Grade 9 Assessment

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I. Expressing Permission, Obligation and Prohibition Using Modals

Complete the following sentences by underlining the correct modal to use.

1. Douglas hit the tree because he (can’t/can) stop his car.

2. Ellie (can’t/can) ride a bicycle. She rides it to school every day.
3. They (can’t/can) go shopping yesterday because the store was closed.
4. There is a small chance the we (may, might) go to the beach this weekend.
5. The airplane (might, may) crash.
6. (May, Might) I have a piece of bread please?
7. If Jane studied harder, she (might, may) have gotten a better grade on the test.
8. My dog and I (would, will) go for walks when she was younger.
9. I am feeling tired. I think I (would, will) go to sleep now.
10. (Will, Would) you like steak or chicken?

II. Choose the beginnings of the sentences to complete the text.

If a lion joins a group of other lions

If lions go hunting

If a lion roars

If lions are active

If male lions use cent marking

........................................................................................................, it can be heard over five miles

away. ................................................................................................, it usually stays with them for three
years. ..................................................................................................................................., they work in
teams. ....................................................................................................................., they establish their
territory. .................................................................................................................................., it is usually
at night

III. Identify the speech style used in each situation as frozen, formal, consultative, casual and
intimate. Write your answer before the number.

1. talking to a counselor or psychiatrist

2. talking to a friend while playing sports
3. This style is private and occurs between or among close family members or individuals.
4. talking to a superior

5. reading a court order

6. talking to a stranger
7. talking and laughing about memorable experiences
8. delivering a campaign speech
9. delivering news reports
10. leading a prayer before meal

IV. Match the literary terms in Column A with their definitions in Column B. Write the letter
before the number.

Column A Column B

____1. Alliteration A. a word that sounds like the noise

____2. Metaphor it describes

____3. Onomatopoeia B. It repeats the beginning

consonant sounds in words
____4. Stanza
C. It compares two things without
____5. Cinquain using “like” or “as”

D. a five-line stanza

E. Series of lines grouped together

to express an idea

Read the poem and answer the questions below. Write your answer before the number.

The West Wind

It’s a warm wind, the west wind, full of birds’ cries;

I never hear the west wind but tears are in my eyes.

For it comes from the west lands, the old brown hills,

And April’s in the west wind, and daffodils.

It’s a fine land, the west land, for hearts as tired as mine;

Apple orchards blossom there, and the air’s like wine.

There is cool green grass there where men may lie at rest;

And the thrushes are in song there, fluting from their nest…

__________ 1. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?

A. aabbaacc B. aabbccdd C. abababab D. abbcbccd

__________ 2. In the first line, what is the sound device used in the words “warm wind, the west

A. Onomatopoeia B. assonance C. alliteration D. repetition

__________ 3. The poem is written in _____________.

A. couplets B. quatrains C. stanzas D. Cinquains

__________ 4. What are the two things being compared in the sixth line?

A. Song-nest B. air-song C. air-wine D. blossoms-air

__________ 5. What sound device is used in the words “my eyes”?

A. Onomatopoeia B. assonance C. alliteration D. repetition

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