cl1
................................................... (4) OtAt frOI\'> the roof, whi.cl1 ................................................... (5) ¡,t "-Part frOI\'> o.U.
the other b"il<J.mgs.
32.4 Sorne of the phrasal verbs from this unit can be used in a metaphorical way. Try to work out
the metaphorical meaning of these phrasal verbs fram their basic meaning by answering the
questions below.
1 Military history is littered with examples of armies being destroyed beca use of generals or
politicians making siUy mistakes.
Are there many or few examples of siUy mistakes in military history?
2 I thought Tom Hanks' performance in that film really stood out.
Did the speaker think that Tom Hanks' performance was ordinary or special?
3 The quality of Jan's descriptive writing really sets her work apart fram that of the other
students in the dass.
Is Jan's writing better or worse than that of the other students?
4 I can't tell John's voice fram his father's on the phone.
Does John's voice sound like his father's on the phone?
5 Bringing a new actor into the series might freshen things up.
Does the speaker think that the new actor wiU spoil or imprave the series?
-- A A review of an event
5 play their role for a short period of time watch DI take part in an event or activity
call off sth or cancel something, especially because it We decided to call off the sports
call 5th off no longer seems possible or useful event as we'd only sold 20 tickets.
cram ioto/in go into a place even though it is too The hall seated 200 but more than
somewhere small and becomes very full 300 crammed into it for the
pass off happen, especially in a good way The demonstration passed off
peacefully, despite fears that there
would be violence.
put off sth or postpone to a later date We had to put off the match
put 5th off because the rain was so heavy.
put forward/back sth or arrange something for an earlier/later We've put the time of the staft
put sth forward/back time meeting forward/back so more
people can come.
I It is often a good idea to learn a group of phrasal verbs connected together into a story, like the review
in A aboye. Make up your own stories for verbs you have written down in your vocabulary notebook.
33.1 Answer the following questions about the phrasal verbs from A, using full sentenees.
1 If a performance is booked up, can you get t iekets for it or not?
2 If people are said to pouc in (a place), what do yo u know abou t the number of people?
3 If people eram into a room, what is the room then like?
4 What kind of events might be put o n to tie in with Nationa l Poetry Week?
~es 5 ls a comedian more likely to send up politieians or post offiee workers?
,ec 6 When would an actor need someone to stand in for them?
il 33.2 Choose the eorreet word to complete these sentenees.
:us 1 It was so eold in the hall that a few people ................................................. out before the end of the
concerr .
a) turned b) wa lked e) poured d) paeked
pie 2 The elass went 10 see the performance of Maebeth beca use it ................................................... in well
with the projeet they were doing on Seottish history.
FF a) erammed b) stood e) tied d) booked
3 We were delighted when we saw how many people had . .. out for the
a) turned b) taken e) stood d) walked
4 T he teaeher was worried about the play her young elass was putting on for the parems
but, fortunately, everything .. .. ..................... off without any problems.
a) took b) passed e) walked d) eaHed
5 Morag is very good at ................................................... off the teaehers in her sehoo!.
id by
a) sending b) ealling e) taking d ) putting
6 The meeting had to be . .. forward to 9 a.m.
a) made b) sem e) turned d) put
33.3 Replaee the underlined words with a phrasal verb &om the opposite page.
1 The eoneert has been eaneelled beca use the main performer is il!.
2 My aum has a job go ing round different sehools substituting for teaehers who are siek.
3 T his year the Drama Club is going to presem a performance of Hamlet.
>rts 4 T hat acto r is very good at imitating the Prime Minister.
ets. 5 The shops are usuall y very erowded during the sales.
6 My unele has arranged his trip to this eountry to coincide w ith my parents' anniversary.
33.4 Complete this e-mail.using the eorreet phrasal verbs from the opposite page.
ere You must go and see the show that the Students' Arts Club is .. . .............. (1) this week.
It's brilliant and it ................................................... (2) very well with the study 01 satire that we're doing at
the moment in our literature lectures. We were lucky to get tickets as we'd been told that it
................................................... (3) but we managed get the last two and to ................................................... (4) the
hall along with at least 2,000 other people. The actors were so good at ................................................... (5)
re the bureaucracy in this college and Ben Hurley was brilliant at .. .. .. (6) the Dean.
No-one .................................................. (7) early - not even the Dean, who seemed to be enjoying himsell
as much as everyone else! lt's been so popular that the play planned for next week has been
..................... (8) till next month so the Club can hold so me extra performances.
John: We've been running up against ' quite ·a lat of problems here recendy.
Rita: 1 know. As soon as we deal with one problem, another immediately crops up2 and 1
now feel 1 can 't bank on l things turning out4 well in the end.
MiUy: The situation at work is so annoying at the I(noun) mistake caused by confusion
moment! There's been a smaU mix-up' of 2 not allow something bad that is
orders and everyone is making a great happening or is being done to you to
drama out of it. upset you or aHect your behaviour
Tom: Oh come on! You can rise above2 that. ] stop being in volved in a situation,
Just back offl and let others handle things. expecially to let others deal with it
B An island revolution
Olidaymakers who were caught Up' Palace. The returning tourists rep0r! that
H last week in a revolution on the
Caribbean island of St Maria have now
!hey were all thrown togetherJ in one of
lhe largest holels and were not allowed to
retumed home. The situation first hotted leave until !he situation calmed down 4 .
Up2 when rebels seized the President~ ia::l_~........_
34.1 Match the statements on the left with a suitable response on the right.
1 I've run up against
Ihat problem too.
t to go
2 AH the pages are in the 1 know, but 1'01 sure everything
,. wrong arder in this reporto wi11 tum out all right in the end.
3 Sometimes the printer wiH
only print black and white. -< 1 wouldn't bank on it. )
4 1 need you here next 1 know, but try ro
Monday. rise aboye it.
Choose five of the phrasal verbs from this unit and use them in sentences about situations you have
been in recently.
draw on/upon 5th use information or your knowledge In designing the experiment, Fiona Farr
or experience of something to help draws upon earlier studies done in
you do something America and Asia.
point out 5th present a new faet, especially one Willis (1998) points out that economic
(citen + that) that is important in the present statistics afeen show a sharp rise just befare
discussion ar situatíon a serious recession.
turn to sth/sb begin to think, speak or write abQut I should now like to turn to another issue
a subject which is often neglected: parental control.
35.1 Look at A and B. Then complete this hook review using the phrasal verhs from the hox
helow. Put the verhs into the most appropriate formo
check up on come under draw on/upon point out track down turn to
¡ng o
:h o Highiand Tracks is an unusual book about Ihe history of Scotland. The aulhor has
rnanaged to ................................................... (1) a number of previously unpublished sources.
o He has ................................................... (2) these to argue that the current political situation in
o Ihe United Kingdorn owes a great deal to Ihe separate histories of Scotland and
o England. After analysing Ihe historical relationship between Ihese two countries,
the author then . (3) Ihe relationship between Scotland and
France. He (4) that traditionally they had a rnuch warmer
relationship than either country had with England. The writer uses his imagination
35.2 Correet the errors in this paragraph. There are seven in total. Eaeh error is a maner of either
an extra word or wrong word order.
Hannah and Bill were playing a game. Hannah had thought of a football star and Bill was
trying to find who it was out. He turned his mother to but she pointed it out that she knew
absolutely nothing about football. He would have to try to traek the answer hirnself down
and to wateh out any elues for that Hannah might deliberately give. After ten minutes Bill
still hadn't latehed up on so he gave himself up and Hannah told him the answer: Ronaldo.
35.3 Find three eolloeations for these verhs from the opposite page. Use a dietionary if neeessary.
• EXAMPLE Sorneone might wateh out for .. p'robLen>.~ ........... , .. #.ffi:c<:<~s ... or<>n.9~. ..
1 You might check up on .................................. , . ... or ........ .. ..................... .
2 You might point out ................................ , . .. .......................... or .................................. .
3 Someone might find out ................. . . ......... , .. .. ......... or .................. .
4 You might take in .................................. , . . ............... or . .............................. .
5 .... , ..."... ".... ".... ".... .... ". or ".......... " might slip out.
35.4 Sorne of the phrasal verhs on the opposite page are used in a rnetaphorieal rather than a
literal way. In the sentenees helow these verbs are used in a literal way. What do they mean?
of 1 As they drove through the town Gisela's father pointed out anything he thought might
interest the ehildren.
2 In the seene at the end of the film , wateh out for the rnan sining in the ca fé behind
Leonardo DiCaprio - that's my brother!
,y it] 3 The dog quickly tracked the rabbit down to where it was hiding under the garden shed .
't 4 Marian managed to slip out of the house without anyone noticing.
5 Polly tuwed to the man on her left and started chatting to him about his work.
Finding a solution
Now read what Emily did about her problems at work.
She faced up to' the fact rhat she would have to do the imporrant presentation herself, so she
immediately contacted her personal assistant ro ask her to see about2 posrponing her
meetings for the next day. As for the thefts, she realised thar the solution to finding the office
thief lay in' working out exactly who could ha ve been in the office when each of the thefts
took place. So she carne up with' a plan that enabled her to check who had been there at
each of the rimes concemed. That narrowed down s the suspects ro two people. She
questioned them both and the guilty one soon confessed.
36.1 Match the newspaper headlines with the stories a-e below.
2 Gorda bott/es out of contest with Paterson
4 Education Minister to talk over problem with teaching unions
a) Three men are to be interviewed in the Oxford area, following new information. Up ro
now there has been no real ...
Nas b) If possible, ministers wouJd like to be able ro drop the pledge without angering the public ...
y. e) The team will be stationed at ports of entry and will have the task of checking anyone
it suspected of having arrived ...
d) The fight was arranged fOf September in Las Vegas, but now it will not take place.
A spokesman for the 28-year-old ...
e) The minister said she would go into the discussions with an open mind, and that all the
list Issues ...
36.2 A father is talking to bis son who be thinks is very lazy. The underlined expressions bave got
mixed up. Tbe partides are correct, but the verbs are incorrecto Put the correct verbs in.
!t's time you faced yourself out. You're 23 now and you still haven't got a job!
You've got to come up to reality. !t's about time you realised that the secret of success
taJks in taking positive action. Over the next couple of days, 1 will expect you to lie up
with a few ideas about how you're going ro improve your situation, or else you can go
and Jive somewhere else. Why don't you go and sort about that job Unele Herbert
offered you at his factory? I've offered ro help deal things over with you, but you
never seem to want my help. Yet you don't see with things yourself. Sometimes
she 1 think you're just a waste of space!
ffice 36.3 This is how Tom and Emily's conversation in A continued. What do you tbink the five
ts underlined pbrasal verbs mean?
Emily: Well, it's just dawned on me that the thefts have always happened on the rop floor.
So it couldn't be anyone who never goes up there. That actually rules out quite a lot
of people.
Tom: Think sorne more about exactly where and when things were stolen and you'll
probably find that the answer jumps out at yOu.
Emily: Thanks, Tom. !t's good ro work through things with you! !t really helps me to sort
tbings out!
Choose five of the phrasal verbs (rom this unit that you would particularly like to learn. Look them
up in a good dictionary. for example the Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, and copy
out any useful example sentences that you find there.
someone offered you money for sleep on ir wait untíl che next day befare you
your bike but you weren't sure decide what to do about it
if you wanted to sell ir or not
decide to take che money and manage without ir
do without (he bike
you were offered a good job in weigh up che pros and ccns think carefully about che
a town far away (rom where you advantages and disadvantages
live ¡nvolved befare making a decision
you were getting tired of paying plan ahead and start saving make decisions or plan s about
rent to live in a fiar money to buy a house something you will do or might
do in the future
think ahead, and consider how think carefully about what might
you would like to live in lOor happen in the future
20 years from now
someone offered you the chance think it over and tel! them your think carefully about the idea
to invest al! the money you've decision at a later date before making a decision
saved in a company they were
think through the possible risks think carefully about the risks
of giving all your savings away and consider the possible
There was an outcry' at work today beca use the boss announeed that he wanted
us all to rake a pay cut. We had a union meeting at lunehtime and we all agreed to
stick together' and refuse to agree to his requests. Our union leader spoke out'
very c1early to our boss and to the local press this afternoon. We're sure that the
boss will have to give in' in the end. Although in sorne ways I'd rather stay out 01'
it myself, 1 have no choice but to support my fellow union members.
Private disagreements
Read Cilla's letrer to an agony aunt, Esther.
I argued with eaeh other and
Dear Esther, stepped being friends
I can you he1p me.M ' sister and I
y blg 2 make me leel stupid or
a ways used to be good friends but unimportant by criticising me
fe" out h ' we 3 make me feel upset or angry
' w en I started going out with a
new boyfriend. Now she is always trying to .. defend me when 1 am being criticised
put me down' and it is really beginning 5 like or respeet them less beca use
to get . to' me. My boyfnend
usually tries they have done something wrong
Ito stlck up for' me, but then she ¡ust or something that she does not like
aughs at him too. Two years ago my
boyfnend used to go out w',th m .
b Y Slster,
ut} surely she doesn't hold th'15 agarns~
us. What can we do? CüW..
e Back
T he verb baek is often used to refer te the position you take in an argument or decision.
up sb (or baek sb np) = to say that someone is telling the truth
BACK down = admit that you are wrong or have been defeated,
often beca use you are foreed to
out = decide not to do something that you were going to do
or had agreed to do
When 1 make my point at the meeting, p lease back me up.
The government backed down o n its controversial plans to inerease income tax.
Jill had agreed te come sailing with us tomorrow, but she's backed out.
38.1 In rhis radio interview a protester is angry about a plan to build a new road through some
beautiful woodland. Complete the interview using verbs from the opposite page.
Reporter: Now, Mr Humfry, you have ................................................... (1) out recently against the new
road plan. Do you think your protest campaign can change the decision?
Protester: Well, there are a number of different groups opposed ro this plan, and if we
................................................... (2) rogether we can force the autharities to rethink.
Reporter: But do you really think the authorities will be prepared to. ...... (3 )
down over this? The Minister has said the road plan must go ahead.
Protester: This isn't a small protestoThere's been a massive public . . ............................ (4).
People are not willing ro see their environment destroyed by road building. The
Highways Department must listen to us or face the consequences.
Reporter: The consequences? Do you mean violent protest as with the Knox Bridge?
Protester: Not violent protest, no. We have always emphasised ro our members that if
violence erupts they should ................................................... (5)
out of it and keep our protest peaceful. We
condemn violence. No, I' m talking ab.out a huge,
non-violent wave of pro test.
Reporter: And you think that, in this way, the government
will be forced to .. . ..... (6) in?
Protester: Yes, l believe they will simply have ro listen.
38.2 Use a phrasal verb from the opposite page to complete these dialogues, so that Speaker B
agrees with Speaker Ns statement.
iticised 1 A: Apparently, Gary agreed with Liam's version of the events.
lUse B: Yes, he.
rong 2 A: I hear Kim and Francis have had a serious argumento
lar like B: Yes, it seems they've .. . .. ..................... '" .................... .
3 A: Petra always defends Mia when people criricise her.
B: Yes, she .................................................................... .
4 A: I think we should withdraw from the project.
B: Yes, I agree. I think we . ... .......................... .
5 A: Jo is always criticising Phil and making him look small.
B: Yes, she's always .
6 A: We shouldn't feel negative towards Iris just because she acted stupidly.
B: No, we shouldn't .. ................... .
7 A: I think not getting the job is really beginning to upset Trisha.
1. B: Yes, l think it's really ..
38.3 Complete these sentences, using a phrasal verb from the opposite page.
1 Harry says he won't come to the fancy dress party with me but I'm sure he'lI eventually
2 Why have Jana and Sarah ................................................... ? They used ro get on so well together.
3 I just don't have enough money for the holiday we were planning in Canada. I'm going to
have ro ................................................ .
4 My best friend and I have always . ................. , through good times and bad times.
5 The boss's constant criticisms are really . .............................. me and I'm going to start
looking for another jobo
acrossJover around/round
put across/over 5th ar explain or express something clearly He's an excellent teacher. He puts his
put 5th across/over so that people understand it easily subject across/over so well.
put forward 5th ar state an idea or apinion, ar suggest The company has put forward a plan
put 5th forward a plan, so that it can be considered to build a new hotel in che city centre.
ar discussed
put 5th to sb suggest an idea ar plan to someone Your propasal is interesting. 1'11 put it
so they can consider ar discuss it to the committee tomorrow.
talk sb around/round persuade someone to agree with Dad won't let me go away with my
you ar to do what you want them friends, but Mum might be able to talk
to do him around/round.
talk sb into persuade someone to do something She talked me into going jogging every
sth/doing 5th which they may be unwilling to do day before work.
at first
talk sb out persuade someone not to do My sister wants to leave college but my
of sth/doing sth something parents are trying to talk her out of it.
I says he thinks a particular thing should be done, usually in order to change or improve a sitllatlO',
2 refuses to listen to what someone says, or refuses to think about something seriously
1 persuades someone to agree with you or to do what you want them to do
" try to persuade someone, usually someone in authority, to give you something or to allow
something ro happen
s (informal) persuades someone to help you with something, especially when they do not want ro
6 (informal) persuading someone that something is true when it is not, usually as a joke
7 were tricked into believing something that is not true
39.3 Read the sentenees below and answer the questions about them.
1 The headmistress brushed aside the parents' criticism that the children were being given
ut my too much homework.
t of it. How did she take the parents' criticism?
2 Brenda was just having Derek on when she said she was going to work in the USA.
Where is Brenda going 10 work?
3 The parents were roped in 10 help organise the school sports' day.
Did the parents decide that they wanted 10 help organise the sports' day?
4 Harry feU for Sarah's story that aU her money had been slOlen.
What do we leam about Sarah?
AL 5 The Party is caUing for eonstitutional reformo
Does the Party want constitutional reform or not?
39.4 Complete the text using phrasal verbs from the opposite page. Sometimes there is more than
one possible answer.
situatior If ~oo're o.. po!i.t:icib.n .................................................. (1) cl1""ge, ~oo're trHi>1g te ............................................... .
opponents ........................ .. .................... (2.) te ~oor "'~ of tI1i.nki>1g. y,," ",UL probo.b4¡ trH te d.o tI1i.6
b~ .................................................. (3) ~oor p!4ns o..s ~ o..s possibLe o.nd. ~oo'lL d.oc.<btLess o.Lso trH
te "se tI1e mea.u.. te ................................................. (4) tI1e cl1""ge5 tI1oJ; ~oo ",,,,,t. 1ntle.e<L, ~oo ",UL
................................................ (5) o..IL tI1e s"pporters ~oo can fi>1ci te l1eLp ~oo
fant tO otIlers ......................... (b) VoMg far ~oor proposo.Ls.
Ways of criticising
If you lay into someone, you criticise or attack them io ao angry way.
The headmaster reaUy laid ioto the boys for arriviog io school so late.
If you pick on someone, you choose ooe persoo from a group of people to criticise or rreat
uofairly, especially when rhey are smaUer or weaker thao yOU.
Mark was a q uiet, studious child aod the big boys in rhe class used to pick 00 him.
If you run clown someone or something, or run someone or something down, you criticise
that person or thiog, ofreo unfairly.
Pam's big sister is always ruooing her down eveo though Pam is far cleverer than her.
If you hit back, you criticise or attack someooe who has criticised or attacked yOu.
Jack is coostaotly criticising his soos - l'm sure they'll hit back eventually.
If you take out something on someone or take something out 00 someooe, you treat someon,
badly beca use you are upset or aogry, eveo though they ha ve dooe nothing wrong.
Of course Mary is upset at losiog her job but she shouldn't take it out 00 her family.
If you rub somethiog in (ioformal), you talk to someooe about somethiog which they waot ro
forget beca use rhey feel bad about it.
I koow it was aU my fault. I just wish everyooe would stop rubbing it io!
40. I In Ihe dialogue in A opposite there are three phrasal verbs whieh have related noun or
adjeetive forms. Write down the phrasal verbs and their related forms and explain the
conneetion between them.
40.2 Read these remarks by different people and then answer the questions below by writing the
eorreet name in the box.
iVant to
Go on! I Hurry up! We've not got all day! said to encourage someone te do something or to tell
someone to do something more quickly
You're doing very well! Keep it up! said to encourage someone to continue to do something,
especially to continue to work hard or well
[On the phone] Hold on. 1'11 get Mike for said to ask someone to wait a moment
you. It's best if you speak to him.
Belt up! I'm trying to listen to che radio. said angrily to someone to tell them to be quiet
Many of the exclamations here are very direct and may be considered impolite if you say them to
someone you don't know very well. Learn them so that you underscand them when you hear or read
them, but use them only with very great careo
dy fo r 41 .2 Choose the best response from those in the box to fit each of these dialogues.
Come off it! Lighten up! Steadyen! Mind out! Hold cn! Come en! Spit it out!
41.4 Divide the exclamations from the box below into pairs that have approximatcly the same
meaning. What is the basic meaning for each pair? Describe a situation when each pair of
expressions might be used.
Watch out! Hold on! Mind out! Hurry up! Step on it! Hang en!
"Sheets of paper that everyone in a class or lecture receives a copy of are called handouts. These
might be worksheets (i.e. have exercises on them) or they might contain a text or sorne reference
material .
I!I Listen carefully to instructions in English from your teacher and note down any phrasal verbs they use.
11 If you are no! sure what they mean, ask them for an explanation.
42.1 Look at these pietures and write a sentenee to describe what the student is doing in eaeh case.
t, 1 3 5
~ her
2 4
42.2 Would Tim's parents be pleased or not if their son's teaeher told them the following?
1 Tim was playing up in elass last week.
a line
2 Tim messed up his homework.
3 Tim has been helping a dassmate who has fallen behind.
4 Tim has caught up with the rest of the elass.
5 Tim didn't hand in his homework.
If the 6 Tim missed out sorne important work.
42.3 Complete this story, using appropriate phrasal verbs from the opposite page. Write the verbs
"hese in the correet tense.
:ence Last term Cath missed three weeks of school and so she ................................................... (1) with her
studies. She did all she could ro try ro ................................................... (2) with the other students but she
couldn't manage. When it carne to the maths test at the end of term she just couldn't
................................................... (3) the answers. She spent all her time on half of the question paper and
er ................................................... (4) the other half, so inevitably she failed. Because she had
same ............................................. (5) the test, her parents decided she'd better ha ve a maths tutor over the
holidays. In this week's test she carne rop of the dass.
42.4 Rewrite these sentenees using more informal phrasal verbs instead of the underlined verbs.
:lid her 1 Students ofteo misbehave, when they are bored in elass.
2 The teacher era sed the oew words from the board and then tested uso
3 We have to submit our registratioo forms for the exam 00 Friday.
tething 4 1 usually omit my middle na me when 1 am filling io forms.
5 Sorne people were distributing leaflets about a demonstration in the rown centre.
Welney College \U
- - - - Promoting excellence - - - - David:
Autumn term ends' on 18 December. Spring - We break np' on 18 Deeember and go baek' on
term begins' on 8 january. 8 ]anuary, so we've got about a three-week break.
Students wishing to register for' spring term - But we've got ro sign upl for eourses for nexr
(ourses should do so before 12 December. term before 12 Deeember.
Any student not (ompleting a (ourse' will not - You have to go to all the leetures; if you drop
receive credits for that (oune. out' before the end, you don't get the eredits.
Come essays must b. submitted in a final - And you have to write ups your eourse essay and
form ' seven days before the end of a (ome. subrriit it a week before the eourse eods.
Studenu failing more than lO% of their total - If you fail 30% or more of your eourses, they
(oursework will be expelled' from the (ollege. throw you ont 6 of the eollege.
43.1 Rewrite these sentenees using the words in braekets, so that they keep the same meaning.
j 1 I'm going to register for a eourse in statisties next year. (SIGN)
:Ip 2 Severa! students did not complete the Moral Philosophy eourse. (oRor)
3 Our eourse finishes on 20 June. (BREAK)
4 He was foreed to leave university after one termo He'd done no work at all. (THROW)
5 I ean't come out tonight. I have to have my essay finished for romorrow. (WRITE)
6 My next term at eollege starts on 12 September. (Go)
43.2 Whieh of these would make most students happy and why?
breaking up dropping out being thrown out
seraping through muggll1g up swotting up
43.3 Choose the best phrasal verb from the opposite page to complete this letter.
rop, 2.0 Jeme.
ayand Dwr AlA nt<.e. M""j,
At last my fi.rst ywr e.XOJIlS 1Ire. OV"". It's slAch o.. reU.e,f. 1 feeL G..$ j,f I've.
hey Jone. notl1"'9 btAt . (1) fer tI1e.m fer A1.tI10lA9" I'ci
.......................................... (2.) ",W1 ",ork qlAL<e. ",elL cLur"'9 tI1e. ywr, 1 sl:ilJ. ro
.. ................... . .. (3) e.v""ytl1"'9 tI1o..t ",e. cov.,, of GOtArse. . ForttAno..te!y,
e.v""ytl1"'9 tI1o..t 1 "'OlAtci ............................................... (4) '" tI1e. e.XOJIl p",,""
So 1 110pe. I've. Jone. Oi( o..nci 11000ve.n't jlAst .............................. (S). No", cúL 1 11000ve.
ro Jo i.6 (b) one. COlArse. G..$s'9nme.nt, ",l1i.c.11 1 ro l1o..nci '"
by tI1e. e.nci of t...m.
We. Jon't (7) l:iIJ. tI1e. e.nci of tI1e. montl1 o..nci so 1 ",on't be.
110me. l:iIJ. tI1e.n. We. Jon't . . ............. (&) lAnf:iL tI1e. e.nci of Se.pte.mb.,.., so
ji'u. be. o.. IoveLy Ion9 bre.o..k. look fer"'IIrOv ro"l9 yOlA soon.
t Love,
1 an
43.4 Correet the ten phrasal verb mistakes in this paragraph. Either the wrong particles or the
wrong verbs have be en used.
'e an
Diek hardly worked up at aH for his exams. He brushed over 011 the history of the Freneh
Revolution, but no questions 011 the Freneh Revolution got up in the exam. He was afraid
:eeed that he would be thrown off university for failing his exams. However, he did ¡ust manage to
seratch through them and so he will be in college when we return back next termo He has
an promised to try to keep through with work next year as he is planning ro sign in for a couple
of quite difficult courses, including business studies. He'll have to polish over his Freneh
beca use the business studies eourse involves spending a term in France working in a business.
or He thinks he can ¡ust lift up the language when he gets there, but I think he should study it
before he goes beca use he only has school Freneh.
Go to the Mini dictionary at the end of this book and find more phrasal verbs with break. Is there a
common theme in their meaning? If so, what is ir?
I read a lot about a particular subject in order 3 turn a page so that you can see the orher side
ro learn abour ir 4 read aloud
2 read small parts oE a book or magazine
write out 5th or - write something again in a better or Do your essay in rough first and then
write 5th out more complete way write it out.
- write something on a document, The doctor wrote out a prescription
e.g. a cheque or a prescription, so tor sorne sleeping tablets.
that it can be used
note down 5th or write words or numbers, often so that Note down your password
note 5th down you do noc forget them somewhere safe.
jot down 5th or write something quickly on a piece of Jack jotted down Sue's address on a
jat 5th down paper so that you remember it scrap of papero
scribble down 5th or write something very quickly on a The lecturer spoke so fast that I could
scribble 5th down piece of paper only scribble down a few notes.
make out 5th or write all the necessary information on If you have time to wait, we could
make 5th out an official document, e.g. a cheque, an make out your airline ticket now.
application, a ticket
fill in sth or fill sth in write all the necessary information on Please fill in this registration form and
an official document, e.g. a form return it by 18 September.
fill out sth or write all the necessary information on Let's fill out this questionnaire
fill sth out an official document, e.g. a form together.
44.1 Match the verhs on the left with an ohject from the right. There may he more than one answer.
1 scribble down a) a subject
2 make out b) a book or an artide
3fill in/out c) the page
4jot down d) a rough draft of an essay
5note down e) the times of the trains to London
!r side 6write out f) the answer you have written
7read up on g) a form or a questionnaire
8 dip into h) a few very quick notes
9 read out i) someone's phone number on a piece of paper
10 turn over j) a cheque for €250
44.2 Use the phrasal verhs from exercise 44.1 to complete these sentences. Write the verhs in the
correct formo Tbere may he more than one possihle answer.
1 1 get nervous when [ have to . .... . what ['ve written in class.
Ition 2 [haven't read the book in detai!. [ just .. ..................... it.
3 The police officer just managed to quickly . ....................................... the registration number
of the car before it drove away at high speed.
4 ['ve made sorne notes for my speech; now [' m going to . . ..... in full.
5 Could you ............................................... the cheque to 'Wilson and Ca.' please?
6 There are three forms to . ................................. for this visa application. (two answers)
>na 7 We should ................................................... the departure times for f1ights to Río de Janeiro.
8 [' ll have to ................................... international law for the exam.
:ould 9 Now .............................................. and let's see what's on the next page.
10 Hang on, 1'11 just ................................................... your address in case 1 forget it.
44.3 Look at this student essay, and the teacher's comments in the margino Then complete what
'. the teacher might say to the student using phrasal verhs from the opposite page.
I and , lloJeh il>iS ""fu"'- The problems of pollution in the world cannot be
.2. YO\J O(\~ IY'Mf'íOI\ solved overnight, since smoke from factories is a
M itS ""
J' bri'-&, necessary evil, and cars and planes will always be noisy.
Cleaning the environment is expensive.
i~""t iSSú<.
3 1hiS is too stro~'
Jllml:Je jets make mere pelllltien ami neise than ether
, 1hiS poiot ho.s p!afle5.,(]) People's health is affected.<6l Governments are
!re. 01- 6 OPpwrod completely stupid on questions of the environment.@
.e OI\CL il\ jOlJ(" tsS~ . It is very expensive to improve the environment.@
a 5 ~""~ owkJ . ..®
y not
fact I
['ve put a line through this sentence; you should . . .... (1).
And you only ......................................... (2) the question of health; you should
have written more. AIso you should ............................................ (3) what you say
about governments; it's too strong. Then this last point has already
............................................... (4) once; you don't need to repeat it. And finally, the
essay ends too suddenly. You should .............................................. (5) your argumenrs.
Well, to get abead l in a job like mine you I be successful in your job
have to be prepared to take on2 a lot of 2 accept a particular job or responsibility
responsibiliry and work long bours.
I'm 60 now, so 1 think it's time for 8 leave your job, especially so that
me to step down' and band over' someone else can do ir
to a younger persono 9 give someone else responsibility OI
45.1 Write down phrasal verbs from the opposite page which are:
a) connected with finishing work (four answers)
b) connected with making arrangements (two answers)
45.2 Complete this text, using verbs or particles from the opposite page.
45.3 Write suitable answers to the questions below, using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.
1 Shall I tell you what's been going on while you were on holiday?
Yes, please ..
2 Could you deal with the letrers we've had in response to our advert?
Certainly, I'I! ..
3 Could you arrange an appointment for me with the bank manager?
,e Yes, 1'11 ............................... .
4 Why did you stand down as Director?
We1l, I've been doing it for years and I thought it was time to ...................................................................... .
5 Can we arrange a meeting for some time next week?
stop Sure, why don't we ..
ause 45.4 Answer these questions about your own working life, using fuI! sentences.
1 What kind of tasks do you have to carry out each day?
2 At what time do you knock off each day?
3 Do you know anyone who has ever been laid off?
4 What qualities do you think you need to get ahead in the ¡ob that you do?
5 What did you do to get taken on for the ¡ob that you now have?
Working hard
Ray: How are things going for you at work at the moment, Stella?
Stella: Well, we're branching out' into a new product line - children's c10thes - so 1'm pretty
busy. At the moment 1'm working on' sorne new designs for leisurewear. We're
working towards 3 having a complete range for children of all ages. !t's quite difficult
but ['m sure 1'11 develop sorne good designs if [ keep at' it.
Ray: Well, you always were good at sticking at5 things.
Stella: Well, 1'd certainly rather do a project myself than have ro chase up· other people ro
make sure they're doing what they promised ro do. But sometimes you have to do
that just to keep things moving along7 •
Ray: Do you think you could squeeze ina lunch with me sometime?
Stella: Mm, possibly, but not till next week.
Ray: That's fine. But don't try ro wriggle out of 9 it at the last minute!
, starting ro do something different from what you usually do
2 spending time working in order to produce something
3 trying hard to achieve
4 continue working hard at something difficult or
something which takes a long time
s continuing ro work hard at something even though
it is hard or takes a long time
, ask people ro do something that they said they
would do but have not done yet
7 deve/oping in a satisfactory way
8 manage to see someone or do something when you
are very busy and do not have much time available
9 avoid doing something that other people think Mr Benbow stuck at his ;ob in the g/lIe
you should do, often in a dishonest way (informal) factory for 25 years before retiring.
When phrasal verbs have very strong visual images associated with the verbs they are made from, for
at and wriggle out, try to picture the meaning of the verb alone to help you
example squeeze in, stick
remember the meaning of the verb and partide together.
46.1 Which phrasal verbs in A opposite do tbese pictures make you think of? Write the correct
phrasal verb under each one.
~d 1 3
• till
46.2 Use the phrasal verbs from exercise 46.1 to rewrite these sentences. Use each phrasal verb
~ to once only.
1 ['ve been working incredibly hard in a restaurant to pay for my studies.
2 Sorry, 1 was incredibly busy aUlast week, so 1 couldn't go to any of the meetings.
3 Paperwork has just increased and increased recently. 1 don't know where to start.
['m sorry 1 can't do the report this week. ['m just so terribly busy.
Complete these sentences using the correct partides.
1 ['ve been working aU day .............................. this essay and 1 stiU haven't finished it.
Whenever there's a difficult task ro do she always tries ro wriggle .
Why should we slave .
............ it.
.. tiU we're 65 and get nothing but a smaU pension?
4 Could we squeeze . .. a quick meeting before lunch?
5 1 must catch ................... housework before my visitors arrive this weekend.
46.4 Each line of the text below contains one mistake with a phrasal verbo Cross out the incorrect
word and write the correct word in Ihe box next lo thal line.
come to 5th total be a particular total when The bill for che meal carne to
amounts or numbers are added $86 all together.
together Healthcare expenditure totalled
$120 billion last year.
47.1 Rewrite these sentenees, using the word in braekets so that they keep the same meaning.
1 The suspeeted criminal withdrew aU the money from his bank aeeount and has not been
seen sinee. (TAKE)
2 As his girlfriend is in Australia, he has a huge phone biU every month. (RUN)
3 The biU for the books we ordered IOtaUed $40.85. (COME)
4 1 lent him €lOO ayear ago and he stiU hasn't repaid me. (PAY)
5 Now that I've lost my ¡ob we're going to ha ve 10 reduce what we spend on our weekly
, trip 10 the supermarket. (CUT)
6 If you pay the restaurant biU with your eredit eard, I'U give you my share latero (SETTLE)
47.2 Complete this e-mail using words from the box.
aside back down off up
Hi Marc,
"ve got sorne exciting news.At last I've saved .................................. (1) enough money to come
and visit you in Canada. What's more, my parents have agreed to write .................................. (2)
the money I borrowed from them when I was at university.They think they will get it
.................................. (3) one day when I'm rich and famous! Anyway,l've been setting
................................ (4) money for the trip all year and at last 1 can afford it.l've heard you can
get tickets at knock.................................. (5) prices on the Internet so 1'11 try and do that.
Looking forward so much te seeing you soon,
47.3 Choose the correet word from a-d to complete the text below.
My finaneial situation is in a bit of abad way at the momento First of aU 1 owe my brother
;vhen sorne money and he says 1 have to pay .................................. (1) before the end of the month. I've
.................................. (2) up so many other biUs that 1 don't know how I'm going 10 pay them
.................................. (3). 1 wanted to seU my ear, but it's so old and rusty that 1 ean't even
............................... (4) it away. At work they're threatening to .................................. (5) baek our
opportunities for overtime. 1 don't know what 1'11 do then.
n buy
ture 1 a) baek b) up e) off d) out
and 2 a) cut b) saved e) run d) pieked
3 a) baek b) up e) off d) out
l10ney 4 a) glve b) settle e) take d) write
5 a) pay b) knock e) set d) cut
47.4 Answer these questions, using fuU sentenees.
t 1 What, if anything, are you saving up for?
2 How mueh money do you usuaUy take out at a eash maehine?
3 What would you expeet the biU for a night in a hotel in your eountry 10 come lO?
4 Do you have any big debts and, if so, when do you hope to pay them off?
5 What sorts of things might you piek up at a flea market?
Sometimes you meet pairs af phrasal verbs which you can link together into one sentence or a pair af
. connected sentences, as in section B on this page. Try to learn as many pairs af phrasal verbs in this way
because it wi ll help you to remember them more easily.
48.1 FiII the gaps with appropriate verbs &om the opposite page.
1 He wanted $2000 for his old car but I managed to ........................................ .... .. hirn down to
2 We're going to have to ................................................... out a lot of money this year; the kitchen needs
a new floor and the roof needs to be repaired.
3 We mustn't ................................................ on the food and drink for the party. We don 't want our
fri ends to think we're poor!
4 l. . up a nice old book about rny village in a second-hand bookshop. It
was only two pounds.
5 The tickets for the rock concert are bound to ................................................. out really quickly. I
think we should go to the box office first thing in the morning .
48.2 Answer the questions below using phrasal verbs &om the box.
splash out (on sth) club together stock up (on sth) knock off shop around
1 Most shops will be closing for about five days .over the public holiday. What can you do
to make sure you have enough food in the house?
m 2 Your sofa and armchairs are beginning to look very old. You ha ve sorne money you'd like
to spend . What could you do?
3 You want to buy your friend's bicycle but you think the price is too high. What could you
ask your friend to do?
4 You want to buy a DVD player, but the prices seem to be very different for the same
model in different shops. What should you do?
5 Your classmate Sara is ill in hospital and you think it would be nice to send her a bunch of
flowers from the whole class. What could you suggest?
48.3 Correet the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these sentenees. There is one mistake in each
1 She became an Internet addict and ran into a huge telephone bil1.
2 We were ripped out in that restaurant. They charged us for four desserts when we only
had two.
3 He sold over his share in the business and went travelling round the world .
4 When he offered me his tennis racket for only $10 I snapped it off beca use it was still in
excellent condition.
5 We had to fork for a new washing machine beca use our old one broke down .
48.4 Answer these questions about nouns formed from phrasal verbs. Use a dietionary if
1 necessary.
1 On the opposite page, you are shown the noun form of one of the phrasal verbs. Which
one is it?
2 Look at the box be1ow. Which of these phrasal verbs from the opposite page also ha ve
noun forms, and if so, what do the noun forms mean? Use a dictionary if necessary.
Tim Benson started Up' his own business in his first year 1 created (a business or other
at university. He set up2 a small company hiring out) organisarion)
bicyc1es to other students. He was very successful and 2 started (a company or
c1aims that his profits ran into4 thousands of euros a
, allowing people to use for
month, a lot of money for a student. As a spin-offs he used a short time in exchange fo r
to sell cycling clothes and money
equipment to the students and 4 reached a particular level
that also was a good earner for 5 (noun) extra business in
him. '1 was really happy with sorne way related ro an
earlier sllccessful business
that set-up6', says Tim, 'as 1
, (nouo) business
loved cycling myself. ' arrangement
1 sold a business (or house) in order ro go and , (noun) cost or process of keeping a building
do something else (or live somewhere el se ) OI something in good condition
2 (noun) shops 7 provided a lot of money for something over
3 (noun) amount of money or business made a long period
by a company in a period of time 8 roughly calculares at a particular amount
4 get control of a company by buying most of , failing financially
¡ts shares 10 reaches a particular amoullt, usually a large
s gradually reducing the amount of work being amount
done until it closes completely 11 (noun) act of gaining control of a company
Business English uses a number of specific phrasal verbs that are either rarely used in other contexts.
e.g. to start up. to seU up. or are used in other contexts with different meanings. e.g. to turn over.lf you
have a particular interest in Business English. make a special collection of these as you come across them.
49. 1 Match the stories 1-6 with the headlines a-e below,
1 The company has decided to wind down its operations in South America and to
other concentra te on its ...
2 The company was concealing massive debts, but reached a point where it was bound to go
3 The takeover of Westin Engineering by Civic Technologies is to take place after all, it was
e for announced today.
1ge fO r 4 A company spokeswoman said profits were now running into six figures. She confirmed
that ...
,ve! 5 Mr Donaldson has decided to sell up and retire to the south of France after 45 years in the
In business.
Ln 6 The lightweight clothes are a spin-off of space technology that sent men to the moon in the
ness 1960s and 1970s.
b) Company announces eight million euro profit
c) Company benefils froro decades-old science
d) Company lo close overseas factories
f) Company financial crash was inevitable
49.2 Complete Ihese dialogues using phrasal verbs from Ihe opposile page so Ihal Ihe second
speaker agrees with and repeats more or less whal the firsl speaker says,
t had
1 Gus: The government has put huge sums of rnoney into agriculture.
Henry: Yes, they've been ....
2 Lotta: 1 seem to remember Hugh Morris began his business about ten years ago.
Jan: Yes, you're righl. He . . ................................. .
3 Ruth: 1 would estimate thal they've lost around five million euros Ihis year.
,k the
Jamie: Yes, I'd . .................................................................................................... ,
4 Pauline: 1 hear Macron are establishing a branch in Oslo.
car Lianne: Yes, they're .
5 Helen: All the repairs on the old building are incredibly expensive.
lding Fiona: Yes, the ..
49.3 Complete these sentences using words from Ihe box.
50.1 Rewrite the underlined words using a phrasal verb from the opposite page.
1 Hotel operator: If yo u want ro make a call outside of the hotel, yo u have to dial 9 first.
2 lt's difficult ro get a connection ro the cusromer helpline in the mornings.
3 I'm sorry, he's out right now. Can yo u phone again at about five o'clock?
4 Carole telephoned the office to say she's not feeling well.
5 Joanne: Hi Uncle Jack, it's Jo. How's everything?
Uncle: Hi! Fine thanks. J ust a minute, 1'11 give the phone ro your aunt so you can tell
her all the news.
6 1'11 phone you with my response in a few days.
50.2 Complete the word puzzle. 1
S 2 3
6 4
1 Can 1 speak ro Mr Walsh again please? 1 was speaking to him and we were
often ................................................... off.
2 Hi, 1've been meaning ro . ............... you up for ages, but 1 couldn't find your
, of 3 Helio, are you still there? Helio? 1 think she's just .. ..................................... off.
4 Whoever it was, they just .. . ......... up; it must ha ve been a wrong number.
5 Why don't you phone Karen . ............. and invite her ro the party.
6 Could you put me . ... ro the sales department please?
:all 7 1 can hear funny noises. Do you think someone's . . ........................................ in on our call?
50.3 Here are sorne more phrasal verbs which you may need ro use in connection with
telephoning, especially when using a mobile phone. What do you think they mean? Use a
talk dictionary if necessary.
speak up hold on break up switch off charge up
can 50.4 Use the phrasal verbs from exercise 50.3 to answer these questions. Use each verb once.
lers 1 How could you explain ro a friend why they couldn't reach you on your mobile phone
g the when they tried to?
't 2 How could you tell someone you're speaking ro on a mobile phone that the signal is very
: you bad and you ha ve difficulty understanding what they're saying?
3 How could you ask someone to speak louder beca use there's a lot of background noise?
4 How could you ask someone if they have enough electrical power in their mobile phone
of before they go off on a trip?
5 How could you ask someone to wait and not put the phone down while you have to
interrupt the call for sorne reason?
The film cheered us made us start to feel Calm down! Losing stop feeling angry.
up considerably. happier your temper won't upset. or excited
salve the problem.
There's no point in becoming very worried
being hung up about about something and I need sorne time to become calmer
it; there's nothing we spend a loe of time . cool down befare I
can do. thinking about it can see him again.
LEO ***********************
SCORPIO ******************** You may be unwilling at first to take part in an
There's sometrung you need to tell someone that activity suggested by a close friend, but ta!k
is making you very angry, so don't boltle up' about it, and you may warm 105 it a bit more. In
your emotions. If you do, there is a danger that fact, the idea could soon grow on6 you and you'll
you will lear yourself aparll find yourself doing sometrung you never
expected to do and laking lo' it enthusiastically.
, not allow yourself to show or talk about your s beco me more enthusiastic abour an idea
feelings, especially feelings of anger and sadness 6 you like something more and more, although you
(informal) did not like it at first (informal)
2 make yourself feel very unhappy 7 starting ro like ir
r --
~RGO ********************* GEMDU ********************
A letter or e-mail will make your heart beat You Ceel Cor" a female colleague at work who
faster, but don't gel carried away3; proceed seems to have so many problems and hang-
carefully. At work trungs are getting better, and Ups9, but be careful; yon could soan become
you should jump al 4 the chance of a new more involved than you want to. She will have to
challenge wruch will be offered to you soon. pull herself logelher'o sooner or later; it's her
life, not yours.
3 become so excited abour something that you do nor 8 feel sorry for someone who is unhappy Oc in a
control what you say or do and you forget about difficult situation
everything e1se 9 fee lings of embarrassment or fear abour somerhing,
<4 eagerly accept a chanee ro do or ha ve something often when it is not necessary to feel tha! way
10 become calm afrer being very upset or angry
5 1.1 Read the sentenees below. Decide whieh people are experieneing positive feelings and whieh
Ltive are experieneing negative feelings.
1 Jill broke down when the doctor told her the results.
2 George is beginning to take to the idea of moving to Boston.
3 Sue has more hang-ups than anyone el se 1 know.
4 Henry should ealm down or he'lI make himself il!.
5 Mike has eheered up a lot sinee 1 last saw him.
6 Mary doesn't seem to be able to pull herself together.
'01 7 Ken is very inclined to botde up his emolÍons.
8 Anna has brightened up eonsiderably sinee this morning.
5 1.2 Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentenees, using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.
1 The news that 1 didn't have to do the exam after al! made me feel happier.
2 Look, Joe. Try to be less angry! Getting angry won't solve the problem.
3 When she heard of her friend's death she lost control of her feelings and wept.
4 She worries so mueh about silly little problems at work.
5 1 wish you'd be a bit more eheerful! You're making me feel depressed!
5 1.3 Match the statements on the left with the mosl appropriate response on the right.
1 That new quiz show is growing on me now. What more can we do to eheer her up?
2 Would you like to try snowboarding? 1 know - 1 do feel for them both.
3 Tom's marriage problems are tearing him aparto Yes, 1'm beginning to warm to it too.
4 Sam is so hung up about failing his exam. Don't get earried away!
5 If 1 win the lottery, 1'11 buy a flat in New York Yes, 1 hope he pul!s himself together
and one in Rio and ... before his next attempt.
6 1 wish Sue would brighten up a bit. Sure, I'd jump at the ehance.
• '11 5 I .4 Complete this letter, using verbs or partides from the opposite page .
,;"' -1-
Uy. Dear AngelA,
I nope. tl1i.ngs oxe. OK. .,itI'l H"".
We.'ve. be.e.n q~i.te o. d.i,ffi.wLt tiroe. nere.. Jtm lost nis job. Mter 2.0 Hears tl1ere. ne.
.................. (1) M.,n .,ne.n ne. .,o.s toLd.. It sWY>ed. to ................................................ (2.)
ntm o.po.rt, ne. no.s founa, it V"'H noxa, to ................................................... (3) ntmseU toge.tl1er.
Ho.,e.ver, tl1o.n1:: goo<, ne. Me.s SWY> to be. ..................... ......................... (4) o. bit
no.,. He's eve.n to ................................. (5) tl1e i<ieo. of cl.omg o.
,* crurse. Mo.r!:I .,o.s v"'H"H o.t tl1e "'''lJ ner fo.tI1er no.<i be.e.n I:reo.ted. - sne
................... (b) far ntm so m~cI1. SI1e.'s cooLe4 .............................................. (7) o. bit no",
o.s sne. re.alL6e.s tl1ere. is no poi.nt i.n too ........................... (8) ~p o.!>""t it. SiLvi.o..
l'1o.s be.e.n gre.o.t o.t I:rHi.n9 to ......... (~) ~s alL ~p tl1ro~gh alL tl1Íh.
lo Hope. to near from HO~ soon.
r Je.nnH
Read an English horoscope page, either in an English magazine or on the Internet. Note down as
many phrasal verbs as you can. Use a dictionary to help you understand the meanings and write down
a sentence to help you remember the new expressions.
chat SOrneone up talk in a way chat shows them that you are sexually attracted
to them and you try to make them attracted to you
go for a particular type of like that type of person or thing
person or thing
There are a lot of phrasal verbs which deal with relationships and how people get on with each other.
Look occasionally at a problem page in a newspaper or magazine and note down any new ones that
you find.
52.1 Auntie Jo, the agony aunt, is replying to sorne of the letters she gets. Fill the gaps in her replies.
Dear Lisa,
Dear Tanya , Dear Jody,
Your letter about your office
You say you're worried because party is typical of many I get. You say you 've
you and your fiancé have Everybody tries to (8) ........................
(1) ................................................... out. (4) . . ........................ off for the new student on your
Well, take my advice, a temporary with somebody and a lot 01 course, but that you're
(2) . the evening is spent in afraid he won't
with someone you love is not the (5) . (9) .................. .
end of the world. And your people up in the hope of in with your gang of friends.
boyfriend shouldn't worry starting something with them. I suggest you
even if another man does try a But be careful. By accepting the (10) .
(3) . .. ..................... -up first guy who asks you, you him out and then meet up
line with you; if you love each could end up with a reputation with your friends later in
other 5uch silly things will never for always flirting and never the evening. If they don't
threaten your marriage. being serious, and thep the (1 1) .. ................... . ................. ,
really nice guys won't go then the choice is simple:
(6) ..... either you lose him and keep
you, and nothing you do or your friends, or you keep him
say will ever turn them and perhaps lose 'friends' who
(7) ................... ! aren't really true friends.
52.2 Correet the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these sentenees.
1 My friend and 1 fell away last week beeause she thinks I'm in love with her boyfri end.
2 The new student was finding it diffieult to fit on, as he was older than the other students.
3 When George met his new colleague he really fell to her and now he talks about her all
the time.
4 Barry and David hit it of immediately when they were introduced.
5 That horrible man over there was trying to talk me up. Ugh!
52.3 Rewrite the underlined parts of this private diary, using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.
fVIú' a ""~ bwvIil'J jv/ af ¡¡,. Ji"" - folki<l No Sc<USS Wifj, ¡¡,. jv/ io ¡¡,. "",lhs
fo Iv fo ffll fO aW"", Iv M AA 'f ioJít. Iv Da" 'r thi,,/'<" I'M tht. ~~ W. I¡tas ar fWs
ro jO M'. r M vstltsS I. aW"",,,, fO '
Ha'" - . . . "0 ,.WrodlJ fo ¡¡,. ""'" ji" io "'j g"" N>J"j a """""ti<. t<1af1Mship Wilh Aojeia
"",Ihs s.. S ~ woJl fo ¡¡,. j""'P' fOr Si)<. ",,,,,Ihs 0(]vJ, M 51111 CM'f Sfop
oHv j v/s'.
Nijei Sf..t'" a ro",,,,,I1" t<1af1oAshi wilh I<tvi af
¡¡,. P<"!'J A!jhf. W"'J o.M 1 jeolovs 7
r. 8THU
aW""''''. 3,.rw.I!'l
MQ./.a.s "'"
J)e.a~ Avntíe. Jo, When two people grow apartS, ¡t's usually because they
M~ bo~fne.rtd artd I hav'e. jv,t "Iít "' affe.~ are basically different. The fact that he broke off with 6
you means he recognises that you don't really have a lot
a ~e.a~ .¡"g-+he.r: féw +he. r~t ,íl Month, in common. You're young. Lec him go!
e.v'e.~~í", g<-a1; bvt the.n l'\IGo Jv,t
,e.e.MuI .¡" clríft .,.,..p.. I dídn't ~e.aTI~ , ended a relationship or marriage
.vant .¡" fíftí,h wíth híM, bvt he. .vantul ;O
2 gradually become less friendly and the relationship
~...,./c. off' ow r<-Iatíon'híp. Shovld I a,k. h'M ends
íf l'\IGo Co'ln ,ta~ a.9ín and 1Ylj .¡" ~í"",,v'e.~ 3 end a romantic relationship (informal)
Dear Auntio Jo, People can be very cruel, lona, and your uncle may have
to settle forA a lot more embarrassment before che
A eouple of yeare ago my unele ran off wlth I neighbours forget what happened. The best thing you can
another woman. She wae much younger do is to show your uncle that you love him and suppore
than him, in fact ehe wae only 20 and he him and show him that you accept him, and all his faults,
wae 52. It ended In dieaeter. He left her
laet year and returned te hie wlfe. But the , secretly left a place with someone in order to live
noighboure all etare at him and laugh at with them or marry them, especially when other
z people think this is wrong
him; it eoome he'll never IIv. it down . He'e
3 2 stop feeling embarrassed abollt something you did
dolng hle beet to eettl. down and be a
good hueband and unele agaln, but I fool eo
by waiting until people forget abollt ir
3 start living in a place where yOll intend to stay for a
unhappy for him. What can Ido?
long time
lona (aged 17) • accept something, often something that is not
exactly what you want, or is not the best
phrasa/ verb meaning examp/e
keep on at sb talk to someone about something many I wish you wouldn't keep on at me
times, usually to complain about about my handwriting! No-ene else has
something they have done or not done problems reading it.
talk down to sb talk to someone as if they were less The best teachers don't talk down to
clever than you pupils but speak to them as equals.
play down sth or try to make peopl e believe that There is no point in trying to play down
play sth down something is not very important or is the incident - too many people saw
unlikely to happen exactly what happened.
pin down sb or make someone give you exact details or He's the mest infuriating man - you can
pin sb down a decision about something never pin him down to a date on
have it out talk to someone about something they Once Sally had had it out with Kim
with sb have said or done that has made you about the housework. things got much
(informal) angry in arder to improve the situation better.
wind up sb or tell someone something that is not true Stop pretending that you've lost your
wind sb up in arder ta make a joke or to annoy sister's new jacket. It's not fair to wind
(informal) them her up like that.
mouth off talk about a subject as if you know more Robert is always mouthing off about his
(informal) than everyone else or to complain a lot boss behind his back, but he'd never say
about something anything to his face.
shut (sb) up stop talking or making a noise , or make Would you please shut up while I'm
(informal) someone else do this trying to concentrate on these papers.
You can sometimes fix phrasal verbs in your mind by writing them in true sentences about a person
you know or an experience you've hado
54.1 Read these remarks by different people and then answer the questions below by writing the
correct name in the box.
mgs George: l'm determined to have it out with my parents. We can't go on in this way.
Dermot: My sister is always mouthing off about somethjng. [ wish she'd shUl up.
Michael: [ think they were trying to play down the whole affajr.
Yolanda: The boss seems to have gone back on her word.
Yvette: Huh! My brother has owned up at last! [t's about time!
Gina: [ felt my roommate was trying to wind me up.
1 Who is annoyed because someone talks about subjects as if they know
more than everyone else or someone complains a lot about something?
2 Who thought someone told them something that wasn't true in
order to make a joke or to annoy them?
3 Who is going to talk to someone about something they have said
or done that has made them angry, in order to solve the problem?
4 Who thinks someone is trying to make people believe that
something is not very important or is not Iikely to happen?
5 Who is satisfied that someone has admitted they have done
something wrong?
as 6 Who thinks someone has broken a promise to do something?
54.2 Complete these sentences using words from the opposite page.
1 [felt she was ................................................. something from me. [ asked her what it was, but she
wouldn't ................................................ on.
2 Oh, ................................................. up, will you! Don't ................................................. on at me all the time!
3 !t's very difficult to ................................................... him down. He never Iikes to make firm plans.
4 She's an excellent employer. She never .................................................. down to her staff, however
:an inadequate they seem.
5 Georgina .................................................. out her Iife story to me late last night. She's never
.................................................. up to me in that way before, and in her ................................................... of
emotion she revealed to me that she'd been in prison years ago .
54.3 Read these sentences containing rather formal verbs and then write their more informal phrasal
11 verb equivalents in the brackets. Use a dictionary if necessarv.
1 [promise [ won't reveal ( ............................................ ) to
Simon that you're moving out of the flat.
2 The government has reneged ( ............................................... )
Jt his on its pro mise to ¡necease student grants.
say 3 [had a feeling she was concealing
(.................................................. ) something from me,
something unpleasant.
's. 4 She confessed ( ................................................. ) to having Iied
about the missing money.
5 [have finally decided to confront
( ................................................. ) Jamie. We simply can't Mr Beanpole had a hahit of talking
continue with so rnuch tension in the airo down to people.
7 happen ro
8 stop going to classes
Hi again, before completing a
Thanks for the encouraging words! I don't know what will beco me course
of7 my career.At the moment all I care about is that Httle Patrick will , start to do or take
be a nice kid, that he won't drop out" of school or college, that he something bad,
won't turn to 9 crime or drugs and wind UplO in priscn, and that usually beca use you
he'lI be healthy and happy, just like your kids. are unhappy
Talk to you soon, " finally do something,
Cathy especially without
having planned to
(Iike the verb end up)
" =============='~==========~I " be as good as he is
Hi there, expected to be
I'm sure the little lad will live up to" all your hopes and expectations! " a ppear to be
A lot of 13-year-olds could pass for" 17 or 18 these days, and the 1) given or taught,
kind of values that were handed down ll to us by our parents and by an older persan
grandparents are considered old-fashioned now. But I'm 5till optimistic. ro a younger person
Do let me know how things go. Regards to Peter.
Leve, Dolores
1dence 55.1 Which phrasal verbs in the e-mails on the opposite page could be replaced by the foUowing
synonyms? Write the phrasal verbs next to their synonym.
me 1 continue
Ine else 2 looks Iike
3 not complete
4 transmitted
. older 5 be as good as
family 6 happen to
child 7 ralSlng
them 8 look as if they are
.n 55.2 Answer these questions in fuU sentences, using phrasal verbs .
1 Were you named after anyone? If so, who were you named after?
~lllg a 2 Who, if anyone, do you take after in appearance?
3 Who, if anyone, do you take after in character?
4 Do you think thar boys and girls grow up at the same speed?
5 What reason might someone have for droppirig out of university?
ething, 6 What reason might someone have for turning to crime?
out 7 Describe someone you know who could pass for a different age than they reaUy are.
leo 8 Do you possess anything that has been handed down from your great-grandparents?
9 Do you think thar mothers and fathers ha ve an equally important role to play in bringing
up their children?
10 Until what age would you like to carry on working?
55.3 Complete this short biography, using verbs from the opposite page .
• • oo. oo. oo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oo • • • • • • • • • • • • • • oo • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • oo • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :
:lasses RICHARD POTTS WAS BORN 100 years ago today in the same small town in
:ing a Wales that he lives in now. He was (1) ............................................. after his maternal
grandfather, Richard Jones, the d:istinguished sculptor, whom he was later said to
ake (2) .......................................... after in both character and appearance. The young
R:ichard was orphaned at an early age and was (3) ................................................... up by an
e you aunt He fa:iled to (4) . . up to his relatives' hopes for him by
(5) out of school at the age of 15. They were very
concerned about what would (6) of him and, although
there must have been plenty of temptations encouraging the young boy to
nd upl (7) to gambling and drink, he resisted them all and
(8) .......................................... up taking a job in a coal mine. He impressed the
managers so much that he eventually (9) ................................................... up as a member
he is
of the board. He (10) . on working until five years ago,
when ill health forced him to retire, but he is still a familiar figure around the
streets of his home town.
lt, ................................................................................................................
Read an obituary or article about the death of someone famous from any English language
newspaper and note down any phrasal verbs that you find in it.
['ve put my
shoulder out5.
I (informal) vomiting
, becoming ill, usually with a disease that is not very serious, e.g. flu, a cold
l (informal) see note 2
• trying hard to get rid of
5 dislocated or injured by making abone move from its usual place
6 get rid of
7 become larger or rounder than usual
8 (adjective) filled so that you are unable to breathe normally
9 become unconscious; fainted
11 Try to learn phrasal verbs in chunks or longer phrases, e.g. "m coming down with ~u; She's (¡ghting off a
liI cold; My nose is blocked-up.
56.2 Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences, using a phrasal verb from the opposite page.
1 l've had a sore throat for a week now - 1 just can't get rid oi it.
2 Meg hadn't eaten anything for 48 hours and so it wasn't surprising that she fainted in the
middle of her gym lesson.
3 The doctors were afraid that the old man wouldn't survive the attack of pneumonia, but
amazingly he recovered and was soon on his feet again.
4 1 think l'm ¡ust about to get a cold - 1 feel a bit shivery.
S My thumb becarne bigger after 1 accidentally hit it with a harnrner.
6 The sea was so rough that many people were vomiting over the side of the ship.
7 People usually write letters of condolence to the relatives of someone who has died.
8 The old lady is in great pain beca use she has dislocated her hipo
9 After the operation, her sister nursed her until she was completely recovered.
10 How do you think you contracted chicken pox?
56.3 Match the beginning of each sentence with its ending.
1 Jim's uncle passed for her elderly mother.
2 Sonya is fighting down a bit as they get older.
3 Rita is kept very busy caring down with flu.
4 Mary's ankles swelled off a bout of flu.
S Most people usually slow up during the long flight.
d was 6 1 think Joe is going away last year.
Iy, he 56.4 Complete these sentences in any way that makes sense.
1 When her great-aunt passed away Mary felt very ................................................................................................ .
2 Jack broke down when ........................................................................................................................................................................... .
3 The last time 1 threw up was . ........................ .
4 You can get a blocked-up nose if . . ..................................... .
S Kate's finger swelled up afrer ............................................................................................................................................................ .
6 The best wa y to fight off a cold is to . ............................. •
Look at a health advice page of an English language newspaper or magazine. Write down any phrasal
verbs that you find there. Write them down in sentences to help you remember them.
2 forced 10 leave the competition beca use -4 (naun) game to decide the winner,
they were defeated especially when the teams or competilOrS
have rhe same number of points
• (noun) gende exercises which prepare you for more serious exercise (from the verb warm up)
5 become cooler
World-class marathon running can be very hard. You need great mental
stamina, and you must never give in6 • It's a great feeling when you pull ahead'
of the rest of the field and know you're winning.
• accept that you have been defeated and agree to stop competing or fighting
, suddenly get in front of another person who was previously running at the same speed as you
57.1 Match the phrasal verb on the left with its more formal equivalent on the right.
l Jom m attempt ro achieve
IS 2 glve ID defeat
V'S 3 go for surrender
4 pull ahead participate
5 knock out overtake
57.2 Chao se phrasal verb expressions from the opposite page to complete each of these notices
from a sports club noticeboard,
l Always do a ................................................... befare doing any strenuous exercise.
2 Sign below if you would like to toke part in next month's ................................................... squash
3 Eat healthily. Remember you have to exercise for at least two hours to
................................................... the calories from one cream cake!
4 Regular exercise helps to .. ..... stress.
5 Don't forget to ................................................ before running round the track.
6 Remember it's JUSI as important to .............................. :.................... properly as it is to warm up.
) )
57.5 Here are three more phrasal verbs with sporting connections that were not on the opposite
page. Can you choose the correct definition from the box for each of them?
move in begin living in a new house or flat A new family has moved in to the flat next doo r.
move in start living in the same house as Sam and I have always been good friends so
together someone when we both got jobs in Rio, we decided to
move in together.
live on sth have an amount af money in arder to 1 earn just enough to live on.
buy the things you need
live off 5th have enough money far the things While Sue was unemployed she had to live off
you need by taking it trom a supply of her savings.
money or another persan
put up sb or let someone stay in your home fer a Would you be able to put me up when I'm in
put sb up short time Lendon next week?
sleep over sleep in someone else's home for a My daughter loves it when a school friend
night sleeps overo
(noun) a sleepover The kids had a sleepover.
Note: Do not confuse to sleep over with to oversleep. The verb to oversleep means to sleep
longer than you should have done, e.g.
lf 1 oversleep and aro late for work again, 1'11 lose my jobo
_ _ _B Daily routines
I've got a new job at the airport and have moved into a flat
with a couple of friends. During the week I have to gel Up'
early as I have to be at the airport by 6.30 a.m . I try to be
very quiet in the mornings so I don't wake up' my flatmates.
At the weekends I love sleeping in] On Saturdays I
sometimes lie in' til! 11. I can't have a lie-in' if I'm playing
footbal! though, which I sometimes do on Saturday mornings.
On weekday evenings I lurn in' quite early, about 10.30 p.m.
usually, but I slay up' at weekends, of course. If I get home
on Saturday night befo re my flatmates, I wail up' until they
arrive and we have a drink and a chat before going to bed. 1 love sleeping in at weekends.
Iget out of bed , (noun) longer time in bed in the morning than
2make them become conscious usual
3 sleeping later in the morning than usual , go ro bed
, sta y in bed later in the morning than , go to bed later than usual
usual 8 stay awake beca use you are waiting for someone
to arrive
58.1 Look at these notiees a-f on a eollege notieeboard and answer the questions below.
a) Fi.noJ.-Hw.r sw<le-nts out <l.fter grM.uoJion h< fumifure. to seit.
TeL. <I.n<L on 2.7G544.
lday. b) Living off your parents or off your savings? Earn extra cash by working at weekends. Call 896774.
e) 1<=cw~Ú'V~foy~~;tu.deflt: fiN.,~¡r"""ca-mp"" "'u.t'&e,cvbJe,
u,.mov.,Ú'V~. R~655491, w"k.foy JL<l.i.e-.
d) Student granlS are not enough 10 live on! loin our protest oulslde Ihe Senale Building, Frlday 2 p.m.
Bring vour Iriends!
e) Time to move on? If you 've just graduated and want careers advice, come to the careers
workshop at 3 p.m., Thursday 25 May, room 12A, Hughes Building.
f) f'<f"a!t. /""eral, 2'1, Iooirir¡ fo,.liitr",irled, ~oN"oirir¡ fo"a!t. to "on/ir ~Mt ""ti. ;¡,." ti,irt "" eo.!1<lfJ0/l
Ii~/ir¡ toytlur; ea!!"~,, 133208/ #tú&.
Whieh notiee would you respond to if ...
1 ... your income was not suffieient to meet your needs and you were angry about it?
2 ... you felt you needed to take on a new ehallenge or star! a new phase in your life?
3 ... you were looking for bargain items beca use you're going into an unfurnished flat?
4 ... you were female and about to leave your aeeommodation and had nowhere to live ?
5 ... you were dependent on others for your ineome and wanted to earn your own?
6 ... you were a female wanting to share a house with a girl who might become a friend?
'p 58.2 Are you a sleep lover? Fill the gaps in the magazine questionnaire and then answer the
questions by tieking the boxes.
How olten do you not hear your alarm and . .. ................... ? o every day D sometimes O never
58.3 Complete these sentenees using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.
1 1'11 be late back tonight so please don't bother ................................................................... .
2 Kate can't afford a hotel so she's asked a friend to .
:one 3 1 need an alarm clock to stop me from . .. ............................ .
4 The removal firm helped us to . .. .................................. of our old house.
5 ['m really tired. 1 think ['m going to . .. ............... soon.
6 Gordon and Martin airead y knew each other well before they ................................................................... .
have sb around/round if you have someone around, they come to your have sb over
house for a social visit
59. I Choose one of the phrasal verbs from A to repor! what Tim says in the sentences below.
EXAMPLE Tim: Would you like to come to the cinema?
He J...'~¡.t:«~....."'~ ...<>u..t.•
1 Tim: Jane can come with you if you Iike.
He said 1 could .................................. Jaoe ...... .......... if 1 Iiked.
2 Tim: You can both come to my place after the film.
He .................................. us .................................. after the film.
3 Tim: I'1l quickly go to the shop aod get sorne biscuits on the way home.
He said he would ................................................... the shop for some biscuits 00 the way home.
4 Tim: 1 love it when people come to visit me.
He said he loved .................................. people .
5 Tim: You can borrow that CD 1 was telliog you about if my friend returns it.
He said 1 could borrow the CD if his frieod .................................. it .. .. befo re my party.
59.2 Correct the errors with the partides in these seotences.
1 My parents are always askiog over you so I'll tell them your oews oext time 1 see them.
2 Do drop out some time when you're passing our house aod have a cup of tea.
3 My uncle has invited me and a friend io to a smart restaurant to celebrate my birthday.
4 Of course you can briog your brother with when you come to our place tomorrow.
5 1 often call about and see my graodmother 00 my way home from work.
6 1 hope I'm not in trouble. The boss has just asked me to pop about to his oHice.
59.3 Explain the difference in meaning between these pairs of sen ten ces.
1 a) I've got to pop up aod see Bill in his oHice.
b) I've got to pop down and see Bill in his office.
2 a) It's time 1 invited Andy and Becky over for a meal.
b) It's time 1 iovited Andy aod Becky out for a meal.
3 a) Shall we call round aod see Peggy this afternoon?
b) Shall we drop round and see Peggy this afternoon?
4 a) I'1l bring my niece rouod at the weekend.
b) I'll bring my niece aloog at the weekend.
59.4 Write down four different ways in which you could invite someone to visit you at your place.
Use a different phrasal verb each time.
59.5 Here are some more phrasal verbs conoected with the theme of socialising. What do you
Uf a
11 think the phrasal verbs in bold mean? Use a dictionary if necessary.
Kath: Did you enjoy your date with Paul?
Anne: Don't talk to me about Pau!! He stood me up! 1 waited there for at least half an
hour and then 1 decided just to go to the cinema on rny own. It was really annoying
because my sister had wanted to lag along but 1 wouldn't let her aod in the end 1
was all alone. 1 thought we were going to have this lovely romantic evening! If you
ron across him, you can tell him I'm very annoyed with him!
I become not good to eat beca use it is too old , began 10 cook food
, let it gradually become warmer so that it was • made it hot
no! frozen any more s f10w over the si de of the pan
I offered something, especially food and drink, • (noun) more drink poured into a glass or
to each persan in a group cup (from the verb top up)
, filled glasses or cups with a drink s combined or tasted good with
3 putting more drink into someone's glass OI cup 6 remained OI was no! eaten
I (noun) food prepared for a previous meal but , buy prepared food in a shop or restaurant
nor eaten and take it somewhere e1se to eat
, (noun) a meal that you buy and take somewhere • only eats a particular type of food
el se to eat. Takeaway is also the place where 5 eat a meal in a restaurant nor at home
you buy a meal like this, e.g. a Chinese takeaway.
You will find quite a few more phrasal verbs on the foad theme if you look at the instructions in a
. recipe book, e.g. cut up an onion, take off the skins of the tornatoes, etc. If possible look in an English
language recipe book or search for sorne recipes on the Internet and rnake a note of any phrasal verbs
that you find there.
60.1 Look at A and B opposite. Then complete these sentences with an appropriate phrasal verbo
1 Your glass is half-empty. Let me .. . ......................... it up for you.
2 The pizza's cold. 1'11 .................................................. it up for you.
3 The chicken's frozen. 1'11 put it in the microwave to . . ................. it out.
4 When all the guests are here, 1'11 .................................................. out the champagne.
S No-one's eating the nuts and crisps. Shall I .................................... them round?
60.2 Use phrasal verbs from the opposite page to complete the second person's responses.
1 Annie: This mil k smells bad.
Philip: Yes, 1 think .
2 Erica: We need something to accompany the fish.
Harry: Yes, we need something that will .
3 Paul: !t's time to start cooking the pota toes.
Jane: OK, 1'11 .. . ............................................... .
4 Tanya: We'lI have to keep the sauce on a very. low heat.
Ricki: Yes, we'lI ha ve to make sure it ...
S Freda: Let's go ro a restaurant this evening.
Dave: Good idea. !t's ages since we last .................... ..
60.3 Answer the following questions.
1 Three phrasal verbs on the opposite page also have noun forms. What are the verbs and
what are their noun forms?
; or 2 In the question, 'Susie, would you ~ the biscuits round for me, please?' which phrasal
verb on the opposite page means the same as pass round?
3 Which two phrasal verbs mean that you regularly eat one type of food to the exclusion of
60.4 Complete these sentences with words from exercise 60.3.
1 We've got sorne nice .. .. ..... from the party last night. Shall I heat them up?
2 Sorne people seem ro . .. .... junk food. !t can't be good for them.
3 Could you .. .. ............................... these snack s to the guests? Thanks. [two answers]
4 Anne would you like a . ... ? There's plenty more coffee in the pot.
S Do you want to eat your food in the restaurant or ................................................... ?
6 The food from the. .. ......................................... was as good as anything we could have cooked at
7 Nothing .......................... . .. .. at the end of the meal.
60.5 In sorne of these sentences it is possible to separate the verb and the partide. Where possible,
write the alternative sen ten ce.
1 Would you hand round the peanuts, please?
2 I think my sister lives on fish and chips.
3 Don't forget ro thaw out the gateau.
4 I don't think that chips go with caviar.
I the sky will become lighter and the sun will start ro shine ... become warmer
, rhe sky will become covered with douds s become cooler
, ir will stop being rainy or doudy 6 become stronger
The weather was dreadful; we were there for a week and the storms just never
let Up'. We were flooded out' twice in our tent and ended up staying in a hoste!.
Ir just poured down' every day - one heavy downpour 4 after another. We were
rained off S most days and couldn't do any serious walking. Then one day we
thought the storms had blown overo, so we climbed one of the highest peaks in
the area. Ir srarted ro snow. Luckily there was a cabin at the summit, so we
took shelter chere. We were snowed in7 for two days before we could get out and
go back down again. 1 shall never forget it as long as 1 live!
I stopped or improved
2 had to leave ahorne or place beca use 01 a f100d
, rained heavily
• (noun) a very heavy period 01 rain (Irom the verb
pour down)
s if an outside activity is rained off, ir cannor srart or
continue beca use it is raining
" become less strong and then ended
7 were unable to leave thar place beca use there was so
much snow
Help yourself to learn phrasal verbs by drawing word diagrams based on ene verb, e.g. pick, blow. or on
one topie, e.g. weather.
brighten up warm up
--:::::~¿J( WEATHER
cloud over cool down
6 l. 1 Complete these sentences using one of the phrasal verbs from A. Write the verbs in an
appropriate formo
1 There's a lovely blue sky now but unfortunately the forecast says that it's going
.g ............................................... later in the day.
1 in 2 l hate it when it's so hot - l wish it would ................................................... .
3 Let's go and fly the kite - it'lI be fun now the wind ................................................. .
xt 4 The sea is quite cool in the mornings but by midday it has usually ................................................... .
oh, 5 Let's go for a walk this afternoon if the rain .................................................. .
, of 6 We could have a picnic this afternoon if the weather ................................................... .
61.2 Match the weather situatioo 00 the left with the most logical coosequence on the right.
1 We were snowed in. Sorne trees got blown down.
2 We were f100ded out. The teams were very disappointed.
3 The rain didn't let up. AII our carpets were ruined.
4 !t eleared up later on. We couldn't even open me front door.
5 A strong wiod picked up. We ate our picnic in the caro
6 The match was raioed off. We went for a walk in the evening.
61.3 Complete these sentences with a noun or phrasal verb from the opposite page.
1 !t raioed heavily all day. I've oever seeo such a . ............................ .
2 !t's been pouriog down all day. l wish it would .................................................. .
3 If the river breaks its baoks the villagers will be ................................................... .
4 No-ooe left their homes uotil the hurricane . ........................................... .
5 Because of the storms, a oumber of football matches ................................................... .
6 !t's too gloomy to take good photos oow. Why don't you wait uotil it .. ............................ ?
7 It's very hot there in summer - eveo at oight it doeso 't ................................................... .
8 lt's beeo terribly cold but they have promised that it will ................................................... oext week.
61 .4 Sorne of the phrasal verbs on the opposite page can be used in a metaphorical way. Try to
work out the metaphorical meanings and answer these questions.
1 If Joan is brightening up a bit, is her mood gettiog more or less cheedul?
2 Would you suggest that someone should cool down if they are angry or if they are sad?
3 If an argument or scandal blows over, does it start or finish?
4 If an illness elears up, does it get better or worse?
5 If a party warms up, does it get more or less enjoyable?
6 If someone's face clouds over, do they staft to look worried or happy?
Write a paragraph about the weather you have experienced recently. Use as many as possíble of the
words presented on the opposite page.
• boarded
5 visit for a short time when on the way somewhere el se
pull in (of a train) arrive in a station The train pulled in exactly on time.
pull out (of a train) leave a station Unfortunately, the train I'd hoped to catch was
pulling out just as I arrived on the platform.
Air travel
I (noun) cheap ticket for a flight which you buy 3 began to fly
just before the flight if seats are available • landed on the ground
, showed her ticket at the official desk (the s stop somewhere for a period of time
check-in) so she could be given a boarding card when you are on a long journey
62. 1 Write sentences that mean the opposite of the sentences below, using verbs from A.
1 Jack arrived home last Sunday.
2 Jill gOl off lhe plane in Dubai.
3 M y journey ended in a very exciting way.
62.2 Fill the gaps in this Internet chat session between Charlie and her friend Lin,
O 1!18
62.3 The phrasal verbs below have noun or adjective forms , Complete the table and write an
11 example sentence for each nODO or adjective form, Use a dictionary if necessary,
get away
take off
stop over
62.4 Correct the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in this text, There are six mistakes in total.
I ",ent off far WoJ:erl.oo StoJ:ion Cl.t 11 ". m. M<i tI1ere. I got tAp tI1e. m~ [tArostar troln
te Pari.5. It ptAiLe<L off e.xo..c.t4l on M<i SDOn ",e. ",ere. in tI1e. O1MneL TtAnneL. After ..
COtApLe. of hOtArs ",e. ptAiLe<L over Cl.t ParLs Gare. d.tA Nor<i stoJ:ion. Ne.xt d.o.jJ I cI1ecl:e<i off
from my hotel M<i fLe.w bru:k. We. tetAcI1e<i in Cl.t He.o.thro", AiKport Cl.t 11 " .m.
drop off sb/sth or take someone to a place thar they want to go to, or deliver something to a
drop sb/sth off place. usually in a cart afeen when rou are going somewhere else
pull over drive a car to the side of the road in arder to stop
pick up sth/sb or to collect someone who is waiting tor you, or to collect something you have left
pick sth/sb up somewhere or thar you have bought
pull in or If a car pulls in or pulls into a place, it moves to the side of the road or to
pull into somewhere another place where it can stop.
Oriving problems
• ••• • ••••••••••••••
2 A pile-up' involving twenty
Two ehildren were knoeked down by a
vehicles caused a 10-mile tailback5
drunken driver. Both ehildren were seriously o
: on the M 12 motorway today.
injured and pollee have arrested the driver. o Police blamed fog and black ice.
63.1 Complete these sentences using phrasal verbs from A. Write the verbs in the appropriate formo
1 If you ............................. ...................... in the next lay-by, we can have a short break.
2 If yo u'd like a lift to the party l could . ............................. on my way there and then r can
easily ................................................... on my way home afterwards.
3 r had been waiting for at least half an hour before a bus eventually ................................................. .
4 r was looking out of the window when Rose's taxi . ............... outside our gateo
63.2 Write the phrasal verb expressions presented on the opposite page into one of these categories.
words relating to moving and words relating to accidents and words relating to transporting
stopping rhe car tratric prablems other people
63.3 Complete this letrer with an appropriate particle from the box. Use each word once only.
Deo.r Di.AA<L,
Tho.nk y"" fer the lDve4¡ ~ lOe 11<!.<i wLth yO(,(. It 10M so kinc:l of you to W; us bring
Anne's fri.enc:l, Gin<L. Unfertun<Lte4¡, the onLy probl.em 10M the journey 110me.. There 11<!.<i
be.e.n <L terrible pile- .................... .............. (1) on the. motorw~, M <L resutt, there
10M <L toJL.................................. (2.) fer <Lb I.eMt sex miles. In the mc:l, lOe.
left .................................. (3) <Lb <L servCce stolion w~ there. untiL "" cl.e<Lre.c:l. In the
C<Lr p<Lrk there Gin<L neo.rLy got knocke.c:l .................................. (4) M <L C<Lr
..... ............................. (5) f<Lr too qui.ckLy from be.i1inc:l <L p<Lrke.c:l lDrry. We. were. very wl1m lOe fin<LlLy c:lroppe.c:l Gin<L .................................. (,,) <Lb l1er p<Lrmts'
m<Lc:le. oor own w~ 110me..
Mucl1 lDve,
63.4 Here are sorne more phrasal verbs and nouns connected with driving. Match the words in
bold 1-6 with the definitions a-f.
1 To get to the farm take the second turn-off on the left after the crossroads.
2 The car left the main road and turned off down a narrow track.
ing him 3 The car was written off in the acciclent.
4 The insurance company agreed that the car was a write-off.
5 You get out of the car here and 1'11 find a parking spot and then meet you in the café.
6 ran broke his arm when he fell off his bike after running into a lamp post.
a) lea ve a vehicle
b) damage a vehicle so badly that it cannot be repaired
e) accidentally hit something while driving a vehicle
d) lea ve the road you are on ro travel along another one
e) road that goes off another road
f) vehicle that is not worth repairing after an accident
switch/turn off touch a switch to make an electrical Would the last persan to leave the room
5th or switch/turn device stop working please switch/turn off the lights.
5th off
plug in 5th or connect to an electricity supply The computer ¡sn't working because
plug 5th in or you haven't plugged it in! You can plug
plug 5th into 5th it into rhe wall there.
turn up 5th or make louder or stronger Can you turn up the TV - I can hardly
turn 5th up hear what the actors are saying.
charge up 5th or put electricity into a píece of equ!pment My mobile phone isn't working - I need
charge 5th up to charge it up.
go off make a loud noise, e.g. an alarm dock The car alarm went off in the middle of
or a burglar alarm the night, waking all the neighbours.
cut out suddenly stop working, e.g. a machine The pilot's radio cut out as the plane
or engine was flying over the Himalayas.
Len is at the photocopier running off twenty copies
of the agenda for the meeting.
64.1 Look at these instruetions for using a personal digital organiser. Complete the instructious,
using phrasal verbs from A.
2 Insert the power cable as shown and
• lLJ"-" •
................................................... the unit ¡nto an
eleetrieal supply.
3 If the sereen illuminates, ~ ~
................................................... off the computer
using the 'on/off' button. @ [ID]
4 Allow the battery to
................................................... up for at least ~ ~
12 hours.
64.2 Rewrite the underlined words, using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.
1 I'll put all the things to be washed up in the dishwasher for you.
2 Press the 'play' button so we can listen to that tape you recorded at the coneert.
3 The meehanie put sorne air into the tyres while he was servieing the ear.
4 The seeurity alarm began to ring aeeidentally when we opened the door to the offiee.
5 1 was driving up a steep hill when the engine suddenly stopped working.
6 Could you produce thirty copies of this repor! for the meeting, please?
7 We've just bought a breadmaking maehine. All you do is weigh and pour the exaet
amounts of all the ingredients, put them in the maehine and switch it on.
8 Don't switch on the vaeuum eleaner until it is conneeted to the eleetrieity supply.
64.3 Correet the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these sentences.
1 1 eouldn't hear what they were saying on the radio so 1 turned it down.
2 What must we do when goes the alarm bell off?
3 My mobile is low. Can 1 eharge up it here?
4 Could you help me, please, by filling up the washing maehine?
5 !t's very dark in here - do switch off the light.
6 Mel asked him to measure off 250 grams of burter.
Look at the instructions for any electrical device you have, e.g. a mobile phone, a DVD player. If there
is an instruction section jn English, compare it with the section in your own language and make sure
you understand any phrasal verbs you find.
hack into 5th get into someone else's computer Someone hacked into the computers
system without permission in arder to at work and destroyed important data.
look at ¡nfarmation or do something
pick up 5th or connect to the Internet and access 1'11 take my laptop so 1 shou ld be able
pick 5th up e-mails to pick up my e-mails while I'm away.
seroll acrossl move across/down/up a web page or Seroll up to the tap of the page.
down/up (5th) other document on a computer screen
I Many websites are in English. Next time you visit a website, note down any phrasal verbs that are used
on the web pages, e.g. check out our new products.
65.1 Imagine that you are writing a report on a computer in your office or college. Write the
things from the box below in the order in which you would do them.
back up your work log off key in your report log on print out your work
65 .2 Complete each of these sentences, using a phrasal verb expression from the opposite page.
1 If you find it hard to see the detaiI in the picture, . .. ............................................. so you can see more.
Then click on the same icon again to ......................................... and the picture wiIl go back to
normal size.
2 Although 1'11 be working away from the office for a couple of weeks, 1'11 still be
................................................... my e-maiIs every da y.
3 If you .................................................. to the bottom of the page, you'll find the data you want.
4 1 ................................................... to this brilliant new website last night. Let me give you the address
so that you can check it out.
5 On these disk s you'Il find a . . ............ of all the data eonnected with the project.
6 Do you think you could let me have a .......................................... of that sereen? 1 don't have the
time to write down all the details.
65.3 Choose the correct word to complete these sentenees.
1 Joe was very upset when he realised that someone had haeked .................................. his eomputer.
) a) off b) on e) into d) out
~ 2 For security reasons, always log .................................. when you leave your computer unattended
for any period of time.
a) on b) in e) out d) up
3 My secretary is very quiek at keying .................................. data.
a) onto b) on e) inco d) in
4 It took ages to print the whole report ..... .. ....................... .
a) out b) down e) up d) in
5 The abiIity to zoom .................................. is partieularly useful when you are working on detailed
a) out b) in e) up d) on
6 Larry went into a eybercafé in Bangkok to piek .................................. his e-mails.
a) out b) on e) off d) up
65.4 Explain when you would want to click on these ieons.
rs 2
I suddenly happened and became serious 3 causing people in power to lose their position
(used about something negative like • suddenly start, usually used about something
violence, anger or an argument) dangerous and unpleasant like war, fire Oc
, exploded disease (noun ~ outbreak)
A SURVEY published roday reveals tha! the on any driver eaught exceeding the speed
number of accidents caused by cars driving limito Poliee have been promised financial
too fast has shot up I in the last couple of support to enable them ro step up' aU
years. A government spokesperson said possible rneasures to make motorists
that they are determined to crack down' reduce their speed .
increased very quickly
._____ .-r""---..--..------__- . . . . .
3 do more of something, usually in
2 treat people more strictly in order to try to stop order to improve a situation
them doing things they should not do
(no un ~ eraekdown)
66.1 Look at these news headlines then answer the questions below by tieking the correet box.
Violence fiares up in Hirada
lmg 1 There has been a huge fire in the city of Hirada. true D false D
true D false D
2 A terrorist hiding place has been attacked by troops.
3 A government has collapsed beca use of a scanda!. true D false D
very 4 A top secret report has been published. true D false D
:hing 5 Sweden has gained huge benefits from a trade·agreement. tfue D false D
true D false D
6 The police will take a hard attitude ro mobile phone thieves.
66.2 In this unit there are a number of phrasal verbs whieh have no un forms. Complete the table
break through
fiare up
66.3 Here are sorne short extraets from newspapers. Complete what you would tell a friend who
has not read the extract, using phrasal verb expressions from the opposite page.
1 A bomb exploded in the capitallast night, injuring six people.
lerb You: Hey did you read that? A bomb ..
2 Riots have erupted between the Northern tri bes and the Southern League.
You: Did you read that? Riots "... . ................................................... .
3 The Phrasalian rebels are beginning to inerease their attacks on military bases.
You: Did you see that? The Phrasalian .. . .................................. .
4 The teachers' union has suddenly ended talks with local government officials.
ar You: Have you heard? The teachers' ..
5 Villagers have be en advised by police ro keep their eyes open for anything suspicious.
You: The poliee are advising villagers ro .. ................................................................ .
6 Five prisoners have eseaped from Gilston High Seeurity Prison.
You: Wow! There's been a.".
tip off sb or warn someone secretly about something that will happen so that they can take
tip sb off action or prevent it from happening
take in sb or deceive someone or make them believe something that is not true
take sb in
lead on sb or make someone believe something that is not true. especiaUy to make them do
lead sb O" something they don't reaUy want to do
let off sb or do not punish someone who has committed a crime or done someth ing wrong, or
let sb off do not punish someone severely
1_. 3
le! 67.2 Describe what each speaker is doing, using one of the phrasal verbs from che opposite page.
Ir was Rocky who broke
Give me all the money inro the bank, Sergeant ]ones.
in the safe or 1'11 shoot.
2 4
Life in Parliament
Interviewer: So, once you were elecred, how did you go ahead' with your plans for social
Politician: Well, alrhough sorne orher Members of Parliament from my parry backed me
Up2, rhe more influentia] ones told me nor to be roo hasry. I leamr then rhar our
party had entered into l an agreement with the country's rop business leaders
and had promised not to increase taxes for the wealthy for the time being.
Interviewer: Did you stand up to' those influential MPs?
Politician: Yes, I told them I was not in Parliament ro carry out5 the wishes of big business.
, srart ro do somerhing (noun = go-ahead: • stare opinions forcefully and refuse ro
permission for something to srart) change your mind or do what orhers want
2 supported 5 do somerhing you have been rold ro do
l officially agreed ro do somerhing
68.1 Look at these entries from Who's Who in Polities?, a book that gives biographieal details
about politieians. Complete the entries, using verbs from the box. Write the verbs in the
correet formo
... 1 Drummond, Patricia First ........... ............ for Parliament io 1992 electioo but was
defeated. Eleeted in 1996 as MP for Saodford Eas!. 10. 2002, introduced a bill io Parliament to
................. dowo 00 street crime. Hobbies: badmintoo aod judo.
2 Dursland, Roger Elected to ParJiameot io 1988. MP for Hosely West. In 1991, with five other
cooservatives, he ................... , .......................... away from his party and formed the,New Progressive
Conservative Party (NPCP). In 2001, NPCP, uoder bis leadersbip ...................... ,... ioto
discussioos to merge with the Family Values Party (FVP). Hobbies: golf aod fox-huntiog.
4 Entwhistle, Loma-May Elected to Parliament io 1992. MP for Mickly North. Famous for
publiciy . . .......................... up to party leader Kennetb Drake in 1997 aod being suspended
ss. from tbe Labour Party for six moritbs. Known for ... by her colleagues,
whatever tbe price. Hobbies: rambling, painting and tbeatre,
68.2 Correet the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these political interviews,
1 Interviewer: WiJl your party now ehange its mind about its tax plans?
Politieian: No, we are determined to go towards with our proposals.
2 Interviewer: So, what wiJl happen ro the present eommittee strueture?
Politician: We intend to do up with out-of-date eommittees and to modernise the
whole eommittee strueture to make it more effieient,
3 Interviewer: Do you think Ms Reiner should now resign?
eeo Politieian: No, 1 do not, 1 and her many supporters are determined to stiek on her in
the faee of these appalling and unfair attaeks from the press,
:er 4 Iorerviewer: Did Mr Carson's remarks yesterday represeor party poliey?
Politieian: Yes, the party fully baeks Mr Carson aeross,
68_3 Rewrite eaeh sentenee, replaeing the underlined word with a phrasal verb expression based
on the word in braekets,
1 The People's Purple Party believes that the monarehy should be abolished, (DO)
2 The PPP aims to introduce legislation banning fox hunting. (BRING)
3 The PPP is determined to restriet smoking in publie plaees, (CLAMP)
4 The leader of the PPP says nothing will stop the Party fu lfillin~ its aims (CARRY)
5 He swears he will do all he can ro defend the principies the PPP supports. (STAND)
6 T he PPP has got t he Jlermission to hold a demonstration next week, (Go)
North America
Here are sorne phrasal verbs more frequently used in North American varieties of English.
call around phone/ring telephone several people, afeen in 1'11 call around and see if I can get
round arder to find out information (in a good price.
UK English eall aroun~ usually means
to visit someone)
figure out suss out or find the solution to a problem or Let's try to figure out how much
work out the answer to something I owe you.
goofoff mess aboutl behave stupidly or to waste time Tom spent too much time goofing
around doing unimportant things off and fai led his exams.
wash up freshen up clean your hands and tace with I'm sure you'd like to wash up after
soap and water (in UK English wash your journey.
up means to wash the dishes)
US English sometimes adds a particle where UK English would use the verb on its own. For
example, an American might say Wait up! or Listen up! rather than Wait! or Listen! These
are used mainly as imperatives and the up emphasises the idea that the speaker is giving a
command. Americans can also visit with friends or meet with colleagues, whereas a British
speaker would ¡ust visit or meet them.
Here are sorne phrasal verbs which are typical of Australian English.
barrack cheer for give support to a team or person 1'11 be barracking for you in the
for competition tomorrow.
belt into throw yourself begin to do something quickly We just belted into the job and
into and with a lot of effort got it finished in an hour.
get into lay into criticise She really got into me.1 didn't
think I deserved so much criticismo
shoot do a runner leave a place suddenly and often He's not here any more. He shot
through secretly through a couple of days ago.
:ver 69.1 Match the questions on the left with the most likely American English replies on the right.
1 Would you Iike to wash up? Dunno. 1 can't figure out why it's not working.
lr- 2 What's wrong with the TV? To visit with sorne friends.
LS 3 Why is she so upset? Dunno. I'1l call around a few places.
Or 4 Where will you buy your new TV? Because 1 goofed off so mucho
5 Where's Jo gone? Her parents have just bawled her out.
6 Why d'you think you failed the test? Sure. Where's the restroom?
69.2 Complete these things an Australiau might say, using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.
1 Cheryl is very upset beca use Lance has ................................................... just before their wedding.
2 Joeline really ........................................ MeI for leaving the flat in such a mess.
3 Bruce tends to ................................................... a job without thinking it through first.
4 Have you decided who you're going to .. . .................................. in the game tomorrow?
:et 69.3 Here are sorne things that British people rnight sayo Write what an American or an Australian
might say instead.
1 1 expect your grandmother will want to freshen up when she arrives.
American: .
h 2 The teacher laid into me for doing such abad essay.
Australian: .
ng 3 Willlost his job for skiving off to go to a concer!.
American: .
4 Suzie threw herself into the spring cleaning and the house was soon transformed.
ter Australian: .
5 Could you phone around to find the cheapest place to rent a car?
American: .
6 1 can't work out why he's behaving so oddly.
or American: .
e 7 He did a runner last month and the police have been looking for him ever since.
Australian: .
h 8 I'1l be ready soon. Wait!
American: .
9 I'm visiting my aunt at the weekend. Would you Iike to come too?
American: .
Hi! Welcome to our
Texas home! Would you
like to wash up after
New phrasal verbs particularly used by the media and young people
phrasal verb meaning example
be partied out have had enough of parties because you Alter a whole week 01 birthday
have been to so many celebrations, I feel totally partied out!
big up 5th or praise something very highly He bigged up that new film but when I
big sth up went to see it I was really disappointed.
bliss out become or make someone beco me They blissed out on music.
(olten + on) totally happy and relaxed
buy into 5th completely believe in a se! of ideas I don't really buy i"to all that
homeopathic medicine stuff.
chill out relax completely. or not allow things to Chill out! Life's too short to get so
upset you stressed!
sex up 5th or make something seem more exciting Sports promoters are trying to sex up
sex sth up than it really is cricket for the younger generation.
text back sb or send a text message in reply 1'11 text you back when my meeting
text sb back finishes.
More examples of new phrasal verb expressions
I (adjective) very worried and
How are things with you? Better than with me, I hopeo I feel
totally stressed-out I .
Things started badly when I was late for work today - I 2 (noun) money from your bank
needed some money and stopped at a shop where I bought account that you can get from a
a load of things I didn't really need but they still refused me shop when you buy goods with a
cashback 2.
debit card
Then when I got to work I discovered that today wasn't
a dress-down J day as I'd thought - and everyone else was
3 (adjective) used about a day for
looking smart while l'd come in my jeans. Then 1discovered dressing in less formal c10thes
that all the e-mails I sent yesterday have bounced back" than normal
to me. I feel like screaming! l've been working soooo hard for • didn't get ro their destina60n and
soooo long - I think I'm suffering from burnout5!
have been sent back
I wish I had load s of money - I'd go and veg out6 in the S (noun) the condition of being ill
or tired beca use you have been
working too hard
6 relax by doing nothing (informal)
B listen and look out for new phrasal verbs when you are watching a film or TY or reading a newspaper
or magazine.
70.1 Complete these sentences with words from the opposite page.
asal 1 This hotel is so awesome, mano I cou ld just ............................................... out on this view for the
whole weekend.
2 I want to stay at home this evening - I' m partied ..
3 The government has been accused of .. . . ............. up a report on economic growth.
4 I don't ................................................. into her theories about global corruption, do yo u?
5 Sophie had ............................................. .... up her new boyfriend so much that we were all surprised
at how ordinary he seemed when we finally met him.
6 I haven't got any money. Let's see if we can get sorne .................................................. when we're at
t! the supermarket.
7 Let's rent a video and just veg ................................................... at home this evening.
8 Nearly one in six teachers suffers from . .................... at sorne point in their career.
70.2 Answer these questions using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.
1 What will probably happen if you get an
e-mail address wrong?
2 What phrasal verb connects vegeta bies and
3 What phrasal verb connects cold weather
and relaxation?
'p 4 What might the result be if you work too
hard for too long?
5 What is the money called whieh you can get
in a supermarket by paying for more than
the eost of the goods you're buying? Peter and Claire were chilling out beside
6 Whieh eommon adjeetive has eombined with the pool.
up to form a new phrasal verb?
7 What phrasal verb is based on a noun meaning eestasy or complete happiness ?
8 What do you cal! a day at work when everyone comes in informal clothes?
9 What eould you do if someone texted yo u?
10 Find three phrasal verbs from the opposite page that are conneeted with relaxation.
a 11 Find three words from the opposite page that are eonneeted with modem teehnology.
ha 12 Find two words from the opposite page that are eonneeted with being tense.
70.3 Write responses to these statements, using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.
EXAMPLE Have you got any money with you? No. l'lL gtt 50me w.sl1bo.d:.
1 Let's just have a really relaxing holiday, doing nothing mueh at all!
,nd 2 Can you let me know when you get my text message?
3 What do you think abo ut his idea of using aromatherapy in the offiee?
ill 4 Don't you want to come to ]oe's birthday party with me?
5 I thought you were going to e-mail me sorne information about that eompany?
6 ]ane is so tense at work. She really shou ldn 't take things so seriously.
nal) 7 Why are you wearing jeans to go to work?
8 What did the reviews say about the coneert?
•• r
Unit 2
2.1 1 broke 2 cut 3 get 4 keep 5 pick 6 turo
2.2 The partide could be put in a difierent position in sentences 2 and 6:
2 The heavy snow bJocked the roads and eut off the farm completely.
6 This is a really stupid programme. Please turo off the TV.
2.3 1 Abstraet Go against here means oppose or defy.
2 Concrete Cut out here mean s use scissors to remove the ad from the paper or
3 Abstraet Cut out here means stopped running.
Abstract Broke down here means stopped working altogether.
Abstract Turned up here means arrived .
4 Concrete Dress up here means dress in formal dothes or your best dothes.
5 Abstract Went through here means experieneed
2.4 1 They just brushed aside my complaints; it made me very angry. Or They just brushed
my eomplaints aside.
2 I fell for his story about having lost all his money. How stupid I was!
3 I couldn't make out what he was saying with all the noise.
4 Could you chase up Janet's report? She promised it last week but I haven't seen it yet.
Or Could you ehase Janet's report up?
5 If you are phoning from outside the country, leave out the first zero in the city codeo
Or ... leave the first zero in the city code out.
Unit 3
3.1 1 The speaker went with her brothers.
2 No, she didn't go inro Di's house.
3 Mark was in a higher position.
4 The speaker went ro the Richardson's house.
5 round
3.2 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b
3.3 1 Incorrect. The object must come between the verb and the particle:
1 have three important meetings on tomorrow.
2 Correct
3 Incorrect. The object must come between the verb and the particle:
Sue was only having her sisters on when she told them she was planning ro become a
4 Incorrect. This meaning of the phrasal verb have on is never used in the continuous
I have a lot of work on today.
5 Correct
6 Incorrect. The object must come before the particle beca use it is a pronoun:
Ruth was wearing new jeans this morning and she had them on yesterday.
3.4 1 Can you move over to make room for your sister?
2 When Jill finished her essay, she asked Harry ro read it overo
3 Jim has invited me back ro his house tomorrow.
4 Paul was only having his parents on when he told them he'd failed his driving test.
5 What do you ha ve on romorrow?
6 Sue had the light on in her bedroom, so I knew she was at horneo
Or Sue had on the light in her bedroorn, so I knew she was at home.
Unit 4
4.1 phrasa/ verb verb + partide noun
showoff show-off
warm up warm-up
hold on none
hide out hideout
turn over turnQver
Unit 5
5.1 1 d 2 f 3 e 4 a 5 c 6 b
5.2 1 a) 1 put my feet in a puddle of water and my feet are very wet now.
b) 5he intervened or became involved to stop the argument from becoming more serious.
The connection between the meanings is the sense of going into the middle of something.
2 a) This programme is rubbish. 1 wish you'd turn off the TV.
b) The lecture so boring that 1 stopped paying attention.
The connection between the meanings is the sense of a break in continuiry.
3 a) There's a hole in my bago 1 think my pen must have fallen from the bag onto the
ground or floor.
b) He stopped going to co llege before the end of his course and beca me a mechanic.
The connection between the meanings is the sense of leaving a place or environment.
4 a) We fixed che boxes to the roof of the car by using ropes.
b) Mark dreams of travelling but he doesn't feel free to do it because he is trapped by
his family and work responsibilities.
The connection between the meanings is the sen se of being unable to move or being
5.3 1 What are you really trying to say ? 1 wish you would say exactl y what you mean!
2 The teacher did a ll she could to repeat the vocabulary so frequently that her pupils
knew it well before the exam.
3 The old education system used to remove the best pupils and teach them in separate
4 The noise of the chi ldren's music made it impossible for me to hea r the television.
5.4 Sugges ted answer:
As the ra in didn't stop, the football game was cancelled. So the team began discussing its
strategy for the next match instead. We didn 't (eave the c1ubhouse until the c1eaners
arrived in the evening.
Unit 6
6.1 1 apare 5 along
2 o ut 6 o ut
3 arou nd/round 7 out
4 out
You will come across someone who 5eems to share the same
world view as you, but be careful, they are not what they seem
to be. Don't forget that, in the end, true love comes down to
finding someone you can trust.
Unit 7
7.1 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 b 5 a 6 a 7 d
7.2 Suggested answers:
1 How do you and Joe get on? - We're great friends.
2 What exactly are you getting at? - Let me put it another way for you.
3 How do you get by 011 a student grant? - I manage somehow, though it
isn't easy.
4 How did you get so behind? - I just wasn't organised enough.
5 When are you going to get tound to it? - 50011, I promise.
6 Shall we get together this evel1ing? - Sure, that would be nice.
7 Will you manage to get away soon? - I certainly hope so.
7.3 1 l've been planning to sort out my files but I haven't got around/round to it yet.
2 I can't get over how much money they spent on their New Year's party.
3 Don't try to get away with not paying your train fare - an inspector might come on and
want to see your ticket.
4 The teachers in the school often get together after work on Fridays in a café near the
5 They got around/round the problem of offending anyone and just invited all their
friends to the wedding.
6 I usually find it quite hard to understand what Professor Mactoft is getting at in his
7 I hope I can get away with not sending any Christmas cards this year.
8 Emily has got terribly/very behind with her thesis.
Unit 9
9.1 1 b 2 e 3 a 4 e 5 b
9.2 1 forward
2 around/round (out is also possible here)
3 after
4 ahead or forward
5 down
6 at (over is also possible here)
9.3 be an onlooker
the end of the exams
....... ~ /
forward to
_ ith. o.
carefully at ~ out tor the police while
she steals the bike
Unit 10
10.1 1 Pete 2 Jane 3 Drew 4 Lars 5 Melanie
10.2 1 As soon as we had checked in at the hotel, we made straight for the beach.
2 She made up sorne story about the bus being late, but I'm sure she just overslept.
Unit 1\
11.1 1 I like sleeping in tents but 1 don't like putting them up. (When the object is a prono un,
it must go before the partide.)
2 Correct
3 We put a new dishwasher in last week. It's wonderful. Or We put in a new dishwasher
last week. It's wonderful.
4 Correct
5 That Iight is too strong. Shall we put it out? (When the object is a pronoun, it must go
before the partide.)
11.2 1 up 2 on 3 in 4 off 5 out 6 onto or on to
11.3 Suggested answers:
1 Could you put the light out please. You don't need them on. Or Could you put out the
light ...
2 They're putting up sorne new buildings near the railway station. Or They're putting
sorne new buildings up ...
3 The Boy Scouts put their tent up very quickly and then started unpacking their things.
Or The Boy Scouts put their tent up ...
4 Could we possibly put our meeting back to 10 o'dock? Or Could we possibly put back
our meeting ...
5 When we moved into our new house we decided to put in a new, more attractive
fireplace. Or ... we decided to put a new, more attractive fireplace in.
6 Can you put that CD on, please. 1 work better with music in the background.
i 1.4 1 b 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 e
Unit 12
12.1 1 bought a new jacket but it had a mark on it so 1 took it back.
ten per cent. 1 didn't really take in what she was saying at ,/
12.2 1 Kim: OK, OK. Sorry, 1 shouldn't have said it. I take it back. Or 1 take back what
1 said.
2 Ciare: Yes, she's really taken to it. She's so taken up with it that she's stopped going
to the swimming pool.
3 Len: Well, I'm not surprised! I warned you not to take it apart in the first place.
not take apart it)
Unit 13
13.1 Possible answers:
1 She needs to tidy up the kitchen.
2 She needs to sweep up the food the child has dropped on the floor. Or She needs to
sweep up the rubbish from the floor.
3 She must hang up the coat.
4 Toys are jumbled up on the floor.
S When she has cleared everything up, she might fee! tired but happy.
13.2 1 turned or showed
2 liven
3 chop
4 shows or turns
S opened
13.3 1 b 2 a or d 3 e 4 a or b s e 6 d 7 b or d 8 b
13.4 1 The up can be left out of the following sentences:
1 spent al! morning yesterday clearing (up) my study.
After that 1 tried to tidy (up) my bedroom.
There were dirty clothes al! jumbled (up) in apile on the floor.
Then 1 discovered the washbasin was clogged (up) in the bathroom, so 1 had to
clear that.
By that time I'd used (up) al! my energy ...
Eat (up) your vegetables, children!
Drink (up) your juice!
Paul's used (up) al! the milk.
She's just opened (up) a restaurant serving exotic food from different countries.
No, she has a business partner and they divide (up) the work - and the profits!
She spends half the day chopping (up) food and cleaning the kitchen.
In the other example sentences on the opposite page the up is essential.
2 In the sentences where the word up is not essential, using it seems to add a meaning of:
- either something being done complete!y (tidy up, clear up, jumble up, clog up, eat up,
drink up, use up).
- or something being made into lots of smal! pieces (divide up, chop up). This meaning
can be seen in verbs such as smash up, cut up, tear up.
Unit 14
14.1 1 I'l! show you out, if you like.
2 For sorne reason my name was left out of the guest listo
3 I've locked myse!f out of my caro
4 He can seelshow himself out - there's no need to take him there.
S She cut out pictures of her pop idol from the music magazines.
6 The security guard let us out of the building site.
Unit 15
15. 1 1 sold
2 broke
3 clear or slip or run (Clear suggests that the speaker is more annoyed.)
4 see
5 head or slip (Slip emphasises the idea of leaving discreetly. Clear would sound too
abrupt and informal in this context.)
6 dozed
7 send
8 Iift or lifting
15.2 1 It won't take her long to run off the letters you asked her to do.
2 I often doze off in boring lectures.
3 Let's try and slip off before the others wake up.
4 In the middJe of a long speech the actor suddenJy broke off and ran off the stage.
5 I've sent all the students' exam results off. Or I've sent off all the students' exam results.
6 The schooJ disco has put her off discos in general. Or The schooJ disco has turned her
off discos in general.
7 Tell that boy in our front garden 10 clear off - he's annoying rhe dogo
8 Fortunately, he laughed off rhe criricism of his acring. Or He laughed the criticism of
his acting off.
15.3 Author's answers:
1 1 rhink I'd probably just laugh ir off.
2 I'd be most likely ro doze off in front of a political discussion.
3 My husband, son and dog usually see me off if I go on a journey on my own.
4 I can usually run off an English essay quickly as long as the subjecr is not roo difficulr.
5 A lecrurer might break off in the middle oí a talk if someone raised their hand 10 ask a
6 If you plan 10 slip off during a party, you're inrending to go quietly wirhour lerting
anyone know thar you have gone.
7 If someone tells sorne children ro 'elear off', rhey probably feel eross or annoyed wirh
8 I might be put off eating my dinner if I saw a hair on the plate.
Unit 16
16.1 1 1 read the gardening article you gave me then passed it on to a friend who's also
interested in plants.
2 Do you think she's realIy angry, or do you think she's just putting it on?
3 He looks very pale and tired. Something is clearly weighiug on/upon him.
Or Something is clearly weighing on/upon his mind.
4 !t's a lovely jacket. Try it on.
5 ['m going to keep on working until l've finished this reporto
6 You can rely/depend/count on/upon Brian.
16.2 1 False, because keep on means to continue to do something, and Anwar has decided to
telI Osear the new tomorraw.
2 False, beca use take in means to reduce the width of a piece of clothing, and Alice's skir!
was too loose.
3 True
4 True
5 False, beca use count on means rely on, and Bob has been able to rely on his parents'
6 True
16.3 1 Hey, that man just pushed in - that taxi should have been ours!
2 Mary's bad news has been weighing on my mind alI day.
3 I need time for the news to sink in.
4 I couldn't leave the room because someone had locked me in. (You are locked out of a
room if you cannot get in.)
5 Phrasal verbs may seem hard but you must keep on trying.
6 You'lI never guess who calIed in at the office roday!
FoIlow up
Possible answers:
pass on = to die
e.g. l'm so sorry to hear that your dad has passed on.
take in = to let someone stay in your house
e.g. She took me in for a month while the building work was done on my house.
rub sth in (informal) = to talk to someone about something which you know they want
to forget because they feel bad about it
e.g. 1 know I shouldn't have failed the exams, but there's no need ro keep rubbing it in.
Unit 18
18.1 1 mess about/(a)round behave stupidly or waste time
2 hang about/(a)round spend time somewhere not doing very much
3 lie about/(a)round lie down doing very litde
4 sit about/(a)round spend time sitting down and doing very !itde
5 laze about/(a)round relax, enjoy yourself and do very little
18.2 1 lies or lazes 2 hanging 3 sitting 4 lazing or lying 5 messmg
18.3 Suggested answers:
1 Do you want to wait/stiek around after the meeting? 1 finish work at 5 p.m. and 1
could show/take you (a)round the old town.
2 Nothing much happened at the demonstration. We just stood about/(a)round and held
our banners up.
3 They spend most weekends just hanging/messing about/(a)round in their boat; they
don't really sail it seriously.
4 On my first day, the boss showedltook me (a)round the workshop and introdueed me
to various people l'd be working with.
5 At the drinks party people were just milling about/(a)round hoping to find someone
they knew.
6 Look, l'm sorry, 1 don't want to mess you about/around, but 1 wonder if we could
postpone our meeting till next week?
Unit 19
19.1 1 b 2 e 3 a 4 f S d 6 e
19.2 1 sen! S put
2 lives 6 could do
3 go 7 stick
4 couldn't ask 8 catching
19.3 1 go, with
2 call for
3 dying for
4 dealt with
S catch up with
19.4 1 l couldn't put up with such noisy neighbours as yourS.
2 It's been such a busy week. I'm dying for the weekend.
3 Jean's shoes go perfectly with her handbag.
4 AII the students at his university were rooting for Kyle in the golf championship.
S l couldn't ask for a better jobo
6 Stella lives for her grandson.
Unit 20
20.1 Possible answers:
1 Let me take you through the way we do things here.
2 Don't worry, l saw through Leo the first moment l met him.
3 I'm so sorry. l set my alarm but slept through it.
4 Could you go through these figures and see if you can find any mistakes?
S You don't need to read it in detail. Just flickiflip/look through it.
6 Well, she has lived through sorne terrible things over the last few years.
20.2 1 take or took, take 4 bite
2 bite S go
3 send 6 answer
20.3 Suggested answers:
1 Joe rang while you were out. Please could you calIJphonelring him back.
(not call1paone/Úng aack aim)
2 l don't like these trousers l bought today. l think 1'11 take them back.
(not talo e aack taem)
3 Harry missed his train this morning beca use he slept through his alarmo (not ae slept Ilis
alarm taroHga)
4 Ellen isn't really reading the magazine; she's jusI flickingiflipping through il.
(not flickinglflipping it taroHga)
S l wanted to tell her how upset l was bUI l managed to bite it back. (not aite aack it)
Unit 22
22.1 1 pressed 4 bring, fit
2 run 5 press
3 dock, dock 6 take
22.2 Suggested questions:
1 What do you usually do at weekends? Or How do you spend your evenings?
2 How did he fail the exam? Or Why did he drop out of the course?
3 How long have you known himlher?
Unit 23
23.1 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 d 5 a
23.2 1 In (a) the lecture simply went on for longer than expected. In (b) the person found it
slow and boring.
2 In (a) John delayed us whereas in (b) he made us move or work faster.
3 In (a) the song reminds the speaker of their childhood whereas in (b) the speaker simply
says that the song was written when he was a child.
4 In (a) the children were walking much more quickly than the speaker whereas in (b) the
speaker was trying to make the children walk faster.
23.3 1 Time seems to pass more quickly as you get older.
2 Music and smells have great powers ro remind you of the past.
3 Mr Jones looks or be ha ves like people used to look or behave in the pastó in other
words, he is very old-fashioned in sorne way.
4 We should forget what happened in the past. (The implication is that there have been
problems, arguments or conflicts in the past, but that you now want to make peace.)
5 You never know what the future holds for you.
23.4 Suggested answers: ,
1 The old oillamps in my grandfather's house looked like leftovers from a bygone era,
2 The smell of chalk always takes me back to my schooldays.
3 There was a hold-up on the motorway beca use of an accidento
4 Sometimes, if the textbook is boring, the lesson seems ro drag on.
5 We can never know what lies ahead.
6 There are sorne leftover pizzas from the party. Would you like one?
Unit 24
24.1 Suggested answers:
1 The fields stretch away to the horizon.
2 The house is tucked away in the foresto
3 There are small houses spread out over the landscape.
4 The house on the island is cut off from the mainland.
5 The room opens onto a balcony.
mply Unit 25
25.1 1 brings back 3 lies behind 5 sparked off
) the 2 spring from 4 stir up 6 set, off
25.2 1 off 3 bring 5 ruled 7 stir
2 set 4 off 6 off 8 pay
25.3 1 fireworks 4 memones
2 suspects 5 reforms
en 3 violence 6 feelings
25.4 1 stir up 5 sparked off OY triggered off
2 pay him back 5 ruled out
3 triggered off OY sparked off 6 sprang from
Unit 26
26.1 1 picked up OY gone up 2 heating up 3 going up 4 fi11ing up
26.2 1 woke up 2 looking up
26.3 6
P 'G 'w
sp A 1 O
le H A N G E o V E R
2S T U e K
'B L o W
Unit 27
27.1 1 fall through 4 rake off or catch on
2 take over S bring off or pull off
3 downfall 6 come off
27.2 1 S 4 S 7 S
2 S S S 8 F
3 F or S' 6 S 9 S
'>If you are muddling through, you are managing, even if not very well, so it could be S as
well as F.
27.3 Hisrory muddle through
Marhs build on
English catch up
Geography sta y ahead
Physics pay off
27.4 Suggested answers:
1 Miranda walked into a job in London.
2 Jim's hard work eventually paid off.
3 The company is hoping ro pull off an important deal this week.
4 Rache! never expected her singing career ro take off so quickly.
S The project may well fall through beca use of a lack of funds.
6 Teri finds ir hard to keep up with rhe other kids in her class.
7 The new design of mobile phone has caught on almost overnight.
8 Top software companies are finding it increasingly difficult to stay ahead (of their
Unit 28
28.1 1 started, outset, packed
2 set, polish or finish, broke, finish or polish
3 give, cut, fizzled
4 drying, call
28.2 Author's answers:
1 1 should set about filling in my annual tax forms.
2 1 was planning on going ro Spain at New Year, but had to call off the trip beca use
1 was ill.
3 Playing the guitar he!ps me ro wind down.
4 1 eat too much chocolate and should cut down on that.
S 1 once started tennis lessons but gave them up after a few weeks.
Unit 29
29. 1 1 Ir is probably on a high shelf or in a high cupboard.
2 No, she's only gone for a short time, or at least that is what the speaker is implying.
3 He has to move closer to someone.
4 Sonia has to move more beca use she has to actually change seats rather than just move
a litde bit further along.
5 No, the speaker expects you to use your hands to tear it.
, as 6 She's probably about to go outside beca use she is putting her coat on.
29.2 1 The children helped me to wrap up the parcel. Or The children helped me to wrap the
parcel up.
2 Can you tie up Billy's shoe laces for him? Or Can you tie Billy's shoe laces up for him?
3 Pick up the ball at once. Or Pick the ball up at once.
4 Slow down - it's beginning to snow.
5 Jillloves blowing up balloons! Or Jillloves blowing balloons up.
29.3 Suggested answers:
1 The tree has fallen down.
2 She's reaching out to put money in the machine.
3 He's blowing up a balloon. Or He's blowing a balloon up.
4 He's picking up a toy caro Or He's picking a toy car up.
5 He's tearing up a photo. Or He's tearing a photo up.
6 She's wrapping up a presento Or She's wrapping a present up.
29.4 1 slowed 2 reached 3 pop 4 blow
Unit 30
30.1 1 stamp 2 root 3 falling 4 screwed or tore 5 knocked
30.2 1 tear apart The lions are tearing a dead animal aparto Or The lions are tearing apart
a dead animal.
2 put out The firefighters are putting out a fire. Or The firefighters are putting a
fire out.
3 pull down or tear down He is pulling/tearing the building down. Or He is
pulling/tearing down the building.
30.3 1 Gisela: Yes, well, it was a bit of a setback but I've applied for a different grant, and
hope I'll get that.
2 Dan: Well, my parents have lent me sorne money to see me through while ['m
Note that: 'see through me' is not possible here. 'See through somebody'
means to become aware that they are deceiving you; see Unit 20.
3 Hilda: Yes, but they are fighting back now and their union is much stronger.
4 Bob: Oh yes, he bent over backwards to help me.
Unit 31
31.1 1 Mandy 2 Paula 3 Dennis and Anne 4 Ali
31.2 1 turn clown 6 bubbling over
2 ordering, about or around 7 deal with
3 lea ve, aside 8 keep to
4 get on to 9 pass on
5 turn to
Unit 32
32. 1 1 freshen up
2 dress up
3 (to) do up or (to) do my dress up
4 wrap up, put on or put a scarf on
32.2 1 1 don't want ro wear my new jacket ronight. You can put it on if you like.
Note that pronouns always go before the particle.
2 Although the house looked rundown from the outside, it was very smart/eleanl
well-maintained inside.
3 If you're going out in the snow, make sure you wrap up well.
4 Do you think this scarf and coat go together OK?
5 He hates the way his ears stick out.
6 It takes me a long time to get the kids ready in the morning beca use Sammy and Lisa
can't do up their own shoes yet.
7 Bill and his brother are so alike - 1 can't tell one from the other.
8 It's a very formal party, so you need to / you should dress up.
32.3 1 rundown 2 in 3 stands* 4 stick 5 set
'sticks is also possible but sounds less formal.
32.4 1 There are many examples.
2 The speaker thinks the performance was special, and probably better than the
performances of the other acrors in the film.
3 1an's writing is better.
4 Yes, it does.
5 The speaker thinks this will improve the series.
Unit 35
;a 35.1 1 track down 3 tums to S come under
2 drawn onlupon 4 points out 6 check up on
35.2 Hannah and Bi11 were playing a game. Hannah had thought of a footba11 star and Bi11 was
trying to find out who it was. He turned to his mother but she pointed out that she knew
absolutely nothing about footbal!. He would ha ve to try to track the answer down himself
(or track down the answer himself) and to watch out for any dues that Hannah might
deliberately give. After ten minutes Bi11 sti11 hadn't latched on so he gave up and Hannah
told him the answer: Ronaldo.
35.3 Suggested answers:
1 You might check up on a person, facts or something you've been toldo
2 You might point out an important fact, a mistake or a connection between two things.
3 Someone might find out sorne information, a secret or someone's date of birth.
Unit 36
36. 1 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 e 5 b
36.2 !t's time you sorted yourself out. You're 23 now and you still haven't got a job!
You've got to face up to reality. !t's about time you realised that the secret of success
lies in taking positive action. Over the next couple of days, 1 will expect you to come up
with a few ideas about how you're going to improve your situation, or else you can go
and live somewhere else. Why don't you go and see about that job Unele Herbert
offered you at his factory? I've offered to help talk things over with you, but you
never seem to want my help. Yet you don't deal with things yourself. Sometimes
1 think you're just a waste of space!
36.3 it's just dawned on me: I've suddenly realised or understood something
rules out: makes something impossible or unsuitable
the answer jumps out at you: the answer can immediately be seen
work through things: deal with a problem by talking about it in detail
sort things out: make a decision by discussing it with someone else or thinking about it
Unit 37
37. 1 1 over or through 2 weigh 3 by 4 ahead 5 think 6 sleep
37.2 Possible answers:
1 1 probably would run an important decision by my parents first, especially one
conceming my professional life.
2 1 usually try ro make myself sleep on it first as things often seem better after a good
night's sleep.
3 I'd prefer to do without a caro My holidays are really important to me.
4 When planning ahead for their retirement, people might contribute to a pension or they
might try to save money regularly.
5 People might chicken out of giving a speech, or going paragliding, or asking someone ro
go out with them on a date.
37.3 Suggested answers:
1 We should allow for the fact that he is still only young. (not We SllOUIEi allaw tee faet
fer teat ee is stin yauag.)
2 1 really can't help you as 1 have a lot of things on today. (not 1 eave aa a lat af teiags
3 He wants to opt out of aft elasses at school next year so he can do extra music. (not He
'lIaats ta apt af art elasses aut ".)
Unit 38
38.1 1 spoken 2 stick 3 back 4 outcry 5 stay
38.2 Suggested answers:
1 Yes, he backed him up. (not He eackea HI' hira.)
2 Yes, it seems they've fallen out.
3 Yes, she always sticks up for her. (not Yes, she alwa)'s sticks Aer HI' for.)
4 Yes, 1 agree. 1 think we should back out.
5 Yes, she's always putting him down. (not Yes, sAe's alwa)'s l'uttiRg aovlA Aira.)
6 No, we shouldn't hold it/that against her. (not No, \Ve sAoulaR't Aola agaiRst Aer
7 Yes, 1 think it's really getting to her. (not Yes, 1 thiRle it's reall)' gettiRg Aer te.)
Or Yes, 1 think it's really beginning to get to her.
38.3 1 give in or back clown 4 stuck together
2 fallen out 5 getting to
3 back out
Unit 39
39.1 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 a 5 c 6 b
39.2 presenting an aPinian success(ully persuading peopfe's reactions to persuasion
or trying to persuade
,ey put across/over talk around/round fall for
put forward bring round brush aside
,ro put sth to sb rope 10
call for ha ve on
press for talk into
talk out of
Unit 40
40.1 stand out and outstanding
An outstanding person is someone who stand s out or is noticeable beca use of special,
positive characteristics.
show off and a show-off
A show-off is a person who shows off or tries to impress others in an annoying way.
screw up and screwed-up
If a person is screwed-up, then in sorne way their experiences in life have screwed up or
damaged their personality or their state of mind, making them unhappy or confused.
40.2 1 Antonia 2 Julia 3 Rana 4 Ahmed 5 Laura 6 Barry
40.3 Suggested answers:
1 Dan won the prize as his short story stood out (as the best). Or Dan won the prize as
his short story stood out from all the others.
2 Molly got the sack beca use her work just didn't measure up.
3 What on earth does Gemma think she's playing at - she's behaving so oddly?
4 1 wish Ed wouldn't show off all the time! Or 1 wish Ed wasn't/weren't such a show-off.
5 If you screw up again, you'll lose your jobo
6 1 know 1 was stupid but please don't rub it in.
7 Joe's father laid into him for scratching his new car.
8 Why does everyone always pick on me?
Unit 41
41 .1 Suggested answers:
a) Mind out! Hold on! Hang on!
Watch out! Look out! Keep it up!
b) Lighten up! Steady on! Come off it! Spit it out! Step on it!
Come on! Go on! Hurry up! Belt up! Fire away!
Depending on the situation and your relationship with your boss or teacher you might fee!
it is appropriate to use these expressions: Steady on! Hurry up! Go on! Come on!
41.2 1 Come on! Spit ir out! 5 Mind out!
2 Come off ir! 6 Steady on!
3 Hold on! 7 Keep it up!
4 Lighten up!
Unit 42
42. 1 Suggested answers:
1 She's rubbing out what was written on the blackboard.
2 He's crossing a word out.
3 She's givinglhanding out sorne books to the elass.
4 He's givinglhanding in sorne homework.
5 She's working out the sum/answer.
lr 42.2 1 not pleased 2 not pleased 3 pleased 4 pleased 5 not pleased
6 not pleased
42.3 1 fell behind 2 catch up 3 work out 4 missed out 5 messed up
42.4 1 Students often play up when they are bored in elass.
2 The teacher ru bbed out the new words from the board and then tested uso Or The
teacher rubbed the new words out ...
3 We have to hand in our registration forms for the exam on Friday. Or We have to hand
our registration forms in ...
4 1 usually leave out my middle name when 1 am filling in forms. Or 1 usually leave my
middle name out ...
5 Sorne people were handing out leaflets about a demonstration in the town centre.
Or Sorne people were handing leaflets out ...
42.5 Possible answers:
1 You are often asked to cross out rough work in an exam so that the examiner knows
which work needs to be marked.
2 If a teacher gives out a sheet listing all the kings and queens of Britain it is a handout. It
would only be a worksheet if it also ineluded sorne exercises or activities relating to the
3 Most pupils carry an eraser in their pencil cases in order to rub out mistakes that they
4 It would be quite easy for me to work out how many euros are equa l to 250 US dollars
feel if 1 had a calculator.
5 1 think sorne pupils may play up in e1ass if they find the e1ass too easy, too difficult or
too dull for them.
Unit 43
43.1 Suggested answers:
1 I'm going to sign up for a course in statistics next year. (not I'm geiRg ~e SigR fer a
ES"rse "1' ... )
Follow up
Included in the Mini dictionary are:
break away break down break in(to) break off break out
While they each have different meanings, break seems to suggest a sudden, sometimes
violent or negative, event which changes a situation, for example, a marriage breaks up,
a disease/epidemic breaks out, a group of people break away from another group.
Unit 44
44.1 1 e, h, i 2j 3 g 4 e, h, i 5 e,l 6 d 7 a 8 b 9 f
10 e
44.2 1 read out
2 dipped into
3 scribble down or jot down or note down
4 write it out
5 make out
6 fill in or fill out
Unit 45
45. 1 a) stand down, step down, knock off, lay off
b) fix up, pencil in
45.2 1 taking 6 puB
2 on 7 ahead
3 carry 8 stands or steps
4 left 9 hand
5 In
45 .3 Possible answers:
1 Yes, please fiB me in. (not )'es, "Iease fil! iA me.)
2 Certainly, ['11 follow them up later today. (not CertaiAI)', I'l! fol!ow .. " tAem later toElay.)
3 Yes, ['11 fix something up for you for next week. Or Yes, ['11 fix up something for next
:h week.
Note that 'pencil in something' or 'pencil something in for next week' is also possible,
but means that the arrangement is not yet definite.
4 Well, ['ve been doing it for years and [ thought it was time to hand over to someone
e1se. Or ... [ thought it was time to step/stand down.
5 Sure, why don't we pencil it in for next Tuesday aftemoon. (not S.. re, wAy ElOA't we
"eAcil iA it faf Ae"t T.. esElay aftefAoon.)
45.4 Author's answers:
1 These are some of the tasks [ have to carry out each day - reading and answering
e-mails, filing and making phone ca lis.
2 [usually knock off at about 5 p.m.
3 Yes, most of the teachers at the language school where [ used to work were la id off a
few years ago.
4 [think you have ro be well organised and good at getting on with other people in order
to get ahead.
5 [filled in an application form and then had an interview with my current boss.
Unit 46
46.1 1 pile up 2 be snowed under 3 be tied up 4 slave away
46.2 Suggested answers:
1 ['ve been slaving away in a restaurant to pay for my studies.
2 Sorry, [ was tied up all last week, so [ couldn't go to any of the meetings.
3 Paperwork has just piled up recendy. [ don't know where to start.
4 ['m sorry [ can't do the report this week. ['m just snowed under.
46.3 1 on 2 out of 3 away 4 in 5 up with
Unit 47
47.1 Suggested answers:
1 The suspected criminal took out all the money from his bank account and has not been
seen smce.
2 As his girlfriend is in Australia, he runs up a huge phone bill every month.
3 The bill for the books we ordered came to $40.85.
4 I lent him €100 ayear ago and he still hasn't paid me back. (not ... paiel eael. me.)
5 Now that I've lost my ¡ob we're going to have to cut back (on) what we spend on our
weekly trip to the supermarket.
6 If you pay the restaurant bill with your credit card, I'll settle up with you latero
47.2 1 up 2 off 3 back 4 aside 5 down (Note that knockdown is written
as one word.)
47.3 1 b 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 d
47.4 Author's answers:
1 I'm saving up for a new mountain bike.
2 1 usually take €200 out.
3 I'd expect it to come to about €150.
4 My mortgage is my biggest debt and 1 won't pay that off for years.
5 1 might pick up second-hand books and COso
Unit 48
48. 1 1 beat 2 fork 3 skimp 4 picked or sna pped 5 sell
48 .2 Suggested answers:
1 I could stock up on important foods such as bread, milk, fruit, vegeta bIes and meato
2 I could splash out on some new furniture.
3 1 could ask him/her to knock something off the price.
4 1 should shop around to find the best price.
5 I could suggest that we club together to buy her some flowers.
Unit 49
49.1 1 d 2 f 3 e 4 b 5 a 6 c
49.2 Suggested answers:
1 Henry: Yes, they've been pouring money into farming.
2 Jan: Yes, you're right. He started up around ten years ago. Or He set up his
business about ten years ago.
3 Jamie: Yes, I'd put it at five miUion (euros). Or Yes, I'd say it runs to five ...
ay Yes, I'd say their losses run into five ...
4 Lianne: Yes, they're setting up a branch there. Or Yes, they're starting up a branch
there. (Note that set up sounds better than start up.)
5 Fiona: Yes, the upkeep is very expensive.
49.3 1 take over 2 hire out 3 turnover 4 outlet 5 set-up 6 run to
Unit 50
50. 1 1 Hotel operator: If you want to dial out, you have to dial 9 first.
2 [t's difficult to get through to the customer helpline in the mornings.
3 I'm sorry, he's out right now. Can you ring back (or phone/call back) at about five
4 Carole rang in to say she's not feeling well.
5 Unde: Hi! Fine thanks. Just a minute, ['U put you on to your aunt so you can teU her
all the news. (or 1'11 put your aunt on so you ... )
6 I'U get back to you in a few days.
6 T H R o U G H
o N U
Unit SI
51.1 Positive feeliogs - George, Mike aod Aooa
Negative fee!iogs - Jill, Sue, Henry, Mary aod Keo
51.2 1 The oews that 1 dido't have to do the exam after all cheered me up.
2 Look, Joe. ealm/cool clowo! Getting angry woo't solve the problem.
3 Wheo she heard of her frieod's death she broke down and wept.
4 She's (so) hung up about silly litde problems at work.
5 1 wish you'd brighteo up! You're makiog me fee! depressed! (You cao also say: 1 wish
you'd cheer up! usiog cheer up without an object.)
51.3 1 Yes, I'ro beginning to warm to it too.
2 Sure, I'd jump at the chaoce.
3 1 koow - 1 do feel for them both.
4 Yes, 1 hope he pulls himse!f together before his next attempt.
5 Don't get carried away!
6 What mOfe can we do to cheer her up?
Unit 52
52.1 1 faUen 2 faUing-out 3 ehat 4 hit it oy pair 5 ehatting 6 for
7 on 8 fallen 9 tit 10 ask 11 hit it off or get along
52.2 1 My friend and 1 feU out last week beca use she thinks I'm in love with her boyfriend.
2 The new student was finding it diffieult to fit in, as he was older than the other
3 When George met his new coUeague he really feU for her and now he talks about her aU
the time.
4 Barry and David hit it off immediately when they were introdueed.
5 That horrible man over there was trying to ehat me up. Ugh!
.not 5 HON 9 FRI
f\'<J' a ""'~ kauf1f\;1 j;O al' t'h< dis," - No SlX.U.SS, with +he.. :Ji" il\ +he.. fV\aths
cMrr.J her bvf' J;tM'r ask h<r ovf'. Jass . lloA r t'h;Ak I "" t'h. ~P< sht
6 TUE 10 SAT
HM. ~ t'h. AM j;O ;A ""j ""at'hs BW\ joiflj ovf' vJith A'Zje.lo. for si;.t:. f\I'IOAthS
le. Jass. 3,.'s fimJ ;A vJ<i1 (w;t'h t'h. flOvJ) .bvf' sf'ill (.Q.II.)t' stop chc.tsi~ afhif
jroup). j;OS'
"'ad P";M off w;t'h lG:vi al' t'h< ~ ~ Md a"" se,,,,, ro
b. h;tf¡Aj ;r off Aahr. ~ """ I j ..lous' (or j<ttiAj alOAj) t'h.s. ""js, í~ t'h;Ak
IIO-Ol\t ho.s lIohwl~ tta.-hQ.~
Unit 53
53.1 1 e 2 f 3 e 4 a 5 b 6 d
53.2 1 My sister and her husband split up last year.
2 Milly was very upset when her boyfriend finished with her. Oy MiUy was very upset
when her boyfriend broke up with her.
3 We had been growing apar! for a long time, so it was better to separate properly.
53.3 1 make up 5 live, down
2 ran off with 6 nüss out
3 settle down 7 settle for
4 let, down 8 break off
Unit 55
55 . 1 1 carry on
2 takes after
3 drop out
4 handed down
5 live up to
6 become of
7 bringing up
8 pass for
55 .2 Author's answers:
1 1 was named after a character in a book.
2 1 think 1 take after my mother in appearance.
3 1 probably take after my father in character.
4 1 think that girls usually grow up much faster than boys.
5 Someone might drop out of university beca use of ill health or beca use they were not
enjoying their studies.
6 Sorneone rnight turn to crime if they need money to pay debts or buy drugs.
7 A girl 1 know is only fifteen but she could easily pass for twenty in both appearance
and behaviour.
8 1 ha ve a tea service that has been handed down from rny great-grandparents.
9 1 think that mothers and fathers have equally important but d ifferent roles to play in
bringing up their chi ldren.
10 1 would like to carry on working for as long as possible as 1 enjoy working.
55.3 1 named 6 become
2 take 7 turn
3 brought 8 ended or wound
4 live 9 ended or wound
5 dropping 10 carried
Unit 56
56.1 1 down 2 off 3 up 4 up 5 up 6 off
56.2 1 I've had a sore throat for a week now - 1 just can't shake it off.
2 Meg hadn't eaten anything for 48 hours and so it wasn't surprising that she passed out
in the middle of her gym lesson.
3 The doctors were afraid that the old man wouldn't survive the attack of pneumonia,
but amazingly he pulled through and was soon on his feet again.
4 1 think I'm coming down with a cold - 1 feel a bit shivery.
Unit 57
57.1 1 join in = participate
2 give in = surrender
3 go for = attempt to achieve
4 pull ahead = overtake
5 knock out = defeat
57.2 1 warm-up
2 knockout
3 bum off (Work off would also be possible in this context.)
4 work off
5 warm up
6 cool down
57.3 Author's answers:
1 1 work out about four times a month. Usually 1 go to an aerobics e1ass.
2 1 might warm up by doing sorne gentle stretches and by running on the spot.
3 l'd be pleased beca use if 1 pulled ahead of the other runners it means that 1 am winning.
4 Tennis is better than table tennis at buming off calories beca use it is more energetic
than table tennis.
5 I'd prefer ro join in a snooker game as l'm not very good at football.
6 A top athlete would go for the gold medal.
57.4 Suggested answers:
1 The player or the team is kicking off. Or Ir is the kick-off.
2 The woman is burning off calories. Or The woman is working out on an exercise bike.
3 The athlete is warming up or is doing a warm-up. Or (if he has just done sorne sport)
The athlete is cooling down.
Unit 58
58. 1 1 d 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 f
58.2 1 up 5 sleeping or Iying
2 sta y 6 In
3 lie 7 over
4 up, up 8 oversleep
58.3 1 waiting up or staying up
2 put her up or let her sleep over
3 oversleeping or sleeping in
4 move out
5 turn in
6 moved in together
Unit 59
59.1 1 He said 1 could bring Jane along if 1 liked.
2 He asked us over/round after the film. Or He invited us around/round/over after
the film.
3 He said he would pop in/into the shop for some biscuits on the way home.
4 He said he loved having people around/round/over.
5 He said 1 could borrow the CD if his friend brought it round before my party.
59.2 1 My parents are always asking after you so 1'11 tell them your news next time 1 see them.
2 Do drop in/round sorne time when you're passing our house and have a cup of tea.
3 My uncle has invited me and a friend out to a smart restaurant to celebrate my
4 Of course you can bring your brother along when you come to our place tomorrow.
5 1 often call round and see my grandmother on my way home from work.
6 1 hope I'm not in trouble. The boss has ¡ust asked me to pop in to his office (or pop
into his office).
59.3 1 a) The speaker has to go upstairs to BiII's oHice.
b) The speaker has to go downstairs to Bill's oHice.
2 a) The speaker plans to invite Andy and Becky to a meal at his or her home.
b) The speaker plans to take Andy and Becky for a meal in a restaurant.
3 a) This visit sounds a litele more formal than the visit in (b) and the visitors may ring
Peggy first to check that the time is convenient.
b) This visit sounds more informal than the one suggested in (a) alld Peggy is unlikely
to know about it in advance.
4 a) The speaker is going to bring their niece to visit someone and may not stay during
the visito
b) The speaker's niece is going to accompany the speaker on a visito
59.4 Possible answers:
Do call round and see me any time you are in the area.
Pop in and have sorne supper with me one evening.
Please come over and ha ve dinner with me next weekend.
Do come round this weekend. lt'd be great to see yOU.
Unit 60
60.1 1 top 2 heat 3 thaw 4 pour 5 hand
60.2 Suggested answers:
1 Philip: Yes, 1 think it's gone off.
2 Harry: Yes, we need something that will go (nicely) with it.
3 Jane: OK, !'1I put them on.
4 Rickie: Yes, we'lI have to make sure it doesn't boil overo
5 Dave: Good idea. !t's ages sioce we last ate out.
60.3 1 be left over; noun: leftovers (Note that this no un is always plural.)
take away; noun: takeaway
top up; nouo: top-up
2 hand round
3 live on or live off
60.4 1 leftovers 2 live 00 or live off 3 hand rouod or pass round 4 top-up
5 take it away 6 takeaway 7 was left over
60.5 You can separate the verb and particle in the following sentences:
1 Would you hand the peanuts round, please?
3 Don't forget 10 thaw the gatea u out.
Unit 61
6 1.1 1 10 eloud over 4 warmed up
2 cool down 5 elears up
3 has picked up or is picking up 6 brightens up oyelears up
61.2 1 We were snowed in. We couldn't even open the front door.
2 We were flooded out. AH our carpets were ruined.
3 The rain didn't let up. We ate our picnic in the car.
4 It eleared up later oo. We weot for a walk io the eveoiog.
5 A stroog wind picked up. Sorne trees got blown down.
6 The match was rained off. The teams were very disappointed.
61.3 1 downpour 5 were rained off
2 let up or elear up or brighteo up 6 brighteos up or elears up
3 flooded out 7 cool down
4 had blown over 8 warrn up
61.4 1 more cheerful
2 angry
3 finish
4 better
5 more enjoyable
6 worried
62.4 1 set off for Water loo Station at 11 a.m. and there 1 got on the midday Eurostar train
to Paris. It pnlled out exactly on time and soon we were in the Channel Tunnel. After a
couple of hours we pulled in at Paris Gare du Nord station. Next day 1 checked out of
my hotel and f1ew back. We touched down at Heathrow Airport at 11 a.m.
Unit 63
63.1 1 pull up or pull over 3 drew up or pulled up or pulled in
2 pick you up, drop you off 4 pulled up or drew up
63.2 words relating to moving words relating to accidents words relating to transporting
and stopping rhe car and traffic problems orher peoPle
draw up knock down dropoff
pull up (un over pick up
pull over pile-up
pull in tailback
pull into
pull out
Unit 64
64.1 1 turn or switch 2 plug 3 turn or switch 4 charge 5 Turn
64.2 Suggested answers:
1 1'11 load up the dishwasher for you. Or 1'11 load the dishwasher up for you.
2 Play back that tape you recorded at the concert. Or Play that tape yo u recorded at the
concert back.
3 The mechanic pumpcd up the tyres while he was servicing the caro Or The mechanic
pumped the tyres up while he was servicing t he caro
4 The security alarm went off when we opened the door ro the office.
5 1 was driving up a steep hill w hen the engine cut out.
6 Could yo u run off thirty copies of this repon for the meeting, please? Or Could you
run thirty copies of t his repon off for the meeting, please?
7 We've just bought a breadmaking machine. AII you do is measure out all the
ingredients, put them in the machine and switch it on. Or AII yo u do is measure all the
ingredients out, put them in the machine and switch it on.
8 Don't switch on the vac uum clea ner unti l it is plugged in.
64.3 1 I couldn't hear what they were saying on the radio so 1 turned it up.
Note that you would turn it down if it was too loud rather than too quieto
2 What must we do when the alarm bell goes off?
3 My mobile is low. Can I charge it up here?
4 Could yo u help me, please, by loading up the washing machine?
Note that a washing machine fills up with water, but it does this automatically.
5 Ir's very dar k in here - do switch on the light.
Note that yo u would switch off the light if the room was very light rather than very dark.
6 MeI asked him ro measure out 250 grams of butter.
Unit 65
65.1 Suggested answers:
log on
key in your repon
back up your work (Note that sorne people may choose to prine out their work before
they back it up. )
print out yo ur work
log off
65.2 1 zoom in, zoom out 4 logged in/on
2 picking up 5 back-up
3 scroll down 6 printout
65.3 1 c 2 c 3 d 4 a 5 b 6 d
65.4 You'd click on these icons when yo u want to:
1 zoom in oc zoom out of a document
2 scroll ac ross/up/down a document
3 print o ut a documene
4 pick up e-mails
Unit 67
67.1 1 An old man was beaten up in his own home yesterday.
2 The thieves walked off with sorne prieeless antigue silver.
3 The burglars broke into the house by a side window.
4 The prisoner managed ro break out in broad daylight.
5 The thieves held up a local bank yesterday.
Unit 68
68.1 1 stood, clamp
2 broke, entered
3 carried, bring
4 standing, sticking
68.2 1 Politician: No, we are determined to go ahead with our proposals.
2 Politician: We intend to do away with out-of-date committees and to modernise the
whole committee structure to make ir more efficient.
3 Politician: No, 1 do noto 1 and her many supporters are determined to stick by her in
the face of these appalling and unfair attacks from the press.
4 Politician: Yes, the party fully backs Mr Carson up.
68.3 1 The People's Purple Party believes that the monarchy should be done away with.
2 The PPP aims to bring in legislation banning fox hunting.
Or The PPP aims to bring legislation in banning fox hunting.
3 The PPP is determined to clamp down on smoking in public places.
4 The leader of the PPP says nothing wil! stop the Party carrying out its aims.
Or The leader of the PPP says nothing wil! stop the Party carrying its aims nut.
5 He swears he wil! do al! he can to stand up for the principIes the PPP supports.
6 The PPP has got the go-ahead to hold a demonstration next week.
Unit 69
69.1 1 Would you like to wash up? Sure. Where's the restroom?
2 What's wrong with the TV? Dunno. 1 can't figure out why it's not working.
3 Why is she so upset? Her parents have just bawled her out.
4 Where will you buy your new TV? Dunno. I'l! cal! around a few places.
5 Where's Jo gone? To visit with sorne friends.
6 Why d'you think you failed the test? Because 1 goofed off so mucho
69.2 1 shot through 2 got into 3 belt into 4 barrack for
69.3 1 1 expect your grandmother wil! want to wash up when she arrives.
2 The teacher got into me for doing such abad essay.
3 Wil! lost his job for goofing off to go to a concert.
4 Suzie belted into the spring cleaning and the house was soon transformed.
5 Could you cal! around to find the cheapest place to rent a car?
6 1 can't figure out why he's behaving so oddly.
7 He shot through last month and the police have been looking for him ever since.
Unit 70
70.1 1 bliss 5 bigged
2 out 6 cashback
3 sexmg 7 out
4 buy 8 burnout
70.2 Suggested answers:
1 The e-mail wiU probably bounce back (ro you).
2 veg out
3 chill out
4 You might feel stressed-out and you might suffer from burnout.
5 cashback
6 big
7 bliss out
8 a dress-down day
9 You could text them back.
10 veg out, chil! out, bliss out
11 bounee baek, text baek, eashback
12 stressed-out, burnout
70.3 Suggested answers:
1 Yes, it'U be great to just veg out! Or Yes, it'U be great ro just ehiU out.
2 Sure, I'U text you baek.
3 [don't buy into it at al!. Or lt might help us to ehiU out more.
4 No, I'm (aU) partied out.
5 [did but it bouneed baek to me.
6 [know! She should learn ro chiU out. Or Yes, she's far too stressed-out.
7 lt's a dress-down day!
8 Oh, they reaUy bigged it up.
allow far 5th to consider or indude somerhing be dying for sth informal ro want something
when you are making plaos or judging a very mueh, espeeially food or drink 19
situarian 37 be getting at 5th informal if you ask someone
answer (sb) back if someone, especially a child, whar rhey are geuing at, yOll are asking rhem
answers back, or answers someone back, rhey what they mean, usually beca use rhey ha ve
rep ly rudely ro someone they should be polite ro expressed somerhing indirectly 7
20 be hung up informal ro be very worried abour
ask after sb/sth to ask Ioc informarían abour somerhing and spend a lor of rime rhink ing
someone, especially abour their health 59 abour ir 51
ask out sb or ask sb out ro invite someone to be left over if an amounr of money or food is lefr
come wirh you to a place su eh as rhe cinema or a over, ir remains when rhe resr has been used or
restaurant, especially as a way of starting a caren 60
romanric relationship 1, 52 be left over ro exist from an ea rl ier rime 23
ask sb over/round ro invite so meone ro come ro be littered with sth if somerhi ng is littered with
your house 1, 59 a particular type of thing, it has or contains a Jor
back down ro admit that you are wrong or that of rhar rh ing 32
you have been defeated, ofren because you are be mixed up in sth informal ro be involved in
forced to 38 an illegal or unpleasanr acriviry 67
back off to stop be ing involved in a situarian, be partied out informal te have had enough of
espec ially in order to allow other people to deal parries beca use you ha ve been ro so many 70
w ith it themselves 34 be playing at 5th if you ask what someone is
back anta 5th if a building backs onto playing ar, you ask what they are doing, in a
so merhi ng, irs back faces rhat rhing 24 way which shows that you a re surprised and
back out to dec ide nor to do something rhar you angry 40
were going te do or rhar you had agreed ro do be pressed for 5th ro ha ve very littIe or nor
38 enough of something, especially rime or money
back up (5th) or back (5th) up to make a eopy 22
of compurer informarían so rhar you do Ilor lose be put out te be annoyed, often becallse of
ir 65 somerhing rhat someone has done or said ro yOl!
back up 5b or back 5b up to say rhar someone is 11
relling rhe rrurh 38 be rained off if a sport or other outside acriv ity is
back up 5b or back 5b up te support or help ra ined oH, it cannor srarr or conrinue because ir
someone 68 is rainjng 61
back-up 11 an extra copy of co mputer ínfor marion be 5et again5t sth/doing 5th ro be opposed ro
65 doing or having something 37
bang into 5th ro knock aga insr somerhing, be 5nowed in jf a person or place is snowed in,
usually by accidenr 21 rhere is so much snow rhar it is impossible ro
bank on 5th to depend on somethíng happening rrave! anywhere or leave rhar place 61
34 be snowed under informal ro ha ve so much
bargain for/on 5th to expect something to work rhat you have problems dealing wirh it 46
happen and be prepared for ir 37 be 5pread out if people or things are spread out,
barrack for 5b informal, American & Australian rhey are in diHerenr parts of a large area and are
to shour encollragemenr to rhe playe rs in a nor close tegerher 24
foorball ream 69 be taken up with 5th ro be very busy doing
ba5h 5th/5b about ro trear someth ing o r someone somerhjng 12
in a rough way 18 be thrown together if people are thrown
bawl out 5b or bawl 5b out informal, American together in a situation, thar situarion causes them
&Australian ro tell someone angrily that ro meer each other and ro get to know each
something rhey ha ve done ís wrong 69 other 34
be booked up if an event, person, or place is be tied up informal to be busy so thar you are
booked up, they have no space or time available unable te see or speak ro anyone else or go
for someone 33 anywhere 46
be caught up in 5th ro be involved in a siruaríon, be tucked away to be in a quier or hidden place
ofren when you do not want to be 34 which nor many people sec or go to 24
be cut off to be a long way from other places and beat down 5b/5th or beat 5b/5th down ro force
people 24 someone to reduce the price of something 48
piece of oure r dothi ng le.g. coatl 29 ro come ro your home afrer yo u ha ve been out
help 5b on with 5th to help someone to pur on a somewhere rogether 3
piece of clorhing 29 invite in 5b or invite 5b in ro ask someone if
hide away ro go to a place where orher people they would like ro come into your house 3
will nar find you 66 invite out 5b or invite 5b out ro ask someone to
hideaway 11 a place where someone goes [O be go with you ro a place, for example a restaurant
alone 66 or che cinema 3, 59
hire out 5th or hire 5th out British & invite over 5b or invite 5b over to ask someone
Australian to all ow someone to use something ro come to your home 3, 59
for a short period of time afrer rhey have paid invite up 5b or invite 5b up ro ask so meone if
you money 49 che y would like ro come upsrairs 3
hit back ro criticise or attack someone who has join in (5th) ro become invo lved in an activity
criricised or arracked you 40 wirh other people S7
hit it off if two or more peop le hit it off, they like jot down 5th or jot 5th down ro wr ite
each other and beco me Iriend ly immed iare!y 52 something quick ly on a piece of paper so that
hold 5th again5t 5b ro like or respect someone you remember ir 44
less because rhey have done somerhing wrong or jumble up 5th or jumble 5th up to mix things
behaved badly 38 together in an unridy way 13
hold down 5th or hold 5th down ro control rhe jump at 5th ro eagcrly accep r a cha nce ro do or
leve! of something [e.g. prices, cosrs, inflationJ have so merhing 51
and ro prevenr ir from increasing 17 jump out at 5b if somerhi ng jumps out at you,
hold off (sth/doing sth) ro delay somerhing or you notice ir immed iately 36
doing something 15 keep (5b) at 5th tO continue working hard at
hold on to wair for a shorr rime 50 something difficult oc something wh ich takes a
Hold on! somerhing you say to show thar you are long time, or to make someone continue ro work
surprised or confused aboLIr somerhing and rhar hard 46
yOLl need rime ro rhink abour ir for a shorr time keep away (sb/sth) or keep (sb/sth) away ro
41 !lot go somewhere or ncar something, or ro
hold up sth/sb or hold sth/sb up ro delay prevent someone or somerhing from go ing
something or someone 23 somewhere or near somerhing 21
hold up 5th/5b or hold 5th/5b up to sreal money keep down 5th or keep 5th down to stop the
from a building fe.g. bank], a person, or a vehicle, number, level, or size of something from
by using violence or by threatening to use violence increasing 17
67 keep on at 5b to talk ro so meone abotlt
hold-up 11 a delay 23 something many times, usually beca use yOl! want
hold-up 1/. when someone steals from so meone ro complain about somerhing they ha ve done or
e!se us ing violence or rhe th rear of violence 67 not done 54
hot up informal if an evenr or situation hots up, keep on doing 5th ro continue ro do something,
ir beco mes more exciting and there is a lot more or ro do somerhing again and again 2, 16
activiry 34 keep 5th from 5b to not teH someone abotlt
hung up informal ro be very worried about something 54
someth ing and spend a lor of time think ing keep to 5th to do what yOtl ha ve promised or
abolir ir 51 planned to do 31
hurry up ro do something more quickly 41 keep up to go at rhe same speed as someone or
hurry up 5b/5th or hurry 5bl5th up to make someth ing thar is Ill oving forward, so rhat you
someone do something more quickly, or ro make stay leve! with them 23
somerh ing happen sooner 23 keep up to inccease or tO make progress at the
I could do without 5th somerhing rhat you say same speed as something or someone e!se so that
when somerhing is annoying you or causing you stay at the same leve! as them 27
problems for you, beca use your siruarion ar thar keep up 5th or keep 5th up to practise a skill
time makes it difficu lt Ior yOtl to deal wirh ir 37 that you learned in the pase so rhat you continue
invite along 5b or invite 5b along to ask to be good at it 43
someone if they would like to go with yOLl ro an keep it up to conrin uc to do somethi ng, especially
event or acrivity 3 ro wo ck hard or tO do good work 41
invite around/round 5b or invite 5b key in 5th or key 5th in ro put infocmation into a
around/round ro ask someone ro come ro your compurer using a keyboard 65
home 3,59