India Localization SuiteTax TDS Sept 17 PDF

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India Localization SuiteTax

Beta | Internal Use Only

September 19, 2018 2018.2
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Table of Contents
India Localization SuiteTax Engine (Beta) ................................................................................... 1
Setting Up of India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp ....................................................... 1
Tax Deduction at Source ..................................................................................................... 2
Setting Up of Tax Deduction at Source ............................................................................. 3
Creating or Customizing Roles to Use Tax Deduction at Source Feature ................................. 9
Setting Default Tax Deduction at Source Section Codes ..................................................... 10
Applying Tax Deduction at Source on Vendor Bills ............................................................ 11
Tax Deduction at Source Tax Details ............................................................................... 11
India Localization SuiteTax Reports (Beta) ............................................................................... 13
Installing India Localization SuiteTax Reports ....................................................................... 13
Generate Tax Deduction at Source Challan Voucher .............................................................. 14
Generate Tax Deduction at Source Tax Reports .................................................................... 15
India Localization SuiteTax Engine (Beta) 1

India Localization SuiteTax Engine (Beta)

Warning: India Localization SuiteTax Engine is a beta feature. The contents of this feature
are preliminary and may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any changes may
impact the feature’s operation with the NetSuite application. NetSuite warranties and product
service levels shall not apply to the feature or the impact of the feature on other portions of the
NetSuite application. NetSuite may review and monitor the performance and use of this feature.
The documentation for this feature is also considered a beta version and is subject to revision.

The topics under this section are for NetSuite accounts where the SuiteTax feature is enabled. For
accounts without SuiteTax, see the help topic Legacy Tax.

India Localization SuiteTax Engine is a SuiteApp developed by NetSuite as an add-on module to your
NetSuite account using the SuiteTax plug-in. For more information, see the help topic General SuiteTax

The India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp helps manage transactions and numerous special tax
situations and rules, such as Tax Deduction at Source (TDS), Goods and Services Tax (GST), Tax on tax,
reverse charges, and others. India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp also lets you use different tax
calculation engines for nexuses and override tax details on transactions.

Contact your NetSuite account manager for information about tax engine implementations.

Supported Feature
■ Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) – The India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp enables you to
calculate Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) on transactions. This concept of TDS was introduced with an
aim to collect tax from the very source of income and deduct at the time of issuing invoice or actual
payment, whichever happens first.
As per this concept, a person (deductor) who is liable to make payment of specified nature to any
other person (deductee) shall deduct tax at source and remit the same into the account of the
Central Government. The deductee from whose income tax has been deducted at source would be
entitled to get credit of the amount deducted based on Form 26AS or TDS certificate issued by the

Setting Up of India Localization SuiteTax Engine


To install India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp, you need to have SuiteTax shared and enabled in
your account.

If you are interested in using the SuiteTax feature, contact your NetSuite account manager and submit
a SuiteTax enablement request with the help of NetSuite Customer Support. Your SuiteTax enablement

India Localization SuiteTax

Setting Up of India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp 2

request will be reviewed by the SuiteTax approval team. If your request has been approved, the
SuiteTax feature will be shared to your NetSuite account.

Once you have the SuiteTax feature shared to your account, go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks >
Enable Features (Administrator). Make sure that the following features are enabled on your account:

Feature Enable Features Subtab

SuiteTax — BETA Tax

SuiteTax Plug-in Tax

Custom Records SuiteCloud

Custom Transactions SuiteCloud

Installing the India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp

The India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp is a managed bundle and is automatically updated
whenever there are enhancements or new features added. You can install the India Localization
SuiteTax Engine by performing the following steps.

To install the India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp:

1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles (Administrator)
2. In the Keywords field, search for the India Localization SuiteTax Engine.
3. Click Search and click the link of the SuiteApp.
4. On the Bundle Details page, click Install.

Note: The value in the State/Province/County field of the address is used to determine the
correct Place of Supply and Inter/Intra-State tax for India GST. Please make sure to disable the
Allow Free-Form States in Addresses preference before setting India GST to prevent any errors
during calculation of tax.

For more information about installing SuiteApps, see Instaling a Bundle.

Roles and Permission

The India Tax Manager role is added to your account after installing the India Localization SuiteTax
Engine SuiteApp. You can assign this custom role to employees who are going to manage tax
calculations in transactions using the SuiteApp.

Tax Deduction at Source

The India Localization Tax Engine SuiteApp enables you to calculate Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) on
transactions. This concept of TDS was introduced with an aim to collect tax from the very source of
income and deduct at the time of issuing invoice or actual payment, whichever happens first.

As per this concept, a person (deductor) who is liable to make payment of specified nature to any
other person (deductee) shall deduct tax at source and remit the same into the account of the Central
Government. The deductee from whose income tax has been deducted at source would be entitled to
get credit of the amount deducted based on Form 26AS or TDS certificate issued by the deductor.

India Localization SuiteTax

Tax Deduction at Source 3

To understand how to use the India Localization Tax Engine SuiteApp to track Tax Deduction at Source
calculation, read the following topics:

■ Setting Up of Tax Deduction at Source

■ Creating or Customizing Roles to Use Tax Deduction at Source Feature
■ Setting Default Tax Deduction at Source Section Codes
■ Applying Tax Deduction at Source on Vendor Bills
■ Tax Deduction at Source Tax Details

Limitations when using the Tax Deduction at Source

■ The Tax Deduction at Source feature only supports vendor bill transactions.
■ The Tax Deduction at Source feature does not support payroll transactions.
■ The Tax Deduction at Source feature does not support overriding of tax details on vendor bills. On a
vendor bill transaction, if you check the Tax Details Override box, and perform any changes to the
tax information on the Tax Details subtab, you will receive an error.

Setting Up of Tax Deduction at Source

After installing the India Localization Tax Engine SuiteApp, you will need to set up the following
configurations to use Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) feature. :

1. Set up India tax section codes for TDS, see Setting Up of India Tax Section Code for Tax
Deduction at Source.
2. Assign the tax account for each TDS tax type, see Setting Up of Tax Deduction at Source Tax
3. Create TDS tax rate rules, see Setting Up of Tax Deduction at Source Tax Rate Rules.
4. Set up tax information on a subsidiary record Setting Up of Tax Information on Subsidiary.
5. Set up tax information on a vendor record, see Setting Up of Tax Information on Vendor.

Setting Up of India Tax Section Code for Tax Deduction at Source

The section code is the key factor in determining the Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) tax rate rules that
will apply to transactions. Upon install, the India Localization Tax Engine SuiteApp already includes
the common section codes for TDS ready for use. However, as an Administrator, you can create new
section codes that might not be available on the list.

Note: Creating, editing, inactivating, and deleting of section codes require Administrator

Creating Section Codes

To create a section code:

1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types, and look for India Tax Section
Code for TDS.

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Tax Deduction at Source 4

2. Click New Record.

3. Enter values for the following fields:
■ Section Code – Enter a unique code and name for this record.
■ Challan Code – Enter code for challan payment.
4. Click Save.

Editing Section Codes

You can make changes to an existing section code. For example, if a code or name change, you must
manually update the Section code and Challan code field on the record.

To edit an existing section code:

1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types, and look for India Tax Section
Code for TDS.
2. Click List.
3. On the India Tax Section Code for TDS List page, click Edit on the section code you want to edit
and make the necessary changes.
4. Click Save.

Inactivating or Deleting Section Codes

If you do not use a section code and do not want it displayed in your lists, you can inactivate or delete
the section code.

To inactivate an existing section code:

1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types, and look for India Tax Section
Code for TDS.
2. Click List.
3. On the India Tax Section Code for TDS List page, check the Show Inactives box.
4. On the Inactive column, check the box beside the section code you want to inactivate.

To delete an existing section code:

1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types, and look for India Tax Section
Code for TDS.
2. Click List.
3. Onn the India Tax Section Code for TDS List page, click Edit on the section code you want to
4. Click the Actions menu and select Delete.
5. Click OK to confirm deletion of the section code record.

This section code no longer appears in the India Tax Section Codes list. Also, you can no longer select
this section code in transactions, reports, or records.

Setting Up of Tax Deduction at Source Tax Types

Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) tax type determines where TDS tax is tracked in the chart of accounts.
You must specify the tax accounts to which NetSuite should post the collection or payment of tax.

India Localization SuiteTax

Tax Deduction at Source 5

The India Localization Tax Engine includes four tax types for TDS calculation:

■ Tax Deduction at Source

■ TDS Education Cess
■ TDS Secondary Education Cess
■ TDS Surcharge

Note: The India Localization SuiteTax Engine can only use the four default tax types. Any tax
type created outside of the SuiteApp is not supported.

To specify the tax accounts for a nexus on an existing tax type:

1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Tax Type.
2. Click Edit next to the tax type you want to update.
3. On the Name field, you can edit the name as you prefer.
4. Select the Accounts subtab, and enter the following fields:
■ Nexus — Select the nexus that this tax type applies to.
■ Tax On Purchase — Select the account where NetSuite will post TDS tax liability on purchase
5. Click Save.

Setting Up of Tax Deduction at Source Tax Rate Rules

The Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) tax rate rules are used to calculate tax on bill transactions. On the
transaction record, for every line item, a section code is assigned. Combined with other determinates,
the India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp will calculate the correct tax per line item.

There are five tax rate rules available for TDS calculation:

■ Tax Deduction at Source

■ Education Cess
■ Secondary Education Cess
■ Surcharge
■ Vendor Exemption

Tax Deduction at Source

The Tax Deduction at Source tax rate rule is used to calculate basic TDS tax on transactions. All tax rules
under Tax Deduction at Source will use the default Tax Deduction at Source tax type and tax codes
sourced from the India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp.

When creating tax rules under Tax Deduction at Source, make sure to take into consideration the
following scenarios:

■ Create tax rate rules for each section code in different data range.
■ Create tax rate rules for each vendor type.
■ Create tax rate rules for resident vendor that do not have Permanent Account Number (PAN) for the
section code.

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Tax Deduction at Source 6

■ Create tax rate rules that support retrospective or non-retrospective calculation.

To enter a Tax Deduction at Source tax rate rule:

1. Go to Setup > India Taxes > India Tax Rate Rules for TDS.
2. Click Tax Deduction at Source tab.
3. Click New Tax Deduction at Source.
4. Enter a unique name for the Tax Deduction at Source rule.
5. On the Section Code field, select the section code this rule will apply to.
6. On the Vendor Type field, select which type of vendor this rule will apply to.
7. Enter effective period for this rule by setting the Effective From and Valid Until fields.
8. Enter the appropriate tax rate for this rule. This percentage will be calculated when you select
the section code on transactions.
9. On the Threshold Basis column, set the level threshold for this tax rule:
■ Year —Tax will be calculated if the aggregated transactions reach the set threshold amount
per year. If the threshold limit is not reached, the Document level will be followed
□ Threshold Amount — Enter the threshold amount limit per year.
□ Retrospective — This is enabled by default for Year level threshold. If you have both Year
and Document levels for the same rule, you cannot set the level to non-retrospective.
■ Document — Tax will be calculated if the total transaction amount reach the set threshold
□ Threshold Amount — Enter the threshold amount limit per transaction.
10. Click Save.

Education Cess
The Education Cess tax rule is used to calculate education cess tax, imposed by the government for the
development of education in India. All tax rules under Education Cess will use the default Education
Cess tax type and tax codes sourced from the India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp.

You must create an Education Cess tax rate rule in different date range.

To enter an Education Cess tax rate rule:

1. Go to Setup > India Taxes > India Tax Rate Rules for TDS.
2. Click the Education Cess tab.
3. Click New Education Cess.
4. On the Rate field, enter the appropriate tax rate for this rule.
5. Enter effective period for this rule by setting the Effective From and Valid Until fields.
6. Check the Non-Resident Indian box if this rule applies to non-resident payments.
7. Click Save.

Secondary Education Cess

The Secondary Education Cess tax rule is used to calculate secondary education cess tax, imposed
by the government for the development of higher education in India . All tax rules under Secondary

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Tax Deduction at Source 7

Education Cess will use the default Secondary Education Cess tax type and tax codes sourced from the
India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp.

You must create a Secondary Education Cess tax rate rule in different date range.

To enter a Secondary Education Cess tax rate rule:

1. Go to Setup > India Taxes > India Tax Rate Rules for TDS.
2. Click the Secondary Education Cess tab.
3. Click New Secondary Education Cess.
4. On the Rate field, enter the appropriate tax rate for this rule.
5. Enter effective period for this rule by setting the Effective From and Valid Until fields.
6. Check the Non-Resident Indian box if this rule applies to non-resident payments.
7. Click Save.

The Surcharge tax rule is used to calculate additional charge or tax. All tax rules under Surcharge will
use the default Surcharge tax type and tax codes sourced from the India Localization Tax SuiteEngine

When creating tax rules under Surcharge, make sure to take into consideration the following scenarios:

■ Create tax rate rules in different data range.

■ Create tax rate rules in different amount range.
■ Create tax rate rules that will calculate retrospective surcharge during the year.

To enter a Surcharge tax rate rule:

1. Go to Setup > India Taxes > India Tax Rate Rules for TDS.
2. Click the Surcharge tab.
3. Click New Surcharge.
4. On the Rate field, enter the appropriate tax rate for this rule.
5. Enter the amount range for this rule by setting the From Amount and To Amount fields.
6. Check the Non-Resident Indian box if this rule applies to non-resident payments.
7. Click Save.

Vendor Exemption
The Vendor Exemption tax rate rule is used to calculate the tax exemption for a vendor on the basis of
their Certificate Number. All tax rules under Vendor Exemption will use the default Surcharge tax type
and tax codes sourced from the India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp.

To enter Vendor Exemption tax rate rule:

1. Go to Setup > India Taxes > India Tax Rate Rules for TDS.
2. Click New Vendor Exemption.
3. On the Vendor Name field, select the vendor for this tax rule.
4. On the Section Code field, select the section code this rule will apply to.

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Tax Deduction at Source 8

5. On the Particulars field, select the reason for non-deduction / lower deduction for this tax rule.
6. On the Certificate Number field, enter the TDS certificate number of the selected vendor.
7. On the Schedule Type field, select the schedule type for this rule:
■ Amount Based — Enter the amount range for different tax rate during the year.
■ Period Ranges — Enter the date range for different tax rate during the year.
8. Click Save.

Setting Up of Tax Information on Subsidiary

To set up tax information on a subsidiary record:
1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiary.
2. Click Edit next to the subsidiary.
3. The following table shows the fields that you need to enter on the subsidiary record for TDS

Field Description

Tax Deduction Account Enter the 10–digit alphanumeric Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN)
Number issued by the Income Tax Department (ITD) for this subsidiary record.

Permanent Account Enter the 10–digit alphanumeric Permanent Account Number (PAN) for
Number this subsidiary record.

Deductor Type Select the deductor type:

■ Company
■ Branch/Division of Company
■ Association of Person (AOP)
■ Association of Person (Trust)
■ Firm

Name of Person Enter the name of the person responsible for deduction on behalf
Responsible for Deduction of the deductor. This is a required filed and must not contain special
characters only.

Designation of the Person Enter the designation of the person responsible on behalf of the
Responsible for Deduction deductor. This is a required field and must not contain special
characters only.

Responsible Person’s Enter the valid address of the person responsible for deduction. Value
Address must not contain any special characters.

Responsible Persons’s Select the state of the person responsible for deduction.

Responsible Persons’s PIN Enter PIN Code of Responsible Person. Value can only contain six

Responsible Person’s Email Enter the valid email address of the person responsible for deduction.

Mobile Number Enter Responsible Person’s 10-digit mobile number.

PAN of Responsible Person Enter the Permanent Account Number (PAN) to use for the responsible
person. Value must contain 10 alpha-numeric characters.

4. Click Save.

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Tax Deduction at Source 9

Setting Up of Tax Information on Vendor

To set up tax information on a vendor record:

1. Go to the Vendor record.
2. Click the Financials tab
3. Under Tax Information section:
■ On the PAN Availability field, select the PAN availability for this vendor record.
□ Applied — If the deductee already applied for PAN but no valid number assigned yet.
Enter deductee’s reference number on the Reference Number field instead.
□ Invalid — If the deductee is not sure of the PAN format. Enter deductee’s reference
number on the Reference Number field instead.
□ Not Available — If deductee does not have PAN. Enter deductee’s reference number on
the Reference Number field instead.
□ Available — If PAN is available, enter the deductee’s PAN on the Permanent Account
Number field.
■ On the Permanent Account Number field, enter the Permanent Account Number (PAN) to
use for this vendor (maximum of 10 alpha-numeric characters).
■ On the Reference Number field, enter the reference number if Permanent Account Number
(PAN) has not been issued yet to the deductee. This is required if PAN Availability is set to
Applied, Invalid, or Not Available.
■ On the Tax Identification Number field, enter the Tax Identification Number (TIN) to use for
this vendor. TIN is used for tax return purposes (Form 27Q). Valid characters accepted are A-z
and 0-9. First character cannot be zero and must not contain special characters only.
■ Check the Non-Resident Indian box if the vendor is NRI.

Creating or Customizing Roles to Use Tax Deduction at

Source Feature
The India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp provides the India Tax Manager role that has already
been set up with all the required permissions to use the Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) feature.

You can assign these roles to users to access the TDS feature, or use the roles as templates for creating
your own customized roles. If you are already using customized roles and want to add permissions
to those roles to use the TDS feature, use the following permission tables for guidance. For more
information, see the help topic Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

The following table shows the minimum permissions required for a role to use the TDS feature:

Subtab Permission Level

Lists Custom Record Entries Full

Warning: This permission is not restricted to the Tax Deduction at Source feature.
Adding this permission will also provide access to other custom record entries where
access type is set to Require Custom Record Entries Permission. For more information,
see the help topic Setting Permissions for a Custom Record Type.

Lists Subsidiary View

India Localization SuiteTax

Tax Deduction at Source 10

Setup SuiteScript Scheduling Full

Setting Default Tax Deduction at Source Section Codes

When you have completed the steps to set up your Tax Deduction at Source tax types, section codes,
tax rules, and tax information on entity records, you can associate default TDS section codes with
items, chart of accounts, and shipping items. Once a default section code is assigned to these records,
they are automatically selected in transactions. However, you can still override them when processing
your transactions.

For more information, read the following topics:

■ Setting Default Tax Deduction at Source Section Codes on Item Records

■ Setting Default Tax Deduction at Source Section Codes on Chart of Account Records

Setting Default Tax Deduction at Source Section Codes on Item

The list below shows the item type records supported by the Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) feature:

■ Inventory Item
■ Lot Numbered Item
■ Serialized Item
■ Item Group
■ Non-Inventory Item (For Purchase and For Resale)
■ Other Charge (For Purchase and For Resale)
■ Service (For Purchase and For Resale)
■ Matrix Item

To assign a default a TDS Section Code on an item record:

1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.
2. Click Edit next to the item record.
3. Click the Accounting tab.
4. Under India Tax Information section, on the Section Code field, select the default section code
for this item record.
5. Click Save.

Once a section code is assigned to an item record, it will be set as the default section code on the
transaction item line.

Setting Default Tax Deduction at Source Section Codes on Chart

of Account Records
To assign a default TDS Section Code on an account record:
1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Accounts.
2. Click Edit next to the account record.

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3. On the India Tax Section Code field, select the default section code for this account record.
4. Click Save.

Once a section code is assigned to an account record, it will be set as the default section code on the
transaction item line.

Applying Tax Deduction at Source on Vendor Bills

The India Localization SuiteTax Engine automatically calculates the Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) tax
amount on vendor bills after the bill is approved. The tax amount calculated for each line item is based
on the default section codes assigned to each line item record and the TDS tax rules you created.

Note: Changing the tax details for Tax Deduction at Source for vendor bills is not allowed.

To apply TDS tax on creation of a vendor bill:

1. Go to Vendor Dashboard > Transactions > Enter Bills.
2. Select the vendor for the bill.
3. Enter the expenses or items for this bill.
4. After entering line items, review the information on the India Tax Section Code field and change
if necessary.
5. On the India Tax Nature of Remittances field, select the nature of remittance for each line item.
This field is required only when:
■ Vendor is Non-Resident Indian (NRI)
■ Subsidiary is set to India
■ Expense or item has section code
6. Enter other details required for this transaction.
7. Click Preview Tax or Save. When you click Preview Tax or save the transaction, NetSuite
determines the appropriate nexus for the transaction and calls the tax engine associated with
the nexus to calculate the taxes. The tax details are then sent back to NetSuite by the tax engine
and shown on the Tax Details subtab of the transaction record.

Tax Deduction at Source Tax Details

The India Localization SuiteTax Engine allows you to view tax details for each tax type before sending
them to tax authorities for payment and for tax return filing purposes.

You can access the Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) tax details using an Administrator or India Tax
Manager role.

To view the TDS Tax Details saved search:

1. Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches.
2. Look for the following:
■ India TDS Tax Details — This saved search provides the list of tax details for each vendor bill
■ India TDS Tax Adjustments — This saved search provides the tax adjustments for each
journal entry record.

India Localization SuiteTax

Tax Deduction at Source 12

Note: All TDS Tax Details saved searches are available upon install of the India Localization
SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp.

India Localization SuiteTax

India Localization SuiteTax Reports (Beta) 13

India Localization SuiteTax Reports (Beta)

Warning: India Localization SuiteTax Reports is a beta feature. The contents of this feature
are preliminary and may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any changes may
impact the feature’s operation with the NetSuite application. NetSuite warranties and product
service levels shall not apply to the feature or the impact of the feature on other portions of the
NetSuite application. NetSuite may review and monitor the performance and use of this feature.
The documentation for this feature is also considered a beta version and is subject to revision.

The topics under this section are for NetSuite accounts where the SuiteTax feature is enabled. For
accounts without SuiteTax, see the help topic Legacy Tax.

India Localization SuiteTax Reports is a SuiteApp developed by NetSuite as an add-on module to your
NetSuite account using India Localization SuiteTax Engine . For more information, see India Localization
SuiteTax Engine (Beta).

India Localization SuiteTax Reports enables finance users and accountants to generate Tax Deduction
at Source (TDS) tax reports.

Supported Features
■ Generate Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) Tax Reports
□ Form 26Q
□ Form 27Q
■ Generate TDS Tax Return Forms

To use India Localization SuiteTax Reports, read the following topics:

■ Installing India Localization SuiteTax Reports

■ Generate Tax Deduction at Source Challan Voucher
■ Generate Tax Deduction at Source Tax Reports

Installing India Localization SuiteTax Reports

To install India Localization SuiteTax Reports SuiteApp, you need to have the following SuiteApps
shared and enabled in your account first.

■ SuiteTax Reports
■ India Localization SuiteTax Engine (Beta)

If you are interested in using the above mentioned features, contact your NetSuite account manager
and submit a SuiteTax enablement request with the help of NetSuite Customer Support. Your

India Localization SuiteTax

Installing India Localization SuiteTax Reports 14

SuiteTax enablement request will be reviewed by the SuiteTax approval team. If your request has
been approved, the SuiteTax and India Localization SuitTax Engine Beta features will be shared to your
NetSuite account.

Once you have the SuiteTax Reports and India Localization SuiteTax Engine Beta features shared to
your account, go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features (Administrator). Make sure that
the following features are enabled on your account:

Feature Enable Features Subtab

SuiteTax — BETA Tax

SuiteTax Plug-in Tax

Custom Records SuiteCloud

Custom Transactions SuiteCloud

Note: Please refer to the SuiteTax Reports documentation for the list of the required features
that needs to be enabled for the SuiteTax Reports SuiteApp.

Install India Localization SuiteTax Reports

The India Localization SuiteTax Reports SuiteApp is a managed bundle and is automatically updated
whenever there are enhancements or new features added. You can install the India Localization
SuiteTax Reports by performing the following steps.

To install the India Localization SuiteTax Reports SuiteApp:

1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles (Administrator)
2. In the Keywords field, search for the India Localization SuiteTax Reports.
3. Click Search and click the link of the SuiteApp.
4. On the Bundle Details page, click Install.

Roles and Permission

The India Tax Manager role is added to your account after installing the India Localization SuiteTax
Reports SuiteApp. You can assign this custom role to employees who are going to manage India tax
reports using the SuiteApp.

Generate Tax Deduction at Source Challan

The India Localization SuiteTax Reports SuiteApp allows you to create a challan voucher for each tax
payment sent to the tax authority. A challan is required to show payment to a tax authority and must
contain tax related information and accounts for the payment made.

To generate TDS Challan Voucher:

1. If you are using Account Center, go to Financial > Other > India TDS Challan Voucher.

India Localization SuiteTax

Generate Tax Deduction at Source Challan Voucher 15

If you are using Classic Center, go Transactions > Finance > India TDS Challan Voucher.
2. Click New India TDS Challan Voucher.
3. On the Classification section, select the subsidiary for this record.
4. On the India Tax Information section, enter the tax related information and accounts for this
challan voucher:

Field Description

Challan for NRI Check this field for Form 27Q TDS filing.

Tax Transaction From Enter the start date of the bills that belongs to this challan record.

Tax Transaction To Enter the end date of the bills that belongs to this challan record.

Bank Challan Number Enter the challan number issued the bank.

NIL Challan Indicator  Check this box if no tax has been deposited in the bank.

Bank Branch Code Enter the challan BSR code of the receiving branch.

Date of Bank Challan  Enter the tax payment date.

Minor Head of Challan  Select from the following options:

■ TDS Payable by Taxpayer

■ TDS Regular Assessment

Details of Payment Select the type of payment made.

5. Enter other details required for this record.

6. Click Ok.

Generate Tax Deduction at Source Tax Reports

The India Localization SuiteTax Reports enables you to generate the following Tax Deduction at Source
tax reports:

■ Form 26Q — This report generates the resident vendor’s transactions for each subsidiary. This
report should be generated by each quarter.
■ Form 27Q — This report generates the non-resident vendor’s transactions for each subsidiary. This
report should be generated by each quarter.

These reports can be viewed, edited, and exported through the reports generation page.

To generate the Form 26Q TDS tax report:

1. Go to Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports.
2. In the Subsidiary field, select a subsidiary from the list.
3. In the Start Period field, select a starting period for the report. The period range must be one
4. In the End Period field, select a end period for the report. The period range must be one quarter.
5. In the Report Name field, select Income Tax Form 26Q.
6. Click Additional Parameters.
7. On the Income Tax Form Params page, set the following fields:

India Localization SuiteTax

Generate Tax Deduction at Source Tax Reports 16

■ Regular Statement Filed for Earlier Period — Check this field if regular statement has been
field for earlier period.
■ Token No. of Previous Regular Statement — Enter the token number of your previous
regular statement.
■ Change of Address of Deductor Since Last Return — Check this field if deductor’s address
has changed since last tax return filing.
■ Change of Address of Responsible Person Since Last Return — Check this field if
responsible person’s address has changed since last tax return filing.
8. Click Ok.
9. Click Generate.

To generate the Form 27Q TDS tax report:

1. Go to Reports > Tax > Country Reports.
2. In the Subsidiary field, select a subsidiary from the list.
3. In the Start Period field, select a starting period for the report. The period range must be one
4. In the End Period field, select a end period for the report. The period range must be one quarter.
5. In the Report Name field, select Income Tax Form 27Q.
6. Click Additional Parameters.
7. On the Income Tax Form Params page, set the following fields:
■ Regular Statement Filed for Earlier Period — Check this field if regular statement has been
field for earlier period.
■ Token No. of Previous Regular Statement — Enter the token number of your previous
regular statement.
■ Change of Address of Deductor Since Last Return — Check this field if deductor’s address
has changed since last tax return filing.
■ Change of Address of Responsible Person Since Last Return — Check this field if
responsible person’s address has changed since last tax return filing.
8. Click Ok.
9. Click Generate.

Once a report is generated, the page will reload. Your report will be displayed as a new line in the
Report Execution Log subtab. A loading bar will be displayed at the View | Download column, which
displays the report generation’s progress. Once the report has finished generating, the loading bar will
change into a View link.

Note: If the report settings cover a long time period, you may need to wait a few minutes
before the report becomes available. After the report is completed, the system sends you an
email notification with a link to the report.

Viewing a Generated TDS Tax Report

To view and export a TDS Tax Report:
1. Go to Reports > Tax > Country Reports.
2. On the Report Execution Log subtab, locate the report to view.

India Localization SuiteTax

Generate Tax Deduction at Source Tax Reports 17

3. Click View.
4. Click the Export — DAT icon to download the DAT file.
5. After successfully downloading the file, you must rename the file extension to .txt.

India Localization SuiteTax

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