Experiment 1 PD

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Experiment: #1

Date :
Topic:Alcohols reaction
Problem Statement:A restaurant manager held a reception function at his
establishment. After the function and he was returning the unused wines on the shelf,
he noticed that a bottle of wine was left partially open for some time.On tasting the
wine, he detected an unusual tart (sour) taste. Being curious, he tasted a sample of a
sealed bottle of a similar brand of wine and was relieved to find out that it tasted just
fine.As a chemistry student, plan and design an experiment that can be used to explain
to the manager the reason for his observation.
Hypothesis:The concentration/amount of sulphur dioxide present in the sealed bottle
of wine is greater than the concentration/amount of sulphur dioxide present in the
open bottle of wine so it oxidizes at a slower rate.
Aim: To determine the concentration of sulphur dioxide present in two bottles of wine
using redox titration .
Apparatus:Wine(closed&sealed),distilled water,2mol sulphric acid,1mol sodium
hydroxide,starch solution,standardize iodine(0.00125mol),pipette,250cm3 conical
flask,burette,stand and clamp,pipette filler
1. Set up the apparatus as shown below.
2. Pour 25cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution into the 250cm3 conical flask
3. Add a 20cm3 sample of the open bottle of wine into the conical flask using a
4. Swirl the flask gently and allow to stand for approximately 15 minutes
5. Add 10cm3 of sulphuric acid and 3cm3 of starch solution to the flask
6. Fill the burette with iodine solution to the zero mark
7. Record the initial reading on the burette
8. Titrate with iodine solution and Record the volume at the end point.(blue-black
colour indicates the end point.)
9. Repeat steps 1-8 for three titration readings with a 0.1cm3 difference
10. Repeat steps 1-9 using the sealed bottle of wine.
11. Calculated the number of moles of sulphur dioxide present within both bottles of
12. Repeat the experiment twice.

Diagram showing the set up of apparatus the carry out titration.

Controlled- molarity of sulphric acid
Molarity of sodium hydroxide
Manipulated- Different wines used
Different number titration done
Responding-End point of titration (colour change)
number of moles of sulphur dioxide calculated

Expected Results:
The number of moles of sulphur dioxide calculated in the sealed bottle of wine should
be greater than the number of moles calculated in the open bottle of wine.
Expected Results cont’d
Table1.1 showing the titration results with both brands of wine.
Burette readings/cm3 1 2 3
Volume of I used

Treatment of results:
The concentration/amount of sulphur dioxide present within wine act as preservatives
and antioxidants therefore,the concentration of the sulfur dioxide determines how fast
or slow the wine ‘goes bad’.The lower the concentration within the wine ,the faster it
will develop an unusual tart taste(spoil).The opposite is true for wines with high
concentration of sulphur dioxide.
If the open bottle has a lower concentration of sulphur dioxide based on the titration
calculation,then it will spoil first.Likewise,if the sealed bottle has a lower
concentration of sulphur dioxide.The wine with higher concentration will spoil at a
slower rate.

Precaution/limitation/source of error/Assumption:
 Ensure all glassware are washed with their respective reagents
 Ensure the burette is properly secured to the clamp and stand
 Reaction time error
 Error in measurement
 Assuming that sulphur dioxide concentration contributes to the rate at which
wines develops undesirable taste(spoil)

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