Psychology ATAR Y11 Sample Assessment Tasks WACE 201516

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The key takeaways are about psychological measurement used in intelligence testing and how it can be applied in workplace recruitment.

The provided text focuses on sample assessment tasks for a Psychology course and includes examples like an essay on prejudice based on the movie Remember the Titans.

Three factors that can contribute to the development of prejudice are social learning, social identity theory, and authoritarian parenting styles.


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Sample assessment task

Psychology – ATAR Year 11
Task 3 – Unit 1

Assessment type: Project

Period allowed for completion of the task:
• two weeks to research intelligence testing in the workplace
• two lessons to compile the information booklet in class under supervised conditions

Task weighting
10% of the school mark for this pair of units

Consultancy brief: Workplace recruitment (29 marks)

This task is scenario-based. As a Human Resources consultant with expert knowledge of

psychological measurement used in intelligence testing, you have been approached to create an
information booklet to present to the management team of a company that are keen to be more
strategic in their recruitment of employees.

Your booklet will need to include:

• an introduction – consultant’s background and focus of booklet
• a description of what is meant by the term intelligence
• a history of intelligence testing and how intelligence is measured
• the advantages and disadvantages of using psychological measurement of intelligence in staff
• the ethical issues in using psychological measurement of intelligence for staff selection
• conclusions about the usefulness of psychological measurement for recruiting employees
• references.

One A4 page of notes may be used in class when producing the information booklet. Notes should
be brief and consist of dot points.

Sample assessment tasks | Psychology | ATAR Year 11


Marking key for sample assessment task 3 — Unit 1

Description Marks
• provides a plausible scenario in terms of a HR consultant’s background 1
• clearly identifies the focus of the booklet, summarising the major points included
• briefly identifies the focus of the booklet
Subtotal 3
• detailed description of the concept of intelligence
• brief description/definition of intelligence
• clearly outlines the history of intelligence testing with reference to relevant theorists
• briefly outlines the history of intelligence testing with reference to relevant theorists 1–3
• briefly comments on some parts of the history of intelligence testing
• explains how intelligence is measured and relates to relevant theorists
• explains how intelligence is measured and relates to one relevant theorist 1–3
• describes a type of test used in measuring intelligence
• discusses the advantages of using group and individual testing
• lists the advantages of using group and individual testing
• discusses the disadvantages of using group and individual testing
• lists the disadvantages of using group and individual testing
• discusses the advantages of using psychological measurement of intelligence in the
context of staff selection 1–2
• lists the advantages of using psychological measurement of intelligence
• discusses the disadvantages of using psychological measurement of intelligence in the
context of staff selection
• lists the disadvantages of using psychological measurement of intelligence
Subtotal 16
• discusses all relevant ethical issues associated with psychological measurement of
intelligence in the context of employee recruitment
• discusses some of the ethical issues associated with psychological measurement of
intelligence in the context of employee recruitment
• describes ethical issues associated with psychological measurement of intelligence
• identifies ethical issues associated with psychological measurement of intelligence
Subtotal 4
• clearly outlines the usefulness of psychological measurement in employee recruitment
referring to both limitations and strengths
• clearly outlines the usefulness of psychological measurement in employee recruitment 1–3
• briefly comments on the usefulness of psychological measurement in employee
Subtotal 3
• includes several relevant references using correct APA referencing conventions
• includes some references using correct APA referencing conventions 1–3
• includes some references
Subtotal 3
Total mark 29

Sample assessment tasks | Psychology | ATAR Year 11


Sample assessment task

Psychology – ATAR Year 11
Task 10 – Unit 2

Assessment type: Investigation

Time for the task:
• one week to conduct the investigation and collect the data
• one lesson to write the scientific report in class under supervised conditions

Materials required for writing the scientific report:

• data (tables and graphs)
• list of references
• questionnaire and responses
• a half-A4 page of notes

Task weighting
10% of the school mark for this pair of units

Group influences on behaviour (40 marks)

You will be allocated randomly to one of three groups and be given a role to perform within this
group. Each group will compete against each other to see which group can construct the tallest,
free-standing structure in 10 minutes, using only 20 straws and one metre of masking tape. After
completing the task you will complete individually, a questionnaire provided by your teacher. The
questionnaire will focus on the decision-making processes of the group during the activity.
You will critically analyse the data and draw conclusions about how members of the group
influenced decisions made by the whole group. Your scientific report will be written up in class.

Sample assessment tasks | Psychology | ATAR Year 11


Your scientific report will include:

• an introduction – provide information and research related to the topic for the investigation
• method – describe the participants, materials and procedures so that the investigation can be
• results – represent data in a written summary, tables and graphs
• discussion and evaluation
 discuss the results of the investigation and how they relate to relevant psychological
 evaluate the design of the investigation and explain how the investigation could be
 discuss how ethical issues were addressed
 explain the relevance of the results to the population from which the sample was drawn,
and to theory or other research
• conclusion – relate the results to the hypothesis or research question
• references – provide an alphabetical list of any references used in the report
• appendix – attach your data sheet.

Sample assessment tasks | Psychology | ATAR Year 11


Marking key for sample assessment task 10 – Unit 2

Description Marks
• makes a relevant statement about group influences on behaviour 1
• lists relevant examples of the types of group influences on behaviour
• describes relevant examples of the types of group influences on behaviour
• identifies roles within the group
• explains how these influence behaviour
• cites relevant research
• makes links to the topic
Subtotal 7
• describes participants in sufficient detail to be replicated e.g. number, age, gender
• describes the selection process
• identifies materials
• describes materials in sufficient detail to be replicated
• describes the procedure including:
 addresses anonymity
 describes the process for allocating participants to groups and roles 1–4
 describes task in sufficient detail to be replicated
 describes the collection, collation and presentation of questionnaire results
Subtotal 8
• organises all relevant data logically in correctly labelled tables
 correctly organises table
 correctly labels table including units where appropriate
 includes relevant data
• presents data in a graph
 correctly graphs data
 uses appropriate labelling
 uses appropriate titles
• states results of the investigation
• provides an accurate summary of the data
Subtotal 8
Discussion and evaluation
• discusses the results of the investigation, relates the results to the hypothesis and explains
how they relate to relevant psychological theories
• discusses the results of the research, comments on the hypothesis and describes relevant
psychological theories 1–4
• describes what happened in the investigation and cites relevant psychological theories
• describes what happened in the investigation
• evaluates the investigation design:
 discusses any methodological flaws
 explains steps taken to ensure reliability and how it could be improved 1–3
• explains how variables are controlled and suggests ways to improve reliability
• states that variables need to be controlled and suggests how to improve reliability
• discusses ethical issues and describes how these were addressed
• refers to ethical issues that were considered in the investigation

Sample assessment tasks | Psychology | ATAR Year 11


• discusses relevance of results to the population from which the sample was drawn as well as
to theory or other research referred to in the introduction 1–2
• suggests how the investigation might be of relevance to science or society
Subtotal 11
• makes accurate conclusions that relate to the hypothesis or research question
• forms an accurate conclusion but does not relate it to the hypothesis or research question
Subtotal 2
• relevant references
• range of references 1–3
• listed alphabetically
Subtotal 3
• appends data sheet 1
Subtotal 1
Total mark 40

Sample assessment tasks | Psychology | ATAR Year 11


Sample assessment task

Psychology – ATAR Year 11
Task 11 – Unit 2

Assessment type: Response

Period allowed for completion of the task: 2 weeks
• 1.5 weeks to view the film Remember the Titans, research and revise
• 1 lesson to write a response in class under supervised conditions

Task weighting
5% of the school mark for this pair of units

In-class essay: Prejudice (27 marks)

Account for the prejudice seen in the movie Remember the Titans and explain ways to reduce this

Your response should:

• define and discuss prejudice
• identify three (3) factors that contribute to the development of prejudice
• describe three (3) examples of prejudicial behaviours and their effects
• explain two (2) strategies that can reduce prejudice.

Sample assessment tasks | Psychology | ATAR Year 11


Marking key for sample assessment task 11 – Unit 2

Description Marks
• provides a psychological definition of prejudice, elaborates on prejudice as an attitude and
provides relevant examples
• provides a psychological definition of prejudice and elaborates on prejudice as an attitude
• provides a brief definition of prejudice
Subtotal 3
Contributing factors to prejudice
• identifies three contributing factors to prejudice, elaborates on each of these contributing
factors using psychological ideas and relevant examples from the film (up to 3 marks for each
• identifies contributing factors to prejudice and elaborates on contributing factors using 1–9
psychological ideas (up to 2 marks for each factor)
• identifies and briefly describes some contributing factors to prejudice
(up to 1 mark for each factor)
Subtotal 9
Prejudicial behaviours
• identifies three prejudicial behaviours, explains each of these prejudicial behaviours in terms
of psychological theories and relevant examples from the film (up to 3 marks for each
• identifies prejudicial behaviours and relates these to either psychological theories or relevant 1–9
examples from the film (up to 2 marks for each example)
• comments on prejudicial behaviours using examples from the film
(up to 1 mark for each example)
Subtotal 9
Reducing prejudice
• identifies two strategies used in reducing prejudice, explains the psychological theories that
underpin the strategies and provides examples from the film
(up to 3 marks for each factor)
• identifies two strategies used in reducing prejudice and provides examples from the film (up 1–6
to 2 marks for each factor)
• comments on two ways prejudice was reduced in the film
(up to 1 mark for each factor)
Subtotal 6
Total mark 27

Sample assessment tasks | Psychology | ATAR Year 11

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